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Ad- Advertising

MKT Marketing

B2B Business to Business

SME Subject Matter Expert

F500- Fortune 500

EM- Email

DM Direct Mail

ABM Account Based marketing

TAP Targeted account programs

DM Digital Marketing

SE Search Engine

SERP Search Engine Results Page

SEM Search Engine Marketing

SEO - Search Engine Optimization

SMM Social Media Marketing

SMO Social Media Optimization

PPC pay per click

PPA Pay Per Action

PPI Pay Per Impression

PPL Pay Per Lead

CTR Click through rate

CPC Cost Per Click

CPL Cost Per Lead

CPS Cost Per Sale

CMS Content Management System

CRM Content Relationship Management

MAP Marketing Automation Platform

SFA Sales Force Automation

BI Business Intelligence

MLM Multi Level Marketing

FDI Foreign Direct Investment

POP Point of Purchase Display

R&D Research and Development

UPC Universal Product Code

POS Point of Sale Display

ROI Return on Investment

CLS Costumer Location System

RPM Resale Price Maintenance

VAT Value Added Tax

VBS Verbal Marketing System

CR Concession Rate

DRA Direct Response Advertising

CLV Customer Lifetime Value

eCommerce Electronic Commerce

CRM Customer Relationship Management

NPD New Product Development

ROMI Return on Marketing Investment

LTV Life Time Value

BDI Brand Development Index

CDI Category Development Index

MR Market Research

AIM Alternative Investment Market

MS Market Share

TMV True Market Value

MAA- Marketing Authorization Application

MS Market Surveillance

WOMM- Word of Mouth Marketing

IDRA Industries Development and Regulation Act

UX User Experience

GRS Gross rating Point

BEP Break Even Point

PAN Permanent Account Number

IMF International Monitory Fund

5 Cs of Marketing

Five Cs of marketing are

1. Customers

2. Company

3. Competitors

4. Collaborators

5. Context

Customer needs: What needs does the firm seek to

Company Skills: What special competence does the firm
possess to meet those needs?

Competition: Who competes with the firm in meeting
those needs?

Collaborators: Whom should the firm enlist to help it
and how can the firm motivate them?

Context: Which cultural, technological, and legal factors
limit the possibilities?

Bases of Marketing:

Markets can be segmented in a variety of ways, among
those most widely used bases are

Demographic: age, income, gender, occupation

Geographic: nation, region of country, urban vs rural

Lifestyle: hedonistic vs. value oriented

These three types of bases demographic, geographic,
and lifestyle are general descriptors of consumers

Marketing Mix:

Marketing mix is used to describe the set of activities
comprising a firms marketing program

Below twelve marketing terms are determined as
marketing mix

1. Merchandising / product planning

2. Pricing

3. Branding

4. Channel of Distribution

5. Personal selling

6. Advertising

7. Promotions

8. Packaging

9. Display

10. Servicing

11. Physical Handling

12. Fact finding and analysis / market research

Aggregation and regrouping of these elements has
become popular

Four Ps of Marketing:

Four Ps of marketing are

1. Product

2. Place (Channel of distribution)

3. Promotion ( communication strategy)

4. Pricing

Six Ms of Marketing:

Six Ms of Marketing are

Market: To whom is the communication to be

Mission: What is the objective of the communication?

Message: What are the specific points to be

Media: Which vehicles will be used to convey the

Money: How much will be spent in the effort?

Measurement: How will impact be accessed after the

Product Definition:

Product decision starts with understanding of what a
product is namely, the product offering is not the
thing itself, but rather the total package of benefits
obtained by the customer.

For marketing strategy development purposes, the
product has to be considered from the point of view of
value delivered to the customer

Value of product is delivered from

1. The physical product itself

2. Brand Name

3. Company reputation

4. Presale education provided by salespeople

5. Postsale technical support

6. Repair service

7. Financing plans

8. Financing plans

9. Convenient availability

10. Word-of-mouth references from earlier adopters of
the product

11. Reputation of the outlet where the product was

Product Line Planning Decisions:

There are three types of product line planning decisions

1. Product line length

2. Product line breadth

3. Product line depth

Product Development Process:

If you want to develop a new product then you should
go for the below five step process

1. Opportunity identification

2. Design

3. Testing

4. Product introduction

5. Life cycle management

Marketing Channel

Marketing channel is a set of mechanisms or the
network vis which a firms goes to market that is in
touch with its customer for a variety of tasks ranging
from demand generation to physical delivery of the

Here are eight generic channel functions that serve as a
staring place for assessing needs in a particular context

1. Product information

2. Product customization

3. Product quality assurance

4. Lot size

5. Product assortment

6. Availability

7. After sale service

8. Logistics

Sales Promotions:

Sales promotions include things such as samples,
coupons and contests, some major types of sales
promotions are

1. Consumer promotions

2. Trade promotions

3. Retail promotions

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