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Department of Information Technology

Faculty of CS&IT
Semester VII, 2012
Course Title
System Integration & Architecture
Course Code Credit Hours
IT!"! #
Bachelor (Hons) of Information Technology

Software Engineering, IT-3!
"ate Communications and #etwor$s, IT-!3
C&+%S) D)SC%I$TI&,
In this ca%stone course students will &uild u%on the ICT $nowledge gained throughout the degree %rogram &y
de'elo%ing s$ills in enter%rise architecture %lanning (E()) and in enter%rise a%%lication integration (E(I)* +sing
E(), students will learn to create architectures that define and descri&e the data, a%%lications, and technology
needed to su%%ort organi,ations* In a%%lying E(I, students will gain e-%erience in creating strategic &usiness
solutions using .e& ser'ices and middleware to integrate the functionality of an organi,ation/s e-isting
a%%lications, commercial %ac$aged a%%lications, and new code*
To%ics co'ered in this course include0
1 The conce%t of Enter%rise (rchitecture
1 2 "e'elo%ing an Enter%rise (rchitecture
1 2 +sing an Enter%rise (rchitecture
1 2 Enter%rise (rchitecture as a %rofession
1 2 Systems Integration
1 2 Ser'ice oriented (rchitecture
1 2 .e& Ser'ices standards including S3()
1 2 (%%lication of middleware4we& ser'ices technologies
-)A%,I,'.ASS)SS(),T TAS/S
-earning.Assessment0 IT Consultant1s Architectural %eport 2In3i4i3ual5
Students will wor$ indi'idually on a formal %ro%osal for a &usiness detailing the architectural o%tions and
the ad'antages and disad'antages of the o%tions for a &usiness case study*
The re%ort is to &e styled as a formal management re%ort and will &e mar$ed on the rele'ancy and
synthesis of the content as well as the %resentation of the re%ort*
-earning.Assessment0 Systems Integration in $ractice
Students will &e %ro'ided with an integration scenario that will re5uire the use of a num&er of integration
tools* These tools are to &e de'elo%ed during tutorials*
'ra3ing Criteria
6eight 275
! 6idterm 7
(ssessment ! 8 !9
(ssessment 8 !9
(ttendance : class )artici%ation 8 7
3 ;inals 79
Con3itions for $assing Course
To achie'e a %ass in this course, students must0
!* )erform satisfactorily in all items of assessment<
* (chie'e at least a )ass le'el o'erall*
Course Instructor
=ia-ul-Ha5 Ch*
C&+%S) SC8)D+-)
g 6ee9
Content Focus of 6ee9 -earning.Teaching Acti4ities
The Conce%t of Enter%rise (rchitecture 2 Enter%rise
(rchitecture o'er'iew 2 Enter%rise structure 2
Enter%rise (rchitecture ? 'alue : ris$s
Case Study

Enter%rise (rchitecture Com%onents 2 Im%lementation
methodology 2 ;ramewor$s 2 (rchitecture
com%onents : artifacts
Case Study
"e'elo%ing an Enter%rise (rchitecture 2 Current
architectural 'iews 2 ;uture architectural 'iews 2
6anagement %lan
Case Study
+sing an Enter%rise (rchitecture 2 )lanning : %roAect
management 2 Security 2 Be%ository : su%%ort tools
Case Study
Ser'ice 3riented (rchitecture 2 S3( 3'er'iew 2 S3(
S3(? )art !0 +sing HT6C
Assignment 1
Integrating Technology 2 E6C Technologies 2 .e&
Ser'ice Technologies 2 F.S-F .e& Ser'ice
S3( ? )art 0 +sing E6C, "T", ESC
Integrating Technology 2 E6C Integration 2 .e&
Ser'ices Integration 2 E6C and data&ases
S3( ? )art 30 +sing E6C with data&ases
(ID ):ams
Integrating (%%lications 2 (%%lication Integration 2
Cegacy Integration 2 Enter%rise Integration 2
Integration Strategies
S3( ? )art @0 (ccessing .e& Ser'ices
Integrating the Enter%rise 2 E6C integration &est
%ractices 2 .e& Ser'ices &est %ractices 2 Building the
Ser'ice 3riented Enter%rise
S3( ? )art 70 Creating .e& Ser'ices
6odel "ri'en (rchitecture 2 Terms : conce%ts 2
Building models 2 6etamodels
S3( ? )art D0 Integrating .e& Ser'ices
6odel "ri'en (rchitecture 2 Terms : conce%ts 2
Building models 2 6etamodels 2 6a%%ings 2 6ar$ing
models 2 Canguages
6"( case study ? %art !
6odel "ri'en (rchitecture )rocess 2 Building an 6"(
%rocess 2 E-ecuting an 6"( %rocess
6"( case study ? %art
;uture Trends and Course Be'iew 2 Enter%rise
(rchitecture as a %rofession 2 S3( and the ;uture 2
6"( and the ;uture 2 Course re'iew
Assignment 2
):am $reparation 6ee9
Final ):ams
$%)SC%I;)D T)<T2S5
Bernard, S( 997, (n Introduction to Enter%rise (rchitecture, nd edn, (uthorhouse,
Bloomington Erl, T 997, Ser'ice 3riented (rchitecture0 ( ;ield Juide to Integrating
E6Cand .e& Ser'ices, )rentice Hall, #ew Kor$ Summers, L : Smith, B, 993,
Communication S$ills Hand&oo$0 How to succeed in written and oral communication,
.iley, Singa%oreM
M Cater editions are acce%ta&le*

%)C&((),D)D %)ADI,'S
Erl, T 997, Ser'ice 3riented (rchitecture0 Conce%ts, Technology, and "esign,
)rentice Hall, #ew Kor$ Cinthicum, "a'id S* (99@), #e-t Jeneration (%%lication
Integration0 ;rom Sim%le Information to .e& Ser'ices, (ddison-.esley, +S(* 6ellor,
SL, Bec$er, ), ;uller, L, Scott, N, +hl, ( : .eise " 99@, 6"( "istilled0 )rinci%les of
6odel "ri'en
(rchitecture, (ddison .esley, #ew Kor$ #ewcomer, E : Comow, J 997, +nderstanding S3( with .e&
Ser'ices, (ddison .esley, #ew Kor$ The 3%en Jrou%, 993, T3J(; (The 3%en Jrou% (rchitectural
;ramewor$) Oersion H*! FEnter%rise
EditionP, San ;rancisco, +S(

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