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Now, we turn to vectors over GF(2).

Here's an example of addition of GF(2)

We're adding them entry wise.
And, of course, 1 plus 1 is 0, 1 plus 0
is 1, and so on.
Now, we'll use the notation sometimes, 1,
1, 0, 1 instead of the list, 1, 1, 0, 1.
So, here's another example.
What's 1, 1, 0, 1 plus 0, 1, 1, 1.
And the answer you should get is 1, 0, 1,
Now, let's see how we can use GF(2)
edition to achieve perfect secrecy in a
cryptographic sense.
So, we're going to represent encryption
by N vector addition over GF(2).
So, let's imagine that Alice and Bob
agree on this key.
It's a ten, ten vector over GF(2).
And later, Alice wants to send a message
to Bob.
Here's the plain text.
She encrypts it by adding p and k, the
plain text to the key to get the
So, here's the ciphertext.
When Bob receives c, he can decrypt it by
subtracting, which is the same as adding,
the key.
And he gets back the original message.
Now, I claim that if the key is chosen
according to the uniform distribution,
this scheme is perfectly secret.
For each plain text, there's a function
that maps the key to the ciphertext.
Namely, given the key, k, it, it maps k
to k plus p.
Now, this function is invertible.
What that means is, that if the key k is
chosen according to the uniform
distribution, the output will also be
distributed according to the uniform
Now, that doesn't depend on which plain
text we chose.
Regardless of the plain text Alice
chooses, the distribution of the output
is the uniform distribution.
So, an eavesdropper learns nothing about
the plain text by looking at the output.
Here's another use of the same idea.
Suppose I have a secret, the midterm.
So, I'll represent it as an N vector over
Now, I want to provide it to my teaching
assistants so that I can go on vacation.
However, I don't completely trust my TAs.
One of them might be bribed to give away
the midterm before its time.
So, the solution is to provide pieces to
the two teaching assistants.
I want the two of them jointly to be able
to reconstruct the midterm.
But I don't want any one of them acting
alone to know anything about the midterm.
So, here is the solution, I start by
choosing a random n-vector over GF(2),
let's call it VA.
I then compute VB by subtracting, so is
the same as adding in GF(2), subtracting
the VA from V.
Now, I provide VA to Alice, one of my
TAs, and VB to Bob, the other TA.
And I leave on vacation.
What has Alice learned form her part?
Well, all she receives is a random
Well, what about Bob?
The part he receives is the output of a
function f of x equals v minus x where
the input is chosen according to the
uniform distribution.
Since this function is invertible, the
output is also distributed according to
the uniform distribution.
So, he learns nothing.
It seems like a really simple trick, but
RSA just introduced a product based
exactly on this idea.
Their product splits a password using
essentially the technique we just showed.
So, they can be stored on two separate
servers, making it more secure.
Here's another application of GF(2).
This is the lights out puzzle.
It's a grid, 5 by 5 consisting of buttons
that light up.
When you push a button, it toggles the
light, so if the light is on, it turns it
If the light's off, it turns it on.
It toggles the light on the button you
But it also toggles the lights on the
buttons immediately above and immediately
to the left and right of the button you
So, if I push this button.
Well, and the goal is to push enough
buttons to turn off all the lights.
All right, I'm obviously not very good at
this, but I know linear algebra.
So, I'm going to look at how we can use
linear algebra to figure out how to solve
lights out.
So, given a configuration of lights, we
want to figure out what sequence of
button pushes will turn off all the
We're going to represent the state of
lights out using a vector.
There's going to be an entry in the
vector for each light in lights out.
So, for 5 by 5 lights out, that means
there are 25 entries.
And these are vectors over GF(2).
Here's a representation of the state of
lights out.
I'm using these black dots to represent
lights that are on.
Now, the trick is we can also represent
each button as a vector over GF(2).
We represent a button by the GF(2) vector
with ones in exactly the positions that
are toggled when we push that button.
Remember that in GF(2), adding one means
flipping a bit.
If you add 1 to a 1, it turns it into a
If you add 1 to a 0, it turns it into a
Let's look at the 3 by 3 case.
So, suppose this is the state of lights
And we push the button in the top left.
Well, the button in the top left toggles,
the light in the top left, the light
immediately towards right and the light,
and the light immediately below it.
So, this is the move vector corresponding
to that button where the dots represent
If we add this vector to the vector
representing the state, we get this
Which represents the state obtained by
pushing that button.
Similarly, given this state, we push the
button in the middle.
It toggles the light in the middle, the
lights directly above and below, and the
lights to the left and the right.
Resulting in this state.
Finally, from this state, if we push the
button in the bottom right, it toggles
these positions, giving you the state in
which all the lights are out.
The key idea here is when we use vectors
over GF(2), adding a vector toggles
exactly the positions where that vector
we're adding has 1s.
So, we can use GF(2) vectors to model the
process of pushing buttons in Lights Out.
The question is which sequence of buttons
will lead to the configuration in which
all the lights are out.
Here are some simple observations.
By the commutative property, the order in
which you push those buttons doesn't
Also, if you add a button vector twice,
they cancel out.
So, really instead of trying to think
about the sequence of buttons we push,
all we have to do is figure out which set
of the button vectors we have to push.
That is, which set of the button vectors
will sum up to the vector representing
the initial configuration.
Thus, we've reduced the problem of
solving an instance of lights out, to
which set of button vectors sum up to the
vector representing the initial
A more general version of that problem
is, given a bunch of vectors over GF(2),
find a subset whose sum equals some
target vector S.

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