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User Acceptance Test Plan

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Project Name User Acceptance Test Plan
Revision History & Sign-off Sheet
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Table of Contents
Project Name User Acceptance Test Plan
1.0 Introduction....................................................................................................................4
1.1Project Overview........................................................................................................4
1.2 Scope..........................................................................................................................4
1.2.1 In Scope.............................................................................................................4
1.2.2Out of Scope........................................................................................................4
1.3 Objective...................................................................................................................4
1.3.1 Primary Objective..............................................................................................4
1.3.2Secondary Objective............................................................................................4
2.0UA e!t "et#odo$o%y....................................................................................................4
2.1 e!t P#a!e!.................................................................................................................&
3.0 UA e!t 'nvironment....................................................................................................&
3.1 UA e!t (e!)top!......................................................................................................&
3.2 UA e!t (ata.............................................................................................................&
4.0*o$e! and *e!pon!ibi$itie!..............................................................................................&
4.1 UA eam.................................................................................................................+
4.2e!t Partner!................................................................................................................+
&.0UA (e$iverab$e!...........................................................................................................+
&.1 UA Activitie!...........................................................................................................+
&.2 UA Sc#edu$e...........................................................................................................,
+.0 UA e!t -a!e!................................................................................................................,
+.1 UA e!t -a!e!.............................................................................................................
,.0UA (efect!....................................................................................................................
,.1 UA (efect rac)in%.................................................................................................
,.2 UA (efect Prioriti/ation...........................................................................................
,.3 UA (efect 0ifecyc$e.................................................................................................
Project Name User Acceptance Test Plan
1.0 ntro!"ction
The purpose of this document is to outline the User Acceptance Testing (UAT) process for the
[Project ame!" Project #ponsors from all participating departments are intended to re$ie% this
document" Appro$al of this document implies that re$ie%ers are confident that follo%ing the
e&ecution of the test plan' the resulting s(stem %ill )e considered full(*tested and eligi)le for
UAT is to )e completed )( the +usiness Departments (UAT Team) that %ill )e utili,ing the soft%are
and-or support departments" The testing is conducted to ena)le a user to $alidate that the
soft%are meets the agreed upon acceptance criteria"
1.1 Project Overview
[Descri)e the project here!
1.2 Scope
1.#.1 n Scope
[List testing of functional and use case re.uirements' non*automated )usiness processes' user
interface' etc" here!
1.#.# $"t of Scope
[List s(stem integration' disaster reco$er(' )usiness continuit( and other e&clusions here!
1.3 Objective
1.%.1 Pri&ary $b'ective
User Acceptance Testing is conducted to ensure that the s(stem satisfies the needs of the
)usiness as specified in the functional re.uirements and pro$ides confidence in its use"
/odifications to the aforementioned re.uirements %ill )e captured and tested to the highest le$el of
.ualit( allo%ed %ithin the project timeline"
1.%.# Secon!ary $b'ective
To identif( and e&pose defects and associated ris0s' communicate all 0no%n issues to the project
team' and ensure that all issues are addressed in an appropriate manner prior to implementation"
#.0 UA Test (etho!ology
[1&plain the method of testing' descri)e test phases' and applications to )e tested!
User Acceptance Testing %ill )e conducted primaril( )( the end users (i"e" #u)ject /atter 1&perts)"
Users %ill e&ecute all [Project ame! test scripts referenced in section 2"3" Users ma( also
perform additional tests not detailed in the plan )ut remain rele$ant and %ithin the scope of the
project" UAT progress %ill )e reported )ased on the percentage e&ecuted test cases and other
rele$ant testing acti$ities"
Project Name User Acceptance Test Plan
Users %ill report issues and defects to the )usiness anal(sts for documentation and escalation"
These incidents %ill )e descri)ed' prioriti,ed' and trac0ed )( using screen captures' $er)iage' and
steps necessar( for D151L6P/1T to reproduce the defect" 7nformation on defect prioriti,ation
can )e found in section 8"2"
2.1 Test Phases
[6utline and descri)e the test phases and UAT in$ol$ement in each c(cle"!
%.0 UA Test )nviron&ent
[Detail the en$ironments used for testing" List application configuration' test locations' U9Ls' etc"!
Applica)le 7P addresses and U9Ls should )e pro$ided to the UAT Team and all %or0stations
should )e configured appropriatel( for access to the test en$ironment"
3.1 UA Test Desktops
1ach test participant %ill )e pro$ided %ith a chec0list to $erif( access to all applications %ithin the
defined scope of testing" The tester %ill then log in and $alidate the sign*on data generates the
e&pected results for each application" This includes' )ut is not limited to' correct menus'
permissions' and general access" An( applications identified as missing from the test %or0station
des0tops should )e formall( re.uested and installed prior to testing"
3.2 UA Test Data
[List the re.uired data that must )e recei$ed )efore testing )egins * i"e" access to s(stems'
accounts' etc"!
Access to test data is a $ital component in conducting a comprehensi$e test of the s(stem" All
UAT participants %ill re.uire usage of test accounts and other pertinent test data %hich should )e
pro$ided )( end user support upon re.uest" Participants not currentl( utili,ing test data must
recei$e appropriate clearance and-or permissions to perform desired actions in the UAT
en$ironment" All user roles should full( emulate production in the UAT path" Completion of an
online access re.uest ma( )e re.uired in order to create test accounts"
*.0 Roles an! Responsibilities
[ote team mem)ers specificall( +usiness Anal(st(s) and #/1(s) performing UAT" Testing
participants should include representati$es from all areas in$ol$ed in the s(stem!
:e(s to a successful UAT process in$ol$e open channels of communication' detailed
documentation' and a)o$e all' clearl( defined roles and responsi)ilities" 1ach team mem)er must
function fluidl( in a group setting as %ell as %or0 independentl( for e&tended periods of time" UAT
is largel( a colla)orati$e process and test results must )e anal(,ed from different perspecti$es and
)( team mem)ers %ith $arious le$els of e&pertise across the )usiness to ensure success"
Project Name User Acceptance Test Plan
4.1 UAT Team
The test team is comprised of mem)ers %ho possess a thorough 0no%ledge of the current s(stems
and processing methods' i"e" #/1s" These team mem)ers %ill )e )etter a)le to initiate test input'
re$ie% the results' and )e more intuiti$el( familiar %ith the impact on other related )usiness issues
and staff acti$ities" /em)ers should )e detail*oriented and )e diligent in collecting proper
documentation to support the test results" Team mem)ers are selected )ased' in part' on the
a)ilit( of management to reassign the dail( duties the( %ill ha$e to forgo %hile performing the
All team mem)ers %ill )e presented %ith an o$er$ie% of the test process and %hat their specific
role in UAT %ill )e" The +usiness Anal(st<s role in the UAT process is to o$ersee testing )(
assigning scripts to #/1s' pro$iding general support' and ser$ing as the primar( UAT contact point
throughout the test c(cle" The +A %ill )e e&pected to filter out an( duplicate defects found and
escalate high priorit( issues to the team in a time sensiti$e manner"
Name Project Role Phone Extension Email !ocation

4.2 Test Partners
[List an( third parties that %ill )e participating in the UAT proces" Descri)e test strateg( if third
part( is in$ol$ed"!
+.0 UAT ,eliverables
The follo%ing sections detail milestones crucial to the completion of the UAT phase of the project"
6nce all dependent milestones ha$e )een completed' UAT %ill formall( sign*off on the s(stem<s
functionalit( and distri)ute an e*mail to all project sta0eholders"
5.1 UAT Activities
All core UAT acti$ities are defined )elo%=
Identify UAT Team > +usiness Anal(st lists #/1s that %ill ta0e part in testing for the
project" The Project #ponsor is often the source of information for the team list" A full
description of team mem)er attri)utes is detailed in section 4"3"
UAT Plan A strateg(*)ased document defining test methodolog( and criteria is
distri)uted to the team"
UAT Plan Team Review #ession %ith )usiness sta0eholders to re$ie% plan and pro$ide
feed)ac0 and sign*off"
UA Test Cases A document that details each specific test case that %ill )e performed
during the UAT process"
Project Name User Acceptance Test Plan
Test Data Acquisition 9eceipt of accounts and test en$ironment data from ?A re.uired
to e&ecute test scripts" Note: one full wee of lead time is needed to acquire test accounts
from !A"
UA Test Cases > A detailed step*)(*step )rea0do%n of each indi$idual test case"
UA Test Case Review > Appro$al from )usiness team and-or third parties on completed
Destop #alidation 5alidation of installed applications and configuration necessar( for
UAT $nvironment #alidation 5alidation of connecti$it( and e&pected results in the test
en$ironment for each end user participating in testing"
Test Case $%ecution Completion of all test scripts )( test team"
Defect Tracin& Defects %ill )e entered and trac0ed $ia spreadsheet )( the +usiness
Anal(st and-or Project /anager" 1ach entr( %ill include detailed information a)out each
UAT Touc' Point 9egularl( scheduled meeting to e$aluate UAT progress and
outstanding defects"
UAT (i&n)*ff @ormal sign*off indicating the s(stem satisfies the needs of the )usiness
as specified in the functional re.uirements and pro$ides confidence in its use"
5.2 UAT Sche!"e
[List 0e( deli$era)le dates and milestones in the ta)le )elo%!
Activit" Estimated Completion Date Initials
7dentif( UAT Team
UAT Plan
UAT Plan Team 9e$ie%
UA Test Case Aal0

Test Data Ac.uisition
UA Test #cripts
UA Test #cript Appro$al
Des0top 5alidation
UAT 1n$ironment

Test #cript 1&ecution
UAT #ign*6ff
-.0 UA Test Cases
[Descri)e test case approach and pro$ide lin0 to full document!
Test cases pro$ide a high*le$el description of the functionalit( to )e tested" All regression and ne%
functionalit( test cases are contained in the 1&cel spreadsheet BUA Test CasesC a$aila)le at=
[insert h(perlin0 to UAT folder in Project Director( here!" The team plans to le$erage rele$ant ?A
Project Name User Acceptance Test Plan
test cases for project specific functionalit(" 1ach test case )ased on ne% functionalit( %ill
reference a specific functional re.uirement"
#.1 UA Test $ases
Test cases contain a detailed step )( step )rea0do%n of each test case to )e performed )( the UA
tester" 1ach script contains= test case num)er' product' test description' re.uirement num)er'
re.uestor' tester' action to )e performed' test data to )e utili,ed' e&pected results' error
descriptions (if applica)le)' pass-fail results' date tested' and an( additional comments from the UA
The UA test scripts are contained %ithin the UAT test case spreadsheet and can )e accessed $ia
h(perlin0 from each indi$idual test case"
..0 UAT ,efects
[Descri)e the defect capture and prioriti,ation methods!
Defects %ill )e entered and trac0ed $ia spreadsheet )( the +usiness Anal(st during the UAT
process" 1ach entr( %ill include detailed information a)out each defect"
%.1 UAT De&ect Trackin'
Team mem)ers %ill )e pro$ided %ith instruction on ho% to effecti$el( e&ecute test scripts' as %ell
identif(' capture' and report defects" Utili,ation of /icrosoft 6ffice applications and screen capture
programs (e"g" #nag7t) %ill )e re.uired to document defects for escalation" Team mem)ers %ill )e
e&pected to present findings on regularl( scheduled touch point meetings in the e$ent that end
user support and-or De$elopment re.uire additional detail"
%.2 UAT De&ect Prioriti(ation
The +usiness Anal(st %ill function as a liaison )et%een the )usiness and de$elopment on matters
of prioriti,ing and classif(ing defects" Defects found in UAT can )e assigned one of four (4) le$els
of se$erit(=
Re&ulatory > This re.uest is regulator( and mandator(
Critical > Testing defects that due to the comple&it( of the function or the scheduled dates
are putting the implementation date at ris0" o %or0around e&ists"
+i&' > Testing defects occurring in a less comple& function of the application %ith sufficient
time to resol$e )efore the implementation date > )ut must )e implemented as scheduled"
A %or0around has )een identified and is listed in the defect"
,ow > Testing defect occurring in a function that are simple to fi& or could )e e&cluded if
not resol$ed )( the scheduled implementation date"
%.3 UAT De&ect )i&ec*c"e
Defects must )e clearl( captured and escalated to ensure prompt resolution )( de$elopment"
1ach defect su)mitted )( UAT %ill )e assigned a priorit(' %or0ed )( de$elopment' resol$ed' and
re*tested )( UAT prior to closure" The follo%ing is a snapshot of the standard defect lifec(cle=
Project Name User Acceptance Test Plan
/.0 Ass"&ptions
[7dentif( an( assumptions prior to UAT!
The follo%ing are 0e( assumptions made )( UAT prior to the commencement of the acceptance
test phase=
?A testing has )een completed %ithout an( outstanding critical defects"
The UAT en$ironment %ill )e a$aila)le for testing"
Configuration information and test data has )een pro$ided and applied as designed"
All des0tops identified for UAT %ill ha$e the necessar( soft%are applications installed"
#u)ject /atter 1&perts (#/1) are a$aila)le to participate in testing"
0.0 Ris1s
[7dentif( an( ris0s that could impact UAT!
+elo% are ris0s that could potentiall( impact the UAT process and pre$ent its successful and timel(
Unsta)le UAT en$ironment"
7nade.uate test data"
7ncorrect soft%are $ersion(s)"
@ailure to emulate production en$ironment"
Lac0 of human resources"
Project Name User Acceptance Test Plan
10.0 References
[List sources of information used in the plan (e"g" @unctional 9e.uirements' ?A Plan' etc") and
pro$ide h(perlin0s!
The follo%ing are reference documents %hich ha$e )een le$eraged for project specific information
in the design of the UAT plan=
Document Repositor" Path

11.0 2lossary
[List terms and definitions applica)le to the project here" 7f terms and definitions are a$aila)le in
PurplePedia pro$ide a reference or lin0 in the ta)le )elo%!
#erm De$inition


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