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1995 9: 1608-1621 Genes Dev.

T J Cole, J A Blendy, A P Monaghan, et al.

adrenergic chromaffin cell development and severely retards lung
Targeted disruption of the glucocorticoid receptor gene blocks


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Targeted disruption of the glucocorticoid
receptor gene blocks adrenergic chromaffin
cell development and severely retards
lung maturation
Ti mo t hy J. Col e, Jul i e A. Bl endy, A. Paula Monaghan, Kersti n Kri egl st ei n, 1 Wol fgang Schmi d,
Adri ano Aguzzi , 2 Gi ami l a Fant uzzi , 3 Edi th Humml e r , 4 Klaus Uns i cker, 1 and Gi i nt her Schi i t z s
Division of Molecular Biology of the Cell I, German Cancer Research Center, 69120 Heidelberg, Germany; ~Department
of Anatomy and Cell Biology, University of Heidelberg, 69120 Heidelberg, Germany; 2Institute of Neuropathology,
University of Zfirich, 8091 Zfirich, Switzerland; aMario Negri Institute for Pharmacology, Milano 20157, Italy
The role of the glucocorticoid receptor {GR1 in glucocorticoid physiology and during development was
investigated by generation of GR-deficient mice by gene targeting. GR - / - mice die wi thi n a few hours after
birth because of respiratory failure. The lungs at birth are severely atelectatic, and development is impaired
from day 15.5 p.c. Newborn livers have a reduced capacity to activate genes for key gluconeogenic enzymes.
Feedback regulation via the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis is severely impaired resulting in elevated
levels of plasma adrenocorticotrophic hormone (15-fold) and plasma corticosterone (2.5-fold). Accordingly,
adrenal glands are enlarged because of hypertrophy of the cortex, resulting in increased expression of key
cortical steroid biosynthetic enzymes, such as side-chain cleavage enzyme, steroid 11B-hydroxylase, and
aldosterone synthase. Adrenal glands lack a central medulla and synthesize no adrenaline. They contain no
adrenergic chromaffin cells and only scattered noradrenergic chromaffin cells even when analyzed from the
earliest stages of medulla development. These results suggest that the adrenal medulla may be formed from
two different cell populations: adrenergic-specific cells that require glucocorticoids for proliferation and/or
survival, and a smaller noradrenergic population that differentiates normally in the absence of glucocorticoid
[Key Words: Glucocorticoids; steroid hormone receptor; lung development; chromaffin cells; gene targeting]
Recei ved Apr i l 7, 1995; r evi sed ver s i on accept ed May 30, 1995.
The physiological effects of glucocorticoids are mediated
by intracellular glucocorticoid receptors {GRs) that func-
tion as ligand-dependent transcription factors {Beato
1989}. Two highly homologous receptors able to bind
glucocorticoids have been characterized and are desig-
nated the GR (type II GR), and the mineralocorticoid
receptor {MR; type I GR}. Upon hormonal activation the
receptor translocates to the nucleus where it binds to
palindromic hormone response elements situated in reg-
ulatory regions and thereby alters expression of target
genes [Yamamoto 1985; Beato 1989; Evans and Arizza
1989; Clark et al. 1992}. Even though MR has a higher
affinity for glucocorticoids than GR, the majority of the
physiological effects of glucocorticoids are thought to be
mediated via the GR, whi ch is expressed more ubiqui-
tously and is a stronger transcriptional activator (Orth et
al. 1992; Rupprecht et al. 19931. Physiologically, MR is
thought to act primarily as a high affinity receptor for
SCorresponding author.
mineralocorticoids to control sodi um/ pot assi um bal-
ance in the kidney and large intestine. MR also has a
more restricted tissue expression pattern, being predom-
inantly expressed in the kidney, large intestine, and
brain (Arriza et al. 19871. The specificity of mineralocor-
ticoids for MR in the kidney and large intestine is pro-
vided by the activity of the enzyme 1 l[~-hydroxysteroid
dehydrogenase, whi ch inactivates glucocorticoids
(Funder et al. 1988}.
Glucocorticoid hormones synthesized in and secreted
from the adrenal cortex are involved in the regulation of
many physiological processes. These include control of
carbohydrate and lipid metabolism, modul at i on of im-
mune responses, and various physiological responses in
the brain, including stress responses and behavior
(Munck and Guyre 1991; Orth et al. 1992; deKloet et al.
!993). The level of glucocorticoids is tightly controlled
by feedback regulation of glucocorticoid synthesis via
the hypot hal ami c-pi t ui t ary-adrenal {HPA)axis (Chrou-
sos 1992). At birth, glucocorticoids, in combination wi t h
other hormones, especially glucagon, activate key he-
1608 GENES & DEVELOPMENT 9:1608-1621 9 1995 by Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press ISSN 0890-9369/95 $5.00
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patic gluconeogenic enzymes such as glucose-6-phos-
phatase (G6Pase) and phosphoenolpyruvate carboxyki-
nase (PEPCK)(Pilkis and Granner 1992). Glucocorticoids
are important during embryonic lung development and
may be involved in epithelial cell functions (Brody and
Williams 1992). In the perinatal period glucocorticoids
help promote surfactant synthesis in alveolar epithelial
cells of the developing lung (Mendelson and Boggaram
1991) and are used effectively in the t reat ment of the
respiratory distress syndrome of prematurely born chil-
dren. Glucocorticoids are also implicated in the devel-
opment of adrenal chromaffin cells (Anderson 1993a).
The embryonic adrenal begins to synthesize glucocor-
ticoids early in its development wi t h circulating levels of
glucocorticoids rising steadily and peaking at birth (Orth
et al. 1992). Not much is known about the specific role of
GR and MR during embryonic development. To investi-
gate the role of the GR during development and in vari-
ous physiological processes we have produced a null mu-
tation of the mouse GR gene by gene targeting in em-
bryonic stem (ES) cells. The resulting GR-deficient mice
develop to term, but most die shortly after birth. This
GR is required for adrenal and lung development
paper describes the prominent developmental and bio-
chemical defects of GR-deficient mice.
Disruption of the GR gene by
homologous recombination
The mouse GR gene was disrupted in ES cells using a
replacement vector strategy, outlined in Figure 1A. A
selectable marker, the neomyci n phosphotransferase
gene cassette (PGKNEO), was inserted into exon 2 of the
mouse GR gene. The targeting vector contained 5.5 kb of
homology and was isolated from an isogenic mouse
129/J strain genomic library, as the use of isogenic DNA
is known to improve the efficiency of homologous re-
combination (te Riele et al. 1992). To identify correctly
targeted clones, 256 of - 2000 G418-resistant clones
were screened by Southern blot analysis using an exter-
nal 3' probe (see Fig. 1A). This probe hybridizes to an
8.0-kb BglII fragment in wild-type GR alleles but to a 5.0-
kb fragment in correctly targeted clones. Of the 256
probe B probe A
ATG exon 2
Eco RI Hind 111 ~Tth1111 Hind, IIIHind III
1 kb
Bel II
Bgl II
8.0 (Bgl II)
Bgl II
Eco RI
GR gene
9.5 (Eco RI)
GR targeting vector
Eco RI Hind III
Bgl II
Hind IIIHi d III
Bgl II
5.0 (Bgt II)
Eco RI
I mutated GR allele
11.0 (Eco RI)
Figure 1. Inactivation of the GR gene in
mouse ES cells. (A) Targeting strategy. The
PGK promoter-controlled neomycin-resis-
tance gene cassette was inserted into the
TthlllI site in exon 2 of the mouse GR
gene. (B) Southern blot analysis of DNA of
neomycin resistant ES cell clones (left) and
of tail DNAs of progeny {right) from het-
erozygote intercrosses. DNAs were di-
gested with either BgllI for probing from
the 3' side or with EcoRI for probing from
the 5' side of the disrupted GR allele. Fil-
ters were exposed for between 1 and 3
days. I + / + ) Wild-type; ( + / - ) heterozy-
gous~ ( - / - ) homozygous mutant.
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Cole et al.
clones analyzed, 6 (2%) had undergone homol ogous re-
combi nat i on to give the expected bands of 8.0 and 5.0 kb
in an - 1: 1 st oi chi omet ry. An exampl e of the analysis is
shown in Figure 1B (BglII, left). Correct l y targeted clones
were confi rmed by using a second probe (probe B, Fig. 1A)
si t uat ed on the 5' side of the targeting vector (Fig. 1B,
EcoRI left).
The generation of mi ce homozygous for the targeted
GR allele
Three i ndependent ES cell clones were used for injection
into C57BL/6 bl ast ocyst s to generate chi meri c mice.
Chi meri c mi ce from t wo clones (10 and 76) t r ansmi t t ed
the 129/J agouti coat color to their offspring, indicating
germ-line t ransmi ssi on. Chi meras from ES cell clone 10
were mat ed wi t h both C57BL/6 and 129/J ani mal s to
generate an out bred and isogenic colony. Fifty percent of
agouti offspring from chi meras were het erozygous for
the GR mut at ed allele as det ermi ned by Sout hern blot-
ting of tail DNAs. Mice homozygous for the GR mut a-
tion were generat ed by the intercrossing of het erozygous
ani mal s and offspring genot ypes det ermi ned by Sout hern
blotting of tail DNAs (Fig. 1B, right). Anal ysi s of progeny
genotypes (shown in Table 1) at 4 weeks showed a much
reduced number of GR - / - mut ant offspring (4.5%)
indicating t hat most homozygous mut ant ani mal s were
dying either prenat al l y or perinatally. To investigate the
perinatal survival of GR - / - mut ant s 14 litters from
het erozygous intercrosses were exami ned at birth. A
high number of offspring were observed either delivered
dead or dying wi t hi n t he first 1-2 hr. At birth - 25% of
offspring were genot yped as GR - / - , but the maj ori t y
of these GR - / - mut ant s died in the first few hours
after birth, indicating t hat mut at i on of the GR leads to
perinatal l et hal i t y (Table 1). So far, no surviving GR
- / - ani mal s have been obtained when this mut at i on
has been placed into the 129/J isogenic mouse back-
ground (Table 1).
Anal ysi s of GR RNA and protein in GR - / - mi ce
Expression of t he GR gene was analyzed by Nor t her n
blot analysis usi ng a specific 520-nucleotide ant i sense
RNA probe derived from exon 2 of the mouse GR gene
(Strahle et al. 1992). Figure 2A shows a Nor t her n blot
analysis of lung RNA from newborn mi ce of all three
genotypes. No full-length GR t ranscri pt s could be de-
Table 1. Genotypes of progeny of heterozygote intercrosses
Progeny Genotypes + / + + / - /
Nonisogenic 4 weeks 188 (35%
born 26 (21%
live after
4 hr 26 (21%
Isogenic 4 weeks 30
129 sv day 18.5 6
331 (61%)
69 (56%)
69 (56%)
25 (4.5%)
28 (23%1
Fi gure 2. Analysis of expression of the GR gene in GR - / -
mice. (A) Northern blot analysis of GR mRNA in RNA from
lung. Total RNA (25 ~g) was analyzed from wild-type ( +/ + ),
heterozygous ( + / - ), and homozygous mutant { - / - ) lung tis-
sue. (GR) Glucocorticoid receptor. (COX) cytochrome oxidase.
(B) Western blot analysis of immunoprecipitates from nuclear
extracts using a GR-specific polyclonal antibody. Nuclear ex-
tracts were prepared from liver (L) and brain {B) of wild-type
( + / + ) and mutant ( - / - ) adult animals. Baculovirus-expressed
GR (0.1 ~g) was used as a control (lanes M). Cross-reacting
heavy-chain IgG is indicated by an asterisk (*).
tected in lung RNA from GR - / - mice. The presence of
faint larger bands in RNA from - / - mi ce i ndi cat ed the
possible existence of a smal l amount of pot ent i al l y chi-
meri c GR/ PGKNEO transcripts. The presence of GR
protein was anal yzed in nucl ear protein ext ract s from
liver and brain of adult wild-type and survi vi ng adul t GR
- / - mice. Extracts were i mmunopr eci pi t at ed usi ng a
polyclonal GR-specific ant i body and t hen anal yzed by
West ern blotting (Fig. 2B). No GR prot ei n was detected
in extracts from GR - / - mice, confi rmi ng the l ack of
GR protein in these ani mal s.
GR - / - mi ce display acute respiratory distress
At birth, GR - / - mi ce show respiratory distress and
nearly all die wi t hi n a few hours. A litter from an inter-
cross of het erozygous ani mal s delivered by Caesarean
section at day 18.5 post coi t um (p.c.) is depicted in Figure
3A and shows t wo cyanot i c offspring (arrows) wi t h se-
vere respiratory distress. To investigate the cause of im-
paired funct i on of the lungs, histological anal ysi s was
performed on mi ce at birth as well as at earlier t i me
points in devel opment (Fig. 3). Compari son of a cross
section t hrough a newborn GR - / - mouse and a wild-
type l i t t ermat e (Fig. 3B, C) indicates severe lung atelecta-
sis in GR - / - ani mal s. There is little or no i nfl at i on of
lung tissue. Histological exami nat i on of lungs from dif-
ferent stages of devel opment in GR - / - (Fig. 3H-K) and
wild-type embryos (Fig. 3D- G) shows t hat loss of gluco-
corticoid signaling via t he GR appears to i mpai r devel-
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GR is required for adrenal and lung development
opment of t ermi nal bronchioles and alveoli from day
15.5 p.c.
The surfact ant prot ei n genes SP-A, SP-B, SP-C, and
SP-D are act i vat ed in lung prior to birth by a number of
hormones and growt h factors, i ncl udi ng glucocorticoids
(Haagsman and van Golde 1991; Mendel son and Bogga-
ram 1991). Prel i mi nary in situ hybri di zat i on using
probes for SP-B and SP-C show a si mi l ar spatial expres-
sion pat t ern in the developing epi t hel i um of branchi ng
bronchioles and alveoli for both wild-type and GR - / -
lung (data not shown) and indicates t hat a relatively sim-
ilar number of developing alveolar type II cells are
present in GR - / - lungs. We also find little difference
in the expression of the SP-A, SP-B, and SP-C genes in
lung of GR - / - mi ce at birth by Nor t her n blots using
cDNA probes (data not shown).
Removal of fluid from the lung around bi rt h is an im-
port ant step prior to lung inflation (Bland and Ni el son
1992). This process is dependent on increased Na + trans-
port across the epi t hel i um before birth via an amiloride-
sensitive Na + channel. This ami l ori de-sensi t i ve Na +
channel gene in t he rat is expressed in lung epi t hel i um
starting from about day 17 p.c. and is inducible by dexa-
met hasone (Champi gny et al. 1994). We therefore mea-
sured the expression of this gene by Nor t her n blot anal-
ysis in lung RNA from newborn GR - / - mi ce (Fig. 4A).
Anal ysi s of four individuals indicates a reduct i on in the
level of amiloride-sensitive Na + channel mRNA in total
lung RNA, whi ch could lead to a reduct i on in the capac-
ity of epi t hel i um Na + t ransport and, consequent l y, of
wat er removal from the lungs before bi rt h and cont ri but e
to atelectasis in mut ant ani mal s.
Figure 3. Histological analysis of lung from wild-type and GR - / - mice. (A) A litter of a GR heterozygote intercross delivered by
Caesarean section at day 18.5 p.c. Two severely cyanotic pups are indicated by arrows. Cross section of a wild-type GR (B) and GR
- / - {C) offspring at day 18.5 p.c. shortly after Caesarean delivery. Histological analysis of lung from wild-type and GR - / - embryos
at day 18.5 (D, +/ +; H, - / - ) , day 17.5 (E, +/ +; I, - / - ) , day 16.5 (F, +/ +; J, - / - ) a nd day 15.5 (G, +/ +; K, - / - ) p. c . Bar: A-F,
100 wm; D-G, 50 ~m.
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Col e et al.
Fi gur e 4. Northern blot analysis of RNA from lung and liver of
GR wild-type and GR - / - mice. (A) Total RNA (10 ~g) from
lung of newborn wild-type ( + / +) and GR mutant ( - / - } mice
were analyzed with a rat amiloride-sensitive Na channel
cDNA. (B) Total RNA (20 ~g) from liver of newborn wild-type
( + / + ) and GR mutant ( - / - ) mice were analyzed with cDNA
probes for G6Pase, TAT, SDH, and PEPCK. All filters were hy-
bridized with a cDNA for mouse cytochrome oxidase (COX) to
control for RNA loading.
GR - / - mi ce have i mpai r ed act i vat i on of hepat i c
gl ucon eogeni c e nz y me s
Glucocorticoids and glucagon, the latter acting via
cAMP, are i mpl i cat ed in the act i vat i on of genes encoding
gluconeogenic enzymes during the perinatal period
(Pilkis and Granner 1992). We therefore anal yzed the
level of expression of a number of these genes by Nort h-
ern blot analysis in RNA prepared from newborn liver of
wild-type and GR - / - mi ce (Fig. 4B). G6Pase, a key
gluconeogenic enzyme, showed a severe reduct i on in its
mRNA levels in GR - / - newborn liver, indicating im-
paired act i vat i on around birth. RNA levels of the key
regul at ory enzyme PEPCK was also reduced, but not in
all cases in liver RNA from GR - / - mice. Partial peri-
nat al act i vat i on of PEPCK could be at t ri but abl e to the
action of ot her signaling pat hways acting on the PEPCK
gene such as the cAMP pat hway or via st i mul at i on by
t hyroi d hormone (Imai et al. 1993). Tyrosi ne ami not rans-
ferase (TAT) and serine dehydrat ase (SDH) are t wo en-
zymes t hat help catabolize ami no acids for i mport into
the gluconeogenic pat hway (Ogawa et al. 1988; Pilkis
and Granner 1992). Act i vat i on of both genes is severely
affected in liver of GR - / - mice. Al t hough the genes
for gluconeogenic enzymes are regulated by glucocorti-
coids and the cAMP pat hway (Lucas and Gr anner 1992;
Su and Pitot 1992), cAMP signaling alone does not seem
to be sufficient to significantly act i vat e these genes per-
inatally. These observations underscore the i mport ance
of glucocorticoid signaling via the GR in the act i vat i on
of perinatal gluconeogenesis.
GR - / - mi ce have enl arged and di sorgani zed
adrenal gl ands
Adrenal glands from GR - / - mi ce are approxi mat el y
twice the size of those of wild-type l i t t ermat es and dis-
play a number of altered feat ures (Fig. 5A, B). The in-
crease in size is at t ri but abl e to a promi nent hypert rophy
and possible hyperplasia of adrenal cortical cells (Fig. 5,
cf. A and B). These cortical cells, i ncl udi ng their nuclei,
are enlarged up to two- to threefold. Overall, adrenals of
GR - / - mice are disorganized and cont ai n no central
medul l a of chromaffi n cells as seen in wi l d-t ype new-
born adrenals. Histological anal ysi s and electron micros-
copy (data not shown) of adrenal tissue from newborn
GR - / - mice do, however, reveal the presence of a
small number of chromaffi n cells scattered among en-
larged cells of the cortex (see below).
The adrenal cortex is composed of three zones. The
out er zona gl omerul osa synt hesi zes mi neral ocort i coi ds
and the inner zona fasciculata and reticularis synt hesi zes
glucocorticoids. To assess the format i on of the normal
adrenal cortical zones we anal yzed adrenal sections at
day 18.5 p.c. by in situ hybri di zat i on using cRNA probes
specific for the steroid l l ~-hydroxyl ase (P450c11~) and
aldosterone synt hase (AS) genes (Fig. 5 E-H). These en-
zymes catalyze the final steps for corticosterone and al-
dosterone synthesis, respectively (Domal i k et al. 1991).
Hybri di zat i on for P450c~ ~ was detected over t he entire
cortex in newborn adrenals from bot h GR wi l d-t ype and
- / - mice, wi t h stronger expression detected in GR
- / - adrenals. Hybri di zat i on of the AS probe in adrenal
glands was restricted to an out er layer of three or four
cell diameters, corresponding to t he zona glomerulosa,
wi t h much stronger signals consi st ent l y det ect ed in GR
- / - adrenals (see below). These results indicate normal
format i on of the zona glomerulosa, wi t h greatly en-
hanced expression of AS in GR mut ant s, and an expan-
sion of the zona fasci cul at a/ ret i cul at a in GR - / - mu-
t ant adrenals.
I mpai red gl ucocort i coi d regul at i on via t he HPA axi s
in GR - / - mi ce
One factor r glucocorticoid synt hesi s is feed-
back i nhi bi t i on at the level of ACTH product i on and
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GR is required for adrenal and lung development
Figure 5. Histological analysis of adrenal glands
from wild-type and GR - / - mice. Wild-type
mice 18.5 days old (A) and GR - / - mice (B) were
sectioned and stained with eosin/hematoxylin. In
situ hybridization (shown in dark field) was per-
formed on sections from newborn adrenal glands
of wild-type mice (C,E,G) and GR - / - mice
(D,F,H) using cRNA probes for mouse P450ssc
(C,D), P450c11~ (E,F), and AS (G,H). Bar: A-H, 50
release from the ant eri or pi t ui t ary (Chrousos 1992). To
assess funct i on of t he HPA axis, pl asma levels of corti-
costerone and adrenocort i cot ropi c hor mone (ACTH)
were measured in wild-type, GR +/ - , and GR - / -
newborn ani mal s (Table 2). Tot al pl asma corticosterone
in GR - / - newborn mi ce was found to be elevated two-
to threefold i ndi cat i ng an increased product i on and/ or
secretion of glucocorticoids. The circulating levels of
ACTH were >20 t i mes hi gher in GR - / - ani mal s. Ap-
parently, because of t he absence of the GR, feedback re-
pression of ACTH synt hesi s via glucocorticoids is inef-
fective, resul t i ng in a hypert rophy of the zona fascicu-
l at a/ ret i cul ari s cortical cells wi t h increased product i on
of corticosterone. The synt hesi s of many steroid biosyn-
t het i c enzymes in the adrenal cortex is under the control
of ACTH (Orth et al. 1992). We measured the level of
expression by in situ hybri di zat i on of the side-chain
cleavage enzyme (P450ssc) , 21~-hydroxylase (P450c21),
P450c11~, and AS (see above and Fig. 5). In the presence
of higher circulating levels of ACTH, expression of
P450ssc and P450c110 was found to be el evat ed by about
two- to threefold. (Fig. 5C-F), and surprisingly, expres-
sion of AS in the zona gl omerul osa was found to be
greatly increased (Fig. 5G,H). Expression of P450c21 was
Tabl e 2. Corticosterone and adrencorticotrophic hormone
levels in newborn GR mice
Plasma Plasma
GR corticosterone ACTH
genotype n (ng/ml) S.E. (pg/ml) S.E.
+/ + 12 75.4 -+8.0 152 -+23
+/ - 22 135.8 -+9.3 397 -+54.5
- / - 15 183.2 -+15.5 2270 -+329
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Cole et al.
unchanged (data not shown). Obviously, because of the
hypert rophy of the adrenals t he steroid bi osynt het i c ca-
pacity is greatly increased.
Int erest i ngl y i n heterozygous newborn ani mal s, con-
t ai ni ng onl y one funct i onal copy of the GR gene, an el-
evation in the pl asma levels of glucocorticoids and
ACTH i nt ermedi at e bet ween the level of wild-type and
GR - / - mi ce is apparent. Histological anal ysi s of adre-
nal glands from GR - / - mi ce at earlier t i mes during
devel opment show that the hypert rophy of adrenal cor-
tical cells is already apparent by about day 15 p.c. of
mouse devel opment (Fig. 7B, below). Thi s suggests an
elevated ci rcul at i ng level of glucocorticoids in the mu-
tant embryo and that the negative feedback regulation of
glucocorticoids via the HPA axis may be operative from
this stage in normal mouse devel opment .
Impai red devel opment of chromaf f i n cells in the early
fetal adrenal glands in GR - / - mi ce
The maj or funct i on of the chromaffi n cells of the adrenal
medul l a is the synt hesi s and secretion of the catechola-
mi nes, adrenaline, and noradrenaline. Glucocorticoids
are t hought to play an i mport ant role in the devel opment
of neural crest-derived chromaffi n cells from bi pot ent i al
sympat hoadrenal progenitors (Anderson 1993a). To ana-
lyze the effect of lack of GR on the adrenal medul l a,
adrenal sections were i mmunost ai ned usi ng the neuro-
nal cell-specific marker, synapt ophysi n (Fig. 6A, B). Chro-
maffi n cells are strongly stained and can be di st i ngui shed
easily in wild-type mi ce as t he central mass of cells t hat
form the medul l a. In adrenals of GR - / - mi ce we de-
tect a smal l number of scattered cells. Sections were
t hen analyzed for expression of tyrosine hydroxyl ase
(TH), a key enzyme in cat echol ami ne synt hesi s and an
adrenal marker for the chromaffi n cell. In GR - / - mi ce
these smal l scattered clusters of cells were found to be
positive for TH, clearly demonst rat i ng the presence of
chromaffi n cells (Fig. 6E, F). The maj ori t y of differenti-
ated chromaffi n cells (70%-80% in mi ce and t ermed
adrenergic) synt hesi ze adrenal i ne and express the en-
zyme phenyl et hanol ami ne N-methyltransferase (PNMT),
whi ch catalyzes the conversion of noradrenal i ne to
adrenal i ne and is known to be regulated by glucocorti-
coids (Jiang et al. 1989). Expression of PNMT in newborn
mi ce was analyzed by in situ hybri di zat i on (Fig. 6C, D).
No expression of PNMT was detected in the synapto-
physi n and TH-positive cells of GR - / - adrenals,
whi ch indicate that these cells are l i kel y to represent
noradrenergic chromaffi n cells. To further characterize
the funct i onal properties of these cells, newborn adrenal
glands were analyzed for cat echol ami ne cont ent usi ng
HPLC (Table 3). Thi s showed that adrenal glands of GR
- / - mi ce cont ai n no adrenaline, whi ch is consi st ent
wi t h the lack of PNMT expression, and reduced amount s
of noradrenaline. Interestingly, adrenal glands of hetero-
Figure 6. Analysis of the adrenal medulla in
newborn wild-type and GR - / - mice. Sections
of newborn adrenal gland from wild-type [AI and
GR - / - (B) mice were immunostained for syn-
aptophysin. In situ hybridization was performed
on sections of newborn adrenal gland from wild-
type (C) and GR - / - (D) mice using a cRNA
probe for mouse PNMT (shown in dark field). Sec-
tions of newborn wild-type (E) and GR - / - (F)
adrenal glands immunostained for TH. Scale Bar:
A and B, 100 pLm; C-F, 50 p~m.
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GR is required for adrenal and lung development
Table 3. Catecholamine levels in whole adrenal glands of
newborn mice
Genotype n
Noradrenaline Adrenaline
(ng/adrenal) [ng/adrenal)
+/ + 3 7.60 +_0.55 16. 87 _+0.65 24.47 _+0.23
+/ - 7 7.78 +_0.78 7.37 +_2.86 15. 15 +_2.93
- / - 7 2.56 _+1.12 N.D. 2.56 --+1.12
{N.D.) Not detected by assay.
zygous mi ce cont ai n approxi mat el y hal f of the amount
of adrenal i ne compared to wi l d-t ype mice. Our results
therefore i ndi cat e t he presence of onl y noradrenaline-
producing or noradrenergic chromaffi n cells and t he
compl et e l ack of adrenergic chromaffi n cells in t he adre-
nal glands of GR - / - mice. The reduced amount of
noradrenal i n i n adrenal glands of GR - / - mi ce is con-
si st ent wi t h the absence of adrenergic chromaffi n cells,
as nor mal l y these cells produce smal l quant i t i es of nor-
adrenal i ne at birth.
To furt her i nvest i gat e t he lack of adrenergic chromaf-
fin cells, adrenal glands from staged embryos were ana-
lyzed at 13.5 and 15.5 days p.c. of devel opment (Fig. 7).
Sections of adrenals were i mmunost ai ned for TH to
i dent i fy chromaffi n precursor cells. As in newborns, a
greatly reduced number of chromaffi n cells was detected
bot h at day 13.5 p.c. and 15.5 day p.c. of devel opment in
adrenal glands of GR - / - embryos {Fig. 7F,H). These
chromaffi n cell progenitors also lacked expression of the
PNMT gene, whi ch was detected in equi val ent sections
of adrenal glands from wi l d-t ype l i t t ermat es by i n situ
hybri di zat i on (data not shown). The GR is therefore not
onl y required for i nduci ng correct expression of PNMT
i n nor mal differentiating chromaffi n cells but is required
for proliferation and/ or survival of a maj ori t y of chro-
marl i n cells from an early stage. Onl y a smal l subset of
chromaffi n cells synt hesi zi ng noradrenal i ne survive and
proliferate i n the absence of glucocorticoid si gnal i ng via
the GR.
A smal l number of GR - / - mi ce survive to adult-
hood, i ndi cat i ng an i ncompl et e penet rance of the pheno-
type. The reason for this r emai ns unknown but probably
relates to genetic background vari at i ons bet ween indi-
vi dual ani mal s. The adrenal glands of survi vi ng GR
- / - adult mi ce lack a nor mal central medul l a region
t hat is replaced by a mass of whi t e adipose and loose
hi ghl y vascul ari zed connect i ve tissue {data not shown}.
Thi s disorganized central region does cont ai n smal l
cl umps of TH-positive chromaffi n cells t hat l ack expres-
sion of the PNMT gene [data not shown). The differen-
t i at i on of the medul l a into ful l y adrenergic and norad-
renergic chromaffi n cells takes place a few weeks after
birth. Therefore, an electron mi croscopi c anal ysi s was
performed on adult adrenal glands and showed the pres-
ence of onl y noradrenaline-specific chromaffi n granules
in these TH-positive chromaffi n cells compared wi t h the
wild-type adrenal medul l a where chromaffi n cells wi t h
adrenaline-specific chromaffi n granules are seen as wel l
{Fig. 8A,B}. The adult adrenal glands l ack adrenergic
chromaffi n cells, whi ch nor mal l y make up 75% of the
adult mouse adrenal medul l a (Coupland 1965}, and have
a si mi l ar phenot ype to t hat of GR - / - mi ce at birth.
Di s c us s i on
We have investigated the role of the GR i n mouse em-
bryonic devel opment by gene targeting and found several
st ri ki ng defects in GR-deficient ani mal s. Di srupt i on of
Figure 7. Lack of adrenergic chromaffin
cell development in the adrenal of GR
- / - mice. Embryos from staged pregnan-
cies were genotyped and sagittal sections
stained with eosin/hemotoxylin (A,D) or
immunostained for TH (E-H). Adrenal
glands of wild-type and GR - / - embryos
are shown from day 15.5 p.c. (A and E, wild
type~ B and F, GR - / - ) and day 13.5 p.c.
(C and G, wild type~ D and H, GR - / - ).
Arrows indicate nonspecifically stained
erythrocytes. Bar: A-F, 50 ~m; G and H, 25
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Cole et al.
shown). Ci rcul at i ng levels of glucocorticoids and ACTH
are elevated but seem to follow a nor mal circadian cycle
(data not shown). Al t hough we find no differences be-
t ween wild-type and GR - / - ani mal s i n t hymus his-
tology or in ci rcul at i ng T-cell numbers, t hymocyt es
from newborn and adult GR - / - mi ce are t ot al l y resis-
tant to dexamet hasone-i nduced apoptosis (F. Fl omerfel t
and T. Cole, in prep.). These ani mal s wi l l be ext remel y
useful for i nvest i gat i ng the physiological role of GR in
glucocorticoid signaling wi t h respect to i mmunosup-
pression, the i nf l ammat or y response, the stress response,
and studies on behavior control.
Fi gure 8. Analysis of adrenal chromaffin cells from surviving
adult GR - / - mice by electron microscopy. Electron micro-
graphs of the adrenal medulla from adult wild-type (A) and GR
- / - (B} mice showing chromaffin cells with adrenaline-con-
taining (A) adrenaline or noradrenaline-containing (NA) nor-
adrenaline chromaffin granules.
the GR gene in vivo demonst rat es the requi rement of
glucocorticoid signaling in mouse devel opment from ap-
proxi mat el y day 14 p.c. GR - / - mi ce at bi rt h show
devel opment al defects in the lung, adrenal cortex, and
medul l a and display defective liver and HPA axis func-
tions. Thi s GR mut at i on shows i ncompl et e penetrance,
a feature also seen wi t h some other targeted genes
(Johnson et al. 1992; Klein et al. 1993; Lufki n et al. 1993).
Prel i menary data suggest that placing t hi s GR mut at i on
into the 129/J isogenic mouse strain background pro-
duces a ful l y penet rant phenot ype (see Tabl e 1). From 78
offspring, we have found no survi vi ng GR - / - mi ce so
far. Anal ysi s of three isogenic litters at bi rt h (Table 1)
showed the same phenot ype of atelectatic lungs and en-
larged disorganized adrenal glands in GR - / - mut ant s
(data not shown).
Al t hough not studied in detail, the smal l number of
GR - / - mi ce survi vi ng after bi rt h also display a num-
ber of defects. Thei r adrenal glands have a disorganized
medul l a wi t h a strong reduct i on in the number of chro-
maffi n cells. The few r andom cl umps of chromaffi n cells
are noradrenergic and do not express PNMT (data not
Glucocorticoids are critical for lung maturation
Severe asphyxi a is observed in most GR - / - mi ce and
is the l i kel y cause of early postnatal death. Histological
anal ysi s of the lungs of GR - / - mi ce i ndi cat es atelecta-
sis and a lack of normal devel opment . In mice, l ung de-
vel opment begins wi t h the format i on of t he l ung buds
from the endoderm foregut at about day 10.5 p.c. and
proceeds wi t h a progression of proliferation, branching,
and differentiation of lung epi t hel i um. Thi s gives rise to
two types of epi t hel i al cells, the alveolar type 1 and type
2 cells, the latter of whi ch synt hesi ze surfactant. Gluco-
corticoids are one of a number of hormones and growt h
factors, i ncl udi ng prolactin, t hyroi d hormone, estrogens,
i nsul i n, and cat echol ami nes i mpl i cat ed in l ung develop-
ment (Haagsman and van Golde 1991). Appl i cat i on of
glucocorticoids in vivo is known to accelerate l ung mat -
urat i on and surfactant synthesis, and is used cl i ni cal l y i n
premat ure infants wi t h respiratory distress syndrome
(Ballard 1986).
Little is known about the t i me when different hor-
mones and growth factors are required for l ung develop-
ment in vivo. Our results i ndi cat e that glucocorticoid
signaling via the GR is critical for l ung funct i on and
devel opment from approxi mat el y day 15.5 p.c. The lack
of airway expansion at bi rt h i ndi cat es a possible defect in
epi t hel i al cell functions. We find si mi l ar number s of al-
veolar type II cells and, by in situ hybri di zat i on, l i t t l e
difference in expression of two type II cell markers, SP-B
and SP-C, both of whi ch are t hought to be part i al l y reg-
ul at ed by glucocorticoids. We have also found l i t t l e dif-
ference in the steady-state RNA levels by Nor t her n anal-
ysis of the SP-A, SP-B, and SP-C genes in l ung at bi rt h in
GR - / - mice, but this does not exclude that expression
of other surfactant-related genes may be affected. Pro-
duct i on of lung surfactant may still be affected i n GR
- / - mice, as glucocorticoids are able to modul at e ex-
pression of many other surfactant-related genes, at least
in vitro (Mendelson and Boggaram 1991). Glucocorti-
coids, for example, st i mul at e synt hesi s of phosphat i dyl -
choline, the major lipid component of surfactant, by in-
creasing the act i vi t y of key lipogenic enzymes such as
CTP/ chol i ne phosphat e cyt i dyl yl t ransferase (Mallam-
palli et al. 1994). We have shown a reduced expression of
the ami l ori de-sensi t i ve Na + channel gene in l ungs of GR
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GR is required for adrenal and l ung development
- / - mi ce at birth. Thi s gene is specifically expressed in
alveolar t ype 2 epi t hel i al cells, and reduced expression
could resul t in t he insufficient removal of fluid from
newborn lungs and cont ri but e to t he l ack of nor mal lung
inflation (Champi gny et al. 1994). Al t hough catechola-
mi nes are not t ot al l y absent from t he adrenal glands of
GR - / - mice, t he t ot al lack of adrenaline may addi-
t i onal l y cont ri but e to i mpai red l ung devel opment . The
release of adrenomedul l ary cat echol ami nes has been im-
plicated as being an i mpor t ant factor for survival t hrough
t he peri nat al period (Slotkin and Seidler 1988). It is in-
t erest i ng to not e t hat all offspring from mat i ngs of mi ce
homozygous for a di srupt ed corticotrophin-releasing
hor mone (CRH) gene display a si mi l ar al t erat i on in lung
mat urat i on, and all die hours after birth, whereas ho-
mozygous offspring from het erozygous mat i ngs survive
(Muglia et al. 1995). These CRH-deficient mi ce have
very low circulating levels of glucocorticoids, whi ch in-
dicates t he i mport ance for glucocorticoids for lung mat -
urat i on around birth. Interestingly, offspring of CRH
- / - mat i ngs have a 50% decrease in SP-B expression in
the lung at birth. A more detailed analysis of surfact ant
product i on in GR - / - mi ce during lung devel opment is
in progress.
Lack of induction of key liver gluconeogenic enzymes
Expression of G6Pase, PEPCK, TAT, and SDH, enzymes
i mport ant for gluconeogenesis, whi ch are known to be
regulated by glucocorticoids, were exami ned in GR - / -
mice. Great l y reduced mRNA levels for G6Pase, TAT,
and SDH were found in liver at birth, i ndi cat i ng a strong
requi rement for glucocorticoid signaling for t hei r perina-
tal activation. Ot her pat hways, such as those ut i l i zi ng
cAMP i nt racel l ul ar signaling, also operational around
birth, were unabl e to fully act i vat e t he expression of
t hese genes peri nat al l y in liver of GR - / - mice. Acti-
vat i on of t he TAT gene has been well studied and is
controlled by at least two upst ream enhancers, one re-
sponding to cAMP and t he ot her responding to glucocor-
ticoids (Jantzen et al. 1987; Boshart et al. 1990). Our re-
sults indicate a critical i mport ance for t he glucocorti-
coid-dependent enhancer for perinatal act i vat i on of t he
TAT gene in liver. The control regions of t he G6Pase
gene have not yet been characterized, and our resul t s
would predict t he presence of a strong glucocorticoid-
responsive enhancer (GRE) cont rol l i ng perinatal activa-
t i on of t hi s gene as well. Expression of t he PEPCK gene
was well i nduced in liver of some GR - / - newborn
mice. The PEPCK gene is regulated by two compl ex en-
hancers, a distal composi t e GRE, and a proxi mal cAMP-
responsive enhancer (CRE) {Imai et al. 1993), t he l at t er of
whi ch seems able, in at least some animals, to provide
sufficient act i vat i on of PEPCK expressi on in liver at
birth. The observation t hat act i vat i on of gluconeogenic
enzymes is st rongl y but not compl et el y reduced comple-
ment s our previous st udi es in transgenic mice, whi ch
showed t hat bot h t he GRE and CRE can medi at e perina-
tal act i vat i on (Mont ol i u et al. 1995).
Disrupted regulation of adrenal glucocorticoid
production via the HPA axis
Glucocorticoids control t hei r own product i on via t he
HPA axis, where t hey negat i vel y regulate expression of
t he pro-opi omel anocort i n gene (POMC; t he precursor
prot ei n for ACTH) in t he anterior pi t ui t ar y and corti-
cotrophin-releasing factor (CRF) gene in t he hypot hal a-
mus (Chrousos 1992). The increased pl asma glucocorti-
coid and ACTH levels in GR - / - mi ce i ndi cat e a break-
down in t he regul at i on of glucocorticoid product i on in
t he adrenal cortex. The very hi gh pl asma levels of ACTH
are i ndi cat i ve of l i t t l e or no feedback repression by glu-
cocorticoids on ACTH production. We also expect a sim-
ilar effect on CRF product i on in the hypot hal amus. Glu-
cocorticoids acting via GR therefore seem to be di rect l y
involved in t he regulation of POMC, and possibly CRF,
expression in t he brain. Thi s is consi st ent wi t h t he char-
acterization of a negative GRE in t he mouse POMC gene
control region (Drouin et al. 1993). A consequence of
high levels of ACTH is t he increased expression of
P450ss c and P450cl 1~ and t he very high expression of AS
in t he adrenal zona glomerulosa, whi ch could resul t in
increased levels of circulating aldosterone in t he blood.
The hypert ophy of adrenal cortical cells is most l i kel y a
direct consequence of high ACTH levels and is a char-
act eri st i c also seen in pat i ent s wi t h pi t ui t ar y t umour s
overproducing ACTH (Orth et al. 1992). Interestingly,
we see si mi l ar hypert rophy in adrenal cortical cells as
early as day 15.5 p.c. of mouse devel opment , suggesting
t hat t he HPA axis may be act i vel y cont rol i ng glucocor-
ticoid product i on well before birth.
Glucocorticoids are critical for appearance
of adrenergic but not noradrenergic chromaffin cells
In mammal s, neural crest cells mi grat e from bet ween
somi t e 18-24 of t he dorsal neural t ube to give rise to t he
neurons of t he enteric and sympat het i c ganglia, and to
adrenal chromaffin cells {Patterson 1990; Anderson
1993a). Sympat hoadrenal progenitors isolated from fetal
adrenal glands are bi pot ent i al when cul t ured in vitro. In
t he presence of nerve growth factor t hey differentiate to
form sympat het i c neurons, and in t he presence of gluco-
corticoids t hey form chromaffin-like cells (Anderson and
Axel 1986). From in vitro experi ment s of early sym-
pat hoadrenal progenitors a si mpl e model has been pos-
t ul at ed t hat chromaffin cell differentiation and prolifer-
at i on in vivo require glucocorticoid signals at t wo differ-
ent stages in development, an early signal to i ni t i at e
differentiation of the chromaffi n cell lineage and a later
signal to act i vat e t he chromaffin cell-specific gene ex-
pression program, exemplified by t he i nduct i on of t he
PNMT gene [Michelsohn and Anderson 1992).
Thi s bi pot ent i al progenitor model was recent l y modi-
fied after t he generation of MASH-I-defi ci ent mi ce by
gene targeting (Guillemot et al. 1993}. MASH-1 is a neu-
ral-specific basi c- hel i x- l oop- hel i x prot ei n and is ex-
pressed broadly in t he developing central and peripheral
nervous syst em (Gui l l emot and Joyner 1993). MASH-1
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Cole et al.
expr es s i on i s not det ect ed i n ear l y mi gr a t i ng neur al cr est
cel l s but is f i r st det ect ed at day 10. 5- 11. 5 i n pr ogeni t or
cel l s, wh i c h gi ve r i se t o cel l s c onde ns i ng i n t he s ympa-
t het i c, pa r a s ympa t he t i c , and ent er i c gangl i a. The s e pro-
geni t or s are t h o u g h t t o al so gi ve r i se to t he adr enal chro-
ma f f i n cel l s. MASH- 1 - / - mi c e l ack de ve l opme nt of
s y mp a t h e t i c gangl i a, but s ur pr i s i ngl y, t her e is onl y a
we a k effect on c hr oma f f i n cel l d e v e l o p me n t wi t h onl y a
r educed n u mb e r of TH and P NMT pos i t i ve - c hr oma f f i n
cel l s i n t he n e wb o r n adr enal gl and. Thi s ar gues t ha t
c hr oma f f i n cel l and s y mp a t h e t i c ne ur on pr ecur s or s ma y
devel op f r om an ear l i er MASH- 1- i nde pe nde nt t ype of bi-
pot e nt i a l pr ogeni t or cel l and i ndi cat es t ha t MASH- 1
pr obabl y c ont r i but e s to, but is not cr i t i cal for, chr omaf -
f i n cel l de ve l opme nt , wh i c h is t h o u g h t t o be de pe nde nt
on gl ucocor t i coi ds ( Ander s on 1993b). Sur pr i si ngl y, i n GR
- / - mi ce, not onl y i s t he capaci t y of c hr oma f f i n cel l s
t o s y n t h e s i z e a dr e na l i ne abol i shed, but t he n u mb e r of
c hr oma f f i n cel l s are r educed s ubs t a nt i a l l y. Thi s effect on
t he s ur vi val a n d / o r pr ol i f er at i on of c hr oma f f i n cel l s
mu s t begi n t o occur qui t e earl y, becaus e at day 13.5 p.c.,
s hor t l y af t er pr ecur s or cel l s have mi gr at ed t o t he adr enal
pr i mor di a, n u mb e r s of TH- pos i t i ve cel l s i n GR - / -
mi c e are al r eady r educed i n c ompa r i s on to wi l d- t ype
cont r ol s. Thus , a r eas onabl e e xpl a na t i on for t hes e obser-
va t i ons mi g h t be t ha t t her e i s r educed s ur vi val / pr ol i f er -
a t i on of a c o mmo n c hr oma f f i n pr ogeni t or f r om about day
13.5 p.c. of mous e de ve l opme nt . The f ew s ur vi vi ng chro-
maf f i n cel l s ( whi ch escape) i n t he GR - / - adr enal de-
vel op t o be nor adr ener gi c i n na t ur e becaus e of t hei r i n-
a bi l i t y to s wi t c h on GR- de pe nde nt P NMT expr essi on.
Al t e r na t i ve l y, t he s ur vi val of an a ppa r e nt l y nor ma l num-
ber of nor adr ener gi c c hr oma f f i n cel l s ma y be t he r es ul t of
t hei r c ompl e t e i nde pe nde nc e f r om GR- me di a t e d sur-
vi val and di f f er ent i at i on, s ugges t i ng an ear l i er s epar at i on
t h a n h i t h e r t o bel i eved of c o mmi t t e d nor adr ener gi c f r om
adr ener gi c c hr oma f f i n pr ogeni t or s i n t he neur al crest .
Thi s ma y be c o n s i s t e n t wi t h a r ecent s t udy i n t he r at
adul t adr enal gl and, wh i c h has s h o wn hi gh expr es s i on of
GR i n PNMT- p o s i t i v e (adrenergi c) c hr oma f f i n cel l s but
l ow expr es s i on i n nor a dr e ne r gi c cel l s ( Ceccat el l i et al.
1989). No r ma l d e v e l o p me n t of nor adr ener gi c c hr oma f f i n
cel l s i n GR - / - mi c e but abs ence of adr ener gi c chro-
ma f f i n cel l s ma y be t he r es ul t of t hi s di f f er ent i al expres-
si on and mi g h t suggest f ur t he r t he e xi s t e nc e of t wo dif-
f er ent cel l popul a t i ons t ha t gi ve ri se to t he ma t ur e adre-
nal medul l a.
Ma t e r i a l s a n d me t h o d s
Construction of targeting vector
Genomic clones from isogenic DNA containing the 5' end of
the mouse GR gene were obtained by screening an amplified
mouse 129/Sv-C-P S1/+ library in XGEM-12 (Promega) ki ndl y
provided by Ant on Berns (Netherlands Cancer Institute, Am-
sterdam) using an exon 2-specific SalI-HindIII fragment (posi-
tion +419 to +935 bp; Str~ihle et al. 1992) as a probe. A 5.5-kb
HindIII fragment subcloned in pBluescript (Strategene), contain-
ing exons 1B, 1C, and 2 of the mouse GR gene, was used for
construction of the targeting vector. A neomyci n resistance
gene cassette of 1.8 kb, driven by the mouse PGK promoter, was
inserted into a Tt h l l l I restriction site 40 nucleotides down-
stream from the GR AUG t ransl at i on start in exon 2. The final
targeting vector was linearized wi t h XbaI for electroporation.
Culturing of ES cells and generation of GR - / - mi ce
The El 4 ES cell line, mai nt ai ned on mouse embryonic feeders,
was kindly provided Klaus Rajewsky (Institute for Genetics of
the Uni versi t y of Cologne, Germany). Twent y micrograms of
XbaI-digested targeting vector DNA was used to electroporate
1 x 107 El 4 ES cells. Genomic DNAs from cell clones surviving
G418 selection (200 mg/ ml ) were subjected to Southern blot
analysis. A 1.4-kb HindIII fragment located 3' of the targeting
vector homology was used as a 3' external probe for Southern
analysis on DNA digested wi t h BglII. Positively targeted clones
were confirmed using a 5' 0.5-kb EcoRI-HindIII fragment probe
on genomic DNA digested wi t h EcoRI. ES cells from three
clones were used for injection into blastocysts derived from
C57BL/6 mice. Blastocysts were transferred to pseudopregnant
NMRI / Han females, and chimeric offspring were detected by
the presence of agouti hairs (genotype A w) on a nonagouti (a)
background. Chimeric males were mated to females to produce
ES cell-derived offspring t hat were t hen analyzed by Southern
blot analysis on DNA isolated from tails. Mice heterozygous for
the gene targeting event were t hen used in intercrosses to gen-
erate mut ant GR - / - mice.
RNA and protein analysis
Total RNA was prepared from various tissues and cell lines as
described by LeMeur et al. (1981) RNA was separated in form-
aldehyde-containing agarose gels for Nort hern analysis as de-
scribed by Sambrook et al. (1989). GeneScreen plus filters (Du-
pont) were hybridized in 50% formamide, 5x SSC, 50 mM
NaPO4 at pH 6.5, 8x Denhardt ' s solution, 1% SDS, and 0.5
mg/ ml of total yeast RNA according to Ruppert et al. 11990),
wi t h in vitro-transcribed RNA probes. RNA probes for mouse
TAT, PEPCK, and G6Pase and rat SDH were as described in
Ruppert et al. (1990). A random-primed probe for the amiloride-
sensitive Na channel gene was derived from a rat amiloride-
sensitive Na * channel cDNA ki ndl y provided by Pascal Barbry
(Institute of Molecular and Cellular Pharmacology, Valbonne,
France). The cytochrome oxidase RNA probe was derived from
a 95-bp AluI-HaeIII fragment of the mouse mi t ochondri al cy-
tochrome oxidase gene (Murphy et al. 1983). Antibodies di-
rected against the mouse GR receptor were generated by expres-
sion of the ligand-binding domain (amino acids 505-755,
Danielsen et al. 1986) in Escherichia coli using the R-SET ex-
pression system (Invitrogen, San Diego) and t hen injection of
the purified epitope into rabbits. Antibodies were purified by
affinity chromatography. Nuclear extracts were prepared from
liver and brain from wild type and GR - / - mice by centrifu-
gation of the tissue homogenates through 2.2 M sucrose accord-
ing to Gorski et al. (1986) and extraction of the nuclear fraction
wi t h radioimmunoprecipitation assay (RIPA)buffer cont ai ni ng
0.1% SDS. Proteins (20 ~g) were separated on 8% SDS-poly-
acrylamide gels, transferred to nitrocellulose filters, and i mmu-
nostained wi t h the affinity-purified anti-GR antibody using the
ECL system from Amersham-Buchler (Braunschweig, Ger-
Histological analysis and i mmunohi st ochemi st ry
Tissues or whole embryos were fixed overnight in 4% buffered
paraformaldehyde and paraffin-embedded, and sections of 5 ~m
Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press on May 16, 2014 - Published by genesdev.cshlp.org Downloaded from
GR is required tot adrenal and lung development
were stained using eosin and hemot oxyl i n. For i mmunohi st o-
chemical analysis, tissues were fixed as described and cut in
sections of 4 ~m nomi nal thickness. Immunocyt ochemi st ry for
synapt ophysi n was performed using a commercial rabbit antise-
rum {DAKO, Copenhagen}. Synaptophysin i mmunoreact i vi t y
was detected using t he avi di n-bi ot i n complex detection sys-
tem. To visualize TH-positive chromaffin and chromaffin pro-
genitor cells, sections from paraffin-embedded whole embryos
or dissected tissues were stained wi t h a mouse monoclonal an-
tibody to rat TR (1:200, 1 hr at 37~ Boehringer Mannheim)
followed by i ncubat i on wi t h Cy3 anti-mouse IgG (Dianova,
In situ hybridization
Mouse tissues and embryos were obtained from mat i ngs be-
t ween GR heterozygous ( + / - ) mice. Day 0.5 was assumed to
begin at noon on the day t he vaginal plug was observed. Tissues
were fixed i n 4% paraformaldehyde (pH 7.2) overnight, dehy-
drated through an et hanol series, cleared in toluene, and em-
bedded in paraffin. Five-micron sections were cut for each tis-
sue. In situ prehybridizations and hybridizations were carried
out as described in Wi l ki nson (1992), using asS-labeled cRNA
probes. Slides were dipped in Kodak NTB2 emul si on diluted 1:1
wi t h water and exposed at 4~ for 5-7 days and developed using
Kodak D19 developing sol ut i on and Kodakfix at 15~ for 4 rain.
Sections were stained using eosin and hemat oxyl i n and visual-
ized wi t h a Zeiss Axiophot microscope.
Electron microscopy
For electron microscopy, embryonic day 18.5 and adult wild-
type mice and GR - / - mice were perfused through the left
ventricle of the heart wi t h a mi xt ure of glutaraldehyde (1.5%),
paraformaldehyde (1.5%), and polyvinylpyrrolidone (PVP; 2.5%)
in phosphate buffer at pH 7.3. Following perfusion, adrenal
glands were i mmersed i n the same fixative wi t hout PVP for
12-72 hr and t hen rinsed t horoughl y in several changes of cac-
odylate buffer (0.1 M). Organs were postfixed in 1% OsO4, 1.5%
pot assi um hexanoferrate, rinsed in cacodylate, and 0.2 M so-
dium maleate buffers (pH 6.0), and block-stained wi t h 1% ura-
nyl acetate. Following dehydration through a graded series of
ethanol, tissues were embedded in Epon.
Hormone measurements
Plasma corticosterone was measured from 2 ~1 of plasma using
a modified met hod of Gomez-Sanchez et al. (1975). Samples
were diluted 1:10 in water, t hen 1:10 in methanol, and evapo-
rated overnight at room temperature. Samples were t hen mea-
sured by radi oi mmunoassay (RIA) using anti-corticosterone an-
t i serum (C8784, Sigma) and 3H-labeled corticosterone (TRK
406, Amersham). Samples were resuspended in 100 ~1 of RIA
buffer {0.05 M Tris-HC1 at pH 8, 0.1 M NaC1, 0.1% NaNa, 0.1%
BSA}, and 100 p.l of anti-corticosterone ant i serum diluted 1:4 i n
RIA buffer was added. Reconstituted protein A (100 ~1) (RPN
143, Amersham) was added, samples were allowed to incubate
overnight, and t hen t hey were counted. A standard curve was
included cont ai ni ng 0.01-5 ng/ ml of corticosterone. Plasma
ACTH was measured by RIA, as described by Ni chol son et al.
(1984). Human ACTH {AFP-2938C) and human ACTH-ant i se-
rum (AFP6328031) were ki nd gifts from the Nat i onal Inst i t ut e
of Diabetes, Digestion, and Kidney disease (NIDDK) and the
Nat i onal Hormone and Pi t ui t ary Program, Uni versi t y of Mary-
land School of Medicine (Baltimore, MD). 12SI-Labeled ACTH
(IM216) was from Amersham. Cat echol ami nes (adrenaline and
noradrenaline) of newborn adrenal glands were quantified by
hi gh performance liquid chromatography (Beckman HPLC; Mu-
nich, Germany) and electrochemical detection (Chromosys-
terns, Munich, Germany) essent i al l y as described by Mfiller and
Unsi cker ( 1981).
A c k n o w l e d g me n t s
We t hank Dr. Gavin Kelsey and Dr. A. Francis Stewart for crit-
ically reading t hi s manuscri pt and Dr. Klaus Kaestner for useful
discussions and providing a mouse 129/J isogenic genomic if-
braD/. The mouse PNMT gene was ki ndl y provided by Richard
Palmiter (University of Washington, Seattle), probes for mouse
P450ss o steroid 11 [3-hydroxylase, and AS were ki ndl y provided
by Keith Parker (Duke Uni versi t y Medical Center, Durham,
NC), probes for mouse SP-A and SP-C were provided by Jeffrey
A. Whi t set t (Children' s Hospital, Ci nci nnat i , OH) and a probe
for rat SP-B was provided by James H. Fisher (University of
Colorado, Denver). We are grateful to Erika Schmid, Daniela
Klewe-Nebenius, Evelyn Grau, Dagmar Book and Barbara Briihl
for expert t echni cal assistance, and Werner Fleischer for photo-
graphic art work. Thi s work was supported by the Deut sche
Forschungsgemeinschaft through SFB 229, the Leibniz program,
and the Fonds der Chemi schen Industrie.
The publication costs of this article were defrayed in part by
payment of page charges. Thi s article must therefore be hereby
marked "advert i sement " in accordance wi t h 18 USC section
1734 solely to indicate t hi s fact.
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