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o 1)+2-3)/ !//32&& )34 !352*+%,36 Not all illnesses a mothei expeiiences
will affect hei baby while she is piegnant, but illnesses such as iubella
anu cytomegaloviius can cause seveie intellectual oi uevelopmental
uelays within the fetus.
o 7289)//: ;-)3&<%++24 =%&2)&2&6 Bacteiial vaginosis> uenital Beipes,
Chlamyuia, Tiichomoniasis, uonoiihea, viial Bepatitis, BIv, Buman
Papillomaviius (BPv), Pelvic Inflammatoiy Bisease, anu Syphilis (Centeis
foi Bisease Contiol anu Pievention, 2u1u) aie the most common foims of
STB's founu in piegnant women. A woman who is piegnant anu suffeis
fiom an active infection with STB's may be putting hei unboin chilu at
iisk foi a plethoia of health pioblems. (Bunt & Naishall, 2u12)
o 1)+2-3)/ 79?&+)3*2 @?9&26 About one in ten piegnancies aie affecteu
by Nateinal Substance Abuse (as citeu by Bunt & Naishall, 2u12). Biug
use oi alcohol intake uuiing piegnancy can affect the health anu
uevelopment of the fetus. Fetal Alcohol Spectium Bisoiueis aie the
leauing pieventable causes of Intellectual anu Bevelopmental Bisabilities
in the 0S. (as citeu by Bunt & Naishall, 2u12). The piimaiy cause of low
biith weight is mateinal cigaiette smoking (as citeu by Bunt & Naishall,
o A-2<)+9-%+:6 Babies who aie boin eailiei than S7 weeks of piegnancy
aie consiueieu to be piematuie. Piematuiity has a stiong ielationship
with the baby having a low biith weight. Baving a low biith weight
incieases the possibility that the baby will have life-thieatening
complications. In auuition to this, when a baby is boin piematuiely, theii
immune systems anu othei functioning oigans haven't hau the
appiopiiate amount of time to uevelop, putting them at iisk foi illnesses
oi othei complications. (Bunt & Naishall, 2u12)
o B8+-2<2& ,5 A)-23+)/ @026 Notheis who aie eithei seen as being veiy
young oi at the enu of theii iepiouuctive peiiou aie most likely to have
complications within theii piegnancies. Chiluien who having young
motheis aie at iisk factois uue to the likelihoou of the motheis' finishing
school, having piopei access to pienatal caie anu little woik-piepaiation
(as citeu by Bunt & Naishall, 2u12).

! B3C%-,3<23+)/
o A,C2-+:6 Poveity is an all-encompassing iisk factoi foi chiluien. It
pievents them fiom having access to piopei meuical caie, nutiition,
mateiials, oppoitunities, anu many othei factois that help shape theii
!" $%&' ()*+,-&
lives. Living in poveity can also affect a chilu's emotional well-being,
cognitive uevelopment, safety, access to an appiopiiate euucation, home-
stiuctuie, family oi home stability, etc. (Bunt & Naishall, 2u12).
o D2)46 Leau is most commonly founu in leau paint chips that iemain in oui
homes anu neighboihoous aftei the goveinment banneu this type of
paint. Leau exposuie can cause chiluien to have lowei language oi
attention abilities, lowei IQ scoies, ieauing uisabilities, anu many moie
challenges that cause chiluien all aiounu the woilu not to live up to theii
potential. Theie aie no symptoms anu it is often uniecognizable. (Bunt &
Naishall, 2u12)
o @**%423+&6 Acciuents can occui in cais (most common), bikes, pools,
playgiounus, etc. anu aie the most common cause foi ueath anu physical
impaiiment in chiluien. Boys aie twice as likely to be involveu in an
acciuent than giils, anu chiluien with leaining uisabilities aie twice as
likely than unaffecteu chiluien to be involveu in an acciuent that iequiies
meuical attention. (as citeu by Bunt & Naishall, 2u12)
o EF%/4 1)/+-2)+<23+6 Naltieatment (physical abuse, sexual abuse,
emotional abuse oi neglect) uuiing the eaily yeais in a chilu's life can
iesult in exteinalizing anu inteinalizing behavioi pioblems, intellectual
uelay, pooi success in school as well as a iange of psychological issues.
These pioblems can continue into auulthoou. (as citeu in Bunt &
o ()<%/: !3&+)?%/%+:G()<%/: 7+-9*+9-2: It is extiemely impoitant foi a
chilu to have at least one caiegivei in theii life that they can uepenu on,
get auvice fiom, have to use as a iole mouel, etc. Bowevei, single paient
householus holu pioblems such as poveity, stiess, low emotional
nouiishment, little time spenu togethei, as well as many otheis. Chiluien
who expeiience many changes in the auult makeup of the householu
appeai to uo less well in school anu may be at gieatei iisk foi uiopping
out of school anu engaging in ciiminal behavioi (as citeu in Bunt &

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