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To My dearest and beloved brother James on the faithful day I heard you’ve gained admission

into the University. Was just about to sleep and had you in mind, I guess you must know this!

To James, my beloved brother

The ultimate may not be achieved on a silver platter or just a swing of the day nor is it by mere
wish or desire. It takes the rough and the tough people to survive. Don’t try to always be smooth
and steady thinking that is who you are.

In this field, you will soon discover you need to deny these important things:
1. Your sleep- deny sleep to gain more rest after vacation
2. Your money- buy needed books, pamphlet, textbooks at extra cost
3. Your Self- the pleasure, leisure, and things that won’t matter if you say no just for today

How I wish I were you to start all over again, I would have aimed at the first class, strive and
dive into it with my all. Never grow to regret later “why couldn’t I make it through this course?”-
For that is the lesson for fools. You are capable and beyond your potential/strength there is a
divine help/grace to support you always.

Avoid many complain and worries. To be an achiever you must learn to complain less and work
more. For I have learnt over the years I am myself the problem in all complains. My beloved,
know this! There is no time like the present, and no present like time. Learn to cease every
opportunity today and make it useful by learning something new. There is no new thing under the
sun, but just the old same things when learned and done well over and over create the joy and
permanence that the heart and your soul desire.

Aim high, talk big, look up, be strong and die hard, knowing your future unfolds every second of
your journey through life.

Having time to relax and freeing your mind is a needed necessity, but be careful where, when
and how you free it, there are two things involved- either it ends in good or bad, choose the

Above all, always PRAY- for this is your key to having a successful day- meeting the toughest
and the roughest day has only a remedy- thus two seconds of daily prayer allows God to be in
control of the situation.

Don’t forget, an irresponsible man is known for one thing- complains- for when he says this is
not possible is another way to escape his duty. Do your best to finish all assignments on time,
read all you can, and don’t quit training or trying whenever needed. Again eat well, be clean and
gentle not only on the outside but also be thou kind in giving and don’t forget to share with those
in need. Don’t expect them to always say thank you for you may be disappointed.

In a day, tell your girlfriend you love her five times before you sleep, and to your friends that you
care. If only you have one, but if you don’t have, please I pray you don’t even try it now and
never dream of it now. For the best ones they say are not yet born- this is a lie and a speech for
those who hate to do the right research- to tell you the truth, the beautiful and the women of
character are there but just that they are hidden and await your discovery at the right time and on
the right day.

But if you have, which I might doubt for now; let these key terms be you watch words-
Be discipline, be careful and have self control. If you lack one of these, please don’t pray for it
just quit and learn to wait.

To tell you my story, I thought I was strong until the day I realize I had just spent almost ten
hours with a lady from 2pm to 12 am without knowing I have spent that much time. The
summary of our meeting was just to say “I Love U’. James learn to say these few words at most
in five minutes and learn to say goodbye, don’t hug tight, and control your sight for it will
determine what you will think next.

On your land, don’t deny yourself the gift of sight, look but be much covenanted not to sin.
Above all know your weakness- train yourself to step over it for it won’t be taught in your class,
but you are requested to learn it. Be yourself, think right, and you will always stay strong. With
these in place, count your stay a blessing and an experience not to be forgotten.

Don’t sit and worry about how to get there, for the journey begins on the day it starts, and surely
a little step is a process to getting there and surely you will be there. At this stage your professor
will not teach but he lectures, it is then left for you to teach yourself and do the learning yourself
knowing you are still the student.

Lest I forget, try your hardest not to make enemies… for they might be in higher position
someday and you will be made to pay all your bet before you graduate. Therefore learn to have
and make new friends- learn from them and be fast to know who they are. James to tell you the
truth, it is sweet to know people are there who trust and always care for your good. Search for
them and say thank you to them always.

The Wisdom of Moses to James

On this journey you are taking don’t be satisfied with evil rather be full of good, and learn to be
good and do it always
AVOID those who discourage and look down upon you for they won’t do you much good
RESPECT yourself and those ahead of you if you do you may pounce on an angel who may lead
you on smoothly. With such a guide a thousand mistakes they did in their time can be avoided
with you.
LOVE those who constructively criticizes you, it is very painful and it pays if you listen to them
AVOID gluttons around you; even if they have become friends, for the day that your stuffs get
finished don’t think they will wait for you any longer.
ENJOY your clique especially the one’s whom you share fellowship, for they will help your
heart with prayer and merry songs on the day that you will be ill.

CHECK your mails, read and reply with urgency for by it you learn to write to the world on the
net- sorry you won’t catch any fish because it won’t be in the net.
Learn to take a stroll- please not at night but rather in the light- for by this you will learn to walk
a mile and always learn to smile.

AVOID fair skinned ladies who were not born so, for they are pretenders, and never think dark is
beauty- for it may be lost on our continent during blackout. Sit and count your fingers, please
don’t end at five because there is more to count after that.

Above all these, take care!

I write this part as a Pastor:

Know this, that aside all these remember God reigns and He is the ultimate. I would rather be me
with Jesus than to be the most intelligent student without Christ. Like Paul, search for God daily.

But be assured: do not be too spiritual for this a slogan for pretenders. The most spiritual person
is he who falls and stands.
I may sound strange here!
--- Do not use all your time praying for your school is not a prayer camp.
--- Do not spend all your time reading the Bible, for you are not in the seminary
--- Do not spend all your time attending church meetings for you not a new convert

But in all these be moderate and flexible, knowing you are human and Christ knows you best

Learn to pray always, ready to read your bible BUT learn more; for that should be your FOCUS.

Its 3:32 am its time for me to sleep after a hard time studying my Hebrew script. Good – if you
can, try to learn a new language - if not this year when you marry, for you will not know whom
you will meet tomorrow.

Take time and read it all over. Bless your heart my beloved!

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