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“Keep that which is committed to thy
trust, avoiding profane and vain
babblings, and oppositions of
science falsely so called”
(I Timothy 6:20).

April 2002


by John D. Morris*
Recently I had the privilege of address- unobserved past since no one can empiri-
ing a gathering of state legislators and cally observe either. In reality they are
other influential political individuals. complete worldviews, ways to interpret
These gifted men and women are typi- all observations in the present, and a ba-
cally highly educated, most having been sis for all of life’s decisions. In previous
taught evolution and an evolutionary years, “science” was understood to mean
worldview extensively and exclusively. “the search for truth,” but many now limit
Now, they have the power to establish that to a search for naturalistic explana-
educational guidelines and societal tions, even if that search leads to hope-
norms. Sponsors of the banquet requested less conclusions.
a talk both informative and evangelistic. Evolution implies “descent from a
What can one say in 45 minutes to a gath- common ancestor” with all of life related,
ering of influential leaders that will make
a difference? I don’t pretend to know
what would be best, but perhaps you
would be interested in what I did say. My
talk was entitled, “Three Things You May
Not Know about the Theory of Evolu-
tion.” I was speaking only from notes, but
a summary of the talk, with a few alter-
ations, appears below.
I started with definitions for clarity. There
is much misunderstanding of important
words today, and some purposefully mis-
use words to confuse students and hide
their true intentions. Descent from
Science has to do with careful obser- a common
vations in the present. Unlike true sci- ancestor.
ence, both evolution and creation are, at
best, historical reconstructions of the
*Dr. John Morris is President Emeritus of ICR.
consisting of modified forms of very dif- been involved with no supernatural in-
ferent things, such as a person descend- put allowed.
ing from a fish. Evolution does not mean Following are three important points
merely “change,” for all things change about real evolution—significant
with time. For clarity we must restrict this changes—the origin of new categories of
term to meaningful change, especially the life from older different ones. Even if one
descent of new types of organisms from is highly educated about evolution, he
earlier, different ones. may not know these things, but this
knowledge is essential if intelligent de-
cisions are to be made.
I. Evolution didn’t happen.
A. Random forces cannot
account for life.
The design we see in living things is far
too complex, too designed, too engi-
neered to be the result of mere undirected,
random forces. Even the simplest thing
we could call “living” is vastly more com-
plex than a super computer and super
computers don’t happen by chance. Ev-
Creation denotes abrupt appearance of ery cell is composed of many constitu-
basic categories of life without any basic ent parts, each one marvelously designed
type having descended from some other and necessary for the whole. Without any
category, and with no extensive change one of its parts, the cell could not live.
once the category appears. Lack of All of it is organized and energized by
change is known as stasis. Fish have al- the magnificent DNA code, an encyclo-
ways been fish, ever since they first ap- pedia of information which, even though
peared, and dogs have always been dogs. modern scientists can’t read it, it is read
Fish and dogs and all else may have var- and obeyed by the cell. Surely some
ied a little, but did not come from a com- things need a Designer/Author.
mon ancestor. B. Evolution (i.e., macroevolution)
The term microevolution is sometimes doesn’t happen in the present.
used for small, horizontal changes that If it ever happened in the past it seems to
are readily observed (such as the various have stopped. Maybe environmental con-
breeds of dog), while macroevolution ditions don’t change much, or selective
implies large vertical changes (fish to pressures are too little, but everyone
dog) that have never been observed. knows that real macroevolution is not and
These big changes constitute evolution cannot be observed today.
as Darwin used the term and as the gen- Mutations, random changes in the
eral public understands it. DNA information code, are observed, but
Furthermore, evolution, as understood never do these “birth defects” add any
by all leading evolutionists, textbook innovative and beneficial genes to the
writers, and theoreticians, utilizes only DNA. Instead, mutations are either re-
natural processes, like mutation and paired by the marvelous mechanisms
natural selection. To leading evolution- elsewhere in the DNA, or are neutral,
ists, only unguided random forces have harmful, or fatal to the organisms.
Likewise, natural selection occurs all well-known fact. He proposed the con-
around us, but this only chooses from cept of “punctuated equilibrium” to ac-
among the variety that already exists, it count for the fossils in which life usually
can’t create anything new. Evolutionists is in equilibrium, or stasis, and doesn’t
may talk of actual selection as if it had a change at all. When a category of life
mind of its own and does the work of evo- encounters a sudden environmental shift,
lution on purpose, but it is inanimate and it changes rapidly into a different stable
unthinking, impotent to bring about more form, so rapidly in fact that it leaves no
than micro-evolutionary changes. fossils. How convenient. Evolution goes
C. Evolution didn’t happen too slow to see in the present, but it went
in the past. so fast in the past it left no evidence.
When we look at the record of life in the Gould is arguing from lack of evidence!
past, we see no conclusive evidence that But lack of transitional forms is ex-
any basic category arose from some other actly what should be the case if creation
category either. We see that some catego- is true. The fossil record supports abrupt
ries have gone extinct, like the dinosaurs, creation of basic kinds much better than
but the rest fit into the same categories either slow or fast evolution.
that we see today. We see dogs in great D. Evolution can’t happen at all.
variety, even some extinct varieties, but The basic laws of science are firmly op-
no half dog/half something else. Evolu- posed to evolution, especially The Second
tionists have a few transitional forms that Law of Thermodynamics which insists
are commonly mentioned, but if evolu- that all real processes yield less organi-
tion and descent from common ancestors zation and information in their products
really occurred we should see multiplied than in the original. This basic law leads
thousands of transitional forms. We do to de-volution, not evolution. The pres-
not see them. ence of abundant external energy has
The most famous living evolutionary never, as far as science has observed, pro-
spokesman, Dr. Stephen J. Gould, pale- duced beneficial mutations or added in-
ontologist at Harvard University, has formation to the genome as evolutionists
made a career out of pointing out to his claim. Instead, an abundance of incom-
colleagues that the fossil record shows ing energy will hasten the deterioration
abrupt appearance and stasis. He is no of living things, especially the DNA. It
friend of creation and yet as an honest will not bring about their evolution. Evo-
scientist he must acknowledge this now lution is against the Law!
Evolution doesn’t happen, didn’t hap-
pen and can’t happen, and is fully unable
to account for the design that we see.
“Evolution doesn’t We’ve all heard the claim that “evolu-
happen, didn’t happen tion is science and creation is religion.”
This oft-repeated mantra originated with
and can’t happen, the testimony of Dr. Michael Ruse at the
and is fully unable to 1980 Arkansas creation trial. The presid-
ing judge, known for his prior bias to-
account for the design ward evolution, entered it into his formal
that we see.” opinion, and this flag has been waved by
evolutionists ever since. But Dr. Ruse, an
expert on the nature of science and
scientific theory has recently admitted last paragraph of Origin of Species, death,
that he was wrong—that “evolution is pro- carnivorous activity and extinction pro-
mulgated by its practitioners as . . . a reli- duced man.
gion, a full-fledged alternative to Chris- Christianity poses a very different pic-
tianity. . . . Evolution is a religion.” Which ture. It starts with a mighty Creator who
brings us to point two. created a “very good” (Genesis 1:31) uni-
II. Evolution is a complete verse, one in which was no pain, suffer-
worldview. ing, or death. He recreated His image in
Evolution is the religion of naturalism, man, and graciously supplied his every
the antithesis of supernaturalism. It pur- need, including personal fellowship with
ports to answer all the “big” questions of Him. This perfection was rejected by
life. “Who am I?” “Where did I come man, and now all of man’s domain suf-
from?” “Where am I going?” “What’s the fers the “wages of sin” (Romans 6:23),
meaning of all this?” Claiming that sci- deteriorating and dying under the effect
ence equals naturalism excludes a Cre- and penalty of sin. All things had been
ator from science by definition. Even if placed under Adam’s stewardship, and
that Creator exists and has been active, now all suffer under his penalty. Plants
such a notion is unscientific. This reli- wither, animals die, people suffer and die.
gion of naturalism, that we are merely the Even inanimate things deteriorate. The
result of blind random forces is logically moon’s orbit decays. The sun uses up its
compatible only with atheism. It has re- fuel. The entire creation suffers (Romans
sulted in life without accountability to a 8:22).
Creator and has led to a licentious soci- Today we see extinction and survival
ety full of great heartache, for evolution of the fittest, but these are not creative
thinking underpins racism, abortion, in- processes, they are reminders to us to
fanticide, euthanasia, promiscuity, di- return to our Creator for His gracious
vorce, suicide, Social Darwinism, etc. solution to our sin penalty, for He gra-
While science and technology have ac- ciously sent His Son to die as our sacri-
complished great things, often by evolu- fice. The most fit of all, died for the un-
tion believers, the concept of evolution fit. He gives us eternal life as a free gift
itself has lead to nothing useful. of His grace.
III. The religion of evolution is Contrast these concepts with survival
the opposite of Christianity. of the fittest and struggle for existence,
Evolution can be summed up by the and you will see them as opposites. While
phrase “survival of the fittest” and the evolution offers nothing but struggle and
extinction of the unfit. The death of the ultimate elimination, Christianity offers
majority allows the few with beneficial everlasting life free from every struggle
mutations to continue. The strong thrive and death.
at the expense of the weak and helpless. Both evolution and Christianity are
The only things that matter are survival complete worldviews. Of the two, cre-
and reproduction. Evolution starts with ation is better supported by scientific ob-
small beginnings and over time, with servation, and it alone makes sense out
volumes of bloodshed and disease, ar- of life and eternity.
rives at man. As Darwin concluded in the
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