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This policy defies !he organization co""i!"e! !o e#$%li!y& di'e(si!y %d h$"%
I! %pplies !o %ll e"ployees %d pe(sos )ho )o(* i +eh%lf of organization
This policy co'e(s %ll %spec!s of e"ploy"e!& f(o" '%c%cy %d'e(!isig& selec!io
(ec($i!"e! %d !(%iig !o codi!ios of se('ice %d (e%sos fo( !e("i%!io of
Organization recognizes that everyone has a contribution to make to our society and a right to equal
No job applicant or employee, individual to which we provide services will be discriminated against by us
on the grounds of:
Gender including se!, marriage, gender re"assignment#$
%ace including ethnic origin, colour, nationality and national origin#$
'e!ual orientation$
%eligion or belief$
)e aim to promote equal opportunities, eliminate discrimination and eliminate harassment through the
*ppose all forms of unlawful and unfair discrimination.
(ll employees, suppliers, patients are treated fairly and with respect.
(ll vacancies will be advertised internally and e!ternally simultaneously and will include a
statement on equal opportunities.
+he selection for employment or promotion will be on the basis of aptitude and ability.
(ll employees will be helped and encouraged to develop their full potential and the talents and
resources of individuals will be fully utilised to ma!imise the efficiency of the organisation.
(ll employees have a legal and moral obligation not to discriminate and to report incidents of
discrimination against any individual or group of individuals to ,uality, -nvironment and 'afety

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*ur commitment:
+o create an environment in which individual differences and the contributions of all our staff and
patients are recognized and valued.
-very employee is entitled to be part of an environment that promotes dignity and respect to all.
No form of intimidation, bullying or harassment will be tolerated.
+raining, development and progression opportunities are available to all staff.
-quality is good management practice and makes sound sense.
.reaches of our equality policy will be regarded as misconduct and could lead to disciplinary
proceedings or membership disqualification.
+his policy is fully supported by the management committee and has been agreed with members of the
+he Organization policy is a /living/ document which will change in the light of e!perience and0 or new
legislation. +he Organization therefore undertakes, through its ,uality, -nvironment and 'afety
&epartment, to continuously monitor and if appropriate# review the content or operation of this policy.
+he Organization also welcomes suggestions and0 or comments relating to its -qual *pportunities
policy, and these should be sent to the &epartment email#.

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