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SUBMITTED BY: Veer Vaibhav Singh
ROLL NO: A2305110095
College:Amity School of Engineering and Technology
2 : AC"NO#$E%&E'ENT
3 : (RE!ACE
/ : !OR'ATON O! ,NT
0 : (RO1ECT: ST,%- O! RA%AR S-STE'
I certif that .eer .ai2ha3 Singh! ha" #oine$ BEL! %ha&iaba$ for
"i'()ee*" in$+"trial training ),e,f, -.,/.,0/-1 to 02,/3,0/-1 an$
he ha" been con"tantl )or*ing +n$er 4 g+i$ance on the 5ro#ect
a""igne$ to hi4,
6e ha" )or*e$ on the 5ro#ect STUDY O7 R8D8R SYSTEM, 6i"
contrib+tion )a" in te"ting of Rohini Ra$ar an$ it" "+b""te4",
Thi" re5ort acco+nt" hi" e'5erience an$ *no)le$ge of the fiel$ he
)or*e$ in, I have verifie$ the re5ort an$ "anction it,
Signat+re Signat+re
9ro#ect %+i$e 9ro#ect 6ea$
I ta*e thi" o55ort+nit to e'5re"" 4 "incere gratit+$e to)ar$" Mr,R,N Tagi
:Manager,! 6RD;! Bharat Electronic"! %ha&iaba$ for acce5ting 4 letter an$
allo)ing 4e to co45lete 4 training in Bharat Electronic",
I a4 e'tre4el gratef+l to Mr, S,S, Chat+rve$i! :Sr, D%M! R8D8R De5art4ent;
Bharat Electronic"! for 5er4itting 4e to #oin 98R(0 De5art4ent,
7+rther I )o+l$ li*e to than* Mr S,R, Na<vi! Mr, S,9, Vi"hva*ar4a! M", La'4i Cha+han
an$ M",8$iti Mehta for their ti4e to ti4e g+i$ance an$ hel5 e'ten$e$ $+ring each "tage
of o+r 5ro#ect,
7inall! I )o+l$ li*e to than* each an$ ever 4e4ber of BEL fa4il for 4a*ing
4e feel co4fortable an$ hel5ing 4e in ever 5o""ible 4anner,
The "i' 4onth training i" a 5art of o+r B,Tech! Electronic" an$ Co44+nication,
9ractical In$+"trial Training 4ainl ai4" at 4a*ing one a)are of in$+"trial environ4ent=
)hich 4ean" that one get" to *no) the li4itation! con"traint an$ free$o4 +n$er )hich an
engineer )or*", One al"o get" an o55ort+nit to )atch fro4 clo"e <+arter that in$icate"
4anager relation, Thi" training 4ainl involve" in$+"trial an$ co45lete *no)le$ge abo+t
$e"igning! a""e4bling an$ 4an+fact+ring 5roce"" of vario+" e<+i54ent" 4an+fact+re$
b an in$+"tr,
D+ring thi" "i' 4onth 5erio$! a" a "t+$ent! there i" a great o55ort+nit of
+n$er"tan$ing In$+"trial 5ractice", Mo"t of the theoretical *no)le$ge that ha" been
gaine$ $+ring o+r co+r"e i" +"ef+l onl if it can be a55lie$ to 5ro$+ction an$ "ervice" in
the in$+"tr, The learnt i" a55lie$! te"te$! verifie$ an$ rectifie$, 85art fro4 thi" the
"t+$ent get" an o55ort+nit to learn late"t technolog an$ i" +5gra$e$ of the ne) tren$"
i44er"ing in the in$+"tr of intere"t,
I ha$ the o55ort+nit to +tili&e 4 "i' 4onth "+44er intern"hi5 in *+ARAT
E$ECTRONCS $'TE%4 &+A5A*A% 6,7(787 I )a" a 5art of the co45an>" ne)
vent+re C8R! )hich 5rovi$e$ 4e a great $eal of learning, M "5here of *no)le$ge )a"
e'5an$e$ both at technical an$ 5er"onal level, I not onl got chance to )or* on Live
9ro#ect b+t al"o )itne""e$ the relate$ in$+"trial 5roce""e" an$ got ac<+ainte$ to 4an of
the 5revalent technologie",
Bharat Electronic" Li4ite$ :BEL; )a" e"tabli"he$ in -2.? a" a 9+blic Sector
Enter5ri"e +n$er the a$4ini"trative control of Mini"tr of Defence a" the fo+ntain hea$ to
4an+fact+re an$ "+55l electronic" co45onent" an$ e<+i54ent, BEL! )ith a note)orth
hi"tor of 5ioneering achieve4ent"! ha" 4et the re<+ire4ent of "tate(of(art 5rofe""ional
electronic e<+i54ent for Defence! broa$ca"ting! civil Defence an$ teleco44+nication" a"
)ell a" the co45onent re<+ire4ent of entertain4ent an$ 4e$ical @(ra in$+"tr, Over
the ear"! BEL ha" gro)n to a 4+lti(5ro$+ct! 4+lti(+nit! an$ technolog $riven co45an
)ith trac* recor$ of a 5rofit earning 9SU,
The co45an ha" a +ni<+e 5o"ition in In$ia of having $ealt )ith all the generation"
of electronic co45onent an$ e<+i54ent, 6aving "tarte$ )ith a 67 receiver in
collaboration )ith T(CS7 of 7rance! the co45anA" e<+i54ent $e"ign" have ha$ a long
voage thro+gh the hbri$! "oli$ "tate $i"crete co45onent to the "tate of art integrate$
circ+it technolog, In the co45onent arena al"o! the co45an e"tabli"he$ it" o)n electron
valve 4an+fact+ring facilit, It 4ove$ on to "e4icon$+ctor" )ith the 4an+fact+re of
ger4ani+4 an$ "ilicon $evice" an$ then to the 4an+fact+re of Integrate$ circ+it", To
*ee5 in 5ace )ith the co45onent an$ e<+i54ent technolog! it" 4an+fact+ring an$
5ro$+ct a""+rance facilitie" have al"o +n$ergone "ea change, The $e"ign gro+5" have
C8DD" facilit! the 4an+fact+ring ha" CNC 4achine" an$ a Ma"" Man+fact+re 7acilit!
an$ B+alit Control :BC; chec*" are 5refor4e$ )ith 4+lti($i4en"ional 5rofile
4ea"+re4ent 4achine"! 8+to4atic te"ting 4achine"! environ4ental lab" to chec*
e'tre4e )eather an$ other o5erational con$ition", 8ll the"e facilitie" have been
e"tabli"he$ to 4eet the "tringent re<+ire4ent" of MIL gra$e ""te4",
To$a BELA" infra"tr+ct+re i" "5rea$ over nine location" )ith 02 5ro$+ction
$ivi"ion" having ISO(2//-C2//0 accre$itation, 9ro$+ct 4i' of the co45an i" "5rea$
over the entire Electro(4agnetic :EM; "5ectr+4 ranging fro4 tin a+$io fre<+enc
"e4icon$+ctor to h+ge ra$ar ""te4" an$ @(ra t+be" on the +55er e$ge of the "5ectr+4,
It" 4an+fact+ring +nit" have "5ecial foc+" to)ar$" the 5ro$+ct range" li*e Defence
Co44+nication! Ra$arA"! O5tical D O5to(electronic"! Teleco44+nication"! So+n$ an$
Vi"ion Broa$ca"ting! Electronic Co45onent"! etc,
Be"i$e" 4an+fact+ring an$ "+55l of a )i$e variet of 5ro$+ct"! BEL offer" a
variet of "ervice" li*e Teleco4 an$ Ra$ar S"te4" Con"+ltanc! Contract
Man+fact+ring! Calibration of Te"t D Mea"+ring In"tr+4ent"! etc, 8t the 4o4ent! the
co45an i" in"talling MSSR ra$ar at i45ortant air5ort" +n$er the 4o$erni&ation of
air5ort" 5lan of National 8ir5ort 8+thorit :N88;,
BEL ha" n+rt+re$ an$ b+ilt a "trong in(ho+"e RDD ba"e b ab"orbing technologie"
fro4 4ore than ./ lea$ing co45anie" )orl$)i$e an$ DRDO Lab" for a )i$e range of
5ro$+ct", 8 tea4 of 4ore than E// engineer" i" )or*ing in RDD, Each +nit ha" it" o)n
RDD Divi"ion to bring o+t ne) 5ro$+ct" to the 5ro$+ction line", Central Re"earch
Laborator :CRL; at Bangalore an$ %ha&iaba$ )or*" a" in$e5en$ent agenc to
+n$erta*e conte45orar $e"ign )or* on "tate(of(art an$ f+t+ri"tic technologie", 8bo+t
F/G of BELA" 5ro$+ct" are of in(ho+"e $e"ign,
BEL )a" a4ong the fir"t In$ian co45anie" to 4an+fact+re co45+ter 5art" an$
5eri5heral" +n$er arrange4ent )ith International Co45+ter" In$ia Li4ite$ :ICIL; in
-2F/", BEL a""e4ble$ a li4ite$ n+4ber of -2/- ""te4" +n$er the arrange4ent )ith
ICIL, 6o)ever! follo)ing %overn4entA" $eci"ion to re"trict the co45+ter 4an+fact+re to
ECIL! BEL co+l$ not 5rogre"" in it" co45+ter 4an+fact+ring 5lan", 8" 4an of it"
e<+i54ent )ere 4icro5roce""or ba"e$! the co45an contin+e$ to $evelo5 co45+ter"
ba"e$ a55lication! both har$)are an$ "oft)are, Mo"t of it" "oft)are re<+ire4ent" are in
real ti4e, EMCC8! "oft)are inten"ive naval "hi5" control an$ co44an$ ""te4 i"
5robabl one of the fir"t 5ro#ect" of it" nat+re in In$ia an$ 8"ia,
BEL ha" )on a n+4ber of national an$ international a)ar$" for I45ort S+b"tit+tion!
9ro$+ctivit! B+alit! Safet Stan$ar$i&ation etc, BEL )a" ran*e$ no,- in the fiel$ of
Electronic" an$ ?3
overall a4ong the to5 -/// 5rivate an$ 5+blic "ector +n$erta*ing" in
In$ia b the B+"ine"" Stan$ar$ in it" "5ecial "+55le4ent HThe BS -/// :-22F(2E;H, BEL
)a" li"te$ 1
a4ong the Mini Ratana" :categor II; b the %overn4ent of In$ia! ?2
a4ong 8"iaA" to5 -// Electronic Co45anie" b the Electronic B+"ine"" 8"ia an$ )ithin
the to5 -// )orl$)i$e Defence Co45anie" b the Defence Ne)"! US8,
BEL ha" 5ro$+ction +nit" e"tabli"he$ at $ifferent 5art" of the co+ntr, The ear of
e"tabli"h4ent an$ location are a" follo)":
Serial Year of Location
no, e"tabli"h4ent
Talo#a :Mahara"htra;
9anch*+la :6arana;
Machhili5athna4 :8,9,;
Iot$)ara :U,9,;
'otto 'i99ion and O2:ecti3e9
The 5a""ionate 5+r"+it of e'cellence at BEL i" reflecte$ in a re5+tation )ith it"
c+"to4er" that can be $e"cribe$ in it" 4otto! 4i""ion an$ ob#ective":
"Quality, Technology and Innovation."
To be the market leader in Defence Electronics and in other chosen fields and
To become a customer-driven company supplying quality products at
competitive prices at the expected time and providing excellent customer
To achieve growth in the operations commensurate with the growth of
professional electronics industry in the country.
To generate internal resources for financing the investments required for
modernization expansion and growth for ensuring a fair return to the
!n order to meet the nation"s strategic needs to strive for self-reliance by
indigenization of materials and components.
To retain the technological leadership of the company in Defence and other
chosen fields of electronics through in-house #esearch and development as
well as through $ollaboration%$o-operation with Defence%&ational #esearch
'aboratories !nternational $ompanies (niversities and )cademic
To progressively increase overseas sales of its products and services.
To create an organizational culture which encourages members of the
organization to realize their full potential through continuous learning on the
*ob and through other +#D initiatives,
Manufacturing Units
*angalore ;"arnata<a=
BEL "tarte$ it" 5ro$+ction activitie" in Bangalore in -2.? )ith ?//J high
fre<+enc :67; tran"4itter an$ co44+nication receiver for the 8r4, Since then! the
Bangalore Co45le' ha" gro)n to "5eciali&e in co44+nication an$ Ra$arCSonar S"te4"
for the 8r4! Nav an$ 8ir 7orce, BELA" in(ho+"e RDD an$ "+cce""f+l tie(+5" )ith
foreign Defence co45anie" an$ In$ian Defence Laboratorie" ha" "een the $evelo54ent
an$ 5ro$+ction of over 1// 5ro$+ct" in Bangalore alone, The Unit ha" no) $iver"ifie$
into 4an+fact+ring of electronic 5ro$+ct" for the civilian c+"to4er" "+ch a" D,O,T,!
V,S,N,L,! 8,I,R, an$ Door$ar"han! Meteorological De5t,! I,S,R,O,! 9olice! Civil
8viation! an$ Rail)a", 8" an ai$ to Electorate! the +nit ha" $evelo5e$ Electronic Voting
Machine" that are 5ro$+ce$ at it" Ma"" Man+fact+ring 7acilit :MM7;,
&ha>ia2ad ;,ttar (rade9h=
The "econ$ large"t Unit at %ha&iaba$ )a" "et +5 in -2F? to 4an+fact+re "5ecial
t5e" of ra$ar for the 8ir Defence %ro+n$ Environ4ent S"te4" :9lan 8D%ES;, The
Unit 5rovi$e" Co44+nication S"te4" to the Defence 7orce" an$ Micro)ave
Co44+nication Lin*" to the vario+" $e5art4ent" of the State an$ Central %ovt, an$ other
+"er", The UnitA" 5ro$+ct range incl+$e$ Static an$ Mobile Ra$ar! Tro5o "catter
e<+i54ent! 5rofe""ional gra$e 8ntennae an$ Micro)ave co45onent",
(?ne ;'ahara9htra=
Thi" Unit )a" "tarte$ in -2F2 to 4an+fact+re I4age Converter T+be",
S+b"e<+entl! Magne"i+4 Mangane"e($io'i$e Batterie"! Lithi+4 S+l5h+r Batterie" an$
@(ra T+be"CCable" )ere a$$e$ to the 5ro$+ct range, 8t the 5re"ent the Unit
4an+fact+re" La"er S+b(+nit for tan* fire control ""te4" an$ La"er Range 7in$er" for
the Defence "ervice",
'achili@atnam ;Andhra (rade9h=
The 8n$hra Scientific Co, at Machili5atna4! 4an+fact+ring o5tic"CO5to(
electronic e<+i54ent )a" integrate$ )ith BEL in -2E1, The 5ro$+ct line incl+$e" 9a""ive
Night Vi"ion E<+i54ent! Binoc+lar"! Binoc+lar" an$ %oggle"! 9eri"co5e"! %+n Sight"!
S+rgical Micro"co5e an$ O5tical Sight" an$ M+""le Reference S"te4" for tan* fire
control ""te4", The Unit ha" "+cce""f+ll $iver"ifie$ to 4a*ing the S+rgical Micro"co5e
)ith &oo4 facilitie",
To cater the gro)ing nee$" of Defence Co44+nication"! thi" Unit )a"
e"tabli"he$ in -2E., 9rofe""ional gra$e Ra$io(co44+nication E<+i54ent in V67 an$
U67 range" entirel $evelo5e$ b BEL an$ re<+ire$ b the Defence "ervice" are being
4et fro4 thi" Unit,
Chennai ;Tamil Nad?=
In -2E.! BEL e"tabli"he$ another Unit at Chennai to facilitate 4an+fact+re of
%+n Control E<+i54ent re<+ire$ for the integration an$ in"tallation in the Vi#aanta
tan*", The Unit i" no) 4an+fact+ring Stabili&er S"te4" for T(F0 tan*"! Infantr Co4bat
Vehicle" BM9(II= Co44an$erA" 9anora4ic Sight" D Tan* La"er Sight" are a4ong
"otdAar ;,ttar (rade9h=
In -2E3! BEL "tarte$ a Unit at Iot$)ara to 4an+fact+re Teleco44+nication
E<+i54ent for both Defence an$ civilian
C+"to4er" 7oc+" i" being given on the re<+ire4ent of the De5art4ent of
Teleco44+nication" to 4an+fact+re Tran"4i""ion an$ S)itching E<+i54ent,
Talo:a ;'ahara9htra=
!or the man?fact?re of *B# T. &la99 2?l294 thi9 @lant Aa9 e9ta2li9hed in colla2oration Aith
coming4 !rance in 19C/7 The ,nit i9 noA f?lly mo2ili>ed to man?fact?re 20D gla99 2?l29
+ydera2ad ;Andhra (rade9h=
To coor$inate )ith the 4a#or Defence RDD Laboratorie" locate$ in 6$eraba$!
DLRL! DRDL an$ DMRL! BEL e"tabli"he$ a +nit at 6$eraba$ in -2E3, 7orce
M+lti5lier S"te4" are 4an+fact+re$ here for the Defence "ervice",
Joint Ventures
*EE%elft Electronic9 $imited
BE(Delft Electronic" Li4ite$! 9+ne! the fir"t #oint vent+re of the co45an )ith
Delft In"tr+4ent"! 6ollan$ an$ UTI )a" e"tabli"he$ in the ear -22/ for con$+cting
re"earch! $evelo54ent an$ 4an+fact+re of I4age Inten"ifier T+be" an$ a""ociate$ high
voltage 5o)er "+55lie" for +"e in 4ilitar! "ec+rit an$ co44ercial ""te4", It" 5ro$+ct"
incl+$e night vi"ion goggle" an$ binoc+lar"! night vi"ion )ea5on "ight" an$ lo) light
level in5+t a55lication",
&E *E (ri3ate $imited
%E BE 9rivate Li4ite$! Bangalore! a KV )ith %eneral Electric Me$ical S"te4"!
US8 ha" been e"tabli"he$ in -22F(2E for 4an+fact+re of 6igh En$ Rotating 8no$e
Me$ical Diagno"tic @(ra t+be calle$ CT M8@! )hich i" +"e$ in CT Scanner", The #oint
vent+re +nit )ill al"o e"tabli"h a reloa$ing facilit for @(ra t+be" an$ )ill al"o 4ar*et
the conventional @(ra t+be" 4a$e at 9+ne Unit of BEL, So+th Ea"t 8"ia 4ar*et" are
a$$re""e$ b thi" #oint vent+re,
*E$E '?ltitone (ri3ate $imited
8 #oint vent+re bet)een Bharat Electronic" an$ M+ltitone Electronic" 9lc! UI ha"
al"o been e"tabli"he$ in Bangalore in -22F(2E to 4an+fact+re "tate(of(art Mobile
Co44+nication for the )or*5lace, M+ltitone invente$ 5aging in -2.3 )hen it $evelo5e$
the )orl$A" fir"t ""te4 to "erve the Hlife or $eathH environ4ent of St, Tho4a" 6o"5ital!
Lon$on, Jith the "trength of Bharat Electronic" in the Ra$io Co44+nication" fiel$ an$
the technolog of M+ltitone! in the fiel$ of Ra$io 9aging! the #oint vent+re co45an i" in
a 5o"ition to offer tailor 4a$e "ol+tion to the Mobile Co44+nication nee$" at )or*5lace
in vario+" 4ar*et "eg4ent",
Customer Profile & BE Pro!uct Range
8r4 Tactical an$ Strategic Co44+nication E<+i54ent an$
S"te4"! Secrec E<+i54ent! Digital S)itche"! Battlefiel$
S+rveillance Ra$ar! 8ir Defence an$ 7ire Control Ra$ar!
O5to(Electronic In"tr+4ent"! Tan* 7ire Control S"te4"!
Stabili&er S"te4"! Sti4+lator" an$ Trainer",
Nav Navigational! S+rveillance! 7ire Control Ra$ar! I77!
SON8R S"te4"! Tor5e$o Deco"! Di"5la S"te4"! EJ
S"te4"! Si4+lator"! Co44+nication E<+i54ent an$
8ir 7orce S+rveillance an$ Trac*ing Rai$er"! Co44+nication
E<+i54ent an$ S"te4"! I77 an$ EJ S"te4",
9ara(Militar Co44+nication E<+i54ent an$ S"te4",
S5ace De5art4ent 9reci"ion Trac*ing Ra$ar! %ro+n$ Electronic"! 7light an$
On(Boar$ S+b(""te4",
8ll In$ia Ra$io MJ! SJ D 7M Tran"4itter",
:TV Net)or*;
Lo)! Me$i+4 an$ 6igh 9o)er Tran"4itter"! St+$io
E<+i54ent! OB Van"! Ca4era"! 8ntennae! Mobile an$
Tran"5ortable Satellite U5lin*",
NCERT TV St+$io" on T+rn*e Ba"i" for E$+cational 9rogra4",
De5art4ent of
Tran"4i""ion E<+i54ent :Micro)ave an$ U67; an$ 9CM
M+lti5le'! R+ral an$ Main 8+to4atic E'change"! 7la)a
Satellite Ter4inal"! Solar 9anel" for R+ral E'change",
Vi$e"h Sanchar
Niga4 an$ other
Cor5orate Bo$ie"
MC9C VS8T! SC9C VS8T! 7la)a Earth Station", 6+b
Station"! U5CDo)n Converter"! LN8 Mo$e4"
Civil 8viation 8ir5ort S+rveillance Ra$ar! Secon$ar S+rveillance Ra$ar,
Cclone Jarning an$ M+lti5+r5o"e Meteorological Ra$ar,
9o)er Sector Satellite Co44+nication E<+i54ent,
Oil In$+"tr Co44+nication S"te4"! Ra$ar,
7ore"t De5art4ent"!
Irrigation D
Electricit Boar$"
Co44+nication S"te4",
Me$ical D
6ealth Care
Clinical an$ S+rgical Micro"co5e )ith Loo4! Linear
Rail)a" Co44+nication E<+i54ent for Metro"! Micro)ave Ra$io
Rela"! 8n$ Digital Micro)ave Ra$io Rela",
Defence Tran"4itting T+be"! Micro)ave T+be"! La"er"! Batterie"!
Se4icon$+ctor"(Di"crete! 6bri$ an$ Integrate$ Circ+it",
8ll In$ia Ra$io!
:TV Net)or*;!
De5art4ent of
8n$ Civil In$+"trie"
Tran"4itting T+be"! Micro)ave T+be"! an$ Vac++4
BCJ TV T+be"! Silicon Tran"i"tor"! Integrate$ Circ+it"!
Bi5olar an$ CMOS! 9ie&o Electric Cr"tal"! Cera4ic
Ca5acitor" an$ S8J 7ilter",
Tele5hone In$+"tr Integrate$ Circ+it"! Cr"tal",
S)itching In$+"tr Vac++4 Interr+5ter",
In"tr+4entation In$+"tr Li<+i$ Cr"tal Di"5la",
Me$ical D6ealth Care @(ra T+be",
I$entit Car$ S"te4" Soft)are! Office 8+to4ation
Soft)are! LCD On(line 9+blic Infor4ation Di"5la
S"te4" an$ Co44+nication Net)or*" C VS8T Net)or*",
"inancial Performance
BEL ha" a +ni<+e hi"tor of 5rofit 4a*ing 9+blic Sector Enter5ri"e right fro4 it"
ince5tion, There have been event" of $ecrea"e in t+rnover an$ 5rofit after Ta' $+e to
rea"on" beon$ rea"onable control of the co45an, B+t the co45anA" "trength lie" in it"
ca5abilit to co4bat the threat"! for e'a45le US E4bargo on e'5ort" to BEL,
BEL ho5e" to generate 0. 5er cent increa"e in t+rnover )ith a -. 5er cent ri"e in
net 5rofit in the c+rrent fi"cal ear over the 5revio+", Corrective 4ea"+re" again"t )e"tern
"anction" have been +n$erta*en! )hich are li*el to tran"late into higher t+rnover an$
5rofitabilit, The co45an i" 5+tting all effort" to 4ini4i&e the effect of the re"triction"
b earl e"tabli"h4ent" of alternative arrange4ent", The Defence Re"earch Laboratorie"
an$ 8ca$e4ic In"tit+tion" are al"o being 5er"+a$e$ )ith for in$igeni&ation of certain
"5ecial categor of $evice" an$ co45onent", The co45an i" al"o o5ening an office in
Singa5ore to 5roc+re co45onent" fro4 8"ian 4ar*et", Th+" in the long r+n the
re"triction" )ill 5rove a" ble""ing" re"+lting in "elf($e5en$ence an$ better 5rofit 4argin",
8l"o "everal RDD 5ro#ect" )ith long ge"tation 5erio$" )ill go into co44ercial
5ro$+ction $+ring the c+rrent fi"cal,
Pro!uct Range
The 5ro$+ct range" to$a of the co45an are:
Radar Sy9tem9:
1(Di4en"ional 6igh 9o)er Static an$ Mobile Ra$ar for the 8ir 7orce,
Lo) 7ling Detection Ra$ar for both the 8r4 an$ the 8ir force,
Tactical Control Ra$ar S"te4" for the 8r4
Battlefiel$ S+rveillance Ra$ar for the 8r4
I77 M*(@ Ra$ar ""te4" for the Defence an$ E'5ort
8SRCMSSR ""te4" for Civil 8viation,
Ra$ar D allie$ ""te4" Data 9roce""ing S"te4",
Digital Static Tro5o "catter Co44+nication S"te4" for the 8ir 7orce,
Digital Mobile Tro5o "catter Co44+nication S"te4 for the 8ir 7orce
an$ 8r4,
V67! U67 D Micro)ave Co44+nication E<+i54ent,
B+l* Encr5tion E<+i54ent,
T+rn*e Co44+nication S"te4" 9ro#ect" for $efence D civil +"er",
Static an$ Mobile Satellite Co44+nication S"te4" for Defence
Tele4etrCTele(control S"te4",
8ntennae for Ra$ar! Terre"trial D Satellite Co44+nication S"te4",
8ntennae for TV Satellite Receive an$ Broa$ca"t a55lication",
8ntennae for Line(of("ight Micro)ave Co44+nication S"te4",
'icroAa3e Com@onent:
8ctive Micro)ave co45onent" li*e LN8"! Snthe"i&er! Receiver" etc,
9a""ive Micro)ave co45onent" li*e Do+ble Balance$ Mi'er"! etc
Mo"t of the"e 5ro$+ct" an$ ""te4" are the re"+lt of a har4onio+" co4bination of
technolog ab"orbe$ +n$er ToT fro4 abroa$! Defence RDD Laboratorie" an$ BELA" o)n
$e"ign an$ $evelo54ent effort",
The o5eration" at BEL %ha&iaba$ are hea$e$ b %eneral Manager )ith
8$$itional C De5+t %eneral Manager hea$ing vario+" $ivi"ion" a" follo)":
De"ign D Engineering Divi"ion" :
Develo54ent an$ Engineering(R
Develo54ent an$ Engineering(C
Develo54ent an$ Engineering(8ntenna,
-, E<+i54ent Man+fact+ring Divi"ion" :
Micro)ave Co45onent",
0, S+55ort Divi"ion":
Material Manage4ent
Mar*eting D C+"to4er Co(or$ination
B+alit 8""+rance D Tor<+e
Central Service"
9CB D Magnetic"
Infor4ation S"te4"
7inance D 8cco+nt"
9er"onnel D 8$4ini"tration
Manage4ent Service",
%e9ign G Engineering:
The 5ace of $evelo54ent an$ technological ob"ole"cence in their fiel$ of
electronic" nece""itate" a "trong Re"earch an$ Develo54ent ba"e, Thi" i" all the 4ore
i45ortant in the area of Defence Electronic", BEL %ha&iaba$ ha" "ince it" ince5tion lai$
a heav e45ha"i" on in$igeno+" re"earch an$ $evelo54ent, 8bo+t F/G of it"
4an+fact+re to$a relate to ite4" $evelo5e$ in(ho+"e, 7or the $evelo54ent an$
5ro$+ction of the Mobile Tro5o "catter S"te4 an$ the I77 e<+i54ent! BEL )a" a)ar$e$
the %ol$ Shiel$ for I45ort S+b"tit+tion,
De"ign facilitie" are al"o con"tantl being 4o$erni&e$ an$ "+b"tantial co45+ter(
ai$e$ $e"ign facilitie" are being intro$+ce$ incl+$ing in"tallation of 4ini( an$ 4icro(
co45+ter" an$ $e$icate$ $e"ign a55lication, 8bo+t -F/ gra$+ate an$ 5o"t(gra$+ate
engineer" are )or*ing on re"earch an$ $evelo54ent an$ in$ication of the i45ortance
RDD ha" in BELA" gro)th,
Three De"ign an$ Engineering gro+5" are 5ro$+ct ba"e$ vi&, Co44+nication!
Ra$ar an$ 8ntenna, The"e $ivi"ion" are f+rther $ivi$e$ into $ifferent $e5art4ent" to loo*
after 5ro$+ct" of a 5artic+lar nat+re, Each of the4 ha" a $ra)ing office attache$ to the4!
)hich are e<+i55e$ )ith late"t $rafting an$ engineering "oft)are, The 9CB lao+t an$
9CB 4a"ter 4a*ing i" $one at C8DD" Center, 8 central Recor$" D 9rinting "ection ta*e"
care of the 5re"erving the engineering $oc+4ent" an$ $i"trib+tion thereof, Mo"t of the
engineering $oc+4ent" are available online,
EF?i@ment 'an?fact?ring %i3i9ion9:
8" a "+55lier of e<+i54ent to the Defence "ervice" an$ 5rofe""ional +"er! "trict
a$herence to "5ecification" an$ tolerance" ha" to be in(b+ilt into the $e"ign an$
4an+fact+ring 5roce"", 7or thi" BEL %ha&iaba$ ha" )ell $efine$ "tan$ar$" an$ 5roce""e"
for a" )ell a" 4an+fact+ring an$ te"ting activitie", 8ctivitie" are $ivi$e$ into vario+"
$e5art4ent" li*e 9ro$+ction Control! Jor*" 8""e4bl! an$ BC JORIS, The
4an+fact+re an$ control of 5ro$+ction i" thro+gh a central ""te4! BELM8C! BELA"
o)n ho4egro)n ER9 ""te4,
85art fro4 conventional 4achine"! BEL %ha&iaba$ ha" been e<+i55e$ )ith
"everal Co45+ter N+4erical Control :CNC; 4achine" for en"+ring re5eat occ+rrence"
an$ increa"e$ thro+gh5+t, 8 "e5arate NC 5rogra44ing cell ha" been "et +5 to $evelo5
the 5rogra4" for e'ec+tion on the CNC 4achine",
'icroAa3e Com@onent &ro?@:
7re<+encie" greater than - %6& i" ter4e$ a" Micro)ave", Micro)ave" Integrate$
Circ+it" :MIC; +"e$ e'ten"ivel in the 5ro$+ction of "+b""te4" for Ra$ar an$
Co44+nication e<+i54ent con"tit+te" a ver vital 5art of the technolog for the"e
""te4" an$ i" generall i45orte$, O)ing to the cr+cial an$ b+il$ing bloc* nat+re of the
technolog involve$! BEL i" c+rrentl "etting +5 a 4o$ern MIC 4an+fact+ring facilit at
a 5lanne$ e'5en$it+re of R", 0 crore, Jhen in f+ll o5eration! thi" facilit )ill be the 4ain
center for the MIC re<+ire4ent" of all the +nit" of the co45an,
The 4an+fact+ring facilitie" of hbri$ 4icro)ave co45onent" available at BEL!
%ha&iaba$ incl+$e" facilit for 5re5aration of "+b"trate"! a""e4bl of 4iniat+ri&e$
co45onent vi&, $irectional co+5ler"! lo) noi"e a45lifier"! 5ha"e "hiftier! "nthe"i&er" etc,
involve" "calar a" )ell a" vector 4ea"+re4ent", 7or thi" "tate of the net)or* anal"i" are
'aterial 'anagement:
Material Manage4ent $ivi"ion i" re"5on"ible for 5roc+re4ent! "torage han$ling!
i""+e of 5+rcha"e$ 5art" a" )ell a" ra) 4aterial" re<+ire$ to 4an+fact+re vario+"
e<+i54ent an$ "5are", It al"o ta*e" care of $i"5o"al of +n+"e$ or )a"te 4aterial,
The $ivi"ion i" $ivi$e$ into 9+rcha"e! Co45onent "tore! Ra) 4aterial "tore!
Che4ical "tore! In)ar$" goo$ "tore! C+"to4 clearance Cell! Inventor 4anage4ent D
'ar<eting and C?9tomer CoEordination:
Thi" $ivi"ion i" re"5on"ible for ac<+i"ition an$ e'ec+tion of c+"to4er or$er" an$
c+"to4er "ervice", Mar*eting $e5art4ent loo*" after or$er ac<+i"ition, Co44ercial
$e5art4ent loo*" after or$er e'ec+tion, Shi55ing ta*e" care of 5ac*ing an$ $i"5atch of
4aterial to c+"to4er,
H?ality A99?rance G TorF?e:
In the area of 5rofe""ional Defence electronic"! the i45ortance of B+alit an$
Reliabilit i" of +t4o"t i45ortance, BEL ha" therefore e"tabli"he$ "tringent 5roce""e" an$
4o$ern facilitie" an$ ""te4" to en"+re 5ro$+ct <+alit( fro4 the ra) 4aterial to the
fini"he$ 5ro$+ct, I%B8! Environ4ental Lab"! Te"t E<+i54ent S+55ort an$ B8
$e5art4ent" are gro+5e$ +n$er thi" $ivi"ion,
8ll 4aterial for con"+45tion in the factor 5a""e" thro+gh "tringent in)ar$ goo$"
"creening in I%B8 $e5art4ent before being acce5te$ for +"e,
S+b"e<+ent to 4an+fact+re an$ in"5ection! the en$ 5ro$+ct i" again 5+t thro+gh a
rigoro+" ccle of 5erfor4ance an$ environ4ental chec*" in Environ4ental Lab",
The te"ting! calibration an$ re5air facilit of te"t In"tr+4ent" +"e$ in the factor i"
+n$er the control of Te"t E<+i54ent S+55ort, 8ll the in"tr+4ent" co4e to thi" $e5art4ent
for 5erio$ic calibration,
B+alit 8""+rance $e5art4ent facilitate" ISO 2/// certification of vario+"
$ivi"ion", 8ll 5ro$+ction $ivi"ion" of BEL %ha&iaba$ are ISO2/// certifie$, The
4icro)ave $ivi"ion i" ISO2//- certifie$ )herea" the re4aining three $ivi"ion vi&, Ra$ar!
Co44+nication an$ 8ntennae are al"o ISO2//0 certifie$,
Central Ser3ice9:
Central "ervice" Divi"ion loo*" after 5lant an$ 4aintenance of the e"tate incl+$ing
electrical $i"trib+tion! ca5tive 5o)er generation! tele5hone"! tran"5ort etc,
(C* !a2rication G 'agnetic9:
9CB 7abrication! Coil an$ Magnetic"! Technical Literat+re! 9rinting 9re"" an$
7ini"he$ %oo$" are the area" +n$er thi" $ivi"ion,
Single "i$e$ 9CB blan*"( having circ+it 5attern onl on one "i$e of the boar$ an$
$o+ble "i$e$ ( having circ+it 5attern on both "i$e" of the boar$ are 4an+fact+re$ in
ho+"e, 6o)ever! M+lti(laere$ 9CB"! having 4an laer" of circ+it! are obtaine$ fro4
other "o+rce",
Magnetic $e5art4ent 4a*e" all t5e" of tran"for4er" D coil" that are +"e$ in
$ifferent e<+i54ent, Coil" an$ tran"for4er" are 4an+fact+re$ a" 5er vario+"
"5ecification" "+ch a" n+4ber of laer"! n+4ber of t+rn"! t5e" of )in$ing"! ga5 in core!
$ielectric "trength! in"+lation bet)een laer"! electrical 5ara4eter"! i45e$ance etc, lai$
$o)n in the $oc+4ent" relea"e$ b the DDE $e5art4ent,
nformation Sy9tem9:
IS De5art4ent i" re"5on"ible for BELA" o)n ho4e gro)n 4an+fact+ring an$
control ""te4 calle$ BELM8C, It co45ri"e" of al4o"t all 4o$+le" a 4o$ern
ER9 ""te4 b+t i" 6o"t an$ $+4b ter4inal ba"e$,
!inance G Acco?nt9:
The 7D8 $ivi"ion i" $ivi$e$ into B+$get D Co45ilation! Co"t an$ Material
8cco+nt"! Bill" 9aable! Bill Receivable! 9aroll"! 9rovi$ent 7+n$! Ca"h Section"
(er9onnel G Admini9tration:
There are at 5re"ent abo+t 01// e45loee" at BEL %ha&iaba$! of )hich 4ore
than ?// are gra$+ate an$ 5o"t gra$+ate engineer",
9D8 Divi"ion i" $ivi$e$ into vario+" $e5art4ent" li*e Recr+it4ent!
E"tabli"h4ent! 6RD! Jelfare! In$+"trial Relation"! Sec+rit an$ MI Roo4,
'anagement Ser3ice9:
Thi" $e5art4ent $eal" )ith the flo) of infor4ation to or fro4 the co45an, It i"
broa$l cla""ifie$ into three 4a#or "+b("ection" ( Manage4ent Infor4ation S"te4!
In$+"trial engineering $e5art4ent an$ Safet,
(rod?ction Control
The 4ain goal" of the 5ro$+ction control are:
To i45rove the 5rofit" of the co45an b better re"o+rce 4anage4ent
To en"+re on(ti4e $eliver 5ro$+ct"
To i45rove the <+alit of 5ro$+ct
To re$+ce the ca5ital inve"t4ent
To re$+ce )or*ing ca5ital nee$" b better inventor 4anage4ent
9ro$+ction control i" re"5on"ible for 5ro$+cing the 5ro$+ct"! right fro4 the "tage
Dra)ing" are receive$ to the "tage )here it i" "tore cre$ite$ a" fini"he$ 5ro$+ct, It>"
ba"ic f+nction i" to i$entif the 5art"Co5eration" to be 4a$e! the be"t )a of 4a*ing
the4! the ti4e )hen the have to be 4a$e an$ to arrange the 5ro$+ction re"o+rce" to the
The co44ercial $e5art4ent obtain" or$er" fro4 e<+i54ent" thro+gh <+otation", The
e<+i54ent "toc* or$er :ESO; i" relea"e$ b co44ercial $e5art4ent, Then the
4anage4ent "ervice" $e5art4ent i""+e" )or* or$er for the <+antit of e<+i54ent to be
4a$e, Thi" i" for the calc+lation for the co"t of the 5ro#ect then DDE $e5art4ent
$evelo5" the e<+i54ent an$ relea"e" the follo)ing engineering $oc+4ent":
"S : Ie Sheet
($ : 9art Li"t
&A : %eneral 8""e4bl Diagra4
C$ : Connection Li"t
#$ : Jiring Diagra4
No) the 5ro$+ction control ta*e" the re"5on"ibilit of 4an+fact+ring the e<+i54ent,
9C $eci$e" for ite4" to be 5+rcha"e$ fro4 o+t"i$e! for ite4" to be 4an+fact+re$ b other
co45anie" an$ 5re5are" $oc+4ent" for ite4" to be 4a$e in"i$e the co45an,
%oc?ment9 i99?ed 2y the (C:
7 (roce99 9heet ;fa2rication=: Thi" 5roce"" "heet in$icate" the 5roce"" an$ the
"e<+ence of o5eration to be follo)e$ in vario+" )or* cell" an$ )or* center", Ever
ite4 i" ti4e$ b 5ro$+ctivit "ervice",
7 (roce99 9heet ;A99em2ly=: Thi" i" "i4ilar to 9S :fabrication; e'ce5t that it i"
+"e$ in electronic" a""e4bl! 9CB a""e4blie"! cable for4 an$ cable a""e4blie",
7 (roce99 9heet ;coil9=: Thi" in$icate" o5eration anal"i" for tran"for4er an$ coil",
.7 Sched?le for R'4 fa9tener9 and ((9: Thi" give" the gro"" re<+ire4ent" for ra)
4aterial"! 5+rcha"e$ 5art"! fa"tener" etc, Ba"e$ on thi" 4aterial control $e5art4ent
initiate" 5roc+re4ent action an$ "tore re<+i"ition" are relea"e$ )ith reference to thi"
Tool (lanning
-, So4e of the ite4" )hile +n$er fabrication re<+ire the +"e of "o4e #ig" an$
0, The co"t e"ti4ation! reven+e an$ b+$get 5lan" are got a55rove$ b the boar$ of
1, Stan$ar$ ho+r i" a55rove$ b the $e5art4ent, Thi" i" the ti4e! )hich i" $eci$e$ to
co45lete the #ob b a )or*er in a "ti5+late$ ti4e! )hich i" $eci$e$ on the
5revio+" recor$" of the "ho5! t5e of 4achine +"e$ an$ the nat+re of )or*,
?, Re5ort on 5ro$+ction val+e i" eval+ate$ for each +nit,
M Training in BEL! )a" atten$e$ in t)o 5ha"e", In fir"t 5ha"e! I )a" given a
"che$+le to vi"it all the $e5art4ent" in BEL! relevant to 4 fiel$ of Electronic" an$
Co44+nication, In thi" 5erio$ of orientation! I vi"ite$ $ifferent $e5art4ent" an$ )a"
intro$+ce$ to the c+rrent technolog +"e$ an$ the vario+" in$+"trial 5roce""e" +n$er
5ractice, In the "econ$ 5ha"e I )a" allotte$ a 9ro#ect +n$er 9ro#ect Manager! Mr, S,S,
Chat+rve$i :C8R( R8D8R;,
I a4 briefing 4 e'5erience an$ ob"ervation abo+t vario+" $e5art4ent" of the
co45an in ne't 5aragra5h",
7re<+encie" greater than - %6& are ter4e$ a" Micro)ave", Micro)ave Integrate$
Circ+it +"e$ e'ten"ivel in 5ro$+ction of "+b""te4" for Ra$ar an$ Co44+nication
e<+i54ent con"tit+te" a ver i45ortant 5art of technolog for the"e ""te4" are
generall i45orte$, O)ing to the cr+cial an$ b+il$ing bloc* nat+re of the technolog
involve$! BEL i" c+rrentl "etting +5 a 4o$ern MIC 4an+fact+ring facilit at a 5lanne$
e'5en$it+re of R", 0 crore, Jhen in f+ll o5eration thi" facilit )ill be the 4ain center
for the MIC re<+ire4ent" of all the +nit" of the co45an,
The 4an+fact+ring facilit of hbri$ 4icro)ave co45onent" available at BEL
%ha&iaba$ incl+$e" facilit for 5re5aration of "+b"trate"! a""e4bl of 4iniat+ri&e$
co45onent" on "+b"trate"! bon$ing an$ te"ting, Te"ting of the"e 4icro)ave
co45onent" vi&, Directional co+5ler"! Javeg+i$e"! lo) noi"e a45lifier"! 5ha"e
"hifter"! "nthe"i" etc, involve "calar a" )ell a" vector 4ea"+re4ent", 7or thi" "tate of
the net)or*! anal"e" are +"e$, Vario+" lo""e" "+ch a" ret+rn lo""! ben$ing lo""!
in"ertion lo"" are 4ea"+re$ an$ te"ting i" $one in a )a to 4ini4i&e the"e lo""e",
'CRO#A.E $A*
Thi" "ection +n$erta*e":
-, Man+fact+ring of fil4" an$ 4icro)ave co45onent" to 4eet internal
0, Te"ting of lo) 5o)er antenna for )hich te"t("ite i" abo+t -// I4 fro4 the
factor at "ohna,
The 4ain co45onent te"ting in thi" $e5art4ent i":
Ra$iation ele4ent" :e,g, 7ee$er";
Micro)ave co45onent" :e,g, I"olator"! circ+lator"! )aveg+i$e" etc,;
7ilter" :e,g, L97! B97! Uni5le'er"! an$ M+lti5le'er" etc,;
7+nctioning of co45onent i" li"te$ belo):
7re<+enc re"5on"e
Noi"e fig+re
Directivit an$ co+5ling
9o)er 4ea"+re4ent"
Vario+" in"tr+4ent" in the lab are:
.ario?9 te9t9 cond?cted in the en3ironmental la2 in *E$ in order to en9?re
relia2ility7 Relia2ility i9 defined a9 the @ro2a2ility of a de3ice @erforming it9 @?r@o9e
adeF?ately for the @eriod intended ?nder the gi3en o@erating condition9$ n a gi3en 9y9tem
relia2ility i9 gi3en a9
R I R1 J R2 J R3 KK
The 9tandard9 a3aila2le here are:
1SS 55555 ( Koint Service" S5ecification" :Militar Stan$ar$ of In$ia;
'il Standard9 ( U,S, Militar "tan$ar$"
H'333 ( Civil 8viation an$ 9olice
The"e te"t" are 5erfor4e$ on the 5rotot5e, If the"e te"t" are "+cce""f+l then the 4a""
5ro$+ction i" ta*en +5,
The te"t" are:
-, Vibration Te"t S"te4
0, 6igh Te45erat+re O5erate an$ Storage
1, Lo) Te45erat+re O5erate an$ Storage
?, Da45 6eat O5erate an$ Storage
., 8ltit+$e Cha4ber
3, B+45 Te"t Machine
F, Salt 7og Cha4ber
E, Tro5ical Storage
2, Mo+l$ %ro)th Cha4ber
17 .i2ration Te9t Sy9tem
The ite4 i" vibrate$ )hen *e5t over the 5late of the 4achine, The fre<+enc
Range i" - to 0!/// 6&,
Ra$ar 9CB>" are vibrate$ at -/ to ./ 6& at 0g :gM2,E4C"
; for -.>,

2. +?midity cham2er
U"e$ to te"t the 5ro$+ct +n$er varing h+4i$it con$ition",
7or Nav in"tr+4ent" con$ition" for h+4i$it are 2.G at N?.C for -3 ho+r",
3. Cold +eat
Thi" cha4ber ha" a te45erat+re of O2/ to N-E/, Thi" cha4ber 5rogra4 i"
controlle$ an$ ha" an acc+rac of N/,. an$ ha" a gra5h 5lotting ""te4,
), 'o?ld &roAth
Thi" cha4ber i" +"e$ to te"t ho) i44+ne the 5ro$+ct i" again"t 4o+l$ gro)th,
5, Salt S@ray
It i" +"e$ to chec* the re"i"tivit of the ite4 5ro$+ce$ again"t "alt )ater,
/, Climatic Cham2er
Te45erat+re range of O 3.C to N0//C an$ relative h+4i$it i" fro4 0/G
To 2EGR6,
07 #al< L n Cham2er
Thi" i" a big cha4ber of "i&e 0,34! 0,?4! 14 Te45, range of O 3/C to
N-//C an$ the h+4i$it i" fro4 0/G to 2/G R6,
C, *?m@ 'achine
Ite4 i" $ro55e$ fro4 a certain height ever ti4e it receive" b+45 fro4
Machine, Ma'i4+4 ca5acit of the 4achine i" --,1. Ig, Dro5 height i"
8ro+n$ - inch,
97 Altit?de Cham2er
U"e$ to te"t the ite4 +n$er $ifferent te45erat+re an$ h+4i$it con$ition",
The te45erat+re range for thi" cha4ber i" fro4 (?/C to N-./C an$ can create
environ4ental con$ition" a" 5er a height of ./!/// feet>",
7or airforce e<+i54ent the in"tr+4ent i" *e5t at a te45erat+re of N?/C for
1/!/// ft an$ at /C for -1!.// ft,
Thi" "et" on the e'tent to )hich a te"t i" to be con$+cte$ an$ al"o $eci$e" )hat
te"t" "ho+l$ be con$+cte$,
There are three t5e" of te"t":
a; Cla99 A te9t: Thi" te"t incl+$e" vi"+al an$ $i4en"ional chec*", 8ll
e<+i54ent" of reg+lar 5ro$+ction go thro+gh the"e chec*", The"e incl+$e
<+alit control an$ electrical te"t",
b; Cla99 * te9t: The"e are <+alit a""+rance an$ reliabilit te"t", Onl -/G
of e<+i54ent" go thro+gh the"e te"t", The incl+$e <+alit control!
electrical te"t" an$ "o4e environ4ental te"t",
c; Cla99 C te9t: The"e are carrie$ o+t on -G of the co45onent", 8ll the
environ4ental te"t" are 5erfor4e$, If an fail+re i" "een! the co45onent
4+"t be re$e"igne$, 8l"o the c+"to4er 4+"t be "+55lie$ )ith 4o$ifie$
goo$", Thi" te"t co4e" in 5ict+re for b+l* 5ro$+ction onl,
78ILURE R8TE %R896
7ail+re rate gra5h( It i" the fail+re ver"+" ti4e gra5h,
The infant 4oralit i" the critical 5erio$, It i" $+e to:
Jea* co45onent
Man+fact+ring $efect
Thi" i" the area )here the 5ro$+cer trie" to cover in the )arrant 5erio$,
The re5eate$ fail+re" are $etri4ental to a co45an>" re5+tation a" the"e are eli4inate$ b
"creening )hile in 4an+fact+ring "tage,

The other "creening i" the "tre"" "creening 4etho$, Thi" con"i"t" of:
a; +,'%T- TEST: 6+4i$it i" create$ )ith the hel5 of boiler" an$ fan" in the
cha4ber, Re<+ire$ te45erat+re an$ $+ration of the te"t" are "electe$ a" 5er the
"5ecifie$ BEL "tan$ar$",
b; A$TT,%E TEST: The con$ition" "+ch a" ver lo) te45erat+re :create$ )ith
the hel5 of cooling ""te4"; an$ ver lo) te45erat+re an$ 5re""+re :create$ )ith
the hel5 of a vac++4 5+45; are 4aintaine$ in a cha4ber, The"e con$ition" are
co45arable to tho"e at high altit+$e" )here the 5ro$+ct" have to )or*,
c; A&EN& AN% T+ER'A$ S+OC"S: One ccle of ageing i" of F ho+r",
8geing i" $one to relieve the "tre""e" $evelo5e$ in the 9CB $+e to bla&ing!
)el$ing! riveting etc, The "a45le i" fir"t *e5t at a4bient te45erat+re :0./ $egree
Cel"i+"; an$ then coole$ to (?// $egree Cel"i+",
$; *,'( TEST: The "a45le i" given b+45" in one $irection onl! )ith the hel5 of
4achine, The n+4ber of b+45" to be given i" "et )ith the hel5 of 5ro5er ")itche",
The "a45le i" o5erate$ after giving b+45", If it )or*" 5ro5erl! it i" 5a""e$,
e; .*RATON TEST:The "a45le i" "+b#ecte$ to vibration", Re<+ire$ fre<+enc
an$ a45lit+$e for vibration" i" "electe$ accor$ingl,
f; SA$T S(RA- TEST: Salt "ol+tion i" "5rae$ in a cha4ber, The "5eci4en" are
hange$ in the cha4ber, The te"t hel5" to $eci$e an corro"ion that ta*e" 5lace $+e
to "5raing of "ol+tion,
g; RAN TEST: In thi" te"t! con$ition" are create$ "+ch that the "a45le i" 4a$e to
bath in heav rain! "o that if an 5roble4 ari"e" in the "a45le $+e to rain that can
be "orte$ accor$ingl,
h; %RO( TEST : The "a45le i" 4a$e to "+rvive in "+ch a environ4ent )here there
i" 5o""ibilit of "no) fall, S+ch con$ition" are create$ in a cha4ber! to "ort o+t an
5roble4 ari"e" $+e to thi",
i; ROA%A*$T- TEST: Jhile $oing b+45 te"t! b+45" are given to the "a45le
in +ni$irectional onl, B+t in the roa$abilit te"t! b+45" are given to the "a45le in
all the $irection", It 4ean" that the te"t i" being carrie$! con"i$ering the $evice to
be 4oving in a &ig&ag 4anner on an +neven roa$, 7or e,g, in "an$ or in )ater etc,
Thi" te"t hel5" to 4a*e o+t an fa+lt or loo"ening of co45onent" )hile 4oving the
"5eci4en fro4 one 5lace to another,
#; *O'* TEST: Thi" i" a te"t con$+cte$ for "5ecial t5e" of "a45le", In thi" the
"a45le" are e'5o"e$ to a "it+ation li*e a bo4b bla"t an$ it i" chec*e$ )hether the
"a45le i" able to bear the bo4b e'5lo"ion,
8 ver h+ge +"e$ for con$+cting h+4i$it an$ te45erat+re te"t", The "i&e of the
cha4ber i" "+ch that a 5er"on can ea"il )al* into it, It i" for large "i&e$ "5eci4en",
9CB i" abbreviate$ for4 of 5rinte$ circ+it boar$, 8" the na4e "+gge"t"! in a 9CB
the electrical circ+it i" 5rinte$ on a gla"" e5o' boar$, Thi" re$+ce" the co45le' )riting
net)or* )ho"e tro+ble "hooting in ca"e of "horting or 4i"connection i" not ea",
9CB fabrication i" 4o"tl $one for ho+"e re<+ire4ent", It al"o ta*e" "o4e e'ternal #ob",
Ty@e9 of (C*M9
Single Si$e$: 6aving circ+it 5attern onl on one "i$e of the boar$,
Do+ble Si$e$: 6aving circ+it 5attern on both "i$e" of the boar$,
M+ltilaere$: 6aving 4an laer" of circ+it,
BEL Ghaziabad 5ro$+ce" onl "ingle("i$e$ an$ $o+ble("i$e$ 9CB>",
!A*RCATON O! SN&$E S%E% (C*M9:
-, 8 co55er cla$ "heet i" ta*en, It i" cleane$ an$ "cr+bbe$,
0, The "heet i" la4inate$ )ith a 5hoto"en"itive "ol+tion,
1, 9o"itive 5hoto 5aint of the re<+ire$ circ+it i" 5lace$ over the la4inate$ "heet an$
it i" "+b#ecte$ to the UV light, 8" a re"+lt the tran"5arent 5late get" 5ol4eri&e$
an$ the o5a<+e 5art re4ain" +n5ol4eri&e$,
?, The 5late i" no) $i55e$ in "ol+tion in )hich the non(5ol4eri&e$ 5art get"
., Tin 5lating i" $one on the trac*" obtaine$,
3, La4ination of the 5late i" re4ove$ :"tri55ing;,
F, The +n)ante$ co55er fro4 the 5late i" al"o re4ove$ b $i55ing it in the "ol+tion
that $i""olve" co55er b+t not tin :etching;,
E, No) $rilling i" $one on the 5ath" )here the co45onent" are to be 4o+nte$, Thi"
5roce"" fabricate" 9CB,
-, Co55er cla$
0, Drill location hole"
1, Drill hole" for T,6,9, :Thro+gh 6ole 9lating;
?, Clean "cr+b an$ la4inate
., 9hoto 5rint
3, Develo5
F, Co55er electro5late
E, Tin electro5late
2, Stri5 fil4
-/, Etch an$ clean
--, Stri5 tin
-0, L,9,I,S,M, :Li<+i$ 9hoto I4ageable Sol$er Ma"*;
-1, 9hoto 5rint
-?, Develo5
-., Ther4al ba*ing
-3, 6ot air level
-F, Legen$ 4ar*ingCRever"e 4ar*ing
-E, Ro+te an$ clean
B+t the"e 9CB>" have the follo)ing $i"a$vantage":
D+e to ver narro) "5acing bet)een a$#acent trac*"! there 4a be a chance
of "hort circ+it if the "ol$ering i" $one b han$" bet)een the co45onent" on
o55o"ite "i$e,
Moi"t+re or $+"t bet)een the ga5" 4a $i"r+5t "4ooth "ol$ering,
The"e $i"a$vantage" are overco4e b "ol$ere$ 4a"* 9CB>", in the later one an a$$itional
fil4 i" 5+t on the earlier fabricate$ 9CB! leaving 5oint" )here co45onent" are to be


'ain f?nction9 are:
Develo5" technical "+55ort to other $e5art4ent",
Re5air of e<+i54ent in ca"e of fail+re,
Maintenance of e<+i54ent",
9erio$ic calibration of e<+i54ent",
9rovi$e technical "+55ort to other $e5art4ent", Thi" incl+$e":
-, 6an$ling re<+e"t" fro4 the other $e5art4ent for e<+i54ent",
0, Storage of re#ecte$ e<+i54ent",
1, 855roval of e<+i54ent" to be 5+rcha"e$,
Thi" "ection $eal" )ith te"ting an$ the calibration of electronic e<+i54ent" onl the
"tan$ar$" of thi" $e5art4ent are calibrate$ b &ational -hysics 'aboratory .&-'/,
-, Com@onent te9ting give" fa+lt" of vario+" $i"crete co45onent" of a 9CB,
0, ntegrated circ?it9 te"ter te"t" vario+" IC>",
1, !?nctional te9ting co45are" o+t5+t to $eci$e )hether the f+nction i" being
5erfor4e$ to the $e"ire$ level of acc+rac,
#OR"S ASSE'*$-
Thi" $e5art4ent 5la" an i45ortant role in the 5ro$+ction, It" 4ain f+nction i" to
a""e4ble vario+" co45onent"! e<+i54ent>" an$ in"tr+4ent" in a 5artic+lar 5roce$+re, It
ha" t)o "ection"! na4el:
-, 9CB a""e4bl
0, Electronic a""e4bl
In 9CB a""e4bl! the $ifferent t5e" of 9CB are a""e4ble$ a" 5er BEL "tan$ar$", 9CB i"
receive$ fro4 the 9CB $e5art4ent on )hich "ol$ering of co45onent i" $one either b
hand 9oldering or Aa3e 9oldering,
+AN% SO$%ERN&: In ca"e of han$ "ol$ering! "ol$ering i" $one 4an+all,
#A.E SO$%ERN&: Jave "ol$ering i" a 5roce$+re in )hich 9CB>" are fe$ to
the )ave "ol$ering 4achine fro4 the o5ening on one "i$e
an$ the "ol$ering i" $one b 4achine an$ after the
"ol$ering i" $one 9CB>" are collecte$ fro4 the another
o5ening of the 4achine an$ after that cleaning i" $one,
The 9CB>" are than "en$ to te"ting $e5art4ent for te"ting accor$ing to the 5ro$+ct
Te"t 5roce$+re i""+e$ b the DDE $e5art4ent, 8fter te"ting 9CB>" are lac<+ere$ an$
Sen$ to the 5lanning "tore for "torage,
In electronic a""e4bl! the cable a""e4blie"! cable for4" 4o$+le"! $ra)er"! rac*"
an$ "helter" are a""e4ble$, Ever "helter :e,g, ( DMT; i" 4a$e of rac*"! rac*" are 4a$e
+5 of $ra)er"! $ra)er" are 4a$e +5 of 4o$+le" an$ 4o$+le" are 4a$e +5 of 9CB>"!
cable a""e4bl an$ cable for4",
Ever 4o$+le or $ra)er before +"ing in ne't a""e4bl i" "en$ for te"ting
accor$ing to their 9T9, Sho5 5lanning collect" the 5+rcha"e fro4 the I% "tore! ta*e"
fabricate$ 5art"! 9CB>" etc, fro4 5lanning "tore" an$ i""+e$ to the a""e4bl $e5art4ent
a" 5er the 5art li"t of the a""e4bl to be 4a$e,
The $oc+4ent" i""+e$ to the a""e4bl are:
"S : Ie Sheet
($ : 9art" Li"t
C$ : Connection Li"t for cable for4
#$ : Jiring Li"t for 4o$+le"
#% : Jiring Diagra4
&A : %eneral 8""e4bl $iagra4
Thi" $e5art4ent ha" been broa$l cla""ifie$ a":
-, #OR" ASSE'*$- RA%AR e,g, : INDR8(0 ! RE9ORTER !C8R
0, #OR" ASSE'*$- CO'',NCATON e,g, : EMC C8 ! MSSR ! M7C
The "te5)i"e 5roce"" follo)e$ b )or* a""e4bl $e5art4ent i":
-; 9re5aration of 5art li"t that i" to be a""e4ble$,
0; 9re5aration of general a""e4bl,
1; Sche4atic $iagra4 to $e5ict all connection to be 4a$e an$ brief i$ea abo+t all
?; Jriting li"t of all co45onent",
'ET+O% O! ( C * (ROCESSN&
-, Tinning
0, 9re5aration
1, Mo+nting
?, Jave "ol$ering
., To+ch +5
3, B+alit control
F, 8geing
E, Te"ting
2, lac<+ering :8V;
-/, Storing
The )or*" a""e4bl ha" a totall co45+teri&e$ "ection of 9CB a""e4bling of SMD
:S+rface Mo+nting Device;, In thi" "ection the o5eration of 9CB a""e4bling i" totall
controlle$ b co45+ter", The vario+" "te5" ta*en in co45+ter 9CB a""e4bling of SMD>"
are a" follo)":
-, 855lication of "ol$er 5a"te: Sol$er 5a"te i" a55lie$ onto the 5lace" on 9CB
)here the SMD>" are to be "ol$ere$, Thi" i" $one b co45+ter controlle$
4achine, The 5rogra4 i" loa$e$ in the 4achine= it rea$" the 5rogra4 an$ a55lie"
the "ol$er 5a"te at the re<+ire$ 5lace,
0, 7i't+re of SMD>":
a; The SMD>" are fi'e$ at the right 5lace on 9CB b another co45+ter
controlle$ 4achine,
b; The co45onent" :SMD; are fir"t fe$ to vario+" fee$er line" that are
attache$ to the 4achine an$ the relate$ "oft)are an$ 5rogra4 i" loa$e$
in co45+ter,
c; There i" a 5rovi"ion for a ca4era al"o "o that )e can 4onitor the entire
$; The 9CB i" then fe$ to the 4achine,
e; Jhen the a55ro5riate co44an$ i" given to the co45+ter! it initiate"
the 4achine attache$ to it
f; The 4achine 5ic*" the correct SMD fro4 the fee$er line an$ fi' it at
the right 5lace on the 9CB an$ )ithin "econ$" all SMD>" are fi'e$ on
the 9CB,
1, Ther4al Ba*ing: 8fter the fi't+re of SMD>"! ther4al ba*ing i" $one, In thi"
the 9CB i" fe$ to the oven an$ after -/ to 0/ 4in+te" 9CB i" ta*en o+t,
NOTE: S+rface Mo+nting Device :SMD; $oe" not re<+ire an hole on 9CB a"
the are 4o+nte$ $irectl on the 9CB, The 5in" of SMD co45onent" are calle$
>leg"> a" the have leg li*e "tr+ct+re +nli*e "i45le co45onent" that have "traight
5in" that are "ol$ere$ in the hole" on the 9CB 4an+all,
9roce"" Sheet :a""e4bl;
8ll o5eration" fill the )or* or$er an$ "ho5 or$er in o5erator>" ti4e car$
:OTC;, The 5+nch the ti4e of "tarting the #ob an$ it" fini"hing ti4e, B thi"
5ro$+ctivit "ervice" calc+late" the ti4e ta*en to co45lete the #ob,
Efficienc M ti4e allotte$ in "ho5 or$er
@ -//
8ct+al ti4e ta*en
Ti4e allotte$ i" "o calle$ "tan$ar$ ho+r",
Thi" $eal" )ith the a""e4bl of co44on 5ro#ect" e,g, DMT! 0 %6& ra$io rela! Mobile
tro5o! Static RRD etc,
Thi" $e5art4ent 4an+fact+re" all t5e" of tran"for4er" an$ coil" that are +"e$ in
vario+" e<+i54ent" 4an+fact+re$ b BEL, Thi" $e5art4ent ba"icall con"i"t" of fo+r
-, 9lanning "ection
0, Mechanical "ection
1, Mo+l$ing "ection
?, In"5ection "ection
The DDE $e5art4ent give" the follo)ing $e"cri5tion" to the 4agnetic" $e5art4ent,
The are a" follo)":
N+4ber of laer"
N+4ber of t+rn"
T5e of )in$ing
%a5 in core
In"+lation bet)een laer"
8cC$c i45e$ance
Dielectric "trength
Electrical 5ara4eter" an$
The vario+" tran"for4er" being 4a$e are:
O5en t5e tran"for4er
Oil cooling t5e tran"for4er
Mo+l$ing t5e tran"for4er
9CB 4o+l$ing t5e tran"for4er
The tran"for4er i" 4echanicall a""e4ble$! lea$" are ta*en o+t an$ chec*ing of
"5ecification i" $one,
Jin$ing 4achine" are of three t5e":
6eavier one"( DNR for /,- to /,? 44 $ia4eter
LC controlle$ 4achine"
Torroi$al 4achine" having 10 o5eration" fro4 )in$ing to 4echanical a""e4bl,
The vario+" t5e" of )in$ing" +"e$ are:
6an$ )in$ing
Torroi$al )in$ing
Sector )in$ing
9itch )in$ing
Variable 5itch )in$ing
Jave )in$ing
T)o 4ain t5e" of core +"e$ are:
E(t5e for 1(5ha"e
C(t5e for "ingle 5ha"e
7ollo)ing 5roce$+re involve$ in the 4an+fact+re of the tran"for4er i" a" follo)":
-, 7or4er" of gla"" e5o'
0, Jin$ing
1, Core )in$ing
?, Varni"hing
., I45regnation O In thi" 5roce"" vario+" varni"he$ coil" are heate$! then
coole$! reheate$ an$ 5+t into vac++4, Then air i" blo)n to re4ove the
3, Mo+l$ing O 8ral$ite :a certain t5e of "trong gl+e; 4i'e$ )ith blac* $e i"
+"e$ to increa"e 4echanical a" )ell a" electrical "trength, Mo+l$ing i" $one
at -0/ $egree Cel"i+" for -0 ho+r",
8 RDB co45o+n$ i" +"e$ for lea*age 5rotection, Oil i" then boile$ at F/ to
E/ $egree Cel"i+" +n$er vac++4 con$ition to re4ove air b+bble" tra55e$
in"i$e $+ring 4an+fact+ring 5roce"", 8fter thi" the coil" are $i55e$ in
varni"h an$ core i" attache$,
F, 9ainting
E, Mechanical a""e4bl
2, Ter4ination
-/, Stenciling
--, Te"ting O Dielectric te"ting :both acC$c; i" $one at ./ IV voltage
i" a55lie$ for a 4ini4+4 of one 4in+te, D+ring in"5ection! the follo)ing
characteri"tic" are chec*e$:
a, T+rn" ratio
b, DC re"i"tance for each coil
c, In$+ctance
$, No loa$ voltage
e, Lea*age
Thi" "ection the 4aterial +"e$ for 4a*ing tran"for4er i" Ba*elite co45ri"ing a
4ale an$ fe4ale 5late" )hich are #oine$ alternatel to for4 a hollo) rectang+lar bo' on
)hich )in$ing i" $one, Jin$ing i" $one )ith $ifferent 4aterial an$ thic*ne"" of )ire,
The )in$ing ha" "5ecifie$ n+4ber of laer" )ith each laer having a "5ecifie$ n+4ber of
t+rn", The $i"tance bet)een the t)o t+rn" "ho+l$ be 4aintaine$ con"tantl that i" there
"ho+l$ be no overla55ing, The 5la"tic laer i" in"erte$ bet)een t)o con"ec+tive laer",
T5e" of Jin$ing":
-; Laer Jin$ing
0; Jave Jin$ing
1; Ban* Jin$ing
Different t5e" of )in$ing" are $one to control "o4e 5ara4eter" "+ch a" in$+ctance an$
ca5acitance, Varing the "5acing bet)een the t)o t+rn" can var the"e 5ara4eter",
T)o con"ec+tive t+rn" act a" ca5acitor, 8" ga5 bet)een the t+rn" increa"e" the
ca5acitance $ecrea"e" an$ in$+ctance increa"e", Since ca5acitance i" inver"el
5ro5ortional to the ga5 bet)een the 5late" of ca5acitor an$ in$+ctance i" $irectl
5ro5ortional, 8fter )in$ing the core i" in"erte$ bet)een the 5ri4ar an$ "econ$ar,
Contact lea$" are ta*en o+t an$ 4ol$ing i" $one for 4a'i4+4 heat $i""i5ation,
R+bber "ol+tion i" +"e$ to give "trength to the )ire"! "o that the cannot brea*, Thi"
i" $one before 4ol$ing, Varni"hing i" $one a" anti f+ng+" 5revention for again"t
environ4ental ha&ar$, 8fter co45ilation of 4an+fact+ring 5roce"" it i" "ent for
te"ting, Different 5ara4eter" "+ch a" in$+ctance! ca5acitance efficienc! t+rn" ration!
contin+it are te"te$,
8ccor$ing to "o4e lai$ $o)n "tan$ar$"! the <+alit control $e5art4ent en"+re"
the <+alit of the 5ro$+ct,
The ra) 4aterial" an$ co45onent" etc, 5+rcha"e$ are in"5ecte$ accor$ing to the
"5ecification" b the I% $e5art4ent, Si4ilarl BC )or*" $e5art4ent in"5ect" all the
ite4" 4an+fact+re$ in the factor,
The fabrication in"5ection chec*" all the fabricate$ 5art" an$ en"+re" that the"e
are 4a$e a" 5er the 5art $ra)ing, 9lating! 9ainting an$ "tenciling etc are $one an$
chec*e$ a" 5er the BEL "tan$ar$",
The a""e4bl in"5ection $e5art4ent in"5ect" all the a""e4ble$ 5art" "+ch a" 9CB!
cable a""e4bl! cable for4! 4o$+le"! rac*" an$ "helter" a" 5er late"t $oc+4ent" an$ BEL
The 4i"ta*e" in the 9CB can be categori&e$ a":
DDE 4i"ta*e
Sho5 4i"ta*e
In"5ection 4i"ta*e
8 5roce"" car$ i" attache$ to each 9CB +n$er in"5ection, 8n error in the 9CB i"
entere$ into the 5roce"" car$ b certain co$e" "5ecifie$ for each error or $efect,
8fter 4i"ta*e i" $etecte$! follo)ing action" are ta*en:
Ob"ervation i" 4a$e,
Ob#ect co$e i" given,
Divi"ion co$e i" given,
Change co$e i" 5re5are$,
Reco44en$e$ action i" ta*en,
Thi" $eal" )ith the a""e4bl of R8D8RS! e,g, INDR8(I! INDR8(II! 7LY
The 4ain 5ro#ect" +n$er con"tr+ction are:

In R8D8R "ection R8D8R being te"te$ i" RE9ORTER! 7LY C8TC6ER!

EMCC8! etc,
8 ra$ar o5erate" b ra$iating electro4agnetic energ an$ $etecting the echo ret+rne$
fro4 reflecting ob#ect" :target";, The nat+re of the echo "ignal 5rovi$e" infor4ation abo+t
the target, The range! or $i"tance! to the target i" fo+n$ fro4 the ti4e it ta*e" for the
ra$iate$ energ to travel to the target an$ bac*, The ang+lar location of the target i" fo+n$
)ith a $irective antenna :one )ith a narro) bea4)i$th; to "en"e the angle of arrival of
the echo "ignal, If the target i" 4oving! a ra$ar can $erive it" trac*! or tra#ector! an$
5re$ict the f+t+re location, The "hift in fre<+enc of the receive$ echo "ignal $+e to the
$o55ler effect ca+"e$ b a 4oving target allo)" a ra$ar to "e5arate $e"ire$ 4oving
target" :"+ch a" aircraft; fro4 +n$e"ire$ "tationar target" :"+ch a" lan$ an$ "ea cl+tter;
even tho+gh the "tationar echo "ignal 4a be 4an or$er" of 4agnit+$e greater than the
4oving target, Jith "+fficientl high re"ol+tion! a ra$ar can $i"cern "o4ething abo+t the
nat+re of a target>" "i&e an$ "ha5e,
RA%AR *$OC" %A&RA'
The ba"ic 5art" of a ra$ar ""te4 are ill+"trate$ in the "i45le bloc* $iagra4, The ra$ar
"ignal! +"+all a re5etitive train of "hort 5+l"e"! i" generate$ b the tran"4itter an$
ra$iate$ into "5ace b the antenna, The $+5le'er 5er4it" a "ingle antenna to be ti4e(
"hare$ for both tran"4i""ion an$ rece5tion, Reflecting ob#ect" :target"; interce5t an$
rera$iate a 5ortion of the ra$ar "ignal! a "4all a4o+nt of )hich i" ret+rne$ in the
$irection of the ra$ar, The ret+rne$ echo "ignal i" collecte$ b the ra$ar antenna an$
a45lifie$ b the receiver, If the o+t5+t of the ra$ar receiver i" "+fficientl large! $etection
of a target i" "ai$ to occ+r, 8 ra$ar generall $eter4ine" the location of a target in range
an$ angle! b+t the echo "ignal al"o can 5rovi$e infor4ation abo+t the nat+re of the target,
The o+t5+t of the receiver 4a be 5re"ente$ on a $i"5la to an o5erator )ho 4a*e" the
$eci"ion a" to )hether or not a target i" 5re"ent! or the receiver o+t5+t can be 5roce""e$
b electronic 4ean" to a+to4aticall recogni&e the 5re"ence of a target an$ to e"tabli"h a
trac* of the target fro4 $etection" 4a$e over a 5erio$ of ti4e, Jith a+to4atic $etection
an$ trac* :8DT; the o5erator +"+all i" 5re"ente$ )ith the 5roce""e$ target trac* rather
than the ra) ra$ar $etection", In "o4e a55lication"! the 5roce""e$ ra$ar o+t5+t 4ight be
+"e$ to $irectl control a ""te4 :"+ch a" a g+i$e$ 4i""ile; )itho+t an o5erator
The o5eration of the ra$ar i" $e"cribe$ in 4ore $etail:
Tran9mitter7 The tran"4itter i" a 5o)er a45lifier! "+ch a" a *l"tron! traveling()ave
t+be! cro""e$(fiel$ a45lifier! or "oli$"tate $evice, 8 5o)er o"cillator "+ch a" a 4agnetron
al"o can be +"e$ a" the tran"4itter= b+t the 4agnetron +"+all i" of li4ite$ average 5o)er
co45are$ )ith 5o)er a45lifier"! e"5eciall the *l"tron! )hich can 5ro$+ce 4+ch larger
average 5o)er than can a 4agnetron an$ i" 4ore "table, :It i" the average 5o)er! rather
than the 5ea* 5o)er! )hich i" the 4ea"+re of the ca5abilit of ra$ar,; Since the ba"ic
)avefor4 i" generate$ at lo) 5o)er before being $elivere$ to the 5o)er a45lifier! it i"
far ea"ier to achieve the "5ecial )avefor4" nee$e$ for 5+l"e co45re""ion an$ for
coherent ""te4" "+ch a" 4oving(target in$ication :MTI; ra$ar an$ 5+l"e $o55ler ra$ar,
8ltho+gh the 4agnetron o"cillator can be +"e$ for 5+l"e co45re""ion an$ for MTI! better
5erfor4ance can be obtaine$ )ith a 5o)er a45lifier config+ration, The 4agnetron
o"cillator 4ight be fo+n$ in ""te4" )here "i45licit an$ 4obilit are i45ortant an$
)here high average 5o)er! goo$ MTI 5erfor4ance! or 5+l"e co45re""ion i" not re<+ire$,
The tran"4itter of a t5ical gro+n$(ba"e$ air "+rveillance ra$ar 4ight have an average
5o)er of "everal *ilo)att", Short(range ra$ar" 4ight have 5o)er" 4ea"+re$ in 4illi)att",
Ra$ar" for the $etection of "5ace ob#ect" an$ 67 over(the(hori&on ra$ar" 4ight have
average 5o)er" of the or$er of a 4ega)att,
The ra$ar e<+ation "ho)" that the range of a ra$ar i" 5ro5ortional to the fo+rth root of the
tran"4itter 5o)er, Th+"! to $o+ble the range re<+ire" that the 5o)er be increa"e$ b -3,
Thi" 4ean" that there often i" a 5ractical! econo4ical li4it to the a4o+nt of 5o)er that
"ho+l$ be e45loe$ to increa"e the range of a ra$ar,
Tran"4itter" not onl 4+"t be able to generate high 5o)er )ith "table )avefor4"! b+t
the 4+"t often o5erate over a )i$e ban$)i$th! )ith high efficienc an$ )ith long!
tro+ble(free life,
%?@leNer7 The $+5le'er act" a" a ra5i$ ")itch to 5rotect the receiver fro4 $a4age )hen
the high(5o)er tran"4itter i" on, On rece5tion! )ith the tran"4itter off! the $+5le'er
$irect" the )ea* receive$ "ignal to the receiver rather than to the tran"4itter, D+5le'er"
generall are "o4e for4 of ga"($i"charge $evice an$ 4a be +"e$ )ith "oli$("tate or ga"(
$i"charge receiver 5rotector", 8 "oli$("tate circ+lator i" "o4eti4e" +"e$ to 5rovi$e
f+rther i"olation bet)een the tran"4itter an$ the receiver,
Antenna7 The tran"4itter 5o)er i" ra$iate$ into "5ace b a $irective antenna )hich
concentrate" the energ into a narro) bea4, Mechanicall "teere$ 5arabolic reflector
antenna" an$ 5lanar 5ha"e$ arra" both fin$ )i$e a55lication in ra$ar, Electronicall
"teere$ 5ha"e$ arra antenna" are al"o +"e$, The narro)! $irective bea4 that i"
characteri"tic of 4o"t ra$ar antenna" not onl concentrate" the energ on target b+t al"o
5er4it" a 4ea"+re4ent of the $irection to the target, 8 t5ical antenna bea4)i$th for the
$etection or trac*ing of aircraft 4ight be abo+t - or 0P, 8 $e$icate$ trac*ing ra$ar
generall ha" a "44etrical antenna )hich ra$iate" a 5encil(bea4 5attern, The +"+al
gro+n$(ba"e$ air "+rveillance ra$ar that 5rovi$e" the range an$ a&i4+th of a target
generall +"e" a 4echanicall rotate$ reflector antenna )ith a fan("ha5e$ bea4! narro)
in a&i4+th an$ broa$ in elevation, 8irborne ra$ar" an$ "+rface ba"e$ 1D air "+rveillance
ra$ar" :tho"e that rotate 4echanicall in a&i4+th to 4ea"+re the a&i4+th angle b+t +"e
"o4e for4 of electronic "teering or bea4for4ing to obtain the elevation angle! often
e45lo 5lanar arra a5ert+re", Mechanical "canning of the ra$ar antenna i" +"+all <+ite
acce5table for the va"t 4a#orit of ra$ar a55lication", Jhen it i" "canning an$ )hen high
co"t can be tolerate$! the electronicall "teere$ 5ha"e$ arra antenna can be e45loe$,
:Bea4 "teering )ith electronicall "teere$ 5ha"e$ arra" can be acco45li"he$ in
4icro"econ$" or le"" if nece""ar,; The "i&e of a ra$ar antenna $e5en$" in 5art on the
fre<+enc! )hether the ra$ar i" locate$ on the gro+n$ or on a 4oving vehicle! an$ the
environ4ent in )hich it 4+"t o5erate, The lo)er the fre<+enc! the ea"ier it i" to 5ro$+ce
a 5h"icall large antenna "ince the 4echanical :an$ electrical; tolerance" are
5ro5ortional to the )avelength, In the +ltrahigh(fre<+enc :U67; ban$! a large antenna
:either reflector or 5ha"e$ arra; 4ight have a $i4en"ion of -// ft or 4ore,
8t the +55er 4icro)ave fre<+encie" :"+ch a" @ ban$;! ra$ar antenna" greater than -/ or
0/ ft in $i4en"ion can be con"i$ere$ large, :Larger antenna" than the above e'a45le"
have been b+ilt! b+t the are not the nor4,; 8ltho+gh there have been 4icro)ave
antenna" )ith bea4)i$th" a" "4all a" /,/.P! ra$ar antenna" rarel have bea4)i$th" le""
than abo+t /,0P, Thi" corre"5on$" to an a5ert+re of a55ro'i4atel 1// )avelength"
:abo+t 1- ft at @ ban$ an$ abo+t F// ft at U67;,
Recei3er7 The "ignal collecte$ b the antenna i" "ent to the receiver! )hich i" al4o"t
al)a" of the "+5erhetero$ne t5e, The receiver "erve" to "e5arate the $e"ire$ "ignal
fro4 the ever(5re"ent noi"e an$ other interfering "ignal" an$ a45lif the "ignal
"+fficientl to act+ate a $i"5la! "+ch a" a catho$e ra t+be! or to allo) a+to4atic
5roce""ing b "o4e for4 of $igital $evice, 8t 4icro)ave fre<+encie"! the noi"e at the
receiver o+t5+t i" +"+all that generate$ b the receiver it"elf rather than e'ternal noi"e
)hich enter" via the antenna, The in5+t "tage of the receiver 4+"t not intro$+ce e'ce""ive
noi"e )hich )o+l$ interfere )ith the "ignal to be $etecte$, 8 tran"i"tor a45lifier a" the
fir"t "tage offer" acce5tabl lo) noi"e for 4an ra$ar a55lication", 8 fir"t("tage receiver
noi"e fig+re 4ight be! t5icall! - or 0 $B, 8 lo)(noi"e receiver front en$ :the fir"t "tage;
i" $e"irable for 4an civil a55lication"! b+t in 4ilitar ra$ar" the lo)e"t noi"e fig+re
attainable 4ight not al)a" be a55ro5riate, In a high(noi"e environ4ent! )hether $+e to
+nintentional interference or to ho"tile #a44ing! a ra$ar )ith a lo)(noi"e receiver i" 4ore
"+"ce5tible than one )ith higher noi"e fig+re, 8l"o! a lo)(noi"e a45lifier a" the front en$
generall )ill re"+lt in the receiver having le"" $na4ic rangeQ"o4ething not $e"irable
)hen face$ )ith ho"tile electronic co+nter4ea"+re" :ECM; or )hen the $o55ler effect i"
+"e$ to $etect "4all target" in the 5re"ence of large cl+tter, Jhen the $i"a$vantage" of a
lo)(noi"e(fig+re receiver are to be avoi$e$! the R7 a45lifier "tage i" o4itte$ an$ the
4i'er "tage i" e45loe$ a" the receiver front en$, The higher noi"e fig+re of the 4i'er
can then be co45en"ate$ b an e<+ivalent increa"e in the tran"4itter 5o)er, The 4i'er of
the "+5erhetero$ne receiver tran"late" the receiver R7 "ignal to an inter4e$iate
fre<+enc, The gain of the inter4e$iate(fre<+enc :I7; a45lifier re"+lt" in an increa"e of
the receiver "ignal level, The I7 a45lifier al"o incl+$e" the f+nction of the 4atche$ filter:
one )hich 4a'i4i&e" the o+t5+t "ignal( to(noi"e ratio, Ma'i4i&ing the "ignal(to(noi"e
ratio at the o+t5+t of the I7 4a'i4i&e" the $etectabilit of the "ignal, 8l4o"t all ra$ar"
have a receiver )hich clo"el a55ro'i4ate" the 4atche$ filter, The "econ$ $etector in the
receiver i" an envelo5e $etector )hich eli4inate" the I7 carrier an$ 5a""e" the 4o$+lation
envelo5e, Jhen $o55ler 5roce""ing i" e45loe$! a" it i" in CJ :contin+o+"()ave;! MTI!
an$ 5+l"e $o55ler ra$ar"! the envelo5e $etector i" re5lace$ b a 5ha"e $etector )hich
e'tract" the $o55ler fre<+enc b co45ari"on )ith a reference "ignal at the tran"4itte$
There 4+"t al"o be incl+$e$ filter" for re#ecting the "tationar cl+tter an$ 5a""ing
the $o55ler(fre<+enc("hifte$ "ignal" fro4 4oving target",
The vi$eo a45lifier rai"e" the "ignal 5o)er to a level )here it i" convenient to
$i"5la the infor4ation it contain", 8" long a" the vi$eo ban$)i$th i" not le""
than half of the I7 ban$)i$th! there i" no a$ver"e effect on "ignal $etectabilit,
8 thre"hol$ i" e"tabli"he$ at the o+t5+t of the vi$eo a45lifier to allo) the $etection
$eci"ion to be 4a$e, If the receiver o+t5+t cro""e" the thre"hol$! a target
i" "ai$ to be 5re"ent, The $eci"ion 4a be 4a$e b an o5erator! or it 4ight be
$one )ith an a+to4atic $etector )itho+t o5erator intervention,
Signal (roce99ing, There ha" not al)a" been general agree4ent a" to )hat
con"tit+te" the "ignal(5roce""ing 5ortion of the ra$ar! b+t it i" +"+all con"i$ere$
to be the 5roce""ing )ho"e 5+r5o"e i" to re#ect +n$e"ire$ "ignal" :"+ch a" cl+tter;
an$ 5a"" $e"ire$ "ignal" $+e to target", It i" 5erfor4e$ 5rior to the thre"hol$ $etector
)here the $etection $eci"ion i" 4a$e, Signal 5roce""ing incl+$e" the
4atche$ filter an$ the $o55ler filter" in MTI an$ 5+l"e $o55ler ra$ar, 9+l"e co45re""ion!
)hich i" 5erfor4e$ before the $etection $eci"ion i" 4a$e! i" "o4eti4e"
con"i$ere$ to be "ignal 5roce""ing! altho+gh it $oe" not fit the $efinition 5reci"el,
%ata (roce99ing, Thi" i" the 5roce""ing $one after the $etection $eci"ion ha"
been 4a$e, 8+to4atic trac*ing :Cha5, E; i" the chief e'a45le of $ata 5roce""ing,
Target recognition i" another e'a45le, It i" be"t to +"e a+to4atic trac*ing )ith a
goo$ ra$ar that eli4inate" 4o"t of the +n)ante$ "ignal" "o that the a+to4atic
trac*er onl ha" to $eal )ith $e"ire$ target $etection" an$ not +n$e"ire$ cl+tter,
Jhen a ra$ar cannot eli4inate all n+i"ance echoe"! a 4ean" to 4aintain a con"tant
fal"e(alar4 rate :C78R; at the in5+t to the trac*er i" nece""ar,
The C78R 5ortion of the receiver i" +"+all fo+n$ #+"t before the $etection
$eci"ion i" 4a$e, It i" re<+ire$ to 4aintain the fal"e(alar4 rate con"tant a" the
cl+tter an$Cor noi"e bac*gro+n$ varie", It" 5+r5o"e i" to 5revent the a+to4atic
trac*er fro4 being overloa$e$ )ith e'traneo+" echoe", It "en"e" the 4agnit+$e
of the ra$ar echoe" fro4 noi"e or cl+tter in the near vicinit of the target an$ +"e"
thi" infor4ation to e"tabli"h a thre"hol$ "o that the noi"e or cl+tter echoe" are
re#ecte$ at the thre"hol$ an$ not conf+"e$ a" target" b the a+to4atic trac*er,
Unfort+natel! C78R re$+ce" the 5robabilit of $etection, It al"o re"+lt" in a
lo"" in "ignal(to(noi"e ratio! an$ it $egra$e" the range re"ol+tion, C78R or it"
e<+ivalent i" nece""ar )hen a+to4atic trac*ing co45+ter" cannot han$le large
n+4ber" of echo "ignal"! b+t it "ho+l$ be avoi$e$ if 5o""ible, Jhen an o5erator
i" +"e$ to 4a*e the thre"hol$ $eci"ion! C78R i" not a nece""it a" in li4ite$ca5acit
a+to4atic ""te4" beca+"e the o5erator can +"+all recogni&e echoe"
$+e to cl+tter or to increa"e$ noi"e :"+ch a" #a44ing; an$ not conf+"e the4 )ith
$e"ire$ target",
%i9@lay97 The $i"5la for a "+rveillance ra$ar i" +"+all a catho$e(ra t+be
)ith a 99I :5lan 5o"ition in$icator; for4at, 8 99I i" an inten"it(4o$+late$!
4a5li*e 5re"entation that 5rovi$e" the targetA" location in 5olar coor$inate"
:range an$ angle;, Ol$er ra$ar" 5re"ente$ the vi$eo o+t5+t of the receiver :calle$
ra) vi$eo; $irectl to the $i"5la! b+t 4ore 4o$ern ra$ar" generall $i"5la 5roce""e$
vi$eo! that i"! after 5roce""ing b the a+to4atic $etector or the a+to4atic
$etector an$ trac*er :8DT;, The"e are "o4eti4e" calle$ cleane$(+5 $i"5la"
"ince the noi"e an$ bac*gro+n$ cl+tter are re4ove$,
Radar Control7 8 4o$ern ra$ar can o5erate at $ifferent fre<+encie" )ithin
it" ban$! )ith $ifferent )avefor4" an$ $ifferent "ignal 5roce""ing! an$ )ith $ifferent
5olari&ation" "o a" to 4a'i4i&e it" 5erfor4ance +n$er $ifferent environ4ental
con$ition", The"e ra$ar 5ara4eter" 4ight nee$ to be change$ accor$ing to the local
)eather! the cl+tter environ4ent :)hich i" "el$o4 +nifor4 in a&i4+th an$ range;!
interference to or fro4 other electronic e<+i54ent! an$ :if a 4ilitar ra$ar; the nat+re of
the ho"tile ECM environ4ent, The $ifferent 5ara4eter"! o5ti4i&e$ for each 5artic+lar
"it+ation! can be 5rogra44e$ into the ra$ar ahea$ of ti4e in antici5ation of the
environ4ent! or the can be cho"en b an o5erator in real ti4e accor$ing to the ob"erve$
environ4ental con$ition", On the other han$! a ra$ar control can be 4a$e to
a+to4aticall recogni&e )hen environ4ental con$ition" have change$ an$ a+to4aticall
"elect! )itho+t the ai$ of an o5erator! the 5ro5er ra$ar o5erating 5ara4eter" to 4a'i4i&e
#a3eform, The 4o"t co44on ra$ar )avefor4 i" a re5etitive train of "hort 5+l"e", Other
)avefor4" are +"e$ in ra$ar )hen 5artic+lar ob#ective" nee$ to be achieve$ that cannot
be acco45li"he$ )ith a 5+l"e train, CJ :a contin+o+" "ine )ave; i" e45loe$ on "o4e
"5eciali&e$ ra$ar" for the 4ea"+re4ent of ra$ial velocit fro4 the $o55ler fre<+enc
"hift, 7MCCJ :fre<+enc(4o$+late$ CJ; i" +"e$ )hen range i" to be 4ea"+re$ )ith a
CJ )avefor4 , 9+l"e co45re""ion )avefor4" are +"e$ )hen the re"ol+tion of a "hort
5+l"e b+t the energ of a long 5+l"e i" $e"ire$, MTI ra$ar" :)ith lo) 5+l"e re5etition
fre<+encie" :9R7"; an$ 5+l"e $o55ler ra$ar" )ith high 9R7" often +"e )avefor4" )ith
4+lti5le 5+l"e re5etition interval" in or$er to avoi$ range an$Cor $o55ler a4big+itie",
Rohini Radar i9 a 3% 9?r3eillance radar7 t con9i9t9 of 3 main 3ehicle9:
Radar 9en9or 3ehicle ;RS.=
%ata centre 3ehicle ;%C.=
(oAer 9o?rce 3ehicle ;(S.=
1= Radar 9en9or 3ehicle ;RS.=
The Ra$ar "en"or vehicle ho+"e" the 4ain "+b""te4" of the ra$ar li*e the
tran"4itter! the receiver! the 4+ltibea4 antenna! the "ignal an$ $ata 5roce""or an$
the $i"5la con"ole,
2= %ata centre 3ehicle ;%C.=
The Data centre i" re<+ire$ to 5rovi$e ba"ic f+nction" li*e vie)ing of the air
5ict+re! re4ote o5eration of ra$ar! an$ ra$io co44+nication, 8t the "a4e ti4e the cabin
5rovi$e" "helter for the o5erator"! )ith rea"onable level of co4fort an$! 5rotecte$ again"t
heat! rain an$ $+"t,
3= (oAer 9o?rce 3ehicle ;(S.=
Mobile 5o)er "o+rce i" re<+ire$ to 5rovi$e the 4ain "+55l to Ra$ar Sen"or an$ Data
Centre for electronic an$ 4echanical +nit" of Ra$ar incl+$ing air con$itioning +nit",
The field config?ration of Rohini Radar i9 9hoAn 2eloA:
Rohini ha" the follo)ing "+b""te4"
a; M+lti(bea4 8ntenna ""te4
b; Tran"4itter
c; Receiver
$; Signal 9roce""or
e; Ra$ar Data E'tractor
f; Ra$ar Data 9roce""or
g; Ra$ar Controller
h; Ra$ar Con"ole
i; Electronic E<+i54ent Cabin
#; Data centre
*; Mobile 9o)er So+rce
l; I77 S"te4
Each of the above 4o$+le" )ill be briefl $e"cribe$ in thi" "ection,
The '?lti2eam antenna ""te4 for Rohini i" 5lanne$ to be reali&e$ to have 13/
Coverage in 8&i4+th an$ 1/ Coverage in elevation, The antenna )ill have a )i$e bea4
in tran"4it 4o$e an$ eight "i4+ltaneo+" narro) bea4" in receive 4o$e to give 1/
Coverage in elevation,
The re<+ire4ent of Tran9mitter i" to a45lif the 5+l"e$ R7 "ignal )hile 4aintaining the
5ha"e noi"e :a" $e4an$e$ b the ""te4,
The $oA (oAer 'icroAa3e S?29y9tem incl+$e" the 4a#or 5ortion of Receiver R7
S"te4 of the 1D(Ra$ar, The M+ltibea4 8ntenna receive" the reflecte$ "ignal" fro4 the
target, The"e "ignal" are a45lifie$ b the Lo) Noi"e 845lifier! $o)n converte$ +"ing
t)o("tage "+5er hetero$ne receiver", The I7 O+t5+t i" given a" final o+t5+t of the Lo)
9o)er Micro)ave S+b""te4 to be f+rther 5roce""e$ in the "ignal 5roce""or,
The %i9@lay Con9ole i" the o5eratorA" center to initiali&e! re4otel "et+5! o5erate!
ob"erve! an$ $iagno"e the ra$ar! both online an$ offline, The 9ri4ar an$ "econ$ar
ra$ar vi$eo! target trac*"! 5lot"! geogra5hical 4a5 along )ith other $iagno"tic an$
config+ration 4e""age" are 5re"ente$ in 0D,
The Signal (roce99or for Rohini i" reali&e$ a" E 5arallel an$ i$entical channel", Each
Signal 9roce""or acce5t" I7 vi$eo" fro4 the corre"5on$ing R7 Receiver channel :F
bea4" N - O4ni; an$ 5rovi$e" $etection re5ort" to the Ra$ar Data E'tractor :RDE;
in$e5en$entl for the"e E channel", The $etection re5ort" for each channel 4+"t have
range an$ "trength infor4ation in a$$ition to the a""ociate$ flag" li*e C9I n+4ber! filter
n+4ber etc, Ka44er $ata i" al"o to be re5orte$, Config+ration an$ 4o$e control!
$iagno"tic" an$ "tat+" re5orting are $one thro+gh a Ra$ar Controller :RC;,
The electronic eF?i@ment ca2in i" 5rovi$e$ for in"tallation of tran"4itter! "ignal
5roce""or! receiver! $i"5la con"ole! I77 e<+i54ent an$ a )or*ing 5lace for 4aintenance,
The dentification !riend or !oe ;!!= ""te4 i" a goo$ e'a45le of a "econ$ar ra$ar
""te4 that i" in )i$e +"e in the 4ilitar environ4ent, 8 great $eal of val+able
infor4ation can be 5rovi$e$ to the "econ$ar ra$ar b the target>" tran"5on$er, The
tran"5on$er 5rovi$e" an i$entifing co$e to the "econ$ar ra$ar that then +"e" the co$e
an$ an a""ociate$ $ata ba"e ""te4 to loo* +5 aircraft origin an$ $e"tination! flight
n+4ber! aircraft t5e an$ even the n+4ber" of 5er"onnel onboar$, Thi" t5e of
infor4ation i" clearl not available fro4 a 5ri4ar ra$ar ""te4,
Central acquisition radar (CAR) is a medium-range high-resolution 3D surveillance radar.
Central acquisition radar was designed by LRD! a DRD" laboratory! and is #roduced by a
$oint venture between %L! Larsen & 'oubro! Astra (icrowave and ntec. 'he radar
em#loys a #lanar array antenna and #rovides simultaneous multi-beam coverage. )t can
handle *+, targets in trac- while scan mode.
Rohini [edit]
'he Rohini radar is mounted on a modi.ied 'A'RA heavy truc- and su##orted by a mobile
au/iliary #ower unit. 'he 'A'RA is license manu.actured by %harat arth (overs Limited
Features [edit]
'hese .eatures relate to the 3D CAR radar. 2#eci.ications .or the Rohini! 3D 'CR and
Revathi are available in the lin-s below.
(edium-range 3D surveillance
2 band o#eration
2urveillance range u# to *3, -m
Covers elevation o. u# to *3 -m in height
4igh altitude de#loyability
De#loyment in less than 5, minutes
*+, 'argets in '62
Array o. CC( .eatures
)ntegrated )77
Ca#able o. detecting low-altitude targets! and su#ersonic aircra.t .lying at u# to (ach
7requency agility and $ammer analysis
Current status [edit]
%L antici#ates a requirement .or *,, Rohini radars. %L delivered the .irst R"4)8) to
the )ndian Air 7orce on August 9! 5,,3. Around 5, radars can be manu.actured annually.
'he R"4)8) has a new )ndian-develo#ed antenna which is more advanced than that on the
original CAR terms o. #ower handling and beam .orming technology.
2even Rohinis were initially ordered by the )ndian Air 7orce .or their radar moderni:ation
#rogram. 'he )A7 then ordered 3, more radars a.ter evaluation! ma-ing total orders 3; o.
the ty#e.
'he )A7 has ordered eight A-ash 2A( squadrons! and the R"4)8)s act as the central early
warning system .or an A-ash squadron de#loyment.
'he Revathi adds two a/is stabili:ation .or o#eration in naval conditions! as well as e/tra
naval modes.
'wo R<A'4) radars were ordered by the )ndian 8avy .or their =-53 Corvette #rogram.
>iven that the )ndian 8avy intends to have u# to ?-9 =-53 Corvettes! .urther orders are li-ely
.rom the 8avy as well.
A Revathi derivative is believed to be on the 2hivali- .rigate as well! which would translate to
3 additional radars as three shi#s o. the 2hivali- class are being made.
Additional orders are also e/#ected .rom the )ndian Army i. they order the A-ash 2A(
'he )ndian Army is also e/#ected to order another 3D CAR variant. 'he third )ndian
develo#ed variant o. the 3D CAR is -nown as the 3D 'CR or tactical control radar! with a
trac-ing range o. @, -m. 'he radar has a lower antenna mount and is #ac-aged in two
vehicles instead o. three .or the Rohini. )t can also .eed data to a wea#ons station 5, -m
away. 'he radar cleared trials in 5,,3-,@ and 5@ numbers have been ordered to %L .
"verall! the 3D CAR #rogram highlights )ndia and DRD"As success in develo#ing and
manu.acturing a modern 3D radar.

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