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Social Impact and Significance of Video Games

Over the past 10 years there has been a revolutionary change within the development of
video games which have played a significant
role within society.
Sonic the Hedgehog, released in 1991, was
a family fun platform genre, another game
that was developed within the platform
genre was Prince of Persia released in 1989.
Rather than choosing the same route as
Sonic portrayed, with the family fun style of
game, Prince of Persia introduced more
violent scenes such as The Crashing
Blades however; this bears no
resemblance to the violence in to todays
games like Grand Theft Auto or Infinity
Wards Modern Warfare 2s No Russian
level, which really does demonstrate raw
and realistic violence. These photo realistic
games have created an identity for players that
some consider causes harm to society. There
are concerns about; the level of violence in video games which some believe will be
imitated by players in the real world; the shortening of childhood because they play
games with adult content and dont play traditional childrens games; the deterioration in
health and fitness because they spend too long playing games and dont play sports;
possible psychological damage because they are exposed to violence and fantasy and
even a negative effect on educational achievement because they would rather play
computer games than do school work.

Games have become more sophisticated compared to earlier games, they are more
realistic and the interactivity means that players can take on the role of characters in the
game: they can actually become part of the game and its experiences. But its how the
impact of these games have been perceived by society that is the main issue. The screen
shots above show how the portrayal of violence within the games has come a long way:
the social concern is the creation of a hyper reality between gamers and the real world in
which they confuse the two and act out the violence.
Prince of Persia - 1989
Modern Warfare 2 No Russian - 2009
Grand Theft auto 4 - 2008

The latest example of the perceived social impact of video games is shown in an article
in Sky News (Thursday the 18
of November 2010) titled 'Bully Killed Girl for
Interrupting Xbox Fun. In this article the media has directly targeted Xbox referring to
the games that have caused the killer to act violently and completely ignored the fact of
his previous convictions for violence. If the media continue to portray video games as
resulting in violence the public will come to perceive video games as causing a negative
effect on gamers and therefore having a negative impact on society. This is how it is
believed hyperreality is created; gamers who play hours of games do sometimes get lost
in them, but most know when to return to the real world when they have finished,
whereas in the crimes that have been committed, when apparently a game has been
involved, the media have left out the main protagonist which could be their mental
health and stability it is not the games that cause violence .There is a danger that
people will assume that evidence of one case can be generalised to all gamers which is
clearly not true as this would means all gamers exposed to violence in games would
display aggression and violent behaviour.

Another example of the press targeting violent media as the protagonist was the James
Bulger murder in 1993, although it was not a game that was targeted, the press reported
that the murderers had been exposed to the violent film Childs Play 2 . This is still
relevant as it shows how violence within a similar type of media had been targeted; with
the exposure to the films being directly related to the violent behaviour of the killers.
The media focus on this sensational case seemed to convince the public that if children
were to see violent media they would imitate what they had seen; its not hard to see the
link between films and games. Also the press focused less on the other influences such
as the killers dysfunctional family background, truancy as well as a history of abuse and
bullying. Because the case involved killers who were only 10 years old it became very
controversial; society needed to explain how children could commit such a terrible
crime normally only associated with adults. Many people believed that the violence was
a direct result of a violent film. This scapegoating is now being applied to video games as

In 1961 an experiment conducted by Albert Bandura called The Bobbo Doll
Experiment (Haralambos and Holborn Sociology Themes and Perspectives 6

Edition P 843 44) demonstrated how children learned how to become aggressive
through watching violent behaviour, this came to be known as the Hypodermic Model
of media effects, which means that watching violent media has a direct effect on those
experiencing it like a narcotic effect. Researchers also found that the children who had
been exposed to the violence were still displaying aggressive behaviour up to 9 months
later. Although this experiment seemed to prove that violent media alone was enough
to affect children the experiment was conducted in a laboratory, which is a non natural
environment, and the validity might be questioned - some might say what else would
you expect children to do with a mallet and a toy designed to be repeatedly knocked
over. However, this research is often sited as evidence that children will imitate violent

More recently in 2010 Brad Bushman of Ohio State University and Bryon Gibson of
Central Michigan University (Brad J. Bushman and Bryan Gibson: Social Psychological
and Personality Science 11 August 2010) believe they have been able to demonstrate the
lasting effects of video games on aggressive behaviour. Researchers found that serious
gamers played for 20 minutes or longer and thought about the game in between times.
and that males tend to think about a game long after it has been turned off, ruminating
about the game can increase the potency of the game's tendency to lead to aggression
long after the game has been turned off suggesting that these gamers may show
aggressive or violent behaviour in the real world. This seems to support Banduras
claims that exposure to violence has a lasting effect.

However; research carried out by Essex University in 2008 (P. Kierkegaard, 14.05.2008
International Journal of Liability and Scientific Enquiry) suggests there is no link
between video games and violent behaviour patterns Kierkegaard says there is scant
scientific evidence that video games are anything but harmless and do not lead to real
world aggression. The realism within video games today, compared to those available
in the 80s and 90s have often been blamed for the increase in violence, for example in
2005 there were 1,360,088 violent crimes reported in the USA, compared with
1,423,677 the year before .. With the millions of sales of violent games, the world
should be seeing an epidemic of violence, Kierkegaard says Instead, violence has
declined. Violence is also seen in films and on the news and documentaries; we are
shown in graphic detail what is happening for example in Afghanistan. This is not
blamed in the same way as video games are.

We are a culture obsessed with health and
fitness: it is believed that the current
generation of children spend excessive
amounts of time playing video games and not
enough on exercise. Government statistics
shows that out of 13 a week pocket money
boys spend 1.30 on computer games and
- more than girls and more than on
books and sporting activities. Statistics also
suggest that boys spend more time playing
games and less on fitness activities and reading.
This is especially relevant at ages 8 15 when
children are developing physically and are still
in education. There is concern about childhood
obesity and other illnesses associated with lack
of exercise.

However, as technology improves and games
are becoming more interactive, companies have
now been able to produce the health and fitness
genre. Products such as Nintendos Wii Fit,
Sonys Play station Move and Microsofts Xbox Kinect are able to influence the player
to become more involved and physically active whilst playing the games. Microsoft
particularly has made a smart approach with their Kinect unit: the name Kinect relates
to the concept of kinaesthetics, people learn from exposure to visual, auditory and
sensory stimulus. The currently developing games target a range of audiences and
although the exercise is simulated the games encourage physical and mental activity.

Another concern is education: children who prefer to play games rather than read will
have limited vocabularies and understanding; this could lead to school work and exam
results suffering as well as possible social difficulties in making friends, communication
and lack of social skills. However; there is a positive: computers have been recognised
as natural educators since the 1980s, (Douglas A. Gentile; Pediatrics for Parents June
2004) there are a significant amount of educational software packages available today,
educational games can be motivational you may be rewarded for playing well children
learn without realising they are learning through something they are familiar with and
are very skilled at, this can also build confidence since children will see themselves as
succeeding whereas they may previously have found traditional methods difficult.
Games can teach skills like problem solving, thinking ability and hand eye coordination.
Gaming communities can encourage communication and discussions with other gamers
and sharing ideas, interests and experiences; these can provide a common ground for
people to form social relationships. Games can also stimulate the imagination and create
imaginary worlds that are not damaging but interesting and entertaining; some focus on
different historical periods, countries and cultures giving players an experience of the
wider world which is also educational and broadens the mind and imagination. An
interesting aspect of video games is that they are designed and created by educated
people with advanced vocabularies which are used in games; the younger generation will
become familiar with these advanced concepts and ideas; even 5 year olds know the
concept of infinity through playing platform games.

In conclusion: it is estimated that girls spend about 5 hours a week playing computer
games and boys 13 hours (Douglas A. Gentile; Pediatrics for Parents June 2004) this
has led to concerns about the social impact on children but, studies have shown that the
average gamer is a 30 year old male who has grown up with the development of
computer games since the 1970s the Atari generation Childrens health is a concern,
especially obesity sitting in front of a computer screen for 13 hours a week is not giving
children exercise but neither is the 25 hours they spend watching TV (The Office for
National Statistics Michaela Morris 2010) at least computer gaming is now becoming
more interactive and encouraging movement and exercise. Schools are now using ICT
and game software in lessons. They know that children learn better if they work with
things that are familiar to them and that are motivational.

Since the first computer games were developed 30 years ago society has changed; games
have developed as society has developed violence is part of our culture. It would be
wrong and unrealistic to ignore this. Computer games create fantasy worlds and some
say that this creates a hyperreality that is false, unrealistic and encourages escapism. But
fantasy is imaginative and can be a good thing.

Not all games are violent and those that are do not create violent people violent
behaviour is the result of a combination of complex social and psychological factors. As
suggested by the NRA (National Rifle Association of America) slogan Guns dont kill
people do - the computer game has become a scapegoat for the violence in society. The
Bulger killing was blamed on a violent film, an Xbox game has been blamed for the
murder of a child; but research does not prove a direct link between computer games
and violence. We should not be blaming computer games for societies violence but
looking more closely at the society in which in the games are played.


Haralambos and Holborn Sociology Themes and Perspectives 6
Edition P 843 44

Social Psychological and Personality Science published online 11 August 2010
Brad J. Bushman and Bryan Gibson DOI: 10.1177/1948550610379506

P. Kierkegaard, 14.05.2008 International Journal of Liability and Scientific Enquiry

The Office for National Statistics ( Michaela Morris 2010)
The effects of video games on children: what parents need to know Pediatrics for Parents, June, 2004
by Douglas A. Gentile

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