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Weekly Community Potluck

Bosteu by 0ccupy Kitchen

Satuiuays & Sunuays
0nion Squaie (14

Twittei: NYCActivism , 0WS0nionSquaie
#Take0uiCityBack #Wake0pNYC #Wave0fAction
e-mail: occupyunionsquaiegmail.com ph: 646-47u-S89u

The 0ccupy Kitchen is a ievolutionaiy space foi bieaking bieau anu builuing community. We aie
open to eveiyone! Fiom oui kitchen at Zuccotti Paik, to oui uaily foou outieach, to oui weekenu foou
table at 0ccupy 0nion Squaie, foi ovei 2 yeais we've been nouiishing the giassioots movement to
fiee NYC fiom coipoiate contiol anu cieate an alteinative to this exploitive, inefficient system of
capitalism anu piofits.

We aie committeu to builuing a moie equitable society anu fuitheiing the foou justice movement by
changing patteins of consumption in NYC anu beyonu. We believe that access to goou healthy foou is
a univeisal human iight. We stiive to pioviue meals anu snacks to people in the 0nion Squaie aiea
anu to the NYC activist community in geneial. 0ui netwoik of suppoiteis is a uiveise gioup of
activists, small businesses, community gioups & inuiviuuals who shaie a common vision of a moie
livable, sustainable & secuie NYC foi all!

If you like what we'ie uoing, please suppoit! BRINu A BISB 0F F00B IF Y00 CAN! 646-47u-S89u to
cooiuinate! Likeshaie oui Facebook page: BTTP:WWW.FACEB00K.C0N0WS0NI0NSQ0ARE . It
woulu be wonueiful to stait having community foou shaiing tables in ALL public paiks on a weekly
basis! Naybe eventually uaily!

All powei to the people! Bown with coiiuption, exploitation & oppiession of humanity anu Planet
Eaith. Peace & justice, light & positive eneigy to NYC, 0.S.A. & people of the woilu!

!"#$%& ()* +#,-)./0 12(& &2. 1#-/3 $..3)4 5)* +#,-)./0 12(& 6(*.) +#, 7#6. (/89. ($3 &2.$ :# 3# &2(&; <.7(,). 12(& &2.
1#-/3 $..3) 8) =.#=/. 12# 2(9. 7#6. (/89.4> ?#1(-3 @2,-6($

0ccupy 0nion Squaie NYCActivism.oig

What we stanu foi:

CRISIS. Stop the coming tiain wieck! uet off the hamstei wheel! Tap into one of the hunuieus
of gioups fighting foi social anu enviionmental justice!
Patiiotism B0ES N0T EQ0AL blinu suppoit anu obeuience! Noi uoes it mean N0T 0SINu 00R
Noi uoes it mean paying youi taxes when that money gets useu to suppoit wasteful,
unnecessaiy, unhealthy, unpopulai, unfaii oi flat-out uangeious piojects
Stop state-sponsoieu mass muiuei, lies & black-ops CIA teiioi
Ban use of scalai weapons BAARP
Ban coveit high-altituue spiaying ie. Chemtiails ueo-engineeiing weathei mouification
Foim a Tiuth Commission to uisclose all 0.S. seciet black-buuget piogiams to the 0.S. public
(geo-engineeiing, cloning, seciet space piogiam, minu-contiol, eugenics etc.)
Stop militaiization of oui police foice
Stop R0B0TIZATI0N of police foice & militaiy; ban uione use woiluwiue & at home
Stop chemical companies' (like Nonsanto) contiol of oui foou supply
0se oui militaiy to PR0TECT oui clean foou & watei! Insteau of invauing non-thieatening
nations, stealing theii stuff, killing & teiioiizing people unnecessaiily; close bases woiluwiue
Stop goveinment NSA & TSA invasions of piivacy; stop NYPB Stop & Fiisk
Foim INBEPENBENT commission to piosecute NYPB abuse of law
Enu the so-calleu "Biug Wai"; Legalize uiugs; Tieat auuiction as illness, not ciime!
Stop wasteful, haimful, unpopulai, unfaii oi flat-out uangeious city, state anu Feueial piojects;
Possible ciiminal chaiges fileu foi ieckless enuangeiment &oi waste
Foim Common Law Couit to ie-investigate ciime & covei-up of 911; make null & voiu any laws
passeu by Piesiuent & Congiess that violate Constitution; finally stait piosecuting white collai
ciime & ciimes against humanity; possible impeachment & jail time
Public paiticipation in foou shaiing events & BEN0CRATIC BECISI0N NAKINu
Respectful, iesponsible 247 occupation of public paiks anu spaces by iesiuents
All NYC iesiuents have iight to fiee speech, peaceful piotest & assembly anu to feeu otheis
without being fenceu in, teaigaseu, tazeu, bullieu aiounu, huit oi killeu by NYPB
$1Shi minimum wage N0W foi ALL NYC woikeis
Stop piivatization, closuie & ue-funuing of oui public schools, hospitals, post-offices, libiaiies,
paiks, social seivices etc.
New voting system foi NYC iesiuents. 0ne with integiity anu inclusiveness foi ALL iesiuents!
Euucation system iun by PARENTS & TEACBERS not stanuaiuizeu tests
Enu the Feueial Reseive N0W & cieation of a city-wiue P0BLIC BANK
New economy (& possibly cuiiency) baseu on CLEAN F00B & WATER, suppoit foi
Affoiuable housing N0W; open up long-vacant spaces in city
NTA stop funneling $ to big banks in inteiest payments; Reuuce faies anu inciease seivice N0W
FIX uysfunctional justice system; Stop coiiupt juuges; Release of ALL political piisoneis N0W
Stop uepoitations & incaiceiation of INNIuRANTS N0W
Close uecommission all nuke plants N0W. Inuian Point = Fukushima-on-Buuson!
Woiluwiue abolition of nucleai weapons
Ban fiacking, tai-sanus, mountain-top iemoval, LNu pipelines, etc. N0W; iemeuiation & cleanup
Bisclose suppiesseu fiee eneigy technologies N0W
Immeuiate tiansition to clean alteinatives: solai, winu, geo-theimal, hyuio anu fiee-eneigy
Nassive ienewable eneigy jobs cieation piogiam foi NYC N0W
Respect iights of Ameiican Inuians & 0.S. goveinment honoi tieaties
Fieeuom foi Palestinians; Enu the illegal Isiaeli occupation
Rights foi all woikeis to foim a 0NI0N! Co-ops anu collectives
Conceineu NYC iesiuents pleuge to suppoit uREEN L0CAL EC0N0NY, pull money away fiom
uestiuctive companiespiouucts, stait Tiibunal couit foi uoveinment & inuustiy people that
haim the public
Among othei things. moie info at: http:tinyuil.comNYCResolution Spieau the woiu!

Weekly Community Potluck

Bosteu by 0ccupy Kitchen
Satuiuays & Sunuays
0nion Squaie (14

Twittei: NYCActivism , 0WS0nionSquaie
#Take0uiCityBack #Wake0pNYC #Wave0fAction
e-mail: occupyunionsquaiegmail.com ph: 646-47u-S89u

The 0ccupy Kitchen is a ievolutionaiy space foi bieaking bieau anu builuing community. We aie
open to eveiyone! Fiom oui kitchen at Zuccotti Paik, to oui uaily foou outieach, to oui weekenu foou
table at 0ccupy 0nion Squaie, foi ovei 2 yeais we've been nouiishing the giassioots movement to
fiee NYC fiom coipoiate contiol anu cieate an alteinative to this exploitive, inefficient system of
capitalism anu piofits.

We aie committeu to builuing a moie equitable society anu fuitheiing the foou justice movement by
changing patteins of consumption in NYC anu beyonu. We believe that access to goou healthy foou is
a univeisal human iight. We stiive to pioviue meals anu snacks to people in the 0nion Squaie aiea
anu to the NYC activist community in geneial. 0ui netwoik of suppoiteis is a uiveise gioup of
activists, small businesses, community gioups & inuiviuuals who shaie a common vision of a moie
livable, sustainable & secuie NYC foi all!

If you like what we'ie uoing, please suppoit! BRINu A BISB 0F F00B IF Y00 CAN! 646-47u-S89u to
cooiuinate! Likeshaie oui Facebook page: BTTP:WWW.FACEB00K.C0N0WS0NI0NSQ0ARE . It
woulu be wonueiful to stait having community foou shaiing tables in ALL public paiks on a weekly
basis! Naybe eventually uaily!

All powei to the people! Bown with coiiuption, exploitation & oppiession of humanity anu Planet
Eaith. Peace & justice, light & positive eneigy to NYC, 0.S.A. & people of the woilu!

!"#$%& ()* +#,-)./0 12(& &2. 1#-/3 $..3)4 5)* +#,-)./0 12(& 6(*.) +#, 7#6. (/89. ($3 &2.$ :# 3# &2(&; <.7(,). 12(& &2.
1#-/3 $..3) 8) =.#=/. 12# 2(9. 7#6. (/89.4> ?#1(-3 @2,-6($

0ccupy 0nion Squaie NYCActivism.oig

What we stanu foi:

CRISIS. Stop the coming tiain wieck! uet off the hamstei wheel! Tap into one of the hunuieus
of gioups fighting foi social anu enviionmental justice!
Patiiotism B0ES N0T EQ0AL blinu suppoit anu obeuience! Noi uoes it mean N0T 0SINu 00R
Noi uoes it mean paying youi taxes when that money gets useu to suppoit wasteful,
unnecessaiy, unhealthy, unpopulai, unfaii oi flat-out uangeious piojects
Stop state-sponsoieu mass muiuei, lies & black-ops CIA teiioi
Ban use of scalai weapons BAARP
Ban coveit high-altituue spiaying ie. Chemtiails ueo-engineeiing weathei mouification
Foim a Tiuth Commission to uisclose all 0.S. seciet black-buuget piogiams to the 0.S. public
(geo-engineeiing, cloning, seciet space piogiam, minu-contiol, eugenics etc.)
Stop militaiization of oui police foice
Stop R0B0TIZATI0N of police foice & militaiy; ban uione use woiluwiue & at home
Stop chemical companies' (like Nonsanto) contiol of oui foou supply
0se oui militaiy to PR0TECT oui clean foou & watei! Insteau of invauing non-thieatening
nations, stealing theii stuff, killing & teiioiizing people unnecessaiily; close bases woiluwiue
Stop goveinment NSA & TSA invasions of piivacy; stop NYPB Stop & Fiisk
Foim INBEPENBENT commission to piosecute NYPB abuse of law
Enu the so-calleu "Biug Wai"; Legalize uiugs; Tieat auuiction as illness, not ciime!
Stop wasteful, haimful, unpopulai, unfaii oi flat-out uangeious city, state anu Feueial piojects;
Possible ciiminal chaiges fileu foi ieckless enuangeiment &oi waste
Foim Common Law Couit to ie-investigate ciime & covei-up of 911; make null & voiu any laws
passeu by Piesiuent & Congiess that violate Constitution; finally stait piosecuting white collai
ciime & ciimes against humanity; possible impeachment & jail time
Public paiticipation in foou shaiing events & BEN0CRATIC BECISI0N NAKINu
Respectful, iesponsible 247 occupation of public paiks anu spaces by iesiuents
All NYC iesiuents have iight to fiee speech, peaceful piotest & assembly anu to feeu otheis
without being fenceu in, teaigaseu, tazeu, bullieu aiounu, huit oi killeu by NYPB
$1Shi minimum wage N0W foi ALL NYC woikeis
Stop piivatization, closuie & ue-funuing of oui public schools, hospitals, post-offices, libiaiies,
paiks, social seivices etc.
New voting system foi NYC iesiuents. 0ne with integiity anu inclusiveness foi ALL iesiuents!
Euucation system iun by PARENTS & TEACBERS not stanuaiuizeu tests
Enu the Feueial Reseive N0W & cieation of a city-wiue P0BLIC BANK
New economy (& possibly cuiiency) baseu on CLEAN F00B & WATER, suppoit foi
Affoiuable housing N0W; open up long-vacant spaces in city
NTA stop funneling $ to big banks in inteiest payments; Reuuce faies anu inciease seivice N0W
FIX uysfunctional justice system; Stop coiiupt juuges; Release of ALL political piisoneis N0W
Stop uepoitations & incaiceiation of INNIuRANTS N0W
Close uecommission all nuke plants N0W. Inuian Point = Fukushima-on-Buuson!
Woiluwiue abolition of nucleai weapons
Ban fiacking, tai-sanus, mountain-top iemoval, LNu pipelines, etc. N0W; iemeuiation & cleanup
Bisclose suppiesseu fiee eneigy technologies N0W
Immeuiate tiansition to clean alteinatives: solai, winu, geo-theimal, hyuio anu fiee-eneigy
Nassive ienewable eneigy jobs cieation piogiam foi NYC N0W
Respect iights of Ameiican Inuians & 0.S. goveinment honoi tieaties
Fieeuom foi Palestinians; Enu the illegal Isiaeli occupation
Rights foi all woikeis to foim a 0NI0N! Co-ops anu collectives
Conceineu NYC iesiuents pleuge to suppoit uREEN L0CAL EC0N0NY, pull money away fiom
uestiuctive companiespiouucts, stait Tiibunal couit foi uoveinment & inuustiy people that
haim the public
Among othei things. moie info at: http:tinyuil.comNYCResolution Spieau the woiu!

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