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International Journal of Advancements in Computing Technology

Volume 2, Number 5, December 2010

A Comparative Study of Critical Success Factors (CSFs) in
Implementation of ERP in Developed and Developing Countries

Mohammad Reza Moohebat, MIT.
Dept. of MIT, University of Payam-e- Nour, Tehran, Iran, moohebat@gmail.com
Asefeh Asemi
, PhD
Dept. of Library and Information Sciences, University of Isfahan, Isfahan, Iran,
Mohammad Davarpanah Jazi
Foolad Institute of Technology, Fooladshahr, Isfahan, Iran, mdjazi@cc.ui.ac.ir
doi:10.4156/ijact.vol2. issue5.11

The main goal of this research is to understand is there any difference between ERP
implementation's CSF in developed and developing countries? Understanding this subject can help us
to implement ERP systems properly in developing nations. This research showed that in developed and
developing countries "Change Management" was most important factor and in developed countries
"Country-related functional requirements" factor was less important factor and "Fit between ERP and
business/process" was the least cited factor among developing nations. In last it concluded that
national culture of developing countries has an impressive effect on ERP implementation in these
countries. In other hand developing countries companies more depend on ERP vendors in compare to
developed countries companies. In addition it seems developing countries underestimate business
process reengineering (BPR) and fit between ERP and business/process factors in comparison with
developed countries.

Keyword: ERP, Implementation, Critical Success Factor, Developed Countries,
Developing Countries

1. Introduction

Nowadays Information Technology has become inseparable part of any activity. But maybe IT has
had more intensive effect on business. After come up the IT and Information Systems, business
atmosphere changed forever. Production and service grew and quality promoted and in the same time
competition between companies increased. In such competitively situation, organizations can survive
better that improve quality, keep down costs in their whole supply chain, reduce inventories, diversify
their products and services, provide more reliable delivery dates in better way in comparison to rivals.
Advent of enterprise resource planning (ERP) system helped many companies and organization to
overcome these problems. Todays firms are finding that they can become more flexible and
productive by coordinating their business processes more closely and, in some cases, integrating these
processes so they focus on efficient management of resources and customer service [1]. ERP systems
integrate information and information-based processes within and across functional areas in an
organization [2].
Despite benefits that earn from ERP, implementation these systems can be very dangerous because
of their complex nature. It reported that three quarters of the ERP projects were judged to be
unsuccessful by the ERP implementation firms [3]. About 90 percent of ERP implementations are late
or over budget [4]. Recently ERP failure rate is estimated 40% to 60% [5]. It has related antithesis
statistics about ERP implementation failure rate yet. But it is obvious that ERP implementation is risky.
In spite of these threats ERP market is growing sequentially. It has reported that the ERP market
worldwide is expected to grow from US$47.8 billion in 2004 to US$64.8 billion by 2009 [6]. When we
juxtapose all these facts it will clear how much ERP implementation can be perilous.

Corresponding Author
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A Comparative Study of Critical Success Factors (CSFs) in Implementation of ERP in Developed and Developing
Mohammad Reza Moohebat, Asefeh Asemi, Mohammad Davarpanah Jazi

Critical success factors (CSF) define as factors which, if addressed, significantly improve project
implementation chances [7]. To identify critical issues and bottlenecks and make easier ERP projects
implementation, different researchers have tried to recognize the CSFs that have important effect in
these projects. Most of these researches have accomplished in developed countries but many
developing countries interest to apply ERP systems. But does developing countries encounter to the
same critical factors that developed countries had been confronted? What are the differences between
ERP implementation in developing and developed countries? What points should vendors and
consultants prognosticate in during ERP implementation in these countries?
In this paper was tried to specify CSFs differences in ERP implementation between developed and
developing countries. Therefore in the first step all the mentioned CSFs in different papers identified
and classified, also developed and developing countries listed and identified, finally different CSFs
counted and represented for each group to conclude which CSFs are more important in developing
countries versus developed countries and what is the differences.

2. Review of literature

2.1. Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP)

Gartner Institute described ERP as Business strategies and enabling software that integrate
manufacturing, financial and distribution functions to dynamically balance and optimize enterprise
resources. ERP software suites include integrated manufacturing, distribution and financial applications.
ERP can enable enterprises to optimize their business processes and analysis capabilities for improved
speed and efficiency [8] ERP systems evolved from MRP II (Manufacturing Resource Planning II)
systems but unlike MRP II, which focused on manufacturing, ERP systems serve other businesses,
such as distribution and services. ERP systems integrate inventory data with financial, sales, and
human resources data, allowing organizations to price products, produce financial statements, and
manage human, materials, and financial resources [9, 10]. ERP systems were first implemented in the
1980s. Since then, some success stories in implementing and using an ERP system have been reported
[11]. In a survey of 800 U.S. companies almost half had installed an ERP system and these systems
were commanding on average 43% of a companys application budget. Research into 1000 U.S.
Fortune companies also indicated that over 60% had implemented an ERP system. It is estimated that
300 billion dollars were spent on ERP systems during the 1990s [12]. However, the implementation of
ERP is a complex process, and many adopters have encountered problems in different phases [13].
Robbins-Gioia surveyed 236 companies in 2001, finally revealed that 51% of ERP projects are
unsuccessful [14]. With regard to the high ERP failure rate and enormous expenditures of these
systems, notice to factors which raise ERP implementation success can be very essential and helpful.

2.2. Critical success factor

The definition of success depends on the point of view of the person who defines it. It became clear
early on in the research that people often mean different things when talking about information systems
or ERP success [9,15]. In information systems implementation research, there has been a lot of
attention given to measuring success in implementation [16]. Research on CSF can be traced back to
1961, where Daniel [17] first discussed success factors in management literature. In a broad
approach, he focused on industry-related CSFs which are relevant for any company in a particular
industry [18]. Bruno and Leidecker [19] define CSF as those characteristics, conditions or variables
that, when properly sustained, maintained, or managed, can have a significant impact on the success of
a firm competing in particular industry. Today CFS approach applies in different subjects such as
project management, base on Ramaprasad and Williams [20] survey, CSF approach uses in three major
area include project management (63.49 %), IS implementation (49.21 %), and requirements (47.62 %).
Critical Success Factors (CSFs) approach was first used by Rockhart [21] in IS area [22]. Many
researchers have tried to identify critical success factors that affect on ERP implementation [16,23-32].
CSF in ERP implementation is defined as "factors needed to ensure a successful ERP project "[22].
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International Journal of Advancements in Computing Technology
Volume 2, Number 5, December 2010

Holland and Light [24] in their article under the title of "A Critical Success Factors Model for ERP
Implementation" studied 8 ERP systems in different companies and industries. They investigate CSF in
three dimensions insisting of strategic, organizational and technical. After that ERP's CSF is divided
into strategic (legacy systems, business vision, ERP strategy, top management support, project
schedule and plans) and tactical (client consultation, personnel, BPC and software configuration,
client acceptance, monitoring and feedback, communication, fault-finding) factors.
Nah and Lau [26] studied prior researches in order to identify the CSFs in ERP implementation.
They categorized CSFs based on Markus and Tanis's four stages ERP implementation model. They
specified CSF for each phase. Eleven factors are identified, including of: "ERP Team of
implementation maker and its composition", "Top management support and championship", "Business
plan and vision", "Effective Communication", "Project management", "Project Champion",
"Appropriate business and Legacy system", "Change management program and culture", "Business
Process Reengineering(BPR) and minimum customization", "software development, testing and
troubleshooting" and "monitoring and evaluation of performance".
Jafari et al [33] after review previous researches selected 10 factors and then these factors were
surveyed with sent questionnaires to Malaysian consultant, IT sophisticated and ERP users. At last it
reveals that "Top management support" and "clear goals and objectives" are more important than other
factors in Malaysia.

3. Method

The first stage to do this research was to clarify CSF. In different research many CSFs have cited as
Critical Success Factor. But one the best classification of CSF is Nagi et al research [13]. He classified
different CSFs into 18 main groups and several sub groups; this classification covers all the cited CSFs
in different researches so this classification used in this study again (Table 1).

Table 1. CSF and Sub CSF base on Nagi classification [13]
Appropriate business and
IT legacy systems
Justify the project based upon factors of cost and economic scale
Business process/rules are well understood
Business Process
Minimal customization
Change management
Change management culture and programme
User involvement
Organizational culture and political structures
Commitment to change
Understanding corporate culture
Re-train IT workforce in new skills
Training and education
Developed clear education and training strategy
Education on new business process
Inter-departmental communication
Communicated regularly with all who would be affected Open and honest
Data accuracy
Data management
Data analysis and conversion
Data quality control
ERP strategy and
Regard as a technological, business, and organizational project
Alignment between business strategy and IT strategy
Begin process changes first
Strategic alignment of exercise
ERP is treated as a program not a project
Phased vs. Big Bang
Use accelerated implementation strategy
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A Comparative Study of Critical Success Factors (CSFs) in Implementation of ERP in Developed and Developing
Mohammad Reza Moohebat, Asefeh Asemi, Mohammad Davarpanah Jazi

Deep understanding of the key issues relating to ERP implementations
Select a good methodology
Careful selection of appropriate package
Suitability of software and hardware
Decision-making process/style
ERP project team
ERP teamwork and composition (Personnel)
Steering committee
Project team competence
Empowered decision makers
Selecting the right employees
Employee morale (incentives)
Business and technical knowledge of team members and consultants
Balanced or cross-functional implementation team
Managing consultants
Staff retention
Full-time team members
Employee/personnel relations
Sparing use of consultants
ERP Vendor
Vendor-customer partnerships
Use of vendors customization tools
Vendor support
Kept suppliers/customers informed
Monitoring and
evaluation of
Benchmarked implementation progress against clear milestones or
performance metrics
Focused performance measures
Client acceptance
Monitoring and feedback
Had technology/infrastructure in place
Organizational experience of IT or organizational change projects of a
similar scale
Company-wide commitment
Implementation of ERP was not due to competitive pressure
Project champion
Project management
Clear and defined project plan (goals, objectives, strategy, scope, schedule)
Smaller scope
Avoid scope creep
Implementation costs
Realistic deadlines for implementation are set Realistic expectations with
regard to ROI and reduced IT/IS costs exist
Management of expectations
Total-quality management
Interdepartmental cooperation
Dedicated resources
To-be concept as project guideline
Knowledge management
Managing conflicts in ERP projects
Clear and simple project organization
Software Development,
testing, and
Defining the choices of architecture
Software configuration
Functional requirements are clearly defined before selecting an ERP product
Perceived complexity
Top management support
Fit between ERP and
National culture
functional requirements
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Volume 2, Number 5, December 2010

In order to classify CSFs base on developed and developing countries it was essential to define these
countries. The term developed country is used to describe countries that have a high level of
development according to some criteria. Which criteria and which countries are classified as being
developed, is a contentious issue and is surrounded by fierce debate. Economic criteria have tended to
dominate discussions [30]. Different organization has proclaimed various lists of developed countries
(UN, CIA, OECD, FTSE and IMF). After review these reports it revealed IMF list is more correspond
to this research. IMF specified 34 countries as developed Economies (Table 2) and 149 countries as
Emerging and Developing Economies.

Table 2. Advance Economies countries [31]
Advanced Economies
Czech Republic
Hong Kong SAR
New Zealand
Slovak Republic
Taiwan Province of
United Kingdom
United States

To investigate probably differences between ERP critical success factors in developed and
developing countries it was essential to find enough researches that were accomplished about ERP
implementation and its CSF; hence various scientific databases (Sciencedirect, Proquest, IEEE,
Emerald, Elsevier, Inderscience, Springerlink) and search engines like Google scholar, Ojose,
Citeseerx, Scirus was used to find related researches and surveys about ERP success factors in different
countries and finally 400 articles, thesis and dissertations gathered and eventually with review on them
repetitive, unrelated sources took away and only 85 sources remained.
After that our sources revealed, with help of MS Access 2007, needed information from each of
resources collected and in this way frequency of each CSF in developed and developing countries
specified. Finally this information transferred to SPSS 16 and with Descriptive statics our information

4. Results

52 researches identified as a representative of developed countries and 33 as developing countries.
Among these researches 14 developed and 16 different developing countries identified. USA with 25
and China with 11 researches had most resources in this study respectively between developed and
developing nations. In table2 and table3 different countries and number of researches that each one had,
has shown.

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A Comparative Study of Critical Success Factors (CSFs) in Implementation of ERP in Developed and Developing
Mohammad Reza Moohebat, Asefeh Asemi, Mohammad Davarpanah Jazi

Table 1. Developing countries
Developing countries Number of research resource
Bahrain 1 [32]
Chile 1 [29]
China 11
[33], [34], [35], [28], [27], [31], [36], [37],
[26], [38], [39]
Egypt 1 [22]
India 3 [40], [41], [42]
Iran 2 [43], [44]
Jordan 1 [45]
Malaysia 3 [33], [46], [47]
Mexico 1 [11]
Poland 1 [48]
Saudi Arabia 3 [49], [28], [50]
South Africa 1 [51]
Sri Lanka 1 [52]
Thailand 1 [53]
UAE 1 [37]
Venezuela 1 [54]

Table 2. Developed countries
Developing countries Number of research resource
Australia 7 [55], [56], [57], [58], [59], [27], [60]
Belgium 1 [61]
Canada 2 [62], [63]
Denmark 1 [64]
Finland 1 [65]
France 1 [66]
Hong Kong 1 [67]
Israel 1 [68]
Japan 1 [69]
Netherland 2 [70], [71]
Singapore 1 [39]
South Korea 2 [72], [73]
UK 7 [74], [75], [76], [77], [78], [79], [80]
USA 24
[50], [81], [82], [83], [84], [85], [86], [87],
[98], [89], [90], [91], [59], [92], [93], [94],
[95], [96], [97], [98], [99], [25], [100],

Frequency of CSF for each of developed or developing countries counted separately and earned
result depicted in Table 3. In developed countries, "Change management" factor with 34 frequencies
was most popular factor and "Country-related functional requirements" with 6 repetitions was known
as less quoted factor. But in developing countries, factor with the name of "Fit between ERP and
business/process" was the least cited factor and "Change Management" with frequency of 30 had the
highest rank. Table 3 shows and compares the frequency of critical success factors in developed and
developing countries and also the whole result from both groups depicted.
With compare these results it will clear that "Change management" identified as most important
factor and "Fit between ERP and business/process" as least popular critical factor in ERP
implementation in different countries around the world.
To understand what differences exist between ERP critical success factors in these two groups of
counties, CSF frequency of both groups drew in one line chart (Chart 1). As it has shown in Chart 1,
both of the diagrams almost have a similar pattern. But there are some differences, as it shows in Chart
1 a few factors like "ERP vendor" and "National culture" seem more important for developing
countries and in some factors like "Business process reengineering" and "Fit between ERP and
business/process" distinction among developed and developing countries is unusual.
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Volume 2, Number 5, December 2010

Table 3. compare ERP critical success factors in developed and developing countries
Developed and
Appropriate business and IT legacy systems 6 6 12
Business plan/vision/goals/justification 13 14 27
Business Process Reengineering 31 19 50
Change management 35 30 65
Communication 20 19 39
Country-related functional requirements 3 3 6
Data accuracy 9 8 17
ERP project team 31 24 55
ERP strategy and Implementation 24 17 41
ERP Vendor 8 13 21
Fit between ERP and business/process 9 1 10
Monitoring and evaluation of performance 9 7 16
National culture 4 10 14
Organizational characteristics 7 6 13
Project champion 13 6 19
Project management 31 26 57
Software Development, testing, and
13 6 19
Top management support 28 29 57

Chart 1. compare CSF in developed and developing countries

5. Discussion

The purpose of this study was to discover is there any differences between ERP's Critical Success
Factors (CSF) in developed and developing countries or not. And if there are any differences, what are
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A Comparative Study of Critical Success Factors (CSFs) in Implementation of ERP in Developed and Developing
Mohammad Reza Moohebat, Asefeh Asemi, Mohammad Davarpanah Jazi

they? This study showed that in during ERP implementation CSFs are not much different in developed
and developing countries but still there are undeniable differences. It seems national culture of
developing countries has an impressive effect on ERP implementation in these countries. In other hand
developing countries companies more depend on ERP vendors in compare to developed countries
companies. In addition apparently developing countries underestimate business process reengineering
(BPR) and fit between ERP and business/process factors.
There are a lot of studies have done about CSF in ERP implementation. But this is first study that
tried to discover probably distinction between developed and developed countries. One of the
challenges of this research was that some of the former researcher investigated CSF in multiple
companies around the world and in some cases it's not possible to distinguish the exact country and
further more it was difficult to find related research in some developing countries some of them could
not afford such expensive systems like African nations and in some cases there were not any published
researches (for example Russia). Another problem was that CSF classified in 18 groups but these
groups were not match completely with cited CSF in other studies and it was necessary to map them to
one of these groups.
These findings accommodate with Huang and Palvia study, they after compare ERP implementation
in developed and developed countries declared technology faces additional challenges in developing
countries related to economic, cultural and basic infrastructure issues [101]. In addition Rajaspakse
identified high cost, culture, integration and lack of knowledge as four factors that make ERP
unsuitable for many organizations in Sri Lanka and Asia [52]. These cases show cultural issue is very
important factor that differentiate developed and developing countries in ERP implementation.
This study revealed that ERP implementation's CSF in both developed and developing countries
almost behave in similar pattern. But we should not forget the national culture of developing countries
because ERP technology has evolved in developed countries and includes the culture of developed
countries implicitly. Then maybe for this reason these countries need more support from vendors to
solve their problems. It seems necessary that future studies scrutinize what cultural differences exist
between ERP implementation in developed and developing countries and how they effect to ERP
implementation and how we can diminish them and why these countries underestimate BRP and fit
between ERP and business process.

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