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Complete the following sentences:

1- and are responsible for acetylcholine metabolism
2- and are used for treating myasthenia gravis
3- enzyme converts angiotensin I into angiotensin II and it can be inhibited by

4- ion is responsible for acetylcholine vesicles rupture
5- is an reversible anticholinesterase cross BBB
6- is irreversible anticholinesterase used only for treating
7- is non-selective irreversible -blocker while is non-selective
reversible -blocker
8- is non-selective -blocker while is selective 1 blocker while
blocks both and receptors
9- is selective 1 blocker that used in and
10- is the release inhibiting factor o prolactin and it is replaced by
for treating Hyperprolactinemia
11- receptors cause VD and receptors cause VC when stimulated by
12- Action of acetylcholine on exocrine secretions is
13- Action of E on blood glucose level is
14- Actions of atropine on secretions are , , , and

15- Amphetamine is used in the treatment of , and
16- Atropine induces VD of blood vessels
17- Atropine like side effects are , , ,
, and
18- Bethanechole is used in treating and and its CVS side effects are
19- Clonidine is and used in the treatment of and
20- Contraction of muscles leads to miosis while contraction of
muscles lead to mydriasis.
21- Contraindications of -blockers are , , and

22- Direct acting parasympathomimetics are , and
23- Dopamine is used in which is causes by , and
and it is contraindicated in and
24- Enzyme responsible for Acetylcholine synthesis is
25- Ergot alkaloids are , , and
26- In the formation of E Dopa is converted into with the aid of
27- Indirect acting parasympathomimetics act through .. and they are
classified into and
28- Mechanism of ephedrine is and it was used in
29- Methergine is used in and
30- Methoxamine acts by and
31- Muscarinic blocker with selective action on eye and is selectively
used in the treatment of asthma
32- Narcolepsy may be due to infection caused by
33- Naturally occurring Antimuscarinic alkaloids are and
34- NE stimulates all sympathetic receptors but its action is very weak on
35- Nn receptors are found in and
36- Nor adrenaline is metabolized by which metabolizes NE in and
which metabolizes NE in
37- Phenylephrine is used in and
38- Physiological antagonist of histamine is as it causes and

39- Pirenzepine is used in the treatment of as it blocks receptor
40- Propranolol actions on the heart are , and
41- Short acting 2 agonist is and long acting 2 agonist is
42- Site of synthesis of E is due to the presence of
43- Tamsulosin is used in the treatment of
44- The action of atropine on eye is and prazosin causes
45- Types of glaucoma are and which is treated by
and topically to induce miosis and -blockers may be used to decrease aqueous
humor formation
46- Usually the action of acetylcholine on smooth muscles is
47- When the patient feels warning signs of migraine (), patient should take
or as prophylactic
48- Yohimbine is and used as but is better
49- 2 action in the uterus is in the 1
trimester of pregnancy

True or false
1) Ach is uptaken from the synapse with specific carrier system
2) Although it can cross BBB Physostigmine can be used systemically
3) Arrival of action potential to nerve terminals Mg stimulates the neurotransmitter release
4) Atropine is the DOC in the treatment of motion sickness
5) Blocking of M3 receptors in the heart may result in tachycardia
6) Bromocriptine is given in the treatment of parkinsonism and infertility
7) Contraction of radial muscles leads to passive mydriasis while relaxation of circular muscles leads to
active mydriasis
8) Diarrhea is caused by decrease in GIT motility so giving atropine may help in its treatment
9) Dobutamine is used in the treatment of heart failure due to its ve inotropic effects
10) Dopamine activates 2 and 1 receptors
11) Dopamine is given orally for treating hemodynamic imbalance
12) Ephedrine is a natural alkaloid abstained form atropa belladonna
13) Epistaxis occur due to capillary fragility and treated by salbutamol
14) Irreversible anticholinesterases are used mainly in glaucoma
15) Miosis increases the intraocular pressure
16) Neostigmine is non-polar compound used in paralytic ileus and myasthenia gravis
17) Parasympathetic nerve innervation of blood vessels stimulates M3 receptors leading to VD
18) Phentolamine and phenoxybenzamine can be given for the treatment of 2ry shock
19) propranolol is contraindicated in diabetics
20) Sympathetic nervous system is more predominant in all tissues except CVS
21) Timolol is a -blocker used in the treatment of glaucoma as it decreases the aqueous humor
22) Tyrosine is metabolized by decarboxylase enzyme to form DOPA
23) Usage of carbachol in glaucoma may result in serious side effects
24) -blockers can be used for treatment of arrhythmia and hypertension
25) -blockers decrease the gastrointestinal bleeding in patients with hepatic cirrhosis as they decrease
the COP

Name the following:
1- A location of junction between oxygen rich blood from hepatic arterioles and portal

2- Action of Ach on smooth muscles
3- Activates both 1 and 2 receptors and used by inhalation for treating asthma
4- Activates dopamine receptors centrally and used in the treatment of fertility
5- An ergot alkaloid used to decrease senile cerebral insufficiency
6- Angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitor
7- Competitive neuromuscular blocker and its antidote
8- Depolarizing neuromuscular blocker used as Preanesthetic medication
9- Direct acting parasympathomimetic used topically for treatment of glaucoma
10- Dual acting sympathomimetic used only as street drug
11- Enzyme responsible for acetylcholine synthesis
12- Enzyme responsible for the metabolism of catechol moiety in E, NE and dopamine
13- Enzyme which converts NE into epinephrine
14- Hormone that regulates the activity of aldosterone hormone
15- It is semisynthetic muscarinic antagonist used to decrease GIT motility
16- Muscarinic antagonist used selectively in parkinsonism as it crosses BBB
17- Prazosin action on the heart
18- Receptors responsible for skeletal muscle contraction
19- Selective 1 agonist used in the treatment of nasal congestion and bleeding
20- Short acting non-selective blocker used in 2ry shock and hypertension
21- Similar to amphetamine activity but with less dependence liability
22- Sympatholytic that act through activation of central 2 receptors
23- Synthetic catecholamine
24- The enzyme on which Eserine acts
25- Thyroid hormones that increase the sensitivity of myocardium to E
26- Two drugs that can be used to facilitate micturition in patients with benign prostatic
hyperplasia (BPH)

27- Used in the treatment of curare poisoning
28- 1 selective blocker

Comment on the following sentences:
1- action of acetylcholine on blood vessels is very weak
2- active miosis and passive miosis
3- Adrenaline is the physiological antagonist of histamine
4- atropine causes paradoxical and expected effects on heart rate
5- Bethanechole cannot be given in the treatment of all types of urinary retention
6- Both Sympathomimetics and -blockers are contraindicated in diabetics
7- cycloplagia caused by atropine
8- Dopamine is given to correct hemodynamic imbalance
9- dopamine regulates prolactin release
10- E action on BP is biphasic
11- effect of neostigmine is different in the toxicity of both types of NMB
12- Ephedrine is not used nowadays
13- ergometrine is oxytocic drug
14- glaucoma can be treated by different methods
15- Isoprenaline cause slight decrease in blood pressure
16- Metoprolol is used in hepatic cirrhosis to reduce GIT bleeding
17- myasthenia gravis is treated by combination therapy
18- Preanesthetic administration of atropine
19- propranolol is used as prophylactic in migraine headache
20- tropicamide eye drops are better than atropine eye drops as Mydriatic
21- -blockers are given in the treatment of BPH
22- -blockers are contraindicated in bronchial asthma

Centrally acting drugs

Name the following
1- 1
non-stimulant drug approved by FDA for treating ADHD
2- activation of opioid receptors may increase influx of this ion
3- activation of this receptor play an important role in tolerance
4- active metabolite of codeine
5- active metabolite of morphine
6- Added with L-dopa to decrease its side effects
7- Amide local anesthetics and ester local anesthetic
8- An antihistaminic given as OTC drug for sleep aid
9- an opioid drug with atropine like action
10- Anticonvulsant agent used in the treatment of mania
11- Antidepressant with antihistamine activity
12- Antidote of Zaleplon toxicity
13- Appearance of certain withdrawal symptoms after abrupt drug withdrawal
14- BDZ receptor antagonist
15- Blocks NMDA receptors for treating Alzheimer's disease
16- Center that regulates the body temperature
17- Channels between two cell bodies that allow passage of ions
18- Compounds show important role in indirect acting metabotropic channels
19- COX enzyme responsible for physiological PGs
20- DOC in one day surgery
21- DOC in partial seizure
22- Drug of choice for treating chronic insomnia
23- drug used for decreasing sleep latency due to disturbance in circadian rhythm
24- Effect of vitamin D deficiency
25- Excessive fear from certain objects
26- Given for the treatment of inflammation in patients with peptic ulcer
27- Highly lipid soluble general anesthetic used in induction of anesthesia
28- Hypnotic that causes gynecomastia
29- Intermediate acting BDZ
30- Ion responsible for transmission in absence seizures
31- it is needed to facilitate the excretion of BDZs
32- Its depression is the main cause of death due to toxic doses of barbiturates
33- long acting opioid receptor blocker
34- M blocker used for the treatment of parkinsonism
35- Main excitatory neurotransmitter in brain
36- mechanism of 5-HT1A receptors
37- Minimum concentration of general anesthetic that can cause loss of reflexes
38- more addiction liability than morphine as it is more lipid soluble
39- Parent drug of BDZ family
40- partial Mu agonist used in the treatment of opioid addiction
41- Partitioning of gas between blood and tissues
42- Prodrug of phenytoin
43- Reactive metabolite of paracetamol
44- receptor activated by Zolpidem
45- Sedative with analgesic effect
46- Selective anxiolytic drug shows no hypnosis
47- Selective MAOB blocker
48- Short acting barbiturate used as Preanesthetic medication
49- Side effects due to decreasing dopaminergic activity
50- Site of action of local anesthetics
51- Target of Buspirone which mediates its anxiolytic effect
52- Temporary loss of memory under influence of drug
53- Teratogenic effect of valproate
54- The effect of the drug decreases after continuous administration
55- their uptake is inhibited by tramadol
56- Two halogenated volatile liquids general anesthetics
57- Type of channels in which the receptor is linked directly to the ion channel
58- Type of epilepsy treated by BDZ
59- Used for the treatment of performance anxiety
60- Used for the treatment of serotonin syndrome

Complete the following
1- action is unique to aspirin
2- and are antidiarrheal agents that act by
3- and are given in treating opioid addiction as they are less
addictive than morphine
4- and are partial agonist with kappa effects
5- and are responsible for inflammation caused by PGs
6- and are SSRIs
7- and are used in the treatment of absence seizures as they
8- and block dopamine receptors for treating psychosis while
and block both D and 5-HT receptors
9- and deficiency may lead to mental depression
10- anesthetic may sensitize myocardium to E
11- antiepileptic that block both Na and Ca channels
12- general anesthetic may cause hyperthermia
13- is a prodrug of that is used in the treatment of status
epilepticus through administration
14- is active metabolite Risperidone
15- is added to local anesthetics to , and

16- is an antipsychotic that causes agranulocytosis
17- is an opioid with selective antitussive activity and acts by
18- is BZ1 receptor antagonist
19- is dissociative anesthetic that act by and its side effects are

20- is dopamine system stabilizer that can be also used in and

21- is given as analgesic for cancer pain and given as transdermal patches
22- is given in the treatment of acute morphine toxicity while is
given for treatment of chronic toxicity
23- is selective anti-COX II which causes as a CVS side effect
24- is selective MAOB inhibitor used in the treatment of parkinsonism while
tolcapone acts by
25- is semisynthetic morphine derivative with high lipid solubility
26- is strong opioid agonist with atropine like side effects
27- is the first non-stimulant drug approved by FDA in the treatment of ADHD
28- is the most safe analgesic in pregnancy and lactation but it may cause
due to release of reactive metabolite which causes damage
to hepatic cells due to deficiency of so its toxicity is treated with

29- is used in one day surgery while is suitable for patients with
coronary vascular and pulmonary diseases
30- Local anesthetic do not need E addition as it
31- occurs in chronic toxicity of aspirin which is characterized by
, and
32- , , are less likely to cause physical
33- , , are non-selective NSAIDs
34- . Used for performance anxiety while .. is an antihistamine
35- Abstinence syndrome , , ,
36- Acute toxicity of aspirin may lead to due to
37- Administration of aspirin in children less than 12 years with viral infection leads to

38- All BDZs cause sedation without analgesia except ..
39- Alzheimer's disease is due to deficiency of and increasing
40- Amitriptyline acts through decrease reuptake of and also it
may block , and receptors
41- Anticholinesterases used in the treatment of Alzheimer's disease are ,
and while NMDA receptor antagonist is
42- Barbiturates if given as a salt form always end with suffix ..
43- BDZs activates .. receptors leading to of GABA- chloride channels
complex while barbiturates .. of GABA chloride channels complex
44- BDZs are used as ., .. , . And .
45- CNS depression causes by barbiturates is .. than BDZs
46- Co-administration of phenelzine and fluoxetine may result in which is
characterized by , and and treated by

47- Codeine is converted into and used in and
48- Diazepam causes as a side effect which is self-limited
49- Drugs used in the treatment of ADHD are and which increase
NE release, which decrease NE reuptake and which act by
direct activation of 1B receptors
50- During the inflammatory reactions, bacterial toxin are released which increase
from which stimulate center to form that

51- Hematotoxicity of phenytoin is and of carbamazepine is
52- Increasing is responsible for +ve symptoms of schizophrenia while increasing
is responsible for ve symptoms
53- Indomethacin is contraindicated in pregnancy as it causes
54- Inhalation anesthetics like gas which has anesthetic activity
so it is used in combination with other anesthetics and it is contraindicated in
55- Inhibition of cyclooxygenase will shift arachidonic acid into pathway leading to
an increase in which causes that can be treated by

56- Lamotrigene acts by while Felbamate acts by
57- Lithium causes polyuria and polydipsia which are the symptoms of
58- Lithium side effects are , and
59- Local anesthetics act by blocking , they diffuse across the membrane in
form where for replaces at its binding site
60- Morphine ADH and LH release
61- Morphine acts through two mechanisms which are through
and through
62- morphine is metabolized to through metabolism
63- Morphine may histamine release causing or
64- opiates are while opioids are
65- opioid peptides are , and
66- Opioids are contraindicated in head trauma as they
67- Oral administration of morphine is not preferred because
68- Pain induced by PGs may be and
69- PGE1 acts as in GIT by , and its inhibition
by NSAIDs leads to
70- Phenelzine intake with tyramine containing food may lead to
71- Phenytoin causes oral manifestations like
72- Receptors responsible of morphine analgesia are , and

73- Side effects of morphine are , , and

74- Side effects of Ramelteon are and
75- Succinylcholine block Nm receptors in two phases, phase I () and phase II
76- Teratogenic effect of phenytoin is known as which is characterized by
, and
77- The action of opioids on eye is except causes
as it is
78- The anti-inflammatory use of aspirin needs dose , while the analgesic and
antipyretic dose is
79- The main adverse effects of haloperidol and droperidol are and

80- The main cause of tolerance against barbiturates is ..
81- Tramadol act by and and its side effects are
and which is difficult to be treated due to
82- Types of COX enzyme are COX1 (), COX-II () and COX III
83- Types of postsynaptic response are . And
84- Types of synapses are .. and ..

True or false
1- Chlordiazepoxide is intermediate acting BDZ
2- All BDZs are analgesics
3- All opioid drugs cause pin point pupil
4- Aspirin renal blood supply by decreasing PGs formation
5- Aspirin causes metabolic alkalosis and respiratory acidosis
6- BDZ increases the duration of opening of chloride channels
7- BDZs usually cause rapid tolerance
8- Both carbamazepine and phenytoin cause CNS depression
9- Bromocriptine acts by activation of D2 receptors for treating parkinsonism
10- COX III is responsible for pain, fever and inflammation
11- Diclofenac causes bleeding and can be used in the prophylaxis against blood clotting
12- Drugs used for treatment of status epilepticus must be given iv administration
13- Ketamine increases heart rate and causes hypotension
14- L-dopa can cross BBB and converted into dopamine centrally for treating parkinsonism
15- Lithium is a rapid acting mood stabilizer that decreases swings between mania and depression
16- Local anesthetics block Na channels in activated state
17- Memantine acts by blocking of AMPA receptors centrally for treatment of parkinsonism
18- Morphine cannot cross Blood placental barrier so they are contraindicated in pregnancy
19- Morphine causes respiratory depression and CO2 level leading to VD and increase in cerebral
blood supply
20- Naltrexone is long acting opioid receptor antagonist that can be used in treating acute morphine
21- Nitrous oxide can be given to patients with pre-existing cerebral edema
22- Paracetamol acts through decreasing central PG by inhibition of COX II
23- Phenobarbitone is given as Preanesthetic medication
24- Phenytoin causes vitamin D and folate deficiency
25- Ramelteon activates AT receptors and used in jet lag phenomenon
26- Succinylcholine activates M2 receptors leading to tachycardia
27- Succinylcholine antidote is neostigmine
28- Succinylcholine is depolarizing NMB leads to continuous Ca release
29- Tacrine and neostigmine are used in treatment of Alzheimer's disease as they increase Ach level

Comment on the following:
1- Activity of nitrous oxide is very weak
2- Adrenaline is added to local anesthetics while it is not added with cocaine
3- Amitriptyline causes many side effects
4- Aspirin is antipyretic and causes peptic ulcer
5- Aspirin is contraindicated in children less than 12 years
6- BDZs are more safe than barbiturates
7- Carbidopa is added with L-dopa in the treatment of parkinsonism
8- Endocrine side effects of ramelteon
9- Ethosuximide is the DOC in the treatment of absence seizures
10- Lithium may act by different mechanisms
11- Neostigmine is contraindicated in the treatment of succinylcholine toxicity
12- Opioids are contraindicated in pregnancy and head trauma
13- Paracetamol is contraindicated in patients with hepatic necrosis
14- Pethidine doesn't aggravate renal colic in patients with renal stones
15- Phenytoin is contraindicated in diabetics
16- Pin point pupil caused by morphine
17- Propofol is given in one day surgery
18- TCA is contraindicated to be given with phenelzine
19- There are different types of MAO enzyme
20- Treatment of tramadol dependence is difficult

Autacoids and GIT
Name the following:
1. 1
generation antihistaminic with anti-serotoninergic activity
2. Anti-motion sickness antihistaminic
3. 2
messenger responsible for relaxation effects of eicosanoids
4. 2
messenger that regulates the activity of H1 receptors
5. Acts through inhibition of pepsin and increase mucous secretion
6. Adsorbent used remove intestinal toxin in diarrhea treatment
7. Anti-inflammatory agent act through inhibition of phospholipase enzyme
8. Antimicrobial agent used in treatment of Pylori infections
9. Antimotility agent used for treatment of diarrhea
10. Cells contain most of body serotonin
11. Chloride channel opener
12. DOC in the treatment of anaphylactic shock
13. DOC in the treatment of motion sickness
14. Drug with oxytocic effect used as abortifacient
15. Eicosanoid increases platelet aggregation and another one decreases platelets

16. enzyme responsible for the formation of histamine
17. enzyme responsible for the formation of PAF
18. Irritant or stimulant laxative
19. It decreases both PGs ant LTs
20. It inhibits the synthesis of serotonin and used only experimentally
21. mast cell stabilizer with immunosuppressant activity
22. mediator released after activating H1 receptors in blood vessels
23. Mucosal protective agent contains sulfated sucrose
24. PG responsible for VD and maintenance of ductus arteriosus patency
25. PGE1 analogue used as cytoprotective
26. Precursor of all eicosanoids
27. Precursor of histamine biosynthesis
28. Progesterone antagonist added in the abortion protocol
29. receptor responsible for HCl release by histamine
30. Second generation H1 antagonist
31. Selective H2 blocker
32. serotonergic drug which may block alpha receptors
33. Serotonin agonist used for migraine treatment
34. Serotonin receptor agonist used for migraine and cluster headache
35. Stool softener that acts as surface active agent that become emulsified with

36. surface Ab responsible for histamine release from mast cells
37. The pump responsible for acid secretions in the stomach
38. They exacerbate the anticholinergic effects of antihistamines

Comment on the following:
1- 1
generation antihistamines are used in treating Parkinsons disease
2- Mifepristone can be given for induction of abortion
3- Effect of serotonin on BP is triphasic
4- Immunological release of histamine
5- Mast cell stabilizers
6- VD caused by histamine
7- Saline and bulk laxative can be used in treating constipation
8- Bismuth salts have different roles in the GIT
9- Sucralfate is cytoprotective by different mechanisms
10- Misoprostol is contraindicated in pregnancy
11- Clarify the approaches used in eradication of H. Pylori infections
12- PAF is an allergic mediator
13- Drug-drug interactions of 1
generation antihistamines
14- Role of inflammatory mediators in allergy

Complete the following sentences:
1- .. and .. are lubricant laxatives while bulk laxatives are obtained form
2- .. and .. are responsible for emesis
3- .. decreases the storage of serotonin
4- . Is presynaptic receptor which controls histamine release in the brain
5- .. and . Induce abortion
6- .enzyme responsible for the formation of PGs from arachidonic acid while
. Enzyme is responsible for the formation of LTs
7- Acetylcholine increase .. in parietal cells while PGE2 decrease ..
8- Action of serotonin on bronchi is . and on platelets
which is inhibited by ..
9- Antacids increase the PH of the stomach to .. which decreases .. activity
10- Beside their anti-allergic effect 1
generation antihistaminic can be used in ...
and .
11- Effect of histamine on smooth muscles is ..
12- Examples of 2
generation antihistamines are and .
13- Generalized histamine release will cause .. which is treated by
14- H2 blockers act by decreasing the activity of .. enzyme leading to a decrease in
.. 2
messenger and inhibition of .. pump
15- Histamine is found in . In humans and in some insects like .
16- Mast cells stabilizers are like .... and .. which is used for
treating bronchial asthma
17- Treatment approaches of peptic ulcer are .., .. and ..


Complete the following:
1) .. and .. are macrolides
2) .. and .. are ototoxic
3) .. is given with tetracycline in the treatment of malaria
4) .. is narrow spectrum penicillin that can be taken orally
5) Aminoglycosides are .. so they must be taken by .. route
6) Aminoglycosides such as . Act by and has side effect of . &
7) Cefamandole is mainly used in .... And it has many side effects like
8) Chloramphenicol causes grey baby syndrome which is characterized by .. & .... &
.. and it also causes but idiosyncratically
9) Chloramphenicol must be used with great care in newborn to avoid occurrence of

10) Clindamycin acts by ..
11) Clostridium botulinum bacteria acts through ..
12) Main side effect of penicillin is which is treated by . & ..
13) Penicillin G can be used in treating .. & .... &
14) Resistance to penicillin may be due to .. Which is inhibited by ..
15) Rugs used for treatment of TB are .., .., and ..
16) Tetracycline may deposit in ..
17) Vancomycin is used in the treatment of ..

Name the following:
1. A 3
generation cephalosporin
2. A syndrome appears after administration of expired TCs
3. An antibacterial useful in treating cholera
4. An enzyme secreted by the bacteria to resist penicillin
5. An ion which may decrease the absorption of tetracycline due to chelation
6. Antibacterial used in treating GIT infection
7. Antibacterial which may cause enamel dysplasia when given to children
8. Anti-pseudomonal penicillin
9. Bacteria that is responsible for ulcer formation
10. Beta lactamase inhibitor given only by iv route
11. Broad spectrum penicillin
12. Can be used in treating TB
13. DOC in treating chlamydial and mycoplasma pneumonia infections
14. Drug is used in treating syphilis disease
15. Drug is used instead of penicillin in gm +ve resistant bacteria
16. Drug that cause NMB
17. Enzyme responsible for metabolism of chloramphenicol
18. Fourth generation cephalosporin given to immunocompromised patients
19. Two antibacterial when given concurrently they cause nephrotoxic reaction

Choose the correct answer:
1. What does the term antibiotics mean?
a) Non-organic or synthetic substances that selectively kill or inhibit the growth of other
b) Substances produced by some microorganisms and their synthetic analogues that selectively
kill or inhibit the growth of other microorganisms
c) Substances produced by some microorganisms and their synthetic analogues that inhibit the growth
of organism cells
d) Synthetic analogues of natural substances that kill protozoa and helminthes

2. Mechanisms of bacterial resistance to anti-microbial agents are the following, EXCEPT:
a) Active transport out of a microorganism or/and hydrolysis of an agent via enzymes produced by a
b) Enlarged uptake of the drug by a microorganism
c) Modification of a drugs target
d) Reduced uptake by a microorganism
3. The statement, that some microorganisms can develop alternative metabolic pathways for rendering
reactions inhibited by the drug, is:
a) True
b) False
4. Bactericidal effect is:
a) Inhibition of bacterial cell division
b) Inhibition of young bacterial cell growth
c) Destroying of bacterial cells
5. Bacteriostatic effect is:
a) Inhibition of bacterial cell division
b) Inhibition of young bacterial cells
c) Destroying of bacterial cells
6. Which of the following antibiotics contains a beta-lactam ring in their chemical structure :
a) Penicillins
b) Cephalosporins
c) Carbapenems and monobactams
d) All groups
7. Tick the drug belonging to antibiotics-macrolides:
a) Neomycin
b) Doxycycline
c) Erythromycin
d) Cefotaxime
8. Tick the drug belongs to antibiotics-cephalosporins:
a) Streptomycin
b) Cefaclor
c) Methilpenicillin
d) Erythromycin
9. Tick the drug belonging to antibiotics-tetracyclines:
a) Doxycycline
b) Streptomycin
d) Amoxicillin
10. All of antibiotics are aminoglycosides, EXCEPT:
a) Gentamycin
c) Vancomycin
d) Neomycin
11. Antibiotics inhibiting the bacterial cell wall synthesis are:
a) Beta-lactam antibiotics
b) Tetracyclines
d) Macrolides
12. Which of the following drugs is a gastric acid resistant:
a) Penicillin G
b) Penicillin V
c) Carbenicillin
d) sulbactam
13. Which of the following drugs is penicillinase resistant:
a) Oxacillin
b) Amoxicillin
c) Penicillin G
14. Pick out the beta-lactamase inhibitor for co-administration with penicillins:
a) Clavulanic acid
b) Sulbactam
c) Tazobactam
d) All of the above
15. Cephalosporins are drugs of choice for treatment of:
a) Gram-positive infections
b) Gram-negative infections
c) Gram-negative and gram-positive microorganism infections, if penicillins have no effect
d) Only bacteroide infections
16. All of the following antibiotics are macrolides, EXCEPT:
a) Erythromycin
c) Lincomycin
d) Roxythromycin
17. Tick the drug belonging to antibiotics-aminoglycosides:
a) Erythromycin
b) Gentamycin
c) Vancomycin
d) Polymyxin
18. Aminoglycosides are effective against:
a) Gram positive microorganisms, anaerobic microorganisms
b) Broad-spectrum, except Pseudomonas aeruginosa
c) Gram negative microorganisms, anaerobic microorganisms
d) Gram negative, except anaerobic microorganisms and viruses
19. Aminoglycosides have the following unwanted effects:
A) anemia
c) Ototoxicity, nephrotoxicity
d) Irritation of gastrointestinal mucosa
20. Chloramphenicol has the following unwanted effects:
a) Nephrotoxicity
b) BMD
c) Hepatotoxicity
d) Ototoxicity
21. Mechanism of Streptomycin action is:
a) Inhibition of cell wall synthesis
b) Inhibition of protein synthesis
c) Inhibition of RNA and DNA synthesis
d) Inhibition of cell membranes permeability
22. Streptomycin has the following unwanted effect:
a) Cardiotoxicity
c) Retrobulbar neuritis with red-green color blindness
d) Ototoxicity, nephrotoxicity
23. The drug of choice for syphilis treatment is:
a) Gentamycin
b) Penicillin
d) Doxycycline

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