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ln this pockage:

1. Pre-reading activity on Globalization

2. Write-up on Globalization: What is it? What does it mean?
3. Write-up on Globalization in the areas of Trade, Finance and MNcs
4. Post-reading activity on Globalization in the areas ofTrade, Finance and
5. Write-up on Globalization in the areas of Cultural and Communication
Tre nd s

6. Post-reading activity on Globalization and Culture

7. Write-up on Globalization and the Environment, Politics and Law
8. G lobalization Fact Sheet
9. 'The Clash of Civilizations' by Samuel P. Huntington
10.'Was Samuel Huntington right after all', by Fouad Ajami, IHT
ll.Questions on 'Was Samuel Huntington right after all?'
12.'selling Globalization: The Myth of the Global Economy', by Michael Veseth'
l3.Questions on 'Selling Globalization: The Myth of the Global Economy'
14.'Cultural lmperialism: An American Tradition', by Julia Galeota
15.Post-reading activity on 'Cultural lmperialism: An American Tradition'
1.6.'Cultural Globalization', by James L. Watson, Encyclopedia Britannica
17. Post-readingactivity on'Cultural Globalization'
18.'Jihad vs McWorld'by Benjamin Barber
19.Post-reading activity on 'Jihad vs McWorld'
20.'Cyberterrorism: How real is the threat?, by Gabriel Weimann
21.'Responding to Transnational Crime', by Raymond E. Kendall
22.'G loba lization, Terror's Unwilling Ally', by Loretz Napoleoni
23.'Globalization and Terrorism', by Jamal R. Nassar
24.Post-reading activity on Globalization and Terror - DEBATE!
25.Application Question Revision
Pre-reading activity

What is globalization?

smdll oroup discussions

Qn What do you think globalization is? How does globalization
impact your life directly? Are there individuals in our society who are
somehow not impacted by globalization? Who are they?

Qn lf we were to attempt to eliminate globalization and its

influence, how would you go about doing so? What constraints would

Qn lmagine a world without globalization. Would we be better or

worse off? Why?

Share your onswers with the rest of the closs.

G lobalization

1. Whot is it? Whot does it meon?

It involves the stretrhing and deepening of social relations and institutions across
geographical boundarles such that, day'to-day aciivities are increasingly influenced
by events happening on the other side of the globe. Also, the activities of local
communities can have significant global reverberations

Globalization means that many chains of political, economic and social activity are
becoming inter regional or inter-contin€ntal in scope. L;nkages between societies
are well documented in history. The difference today is the intensification of levels
of interaction and ;nter connectedess between societies.

The modern global system stretches social relations through new dimensions ol
activity through phenomena such as communication networks and new information
technology. These differ from the historical forms o{ globalization as the networks of
connections are far more extensive, far more intense and have a far more massive
impact on a global scale.

Globalization is a multi-dimensional phenomenon, involving diverse domains of

activity and interaction, including economjc, political, technological, military, legal,
cultural and environmental.

The significance of globalization differs for individuals, groups and countries.

Obviously, societies that are intensely connected are sitnificantly impacted by
events happening elsewhere. That said, seemingly disconnected socicties can also
find themselves profoundly affected by globalization.

Globalization is rharacterised by asymmetry. Not all peopie will have similar access
to global network5 and infrasiructures. At the same time, such networks have an
uneqLral effect on the well being ot people, classes, ethnic groupings and genders.
2. Trade

Giabaliictian n,as Jirst seen 6t o meoas cj decreasing the poverty icvel oJ the vlarla.
By ollawing the free law aJ cheop gaods of o high quolity produced os a result of the
odvontoges af moss production, if would theoreticolly allow cansumers o wider
I unqe af p,adu(, < of h.qhpt quol;Iy ot lowet p]| p,

The thinking was that each country could then focus on the means of production
where they had the greatest comparative advantage and the movement of labour
intensive industries to less developed nations with lower wage structures would
increase the economic growth of these nations by providing employment at higher
wages than subsistence agrlculture, the main economic activity o{ these nations.
Jhis movement gained inrpetus under the direction of the World Trade Organization
\\/hich encouraged barrier Jree trade on an international basis. The developed
nations supported this movement as they would now have new markets for the
industrial goods they produced and the less developed nations were encouraged by
the rapid economic growth of the 4 'Asian ti8ers' (Hong Kong, South Korea,
Singapore and Taiwan) to try this route to economic development and employment

Llnforeseen results were that subsistence farmers were displaced and became
slLrm dwellers in urban re8ions and the small and medium industries in the lesser
developed nations were unable to compete against the cheap goods sold by the
transnational corporations and the franchisees of multinational corporations based
in the developed nations. Furthermore, the tax structures and environmental laws
of many small countries, desperate for investment by transnational corporations,
tlrere negatively impacted by Sovernments/ attempts to woo such investm€nts. ln
the present economic climate, while most people a8ree that the world economy has
lmproved to some degree thanks to globalization, the reality is that most people
argue that this has becn at the expense of ihe quality of life of the poorest peoples
ln the Third World nations and the envlronment.

3. Finance

The exponsian of glabolfinonciollows around the warld hos been stoggering in the
last ttn to fifteen years. Fareign exchange turnover is no\^/ aver a trillian dollars o
tioy lhe Ja.i lttot ioda1,. cornponies can raise and invest rnoney regardless ol
{:eagrophical boundories, m€ons thot we naw have o highly inteeraled internaliotlol
li.tonce syster, for example, mony Chinese businesses ore listed in the Singopore
:iack ExchonEc. As a conscquence, it is ihcreosinEly diff;cult Jor aounlries ta put:u€
;rdependent fianetar.\t po!r(ies. lnevitably, manetcr)t policy must now be done
(cking into octoL)nt the intetests oJ sometimes powetful Jarelgn entities investing or
tc,aing capital )r a hatt covnity

The 'Asien Finencial Crisls'of 1997 and sinTilar tlnanLiai meltdowIs such as the one
failowinSthe Septernber 11 :001 incident have shown that world financial nrarkets
arc incxtricabl_! linked Globalization has clearly meant that whal happens in une
part of the flnancial world impacts on the rest ot the !rorld. Yet this not the greatest
threat resulting trom globa i2ation The issue of speculative influences over the
e(onomies of soverergn naticns wds firlt raised Dr. Mahathir N4oh:rnmed, thcn
Prime Minister oI Malaysla, during the onset o{ the Atian Financial C ris is. The second
and more insidious netative impact ol globalization has been lhe holdinB of small
sovereiBn nations to ransom by Trans National Corporations Though China may have
been the first nation to embrace Blobalization through the voyages of the admiral
ChenB Ho, and the most ardent supporter of Free Trade today, Slobalization is seen
as a Western policy run for the benefit of the developed nations. The transfer of
technology and jobs notwithstanding, the loss of sovereign power and cultural and
economic independence to the EU and the US is the main result observed in many
Third World nations.

3 1 Passible Iinks between Globolizotian ond Paverty

Presently, a global agenda seemingly focuses upon the possible links between
globaiization and poverty, epitomized by the United Nations Millennium Summit in
September 2000. Among the values and principles meniioned in the United Nations
Millennium Declaration, the links between globalization and poverty were

The central challenge we face toclay is to ensute lhat globaltzation becones a

postlive force far alllhe worid s people lls benefls are unevenly shared. $lhle its
costs are unevenly d$lnbuted

Furthermore, in a show of unguarded cptimisrn about translnting rhetorical

intentions into an operative plan for development and poverty eradicatlon, the
leaders o{ the world committed themselves to the followirrg deadline:

We furlhet tesalve lo tial\,e by 20't5 lhe propanictt of the world s people \rha earn
less ;itan ane dallat a day ryhc sufter han hutget and wha leck access 1() safe

This declaraticn cf good intention demonstrates, at least at the rhetorical level, that
there is an emerging consensus withln the international community about the
importance of the links between globalization and poverty and inequality, and that
globalization should fult,ll a positive role in reducing and eradicatinB poverty. At the
same time, there is a serious disagreement about whether the link between
globalizat;on and poverty and inequalily is a positive or a negative one; that is,
whether globalization creates more poverly or reduaes it. Moreover, ii is not
completely evident that globaiization can reduce poverty. Alter all, divergent
ideological, philosophical, normative, and theoretical epproaches 1o international
relations and internationil political economy Benerare dil{ereni interpretations of
similar {acls. The assumption that the rnvisible and polent force5 o{ Blobalization
{j'rcluding markets, science, and technologv) will resolve the problems of inequ.lity
and poverty is not completely reassuring, considering the lingerlng realiiy of at !east
a billion peopie l;ving in absolute povefiy.
It is becoming incrcasrngly evident, both in rhetoriral ternrs and in ihe actual
practrce of states .nd iilernalronal institutions, that ihere are tangible and
.ubslanti-l lliks belween glob!lizatroir and povcrty. For insiance, the Urited
Nations Development Pro8ramme (UNDP) sus8ests that colrntries should link their
poverty-reliel programs not ony to their national poiicies but also to their
internalional economic and financial policies. Ihus, in a world of increasrng
cconomlc integration and globalization, those links can be crucial. For instance, since
the Blobal recession ln lhe 1980s it has become evident that lhere is a direct
relationshlp between external debt and poverty.

At the same time, what remains ambiguous is the character and direction of these
possible links, ultimately interpreted according to divergent paradigms of
internatlonal political economy and disparate normative views, such as realist,
liberal and radical viervs. For instance, the liberalview of global economic relations,
based on mutual and complex interdependence, reeards international economic
relations between developed and devcloping countries as mutuallV beneficial and
benign. ln this view, the forces of globali2atlon will eventually stimulate the
economlc growth in the developing nations, thus reducing and even eradicating
poverty. ln contrast, a more radical view maintains that the global economrc
relations between Northern hemisphere and Southern hemisphere are asymmetrical
and approximates a type of zero sum relationship, accordiog to which the forces of
globalization exacerbate inequality and poverty.

ln logical terms, speculation on thc potential links between globalization and

poverty prod uces the following ten pos5ibilities:

(a) Glaboltzotion causes ond deepens poverty;

(b) Glabolization r€du(es ond even resolves the problem of poverty;
(c)There is no necessary link between globalizatian and povefty;
(d)Ihere is o negotive impa.t in the:hort term, tutning inta o pasitive impact an the
avetallecanamy in the lang run;
(e) Iher€ is a positive itnpoa:f in the shorl tenn, tuntnO tnla a rcaattve tmpoct an the
cvercllercnonty in the lang Lerm;
(f) there is a negalive tnpact ta a ctrtoin pa)nt, then the relationship becomes
neutrol or insiq niJicont;
(g) Iherc is a pasitive tff)poct ta o te.toin painl. then the rtlatianship becames
n eutral or insi g n iJtca nt ;
(h) Iherc is 6 neutral ar itjsignifi(ont t.lotionship ot the beginnirtg, then becomes o
pasjl ive relattonsh ip; ond
(i) Iher. is a neutral ar tnsiqniJicant r€lotionship ot the beginning, then becotnes o
n egulive relal iaDshi p.

\l/hat s evlcenl fron all lhose possiLle permutaticns is thal the links between
globelization and povert! are complex .nd ambiguous. The que<tion still remains of
wheiher gicbalizatio|r promi3es to ij{t the economies of developing nations, or
cxacerbaies lncome gaps within and bctween nations, or perhaps leads to both
(ontradiciory processes simultaneously. ln this sense, elobalizalion and poverty are
ifterdepen.ientr B obn i.ation noi onl,,/ alfects poverty but, ln turn, poveriy might
dctermlne tl-e fatc ol F oballzation.
4. Multinational Corporations

MNCs such os Nike, Sony,Ioyoto, Hondo ond Ford ore todoy a driving fotce behind
globalizotion, moking warld trode ond finoncial morkets more integroted.

MNCs naturally engage in Foreign Direct Investment iFDl), pLlmping money into host
economies, advancing the pace of the local economy and translerring technology as
well as knowledge and skills. Most MNCs are from Japan and the lJnited States
(approx 89%), with about another 9% cominS from Iurope. Between 1993 and 1999
worldwide flow of FDltripled, and even in the midst of the'Asian Financial Crisis' in,
FDI to the developing world was USS165 billion.

FDI involves a long term interest in the host country and also implies that
these MNCs have a profound effect on macroeconomic policy. They can respond to
variations of interest rates by raising finance in the most favourable capital market.
lhey can shift their demand for employment to countries that have the lowest
elnployment costs. They can move their activities into the industries which give
them the most benefits. The fact that MNC5 can act in these ways influences
government policy and shapes economic strategles.

MNCs do more than just expand the amount of tapiial in an economy. They also
increase technical skills and innovation of lhe host country. MNCs enable the local
popuiation to learn business skills, such as production methods, management
techniques and access to export markets. For example, if Toyota sets up a car plant
ouiside of Japan, it would need to traln locals to ensure that high quality standards
are retained. l{ Toyota gets a competitive advantage, the host counlries get the skills
and jobs A {cw proven examples are SoLrth Korea and Singapore The economies of
these two countries prospered through export drlven strate8ies that used cheap
labour. This labour became skill{ul and cleative withirr a few decades. Korean firms
Somsung, Kio and Hyundoi and Singapore's Creot;ve ate a few examples of
5Lrccessful local companies

It is however not uncommon to hear accusations thai MNCs are th€ new coloni2ers
of the modern era, exploiting incentives designed to attract FDl, and cheap local
labour. ln these .ases, the MNCs are not perceived to be Sivin8 ba.k to the local
econorny ano generally not seen to be improving thc lives of their local workers.
BLrreaucratic corruptlon and poor enforcement of local trade, Iabour and taxation
pollciL's could be a possible reason for ihese so'called 'neo colonial' MNCs As a
fesult, oniy a lew members of the elite actuallv benefit (personally) from the
presence of these \4NCs. Also, poor standards cf €:ducation, traininB and people
developmenl amongst the local population may render it very ditlicult for to
translcr knowledge, skills and iechnology. lnevita[riy, the MNCs mLlst then '\4NCsrely
l)eavily on expatriate manpcwer and the localg contir'ue to perceive lhemselve5 a5 a
poor and exploited underclass.
Post-reading Activity

Examining globalization in the areas of Trade, Finance and MNCs


ln small groups, come up with lists of real life examples of globalization in the
areas of (1)trade {exchange of good and services), (2)finance (movement of
capital) and {3)MNCs (businesses setting up factories and offices in countries
other than the country of origin)

Share your lists with the class and collate your findings. When the list is complete,
examine your examples and determine if globalization was beneficial to all parties
in each example. lf certain parties were disadvantaged, who were they and why
were they on the losing end?

What conclusions can we draw from this exercise?

Essov ptonnino exercise

Mindmap sn essay plan to the following questions:

-'Globalization only benefits the rich' Do you agree?

-'The rich become richer and the poor become poorer'. Comment.

-'The nation state is irrelevant today'. Do you agree?

5. Cultural and Communication trends

Evidence aJ qlabalizotion in this damoin is complex ond dtfficult to document.

However, same trends ore cleoly observoble. English has become the daminont
longuoge oJ elites, business, camputing, low, science ond palitics. The
internotionolisolian ond globolizotion ol telecommunicotions hos been
extroordinorily ropid, os seen in the grawth of internotianal telephane trofJic,
tronsnotionol coble links, sote!lite Iinks and the lnternet. substontiol multinationol
medio canglomerotet hove developed ond TV has been trcnsnotianolised. Citizens'
volues ond judqements ore naw influenced by o camplex web oJ notionol,
internotionol ond qlobol cultural exchange. The copocity oJ politicol leoders to
sustoin o notional culture hos become morc diJlicult. Far exomple, Chino h6 not hod
extroordinory success in restricting the impoct af the lnternet an its domestic palitics-

Often touted as wesiernization or Americanization, globalization has been regarded

by many as an act of the West in imposing its cultural superiority on other less
powerful nations. Aided by increasing technological advances in communications
(transport, infrastructures, telecommunications networks and the World Wide
Web), the impediment of geographical distances and national borders have vastly
been reduced as an obstacle towards social interaction at a world wide level The
phenomenon of the 'shrinking' state of the world where hLrndreds of kilometres are
bridged by thc nlere click of a button through the internet or a mere day's flight
frorn Iasl to West has led renowned theorists such as Ma.shall McLuhan to coin the
phrase "Erlobol villoge" - a word that aptly illustrates ihe present conditions of the
\ /ay we cu rrenlly live.

Nevertheless, globallzation should not be seen as something new or recent as since

time pa5t, different individuals have embarked on the euphoric ambition of LinitinB
the worlC under one particular order. ln fact, the<e previous efforts have historically
eslab!shed certain lmportant foundational fundamentals that have paved the way
Jor globalization to successfully take place. One such example ls the British
colonlzation of most parts ol the world, r,rhere in thal process Entlish was instituted
as lhe linguo Jronco of trade, eovernment and livinB. [ver since, English has become
thc world s most lmportant language despite ihc small ratlo of people in the world
who actually possesses the prowess and abilitv to applv the language.

La.guage inevitably becomes a platform where culture is lransmilied to those who

are instructcd ln that very langun8e which is taught. learnt for the purpose of lrade
and communication wlth those in power, English ns a domlnanT !anguage therefore
€xerts its '.,/ay of living over other \treaker nations Tele.ommunicetion technoioeres
such as the telev;sion and the World Wide Web (not aoincidenlaliy discovered and
invented bV the ciominant Western nalions) thu\ bring to those who own .ny of
these technologies, some form ot culture that originates from the West. lhe
hegemony of thc film industry or more specilically ljolywood attests to the
dominance of Western ideology in the world, as tilm conglomerates such as ti,<ney,
Poramauna Pictures ond lJniversal Studios spread lhe American way ol living and the
Am€ncan Dreotn to cinemas worldwide. likev,,ise, subtly lhtough M]v, Grey's
cultore tor a globali5ed world Nonelhele5s, lo merelV c aim I hat America muscles its
cuiture over other nations through the use oi media and its telecommunications
ndustries is to'bllndsight'the (or:_pl-"xity ofthe phenomencn lhat is globelizatron

Employing simllar technological means, other nations have subverted the use of
such telecommunication technologie5 to re a5sert and pre5erve their cultures from
the onslaught of the West. Using similar channels, globalization has unwittingly
enabled for example, national cinemas slch as Bollywood to develop as a Blobal
industry and eventually allowing it to receive acclamation and recognition
worldwide as it does in this present day Nonetheless, the preservation of lndian
culture through Bollywood cinema remains a largely hybridized form as the
transmission of lndian culture is largely enabled through the translation of the Hindi
language into English subtitles Jor all to gain access into that particular culture's
traditions and forms. The access, ;n other words is limited. Neverihele5s, this i5 but
one example out if many of intercultural exchange - a field of study that is gainrng
significance in the realm of academia. Globalization has effected a remarkable
change in the way that we live whether throueh the way we communicate or in the
wav that we have come to understand our existence through the different mediums
that we increasingly interact with daily. lt then remains to be seen, how the
nebulous and complex notion that is globallzation willcontinue to alter the ways rn
which we llve and communicate with one and another in afast becomrng

Post-reading activity

Exploration activity on globalization and Culture

lmagine that five alien beings land on earth. They are instructeC to learn
different languages to facilitate communication with the inhabitants of our
planet. The first learns English, the second French, the third German, the
lourthArabir and Lhe last MdnC.rin.

What cultural attitudes and habits might the five aliens develop as they
learn these languages? What m;Bht be their attitudes to social and political
5. Tl-|e Envlronment

Ihe environnent itselJ is inherently globol, wilh lile sustoining ecosystems ond
watersl)eds Jrequently crossing notionol baundories; oir pollution maving ocrass
entire continents ond aceans; and a single shored atmosphere praviding climote
protection ond shielding us Jrom horsh UV roys. Monitoring ond respanding ta
environmentol issues frequently provokes a need for coardinated globol or regionol
governonce. Mareaver, the enviranment is intrinsicolly linked to econamtc
development, providing notural resources thot fuel gtowth ond ecasystem services
thot underpin both liJe ond livelihoods.

The environment impacts the pace, direction and quality of globalization. This
happens because environmental resources provide the fuel for economrc
globalization. The environmenl and globalization are so intrinsically linked, they are
so deeply welded together that we simply cannot address the global environmental
challenges facing us unless we are able to Lrnderstand and harness the dynamics of
Blobalization that influence them. By the same token, those who wish to capitalize
on the potential of globalizaiion will not be able to do so unless they are able to
irnderstand and address the great environmental challenges of our time, which are
part of tbe context within which globalization takes place. The newly prosperous as
well as those who have been alfluent for much longer will now have to come to
terms with the limitations ot lhe ecological space in which both must operate and
also v,/ith the needs and rights of those who have not been as lucky.

Fbr example, higher demand, growing prices and dwlndling stocks are already
propelling new races for contro over key reso0rces The race is now on not just for
oil, but for metas, minerals, timber and even for recyclablc waste. For many
developing countries endowed wlth critical resources in high demand, this provides
an opport'unity to harne5s the power of globalization and pull themselves out of
poverty. At the same time, poplllations dependent on the extraction or exploitation
of nitural rescrurces, or on natLrral systems and e.osystem services, could lose their
llvelihoods as local sources are depleted ({isheries, forests etc.i or degraded (soil

Environmental degradation could also impacl global productivity through damaBe5

io hcalth Derreased environmental stability will create more hostile conditions for
econornic 8ro\,!th and also"place new pressures on international cooperation.

Climale change is the ultimate threat to Elobal security because it can threaten
security at cvery level fronr ihe individual to the planetary. Climale change related
sea ievel rise and agricultural disruplion could cause 150 million environmental
reiugees in thr year 2050. The death of low-lving coastalstates and chan8es in their
economic zones and maritime boundaries mav cause lurther instabilily. Ihree key
security challcnges in the context of climaie change are water scarcity, food
shortages and disrupted access tc strateBic minerals such as oiJ. Historirally, these
have been ihe cause of violence and war !nvironmental stress unleashed bv
potential climate change couid lriBBer international migration and possibly civil
vr'nr5. ln fragi e aircumstances, envirofmenlal 5tre5s coold act as ;n additional

destabilizing la(tor exa.,orbatin€l ronfIct as it ccrmbincs w]th olher polilical and
socrai facl a]l !

7. Politics and Law

T.l GlobolGo\)ernonce

The sovereign stotes now sits in between o vost orroy of internotionol orgonisotions
set up to manoge ond arder whale oreos af tronsnotianol octivity (ttode, the aceons,
space etc.) and collective policy ptoblems. Newfarmsaf multinotianol arganisations
hove been formed which involve collective decisicn making by governments,
internotionol qavernmentol argonisotions, internatianol non-gavernnentol
argonisotians ond transnotionol pressure groups This has helped engender o shift
owoy from o purely state centred internotionol system. Two oreos praloundly
oJfected by this (vis o vis the events al September 1:l), orc notianal secu ty ond

Globalization has drastically transformed the nature of the international system and
made the world an increasing economically, politically and socially inierconnected
place. Civic lnteractions are no longer restricted to the community ievel and are
occurring globally with a degree and intensity never seen before in history.
lndividuals from every remote corner of the globe can now quickly reach around the
world and access others who have vital inlormation or know-how. All told,
globalization has made it clear that intra community ties are but one of many forms
of civic en8a8ement that must be simultaneously nurlLrred in order to ensure proper
economic and politjcal development. The roles and efforts of lGOs {lntcr
tovernmental organizations) and NGOs (Non'governmental ortaniuations) have
therefore become increasingly important.

As a vital new resource {or giobai mobllization, lGOs and NGO5 such i:s the Uniled
Nations, lMF, World wildlifc Foundat on and Greenpeaee play an irnportant rolc. in
looking inio the wel{are of lhe world as a wholc Rcali?ing lhat the actions and
reactions ol ea(h ndividual country has in tLrrn dra5tic repercussions for the rest of
the world in ierm5 of €conomic and environDenta stability, these or8anizations
therefore work towards bringing a world view towards pollution, poverty and
polilical iurmoil in the various developing.ountries. taking a bi8 piclure approach,
'the-!e organizations navigate the vagaries o{ national pollcies and inciividual political
intcrests in these counlries in ordel to ensure that the world may remain
sull ainab e for future gen€rations.

7.2 Terrorism

lerrorist groups are themselves now truly globalised movemcit5 l5li:mic terror st.
ln particular, operate, raise {unds {largely through illegal activities and businesaes
wllh legilimate Jronis), train end plan attacks in several different countrjes, usrng
agents of verious nationalities, thelr only link being ideologicel symmetry.
Te.hnology is often harnessed to communicate clandestinely or to spread their

rclcology. the atsents used in the September :i1 attacks were from Saudi Arabia, the
Unlted Arab Imirates, Egypt and lebanon Post Sepiember 11, anti terrorism effort5
ignrnst Al alaeda have seen the groLrp's'actlvitics in Western countries severely
dirninished. However, this has brought about the advenl of loosely organized groups
lvhich swear allegiance to Al Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden, though not formally
linked to the group or even aware of the existence of other similarly autonomous
terrorist groups. The July 7 2005 London Bombings were carried out by British born
Muslims of Pakistani origin that were not believed to be connected or formally
operating under the leadership of Al Qaeda.

As terrorism becomes borderless, nations must adapt their responses to terrorism

accordingly. As such, intelllgence and law enforcement agencies must work hand in
hand with one anolher. To illustrate, one possible scenario of a terrorist attack is an
attack by a ship on a petroleum or petrochemical processing area near the sea. lhe
scenario has the bomb'laden ship hittinB the petroleum processing area, creating a
catastrophic explosion which could release many harmful substances into the
atmosphere, endangering the local population and perhaps even the population of
neighbouring countries. When preparing for such a scenario it is necessary to
involve many different elements from the local security establishment. These could
include the port authority, the maritime aulhority, coast guard and other elite police
units as well as military experts on bomb disposal and the removal of hazardous
materials and pollution.

ln addition, jnorder to counter the ease with which terrorists may be able to move
across borders, local and foreign intelligence and security elements must work in
tandem, sharing information and offering cooperation. For example, several
intelliBence services rnay need to share in{ormation in order to piece iogether ihe
identity and lo€ation of a parti(ular terrorist. Th€y may also need to work in tandem
\,",,;th local police, immlgrrtion and customs officials. When lndonesian lemaah
l5lamiyah (closely linked to Al Qaeda) leader Hamball was arrested in August 2003 in
Ayutlayn, Thailand,,the intelligence servires of Tharland and the US had worked
.loselyto ocate and capturc him. l-le was exlradited to the US as he was deemed a
mor:e valuable asset to US anti terrorism investigations. Hambali used a fal5e
5panish pa5sport to enter Thailand.

. E ncyc lopedia Britannica, 2007
. The Incvclopedia of Earth ionline). Articles by Adil Najam, David Runnalls and Mark
. Ihe American Chronicle {Online): MNCs and Economic Globalization by Tanv;r Orakzai
o Democracy and clobalization by David Held

:€L.$_F-fqLlz.erl$-11__fil J*"lt€4f
GlqltlalizatiDn is 3 trend ioward greater interartion and
interdependence aixong the teop!e, ccmfianies, crga!-lizalior]s, and
acuntaies af ihc !,,icrld. ,ldvance:r in communicati$ns and information
iechnology a!-e t,i'omotiir(l this rrend by reducing the b:rri€rs of tii-ne
and distarice. Sijclt ad'rnnc€s !nclude the Internet, cell phones, and
sateilite TV. in tcday's !li.haiiz*d world, an e-mail ser'lt ihousencis oF
injies away arriycts and is a,-tswered in Seccnds. A cly for assistance
from one cor.Jiltry can rllc:i heip the next day irom d.rze s cj'othi.rs.
In short, ,,{herc people locat--d is less impodant than their ability
to comfilunical€ and r',/ork iogether. In the prccess, people,
aompanies, and countries exchange goods, money, and ideas faster
and cheaper rhan eyer irefore. \4hat they produce may be ccnsumed
in a nearby town. Or it may be traded across ihe world.

. new jobs, irriusiries (€.g. industrielizatjon in China, cell se.'/rces
outsourcing to Indjal
" i.:chnojc'ji. iiailstitr in iess de'l€loped .:{rUitiiles {ccni;ute;-
haidr.'.;.:i.; ir Tal',?;]l-r, South Korea. scfiwari: jnc!st;-r' :
Ela n ga !ai!';, jrrd ia,1
' greeter'/;ii€i'/ oi p!"Qriucis for the ccnsunlers (foc.J prcdu.ls oijl
oi season)
" lcr,ier irria€s ior- ccr:sumer goods (resull of ecoitornies of scale)
. ccnsistency in qr:Jl:ti/ oi p!-oducts (Standarciized mrriLlfactured
. encouiaq-es jnaiiviijlel rights, freedom of p!-ess ilnd ether
demcciatic pi-ocesses {sei-, China, South Kc}reaj-
" Gives lndivi'Juiti-qthe chance to interact internationally, especialiy
wiih uii€ arf rnoderr] cflr.ni-nufiications teahnolcgy_

' Can cause structural nemployment (native hand-made textiles
lose cut to air$fa(:tirreC textiies in African and Asian nation:)
" Cnn wipe olti ihe !i',/elihood of smail farmers, entiepieneurs,
srnali io irlediu'n businesses unable to con",peie .ljith t,iuli:i-
National CorporationsIMNCs] and hypermarkets
. Gives an unfair advantage in certain areas to
advanced/developed countries over lesseT developed countries,
making worse the rich-poor gap. [See North South expansion of
divide, destruction of the economies of sub-Saharan African
nationsl It has led to a period of rapidly increasingly income and
wealth inequa!ities bo r within individual naiional econornies and
societies anci within the global population as a whole.
^ Local cultures ere replaced by a unilorm and single cultu.e,
dictated by the same poweful corporations that contro! the
global e-conomy ll'icDonaldizatlonl
' Production oi gocds is contracted to under-paid wcrl.:ers !!ho
may be assembliflg cornplriers but do flct !,now bc\,v io operate
them and cennot afFord thern for person;rl use. lchina, Vietnam]
' Brain drain \fiestern nations a magnet for tl:e jrtelliqentsia of
lesser developed nations, thus draining them Gf skiiled
prof€ssionais necessary for their econoffiic, social and political

The term "Gtobalizati6n" became popular in the 1990's. Bui many of
its features are not newT particularly the iendency lor people and
countries to trade and invest. For thousancis of years, people--ancl,
later, compa ies--iraded across great dist;nces, For example, Curing
the Middle Ages {500-1500), traders iraveled the faned Silk ff.oad ihat
connected China and Europe. Likelvise, for centu.ies, peopie and
corpoaatic.rs iilvesie{l in ventures in other ceuntries.
The rnodefn age of Glolraliz?tion gre,Jv out 6i the lnrju:;i'-i:i Ret,ilutiori
cf ilre 1700's and 1800's. ii transiormed the ;Srii:ullr.lra! s.lcieiies cf
soi e c{luntri€s, iirciucing tire Uniied Stai€s and Enqlairij, into mod?rn
jndustrial ones. Steam- and yrater-powered rraahines iransiorrned
production, -ihe)/ madeit iillssible to manulacture large quaniilies oi
goods iaster and cheepcr" Trains a d steara-powered iloats
tr3nsported goods farther and faster than ever before, Between ihe
iaie 1800's and 1914, the first era of modern Globaljzaiion, irad€ ltrevt
guickly, as did tlre pace at wl'rich companies iflvesi:ed abro.Jd. t'eople
were also on the move. About 10 percent of the i,/orld's populatiorl
moved from ELJrope anci other parts ol the wo.ld to i-eside in oLher

In the second era oi modern Globalization, from 1950 to 1980, many

countries open€d their €conomies to trade and investment lrom other
countries. They participated in international agreernefiis- An exarnple
is the Generat ,Agreernent sirr Tariffs and Trade {GAT-I-), which
regulated trade among countries. (GATT later became the World
Trade Organization, or WTO.) Governments also created
organizations, such as the World tsank and the International
Monetary Fund. These organizations encouraged countries to open
their economies to trade and investment.
Since 1980, Globalization has quickened, driven by aclvances in
technoloqy and ciher factors, Better informaiion and communications
technologies dre making it easier for cornpanies lo operate
internationally. Using Internet technology, lor sxample, they can
aitract, rea{--h, and serr'e ntore ausiollrcrs, e.ten those in distant
couniries. GJobai coi-ripirn;es locate and hi.e €rnplo./ees w.hilrever good
opportuniiies ari:je, regardless oi $/here thal mily ile. fhe'y' te!-id lo
locaie the:l op{-'iai:ior'rs r'lhere production costs, inclijding salaries, are
io\,!'. frnnsferi-inr; itlrsi i]ss frot one locatiofi io .irother io take
3dvantage oi lowcr f,csts is called offsl]aring" lt afld oiher forns of
Globalizaa;on er€ causing some countries to los€ iobs. In contrast,
cther countries, pa[icu:erly sorne deveioping o es, are !]ainir]g them.
In addition t.r t-.eneiiiing companies, new technologies are also helping
individuals. For example, people with Internet access can shoit, bank,
cr work for .l cclnlpany thousands of miles alvay wiihout iheir
homes. 'eaving

C{JLT4JRflA- } }'4 i: !-lttl!3:

H R 1}.,
, McDonaldizaiion - Ev€rywltere in the yJorld peop,e shcp in simiiar
mells, ilai the sarre chicken nugg3ts at l4cDcnald's restaurants,
drink :ii!rlLlcks cotfee" 1\ta[ch tfle ho,.'iesi l',i 5hcw:] cr ahe
ultjmrri: Iia!;iylvci'ril tliockbi_tster, or listen tc lhr iaiest report
irom ll-"rit laui.: ne:rys chanriels. The arq l.r,erjt is l,irat iiie US
culiure ar,d .+i.r.rmeicial interests are dorniniliinE thn wclrld
ecoronry <1n.j {,feai.ing ;n consurn€r culture.
" Loss of Uoi{:iu€ness/icj€ntity - culture! glob;llizatjon does not
weicolne diversity. Independent shops are replaced lly chain
stores and "cptions ior unbranded alternaiives, for open debate,
criticism and uncensored arl-for real .-hoice--are facinc n€w
and onrinou: rastrictions." lTheodore Leviti's essay "The
Globalizaticn of Markeis."l Thus wherever yor are in ah€ ],!orld,
you are rnore likeiy lo buy/uJear or use a siendardised product
than a prcdiJCl unlque,t iraditional, represenlath/e of your locale.
. Creation of an elite uber-culture shared by the international
super-rich - i.e. race or nationality is secon.lary to those w;th
sufficient i'Lrnds to ignore social conventions, religion and law.
The terrn 'Davos cuiture' is used to refer to lhis group.
' The cre.]tion of ll.le trallsnitior]al 'guest'y/ork--is l,'Jho bring their
food, cuiture and sociai norms to Western nations.

1- Weiner. Rebecca. "Globalization. " The New Book of Knowledge@,
2007. Grolier Orline.
<http://nbk.grolier.com. libproxy.nlb. gov.sg/cgi-
bin/article?assetid=a2041728-h >.
2. Kitching, Gavin. "Globalism and Globalization." Encyclopedia of
Science, Technology, and Ethics. Ed. Carl Mitcham. Vol. 2.
Detroit: Macmillan Reference USA, 2005. 874-a77. Gale Virtual
Reference Library. Gale.
<http ://qo.galegroup.com. libproxy. nlb. gov.sg/ps/start.do?p=GV
3. Prono, Luca. "Anti-Globalization." Encyclopedia of Politics- Ed.
Rodney P. Carlisle. Vol. 1: The Left. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage
Reference, 2005. 2B-31. Gale Virtual Reference Library. Gale.
<http ://go.galegroup.com-libproxy.nlb.gov.sglps/start.do?p=GV
, 4 "Globalization, cultural." Encyclooadia Britannica . 2OO7.
Fncyclopaedia Britannica Online Library Edition.
<l,t!p_:/iibrarv",eb.com. jboroxv. nlb.oov.sq/eb/article-22499 1 >

l0 rhe l,a .glossians ard
r.nr b.nl or h.oDis- 5
l.j iD i,andrenronirrr.
r.h poltrrizrd scenaros
;he rrro suspenttrd in .
The Clash of Civilizations'i I liurnucL P. f luni.ingtott
'ss consplrc io under-
possibilirv ot a global
rr I mue.,bu,,u,t1.
r rrr r!. rr.t fq \lrrll
n tillcs nrd .reating a
' rt inrcgratrcn. Bur in :

cslorr.€rrain ttrusr
s 0r wiil hokl
'"r . 'croi1..rrs
,,1 u.],i,ro,v toul l
aF,lish a macropeacc ,
e io 1l)osc lvlto conrrol
Ljnndkrterr) cortrol The llert Patier'r ol C<rnllirt
nqsle between ]ihad
rr .irrrisr, postindus Worl(] tnrlitics ;s crLering a n.}\'phnsc, rnd ;rr.llecruriis }tr.r. ror h,-s;rired ro proljfc.
,.^o to ire renninalty arc visions of irhrL it wili be - rh. cLl.l of hn(xr, thc rLr;D oi trrdiri(nnl rivrtjr.s
betwe.n natjorr riaics, arrrl thc <ltriirc ol tht nrtion sl:rr. tronr ihe conflii:{inrl pLrIs 01
f.ilalisrl 2rld globaljsnr. ?n4ns oiiers. lr.h of lhcsc
'jlir.Js .nt.hes aspi:c$ oa ihrl
c reri,i.g r..lin Yci thr! ail miss..r .ial, irci:cri a ..nrraL, arp..l oi lvirar glob l
poliri.s js lileir 1o Le io rhc .onlnril yerrs-
11ir nrv hypodr.sis lliit ih. ilxirrJr.rntrl s,)u.e oi.o;ri.liilnr rh;sr.1!
'vo d
rnn b. pr;n)::rilr ideclo:r;.i:l or prnnirih .cononi.. The lterr ili!!stors ,ilo::1r l.,u rr-;n.
lirnd .Dd the rioni.urli.! soirLcc ol ,ro lict lrilJ b. .uirlLiJ. N-xtiol sri.cs lvi rerl:rnr
the rn.st !r(rL.r1iil i.iors i]l wcrl.l .ifiirs, L!i1 rlr. pr'r.irri c('Iil !.rs .t !toi).1 roiirics
r'.,,,.' '.... ....,, ,I. .|.i,.:
".,i r. r., ,,... I;.., r, ..r1...
ricns ltjll rlonjDit. d.d..il p'rljrics. The tauh lji.s r)ciu.r,r.jritiz.nions nill be rtr.
1..,r,, ,:, ... , i. .. r..... .
Cotlliict b.iwccn .jr.;liztrr;o1r; will bt rhe l3icsr fiii:. r. 1!i .1(,t!|ion oi .onfti.i i!
rL. nrodcrn worlJ.Ior r centrrr.,.and r tral{alicr 1ir..n}cr.lrei.J ol.drr iro.l.!-r ji!ler-
D2tiorrl svsienr wiih lhe P..rcc olWesipnalia, r|. .o'rili.is ,:ri il. !!lcsl.ii !!.rrt.t ,vere
laigelt anro.rg prin..rs ell1rerors, .bsal ta rol.r.bs and .onrli iio|.] ,rcnar.hs
r..,,r: :,o....,rr :,r hr,, ..-.i.
rtr.r: :r,..,:t\ ...-.i. :....,cnr,.
slrcngll and, mrst jniD(rrini. the icrriror,l th." rnled lIt ll,. proces-\ ti,.v crert(:.t
nnlion::riics, ind bis;onjng \,iijr thc lrrlrcl tiei.olutjol ihc frnr.jl,-!t lin.s of.onfti.r
'..r. b 'h...,..,,.r ,'herr'..ny|rr. i. t:,,....: , t,, -r. ,, t'., v,
-'<ir;. L'r n,r''h, .'i''. ...t .p,1'.J F.i,,r. lhr. ',, ', .. , rr ,, , . n r p"rr.rr ,

lasled uniil the cnd oflvorld War I. Ttren, as n rcsdtt ofrhe tirdsian i{ei,olirtion an<l
lhe rea.tiorr rgajnsr ir, dr. .orfl;n of naridrs I'j.jd.d tc tic (onflirl ot: iitc.tosies,
irst enrur conmunisrn. l:s.isni Nrzisnr ari.l litrert,i ilrDra.r.rry, irf.i rl)c, bctwecrr

()rign:iJr,rlnr lor a.rJjL ti:o !r (l tn'n lrnr:!m. ..1h. { r:.ir

-ranrn!t t, t J Lj oi a:L!lir bor rr,. ri.,.r!tr .!ianr,
t)J. Sr.r,n!r l!9j, pt. t.t r. 25 l],llr .1t,,19
'it) D.taLi :: (;L)it1ii:.ttiot!
.on!rrunisrrr trnd iilrrxi .ienrq:ricv. I)urir::dle {irt(t 1^/,r, thrs l!u,r! (o,11! I tJ..j,JrL
cmbo<tj.d itr rhc srrxg:lc l,er,,,"e,r tt is lLr.n, iDqg
r*,, .r,p"rprxe;s, rrrirh,:r ofrvlricL r,.! r D11;o!
strte;r rhe.hssicai Ii!rl)p,rtu sr!5e.n,t "
en.h o!.\,hich de|n.(t its !le.rfr;,, 1",,,,. ,,r
r...tiot^.,.. Iirir{i. the p
i;.s{ co,r11ii:rs L.1r,1.i,,1.,i,."r, ,,,,r;r,, ';tr,"s i,rd idcologi.s !r:re
ilicis wirhi. \vcsier.r) ii\,iliz;!ri,,r. .!V.s!.rn cint ,,,:.,.,, frji,ir.ji.. ron
,, ,,i,lti",o t.:i,a t,,, t,,t,"t..t
rhtm. I hts r{!s as r.k ol ihe col.-r tvar as il wa5 otlhe lvoricl
ivars i:nd,Ji..urtic. 6,lrs
ofrhesev€rrcenrir, rigtirce;1rh.and !;\cr.eorh cenlu!
i€s. l,vith rhc cn,l o;;;.,.,;,trr,*
iDternarion.l poliri.s l1ov.s oirt o{jrs Wesr.r, phrse, ind we[ es Isl:,
irs ijelterpi.,} L_".,,".," r;:
'".e,-.rio,,r,<,.,., . \1 -,.,d,,,.,, ri^.. r, ,:,,,",:o,,,.,;;t . ,...-,;
.i. lrz"Lion i,,,',,. r..t:.,. .,: .i.rt,J.,,.s rn.....upl-. ,.1 ,.1.-
\Vn.-,n, r\:lil uu: ;o,.,,,,.,.. .,,.",
.,.,i,,.n".r.,:,,,.,..' .,;;,, .
The r€vivil .ri
colodalisn lnti jorr rh. Wesr !:r rn.t shirper! ot hisron.
nn)r.ar s
l_.;' basis f0. idcnri

\{rhy Civilizal iViii IJaurth,lle !

io *s Ciastr

Ciriiizat;rJDidrxrrt'!,jit i:. j !..r..,sir!l! r.rr|oitn.rl iil rhc li:Eric, rt< r1.orl.r_,.,iti t,l
sh.teal inla--itc r,..:rti rj iv rtt :ilrtractjors ainorlq sel.ej! ,rr 'rtt
.i.gnr !i.!.. rjr ti;,:irt(tii!
Ti.r i'.ta.ic * 4r.r,r !i h,L i:, 11, l.l--:! a:ie, rst.''., ii,,v;. -i;, f,,,,,t.,,. i.,,,;,;
Anu i.!r ind lossiirt., ;\ iLr.arr riiitjritjori!. $. tr:oJi i,ntortrDr.r!rIi..:,
a-ill oc'u' aloi.q ri,! c!rr.r.J i.di rines scparit;n.c rhisc
.nj," f;,,,;,,
.ivitizi ricr's iroi- or)c
lvh! wiil lhis L. ihi i:irei
lirst, dillo,lr.cs irnl!rit.n iti:;tj!!r, are ncr orlj: re?li {hev arr birji. atiritiT.:;,,rc
n J.ftr.nr ., In the past,
',.1, \u Lrt,,:,.:..,, :.i:rlnJp ..,.r... . ,.: .. ..i -..;
.r 1

jmporla , relgnrr. lhe p.oiJlc .rf d iiiaierrr cn.iijzntjons h!rt.ti{.rrn,

hu!sr,.rnd hld
rclatio|s befirt.D Cod arr.i D.i,1lt( irl{ti.!i.tdal aD(i rh. gro!p, ";..r,,",f,"
rireljidr!n r,,,1 ,f,,,lir",.,'
prrenti arr.i.hjlJft,!, irtj:ira,,.i rnt !,iir, is },j.ll is,tiffering
ri$x or rh,: rtt.ifi , ;,,,,,,,-
ranccofrights 2nd respo,rsibiiiiir:, tib.rrr ii,d authxnv,
e-qu.Jiiy rD,i j,i.r",.r,"i. ii"*
diferences are the prorluct ot ccnrrrrirs. L.hey
more lirndarnenrnt thrD diffecnces rn:onq
-!r .t,r s,x,n ai*pp-. ir,"l "." ii, Westem, usu,rlli
i,,;;";;;;,;;,J;".:.ili::::,'ffii.i:l,T::i:i::l",:,:,".::li::::::ii,'i,-T: fiftb..!h0
vioi,rce. a)yer rhe.eDiuics, 1,r,,.\.er. ,tittcr.nc.s a
x)o.t ci1,;l;..,rior! ni\r g.!i.,ri.:i
'li , orrr.,l I
Unior, conrn -
Sr..ond. 1h. vorlil ;, l,€.olrig x ,jjc"Icr ptd.e. -l.he i,tera.iions
berwedr td4rcs rich, but Rursi
ol- differeDr civii;zrrions rre jn.reasnrg; rtrese incrcasils jdcracrions
,'o1.',',.,,,r\',,..rr 1.,v,"1,..,,1,;,.,.,.".c,hn,.,;,,,,,,,.,r,,.n inlen.;f" .t,lrj- class and ideot{)

ties wjthin civihz.t()os. North r\jii.!^ nnrnigratiolr " _,,";.;

r,, t,",,."- s",r..,,,", tr""1iti," ihe quesrion ir
among Frenchincn Lrd ii rtr. su,e rnDe jn.re sed
rcceptivity ti j,.,,,.ig..tir,, i;; kno$. fronr Bos
"sood" I.iropein Curh,)tic pohs ,\n,rric.rns
rca.r r_
jnvcstrrlcnr th r tolarg.r
inlcsi elrs lion (;urd.r,*l",.* ""g*;,"r, ,,i 1.,f,.1
larli., ij DoiJd Fl)ro1litr has po;rtal oui, ..An fix)
nrrv br . . ru,.,; rr,. ,r.,,,,
Onitrhi lbo in \vhit was itrc ijrsr€or r.giojr (,fNigeri:r. lo Lrilris,",,
he is sir,,pl. ;t,;,. hiilf r\tuslim.
In i.ond.;. lr. ;s .r Nigerian rn Nerv \ijrk, hc is an aiicrn.,,:rhe
inter.rc,,j,,;. ",,
,,,,,,,,* Irnrill),, ecor
p.opirs oi clifGrcnt .iviti7.ri1)ns cnhajr.c rhc .i,jliTrtjon
.on5ciou5n.5s ol l,",,fl: ,i,",:
r.r.onilicl bc..mr inIu1!'invlgoraIesdiflcreIIccrandannrl ostiies str'i'hin8 01
)f1!hj.hLlr!rintjdr lhot.ilil ):'irel'h br'k
{t.ef rqtr) hjsbr}'.
'' idrnlirv iD 1.J!os 1)i
i..,,,.. ir .. . .t .. .,... .. L. rrt ,. , ,r,,
., ll . r' r,, ,.rrr r,'.r r..r,tr.,|r,,,. 1, ,r.,,."..- :,...
lv€r. PrirnJriiv co'
;rr nrrjon rrzrr. is a Jou.c .,Iidenr;ty. tn nru.h oI rht wr}r1 " ;.i,., ;;.
rctil1i,.l Irs rrr,,"",, ,,r-,,, ,;f;
I inri hrs lai)llcrl
il,i! siif. 41rdn rhc r,rinr .rI rr,o!em.nrs r!.( a,c labct.(l :.fi,,,,,",,,.',,"iir,.:
urJ the trrlicr Lvlr 'n
.n)rrJ..nr..r.. Inud in \tesrern Chrjsr;iDir,),, Jua";r.,, 1.,r,:f,fs",
t.d of1h. C.l{lW!r, .,,,iii,lJ,,;.,,",",
n.ij r,i ;,r lslxDr I. Irost.ounr.ies:! nr
rcrpiece i'.cornes tlt.
nr)r ivest..n :Bt lii5;rs ,*sons t.trc .i,Ds(.uhri,.it;.).
o'erirntns oi lor ., ru .,nriii.., ,1..,,;.,
,corrl,i. i:: ore r:irb: donriri.r so.irl i..rs
oitiii fr ,u":.",..,,.i",1, ...1,.,r.::
. tirgrts oF \\icsicrrl 'li,!.rrrnl ,ri r!!gn,l 'ir rcvairhe t1e ll
..i il,sb ,dr n .,,;,., a,,d .ornn,i,r'.nt ,r", :1:1.:k.ll,:ll;.1,*i:: li i,l:ll:::":
' l.r ll l '\ "J,,.,;', .,,",,;
md rir. irorld ii]lb€
Drjor civiliz:rnrns.
r ,.,,..,
:i ,: ,: .
ir, JJ,-.,,,. rt,. ..r,d ,.r ,,," , ,., ,, : .r;,,.i ;
,l ;;,,
. ilrihodo-\, l-aliJl rid,- (il lndi,,, rhe iiitrrc o{ \r'rsrcm ide3s r)f so.itrlirrr ,
1 oJ thcluiurc
ri.ls \r l::iirrirr;or" ofthc tti.tdt. tasl ind nlny a.l.b.i,r "".i .r,,,,,.,ir,,, i,.r,.i
zar;oni liom o)r. ,,,., ","i
Rbsrr;..rion i! &,is l.eltrijr's cou'try ,t Wrsr :rr
rire ]r..k .l:1,,,.;,;:; :;,,;;;;,;
rnm hl.srs !t,.i nrcnasnrgtr t,a'e th,: riesire,
rhc *it: arj ,,," ,... i.r;;;";..:';"
-lsi.. Ci!ili:rrions
ln rL' frsr' rhir of''an wesrcfn :;Lrci€ii.rs iger c riuil!,; rrr. !r.r)irr. \.lrii r.rc
3il;tion ir!1, mosr rn'sr io/ol.;.d \.irir'irif\
rirc \visl, ba{i bcel c.1ir.ared.r {)rrorlt,
iirr e;rt vierrs i,a ihc .1, ,, . \4, .,,r/r,;luo
ih: s,,,t,.1,..,,. s",,i
ala th. sr.ie, . ...,,trr.r.,rr,,-,tn,,,t.,,,,,..,,,.,, . . ,,. ,:,; ,. .
'''''''.,. . . . . ;,.
Jl. rei.lljv. irxp.ri
':r rlle rertrtio,s ps rr€ beiDg rev.rs..i. .i .1r 1..i:t.rnj...i
{i.ihiir...ch}- fires! ll::::-11:.,: .i I
leir:ail.n is..c!rri!3 r,vcster..ot
ir ard iaij
in marrrno 1_i.,::. i;.,( sur,.";;L,,,;.
'-D!iru. f hir_' are irr l'' r'. 'in.r
r. . ..( i.. r 1r,,,,e. !L\le ind habiis i'rit.re l('r'r
Dcluiel r.ginres. ih. n'ss oftl. ir.rl.. l )t'rrlif anro'g
Jie.cssarilv rlrenn 'r, . . . .r.I.i. .. ,.,r.rr. a.r Jiit..-
;{r lri:r. .?.ncrared ."\ J. , ,.: . .. ..,r j'.,
-,,'j ...
"r (rnrn{,ri*s rh.,r r.uL,rrJt .rrC,,r, , .,....,.
u]r.r, .,
an 6e.orrrc demccrars:.!h. riclr i:an b:co;*.pLx,r ,.,i,i.';.o;,
rrs brtween p.oplts rich,huL,.ussians..,,otbccomeEsioninis,and,r,",l,,,,,",";;;,".,i;,,r,.,."",;,:;i."i,i
ts rrrinsii! ci./jliza
. o.,,,:..r, L q,r":i.,.,,
pdc..rrxn,ir)ali l"' . i. ..J.,i , .,, , ,J,,r,.d,hJ,i..,,
D. ,... , . -, . ...r.,
:gtneraies hastiiin 1lr. qui-lt(r ;s "\41iar are 1\.,, ..,r ..,.t..:1. ; , ;
).o.?,'tha,;, ii*" ,t'"i,,"r,,,,,'il;;r";-.r;:i:.1:
1.' inrnigrntion bv r.
"..,,.. i ... ., ,r,,., .,. ,.,," r,, rt,. iu"",, ,.r,. r,.:ro... i,,,,
r rir.iy to Japarese
:-.r couDt.ies. sirni,
''i' :,i. ;.,,. i....d.r\,a.noc i,,..i.,...,,,,-t.," r,",.,,1.,::li:,;1i
,...,,u,,sr,.upr. An-,.oncdnbphJ'l.r'.
rn Owcrri tbo or an :""": l,,l rr""" 'r htu.ulr',,riI , r . , n h r"/h.r,.;
r., . ,,r
b sirl'll lrL lbo. ....,':- i
, .
r , t , , i

Lcia.l;ons arnoD!: I:in.rlt;'. cron,,r,ic reqi

tsn's rncreasr]rs Ttcirroprrrnrls (,iroi t iri(icijrtri,,.re
r).ss olplr)Dl. tirit.
I'! Dtl, i ! Lrl.biii.:ttiirtj
i3 tcrlcni nr i;i l..rrcnt i' t:'st 1!5!..lr;3;l
fiit;nporan.c ol rrltiola! eccnor:ir biocs t.r..
t to 16 |!:...rn iD Nr(jrrl, _.\,r.1(.i.
n likcty to tolrm,,.,,,, j,r.,.,,",:;,, i,"
fDtr(. l)n lirc ,)r. h,ii.i. s.r_ir:isl!t tL,){rriuc r.xi(!rilisrn
r;1l frnrir.! .;,it,,it",,
!oirs,:iorsxcss. OJ) dx. oLjrer lrr,irl, ecL:nouir
rcsior.!isi, lnav sr..ee(t ,,r,iv ,,r,.,, i_
''.,i,...,' :,.t,.t,l.. .., ",,
tlatitb ,,fF!.oircrrt .utn,re ii,ici r.V.jsi.rll Cbisri.rnin,.
rhe succcss or rtu r.r.;;, ,r,;.;;
lan lrrec-I*de Are. iLfends on rtrc r:o.rcr5encr . o', .nder
!!,ia o1.Mer(ic.r1, .:,ralt;.rn
'rJ t'r-.:.rn.iItr:.. i . . ! ,v . , ,.,,
^ ",r..,rrrr r ..._.,,:,,..r t.
. j
, , , I I
air,L ,,1r.
: r-: .,,,:ru,.t.:rn,r.".,n,,,,r.:L:t:,.,.,. :,.;
,,"'l',.'"" ., r, . i, r.. t. tr1.., r,r, ,,,,t"p.,r;'.,.rt..1
\\iJn.o'",,: 'lhe.
.,.,',.r.:,,r. .,,,,.,,,,. ,,,.,;,...
'rr- i ,.. :. ,.,, ,k. ," ; .., ,,.,... -, ..,. . '.,.,

C,irrnlo' !ulru;c. i' .i,Jr1.asr, rs clcritr t'a.itirarir.q itre rar)id

" ,, ,,... ,.' r., r.'. .. ..u:.:r. . , ,. "'rJniio,l .r rh.
5nrqxpor. arid rle .r.rs.!s ir]!r.st .orrrnr'nirjes
^,, " ui" naiiri..it
in .,rh* oj.,, .,,,,",,,,,.. .,r,;rr, ,,,.
{ i(td 1'"',. ore'. .iiruiil {o:,i,ton.tjri.s
i..r e::sj!:,.11 ."",...,,," ;d",,r.tj.", .jj;..,,.,;,
rcd nriinlard uiiin..!.J T:irir1 i;tc..1 .lcsd t.r.s€ther.
ll c htrx] c;,1,",,."i;,,. ir,,
:"'.'l:.1., ,. :.. "..:_..,. r.rr ..., ,
.l , I..
3ll:e {ra,.i
-: rr. .\.,.t,,1, .,:,:,..,r. ,.,t, TLe fault

I)eJpir.r* r!.r.' l:i;,:acs: {loi LiD.!,.c .i. nt rcAbn. rtr. Ctnt.r t 2s..t r.,nr,nr
npj.il' .nrrg'rJ!: .s r ror,,r,tccntr for intt,,r,rl, ..,",n".." ,;,;,;,,."
A.sii i5 1;f.
nralisic trrri .orrrils jnbsrritjri inr.nrl\ .
i f ,n;n). ou,*,,.ii,,.j or;..;;Jl:,;;";
t-.:':,r I
." r'o'.,'.i.. l. ,...
.,. r/ \, ,:.wrl. .j ,.....,qr.1.. !.,,. oi ri i.i..
.,'i.,u,'." .. i.,{..,,.. r.,.,.,,....r.,,.,in,.,,,i r.,e,.,,t ;,...: ..,
,....,.r.[.,."]:ho,-i tJn. q,.,,.! |o. ..,t,.d A.rpr..It".n or.he
llsr ]\sj.rr cconolry Ukaire fr
.ul,..e r., .t:.......ur.jnr
i.,.,..\hr,h,,r,. ..,!.,: I .r...r:., ,! , tiris line. ol
..,.,. , =.., :'

t'Jl'J" :
] 'h' " | - r. i..rr'r ,-,..,. i.,,.t ,.,.rr .-.c
vqtrJ"r.r.,,.r),,Fi,np.t,r.ro,l,,rvr\..l"nJ,rprrsiono,rhi,ore:rr Catholi.;
orie;Dally rD rlrc t960s b.! Turkey, rakisr,:n anci rran, js the rcatirj,.,,
Ll.,t," ,.,,i"." irirlRcvolu
oi sevcnl of ttrse cqrrtrier rh.rr rtre)_ had no chance
..,,,,,,dn,.....,,,ir..,,,,,,,,u,,,..r,..,r,,,,.,r oi ad.ri:jsiorl to ,h" ;,,.;;
sur rest on corrDror cuthuxi fbu,rl.tiolrs. Uili.ls
,,,,,..,,,,","",;"; ,;",..,,r;:.;
k) truild. b.o.dcr Ltrribbea;
,lJrF 1Ji1.,l
r1s t)$plc d.itrk'rhcir idenriry
iI cthni.
, ,,,,. ,,.,.,1 . thei,rrc
) .J.r.,.lj,Jr jrn,,.,.:,,,.; i .:; ;.
.l - ,' r;, ,. I-, x r.t.,,r,jrr."rr ..;
srr aDd rctigjous r.rnrs, liketv to
, , , , . , , ,
,t ,,,
i')rdrer Sovicr Unio,r Dernrirs rra(titional cttrnic 1
ide.ritics .i1d a"i.r.iti".1; .,,." ,; , liic ot bto
the (.ktsl).1 (:tyilizatio"s. 1)
rh. iar. DiltcrcDces in .ulture and r.ligxm .r.ati di1li'rcnccs ovcr folicy issu.s,
rzllrgii! irolr hunan rglts to inrnigntxln to ir.dr iril conmertt to rlre crviur
nr.nt. (;.ogripirlcal I,ropin.luit,v gives rjsc to conili.Ling territori:rl .hirs tront Boroii
1o i\1ir.]ar o. i\'1ost inrpo.trnt, lhc cftiir$ ofrfi. Wesr io p.ornorc its valu.s ofdenr).
cr rrLi lii,crali$n as uriwisrl '4lucs, to maiDt.iji ;ts milirary pr.d,rnrinlnce ro(j lo
a.lvanir jrs ..ar !nn i. ;rtercs ts engeD d.r .oun ir-ring rcsporses fronr other .;vilirr ric,ns.
tl.....ringh abl.: 1o nic.t,jlizi support ind lorri cotlitrDs on rhc basis of i(lcolo.gl,
gov.rnrxcrrr rrd gturps i/ill nr.rr:rslr-sh iitcrnpt r0 rnobilize sut)irc,r bv appealj g
unirlirr io it-rela . .r - '. ,t,r',r ,',''., i ..r,,,.nL I \
Tlr(.irsL 'ri iiviliT.iioiri llrui oc.ur,i ar trso [:vrls. ir t]ri nri.io l$"-.i, rliircc:Lr
grrqrs rl,rr| th. ia!lt l;r!s Lctrr.c! .iviliz.riions sr.ugg;.. .hen !tr.cr ih.
.onlrol of 1rrrit.ry iId c::.h .rtli.r. Al iire l]li.ro kvcl, -rt.irts ff'nr (tithrenr cililizr
ljors.r)jlt.cte 1tr rctrtirc Dliiirery.n{l e.()non}jc tarer,:rruggli ot,cr thc c{JDrroi o1
int.rx:1il.r,i3I iinitrlions aId i|ir.l fa.ties, iJ!d .onp.ritiv.iy pror11.te rhcir parr;.ular
Korg, laiws:r, polnl.i:'l 2r.i k-lirirr!s \llu.s.

'fhe lrault l-ines berwren Civiliations

,1. .ir,, ,r'. . ,.'tr.-,'o,'5 D.l :... ,,,r,..ot .:j',"1 buun/

itri,rs nilie rloja \\ixr.s ihc tash poir)ts tor crisis and trLonlsh(d. Tlrr (tdd war h€gan
. ir.,r ' tI',,". p, l r...rl .'i .r ol,.;.rl \ L,( , o'.r r\..
.ndr,i {ith th. urii 01'1lre lron Curranr. As rhe jdeolryicd dir.isiou ofELrropc h:rs dis
apptrrcrl, rirt culrrinl diljs;on of FluroD. ber\.reerr Western {tl]rjsrinIlirr., on rhe on.
irarrJ. ilrrd Orrll.riox Clrristiaiit) and lsiam, oll ihe other, his reen)efgcd- The Do:t
!ignjlr.i)it ,lilnlirr-s l;n. ji Eur:pe, as'n illia1l] 1,!"llr.. ir.s sus:jesied, v;.ll b€ th.
lisi:r ! in.lt:r-r.or lteslcn Ch[siiar]ir.r i rli.]i.r 150rr. lbis li'1. ruls 'ur_!
along Ntni
ur .o,t +;. '..nadari.s l).irlecn |irlai(i nnd ii,rssir 2Dd Liil'een th. ]lxlri. sirtet alld
iiLrsri:i, .ul,i rir1.n,il llcl.rls dnd U1 ;r). scfardt4g +,e rlore r-;rlLrli. Fesrcr]r
ii(rrD:. ira]n {,rl'i|1rrllr-\:..slerr Uii.ire, s$.ugs {ts.'rr2rci scparrriril l'rNsvh,anir
,toro ilt re5i {n li.ir.2tr'r, ard then goes ihrolgh .i ogr-.la vja airosl .-!.tlv along the
iir. .!.{ s.rrr.ii!3 i-ro.iia an.t S{oae|ja fronr thr rcsi ci}Lg.rsli:rii. In rhe SnlKant
flii:r :inr, {rlr.in!|l.. .ol'l.iiirs r|iih rhe Iistori. bourlJil. ha11r€en iire Eapsburg arci
lltfuRn rFroir'ls lhe ecapics 1.) tire rortl rnd r.n rt diis linc rrc l)rotesrant or
i-alix)ii.; rL.:i sj!.rr.(i tilc col]ln.)Jl eaprricrtc4 ot lurope.1n hjsror letuialjsn, rhe
rr,. r,....r.rJ.iorj t1. lIr:h,.1, trtr",l ri,...,t,. r.r,t,.
l bt/ the leld.rs ti ;.ri ;i. rohlii,rr I Lltry ar. g€n err]]r c.o noDicrilv b.$ef oiTt]rd the
F.oJt.s ro tIL.:rusi;
and tirr; rnaY r,,'rr |rok lor'r)ril to inoeaslrg itMlrclridrl ir ]:urofc.tn
ar.kt ^.crrJnon
,r.(I(,r'r !ICl 10 tit. ,.insoli.lxrion of d.rro.rttric I,.Jliricnl j)stems.
and Nterco- ihi r\,opt.s Lo ih.
adeL Ca.il,b€an eirst !r)d south .)irhis l]lr. dr. {).thodoa or tlloslim; ihtl, Iistoricnttv beloDged ro ttic
e, ho&c!er.ltave io l)Ltonrxn or fsarist cr)rpir€J and lvere only lightly rooched hy ilre shrping evenrs nr
rhc resi ofluropej tlrc.v ere generally less aLlvanced e.ononical\'; rhc,v s.elr much less
i tre lil.l' to ste iili.ir t.,le.llop st:ibL denccr:irii poliLical slsrems thel'c1,r.1()nlli;*oi.!tfr.. tr.s
riop'le of difterent
r.pji.rd tl. lrol {-urrxio oiideol(}gl is th. mosr silrrilj.lnl dilrii!re:lhtl in ijurop,-.
.rn lrro1!.nd lht is ihr .'.err u \ ugoslilix sho\!. it is n.,r onl), I linr oa L{i1f{renc,ri ilj! it5o /,. ixnes
Jlti.s to corre 1o .1.,....,1
+1 I ).bnting (;kb.ii.a!i0j1
(loFlli.t riorlg thc lalilt lnir hcr{er \lrestror and Ishtnjc .iejliziti., s }rls 1\r€rl
lloiDg ;x lor 1,100 Iciir. Aliir rh. ic.r,rlnrg oi lslard, Ihe Arxb xn.t Nlo.rrish si,.:t.
r,:sl irid ii(r h onh .ni1.i.r 11nrrs in r32 Froj]r thc cltverth to th. thi rrLcn th ..ntri ir.
''.. ' ,,' " "' ll.t..l ' 1.,1' ',r'ir .' .r'.,|rlv ".r' h '\,r',
flr1e io rtic iloly lird l-iori! th,r l:,;rrric|r! i{! ihe irirent.inth cerrtut, th. OinDrrt rh,: Ul'l S.r.trity .

t r.!risc.i 1h. Ljrlan\:r, cnt.n,i((l th€ir su'ar over the Mi.idle ljtrst a d the L\:rlhrrs.
.ipiurcd l](]n-ct rliloltc, rnd rivite laid si.se tD Vienni. ln ttre njnetcenih arld L,rjt
srenti.th cntrrrj.s rs Otloilitn roir.r decliJred Britain, Ir.rn.r, rDd lhl! .r:lablishld
-lveste;D ontrol o.rci rn.sr oaNorth,rfrictr .nd thc LIi.tdle East.
Aii€r Worl.l Wir jJ, rhe \i./esr, jn ilrrn, b.gan to r.ireaL rhe coloniil emt)ire5 disrt
pcrred! }lLst,\rab ,)urio'r,rii:.rl r.l thrr Ijl.d,ic tuB.lafi€Dralisjn nr.lnifiried rh.r'r
sel'/cs; ilre W est t)c.arn e ilr.ri'ili tlep,i.l.. r on ihe Prrsiix! culi:co'.r uiesforirse|.fij1..i
Ihe oil ri.h Mrrsiirn cr)oirlrics L..enxi non..; d.h,nd,Nlte theywished to, !vc.t-.ols
ricil. S|vcrrl \rars o..i!rrcrt i)nl'ecn arri lsrael (crerted Ly the l!rtsi:). l:i'n.c
foughr a bloocly ul nithl.-"s ir.rr i;r ,llceri;i ibr most ofth. 1950s; BritisL and li.ncii
tor.cs u..,adcii iglpr in l9:i6r.lnr,r1,:.n iot.c! ,rerr !]t.r l.tlr^noD in lt5li; nrk.-
.tlr.rtii ,\ntri.or aorcci r,::'.rnr.:i rr 1.aL;ro;r, ,:ilicktd Libyr, rncl eDgagetl ;r 1a n]!s
r n iji laif enco rrer wiii I r r; ra; r ;1.i l sl iic r.rrori$s, s pponed b.r ar l.xs1 l hr,r r

l{iddi. tlastern gocernne|rs- eji:.].v..1 th. !rju1)on aithe rveak ard boDb.d \\r.-!r.r il
plar* acd ilsr:,llanr,rs rn.i jeized ','i'.s terr h.rsttiges. Th;s 1v!lfar. b.t"!e.D Ar.rbs 1.d
t|c \{esl .uln;Jrated in 199.r- \el.r lhe ljnitd St.i:s seDi x tnassive arm.i tr, th.
''.i 'u'l roJr.,r"
rltcfinaih N,\'IO plrnn;Jrli js !r.rt:]!;rglt drr.,1.J to potenfiai rhreals ari(1;rsiubjiin
:rl.Dg its 'sortLcrri ricr.
This.cnrn.i.s old nilikr'; i|rlilr.tion b.firecr tllr Wcst d..l lshD is llrlikciv t{)
c..l;.e- {t.oul.t b.o0e n rr. ..irf,lei1r. 1Le {iiiliwlr lcfi sone ,{nbs leciing prod{l
thet Sddan lfussein hld Nrii.l...i lsricl fird srco{t up io rhe West. It iiso ielt D. rt
ieetin:r ]tu il;ated rnd r.s!:iiirl oi tir \V.-{is rnil;r.rv pres€llce jn 1be Persi.n culf.
thc \\csls ovcrwhclrn;)g rihtu) ,lornBatr.e, aird thejr orlJl rpparcilt inabil;i!. io
shapethcir derrnry. N{ary Arah count.ics, in addition to the oil e-rportcrs, ur. rerrhi g
le.r,els of ecoiomic ind sori;l ,le\-elopn.rrt rvhcrc auto.rati. forms of.eovernrrent
becom. irappropriatc ur.l ei1;is l.J inl.oduce delnocra.r become stronger. SGJ1}e
o.Denirgs in rtrrh polir;.rl :"rt]'c h:;v,: elrerdl ,rrcurrert. ihc prlnt;prl l).nc1i.;rI';.s
oitli.s. opennrgr hrv. b: ) lsiarni,rt rlolrt'renrs.ln thcArab uorld, m:]fu.i \!.s!irrrr i,ri;.frl ..iiii
.lemo.flcy strengthens inti !\,ene!n poliricnL io.crr. lhis nray bc a passhg ph.n{,rr
eIon, but it surely cornflicates rclatiors Let'vecn lslamic .ountri.s .nd the lvest.

'lhe West versrrs th€ l{csI

l'ht iv.5r is D!$,rt r! .rrra,rrLlirarv ptek oi po\lcr iit relation n, o&.r ci!ilirirrons.
Irs sL,pc.po\!cr opp{}ncnt lr,ts rljs:rppcrrc(l lrorn the nrnp I,liliriry collilict .rmonr:
W.st.n !ralcs is unrhirkaLlc, rn.l lv.stcrD nrilit.q' powc. is uI.ivrLicd. ,\parr lrorn
1.4'an, lhe !V.st J:ccs no ...,Do r{: ( hrllenge. 11 ilonriml.s inter natxDai toliticel ,Lnd
!c.uirv irslitnti(rri ar!,1rjth Jrfrl inr.rnatn)Drl dconoInic institutions t-lhbrl politi
t nt t ,ntst1 oJ t,r't11.nttunsa ,\5
crl eml secr;ltv issles rr,r ejT.divrh seul.(l bv x (li.e.rorirc ot rtrc ijriled Sr.lt.s,
' l,lo,.ish Britrrn mJ lrr. :e, \vorld ecol(Diic ;isrles h)- I dn.crorlt. ol rhc Ur;ted Srat.s,
'rrg. (;errrnril' anJ l.rp2n. xll oI n4rj.h ri.inrajn extraord;rnritl. clor.e reJ!tor\s with .ach
rrr ard (lhr;strin orhrr to the crclusrolr ollcssctrrd hrgelv nol] Wcsrcrn .oLr|1r'ier. Dr.irions rn.rttt ar
tlre ill.l :le.!rit,v C.!r.ii or in ri)c Ii)i.rn.iionrl ifoncrrr-t i itd t|t!.rtle.i 1ll. iur.r
cs|s ol th. \ .st rr. f.cjcnrcd ro thr i*rr]d as ..ficctiDg th. d.sir.s ot ihe ,.:.rkl,:crrr
nonrr irtlirrir:r "tlrt |ru: WoriJ"; ro giri glLrbaj L,rqirx!r,jr n).criolr rrit.!rjjrs tht
.r.,, r u ri, Ur.i,,l .'r.i-',1 .:r,', \'....... .:rri , .,.rJ .
i!rcina!jur:il c.ono j. irsrihrr;rrs. rh. W,'sr proD(n.j iis ec,rii)Ii( jii.!.sr. .rr(l
ilrpl,s.s,n ..'iIef ritions tlle c(oDonii,: policj.s il rLirk!.rIrrrorJ.j.ir. tn.{r" t.jr irf
]]oli \\irstcr peotl.s,theilvlfunckubrcrilywlllli"inriJ(,:lftorioritu {rlrjrn
Itrs:1lr.! a t'rrr otir.rs, bDr gcL rl ovi,rl\trelirnrglv unraror::l.lr r;tirrg i,onr iirsi :rt{)Llr
evc:!orie.ise. rrr)'dodl.]xqr& liih c.oi!v Arbir(J! s.Jrrr.j,1!rj'.Liioj) or lt"I t ol-ii.jrl,
ri*r ,n{l ljrer.h ii rr.o liolilr.rilts iov. cxDrapriitirg (nher pe,,l)ic -r n!,r.r. jIr)lrjsjr* rril{t.rr)
crrLi. irid riitI rdl.s oi €.r]iiolrrn: 2i.i polirl.il .ol.ir.r :rni! liiri!rS .cDli'rnr.

\"/esltE donrin.ti4n oftirr UN S..{rrity Colr'.il ind ir d..isx'r!, reDlpdeJ oDh,

by o..rs;ontrl ,bsretrtion bv (;1,i.., produced UN lesjrLnrurlo, ot rhc Wcsr,s use of
ioiie io diirt h.r(t or$ oi t ui!2ii ard jrs eltlrlrrari.rr oi lri(r'-. so])lr;sric.t!.i vieapons
and apa.'rr r,r produ!. su.h 1rc,rl)on\. Ii also produ...l rh. tnit,r i!.r-!...dcdr!cl
rclion br th! Unired SLrres, lrir3in rrd lr.ncr nr gctnrc it)r Sccurr11,(:o|lcit to
d.nrxdd ilru! l-ib.ra jrnn{i cvcr th! lr!r ,\rl1 t0t Lrom|rr8 slrljjccLs a;rti rb:i' ro in1;o-sr
srr.iions wir.n J-ib1ii rri[scd. d€li:trtilg thc ta.g.]si Lrrir .rr!nv. 11.. lv.sl ai.i noj
m t iull]"tclg ti) hiiilalr lri lhror its wrishi arounl ;1 tir. ;!ral. $()rtl:i. i h. \\rcsl iji .tic.r rr !5irg
irlerniiiolal iDsrliLrriotrs, niilii rr.,. D.re-ir al.] ..oro::,i..: re:e.rrts to r,::: ih! rrcrL(t il
ulvs tLni q,;ll rnainliin r,ii'sic pr..lc lii:!cc_ tnrft.i \\;i]srJ n ji1'.r.ri-. i,i rl DJ.irr{r.
.;.- -. ... 1. :.
J,a..d in:.b;iilt rc : , ir.. ..
signiica,r .lcnren1 ul t dr irr rheii ricrl'. Diiicr.Dce,, il |or'.r a:ri srrl!,ig]t,s illr r]trli-
: 0a grrYrrnrnlnr tarj. r.oriomic aili jnsrirt,Liclal gttcr arc thcs.t,rr so!r(.l ror:1jir.L i).r,j..n thc
a stra|3:r. Sotre .,' . '.... ..,-... ,.. ,,.i.., ' .. ,r. t, .....
iDrl iJ.n.itci.{ies
: I -dlor i. tr\iesrl:r. ''uri/,rr*l ..,'ilil::ri(, lh!i
un]r,rr*r ..ijli1::r(," rh!i "1lts ;r!l ,rcn.', A1 a s,rDlrrit.iitl l.,v.j urn,tr d \!csr.in
cuifurc has irtirtrl perrr.rred rhc ien'rcn."of tlhe lvoild. ,\r r nror. b;r]i li'vri. l,,]wrv.r,
ri \ tnd rlrc Weit \\/en.rn .!r,,cprJ .ii*i. lundalncr]ratlr fforii itrosr p*,u.te,r, ni orlri ciriiizarjors.
Ur.slerri id-ras ol indr.ii.lulirjrr, tibrrriislr, {:onsr;r!ri(Dxtisn, trurri!r ,ighis. rqu:,titr,
!ibtLt1, rie rdc olhr, risrnorft$,, lrc maArcrs, rtt sepr,r.rt,:n of .hrr,-b urrt sutc,
oiterr irt:r.littlc !esl,,r'." ., t rtn"';., liur ir.i".,, t2D]lrese, llnrdr.lJud,lhisr or Orrho
'lo, '.,, \r..,..o ..i,,,:. rr.uri g-r. ,.. .,|....I.,.L.....,...,'
'8,,r qJ.n. 'ri;i.r.rrrrr, r.rl'..rr".,..rJ.(.,rrnn.,r;,.r...t rrr,J.!e,,u,,."t-.,.,\.dn
) oth€r civilizatidrs-
l,' . r,, rlr' rri" , ru r. liD oi . trrnd .ti.rn t. t,. ro nc. ,

: | .orlli.t .mo g !,ur,\l .r ,,1r,r,.. ,,.-.. ',.renr

t. .. ,:r.:\..-.t.:.t..r,i.,.
.,,r1..i. Ata tom ...,.,....,..,t,,
rti.'!al i.,lili.al and
rl.:. . t. .r'....,.r .. ,i,.^,,. I.^|.l ,,...,,,,i ,.;... ,t...r...rol
r ls i,ltb,rltoliri ,'.i ..-,t...,.,...... .-.. t,.,... ,.i.ri , (,
46 l)ahni;i!. ( ;inl.\:|i.!n ii/t
v.]ucs lh.tl arr xrosr i1rJ,'orl.1nr in ib. Wr,,i ar. lcrsl n,rPor.nt lvorl(l'!'idt." L1 thc
political ..ljlm, of.ourr., I[ll,],i;ji.rerces a.. nlo,rt nrr ;len I'r the rlfo.ti di ih.
Lrnii i Star,\:nr(i crlr.ir l'li -rf.dr iro\!.ir lo ir,lucc i,thu. p.opic\ rn;Jopr iq,rslern
idea! crDicnring dcr!tuerac..xnl h!nr!rr r:gijrs. ilode.n {l$!!,.rati. gol,..l,lt.ni otjg
irxr.d h ihe lvest. When itLr5 Lt€velirpcri i1!or1 W.rlern s{r.i€ri.s ir iia:i r{rrll! bc.n
Lh. " 1,, , i
The ccniril ixis ofn'orl(l pol;rics i. rhe iirtl'. is likrly to be, in Kishore illihbubi-
ri's phrase, th.r codliat bi't1rr.n "lire lvesl and rh€ Rest" and ihc rcsfonses of ton
--- We3rrrn .i\.iljzrtions io r,restc.! powcr:i ri.ralues. fhose r.sponses gc'rrallt take ote
-- -df aaombirlrtion .i thrte ionn:. -,\t orc irb'cll]t, ron-We,it.rn sr.ies can, likc l]!rrnx
-.;l d ]\iorth (ore.. rtteDrt)r rir jrii:'siic x.riDrt.,)Iisol:Liior. ro insrtl.te ih.ir $ci.1;cs
}-ro,n f1'rcir!t;oir or ".olrtrpri.u l bi:|t w.sr. an(L. ir cltucl. lo opt onl ofparric4r:t
. iioit iir 1lc \a/esk'r'r-ioirlnr.re:l Siob.l .ontndDitr. The costs cltlis course, hoee'ier,
:rrchi:jh, rdlr'/ s !.ltes h.r1.e porsu.:l ii.t.{rsirir'- A sc.on,-l ri i.ynx livc, r}re i!1ti'alent
o{ 'brnd-r:ago::ilg ' i;r in1{:n1'.i,rtiii r.hriolr,' iheorr. is ro attcrnpt r.] io;rt ih., rtesl
anJ rcccp: iis rJ c; ari irtsl;ilrrio:rs. ihc iiiirtl rllei naliv. is lo .iilempl io 'brlin.:"
ihe v/esi i',v rirvtloping rtororniL: ird rnililart po'i.r anrl coop:ratirir Lrirlt othrr
ruoi W.ste! so.i.ii€s xg:,j)s: llc We!|, t'h;lc lrreserrir5 irxli.qero!-i ululr a'rd ilrsii
lntionst in shofl, to lr(ricrniTe ir!i iioi lo Wtsrernize. l. . .l
tv.rtern .iviliTriion ii lrorh',\'ciricrri rDJ rtlo.iern. NoJl \\'e!lera civilizatior)s hrYe
-.rtren4rie,lnr be.clnr nroJ..r qtlrc\r tr.c5rn;ng wesi.rir. -l.,o daie1,nlytapan has flriiv
sir.cee.lcii in this q1r.sr. ;.1('r [r.s1r.rr civiliz.l;drs ui]l .oxiirue k' rrtelniri 1ri ic.lLrirc
ile xrilih. rccir nol.rs., sk:ii.'. !r,r.binr' ! !r.i v{ pcis l ha t .rrc p:!i l oI bcing lxoiler n.
Tlrer lvill ilso .llcjr]pr to rc..'rcil"' th;s rnod..]rilr wirh thrir Lrnditiot.rl !uliule rnd
-lheir econonn: rnl lnilil-rry slrelgrir r€lniivc io th! Ulesl !'ill incrcase. Hetce
1!e \Vesi in.reasin:tll ir\ir 10 .i.cornrrr,d.re iles. noJl \\r.stern rnodc'n ciljiiztr
tiorls wlrose l)o\ver xpproi.h.s thai ci Lhe iveiit l)ut whose i'alu€s end lnt.r.sts (lifer
si!+riil{:antiy from thos. ot tirc \aasi.'Ihis rc{trire Lie \Vest to Inairrrair the ..o'
rloriilj and riiijtarv rrovtr ue.cssary tc prot€ct iis int.tcsls in.chii.rl1lr r.hes-- civili?i
tions- Itlvili also, horvever, require the West to deveiop a more profound undersranding
oflhe basic religious and philoso phical rssrlrptions underlying other civilizario s,nd
the revs irr rvhich |col'l. m ihose civilizar()ns se. thcii inlerests. 11 will r.(ton. an
effoft to ide.tii,v .L!rerrts oi.ortrnlor.l!F b.i/rcen vJert.rn aD{l oiht! civilinrions.
lo. rhe re{eyant 1uhrr.- t|fr. .'ili b. ri,r uniferJai ci1-iiization. brr lrsicn.l r ,'orl{l of
,l;iierenr .ivili721io.s. cach oi r*iclr rrill irrrc Lo l.nrl to .oexisi *iih ihc olhcrs.
] NTF N NA'J'I')N T I.

-t{*.r*,{h ffirihrgrye
Essay: l,Yas Samuet l-.iL]nii'tgton r;ght a.taer ali?
tsy fotrad Ajamt
F'iday, lanuarv 4.200a

li v/ould heve Deen Linl;kc S;nrJelP. Hlntjngion to say l totd you so, aficr 9/1 1 lle is tco alrste:e.nrl
(:) serious a ma,r. v.4ih a klcend:ry c;reeriis arauably thc rnost inJtuenijatarrd o.ieinat potjilcat scienli:jt
af the lasi hirlf century - zlways swinlminc again:rt the curenl of p!eva;ti.g opirriorj

ln ihe -1990s, ilrsl in an ariicle ifi t e nr.gazine ioreign Iffai,s. tiren irr a book pvbtished ir tgge n.ler
ihe iiile"itle aiash of Civ'i'zriiorrs ard the Rernakina ofWorki Order,,' he had {:omc i)rrir litir z ih.ris
ihal ren couri:r lo the zrilgeisi af t.re er. ;nJ Lts euL/h6na about qtobati2rLo,r rno a oorr:,,ertess.
!orld. AIier lhe coid u/ar, he 'rroie. theli rvould tre a "clash ot civitizaiions," Soit trnC blcod and cLrttlrlEt
loyallies \,rould claim, and detne, lhe \/orld ot slates. ltuntington s cedog€phy w;s drawn with a
sherp pencil. ltwas 'The fvest and ihe Resr": the Vvest standin-q atone, ond eighl civjlizaiions .tivi.jing
the rest . Latin Arnerican, Africa., islamic, Sinac, Hindu, C'1hodox, t3rddhi:I and .tlrmnese. And i! ,u5is
posi.col'l war lvcfld, lsl6inic cii;izal'on wouid re e,rerge as a nemesis toihe lvest lluniington fjrri the
matle. il siark ierrns:

"The re'ations t'ehveen lsl;rr)l 3'd Ch.islianjly, hcih Ortho.tox and Westem, have oft:n treen slonny.
E..h h;s been !h€ othe' s Other '1he 2Cih-ceniirry confli:: b--ivreen tiberat d€modacy :r,rct ir3rrisr
Lc i*isnr is onJy a iieeiing an.j suierficial h;storicai phenomencn compared b 1,le coniinuirg rnd
dee,rly c.r, riiici!;i I e laiicn bel.nreeri i:l:jin and Chisrianiry.

Those I S yolr)g ,arabs i'/h. sin-ick Arnci.a on 9/1

'"vere 1 io qive Hlnriinoion moft: of h;stry s
,..J|.,.1!,ru1tr^.(/:,ri,"!.r ../.r,.r.,.,:ri.,t.!,,.i",.4v.r,x..n.ir':/{,uu.b,.i,/,,,.. ,.jt.i,.,....
s.cietes, and yculrq A.abs anC ,lrslill;s were trav,/ ihe sho.k{roops ot a rl€W ra.t'calisfl. Iheif rise
Iia.l cv{rr'.vhcltned ihe ordrr in rheif tromelands and hed so;lted inio ron t,Juslim roct.jite.i ik$! ilr.
bor.lers t'eti./eeu luusjinrs anC cth*r p€opies l..ratn {jerl qrown Jsserirte rnJ tLtlnerr]lrli ti:e
i.jeolcltj.s r'i Vr/eslemiz.rlion th"l hcd Cofii atel lh'r hi.rones oi Tu/^ey, kan rn.t iire ,\-dtr .io d{i, as
in€ll .s Scuih Asia, iraij b(icd; "in.iigeni. adon ' had becorne tlE orderol the da) ir s,rlji.)ii.s r^_,ios.l
.aiionalsms once soullhl io ellulale fi€ ways of ih€i West

Raiher lhan Wesle,'liTilg iheir sccjetres. i.lalric lanris had devetoped a po\relluj cr.Isen.ls ir;:j.r'or
of lslamiZng n]odernity. Thcre !1ras iro 'lrriversnl .ivii'zaiion,.' l lunlinoton had olrsenx,ct: itjir,6s olrtv
lhe preicnse oi '.i/trat he calied "Davos culhrre,' rionsjsiinll of a hin laver ot technocreis ;r ,,J .,.-.ra.n,ri-.
and busiressrmen who ,tather annL,ally ai ihat x,aiedrg hoie of the gtob:rl etire in Slvil.enail{J

ln Hunlingicll s unsparhlg view, culiure is undeiplnned lrnd deiined by power. fhe t-lcsi h2.j cljco
been pre'emirreot and nrilitarily dominart, and the first generation ofthird \rorld nationatists had
sought to fash'on their world in the inlage ofihe WesL But We-stem dorninion had cracked, Huntington
said- Demography besl iold $'e story: whe.e more than 40 p€rceni of the world pop!talion rv.s unddr
lire political controj ofVlcstcnr civiliz:alion i. the year1900, that share had decl'n..1 t(, abcut 15
percent in 1990, and is 5ei to conre d,r-wn io 10 fetcetiby the yeat 2025 Conversety. IstarJ) s shr..l
hac ri:ier) lronlI percent ill lgUC io 13 perceni i 19{lO, and co,rld be as hish Es 1!l i}.rr.grt by 2021t ti
is nd prciiy :rr iire iro.'i;rrs belr,veen locieiies \i,ith dvr'trdlinq pop!tat'ons WestrrN t urcpe be!i. orie
example. Russia anolhcr and those lliih yoLrng people making claims on the wortd tiuntingior say/
this gathe.ing storm Those youn0 people ot the densely populated North Ndcan srates ,j/tro have
been risking all for a iou.ney across the Sirait of Gibrattar w-dtk right out oi his pages

Shortly atter the appearance of tle article th3i seeded thc book, Foreign Aftais magaziire caltcd pon

o a group otwriiers to respond to llu,rtington s thesis lwas assigned the tead criiique. twrote my
response wilh appreciation, bur ,wagered .ln modernization, on the system ihe West had prlt in ptace.
''The ihings and ways $rar tllc rrvest took to the rest. " l wrote, have become the v/ays oi lhe wortrt
The secular icJea. the slate systcm and the balance of power, pop cotturejumpinll iarlffwa s:nct
barriers, tht'slaie as an
We have slrned Lip lhe ve'y
oJ welfare. all these have bcen internalized in lhe remotesl ptaceE
sloflns inlo which wc now .ide I had grestioned Hunlinglon s suggestion
lhat civilizal;ois could be found "whole and intact, waterlioht under an elemat sky." Furows, I
obscrved, run across dvilizations, and the nlcdernisi consensus would hotd in ptaces tike lnd'a, Egypr

Hunijngton had written ihat ttte Turks rejeciing i\,1ecc,r. and reiecied by B.uss.Js would head tow:rrd
(q choosing a pan Turkic wond lvly f.iih was'nv(:sred in lhe omiat Wester,riztrg creed oi
K{rn3lisn} ihat Muslafa KemalAtaturk h:d bequeaihcd h's counLry. "What, hor/ever. it T-urkey
ie,:letned itself? Huntinglon asked. At some poinr, Turkey coutd be ready to give up its trustraring
and i)umiliatincj role as a bellgar pleading fDr rnemLrc'ship in tire Wesr and ro resum€ iis much more
irnpressi/e and elevaled hisiodcal role as the p,irlcipal tstemic interlocutor.nd altagonist of iirc

f) flearly '15
vcars on, Huntingion's thcsis
fire cniiq{c I piovaded at th3i t;me. kr rcccni
a .iviti--'rti(j)at chsh seenrs more .oinpeltinll io r,!e lir:n
"i,oriyer!s, f.r exanrpte. lhc e.J'fice of Kemalism has come
urr.ler asssuh, and turkey has no''! elecr.d.n tsla'4ist to ihe presidency in open defance ofitie
nrliilary brreasratic el;te I herc h:is come i|l.n 'teLiefrniii.r{. ihai itultingian prophesied. -r o b!-, nrre.
ibev=.dictriray not tle quita i]s st.aillhiJorwerd as h. foresaw_ thelst2 rists have pr€vaile{j, i}ulthc;
,.lesi(id cjeslination, or so they ielt us, is siitt Brus:rels: in ih-lt Furopean shetrer, ihe ls'arnisis shreer'dty
fupe ihey can find protection againsl the pc,rv.ir c;the miliiary

"l'llteech ycu djf€rences,' Kent says io Leer's servant. ;\nd t{uniingion had tle irtegriiy and ihe
loresighi 1() see the falseness ofa borderless vrcid, a wortd,.rithout difierences- iH-qis one of trvo ,

greai ;nleilectural figures who peered inio ih€ heari of Iri|g: .rnd were nut taken rn by qtobtism.s
coaceii, Berlard Lewis baing the other_)

I siil'harbcr doubis aboutwhethe. ihe radic€t !,(illmists knocking atlhe grles of Europe, or as.salrlling
;l i:om l.;iihjn, are the bearers of a whole civjiizaiicn.! hey nee fre buin;,1g qrounds oi lsta,n. tut cari
{:,i lhe firewith them- lhey are "nolrhere men," chi;dren of the franlier bet!,een tstam and the West,
trelcnging io neiiher lf an_r4hing, they are a les{arn.jni io thc faiiure of mcd€rn isiam to provide ior iis
c./n an.l lo hold the fidelities ofihe youna.

\.\: \j
i\ro:e ornin,rusly perhaps, th€re ran ihrough l lLrtilEioi,,r iJaate:i ai arxieiv.bout the,jjati r,rd rhe
,'.'i coherei)cs ai lhe West - openly stated at tirnes. nraC . i..,, .l usjon- rnr cu gtrout I he tu,r peris of the
rl,:sl e'e not carefuily moniicred ane dete.rdecj, tiunijrglcr feare.l tstatu.,$ remain tslam, hc
1,!rrded. bu: ii is "Crbious" uJhether ihe Wesi v/jii rematn L1.c lo itseji and its m;ssion Clearty,
.iorrfi!Era. has not cielivered us olit of hisior/s the.;^,/crld l./Vicle Web has not cast lsiCe
blo.Ll arid kh and raith- It is no tault of Samuel iiuningil]n's
'ras:ronrj, ihat vre have noi heeded his darktjr, an.l
ooss;bly iruer, vision-

l*.frTr crpyrrqht A 2ooa The lnter.aliona M.r akr riibhe I vtuw.irt.con

Comprehension Que5tions

qu€stions on 'SJas Samuel lluntington tlight after all?' by Fouad Ajarni {li-lT)

L lt would ha're been unlike 5arnuel P. lluntington to say, "t told you so".,..
What does th;s suggest about the \,^/riter's impression of I-luntington's

2. '...then in a book f-,ublishccl in 1996 und€I the titie "The Clash of Civilizations
and the Remaking of Worid Orcier", he had come forth with a ihesis that ran
counter to the lgitgei5i of the era and its euphoria about globalization and a
"borderless" world.'
\ lhat do you think ihe woid;eifgeini could mean in the context it is used.

3. From poragroph 3, What do you see as the effect of comparing 1'The 20th
Century conflict between libelal dernocracy and Marxist-Le lrinisrn" and the
"relationlsl between lslarn and Christianiiy".

4. fram parogroph 4, V,,lhat reascns does Huntington give for saying ihere "was
no universal civiiization"?

5. Ftom psro-qraph 6, ln your c'"vrr words, explain what FiuntinFian rTteans when
he says, "cultui'c is Lri'tcierpinne.l ancJ defined by power"?

{. l'rom paragraph lO, txplain the difference between "a borderless,aiorld" and
"r world !vithout differences".

Foilow-up reodingl:

8 F{dncis Fukuyslna's'End of llistor,v'

o Noam Chornsky's'Foiled Stotes'
6 Noomi Klein's'Shock Theorv'
S€$_Ln{L6iaeatlzatlAjJ-r.jlL_e_ MldlQl-the-S,lQt a! ig{}!.j}rr-!y
Michael Veseth

Lyrrle Biclr.!.9r1!!!.sjt! 15, ltr,


id€th:n,{ing G!Gi:ira!iz;:i;lf,r r

The social process is really ol]e indivisible \^/hole. Out ol

its great streaBt the cl:)sslfytnE hand of the invesiigatot
artificially exi-r.rcts eccitoiltic iacis.

loseph A. Scir'rr ?itc. 1

There ls someihirq impo!l,ena il;tDp..:!-linq in ihe lvcrl.l toda)/, an!] yr-e
c6)l it giob.rlization. l-ia,rrl'i(j slr'.ni sc, rnucit etfort itr/inq to deilunk tne
myths surrolrndinc 9l{.riralir-atiol. i jniiitt lc be very clear rjc',v tha.a the
for-ces l.'le sce and set!s.'aie r..ai. 3ri1_ if lhe piocess cai!.-rd clobait:t:l,.iori
is ltnpoltart-and it :: ti-r:rn ii i-' ,.tr/en ;nrr"€ imler iaitf ih:ri !,ye :e!;ifl
to undei-stanrj whai, ii t'.r:;il,' i:r, r,,iirai_ is ieft lr'hen iite rhei o.ic as eliiterj
clli and i!.re srntrkescrel:r! is :tLripil..d ar,'.iay. When iltis r.iil-iirring ts
done, I suggest, we L,t"alt irn.le!-:i:ancj g;obaljzation rncj.e ilearly
anci be able to conce'\/e'!ilil.]l', bt:-l€i it:irr" ior \r./hat ii is- l

:lh€ Argurn€nt S* fat

So far in SellinQ GJabai;.:,?tr'or I ha\/r arqued that globalization ir)
practjce !s very- rnuch Liiff.:rena irorn globaliz3tion in tbeory and
especially ihe visions of globaiizatio.r that drive political choices today_
Actual global firms are relatively rare and the process of globaljzation
is far less developed i:han mGSt people imagine. By sonie rneasLr!e5,
ihe world is less thoroLrghly intellrated today ihan it was in the period
before World War I lhal. K"vnc:; has t{ieailzed.
When I examined case studies of four "global,, iarms*Nike, Boeing,
Microsoft, and Frank Russeil only Nike seemed to fit the definition of
a footloose truly global busjness, floating effor essly in a virtual
market world, draw'ng on global resources for its production and
globai markets lor its sales. When peopte think of globatization, for
good or for bad, the.7 ttrink about a world of Nike, i./hich is an unequal,
envicus, peformance oriented, cap'talist world-
The other "global" businesses I stlrdied !.rere as unljke Nike as you can
get. Soeing is a creature of the siale and in the process of negotiating
erith states has become cne, ilr nearly .-so. Micrcsoft is rnarket driven,
but lt teeds stiong staies tc enaci ai!.j eriorcc intellectual properiy
r:ghts lar,!s; it cannol e){ist as a fiiofiiable enteiprise without strong
states to enforce its copyrjghts. Illicrosoit's pr{laiuct lines illustrate :he
durabilib/ of local langu"ge, clilture, and hisio.y (distinct n.ttional
dlfferelrces) by the er{tent tc r,^,,nich they are taiiored or custornized to
fii local markets. The Frarnk Russell Company, \ihich looks frorn the
outside like the quintessential vidual financiai fjrm, turns out on the
inside to ile based on t!-ust that is built ihrough face-to-iace personal
relaiions, fbr which no electronic periect substitute exists.
Glotlajization exists as a prccess, but ii ;s less ccrnplete tha| many
peoFle think ani oi a Cllfereni: nai[r-- than comrnonly assumed.
Globalizalion in practice tui-ns oui not to be 's the triumoh of the
irreslsiillle nlarket iorce over elj lhat stands in iis y,lay. The rLimors of
tire deaths oi disiancc. an{: 1.he riaie a|C crliure anai the individua, ali
are exaggeraied. -tl.rese forces, wltiri) har/e always lr iled glcbai
meri€t integraticn, still jii,. iii ;i rcila-!.
Arn.Jnq the rnany fo|ces lhei llmit the extent io which true
Eiobaiization can hapfien is tlre il]ndantcntai instability of global
financiel merkets. If globali?raiifin is io happefl, I argue, !t musi draw
cn ea.l perhaps be dri.ren bi" global financial inat kets, 'rhich picvide
iihe econornic means by whiclr !-esources move around the globe. But
these markets are an unstible icundation ior globalization" Global
financial markets are sutliect te baih ltlg instabilities caused try
currency cTises and to smaller but iuildamentally more t!-oublesome
chaotic movements. Globalization can only proceed so far if exchange
rates are as fundamentally unstab,ie as I think they are. There is
reason to believe that as global financial markets expand they become
increesingly unstable. At some Doint, the instability is great enough to
lialt lhe lorces of econo ic integraiion anC perhaps io reverse them. If
my aral'/sis is correct, globalization is a self-lirniting process. The
!.Jorld economy may nevei be much fitore "9iobal" iB a reai sense than
it is today or was in Keynes's day.
If globalization is not new, not ubiquitous, and not unstoppable, then
why does it get so much attention? I have provided two answers to
this question. First, globalizalion gels attention because it is a useful
concept. Politicians, policymakers, and intellectuals link their pet
projects to the promise or threat of globalization and then seli
globalization to us. Because qlobalization is such a large and vague
idea, all softs oi policies and projecis can be easily attached to it. Ancj
it is easy to sell this vague ialea to the public durinq a period when
lhere are ,nany reasols for anxiety a|d concern. Globaliznt;on js srictr
a useiul concept that if !t did ot exist, it !,roLl!d haye to be invenied-
again, not to describe the yr'ay lhe worlC works. but as ar deiivery
device for all sorts of good and bad ideas thai are packaged wiih it.

The second reason thai gloiializaticn h,:s been so effectively rn"rkeie{j

:s that attempts to provid€ a scund economic critique of thjs concept
have thus far been inelfective. In some cases the economic anaiysis
has been done, but it didn't nratter because economists tend,to
communicate using highly spec!:ilzed and symbolic languacJe and
rnethods. Noneconomist "ciyilians" simply cannot understand what
economists say for the most pa!-t, so a meaningful econontic critiqu",j of
glcllaijzatiofi by a c€rtiiied economist might as well be ,rriti€n ill
Maitian on the back side ci the inaon for all ihe gcod it lvill rjo. t,tore
to the point, hoy/ever, is ih€ notjon (lvhich I advanced in |te iasl
af:epteij that postwar eccnomics has ,ln jateniiona!iy delined iiself in a
r.ei-y narrow way that eflectlveiy el(clitd*s ihe sort oi anal.rlris that
le;ds to theoi-eticai questjons about globaj markel fbrce:i. Crisis ard
i:cinplexjty, which are ihe ttasis cf i.llv analysis of glolla! finatci;ri
rirefl<ets, are not econoinics as most economists u,tCer5tan.i it.
ixpecl,ng a crltique of gloital markets iforn the economics proicssion,
thereiore, is like expeciing a cjefense ol usury irom a qroup oi islainic

lhe boliom line hei-e is thai qlobaiizatjon is not r.vh.lt it scerns lo jl?.
lile qlicitiua, lhen, is rih.rt ts iLl

{;lDbalizaticn and Compi€xity

The process that we call globalizaiion is re"lly a complex set of
changes. It is driven by a number of foices that interact i",,ith one
another in endlessl)/ fascinaiing 'r!ays. Such a process is calicd
:.:onplei in th€ language ol noniine;r dyflamics, dnd whet ,r,,a iii-e
seeing now is an example of complexity. There is no generally
accepted definition of complexity, according to M. Mitchell Waldrop,
whose bestselling book by that name helped to popularize the concept.
I The subtille of his book, however-fhe Energing Science at the
Edqe of Order and Chaos-suggests a definitjon. If thjs is a deiinition
cf cornpiexitv, then globalization certainly seems to fii.
The key to misunderstandinq globalization is io ignore its complexity.
li you adificially extraci facts about globalization in a simple way (to
paraptrrase Schunrpeter's epigraph to this chapter), then you will
understand it as a simple process (e.9., demonic global market,
i.apotent siater borderiess world) and succeed in rnisconstruing what is
go'ng ofi. Worse, your rnisunderstandinq wili serve ro confirm yolir
highest hopes and worst fears.
The problem lvith complex sociai proce:rses is ihat it is difficult to
undersiand thern jn their complexity. 5() )"ve simpliiy. This process is
nriiliciai, however/ as Schur.npeter says, and erbitrary. We must pick
and choose the facts that we emphasize and ihose that we ignore- lt is
possjbie to see anything yoLr -r^Jani to see, ii the process is complex
enoirgh. So we tend to choose what we want to chcose and see \r,/hat
v{e }.iant to See. This is a serious probler!" U/hen we misunderstand the
forces o{ change, misiaking thefir for angels or devils of our own
cfeation/ r^Je lose contact with reality. It becomes all too easy to
rnistake friend ior foe and qood eli.ect ior b3d.

f"lcreio the point of ihis book, because gioba! aomplexity has so rlany
illerrelaied elements, ii is inasy ?cr poiitiaail and intellectual
enirep.eneurs to pick and choose ihel; fa*s io suit their agendas, It is
bard to understand glcbal .cnrplexily bui r:as:r io seii "Elobalizatjcn" a:
tire cuie for ihis or the enemy oi iirai. Sc loiiq as globaiizetion is lhu-s
rn,sunderstood, it can be too easily abuscd ijnd .risuse{i.
-lire histcrian David Cannadine iras !',/fitten about ihis pioelern--
rn!s,Jnderstanding complex social pr.Jcesse5--iir the case of ihe
iricluslrial revolution. 4 The lndu.-cliial revoluiion in England was like
Eloba!ization is today in that ii was a complex event of qreai
ir pcrtarjce, but also of great corfipiexitv, it we can n'ranage to
misunderstand the ind[striai ievolution, elren gi!'en the improved
perspective ol hindsight, thsn we clear!y can misunderstand
giobalizaiion today.

The way that historians, economisls, and the informed public viewed
the industrial revolution changed r,l.amal.ically during the one hundred
years after Toynbee's Lect!,ires ati t.h,4 litdusi.ria! Aeyolutlon. V/ithoLlt
rnuch charige in the "facts" availairle, each gcneration was able lo see
in the industrial revoiution a different image. 5_ In each case ii was an
image of startling clarity and relevance to the contemporary situation.
In each case it was the,mage that viewers wanted to see. Cannadine
found four "phases" between 1BB0 and 1980.
]n the 1920s, for exampie, historians saw the industrial revolution in
terms oi the social conditions of urbiJn workers and the unemployed.
The "facts" chosen \,\,er€ those ihat best reflected the then current
concern over social condition and poverty in England. U/hat they
{lristorians, citizers, anil Gilicials) sa!.i in the Industrial RevolLriion !!as
a mirror of their own tinres, and '.heit reading of this history probabii/
also iniluenced their reading ol cuffent events and policy. 6 lhe
iesson oi history il]as that inclustry is hard cn the weak 3!.t.J
Cevastating to the poo|. som€thing shorjid be done to chen.lc lhjnlls
beloie il is tco laie.
Economic historians wfl.) ),vroie iront the mirJ-1920s to the mid-195Cs
sa\r/ a clifferent industrial revoiution. lrvhai they saw were the cycles in
the economy, the ups and doyJns of the business cycle that seerned to
characterize indust!-ia' capitalism. In this, of course, they vvere guialed
by the experience of thejt o,,!n times. The crash of the Great
tepiessjon and ihe efferis of )lrcild war were on their minds and so
ijppeai-ed before their eyes in lhe forin oi history. The lesson oi hislory
i'ras that capitalism is unstible-lI bccams and crashes, but esF,ecially it
{"(ash€s- Sollrething shculri be doite io ch:nge lhings before jt i*c ioo

Thcse who studied tila iitailsi!-::i i-e./olrtion frcrn ihe mid- i950s io the
]97Os, ihe pericd ol the .jreat pos'rwar economic expans,on, !,arj
lJrcwth, noi: povertlr end j'rr-rt cycies. -lhey saw ihe rise oi e st;t'c
econonly to seli-sus'.aining ecoflorrlic gt'or,^{h. The famous sfaie: oi
9ror1,ifJ tireory thal glii(i€d ccot-ro,l]ia Lroliaies around the worid in tl'e
:L!63s uras ille prodLJct ol'Vt. 1,,,/. iiostow's examination of the eccltorrli{-
hisioi-y of the industrial reyclulic . lrlDrc'/ed data (bettef facts) meke
uS think tod"y that Ro.etov,"s theoiy of the need of a "leading Seclor"
lres as in iis interpretation oi ihe industrial revoluiion as il
5cems to have been r,ronq in ihe fori-li of advice to less developed
counhi--s. Bul the lessoll ef iristory r.ras lhat economic growth cor!ld be
aitained by promoting a leading sector. A great leap forward is

!'inally, Llannadine noted that titose lvho have stuciied ihe industriai
ri'v'llirtion durirtq the curreni "Ag{] ol" Dir inished Fxpectations" have
.-.1$o ilerceived it as a distanl tnirio!- of ihe contempol-ary condjtiorr. 7
It was an industrial evolution, not revolution, with many evolutionary
lalse starts and dead ends:
Instead of being presented as the paradigmatic case, the first and
most famous instance of economic growth, the British Industrial
Revolution, is now depicted in a more negative liqht, as a limited,
in '/Jhich ./arious things d'd noi
restr icted,. piecemeal phenomenon,
iloppen or where, if they did, they had far less efiect than ',\ras
previousi,v supposed. s

Ihe ;ession o;' history here is ti-rat drail'iaiic eccnomic growih is an

:lirsior;, or al least rioi sometlring io be expected. The past js pretiy
inlr:h iike ihe present- rfilred ir the dold!-ums. You'd better gei used
to i',.
,lt shou:d flow be obvious to you ihat the industrial revoluticn was a
preiiy carnpllcated process--ai least as cornplicated as gicbalizatio*,
;roi in ihe l-ast because it incllding a dramatic global expansiorl ci
lrade. The industrial revolution \r,/aG clearly all of the thinqs that these
iour generations of historiaas atld citizens perceived: unequal,
.Jnstabler d'/narnical, and evoiutionary. Ii v,ras rflore, too. But the point
is lhat v,'e select the tacts to suit ollr uses, to mirror the times.
Cailadine's analysis forces us to consiCcr $/helher our verdict on il'le
irldustriai revolui.ion says nlore atlout Britain !n i!-!e perioci 1780-1340
o!- aboili i)ur o!1/n view of ccntertporary social and econcff'!c
r:on.:Jil ions-

lhFj [jain Nclnis i i.-i n]itke hi:re er e iiicsre. First, vlllnt "ve l;l;
cicbeiizai.lon is not a new pfcce-s, even ihough vxe think of !i ns le1il.
:i:r3rid, Eioilalizaijon s€ems io b€: coft!ile)i, 'rviih maity caLlses and
eiteris, sor.ee quite ufiexpected. Fln;j!y, be:ar-ise glcbalization is s'r
corrrple)(, ii {r;n be v!e\,ved in rnary iniaysr et.l ti}ete is alln/ays ih:
air;.jce ihai'fi€ ars missing the mo5t ii,'iilortant aation through a pocl-
seleclict.r of "lacts." With ihese poinis ;ir mind, let us turn Froin pa:t
tense io piesent,

{ri1r-{!blirirj WBlls, Corn!:rlex nnt€r"cti.ons

'dJhat we call globalization is the complex process that results from
breaking down the walls that separate and distinguish many of the
inrFoltal-}t instilutions thai we use ic define the lvorld we live in. In our
;ri.ternpt to understand a cornplex \r./orld, uJe necessarily try io
conaeot,.ralize it in simple ways. We put vai-icus elemenis of sociell/
into pigeonholes or mental compartments, During periods of econolltic
and social stability, this simplified framework is useful. During periods
of rapid change, however, the old mental framework prevents us from
understanding the nature of the change itself. The walls of the
pigeonholes must be broken down and rebuilt to reflect the new
The tact that the borders that define dte qeoqraphical tloundaries of
nation-states are nour less important than they were 30 years ago rs
only the most obvious aspect oi this gene[al process of crumbling
walls. Unfortunaiely, it has qiyen the entjre process its nanle
globaiization. Globalization is about the reed lo reth!nk slaies aod
n.rarkets in terms ether thitn '.hose defined by geooraphic borclers, but
it is about much more than r!s. Giob:lization i-c about a genera!
b!-eaking down of borders and the p|ocesses lhat result from this. -fo
illuslrate and motivaie thi: poini, iet me diaw on analylic;!
frame"joiks developed by Ke;rneth r"!j_ ,lrali_z,]arnes i\.1. F,osenau, and
S'isaa Strange.
Kenneth N, Waltz is the euthor oi one of the most useful inlellectua'
frameworks for understanding international relations. In his influeniial
1959 book Man, the State, arid l,4ht he proposed a three-level
analytical framework- e Human individuals exist within the nation
siate" which exists within an irter n:ttlonal system. Each element_,
iFdividLrai, state, system has its c}^',i", narure ancj mctivatjons and is
corlCitioned by ihe rext higher;3vF! cf ari._rlysis. ln ,rriting aboul lit€
prcbl"['r of war, for exampie" lvailz saial that lyar anci Deace .]i-e
corflpiex il.raite[s inat cene cir aii r'i-,.ree !3veis anci their iniefactions.
To Linc€rstand vlar ar;ai peace, yc! rIti.tsi ui]Cersiand human ;ndjviaiLtals
and their rxol.ivations; i.he sleie, iis !;i.rii.,,atjon, anaj ttolv ii condjilcns
ihe aaiions ot indi\-/iduiils; aftd tll!. iriie|r]e,rional system, iis stiucture,
and h{.}',/", it conditions ihe acii.rns cf siaies. ro
Wriiing in i:fle i950s, ii was p! obably I el;,rt jveiy easy to conce ji,?e oi a
liainework in r'vhich incli.ridu?ls aoul.,! he consideied separately irorn
states and from systerns ir'l _strucrLlral aficj rnciivatjonal lerms. In fact.
I think this three-ievel approach is siiii us€iul in considering rnafiy
prolllerns. But the clean distinct.ifrn a;non!l tha three levels of a!raiysis
has broken Co\,'/n. lndividu:ls, staies, anc systems now ;nteract jn a
variely of complex waj/s tJrat in part define the world arounC us. the
brief case studies I presented in Chaptei- 3 do not prove this point, but
they provide a few examples that I hope will illustrate and motivate it.
Boe:ng, for example, !\rould be conside.ed within the :ndividual tevel oi
Waitz's analysis, sin{te it is a t'irfi rr,'a{Je uD of and controllecl by
individuals and lackiird thc a{thor ii y f rr.r.L ,r' rdtionally detines staies.
Bul, ai we have seen, goeifig acts ljke il siate in its negotiations r/iih
nation-states and is even treated like a nataon-state for some
purposes. In the negotiations that we studied. the nation-states were
most often concerned with profits and lobs while the enterprises r,vere
most often concerned with security and autonomy-a role reversal.
Both were caught in a competitive environment that brought their
interests togeth€r in new combinetions. The difference betuieen the
first tr,n/o ievels of analysis is thus no lonller distinct, and their
intercctions are complex,
"Ihe l,licrosoft case study illustilted another breakdo!".i n in tl.ris
iranleyjork. Who determines ah-- sysieri? Fcrr Microsoft, the systent-et
ieasi the tarts of !i that affeca int.eileciual property rights -is terribly
irnpcrtant, and so Microsott !nvesis heavily in technology and legal
tesoufces io iry to defjne the :-iysleryi y,/ithifi which siates and
;ndivldilals operate" -fo L,e successfuJ, Microsoft must help create and
slslain a global syslern Lhat protects it from the seii-iflterested
.rrrrftiilive aciions of ihe ind!'./idu.:ls and states within that system. In
a .,rert.rin sense, l4jcrosoft must be the si'stem, or at least be of the
system, since it has the strongest interest in defining and enforcing it.
(I meei.r this in ihe larger sense, but of course, "being the system" is
alsc Microsoft's strategy concernjng theii- Wlndows-based operating
s)rsiern aird prociucts.) It is increasirgly hard to sepa.ate the system
f-rrJr.r the ind:viiluals who comprise ii anii tireir actions and n]otivations,

Ii js intefe:ting to consider how much giob;iiz3llon is associated urilll

techrloiogy, tiespite the faci th;'r ina3rraticral trade and iinance are
rioi inuch rfiorc iechnoiogy it'l'r--ti-.jiye ihen other aspects oi
cor,iemporary iile. Clire feason icr- ihi: association is thai ihe
mjcfcelecircn;c revolulion of !-ecenl :ieats has been an importanl
eie'neni in the ilreakdown of batii.:rs anioitg individuals, states, ancl
sysiefis, which we mistakenl]- call giol-ialization- tvlore rapid ancl
eliici€ni acr-rrmuflications have cleari-v helped insert individual interests
.rnd rnoti'/aficns into siate-le./el anC sysie t-ievel issues, On ihe
lntefnei. in fact, staies and systetns are slrnost tlut not quiie
irrelevait. The resulting frarne!',ro'-k is not glotlal and systemjc,
ho,.'?e./"r, but iocai and individual, which js the main message I found
in Bill Gates's book, Ihe Road Ahead.
Susan Sirange has recently cieveloped a sirflilar theme in her book 7he
Retreat of the State, in which she frames the issue in terms of the
breakdown of traditional structures of auihoriiy and the creation cf
new comb;naiions that ernbody authority jn nevi ways.

Strafige perceives ihai the dylramic li'lai we call globallzalion ;s

conditioned by the diffusion of authority within sociely, nol just
befween nation-states, which creates different patterns of influence
and behavior. Using the terms of international relations, we might say
that there are more actors in the international political economy today
and more levels of analysis aTe necessary. Strange makes the point by
arguinq that traditional inlernational potilical economy is based on the
"Gilpin equation":
:-:tilies + M:lrkets = Political Ecenonty 1r

This equation suggests a staie-l€rvel analysis focusing on a small set cf

nctofs. Ii is consistent with an internaiionai relations-based approach
t{} inte!-national political economy. This way of thinkjnE musi r}ow be
replared, she Suggests, tvith ths sori suogested by the ,,Stranqc
e.juation'": 12

A{n) : X,(r) + M{n) =A{n) = V(i}) + Soi{n}

The interaction of many sources of auihority wlth many rnarkets Dlus

rhs jnieracljon of many markets y./itfl lll.lny sources of authority, equal
the distribution of values within a colnoiex, filultilayerecl socieiy.
This r:quation siresses the complcxiiy oi tf;e jnteractions: mor€t levels,
n"i-- aciors, and more Clfferent sjociai va!u;i.iens io influence- Ii !s ncil
:trf, n.ruch thet states are less {io,*sriul ErC rnarkets ?re more L.owei{l-rl,
i. i:; lirat ihe whole pracess a! datern,i;lli.'c! ,i,rhose valu€s cirlr,]t i:nC
'ulta:ra Lhe,l'count is now iar filore cortgrle;< and at the same ti;-|€ ;a,
rncr,: dynamic. What is mosi illtpor tanit here is not the lefi-hand si{_te
ci this eqLtation but the righi-iiand s;ije. 'i.he diffusicn of polv€r js
silln;ficer.rt only because it aljovrs a chanqe in rhe disiribution oi velues
:vilhi..l socieiy. People u,tlo ieaf vnl,.rc .jh6nge withjn their 5oclal
sysi.:l;ls iind in g:obalization a convenient cxiernai villain.
-.larres l,j. ilosenau has taken ihis idea tji ct-Llrrtlling wails and cornplex
Lieh;rviors and used it to develop models oi Turbulence in World poljtics
itrat mirroi, at least meiaphoricelly, thr: formal mathematical models
ol hydi-odynamic turbulence that lvere ihe original chaos theory. 13
Like Waltz, Rosenau develops a three-level framework of analysis. He
prcposes lhat there are three dimefsic s oi giobal politics. -fhe first
dirnension operates at the micrrlieve! of indivlduals and ',cons;sts oi th€
ori€lrtallons and skills by r^.rhich ciilzer.ls of states and rn3mbers oi
rror]sta'.e organizations link iiremselyes to ll:e rflacro world of global
politics." 14* The second dimension operales at the level of
"collectives," which include both state and nonstate actors and where
structural parameters are particularly relevant. The third dimension is
reiational and is a mixture of the fii-st two. Rosenau,s analytical
franlework is not as easy to state briefly or to understand quickly as
are UJaliz's three levels, but a deep understanding of this theory is noi
necessary here. It is what Rosenau says about his framework and
what he does with it that I find interesting.
fi.osenau argu3s il"rat al! thiee climensi.Jns of his analysis .jre
undergoing rapid chanlle ancl aie interacting in increasingly compiex
ways. Thai is. the orientations and skills ot ir-rijiYiduais are chanqing
rapidly rA./ithin a system oi coilertives ihai is exFieriencing fundamental
stiuctural change, and .jLirir]g G period ,rhen 1-he natuie ol
relationshipS L'etween and arnong ir)di"/iiL,als and coilectives is also in
iiux. The result, he argires, is .Dncepiirally similar to the fluid
dynamicai llows that produce turbulence anai chaos in nature.
Rosenau's work, apart from his rgl.ltively forrnal attempt to appiy
chaos theory to politics, leads to an inte!-esting obsemation that brings
us back to ihe qlobalization issue. \!hen the three dimensions of
political change are mixed, the r€s lt is a bifurcatian, which is a
common occurrence in naturaliy ciii,.oiic sysierirs. Thai is, the world
does not settie into a sinple ar'rd uniarie €quilibr!um but deveiops a
pair of "strange attractors." lr.r Roserarr's an"lysis, ihe biiurcation
toward pojitical issues that ate ,.)o biq for ihe xation-state ("global"'s
issLres such as ozone depleii.rn end rcean en\,,ii.0uiriental poliution, and
!-egionef issues such as tradii)g lllocs) afld ihose lhet zre taa snall far
ihe naticn-state (rnan-1/ s.jcuritr' is',ues/ ,r,rany econcnric issues). 1Il
Rosenau's rncdei of politicai lurbulence, the naljcn-state is the n'rissing
rniddie i,r ihe bifurcatron of politr':j.
This poiiiical bifurcation hypothesi,.r is interesting because ii argues
that the "death of the natjor-stat€" ihat lras been 50 loudly proclaimed
is rol c?used try the rise of the all-porrerlui global markets (which I
think is !r possible). Raiher, ii is due tc'.he rise ea new combinatlons
3f opportunities and constralnts wiinin the worid of politics itself. 6
ttosenau finds tlre cause oi poiltical chanEe iJr poiitics itself, which is
refi-esh in g ,

We should press beyond e'Jen Rosenau's analysis, to cons:der the

economic ani social as well as the political irnplications of crumbling
walls, rnixed levels, diffused auiho|ity, scralnbled dimensions, and nelv
con]b!nations of the institulionai €lemenis that we use to define our
world- This is my notion of the complex global dynamic that is
reshaping society today. It affects a u,/ide variety of structural
relationships and is driven by a number of forces, and its dynamic
interaction make it difficult to describe and to understand. It is
qlobalization and a whole lot more" when we choose to consider it
without eccounting for its complexjty, r/e make a simple error at the
very least but also risi< making enorntoLrs and imporiant errors.
Undeist"nclirig this complex silliation is difficrjlt, but misunderstanding
ilis easy.

3eLr"e ycu sharpen ycur pe| i:nd beLliit to ljst ihe problems with,rhe
:li:aedit,q an6lysis, you shcuicl t(n(,u ihat ii)ere is a betier analy!'is
:han ni j.-re. ,loseph Schumi]€'rer l{rcie l.r: in 19,11, when he gave this
r-crnfrle-\ i,roc:s< a sifiiple nail'l€, (:conrnJ[c develapment.

jlie1!'r Cc ;h:!ratiitris
Ihe best tileoreticai analysis of Elcbal complexity, as I perceive jt, is
iounlj in ioseph Schumpeler's iirsi book, The Theory of Eca afiljc
,e\,'e!opn-,etit, srhich he lqrote (i;r G"rman) in 1911. A second German
a.jiii.rn uris published in 1925 anrj appea'-eC in English translatio!..r in
i93/1. l/l,ilrat rilakes Schui]']perei'5 iiJeoi), sc appealing in the prijsenc
ctnt:xt its iociis on forces ih.rf saem especially r€levani iodayt the
tsnsioir beaireen ine sLalic .ind ihe dy ai-ric and an ernphasis on the
iril0ori?rnce if inielle{:i.ual cfe:1.iviiy-. ;n l.t:li, as he lockea! llack aa the
,-licbaiiz:ticr Feiiod tran] ibe perspective oF Vieit ar
::'chfii,i'iter s:w ii]rse as crjl-i,,r:i iieiiieitis cl:;oaial change. fhe pe\ii".
ci iiri3 laka in the lrres€nt ccnie){i 3uiprises :jrrd iascinaies iite.
:ci: ! n:pei.e'-'s aaraiysis b€Sins ',.?iitr a broiogjaal ,-netephor for soi:ieiy
and social change: Society !s iille i: Fhtlt cr ao anima,, with the dlei
n;riure tc irolh sustain (equiliilri n] irnd gro!1/ and change
(developmeni). Although SchunDeter did not say so, ihis metapiror
iiray be a fractal propefty ot biolog./, exlsiing rn evei-y scale from the
.ell 1..r iie indivi{iual to the sF{:cies ic the eco:ogical syste.n. Socia!
Jiyste,;]s oi humar'rs lit in tltere sortelvheT-..

Sihulllreter's economic analysis is diyided inl.o a study of equilibrium,

the "circular flow," and a study of change, or.economic development,,,
He conceived of

a "circulaa flor,rJ" running on in channeis esserl,ially the samc year aiter

ve:ir -sirri:ar to ihe circulntion oi th€l h,lcorj in 3n animal organism.
lJo!../ ihis cjr cular flow and iis cha nels do alter in time... continuously,
that is by steps which one can choose smaller than any assignable
quantity, however small, and always wilhin the same framework.
Economic life experiences such changes too, but it also experiences
others which do not appear continuously and which change the
tramework, the traditional course itself. They cannot be understood by
means of any ana'ysis of the circular flovi, although they are purely
economic and although their explanation is obviously among the tasks
of pure ihec!-y. 16

s;chuinpeler's analysis of economic adtiviir--that ii aompiised a static

{:'..lrilibriurn circular flow and a dynamical p|ocess oi econornjc
ajeve lopmeni--parallels Paul Samuelson's laier {livision oi ecoilorniL
analy:is irlto co parative statics acd con'Lp;ratiye dynam'cs. This
sir,ii;iity ls unsurprising, since Samurlson r^.r:rs:lchurnlleter's student.
Secai.rse ::he relevant maiheniaticai tc!1ls r,rer': already available,
5arn!elscn focused his altenticn on coinparirtit/e statics, and the
proiession large!y followed his lead. '!n Th€ l'hetry of Ecanom;c
Dev"lopmeni, however, Schumpeter makes clear that it is economic
development- comparative dynamics-that deserve the most
Lleveloprnenl in our sense is a ciistinct phenomenon, entirely foreign to
urhat rnay be at)served in the circular ilow oi ir the tendenc), towards
equiiibi-iurl-r. ii is spontaneous and disconilr)itoj-ts change ln the
clraniiels oi ihe flow, disturbance nf equilibriuq], ',rh;.h forever alters
;r.raj dispjace5 tire equ!!ibrium stale pi-er,/iousiy el{isiiril. z

trh: paiaei of econornic dev€io:r eni aieilves iioln intellectual

{:f.irti1,'lii/: which Schunrpter liescriiles sirnpl_v ;s the ai}liity ic
ullrisiiak(: "llevr cornbinations." Gl']balizairioti, iit il"lis reduced tbrrt
node1, i:nd Eiobal complexity, is all about rle'/.r coiflbinatlons within
tifrns, ';!itirin nations, and among naiirns- 5ui the 5;Dr t of derjelopment
thal Schurnpeter is interested in is eridogenc s, not exogenous, Thal
is, it is not ihe result of an oLttside acrce but raihr.rr is generated by
Itferlal eyents. This way of thinking is coflsister')t with the biological
rnetaphor and also consistent with my under,sianding cf globalization.
S.humpei:er wriies that these new cornbinatlons come in five types:
new gcods/ new methods, new markets. ner/i sources, aftd new forms
of organization. rs Schumpeter's ideas are es current as today's l4la//
Street lournal. You could find these ideas in a story about Nike or a
"bord€rless world" coillmn t]y Kenichi t]hmae-
lrJhat is irntoriant about Schumpeter's analysis, holdever, is ihat these
new cotnbiFaljons act to stimulaie int(lllectllal creativity, tleca se it is
ideas that count, along with the values that those ideas embody. The
clear hero of The Theory of Economic Development is the
entrepreneur, the person who reacts to changing circumstances by
taking risks, trying out new combinations, creating change. Change
flows from the individual, through markets, to society- This change
diffuses authority and produces new dislributions of values. It is
dynarnic and creat;ve, in Schumpeter's vision.
lhe abvious lveakness jn this analysis is ihat Schumpeter lvorks on
two levels w;ihout providing a way lo ccnnect thent- On the one hand,
be claims thnt "ihe social prccess is really one inclivisible \./hole," 1e
bui then his tneoty ends up lcoking at new carmbinatioos fro.n rr',/ithin a
reiatively nariow market-based franrework. HorJ can 1 iind this way of
thinkirg nrorc usetuj or revealinq lba" giob:ilizatian? i do nol know
rJyhai Schumpeler wauid thini( of this" lrut I !-relieve that the new
ecanamic combinalions that he desciibes lt3re are only part of the
clynamic process. That is, ihe new markeis that stimulate
entrepr-ene!rs lo create new changes ar€ an example of the process oi
social change. i\lew contbinaliot]s need nrt be economic or solely
econc:nic. 2q These ne,,\, co binations take many fcrms, as Susan
Sirange has suggested, and they prcd ce not jusi jre\r,i profits, but
new vallres. And Values are \,,Jhati co,,lnt. Iilese changss can resuit in
new poiitic:ll crCers, includ;ng Rosenau's t!rbulent polit:cal bifurcatjon.
renqth .Jl this \r,7ay ci thinkirg is that i'[ chalienlies LS to corisidet
globaiiz1tlan ns sarrnethiilO oi.l, noi sor|ali)in9 ne$r, as someihtng
hurr;air .:;rd intel;ecitjal, .loi ; h,.tn'rEn an.l gerqrai-Jhicel, and tirai it
encculag€s tJ.-s io perceivc i{ at:i iiie caijs€ c:- th€ efiect Gf the oltentna
oi new opf:oi'i ur.riiies. Tl"rese .rDio!-itJitilies are made rea! only when
a,.t--C l'i b,v cieaiiYe intellecl. :iahuinpelr.lr citaracier:zed this process
by l.i!e iamous t.ifnr r/€afiye dc:tLrucllon" ;1nij il is both cleative arid
(:cslr J - i/L u(,:a,r.iF,i rs..,lan!i(.

Enci n( )j:es

l';$te :1: lose ?h A. Schumpeter, !iE i heot,/ ai tcantmic Develapment,

trans. Redvers Opie (New Brunswick, Nl: Transactions puLrlishers,
1983), p. 3. .s_aj!.
Pdcte 2; -fhanks lo Dave Balitent, who enr:ouraEed rne to give this
chauiBr a ciearef and tjolder focus. E?qK
Note 3: M. Mitchell Waldrop, Comptexity: The Emerqins Science at the
Edge of Order and Chaos (New york: Simon and Schuster, 1992), p. 9.
l.i$te 4: David Cannadlne, "The Present and the Past in the English
lrdustrial Revolution 1BB0-1980." Fast and Present 1A3 (May 1984),
cA- 137-1J2. Thanks to my colleague Davld Smith for pointing me to
lhis art'cie. BaeK
tict"5: -i-he "facts" ha,/e chanlled ioo, holn/ever, especizrlly in receui
vears, as i[]p!-oved dzria aboul vJ.rEes, producticnj itnd irade have
been produced. BEL
ff;ste S: P€rhaps cne af the factqrs that infiuenced Churchill in his
clisasircus 1.927 decision io return gnitain lo tfre EoiLi standard at ihe
p!e!!ar- oarjty r'/as a percept:on ofihe success of Britain's qold poiicy
during the industrial revolution. gjlek
llote 7; In rrly book Mou tains of Debt, tar example, 1 cornpared the
jrldustrial revoilrtion to a firountaln glacier, which is powerful, because
aithough it rnoves slowly and unevenly, the iandscape that surrounds
il does nct inove al ail. 3ac.!-
$Jst€ S; aannedine, "Pfesent ard Past in ihe IndLlstrial Revoluiion," p.
l6?. -g.arl-{.

i',jir,rt.-: 3i XanlteNh i\. t!i€ SteiE, and War: A Thearetift:l

r,4laliz, Man,
And!!'sis iit"w ferk: Coiurnbia lJnivers'i:y piess, 1959). Waltz wriii,.s
;boll'. ihr.€: "!fnages" in ihis book, ,lhich is ilre bas;s cf ihe "levels-of
irfialysis" ;.rpDrrach to iniernalioiral reiat;crrs. Bagk.
lloter :{Ci Siaates aci diiferenlly i'l a bipoiar lioild system, for example,
thal'] in:l h:gemcn'c sysiern or a bal:rnce oi po\.Jer system. g--a_c]s_.
i\irltei :L:l: Susan Si:range, The Retreat of l/re Stafe: The Diftusian oi
!]awer in t h.: \ivorld Ecanlrfly (Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University
pfess, 1.997), p. ,17. Rob€rt Gilpi.l is llre a ihor ol the standard text cn
lniernational polilical economy, 7'he Palitica! Ecanomy tlf Internatianal
f<elations (Princeton, Nl: Princeion University Press, 1987). EaEL

l\lete :!.?: Strange, Ihe Retreat of the Sfate', p. 33. EaEL

itrte !.3: iamss N. Rosenau, Turbulence in Worl.J Polifics (Princeton,
l'll: Fi; c"irl. Llrriversity- Press, 1990J. 8ad!

t{ote 14: Ibid., p. 10. EAeh

Note 15: Obviously, however, many of the new orientations, skills,
structures, and relations that Rosenau discusses involve technoloqical
and economic factors. 3ack.
i.'lot€ 16: Schumpeter, Eco anic Develorneni, p. all. -BaiL
;\lrrt.:,17r Ibjd., p. 64 gaci

; i8: ibid., 0. 55. ilartk.


l'.1{r;:e i !: i;rid., p. 3. b.a!l!

li4t€ ?1]: jndecd, the very idee ii;a:i: i,,,-- r.l.toui,j it;{arnine t:-}{i-.e:5sr.s
l:r quesiioits cf int€.nalionai p.rjji;f;jl :ta{ttl.j[].,1 is ajt exantDle cf tit3
ir:rpot 1--1,c€' oi ne\J iritellertuti {:ol-itbiirait ions. i.jacl{.
Post-reading Activity

Questions on 'Selling Globalization: They Myth of the Global

Ecr:norny' by Mictrael Veseth

1, what does the writer's choice of the words 'debunk', 'myth', 'rhetoric' and
'smokescreen' todescrtbe what the average man thinks about
globalization, suggest to you about what he believes the man's beliefs are
of globalization?

2.. From paragroph 2. How is the reality of globalization different from the
theory? Explain in your own words. {Hint: Think about the advantages and
disadvantages of gloLralization)

3. From paragraphs 5 and 6, the writer gives 1 reason why globalization has
been llmited so far. Explain in your own words what this reason is-

4. Fram pltagroph 7, Explain in your own words why is globallzation

described as a'useful' concept?

5. ln the section entitled -Crumbling Walls, Complex lnteractions, y.,/hat is the

- poini o{ th€ analogy of the pigeon hole?
2OC]41 H Lt5!i!f'.ld{ST E5 S J\1/ C{}t'J-i-Fi 5T l'l,'it\.: !\JEFt 5

Cr ril l irai irnperialisnr:

,4.n n{n-lericar-l TracJillon ov -?uiia Gateoia

T!;r,rel almosl ar$lvhere xr Ihc iv'rrld lodri rnd, ''ruore ridclr re.ogniz.d dnn lh! llhristirn .rossl Sriir
. . .. ... .; .. . l-t ,., I p, \r. .,.. ... ^ ,\lle, ic a n .lnmiDrti,rn i.r\itrb)y hrrts Io!lnrrikrts, as tlre
t;irr3, ,,r lirc rl ,xrfhr ri li)jssjng ile ne$esi .!'ise\le ol !n.)oriL1'oiiort;Sr ir!! ftrics irr o blr ro.crxprlr riljl
i'!!\'! 11,. (.,r/ lri,r!,l, r'ju .\m.rrcar hsl,rs .rn l,e saiis 11, ,,..,. , rl t I r.-",\ tp.,,,. i, .,1.
ll rklni,111 rrtr;rLlt,'rc.'l1tis prolifcrallo! oli\ncr;c!n ,\nre,l.ar i:fionii int.r.sls. .o.!onlions .rnrtnicrtll
t.L,ax.r\ rr,o,ij thc "q].lr is more than nkrc acc ent. ,\s a irnor. th..lrtrincr{al ;rt}ct ofr\rrt.irxn cori.ol c'l lor-
i,,?ro.ilrt oigbbilir!rnrn, rl is p:trt L\f a larg.r t.crd nr $.
dlrscirds ,l!sJ!!nir.tion 01 ,\neric.r attilld€s dd lriues Co.pordions dDr'l ]r!rbor gual,ns ,loLrl lh€ dctrin1! '
rhir is.ll.n r.i'eu,tl ro rs r ulhiaL itnpt;. i! . l[hi! 19i6 il l\mer i..n izatnri ol fo.rign .xhuci, ns nrLxr
iirl eflrits
rrorlt r-.i,r'ivirrirr: ri:J {i irtal Doiijirdtiotl, lletb.tt corfu! ,ri la.i ,r-(Lrr:,ibl) conlin.c.i thenrlrlres lhrr
lj.h,11tr ,1.tnrc 5 .rltLrid inrp.ri.lisn.s: ,\urc.iuD.ullrrc ls slferior and ther.tbre its lrnurJr.e is
bereiir;J ra o1hcr, '].s!J" ciihL{es LlJorturate\', ibN
thr su'! !i r|! froces.jes bi whi.h tr societl rj
l.1liinr rlre $r!.riorir)- flU.S. cuhLrrc ir xrllhrrg
lroL,rl,r nn'r forld s,rst€nr, i'd horL
r ^d.rlc!ri
itr rirx!iditing 'irL'u,,le
srrtur is iLlrr.Lcd, p(ssu.cL!, bll n,jti ;r rs r\s !l,1irs th..dllxre itseli lhis itlihrtlc {as
I;r,iL,i, .n.i Jo clines bribe,j irio snafnrs social ,.ir'', ..,,a [r...r1, h1".r '.; .io'
irj!rLtr$! !r) .orr.r.rl(i to, o..vcn {o plonclf, llrl! c|j]nir,rji r.)i rn3rs:icfcd r'r issinrili'id eJ:rJrlirli-v rh.
lhr !:ric.r trn(l ,,rr!':rrtrct ol'lirr douri3it.cnitr oi .rti!' "ii'{!r' liJ'i,c {ncri,ur) foDillali'xr. liris allix(i
.1.. . . ,'t..tu ni
;irllsr, rl!riiE rthirl lirL: jirgoist! rfiein .d to iillfrl rl,at
ricr i)rji.!.{l $b.llre (i$inely crd.ir..i !rrinitcsr l.sinL;'
ir ..r:!rnei iio!as; it ;\'olv.s th. disse!rnrat!{rn oI
:i,rif .f .\rrt!ji:ii c\!i,,rslirn lin,e,r'5ir slrongl) heliere ir!th.ro)
!slcr:rilr, ,iNrrrl.m lruriplcs. srch as lrecdo .,fld ,ieli oi sr.iri l).aririsrn: thc sLro Srr. "suf.rinr' cnlturcs
ii.r .r"i. f|rlgli ijr:r i.r.Less tniglt s,rlnd at!.rl;rg,il lillr!':r1.iti dr. rro\cr, ";iiirior' ct:lur.s in a "!uri!al,)f
il!: s,ni,:., rl mlsiis ! f lrulh !!a!y.irilu.s
iihieiriDg r|i ti116rl' li is illis;.ro!airtbrlieiin il!! nc! nrtrral,iiiv ol

iroLrtul 1lr. L'.rl.l !. gr.(t!.lh: {lisiFpriing dllr to ihc ol ,, o, ,i

oy.rlrirflrds jrj jLr.ir.r ci.orro.ntc and.rhLrrrl Arleri.a. rr(l |.1 !!i.il sirar.::i{s 11,.-la.v.

il)r !:,4ti"3t1rts brl !!l l .ri..r.ultrril lnrpeii.l h "t : " ,. \', i r ',r' -,
iJrn Drxii, i lirt LLtriiji{r:,ii,:,rs t,:,' U.S. ;inpcriills.r t|rough ,rlt\ oltii.if .!ituic, butlort doesrirc.orlrince ihersl of
lJll hiriir,v: ilre d.slr. i,ir....ss io foreignrrirhr(r ind thi rl,e ,'!rla d tire mp.rioril_r oi ilDrcri.in !:irltrrc? tIc
b.hJ in Ur. srper rill fi n.rrii.in collure. Though th! hs'er is ii plei nafiklirg. Wl)rd\c. illlirrpti.g 11r scll dl
tlrd litrcs dres lh. world\ larycsl, mi'sl po 'crlir! il.rn, r L,rmi, L'.1r entire rrliue, oi!ltctcrs halc al!'ils
e.onoDry, no bus'ncss is complctcly s.tisfied ivith c{'Irlrol' bee'r ible to su.cessfully associate Aincrifln prodL,cts t'illi
lirg ,)nl! llt ,lnririri! !rul:.tj -A-neri.un .orlorrtio s nro&.rrit! ir tln: minds ol rorsliD,:is \rorldNide \\rliil.
lninr tr .4lroJ Lh. lrirc. L)5 pcr.enl oi I'xe rrorl(l! .oi
s!Dcrs:i!rtll nlan!ir:,1!nrjrs rri credibll suc.c!slnl rl lboll, ;roiricillr. i0!!rta.tiLrcd ,rrJtlc oi lhc Uj,i1.d
tjr.il rcniL,r. i\..orrliiq 1o tIc arrcrllrr, Antr;.iar ill$s 5L!t.rl. rirr". .r. .rr,! scll;rg rl!r nnigr cl Arrtri.r .i lhe
!,c,,{rri1i ior .,t!rnr\;,!:r1.i,v Slr }r.r.cai oighrbil bo\ o1!li |rd r,1 ooil' 1|is irdrslol.ble a$o.i!tio. .l!r(s !1,:,
rcvenrr !r linuii) 200j ,\nd hho cdr iurger good old nurets dll ov.r rhc globc ro elanor .trsclessly lor the s.!rc
illi.Lv D.\l \\ith over li),000 restlmnls in o!.r oDe lNn
dred.ourtftj, tLc ubi!trit{ms goidcn archcs olIlcDonrldiJ 'lrrenry v.rrs rgo, ir ba cssr) "Thc Globrl!?ation ol
arc nori, a.conlng lo Eric Sdnosscr's Firt tbrd Nrrnrr. i\lrrk.tsl ll0r!'r brsiidss !rolessor 'lheodorc l.evill

9,r\l/ c_ q.h!''T-.E 5 r wlnjr\N€..Rg.
dr.hr.(i I hr \!(),ldl(.ie,l\,.d d.ri(\ hinc brcn urrro OiLlir.). lrr r5iir poprlrr loQl imis tr thcn idnrris.
.?Ll! irortro.crnj?.11" l.r!11irrld r!ur corl.orrtions lh.t Nerr , ,, I n ls, U.S (r poratio Ds rlt.!essllrllv isso.iilc rhri is t:sil
rilli.I ro b.nd t{) lo.al trstr',\ rJ,d hri)its ne'c crilJU) rj!rble i. ]or:!l .ulturci rrilh lrhrt is fi!l);or.rL,l,r in
drorn.J 1{)iril(ifu. ll! (lrdr a.lisrir.txlr b.hfrD gerl ,iD.rica ;\.r!rit
csrenlirlly siDrples Ih. \'o!lds rultLt.\,
!r 1L*.rio.al {r{rforiliDos rl,rl opcrrrc diJlir.ntl.r nr ca!h rel,iLi.igcs thrm nih thr nnr.ricar (.tidcnlxrk olmilcrit
.o{rrrr rnd sin)nil rlob.l LrnrportrlioDs Ihat i dic d is'r. rnii .cseils th.Dr t. the Norld.
e.tia \iirid olhr:in.1 x,itb rire sa,fti a!...1!. . rr,r,.,., ,.r.ti.:.t. r ,
j!r irccni Iri.r. .j.D)d iin.!.Irr)rr(idrs hxt. d.v!hiri \l irqnr ilral ktrrirn .ors!,lers dort pasr'nrl) lbrrtrL, llr,:
an rvdr arore sLrc..ssi:,1
!trite!:v: irsterd .a(hlJtis. '. , ',,., ,J .,.rri-.,a I r: r..,,i,.,. I
ng ,lriricr urloar:t! 1vilh blor.lt hautd. Inue eyeLl. iur!!r! {lr rlxv;'r idile rol. irr th. r.dpnr.al rebinr:hip
n.ran!]ri.!l r\4rrri.trl\. l|e./ pilr! div$lit\r 'l Irte .air 1..trlrt. burr r rnd n'licr l:!r irlnrtic, r..o inr to f.l.r!''ri
|oign-\ s!.n rs r.1i!lorrlil! n.N jrrrrn.lnDji l'm io!i'r' Kifids lrr lo.r4 i\rncni.n ruil|rrl nnpcrlrlisn l: s
il".r |'rirr \ilrk i;r dr.\rrr! oI lli. Urited Si.1e! his Insrr(.i a sii\r ic,rd I'rrierlelt" il lhlr aid 3.lemolslft-
'., .'hi.r , i ,,..,.,.,.ur..t....tir .r ti.r nrrlJlrr,S fi! burnnre oi chickens otrl-(;dc oi 1;r€ firs!
t;alll errrt .x1i!r. i! rh,: 1\,orld r\! .;'rly eiar!fle ol lh's l-erlil.ky f'riid (l|i(lfn crtlri in l!d'r 'lhouir]l ihcrr hrrr
glob.l nr.rkcri,r! rJ.!i. ias h) ni iD i (11).i Coix conxr!r. , .. .. ,
r ,,i,. ,.1 r . "., i. . ,h.r. .,ld ,r...",
.iri iroDr l9tl i!.,tL,i;,,q (h;lJrcn Iiom mnry dif.re.l .cs;la!... tlu $ieise, lrrele ti g ba.rigc dl An.ricar
cou rr;rJ i&noc.11l.. s'nijirg, lil like ro t(:rch ili! wo.ld t1r .ul txl i ilL!cn.. .c!1t irii$ .e as e!.sslr
sn)!;i Fcric.l nirnur'/llii llie to LrI i|c orlila Col'. to Lo t'ounrling th. nrtiuen( {rf€ornnrc.ciiil nu}3rs 3rc
kre! il.!r,r,inl" liri!.',nr:r.r.irl ill.str.r(\',r! rrtinrpt r,) l|r ,.rdir :r')J iriLrrnrlinn !.dustric,s, which Drrscrt litlr
toJtri) . U.S g.olr 3s a pr.d!.t cJa,ll€ !f rr.J:!r{.ndirg ,jtiiclr trll] rr!ii.it res-(u3!s i,borl lhe \.ry r.'al mi1il.r'/
polrrl.rl r ni:, ,.ligifir.. \,.cii!. and !.,,r,!j. diilire..ej d nd co n.Jni. Lcge rirq rl th. I-hited Stnles. l.orica !l-\: t h.

'u .,r,r 1.. :, .; .,,1,,.,,. rl., u

jrdrilr; lirr!.lirirns ro le ttri solr.efor "tajr:lrd b.]arrcd'
\r..ai i:rIii!. !.!.lii.r:r.. !rr,rrtl ro'isLu...is,:!). iriir'ltir, Dl.rr ; lrrg. rolc in ll. ttuDilirii()! oin'1er;
li\rr .3ri.lli. I'i,,.!r),s l,lf\'brs ! Lr...ss ftrilr .rdir i. !l iiri inlL1.!.. ri,riri ihe uorld lir. .onconniio! .l
.... . J '1 .:oit' .r"lrr'l

cultr:i1s irro f!r' ruir?li€yxl.1r' ;ntu.,iirl -1r),:r;car nf: 3n.i Ji.;tisJi ii,,,iir oiqi)riz.lio!s to sain nrrrt.ol !t thc
"r,ri i,;jih o?er :.\0 n'jlrlrrr {rbs.rDers \1orl.l,rnii)
r\...r!i irii t'r ,r I r':"r "l\li ,r \ii,rll I c rr S1r.ly" cdrducti(l iiv
mlrorj.: oi rh: rrL,.!lis iens sc../;rcs. Sxt(]lir.s .llorf ov.rr
!5rl n'illilu ir.trtrrir.l.li N .ppr.{iln.i€ly 212 co!'tr;s lud
l)1,11&B'. llrirr\i.\.:t ,iirisirlr, ol tirf 26,t{r0 rniJJl(. .l.ss !.lxcr;'r \cil{]1!id: rL, subscribe to UNN. a.)elrbcr !l
Ircir i,r ir.li lrr. i(liiLri:rr !tirltlril. jJ5 l)eLrrt ("rt.ti -Iin. !!$iot I|. w.rl,]! hrgrsl !i.di. &)ngldiir.l€. 1,1
.vilt 4.rl drtr'li.n,:r.rr,it'snri !li,u r\llf i|1crds rl lIc,i,rrd! oi iJrliisI so.ioJojisl lcrcny li,rstrll, \ir.r.
sho!'is c !i1(.s. rrr:.r.rinr.l i.llue!.es bxt is relli! go,;rrnrnerl rl!,rrs levs r !.orlation, it is in.1ftct irnron
]lclhirg rnorr liriir na!(!tu.LLrj.d n s srnrrrr in llngljjh 1.' nrg a fjr.. ol :nother .,Lrllr): foiitics -rrbi.!r is tru. oi
.Dlt{l to,\;n.,n.x rituhr i.si. ro rlilr. ln (Jdirjri to t)olii'.s and.orirneie;rls.
'l;. r, r.. o . i,. in.,.r' .'' lini (l}:N.lso a':escr,t foreig. c|urtrj$ trill
rot irrcrful.jrrr.sh to iio!. pr.dq.ts, r\meri..rr .orrrrl ''-.1",1 .. J 'rI r.'1...r\
ii{,n: alr{] ar)i!.fjia1f L..rtl .!llukr n o th.i! A.lrdti\inl j1) ca ihc lri!.d -(i.tii
.bro..l rjnljlar I-ci;it! ,r.rh rnrltiritr.nrls, ili.se corlnrN ihc Irtcnrtt Jcls.s &oiher lehicle tor the rorld\ride
lrons donl berd b local tastrs; rircy orcr.ly inscn nrdig. plotagllion ol ADrcri.an rnfiu€nce. lnieresttrgly, son)e
non! ..bbrities or lrrods r,J prrs.nl llrr ll.rilc ()l r Ir. 'l, r r 'r'',o,n,t.,,n " oron,, I
.uri,Driz.d x.1\'!riirtnr(,,1. l,lI'. lus !t,irnInl olcr tr,!Dtv iloni llifi l!r i.rn crllurll inrp.i.iisfl is ii de.lme
sp..jil. i,, r{rlnJ, JieD:rrpl,i.il u(s srcl is Ii .l riri_rnr rLri lh. gloLnl a&:cssibiliiy oF lhis decerlr!lzed
lrrx?il iird lxrilr. lirrs. rri.r.riIt,l ,r.tl1o!ks ii{thir sfrr. Dr, Jtrln hxr,lr..ers.d,irc rclerrn.e 01 tlie'corr and
!h! t:.si.ltri.rr a, in.., \r,.ri. r irJ rnoiitirltv nnid po ipjrirr' ihrort olg|rl,jl i,rflLreqce. This tlrco.y descr il,c$
lhe trelc,,se of.rrcrDg ro lo.rl trstc Simrlarlr commer ar ;nhcrcnt inbalancc nr tle prnftrily olrtlvnrd flo1! ol
.itils in Indi.r in 1000 lc rur.J ]lollrNood s1,trs ilr'i1jik inbrfalion and trrflu.n.e troni the slro g€r nrorc poltcr-
RoshaD pronrotir.! ( okr rnd ili:Jrrilh Khrr proJnolin.e lul .o.c" ralions such .s lhc Unncd Stares. Addition,rllv,
Pefsi {S njecv SrtrislJlr. (lJr lto'v i,, hJiil' IIBC N..is s,(h .ritjcs rrllue, nrlik. .onsnnr€rs ol olhc. llpes ol

D.ln, lnlrxr(r ijsr rrs! x.li\el; s.Lrk lLrt irtbrrjj3ii,rri lc.inoloi:r. fhrnklnllq ror'ld bL Dc.rll nnpolsjLle nl
usersftn cor\,,k) sl!.lr!.se10irt)d 3Ll nrlss.3cs ol.\ne' 'r "i....1 't ;ll 'n ',d,,
."., r'. r l':. pL ,\nd nor shoul.l rv. rinl ro Co,nruv lo lk,thkotl\
llL.i, $nr.l|i: ii one $ .l.sircs, rr)o ..x! rclrss i rvcrhh (rul (-r.1rg! rrl Birsh\) brliri 11,d, Good dn.i evil, betlrr
ol iriarnurron ri)our An.ricr r.ult'r.t pr'!siL\ r nlla;labir !rJr!rs!.o.\i5l ill tlis $'orlii: diereirrA)rdrabsolulls
throngh prrru,! {irarik'l!'ll.r! llk Lnt'|et c.n dranrrl i lhis r\'1,rll. !lreUlrii.dStrt.s5houldnitbciblrtorrldrl-
n.,11' , .iir.i .ri!,s!,. tiJ,\!!rrin.ultrr. io tiros! r'ln i.!rlr ii,r.e{xhir r.rinns lo i!c.i!i irs &ilIi!;ol olr}rrt rs
'gt,rJ uri lusr' r,r r:r,:l irodcri
I iir ririr..LrlrNr:'lrrt1cur.,l titrt cou reurlL lrorr thrs I0rtnnrltit,,rury rj.tns .1 n!rcri.an.ohDril inrp.
iirli5'i .fuil biilrd lo thr srlivcrsion ol tbtir .'Jltu..s.
.,,arlrunj:i Cl!;rti rrnlad,: io sni.rli onilor r,rd rr$rhrr Urti'rlurlrtr\: these n.dqrs r( oti.n too $€rt t! ight the
thcir.ii;r.!:: ir,rss ln rr.lJrlis (i:J.t l$le.iloDlst |oli(i.s sl!cnglir ol th! Urritd Sldr.s.rnd srbscqnonlv b p.scrlc
rr!.'r rolrllr' rir,-iLil., hr'n.r'rr, 1,..ltuse the!.fu .iiilictlli lil r|uir nrtnr iitlo.rr. Somc couor!ltr .h d5 lia'rce,
n1n.l.Drfr)r l]1{l ,iri,ii,r.in) l\rtrdo\!..llI. litniting ricers l,) clnra, cubr, Carrdr, rrd iran hay..iteDpted to qurll
the Irtcnrrl urrrli r!rurrj lhrl .ou!irics r!jll r.nriirl ,{nrcritas cll]iurai i!lhence by linjling or !.ohibiting
!irg(ly rl), .,trfi.'lr Irlic. t]r3n t|. .onr ribulo, s, ofinfor i..rss ro imcrican clllur:tl pragrnnlming throu8h 5rltl
rrairon olr li)r Iittrrii |rij! d tir| ljteil!.1. lio,vekr, r..ordiDg to thc UN tlji-
frlt .ll !:.!rl .ftrs :r. lli. Anilrionizatron of the !ei,'.1 D.riarrrio! oilhmin Itlglrs, il is r b.si. right oi ail
NrLl !r i i..s.r'.i!e firllroDrcrni,. Propon,jr{s ol. llud tr,)iJe n, slrii, re.cir., air(lrntr! i,riorrnatiot alrd idcrs
uxtrriil;s:r, !i (ir rs llu:ri LotLkrli a n,rrrci staio; o1]i thr.rg]! anI n.dii rl rcgrrdl-is oa liorliersl Goleh
r,irl ir .liJrlcr's Oifri!n,rnt ol (lonr,i.rrc, i!gr. !ir.rl r&nrs dioullil i;1. 1l] re5rrici th.ir .iliz.xi i.ciss io
,{xr c.j.i. :r thi::rl nritr.irllj,. lr iri Il:( ir!erest rt orlv nl lni.rnralioj) jll nrtirr 1o fics. eLh.ir niti,rcrllurls.\\icrs
rh. l.hili.:l 51.,t!s bri rlsr L,t !n. lofld !I large itothkoti .Icrid n si find r.r! torlcicnd loc.rl cLilllrfus ii a N.!ieJ
.ites s.n\rrl ilr!!rir!:i{iri thnr." iionr rir. C/rjri! .tl C;r, llti:i,irrs roi (oriirodis.lh€ rlehis ofir.ligen $t.oF]C
ii7,:itr.s t .ti !l: -i..qi,r,ir( ,,i rlr ill)i'1, Old.r rl,ii. llrc l|e lrrrtorcri s.'htMis 10 llrt fr.'blJn oa
!rr.,!.r rIr .!li!ral llj!j-, !ril;'! i,r llr no!ld, llre Drort lit,:h 'ncriiiil ,'"' *i n
li ir liat ,:r)rli:i 'r:lll .,.,:!f. :iotilko!i irg!.s lhrt iirr ..ufrorrisc nrcaiurrs ,:!
behllf of lhd erdrrger.d .i:l-
r.rJ)n!rl !iriJini.,ll.ii;nrrs lh'o !l 1-r.S.iulll]lil imFcrii:l Iuirr ln ll. leff n"/l ii!. alirr. fi... Tironrri friedin.r
is[ .,ili Dro]rii)r,r i rN.r. !i,tble n'rilJ,.rne ii lriii.i r\nreri tJ.,.", ,,- . . 7r'',.r. r.., .io,. ,..i
..rr llnrh' icilrs qrtrf)e ?s iii;!. rnosl jun, the nroll lar'lxri p.orc.teil r..a lara, es \,;tl] is ihc itpoilnmlri ol
loi,rrrl, tir.r .r,,ri ?,rlijjtg L. rr,islilnlJ russcss Jn.l iJ,)l;ircians i!it| .!riu.,l iri.Sriir: such air $osr ir) sgric,rl
nrlmle iJscl{. i,i.i ijr.5Ert Bo,l.i ior llrc iu1u.: I'],cthkl)pl luTl, cu]{ull,1!.. purc Sorthcrr f.ancc. Hofcr.r, rra,)
i:i .,r.rcl i. d.. r5-\r: 1r!rrlcur! ifu o1r the t!.r), tD rslib nrlrcr n^tnrs iIr. n,,1,!i..r in ie rdDiiilNn ol{[cir lrrd
lish;rq I gkii.Ji roricil rrilh i:i!irt.i c!llri.:ri barir.s. crrhip, so lnosr roLinlrier reed . ui.ldl. cl.ss rnd cljl€
llotlf.r, !rt rJlr!1 (iti'rii,ir ,tlrt,ihrr liris trojf.red so.nr1) d,nrlllel tr !.liri!rn. Ii il is urlcrly i possiblt io
,, i lL,\o1... . , . , . . . , i i i,q
, . . . r , n'inlrnr tl)c cLrhril trrit,! oi a rorntr) lhrough legisla
ro rllcss irdj!'riars.ullLr(s lol !1!r uilikel,y pronisc ofa lio,r, Fri.driitn snF!esis the co.rnrf .tlcnpt lr' .{loc.lizrl'
rrild $'lilirr! c.n1li!ri
iroDrd lhe {o.ld, r!). Dsn€r is.n oRNrhelnrjDg
to rbsorb influ.rces tlrrt r'rturally iil inb crn
''Nol Disrtgrrding ihc licr tl)rl a vorkl ol honrogcnized
.'ich laj culture, to resist lhose ilrings rhal are
clltu. lro,rkl nor rc.."\sriiltr !rtrrml.. a \orld $,itionl r.J1 ,r.,r."d... -,1 ,,.,.r".l. rr'u..i i'...
.onlll.t, rh,: .Luitlcr llbric ofdi!.rsc clltLrr.s iro Bl thc ll]al, rhile diff.Rrnt, ran Di'.rth.lis' b. rijo)c,t
\vo.ld is A tiin(lrD.rnil rrri ndisf.rsal,lt brsis 0f hun.nr !nd..lci rlrcC is dift.rent.
itti llnorg]1,rut ihc .,rrr( fl h,r,r r c\irler.r, r)i1l;ors
l,ale di.-J 1,) i.r.scr!e thei ndii.nonr .ul1u. li is a iun r\ .,," ot t.^, .r ,. ; . r' ;.,'JJ r l, ,,, rn,|
danrent.tl right ofhDnranity to b€ alloiled io preserve tbe lain the;rlcgrity ot a culhre in ihe face olci hrrlnnperi
nr.nlrl, plys'.il, nrlcll.cluil, rnd creriive ispc.ls ofonels /llad rj rvrl[,/./, tsc.jinnr Barber crlls tbr rhe
alisnr. lIl
u r'. .\ .rn . glub,l Jh r. ,.o,ld bi no h nb mu,' ftlrs.itarn r ol nongover rnr rcrirl, non.atitalisi sp..es
thrD r sh.llor', a.(iii.iil iuliuc" oa qra!erirlisrri reliart on conliiucd p '1ii

5l:!trlSllOfS .cntnrued to'r 1,. 2t rult|hcc ilrty orlh,rnun nglrj?,\lr.r all, onr o11|e Lc}
lrtrourr Lrurg\ ro stk nr esirbli\h ir globrl soc'eq \rltc.c goilJ olr\niticu lo!eiqr polc) ilj rlrr prolc.lnr oi]Iinrrlr
lhi!!_'s Iikt.. rno,,rii scryilud! inJ hrnrir i{lrts violiri,,i}: rj:iris Thr\ r./. s\oni{l trr!ert o,t,otuliors rhrch yiL)taLe
lor't.\irr afJ ir|ct QLh pcrson is liee Io l;\r oul rlk stJr rit|ls iruDr tloirs Lusinc5s r! rh. tliired Starc!
.L\!Lr ol hir fr hcr lilr \!rthort ihrsc limilirnlrs /\s nr.ir, :\s oLrJ ,rd'l{l he.nrnf\ in.re,rjirglr rn[roDr..trd, !r iJ
N'r..rit i. (!rrr.l Nilh .niploying {DIl,c.n|on)i. rican! !,jj.-\:iir) lo rdiir:lrrD ,nr pr:!riitl.s \\'r .rn't Jllo,r ouj
Ucrrie, thr.kerrJii\e i {rl)Fos. is lo.on.ert.irtc or \'ltr 1,) le ia{isliril nirh e,IDl! !..1!Fs lLat rrJk. !s ii.l
, .iriLcr l,,rft riLln,q 9{a{l:, rI{ prrrchrsjnl: ll)rnr bul rrih.r il br!t!. .t.,ri ,nri:rrlr.s rirli(nrt tli,rliri: :ni .r.n:rl .l.n!!.
:!r,f.,,irn! io rh. Lij gqr!rnrr.rt Ii' prss li\s frol,ibjnrg liDrt ji) is ri !rtrrl.rl |ari L,l1[i] t.o.css, hui,:rrl]r1hl ij
orif,tIr.i ririil, 1(11 fr!(lL,.is ir!.\r)eri..r! rJiarl.cls i..r rs!1,\. !'irji{x rL:1Jolr lo 5aI thal hi\.jng rulnjr' xirc.
iiolrtirr lunu rjqlr:r jD rh. Frodu.tn r ol thct j|')(\. js (i.nr h! i^lijnt jdrll\rcDs rt jroine i\ a rondc,i,,Jtrr) b
L.ri.1.r t,r i'ri!g iboLii lasiingch ie is lcgill,/.,\Drr :!r.ri!. t,!blLit)., Lut $.illri,ul i orher.,it. oi!!ri?rd r,ore
crnr ir1,r,,rl !,r fr(}ibirrd to,\ co!Dnrunrg ierlii,r j.ts , i.'..-, 1.:.:. ., , ,,,..
lirri. 'rl,ijr l.|.1rlroid ir. iilei.l i1 ho,r.. jIir fn,hjliiliiil liiJl. t. g drul.( ail i|otk thr hLr.r,r JiEuir nl nliiih
,,',., 1.r,j]. t,,, ri,i1 r!lih:rrrl) i!rr a iriithriglit.
i"ll{idir 1l.isi.trr broilr.l lr frolrjbited trrln i,urrh!si.:r .r
fl)iU i)n.njrrt. $hr.cr!l {e lse the srr c r.rsoring Ann! .1.5ilev!kt/,a ludentit HarvirC University is tBL'ntt rs.
I,Jri. r{, !iolijbit .o,foraiions lronr cmpbring labor trli ^nil yc.rs ald.Thiq c:say piacccJ 5cccnd tr rh-Aeiglir.cn-Lo tyr.ml
r.or yr:.' .1!j ag,) categor_v rl rhc 200:l Hdr'nr-r E$ay
!i..\;rftutrJ \vlirh {l{rir coDtirrr! !o,,\rl)tri.rn stud.rds 01 Voi., , ,li)' ,ur'. .,l,.c tr-.

i lLtllAt'jl lARiAl\J LAlf .onlhLred ir!trr D l-q (ULfUPA: lllrlNiALiSA,l clartnrca i orn L 24
dri!r. ir t;t ;trrJs oi \r'illi;n lrqitncr, ihir ilrf ro 1]r. 'iiri.5_F.:.i' sr.h .jllirc rrecns, tir..s nfr.!i
ind{rnti|Jlie i rrar +irit..)riil ncr Il|ere\. ,i! !ri, !r ,s riojsi)ir or lornnurjtl schools lt is ,rlso .(i!iil),
.ll . ri i., 1n!'t,ri r..r. -.1.
ljt iJtl..!rrioril .iuiJ oir!&v 2re a gocd nfi t. icr rt liliir:1,r!; i Jiiri!!rs. lrdrs cst..'nlll ne.il r counl.,rLJal
, r.,.' d' ir.r !iir.ri,ji .,r .',!u.ji.:,' co!s,{rcr;rn lirl :trs.,,I rnrr
st:ft.irg Bi,! Lrr!rnd ihir trrsir rcle llre'; s.rr'. a .trind.r ll.€ t-r':!l;tr il!(r; iIirrl;rniu.ls or .ourtriff .llticiollslf
L,{r.t(,ri! ia rir:1 ilrr liirils ol i{r irFgiD"l;!ri. A'r cv.f .l,r!,s. i. b..fm. :irn.r1.:rii,iri oi "rnorloriz€.1; ih.ji
r!f:((i!r! 5!J1' oi n!.:in^iioixl lirminjtrriarj l.1rr rf clui,:r ri,;rl,l br rxrL tnrl.; dxi nr.Lf.nd.rril rii Ihc
ii iior.:rlro rs rriurlccrrrlrsior, ,'i1lr.lcgit j.lcol,,itirj ii i!,rr.iDir Ini !rliitri.r Dl .\n.r !..n .llihr nl i !f€,lrlisir.
i\\',r .ri i:rr ia lr;r0rr'1r iilsiirxr 'lo.ffr-j L|;s r,r,h.t lI. rr:tri:!iL;liir' :oi p]!s.rving c tr..s iI.ui!irir
h,ir,,!n i-.!r:r.s! il1r. rrriBth io nrelgllr is. chrrg. rfr rrrl .,rlrcl) !r, ii,o:c trr risli. I|c Ur,irtd S1.rlf:.xFl tiht
gliilr....fi ir,r itis. !i rsse!.i., rs llunrNnilr nt a.iior. rcn,e,rt rl,iI r!\:,I is !flxl ior its econonr., js'il !r.*.sJr ill
', .,: r, .... .1..'..y t. l,
rtxr G.klt)r rg oi'4;rhifgton DC, is lwe ty tlnce,/fii,s
ili.rr k I
brl,i. frnlil5. Ih..orircrxlc rnd politiGl !crdrri cl
.1n. r:rs as:y flnlrir itr3i itr rhc eight€en to.rvrenly.ioil
)c.. .l'l .!r ..i,r.l,jv or ri,e 20t'1 Huoarin i5s3v C.nr.tl
li:i Lllil.(l 5i.t.s ,ro!til !.r!cilrdriscd to h.id the.r 1r.rdi
nmJ li4.rn ol Noiih Arnernr!
I (i! ror rrani lir hoRseIt bc ilillci !i or illsi(ler
!|d .r'f r'rjndflrr lr be shltfcd. I li3nt lh,:.!llur.
Firk up a aopy trf ,ridlhrxistabtLbrr!abolr nrl.hoNeasfrcrl) is
the Humanist al..l possiblc lrrll 1 r.lirc to be blo{n olT my fe.r
bl anl
3.Dalton - Barnris & Noble
8ooks A i,,4illior' Eookstcns lbr r-hit.d St.rt.s r:Lrsl rcLIi.llr{!sc rIli n! !!!
UofcJeis ljooks arrd fu]Ll5ic .L:lirr. .!r or -.hi\Jrl r€rgr s!prenrc, ior ll". n,.jrb it
l}rdof il Giri.li. ilawley-Cc(]ke rii,,:;r' ,dir:ri's c.,u L,rir iirnircr hirrr. littrre gc,rr.irdri.
lo5cph Beth. Shinder's
and several othcr indcpendent lllia G:leob of [,'lclcan, Vt.]inra, is tevcnrren ye.6 old.
Ihis cs5ay placed lrrst in the thi.tcen 10 seventcen year oid
bookstor{--s and newst.n.ts
.ge.lt|!,ory oi tlre 2004 Hrr,fi,5t Essay conl$! ior yo!n9
\rvom.n and iven ot No{h Amenca

?oFie - 4;lobagizatien


o Goleota, Julia- "2004liumanist Essay Contest Wiflners Cultural lmperiallsm: An

Arnerican TraCition". The Humonist. May / June, 2OC4. ?p.. 22-46

Students will be tasked to read the above essay and will be shown five different
M€Donald advertising clips. Students are to apply what they understand from the esiay
in order to critically reaC the McDonald advertisements. Students are then to be split
into groups to deconstruct wh, how and what the 5 dilferent advertisements are really
trying to achieve !vith help irom iull.1 Galeota's essay- Discussion as a class can then be
based on the material that siudents have worked out in their groups.

Added suppiernentiiry activity

Students are io look at the last four paragraphs and sumnlari?e ihe author's suggestions
on the possible meihorls of solving the problem that is AiTi€riccn Cultursl lmperialism.

Articles used:

1) Watson, James L "Cultural Globalization" . Encyclop!dia Bitonnica,2007

2) Lechner, Frank J. and lohn 8oli. "Jihad vs Mcworld" I/r e Globolizotion Reoder 3'd Edition.
Elackwell Publishing, 2008. Pg32 -38
3) Galeota, Julia. "2004 Humanist Essay Contest Winners - CLrltural lmperialism: An
American Tr:dition". The Humanist- May / June,2OO4. PC.22 46
t{3!'TN.rR,qi- €L0tsALIZATX0r\.i
E rt c''c lo pe d ia B rita n n i ca Arti cle

Cultural Globalization is the phenornenon by ,/./hich the experience of

evrryday liie, ?rs intluenced by the diffusion cf commodities and ideas,
re.fie{rts a star}dardization cf cultural expressions around the u,/orld.
Pi.rDelled by the efficiency or appeai of rvi.eless cornmunications,
elecli"oi.ric comnerce, popular culture, and international travel,
gl.baiizaiion has been seeil as a irend tolvard homogeneity that will
evi:ntuail)", make human experierice every\rjhere esseniially the same,
This apoeers, however, to be an overstatenrent cf the phenomenon.
Aithougli homogenizing influences do indeed exist, they are far from
creating anything akin to a single worid cuiiure.

fi?tn?'g€nce af gf@fzal s.tbcetltlrres

Soriie obseryes argue ihal a rudimentary version cf l,vorid cuiture is

'iakiirg shape among cefaain individuals v,/ho share similar values,
asplraiirns, or lifeslyles. The result is a collection cf elite Croups v/hose
un:ii/;n!l ide;-ris i.ranscend geographical linitatioirs-

"'lil--: ir{r::i " {.r,rdrt{tfg

3ri" lo Fo!itical sciflrtisi 5;Jriu€l Huntifigton in

slri,i'r {:a{lr€- accoriiinll
lhe Ci;sh oi ai'riiizations (1993), .ornorises an eiiie group of hlghly
edurat.-:ri ijeople wiro operate in the r;refied dor ains cf international
finance, medie, a,rd diplonacy. !\anred after tire Sr'iiss lown that
beqan hoslinq annLlal ineetinqs of lhe worid fconorric Forun] in 1971,
thi.se "Dar/Lis" ifisiders share corlmon ileiieis airout individualism,
,-lemo.rac)/, ard marl(et econom!cs. Thsy are said lo iollolv a
the Frorld,
rercogn:Tnllle Iifesiyle, are instantly ideniifiable anywhere in
afid f€el fiiore comlortable in each other's lrresencc than they do
ar;tollg their less-sophisticated comPat!-jols.

The lnt{:rnational "fa{ulty c!ulr"

Tl.re globalization of cultural sLrbgroups is not li,nited lo the upper
clesscs. fxpaflrjinlJ on ihe concepi oi Davcs criiture, ::ocio:ogist Peter
L. terger ollserved that the globalization ot Euro-American academic
agendas and lifestyles has created a worldwide "faculty club"-an
international network of people who share similar values, attitudes,
and research goals. while not as wealthy or privileged as their Davos
counterparts, members of this international faculty club wi€ld
tremendous influence throuqh their association with educational
insiitutions worldwide and have been instrumenial in promoting
feminisin, environmentalism, and humafl rigbis as global issues.
Berger cited the antismoking movement as a case in point: the
movement began as a singular North American preoccupation in the
197{ls and subseq ently spread to other parts of the lvorld, ira./eling
along ihe contours of academe's global ielwork.

fuo ng$)tern rnefi tal <l t ga n izat ions

Anoiher global subgrcup cornprises 'cos opolii;,lirs'" who nurlure an
iniellectual appreciatlon for local cultur€s- As polnted out by Swedish
anthropologist Ulf Hannerz, this group advocaies a vlew of global
culture based not on the "replication cf Linifcrmity" but on the
"organizaiion of diversity." Often pfilmoting this view are
nongovernrnental organizations (NGCs) that lead efforts to preserve
cultural ti-aditions in the developing hrorid. By lhe beginning of the
?lst century, institutions such as Cullural Sunival e/er{: cper6ting on a
world scale, drawing atten'aion to ioLlig€ or.]lr g.oups !1/ho are
encouraged to perceive themselves as "lirst Ijetoles'r-a erJ global
designation emphasizing comrnon expeii€i'?crs oi expioitalion among
:ndigencr.s inhallrtants ol all lands. 3y sharpeili!.r!t suair i{jentiii€s,
thes€ tlccs hnve gicilalized ihe movelareni il-. i,.r ese rve indigenous
\,!orld cultur€s.

??el,n$tr;,] iti-srra,l vn a r lde t "s

Anrther group sterns from the rise of a tran:nai;onal !./orkforce.

In.dian-born anihrope!Lrgist Arjui Appadurai h;s siudied English-
speaki g professioflals who trece their origiir:r ta Soul.ir Asia but lvho
li.ie and liork elsewhere. 'fhey circulate !n a soclai Hcrld '{hat has
rnultiple home llases, and they have gaineC access to 3 unique
network of individuals and oppariunities. For exafipie, many softwaTe
engineers and Internet entrepreneurs who live and work in Silicon
Va'ley, California, maintain homes in-and strong social ties to-Indian
states SUCh AS Maharashlra and Punjab.

7r€ Fie{sJ"sf,ed?c€ ${ laca! tultut+:

Underlying these various visions of globalization is a reluctance to

define exactly what is meant by the term culture. During most of the
20th century, anthropologists defined culture as a shared set of
beliefs, customs, and ideas that held people logether in recognizable,
self-identified groups. Scholars in many disciplines challenged this
noiion of culiura' coherence, especially as il became evident that
nernbers of close-knit groups held radically diffcrent visions of th€i.
social !!orlds. Culi:ure is no longer perceived as a knoy/ledge system
inheriterj lrorn ancesiors. As a result, meny social scientists now treat
cultirre a:i a sei c'i,deas, ati.ribules, and €l<peciaiions tilet change as
pelrple :=e;lrl '.o cirnnging circumstances. lrlclcfrj, by the tLtrn of the
:isl .e'riur), il)€ collapse oi ba iers enforceal ily Soviet cornmunism
arid ihE lisa oa elect!-o ic controerce ha'-,€ ilcteased the Derceived
spSc{l qf :;ociai c:raaate eveny'".\'hei-e.

l-j1e ierrn local a.titure is cornBronly userj to cha!-acterize the

e)(perienc{r oi eYei'r'day liie iil specific, identiijable localiii€s. It reflects
ordjnatr people's feeljngs of appropriateness, comfort, and
corrscli iess-i.rtlribL,tes that define pei-sonal preferences and changing
iasles. friivel1 ll]r-. stienglh oi local cultures, it is diffjcuit to argue thal
an overarching qiob:rl crlture aclually exists. Jet-setiing sophisticates
may fecl co;iiicd:ble cperating in a g:obal network disengaged ircm
sFleciilc localiiies, blrt ifiese people aonsiitlrte a r,'ery small ntinority;
tile,i nirmir.ris are insul-iicient to srisiain a c.therent cultural systenl- !t
i5 rxlre lrnpcriart ir ask vrhere these ,licr-.ri oper.riors maifltain thejr
lirfiiliee, xi.lari l(irji cf kinship nctr,^/ol ks '.i re.,. !irly ijg{'Jt, ii any, and
lqiaihg. ih€ij.E i:j a l:-ansitolry ljfesi,vle cr :: reriuani-:.nt coitdiiic;1. Fil.
itlt.s'. t€jctlc, !iaae aild lccaljiy si,iii iila.ier. ::vi:r't ihc iransnational
inrtrl.l3rs {iisd.rssed b/'eppadui-"i ere i.ooteci ifi loc3i comntunities bound
b:; c9r161s6 Feli€oiions of !,vliai {e..li-eseitl-s an appropiiare and
iulii liilg lllestl/1,-.

!: x +j {:! ; €: r} N: i n lJ g :.a b a I ; zai i ct n

llasearch cn gk-rb3lizatior llas siror,rin ihat it is not;D omnipotert,

uniCiiict:cn;l iojce leveling er/el.^hing in its path, Because a global
cuilure aioes ilol exist, any search for jt would be iutlie. It is more
fiiritiLii ic jfisic,ld focus on particuiar aspects of life that are incleed
affected by the giobalizing process.
'iike t:al r!prt:i:;ic:'i 4jf tirfie atld stl€{;€

Ti'le breakdor,/ oi li,ne and space is besi illustrated by the infiuential

"global village" thesis posed by communications scholar Marshall
Mcluhan ;n Gutenberg Galaxy 0.962). Instantaneous communicatjon,
predicted Mcluhan, would soon destroy geographically based power
imbalances and create a global village, Later, geographer Davjd
Harvey argued that the postmodern condition is characterized by a
"tirne-space compression" that arises from inexpensj'/e air trayei and
the ever-present use ofielephones, fax, and, more recently, e-mail.
There can be iittle .ioubt that people perceive the !,,riJrld today :s a
small€r place than il appeared to iheir grandparents. in the 11]60s and
"70s imnrigiari. wcrkers in London relied cn pcsril s,rsterns and
personally delivercd let-tei-s to send rer,l./s back to their h.rrnc viilalles in
Tndia, China, and elselvhere; it could take trcic nronth:i io reLcive a
reply. The ielethone was iiot an option, ev€n in diie emergencies. tsy
the late 1990s, l.he orandchilCren of these fii'si-ijeneralion llljqrants
\rJere carryinq cellular phcnes that linked theln tc corisins ir cities such
as {--alcutta iKolkata), Singapore, or Shangh€i. Ar,,iJ.rrensss of iime
zones {\'\./hen people will b'e awake; what time oafic€s open) is now
second nature to people whose work or family iies connect them to
far-reaclring psf.s of the world"

Mcl-uhan's notion of lhe global village presupposed ihe uiorld,,iiide

spread oi television, !.vhich brings disiant events into tbe hornes of
viewers evetrwhere. Building on ihis concept, !1cl uhafl [lairced that
accelerat€d conrfir-!nici]tions produce an "implosion" oi persooal
experienc€--thai :s, ci:siant events are broughi ic ti-'e ,mm€diate
attention ill'!.eople h;!iv./ry aroi-rnd tf:e world^
-fhe sFech.ulaf qi.rwilr of Cable i.ievfs i',jetrJork
icl.ltil is a case in
poirit. Ci,:ld became ai; icon cf globnlizatioi' b.v llroaiJ.ast;J!g it.s iJ,5,-
style n3v,/s :irogi:nrryllllE around the !,lor]d, 24 icuis ;j d;ry. Live
coverage of the fall oi ihe cerlin Wall in i 939, the Pefsian Guli urar in
1991, and exiended coverage of events surrcundinq liie i:errcrisl.
attacks in :\iew York City and Washington, D.C., on Sep'.ember i1,
2001, illrJsirated ielevision's poweful global reach. Scroe govr:rnments
ha'/e r,-spoflied to such advances by eiternptirlq i:rj restrlci
international brcadcasting, but satellite comrnunicai'on rn:jkes these
restrictions increasinqiy unenforceable"

The standardization of experience

Since the nlid-1960s, the cost of international flights has decllned, and
foreign tra'/el has become a routine experience for miilions ol mid.lle-
and working-class people. Diplomats, businesspeople, and ordinary
tourists can feel "at home" in any city, anywhere in the world. Foreign
travel no longer involves the challenge of adapting to unfamiliar food
and living arrangements. CNN has been an essential feature of the
standardized hotel experience since at least the 199Os. More
significantly, Western-style beds, toilets, showers, iitness centres, and
restaurants now constitute the global standard. A Japanese variant cn
the Westernized hotel experience, featLlring 13panese-style food and
accomnrodaticns, can also be found in most major cities. These
developments are llnked to the technology of climate control. ln factr
th€j ver'{ idea of roLrllne glolral travel vras incon{tei./able pricr to the
universalizn'ricn oi air-condilioning_ An expefrl:n.:e of illis natLire vJould
have be-on nearly impcssible in the 1960s, whefl the li/eatherr arolra,
and noise oi the local soclety pervaded oile's hotel roorfi.

Modes of Cress can disguise an ari-ay of auliural di.,,ersity behind a
facade of uniforrrity. The nlan's business suii, iiliih aolcured tie and
buttoned shirl, has become "universal" in the sense that it is worn iust
about everywhere, although variations have appeared in countries that
are cautious Ebout adopting global popular culture. lranian
parliamentarians, for example, wear the "Western" suit but iorgo the
tie, !.rhile Saudi diplomais alternate "trriditiorral" ljedouin robes with
tailored Liusiness suits, depending upcn ihe occasion. In the eariy
years cf ttrc zisl ceniury, North l(oraa arrd Aighanistan were among
the felv socieiles irold!nq oirt sgajnst iires€ gioitaiizijig irends.

The eme,-genae of women's "po!,riei suiis" ii.r l.he i980s siEn:fjecj

ar;oth€r forn: of glcbai cfnformity. Siyljzed trcrlser sJiis, rJiih silk
sLaru€s anC ca,lorir=iui b:ouses (ani,:io-rlue-< of il]e fiiilat otjsiness siJit),
are no!"r woi-ld-,,v!de symbols oi fxo,Jeriiity, indeFendence, and
compeiefi.e, Mor--ovei, the €xporl cf Lissr-i cl{:ihlnt irom Western
countries tLr developing rations has acceieralrd ihe adopUon of
Viesie.n-st,lle ciress b}, people of all socioec{llrojnic ievels aror-lnd the

Some milii:Jry ieshions reflect a sintiiar sense of ccnyeritence" Rebel

flght.jrs, such as tl.rose in Centrai ,r\frica, Sclrih Lrnericia, or the
Balkans, seerried to take ttreir style cue ir{rm the Euerrilla garb worn
by movie star Syivester Stallone in his trilogy of Rambo films. In the
1990s the United States military introCuced ttattle helmets that
resembled thos{: wcni by the German infantry durinq tvorld Ujar 1I"
Mariy old.i Afiericans were offencied by iiite asscciaijcn with Nazism,
but younger Aniericans and European5 nrarle no such c{:}nnections. In
2001, a similar helmet style was worn by elite Chinese troops
marching in a parade in Beuing's Tiananmen Square.
Chinese fashion underwent sweeping change after the death in 1976 of
Communist Party Chairman Mao Zedonq and the resultant economic
liberalization. Western suits or casual lvear becam-- the norm. The
androgynous gray or blue llao suit essentially disappeared in the
1980s, worn oniy by communist patriarch Deng Xiaoping and a handful
of aging leaders who dressed in the uniform of tl,e Cultural Revolution
untii their deaths in ihe 1990s by which time Mao slliis lvere being
sold in llonq Kong anC Shanghai boutiques as high-prjced nostalgia
wcar, SafrjralLd / ,lh p(.SLr,t,rdFtn Otl7.

fhe poy/er of m€dia conglofi]erates and the ulliquiiy of entertainment
programrrling has globalized television's impad and made it a logical
target for accusaiions cf cultui-a' imperialism. Critics cite a 1999
anthropological stud'l that linked the appea.ance of anorexja iri Fiji to
the popularii] of Arn€rican television ptrgrarns, {tatably J'lelrose place
and tseverly !-lifis 9021A. Both series featured slender r-oung actresses
who, it was claimed, led Fijian women (who are typjcally fuller-figured)
to question indigenous noiions of the ideal body.

Anti-globalisrn acl,ivists conlend that American televisicn shows have

corrosive effects on local cuitures by bighlightine \r'Jestern otions of
beau'.y, indjvid alism, and sexuality. Alihcugh many cf the tides
ex,Dorted are consldereo' second-iier shows jn the United Siates, there
is r]o f,iisp!-rae ih$'! ihes€ lrogra!]]s are parl ci ihe Caiiy fare ior viel/ers
arourid ih. ,xoti{1. leirvislon access is !flldespreaci, fjven !i receivers
aie nct present ill e\,f.v hoLtsel'told. ln the smail tot"r.ns oi Guatemala,
the villa!.s e: ii:nljxi Ffovince in Chjna, cr- ilte hili seiilements of
Borneo/ iot lnst.jnce, i;iie televlsion set--.ofien a sateliiie system
powered by a gasoiine lien€relor-may serve i}yo cr three dozen
viewers, each p.a,v;ng a small fee. Cclieciii/e vie!/irg in bars,
restaurants/ anc; teahouses was comrnon dilrij.l!] the eariy stages of
teievision broadcasiiiE in liidonesia, lapan, Kenya, anii many other
countries. 3y tns 1980s v jdec,./ie!'ring parlours had beconte ubiquiious
!n many regions of tile g,obe.

Live spods prografis continue to dTaw sor|te of the largesi global

audiences. The 1998 World Cup men's football (soccer) final between
Brazil and France was watched by an estimated two biltion people.
After the 1992 Oiympic Games, when the American "Dreain Tea!-n,, of
Natio al Basketball Associaiion (NBA) stars electrified vjel.rers hjho had
never seen the spori played to U.5. professional siandards, NBA
games were broadcast in Australia, Israel, lapan, China, Germany,
and Britain. In the late 1990s Michael lordan, renowned for leading the
Chicago Bulls to six championships with his stunning basketball skills,
became one of the world's most recognized personalities,
Holly"vood inovjes have had a similar inflLrence, lnuch to the chagri of
sorne countries. In early 2000 Canadian governroent regulators
ordered ihe Canadian Broadcasting Coiporation (CBC) to reduce the
shor,ving ol Hollywcod films durinE prime tjme an.l to instead feature
more Ca,f radian-rnede programrning, CBC ex{:cLlf i\",€s pi iliesied ihat
iheii- vie!/eT:; vJcuid stop watching Canadian iele\/isicn s1:aiicns ard
turn tc satellile rec€ption fbr internaiionai ?t.rLe$:;lin'neni. Sijcl.)
objeltions were,,!i-rll groundecl, given lilat, ir': i998, 79 percent of
Fflqiisn-spsai(ing Canadi3ns named a U,5. progr.,..n rJher') asked to
identiiv their favourite teievision show.

I-lollywood, ho.,r,/ever, does not hold a fijoitrJpoly on entertainment

programming. The world's most prolific film indusiry is in Aombay
(l,lumbai). India {"Bollywood"), !1,herc as nran} as 1,0fi0 feature films
ar€ prcdriced annualiy in all of lndia's majo. ianguages. prjmarily love
stories with heavy doses of singing and dancino, Roily\,1,ood movies are
pogula. throughott Southeast Asia and ihe l.li'Jiie Fas'a, Siate censors
iJ'r Islamic couniries often find the inodest dr€ss atd subdued sexuality
of trndian t'iinr stars acceptable ior theii alrdieirc{]s. Alihough the local
appeal of Lo:lywcsC movies remains str3n.l- exposure to Hollylvood
l"ilirs srch ;s -jur;sslc Park (1993) al-]d Speed i1!94) {;jjjseal 'y'{lung
Inclian nrryjcgoers to develop an appr€claiirri l'er {he special eifecis
anc fciirNtii€i- graphics ihat had be{ori}i'ii-.r lr"llriarl{s ci manv
Arneria;!n flinls-

Fcod is ihc oldesl global carrier of culture. In fa.t, facd has always
beeri e *!-iving iorce for globalization, especiall'l {lrjririq earlier phases
oi Eu.cpea.r ir:de and colonial expansion. llre hat J"eci pepper was
inlr-oducefi io the Spanish court by Christ{rph€r lolr.]lnbus in 1493_ It
spreaci rapidly ihroughoui ihe colonial liiorid, iransiotming cujsines
and iarfting practices in Airica, Asia, and tlre tvt!.ldle East. It nright be
Cifficult to inlagine Korean cuisine without !ed pepper pasie or
Szechuan food withoui its fiery hot saucer but both are relatively
recent innovations-probably from the 17th ceniury. Other New World
crops, such as corn (maize), cassava, syJeel potatoes. aod p,^anuts
(grounajnuis), were iesponsiille for agricultural ievolutiofis in Asja and
Africd, opening up terrain that had previou:li./ been unpro{lu.iive.

One century after the sweet potato was introduced jnto south China (in
the m'd 1600s), it had become a dominant crop and was largely
responsible for a population explosion that created what today is called
Cantonese culture. It is the slveet potato, not the more celebrated
white rice, which sustained generations of southern Chinese farmers.
These are the experiences lhat cause cultural meaning to be attached
tc Aarlic lar fcods. Today the descendants of Canionese, !-iokkien, and
Hakka pioneers disdain the sweet potato as a "poveitl/ iood" that
conjures iffiages af past hardships. In Tai!!?n, iry ccirt!-ast,
independe.rc€ aclivis[s (aifiuent members of the r-jsin!] Tai!,ranese
middie class) have embraced the svreet p,-riato ns an eiriblem of
identity, reviving old recipes and celebraiing lheii- cull:ura! distinctions
irorn "rice-eating rnainlanders""

While tbe qiooal dist!-ibri'.ion of foods oriqinaied with Lhe pursrrit of

exotic spices (such as black pepper, cinnaino , and claves),
contemporary food irading features more prosaic comnroajities, such
as soybeans 3nd apples. African bar'ranas, Ct',iiean grapes, and
California oranges have helped io translorm expectations about the
availability and afiordabllity of fresh produce everyw*here in the world.
Green beans are nor?{j g!-o!vn in Burkina Faso iri Centrai Africa and
shipped by express air cargo to Paris, where tihey erld up on tlre illates
of diners iir the citv's top restaura'1ts. This pariicrll:rf exchange systern
!s based on a "noniradiuonal" crop that was not grcr,/fi in Burkiaa Faso
uniil the rn;d-:1990s, wher the lvarlcl Bank enccirr;.:gn--ri iIS cui{rliatlon
as a nrgans of econoroic developiile'ri.. Ihe caruntT)r soarl
secqrid iargest exporier of !lreefi brtrens. ilentral
became Africe's':riciitci:!":!t
African la!-r,'rer-s cons€qlenily forjnd tliemselves ill difect co$peiitiGn
wlth other "aolntcr season" grolriers of green beans frofi Brazil and

The average daily diei has elsc undergone tremendous clrange, with
ell nations converging cn a diei high in neat, dairy producls, and
processed sugars. Correieiing closel,v to a world/,/ide rise in afflijence,
the new "global diei" is not necessai-ily a beneficial trend, as it can
increase the risk oi cbesity and diabetes. ilolv yiewed as a global
healih threat, obesity has been dubbed "gicbesity" by the lvorld
Health Organization. To many observers, the homogenization of
human diet appears to be unstoppable. Vegetarians, environmental
activists, and organ:c focd enthtlsiasts have orqanize.J rearquard
actions tc reintroduce "traditional" and more lyholesome dietary
practices, bui these efiorts haye lleen concentrated among educated
eliies in industrial nations.
Western food corporations are often blamed for these dietary trends.
McDonald's, KFC (Kentucky Fried Chicken), and Coca-Cola are primary
targets of anti-globalism demonstrators (who are themselves
organized into global networks, via the Internet). McDonald's has
become a symbol of globalism for obvious reasons: on an average day
in 2001, tlre cornpaDy served nearly 45 milljon custorners at more than
25,000 restaurants in 120 countries. Ii succeeds in part by adjusting
its mefiu to loctsl fleeds, In Indja, for exarnple, no beet Droduats are

l"!cDonald's also succeeds in countrles ihat mighi fie expecteel ro

disdain fasi food. in France, ior exampie, foo{i, esoec,;,,lly haute
cuisine, is cornmc ly regarded as lhe core el€ment of French culture.
llevedheless, l-lcDonaid's coniinues to expand in the \,,eay ltearlland of
opposit jo : h\y' ihe i:urn of i:he 21st century there were mc!-e than g50
l4cDonald's restaurants ln Fr.rnce, empjoying over 30,000 people_ Not
surp.jsingly, n.lany Eurcpean protest movemenis h;1ve iargeted
llcDor]ald's as an agent of culturai imperial!snl. french intellectuals
may re!.'j,e the 3ig Mac sandwjch for all that it symbolizes, but ihe
steady growtlt ci tast,ibod chains demonstrates i;rat anti-globalist
attiiudes do not aly,/ays afiect economic behaviour, even jn ;ocjetjes
(such as Frafi.:eJ .rhete ihsse sentiments are neerly universal.

Like the;j- coLrnter p;trts ir) the Unitecl States, French orkers are
iilcreasirqly prelisid ior ljtne. Tl.le t,,^jo,hour lunch js lirgely a lhing of
the ptrsi.
iood ?riii bevet-eclr: l-tQmpa;] jes attraci atte|Ji,ioil becar tse ihey cater tC
the mnst eiel1;ei-iiai iclt'n {ti hurtafl cor}sLrmp.tcn. We .-ie ,.vtlat w€ eat,
ani wh€n iljet ci.t;nqi:-", loiiajns of natienal an.j ethnic :derility a!-e
aifected. Critics cl.i;!.n r..hai the spreaci !f iast iood unriermines
indigenous ciJis;nrs by falcing a homogeri.,:etion cf irrorld ciietar-v
pret-orence-c, birt anlhrcpglcgjcai research in Russia, -lapan, and Hong
Konq rJoes r :oi cL,ptjo, i il,r, ./ier.v.

Clo.je siu.jy 3i fLtliliral

trend.-c al the locat ievel, ho\i/€v€tr, shows that
the qlobalizatioir ci i?a.i lood can inl'uence purlic cor.tcjtcl. Fasi-food
chains have introcuced practjces that changed some consumer
behavlaurs anLj pr€:'rerences. For example, in Japan, where tising one's
hancis to eat prepared ioods was considered a gross breach of
etiquette, the popularizatjon of McDonald,s hamburgers has had such a
{]rartaaic impact on Dcp{jlar etiquette ti.rat il is nolrv common to see
Tokyo co[]mLrier:-i eatinq ;ai public'rfithoul chopsticl<s or spoons,

ln late-Soviet JLussia, rudeness had become a high art form arnoog

seruice personnel. Today customers expect polite, friendly service
when they vistt Moscow restaurants-a social revolution initiated by
McDonald's and jts employee training programs. Since its opening in
1990, Moscow's Pushkin Square restaurant has been one ol the busiest
IlcDonald's in the world.
The social atmosphere in colonial Hong Kong of the :t960s was
anythjng but genteel. Cashing a check, boarding a bus, or brrying a
trajn ticket requir-ed br,-rte forc,.. l,#hen McDonald's opened in 1975,
cr-rsiom€rs crorirded aroltnd the cash reglstel5, shouiit]g crders and
waving ilror].c,/- aver ihe heads of p€ople in iront oi them. McDonald's
responded by Inirodircing queue rnonitors-youn9 qremen who
channeied customers into orderly lines. Queuing subsequently became
a hallmark ol llD g Korg's cosmopolitan, rniddle-class cuiture. Older
resiclents credii i\lcDonalci's fbr introducing the queue, a criiical
element i thls social transition.

Yet another innovation, in some areas of Asia, Laiin America, and

E rope, was McDonald's provision of clean toilets and washrooms. In
ihis way the company was instrumental in setting new cleanliness
standards (and thereby raising consumer expectations) in cities that
had ne'rer offereci puttlic faci!ities. Wherever McDonald's ilas set up
business, it fapjdly has l,.e.iome a haven for an emsrgifig class of
!'niddle-inccme urilafl ltes.

The inirodu.ii.n ol tasi i+cd

has been paniculafi).' iriluential cn
ahiidren, espc(;aj!'l since so rnany advertiser:rent! ere des;;cneaj to
appeal to their. L-afqeiy as a consequence ot 3lich :rdverti,<ing,
Amarican-si:yle birihclat Fait:es have spread to nrany p.llts cf the
vrorld wh3rc inrji-ridua: blilh dates previously lrad never l-ieen
aelebrated. l4cDcnaid's ?rr.rd KfC have become ihe leading ..reou€s for
birthday padies thi-oughcut East Asia, with specjal rooms and ser',ices
provided for the eveni-<- These and other symbolic effecfs nrake fast
food a powertl!l force foa dletary and social change, becausi: a meal at
these resj,aurailts rvili inlroduce Fraciices that younger conslJrr)ers may
not experience at home-most notably, the chance to choose one's
own food. The concepi of peisonal choice is syrnbolic ol lvestern
consumer cullure. Visits to McDonald's and KFC have beconre signal
events for children who approach fast-food restaurants with a heady
sens3 of empo$/erment.

R e li g io n a nd g lo b.) i lza t! a t)
Centrai i:o Huntinqton's ihesis in The Clash of Civilizations js the
assumption that the post-Cold War world would regroup into regional
alliances based on religious beliefs and historical attachments to
various "civilizations." Identifying three prominent groupings-Western
Christianity (Roman Catholicism and Protestantism). Odhodox
Christianity (Russian and Greek), and lslam, with addition"l influences
from Hinduism and Confucianism he predicted that the proqress of
globalization \r/ould be severely constrained by re lic io-politica I barriers.
The result ,vould be a "multipolar r,vorld." Huntinqion's view diifered
markedly fronl those who prophesied a stanalardized, homcgenized
c,lobal culture.

Th--fe is, l)cwL-.vei, considerabie ethnographic €viclence, gathered b,v

anlhrcpclogisis and socjologists, that refLite.j this njadel of
civilizational clash and suggests insteacl a rapjd diffusiori of religious
and cultural systems th.o ghoui the n/orld. Isiem is cne case in pcint,
given that ii constituies dne of the l'asiest-gro'ding religio s in the
United Staies, i:rance, and Germany-suppilsed basijcns of UJestern
Christianity. Felore the end of the 2tltl) centu!-y' entlre
arrondissements (dishicts) oi Paris were dominated by Muslims, the
majcrity of thern French citizens born and rearecj in Frcnce. Thirty-five
percent of stucients in the suburL,an Dearborn, i"iichiqan, public school
system were Muslim in 2001, making the proyisio| of hala/ ("lawful,,
under Islarg) ineals at iunchtirne a hot issue in loi:al iroiitics. By the
siaft of the Zl-st century, Musiims of TLrrkish ofjqin constit ted the
faslesi-gro\r.iing redor of S{:rlin's populatjcnt afidi in i-:crlhern Erglafid,
ihe old indllsirlai c;lies oi Braciford and l\er:Jcasile had been r.evitalized
b.y' descend.?nag oi Pekls'L:ni a d Indi:n llusiii-l-rs r',,jto irnnilarated
during the l,95cs ::ri.i '60s.

Fro r iis ii'cepi.icn_ [hfistienlt.y' has been i]n alJEiessirely p.oselyijzlng

religion ,,viih a EloL].ii:ing agenda. tndeed, ihe Aojii,rn CFrihoi!c Chu,-ch
was arguably ihe ijrst globai iflstituiiorr, having spreaC rapidly
throughoui the European colonjal $/orld and beyonri- l.oda,r/, perhaps
the iasiest-gr.iwinq re:igiorr is evangelical Chrtstiarity. Siressjng the
individual's personai expeiie.lce 01' diviniq/ ias oppos€d io priestty
intercession],,-vatgelicai;sm has gained ?/ ide :irpr:ai ;n rcgioils such
as Latin ,qrriarica and sub-Sabaran rlfrica, il!-est-j ting serlous
challenges io esialllislted Catholic churches. Follo.,./ing the collapse of
Soviet porr'./er in 1991, the Russian Orthodox chrrch beqan the pracess
of rebuilding after rnore than seven decades of repression. At the same
time, evangelical missionaries from the United States and Europe
shifted rnuch of l.heir aiieniion irorn Latin Airterica ancl A,frica to
Russia, alarrn;ncj FLrssian Cfhodox leaders" By 1997, under p.essure
irom Orthodox clergy, the ll-ussian ilovern[]ent ljromole{j legislation to
restrict ihe aclivities oi religjous organizations that had operated in
Russia for less than 15 years, effectively banning Western evangelical
missionaries, The debate over Russian religious unity continues,
however, and, if China is any guide. such legislation could have little
lonq-term effect-
]n China, unauthorize(l "house churches" became a major concern for
Communist Party officials who attempted to conifol Muslim, Christian,
and Buddhist religious aciivity thlough siate-sponsored o.ganizations.
Many of the urlrecognized churches are syncretic in the sense that
tirey combine zrsDect:r oi loral reiiilion u,/ith Christiar ideas. As a iesuit
tirey have been ai|llcstr i!ntlossible to organize, Iel alone control.

co firrr the wcrliilt/icle resurgence, since the late 20th

Social scientisls
century, of cons r\raiiye reiigion among faiths such as lslam,
liinduism, Buddh:srn, and evi?n Shinto iri iapan and Sikh,sm in lndia.
The social anci poliiicai connotalions of lhese consenat;ve Lipsurges
aie uniqlre'ao each culaur-e and religion- For- example, some sociologists
have identiiied Christian €vangelicalisrn as a leading carrier oi
modernization: its erfiphasis on the Bible is thouqht Io encourage
literacy, lvhile involvemeni in church activities ca leach
adminislrative skjlis ihat ar.e 6pplicable to work environments. ,As a
sociologist of religicl.r, Lle rger argues thai "th€!'e may be othet-
giobali;ing popular n]cv€ilefiis ilodayl, but evangelicalism is clearly
the fitrst dynamic."

D€ m 0 tlfi ! leit tes

g ra, h ic i
"ala::h ul ci., iilzsi::nl]s" lhesis assun-]es thsl tite m:jcr East
societi€s cansiilute ;n slli;rnce cf "Confuciari" culi res ihat sha:-€
a [omrncn irf:rirage in lhe ta.rriiiirgs of Confucius, the a]rdieni Chinese
sage. Early 21st ceni.Lriy !ii.rityles in Tokyo, Seoul, ilejjing,'faipei, and
Flong Konq, hor,\rever-, sirrrvr f:l!- ;nore e\/idence cf !tlobalization than
Confucian ization. Th-- reprrleC I'rallrnarks of Ccniucianism- respect for
parenlal authoriiy ;lnC ance.-{i.ral tradiiions-are no more sslient in
these cities thJn in Sostor!, Lo*don, or tserlin. This is a consequence cf
(among other ihings) i sie:dy reduclion in family s;ze that has s'"n/ept
through East Asiarl societi€s since the 1980s. State-impos.d
restrictions on farr;ly size, late childbearing, and resistance to
marr'age amorig highly e{iuc.rted, working wonren have undermined
the basic tenets of the Confucian family in Asia.

Bidh rates in Singapore and lapan, in fact, have iallen beiow

replacement levels and are at r€ccrd lor,o, levels in llong Kang; b'rth
rates in Eeijing, S,ranghai, and olher major Chinese cities are also
declining rapidly. Ihese developments mean that East Asia-like
Europe-could face a fiscal crisjs as decreasing numbers of workers are
expected to support an ever growing cohort of retirees. By 2025,
China is projected to have 274 million people over age 60-more than
the entire 1998 population of the United States. The prospects for
other East Asian countries are far worse: 17.2 percent of Japan's 127
million people were over age 65 in 2000; by 2020 that percentage
could rise to 27.

lhe cornmodities involv€d in the exchange of gopuiar culture a.e

ieiated io lifesitie, e:peciaily a-c experienced b_v young fieLlpl€r: pop
rllrisic, lilm, r/iceo, comics, fash;on, fast foods, bev€rages, home
C€rcoraticns, entertainment systems, and exercise equipment- Millions
of people obiain lhe unobtainable by using the lntern3t to breach
conrptter secr.rril,/ systems and irnporl barriers. "I!tibrmation r/ants tc
lle fa€e" was lha clarion c3ll of softlrare desicners and aficiorados of
the World \n/itJe Web iB the tr990s. This ccde oi ethics takes ,ts mcst
creative form in sociei;es r.{here governments try harCest lo control
the flow of iniormation (e.9", China and lran). ln 1999, when Serbian
officials shut rjc,r"Jn the operitions of Ra{iio 892, the independent
staiion coniinued its co'/erage of events in tlre iormer Republic of
Yugoslavia by moving its broadcasts io the Internet-
The ,dea of ;: borderless wor,d is reflected in theories ol the "vifiual
slate," a r1e!.,/ -.iystem ot world politics that is saic to reilect the
essentjaj clrecs of 21st-century capitalisrn. ill Oi]f c,. Control i.199/+),
authcr l(evin Keliv irrealicteri that iite Internet wo ki {tradualiv €rode
the pc\4er oi gr\ieininenls ic .Onlrol ciiizens; arjrarra€s ii-t digital
terhiroicgv rr".!rLlil insiea3 n!lor/ peopl€ to;'oil1,r'r' t-ileir owfi i:li:eres;ls
anii icrrr tran..c-siatfl coalilions. Sirnilarly, liiclt:iri "icserirarit*:, it:' T|1e
Rke of the \qtttiel State (19-og), rriraie ihat miiitary ccrf icts an.l
ierritori:l disllutes wculd be superseded by the iic!"r cf jnformation,
capital, techncioEy, and manpo!ier bet',l'een stetas. 14ariy s{llojers
djsagreed, ins:sting that the state was unlikely to disaplear and cculd
continue lo be an essential and eflect;ve basis of Eovernafice.

Arguments i-egarCing the erosion of stale sovereigliy aie pai{iculariy

unsettling ior r:ations ihat have become consumers raiher than
producers of digitai technotog),'. Postrsoviet Russia, post-t'.1ao China,
and post-Gaullist France are but three exarnples of Cold War gianis
facing uncertain futures in the emerging global system, French
intellectuals snd politicians have seized upon anti-g!obalisn'r as an
organizing ideology in the absence Df other unilyjnq th+:rnes. in te-s
cartEs de 11,2 France A J'heu!-e cle ia rnantiialisatian (2AOA; "i:rance's
Asseis in the Era ol Globalization"), Ff"nch fcrejgn l,!inisier llubert
Vedrine denounced the United States as a "hyperpower" that promotes
"uniformity" and "unilateralism." Speaking for the French intelligentsia,
he argued that France should take the lead in building a "multipolar
world." Ordinary French citizens also were concerned about losing their
national identity, particularly as the rcgulatory power of the European
Union began to affect everyday Iife. Sixty percent of respondents in a
7999 L'Expansian poll agreed that globalization represented the
greatest threal lo the French yiay of life.

Anti-qlabaliso) movements .1n(J the Internet

Anti-globalism org:rni,.er:; ar-- found throughout ihe wc!-ld, nol least in
many management orEar;izaii4ns. lhey are cften among the y,/orld's
ffiosi creative aflci soilhisticatcd users of litiernet lechnology_ Ihis is
doubly ironic, becaus€ a\,,en as NGOS conLest the effects oi
globalizaiion, they exhibii nreny of the cftaracterislics of;!.tloilal,
transnationai suticuliuie; ihe lnternei, moreoyi,, is one of the
prlncipal tools that maker globajization feasible and arrganized prctesis
against it possible. Foi ix;rrnple, Greespeace, an environrneritalist
NGO, has orchestraled worldwide prot€sts against genetically modiiied
(GM) foods. Highlv organized demonstrations appeared? seemiflgly
overnight/ in man'y' parts of the world, denouncing Gll products as
"Frankenfoods" that pose unknown {and undocumented) dangers to
people and to ihe envii-cnrneni, The bioengineerit-tg industt-y,
supported by vaiious scientiiic orqanizations. iaLlnch{td its o}vn
trnternet-baseci cour,teriiila,ik, bul: the response was too iete ;nd ioo
discrganized io ouiilank GreenFeaae afid its tlGO allies. Sensai:ior.al
rnedia coveralls had al:r:ady lurned consumer senljinen'i a:lairst GM
foods hefore the scientilic co!t-ifriunity even entered the deiai:.

The anti-Gl'l fsod rncvriIre;tt !leiric.nslrates the irnme se i-Jcrrer ol ihc

lnternei to mabillze pclirica, itroiests, This power de!-ives fi-om the
abiiity of a few deterrnine.l aciivists to communicate wilh titcrilsanCs
(indeed m!llions) oi poieotial aljies in an instant. The Internet's power
as an organizing tooj be.arie evident during the World 'frade
Organizaiion (WTO) prciesis i Sealile, Washington, in 1999, tn which
thousands of acti./jsts corveralecl on the clty, disrupting tl.re lvtC
meetings and drayJjng the ,./orld's atlention to cr:ticisms oi glailal trade
practices. The SeBttie prolesLs set the stage for similar t.,,pes of
activism ;n succeeding j/ears.

The illusioEr of global culture

Localized respanses
For hundreds of milliofls of urbafl people, the experience of everyday
life has become increasinqly standardized since the 196Os. Household
appliances/ utilities, and transportation facilities are increasingly
universal, Technological "marvels" that North Americans and
Europeans take for granted have had even more profound effects on
the quality of life ior billions of people in the less-developed world.
Everyday life changed by lhe ayaiiability of cold beverages, hot
water. frozen fish. screet.ted windows, bot|ed cooking-gas, or the
refrigeraior- It would be a mistake, ho\ /e.rer, to assume that these
inno'/ations have an identical, homogenizjng effect ,r'/here\.er they
appear. For most rura' Chinese, the refrjgerator has continued io be
Seen as a status syrrbol, Thei/ use it to chill tleer, Sofi drjflks. anC
fiuit, bui thev disptiss the rsfrjgeraijon ot vegetables, rn"at, and fish
as unhealth)/. Furtherfi]ore, ce.tain ,roods (notably bean cllrd dishes)
are ihought to teste beiler when cooked \rJith more t!-aditional fuels
such as coa! ot ytood, as opposecl to botded gas.

ll remains dirlirul ir JrcLlp 1.h.rt lhc globatizarion of L.cllr,otDq,Ls rs

rnaking the lxorld ever-vwher-o the same. The .sameness,, hypothesis is
cnly sustainable if one ignores the internal meanings that people
assiqn tO cuitural inno'/aiions.

Borrawing and "irenslating" popular culture

The don]ain of popula. nusic ijlustrates ho!,./ difl-icull jt is to urrave,
culiural sysielr)s in lhe ci:fitenporary world: Is rock rnusjc a unirersai
language? Do reg!]ae ana ska have the same meaning to young people
evet/where? A!1-rt: icail- ii!:,pi1 ed hip-itop (rap) s,,rlepi thlouc!i-l grazii,
Briia'n, Frarcar Chilra, a,.td,ta{lan in d]e 1990s. yet Japarese.arpp-ers
deveioped tl-r€ir o,!ir. ic{:;rilze,j y€rsions of this ari fcrri, l4!_,,ch at il.ie
mlrsic ci h,p-frcp, griuilrjed iri urba African Americar et{perielce, js
defiantly ant issr.:-r b!ish;,'ter]1, illt the .lapanese lyric cont€ni is rl€:cidedii,
mi'd, celebraiiilll,y'ot.itl:ful sclidarity and exubei-aitce. Simjlar
"translations" bea,,^reen form and content htsve occLrrred in ilr:: pop
music or'trndonesia, l'l?xico, aitd Korea. Even a casual lisiener oi U.S.
!-adio can heai ihe irrofcun{j effects thai Braziiian, Souih Ai;;car't,
lndia!, anat Cubarr fbrrt: have hed on the contemporail Arierjcoit pop
scene. An earljer exarnple ci splashback-when a cl,itural inncyatioil
returns, sornewhal iran-ciornterj, to the place of iis oriqin-u,as ihe
British lnvasion oi ihe Amerlcan popular music market in ihe mid-
1960s. Forged in the United States from blues and country music, rock
and roll crossed the Atlantic in the 1950s to captivate a generation of
young Briions ,rrho, fcr ]ing :-rands such as the Reaties ancl the Ralling
Stones, fi]acie the music their or,ryn, then reintroduced it lo Amifican
audiences ti/ith if€fiendoils success. The flow of popular c llllre i.
rarely, if ever. unidirectiona l"

Subjectivity of meaning-the case of Titanic

A cultural phenomenon does not convey the same meanjng
everywhere. In 1998, the drama and special effects of the American
mo,rie Titanic created a sensation amono Chinese fans. Scores of
middle-aged Chinese returned to the theatres over and over-crying
their way through the film. Enterprising hawkers began selling
packages of facial tissue outside Shanghai theat!-es. The theme song of
'!itanic became a best-selling CD in China, as did posters of the young
film siers. Chinese consumers prrchased rnore than 25 llliilion F;rated
iand 300,0110 legilimate) video ccpies of the iilnr-
One might ask lrhy middli-ag,-d [hinese moviego€rs becarne so
ernolionaily in\,,olvecl vvith the story told in Titanic- Interuiews ;rrrong
older resiCents of Shanghai revealed tilat nany people had prcje.ted
the'r own, long-suppressed experiences of lost youth onto the film.
From 1966 to 1976 the Cultural Revolution convulsed China.
destroying any possibility of educational or career advancement ier
millions of people. At that time, communist authorities iiad als.)
discouraged romantic iove and promoted politically corr€ct rflar.iages
based on cless background and revolutionary comlnitment. irrlprobable
as it might seem to ytlestern observers, the stor'y' ol'lost icle an a
sinking cruise ship hit: resgonsive chord among the vetei-ans of the
Cultural Revoluiion. Their passionate, emotional response hed ./i'tua!!y
ncthing to do wlth the Western culturai system ihat trarneai the fjlm.
btsteetT, f ititrit: se!-ved as a sccially acceptable vr.:hic;e iif ths pubiic
exi-rression cf i€qr€l i?y a ceneration of aging Chinese revoli.lt:o.,Jnes
rdho hari devoted ihelr lives io building a form oi :oi.iaiism lirai i:ed
long since i:iisirptreared, Chjnese P!-esideri liang Z€min inv:tei ihe
ent:r€ Politburo cf the Chinase Cornnrunist Party tc a private scTeelriri!
of Til:afiic so lhat ihey wcuid Lrnderstand the challeng--. rle cilrrtioned
that i-itanic colld be seen as a Trcjan horse, carrying v,ri'ahin il ihe
seeds of Al'ierican culturai impefial:snl.

[:hinese airihorjties vrere ncl alone in their r isirusi i]f iiollyra6e3.

There are those who suggest. as dicl China's li.rng, tliai exposlrre tc
Hollywrod filrns will cause people every\nlhere to becone more llke
Americans. Yet anihropologists who study teievision and film are v"'aiy
of such suggestions. They emphasize the need to study the particular
ways in which consumers make use of popular entertainment. The
process oi globalization looks far from hegemonic when one iocuses on
ordinary viewers arC their €iiolts to make sense of what lhey see.

Another case in point is anthropologist Daniel Miller's study of

television viewing in Trinidad, which demonstrated that viewers are
not passive observers. In 1988, 70 percent of Trinidadians who had
access to a television watched daily episodes of The Young and the
Rest/ess, a series that emphasized family problems, sexual intrigue,
and gossip. Miller discovered that Trinidadians had no trouble relat'ng
to the personal dramas porlrayed in Arnerican soap oileras, even
ihough the lifestyles and inalerjarl c,rcumstances diff€recl radically from
iife in Trinidad- local peo0le acii./eiy reinterpreted the episodes to fit
their own expeflerce, seeing the televised dramas as commentaries on
conler!.lporary jile in iriridaal- lhe porirayal oi American r:]aterjal
cLtlture, noiebly lvcrnenrs hshioBS, was a seccndary aiiraction. In
oth€r wcrds, it is a lnisiake lo t[e"t television vievrers as passive.

The ties fhet.;ti!l llir J

Local cLrlture remaills a llilu/eriul :nFluence in daily life. Peoole are iied
to ftaces, and those Fja.jes {:ontinue to shape particula. norrns and
valu€s. The fart that residents of MoscorrJ, Beijing, and New Delhi
occasionally eat at ivlcDonald's, w8tch Hollywood films, and yJear Nike
athletic shoes (or copies thereotl does not mal<e them "giotial." The
appearance of lrorirogeneily is the mosi salient, ani uli.imaiely the
most decepi;ve, feaiure ol'glcbalizaiion. Outward appearances do not
reveal the iiilerfiaJ nrearings 'ahat people assiqn to a cullLrral
innovaiion. True. ihe saandardizaiion of eve.yday iii€ lvill iikely
accele,-ate as diq!t:r! l€ah .Jlog-! contes to approxinlate the toaste. in
" user-friend liness. " $ut ier'rnological breakthrcugirs afe rc| enougii to
create a !'Jcrld cuii.uia. aj.rople ev{:ry, here shcw a aie:l!."'rg C,ari:ake of
the fruiis of aleDel .a'..icn, irlri ihey _;ust as earn€slly'!r.,a;rf- I.r ceiei-lrate
ihe disiinai i!ene-53 II their ct]liures.

lames i-. lvaiscn

"Glsbalizatici!/ i!"!lti.ri!l." Eltqycl!p€dlAat|tllrIica. :O07. Eicyclolrrecjia
Briiannica 0nline Library E{iition.
< htto:/lliirjarv,-e,b. sqr'r]. !j!piojq:.!l!-qo!._ssle!./al:ttqle 22499!> .
C OFic - 5!olra!izatidlr,

q Walson, lames L- "Cultur al ailobalizat,o ". En.yclopedic Btitonnic.r, 2OA7

3 lessons - i tor preparaiior!, I for ijatual! iiinqlation and 1 ior Cisarissi.:i] afid fee.lback
he class wiJl simulate an official Gicbali:ation tcrum ',..,hich is supposedly held by an
imaginary .onservative Asian countrv. The goverrr]lent of this particular country hopes
to u5e such a platform to assess and deal with the impact of globalizaticn on rheir
4ountry. Using the irtformation frofi the giveir articlel, siudents are to ciivi.ie iiito 5
Cifferent grcups to represent the it'rterests of these above meniioned 5 groups. Each
group is to present:
:L) HovJ globalization has imuacred them.
2l The gro up's response and nrea5 u I es ihat will be iakento embi ace./.omitat thas
ph en om eron.
3) Suggest possible reiirsons as io wh! tite grorp's rauses sho!ld srpeise.j€ thc
other oppositioual groups' iniercsrs. Aiternativcly, suggesi ljossili.'
reasons/advaotages is to wiil/ the other groups 5houl.l co-cperoiL- ,l/iih the group
{speciiically, the group that benefiis or sees globalization as. positive force).

I he 5 different groups nameiy are:

1) The fu'lulti-Nationai Corporirlion! in'.,ettin8 in this co,rntry
2) Th,. llaiionaland CuitLrre Heiiinge Bca|.-l
3) Religious Leaders
4) Local Policy Makeri (inclu5ive of Agrjcrlliural, EdocatioF, Foreign Aiiaire and !mmigration)
5) Non Governmental Organizations

As a fcrmal forum panel, 5iudents y/ith the aid of thetlltor should note, asiess ancl
ptoblematize ihe different concern-( expr€ssed. VVltere iloss'bie, si!denti shoul{i fDrther
inter-relate and make connections between the different interest groups to highiight
the complexity of the phenomenon that is globalization.

I rnsiead
ol u5 ng,un th. 1 artl.l. 5ta1!d, t!i!^ mry suggrsr rhnl nun.nt5 reier ro all I arti.l.r in or'l€r to obtatn a berier
-l;iq.:-' --

I D shllnrrernr-s P:
ccol0gjcal ior.€s 1r

rqenlrhere witir ia
i'lcDon.]d's - i))
Jilrad r.'s. L.'lcW,-rrli-l I Ecitlotzut Btntct \lc\\ic.ld ried loi
qier... arulhi btn'
arrd coming rrluc"

srurdcrcd jreoPler
or'trrs; olhets .' :
Drcmisc c.t !;rlua

w. arc .omp.li
-rnd dn cit{oPic e
rlizil}g riisr:orit; ro
nrrinui lo a $or
'h r'., ,I'"r\i . rl. ., - r rlr€ i.nier.i.s ol ..
' "t garne couill! at i
{ien}ocraiic h!!.n, atul {hi |r:1, jrair;.jnL: irri .;';i dis.or.J i(idrrrin.s. s!jl .l.rrrtjr !i.
holjzoD iusl bejrurd ns. 'ihor: ',\jl!c lccl! bi.l: s.e ail of the hrtors oi ijrt ?rrcii::rr arulhhs ursin,., I
', ufi,. lr.'h' 1,.d,, :,. ., .i., i', i....; 1.,r.. ...'. , bertring ir l,lI
iiJ"a.itr an i th ey de.]i.. lf : ':{,1llri g l i:5 .;ui i!.rd. i Losr rflro iook for\ir<l pfup}r ts I
I nJrEp.enetrs ie
coiim.ici?i and te.hnologidl i lrJrliir,d.a.f .' . 'rirh,.l prrtjdirc rn3d. Do5siiri. h! :{rs,,c KfC fi:rD
sp.e,rding nrxrkels anti r:1ol.el rcr:hrol.:31 ..r.] *r!y !r..r.laiD 1]rat cv,rirthir! ir or !\itlels s.rte ove
soon i{ill L.diff.ftnl. 1he rivrl oirr':rer s {err to .onsull {iia1er..t ahnaruc,i d.arso sirLlggiai 1o rene\!
lrom rhe librarirs oI crn*irii,i l)l:rlrrf. ressrrer ro bot '
Yet an,vole riho re:rds rhr .l:jlv jrrpcrs ;r..irl)y. iakinil ir rhe Irori pis. a..ouiis Conrpany. Serbi,
o{civil carnage aj \Lcli rs Lhc bi.s;,rrss ptii!.,tolies oo the rne.haii.s ofihe jniorlr.ri!,n heaC.phones as th,
superhighwayand the.rlxroirt(s ol .onrlni.:iior rncrgers. an).o!e rujns.i.!lt) l{;oking n:' fi} fa
'vLo tnrnrrlro rock n
crately to take ir the w]}ol. 160 degrcc iroDzoD, hnows that our world ar otir liv.s
are .aught betwe.n whnt Willienr Bntler Yeats called the rwo eternilies of race and tundamentalists I
io! l: rhat of rac. tefl c.ti! rg lLc tr iirxi j)|s , i;r r i .f $r !1 inti.i|a tiirg rhe casnlorliiar!
No\r ncither 1:r
firtrie, Our se.ular et.rniri.s rrc,:orrupLd,lr.i!rt!.r, r... r.il!ctd lo.rr iJrsiglti \ri scitnci: aod reas,
rcsiolmelrt, aid soul sir.1i .ir-r'n i. iir rir. ,1.'.nrrdicg Lorlv lrr r:hitl it n lienstrin) l,us bcc
ils ner.-ls. Naiil!.r.n(]t 'ro, s,rrl cfl!! ns r ilil.t thar is othcr ihaD hierl.., r,:itlrr -Agc ofReasor] si-
pr',n,r.e r pr'1it1 rh..r . r rr n,'.y,ir.'oL rt:, anar.ht' is loose,

The 6rst scenario.oot.d in nce holds o t thr griIl! prosp.ct ofa retribllization of detail to acid. fh(
large swaths of humiBlind bv rvar and bloolshed: a threltenecl ballixnjzirior of thlt it nrakes pos
nalnD statcs in which culiu'. is pifted.giinst culturc, people agaust pcople, Lribc
agairst trib., a lihad in th. n:rI]r. oi! hundred narl(lvly coD.eivetl f.iths again$ .verv ofhuman histcr y

kind of irltcrdeptndcrct, clcr.r itind ol rrtill.i'l s,r.ixl c0oper.rrion rnd b.tvr€en r!em thr
rgxjlrit tecltroio$, aftatrrsLpop cullurc, and r grurst irltcilra L.d nra rkt tsi !itrirs l rrod€r
nlry ns€il.ls !v.li rs rh.lrtlrrr Jn lrhich Dro(lt.niLy issuer. 'l h. sccond p.irrs lhrt I u tLu. hlr n connc,,
lecrive hrna .o
]\ogr.ss to
!igidrl p0bli.irn,, l{r'ls lir..ft.l fr.,. ljcnJrnrr lnrbir, "l rodu.rnnr.'r, ltrdi,',1 ll.ltlrii/. lrntrr
Irook, r!95, t. I S,9 10, ri rir Iihi(l ,rt onli,-.
lihull rr. l"l t:\\4rlL| t',
ir shiDilrctil!. pasrels.. a brsv t,ortrait of onrushirrs .conoDri., tr.lrrobsi,-ai. .od
ccolog'cal l,rr.icr th,ri d.rnind jrtlgrutiol rrnd Lxrito.m;ry ind thrl rr.s;,r.riz. t.oflLs
.vcrvlvh.rc \!irh fnrt inusic, fusl tr;n4rtc.s, arrd fist toorl \l'11,', Ll.rii nrsh,,rlrd
\er \1.1)olr.Ll'! pr.ssln: !.tr)ns into onc homrlrerrcouj liol,il iL.nr. ;.iLr(. one
Ivl.Worl(l ii.d k'sclhir Lonrmtrricdrions, i.li)rnatiolr, rlli(JtrjnI]rflrt,.!d .o :-
rrcrcc {irrghr brinccn Brbcl ard llisneyland, the planer is trlli.g t}iciripiro jlv ip.rt
anrl corri;rg rlitrctrrtl.; toir.thc..ri th€ ve,f sanc monrcnt.
Sontc rlut)r.(l obsrrvers noti.e onlv tlabei,.omplnining.bort rhe lho sanil rcwly
surr rtrl "i,eor'les" 1'l(: trd.r to rddress thej. rejShbr15 trni rni:u rill.ii !nd
nr).rds: olir..s ,.riors in Disnc)l.n.I - seizr on 1inu.ol,ri1ic:tl pl.rriii!.1.r i!(l iilr
prortlis. l)f ti11.ialirr. cicl-Jj!,;r3 Ii's i snr.ll !1'orld uiter all!" iJoih 2,. r'glrt, i,,it ]\vr

!!'e ar..onp.li l if .iloore l,r-...!rD ivlrnt lusscs r! rhe ir;iight ,,t sor,:rei$rtr-'
ind un entrofi. .-r{i oi rll Lisrori or a r.'tun lo the f.st s ril1ls! | 1ir;,r,rs rr. LJ.dr,L
:rji?nrg .1ir.o tui; io rlc r irjra.e . a 3lobal anar chv, " to itlilt,rn's crpitrl ori:rll, !L'rla;
noniLrl]t nl i yi.,rll !,rtalir'' "{)ut oi.ontroi."
'Ihe lfpir.rlt rulh. rvhi.h spe*s to the paradox at thr core of lhii b.oli. i! th.t
the t.nde .;es oib.rh lih?id ra.l Ucworld tuc ar wor,k, bolh vis;bl€ sou.rtri..es in rh.
sarrie.olrnlrJ il liru';er)'sanr. jnstari- Iranian ?calols k..p or. rrr [,nri t,r thc
nnr]]]h,. urgin-q holy 'jar rnd the other cocked to ilupcrt \lur(lo.il'r Star r,ridisll)n
be,trnifs in ,r,xiJt,, Dalnhre, The Sin4]:!Jrs )rLtn hovermg ,rt.ilit.s. Llhin.s.
Lrnr.p..teu.s 'i.i 1;r !h. att.nrioil of partl carlies ir B.ijnr.q,!d rinnii,irous);
1e grssibie by pnrs "- X irc i;xr.c|isrs jr1.iiies tike r\itinlg, HaDgzhon, and jan !;h.rf:!rti -.i*ht
r^,r'crl ' d rr ,l. Ku.\iir n"r ., 1 . . :
stl]rg-sii's rc r":rr,;r r!t r.i.ni iaith. hrs entelc.t a joint renrure r"i1h (ltrlii.)rn;a bu::;
ti*in r, Io l,Iiii. ,ijrd riii n.r1tral !.?ters under rh€ r!lrdr Sril]r iit!jrjrs \i)aicr
Cdnro2ri!. -(crtri:in is:irssj!s sdcakers and lisir! ii) i.la{ir)r,r, on l! !iiiJjrli
headl)holr.r :j lhri l.ic fi "e;r,Ldidas
lb.augh thcir girnsccpes ai v1lrryiri: :;!iuj.rc .j,jli.rlr
lo,)knr:1 b 6il iii,r;I a,rrrctnrs- Ortho.]o:i Hirsids arlri brood;njl n,r! !i,z;r llrfc l-nr1b
trrrxJl k-. i o.li ,r,dsii. i,) ,rer lh.r r\ditioml mcssages out to the .r(-, ,g.rj.J ario.. uiriie
firr.lrric|iolirli tl.,r.;jrirri corrspira.ies o!1 thc Jnterner.
j"otr I.iilcr I;hN,i rai lv1.1v{:,rl.t is in itseu!o\cl. gistcry rlrdir.. ih. I' iLiliph (,1
ior;l]'r;i oi scli'nc..r,i rclsr! (,r;,]Jr. rionJirous p.rvelsion thc.€oiii,,lur! S|€llcf'1
'r.. i)o-.o. Irrl,r
kenslcn) lr.s ln:!l ,:i: l,:irrrot\. of e1'e* piilosophcr rnd po.t 1v|i iris r"-grelri:d iirc
{e ofRra5{.r si'j,-. Lh. brij3LLernlerir teats lamrrrte.l "thc clDtr 1v;llrict hol{l, in.r.
, . ,,,n oh "^er "iJrhr,lr..J-\
d.hjl lo .d(i. lh. ( hrisrii,r par"ble ol rhe f?li and oithe poi:ibjiili.rs ,)lre.l.rrfriorl
thir il: :';tlics insjilrlr.aptrrrcs lhe eightc€rth .eLrhrry arnbilaL!.t :nd our orqr
-rpl., iribe about prsl : !J iriuie i rrNnr, h1i\!.v.r, to do r1or"- thnlr dress ui, rh. ,iirtril ir.d:;or:
,rf huDaD h;I(,i-,' ir trlodir- .idhes. ii is not jihad nrrd \tclvorlil b!i thc icirrlrnshrp
betwccn then th.t rnosl interesrs me- Foi, squeezedbexlecr thciropp.'sirg for.es, the
11orld has beci j.nl spinninB oirl r,t control. C:rn ir h. Lhdi rvhrt iih:nl ud N'l.W(irl(1
ha\-e ir conrDrD !s ,ii1ir,;hr: tlrr: elrserce oI comnron rvil thll .on,;!r..trs d ..]l
l.rciiyi lumt)! ,:inrrul Lr'lilcr thr griidrn.r ofl,t!v I'e cail democLa,r?
Prri!rtsrl!]r.si s i,.)! tl:n so rn.tinres lurch backwn sj ill hisi.),vs l1i;ltir:lrir:i2!.

Jiitad no1 orrir rel]ilts xgaulst bur rbets \lcworl.l. wlilc M.World rot oujv rlnpclils
r-! il.l,,tri.! Glchiji..tin n
l)rr r'.rcJr.s Jnd rcnrtu(.s Jiiru.r. r'h.' pr(,duce thcir .onrrirr;.s'd lr..rr .!1(.
.i athef. M' ,Jbj..i h.r. rh.r. is ror rnnl]lr ir! o]]t. s.qc.idal
i$d jih.rl, tr'rr while cr.m;!in! rtcl\!)rt,t, 1(, kc.t t:,orlrai,, l' O-*.,_f,t ol Chrlstiarir,
l;t i,, n,y i,,,r,, ui.r;;,",,
Nhji. ,l!'r.'nrg lih!d, rlr:vd io lirr3i:r ttrc co.re_rt of Nt.World.
\:.\1,.,lJ rrd'r,,'.,u.,::,,,,., ..,..r:,J -.-. hu..,, .,, {llt i! a {t;.i:.ri,",,,i
t1lrt (l;lnjLrjsh Jihait ir.i trtLldriti ],.t rh.t irckrowfe,t:!", drci, po,,..t"i
.ior icil jrteiltepe'de .e. ",,J,"..
_ Lheie is x .rricirl djf.rcnce. hoiver.cr, betrreeo jnv ntcdesr atrenrpt:rt diaLLli. anJ
th.rt r)l thc Jlrsr.r's <)1 rhc iift:lrcnih celrtury. Siill sc.]ir.c(t
L,y,f,. t:,,hgt,r"r,r*",:.
Itri$ iir proricrs, l)oin ircsel ind trtarr bclievca ,"or"n,"
LJ.ocr.ss. l}rr ir ir hrrdtr ro l:rlicr-c thrr rhe.ixsh ol
-,nui"s ,u,o o;,1. .j.ic,,;
liha.i anil NI:Worl.t rvi iss,r.j
sojrr ov.ffid"r.q g(!x;. l-hc., rcone scuns m)r. tiheit to pcrrtrt
rhin 1rr l,rn;1 n_r, $r *h:.s
h uma n libcrrv. l-he I rv(, r,ai,, in opposi,q
e.:ci, orJr"L, r,.,,k r,, th,, s,_, e c".1,,. ,,,,, t, i ,,
9,,r,r,- ...h:,..u.,. ..r, ,,,.h. h.n.,r.i.
IJ r.,tm. r'.,.:r ,.r. ,.. ,l,\t..,.i,,..1.;;,. ...
srolid, .r1..rb.,,irg sr{ii,€s ci ir:rr.r adi tjr:els I:,ce e:si,;s ,r"""1t,,g jt.*...t",:.
1r.r. llloJ.oiv: l,ilt Jro!' ,:i..ij.ij iher! .1o,rg ihe sr*." ,rr"r *,.*",,tit..
rh.ir t--:isor:jrc.hrj,r:aicrjr.s tjiie i..ri t,rirt.r,s, jlirllariori,l hclei:: ,,,,.r ,;rri ;.
tilic 1i'" r,..t,,.r",,,
urd a_.;.le otr€or b;1tLo:irds rxo.i.jDg rh€m lviih L-..1,r.n"s
r,l:. i,"-so,,*. a,,r,.,.
rrd Coldsi:rr. l',1.\! .go(is, t;(,s, i\1i l:rore trb.rlv?
ii,..|.,,.n,r.. .,,,.,o,,-"rrt,..,t nJrr,L\,.,r:,...i,..,.
rvhcrtth.trDdeicnrsoilhei,!osers,)fto.cesirriLia vljppearsciuira.!trbt,"""r;,t,r,."r, iJintity, il1.\!,
Afr:r rJl,Iitrat ord Mc\\.oir{t !,rr.ratt wir\ ec1tul srre;i.erh in opposir",ir".ri,,,r..,i,"
.Ji. drn'e, i)t p.roctriut trarr€.ts, rjrc olho by Lll;,c,.,,t;z;"q
ln,ikers, thc ,ln. ." .;_, .
,ro',. 1.,r.I r:,,,r. i.,.,,.. r,.... ,,r,,,, .r . ,. . i..
bord€r s poro$ fiorr ldttnui. y(r Ijiu.i ln.l t"ic\{iorld
ha./., rhis j,r co n,r,,r,}.r:i,,,:i
unle \var orr rhe s.)e.rciqn nnri,,r srare airii rhrii rn)dc.iline rh. nalior
,,., i I, ,i,L,r,,,.. ':.,... .\. i..1 : . i.rr ... r-r ....r .
;,,".. .i.,,..; iind fr xticrUl
t,,, " ,.,,,o,,.,,i ,,r . .,1 .;
'":J.,, ..l.'.,.1\i.,t.,r......r .r.:.,.,,,r,t,r,,Jr,,,,t;r..;,,,,
r.. rr :1. ... J.l,..t r,.,.:.. .o,,,n. n;r.r ,,,t-,u._.o,,r,.t ,.",i,,..;.,, ,,,,, i;",. ,,
conrmunities that slight dcnocracy in favor of rl.lannical prternalisn
or consejrsuil
tr'1!l:.m \1.\VolJL,..r.e..l ri r,.,.i , I. ro.r. , r. .o,.. rmFr,w.r
,, , ;-;
'. ir ,,.r..t.u"-rh,r..rr.,u.......r.,it..",,,; ..,, "., ,,r,r;,. . ,
: . J,,,,r .i ..r.,,r, r,r,,,,1, qJ.,,i,,ir t ..,, ..r,,....t F.,n r. .. u. .1,,
.- ..ll!i,,rljintL.^,rrt,F.., ,rromc,.r rtr"y,,urrr ro L,.J,!,"!!i\ttr ,,r,,v.,".
wh.,r *., . on. c Lrqd, | ,r^n.t .,s prorn lins r\e pub,;.
-,.,.*, .,.i.,
l..r..lJJ,,gur-'uryr,r,$bF.,'rnBt,r.rrr,retd,rn,n,,ker.,r.nrho,.gt ",i",";",;.,,:
I.,.lunrlv.u c...J ,h,,e i.., L,,,rr lt,.r\:nrn t,,x.. ,,,tr,. r..rt.. ...Jr.r\lutr.,t ,,
nen'ous a,l.l srecdy lher look for siabitiiv.rnd rrtnsp..c..y,
rt," ,," although we r
brr l L"t tt,"y.",u,i.,l t.
ror .lrv.$ u I preferred tbon oi dcDlo.racv r{ihc t,aaitto
n,rt ..ns"_,tr,., i,rr,
( )

r'.n'd€xuraric con*ir,rri(,rs ild Bi1ls otRighrs,.thc nerv rurptcs ".,tr,,,

to 1b.,,;.,,r:",;;.,
Srei.er su::gr!rs, $,ill bc \.t(D.,rild's .rnd Kcnrxck, ,,
''1r,.o ..,u...r^,..,.., ..,.\.,.r.hrr,i,,J,.t ,Fricll UhiLk.i
.nrr.r .r,rr,,,lr r,r.r,,..rrrrl
iznr!r 1r.,lirics ot pnrri.uta's1 jdentilics, p.oples .rciund
rhc globe rre thr.r,",;J;i;;
.D rra!-isri. rcllr.n ro rrredicval politics wtrerc locrl
tribes anrj a-f;itio* e,n,".,,.
lilnd {. At.)tatLt 3a
rs one ro!et|.r rLllirJ rir. !v,r'td..r;r., lvonr.'rr)ti l)e rh. .'Divrrsrl .hs.i.ti.n
liins oi nic\lorld ola-jrrrsiir|;r, .\.n !s rhi, tnr...t oll1 j!)l.rc.l'rc,livcs
iD r!,nrJ irr fi.iitu,rs rl.ijn.{J tn,
:-ld o1 visior, rnd
idvoluJ ir). liN:, ipr^,c ) ro.r),s ot jdc, ir,v ihiswrsi lrcrt.tj,,;,ich prn,ces :,r<1 kir,.
ll ;1 i dirlccric of 1; iitrlt roi p,,wc, rir)ril rhev.or.eivr(] rhe idcotogy ot r:{n,rntism Nrrjor:lisr'n
.,:.li.il d,ftc,{,rces <*rbjishrd,rovorr,u:r on I s,:ale grtarcr thru rt:e rrlil,e r.er l.ss cosrropoliLar thar:
,nwcrful :rtl ra|r- rlre unilcis.ri rilr,rJr dnlt ir filn€ gav. bi, rh r,) ttrosc inr{.nr..i;arc, g.r,i.ott"
drnro.r.rii. irstiirrii':, thrt rr(nrJd.d,nc ro.onsrirr:r. th. ratio,r-!rxt,:..I.r,,trr,r ri,.
!i!l.i dixl.cii. ard tt,r..,l ol r|is Iis!(,.. ri.:cir inicur o. i! .r.rri!? tL !,ortll ir 1,ii.tr
)c liiljghlrnnr.ni\ ,..,.,..t,,.,, _rf,l.f."ic".
r,.,,r,,t "-
...,1.,, rr,.,i,
ai on rh.: \;rL of ;srir .i rh. 1..(:,ors i.il).
.. orld $-ill is$€ ir ftr (hc triDrrli.llhc .oli.oi!tariorj bdrvc.r ;jlot)al coljDrercl rl,i ornr iriat €(ln,r:
ri linD to udrnrre r.'l ., ,. r.,i-.,J...r,.. ..r,,r.i. ,.r.,,....Jtr L._-.r.:r
!r' .!d:. !'orl( ll - , ,' r 'l '. r.:.,,, t..- ,,,r. /j \ i\. ,,,:,. ,,1 , i
--ir brrelii:iarv 1n !]r rtln. .l jii,..ii No(t lhe .orlir)or.i,eal ,]re pln ar risk. Nciiher lih*t n,,, l.,r.rr,,rl.r
.{ ]]rrg.is},larz, thr rjpir$ i{).crJ..urr rb.,.ivi. !n tuts unde.nriard ir! jrs (t.l1alrJrrtiznlgpfi.li.es;
irg djstint solace gk)bal i,lJrk.rs iror blo.)d corxnurjli.s scrvice ptrbti. g"" . n. pu.i,".q.uitity o"a
I ihe Daik 1lrit is i,Frnr L rrarrjrl j! di.iarics and del;b$arjyc asse-bri€s;l"y ro,.ir nr rhe,"";,"i;rr".
s : th. Ladisson, b:rds tJrai spr,rir or i:thrtI ofnclrll liber:rre(l ..i,""pi.,s,i ,o.t, a"nx,cr,rt;. insttt,,
:an.,ri1i., C,:,k., rionr irlrc ar Lrcsr orrh rnarln t i'fl.enr. oo rhe flrti ",ra
c jDutLi,r;trjr)rrl .orDoraliois
...i r , ,rrh,r.,-rr-.,rt.r. ;. i1,,"," t_,..,,J tir,,....r
\1or.i diiicctic.l]I i.lerln!, Il.,Vo.l.l , l ll)naltess flrnoJri.s olirrrtr. Btlon.qing b; rirrruh,o t.
at)lv ur I ithcri.al? ,\'.F,)n.,;s i dr$:,x.r: ri.kjJ)g d reposirori- i.or i.]criir.i, $_crlore
je dle.lions. rhe bctrn5,:j n,
r{ioc. iti,i ro or. i i, .-itizc,,. VvithorL cirizi:rs. ir-"."" ir.". r" 1..**_i;.t "or,r"
s, rie orri rr-ci.at
f.. .j
lrr..lis,I ri!n:'rjrc. i sirors t.nl tr1 irs rnilti(,s I f.)rjn, it berckurs n:tisioits s1r.rli.qle
- i!ilirrg iqii.,'.1 ' i ,, ,,. r'' ..r i.t.r ....,i ,r. .,,r ,,rJ..i _ ,,,,, rl
1rnrorl:li.rbrrh rJrc,rs ::,liirir. rr.l\. rrar r,:r behaliot prrrisu i:t.niiif ihal
is ri.i.]i}l-a;.i|:, .nri,t,l
riilr''sr:!ic's a,erno . ..1 , .., : i. . ..rrJ:,or ,n
.-rnr;r .;lizciship. ihr r,,,.. ortr j.ii:ji,. rtr,,t c"r
3dis iiditr.r!!.e jis 'roD.rir,,1.l::';::'i,l',::..:iJ;l-?,"'.fi;:
irrriiir aud hatfed- :cu,:.rll.1l, i blrrro{ me.rDins
,,, .,1,
i}c,qr rhose aiitilrrrs 1,iro,,:"ke tt." C.ugilti. ot
l;.rr:t:t trnscrrslai prnir a!r.l1n,l.ni .Da'i;.ut!risD ol:: kitr(i toor!.
jiftri)fii, i.a!,nq .,... .
lo Christ;nr rr{) tcsJ tl Lluslin;
,i ,.....,.,..r^ ,.- tr.,.i...,.,.,,.,. ..1t,..,
oilrbii. irierest irn\'€ jirn{,.c'rt .ri(1uth !,t1
it.'ir.ings: nlelrlitl polirics ,r.,i ,r,,,iticr,tt"L"t'.ti-.,,i- _,,
-iii'iiita;ries an.l i ,. ,- ,.j.r ,. iiS...:!., (i,\F,;,.
i ..,,...,., \.;,.,. ,4.
r.l illeolosr, dc 3s lilu{i ru),1{,gjn I si,!rpl.: r.ar.h ibr. tocrtntenrirr,solrcserof.oDrnon plrs.rml
r,!€lv iixerv€ ing-
",rr:L r-.,o 1,...1 e. ...,,i,.* i,. l..r,hir .,n.t,,..,.,.,.,..,u .., ie., J : u, : ..
x.oriaieit as htiq n..r, , .. ....,,r,tJ ,. .r.,,,,r .,,L.i, rr,.i \l \\u,t.l
, :!s lrcl;rR.,hatyn Arnrii.x is ofien la( r .s ihe nodct lor rhis kin..i ot lnrisn nluiri.ririrritism,
.,rarkels. Tb€y are alrhougL we roo havc our crirics tike Arthur Sctrtesnlger,
lr., t;r;hon1
i!4rat they relrard is irr 'L r" r'"rr" q , ,,t,^rnr,s,gral..n ,n.,Lr".r.Lt l. I nr tor.:.rc.nrrlrl
, .atofs cl irr.c.lon r..,t.i.,.. .......,^,.o.u,,r .",,., .,,,..,.",,, n-i:,.. ,9..,t,,t
r lii:rrn," George bI rh. rn,ljcrl itilh1 Le rir.rl;Dg fa.r rs rtlar t.:js rhan j0
Lrer.rnr iahou, r".,,"i
.".. ,,,r, horcu:,,r ,.,, .,. ;1. "r
:i a;rd r reiri5al
i th.earened with ,f",: " "'"r1. ,rr':. yro"p.t,d .onpn.r,, ,en . .L,dr,e.,r ur jh" pJtirio, \,
l r,
., rl|.ut.,.,dt..[r r.rh. .rr. lr,rn,,.-,r.rrr r,,e,r,,1,ri"r,. i

'l' ,r'.,1 \r r.
nrbitious eDrperors

jn Dti\t1;?it i;iDbnlj?riintl
liLe jal,arr ,115121., 1i,"1 io rh. !),ii:ii!l. r'o.id ru l olt ro bc .tlrar !: Iissill ro.k a
:irl' flllticNhrril. .{td "fpe.ti "s 'dregrat
c.,?r iIl:rrritrurg,r irioi.. !Lc r)arion's essentiat Irrribute is mid.
rirc .i;nditior) i.r sclf:ild r.!i!!rioi, a .1ni|r oi Lhe durnbcr of hn$ragej spokc
aorllt]+.]heIorl,lsr::q.'sir'r]!.irFr Lrr;tl,)ljixijonsrouldgrowtoo"ss;r,.t
, , -rl "".,,,,A
'I he lrodcrn nitii!i .i.r.
irtjs aclr.lll a.t.d as r c trurrl iDreg.aror afid tr.$ adaprc.i
well to piurrlis! id.ais: civ;c id.oll)ities u!r(t .olsrituri.nal bjths.tround ivhj.h rtreir
qrrn-v tlans anii tibe. qJl r.dll lr h?r rn)r l).en roo ditj.uL o contrjvc a ciri
tor A$eriirans or Fr€n.| o. Stiifs, r;r.. th.re peopleJ' a.tui ,/ cortajn rndtirud.s
of subrtrtionll tr.tions aD(J .ru'ric rrrbes ir.ncrtil se.Hrg common ground. ljut ior
Brs.lLies rri.t Nolmnlrs? r1,'har:rc,:.i ;,r.re rhe,, tor anfhing lldt btoo(l and mtur)ryl
\Li ,.,..r.,t .lj . r,.\.^\..ti..,. .,. ,",,,,.
Qr;Lr..ris, 'lbiJlizi! s, C,itll.rirrrs. L'rjrs, ink.dra Zdus, Kurjie istx der I.lP.n.:se
p.oples:!ililriri.(.trntrjcs jnlabiri;r! r.rr:ons rtref.rnnoi.ati thejr or.inl t,eoplcs
, \ ,,o .., -..i ,.. : I r^.
!j:,hr.led tribLs ri.I il:t,rtJi cr in:r l]nfl .i'ic irith in sear<h of somethrl|,. iro;:
!rl--ebl€ id .l..trjiri xit. 11or' ltjjl ir.,)pics ho ,ldlne t!€mselv$ tl, th. slar{irlcr oI

'' l- e rr ".l, I '.,...,,1 .,rr;fic,ar t ,h o..... , , the Cl1(!'a1kr

iround aiisiri.t .ivi,: dl- o. r.)!)ro:rctai nrrkcis'i Crn idlcrrisillg divcri i{a,riors
oihl,r(nl iiom the gcio.iiir reorlircd ty.tLeir acci,:ni griev,uccs? I.. .l
i\lclvorl'l is x f!{r(ttr.r of plfirlrr .,di.i: .lriler b,v elprnsjonisr .onnler.c. lrs ..s s(l{rl}iIrz -
t..tt)itle js Amcrjc?1r, jLs to$r srvl.. iis qarjds .tre .s nrN.h images ,s m.t;rjet, i,rt iLcs llanril-, ,,nd '
rleiic l! r./.11 .s-,r produci I!.. tr:: .ri:ro..L ,i ut Llr e :s cs:Imcciirl-, apparet * ft(nog,r_
I is \rr)bds .re ,Ll:rlc./ 1)!r i! s.in rioier.r'.li! ilrd Cr.l ijlac mctor.ars
ir{ris rcLt tro rn rtr e
ro.:C.rats, Lvhcrc rhev onfc repr.!.nr.1l i rrlo(le oi rranlporrnrion, 1lr rhe marqu..s ,ri
floi,.i nraricr.afas li(c !i:r't.c ila,ri,iroi 5 linj thc ltard Ro& \lhere thcr beconlc
iccns oflitistyl.- Yo! don'r rtri't tlrtrn, pu {cct thejr vil,es.!.t ro.k to the iinlqcs
rher.onjnre nr fro,n o1Li rlo\ics nn.l !.i' c.tcb.;ries, whose pcrsdliat app"",,-.". ;,.
die kr,v to rh€.rild\, pot,ri:rr ilrclnitr ionr! .:,1i .ir.ir pt.t'et Hojtlaood. Mnsi., !iJ.o,
lheatcr, books, lDd rheme pirks the nri' churches of a .ommerciit civjtization in
whi.h,malls are rhe publ;c \ur.:i and slrburbs thc neighbortcss neighborhoods ar.
rll constm.ted :rs iftlse r}lto r ('criirg n.jonnnoJr i,orld raste aroLrnr:t crinrmol
log,:,s,la.iv..tisiig slo,sans.:itrrs, :nr'.rs. br:rird nrrles, jnrghs, and rridclnxrks_ Uar(1
to!,'.|r,i.lds to solt. a |j l!. iJcoloqr ;! i..rrsm ie,l jnto a kind of.r eotogy ihal i!o,ls
thraugh sould bitis arld llh .1ry!, vrieobsy ;s iLrzzie. and less dogmaiic rhrn rrud;
ln,nal poliricJ ideolog,v: it may ns a .onseque cc be lar more su.cesstui iD irstiltins
the novel values rcquirrd for glohrl uarkets ro sLrcceed. 'their bodies I
M.lvorld's vidcohgy re'nnrs jihrd s nnsr lbrmidaLle riul, .]nd h thr loog rull ir
may artenlrate the fc,rce of lihad's rccidivrst iribalisrrs yet rhc;fomrrti()L rcrolu
d(!r'r jrarrum"-ntajitirs rrc.rlso Jihad's hvorc.t l'capors Hurlr or Rosnian ScrL idcn
lin exs leis .r rnil|.r of rcli ]risn,r;..i rxcn)r! rhin of propagrona bv r
le.dc.ihrp sct on ]lllri(lrtjng rivil.lairs. kr horh iirvandr.nd 'r.dja
ilos ir,.adb hro.{l.isrs
whipp.:d list.Ders rito r killinr i.enzv .\s \.1, ldi ?tr(s.oci( .rirr Jon trrct.! ttrs
notic(11, r.giorrrijsur n pop rnusi: I).rs 1,.!onit ns trendy es rnicrobrclvery becr rlrd
ra..oh,.rsting cxble .hrrrrficts. anrl lirr Lhc srme rcrn'rs " the gtotral .ulrure is wh.r Lr Russi
Sivcs rLre k)cal cirltuL. its nrlalinjn. irs lrldicr).e. in.l irs rspirirjons I'isctsr pop ind
lihal ,is. nlr:,rotld J.i

'- fl:rsjd ro,:li irc lroi oxyn.rjonsj r.rrh.r lheY lrlarritist tlr. ditlle.ti.s of M.Wort.t jr
particrlarll tirrnratic ways. ucigraCe's r.dio includcs eariors ttj:r1 br.r(t.isr 1!.\hrrr
poD nlosi. rs , rcbukr r{, har.l.lincr i\,tilc,sevi.'s superndir')ati:jt q.Jv. rrre r nnd srii-
i;o|s r]td broad.a;t nativc fol! rr;r$ laced wirh anriforis' er)d rrtj SaDrilj. slori
nr(1rt:i.llverr tbc hternet llrs irs nco.Nazi buileriir hards rnrt l,rrL rr:shiir A, rr.niin
l.m, . .'r". ..i..,n r.-ur,1, .,\4,rtt.. ,,.r,.t.,st,,.. .^,,..,...,t . .
th.t th. abslrr.tions ofc)'berspa.c too.re iift.red
'yitt fcculj.r
rt r d r:rLid cdtrLrrll
tenitorialit? all lireir o\en
: -l
!c (l)-r rri.s ottLc iihi,d \.1.w 011.1 ljnkag. rre Lle.ptv diitr.rjrrl. lrp,j, t;rs. to!
l grLnr:rd. Bllt ior cxrnrplt, bctome rrorr: cuiir!r:ilf i sisr.Dr olr ir,: ov"'r r.idir;oDs irt ,e.ern r,.:t.s c,.(n
,. i, f.,.t.. , "r.,.,. 1..,r.r l.-r t,. r,.,. J.l.\\',. 1, r,, .- , . .,r t.. ,.
resuurani rn Jap.n lnessured 1,r volunr. of.uslo.rcrs j\lcl rjj i.r ld's. toflor,ert in
rie DunrL.r i'o stot Lr.1he ilolcn.l's Kerlu.k)'tiried 1]rickcn. In !r:a!.,r, wh,:re crjt.
rural pnnsG conrplnrr bi&'rl-, of a l(rolnirlg Sixifll. liepLrbli(rr. i"ia lG,plbljqn,l
Arnari.aiie"). rir.r sov.!11mc!rI.rla.ks "traeglais' even rs iurj(ts hu.oDisn(,,; parlr
iust ortsicl. ol P.,is. lir ihr raDe spiriL, the cinerna ir lstr.rrrkcsrvar dn lucrican
)v 11{e slluShrer ol i a, r,.rro,. hi,,l r 5t,.a,\, \lJ o,, ,r..,, 1, n.. r,, rl-,,,^r
thc Chclaiicr dcs rrrs cl lcrires tut1bilalence atso sr.rtks Illdj? JLlsr ([rsir]e o{ S.rnbt!r-,
che& bv r<xrl rv-dr r'lliages niu jnm.(sed ;r poverty ar{i noioriorr for rh. infbrrr:l
r', ^ rrr, J,n,,l. .rl rr.,,, \. n \.r\, ..', i. ...'... .,... i,,,,,i,-o,
.rs SCILPZ ihe seDt. C.!z lll.ctrofli. E\Dori Pro.cssjng Zone . \,jr€re ilindi .
'1?rdi , ar! l1:1hri(; sperking.omparer proffanr.rrrj l^rjk- solrr,arr ibr Srus-!air.,
pparei .s itlcolosl. Al&f, nnd r)iher lab1ri-corir conscious Druiri :rti rais tndi. tr ttrrrI ar {}nc. I r.ior
c..r, p,'a' ,'rr' rn , hnr r'.. ud. I :ur r. I .h,: :,i r,.
. dre m:rauces oi ',lr.
.r".r.;rjJr ,: ir...rn\crLLr \"r.r./ ,..r ..,1.,. (. t;i
il|s. bc.ome cr.,ss;ig aD jrrerDalioiai .,(,rdrr." !.i-.i ilto afuther .oulry, ilii jrio th. riJri;xl
lire jmuscs 'o$''''''1,''''l'''''': :

ap!.:rirl..s aie .lrnrn.ljr.\'ci tb.ji in lljdi.. is thc srian.sr t)r.!?t..' .iljilrrt -t'.iCi tvj.\^/crta
j.)od. l"ilsi.,./id.o, i,.,lr. .rF " ..: :,I .,!.\:..,,JL.,...:1..r.,: irlu I.t. .t . \ ,,.t..,
i:i ririii;-arior in told the brl.itrtigi. lct stori sf Ad,riira ar.rl B.rslo. ih,o mtr!: sr.r-cro.sai ior.ers
.hbo.hcods - are .:. Lom\.r'J:.rn: .1.,. , ,,,nrt,-. r..ru..,". lr-r,rr.\. ,:,. .,:.,1.,.: ::
: aror:r.l ccnmon ^'I ri:l',' li '-..1.. r. ...r,i,1".-,,.!i'ol,, irr..., ,tr\,r.r.. "rr.. -1,.
-,.drn}:,.\s. H.trd t...- I.u, r,",,'rn-1,,,t rr oj1,.,r,". t...,.q,..,, ,l.i
iolos. ltiai.{orl(s ,t i ', ',,' r ..ll r,l,
,, ,.'
rgnuri. {iutn trrd; turc trorr S ijelcr. lhe,v .oulil crosi.lhe a:_ri.rl lr.order thrr serar?rcs thcir
-'sshri h i siitling i,rpo\rrishcd ^j.r\o.
li,ie lrorn rhr srcrring sandrur o? N4cr,roi kt, iihiil .in,shi ui, ro thetn.
Tileir bodi.s hy .riong rhc dv€rbl)k, brillos tioor oor:.,rlous sapcrs frrr
rd in the long .un it ::; hl',,.. ..1 p.,,,,' \'..r,,1., ,,r inr 'idille.1..,viih
r,rorr ro l.,r ,.t,.r..r,,. t,. ,,r.,..,,l .u,,,.
"-i:)nr]1t;L)n lo\.c$. !s b.8is amirris to Mcwa.kl, kerc (torind in jc:rns lnd s.l.rke.s: So rDo, L]lrc
rv:ir Serb cn inagints, 'd.rr rheir murd.r.rs.
a propaganda by a lurtier east, tourists seeking a pi€ce ofold Russia that does not rake then roo far
Li.- radb broad.ads fr, ,, lf\. n F1.1,..,1:r,.i ,.r't |l ,.r,1 .,,e\tin,.l^tt l.l..r t ^n-.r\i.trt.,. rt.(.
I lon lareles iras
ic fe.turing thc norrrid;lidraj vis:g$ {t;on} lxrgcsr b rn,.ll-sit tr,,iie Sprir,erLccn,
!,,irelren lrecr an.i Ifrdo;r]]a. Bor Georgc. t)a1,e Ste$ari.'f rn{lr\irrie I.nn1}x
.b1l cr{tlrr. is 'rl,at ln I u ., ,r' L r..'n ..,'J .. t,.,. . ,,.
, . |is.;sr pop an.l leans both rvals: rorvard tlie rncr.rricious ;lcviiabiti.y oI t!1.\lc,Lld, l)ut riso inr.)
1N DebatillgGLobaL;zation

l;had's stiif wind5, healing to aDd frt a;d givins hcart bo$ to dre lJanglossians and
ib.landoras, sometimes f(' th. very sar,re r.:rso'rs The i,an-dossi?ns ba* on EuroDis
nerard i{icrgroJi, whiic the P!nlloias i,ait Dililism.nd a v.rcrld ir Pandaenlonium
Yer Mc\l'orid r;d iihad do llot reallllbrce a choicc brtween suln pol"rized sccnarios. 'fhe Clash
lbgether, they are likely to praducc somc sliflirs anralgahr ofrhc trvo suspended in
chaos. A ithetical jn evcrydctail, iibad.r.rd lviclvorld nonetheless conspire to under
,nine our hard rvor (if only half wod) civil libe(ies and the possibility of a global
demo.rati€ tuture. I! the sho$ run thejlorces oflihad, no;siei and more obviously
nihilstic than ihose of N,lcWorkt, ar! likciy to doninirtc the neir turure, etcbing sm"ll
stories of local trlgecly alrd rcgioiral geiiocide orr r}lc [acc ofour innes arld.reating a
rr:n dt. or rn't"b,lll' nrJ'hd L. r lr',n" r..v,,\ i.'ri'l.,,gl.ba] rrl,t',r:on B-, rr
the long run, thc forc€s ot M.$rorld:u: the forc:s [nderlying L]re slowcelt?in thrust
of we:st€rn civilizatio.r and as snah riai; be Lrstoppable lihad's nicro.;vars will hold
t]le headlin€s vr'elJ nlto tbe nex! cerhtry, jnakirg pr,rdidions oirhe erd of history look
trrniBilly dumb. Eut lvI.h'o'id's hijnble.:zatioJl i5 likely to esiablisil a micropeace
riai {3vors tbe rhlnph otcornneree arcJ its marketr nnd to gi\,'e io those who calrtrol
L:fcrmation, conmunication, an.] etltarraiflIrert ukni?ie (if inadvertent) .ortrol the Next Patlert
o,rer huinan desti1lv. Urlcx we ian oi-lii an alternative to thc struggte bebveen Jihad
Jnr Ii,\vuld. rn' epo.hor r.no r rl,,c.rd'n..! n.,rJ- Dosr', r,,TJn;., pusr'r'fi,' l/orld politi.s is ente.
trinl, postnaiioira], -1'el scctadan, faarh , l)rd bigoied - is lkely also to be termirl:liv rte visiorls of what i
between nation states,
tlib3Ism a'd globalit
em.rsing reality. Ye
politi.s is likelt to be
tt ii my hr?othesis
rorbe prim;rihidei
kind and the domin.-
the Drost ?orcertul zrcl
r.liil occur betlve€n
tions wil domirute' .
bauie lines ofthe tutr
Conflict bee-een
the modern rsorld. '
national system with
largcly arnong prjn.
attempting to exPa
srrength and, most i
nalion states, and b
ive.c betwecn natio
ofkirgs ivere over; tl
Ldsted u til the cn.l
thc reictjnr agaus
6nt urrng colrmut

Oigrnd fubli..lon dcir

ili3, Srnnnc' 1991, !p l:
T-oplc -G16Fa [IzaI rort


Lechner, Frank J. ancl John goii- "]ihacl vs t!4.World" The Globolizqtian Reader i'd
Fclitior. Blackwell Publishing, 2008. Pg32 38

After reading ihe article, students !viil be divided into groups 10 discuss the following

1) What are the key features of "Mc\ /orld" and "lihad"?

2J How does McWorld provoke and support Jihad?

3) What does Barber find threatening about globalization?

Students willwrile their answers on buicher paper which can be put up in the.ourse of
ihe lesson, for a "Gallery walk". Stu{jents t'Jill review, comment and pose questions io
ihe other groups work by usin8 "Posi it" notes lvhen examining the clther groups' vro.k.
The G.P tutor will thereafter faciliiate further discussion and responses bv l-ruilding on
the questions, responses ard comments from the "Post it" notes.

"{ctivity {AQ related praciice)

Students willwork in groups to pick out the main arguments from Benjamiil Barber's
essay {as one would when preparing to answer an AQ). Following which, in different
Eroups, students can start to evaluate his arguments2 and write the;r responses on the
provided butcher paper. Students will put up their work so that the other groups can
respond by posing comments and questions to these evaluat!ons, durirg a "6allery
walk". Teachers may choose to discuss and give feedback to the different groLrps'
attempts to evaluate Ba.ber's arguments.

rIo makeit more challenBing students can tryto evaluate Eenj:mln Barber's arguments within a singaporean
ti s i,
-:: i':\'t,
. .:
>s ;
Y l::.:=
I it i? 1
_i iii r!
: ! i$;.8;
: 3 !i.:iE
; E rtiEE
*, i-j -ilii"a

:si €itgEa
!: | {r=!
'i+ ". I l |


-[ .f
d <5
F- 2
6 : j
3 :
3 5
c -t-
6- :
s _l5
1,ie iilrr!r r 1 ii'a ir -ar"rr]:

.:.: i.:,,r,:,,,:: ; Li. L,rrl,,, |:rri1r lctir rir, ri rlr'r l; :hr'r |:' l':cr:
n!r'oLk! ro :rbotigc cri!ic;Ll :riL:lr.rrl rn:rsrnr.:rurcl i::r.:h rr .--,ril,,c,l'. rlr ri,r rrr,c::r: c,i1,:Lre ;rrclerlrir"l
en3rlti iLir:-,iportf!rion, ot gr'\,r ):riiir lcL:rtior:1. ,!,r rrr.ir i: 'l ir;: rl,r ,::.: ,rrililL: Liri r,:rLiiry of rhc r:r'r"r ;" rrirrrr rr:irr' i'rrlr
ir:rrstrrcLrre -.isr:::r irare bcconrc nrlr:i.:p.;,i1:nt c'r: colt'rr. !rrJ ' ' l''
: \:

rcLrlorLs io, rrcir opeL:uion, uc'vvLrirrrriiiri* l,rve cnt,g:l 'i, : !r::'

sir:il.cconicr'chi:lcs'heei"rCyleLrcjr.finn,;lrrrrlrctilcopriorr/.cr .',.i' l,nr,ir,, "r',,,,,a.hrrts q"oer ttrrc risuis rPpcrl'io ::roli:rr''j l::n
rlrodern rerLoLisrs, rvho yalue lrs ano|."mic,i its roten!i:.i Lo irf,i.:t rL:.rr' rr' r'ili:r:ninc cviderce loth ir rnci ag:rinsr i{i:::rtrn sccierrs 'rr1;rc;-
.;ilc clnrgc, irs;sychological impact, r;li it: media app*Ll L:r1:erl, Lhe to c"b.rr.LirLrlr b td rl:r'rLicq of rcc'lr stcdies ani rinrtl;r'
:hicar pcnr;i b',' crbcncrrorism has grabbici rhc xltention .! tirc ,nxrs ,i",'rin,ui.rt,:,,'r,,,."herhcrrve needro beso coLrcrrncJ Thcco::c['
ncLlir, tirr securiry conrmuniq!.rnd r|c irfoha-tion re,:irnolog" (lT) sill looir Li rir: {iLLLrrc rno e:g''Les thar tht w'--r'l':i trLIsr rcl:in LIL';r trr
industr;,r louLmiisrs, politicians, rnd .rycrr! in r va!icl1' ol6eltis h.i';. rr:rl LhrrcLlrfile rrrr L'ccoming ceL:ghr rrp il orerblo'vl ii:'rs
popuir:izcd a sc:nar:o i:: rvhich sophisr lrtl c;rl,:rtelro,irls elec,roni-
c:li;; bre;k irrc .omlrrcrs thxi conr.l rirns rr rir tralllc cc,rLLr,l 'i;
tens, sLerldn,r hrroc xnd endingclire L,r: o,r\' millioas ,,'i'ir-:r l::rr i;i_.i:;::,irtrrlrt,i$!n !\illg6t
rlir:n,l s,:curir" iLselli .\nd yet, despi:.: :ll ,h; ;,ioomi ;::::irrLior,. ol ,, i!. r i,:rs r,: :|r r.rrl r,,rr' iii:trri:r :clisr'r ru irr :r' :r rr :rr:i:'r Llr'' :"rl'
cvbe:g:rcr,tc.i doonscil', no single irrsrr.rr. ,'i rcai cyi:,::Lerrorlsrr ir,r .: .' )

;er bcen Lccorclec.

hox Le:l is rie threrr that c!bc!'irlolir!:1 posesi i}:c,Lrs: mosr
lLrsr L..,1 l'.,fL,. Iiqirl'; rleF'o;:!red. hir:h'rcrirdcpcrle'rr Lrlli:crl Str:cir' 'is
iriLmrructurc in Vrestern soriii,js l: ner"orkecl
cLiricLLl cfri' *riy - Mr0. ,iit pLcro:',ticri tcLll "clecnonic l''rrlHrri'or ':'rs lirre:l'
lrom is, ar
l;xr! tifr'. ..^ . ....,.(..-
ourers, rhe polcxtial rhLeat cyl.e:teLLrri:ir1) iLr
,rlaLming. i{;ckcLs, ahloLLgh not motila*C 1,1:he:.Lme goal: rilaL insriLt ' I .: \''o r:: ' l o I

.- r. r . r. l.::or. :..,Led.'"'inr.'.r I ...1gr.n r.roriLI," tLig.rcs, "ir's It

sirLprisc drat cibcrt':LL'r:isn 11r!1' rrr'lrs rionq-
irfoLnrrion r,nd ro rhe operation of.iLrgial seL.ices. 'l-rrLor,siL, scrrrc sirir,uLLr,,r oi mrss <leseuc':iorr in the uri'Lic conscio'rsirtss ' lur
'.eroors 1''! crbe:llr roLis nr-r tr
ir!ue, .oeLd rhN follolv the h;rdrers'lcad rnrl then, ha'ring brol:cn inro tLreLcs ir;:i r:fr pLoblen: fLreLe is nc su.h drirg
goreLnme,tr alii pLir.rre computer stst!Irls. coLrid cripplr ,:lr aI lerri ,1i:- imur,: oian",r,re gar l::Liir:s L,een l'ii1ed bi r LcLlLl:r irL rLllrre:Lse)
aoie rht rnijian ilnllnciaL, rnd service sccrors of advarrr:cc econo::rics .: ..... r .l . . , -.irp..',; ..1
TLre grol,ing deperd:nce of ouL so(ieti.r on ioformrriot: rechnricg'i
srl LilLt r|c c':r:'cn: Lirr'::r prsc'j
d[,.,vs :c:rorisrs rhe ch.rnce ro .rpproach urgcts rh;LnvcrL]Li otl,crwist l'; n,s ,i.rrtrtiv,:, a.i'iL1 "i II r:cLrs l"riL ro

Lrrcrll unrsrlL:,!l:. sLLch :rs nriional .Leier e r)'sterrrs an.l rir- lIxt'1ic mi- i.r,cr,i ,-riyl,risrri ra: b;rr d\xjigrnrtd No sirrgic irrrrrr'-': r'i:"1':rrcrror-
::.',l,,, ',,,rr:.r:,.r'.i.d]r-1.!. cicicr:s: td l]rtr']1ii'a" '-j1::i'r!r5:r:rrj
Cor,c:n arour rht potentlal dangrr prscii Lr obe',:ri:r,r i,rlr is :l:Lrr r.r,: ,ur ..li'r.1, rnc:rrirr,ij lL:r r:.: ror ':rer ccr"rr'
r:r: rr' 'ir' lr|r rrerl rirr
';ell irrCcd. li,.rr rloes not m:an, hr, ,:,.:r: rirLL dl tl,,: lt:r,, trr 1r"",: .,,', rr::r:rrr:ri-.r rr: lroL: lr-rr:' ri" rl:rrrl'rrrr risr r::
Secn ir rlLt nedi:r, ur Congrer", a;rrl irr o:.rcL pli:Li: irLL;rlr r-c L,rj:rr1r\;il;,rtirrri:.rtl,ur,;rLgrroic,::rrire.,rr,-:',r,,':ir rl :rrrrra:l:r:e
Lrrior:rl :n;1 L.rsorrblc Sonc iean l;liLrpLv Lrr ustilierl, rrrrilc rri'.crr i:',lir'.r lr; rtl,r:r .:i:i.' ii.' il:L:r1 r:liLl:rl ;r';ir ' :rri ro i::iL: io cLusr
:|:,r'rri'.,,r lrLl ,:.,,nr,1, of vir icl: tcr:'oLiLs :1rc' n r"i'r :[ r' hrx t
rrc higl',1. o:.rgger;rtca. i!Lfthermore, 1ir! dlsLilcrion bcr'r.,:r: .irr -:a;r';'
r;ri ud ,:;r.r/ dungc h0icred by ,:rirtle rr,Li:rs has r",: .i.:r |i,rr ,-,,,:1. ,:, :,:.r,, ;,,,,.: ,,,,1,r,,ssr.,r r:tr r Ltlr,rir':lr rr'rrlI 'ir:crr?
1 Sit ]'.rrof rn r r. lr..r'.sl r5l

i'r crolog,c;Ll, polirc.rl, end econr-uri': lnrcls lnve coni:in.ri L" ':,r, irsLrlhJ rr1,rnsi.'r pro ecrile scir-r'.t,:. r\1rcr drN tr I I rr:r,clir rhc ae,:jefrl
ncL: ri,e li:L oi cr'l'encLrorism, Frorn r or';cLrojogical pergrlr.'., rvo gr,r',:r':r:,i;:r L,:qur,,ri:rl r;-i.:; biiiior 1llr infrrsr.rucruLc tr,:riq rlr, ii lur-
oirhc grlusr lieL: r-.i mod.rn lines ar.,,olbi,r.ti in r: rtrn "clir: r.:r' 1r3 r'crr, r,ri rhe IBI now h"s rore rhalr i,lilD "c.D.r i,,'. irir:,:ors."'
rorisn. ' Ti',e fcr of Laodom, violeoL lictlrrirrriori bLenr! rril rirl drc rcr:oLriirtq r.. .r'r; srlrrer', sFe!).ling on recL;u.-r,:];l:r.1 lj.l:r\cl,rSr f
ci;rLusL aLrJ orrLigrr fc1. oicompLLirl rec:uology Ar Lrrirrwr: rluc:r i:s.,:.-lrirc i:rcr'.rLsr o.tL t|e ner: corLtic oi'rre.,., la.ii;r; olirL -l per-
is perceilrd as nr,:,r: rlLrerlcning rhan 1 lrndrr,r Llrrear. :\iLirorg:. culcr ccr,r n t 1,'rcrnL oi:rLre 1I IuLi6cr of glo!rlrnlritr.: 'l Ii r-urr epol r

t:LLoLisn docs ror eniail a direcr $rear of iolerce, lts prTcl.riogii,:l cor:l Lrt:: "lrrLLLiL;- sp,:nerrg talt: rry from pcrr:c:r io :i prLctrr oi
inprcr on rrlrious socieries can be rs p:vcrirl rLs rhe t!:lrt oirtLrqri,,i I'1 1,.,::1;cr: r,ri,,.;, rirxr r.m.r\t, irorvcvcr, ;: ur5;:rJ !i ir.,rtrjr rr tr
bonbs. lloLeoveL, Lh,: biggesr obscacle: ro oLLr rLlcleLstar.,lir,g rl',: rrtr,i. :rrr::rLr:r :rrrrri gr:oi'i rr,r !-,i b,:lrerr I t,i,:.(ni r,ril il r.i..rr
drerr oiciirt:rtLLoLisur :,Lc a fel:r oirl,c LLrhro..'r r;rd;L ir.:ir oiirr,:, ra. ilrr.ll lillii, r-.rlorr: rn;lin; I lirrearL."
rion, rr, .rorst, roo lrrch misinfonnrLi:lr ll:l; r,: ii:,,r.r ri:r: I I li0l.(lrril.\i:i!r;1,...r,r:,:r:r:Li,::r:rlr-
-.\l::r 9,I1, drc:.:curiry acd rerrorirr: rii:,r,r,Lrst soor ir,.:r:,r .;r'r.': rl:i,:, .:, ,,1 ;::r'lj,r"rlcrn i:,:rs ',:r r,'rrL,,ri rr.r,,,li..:,; rrr:,i l,r
rer:'oLisn pro::rincnrI Ti:is rva: cnoer;llrri;iblc ;1iven ,ir::,rr,'r r::gl r- .:,.,'l ,:cr rh,:'rr,,-,::rlrrr:iii,] r1:lrr'irr,,.rl:,,;Lr;,r,:l:,,il",r:r,:s-
n:Lrirl .Ltrrck 'r'rrc erpecrcd rnc rhaL r;,b:L::cLrorrsm sccr:rrl t rilir rl r.: rt,:':r,l .'iL.:;,i'ors rlr:Lrr rc:.rLr*jrr rr.L ii: r r,: r.rrrr, : :: ,rr, L!:
{lrcdr orporrLnitl;s ro irlicr cnorn,.,r:,|,::Jtc. Buli-,:r..ri: il:o , ;rril::'rl.r r l'rr!s.:lr: r:.:irnob3r'."i ,\i.ir rfri. r;ll I rrL.:rl r ijr::lLrcrr
poiiricrlc:,rensior ro rire new focLri,l r!errerorisn DLfrr:s r.1,rLr: :hih,.r.:r' '1 :l,rir:ii.ccl|jl'!,:rrrcr5crrritrilrlrr:".-i:rr, ll-.,sr:,u,i
rrrionrl srcLLriry: inci:dirg thc sccLrL:Lr ,r: ,:, i:,,rspacr, :,1':rr; ::,rL'r,:i ,r,.r,ri'.'.r 1.,s l.r. r lL r.r lr.r,,,rrr lr c:rrlil nr, i,-r lr ; t ll ;::::, r.
prtiti:rl ::ror; ri rgenrias thar cxt.nd beyord the rp::if.. isr:r :r .r:rl ir 'r_l'.r rlrrrijilrjs ii'mt no'r; rjLotr rlc rrr:i;.,ir,:. tiLc r .:e t-. i*i.lcnr,
haui-l.L ch: drbrru olcr clbcrterrolij:ir r':Ls ,:,r excei;rior m :iris pr,t ..... .:... ...:
Lr:n. i:or inst:nc,:, )'onah ",rJe:'andcr, r rcLr.r:isrn rr\rr,rl)rI rr ':i'.. 'r;r,:r.:rrlii::r,i r',r;r:::eLrrcrk:nrl*r.:Lc;:Lrr.r-l:i.:',:ir:r":,r."::rLr-
Por-rna,: irsriLLLt-.r rhrnh rarlk widr ci,rs. irnic ro ir.c :'trrlqcn--' r:.rcl 1.nr iii,lg!. Jirt.o:,'ll rh; Depa;tnt,:: ol lilnri::rl Sr, riLr ir
,rrrncL:nccJ ;,: Dt:rlL:eL 2C01 dre crirt.,icq (i:rr "Iraq |ir:,r'Tli: rer- :,r.1:,r rr:,Li,r:oir:,,rLior;r.'\r,rii:0rli. i,.rrl :i.Ii, i,.. ,,:.r,ll':,r,ir,l
vork suppos.ri! or,siitld of more ti13.:r crrc Iundrcd \\icl: :ies r:r r:t; r 5rr:1l r, r,r:pirrl'el tc r:r' ,ipl. x sc*or oiii..,: rc.,rr rxj or ilr,rr i(,r,rr it
rcnrs rhtwoL-rL t,1 tr:(ls; ccrhenLid'l:),rir! rr: iacnch c:rirl-..', rl.rci, '
1:or,:r ,;L rl 11,t:e ri.,:ri,r6s rtLLrirlv
jlcl r ir'!.rii,r i,,r.ii:r .,i i!,t
or "lJoS,' .u:rcks lsuch enacks rendcr corl,:ret sysrems ll;rcc;'sirLc rr :r,r1ir rj,r r-rLl:lic, rnci Ll-,! 3.l rijrsrarior. li: itr1rc., ir j,rra,:r .i:2i
iroperai-.Le) :rgrLrsL li.5 cornpanies. "5;ri.i:,r li,sseir .'rrll lor I'r: r: ri,:r. l nrir,:1, ii 1,, Lj,r )..rr Liorrl l :.rgr:c or-Ciri.r i,:u: :i rr,r: l.; lr. ,r c,r-
rrrc r.J usc ri. cybrr tcol he has . . jr lr roL : ruesricr cr llSLrr"hcn. .'
1'1..e cnrire Urrerl SLaLcs is thc l:"Lonr ]ir, ,',1:r.urrler clrln:riJ
r,er:irc;rrrer.rioni o:irs rhoL, sLrl , r .,rL,r:rrr Kr : ljr! li.i, ":'ilr-
., 1. ,,r. i,i,ir:i l:1..,,1,1,:,1 ri,':iL r'.irr r,r,ir .,.,i,,, ..1:,, : ri:l
irltpor' xrgLr]ll(r1is ti-,cx ueLng nade ii r :,r ,3g1esive U.5. priit', rL-.rvr:ii rr:, I ir,',,r ,l.r,r iu,iii.,,,r sLLrir,rs ri,c foriLrri,,,q,.r:,:c! r;;.c:,.'ir i:. rlr
lL.L.r. \o .,.1",,::,ce oian "lrq Ncr' 1,,:s t, ln,: ro ligl:t ':tit.);t..) t 1.:! t i l : r : :l }.r..:iif r.,i]i. i,. i, l}:r.:. JrL,i,rl, I.,r-
r , lr ,.l r

iionb.,tir,g lb.Lrc:L,rLism ias ireir,:r: r'rL lLrly a iri3rlr' -.r,1r.r;r::rl 'I

',:irr, r r r,rrtr:,il r,j i.rir:: l:relct rs Lir,l
I; :r ljior.:lrr'erl. i:,f,:r:r
;isi,e b!! ;rlio u: .co,rouricrli; Ler*:',,i,'g
':,rc io clrirt irrirrr,. :i* 'i.;ri::l r,To,r rL lrii.irrLi 1r rhr iliri':3rlr ,'r'.r i.::r..r:r r:u r-

er,rcrged ro ch:Lliergr Lht r[nger ol oi:rrLriLoLrsor tir;rtr rr',: htr ,:rrr:: ri r: ::il,r rrr,; irr: r,r:
[urcl,eC :],rb,.Lrcc prolrcts rlrd isr:..1 .rlrmrilg rvhirr prgus l, r1,,, 'l ii':l',r1,itr i' .1,,ri1!,:1i,,, .,,i r.,iril.:r ,l!,' ,',i,., llr:
sLrblccc :r:1r., *:peLLs haie testi6eii ;IrrLL r:i:enerrrilrL rfL,,.,ts i,r
,,:r,:v ri,.Lsi!h ril.i',', i,roLrs, r:i,oLricrl pian,r. rir].Lr1 ,r-
r'rriolrs fifLLmst rrd pfil'.rre comp.rlri.s iri-.'ti sccuriti'r.nsLltanl\ a,,rl rLLrir::r,C oi:.c,rsr or:rer Dhn6 (o1\'jrl.ir 1[r,, rt ,1:]cr;1.
c: tlE l'xc'1e!
152 Terror

irrl con$olld;' , i,. Ir,",, rirrl,.ir!irrr r'.r.ir.xriL' irr!'r'r lrr''ri'"r

' oi n!.re inrisral svsrei$ rrc rl'cri'rc'L
-o o. o.l.
.. . .1. ., .. ,n. ",
. ...
: : ,. 1. ,,',. ,:-..,. ' ,h " . 1
' ir rr:rt;: hrrlrcs. illlrx:.ri'ftr' J2 5rr^l'irl i'5P1r :iri\

hJi.l200l iLo|:' 60 p{cert olp'r";r ::rd cr:rgv conofltr

|,r: ir;r rll r';,rL
rr.'rL,:o .r.t-PhLc lo ' '
: I l.
m - e'r :l
d '"; ; 'r"r"r: er''d rewr c' L' r' r'r':n
li,r i,; rLir r::Llll cvitncrLrLrsmi TheLe havc se'rrrl rrLrrnrIrg
lrir! Lrori'rs sLLch rs iL' 1t95 james i-rond ic'Lrute
",.". ""di,r
;;i;;; i;;;' i"'t, u,,u,,, and ,'L'rcl: sLrch as rorr Crrncl';cil l tocLr l rrr l ur: r .l::r'rlrd consnt:nt'lellli'rn "'f rl"e

S"". r.'r'r*,"l'1.' llprce popui'rrizitg r L;uTge of cvrrenrrmlsi ,.,,,,,1.,,,." '*L. rs j,rsr roLtrl, rrucir r': :ir': '1:slLrrirLr h'r: 5c:r
""iie bcr"eer Lr:ck- n:ri,,,::*l n rf': pr.rrgL lcdirr' whea jorrrl rllss orpicrlir' :rL re lo:'
;.";;;.. i;;,",',"i,., ir"qu'ntl rrii ro Jis:inguisr
rl:'.r,,'L ,,,i ;lrr,,rior rrrlr'L Lhlt goo'j cpcL:rLionLl 'lcinri
iolr ri:ter
.."" ,. ' rh<'
,,: rrr r :r.,rr!. i: h.rr i,:lrr rrpeci.rtll: ccnrrr: I rlrr fcr'iir;:
-r JJ I i r r"r' r'irlr :'rrrt'
,.,; €- or-, . -,.-nso1f.... .r.''''''
ollhe tl'elis of proptic.
,*"'...''"ii""n* t* government rn-':b iiLcs' :rPU " I' ':'''-'
-n l-- ::. .....',. '"- ", - oi
.. "" ..' :' '.'

o 3 -DP '
',., ,t
, L-:ur'j
L:: :: '-,ir , r,,.,:.:,' r.,i 'i,-,'r,,-i,',:al i',s"-ir ro :rt:rLl|r r'Ir: r'':'rL'
r .,:.. tir rrirl ci
n ,t,. tegrrL bv defiriie 'r';irr iome precisirr ,.,,1i,,,,r ,,,.i '-',,iirlc',1 .r,rrc3,'s r1$'rll c l.s rl1( :rc'r'
.'1.,,.,'"t,r't, ,..
l''r'L,r:r:, rlr. sIt,: rll]Ltr i Lr: bccn mrJe ;o ;rrr:'oriLrce qrl-,r':r'i:i:un-
\Alhat lE CVbe, Eerrorisln?
;o. - ' ':':''''',o''o
'r' t'tt "-
\ . ..,,.- i, --" \\-o ' ' '
:-'cyb(rlcr " ( ne'e 1l i Clonrritr,
,. ' - . "1

." r".-,"-,')'."! ' vhr'L' ..," rirr colrciten:: of qberrtrc' r'iC rrvor
.. .!i3u ij il'
-; ul,*,il .(x.k ;nd drtnt' rli trr:[r r.'rimr:rr
rorists. l(crrn Cojcr:rarr reports b Dntnttn: lr-r,,i.,s r!
pucrs, n*r'orl's and rhe irioLnat or storcri rirscin vrhr
h l0C2
Lir. fudv cordrced 'o;r d:: Conputer Ctine t n JallCrts .r meLce i goreflrr'drt ii5 Pmrrle i' irrra '
R$euch Ce el' 909'! rsponLLcrrs <itre;rei conpurt s<u' o. : i
*i'i'i^ 'l t"'inrcir'; 'rm'r' In ncdrer tcLr
'1.'L'"*i. -,"a'*a '1" bv CIO Onlinc' tr2% of r'n!9xlis
'"..', ',,,1" onrl."- ch^ r'
; i$ ore .,:l:1
"" l, :''r'*l' ,",r,:r l:s: r'tn,l i,:.li'r!1.r. S'rio* i:ri'|: isli'": :: rlcrl
c ::' 'r ' :or i,rLnrlLrrrurtr l:liLl Lc rcs of rybrr'crL: is'r' l';':rrii:rrr "rr
.i1,,-."".r""' 'r""'"' H'gie "r' rolire iJr'rirtins itiliisri;l rlliL ir.r:cL ,rna.lrs Ljrrr dijr pr n:nersc|rll "$ ir:cs rr rirrr
n*, t'"li.iroo:
r,, ,i'" r$L*i!'t 180'l1rrl lnr!' lt lrr rli'r;llr nr:iu'- -'orLld rcr'rl
x!1x''6 on busirls
" fctl.r..i
l 1l l

154 Terrot of the internei l--r/berter.or srn 155

C.b rerror rl .rg:*Green i.rgeluo.phi:.c. _".,,o: r.-ri

-c\.,o1.;, -,, mo. .,wrrrt,",.rt.:..,. adnn..rraLiou rn-..s :ri!hn, a.d so on. S.vcrel $rriica ha,! sho.vr !L,dr cLiricd
.r"J r r.- :..h.. elc.r'.. .o". .: I 1rl a ^:.c
dorr lL,.l .,,de..':nd -r1d (neretb Lc)d o L.,rr, mrlsn: he,r -rL.tic '" . xr. ,:x -.1 o: . rt.ci. . e ,c r
o . ".ie o ,,'y mc,5r.e. .r orrry cL., ot,:lI-pre,crvr o.. . turc r. r_ :. intl*rucoLLcs ard dre conplr.. qou,." ,t,", .,n tl'..
;l,o rr.< nisr.r.oer..,nding regardir; rhe C,Lrncro., bcruec't qt :.c, hi;t v.o'nt :.. n" j. g,, e ,. . \ey ,n ,o ,ro e o, n:.)."*r
, irrr dcyberc imc tuConwrze:rp.n:. :ll rr:rn,*-
lourth, c{b.llctroLisi acach crn be taurchcti fion a diserce.
S-..1('. i,.oi rp-r-.ycrr eooyr r"."-io Je-roet1:rionsof '
I c r^o o .r.on.era Crbe. r.r.: r a cybe.rerron,.n rr o
"r'".u,c. j,-.p".,J JppfrnE.oIor!. r rrc o
. isn los physical tainnlg, p3),chologic,J in,esuncff,
@rernlhq{ Cyb spaceiftlct( n1sr h,!re a ";euorisi' coiipo- Lis! ofdeath or capllLe, and.s!ei rhin comnrblaj torm or
ne{t in ord{ !o be labeled clbenenorisn. The arrai}: usr rer ori, . rricng. . ierrorr.r orlr..s"
instjil re(or as commod/ undeLrrooc{ (tha! k, rcruLr in dcar! and Letai| rollov$.
-,.oo-,.g(.."d:r.ucuUn .nlrik .lrnhafe, p,..-.J . nftli as dre I I"O\rE YOU viru slovrcd +.ben*rorut.rttacLs
mor '.on. rj- agaJ L\e d.",1.-ijr ba c.n,rarir,.r-j I r : t,.r
.nI.,m, on -cr 1o.ody"ndrrr..i)Tinvo\ing.orp.,.trRct.. to,.lt:.J '. .J, n d;,e lr , ",".,
hln ., ,d cr J tr.o,,! n.e:hoor ?n :.c,.o -< e. .... b
nology rs r weapon/orger, o;ty ,h. t"i,".
-;y i,el.n*d .
'rb..re, o i.rr 'la,oL..r d " . . .. ,npurc..s as r !i.iliLr or .i gLear* conrage, wbich is ular.:rLeh, vhaL rroLrrs
,n<:: .(..q'.e.. .\etner .or o op E,rC jon ol
o_hf, !.?r.e,..r..hpl/tnc! L e,' ^TmL.i,.

Ths Appeal of evberterrorism rlar" ?arr.orista
Cybenerrorism is an artracrive opdo$ lbr raodern terroriits for seveL:Ll
reasoDs, Rs ljsred b)' Adam Saviro:'6

. lirs(, it 6 cheape! and ever.stcr rhar tlldiriorat reforisl

.ehor. I. h". rhe rer.o,. n..
. ,c , :,.o.e at pubtic rio , e- un.v..,...e.,, . , o. jb,.
ionJ tuNputer wirh !n onliAe cojrnecrion. Te,ro!k$ do nol
he.:.. bL. "e.p,n cr2o, r, .rrcr-.
:m..1, +roa.ompure. .1,eio.
12. rrr"L .. 1t, lrplop
aan,8e i,..ru u c_r"
. S{ond, c/berfeiidisn prorid* morc roonymirl Lhac ttre
'i'idulonil" retorhr nerhojs. Lile muy Inrclm sl,.tan:
(ororisr us. onlile triclbaorer-'sc1ce! !m$,'-oi tos on
ro ! \it5 sire $ an uddcnriGeci 'gLresr * rnakirg ;Lirerl
1., d 'r ' ,ry .d. r r:l pol:-. ot". ro :,,t. -",

" Jh... . ,r..ry

r....8.". - np ,k.. r.rd o ,. r ,. .'!or\-or ...rr...
rud baLrks, govcrnments, iodi'iduiL, public urititt.s, privare
15: 'reraof ,Jr ,;1F ln:3..art, ti
x '''''''
thc Insrirrt ji r ChbrJ Connunicrrirrs iii ,r San l';,.,,c,r;o .i,,:iJ :
'l-1, i; rlrc iic'l nerl
lnrcncr suvi* pLuidc, (lSP) that insri:c rlu \Xreb t:.rSt, ol -4rrirl ;r,,srd i,ill;r.,: r:i,loll.rLs ir
,i: '\lrhoL:giltitlrr:
t t irhc I,t:it:t Corttrl Jt,rnal), a :'tJ:\tc:,r:;'e edictJ ;1'sipp rr:c:r *. , " ' ,,., ,1," i f.l,'t'l':f U 'iLr:s ilar spLcr"i 'itir ;Lr' lroii:ic':i 'l rir irr
oi L\e tsrscur scpr,rarisL group ETA, !'l'i,i ;Llr;ch,:rs !vr\re! Ij l,fs rir. '. "rl li'orirrrrr'r Lr h:,r'e i:etr
tirc "roLk cf hrri:L':' nc'r !:;LrrilisLs)'
rcnovcrl iLour drc Jnrcuicr, so rhev brn,brrrLeci IGC's \{* r;r,: r'iri, rrorns hale lccr urcci ro:pL':rri politicrl
... .-..r ,. . gg .lt nr ' ,"".omu',u,. '*,,,",',:rcL 1, nrjr! .(t : -'
oLg,rriz.Ltiorrs usili4ICC services. lGC pulleci rhe J*tral litttl s|it t'.:t . "nl ' r

r ii.,.cqr lrreL. Thc Spanish gorernm.:rri uri strspecred ol btlng Stiirr.1 Lil", :,,,,rtegric itsLiLrrrrs il mcmi'-ei-:retcs rcctil'eC lir'rs-
thc c-nril bcnblng, bLLr ri:e irientiq oi c rrt;rcLrers renim uncrLnirr.
"r,i "r-AfO
i,,,1"', c-rrrii, iiorn 1LrrIlqc ol lr",ast$n El:opcnn counLrics Tte
\l..'herrer or ncr tirc sLrsricion is g,elLibulri:d, ir ,,rlderlines Lhe irct til'- ,""rrlo,r. r"i'1.1' h:r1 brrn pooll rrrl:slarcd inro lrngiirl" cr:lrsLerl
rhc hacl<tLr ists' rools rrc rvidely amrl.rble :.llcl crn be :rs casll; enplolcd Lighrs and LrnsrLnrLt derLrncrrrions oi
.l,l"rl,l ,,I .l"h','"s ol 5e,l''irl
D oo\.:.. ',rJl ,...1 ,.'.,. i \,i r-( r:..., ,i,r1 r: re. r' l:
\1:nr' clt,crprc,ttsrers use dre thiLri rvc rpon 1i, the hackti'' i:ts' rr:e:rrir '':'.,'r'
: .o,. ::::r.e nd -o .o|c' . ..-:r .. :. ... . :.-rf .rr o . , oj\.i . r.r
::oLeC inh,rrnrrtion, coillmrLni.:ition il:,:ilirjc;, inanci:rL irir;nrrlt,rr.
. ...c \. . ..
erd so r'or:i.). for exa,rplc, Dororhy D:rrr;ng'' L:pon "\" Crll:: Tlrlo; Lirr:J,rl::l:: rcworL: r,'slin"':1 iLs largst an:i nrr;i :r'pl:sr:;re: :'lr;Lci:
Ncxri" :e!ers ro de CompLner ErneLg.r:: ltrrp,:nse Tllr Cor:r,ll,,r ,'ir,.r'r:,rilrcrL,lr':i,rlfoll:LL.rcirrtncri'ilc':r':'r;:r":'iri'tr"r'
rior t.cnrcL (CLRI/ CC), a feclerally iil:r.:J Lrt:rLch a,rrl ,levi: o2,:r*r :I
cc:r:cr opiLareJ b;.-Cmrrgic lvlcLlor Ur.ir',, :rr'. r.!ich ir. L'a'r7 :r:o .,rl
l.ll'1 c.mpole: s.culiry cases ofbLc:l;l,l rl. ]ucks.'iIi rlLirrir rll' .'1.'''
i.."1",,' ro 21,;'56 in 2000 an(l ,,:, ,,r- rosr :.j,000 ririlg r1.,, iirr
rlrrte curr'le,s of 2001 i' L: 2003, r--lllrl'/CLl r,:ceiveri :ilo:.l rir:r: , .',,",,-', l'',, . nor,: :riirrln:.t 'Lrr.rc[ coutrL i' r'c srLloLxlf i:mrg:'i

vlLi,is e[rrrr,,ric corn:lrrlicatiors il ijrcr, in ]i:bLrlr

hril'nil|cr c-mril rness.rgcs and mo!c .|:rr 9ll0 hodinc L:rlls rcprrrirg 2''r00' :hr sir's
incicLents oL LttlLLcsring iniormation. Lr rJr; sl:re,re:rr, lo ir"rL,hlr ri i':rru or: ;:,:r, r-l ,', Yrlool, ald 'r hnsL oi odrel porl rLrLrl orrl:r'ricr
l3l,>29 co:rputrL sccLLLiq incidcnts .'*: rcl:orred Llotlevet, ;irl starp,:ci l:'cr sclcnl hc,Lrrs d:c to DoS rcnchs
m;rr1., perhaps mosr, incide:rrs are nevel rcDorteti to CEI{T/CC or rnl :JlloLrgh poLLticaiLi rnorivrted' 'loes nor rorsriru:e c;bei-
.j or :;,r rz. . h. . n.mb+ ru LcLi;n. r'!rc1<d"i:rs io .'ur to Lr'rotest r'rd riislL:prr th':1
do no; 'oanr
ov{ Denning xotes, c:rch singLe incicienr;i:ar is repoLted invol'rs, !n to iili r: or tcnrrize. llo'rever, hacl i'ism 'i:r; irigirligirr ri:r
fircr, rloL:srnri; ol,ricrins.This rise in c'yircr:.Lrr.cls is likel,v Lclatcd to tire ..i,..- of rt porertial rhrt ildiiidLLnis lriti no mo:Ll
eLow,ng pop,rLlrir olthe Internet, ro an arpartrd-v growi:S rumlcL ol rrrrr r',:r-r' Lrv: nethocli sinii,u to those dcvtlcpccl by h::rkcrs rc wrert
vulcr:LLle urgec, and to the developnt,::,:,,, scphGtic;Lrc,J lC c:ry't.r- i,r,,l l1crc,:rcr, ihc :i: L':rvt:' q;Lcnlr:'rlsr: rr'l lrrir:; isrl 11'
ru.rrliIris lrlLrL, trr|:ci:!1i il t':Liorist grcLrps a;:c ille:'-' rr:c:Lr!
l. .t o
'lirr lorLnh :rtgoLl ol hacktivisr ,.t.rlrri:r' rompriser "rLr::ls r.:rl ,.,,,,',..'.',"1,,!i,l-i'L:o:iilL,r':lrlli':srlrri'l':i:'rri:':'rl'cir'r':''c'rr
L.o,h oi'ihi:i, rLc loors ol nrlicir,,r; :o.i. rhat cri: i1:irrr.ull- l.r- rnr::1ri:i ,l-,' ,,',,.'-,. ,;", oljcr'113 crli:i:il 'lcn:ri; oi
::r l;':ior:rl
Drrcrs rr.L proelgre tllen elves ovel cc:,:Iii'ieI rltc"vorks -ireii ir.ill;i;r l,,i .,'r,,.,,,ul',, ,,,.1t .l.crric pc.rer nenvrri+ rr', :rr:r:3':li;'
cu bc erro,r'roLLs l:.c clcrle Rcd worn, rir .,r:,:rrp1e, irirrtlrr '';: r, "'
r:ri1!ior. seLrers ir, JLrh 2001 end cx'rsed :.::.6 lliiion in d;r:';L3r iir''"',r-

i5n ef .-it rr l,f r i,r-. il i-rriri,rii,..r 3m 't59

Ifichrel:\.\':Lris,Ic,rdoi:theJr:rrii,r,c,ri,rtiicLLrirL.r'rr|:rci,,r.tir,,,t- ;t
. rpri;,,:,1rLiq i rc!,ltdc r.rr) ,j,r-, f i,:
bilLl)o,ra porj,)i,
ics rr Darrmourh Clollcge, chssiiier r:rrtrLirt ;:L,rck.( i, i.r,.r c,:i.!",:,, r:,Ci],:iidrr.,r.:. L,nLls r: o:aggcLfi: rt,u.r, f,|,irL,ii!tr irr )i.
(T|eLc rrc or:reL e,onDs oo,: oo',:,. irti ji,i, j,rclL ;rt:l .: iiltIrtr .1r. .,{ri,r;; jidr hs..,.,il.fie {d ii 1} ijltowtr.j: "Iti i6, li
cnt:,ge ir cxrorrlor, icicnriLr thcfr, c-rLliL r:.:,i irruri. .irri( ri.,:rf, i:,:,:l ;,r,:rli :rrlLl rio rtis, rfcn 9hd.,:rt; ,r ",Jl iirderj rLr:tir: i
:crpor:lit:spioxtrg,:; J "Irrsidcr' ,rlr,-. rrr.;rr,'. rn sir"\.r!|, arxj.ii, L,ri! ir,,,::,ii,:' li i,.,itiiq' s rhi, rlle( !. i.: I i,,i. rLrl' I, itl ]J

l!iid.i !:Lro.i:t grcup coul,- Jc rh.: x iarretr.l; tr.tta,

. \. r. (.r
c lrrrrn To i3te, i:lv re:rorisr grcLrp hl,r,.rsed c;,belrerrorinr, i:Lrr :irl,rit ic cileJ'icr!orr$. )l
thel:.uc shown inreLesr nr $e trr:rrrr rs r rvcapon rnd rs r :arg:r l:ioq,rvrq evcr :hc disrirLcriou bcr',recr iucxc:s arrl rcrLorisL is i
-,\:cordirs ro \':rris, L|e rLerds clrarlr poiur ro rl]e fossiLriliy cl 'ori..rninq I$s |rcid. l, Fcbruar; 20011, G,:r 'lo\r Corrlon, rvhc rJso
rcrLoLrxs rsilg fc Inrcroer as ax,erlrr:, ig;iIst crlricr, i0hr:trLLct[Lc ,1rv..j ,r! .irnir ci LLc I.{cmclarC SecLri.iq, Corucil, ,,pcir:: rL rhr: iist u

ra:gcrs i-b:,fcrenr: in S;rL lir;Lncisco.l GoLcior:rrgL:ed Lhat:rrrc:iri, rrd so- ,i

r ,"rlrir':r,,rzr:.: SereLrlr:rrion-rtat:r, l:,;iLLrlirr.l supFrteir oi:,,rf:or.iin, :riiri c :'c: tcrrcri:': r.harc sone helr lnil,rLirier ir, :!cif irlri.i. "Th,: :ri
(r.: -. ... r.:r:tl:r,,rilyfi!j|Lji,r.lrhrsirtlow:,"r,o,'lorjri,l.'tIr:trrirl:il.fr. f
c;rbel' rrirrc crpr6iliries rl:r.lli,, i.r!nlitf.lrrnrr;rig; rloLh wpts oirr,r,:1.:.:rs .:ir,,, :r'r cri:r.c,l I
. -fttl,: J' !
). U tr) llr Thcse arc ri,r g,ur I,r 1';rris iirr:r rtr: ltiL:iL*: rr ..t....:..
*grgr ir crlinrLLorism They rrLr r',;.r.;:r1 oihac-,rr;1 c,L:r: r.1ri, c,r r riri.j:r,lir riirci "rii:co|cljrr: l, eor.l,.I rir,- r::ii :,rr
.Lrr::r,r!r;rJr !
.o h"i ,:e ,r rll lir l:r nirl:rlzirg lLLl:er IrLi:icr, rro, .l::,ir1 po:,:r,i,: c,,,5:r
tL.Lrorjr-:'\,1'],crircr:o:ne.n.rCrrcrererrijub!irarr.r":::sir,,rlillhrr::r I

E Titii!:,+i:trlot'i;tar-jalridat")ii'.:t::,t:..:,rdlngro.r/r:ir,::c'hrLrr t^ lilr.ir',; i,,iel'ic .,i nxclo irto a wr!,5rscrl i'f q,srr,;r 1r r .r,:1. rh,Lr
ls.,rC rlip: jrjddics'who sLrnirij \vxnr ro gain iroo-Lielr ihrouqr ,:cr:1.1, 1,ri ilrrr rre, ,rlie :r fo1!-c. grid olilirc in: r'!sulr ir :r i,i:clrcLrr, rl-.c

righ rrrac\s. . . . HoweveL, sr;cir ir.,rliriduals cu, siiL tralc slr-

LrLoillc r:s,,ir rs osLersii'f' rhc rrmer Both arc acrs olrer.:orirnl . . the dlnaqc
r:icd, disrup11\e inpacr. as erldcnt*l by rhe Fdb,L:xq,20r,r0 DoS wilib,: rlr: s:rnc vhr:rlrer rhc rtracker r.as a bor:r1 r"",..,:.., org.nt,,.d
arracls end reccnr desrrLLctivc rvor;rs."rl eririrnd or a ilosLilel n.tfion or stat€. Yrc need tc locus on ",r Jt .r.rlnera-
biliLic,--lll nr,r gee .;oo hueg Lrc on r',hc, rhe rna.iter rrill l). ':,
\Yhv ;rre hackex reen as *re.rtening, anrl lhy are tirey ot:'tcn rssoci,
.*ed '*lrl rerroriyr? FiLsr, becruse Crc IacLen LhernseLves lile ro 1.
exugentr their abiliries. Douglas Thonas. a professor athc Urilcrsjr. & dro'JJifiU [iGrt$e of Uulrr€i.{hility
oisor:drern C.rliioLni:r, sp"n, rev"r y""r. r,,rjli,.rg compLLier 1n,:1:eLr rn lly rhe leir: l9!Cs i,vbcrrerlo-.isn rpperrcd :o ic e..c:r,rcriisric rlrrcrr.
n eitorr ro unJeLsralC bener ivho rlcy;r:.; rnd what irori,,,rrc rllr,n Itir.iireii,rLLvCojiintodescrir:esei,:r:lscar,vs;r:r:rLtr;ir:lii,.isirrrirlec
,lccorclirg co Tlo:rrs, ''. hc lrL:rrrr,: ol Cibcnelror'1srn" :r
jr.iirU {ori:J r)ik. sood .on:i i'tL r[r),r:r very (Lrlr rt,,- :,1.::.i,:r.Lur:,rlil
rte reniirg ro $,rggrnre rhL.rts i:,.1 (1i,fl:r:il rc:.:lii:r.i- rjis,!,,rr i:!c i!l!r(ixi jt::,..r!, ,,:ri,.:,!,g:ii:.c.,
rlc e"err l-h:re lsr big <liffercr.. br.ieu hxcknrg iltu:trS,r:\
.:rrrtrl .oNrd !rsem (\!hich ir,r: i.,r :,.,'i,cred) lrxi t.1r,jril r":,Liri:,rLj,,r:. l"h;! :ljlieJd t..Fjc rc !.!r crj,.i:t, ,,r.. i , ,!r,,r.no,ri.
lr r:t rrtL r jrosrs dreif {::i r,.tr aliiich h,r t,x,rr).,,.J
:lcrtcdlyl. \'1o;L ncdir repoLrs ir i ro ,1lrti,rgu;sh :lr.lL tl.,
fro n r..rDl,Lil rtlrlarkinr:t Lr.5 i]1x. r r:i€rlixti, rt,:j r,.
rE0 lerro' ri_ 1.: 'r erri:,t r6i
i ill

e .{ c)bcrrcrLori rrill :rrc:rck aiL rrrilic rr:r:I|.i :rxefili.llr] ,:a|s,: rro

i il.:1. :!i,i':Lr s l'rciilc r: rlrrL: r n:l-cor rioi s-,,:iin r::11 ,::ilrpir ii. 1L

hLse r:i, ilirr phr:cs ro colliCe jmii,:, ir .r lrl s c,rn n11: r ri:,: r:o ::ll
S t ,.1,r 't rirlc,i rr,r,icr .'Lrl::crrblliri,x ri r[: rrii]trL' r ;1,::::,.. l'r,:
:L,rrJr ti

c,,nl'urcrs oitLrir rr:J nerro sysretr .'].c,\ ri,i.l::',-irr rri1,rir. ri rle r:rprriLror's r*,rlr. ir,,:r,.i :,,':r ,r.Lrr:|,-.1
r \ crbertrro:isr *ill ,icccss the cot:ur''r,r .ri phrLrnlcrLrrrcrl r.rr. i r rr l.'ri'.11, :r;ior in iL.rsl Li;r.u,: ir rlie l:Lrite'i Strrtr, s rr:h .:r rirt uLc-
c.,r:nLrrri::r'io:,: rrrl r:i.::Lir: ucr"r ricls. r:oLLLl < ir' 1,r :,r":L,ir.i rr:l
i:r:rrt,r ,Lnti c|:nsc rlre loLmul:s r,l "tj;rr;1on pLliL o:, l,r' rl,il, {
mi,irg rl:c protlrcL: lilt-rlrcarerirg ; .:1,s: i l,r rr.: !rrrr.:'r r.
! ; r. . t lrlreruiriiiLy o;iri:t errcrgr incu;:1, s:rr Llc lt,,rr ,:i r'c: orr:
:1,"r, lir. \i1r,r rre!(r n;,r,rncric:rs elcrl,- :-rrrr ll:r !: Lr: :ls: j
chnse dre p:rssLrre in gas lines ar,i ;r.c lnlrc f.LilLLrcs.,L i;LijL,lr ori ""
rlc clccuicrl g:ld. t doeriur'] Lc {il! il :, :tratcglc cyLerrcrrorist rrLrch .rS,riJr.. r\r '.rirircc lii
irrrl. Th: booir cxi,hres in iiighrering der'rii i,orv :irc Ln:,,:i ci:utlr
I{rLk \1. Pollin rdopted Collini scel,rrios o[ rhe r]slrs of c.'irer g .rn rrncl ruid rjvr.L cr cvcn ex.c.d fi. .onte! .lccs 'r1'r
'rrrt cor-
rer:ori:rn rnC rdCcd rh:t dc sane LisLs ri,plt r.. "cor)furrr dcsl:r:.!.i ,c.rrion,:1, 1,h1'sic:l rttr:lr. Vcrror clains thet durir,g nn' girrr r,::r, lr rri

lor rhe corrtLolofproccsses," rhrt is, conpurrrs rhat corrLol rcrworls of * xcrlge lrrgi: urilin conrianl in the Ulired Sr;rtes experier;r::bour r

.o,npurers :' Eirlt it: 1'ic kt nibL t'hr'tt ,{ rjber"ftt' tr', t boa'r. a.t sti) niliior o'belirrrusions. D;rtr on cyberatt.rcLc iiLrLing rhc s,r r.ror,hs fol" I
CanputerLl'til lotnr)AL and foLmcL irL.'11igcrce olicer Drr \rcL,:or, it,irfi rh,: 9i I1 acraclis, collccrcd b1' llipterh, inc, r !'irglri:r-'brserl
pubLished in 2003, describcs dre 1997 cxclci'e code-nrrrrd ")iligirrle
r:r,,r L,.rn',,stcillitr:q 1n :hr rccLr ri1' c,f orlinc inlirr:-.rxri.r) :ra iirxrl.itil
llcccivtL," ,:olriLrcL,:ri bl rhe N:Ltionri iij.i,,i,x -A.gen.i (1i.5r1,) )! --'" t; lrL,:r,r, r|r;,:,r hr.r ri:rparics ir: tie cnrLg. il:i,r:::r::rli:rr:i rLrLr
:rcLcne brlru rt,rr \SA t,lficiris cLirlcc rhiri-iive "lirLi 'ic.,ri' irci- *, I
:ror;,r, Lr, i':,: lLe rarr cicrIcr irriusul:s, !rlr! lilt:ror:-.rf .i:d'':..r
tLs on Llre rrie:. Thq: i"cre instLLcriri to ,:rriu,p; ro hrch jlrl rn,l ,lis riljr:Li rLr,r'h; rcqririrg irnrncerre intcn.: rtior rr,::rgir.L: i2.5 pcr j
rupL U S. ri.tional securir,'qstems lhr,r: 1rinr1, ruger r':s r|c iJ.l ;
P:,clfic Uonrrn,l in li;rgaii.'I he ited I:.rr r:c[rLs wrrc riiol'erl rr , st I)rLeq,rhri,,Lr rrtl r: irLcrcmd iocLr on 9""clit:Liriliri hr nrrl.: 'ror:
onll iacldrg:climre rhar could be cbvrrio,rricC iieel,v ft.rrn iht !rrte,'
ncr. The; rveLc .llovred ro penetrete e1,,' i'cn[gon ner..r.rLL i,rLr p|o
i: ;ro,.leirL ccr,r-rnil rr:L ruilirirs rroyc drcir cj:rnrlon: io :|e 1:,icrn, r

irr 1,. :,.l,c oi-i,rLor.rtJ ctlciercv rnd Lerir:ce:i c,rsts. 1r'crLor: :Lg r,:r thrr
hib;rcC iLon bLeling x,ry U.S. i:u's I'1.:r.:rrii,,g ro be luilcL: !irr:d ilr rL,r ;rc,g;r irtiisrr;r rnj n;,ny otLer secrors 1-,a e |:conc ;,rv:,rLir,L trLr
rhe NoL IGrcrn irtelligence scl,ice, rhr,vsraLtcrl bymrippng lctrrorlrs gc!r io! v,rLioris disruDrions f,l creating l:rrcner iinirs (bcdr pirl';ic,r1and
ari ol'taiLrlng p:ss,vorrls gaincd rhrc,L.g1: 'irLr:e-rorce crrcLi,rg" ir rrirl- .riLi.l.ss) rr*,;cn tlrei. r,er,iorlrs rod rhe srrpcnisorT tortLo ur itr
rnci-eLLoL merho"l ol: dccodnrg ercrl r:".1 J:,t.r such as pr'rworis o; ,rccLriritlon ir-CA'JA) sysr:cms. Thcsc .5CA.DI, s;'scems r,lnrgr rire flo*
encrvpricr kels by trving dL posible comi-.ilntiors). OlrIen rirer' urec rf clecricic l,l ranLlC g.rs ard contolvrrioi:s in.:lLLsr: rl rysrc,ns, ruch
:ilplcr trcrics, Lllc callbg sonebodv cl Lh.'rcirplone, pr:Lenrlirg rr, 'oe rs;5er,ii:ri prriersirq pl,Lnts, l'rter pLrrifir.rLiln rnC dcliluy, r'.,sccnr,
r rechnician r:r high-ranting ofiicial, r'r'i rslilg for rLrc pl:r'o,il r/isre$rcr nlrlrg.rlrert liaciiiries, rnd a hrsr t,i mrlrfacturing iiLrx. -{
htl<eLs rr,.rurgcJ ro grin rccess ro Cc,zi,rr :l',:riricel Penilgor comtlLtcr :crL,r:ir r; ,rl iliti lc cor:tLri, riisru2t, or Jtel rh,: corlr,rand r,uri nloniror
slstens Onc.: rhcr cntered Lhe sysrcn:r, tre'; 'oLrld ersitl crcrtc Lt,tL i3liu'rirrs rldomr:.1 irv tLrse spt,:ms cl,:lil drrcrrcn tri.:rrl ,url
,rccorLur, rleicLc existing rccounrs, Lefi,rr L l,rLri rlrivcs, rcrar:i,ir rr,,lri ro:riLi',,:rrr nl se,:LrriLr
Jata or sl:t r1-sterns rlorvr.'l hev brolrr t:'.r nrLrvcrk deicnsl * ifi rei:,- l'r..,r il!-t r. 5r'l'.,:,riec, onr of thc .rcLidls r:r,r;'orL:r i:;,!cL; i,r ti-,r
te e.rse ,,,rd
bejog Lr:rcrLi oL ii:rrilicLill the ,rLrilo, i;ri: ilrirl of i:)'rls ,rLlilt Lr:,..r.rrLn,:r;rbilitics ro r ,; icLr.rtr:i a:,' rcir::, dls'
Thc LesnL:s.,r.:re cirill:ng rnd strnrlll ii:, organizer 'l"hl
iitd-ii:rr:r, rn,,.:r;i rll rir,.ri.ri,. Tirr cornp:il7 rcoo:l:d rlaL ri'.c lLni'r:r.,i "scll-
lslng orLh hacL<hg tools rraih'olc on rlr l.,trr:c;, couiC L,r:,li inL,, Lh: r;i,r ior:r' irl,nr:"c scl:rnr'1'1s rh:r :lh,v rr;rli,::c,LLs i,:rc1;:1, ro
Terrcr oF fhe, ref'ari iJ,/bnriETDr.ls t5!
s:p1oir Lie sl,srcm) gLerv b) 80 perccrtL ir lCil2. SriL1, S;nanLcr: clai;lrLi
t cirLi,rs':rr:jcrr srch * irlg untior:Li Lni:s r;Llr ri \.: Ili< ll n r,:prs wiiir;,
rhrr nor r ;ingie q'beLcerrorit anach wr; rrccrded (afplr'lnE rLt srLicL
Celinirlor Lhar ir origiurte in a coLLnrLy rr ilc Srate Dcpalnrrrr's ul,r
I ti,,: rc::'j,rrL, rnri rloLLnri L,r'o-rhlris l,ciicvcri ri,rr rrr:r1s lrr iikriT rr
5: h.ur,r:IL:,i lirhl,r r!r nt::c *civlrLrlrl:,; rg,rirsr rh: conlritL s..s::,r,s
.'a'Jr l:rr). Pcrhrfs rerLoLists do ncr;cr: trrrc rhe hro.r-r.:rv L,' i,LLurl, i;i '''.'''
c, berrrrrclc or perh;rps nosr hacke:s ,Lr,: ,ror svtrp.rrhetir: Lo Lhc rlrii rl irl
rcrori.r oLgrrizations, Hov.ereL, r!,rc.r[l r|c r:}.o grolfs ]oir li:€r. :|r r.nLL u.ril;ics (;:.r' rvricr srrrioLrs, c!ns, :rrirl ror,,:r- lir:rnl.
r. ..- r.cr 1c.,rrr..rg. ?:
;\ srrrriy rel.-rr.:d ru Dcccrnbcr 200.1 :pperLci Lo ccniirn rIc IT pro-
EqLr.rll,r'' alumlng is rhe prospec: oi rcr:orisr thenxelves r1*igriug ier; !o ra ls' s!r.:p lirism a h':Lrt drc r.bi]1q c,frlrc govq Lnrlcnr Lc rlelind irsclL
;ompurer solnvare for governmenr agcncles. R.emarltably:rs Durrirg fi .rgriusL I *bcr:rtrct 11-lihe srLrdr, conducrcJ bl ti:r IloLrsr: Governmrrr
dcscribes in "Is Clbel Terror Next?" eL ic,rst ooe srLcL irrstancc i: lrirool
iil . .. .r r r.fr.o:
li<r,:Lri ,Lgcn,ie: or.cr,:hc colLsc olx ).ear rrd:r.verdrrl r:riics Sco:rr
fi L,i:ic r,r.cci or nL:nerrl cLi;r:rir.lnclLrdir:1i-.ov rvcllrrr rglrL tri::ec
I! !jucir 2! 00, lrpa.i \je$of.,iiii r f!li.cDepu.Dert,.p.,r.il iit,
Lil r sofnvuc svscear rher h,. ir.ru,.. ro taclt li0 fiiii3 1r lrplorces iu re;uriry rnd ge exrelm r'Lic! ir mrr csraroljshed s:i:u-
vc!icles, irclulirg uuarleC r:1, i:r:l ccer rierel,yi 1,. th: ::i ri:r 'r:r:::.,:l Lres sLrc! as iir,iting ac.€ss to s.riiri.rc dlre ,tr.i oufgirit
,1ur Shirrfljo cul, dre sane g.LoLr; rhr porad t!: Ibl1 s,lr cr'll ::LL-s,;,.r1 -.,,isrvo:ds. l,.ilr: rhrl J:alirl,: ini,:rl rrercirr rL::,,:viLi
a r lLr 1tr5, ltilliDg L2 fccpl. r::: ,:,iLri,t! fi,0rlN n,.,.. .r.r ,lli

ri,rc !iihe (lir.oyd1,, iie c.l rr:.1 i.,lr',1cl{$lij{,1 r:.r,r.{

Jr!r !,, L1i !.l,r.lc' lrrrner r1,.,-rir ,,1.1 LlcvclopcJ roira:r
f rr,r'r; r yrrrlr rLl D rr i'l'lhe Dep,ur:::r,..i H.irrcLxjril :.c{ii!r'.
*i::L:i, l:,s a ili,irlol rlc..orrd ir;rorlro i',g Lrili'rcc r irr rcceivl, rl,r
l1 ,lour ,rgncirs sl:,,lti -,Jso rtrnnq
".r:;:ril rr:r,rL: rl:clc l*'crl
ior r hrL S0]apose frrns x.,i :ilt.r.,:ricnr ]silcir. Ti:l
hrc,vo*ert r rbconrnctor! ro 'tl*, irii1, ndlig ir !:r,.* !, ilr lr rnr r ri l'-L{!,:. L.tnLmtn:, ..vbs,;
1r! ir ir rr ir.,,esLi;rr: rr,d |Fs
iryxsible rir tne rrga:izrtioL: :r irrol r'io rv,rs ,lcrtlorlng
,ir. r.lnvrr. .\ ruL.ontxcto:, rl:, r:.:.:r:ld he,r r.r:l':ri
Iblm ro,,d b h,icl or lacilihl.:.t,ru r.r ',,ir dr !.:{s rt i irt,
t rirtr c:s,:r ril,rikmx ar,r ot r lornx olllcLcrinr iirlrcer rqcrcirs
,, t, ,i,,ri ilj .lr r..,,.. -:;'hrlr',:rnrprL,:rci v,l:i: ri,,, ;, *ri,r,rJ lgri r!as,!g
:'1,t,'r.,:'eil gr'":rrrrrenr 3r:cle !r'on:Lr I L,f ro r D. Ccrr:.lrinr o,,
ir ri:tre ,':tlrs, Iitp.,icL,ir li. l'rLrrarn ii\*ii[ ). r:haiL,rr oirhe ]jo,rr
i, r. I .C ; e.L.. i:ior.l,rr:rr R:ri,r:r S,,Lco nirL:c c,, iei:.rolorv, i.,.ill.d, 'r'h:
39i l'I pLoti:siol.us, colducted 1:or r|e tsusiness SoliraLc Allia,Lce .ir,- ihrcarricrrcrrrir.riristrl.. ihe da,rrre rr:.r coLLlci rc i:r|lcrcrl borl,
,ng jurt l0N:, Ltr:iLlcd rhrt rbouL !:,tri1:) ;,rrce,rrl oi rcspoi,itrts iil, l:r r*r: ri lrruti,,l loss r:1, porerrrirlir', ic.sr i f ijr ls ,:orsirle:.:,lit '
:hrr r c,ii:eratrrcl i: likell, and moLc rl:,n hdi (55 pcrccrrt) srrrl rhe rirl -(rc| r,:rdicr, rogether r''irh dre uoIrloir n-,rdir ilrer,:st ir L|e sLLLr-
oir r r;[roL cvbrLrnac]r on rhe Uiire.i SL,Ltcr !:,s irrcLerscrl slr:e !, L i.r' i..t hrr,, lu.:i;rl polLlar liars clircrtrrL,,Lisrr. r\ .lil01 :LL:c1r L.r
Thc 6grLt i.rmpeti to 59 peLcent amore rirose respo a,ierts -,rilo rve:: il d:r |rr bitnet:|d AItreLicr,n Llfc Prr;cct i'r[rr1 :]ra: rr:t" |alf
ciargc oi Lheir con:prnies' conputer :,nl lnrcLoer secL:rjl Sor:nLtr.t .,nc rho:i,irntlr\,nci.,rii surv.:,vecl weLe corc:Lncri Lir':r reLlr,ris: ccri,i
rerccnr rgLeed rirL drc s$tcmenr "Th.r. is x gap be.'i'eer iii,: r[;tr: c,i morlr,:urcrs ri,LoLr;ir rre rcnrorl:s c.rNc.,ri,,g iro,nc..nri,,r.!s 1ir.l
,r nr,Ljrr cyhcnrrci< rnd rhe govel.rrncrLs abiiiry to dcfcnd agrir:: ir." poLveL urili:1cs. Ficver oer.;enr of reqrondenrs rrcLt '\,crl lorL;rri," ,u:d

rnd rh: rgLtclc:rt rarc Lose to 84 rcrcrri rlong, rhose :--rlrr:fe:r: ..:rr ij3 rer:i:,r r,,:f ";,,,, r.,har *o!rlerr" :ri,. L,iL :LIlici, i.!nrir,,1 ,hroLreir
rveLe nosr i,l1orvle!.geable about sccurrqr Those sur.clcd ncre r,o;r' cor..puro rcolorts. 'i!e s!rIEt lyrs ra-kcr ir e:rrj,,' ,\lqtrr. r:iioLr tiie
rcLr.trl rboLLr.rt:rchs ror or!1 on r'hc gr,"ttrrr.err brt cn pri ,r:r LrLEcrs r.:11.,r SiackoLrr srrrc( drr l'.lonheasr ilLrl btfor: scrcLrl rrnr.uif3 rc,r
. .. L o. : . a-- "d,... o: .. vin*rr rillicLli c.rllfrrirs th!crrql..oLLr ihr cornrrt'. T!.c lelj oj-puiriic
or ih€ niE'rel:
I r a5

rwr eres concrr:rirg crLecerorisn r:r,r br e,r:r: highcr trrllt sri,l i.r: ;
Jl.rinir, rli:rcLoroirIc p,ojcct.rj r:
FoLmcr lrriou:l :t:rLiir aclviseL Alrl,L'lr l.,rl,c, ir hjr slort (j;1.,'i! l.i h:" rl (-)r.r'lr :r|i :jrl .li!.f trr-rorijl ';:l'lL1jr:iinr'' r-r'irr' Ii' L|
,r.1r.,, \v,jrcs, ')'lill:ons oi corlrputcr'rxr..'i' l,riividLnI rorirl .,r:,! ,ri,,l ,,,,,,'g".rL'rri",rs4'l:'rrlit'ci" ii<'r rlr' rlsiricr: :: ll :i lr::li^r;]t-
hr..oc rgri,,;r rhe Ur:lred Srares "'i 1...1:., r',ur. rirat "tirc;,:r:ir ir r:r:il i ,;:,..:. .,ril"'.ii 'c n,,:r,',rL:,rncl:s rr:rr ilrrrtr r:rr' rr'l rl:: :rr'rrrt::r:
ourtl: thr r:,, .,rlijj.,i ,\:rr,Ldl:r;:o l l0C2 :'cl:orr i';rrlLi lr' l3Ii rii'ri:i SrcrrLiLt'
rsi iood
bonLr" rnd rhrr "cyt:erar r r,:]r.:s corrid crash l,hn,:s, r;r;r1,,::
oLncJirircr to roison por,'r!:iolr. rr disrLrpt rtr. *r'::u r' t .\:,,rs:f..,, l| r,.rr':,rL,r,-tr,:ir',rs rt lrrrLtrurr r"irh
ii:rir'r tri:ni;ei
bv slLL,rlrr3 dorv:: cjcccicrl :nil commruir:;Lrior, svstens.' 3;r I-rirc is L'.,'ici,,,";r 9;,:icert r": moLc si:il1ed ai 3rlrrilq'.:rrrLrtirLiz*l
nor chc onll higir-rrniilg ofticlal rr.rrrin;r .r. of c1 1.:,:rr:r,,ril, r 1n
i,''.,lu ,.1','r,n',t",1'" iiitr r!r,r L:rrl, rni alir'1 r':'r:l:r r': irigirtr
tr1;rLcLr 2!01, rr-rior:J SecLLriry Advis",r Coudoieezza Rice ;'ri ilchrLrL ri: ': li r:: ' i,
.. ' .. -r I -r.1.,.i ( '. . I IlLrr |:tl:crs, l :i:orld l)e iot.d nre tning r' s;r:r :cc:rr r'' ii'rrs in
rg:rirrst co,npLrL:r .rr.rcls rhsr could r,.Lerl: hrvoc on virrl ;cn ic* iu rire li ' rPo"r '"
Unued States "it !s r pandox of oLu iiures,' s.rid Ricc, 'ihrr n:e ler
rcchnolog" rhrr r::aker ouL cconomi so arrd oiLr nilitly [:c:s
$ rr.: ri:rpoasinic ior rlcng Ll"e publ1": :ncL :'::ru:ir: crot:sslor::ts ro
'i1'olrnic t,1
so Liolrrlr.:rurg .rlso maires LLs nore vL,lnr:Labic."ri But hor LeJ is ,hc ,;r:,or s,:iL,"tLi, l,r'vr i4 roto".rrc ivlorcov,:r: airi,ougir rlcre;Lt hrches '':l'cl'
r'.,i, r1rr.1,ilit1'Lr d:r'rr,'.e 5isre;n., dis,'lllx r-!:oinrrr:r':c ;r:rri i'L'r
rhn,n ofcvbeLrcrrolsm? Il drerc are :o n,r,y;rcdve haclcrs (l9 :rrLi:orr,
rccorLling ro I-rire's estimrre), rvhy ,.,rr: iircrr ro rcri ct:LLrrmrl,;r I rir,: t,Lii:;Lc, c
'l ',,:r
,ru;o:iil. oL ilLrlreLs clo r"'r Lnr:' rr:::rrr rv "kjils
.i.i1..', I'i,L;..ria.l lirr,at:rlerrud lrrr:rgr':r'nr:r:rrrr' li:lirLiols trr
;, |rrld:r'1s oi rri':lr:rs'
How Real ls the Threat of Cvi::rrt'"r!"!'&ri6m? . |.. :a11,':. lirL!riir ll.,",r.,-'r'ho i's irter"rt"vll I

-{:rid li Lle .iirr $tuxrngs .rnd ahrLri:.g eratijrjcs rhii ir. rirbircr .j- .,t:,r.i. 'rr;r,,'' h: rrsr :lriorii'r' ol: iucicLr, i roLrlri sr-r' !9 rrr;':rtri c'L i

.r'b:r rc:r'orsn gerrLttrs, i! !r inpotrrr ,l; Le rrenber orr.sitflt stirir ii rlrrr,. rir' ririr lcli:yrrcrr.rLror!srrl is l:qiigibil i': mrsirrpic:crLr''rtl:rr
r;i so i..r, !hr,. ]i,u becr no LecorJc:i i,r,:ri,rc,:,ri.r tero,is: .:r'b r, a,:r ;.::ir ,:ir,,;e hrciri,r, dc loL ir.rve rlt:LiL! c'r:cilin'lr orgalizc or e;ccL'tc
r,r U.S. pul'Lir:rciliics,'ir:rnsponarion r,"sI;-;rs, nucle;,' 1,u.:, i:irnL,,, ;rLrrr:Lr:h:r Ioriribr rLri't!irg lror': rl-'ar a trr't'r 1rt":l'oi'ir'r''r'liis
jn',lsscssing the }lirhs oi(--;btr:c'rLo:nm' Clbrr
prver gLids, oL orhcL [ev co]llponenis ri rl'.e rr;riond hii.rLri:crLi:. lld-,clrrll,".
",i,."i ier fn' loL
L'lbelerracks erc connon, but relrorisc |.rve lor condu.icrj '"hr:rtl. lrri rrii, rlrl rltlcr C'r!cr]"h,.rL,," a 20Ol r."pn't "'rirtcrr
5lr.Lrcg1ctriItrcllr.rLiolal5tLrciesb;.linI-c.rc,l 'l'rtcr
r' tre
-r -"c l" .o:d .,rl I'h m....1.:,r"or.r,r. nl the StaLr .rnci Corrrrlerce Departments "The iCct rl"'rr h:'circrs
TechNcLogic,i crpe.lise ind dre llttLnet do not cojrsrLirrc
use oJ rhe golr.r ro l-,ring d.e rrrtiol tc iis isrccs is roc i'rr-l'tci'rd e sccrririo ro
evidelce oi planning a cybcrarcach. Joshu:i C}een m*es thh poinr airi:L li't.o ,"rio,rsi..' t-",uis ,'l,rirns. "Nariorrs alc r'rolc Lolusr 'rl-
rlrc cr.]1

Levier.ing rhe crra rerrieved from terLorisrs ir.{fghanistnn: "\i'hen U S ' .., r"i nc vber "r"r - - ' -r "t
' ''l, l\'b{'C
Lroops recovcLed Qr,edr Laptops in.l'igLunisrrn, olilciels 'veLL: irrr- ' ,- l, "
: : o.r..t.. roeDr rt,...... . ,'""', ,n" ,".ty Lc:.iizci, in pan'rccrLLsc thry r'rt: ro ical vrti
bclievcrl Thel stmctuL:rLu i :,rgirccLing roi*,1e, rltc,r'oL,ic
modcLs ci r dem, rrrl infoLmarioo ,,r1 corlD!ri:erizel 1','lrc,' svlrcr'.Is, lrfir., h,lr orler scuritl trpert: cio rolbrli';re rhrr ir ir p;srlrie tc'
or,cle.Lr ;orveL pL:r*, rn,.l U.S. anti iiuropn stadiLns. Il,jr . 1,1.1: ::r rr: l::r,-rl,,r:o irrtir::'io']' 'P t LrLge talr. Scrlc ,.olr:c'1 or r tlrr
155 Te.rirr cl tfe lnl.trier" a',')rr it_r.r.j.ii;r
c r.sillcrcc oi ccn,rLrrer svsLenu r,,,r::r:1. ir thc rr:r:rlr.,lr:nrr,:,r:,, llJ' r"li.ir (ii rlr. srloitl lirr;srl..^i,iccrrrlir:: rr ( t:.,!,, 1i,,..r,:sicc:.: I
irlesrmrnrs oi: tur:, money, ,Lnd crpl ris:. ,'ir Creen i,:scr lrl,,r.1,,,,r .o,lp1!r,':i o,!,r L:r:riir;c,:s ;rorscs Lirc sp;riii,: rrr:'rrri,::, hr;r l,r, r!
\!3.rDoir j,, sren1i arc f(recced br ".ir g:rliri:rr': ri1i1, L:.. r.jr ,rJ.r:r..Lc.i r'rii!i,i-, 1-. :'rn iL sfc.l4li;:cti .iCrl,\ r;sLrnr " .-l lt:e ts, ri:a rrsc, rle
ro lhc lrernsr or io any oprr coLI rLric r,::lork .rn:i rirLrs rrrr]r:,rc.r. r rssrirlli,; oir.:r.Lirjrr: ,rn rr:r:lo7:r or r:r-c:,r;ir,..,: ,:i: r;i:rr::i lr j
:l.qlc :r lrL:LrcrLr, hirclrcrs, xnd iu'Li l\rr iror exalr,l:, rLl l';ci:rc i);tr)l l. i..sr.n lr. i!ir;t ?-0{t2 rr -rLrsLr1ii.ri rnr r:i:9rirl ro Jls :i
Drrr,rlncrr proLecrs sersirir,- systenr i;r irot.ring LLrrr irom l:e \rr I
ci:,,rlr e nlilicl e:li,-.lr oi: ray s.l.',x:i. i.rg ilr::lsLrlri,r :rL:rsiriL:t
''r.''.':''L' (ior:rr, r:ing drc s:wrgr crea,:rrenr ola:t! conrLrr:r sr;ct;:: 'Il.t

Tl). 9, il
cv.ns ard rhe sul:;c.rLtrr groiring :l':rreuc:s rr'r';ir;:r, C*colc;i:ri Llat re !,r,t.,..ork:rt lor rhe cotlrpo., tilr rLcsignec rnr ph,:rs
:erroLisn Ligitighred othcr polcn!irl rx!r:ctr tar such xrraciri. Ir 20t2, ro,Lrol rofrvnLe. ft is rossibt:, ofcourse, rtr;rr src| disgru:riea tnptor-
ScnotoL ChaLtes Schuner (D-N Y) dcrcribeC 'the a1-.;olLLre hnoc rrrrj eer rrig|L'oe Lccm)ter1r.r;' reLLorin group:, sur ever jl rirc r:rorisis dt.L
r . :r,e , qurr o, ...ddc... r:, . r enlst insrLl,: help, rh: degr.ce olCmaee rlrtl,coLrll c,rLrsc rroLLid stiil i_.e
5 r o: ..r ' o - .. i,' ,,, .,,:.r iinitcrL..is Grcer argLres, rhe emplorces oiconpanics rirrt lanLiic pol.e:
er€i, ar{ircs Crcen, "c-vberseculry ixpcrr qive sone oI tlciL highesL {
grids, oi1 and grs uriiides, and comrnlrric:rtiorr are.r.eLl Lehcrrscd lr
rn3rlis rc rhe Fcd€nlAvlation Adr:riristrtrion, *hic! re:rsor.rirli rcp;r- rl':riirg.r'it! $e f.rlloLLt fion huuicares, eoorls, tornrdo:s. rrC orhcr
ritcs irs admhhlrarlve anLl air rrxih; ron:rol s1'stens aoci s;Li:l.ir:rir, n...,:i:li ,lisrsreri. Thry arc :rlso equalil.ade;:r r:r conLrining ell.1 reJn.d1.
grps rh: laacL:" r llld rer rhere are orirer scurces ofcr;rrccn, i,r,-1.-rding irq pr':i.ri,:*r rlur.rrrnr irora hu-'rm caus:s.
sub\ia)'svsrcms. grs 1ines, oil oiocilrts,;'0.,;r griCs, ..r:rlrLur,r;Llcrl: lrlri:r; iira'r,r ,rirr etreririlr': ro ir refc,r rjricd "C,,.irc: l':r:oL: prls,
s;rsrcms. * nrer dams, and pubiic ser ic,x rr:,1:righr bc ernc|crl ro lnl:liL,L :..rlr .r .rtr .,.\',r ..
rn:ss ciesr:Lrcrion. triosr oi rhese al ,r:rrL.rJo.l :rnd colrLoiic,l !:1. orr- (, .., I,- .
prter slsternr end ife ir tiie orirri,: recLrr riuli rhus rr,ore ir:h,rol lllfSr ir,Uor,rr:rri: Cr.ll1bLnia." .iccoL,-liie Lo i-rerrinc, lhe i
'lir 'L|rLr.Liric
drar rilitarr or eolcrnnenr sr.scens :LiLrLrate tlr t, .r:rL ,rt: ;rr:| ,:l r"r,rLr sjrr,;::h:rr r.rrlLis;; gtnual[, hck drc m."lins l-r.j j:rnr.n rroLrus i
aaack, :, lur,e :00: \rory in dre ,'r:,)n,,qtr,r .&rr or: ri Qr:rrrr r.i|:, :,:,:1,:,:i lr r,orrr lr;Lrl:.r rhi: lirolve atl1-tling rriore rhrrr r.rnoyirl; iru: I

rerroris:: grre o arecJore xboLLr r ri.rrj1., i)r.ljter wno allcqr:cji.frrt; ,rirri,,.:lv i,rmr rss ir;rcls. -f!e sr,'ldy c-rlmired ive crr,:sories ot Lcriori;:
into the SiAD,{ slrrcrr ar rLizon;i, i,r.icr, c F-oo,",.l, il"n,;,, irir;l
Srr)llr .jrIrJr-,erjourIr scp..rafist. revoh!1l.l;rrr. r::ligioL,:, lri:,r i.ge,
,Lnd could hrvc, rccoLcing to rhe a,ricl::, ur:1:rshcri milliois .Iglllons (ir; ar,l i*rLighr *rLtmis';. Cf gesc, only rircLeligioLrs grouos rir! xdrLLd!:i
nrter and rh,rs rhreatened the neilriil,fririr r:ommuniritr. I-lo"trer., :, liirel.r ro seelr rirc crp;iciy ro irflict mr:slvr derlrge. firclcr groLrps, :he
r. l.: .. .\--..or ... s Lirct' rj cr ern..rr ed, :rre psvchologicrllr,
od crgl::lizrrionrlir,iil sLrireci Lo
stoq' to be clrggclrrerJ rnci s:rirl drrr Ll: i,acl<r could ror llve r:sked or c'ir€rre.rl:rm1, ::nd aly rn;rssirc dismpcior oi the iriou3(jorl ;nlja,
cirmrged irlcs oL propeLry srr', rcnLrc '.r'otid rur courtcr to lheir sel[irrr.fesr.
To assess chc porenri.rl thrcrt ol cvlr:rrerrrr:sn, Dcruing rrrggesx,l ,\..,1,xr iire! ir Ocrcber t00C, rhe Nt.S grcup kjueri r recon,l rcpo, r,
rh.rr nlo qucsrions be ashcc|| Are d)cr3 riflets d:at:Lr'c lLrln,:L:rble ro llls rnc cyuirirq li:e riecisicr:-nr,.jrg prrccss L1 rvhic! subscrtr
rrbrLr$:rchi .r-ni rre rhere .rcroLs (i:r, :,,rn ri:e rbiLirr l1!;c l|r jnori$- :r.rLL':; r:nagri u rn.id resisr?nce Jcleirr rcl opetrir:,r:l nr::rocr,,
1iL,:1 !o rre.Lrtr r!r.n rrtrcks? The rurr.g lo dte fir;L clrerLion is;rr ir,r,rr.: r,,!,,Lr.Lrcrisr,r ,\s Iletlu;tg rciqri rLl, rlis rrpoit rlr.. :ho.,r:
crjricrl irii.:ucturc svsr:,:mr rre conDi.r: r:rl Lheretiorc icrLr,i t,:orr ' ' '''ri i '\
.. ...: . 1.8r. .) c..
lr::i:'l.v:rp:11, 'Tc[rLi.rn ]n"e not 13r ;',r"it"t".] int'o:mrri,.n rrchro],
'l::.Lltn:C" rgrinsr oursidc mrnipLrl:,ri,r: rr,Lilcl oe ec;rsrcL ir': in,irlr,r., ;,r",r:<, rl:,:r rrrLrti:r' rrrl rrcri;.., rrLi rlgr.i ilrr l,r;ri,:;r l:qr,:r: nrri;
icri,!g::i.n. o. ;,r .o,,.e.r etdl rer)1,,r{s, ., cituie corst.,a:,1. i,..rr.. ,r,i :rrl ( ro.lrt. nny n:elrir:\rir inlcsrxli.iri ,r)ro on. gr.Lr:r ,. .
t6a Tearor n. l\ ' r icr r:" ;,i

lur:r,, rrri ,,r:ti-giolrlizrLlor l-,rcheLs T1:e simrrltrlc'r: in:iLrC;.i Lirusrrring

.\nL:rrhcr illusurrLon olthe limired liheiihcoLl rJrat rerrcrisrs.; ill lfr
r:t,rcl* vlr:i;Ln impacc riat comgarcd rvirL rhe 91l l rrrrLrh AccoLd-
rlescrucrlvc cyberatt:Lck comrs i;om r strnulatiori sm:rmrcrL l';
: hlg|l;
rhc U.S. Nrvd \\ar Co11ege.r6 The collcc( .ontracted with r L:s*r::i, it; rr rLr ,lrso:i:Lred lresr Leporr, 'The CL{s littLe-hnoq lllbnnatlon liri

1.);crinilrs 1:l!rr.! 1a|!rh erdmrcs threrts tc U.S rrnput rvstemr

grouF ro simulilre r n.ssive ryber;rllr-l' o!] $( natiorx iliir'rlxlior i$
infrasrucrurc Govcn::ienr hachers r:r,l sccLuin analrrrs ni:t ir -iril iion.. liL.'iqr trcr'{Luienrs, crimiral oLgurizeric'ls rrrl l'.rcirers, ms tun-

2002 in Ner,gorr, R.1., and conducrcti ,r joinn rL ganc C,:iri,cl DlgLn1 r:irl Lhe rLrL grrrrr, .\bouL 7i pecpl:, nosrL" iLcn r['.c CL,\. ::ic'lJ rvitrr ]ji

I']:rd HrrLoL."lre L:rults rl'e!e firr lrom C.tir,:ntirg: thc ir;rclir:rr irjicciio -:ire' ruLtLrt r',cL 'iLneL Ll 5 ollicirls, gliirfe.i iLr coni:Jr.n.r rcor.:1!
,;rash drc I nr:r ,rlli1 p,lLur.hl to r4rcl lo srgns ol m.ch compt:rtr art.'.clr! ''''.r'Lrlouglr ]l
,re r, .rlrh o Lrgh rhet' did ci, rLsc rt{rr rtlic danr;rgr:. .'i rclr I ir g

: .. o::r r.po -
rl,: r:rrlrr,,t'"lil1,:rr ihLizli'rv,:re not rcir,;rr,:ri ri:r rigrlli,:rrc; r,fr:c
1:rLL:rch sLr:l: ,rr nrrr'cli "woLrLd requiLe r slndicrre orth rig:,iic;rr:L
ri,rrrirLlcr is ir irs prenrse rLrat con':rr.r'encs.Jrrltr:rrior: i1 -li.S oiil- i
Le,ources. inclucling $200 rnillion, mr:rr;'.icuel lntelligen:: rnci lit ciajr r!;r,:rrcl lcvrrtarLrq lmpar:t of r c15ellrtrr.iii i: rol ii'":,:i1:
1c:rs of preplrLion rinc." ti
I:r tr1a;r 2C0/r, clberrerrorism expert :\ncl1..Cuns olDertmoLLrl lloi
lll;ji:irii'.nrirar \';c]a',r c;:ti Tcmcrrc'."r iI
.. i. L-hnol r :. por , .l
l'o:LLcuc:ism sisulrtion nmed Opcrlrio r l.ivclvile,"i untiiLrr[i]r rr
:.. .oitl: r' i.rr ' i

rerr rhc prcprrerir:es rl:;he Ul1iced S!,r.s iLr Lir. trtnr ii,, ,r,rlor r'1.r'
irg lerrr r, i';:s,cnr ihLsh aLout rhe l;rriircr,rill'irerr:rrori,;1,r, crliir3
lr,,r ri'r ,:rc:rio:: aiir nratr,' CrbeL.\iirfrLe D;firrc 1)rolccr' uoicLtd orr iii
rLtrclr Itircur.corrnEr!tCoastst.rexrici!J,iVresr(-r:,rr.r.t:,r',rL;rl
.. P o, :L...-r '
r\. r';r,il,,rri,n ln,jccL i-lorrecr, drspiLe:!rc li:.rr ,nd lrt r:::rcLrLts rli
rioj,:i, .1ll rfriii:rg jc.rcrs.
C.LrLs hlgrLighred'the pc,ssibiliLr,rl r rrLsr:,ined, t::1:Lrr,,r-1,:r,:i tirrl r lii:r:ri' I 1.,, I',I il:c Or-.rr rrir i::rLrrt
lri hr;
:Ltr:Lch or r:e ijnired Sraler conPuri,:!i :r,.rtv.,rj:r, suc[ l i:rrhi::3, i.,.'. :f:l:rri.jil.:liJ,ig:r,,1|e,$,:L:riil:;:lrfr.Lr'.1'.i:.f 'r
erlorcemenr, :'r",gi ,r'l emergenci 1.\,iLrse i.r,!orLs, :1 ,:rr Lurl"n',:
,,Lrrenrri Sccrus: oi rhe rnonyLr, ous,utrc ri rl'bertirrirr r:,ri, :r.:. :, l
r , !|: irrll;r;.:LIo, r rr:rr irg.J:ii:rrl1r1:i"frirgrr:r:rtr {
i: a rJ' ".1 ri. !l:ii..i xs$.inen.s rf rl,a irr:xt.i rt l'.' b:'tRir
:rlxck ;orLld comr tion vircudiv ar'; '",::;c, inclr:din1 ,,'r :lr r':,rrr i
or a snail terLorist gro,.rp . . There hr"" urr,: r:rrnplcs. I,:','r:L lrrrc rs rr:r.h, r:rL l],,r n cnrLLirhN tir, .i..!.:iri.r litl lirtLl.l iirl.-
rilrL lrc gore cn ior r.ten, ard the 5ir:rcr,al SccrLriry !-gc:rq,' :iii riL.':r: ri r: lr: r:rv rl !, atLrrl.-. T|e:c:ro:t rl:o c::r,rir,l rorr,,rr rfr
rcr kno\'\'ho rs pc:petlariLrg drem.l'h!!j rrt h,llcirecls ,;r:,lorrnnri; ot' :rLnI cl Ll," rlerrr mrt'r ser:io; cyhnsccuLirl olicirl' !!r ici
conpure:s ir drir coLrnrry lhat arcl.nriollised."1r Crrrs fhJ: rlrt lr tfe rrL Iqr i1.1'Le,tdrtirc ;lc. l-oig !r). r.c
I-rrno.(' 1r'j,. -.s rl:o".e tlosc rvho reqLLN;,rri tfc':rifrhlr
C.{ il
r::rorgh sirnul*ions like Operarion Li';c"'irc, ulLLable jcs:,:ns cr,:, il rp"rc, sri,l lasr r.ecl Lr!! it rh,Lt a ltlLrrrl pirc r
lcrlcC or horv r':LrioLrs agencics shcrritl lcspord ro qbeLrtrci:s nri ,rlr; ruL Lr'"itrlr.r"L( is lirrLnlir n'nerlrrr:r "'
l,ir1i rheir o!, 11 spc.ric vulnerabilicies r;e.
hl,lu2005 e CLd cc,ncjucted r sinlirrtu: ol.r sophrsri*rcri n.: 'I r' _ ( r1'
' :.c. .r '. .." U....r 'r':e .i (.ler. r '. trll-.r, r:rLii,iciogicrlr'::rlirons seem ro ocsi x'.tr::.tcr ihrtill lhlil .rlei
rhree-d:,.r .ra, grDe rvxs designed ro rest J,.: crprbilities of golcrnuerL Lel rLiu l-Io lt,'cr, ;'.Lsr rs Lhc evcnts of Se;,ruri:cr I I .r.uilhL Lrs !,v
rr:rl pri'.rlr: agcD,:1:u nd counleficrro]illrl unii\ Io resfolld lo rLlc r|Icrli rLrLp ir', r.r coLrll x ilrrlor.,b:L assarrlt.
ctrrr rtirrtl $ slrug oii'
cl,rsophisticrtcrlcvi-.eLatr;icl<ThesccrLLio.rer'j-rc.veari:L,rri,:frLnrr', Ll. .i,t,,:.' i' Tl,r't ls r.,r'rlg llirlerrce Llrt ,rrLi:r:L :!f:.:ir;ir r!' s'fi-
pLr:c:rrtLi rn rrrrck b" ar inagln.rr-v co:lirbr oilnti-An.:riiD ri -, rlsl!
ll I

174 Te.rcr on the lnt6rn6t 171


ously consicierjng adding cyb€rrcrrorism ro rhejr arscoal. ,,V&ilc bjr bining convcnrional srrikes and cyLerrtrachr), is the nost alarning, i'or
Laden nuy irave his fing€r on rhe nigger! his grandchildr.en r:ray have ins&incr, a terrorist group n'ight sim"lraneousll' erplode a i:omb at r
!h€,, 6 .ser. o , he co rp-rrer mou,c. ,ejnar.red Frank Cit.rr0o of rre tlain station and laullch a ctberatrack on the communlcations infia-
Ol'{cc ol Hon -l.no 5e-uriry in lr: emer r rh 1r hr5 bee r *:de.} c;.eC srrucrrre, rhus compolm<iing the clestructive impacr ofdre event.
Verton, for exarnple, argues rhat'hl Qae& fhasl shotn itselfco har,e ar IrcnicCly, success in the rvar or. terror is like1y to rnake terrorists rurn
incesant apperlre lor modern rechoologl'and pro{jdes nrjr:lerous increasingLt ro uiconlenliona1 weapons such as cybeneuorisn, The
cilallons fiom bin Laden and ofi€r al Qaeda leaders rhar show their challcnge before us is to a.ssess vvhar Feeds ro be done to address this
recognirion ofthis new cyberweapon.J, Aller rhe 9/11 arrlacla, bnr Laden !fibiguous bur polenrial thrcat ofcybeire orism, but to do so without
stated ro an editor ofan A.rab oewspaper thar ,'huodr"a, otl4,,rti*,"t- inflatlrrg irs real sigtificance and maoipllniing thc leaL it inspires. The
en( sls \ver. {:r\ hirr / ho wodd . r;hc.- knowledge . . Lrng.ng frorn tiieat of ryberterrorism may be exaggerated and manipuiated, but we
computers ro electronics againsr rhe infid€ls."r3 And indeed, U.S. troops dare not deny or ignore it,
searching the caves in Afghanista-o found plans by rl T}re Lrse of rhc Inteurer by terrorisrs $ described in fie preceding
eaeCa to attack
computer sysrems ler sending al Qaeda recruhs ro uain jn high"tech tluee chapt"rs has led several socieries, and in panicriar the United
sysrems. One oi: chese recruirs was llHoussaine Kherclrtou, a thirv-six- States, to rpply co unterterrorism measures on the Net,In lhe n€x! ch?p-
year-old Moroccan who joined al Qaeda nr l99 t *,a.s s"it roiea,:, ter \\'€ willeramine th€se re$onses.
n BF.Le.nnr.,hoo'ofs,, rillanceao:Abu Jv'onrnlea--tu.u .{i, ?h.
lureric"n 'u-rc- ou oined orherrr"ilcc: rn rr,irrsclc,:ror daLr-
b."es ro e.rn Jbor.' poren!.L u-ger, srch a, o,;dgei.rd,.rajor (por,
stadiums. A-fter hjs baslc ftaining, hc joi1led al Qaeda's eleotronic work-
shop ar Hyarabadin Peshalvar, Pakisran, rh€ c€nrer ofal Qaedat rcsearch
de'elopner r for 'org.ng ofele,rronic aoc...nen(. mca.rgc cncod.
. 16,no cecoding. ercrlprion rechrique,. aod mernods ot bre,rt<,rx
e.cryprio1. )eve,r. n&ler groJps lL*e.al.firiated rhen.el"e. wjrn j
Qreda o, \nn rhe globrj ihad. indJding dl Qreor At.irnce Onrin.,
whr-! ,ppeared "frer (ri- and con.i,red of rhree P,ljsrani hacker
ttoups) and, more recentll OBI Cter; Islamic Hackers, and ,\fthan
luture tefroris$ ma)' indeed 6nd more possibiliiies. for cyberre$or-
im rhan do l-: renor- L" orroody. Fu:Lncrmore. rhenexrgeneraLron ol
terrodsrs are nolv grolving up in a digital wodd, one in which hactrirg
lools ar€ sur€ io become rnore powerfui, simpler !o use, ard eajie( to
access. "Cyber relorism," says Denning, "couldalso becomc moL.e :nric-
tive as rhe real and virtual rvorlds become nore closel,v coupled, whh
auromobiles, appliances, and o(her Cevices artached to the Intelner,
Unle* r_e,e su.rcm, a e care[ully.e. l"eo, cond,r.rrng an perr-iorr,h.r:
onys.c.ul. h"rm" oneonc may be.r , ..v:r, penerrrri,rE a \ eb <.rr l
rodr,.' -\e noLior o couuLed I r.,-: o, ,sc ol r,3BIihc,! .o,.,
The Convenrion covers
L def.nitron ol
rrrsnr.ional org"nrzed cr.me':
Responding to Transnational Crime
2. scopeof,oplicrLion:
1 p-r'r iplron n crimrnalorgrn.zr',on ,

,r rn6 1'y Lunderirg. RAYMOND E, KENDALL

5. the crimlnal iiabiliry o{ busiless undertahil,rgsl
6. efflciency of judicial proceedings artd sentelces;
-. -onli .c.r'ior. - Trmsnational crime is a majoi challenge facing rhe world communitl
S. .r ,nsprler-c ol Lr"n.a" ion". in general and rhe global law enforcemen! commtnily in parricular'
Too'ry, .L: corrL'pring e.lecLs reach tro "uert seg:_en' ol our socieLy
'0. extr ,drrjor Vhan o.. at"rn,n,t (rr-s. irrontl crrne clocel/ - ) r€rollv
I i rruLU. ,r"':rrrnce, apparenl that only :r smrll porrion of it is random crime. The vast
na,iority is highly strLlctured orgxnized crime At intcrpol we have
These subjecrs include money l+undering qd confiscationi The defined orgaoized crime as 'aoy enterprise or group of peqsons engaged
proposed h;rrmonization oi legislation od these marte$ cao certainly in a conrinuiag illegai acivity which has as irs primary purPose the
help to strike at the resouic€s of organlzed crime, so affqqting irs ge$eratian of profits iu'especrive of nationrrl boundarles', Succinctly,
ope-ar.onrl "oil,ties and irs irpac.ty ro enjoy rrs ill.cir profir". the aim of eacl, and every organized criminal group is rhe realization of
Ner.ertheGjs, there is the implession rhat, for the rest, even ii useful to laige {inancial prolits through anv neans) as quicLly as possible
impro"e institutjons for cooperarion that akeady exisr, no decisive Frnancial profiL rs der.r eo from every Po;srb e sodrce ol illegrl ;cti"rty'
e./e" qill b" ,!.hie"ed .n rhe figlr rgarnsr transr."rio:r.rl crime. .ncluarrg .raffi-krng ,r .ecurL.ies. a m. deals. smuggling. Lh- theft and
Slmultaneously a parallel initiative should be taker to proflote the real fencing of stolen properry, corrupdon, Prostilution, gambling and, in
r-rerra,.orri-i-,or of poLce lorce,. .Jrhoug! tl., i\ r d.Trcu.r .a'l parr rular. Lraffic\ ng i.r and J srr.bur.on ol drug"
ProbabLy the ciimate is not /er ripe to rea.lize ir. The creatjon of The Inrernrrionrl Morrer-ry l-und e Lirr.rre rhrr wrLhin 'Le -orld
Europol, which is a lirst step in this dire-ction, nrus! be \r,n$ly crirnionl Interflily approximately US55C0 billion in iil"gotren gains
weicomed and lrs work mr-rst be lollowed and evaluated rvirh great care, cbange hands annually. Tel years ago lhal ligure was US$35 bjlljon
having in nind its possible future exrension. .Contrary to tbe old adagp, i[ se€ms lhat crim€ does, in iacr, pay
Transnatiooal orgaojzed crime is r sophisric:rced, diversi{ied and
widespread activiry ftal annually drajns billions of dollars from rhe
world's legitimite economy by unlawfulconduct and lhe consisleni use
nr'rli"nrr ? tt, I D. G,L+'q! hz, t nth a n z of force, frauci ard corruption. Much of this untaxed weath derived
j ,.k c's,zo Irom criminal enterprises is being laundered rhrough osrensibly
V ca;.1s5 ,]"1 !<4pta sa! . L orucd F
iegiriurate busin6sses, The 'business straregy' ol such groups is rhe
-,. colrllPiion oI borh public officials and private cilizens and 'business
.orroerition' is eliminrred bt ur melr ' Ve :re all i.'ir-s r''he cos s
of th .o,ruption ir. -n.u.rrbly pr*.o on to ,,te oubl ,e ror' causrng
an additioo:rl burdeo on stare social arrd €conomjc Programmes
Or,gariized criminal gangs have become increasingJy sophisrigated in
usilg rheir profir, power and influence !o iosulile dnd prot€ct fieir
.ier,-cl'y rrom ois o ery rrio pro.e-ur-on
aaJ\i3rTlNa :11:\Sr",! f ION,\i CiiJlar l,'
[!S!CND]liG iO l iLr!\SNll lOl'iri! Qf'lLia
'...: l:.\. .o -i:.... l rculirFly rh|ongh Inre:pol cj:rrnels Llte Cen::;Li -srcren:irt r.rs
s.:t.rrli!e.1 sit,rri.*r:r seizLL::s in Colornbr:. rn,l
srrong Lir:1* l:cL: ecLr sli:
T:r:r;r,r:iorr,ri lim: corLinLLc; r., r,,;-'.1:.cl rr,1 grr:,' trprn,:l:irll,r ' ir: 'r.urrlc rh,rr lare Si",:l j.,"e;rlg;iors rr ,:rcj" ol :Ie ii'.t rr,enrione'l
:rv t.trlieI terrs wlth SccLi,r r,i Yr:,r, .'rc1 e'rerr nirh iuLr |i":l irr tlrc :''
19lis, dmg rn. o:g:.::ized c:-11.: lrrrtsri!.rtiorr',r:rt io.:LLs,::;:irrrrir'1r'
l .sr,Lrli n.c: L.rr iorr:'. rrLlr oi r 2i:,r:l :n::gglL;r: e:r:i :l.r:lLc:itrg
or rire Siciiir:: \1:,ii,r. lcC,r,, l:rrrLlri r:ceirer ,rl;r,,;es r,,i,,n:ng : str'.rt;1 Lievlse'j by $e C.lorrrLrir:r LLrllicIer: lL ,s "'orth r:entioring
ia.esrigrtlo:rs ol Lhe Sicili:.n )'l'rilr, :iri i.llr,orla, rho iiii:-ilqLreLi. :1'e
h.:r:, rl:r rs r rerLrir oi,:rr ir::rrrriiare r.s;:rr',:r lr ri,r lr.i::lol Cen,::ll
Chinesc Triris, llie jrplLlese llril..l:r1;rr, lh! r;rricus Crlonbrr:: ,r'r'i
Sr:rri.,rixr r.o i,riellig:r.e f:*ivr:i ircr:r ri.c \erire:hrri:, l:re:rcl
Sor:rir -r.rreliurn crr-tels, r!e r,.:L,rr. n ::r:rc,vcle g;::ri:, l:rr 'iirrir -lilr:11r
ll,qoti '.u ;ri:1c ro isolrrr : s,,sprcr siiir,:,rrr ri ;o-ci:lc:i r;i,t:r ;ccrirLe
crir:rin,ri enrerprises and clim,:':41 :Lg:.rl;:r.rions .--i E;rs;
:eire ir crLrll-lhc i-.e er:oorrc,l:v iir irtigirr' lle s!ipn:rr rLrrrr,ired lli
. ..r:. L .:.
ir: rt ioc;irc erx.rr;1 :rrrt:rigrLicrr t'r Ctlomoi.r :crrir'::1 ir rhree
icijririj\, !LlLl.J11 in;lLrClng cl;,:rlrr; uri jreroir r:lil,:llnr rn.l .::'rrL:t'
,rr,'esl;. i,rcii',1ing cnc oi rlr riicLr:isrr rrc:rire: fr rhr r:-rliicliilg
t|c . o,iri tllt oi olgrlizrtir.r. This rs m trtrllerr t:::,n-oie oi:he crolilinrrrrg rclc rire
i.r" eric:cemenr tround ts iincl:rg ir.vcsrigrrriors ,1.

: : :
o:g.lnizei crin: organizariorLi :,:' much rnore co;:llii;::el :!:rr . '..1. . :.I :
E;Lsi Lurope:n orgarizeLl r:rille hrs bccn connonl;'. lri i:r:orrecrrl ,
... L. ... .;o.. . I P ol -" i.r5cL1;;i LirL,'r,edir rs'1r.1:rsirn,-.rgu,z,':, rlirlr'. I Ie': r,inc g:'ri.:l:
.o:l:r't As \re l1;rve se€n ir Li:c irrr fer"'errs, c:1r:re ls Io :'r;:r!.:IrlJ 'l',
cnrnriir:3 i oLr lhe lor,i-.rr c:rr;:ru:rsr ,:lrlrr ir: c,l r r::r, r l:rropc rrLi
bl rh: ccirs:r.rinr:r oi na!iot.ri rotiers T!c viiesprclj i-'r:lirlc:ll, :hc rrpulll.-s oi tlrt iorllcr Sovier l-rnior ro:e ,: dc,rriil ri:rerL
elncr-i:, social anc lechnoioli.xl ulliiges dlrt ha'rc crcl.rei n-rt|ir:
,r';elnr'ircn,ii1-r' i.i tire nu:ri'cr ol :rint s,nJiclcs risc s:eriliiv f ire
:he [sL L* o dgcrries ir;Lle rlLo'":d LrLgr:'.ized crieir;ri grc'r,ps r.' blc:'t" . :
.. t.. . ....: :
incre:rsnglr rctile in the inre.riti.til :''renx e:r,:i,:iLing Lirr S,i0r: :o 1i,C0i rpe:rrir,g ln Lhe
op:r':iilg irtllirLrcrrlii,
These groLrps use rhe ii:ir:.1iil e.rse oI i.i.iirillior.l rr.l!.i, . rr'.:_r'it'
Lib,:nlize.l er::igrarion poLicie;, erpu:sion oi irce lrrie. irigh'LtciL
li: : .o... r . ;
1,alii orerrrbers. ,\ll ele cr:g:3criil ri':Lcrl.rtir crir,inrl Susil':r;es, olien
corr:r-,:nicr;lons equlpme:t rLrcl sophisticrieri rr:o:'-':i' Lu::c::ln3 '' ' :,,,.r :r
recLrrLio":ts to enlrnce rnd Iurr!gr;hcir climine: eijlorts iol ilsLeirce, in
:i :;..i l'' .
,i. L - :oL
li:sL cre :lless,rge re receivr concernirlg rn Erri" :rcp:r'r o:grrizeri ionrrol ol
crir-,e glcup, dr,:l in"esrigaticl rLriglt irvolve nl!pllcrrlc irlorr.-lirlior
ItrL:sir, ud mosl oi tnis norey is i11 Lhe L[ese crime

lrom S;aiLr,,':d the USA, brnk lecorcs in S'rirze;irt:c' tciLirescs

'I Irr l\rsi;r,iseli. tbe ;roiic: rLLtirc,rLtit: ,rr"'e stmggieC ro hcep p;Lce
Lesiderces end businesses in Geln*n,'r.rnd ?ohnLi, r'r'j prssporr
.:o:. P r' .:.rnd I ''iti t1:c raheo.er oi Legitirt::e f,usincs-'ts i:;y crlne s1':r.licrres The
ir.res: il,ussi-.rn pollcc ligLrres 5r;rrc !rnlil.lC! .omp:,lr:s r:r lo": run 5v
To quo"e one erantple, the InterpoL Genenl Secrerarl:'r ls crrlrtnLiv
Lhcsc;rime glcups, as teii rr 5t per cc:rr oi:hc b'uirs:,i11 S! ter ccnr

assis:ing in arr irte:ntion,rl i;rvcstigatio:r, kto*n rs Operr.rior'BL:rcL

oi rirr ioirr venturer t-i',h Iorelgr liri:rl lle'rrll' :': Rrrrsi:rn L-arhers
Po-ici', "hich incLudes CoioLrrLir' lrn,:n;r, Gcrrr'rn,r' rhe il,rs ireer rrLLrder.ed !n Lhc grst ir,-r rr.rs rlleqillv io: i,rliirrg t ccnrlt
Ncrhe:l:r:rds, Belgium, Albanirr .,nd l.ithrLania The lnlestig;tiort:crlres
,r;ou.rd : iinrnced Coiorll'irn organizxiion rvrosc :lcrni:'els wirl ri:e :e11:iremerts ol Lhr llussian '-fhie;:s ir, in'
'r,elf The'Ti:ierts in Lrr'rrt r Lcrselv crg:nizcc g:oup ci rlir: crirrlri
op.fn'Jc ln Bu.}lTrr.rilnga;nd 3:grri, Colcnbi.r, 'i:l:lc L'r':'- lLare
Itrtirls' wirose rocts rtc.r r,oL:r 5l:gs h l,rlrr-r Sov::l r''ilsrr: Ti'.c- r:e
i1t'eicpe.l r:e rec!'noLogy or c!cirrslly to nix.ocirNc !'idloctbriii:
seLrcrrri !; th,:a prlso,r p:er; ir, u,:mbersiri2;:ld ,-,osrrre:rr:cr rodc'
iliCLi xir: ct!.er subsr;,rce: rurj: s irol i:lirrss rr tl 'r:rrlrte oi :rn,ir:cL ir is 5rj''reii Lh.ri Lr.r'le.'cl lirieles ir: 1 .rr ' irr'": irclL gi trr
ors::':ur sr',,rs ro:erCer rlt i:irpo.rnd ver, liii:':',ir :rr; .1cr:rr ir
.".,'.,,1i,,,.',1 :r.*:,s. ThrcLrgl: :n::rslr rl s,:ilr': :i:r 'rlr:rlr::i:lli
,:.rrr.ril,lir l.r' cLrrrr ir: r' rrr'::irrg,r;r,':,:r:l: in Lii,:';:,'rr. !Lrrrre
,i^) :t l
] . i!SIONDiNC
.o",u^r,*l ro"nr.r'rrto"^, .o,nnt'- TO II(ANSN,\TIONAL CAI},!F
edtcated and
rhe USA :ud Crnada These cliuriLrals are genenLly Lctrer not onl)' rhrough dr.;g rrri{icking l-,ur also orcsrirrriur, erroliion.
grrLz:; r- 'l' l-
-..,.-," lo.'.,llv lti,l'" 11 . rne t1p'r: oe_:;: \l i
iliegal lmnigLarion and {muJ opelarior:s.
'', ,r."r.ro "-t, 'rhe'o'cr: :'"rLe5 I Lrecrrgrr'k r" _Money
iaunderilg x
one of rhe hLrge challerges ftcing lrn
t.f'..1.'"g o.g r':z.t: n'conLrol
-i."t.,-l, 'b ..lorcen.:.r r9 r.. .. 5.r ", Ll.e.,.,i; n'e::-.-or,.
op'"*r. Crug distriburion nciworks frorr,l slretegic o.;.r zeC ,r:'r-e Jn I nd ,, r I -r
snl',ari Airlc,
"od cotrtiers or inCivirLuais iro'n
cir <. tL.ro_oe. ?rL. .i-
to*inn, ,lrougLou, tLc *o,ld Nigttian crir:rirral money is suspecred ol being behird a number of laiee property
.ir,t"t"t**;t"d by Lle Nigerians, cransPort c large poriio! ci rjerls. This is all parr of rhe process ro make di.q,,non.y;l.gitin,orr,
rhe heroir :rbused in rhe USAs rhel smuggle Sornh'Anerican
cccairre rc throngjr a ihiee srage processl
,,,-, . p.c :lly (ou AInc ' rrd leu )ito-rfrrru4rr
,,."'."1, . ufi'", ;n r: se a- LoEur' pe rndoLhe co'---'ie ! pL.,lrE- vh,reflorc/. r,no\ed or-r lim.nrl r,;rn.zrLo..o
"-.o,;. '.j
.n we. f,1,,..,.
\.g:r:.r. .rrffick:ng orb.n:7lL,or'q are e"L'li n d in trc oo r:'
Iegrrim"re bu.ine,. u.|
", b-.rl o. .n-ll Lrm.
o rr' i-d - -i,"n i' , mr:re
' r.rr rre.eei:r. r re uri i. ot r.r:r brnr, o.
r,' .i-],ns.rn.re.o'aia'rd:rt rLe mrrke solererr\eroin<o:'" m ; trrmi
r , on. l1.y ir""c lorgeo oL.r,"-ion: rir\ 'oc'r' P oCu €'j rn 50-tlr:t a integvtion - athete jt is fioved or to other- leglrmate, xsets such.,rs
1m.,.." .n,l cre:ed perm.r.n "Lrbuto- ne wo::': no on); oci.s rrc ooros. oe-r. :ir.,e-rrr'.r5ep-ooer.
I cle.e.op-er.. r-.
Lfr,.", b* oLro in futoPe' Ens! Asia irnd countries oi tLe former Sovier tLrus hidder hom l.,w eniorcemenL
One lrnusual aspect of both the Nigeri'' *af{ickers and
rhe East '\,r,., c Flprocr"e g.o" l...r.:e le.".o,n.€r. nl ..- o rr.. c.c
FL oo .rn .:.r rnd -rr. l:r :-eelhei "'ii: t '' : :- o .,,_o-,:r: o. .1.-ol t," :-... )L-c i.c....t Lteg.oi-lor::r.or
lr'; -.'.'... . ing"':'., ' ";L Lher org - -en r 'n e P' Lr? . '': inir;rsrrucnre js:rorv a realiry ,rnC nrrion,rl rc lnrern,rtion:rl borCers rre
". Co," Xo'""
il Colornbiar cartels This al'iiit1" anJ :rilii:rgLr''ss riie*i.'e!' disappeal:rg. AlrircrLgh aivrrces in ccnmunjcarions and
and negori*e for rerritories lgain deLnclslrares d1e
. a.,l, coLrputel rechnolog,* ars creating unpr€ce.j!.ted inrern::ioral busiless
f h..e,u, :-.o p rc tL- r' I i'r ':- 'rc:r' I .lo-r r r.(.. '\" e r .r : o,.,: r1. .o i..,.rr; r.t .., n .n.
..gi.. rt. .l..n r-on' o co-rr'':rs F r -i': le {' r rrir' "1.ecr."ere. ol lrr.e,lo..erncn.
",ri .",.: r periornr.,E:,. i. o.)
oupt wor'(.ng -.rl' -h"'olo It ;":(l) e )rrL 1 - -'o The sarne rechnoLogies rhar have lrarslolmeij rhe globe inio the ,globrl
i".r;'"* rt .1. if.* nussian n'eePons ro Marrrst guJlilL;rs ir Sour;h"
r,illage'.iol legitirnatr. coornercial purposes are also beiog useri oy gioups
"f p,Lr"rnilitarv groups in Colonbia
rofrr--i"e s"rge o!
cngaged i:r dmg trrfficiring, terrorism, econcmic crirae, trotfi.liing in
ro. :.rc llcs-ng
---ifrit...a,o :nLo R'r''.r' werpor-.s rnd rle smuggling and rr.af{lcking oi human beinrs
it"ifi,"te laundering oper:tions hrs also resrireC in the ,

" ,ger." ol 'ign.fc,n g: zeo cri'r'e illL:'rc" .r'd o-r '.l i - r'
."'-rur , in rhe Crriooer , w h we-ket - onrn:e' or e'oxo:r1r'' , INTERI OL
.t; nr on,uoolvnefnrnr:rl ,e:-i'e< Are'en: 'r'u ol h- ('1nttr V..I rh.ra; "hanger.r r' . a o.rr.o..rf. v .?reoo., Inierpo ...:r rn.
;',;;, t;;j' ;o 6,nk or he l:nd o'itr :"eL'of 'bo' JSS' l *.,r..rs - pcrseLo rr<l.i.orrjrr.r:.)I :no c' Ll or.l:.r".po
L(St5.n. l,.rto e-rchofrl eur'.on'2 )n(':. id'nr' I lr,d. go.re or.-r:'. -1. r.g. .rr n3 ir r. ej .r
",t;;" ",.", o Irn.o[27o 'ho:€cr"ls r:] eu-(rl1 i bc .g rnrd..o ,lc ,.r:. ..1 , .. t.:e.. r I :... .. r ror.... . n
',", i i ," n,'.r," .'.l ..
"r,--,;,*,1""^a,rc b nri ;d on. uk'-:r.i rr o'r:l ' p':rel ..c'.,.1.S arr : t:. r'er "'". .-rr;.r.r"dr er.u., i .,. -.ol
,1,"" ::: \U'rL p:' i Le"rcr'r'rr" .-:Lcti... fo.uel., r -cne"l. i,r.r..,r:o..- o.r.r.:
".t" ' "o2''
,o..e-1.: ..-u: v Icr'e r'n * l.runCq:int:n r'' r'1 |1r "
,, I - r .- .rd oltre. Fgot." . .:1.. tl,. Tl i ,: rr. ': l. n '.q1" ' ': .rro:-i"r. .' ..,:rs. "r"i y (:. , ,. ??.,"
COI,JBAT]NG "]'NANSNITTONAL (]RiI\'E llEslONDl^..c ia,r t !.r,r-SN"r\ fio:riJ_ Ctnnt.

1- i
s Lo ,rsrf.irLls! anci conriluousl;,' LLpLinre I romp:rle:.rzrd iiie ol
.1.. e. i oll .. Jr s. roL :c ..o go I . i. o .
.oLr{ries tLe nredjun for cornri|nii:arlon ors Ltlorse cocicl ToiL}. iute:natron.rl rri:iijcirlo.s th;i crgile lr. conLin.roL:s ;rirrjr,:j
InLer:ol bo;rsrs lr eificien:, sec.rre rncl relhblc relecotrulrnl..rirors
sl,sr..t fiar links e:rch of rle Liior;ol l'lational Cenrr.ni ki:.e;,.:s b-, ."- e ro rross cirrci :rri rn.rir.;t :ll Lrl|:,.:r.rrrr,:r or-: o:gr::iue.1 :rirre
:::rll -:rc givcs rrc: rec rccess to :r ,:;:::r.rl dat:rbrsr of iri:,r::rrirrl r ,r :rri 'ri:r:11 rr rrcr:r'u: r :.oLrnrrrL:;
rnte::ationrl crime ;LrC crlmirris. lh*e rerneins, lr.n"e.:.r, mr.ir r. :e e io iriss oo ri1rel€rarr irionxiorr ir., r'1,,rt :!rcrllrr i;Lrer, b:rllerins
L.:.r-is, ilLcirrir.r:il rLries. :rr. I

Fr;sr, r'e nrsL ur,ierr:ke .r r ,:rliryi.le cooliirr:rLj rrri ,:cr;.r, r-j'.i : t-o::ln r,r,:,r'il:l,lri ,Lcirr't .rnl ,rr*r,:l:r :,lir:rr.rr:es, siur,-.cs:r in.l
[r enicrcemenr resi]onse th;r1. i: ci:nsistenr rvlLi: the iLLriirm:r:irt .. ... ;r .J : :.
dem:cntic :rirciples ol iusril f 1:r,t ::rtr:rs arrrcl::rg r,r'gr:rlzirl rLi,r:l
grorLps strongLr' anJ hvlull;'r"-ll:in lhe boLrndrriel ol c;ch;iictiecl il orrlcr ,:o c::,rit,',ri
inr,,,se drt.r iror: i;re rrgirnizrr.rr, s c.:rr,1liz.d
co.r:.:r.;'s lur rsCicrion rni dren r,: i:i r:e .rl !-.rop r.i,rrr, slrring iir resrl,rinr ri;t,rbr:e, r nLrlrber' ri oii:ci,rls rr tlir: ger:er',ii sccrerrrirr hrlc r,een
...:..-...1.n ..'rr on rLl.oL.. . coun.r" Lr,rineil ar cliue xnxirsjs aoC lorc lorir lhc rlLiy,:i:rl crirni;:rrl
il acdition ro excranging Lr.:esiits;itlre dat;r. rqe trl:st lriplcr.c i,ni,s inrciliqcrce unit (ACiL').';ri|zlng slair.oi"r|.-i:ir rr:rivLicaL scii,.rre,
l_r r,hrch ro incr'eise the e;;r:hrlee of lrrl erforci:trlerrr.rL:liLcci this r-Lr:rt h,rs becr Cesiglel rc ,r:rsure tir;u iull etir',rnrr,te c..r bi rrtel o!
-rechnology rrrl lorensic Er!rl.lir. I|:erpol ccrri:rrur io exrloic tl:t Lllrllir oi lnlolnuricr, ;!r'i is storei :r Inrolpri's cr;rninrL
ilirlr,tlves ro srr,ndarciize ho*.h. eriorcerrenr ::g:oc1cs ccile'.:r, rn:lyse, ilir:nr:icn rrsrer!, lioi r:r:rep,:, 5;.er:rrblishing t!c li:rLs !crteer:
sro:c ard uiilize erlCeDce of crii.-:rDal ,:crs. !i'e conrirue Lo s,;ri r: ro crires rnd ofie::rlers ud Jisse:rrinalng thl: inrcrm;Lrion lor
inp: ovc the le.rel, jntensily an:i q,ultr.,' ri lnvesrlg,lrllc coorar,rtil'n enii l e:rpi':irrLririn ir), l', ,n.".'r",. co.:r:rres, irrer.coi plo.irLes l:w
ilior:n,rrlon.shrrlng itmong liirv .li.rl.em€nr itejlcles rriricl ih. erior:crr,:nr ;'ilh lai..ntle tii rcti.l:rr.'.-l: crir,inri inrel-iqrrt,
Or: on.3oing erolcL:r ri [:Lt: L!r r',r.grnizr:l cr]ars !lr:cI oi r!c
1;::e:-rol h:s and musr conrirue :.r sn:."e as a !:iege rhrL llLrirs iir,: irr:' {ClL ls !i!e go,rrcsL projecr',h;:r dral,;..r:h coile::,.:g,r::r: r..rlrs|rg
enlo:cerntnr .',gencies oi th: r'er[] Onlv lirl rhc tlrir;:rred :rio:'1rrLIn corcrrni::g !i:. E:,!t [!].oi-.ii!:: irlrNc sl.,Ioicrk,s 1r-,3n!icnBJ
.cor.iirtlor ol rhc lar,' erfor*r:;Li rgricles oi tle rr:riri rsir3 irr.,-: rL:,'ro.:ri1' I:-, thrt,,cln irrre:rrl hrr r,,:;r;r *r'cr,,l nel r.:oic:rs ol
L:1I ;ne3t !h€ c!rllenge oi dre cr.:rr r'.ll ,:here b:- r rr t.L,rirr;irr .i,:r !:r:r ''':.':'
'.rpon rhe clininals and c:irne glo,rp: trrr r:orv crll tlr; eu,lrr: q,.j'.1'rir.ir irrtsLrit;t:ons oi these glor:D,
!onr Crr s c eonr:n;e ro igrl r p:o .tn ru.'esl:iiiiif. ,lr,rli.,iis, rf.tr ,,r
,,rrd::ccrer perctr'ations, elecu,rrlic lTcnlorirg, ccrrrcll:d:reli'r:.r,.:r .l ..... ..r .. :
:1. irior:rant :rrren:enni Tle l,:r'c: is ro. The probien ls e.,,oi..,ri :or,tlin.,ri::! lntcrl;Lri:,:ri rnr: LiomcsLic il.l5!i:r1r:ir: this i.ecLrir:s
.o :'. .-..o.1:
' : ,.r... . . or' g:. i .. ,., .

1n th; corrrxr ol rrs geremL,:ifrrrs Lo sLrpplv r::ejrrb:r c.ur!r-ier-yirlr rl,urrrirg irc

irv.sti"ati." rLrDl-to tc e,1.ti c:hrr.]r1 rrile: ic con:rt
iLlior:r,rrlo:t.ir(nr! various crimrrri cr[erprisr:.Lr:r] ,:rli'i-|rris, Llc i::rcr:rrrion:j orgiuize,l c:tre. Crrrrrr,s r.or.k ro:eric: , li.;
.'..n.niL l: ....: o.... r. ., erior.'cliellt r-,1rsl.1o ihe s;Lne.
1956. rs studling aLl rspects of t!c crgrrnized crinie issLc lhe L:ng,rcrn
..:.. o. .n- :...... o crerr" ' :. r iu. drr-b- " o ..r:. ( nc

r, e.rgr6ed .n :. r .llegrl .i.r..) .: o. I

.:rner-,rlc iiLicir rrotl!s In conr:r'cr: ,ams. rhis neans Lh:LL Lt:c i.lrcjt'r

MrLslim countries? The answer, for rhe tine belng, is !1ol Reaolorizirgthose
regror. snere 1s.ar.r. erol i, oreecrug r. nor re:,rL,le. e en il rj:r, , vhrr
'hF BucL ,rorn.n (rrr-, .n i. plec've t rrrerprog ro d.). f.- "r,. i\y",.er.
colonizarion is gone.'Ihe difficr.ri!ies encounlered jn re.butlding Afgharisler, G lobalizati on, Terror's
rhe ^Lrrrrn.eof *o'd.e,rders ob:.krr"U.c. i-v"<.o orl.aq, nr .o:ii
cal !nstabiliry ol the ne* Iraq, rhe split betrveen rhe LI.S: arld rew Lulopa Unrviiling A1ly
rre-,1 rgn' ri rhe or rger ,oo'n.nt "h"rd. rne .'re..:of....
ro! fo rever p resent in lhe minds of Vesterri p o licy-mak€rs, js a co dtc D_1
reninde! dlar maior charges in Weste(n Joreign policy are needed, Wa::,is
not rhe besr opdon, ko icallt, any corfliet Nill boost the Nelr.Iconpmy ol
'l;r' .r: whi:rr f"ed, or contl.crr: .o w.'l econom'_ e nbrre^e\ .rnd any conr'
mercial srrairjackets lmposed upon couotrics that harbor terlor.groilps, "lniustice is ilfli.ted aa ns anrl oryot
Closingchannels to the legirimare international econodjc sysiem will only open [\Yestern pcople] by ptt palitj.ieks.'
!rp new ones to ihe illegal one. Osama bin Lader

Dlys AFT!! rH! ITARcH rr aftecks ln Nladrld, al"Qaeda disrriburdd

N z polauni, Lurollz ' through rhe Internet a new terror man',ral, "Suikes wirhin ciries are a type o1
r:i,' r dip oclr.y. . rrec tr,e do.urrre. r. [hr- r/pe o' o lck rs ofren.u- t
\,\,,r^J ren rvirh blood. embci..,.r(d ! iLr. o.o/ pr.rs rno oe.lumeo $ rLn g-npos
der."i The manual is a chilling reminCer of thc reasons why, since thp rngic
evenis of Septenbe, rr, the incidence oi terror anacks in MLLslim ond
wescern cities has ilcreased exponentially. "Strikes bear a polirical meaning
relnted to the conflict in ldeoLogy. Tirey are considered as messages sent.to mul
tiplb partiai, rhus choosiog rhe rargets js done widr extrene precisionr Those
foribings-suqh as rhe CIA building bombiug, the lasi Riyadh operarion-
were wellexicured and *'ere de spt(ks to awaken the srruggiing lourh,". The
lexicon of Islamrst arnred groups is encrypted ln iheir urban terror a*ions;
these attacks bea! a doqb)e message: a deadly political wanring {or rhe ene.
mies and a porverlul revolurionarl cali for tle lollowers.
Among a1-Qaeda's primary ains is the destruction oi the economy o1
Westerr: countries. The aim is "to create a disruprion in the stability required
lor moving the econordc sector to$'ards derelopment,"r summarizes lhe !eI-
ror inanual, Ir is in this context tha! one has !o analyze the srborage of oilwells
and pipeliirqs in,lraq; they rvere ad hoc measures ro kcep Western economic
inierexs ar bay and ro danlxge the ifiterests of Vtstern oil companies kaqi
oii'ievenLres are managed Lry the FLrnd for the DeveLopment of iraq, which rs
controlled by a conmittee of the lrovisjonal Coa!!tion t uthorir), formerly
ireaded by Piql Brerne4 and cornposed ol seven Americrrs, one British and
one AustraLian reprcscntati\,€, in nCcii!;or to the foreigr minister ol Iraq and
''c ;r' ' I

rlt#,,:: L!e r.;lor. ll is,r!1t.sL rtris bircjrgLrrnLt r|::t Li:e O::Lol.:r r...r. Lrrt! tornb"
'Illlj -;r:.:r.:
', ,irn ..- rooi(
Loo: r-.i.]ce I!. trrrrr,r:k
_r_.]ce Thr .rrk r!i| r.,;r.r !i
rrI: 1.,;!.r r:i : :lrbri :rrarrgl to r:lesLror rlc rr.:rd -
DCO\-OMIC C0\riaiULNcES iii,t;*' :^l--, i:coiorur o! lncjcresir ari ro r:ie.:Lr:3lrbri
tion,..l rhr lt;etslrr s,j.ir' e:.ororric rcrJ

-irade frol
oI !h,: Cesr!!crion oi $e \1.:rJd Cerrrer lie: !he .sr3Lri: rgaiisi 11)c rll l;11::. 'r
rr h rN- --.)oR. -,,1
r:i . u.o[,\ .z\'t o\. rFp\ort\ -)rvll.LtNJ \ tv _.j
were delivered by an al-Qaeda courier ro the aell lhdr ealried our the rvired fionl one place ro the next, The speed ar whjch offices aLe moved
the balance was provided by funds w.bjch,were alreadt jn Turkey,I to country is also a by-pfodu* of giobalizarion and dereguliza-
objecrive of the resrructuting was rwofoldr to shjeld the organizariou,si farl1 globallzation seems to have been mox€ of ar obsracle than an
frogr the counter-terrorisur Lreasures which al.eaeda anriclpared 'iu trackrng terrol money,
inel,lrably iollow rle Septembel.rr alldcl(s, arlcl lo prolir froril t lhree )'ears srnce Septefiber rr. the Islanrisr religious colonizarioi
changes gcnerared bl reii economic.consequencas. These chargestaie:rii
i}ili 'in lull swrng and charitable orgrnizatio0s are hs most poweriLrl rool
rpp..rcriro .r. .ll. The irr,rsio.r of Afghan.sr.rn --d -!s s:r ir T;.r:. oencr rL.ng ne\v .narker. 1o.h1 Alrica . -l-e qc.r f-orrr.e-: tri .ir".." .r rq
srones in dle war on ierror, accelerated rhe fall ofrLledolla! z/is-a",ts rhe.tt
,v spreading in both Easr and Vest Afrjc.:. ln Easr Alrica, Sonalia,
;ud the Swiss iranc, tbe othcr llvo widelyrraded currencies. From.thet
, rlldTirnzania are alliong rhe courrrics targetcd L]v SrLrCi terror finan-
:o. - r M r-c5,:,oor, -n. mo)r f erlec! coLre.Jrcn exlsL5 -L we-T .r€..,p- i - F. rd.are..,ro,o .ui,c .c r m. \q. ej . .t ,, .da t...{ Wa-t.:o .,
crarion of rhe dol a. anc dre roprccrarron ol rlese rwo c.rrrenc,cs. Orcr dier .from Tanzania admitted ta T;ne $alazine rh:i SalCi Arabian and
sam€ period, a simjlat correledorl characftrized the relarion;hip bciweel] icharities regularly send molrey ro his country, "Otficiallv. rlre money
price of gold and the value of the doliar, Is ir feaslble ro.eay rhatj rhad jusecl to buy medicine, bur, ]n reaiiq, rire morey is given to us to suppo
irs rernarkable knowledge anrj understanding ofthe s.orld,s financialmar ourwo,,nd t-u"gurr< ., In \{?.rAic).(r rd.A-rb,rrn" S,d"n rr. rh"
"l Qre lr oredrcred r\c econom. ionseque jccs oi rne BL,sir v .r on
rlnjor sponsors, Thanks to !hei( money, lslamlst insurgencihas exploded in
this rhought mq' be repulsive ro man]', i! is e djstinct posslbiliry S€negal, Gambia, Niger, N{auritania and Chad, In Nigeri6, rhe inrroducrion
needs_ve to
!w ve cotsidered a!!
be !w!J!sQ.! and d'Ldrt.cu,
analtzed. of fte Sharia law is spreaLlhg froni region ro r€gionj bin Laclen has cven
r 1," LII',J repon alro.arnerr. r r" nao.l
ryof rheWewroLr cr plorics o, legrr decldred rhaf the country is "ready for ljberailon,"."
imare businesses \\,hich are diyerred ro rerro! groups; as well as rhe diiiisul., Iu Africa, as in South llsr Asia, rhe colonizarion forces hnle foond r fer-
li€s encountered ln blocking lunds generated bl bugiiess empiles managed- tlle rerrajntin dre failure of lh€ dom€stic polirical economies.l CorrLrprion,
by Islamist terror symprlhrzefs, asr for exaxlple, thar of 1'oussef Nadai:.r': uremployment, siow econcmic gro{th, poverryJ inequrable dis!.iburion of
Th€se ditficulties sprang frorn ihe idiosynclaaies otdre globalized iinapcial mar, 11'ctlrh*these ar€ all-tooJal!1ili?r econcmic factors boosrirg rhe spread of
.?er Unr.JDece-rberroo3."\r-a.anEglpri:rnarion:lh,,rng r:srvirzerr ncl, islamisr insurgeircy. ln Aflica, as in SoLlth E!1st Asia, rhe lslanrst ieligious
designated as a terrorlinqrcier by rhe UN and subjectecllo sanctions (itclu(li colonizarion is promoted by Arab economlc forces; Saudi iinanciers ard
ing a travel ban), rraveled iieelv l Europe, whete he hacl li.ess to mos! of ' Yeoreni buslressmen, lor example, lepres€nt the clrrvlng ecoronrc Sackeis of
his Ecakh.rs Nada used rhc flej{ibiliry ofrhi financjal markels ro ljquidatese\L Islarlist teuor inSoulhllst Asia, Centlrjes 3go, traders ard nrerchanrs frorr
eral companies by appoinring himself as liquidalor and reiocating tie lulds tlie Sor:thern tlp of the Arabian Peninsula, a region rhat today belongs to
elsewhere and out of leach oI lhe aulhorirjes. The.FinanciaL A{tion Taak Yenen,rbroug.ht Islam io Sout| Easr Asix, Thus religious as lvell as rradirg
Force (FATF), an internaiional organjzarion based in ?ads which is attempt,r 2Lcl lorllne cta. .es bcrreen rhs"e..vo r5ior.. go br.l..ere'-r c-nL-r.e..
lng to block diLty and tertor money frorn flo*jng jrto legirirnare eco-non1ies, ' Tl-i. ero'-.- whn \eme.r b...r',,-ne. n re a " ro.gprr.", c n 50rrt. f
blames the lack of cooperatioo and poor information.lharing practices
Asiaand ,,vhy they are amon'g the maior investors in the regiorl; Lrnlo(unarell
anong countries for rhe failure to cut olf tetror,finances frorn rhe Wesrern some of rhem control joint venrlrres rvhich operare as fronts foL al.Qaedc.+
financial sysrem,,r Howevert icounter,te{odsm officers ofien haye litrh to
'h.rre. e pecrally rhen -orey uarels rnrough lhe olrshorJ l-"nk.ng e)srerr.
FATf wirr rhc U\ ri)ar r1rgerrnB tJamjrr ch"rjrics hac a.so proveo THE ?ATRIOT -{CT
tery d.llicu.r. Ohen rnose c.osed ln one coJnrry reapperr rfrer 1 Iew monrhs In,Ocfober zoor, the U.S, Congfess approved rhe Patrior Ad, rhe firsr finan.
Lrodbr a new name or move ro another coirniry,Al Haranain, which i!],a.ooz cia! corinter-terrorism measurer The Acr js based on rhe convi ion rhir
.ad oecn fo'rnd gJii.v oi acrild a, a Ironr ior.r.-QaeC" ,n r. l-,osr;.u, dnJ moncl larrndering and a l.rcl oi ri"1nc rl
)omar:rn or.ncn"s.op:ne<tan Iil:mrc.c\ool ruJ"iana,",r Dcce,nber zoor. , ' n.lrre c) )., e .r! r.r'eo (l).
financing of globalterror:isrn, At a nacro level, rhe Patriot Acr targets three
\ PATI offic€r aam.,(ed tL€' "hrf ies cdn bc relo-.,red r. q-ick I i5 n.one) ' areas olthe linancial system which arc believeC ro lave been exploired by ter-
: rl.:i Llrlnox rNcoRrcrlL'r-rllr .'.i:llj'ri]:
ci oE'lr.rzr' oiij rriitr.rr,: \r,i L--rr:G Ar.r_l 1:i
.,: .:... t,

r,.-.",,. -" Tr., :-.- I::irirlr - . -:


:.. .i.Jlr r...: :n....... .... i).ij nrr:r_\',Jrs w!il: i.:r..iri.iilir!: r i: rir will|oiir:rrr r.:r o::
. :.r.r,rjirtrr. ioLuig::


. l .lor .r i:r-F: :i. ,rr-,:r 'l;,clLrbrr.r.v-laLrrdrrrrrxrriti.r..rrt.:l :'llq|iiii. rc::rrr rrinsr.tLnis,

rh,:norementoilunds.Ir(cFirrsirolnthrsiriL:!oigir'!:rLlz'ri,rirrrrriri:,rij', !-lLrr::n bark;.:Lc rcLl p.:r') ri,qLrcir scrccrinq:rd:eirrs::o rcorer,ue ltri:

at rrcir oivn expense, ro rlrii(e surtr th€./ lcox, h{rrr,co co'rpil,\cr. i/r
r,,irh litt
'lr\1. cr .e tl.-c...,. .^nl-"-rc...o r...: .l '!
rrpcrlork rncL others r,::arri tirr uerv Legisin'-ior as rn irlr,.rsir--n in to iirc ili TI-il i]IACI( l,l/!RI{ET ]rLlrO [\C].il\::CI
'racj oi rheir customers.: llr..\'.rcr. the oir s.rioris iiio.r;r rt i.:g|l:L ,rn Tlrt I'rLrlior ,lc: md orr:r' io,.u,:r:''Lc:ro:r:r:: iir:rcr:l r:t:rsuLcs, lL-.r g::rn:lr
sLr.h .ri ihc P.nior -r.cr, ..!hr::lr iilrts rhe clegrce oi ireeriu of icL:igr br r,cr, ri!.rc irj,llLtseC br fir !:lTl |.rr I irr; r rcrv l|lir-eLl 1n;rcr, i1 .mr, rr rldLr;
t;:.r.r.r.:.il,ltJ,):r, riil.rrir \ I Irx,l Lr\; 1_j_1, :r_
!h. ilicanul irrnking s,rst!m l-his s)'stem can ic.iescr:L.cci:: : rr::rs ol :.it:r . itr C.rl.I11bi.r rlrr:r r:q,:rLr,rr, ,jr.t,it:j..ri!rj!o r,, b,j, io,.c,;:,
nr;r'c anii unrcgulered rrenrrlrrs. rhrough rvnich morr:y r',rlr,:: lr.'n c,rnr' rLiis,rxnli,rg ftor U.S. rL:;r',::r:s :r, _l\, scrr,.rrrl ,:aL,lr r.,:srs. I he prrci,rscs
lLf io co!r::)' One of thc:r :.:lirorls is thc lllrc! lvlrrket I'],:,ro lrrhir:.', ::re drne sr rl erc!rl:! L,jiir r'1rj:1. !.r!-rr:ir ls :o r.:ccrr:IrLr rfr
:rnoilre: ore is rhe l,:r;/e. Tirc Bhcli lvlarker lcso 1.:cLange ir iha rr':r:r: .ri ,-irl !x(ha:q,r rir.. Tl; ir:.r1,:: |:ryr rff gor:,Lis r;r rllr it:,.j,rir.I
rnorer i ;nie|urg most conrnorrl:'rrrd $-rciclr rs:i tL rr: {ioirrrIifr .:ir l 1.,rri:: ,r,hidr iuor lr..;.i l;r,i:rr|ir.r.r.rf:ur:l:r|:!itrl,rrtr;irJrses
r::tL Sorrh -\rleric:rn d,ug:r"rt1-.. Tle l;lr.rlr, ..r'hicr: is .er' :',:tr! ,r t rr l:t:i:rrrrr i-..;:or rc r:rl l.rri: ir: ii Ln r.,:lt:rl,r,r, t;rj r LL..h.iri,i.rfj.r.r.:ir
nurkr:rLe cxtL.mell eh:sive Lo riilrjitionai orrrr:rj icl1:r'o: irir!ir ilil
Jo ror urr olle rhe phvsrc.r, rrrrr::rnr of c:rsI l i-rrL i,ir. c.lrrrrr r. -r!,Lii ri:i !r:.rr;i:r1::ril[g.,1. lr:.i.rr :i]rj r.!r.j :.r!))..,1i-l.r(t.,r.,,:rfr{i,fs::
iLo:ricrilr :oth ;vstcjns I|r,r'ii.i iir!orJi]rg r. i,:ir.:i;rirs ,ri;1,,1',ri -r:r: ' :r r:r.i L :rrrrl to si: r'e,-:r lu ;;r!,, I t J|j.i|ri t!.:r. ir.,l r:r.,, l,:.|r l,r:..lr.riror: :1. ::il
deregrlrrzrrlr:nr rhcv, are I LLll rr.r;:r,rtior::rl. t|:1':r,'reii e;r r r,ri li.r lr:r
ro iicl: ;rr :hc c,rsl oiten LL.,u rs ir Lic:rhl anil llrr ir, iier itirr /:r:r;lrr,'rl, r l-lrr Jlhcir il:LLlcr Pr.so L:.ir r,:r s ri:rr, ,,srij i.y tj,f,L , ,!,,,r i,..,:r IFt:s_
in rhe errir dals o: rh,r.''Jr.i:llii) drug c:t,ei, c:sh *rs irori,:r !:r-k L,r ij,S "aLr:rs,;r i.nc:i.)rs i,r;r ilr.rto.r rtrni .j:.1,) Lh: /:r,r;l,r Ir D::,;:ra i|c s,:::r:
Coloir.bia bu rhe sa.3e pl,rrer rr,licir took t1',e ilrugs to Arn.r'icx Orcc;tl r.:lr.rnrrgrsi it rs trsrcL, !h:rryr arLi Lrlricis :rrr rr,,e ri n,,,,lrr,,n .nr,LL.,ls.
Colodrja, CollaLs had r". i:.- rourerred inro pesos.r:rf ti:e hrh rl coLr.,;,r .:...
b;rrken B,;t ihe ploccss tr: s:o"r e:rd rhe :lrug tr;liickers i:rd ro siore hr;: vir $i: Ill.rcl, j!l,rrl{.r Irio t:rctrre: trs r;sci ironr jr 1. ti6 ir Liion r.
rnorirls oi cash. Crsh srolrgc crc:led seleral !-robi'111e Onr l}iolL,i:rr .\c.or.r]1g to ]ii!m'r.1 KL:iir., CoIrnjrstorer.ri rh( ij S. t_r:!r.ms Sejvi,:r,.
drrg rrrif:clte:, fur cranpir. l:.rrirri so mucL ca:i: on hi; prrp:11 :i:rr rcc:'
:icralh, uler i: raircd !::r'rli. ihe resulrxnt lloc:Lr tl S. ir:.lr : ,:rlc:. L,sir:g gloi-.,Lmdr r. lrsk 3iltrl rlr:r,:r tl,nr1rrr:r ,.rf
rlorvrs rrr:. ;loggirg tlrr i'\r,rijr !rstenr r: I;.Ir;i:i:l ro lri;.r li,'r-r:r;r:.
rrho cire:rs rhc U.S. crst.r', !r'Ltl.;: i:nanclll rf',!:i;snl,.D ILLiL irr iilb::i ir
Ilrlt it.i1,i,:,.1. !
rol:,r ric:r rL. rLiiL wrrrl.',,. -: ,rl oiUS.cLlr:,r.:,.i:irl..lr:i.:.:::i,',i,
usL ro rir,: Coir,urbrrr dr,:; :.,rcl r: 'o fAlli, rir r",f ,,f giL t) r l,,: r ,i .';L
ir:g as rrs rrriirlr. or :o S;',(.i,,i l-,,)i ,1oso :r i'.j r.:,j,rurii.rs 1I ri,.s.,' 11.','
Lr,rtlons iirc jl secju.ied.rr:,| ,.'r; t :lrtv Lrre l,:,:l:Irr.jclrs r:: i lrrtr "Lr .:i
:l-.:orrl.Thelr:eerjaomc!rj!r')n!r'1ipa!rhrgri,,.tLr. r i-Lrt'-,rr::cri,,r. ,r

rrre!,:o rlrord sr.r:3g! pr L, Lrlr:ns ,::rri gLLrrarr:: r sr:.:.,rlr l.olrl lr,,;L r:,ir
!l:cl< narker rrc rnsir,:-:r(t ir in:o rh!!r rN::j iil.t:iri',r.it rrtr iIiofri,l

:r,ir lclr:Ls :,.u,l",ivcL bult c is'r tc, :, Lronel !r';k:r l:. i 1i U.s . !,ir. rqr.es r.
d\.lu:!,e L: ri i LliscornL r:' rire rfiicirl rere, grncLr,ir; :t,llrnil 4. lcrc.i :
Tht crsh ls luLrded over i| !o\.s, sritcesc! ri .!,j]] ii).i;.lc !ir. lrrll{ or I ,i:r1
lrl :re cc.Lrt"portting pisos.:Lr lclirered ir Crl,,:::b,:r r ii,r r:cks Lrt,.r
ii ir sairl: a ourrs trxo Lljsrurls ri U S. i-.rrli ric:,r, rls. ()r!r r :. Lr,,f..'
,s irl ire blni, it can be cljri1 i[iai riated, Al tiir l:it:'c iir]'r i) ol.rr rr1-.
1r8 TIni{Ol{ lNCOrLrO!r\'i ED ,i,lf;,4it; cr.rii^i.iz,1...roii. nl,.n.)r,,|, rr\\,, ir.r.,r.i(;.\i.L! :r,)
rlrj on. ihx!.;rn bc.orverred rI. ..v rJpe oic|rrel].! i. 11 i./cr\ !hcit tjLrer

l'hus rire d.cision ro conr en a consideLable :rnoLrar oi il"Qneoa teil'h lrr!

gr:lLd Lv:s ncilrtarcd b1 rhc €ff;c;eii.1 .i tirc slsret ior trrrsiolnirrg go1:r inrr
cashr ir iur:r, tLis boosted dre,:o|rne ofrransacliols l,;r.died vh the laar:rlc. ;;;!ffir fL'ese,".n^-'sconrr:r
-,"_, ,-,. ,,*.-,",,",,,, .,!r,r::t(.ss:trl jairr mrticr lo
all rir:::tccsserl, rnf.rrr:t1cD
ttc ,,rl
irtlL,Lr- ir.',..:",:,
il,rti ir..Dir
\rm::lir, rrll
:irc other gr'eet al;rnr,rqr oi rhrs irlcrr..rl.rl s itr trrlrrrr';r;l ri ir,1'or."'r. _i h3 Frin:;.1! fli!. ltrri irt:..jri.rlo| ,1 . i,,",,;": ,",g.,'\.
r:rescucc rn.:reas rlhcrc Isj;rr:isl rerrcr is blossoling rnd therr rnr: !.rrl.:ir11 '\ccorriu; Lo Incil:.r Sirg|. .rLr ,.,:rlltr. r:sli ;r..IlrtcL"a"",
,rh,, i .! !rs rt,r,r,r:r:rr.l:
',:,rrrirr',:rh lnfakistan, rists:lLtlcdthr:rrrr':1.:L:lrbrrisi,r'\/.,0r:lr
.rr:i S1 bilrior,ri forcigr :.rirL:.:r:,ii: rr.!ss thl!:'ri: r:r; li,rr,ill ,!jir:u,r,,.
..nrp,ri.c si!h i! lirrl. as l r.: i,ir,il r Lrlrich art rf,rr,lrr rr rr ii.r i..:!,ltiir:
..\r.:1.JnS,)uti1[rsr,\si:,|,rr:r:;:;:ic.rhe/rr:r']rl:li5,l r:i:,.i r,:r. ,r,:i,
::r:r oi lortign excirarge rrr:rrrlr;r: Ir rLownlr.. ir ),1,,r:l,r'" llir;i':i I) i::i.l:i, ,,,: . ,'. ,, :; ,
,", ,,. ,.i ... ., .. l. . ., ,, , .l ,,,,,,,.:: l:., : ,ll,l';r:.i:l
'r:,::r:rcbloclt;ir:Lblocirrrr:r:rrl.ri;rs.*|r;lr:rrrrl:r:,..:.,lr.rl:,,::, .i. ..r s,,t .,:r'., ',
rl:LLl S;.c::rillion oireni:ir.:rL:c: ':cLirdre r + riiiirr..'|1r,-r,r: .r :'r,r'r,.i
.rj rh! llidiile Ees:.ac In Ilr!ii:, ,rir,,liidira ail.rr .'rrjrri: i, .:iirr; c:, l-
,,,1,, t-il.:.ir,,::r
l:r.r.rL,i,:r, r:r:.h.r.tr,r riii:..ril ,r:|:L:,: _i:.:: rirr: i,:ri S.
ir,rvaLrt: r,:r;:r :,r.llrL:i:L:. r.,
l:iig:r r. i,ijcate
er r!, the lrr;i.r i; rr:ller,:d a, l:r:rrr.li.i lfrfijr ir|" rqi 1.,,riiri:
:,.:llir ll: :,, "',',,,,:"..uhl ,r,. i i
i. :s Lnrc: :rs i{o eerccrlt oi rhr roiLnlrr''r gross rrrriir:,':rl lLo;:iu:t..:
F.;rei;p excira:ge courroi: ;Lr.- .uoil:er factor rh:i iN.rc:r.r ri': r pr:hi-
.. :... -. :.. .b..!. _ .Jdvs. . rir. ir';rj licr\..,,.., ihc :rBg!(r r.il,rrtiqe rlat j:L:r rrtj i:r- \ri1.r.,n t:rj.r
.orr,'r'ois ic prerc11r capi!al iii3lrs. rle rfiralr; bec.]re llif rr|t.iril s.,:r c. .ri , is ihe :irL:r,.1. rr 1r,:nLcgerL:r: Lgr:i.rLior si:::|:r rr, rhr tr::.tor l.:: i r:rrjr3s
r' ,1l!IrirsLri:1..JEl.rii..1|.l,il.rlrir::lr[olr:::prli:iesr.rngrronr:rctr;1r
\I'esttr'i rcrror backsrs alsc r';'oL: to r!c l,rral; to seril rnorr; Lr isi.r r!r ' ri r ilil,nilt ,iclrrirtr,r ri Lr:r,rL,,n. r\,lrict
s.n; ,,.:,., :,.,1"..,," ;,;,;,
::rrnr!l Sr'oups. In e surrrnrer oI rcc;.. the Inriizrr p,;lirc u::rn.Ls!:r.i r scire::r;r rrLic., Lo :r:r rlL,c,o i,r,;r,,:; ;; ;r;-,,,;,s;,. r;,,f
.:l;":l,l:i,,:;..; ilil,
LIL:Lr3h rlrrcL r:o::e1 r:risr,l r: ir rio-Kashlr1i:i Bfli\!r !:lir.iri :r.rir tr,:.r
ifuriierr'.r t! (,rshIniri re!r.r .llr::rrlrtior!. ,\ ]rrli,.rir.i,,r, .l;llrere,t l-. 'iir\:Ii.:r.1r,ir nrlttcj.rcr
u rrr:;i:r-l icrlrr r.rr!r!.!rIrlra
i:.r;t fc rli UK cira!ir1's lo:ri,,.-L:u hclia Ih: rLr:.r :ir.r L:,,:.,"r:1-i ir l:: lt ,.ir:,rir r: 'f irrris trczrr :l:,:r -!,lrl:-,:ri:l i -.r,r..jr ;- j :|:lii" ,:,.r rr,. r,ri,i.
L.:r,t rccor::r rs lLrnds lor ri! .::.1:izlrir. I Ie ih,:. r\'f.,1. :,rrril Lil !!liii. ! ,j ir,rlir i-'.:r, tLl: trrir:ir iira;1, lrtr r, :. .ur.;.r:i riisroLi, i:.rLijrtcs:r.r
r:rLlrq th: r:ro::er inro orhcr i rir :ic rnts. Irn:f .r Li.: rlrc I rri.: rri0jr(,i ., srii, iull r,:rlLirq:l lL,r;:: or;lr r:r,: rlr! I t.r,t. il
l.,r !,):1,. rl iirc i.,1,
br;l rr K.:rh:;r: irol .r'hcrL ,r. r'lL:,ifet the rlrir{.r .r1{l r;il! r:,lr l:: ',.,,' ri:, ii,:ri 'r .:,.rlr:r: i!, :::r rhr: oi!rrr;,,, i,r.,,.r:r:r ,:i.,,..s , i,,,,rir:,q
: r.,:,r:
li lir ,.r,, rl,.r. !aijri irlli r.ti:t!.f: ir.:ti::i,:s r:.,Ltr.:ri.:rr.,:tlr:relsLr:l,rl

t -ltilot)t,: -t:t]loRjs NE\i: 1,.i. .,\: c:-1L Alil LiiG-;ittat.j t. rtLr'l:ti.tl i-lrlLi:h oi:.lrLr, iirrjlt:i.r An r,rr_rcilrrrl ir l,r,r,.r:1,r, rst.[.r r:rrr.;Lr:
!,L :rL:Lr rlrg r!.:iertcrl or .i'!!r s!,iil:isl)'- n'oLl,\l:r1. rin;i .r;rrrrL rr r r rl-
il;ir.i3 rnd iis glo'.nr r.nvorl. ol aiirlirtes, c:lls:nLl sli,.ir!..s, i.elii groiyrl

'.. .i ly o:Jrpr: .o . .. "--o:i, n. ,.1_ r.. ._-. ..r- .

c)osure oi the rraining carits il Afg!!nistan, SLidan arrl the ll:li<ars, icr r:' 1:l- - .-.\t " .
'rs.,lL\J nrirclr,o.s, ns rhc SrDrin-.bcf ;r irlj.r,:fers riil, rr,.lccrsr rlc :.
:rrrrp!, ,rl'Qaeda began rJ airinlt irs {ollowers "vi':tLralil. ' 1r usrs Llocrncnts
conLrinLng m:litaLy training cour.ses, srch as rnanr.rls c:r lorv Lo lLril"i borrls, ntark alilhble br'Acir sporsos ,tT\.J :n..|:n.s r1,.!3 :lsr:
rseri lr ti r:
.r'\rch crl br dowcloadc.l froir ,:!rc Intcner orily it i, ',: riLn3. " l'hc d..r.rj- :.d t. ..
-: 8 Tjil{tolL rNcoRl,oR.\t rr)
r ril o nri,!,t zr!.1 i Lru. rtlli :_rit
! rl\x,l :_r_r\ (i ! LLy : i (,)
itiJ.n. rhit can be corverr:d irxo ral rlpe oi.urEn.a i.:r Icr] s|ort rind lr:l.,i,', :::::::: "'tr orrine:rr rL';rgr,:lrrr rn r,,,1,,.' i,ii;,r!in. N,.k ii! riiDr.:rrc
Thrs the drcislon ro colrerte consjocrable a:llorrnL oi;1-Qacrla reaLrJr irrLr-.
solLl r,/a: iaciliarcd br the elficien.t .i rhe sysrc.]rl ior tlrrsforming go[1 irrLo
l;rsh; ir rufr, tllis boostcd dre.;olrme of transaciioos i'.rndled rir rhe larrrla.
\rml.rli1l ii,: ot|er gre.rt acir'::rrrrgi. oi rhis infcrrnnl s)'siilr t! ils r.i(i:!1)reril
irr3srncc i:1 .M11t \vhe!! Isl;ris: rerror is blossoming :irr11 r'lterc ilrr Li i,rl.:il:g
sr:rern:s *c.rh. 1n l,aIisran, ]r:s rsiirrared thaL,rr :1i1.rrly b..rij ir.n,rc1j ir,
.:::LL S1 brliio::,'ri ioLeigr Lerr,:.r:::r: t,1ss rLriri:ir rrr /nr,,.r1r if::rLri.:, .,
..nrp,rk. ( irh rs l:t!I. as i L: i,;:lur I .,:trich rrc rflr,ilr.!l fii, . !r r.ir,rl{ r!
i:,,# rll
i::iri !,i:i - :1;;:: : ";i:ii
i,::,:.i,,,rs,:i:,,,1,rr i,.,
-l:,: :: r":i,, :1 i :: :lr: ;:::: :!,.:
.t,.. ,.-
--.::l'. l: riLlrr rr :irrL,rr.. ,,i]]:s ]r.,ni, r ,, ri ." ,.
:r,i ,,.;,,,,'",,,l .;. .,.,,
,,.1,.,,,",,,.",,1,,. 1,,,1,,,.,t.
!\krn.jr5,r!!hF:rs:r\sj:.:r,,i:r.rfrri.rielr:r:'jr:r.:rl';,ir,; c r,-,;:r.: ,_ r::!:t;i,):..:|ir,,., .,ri" .-,ii, t,t. r .
ti rr,r:, ." r,r ,r r::ri.r,,r,l, ,,lj
r:r:! .]r ior.i!r cr.r..arBd f.rri:rrlr,:J: ir.. JowJrl.!r'n j.1.::l ir'r Ilrir .: ilis' r..i,
:reLr .rLe :,ock alrer bioci( ri ;:r:r.rini.rJ. \,;lri.t. ir;Lr,il,: c;r .r , , rL:.;, l:;,: :

rirr,LL. 5l.c .rjll on oi feni|ir.ii:.j r;ni-r the r.l r.llrj.i.'trf,-,.. .rtri ,{! r
.ri ti1: iliddlc East.i. L1 bJr:, ql:.,,: Indira aiar,.l:r ",ri.*li : r:..:i: r,,:r-
|:iign ro;r.rdrc:tc :!, the laliiia ii L,rllered ro l:rri,.ii,r t:iir s:.ijti1ri,rin r!rlorl
':o irsLx!.h rs .+o .l€rc. t oFtltr..iLrirr's grosr irilli.:.ri tr.i.L:..:.r!
irrel!rr, exchanqe coltroir rrr ,rr:x!er facrr:L th:! irrcririrrs it'. rnlr]ttr'--
try oi tre h:u:;ia.ln ry98, \1i,dr rhe i\lalavslar Eol errrr*i i:r:pr:ire{i .i!rir,rl
.oIrr'ols io !r'!vcrii .aDital li g r:s, rle ,arrah becil1re alrs r:11.;pil s,rr'.e ,:!
icrcign e::ch.urge.
\r,lsrern tc::or b;ckers ah. rf,,olr t! rhe,4,rrl:i :o senrl mo;;rr Lo irh r:sr
r:ncj groups. 1n the sLurrmc: rl,,.oo:.. rhe inciian p,-,iir:e Lunrasl.rrl,r:cl:c'1,:
Lhlrrgir rrh:eJr more" rrisri r' ,r 'lio-KashIrllri |,fiLj\ir .'lirf L.:_rr.r:r rir.l
: rrrsier:c;i t.: Krshmiri ferr.f l]rrrriz.rirons. r\ ,tttuii:t.i.t LI;lirrLed :]l.j
:r.o:r;y rr: r!r UK cirarir)tt io:rr'rrl rli irliin, Iiir or.r, tir::r t1.r;r\i.:(, ii |r i ,'rr r,rro.|r. Lrl hrrds iro,:c: r:r,r-r Sr,ra.r::i,1. I i -ritrrrIL i.l,; rli r. r r:,..,.
tr:::rlt r;c'ru::t rs hrnds:or h s ... ,,rzlri,:. I_le !hci,ri.ri::,.ari;ir.ltrIii. irir,: !i.rith :.lr!li], f., Ll)ir t-,ri i:i, Clrr,I! lrtlr.:, ,:r::rr..:i,r oitst:r,Lt
i:rrlllg :i:e txore1 into o!11c: i]r|! r..orrnrs, ilrc:r:rirl-t, r:rc n.ii.r 'r,r.:l',('i ,l s:iii i.l,r r,:rL.rlror:rl. l:;rrr:.|lr::r.:r.rr.:trrl.11 bc|:ir
rrr::lr;I iilt i,li
i-.rrl< rr li.rsir:i: ironr rvhrr. li, r,lrirlrcn rhe r,o.rr., :ri rl;iir.r,:.1 ,r l,r
r:, lr.1rr;r,iLl::s:ir,l'cr,trr:,,lrr,rr:i,ir:,rrrr.,:l.r,ri,ri,,r.t:r,r:rt,:r
lr llL,:o:::, .:r:ril b,rrr.r rrj ri.ir,:ror: iriti ,jr:- r.., Llr. p,:irr l,: r::rn:1s L,:.::i
i.. r!r'j:!r r)orJ.rj ,:i,:i:orr rr..,_.r trij,r:: rr:r:r;i:,rr: i:.r.r:j
i,li:rlsr crl! rrrr,Iir; ,r r,rr.|,r,::,:.!,.,ti,,,,,,.,,,,,n.fl,,1,.,
i-iioIiir 'Iht1lOi1'SNl\';ri:i,.,\i';CirLAlii)1.!iiiriririr.rt,.riuti-r ,,,,,t,,.,,"
li:r:rourlrrrgrieterreror(vorrrri.,isl),t'ol1J:Li,riLr,:r!rprr:L,ir:: rr ri- ...1
Qu:dr rnd i:s globai nenvoll oi lfiilirres, celh ulr; sl.ct:rs, na\c ilol\,rr ''.xJ .-: .. r ... I
rrconenLr:l| and tole" ar. m.,re.:[xnt thnn ev!1. ]si;ilrst t:r'rol l.; slror:: ''.
r LerniLhable abilny to adap! ,n coun;"r-t"rrorGt n:asures Ir r.sponic rc dre ,lr tL .
ciosuLe ol thc rla:ning ca*p in .\fghanistar, Sr.rdin alJ ih! Brikals, ior :.1..l.r.c.r
.'... r ...."It :.: :

cx:npLr, el.Qaeda began.rar|rirg ils iollolvers ",/irJuajli', ' ft us* dccr.rnrcnts Lrs,i ..rf\l mlclines, irs tle Scpllrrlb.r rr Ijr:clrers drrl, ro rcca.r :jre
ccnrrining rnilitaq"-;rainrng couses, such as maru:ls cn irol ro lLril'- lornb., ..: . .'.,:.. -: ":.. \r I

.:,lnci, crn bc dovnloaricd lroli rhc Inrernet ody rt .,r,: tirn.. " l-iic .i.cF dl :"
i, . cLo0.\l_tl_,tjo\, rt.lLtcrr.j I]ti\r,jLt.rr-a;,il:.r. ,|
UrdoubLedll since S:!rlmbrr r r the rt:p,rctxird, ol $c !:f ;
eLlro r,;nii,r,s
bocsrerl the appr;ri :1r: i]Lrlope rre:,er:s ro r:ror:.:. l.:,:irrlrrs.s .r Lril r:r -
ii l. ll ILrltolll-.lN tloS al LiF \trt\rOilli
r'ol spcitlsorr. Ac.orCirg ro ti,rrlrrr!d Bal.or. ii t,.jrer b*rer,ir six nortr: :r.rl i:
l-,.\ugurr :-or:.. rh! fci.fle! oi ri:c !rclirrj .: Sfr)rclnDr: r r lj!ri: i i t.!t11i
oIr. jtar to laundcr.lirf,.'-.ro,r.l.r! Durii.i liIs,)rr:ori !irc tiLlr.irlrs t-rll
r,:rr,,:; .::,.rinsr sc|rr;:l ::.;:ritr r,; rirr -i:rr.it : j:r, SL Ltr:: :r:ri r urn:rr rr
al,:li i,ajlks r.rri ch,:Lrrirr -rccrsirt ,,r t:r,rr tL rrject ul_11!c,r,r. I i!r. !t,i{
cisr. IJr :.oct, rh! dollrr :r,.; s,r::riicenrir |i:,j,r,;., riLr I I|, ir or; ri, : :fi, l .|e:rr,rlLILr'LrLr'.r,ill!i,Sr.:. 1.itil .,,:Si::it r!:.nr.it,. jt).L.!i t3ir
rxir:r j,rs: ro tle ris:ng ir:r,r i.r:::o:re1- iar:rrri::rnr il it.-q.,1,:iir.i ilLr.. tI r::r: :tr
:irr i:rur::r.: Ilre lrulli ri ri,: l.ri;,,rrrs i:,trrr.!rr:l :n i!rr:p: t:: .c rL:i,,...
:rstLr:rions impo".crl b', rIr |r.1, rjr ,r.cr, ri1! :!Li l ri,ii li ..:,iiri:r! ilii.fl l.:ri.i
ir U S dollars 11.,! lr. ii, :.:D:rstvs as f...1.,.r., rrr r:r,rtrrr r,r:r,:r.r;., i.; 'j;tcL:Li:ii1:rL.'r,.ircLl ::rtr,:t.t.:..-'!:.rrrtll:rrl,rrl}.r.tr::Lti rL:i1:jijr:rir.i
rLl!!.!lrr.r jminii activiri. "rl .lrlr r.:, r,r surro.r Iil:ili:r i : , r . :t j .. i t:r Lt:: \jLr.itr.r rf.rltl .rr.l Ln
a.,r ir:ircduciion ;'i., r:r,|r:::,;,r irr.o.].,| .1, :|.-,, r,, r:rrIi:x.,.., t,i l |.irftir 'l
r' , , r r

r,::irlr': oi larjderinc .rjltr J:rji! jr Euro),. r: ir:ll, cLLrl:rs ':i: ;,lLrii)r.rn..,rtJjr.rie!.:,,r.:sm
l,:iJrr)r:ll rhr rh. D:..in.r.t t:rr. S,rrtj
;.riic1 tr::.;,: .lir l
L!cenrtl 'DusLrd I nr rI r ;: riorr ruJr 1r.,. rtrr ',1r r.11r.,. f ,. rl:,: C. ll:r1,.I ir l.ir.rlc r'.r.illil.r ir. :L:ij.li,r: of rrrrqr:,rs :rrci rrlrLl ,r rhc
orq:r::izcLl c:lnt gloup,,r1:cri (trLrg on..n,:s liLjr.icir!i infiLrUh rcrij!t,rt,j 0lil ar:IirrIf ii:e rlosqrr |.r\rork ri jrr.ijrcC ;rs ci: nosr roNeriul
Lr:r,sa.lons iD Br!ssels. liic.;1sL (,as rJht!ired !r-, r,rlj,. instrit cr!::li1s tc : .1
SrLrs;cis, r,ierc rr was rrci rl; bLry rxisrinq
troferjcr rr rr. inrLl Liie rorsLr,:.:_ ..1
tio. oi n3r, ones. Thc L..11a,r poltce estimare rha. iir.r ,ndr r.!!t.r i!Lrgt.r rr c.:i:nrer'-rrrrorisr:: ciiiccrs hl!i .iet:,,:.1 h:oi.in :ros,tLrrs i! ,.irrr!:r! jor:l
ejniLr secfion ofllrusscls Lrstrg tlrr .ner!od. Sircr irol! ,h( \lait:r ir(i Qred:r pi:nring.lrC irn.i-rar!t1ij',ir I-ittt ric V.r.trt;l i,o;li:tr:g,;rlrrrrrr
the'rdrangera are increarirglr l:rundeung rirrg l:orey 'r'r:r,tr ii.,rope Tie lit;r, inr.lliqc]lcc nil harc i;nirrmtr:ri ti,c rrk pialeo !,1,rirc ]i:ropc.|r
cipal ccunrlies where rL!s :rcli'rir. rakes flace rf,J B.lgiLlur Ird ] ioli,rnri. lr()siu. rc!!r,crk jr birkrolIrq lsl:rirlst rer:cr LlrrLng ile rrrrrrrro:v strges
loul carnings of rle foLr;r:ajol crirninal org:rnL:arionr, i.., trlair::, c;nj.r.r) .iScp;cmblrir.Slnririxr.rgisiralesi:aler.ccrnrlijiscoiere,jrhr:;Spanish
'ndrangcta ard sacra c:i.lli! .,rnlrn, anll-ru!r.! tJ rc
iE:.c.lrt ci lieLJr i;ljr :r:li, Soliiers ol ill;:1. u'hirh rr.:lui ir \{,rctrLrit ,\,_.u Drircr mosq,,r ir i
ieLiro Ico bil|on).{t pro,;ircc rLrppor.r.rr,d ri.orrr to rl). ii:lltr!rc i1j11 rlhirh
2rsic:pricrl ir :he
Iflt:rlio organized:rir:r,- lj i,ic:.asir:l).rirjL,g (rLLrcj !..,r:r!1..f li! {lrf!.. i,:,,r,:rrr!r : r r LLrrrtl.;r
!ra.ie ictirjrjes, rhrs m!aJrl ttrxr ilre edro is .1so rscrl r:l.l)q rir iiri: Lort.. .'l:
irirL..ierLn rr:two:h is :L1lrl rtcrLrirrg l:urr, rtrr \l::iirrs ro crrrr rir
j: ut*siblc ro thlrrk rh:i c:L:ri:rr ue paid i: ri:llar . !L,i.,i:c n:'ilo,u, iirc i',i'o -.rrr,:lr ,rrirtde Sonbc,s s,hc Isr ..c:r:;rr:ieci our
r. r:rpi.ri,r: ,,,r i:aiirn .r:Lr,
. : il :. ,... rIr;cls ir'lci ivir r,,,cre L,:s,:ie,,r; of ijo:r:silr:nc IlcLbv lirli:n rn:rgi!-
dr;.!eC ijr el:os. " Tie 3gi,,i rl!. cijrfirlr:.c,1 i:,rf LJrc tiiriir oi i1.,, r,f!,,r tr,rt.3 hr,c r.!')e;c!i ihir Irr,l:;:rr rrr.scu.l sllpr|.. s!1rrri sriciie bc,mber:
!::rope comes irom A!rh. r,;r:rr,:rri Ccrrr:,:j .\s!l r,lri Ll:l,.,.i11s:r..rgil:r,: ir l:q. t:i:.lrllrg thoj. nIo nr r!iiritir(i ir: li'r rr!rI]l:g..iIsr lIe i:,rtel
is ar: r.rcr where crimc,:r:i rrrrrr lale forg:ri u jol:r ,trrrL,: i:r ll,,r:rrrlLcr 1la:liri rlurirrg rh: r-lsir oi ir;|,1 ';nollc..r,itu. Soirrr or. ihe iLuis L:srLl rr l.tcrLrir
:cc;, io: errmplc, rhe'ri.! )irLrt'rlockeclrcrri.iriiosri!|,j:jlri.jrjlitr1l ,..Lrd iirr r,: crnre l'rom Alr[. sprnsors rrcL rr::c11{]J It:ili r tr Bli:rif anq
rr! re
.icnolnicrrtJ ir r!r.os.,.,
harhrsh :rd :l.rr rlv;s ,:1rrr:,rci bl sLrspccreJ r1.{l;:er ,:iiiiiaLir. -ihr ciri; Tirc rr.::r irr ctr;r:.ae or rhr !ilirtl.; o1 itrrNps.r s.lt.iitt b,)m,oi:rs nr jfic Ls
las siorc,i il 5i'b:gs,.,r,rr:l: ,.eigi:i:d aboui 7: ::ounds i:.:c|. Ls:ner;.,,r1:re j.:.. . n. . :
rrnges lfoln $8 ro $ro j lilir r Jr l;rs.rc Dnrg snugiii g ir rcr rirL: sojr r:rrn- Fonrd'xii b.m \'Iona:llnrd ir j.rjirj rr]ct t! .,r Le.ij (f LJ :r.nri_.e: ci,\rs.r
.....1 .:.: .,"/r ..,.ro;.:r. .j..:.. :. . .. rL isl.ur. rhr iraqi Islarnisr ltlLor grolp 1r::irrrl ro;:1-e..,,:l.r :rrlrrc lierrrg rl
. .l ..i'l er 11 SrririiL.rcc:,ireresirledirrl,i na i.r. s. crii re.,rs t'rorr s\ rir hc is s!per-
iira.iG or rhe T\i in Tnwt:r. irin i-: lcn haLl ripr..r,r:ri:.i ar_rr lti 1tr.r ri l)il ri,i:Nx 1ir. r:r:ulqlilrg ri ELri..:rrn ,.,rcrie l:..{bcr! irir. lrrrj jr 1c.o"!jl"g,o
,:l::re irl"c U.S orsspor* :,
thr sL r:rrr;:: ,,i :-c,:-;, r::i.r.i !i Ic I t:.irijLrjili r:ci,!irs lerr rr:ri::.j Jrr.r.f
::,r, li:(llOR l5_alORl,CP/\ lirll ri,tIari ! u\\!i:l.lLr.r rt.t.., lti
ilrLa)lJ,'\llj:1r\'i ri-rt;,

Ir r colv.r'sariorr irtercet!!d bv tlrc Iraliar :r';Jroriti.:, ,vl'rllrlii ir')ra,i uikdil cxirnple. rver: collecrrrir:"3r r t!|oi ot.lt I'e:r:r .i,rn :cr iir:r..:ril1rir!
,r nlcnlb!r oi !he halian ..11 io jr{lid rno!c pe.l,1j '1lirc 1iror. lhr! r\3fc 'r 1r .!sLrLri llc .role !rir:tll rllrulrs .:lno,.' il:i;r so t[rr tir r.rcir l oLrld rr:
-Iip3n,".. cl€alll r.rsing drr i.niiog,v nlrh l(arnikrz., \iri lir!, |o!..1 li rire r!!|r: !r rjiscoltrecl ihroLrqh :1:c roL rirc riccir:rg ri rlr: ur.:rtrries. llhr ,rrl,r-
hrnd nran ol,{bu }vlus:rb rl Z:r.1,rrvi, :r Jord.rniar iroirr 'r:-yc:,r'oiC, il. nin :iYrs vcLe s!\,appeci rvlrL rirLLgr. l,rshisl .rnc i-.srrsI !r rlle ,\':.iril .ciL .J
who rh: Eulopean coulrer-L::r',r :sLr jorces i.eLi,',r"r' l; ,,r'Li ,,rn,.,1ni. ,r,,r: ir Erslr:: i.l;r..e rl:r ::llb ll ersr :o nrre :,r mri iLan
Iior,rLrs lorclers
" l
r.,ork oi cells, sleepers rr:rl te: r rr' trorps iir rirc alld aj{I1ti.c,r. Al Zarq.rr:i a1; tirc:ivo BLirLshsriciiti i-.orni:crs vho::;rrrrr: oL:L riu rar,cks rr ftl dlLl
i beIered ro har,e mrsrcrrliNCer!:le arfncks irr Crrsr!lanc:, riose till:iusi rji'flcl the Siji(ins ro SlLir lmm lhe:t ![]er cx!c!ed j"rrel. --\rorhrr
ilrc LN;rnd !he Red Cross jr irn(i. as weil lLs lhe IstrrrlLrl irr::ririi3; lrr ais,r LoLrtr is tirougir thr !lrriiterrutrl S;r.,\r.r)rdilg to Itriir: mrj:srr.r1es,
lrrd lrrkr rvith ihc p€orl,r ry|o panicip;trJ i:r rire l'i:r:Lrl lo Lrbirg. fta:ia:r cells !nirid ro r,l Zif.i:,!: ii rC r!ris, : r1-l.jt.rm srr,rqgi:.1 L,r",rpt::l sui-
:.r. re I .,:.t' c;r:Lc rrml-.ers irn Ir:Lo .-1,:ea iior:: j,vrjr irorr ,'l:ere ric., rlrrrei \o:rh

l hen Criir I'o*,ell accusel hrrr, oi bcirg lire iirk ircrvc':rr 5n:,ii.t.r lr:rrr,:il \\trt - r r:r.

rr r"'. o.. I liastecr EL;rope is clso rhe irrost rrpcltr;r,rrd eiiicic:rt surplier oi:rtsr
re?r(.er .. iiL€ntrLies. -!ifli l'jcidirg oi Lhe j:rrrj:l' lir',:; h:s succ,rsriLrllr o 1-.rr ir,eri se"erel
Europexn nosqires are ilso iLe hL'.rdquarrcls oflrriicai islauist lrerclrr:rs, likr lluro;ean itlentitri:s'o' r..nsrerlng L:r rri in ;: Ul( l-.aseLi RLrssiarr lrr,qLr;gr
hrvr successhrill oltrincri poliLlcri rs; i,rr i:r u.\i'sDaplf t|at oifereC i'hcip" rrirh 1r:ssrorL: jJi: wrs conLlcrej bl l iorneL
':rople l'ho ir rhe last dccrrle
Europer: countries becaL:sr oi rer'secution in their' olr. 5r',cL:l ci tLetl rr'e J(OJ) rgr:r vlo residcs ir: l,orron rnd l iro i:lrnr rlre ro-5.i,l'e:l lvirh rhr
lirk,r.] ro alZrrqawl, inchrdirg \iullah Krektrl ore oi rirc ioirn:ieLs oilsiir' sLr:9li.r:1hc inke DrssiroLL;.rrl Jrivir:3 i ccnser r,t'-e lrran'1ia.:nrt,l ir l-rLr:girrr
il-ltiarn. Krekrr, i{ho rves borr ir lraqi Kurtiistrn. rcolc si'r:e ir l.lorl'.rr rj :riLj sol; i() ljrr bv : e$r3 ci tr!::irals !r'r::r lisr.fn EurrDe .::fa|li: rr d1,:
'-. r'. o, Li . c;pe ( ro:rr lrL .eir. < er'.1-. r.- r,. - .. 1 : LK. AccordirE:.r FieiliJrg rhcs3 irlsc (irili.ies :fe produc:d :n " LacroLics" rn
'.. rr'- , ''"d ,,n\.;....,. L.rd ':- I .' r i.rrtcn I-ulo:e:rd rrc trrlcr:r1y r.i:ii..erri. r:ril "rri cira o, cLrst:rg as lirie r.
oi.{:*r ri"lshm iighiing cxrxbilidet, inclLrdirg sr--r;Lll :nrs rrrl erplosivr:s. Sr,c:: c,rci:. q'lile on tlc liar'l nLrL[,:r irLgtr] ;:!!ijorrs iosr Sr r,occ.."
L . f.. .. (.u..i N j .: .-qJlr o < :i
o11 t!e g:oL is that he rvis r"r!inrt ti'ar dgairff lla,.idirn',: r,:;i'rr,:, :r: .rcr;Lr _,

firril-i l),'11 t:iE LLRo!11!i\. \ill \:Oiil(

rvirlch r.nxor be consiJrrcil r,,11)!isLrl. This lncide.r lrirl: ig]l!t rl c r..rl ri llrri
r proper;iciinitior oi reirorrsr;. ur "rhi,:I r'ril Lr,: rrlr::r,:: r:rr: rlrili
. \or' . -. iltri;. !olerc6 rhrs orgrni?:xtt.n is:,ri:1. .rcrrc::r,r: iihc r r'iriir..irt-ii.
. i, rfliri or i.rf.r i!:r rr 'rrr ;ll::;rriz r: ri r:r r::: rrr.rckr -r-r:s rrrrnrrL"rc:i; rs
. . "
r\o-. ,ifIiinr.ui'.:i.r]rpar:i15rp:r'Ii:rrrrririrlelo::rir:::ss:litrli.lsLr::ill
,rri -\irL.ri:]; lNl -\:rr::!,r reI rr iiL;ririi L,.ri pirrn:1, i.rr.1ri1 rrrrl r:re;Lrrcil
r,, ii.r r)r (lil-r iL,r.:.:,sli'i ri.il,r..ii ,i r ,. ,n'r,i r.crr: !r'li.irgs r rLe tLt
E'\s"1[i]:_ iIURO!E rro' r rlse?rr!te gro.rp5 lo.s.l, llll..l r,-..rl,Q.t,i& -1:r r::ic rerrL,tlr:,rr:r,
'i|e l.uLor-.ern lslanrsr t,'r:ll' nernork us{ri alj{lc:r li:!.1r11. .r-'L ft::.:t rrr ;.i 1r..i3r, ri-Qrl:(l"r r'!rr,le,l ::r'L clrost ri rlrr. iLrrr.: ,r:,1 : s,rLr ol srpcr,
)ri., f.r cl controli, i.e. :lli.i!rt ci!DL!:i re:r.r,5ril
thcir :rcrivi!ies. I l:c lr,c1: \'rrlonr rirc scclsion Lr !rck onc rrtrcl lrsccrri oi rr:rr[,r r. rr]rrr, :rpor l
::tir'r1, coupled rvith porioi:r: boid.rs, malacs il easl ;or iiren'. L': Lrro|r I ecll' ioiileci cost ber,:iit rral; si: oi rhe oorlbrni;, ,r; hrs :rrrrgrii irlnr :l:: inics
I" o. :.. rr,'ern ne J. l... ..:. ".lsrrion lnto the Dlli bon]bing. iLrce r:r. i',a.k lirs be,:,r su,.."siiiir lrr! e-
inrestjga!ion by dre Ob,.rr"r:', prblished in lanLiity:.cc.t. rho,vcri thrr xlcrlcri, tire LlCership ol a!Qrrd:r oliicrel['tncoLsfs jr. i:] ir ,\frii :.or rir)r
hl;rmisr.ells based h Ersr::n i\rrope ba're estrLlislcC cor:Lacts rqirh tlt ol Os'ln)r bin Ladcrr,lvltrr he oilerei,r $rcr:o rirL iirrore::.;, t r|ccrii
3rlkar n:iia rc purchase :Lrms a::d :rplosilt:. Tl,is ii r vrrlr i;:rporrarr: irci, crlly r!terr to rhe l\{.tri:i,i L-.,.rnrl1lr:; ,r; ::r rL ilrrdi t1r rr,.l( '.
is a.qurrrg expLosives in \!sLcnr lur ope prcs.rts serlous iliiiicujties dt,: to Succ Serttnrber r r. lshrrr:i i rrel E'-.1:fs :rcr-oss r|t rr oLlJ lr.rrc lrrrcrs
ol n r' ifll; rr.r.r:lopcc lerrl rcchnir;r:s l. e:ltiL..r.'r nr!r::sil\':5,.rn.i :ro 1,, rscL
--,l tn-.,.,L,*.**Jour..-l tl
have to rely upon rhe fnnding oi alQaeda. The lvladrid bgmbing
entirely sell-Ilnanced. Foltorving the model of aL"Qaeda,thc Islnmisr
work is shaping a Life of its own, In lurope rhe.mosqlre nenvork reples
slrong backer; another is direct sponsorship from Ardb symparhlzcrs, Conclusions
r,rse r mixrr.ue of legiriinare and *irninal a(liyities, l-, Spain mC in kah, rni

bers of Islanist armed groups rl'ork€d as $echarrics and rtaiters to su

$emseives and to redLrcc the financial borders of tl:e organizarLon, llowe,r
crin€ L!$ains the mosr irnportart source ol re!cnues, .Farid Beiali
Alg.rian inlrrligran! jailecl in England jn rhc sumn:er ol rooi, helperl
lJr5o.ooo rhrough an imernalional fraud;retwoit. He adiniucd to.h
iDE rH! FiNsB,Jriy p^t{K rlo5Q!F. in LonCor, ir rvis pcssible until
cleir:ruded bgrks and credir card companies thougir he cieried knovr!
il,v to buy videos oflsiamlst p|opag;rr,da, Among rlre bestsell:rs I'ere lilms
monel was used lor terrorjst purposes,6T Creditcard ira+cirvas co;rdlcted
rrving the last hours in tbe ln'es ol surcide bombers in a Snsenrent lusr I
skjnniirg devices, The credh carC numbers were used thr.oughour Eu rop
r blocks rvay iror, the mosque, J€wish a.ra!e1r ictors sragcd pla)is to
in DLrbaj.ln zoo:. credit card iosses du€ ro fuaud accounred for $414 milli
ise nroney ior Israeii !icrins of suicide bonrbers, This is rhe rvorld ive live
Lxpets are adamanr rha! rbs q'pe offraud balkroil cijrr.:e and pu dail-v life carries ol in rhe shado\!, of political violerice. For t|e Nonh
The European network also funds irself by smuggling dxugs, as was th
od;on NlusLim anclJewlsh cornmunities, rvho live next ro each other and
in rhe lvladrld bomblng*bankrolled through the saie of hashisir: a jre ic,"rre brrtc er,. i,erc r. n. 'ther rerlr,y. (etre.nber rr h . onl'
l<sra . * rno reve"res lrom I crr\ cr.rre.., Tne lirl. benr e-r :l Z: -q.,-.. a
it to d1e rest oi !he l\'orld,
Ansd allslam, which islnvolved in the smuggling ofdrugs from Afghad Regirdless of what ve call it-rerrorisrn, terror, crmed suLrggle, political
confirms thar Eurog/ean Islamlst groups benefir fron rhe sale ol illegal
ce-!h9 lise ofvjolence for poiiticalaims, rhe targe(iflg ofcivilians ard
corics in Europe.
iltate of sheer fear thaL jr creates have :rll loeen pan of our world lolover
Three years after Seprembel rr, rhe Islamist rerror retwork has evohr
ri oughou! !he world, EmLrlaring al-Qaeda's nilitarT icrians, appealingl )- 15. D.F r ' r, h.! '. eJ,,oL or r'rharB€. hr. pl e on,e on l,.r.l-een
atly rnanii.'ulaled. hr Nortl London, !lependlng upon vhich siCe ol the
ilar sponsors and utilizing $e techrllques of self-fjnancing, it is becomj ler you waik, a sLriclde bombqr is a rnrrl)'r ancl a h€ro or a rerrorist and
global organis$ $'ith a life c,fits own. Moqtada alSadr h:s been banlcio
i,r;'s., .$irr,.-r- 1.!-r .r.,d '.n.ch L rer:r,go:..ou.d" b.rl.-
bl lLaqi rnoney-changers u'ho hope thatwhen hegails controlofrhe holyci :1ng a pc,lirical btidge bcr\l,een ihese two i[rerprc!arions a! rhc Dresenr nme is
of Iraq he will hand rhen the monopoly on currenq exchanges, \X/ith milli
imposslblc. Poiitical rnalysis is lainted bl resentrient aDd skgwed bv haired
oi Shla pilgrims ravellng to rhos€ shrines each.year, lrofiis w;!1 b9.g!enrilll
Ecororaics offbrs a more Cispassiora!e tool ior:n investigation inro rire
Al Zarqa\vi's European network is susrained by mosqnes and cl{rrldes; ,
Iolacs tha! make aod susiain armed organi?ations Econon\ics ma!, in dre
Nor only have Vesrern counter-lerrorisn poljcies been unabk ro sro ehd, even olfer a viabLe soltrtion.
linancjng of terror, they have failed ro curb rie distribltion of r','eaLth i ' 'In this book'l have tried to circurnvenr rhe trap of politics, usirg an eco.
rhe r"'*o,1. r ke. -lerrent ;r rhe.pre'lJirrgof T.larrrsrre r..rr. I.rracor
nirmic analysis to trace the birrh and elolution ol the New Eco omy of
lhe n€w generation of lslsmist terrot leaders, those who eventui{ly i'erior-a web based on terror! iiime, ccrruption and deceit This is not an
replace Osama bin Laden, urdersland globalizaliou and are using itp
isolared network created by the interaction betrveen armed rrd crimlnal
viftual training courses; ATM nrchinest offshore bank accourlrs. Thel.aho
oigaujzatlons, i! rs'an rnrcrnstional €corromic sysrcm iinked to both legiri-
complement lhem wllh ancienr insftumeots, ireri&1ge oltheir cutule alld:telii. , iia'fe and illegirimate seqors of traditional econonlies Like any econonic
gion, such as the laraala ot tbe Zakat. What we lacing loday is a po{nc.;l siitem, the Nerv Economl, ol Terror has grown through evolurionary stages
ful enemy, one who has an io"depth knowledge of our worldr ao enemy io talce on a life ofits owo, The principalstages hsve been the lvars by proxy
n r.div I no
' oldre Cold Warera, theloreign sponsorship olarmed groups, rhe privatiza'
tjon of terrol ihe bjrrh of stsi!'shells. and lhe Nlodem Jihad.
,I illl
.) t,-,t
This work could not have been done rvithout the gridance, assis-
l tauce, and encouragemenr of many indldduals. Fi$.t aDd folemosr, I
ii want to thank Professor Manlied Steger for his condllueus support of
the proje L. Prolessor crege" read nranv orah, a..i mro" nr n,".ous..,g_
ii 8c:..ons He wr( a-wdys rle.c ro help \virn rn idea or.o;usL lisicn ro qy
ln s-rarrors Proie..or 5.eger'.- a -..re fnerd cnd a panr scho ar. liis
series coeditor. Professor Teneil Carer, rvas aiso patielt and uncler_
.r, )dirg I coJld nol hdve Ljrermt olberr"r sen.s eCi.o.s ro v orl<,rrrn.
Jennife! Kneu ol Rowman & Litrleield believed i:r me wher t hacl
10 rbr< n'\ se. . Her. uggesrions rcd her pe-s:srcnr e m"de
rhF rro l< pr e-
sent"b.c V. gradudLe
"jsijLrn.s. Srzj.ne Daddl. ard.nrJlorr.r DiVae- TERRCRISM
go ora. .upprbiobl-eipiugrncour,vi.hrhi.book.Arrho-),uasrdec_
icared assisrant whose persistence condbuted to making this rvork
betler His hard worl< and dedication leave me indebted to lim forer.er:
rirar. r : u rc ot than* musr bc rJclcd ro nl) wil., Haran, and n v hrl_
dren. 5 rtni :no 6ina. for purr.rg up ru.h me rvhen I rvr. u..rler ."c pre.-
(ure ro (urf cre _'.e manusi aipr.

\{2sszr, 5"*,1 R' G lr!!gz!gg--?rd-+rgAii[ The telroris! attack oi September 11. 100I, and the slrbsequent bio-
\*-jrgl. ll!-Lt 0.eilrr- rerrodsnr incidents worlchvide oysteilized ihe need lor research and

Mp (ey.,r.zn ,!
i-;'l{ral)eld zod (. anaiysis rhat deuonstraie thorcughness, c1uality, aud innovation oi ihe
issues ol gLoba|.zatiou and terrorism. The world today is verv diflerent
from rhe u'orld onr grandparents lir,ed in. h is much more .onnected
aid, perhaps, much more dangerous. lL is, iT cwever, srill essentialiv the
$ame world wlth sinilai folces of dominance and challenge Those who
are domrnaEd challenge those who dodinate Nalurally, when "Rome"
is ettackqC, ii responds wifi deadlT iorce This book \vill no! discuss
globalizalion ancl rerronsm liom the perspective ol dle dominan! pow-
ers onlybut wrll also introducc lhe liews ol lhose who are dominated
b). them. Flistory, afrer a1l, is fr-rll ol exampLes where victims Leanted the
di:,orrsc of oporess'otr l.on .ho-e uL6 opprs5.sd rnem \.5Ior) har
many aranples of_vicrims rvho are portmyed as aggressors and aggres.
sors,asviorims. Thls bookplans to challengewesLem dbcourse on both
globalizadon and lenodsm by inuoducing the hopes, dreams, and
aspirations of those who struggle for liberation from hegemony and
Gl obal izeli a n a nai T-"rrc | is tr,

Glo5:lzaiion sr.rppcl| it As a rneanJ lor i]orli.,lia ,jiorvll't li s!11r1, glcbili:rtLon is in

erll,c1'r1ai' cori.entious !opic
. - ., .o-r... o. br.1h..." D.. o..n. . , r l.: r\j Scholors rre iu the nticlst ci lhis cieb?l. on globaij:alioll Sonlc
n. .. .r ... .nr |e ila/' . :. .o 1.C ,- .:to :. r":- :L.rl eque!c globalization \\ith inier.ic..ndeilce, otjlers \\1!h iiDcm[zatloni
lion time irnmenor'tri. This g1c'oai iurerdepetrclclce hls beeu lr.clrng olllers lcr ecLudle it r(ilh ulilersaii:atjon, !l es lerni:e tici. alrd e"en
'_; l-,.. . . .-e.jL L\ ..rt r.". irryeriaiisn. Clcbalizatjo. has lrlso been eqLreied wiih lransiirlionali?x_
- Ls:.11..,:rr; .o.:d h.. o rn( I,rr:- cr'::...: rot], bLlt iha rea]iry is lhai rire B','o cor',cepts tlllieL TrallsnatjiJLlaLizaiion
'''''r:''o'''c''.'|'rlj'''.'''Loo'''''-'1'' trtitauccj Iatloill1l {rnti!ier, .;liLc glolralizaiion sonieiifncs n'a..kens
srries. ihr reDiC prcc ol rhis rr:-trL:oritrctedless ltrs lccl :iit,ril.s ,Ll.i tletn. flr schoirrs dls:rllss li: ,.liili!-,' ol thr .i'rcelri rLtc;,cil.ll Cic!al'
ollnion maliers lo l:rbel rhis rrltlrr'r:rl t.rn'gLcbaii:r.ti.-.,r. r::itir,r, lli:teiore, 1.r,. 1--ccorili' ,:l ci,-ncIpl ciiisi.r! r1i:cnalirg calliic!cis\
'\l! crilrrc(l tL. irvenq.Fi.rt:rlir.tr'fhroLrRn illi {,.,irs ,ri tj,)i).:i:lrr. ,r:1aj!:,)aiicl:r.-fa iLs .i clc,es ii iir llrrill ar lar:r:,
ricl Sin.e rhcr giobrlL:anor lt:ts l::ir':nle a pclvtrilil c.rL.cDi r: rll.,.ii
riL rs|ecs olcilr Llves Go.renlrenis:o oiien blat-t'r tiLr:j:: rroui:,i,: L r:c,It.
oll']rrs or glcbariisnlicn. Corpr:t.,rion: .it)\!'ns::a il_ o..al.?i ro "i..:tueir"
ila!i Cairses ani Cor_se '.1..ln.ter a: G aLralrzalroi
in ih. :r.r'gloiJ:tl niukcr pLir. Scilrlats debare El.bali::xtiolt lrit.i tts 'gl. .. . .1... 1 _ 1' o
mel'l15. Boc,is i,x.] r':lirgazine a! ticifs c;]|..y rheb::llrcl' oi giotrliitior, .r; rle.:iiir. !o1v6id gLol.rai:2aiior !oxl; r'e:l:l: arlJ gr'erd plav I
r\ejr ,\ il,-lr rc r 'brorder nT ari{e!. llut is tlri lirlt ,i ia.ait!
giobal:rrlor ir3lo! :ole as root crlllles oi glol-,Zluatiorl. b-en tirl arca ni ic.hr,oio!l'is
ph3LroneioD The process oi irlleriierandenca ,r',as 3lsa a piccess of iLr';lrabll !i.r'el Lrl' dre pral'.I xl.lir.r' lLl L-'l ciei ro selioiLslv rLis;.rss gicb_
.1o1. z..tot. . rt.t n,q .: ,1:- :. :-. oenL:11... :,r - I . aljzeaion, xn !.nal)'5i5 cf thc roct causes alrd .ollsccluena.s is neceisaiy
aliz;tiorl in tlrepast decade Prior Lo the falL olrle Scviei Uuiori. giolr Globaiilerlorr is rootccl in L'o',teL aud 1\eahl iiheihtl lc: Llle gior,r'
alizaLloLr .,virs checl(ed by lhe ccn:reliiion beflreen fas! lltl \\iisi j\fier oi God, Lire enpire, ihe llalio.".. ol tfLe .clPora'jDil, ;hr: slrerd c'f:eo-
dre cicnrise ci the Soliet Union, rhe lhallenge rvas Lelt to zi lir','r,,clk, ris, gooals, llcL iclaas grcv anal clercloPe.l Jn lLe process lcgerirorrl
hcLpti:ss r,ongolernmenlal otgelrzirriors tha! havr ro charcr rc :irl-. aT iollrilires ]ilo lhe l11et1r,'ir.i! csll trn ]'u...iili ihe grise of;lcbaL::;rtion
c,re:t Jlo'.\' tre momer'rtum Bui rhe j-.rallessicrl oi hegenronl.'lrs ci'.ange.1 oler line ln recent
CLoi:al:-:etion is rt, e integriitior rl;rrrkels, i-roljiics. r'rlues. :rrll llrL, I.ars. ,:Ji)eiiajlv iftrr If e nellist cl I he -io1',.i i i'1!n, :l_r,l Unileo Slr
I lcs
ronment:rl corlacnt! ecross fie !lnlrt. 1- ht! p!o( cj.r oli]]tat.tiiil:rr t5 ili..',,::., Lrr.s ilitrcl iLseli':rs lit soh gi,rir:ri lrrriinc::i: lr.'1.: \liiil'l ris ..rlro::lc
by loLh tle clesrre lcl higher p.oliij :n.i :lspitations t(:.r-,lia,:lrr ,:.orlrnri( '.r'!rls lercLlLrg tver',' ir:ll ol illc giocc, ll1e I-lilr'.(j .i!3lrs scl crr I io !rlr-
pr'ospcil-\. or x beLler lLLture for lirl plaL.-:r rod 1$ inllnlililrs. a!DiIl':lrs i."ci. i!s aconomic arid nliitarl rionrir rct ii'lc:1rl llciiils in cc'ir,crlic
cl c.:porate gloiraLlration lear !rc.,..] eaononic riispir]ilrcs b:]1€etl iair rnld r),-.iidrai llolx.litalron .rrrdli lLl. arlsl-]i..s .,l ahe 1-nil.d 511lls l'.nte
iid pooi loss ci clrltutal dis riu i ii"cn css , cr en'iro rr ire::i tai .ie."1l-'rC^ ijo o. c.rltriiluled ro gferleL.deirli!'rLil.n a11cl ccYc:',:ll ii : rnani iitj.l.ili.e5 -!
Co]-l]ori,te r,lrigefs see globali:eticLl iis a lneait to deveicp ue11'n:ir', uitil-)irdonals n]or'e ir.lo a.or.rl!ry', s1r''a!eh.ii:- cltei, rcs!1!, rn.l dis-
kets fo| rhe:i prcducis and seniats. Coy.mmellLs Jltcit s3e g]ob.rltzaticD liicxtions it the lraaliiional ecoiom) ccaLir
' r-.roir. ..'i ,ourse'o, (. o1...n"n., :,r t. li.'-cr rlc \l'hile globalualion conilibutes lo hoLlrogef,urition airong ireoplcs,
_ _l:c o:_
oppose ir or as a means ro enhance thef economic posilioDs Lxbor (: nor1t.."te.hnr-oqc...:l. r'r'L_ic r'i i., o rriJ..
rrniors lear ir Lecxuse it cliverrs jobs $."a! !o dist^iit placcs wilere cir$D ':.r. o)o.ro^\l'l01'. 1 (ll.. c
".: "-r '
iabor- anC s*earshops replace ulion work. Entronner,ialists fear the lure: d1e cul Ie ol liberali:ation, pnvxti?alioll, irl')o nlarl(cli:aiion Thjs
ro... ct goo,t) l -rtc-L<
:,:.DJ.rt<o p.o..J- or_ 1 . . Dloccss ofllegen1on!1aliou is leaclilg lc the ene:l3nae anC
rLucrng clnlolnrartal disasters iiveslors in 6neDaial ar. rl)ck rilarhets oi a srngle b3Eerlo!jPo1\'er
'-.... . O/oi.r":i:irn an.; T:i|''r.jri
GloboieaLton hrs aherdl rr:r,,rsri tf. sint:i:i1.1;t: iL1.,.t:.1 ,_.r!11.jit
. .L.,\(r.o I :,.". r^lli:r.iii! iir,r slstrirl oi lirrr.ririrftr ltlrlb;ii:lil,ri: l:1.. lurrLe ::::llr, ri:r
. I .
i.l r.oicl,,t iilc h;s u Lutrr.irpnrLc:.., s.sLc:r rrr,,r',: lL Lr.Llirrlron li rr,c
... e-. r. 1.. .r( . _t r ,.. .1. ol piu'f r,rr. irrilto li;esrer; rL_,rorql:,.r'rt,l,r srsilr arLlirlilllr, rrlrcrl,rfen.l'
rcolie :ptrl ar leasr onc ol tirlrl j\t elso haYc I rill:l
,:colr,:,|rt; 1-l c
,i l erL: rrr, :;:;ieascci rlit| ih: ;::ot in lr aorrr..lnriaiiJir :rna tralrrarlci;\,
..1 n r. ....r.-.....
r!I ili iL r: ir.:iir Lhs lracl'{r.u:rr1 :hii scir.lr::j jLr.i.r( P:rir tiiiil xr.l Gr.r'
iit ojr llacc las at: iur.):ril i:., the rest :t t,r: ,,r-t.lii I:ri,ti]].rii.-l
has:rlso lolr. global, .,s lrilj.rlL,i]rriotl j,.ii rirr,:r f,:rc:s,u,,",
Lu,,,.r,i r
t:letcr !ontoge:rr:iltioD of .Il rf )ilii. Bur i,itr,t r1c l:rtr :t t,a ,,.,,,
i ri, i:,:r,i ,lloi;.rlur :r:r ir 'l-,i:i 5i ,ilr :1,: li r:.::l;lrlr rr',lr rr '..,r1.,i:: .rl
'.. :... or
'. l:r'r:::s liL;cl, li::rd gr-..r;rd qLrrrri rr,rcrdr-,rerlr:r:c .u.:1 rr(:a:isih!
): !" n .. i... : i.',. r:liliil i c).:( l.ir_,!c ;rc: o:is vr:1 .ll!r;r_,.i: '::i.hflers !i.r.- lirL: lcri rnrl
J.. r .I ...- .. ..1O.. .t

" il i lire i]3,rr h:r'r i:rr|':ri slir|r aD:r.lrisi.i1: ali!rr. lhi.rli::iioil rxraus
o: -.: ;;,,r,1,r,:.r,r'r.,riirrcilL:pnrl.ir,r
. .. rq. .: |l:
fircugir Lhe \\brlcl Banl(. rlt. r,.\o:1rl.ii.ie C,'..Dj,iitorl, a,L.l iili. lt_.t,ltjrr
I]oLrel llouei:rry l-urcl hes rrcri.,ccl lllos! afielil:.r1] rlC
c:r..rsr,,i s,:tjrL:s
;. :
lcucen Suil relonls" inclu([ L.j-]r.xtizatio|, :\c disiita|rljnd ol pubiic
..... :o: :r.p ,:o
.:....... r.,lo..r.i. ,:-.
..:....o-c ". ,.,.... ...: il
. I -, r ... t:.r.:,.d(c
- : , .. . :
' 4o.:.. .o. : .. ,. ,, _l . , i - :,.ol ..
.. ..:.. -, ,C o. ;. r po\ . , .. 1 ...:.t.t.
' .1: t' t .r [:.. n. .. -)o ..
\ar'-u'rlir; rhose rr,.ho reluse le riCe r:l change riril resisr ljccr-.r.;r ,r:.rirt
l' lrsr: I S:l:ii'-,r'11t lagdisir lirr,trlii ,,fgrrs iiiiir !loir:rli::rti.r !lriliri.l !J
praponderance olporver, relLsrariri: i:rlcs o; f.\, i:l.its li:irir
i i:rrllihsr::; lL siirtcri liiiri a:lil alas.roi ri:.rlr.::a.\r.!l irprn,.r:) aa-.rania
r.-,c ltric, t ,r,ri:r-il:rti lo r-,r.,r'.r' 5:Li:;r :tlli;r'l r:,: ,ql.,i:rilzrni.r: .ls :i il:,r! ici
inorEation of nilila:,v porl,a. ti:. :i.dition:i ;,I:|r r, u a,.'1,,t.:
,,rt ll. !,,:,,,', ,lr,ile:irsL:rc:ir,....r':ri:r._i:rr, rr':Lr :ril frrli,ress lorltl
lrrter lossLLil. Therefure, nlr, :lcls ri ;,
resirr;r:-,rc :l.e :lirrrq rr:,,:i.rL.crl. :l.t:l:ri, iiti ::,ltatltir I:LL:,g::r,I,r;t i.t.','::r. !i:j,. i,ir-: ll:rr': \r,nfl(l
,:. t, ;:':r--:r.il:;- L) ir]s 'lol,l,. ir,' Li1 'rririj,r r'-'r'a;i1,r .:tiL.irrii::::L:L,r: iri.r-
ter l rolorlLcs i ._..,1,r,-rl fl,irt!,.. i,-r,r.li1 i::riir;r,: ilt:,r :,..,: .j:t:aaar itl .riIi.,li:rtr ltas
: fialal lr;,irq sL lirlL:, lr:.-.irt irsir,r.rr tf frr:e l-iror,.ii tliirr ri ;Iir
G Obaltzitl :rr,t-. irierdeperr,l) ira
I ir",,- hr l:riroirr li lrrs.r,,:o Lrc:::l :-ritr.;ir1r'!r:ir ili!rr iir. i:lr.L.lii rl:si
-l_ir.rrostcor::u.llusageoiglrfrr|:a:ir,rusu:iil.,.L::i5|lir:lirr:rLl,r|:r:"ii .il rL.r'. f
ifi r.L;r:l iiin,' :,' l,r,. rr ri:ir l" i l':oicsi r'll:.-'ali Lrl
i .irir,'l.r;r:',:rriuclCriir;rrrrr..l:irrr:i:'..:rIr. lirr rl ,:ir: :rri:rrr,ti.,rrl
l'.: acre lil tiYji. l\e \1oricl11',: ILlltrtr hrs becr_.:ll :eetrlr::
ilct ll:ri r,tsl. , rrr:.crrc)r(irlltrranlisasLLnir-r'rL:(':l:irir-i.i'is-.eiir.,,liiriior'ltc:b!-
blc despirr rlr bor.d.rs lhar .lj..liir i(s $ani,si:atrs i:..il.r.ii.iili)t ri.,e
.rorLd is s0 iDierr:oanecled I ri1:rron ",:r,:arlils currr:ri :r:ll iui,.r:c L':r:rr,r'.prior: lrcssilil:r1* 5.
rilrL :!,c li.,elihocci oi onr cielcniis ln lhc e:!r;rr,.iiL:t rlr'-: alriliibllit., oliori:tn loo.ls a
*oik ;ncl l--lod,rction ol rnm)/ oljr:rli. \\hen r1t rlsji :, l.,ir.Ll rr:alj. :re I
rcr,.raii, .,isiL.r globai mitiret,pi;,.r rlliile: lhan a :lere i:r:lL
shopping c,:r:_
:er \.\ih.irer ef 1re bx) Lo.i'j.lluLr-s rnad. in \.ll:{ic. r,rr.l HorU li'.r1;
! er onrnir irlsr-iiL:tiots s.rclr r:s ,.h. l:rt:r:r.rti-.ri:,1 llorrrlfr ilr:uil (l\lF).
ict rors ir'-.ur l:l1g1'ldesl), or i\trii:s t:.l1] \.ietl)ir, :,ri(i Itcii,!].sil, r..:,rDis,
t:t.,: I ng Lirl l|occss cl ,rir,--nL-rl]li. r.l:itill:iDr l.:r1r'c:r rii: l- :-.i rl:il the l_lrirl
A laba li zi1 ii a it .rd l:!jx o t)t n

\lbrLa! Tlleje organizatioDs \\'.lk rogether to Urimiitc cottrcrr,tc lrpetl' ilgsiro.,;s LirrorghouL rrosi oi :hc l oilcl ilr l-ili:lx i\icDorl.!'s icslllrL'
slcrl inlo an.l cLoninance of ir1:enrational mlirkels. The lV-l'O r,]lri .'i ):3r1is hev. e\?,rildeci r:rPiailt ircut 1il+ :iior.s li', e -Yeari '119 lo c!.1' 500
ireCe CisluLes beFl,een memb?i counuies in an elloft !o re.rL',Lae ll;!(i,3 to.Lalt C\N InEmatjootl ii nc$ aleLLal--ie d,ro'iglloul rh,r n olli f iil isLe-
bariels ol according !o rrarv oDponents ol aotrolate globaiizatior, io !isi.11:Li.t tlle lntenler. Bc i! l"lcl)rtild s or air"Fl rhe cl;ir'fi's oiclcing
clninare barieN ro cor?orare prolits. The Itr{F and \,lbrlcl Banli prorirle things aie lalling by the \?n)'srde arld nxking .oom fo: lhe nlodein"
lort pachages ro nT any l'ilircl u'oild countnes, :rccornpiLniecl b; rei-.uirr:' lorLr ciclciLrg thlngs. This nror:ess ol"irtrderrlizailon is i3r,uriourll to
ments drer nedons receivrng Loans lorver theu trade'oerriers lrrd iirl{iil 1il -rr_,edcanizltiolr ol rhe glol-.e.l" BenjauiLr Bill'ber aiguas ihat giobal'
oiiler reaL'.lircnents, suc! $ lhc ldl'alization ci state ir'ralusEies fl1d jznrlon is leedjllg io a homogerrize.l "l'lc\\:orld' i \\fiicr Alreilar pop'
c l :]Lo .J(.: 6o\arn,i , ,ce\, !lar'.uia!!re ard i.r:ri',,.ueLisn :s .trtal.li! lira gLol--e Reja.ill_g sljlll
.{nerlc;ur ild cons,.lrnefisl (lomifalio1-r, orhtr arl!ufls ale lrcdLrcing
rlrcv!rir.u'.i ofresisiriua.. \1')11.1_,llar-!er l.ir::, l,r as "lillli ' (llol) \'ai Il
G oballzal cr as Uir versa iraton
i,1osi r-t., srrnce Lo glctiil::.rLiou. ltoa.vei aan-,Lr: iilll tiro-(c l\'ilc \iel\'
Scholars, dipLomars, and poLrticiarr ofiea tell us ih;rt.ve ljvc ir a lllobirl .O .:..... r. .OOr.( . . ..
r.iLlage. 1(oliAnuan, secreairJ -gan clri cfthe LJ,rittd,\:,ri..ns, er:cn r.,:rl
as lar as to call ioi redefinirt sor'er'elgary bem'.rse ,.f lire Ie: i:cs oi !loi:- G obai:eircn as 0a ' :i.l f"
aLizadon i \\'irh fie upid cier,eiop:rent oi inlorirali,)ir ieririroiogits.
such anallsts foresee thc ad..,i!it ol. a piAnetar)' ]ncrser ofcr:ltulcs, ideas. Scme scb,rlars ccntenci d;at g1o-1rali:arion is an ideolcgl- ci narkbL ecou-
aid ecoion,ics rl',rcugh a llllii)csig lhat u.ill {orge pcoplc al1 c.c,- ihc onl)'. j\'Iarired E Steger:tie:: to ;lobalizalici ars a:1 idecLcgi rnd .rlls il
\rcrld intoa clcser !!1it. Stelher D. Krasner arglre5 thaL ihl coni.ined
':.0,,1'..r 'Ir.rr crc".er'. rI q' c"..'r')jl.'< lll,l* ri_I.Li oa
onslaught ol morletarl uricr-i. rlle Inteliler. aable news, ard non- ,,'1 . , .o< ,rgro:.'-r,p. !..1r \v r[1.:r '.o'r .. _ i:1 .] J i .l
gcl,elnlnenral organlzalions are ciraiienging th'J notjor ol so1'ereigrt)i scale.ll Pe|hapg dlis vie';'i5 ll'rc ll'icst ploriiirenl oulsiri. tlle Uriied
elen dlough ther ale not desi|c)ing jt.8 Horreyer-, ,(,,rair ;r nocci ls ,-rD 'Lc !itaLes Erucpen and Tbircl \Vorlci scholai: oilEi erflail', gi.belizalion
dispute, acrlsidelug fia! nurdnrtiornl colporatious .1c stjli riliirrr cu ii d'..se cdtical terr1ls illenin iilot io| exarllule, !)_. in acl.lreis iD .he
nation'srates in order !o exisl :rs oiiclal instituricr:.s ard, r.s gol er.]line:. hr.rutloniri I'orur,r :rn Glooa]l:r,Lion ilr \e1( \irrli Cil\" rroclaiFreii,
subsillies arai proteciionism su4ge:t. ir crder-lo.11jLr:. ilieii ..'cr'\'slrr'- ' CLc,rali:;rLior is \{;ri \\ a iI,] r]'.: T\Lral !'brlri i;rrl lor sLri:trLl cruunies

r4ul aoiForiilions are also at.L.-cr.hn! on statas io hrpleLcrl .axf ld- .rlled coi.;lrlzeiior "ll h ji ritii !lcll ci gl1-'i:ali:r.tlcr. iirL is 1-'chird the
heis:ve rlade ngieeDenls, su.ri a.! rhc iiorth r\
cr'lca) i_ircL: lii\lirr\qi:rl- rlcir\':lircn ui illnse \rho ri'-rgc ihc sl-uggir io .rr,li il. r1.Ex:ive iln|ic!
I:lcnr a^\AFTA) and rhe Gen l]r ai Agre rnen! on Tirifs rri liail- (C..1|'il, llis !it:,,(gg1e lta-. mact glolrait:aii,tn ;r lo:r.i poiut :ri ilostj I fassLons
as ricll:s ro cnlor..ce the age:',das cirntemali;nrl blls',ress insLiirr:]ot:s, irrf n.c:Lsia'aiti licl,irli pl rrrls
... 1(.: 1l \olcBJ...:. u..:. ...." ..
. O: O:. O)'.' l-: 'Ailt 5io)3 iza-!L lit i:oraes

,\1;!rJ' llcill.irit: a!1d c'ijl.s oi aoLl)oarle paiir"al rr. Dlicr ii;racrLlitlci)

Globa izalioir as Westerr zar.irn lalelc,.i 'r.nrigiobaliza'"ion prot'":toe." 1b s1'e:,h ln ::ucb ieitls ts iai :oo
A nu:.,ber' oi sclLoLars srress rha! gloDaiization j5 l,j:.ling io rlle sj:r..id .'i 1?q1r i-ar i ..rer1 1\'o r se, it ls ini'.'r.lraie. \\iilel', iLiscri5iig lLoLr|:ariox

\\'estcnl cujlirre nnd placlices irclud the l.oild. Spclis icor,c such as iristlc.esiilr)'Lod:stinguial.}cr'i','enils'1r''iousfoi]r1s l\.lLr'li:r-! fciir-
l(obe lJryani ald Sammy Sosa. 3s lvell as pop starr riLrch as E,rriretr'r el.l ir:rrr,, c,:rr,or.,art (cconomic), irllliLarl. r:ilirour'3nitti. lcchtlologlcai. aucl
B i rnr,v Soea:.'s, have gained 1. oi id\,:i.ie no Lo rie r,, t!.! ar.c ir erio nn' culr,,uri gloralJ:1)n. lake ole specific t'-xarrpli eitlicrnnei".trLists 3r!'
.- .:.r
A loba lt nlic, a nd'iE. ti tb n I
. Llr..:n-. .

. _o t !. ol .. . lars fiuliL ;]lcl iess arccass io iLlr i-rLa-.:r.,eii:l!: ril ,

l.r, crntncri ti D,lri,ller
. r e:. .1 ...-.........
' .o.j O-:..-o e,h ... ..,.b....,.,.
oLaces nur:l: ol Lhe resporsibiil$ lor rhis trclr(l or.t tnt.n:tion;ll Lr.,lsiress

, j ..: 1,1... i. stiL-,[i.ls T]re ",r\,erall. rir:ust" cf li\ll,

iirl \lbilcl Banlt prLiiie , ior
': !r . " t. ..., 1ro.. \'r:_. ., r'L' r '' i".. ..o. .t
.r : I'E:r f-. li er:l,.lolilrlioir bi r |r:Itr;l::1 :oila':rtjrirs, )ritrh.:r

Crirics ci corporaie rarLr.rllj .j:ri:a

;rrt mar.v rl.J g.,.,,I-ir! ri|nr:r,:r.s
Lhis forr:r oigl.bai::::r:ion jtet
:..1 .1: ..!
becrusc tilrrseL: Liir: oiLit:
girbrl rnccnc ol rhe pooresi l..5itr
rr",rril)-:s n r:orir'ol mrcl..albrt ii! ii::sr \\bfl.l eii:cs t,r Jliie itcouo;..ri:
::r tfr" ,,"rl,l .:""f1,,i,if..t," i."r,,",,
errr aJMrLrta jncanle conti:l!i:-j tc l.:rL: Thc;i1,. '''' t . t . . . l
oci.r,cClt-l|,: :.tC\ .l]:.1
rhr pocr,:orlin,,rrs to rvidcr:. ,r,::l tl:r roncerl:
;i ilr. I.lat.r.lrl o l,;;:
be:l tllgoiren \\Jhiic rllor:slll:; riie t..".uct,,..1,-,.ii,i..
1r...,... o;,1',|]1,
i1un1llon, j.h. nunbei ol rillrrir,.itts ,it thr !nili(i S,,,,,,. g,.ur", ,,,,, Ar iii,i tLriio,ra, (rfitci].1 iil',,: l,1F
o o ln 1..- !ol..e .ri ll:
sifnt_:.sr 'r: lrlsl oi iltc rr:l.r::ai er:ri:or:r1,, oilrr. lrrs
-.. b j .. :.
\'1lrch :1. 1a00, sonle po.,i.i.j.lr,, jr i"*" ,:r.l"," t",r" c.l,1e taur i;rc: Palist, lilcsiill:Ltiial)'.li11:ji:Ji frr rirc l-.r:llrn arIldi.,f
q,'lrsacr hrs d.cis;on as .,llslisirlril.i;le ar;i, p;rir:i]rs,
Lr.fiJirrf.;r' rr ll.: bool.: Tjir il,,it r-.ra rti.rlii_i ,ii. ril a;r:i tr\. i,rtl:lst i) ri'
. ,I:.o1.... ,,,,: ,,1.1.."r linr:s rlrru) .f !ia .i11.]rr,gs r'r'.ri irls rctreai.ir .,,rircritiiii{ il-.r
."L-, glo i,. ., .- .. lr.c,i..5 c:
South is l cle^f c:lLse ofconcrl:r lit rtanv oFp.ritelij
tira Il\'lir i'.rLrit iri;e|,.:.ns li]:i]r{:f Irlfi ciil.: ,:cLrior:lL!,r ILrsefl: S:i!:ir:.
it.llolr3Lir-t;j-iolt. rriro (iisclLsr,cs rhc.on.litior-q ilte Il,,lf slrs iiI e.lr', coLrr, .i r:ccr.ing
Orre brllior oronle lmng iu rre i.irsi rncl ihir,t ,l,orl,f' ,,"i,
.. ,1.. .. ,,i, in irorirl i},r! lo;,Is. .r'crirrclinq lo.itiqlir:. e!r:r, acirnrr\' Ls r.r.l:lir,..l 1.,.. rl.a
.. .orl.. s\r. .".',..,
L: . .. .. r. ( Ilo\ .. .e. .1..
li'lF la cLraci i\e::.rlrle iorr.sttt: trrrccr: lq:ifrlLir: ana: f,ll:jsl it-t far|
Lfo' cniia:rl ol rirr rrqr.iircm.uD. \,rhi,r'n irraLirdf ti:r irllrlrrl;
.. : :r. .. .:
.1. . :.....n.".. ..ro.
'.. ., I :ilt, )r|rlr'dtaj_r,Dril'di,:iti,)ii ci .ri.rlrj irt,-lii l.it,j :,r.alr iJ airatria 4,rij
Dtl^.e: s,.ciaL l-.rorectjons. \\'n(r 3irii !r.itlisr \\rilli",n C,",,1..,,,:",,. rilii 1!iilili aofllririi!! \:ir',ilr!:rt.,_l-,rjyitj:1tr(ni5...ic\i,:al :rj aor)!farpr.-
rs iL.xrsrs r.d.,\,, "rhe glcbal ..i)trrti is r-Llnnirq
cLo....r iriii, .ir:l.cir ilt r thc sjal, i,altlculaiil, lrheir cc:ritricrng Ic:e:ri corpo12ic laii..iles sucil
'r oilcl icr rhe lcl,esr connoi.r rjcrotiri.,ror in ie;,". ,, fr,.,l"",J ..,,..il.Ji
xj llirloi, Dirt to lieirtior :lte (iiii,atr-L-rri! ,:fiaai! cf _.uii l:rri,'lres oLt
\....:.TOr.. ).,. ..... ..: '. J c. r ..
. n. ..' l. . . .). .
.t.t L.nt .. . .
tcnlr .. .
i. l(t!.tj!e.l "c.l|ilijl lr.r'ir.t ii!.irlit.irirri, ficir:1irg tliL: loltnr:g ol'
' ni .
., olt c.l .... . ,,.,,. -:
.or'roriit. Dolref The \fl'O his L.cL:ti airrckeC ict irs
: be:ii.rj i.'cstiictiFB t\. ilol',:l c:ilit:tL il artd c,,,r r i i F:r;L r,nii fllll
.l:;t,: l:i r:li:-s:cll.i, ',r,'irilal s1'rats. CouLtlalej rlltalLra iaoLtr-.:Ii: :t"sis i|.r r:rLrrrtei;,, r1,
r|;cr4:orrre rLLLing:. Lon \\trihrl rrncl \ttchelle Sibrzr Liclicllr:
tlc .,\.id 'i I . ,.
|.: : ... .. I :: ,e\n.,i-.o.. : .:. orr. .. - .: Cauit;r] I1ig\t, irr turir. hrrl.,u iicaiard! i:coL)cijrr l:llic,rrn. r.,
" en.. - ... .,1 .
ir.:r ir.. lhe case of.;\ril.r11rr,r
:.'.1... i ..".:g"ia. t..: r-rl.- ...,::. 1,..r. .,n i jlirsrrlerl "nrcr'llet-las ul pricit-,t," ir ol|ef $oids. raiJluq pi.ps.r.
Lleclaled barriers to trade.',16](c\in Darr3her,
an .rcri1rsl arrlr.oiiruDrl.-L oi r:sserli;rl gooi,s iLnrl serrci'.r l,l lt oi iics. irrjc. :r.i.rersl,
.. I o fr .,n6c...xpla r. . . lgrr., :, ,,. .... t -" 'i:_ :. r..cr..l.-. . .::
..: .' -.: .:rrrng L"r'- ,-, . - i." ,, .. -. :: 1.
' oi \'.1. 1 - ', ' triciLl: end looci i-ogtrtriil; lltis rrnii l..es l,:rl ic incr.::<ec,,slci:L
.rk .,, , ..1..(. ..: ':rnra5i.'ia as iia l\il una:i|l.gclifrlii' desclil--rs thc
G bha lt ze ii a tt a tld'i e r.,tt: :t',

r''- L\..rnp.C qrr re .: . .ot - 0 Lie$raen :itii,C,lC luai I ,00"r,{)ilil iri.,icsliLr_,r i r.:lc fer Lo.i!ye.l '-l'.r: :r:ei oi
!J "r1 ien.r,tccJ L.. I ol.Dr_..i..i :,r..t.,.- lo,;r r:rcl hireen rvorh iour'.r.:l t:orir's a rlr'., sir dr.rs .r wccir l'el'lr!
' ing riois tltroughoul the nlldoit's capjtrrl. 1t rras l6s,r. -.i.rorr.n U,u, crirpeis airen, rjre chiLrlren art.:l:rrrrii rr ioonrs iu carpcL lactolcs in
lhe ILIF had mairetmirditcl thc piice il]at.erse an.l c.rer! prrr.iiaiecl i'alistar l_hi:se c.\il:iir:n arlrsr;rllr sr:r,- i-.i iherl l)rr.j1iri rc i\,or k in rhl
rllerd o! dm€ rhat s,rcli rr jncLease rr,oLrlcl ljiel, p:or.ole rn rarpri Ie.LDries ro help s!rrDori Li1(i ilxiiil Tircl ;:e clicr. ri.::r ;r11 l.rrl'
Eau;rdcrL{nlioi.:l _lher:
lurrurrrir,:Ll baclis a|e .rsr:rLi,r, rilr|tclirtcr,Lusl ci Cre ronsirri:cr:il-
4 CcntltLiscry jrct trdde, :r1,r,nting require.l redtclLrits il rlt.:lis l.id irlq rr: iiorl ol th: l,ror: Tie r hrnis ;r:c ,r-.u:,i1) scdr.rcd. ald !ie\. hrlc
cihcl tade banie$ flll;rn3 1!rn the Fii.:r \\crll r. iii. lhtr:l lliiiiirrL'lii 'rlcelhir,r ber::u-.e oi i,e ..,lrririi iulL:riirii .rl ir'lic ;iusr.
1 \\rcrld The carch, ho,,r.L.,,ei, li ther i:irsi l.,t!.i(i ccritiic! are l ii rC c: rrlcr'n:rtlc::rI prassu]::, lJ.rliiiit ires5,'a, ti lr'.r' oiLih,rir{ tht lr',t
l rllc'nec to coLttinue ..1i iir pt..rea!ioliiil-. :ts is'.::ti. ir:,:i..riljrq rj.. oi jr:l1i,rg iili'niies ioi l:rcnrljni ti_,ei' :liiih.:ri :r cr.r'lrt hi-.oi Cor-
lcgall, prorectccl :noncF.it.! rLialet ritc \'\TO Illipj l1rr.anrt;rit. !.:r-raj'.!li'. i l'altisr:ilr jrrnlr] i:iiii: gr'.rir), ,lc 3.:r::i i.|L,rr Lii-.err-
nrassr!e subsiclies for naicnaI i[dustrier, i]rci lol,.rn,reil lal.tits rlcf, ]i:olrl $T-LF), lratcd e cr' riiilLj t.i lii:e ljollrlc.i chiLclrerr lobri
: .::rt _t-o:, o .)o.. n'iii olic .i lhos,r chllaifel1 iicrl iriLaf sr-\ \ r.r:r rr iire ili. rl ! ilis iaril'
hiLi ror:drrlirrrr r'.Ler he vls L:.yvea:s oll Or,:e lrctd iq'r,alLcr:lmc
ich corjnties, ror c!,clonc ha_< bcnrlllcci iior.rr iu.lcl.arr :1i iafir.r iral,licLD;irLi irl JrL clLdr)lLi. n r. l:i:. ,.ril_,c: b.il:ie!l c!iidren llc
qlobalzarion Ner'corporate he,:icm: qenteci bt, tiioi,.r li:alic n rLe l,:ad- irlso !r|1'.l.rl io iu,;opc and tl!c llr,ireC 5,!:riti ra.c].rpoic Lhe trlrci:a. :.
ilrg ro iircreased hsccuriq. in tLc rvr;riqrlace. Bcrrreen .1973 .rna M7, Lr cr:nsulrrels \'iro buy lhe car:pc*. f iis pcrso4nlii' 1i'id dri),,isLisr! nrldc
is estirnatecl rhat the average inccrre of the poofest 20 Deicelt ol_.inei- hin a lcl..'elfecLigr spol(esprls.r', on lrehrll oi:lii borr:Lcc chilcLr-en r:r
-.lc.. . oc..,n. r",h..r., .i..,on rot i.,,t".:. ," Pliiisl;ur. On .\lil 16, 1995, a q,.rnr:ran sho-i tl',e t\itLcen-vear-oll lqbaL
.\ -ei -0 ..r.er.L *at.J .... ,..f :.(:i o {....1 .
to clcaLl \VLlile ro con.,iclior iis been rtechcrl, it:s clt:r that q,llat
aerr l? AJ lltanulaclur.ers relocate to reap gteaterpiofirs cl[cireapcr labor tLe lorLncier ol the BI-Li callei thc "catret mafia' n,as rcsl rnsible ior
in dre giobal Sourh, worliels i the icll l,lorth are lcsing lheir'sotriccs .-.1 l,;is inutcler
Lvelihood. Ilanual labore6 itl uiudc,rlai iire under Ctrear :rs colpo:aiiors Ti.c srorv oilqbal trl1s us tha!..lenanci icf "OriinrxL" ca+er in ri.h
shili their prodrLcdon to lo\\L\raqe ..o'lotnies abioad lnLpl: enratioll c,i co.rxl-r'ies coilliibutes to bali irrcaiua'.ion p::i.liaes in poor cr,rs \\'hrle
\.{FTA, lor exarnple, has resultd iri lhc loss of 7jr,r.0C0 U.S. nmrii.rc, ,.Lt'r cr','+et rrrnuillaci,,rrers becorrc r',i:rlthr', rfrlcl'rn sr"rlier Jnh.; r:oLr-
iuring iob: to \La{tcar1 maquila.iorrs (lwcarshcps) ti ,r..nerican iaboi i,.inli::!s;r. al\':lr'e and rIc icad'r lJ Lijvcol| pr'.cucL-s pro:l,ri,:ci by abrr-
. :: l" . erog<..r1. . . \\-... ... .. ... -.:. :isr: rr:,:;$ or ralc lar'i !Lr t}r:rin|!; ciLrnj-.iiliir:s r',or'icrr! agiiLr:rs:,-inhrr
lhrcugjlorir rhe 1990s, apprc,'iniLei., l,alf oi uriol or.,1mri:ir,g t, LiLe . : :: O. (..- ,. .l ) .1
L .r: . o " h. . o-..r ''.r.. .. .:.o r):i)loitrlicil is llcL li r-!.d ln P;rlils'-ar] rr r. iiritrr lrlrlillu !ur is 1\'iilc-
ccn Fan,\' prodN cticn liom dte lti,tfr,l ,ili1,es to triexictri ilaqutllLLilrr:.t: ilirii:(l rlra, arn Dt fc:-lxd I :iiL rolllers of l:e rr'rr'lii
. t r.\....n 0..: m.. :. \'l,r.l' r:r r,'11611-ao|ni ats r-,re orl;oser1 iii .arr'!olt!r glcLr:llz:rticLr lLs
Lhilled xrth cofpcrslc globalilriia:: ,:trlel Thcl liii:::clccilecl r-,rllr I eli. ihc., ieai thl1t thc iirLclircc L'c;r'. ecn rhe reN rerhLr.':Lriaiei. .aon.urr..
iorr rvages ancl bad worl< e:ti;.,rlrrclts. Streatsllcirs oire::r.qneraLe
;lobaiizarion, ancl centraiizi:d corD.ir'xte Do.iu:i'r\i:r' lerd to an .lnplece-
rreaLih ro corpolate srocl*rolCers rt:cipe.petur.te rov.ury fot litr \,rcdi dcltcci rlvironmental rratmr:rt r gicbrl scrle. Er,.'ircrinentrliss arf,,-rt
ers. Sonte ofthe s\'ea$hops enpio.. ciriici laboleil l.'orldng in ur,he;rlrhy rhar, cr-.ryo1arions are disregarrling rhe elv;o.Ll1cr1t in t'nc starprde ior
.. :'.- 1dn;, Lsen. .... negaprtrfiis an.l marketplacc suflcmxqi lhc logia behini lrriiJilm.rl-
Trkc. Ior er;lnple, dre slcr! ci Icltal N1asih. lqtal r,r,15 e11r3 6i 15l talisi i:anpaig:rs lesls.,l Llrr priici])Lc ih:i:n-riic:r:llirirl rl.'trc:ious
tlousands oi Pakrsraui childr.r lr'ot.lrg in the O cli: lc:irpel r)1iiis. nusr be prnsutd bt-,'lc c.oloqi.|l ca las ti o irin:s Lei:cnrc inc.:it;r|1e llrd.r
Cr/o,i.r/rllrlio/t .t,ro i.:lori;/r
aiiola cf :]lt! \r'r(] riite
";i r: .' :,""..

--;..'. , ,- ,". , 1.. ,- : . .. ., ,.. l\TO, &e \\brl.i ;lnr;i, th. l\lf, or rhe icadcrs i i t)r: Lirlor
" L
tool. .. .. t(,. .. ::. .. -:rl:.';;.;i,1,,il
Ai'!r, dll1r r.he

-.. l
1", ."" " susmitlable
nerrallr' merlocls Errironmelrrf ir.,l.r
. " eair:alri! foteis meei. cLrrrctrstiiltions i,.r..:ait cuL. icrtc ol these ll l
_-.r... Ie-tJ-.i LLlrrLrci riolent. B,,Lt ihe fof,;rtinL Lor riolcnc.: lri;Lrr:l ta qlobeii;:,rii.,n is
....0n. , . .: nir,:l\ [rair ser']rrLr-i 3r,,1 lorg Lr:Li;ie rirrtr oicnslolal orrrl;r:.sts .ri.sciut
-f. rc..._ .., ior \... ...,rio .l," ainwi. \'iolcla,r rilrinst trtl:Lr:lrcu,il ,:r-.: tor.:i: clolltn;,1:c:t ii ir:r lts
il . .n1.,r..: :r..-. rs si:rllts.Lrtr'l irrs tlkel. ln:rr r:h;qr,:s cr,i:.the..rirs t-a,rPt]lrtc i]\:,rLl
: rDr. ...9 o... 1I o.... rr'rs ire'.,'lerr |{rlt;:ptr,:i:l r:ii:l i:,i:I nfi.:i'.r.c I i.r,r;o:.rir rrtt,:i: -.,.:;lr
, e ..,... ,

-. ,l .. .r:: l,|:llonrirl s r'.:ii:r'.1:!l.Li!. it.r'i b,:rr: ri:rc,irrl l-.:r::l .rrlir:r itr..c
1... 1.. .:... .;.. tLi:iat,-cl :tirri ii:ilri, lr..rttl r':rIiL,rittt lri :;r'r,rirlls C: llar:rriOI
icsl ir;is k:d rrairv lo crilici.:r ,1c :rrf_,orata
c:irlt.irl]t oi itlitt.ir,a:lr...ii.r 'ro:li
rrrriiii , ur airut.illa ntil,.rl)'i itl.ie ri ., r :ri<ccl nr:llir:.rriirril r:L

:t:,:l :lt \l'-,1:':r .i..1 r:'rrt: lli d rl:,:;l; r'r.rltrrle l]or:s rL:iur. l,.rri
- Lic' iolr.r o1 jolelce u!! Lc i:tlilf .tllc. ,...i:l.,i.,Lll i:r L.lr it.,uc,:

lL iJ rli::l-iode-r'that:Dlornrali..l crossc: l-',--t i,:rs iltil,o.ri i:r..sici.:r'r-

cnnenls rle he]lle-rs he|l :i il:r 'ri lc. sL,rir tire sDI.il oi i:iorrxatioit,
rii) l,jt tir.lr loct!ries in 'J.lt;L,t ol taLlirg irrrite': bchitrl 1i ritv a:lor:
iL. tirc;.rr.tiirLr,,_"ar:ed coLrsetlIcirccs liiie.irr':r:rm1-.ie.tt.li_,oteiii.,rije
rrr (Lr:,cl 1)l:orle rherc rijll ljr'r I tL rilir:or:1 .,r'l al lii( I rr.i irifc lo ri,r.-
i:i.ir'. rL:ri1ir! x e!.r, .f er'.:r .l !.rhocl in rIL' rilhgi: ),1o.i ,ri.riis ;rli: s:ilL
ili tlr.rlr:raliniilLted:r''rl,r,.iljr.ic:l,l:i-r,ril::r:i:i:r;, 1:,'rrlr,:rh
r: l,r,t:r',:r-.r::ttrjtildr r:rr,r:t jit:.ilo|i- ., tl ,r ;rirltt: rlsl 1r: tlt,:
clr:rrllrL r: rili:rllu: qrLhar i,.r :ljrra li. ,lrl ri,r.:.rr,. ,lrlri rr rl;,, ;it:: l:.,:-
,l,r.lr :r. ,iil,ir::: .:rle: i..\" :-r..s ,rn :l.r !rl,j _i-rt.i. ,ir: !1.rl|rir]i,; jIr
:l1_,r.,rinrrrl,illa,'rllrAaisr r:ri:ilir\,r,-.l.lt.ir-.au.t, Iit LLtrn !lt",ta
.;i.:,::rt si.'r trr.)iiLricrl r:r ali ii:,r':::r. l:iri.,;,.ili i .|: nil. oi :rnris it
,li:ri :':r:c l irarr irr)ri ir'lrrq,,,r'.rlli !rl:r_s:rr tL.tf.rlri rl1 ,ri :iL!:.rl-
ir,lL:r;' ,:rls f:..r1 :rr ]li:lir,:ls n'r:l: jr'.::,r1, i r:il ilrtl .rr,rrr iL,clo.,r.:
:\,jlr, --.- r'.,r ,ir.ilt iiatlirL-!..j trLl ii,:ltt, ,:li:;, r,,lt:i.-.. :::,_ltr_.i t_.1,:tliln::,
aLrrLaLvrr,oltiieth.'nelerirlagl:iririr,rIicrLsi,'!r.r])l.cj l..c.us l,-,r.rl
lira \rll:i!t .lciar lil111s tl_,e scL oii, lrd rliL,t,lelj ieprtr t. tit.il tru.t or
c'iarior:res tosleeF on thcrrciut1L-.ols ,.\s rhcr'slcep, theyrrc rowlil..cir'
!o ha..'c i1e\', iirals rf dte.it11s No rnaia,r'4 ili,ji air'aanliitil:rbolll rilir,
nrilhi:rg thc col',., or h:lr'estiLr:q li1e.r,:,p.i Irsr:;rd. the'r a;t irkeil Lo
riieaur ofhrrinA an ;i;r;:zing la,.icit Lhar Lrir!5 \r,ater insi.l. I hom. ct
Gicta !tza! i.t a r 1d lh r tciis n1
frl ol h:l''.rlg a car or eiccrncig. CI]cr: r.his haprcils. ji si:rs iD r] tiriit ia gfLrrr ti.al tilil dash. rLr,:l ir \\'nI . t)Is ln :he l--nliucl 51aics.
.. one crn cull a "l-rigrarion ol clrer::ts." The irss3rrtrrtitiiol ol:lt, ii.l naiiil 11-hen lhe lrauli!t,v rLudar'rlicni,_. |xirrcr r::rttsloi'nrLion l-.oct en agricul'
.ontribures io nelv aheams aronq Lhe pool 'The wcalii.rl'
irncl icl,,.irrcct i.Jril eaor !ril:,r' biis ed cn ilri irl:-irii:liioll ulal slirYerl as lic iililiaf i,i:]ns
. rr ,: :, e).e|. e. .- .o .... n. on ,,,-
,,.a . ,". . ,...
,o,. oi !LDduclion into an iraiulirial srci.r' rlcpt'r_,ciri'rt .n co:rl rnd itLborl
l,, ll., .rr. ..o- o[]:eans.. , .. I .or occ. ... ' . .
iire cou:lu1'slrll)e.l iILo .r ,:iril -,r'a]i .l' liiill',1-lillei'.o e|o| ri-'o[ pi;re
::.::d.. ..I.l, s.;rr.. . r1r-. ur ilu;Lard CrL:ir,g J,c Croin\v.ll llcraLr:li,-11,'i itiuce in 1:a'). alrd ir
grn r bcautif..rl serting, ti:ei.roo nay drelr:r ai-rur
R:rssirL in tlrr: *r1,r'part ol ri,t ii"etltiadl caill'!ir!r'lbdr\l 1i'il1r lhc raPjai
Soi:r! ro iir:L !j,:,cc
i)iic ii tii-.iriti 4l'.angc, .ni (.'ltii tr!:r'1 i.',;rL i|r Jiob3l collrluriry coLrlcl
scmeclal :\n old television sio*,called Tre Lcl,r lirri, sir o;ia cr ir:st .;i:1p,
lr-,nnrlrreii tr .r huge gro..r,ll ;r: rirc ci.uisc j:tc[si;.;: Tiie iJer ri,, ccr-,- be :nr:riir: ir)Lo i1 ,Jhajc l,i r 3!,i.li crrri '';rr Tirosc rr':r. ltPir.'sc !l1e
lrrrcielrs oiter an atreup! at clri ring rhe inlen!iin:ritit:;t:l;iou ri,j.c rns cirr;r':e l.r:ri \lr: llrea.:1 !c!rr iir:r.iiiull,iic nl sececlc ton ti',e lloir'-
lll c ron Xr S;cli ro rhe I'ilL!:j ::t tllin.l, lve aiti rlui :rs iilc friiirlcts l)c!il ;li:3a !trta.::. I,iir)! nry i-.r: tl,ej (.r.r :i:t. .l-iti: aii, tl'1,: co:ritL-.r oll :r:r-
:c hrr.e grcr:er dr.eams lor :5cr:,s,:lrrs ancl ilrrr. l:rrirt.lcs. Ll..ri: -".,i ,rl iili,ir.r) \':ls i.1i:ri .1ir:1:r!::ra l:!.ll.l_, l.c'.lLr::rn: lLi!:r ci Liror
. .:._ .or-c. ... t6l
',1:rtcr; r'oircls,lncl even ca,,s -!:l-,.rreLnme:ti rs r, lr,:i: tirai il c:,lli. r
'' '. - L :l..lt t.'r
ie;rait sr
Lrqc il n;:l hare greerer !l,rlita. ol pro,aillng,,trcir i,titls:;:r.rlilcs tc iijse i i: olrcr \'..rliteir trlr l,v irciire:r L'.ri oi !lxrsr \''to ataiiite Iirdrl.
rr, ..Jcr .irids rrherc Lalge numSrt:; ll rrcple restir:. ('i:t ;:;rsslllj; iLt a rtlniL:rj j113].llal: Tileleh:e, ''he icnclsi
li: go,_ l,luncirt histo:r, is
enrnilni r:tal prefer ro pu! iis lilriieiL t.esourci:s into h..,lLjr .:ar and JrLu, iii ilra i!ct1l1] oltcrior arc oitcr, c,-.Lri Sa.i ]1ililris ari ollrn a:Liieri i:r'
carion ulhar than building roarls io such a rrnr,.Le uirrqe r.th r,cr,. ie,.r L isr,r. r1:(i ahos{: \'/ho tti'iJ:i,_r' ollleri rr. frcqlra]1tl)'fii::rrlei a:1 ri.'
drls of ti:r'.r coniusi'.:_, n.cuis beciius. ci t1',t ler:ii ol:: r:lear ir:iiLr:
Sccjel scirntis!s have laleniiiical ihe gap be[i,.er t\peciations an.] &1don 01'rvhat LetYcism 15.;'5 a collcei-ti. ieifci".srrr ha-c:lciiuirlc iirl
ecnielemcni najor contribiLrci !o violence This iiLeoivis lrilor,'ll:rs
as a :lritt xor{-litrat,! sLalus tu Atrrrn.iLu publia dii.rlrrse Thcre i: rc doui:i
r.hri\'e delrrir)tion ]_ecl Robett Gurr clefines relative ciePr.ivadon :rs rhc !odn) ihrt ler'r.-,rsLr hrs iephceci C.lr1Lllr.rllisnl ai lhe ieaaing slleir) ci
e.1 b n., r | .: r" g,r1 , . . ::e bei:.. . lire lai:ri!e(l Sta,tes 1-:cisg a cltar cleinrtior rcceptablc i:r'ell Palries,
Gurr lells us :har ihe lalger rhc gep beLleen the rro, tl:: riotc iri<r:i-J:an r,iinorisr'Lr iclrlxirs in the c)e cr ii)c i]a!]aiaLr: A '"eliorlsl ls s'la]: lo hrs or
indLlidual is to run ro riolel;e :i If liris respecrei Ln,l icr i:rret:ri,:s iid r irceilor:r ii':lr:cr tc !l:' Lri htr l:plcrt':ls
is ;rccumle.,ihel ir is fair !o sl.r'.ihlii the risjng er:pectlti;l; cl 1i",? poor. "lruorlif r5 rLiIiirr.rlt to iirirnc: l-'ec'.r"rse il i: lriierenL]\' l.rlilicrl
ln iire Clladiap l,i1la8e or eLse.rixjte couid contrlbuti io j.ici.:nsiNr'\irl" 'rr/ililc rnant lec'pii: coui;-i iiirdil' !enori"'!:.is xher thc| icar of
r :. io.cr..:nar br .r.. ..-l:ns, :i..: l"u:r.. :he l:ci:ei1lri:'!-. ihriL i':1.:l ireoil. h"h r pr:cisl drtinitioF Di
b r. t.. i. . r'h r.r'n. .. .....c b'. . ,.h'r c.lltceDr. llmi''' \i'..r](i lit
'ei Ihluk ni,lcl-c .lot r' ol :ilu: clrt
or gor_
glolip irontes tc rhe rillage ia ::rtrlit ighler5 ita:a,,ltst rlc flo\.t.nti:r1t. clrlncirf'; ircililii Lc 1)a lc1!o1rsi, irc Le ol-isi, c.iL,1clloY' is rlrl'r"'s Lh':
o.: 11.: .:,. c1... -:c.L . .,. ,o.\::. .... . o L o,:ltilt !'llera ele n1al1v irolLlas (iler1 i! aorr_rrls iir ioillLlng o!1i 'lhc !;r-
rrc:eased grp benveen e\pe.tilr'rs :ircl achier,crnerii. .lhe glob:iJizrlio:r IDlisr." \\'hen lsracli ieadcrs r:iilr t. Prlesiinirn cf.rs xs ierriL'isi, one
of information disseninalion, ihercicre, may ccjtiribute tt': tti.:rc -.- ..:r':.c. o: r' .: 'l
'lhc increasitrg
Iti,iolerct. -,",
pace ol citangc r,,,iiir eJobaLizatjon ir1 irlelf n.n, .lso s^r!1c lsraeli le.talels "tel'lori:t" ';irct, Br:irin rLrled lllest:re nlan' as a
co : o\o.n \Vh(t..)(. ;o.h gi ".:... e.l..ro: .1:ll.r lellilcli. ls ie$olisol !r1'cr acaePle'l nn'l i sliFle']1 Tite ans*cr
:ho' ofien experielce polarizaticit Sonre pecpLe suppiri Lire ch;rirle s|cns ro bc oll\iors \l,hellt\,er ieirorislll is jLlslia,cci thosc \1'ho feei
Nhrre ofiers ojrpose ir 1r tiLrer. are .iirisior! b"rnr"-.- lir;rl ri is iust ( o ,.:: cail il !3r'ci;str' irsleacl, e irl'sl r:i clhr:r co:rccpLs
.. Lr.,o grcupiin
G iabe i iz ?.!i a t: ..tj it), h)tis t!
iic iiseC ucLudlng 6ght lor.:lci':icriience, i;ter,l:jr:t. .,;uu(ii3. jr
tiira.l iirtr:i,r',Lriber oi.Leiini,.joir. r: rtr';rr:r: itrs itlrirr on iLrr suLjr.t.
.ol .t.. .
,I:cf i,rciuilc lLr ir,l|,l in;

Dol J. .: To..o-J_
io ]iiit'niciale or acarlia :t 1i:., tIrnfll,.. I cl., tilrI pol,.lri:rLion, cr-:rny
lrr:orsn i: one of rhose co!t..iris rltnt maj(r x,ou.ierlilipclLti.rl io.rLji. s.trlJrr !harcoll ir rirLil,r:'r,rcl ii :nlir!rL .r sor-ul r.l. ccLt,,.cs
Polirtci;rrs erlrnd lhe worid itjr it r. aiesctjbe ihetr it.t:icrl
o1rf.:l:li (i'illl.
, Illc a:rlalllntrd ili
'iarlarr,tt ct ril]ciil
Ccl.nrei poxers Lrsed i! ro lcler to iuLionalj!i glcrlts iighlini itrcrn ior u-.a art io.cnc,-:r inaLliclia
iri.trf:ldcrce. lvlanvThird r,\irrl,:lrolr,tncs ille-rtiii t r:i ,.,,trlli ,,tqr.::,, . ..: ..:-
sloilrilhterronsnt.lnlherlLrinatitc,lseptcnber:i,ltr,tl,li:,:LlLtlterl r fLa lrr sr'lii ol qclli if ri !:iir i.ii rli! urliiic:ri, lcliqlous .r i.tc,
Strtcs bec:rnrc inr,olved in I ( iit irrr f.Lio; This,r.lli ;oi ir I_i.S loc r: :
.... .:. .. :. c . f.un-oc . | : 1'r. l:. l
, lr,]r:frlillta,j,;:.c-'iitil;lt,r,rrr,i;.,a;er iitlct..cit !);itai.iltrrii Jq,rinsi
' ,: f t., . crn..:o. Lrr-,ircorrJ:.rterr L:iqeis r;. r;lir-rltio;lir !r:outis ,)i rlrlLicsri:..c
''o - . .c r. i .. .h.... 1.,...lc o.a. t .. ..
iregrts, r,rs1r'.rllr iniel:l;rL ir lr,l.-i'l.c .i:t ir-tCjrr.. llj 5 D.t-.rt.i.
, h d ::. .r -' .: :o .. Ipor:.
r: ' ...r '0. -. cr -;. 'lhc Ior|1tr'lsralli
to tcllus ilboilt Iutltre develc,pr:r.rts Somespohe
i)tilnc Lnrrljilr( lj.r,;r ill i\ierrit\'ilir. .iiijni.j r.r,
oial,Atteic:u Ce;i- l'clisn.li "!te dlli'Dcrate.rilal slji3niii|c rijrlill .tl c:\.ili3|s ii iljr:rr
!ur):' \i'hiLc olirerJ discusse.i I "Cl;tsl of Cliirarjons... i! nurirircr oi tcrr i.ot 1-.oliiical c!1als "ll ln i::-rLet Lc, cierre sLrci feLrl LerL,:rIsr att;rll.s
...... ot . r. pOt|e ..l ir.D- . _
.o1 .... ..1...
aqdinst lli.lilicluals gtor-rps. arLcl sinlcs trllrst ittrpeer tc bf Landotn Tltc
..ono h:o.ct .l .1, h. .. r.:1..7,1 ..j D:....... [.,...j '!iicemir|]' concetnll.18 poLe]ldal leiofst i:tgcirs is riirrt nr:Lkcs ter.ror-
tl.. .. ror.' ..r.( h. nlon . ,.i:r-. .\. :. .. ..- i,lr'riodai_rjero'.rs,:l;thecl:t:nnleclrle\\hsi irllr,:,,D.C.sni|€raiii.lc
.-: 'o -.1:... ' j. . r 'o rr:.t. rl,..r .. . ..... : rlenronstraics \c one l.<nog.s ii''o nra.,' b,r tite l.,rxt inrltcL ct'.vhel or
calses a:e oilen siniilar hs cljr li::irjt-, :! less pteiltcLa-clc. I irc :n_r,tL c:
, c. .e _ ,. r.']ro.. . .. ,,-r. " .t ... .., I : I i'ia!i sahoLais searn to iUrai: :lrar tlrrcrisr":,l ts a r':iLLri:,l.tLior l;,ncc'tt.
rnusc be clrcnpei rn lavor oi ri::i1iry l hose \\,ito cdr:v c,i]l so,ar.iiaai ici. ir,i ly oi l:lrrrl \aell' terfolisir .,s I potiti.rl l.1bc,l irthcr then a nelLrtLig-
::. .l . o.4rt TF .... -1 .

. : :l r,::ar,ri". r:rrccl:i. 1,1'hcn rnrir,llunis r:lll oil\irs lcrr-.r'rs.., li1.r rLre, iil
.:. c- tl.o . .o. n. r 1... . :.
r: rect. Dra.ic:iiriil! so1lle r :)lal c,rnl\otairor !r.:ruse tit:it tril|r inpilts
ger3tic, nor ii li a clisease Tir:':.rio
engrqe l1r ir i,r|te ir... I.r.l.r.r ,iriiii.r r:LliLt i:[..eli(:i5r_ r]rii!:rr -rnlr J.ra.ir1a:ra..ir'is:irirr.iili.,EL:a
rnd lrom ili cuLllrrcs Tenot.lirr :t.r srljlploii.i lher .i.el :r rij:;cl:.:, ir
:l.Jrcliili'.rrIi nrri (:;ril I ielrolL l:tc'.Ll). tir,:.itr-..,ir i:n., ii:p:i-s,::-Li llbell-
iras othc: causes. \fos! delillij.rli oi l\e coi-.c,:it. l:r:,r,c.,t:t sr:r,;t
.,; ilrrr !r:;:,.ioin. srli:;h1irs'.r !trlLr.c!1sr'.irit. iriiiir.. .. ur t:ir. a:,;,rn :ljjj
' .1 -:. aa1] iL sii,Lr, !r L-rIlsrl r'c,_r:iirrs r,.r tr:;Lc<l :is ; col] cii) t
_ .. o ....:..(i. 1

irri rirr:rrriroscs..irl.is Lr,cli, rrrronsnr rs t|irnr:c rs r::oliLicil iri:i:i

.r. ilic:roniir'11or diplonais rlciincs rruorisnr ls il..{:,.risi !lr,iolelac ;
r'iolc,:rcc ior.' pclir:ca1 oo.ltctir.-s :-itc i'ioLcnce nii! i-i(r drirl.ifrl rqa:lsl
lgnLnsr non-combatanls, ci\illel.i Lr olhcr person: non*lly cor-qidL:rc:i
' L l.rt:. Ll.c,o[ -r., , rrb,,,-,.t.. l.
lrrclilirluals rlrl scrnerilrts prrt:e:1: Tht iioienL c trl.'rr:L;Ll,r ry: be tlr:r
t!] ol lnalivi(i',riris or SroLips .{ galriirixcnl's :rrrrcil iirirrs lrrl be iai;.rll;i
o.. l.,l t.: ,.: .o..ato:. r.
ltrl..irr. a-. rhcl cirer a:r, i:,\ rLc i|rq ...r rirc r:r:r,r'i|r rrcl oi th:rl r.rc-
ir, o. nrinichijrig oppoienrs nlto .oncessions. :,r Da. trl.l. i\i:laiircr. l.r_,ct.,cucl a dtfir_,it:oir oirhe cirrrcetr:al rcr-iiilrlrr cLll tirlrt. ir,rlrLoi'
thc rtall oi objecrir.e' scilo!:lr'-slilt ?t1d pl^ci.r ir jr :, a.rjr-,i-.tr.r tr.litLciij rr,lir.r \\'rti ro:rijricrl. Ti;c ,'ir,:.ll litL.l. i-c:rf.1' bLL:i.llll;s .;rlltLcltcr:
'iilt Pe:r:ag.-'rL slilboLi:ed
coDrr\t Sociri sciendsts aic Doi.licl{ing in .o:rccl:s iirl liolctcc. asj$- licbai cirlriiilisrn uurier r\LrcricrL_ ilacL:siltr.
sinariori. bo:rbings, hijaclrir:gs, r)i olhcrs soris ol arucki ihi1i r)Dli|lci^ris .{lrrcri.ex po\\cr ancl iLs giobai r.:r,rh .si.ie ficitr !l_,t l]lll,r.t:lll liciinli,
ci:er label i:s re$oisnr. Thc lrbel oI lenodslr, rvhei] ept)iidd iicrcss rltr r'hirt *as rIr::cl<ccl on Lhat d;1, :rt;rc,;r:r.teci rLc .lotlrirlitrcc ol lLre Uni!(C
,.1.o I J to n. . .;..1 . or '., r. : .'.. States rrr a gicbailzecL rlorLd. flri Lhl rtal riclrr:ls ol lb.,t liolence ncic
Poliiicrars oiitn manage to nii, iLi.. rhe issue oi Lcuorisr in iL rcl.tscal per,plc,rao r!'crc;oins ebo!t litrtl lir'1s, llt.ic irlil'..q lit rrri. r fumih
1om to i!e loreliort oi )Lrblic Jrsroruse ihr-(, tle Pri.:iiuarg- xnal bui (i jL luure t.r'cr oi rhar ch\. iin,tarrs ou ].\'hLle Ll'.. larg.t
',LprcoLe.l. alenled lheir basic n;rtionrl anrl frur',ri, righr-s, rc:tcleLr:cl liri) ha\j. becrl i)olitic:ri, Lirr riciir* r"'erc lnDr).enl and nonpriilicaL.
iclugeeg lor dacedes, and cc:rst:Lntlv exposecl Lo st:i.c (i1oi- irc ri-\ller. 1! jraLalirr rleiir ar *,!i alar fi:li e\,a:',.!rl ej'!_;::1s i'ilusl i-re! !ttei(litll
r., e1r hbeltcl b;'the desper:,ti: rci-i oi Jre le,r'ir tircii r..i.lsl. l''jt rlr. .'1lrrt 'ii,.\'i.\.i rt Lnrgel! oj iulir'---'.lLiiE.clra !r'icri.e I'rlhni--i no:it ili rir,:
llarcl, lhe:litiilrors of the _r'fr'.r'fi 'racllpitiiol, lrrL.l tct:l:r:l r,,r, ct,t, jrrr.lurt t.'lclil rl'iir r':ii:;ir.i1 .lrr.1 -l:ir lrrl lic il ircrr;ri ri rl ('rcih r:
iin s, rrnd oihel illegal resriciii--ls on lhe lir,ri..i .i riti Iriilr:ti:rl.,tLs rr:r ,-.1. irstr',i i)iri Liiacn, rul iir,).1 trr'o:rl.ii,r..rL1L,l r:.i ilcilLi i.'.1[:LInn].ii;rli
Lectivcll percei, ed rs the !r.1iri:s ri iirrDr Sr!rrjiirrltr lit,:l !rurl: .r.ilr:,tL-, Lr:r llrf ir.rl-. l';!-ri :r|],":r'ra,rr \:Ir(rl:r1:1ri-'i.1l l:r.r1a:l .r lr,l ir:ir rDl.r:
rvere sr;rgqling irgains! ti,. rrr'l..i cl apalltLi:i. t!;r. a,:rri r-o li::lriiir ,r,,r:rr,ir.,.ii;)-.l.rs.:lt',cl.lnfi:a:Irii i re l il:a,il:r: l:_,.1 (iilil.lr,i: Tlralaiioi
.t . lPr: . i:'..': ,t, l':r tlill oihlr lrlt.l. ,:, r.', l.:r,r.r rlr.'|li i:( -'.1i'.i Siai!r:
rha govailrnrcrll.,irefe Percdr,,.r. ir5 i|: lictirni al falr'.,r.'ijir, rri 'i,r-,i1: t.. iu,rlr,ri .rijr,rl',..rtirii:l)1.i.:Liirl::.lsit.,lllltl-i'.rit;1.:cj3r'raliill.t ii.
irtLand rnci ir rr:rny orher r-,lrrcs :r'lrr^,d ahe'. c,l.:i, :illlrl L::rair:i::c; ,l I
'iiiii lilLi:r:iril.jltlslli Icil.l rc il c lr:
rl r'i:rcir l::rrci ii:ljr i|r:.r'.i'L:r
rc ire io-rnci i:rs iurr;rc ,-r: ili ,-:rrea,t,v irlril:riors 'l:.:;r ,llr t,lh;li'i;, r-rl rrt. iisii
Tile glcbilizatior ol\ioi,:r, conl|cis has leci r ir:L!rr.:.:iiclili b.,c:: !jior.il-.. 1-r1'jrar,irluel has s.:;i.]'-i": :irlr,jhc;.r;I\:j i.r ihr l|-'ls .i .!n.ii in
ol i,rnrr suilerirg Tenorisir llas ccnsti!uLed :i ilrt!iirl airr.rfcrleiri :e.cnirgi. distrlr places
in such ccniLicrs. While dre rlilr,rLir.rLt ol clie:tillj siit..s iiou c..tltur 5c:ttnrbcr 11,2C01. :s lii<t,,'lo go .io'rn iir'!h. .rrna,i ot l.rrolisrl
anci rechnologrcal globaiizarioD, a diilelen! process ce)leci :he tirig'.'aiiorT a5 a cicliniug ll'lolllcnl Tir' tlil)ciiics o: iia: Li:1J' \'e" collicl]lllcd
ol iigl..unar es is a direct resuii .i lir,!al vicieirca ar.ai r.r1liirism. .\.i hr5. ihrori!5cui tire v.'c,:lcL rs .r:ni.: ili!a\lrsi l'r:rarlil,r: lhrr': n'ils i1 Ila3l
;1o!ai:la:li:r,ir1 th.ri eLl .olilir:n:! ill-rirl i.i lt!?llLer':. i-ie ihe
tor-' has shorr, the tenonsn r-,i c:r:ires as ilell :rs feqio:rrrl pc1\ e1s 1:is lforlil
'ocer. the nrur lorce drivinJ lhl5 pllenorneror. iire pr:i.c:iri cfrc,.. rr, ia,:11-fri,r;rls :inC ilro!tJ li_,il .:r::il ci.rl ji:Lrll :rLluillles E!ri ll'.: lJ 5
rofi:e fie 1r'e3k alrd bdng n1llilmr.res into lhc lii es oi lh3 LteiDl':s-'. arl iSspo]]s!t\1,n5 !ra1! 'Jnllairrlrl al..: Iesel'.bli:ii ti"L: roliL:ls ci thc p:evicLrs
'i_jr; lll!sr,,: b. :lirrl:l ri ,\i!ilniriii:!i ir,il r::rsl'-ieni grls! s
o!crlir]i.r\elveal(andopirr!railc;riltheir-Jl-ir!,jl<:iliLrril!ai-tlltlxr.l iriirr!flr
or ih,:il'op:rressors. bdngirq irqlr;Lrr:ries rc ihorc r'hr.. lir.e :h(i: Iilat)r-ii: 1r: liroai t,aisli r"il'11c:r tttr:ur_.:l:r ri nm;s ::rsl '\'ilell r'l1a
Ltr.r|rl llri:ru lre.tri,e':Lt ::rrsr .i'i!i 'rir::l 5:rir_.ifi .lr'rslii:rLl rc:: "i io"
i:.:,1,:itiilr':.r.:r:tL'.rfr'r|:i:itr.uiin\',':'.i:''i','l: :ril fi..r !ri.:::lllrliil!
Fe evanc€ of G cirai :iialcf and -l-cr-c|''i' r if ir.?
.F jrit Ceni,-ii./
ilr:rjrr lrr': lrt,rr ri:c olrll!' r'rli:::,:ir'r'. '1:lir t r i r_,rlti l;1,r1|i iis l\elllorrl
l,:rall l.l..r ri/rrlil io:1.:i r! stir:1lr: r't l : l,l: .lll !lli ll!N sar! ilr1i)s
Clrr -riirr,et ertered ijre t!\.:]1-,ifsi.enlnrl thrnugli rtii:r ljlii.s l,i rilr- 11,-L-.rt
';irl;-r, ii:ie .1. L.r.Ilc . l.r li,,: i:r i -, -iirss crilrrs, lheis irr sr.-
lencc The r.ssault on the U:,1!,r!ijtfte5 on SepLenber I L, .r.if '. L:rriltrl orrC. :.r:rr,: il ihiC, ani rr'..11r'']rrf al il,e i:rl1.li in l.!:lli llajj: .iirl.'!
tL_,e start ol a bLood| confli.r Ntt.rc.rl rire Unir...i -itates :Lr,l scirc "in';is- liegi!cll.ss oll"heir rlr: iirc,li: vrcer:l t,-l f:::;rrllr'n,:il ''o.rri :ir3 rr:Ll
iLL.' grouDs and indiliCu3L! l'\r eiia.l(s thensrh,:s L..ugcLcci s.,i:rbolic Ieii!.a ihoie ru llre l.rr,rcl rrri-'lis iitl,rlr'; ii;'-'i lrlra'.-( lo l-rri. iu:il'
s!r'!1c!rires. Their impact \l,as ror ilimost 3,000 inno.eit civiLian$ .iiatL i:!r.l l.rlt, rhe 1,.hoLe sllir ''nll ;ltl.',iifrt:hlLlniledSlnl:s.iAn'.rrica
orCre!da1'rlone.A\l,hoLeccr-,nonv.,vassetbrcr(,,,'itl1eir,-,jcliaolrl \.1.
. :Jabatizaiiar, e::'i irrcti. .
.ei)rajr ni ihe shlp gels ihe iu:r,;t.r,oi lhe carla ls i:i|ir,, ih. .:xftaitr is !.rioLls,jusr rs drc r'cai :iLlrL L:svciroiogicri irn;r'- oi rer
alsiigr:sr.sirousibiii,l'lorrhi:r,,i:il,beitrgofrhe\\ilollrjljiir,.la|,...\nci_ nrr':sn1 ir. The uerr.ircLrhs!:rnccs cr.li i.rr rcri thinliing tL:rLt rdarrls gicb
''.r , r-.'f.i . .p r:., f .i. .rli:alior-L to lrqai and triicrl irardlr.ls ald L|r slelr:i lor nrrior'.:rl rrrii
:1r r.b.r I \',..r"o - ...h,p ... .... r..: glob-,Ll securrq ro rroral reslininis. Yrl: c;:nuol rliorcl I,-. lighr "eil b)'
''\'-l Lr or\."o.o rp..r. cori,n',::!ing cvij. Our'ioenr.irg railers.riies nr'a aoncearlcd in jInstate
: ,,. .lri ro " z.: ,ff (..--f ... ). r. re',l!orl$ !.i1,iLL fceci ,.rn reserlmenl. doubl'slriii;rrds, irrd rlrogarlce Il
b|1d11, :c ali parries on boarll i l;ader. csnnor iropi io r.Lrrccccl ryithout ilc liole to creatt e rnore r)cictl,rl r\,orid. rr': :lll ntlst ect iis prri oi t:ra
un:icrlr ap)licNion cl rhe Lt,r Tirc UDrtecl Siari i5 lr)jeil i su:jjeai of
;]ir1-.il cc'r,r'.rLLrlrirr rirat iJ lvari{1..i r,-.1:'inl s:r',rir:v i]rrcu'ib leg:rl nrears
11 ... . .. 1 !.i1 t . 5t:- rL:. I ' rLr ii c{-r.lrcLirc L'i:\niri-r r,iilL irlL oLr..r,r stiicr in ihc rro:tL. ln or'der to
.igr Dollci ronrinucs |o be s.lr, t:..,.Ir iis apLrlj.eitjtr .l l,irr frr.rilifrl, .,alli|ii irerr'a riiral scarliilr" 1,'a ililsi sL: 1,.i i,r lalljarr jusi:ae ior ;ll.
pie. rr'lcr hacl Lnladed (urviiti jr lir.ation oi utl:m::lcn:rl l.r,q thr
1-nitati,\l;itcs fl]shed io ccriar,! ii..ai tr r.Dtg litLt r,it.lL l!r.ati (_.,.cirtIei
. :rir':
Un:l.d Stdtes Lira4qed irs fee: iltL: cr:rrinues t. ilo jo. l|c .lrrerl.;r1
atlachrtn lriq rDpeerr(lespecisiir typLrL.rl rica I r,: ilctl ..ji1ri.i ci.i rt thi. rie
Uliiad Sraies $ ns conclemnccl :r'' thc Ltl:ired Nrtioiu riirltcr llo-r iir crnt
act ol,.t1rla.'1' ji aggtession $;ith ilje irn,asion ol p:uerrr, 'Illose oi1 i1c
othcf sidc lird i! hard to respecr ritis tllle olselecu\iry .1s !l)e), iall inro
clespau sorrr€ ol ahenr mighr cor.,, oLit acts of o-.rlrag;ous vioje!.e ihaL
nrant \rill cali teuodsnl. Thjs aralvsis is no! !o condo;e _"uch acts bui to
help better,-rndrrstand fuour l,he:-e thel onginatc. lLr rhis age oiglobai_
ization,_thervorlcineeds consis|enl and
ncipled lcadeshjp rarh er :han
a parochiel one lronica1l,r,. as g)c1_.a1i:aiion proceeds at a l;st
!:ice, lhe
lhreiit ol tcnonsnr unires peopit lritllix nariolr,siares il
ortr.ihj:il aud
l': .o ,. ,. t..--r.. e-rb.. i _ . "..".
t l_ .co _ .e. l-t rc- .. 1.1 J - .r, i.- . .:
Ieilor p:l-lotism unseen iL1 alc.n.i.! iodo1, ou, ruo,..t o n.'orlrg i.
both ciir'ei:tions :Lr the santc rintc hl rije ineanrine, cur.glcibalship kecps
ch:fting lr ao, rLrrless lasirion rirrvrrd a lurure th:i ptoiiirits uy sciai,:
ellorLs at precitcrion.
Giobalization ircs \ad corlr!.iucf..es rrn valr.res iii.i eflltai 6i ai .:locs
on eccncrnics lenorism has llsr :ari crnseq,:etccs o! r,r1,.ri; arlil er:o_
nlr ics Bclh jnlFaci dle\l'ay\rc rhrli,rd ljve. Togeth.:r ie,vl)n/exsh-
.rc.l .. . cr. ". l .. "-n.. . .o^. l'. .. . .,. ..,:- - L,
\ .
..:o.l or...'_ , polr-: ln oL:....,,;.1 y^. .,o
nanon-sute is fLrlll' sovereign .Lit ntoia. lndincluals at^cl gilups dtr!_
careri ro ch:rllengirg the global s..sren through uns!asi:cli,tolerte cl
a:-,d irale disr:pled nonnal gloilitl ::.tt.t:t.tions. Thc leil h,-ilxm j!.st


- This house believe that the modern terrorist has done more harm over the
internet and the media ihan any bomb ever did.

This house believes that internet has faited the terrorist

- This house believes homeland security begins on the internet

- This house beiieves that the modern criminal fears neither borders nor

This house believes that the hearts and minds of the citizen is the true
battleground of the tei r or r5t

This house believes that Terror is a giotlal weapon

This house wants governments to restrict internet access to terrorists

This house wanis pecple to wiliingly give up their rights to lree access to the
media in order to fighl terrcr

This house believes that there is *o room for terror in the rnodern world

r This house would require all internet users to identify themselves

-- This house would prevent media broadcasting of all acts of terror

- This house would arrest people who publicly support terror

The Appricati6n Qs'.resi:o$

- rne Application Que:tion test! your abjlity ro:

iclenllfy ond c.jmpr€.h.,:nd lhe semtrai ayErrffieNxfl r,e,evadt afqu;ran*s ol lhc

" ond lhe supporlina,l re;rsons cnd €vider!ce,
€yatliate the ,,vorih/ siren glh oi ihe .Jjguryteriis, ct.ral./or
' ciiscugs lhe reievar|ee sf {he arFi:;fi:er.Nt/s to a €i?e91 coatexi, either lijcol o.

A. Understandins ilS Otfssj!&! Reqglfem€nts

- Ex?mplg 1
According to the author, in some sccieiies otd aqe is a period of indep€,rdence
because the elderty have:
- a) cootrol over mateliat as:ets
b) wisdorn and knowledge

- ls ihjs sjtuatjon true of ihe elderly jn yoi_jr..]unt.ry? -[]stify your al.]slver by referring to
the abqve tyto point: raised in the 1ext- You should support youi- aasv/er wjth VoLI
own'/iews and exampLes. (AJC 2C0: _tC 1 Cl-)
" ldenlify lhe arg{iameilts rnocle b'l tlie.ruiitor {i-^. how conlrol over moierictl.rsse ls
- o.,d/ot ,i/isclom on.l krrowledge corriribui-- lo lije self sufiiciency oi ihe elcj.riy).
. Ccnsialer \n/hether f're sal e ca$ be liaic3 .lboul ihe giclerly in your cotrrtry qn.l
!,,/heiher in locl ihe el.Jeily cre inclepen.Jeni.

, Si,gge!i odher iac.'srs {if cny) thoi couid irove conliibujed io ihe,-unenl:iole ol ihe
- Gged in your socieiy.

_ ' Provide evidence io supporl your views_

Exatnple 2
lvriters of Passage r\ and B differ in thsil 3r,1119des iowarrjs clonin,E resedrch and
- practice- What policy do you think the government of your country should irrglernent
with regard to cloning research and poticies? Justify your answer with retevant ideas
from passages as wetl as your own knowtedge and opjnions. (HCJC 2001 JC 2 CT)
" G{fer and evaiuate severcl policy oplions {eg. on crbsoluie bon on olL forms of
cloning reseorch ond leclnrolcAy; l-\rriio! bqn on reprccluclive clonir'rg bul nol on
iheropeulic clonir-rg; no bo| on eilher iepro.Juclive or lheropeuiic clonrng bul tlghien
rL^uoiio,-o.oil .t , i. L)
" "i&stity siarrd L,sinll orgunlenis roir;eaj in ihe iext5 you musl ncl rnerely reslole lhe
orgumenls; you need lo cxi.lld lhoso suppcrling your siond oncl +xarFtlrie crncl reiule
those v./hich cr,^ ogoinsi

" Suggesl further argsnneril ir luppori cf yoL,r Jlcrncl lvhich is nol in lhe i.'^is

' Your should Jcke ilio cor)siderolion the needs ond concerns
{economic, sociol, morcl eic) ol your co!nln/.

ts. s\ssessment aflr! Gidd;iia,

The Applicolion (iuesli€n,!larl<iJl!! Ciiieri'r:

fl Syri.-moiic r-^ic'€i,ce i.J iire iequt€'nenir ol ihe que5lbl] "vilh -aviclerce oi r.l

b'ciarnceaJ ireclrnciJ.
B lv{riu€ltion is !ery !.-ansiblc. \rell supporlccj ond Ceveloped l. iis jogi..rl

it e G Explsnolior ;n.-'lu.los ei(bcrcljon cnd reference

1o person(liri5lqirt! ond
E High deqr.,re oicoherencr & orgcnisoii.--n.

[J Covefi bcsic .equiremenl. oi lhe qiresticn bul nci nece5soiily |] bdlcfc--C
l O Evoluotion is rroi .rlv/c!,! iion'rir1c;ng ond iends lo be sup-.r{icidlvr'ilh i;inijccl
clevelclp rncni oi i.l !.as.
tl lxplonalion nol cls lhrough at .r lhoi in nn A' scripi.
g B coherence &'s orllarlisoiic.n ore noi o5 sho!p ot 5y5iefiroiic os ihol ii orr 'A'
/A 5crip1.

For ihe lower encl al ihis boncl:

U Evicjence oi minol ::ririoleipretolio$ !rul this doe5 nol 5igniJi.ontly inpoir ihe
ccr,clidale s overcilr un.l.rsiond:ng of ii.

a lo ocl.lress lh.r ltiver r requjrenrenls oi ihe question

trExplonolion clemonsiroles limilecl relevonce <rnd developmenl of ideos.
l. o Evqluolion is non exisleni. The onswer is o mere summory or resiolemenl ot
l, ,
the lexl rolher llron on evoluoiion of il
o lnconsislency in lhe crgu.nenl is evi.lent. coherence is in quesiion
U lligher in.idenc-- ol misinterpretolion oi ihe lexi. Th-^r-^ is evidence cf
ih.-'iJf,c,.,{,- i.ri)le ili::itla,.y'l ilt.,: i:rii.,fr,-j iltatl lcatcher5 u.e jo arci.r.jr!.rfjLl .:r.j.: .: ii\.j
.4f)Lli. oii.n a.)t .ti Lrn

llp. n r !ii:ijir1-r lir.:i r.-.it!r ic.ir,:ir Jr of liia .t pplic.rllon q!c5llarn, sir J ti.r] i1 ..,1 I 1.,. gr.:Cecl
(i, c(trai:ir.r 1.r i:r..r.rljer,.i iri):-.v.:.

.-j.r,:)iij't!]ilciar,ir':.-1-:r,ir (i: -ri ife.iieirrily cn.i{,reYelcr e lc::rj--(;jiiLrrtiire

sirr.l=rni.li!p[:.r] ln i.i(!!.,i;.iririi-ra,liJit (rr,cl .rbiiii], io tllovr._jij.j(rti.t .:;tiji jl]l;r: :,-_,

.lrD!r:iil i i! 3r{D[i ](:iL.r,rt i:r :l ,:: r-rtr,rli.!rji.,,t (li-,eslion.

tio;lenr,!!i.J ii, a:.,:Ui.r .i :r,:.,oii ilar/ oi iaieos i5 equcll./ eJ5L-,tl:cl :r iriii:, rtl iit!:

i:lc,-,!.. rcir:i j.rihei:;rjli r)-,.t.j,-rfitl irr io irlerrllty ihe r--qu[.:ri]--ir ! !rj'T,,. .:r'i.,,:::rrl
ciolrilaa;i !::n cilr€ri ilon:.
ACJC PreLm Uoln GrayLri! arc lJ .a.scrlb.r jir../ dilJcront apprs:L!:hi's aclcpti.lby va|
peeple to resclvc ili.r iasus !r conji:ct biivr.cn .ultLrres
ideriryafy aapo.ca.rese..lCs.,Lr.rsloqyclr s.--.]€ty,Dr1c reaci10lhenif they - o€ri:! 2 aiFrod.res
rere aciapiea as olirce ir cies n ),cLrr cc!r^l? il8.e)r.rr..sveronlroih3rlce5aro Fj.w ori sc.et/ vio!id:d:pl ro ihose 2.icier
yo!: own deas and €xp€r ence

CJC Pielim Fror. \,our read nq of b.lh rrassaites, do vo! lrer€ve ih:it11_e nledu s resporsible inf Exshplc2
ar!!menis of botr passages, ciicejiy c!nsider current
W th close reference lo the {eascns lrhelllrr llr€ mecia s respo.s ol€ fo.
cansorship practices ir your country and lhe. decide 10 wh:t et1e.t il-rey rre€d to be
modified, revsed. or c ailled altogeth€r -cDnsid,:rr crf,ent censcrs5 p praci ces
10 ln-rar exl.nt ihet r.ed tc be moi flad re! sea
2 Reler rc bclr Dassr.es
l-ICJC lMarch Test Passrge A provroos a/r oveNier.l ho\t hurjtu rights c,,tiie la he tegarded as
inponan| btll, h Passago tl, l\4t lar!! Kat Se! g e\t€rr€s sorre ras€n€ lrrr:, .ioui
inpotling exietn.tnctjels ai hutrer.ililtls trd api:l).nte ltten a er'tty st!1atu 1
'ia rhal
-.x!ert.,a )to,t agtua \rillt Ur'.r'ior1,) s tasar/alions aroili iire rip/enelrtalir. o/
hrrtan righls in for cnulntyl Expldh l.ut vtew illtte,.t4t1:e l. ah! l:"\ta af!!,a
,atri.ular arcas.l hunian nllhi3 r!t.tn!or,ed iN Pasra.je A.

]-j!_v!g!!q!91s994'r9!lit,j3l:pl9gjj!rrri n4rrr ^(-aes lc' supiort:rorl11!!!

Soli passages A arlL B r!!l!lest |r:,r iegaiiy€ ,xiiecls of le:o!islon !.1.J 6nc6 on
JJC Prelin'l
c, ,1.elae JJo )- -F
t.c r.,a" -..,.:j..,1, 1 ,... ,e:.d.c .L
would b. tlie rmplicailons ar yolr societ 1G rch v.1../s are 3ccepled or 'ejecled?
S!bstantiate yo'Lr stand Dy drar/irg aDprcirriale hiorinai on ic..lhe ie s and ynu.o! r

NYJC Prelim
dsc!ss ihe posslb tyolaf fials receviro bettertreal.n€ntin irtu.e.
Wilh reierence to your scclety fiiscrss ihe pcssjite reactc rs to ireati.s an;ma s in the
san€ way !!e wo! d treat t ie yoLrng and i\e h:pess JLrsiLry ".olrr arswerv/th yo.Jr

6aiirg hahiis an.l fooil p'eierenc€s. Using releva

Both wrlters exl: ore c ranees in
materialfrom boih passages, cofe derrhe charges in eatig habrts ln yorr society and

RJC Comn'ron Tesi Bayla and r,eetan hava ptesente.lthei igws about lhe eli€clrvsress of
I tne.surenent ln rchtian to eclucaliDn. l-bw.te thesa'.'ie't's t.liecled in a.lucallan in
) yDU cauntry? Drav,apprapriarc itarft1:ti.ialr lnjfl ll)e i7r'r passagrs, 3ndgtve
!elcvant 9xamFles lrctn yolt ..r!nlty, yau shaulC Itllnlse yaut ansv/et in

RJC Prelim Taini ! stresses ihe dafCels ard prnb ems erislN! ircr !,r oba vr'ann ng which Kaniy

dgr|fy fro'n the passages iwo lssues relale.l ld glcbal vrtrmin! wilch nright aiiect
j,our co!ntry and erpl: I
lrrlir r.ias.rs wreth-.f vou Irrd them a arninE or f oi
r Base yo!r answer on BOTFI passales as w.I as )row o\ff relevad lners afd
9 SAJC CommonTest "rp,ur9!!9___-_
b.U, passa!es depl.iiie rela!iol] beiv/€en ihe pro!r€ss ofcivijlsation and the
1 s{,lr,]!j19[9!!c grryi!9!a!r!111]te-.ls-s!9tEso]!!lei!3qe-4-9i!roji99 !p1
rre,r'"o i e., a t;- o,.,aeee
"or''"o, oc
iirat progress and.noderir cv salion ls destoving the aarlh Lrponwhich its survvai
depends By exam f ing each aLrthor s v ews afd arlrurnen ts vrh .h vt€w d o you iend
with? J!stifv vour.nswer
SRJC Pre im \"riler ol Passage Alhirks ihal bes des !iving the incttvldlat rnore controroy€riris
lile the lnternot ls advantageous lor socla afd economi. dev€lopnrent. Of the oiher
lrafd,lhe writer of Passage B b€ ev€s thatwe wo! d lose'our sense ofwhat it means
to b€ a caing human being' in a wor.idorolnated by iire lnt€rnet Byexaninngboir
wrters views slate and justify the attitude your counlr), shoutct adopt rowards iho
lnternst. Draw app.oprlate nlormaUon from ihe passages. However you musi also ,

rey on voLrrown reevaft deas and €xDerence io iustfv voLlr answ€r

IPJC Common Test

TPJC Prelim

re evanca to your ooLrfttr

2 Suggesl end d scus! ways n whrch yoli rcirfir]/ caf best Ceatwitt lhem.
Dravr' appropiete iffonration irom iie texis Ho\reyd,yorsh.udreylargetycnyc!r
ow.r rclelant ide.s a rd e,peri.n:e I orCEr to ru
TJC Pre lm
serve the needs ofeveryorr€ have made il inrDoss ble to serye rv6illhe n--eds oi

Wl-alis your pos ion? Base ycur answer on BOTH passaqes as lve asvouro!\,n

Souice: A Suggesied Approoch lo ihe ApDilcoiion Quesiion by l,,trs Eilzo Gunsogoron

C. ldentifving and tjnderstanding the Relevant ldeas

' ln crder to respond to tlre applicatior ques'Lion, you rnu5t understa[d the
key/main arguments and jdeas that are in the text.

, I he Applicatjor qluestjon equires thc stu{ient to apply iire iin(ierstanding of the

main arguments and tl]erefor-- the student nrust be able to spct the key arquments
ancj iCeas of the te).t/pa55a!:e.

" ir',ain/key arqun'eit: are loun(l il)r.iuqlrout the text bL:t oiteii. tl1ost of the key
arguments/ideos :rybe derived from the topic sentences.


ldentiiy the majn arqun'ients/ideas in the texts given beLow.

Passaqe 1

from Buenc5 4iri]s ]o lleri:r', peopia: aror.rri.l ]he'r/orld (]re iooking fircre cnd inolg Amarlcon. lhev ore
weoring Levis, \^,clclrin.j Cr'lfl cJr,d iruj-ina coil.je ol inier.trorgeobl!. Siolbu.rkt cull-.ls. l-ooking only ol
lhe n)'J.rce, on-- n Liqni .:cll..l!.le ihci lrlilao siokis cL,liurol pro.JuL-is cre cre.iiin.J o h.rnlogenised
giobol cofi rituniiy ai ar;riuriea!-

Bui lhe cullurcl o:p.--ct5 ai rhe olcb..:ili5.riion Slory arre tcrr tnore ccnioic:i. Lvcri lvherr lhe 5ome shiri,
scnE, 5od.r oi sioie i1 io.n{l r'r cil iive co.linerls, it le Cs io riecn ciili.rr€'ni lhinlA deperlcling on vrho is
doing lhe vre.rrlng !irisir-il-1. clilnlir,.j or rhopping. Considcr. J:rs1 ol .il:, ihe Clrir,e5e meoning ol Big
f.4ac5. ln Th-- iexut /.nd Tlr.: Cl;'/e Trer., llew York Times journoiisi ihonros Fri:rdrric. scys he ll.rs eolen
i,4cDonolLl5 bwcle'5 i,i rrrrJic c{iL jrlrii:j li,on ne rjcrn coL,ni ond is \{,rll q1r{rliiiE.:l l.] siole il'ioi ihey reolly
cio cll ici5i.-- ih.r :orf.:.

\Yhcl he ccluoliy rrjecns. if$ugir, is ll,ey cll icrSl-^ ihe sorne lo hinr. J.leciIly i.lerrlir-:ol gig Mocs moy be
5old in Bosicn on(l SeijinU, Lrlil ihe.x.jeicnces ot e.rlhg lhsm.rn.-l .jve,l lhi; lrreo,.ir'rg of gcing lc)
i,.laDonolcls in the5e iwo i:lii.:r $,(r! vely cliiferenl ln ihe 1990s. ln Beijir g bui noi ln Boslon, c Big Moc
'+/cs clclssiile.l os o snarcl.:, Lai d |}:c.ri, o|ld uni./crsily sluclerris ihoLr!ll.i.il M.Doncldi.-:rs o gcocl ploce
io go for o roino li.r 4i!-rhl Io irilc into a 3ig lloc ihinking you oia oboiri 1o do sofil.:lhinsl pleosonlly
f.rmilior o. siromclully plcbion two c.rrnrnon US experiences - is one ilrtrg. Io biie inio one lmogining
youre on ihe brink of discovering whol modernily loties like o common Chinese experience is
cnoiher lhing ollogeiher

Florh iorlvorcl io 2000, vrhcrc Si.ribucks lir51 opened ir bolh lhe Americon io\,vn where lllve.l
{8loominglon, IncilcnoJ arci llr€r (l}:incs.r city whecr I sludie.j lShcrrCiroil, orr(i we se€ irrrihcr eviderrce
of the cii./€-{geni l.rc.rl rrl.ioJrirr.rr oi |] ob.illi, Jcrnllior icons. ln llloorringlon, Slerbucks triggerecl rrixed
reoclions. Some locols welconred iis o(ivcri. Oihe6 siogeci non violenl prolerJs or sfiioshecl ih windows,
comploining lhnl ihe choins record on cnvironmeniol oncJ lobour isluet wos obysmol ond lhoi
sTorbucks v/oulcl drive locol coffee rhops oul ol busines5, ln Shonghoi iherc were no demonsirolions.
Ihe cho n s orrivol wos seen os conlribuiinq lo, rolher lhon puiling cr check on, lhe prolitel(]lion of new
inCependenlly r rrn .of lee houser.

lhe locol ricLrnlnlls oi shorghoi Slorbuckr.jo nol siop lherc. tor .]romDle, 'rhen olJlels open in
Lurope. ilrey ore 5--en lypicolly. for un.lel!londoble reosons. cr5 symbol5 ol creepin.l or 5leorrroLtlllll
Americcrnisof;on. ln Shonghoi, ihouqh, guidebooks somelimes clossiiy:lorbuck5 oi o 'ELrrop--cn siyle'
{.r5 or--p.)5e(l lo "]opoircse slyie ) loreign coffee houie. There cxonlples oi Anrcricc tjroctucj5 tokin!
on..1i:lincly no!., culiurcl meo'rinqs when nrovecl kom the Ll5 lo Chincr cjre usejut jn undcrrrining
suoerliciol osserlion5 equoiing globolinrJion !viih Amerkroni5olion

0ul ll is irnporkrni noi l. 5i.)p lhere. lhc sofie lhing hos hoppene.l onrl co liJrue5 1.r happen .,vllh
ihe glotrol lr,e.rningj cl Arioh jcon5 in ihe US- ijer€-', oc)oin, o Chincsc iitusircli.jn seer j opt jtr.:rt oi
f,4oo 1e(lorg, whose lccL. nco y riv.rli Mickey Mouse ! in lerms ol Elobol recogniilcn. One ili.ti.io lio' i o1
ih(, v.rriecl nre.riings of his irnog-- i5 lhoi. rn 2002, fev"s siories r.rporled ii5 cppeornncs in ihree v.r7
ditiercnl conleris. Repres-onlcliont:howed up n lhe hul5 of Nlepclesc auelnilu!. on frosiers c,-rrricrr bv
prolesting loiCoff vr'ork(rrs;l norlheosl Chino. cnd ;n o Lon.lon crrJ erhibiiior'l. tn trot-,o|, tljo i,!rs
irl'/okeLl be.ieute he endo.sed peoscni revoli. ln nodh eosi Chinq. his link 1c)'r'/hen Chin.se vrork--'s
ho.J iron rice bo\.ib ior life wos'l/hoj mallerecl. AnC in Lo..lon, ii wcrr his sioJu: .rs o fovouii. slctecl oi
cr pop o'i frioneer ihol counled lhe e)lhibllion ..^/os an ncly Worhol reirospeciive.

in sunr,,rher€, i5 nrore lo keep in rlind oboul glob.rls.rlion ihrrn J\,ir trieclmon s clivi.le tr{-'iv/een lhe
\,vo'jds ol moss prcduccd Lexus cors ond in.lividuclle{i olive trees. C)ne reatson is c, Le)(us ccn rn.ron
ni'/Ilocl lliings, clepencling on where ii i9. Whelher one ilrsl enco,,ni--rs ;l ii lhe shov/rooin o' '?vorking or1
jhc crsselnL)ly in-- mollers. Ancl ii mclkes n r:lillerence v/helh€r lh-- pcopb who woicir ii se. ;l whit by (l
thc"/ woli. ihe jlr€rels ol lcle.jo or see il crcly/l cj5 ihey 5ii on ir lokvo-bourr<t buLl--l toin li ie noi jusi ln
physici. cfiur oll, bui ai5o in clrllur(r on.rl,)rsis, ihol ihe cornpiex \.,.orkings oi f,-joilviJy need lo b.rrrepi ii

Jeflrey l!. Wcrs:.:rsircrlr, 'tsig t,.4oc,. rvle,rn Difl.-,'reni Ihirrg5 in 8orio.] cri,J ijl.;ilng.
fl Y-ral PG-lirn iroiref:
Pri!ctice 1

fi,t:rie arguments / ideas J.om the passage

ldeas i.ar) ihe texl:

L,colthg onty 3t ttte sulzce one n,lllht canclutle ihat US cuftutalprcdLcls are crcating a honogenred dabai eanxrut)ily tl
can.rnets tt ines 3 4)
it iendsto nean drtercnltllngs depen(lnry ar who is darju il)e $:aNng, slnging, dritkitg or shopping (lineseT)
Rephrased and consolidated answer:

The popxlarity ot American cultural products give the impression that consumers all over ihc world hav€
sirn:lar tastes; brt the c$ltural intluence oi globalisation is more cornplicated. Local cultures inflrence ihe
way these products are consumed.

ldcas lrom the lerti

nephrase.l aod con.olid.tl-.j nD5r!..:

ld€r: lrom ihe re-<t:

-eirlr.as.t anl cnn5olid;1ea i jiirr-r:

!rieas lrom lhe t.xt:

Rephrase.l aod consolidated ans.rer:


lhe loble ior McWor {j* ho\ ireen 5el by llollywood- Amcricon iilms .rle r)vervv,'here - on
etlobol lelevi5ion even rnor-4 ovenvhelmingly ihon on ihe worl.l's nrovi.r rcrc.ns. lhey hav{i
ih-- slohis oi crnr'.rserlenis tnii ihey ore crlso likely io inst.iro o visicll oi iilc cincl io afieci
hobiti {rrrl oililu.ie5. llollyvr.rod is McWctlC's sloryleiler aicl ii incr rlcoie. 5c.uiori.,ri i.
pojsi'/liy, corrsl]lrerj!rri. vlco ous.,,-ss. impulse buyirrg, on.l or, .:r.c.l--r.rjed iroce ol l;l€:, n()J
os o rctull cf iir overi ilremc5 ond .ixplicil sioty lines bui by viriire ()1\\,iro1 Fi-iliy\.,/.od is orrd
hcvr' ih proclud .iru (ionsume.i
Mcny people ihlr :.r.oi r_,cj$il'/ in clevelopecj .or,nlri€rs lpef d for i.ic ,r'iu.li .-:l iheir ii re
.rcch Lilry in on.: oi lhe corlrri--rciolhobiiolions cf the new !vo. (l bcinlj irc..gl.!,.ercrj in
Hollywcoal onC il5 soielliles ln froni oi o TV screef or ci o rnoll crino rnovie theirire c,l l0
che,^,;ng cn losl loo.i. They speriC rnuclr mor-- lime h lh{:ise plLrcer thcn ihey ci.r in 5chocl.
church. ihe librory, o .oinmLrnljy service cenire, or o ploying lielcl. Yel only ihese lotier
environrnenls elicii oi:live ond eng.rged public behoviour ond (rsii u5 1o clefille cur5eives os
oulonomous arernbcrl oJ civic communi,ries morked by cLr]lur-- or teliqion cr clhor p(rb1ic
'/alues. Wiih thl- onsjou!h1 ol McWorld. lilerole pri/dle reod--r: clfo (is..erning lrublic t5
cilizens crlike ore marale lo leeJlike enclongered specie5.

' .icrilj on u:; 1o see ourselves os privcie on.i 5clirory, inicio.-iir,g priricrl I rio
comrnerciol licns..raiia.n5 \rnere "me" disploces "we'; aao il pa,'rrniis r-.ivaia c rpc :iLo rs
whose only inter'eri i: lireir reyenue skecm lo define by .l.tcruli lhe public go.rds ol lhe
indivi.Ju3ls crcl comm'Jn;iioi lirey serve. Th-- Norlh Lmericcra iit;r] lrcdg l.grceraeni
{l.l^tlA) frcworirl'i tlob.rl eJioicgyiniis t.iorlh Amerlcon gLr;s.. !e've: /rileiic.rn busiress
u5 \i/ell os .)oiic llr(iikels. 0ul ii does nol crnd conJrol 5crv-: lin.:ricdr or cri]i-rci a,Jl.lic
iiiere5i5 sucJr .i,r ii.rii .:lnpl.Jvrneni, the digniiy of w.jrk, :h. cr.,:!jlivg .rivjc l]se oi io'.ecl
eisur.,', --nvironn,enl.i picieciicir, ,(cciol soieiy nei5. .tnC pei',5ion pi!-:lei:liol]. 1,.1cv'.,,orlal's
idvocoles'aill oig5r. ii.ri the lncrrket" does 'serve" ilrilivicjuols oy .r.npc.lerino iir.Jrn lo ').!)
"choosa"- 8u1 ifc clit,-i.iD 15 lrlv/ovs o5oui \r'rhich ilenn lc buy cltal ci-rn5iirne. irever obou.J
,thether i.r bLry cn.-j conlr,rrire cnd nev"r cboul ihe right io e!r.,r .rl irj..rre thcji jrokes
consurnpil.rr po5sibki. lJl M.Worl.l's glcb€rl mcrkei, .r rrp.r!^/cr!nen i ll.5 in lhe chc;cc of
ioppings on o bcke.l ooiolo:1hr rcsl ir possive consirrnpiion. yiher proiir tre.rorner ihe
sole ciilcrion iy r,,hicir v/c nrecsure every goocl, eveq/ ocjir.,li)', tjvely dllu..li- elery 30
cLrllurci pro.lLJci, ihere i5 ro.n rlolhing bui profil. in ihe --rnpi.e oJ ih(--.ririkei, ii_Le mo|ey
i- I r:o- i !:
,.F r'.' ^ ll !5 .

Fihns cre c.irrtarl 1o nra]lkci ic.,ology u/r]iching ihern revccl5 ar sarnanEts pervod;llg
McWotld lhoi seefirs 5ulfoc.iiing- Go inlo o Proiesioni church i,r .; :vrlsr villcroe. cr nr(r\.1, F ,n
Donloscus, ihe coihedrol lrl Rcillrs. o Buddhisi temple in Bongkok, crnd ihough in every
cose you ore visiiinq o ploce of worship wilh o Comrnon ouro oJ piely, you know irom one
pious siic io lh.i n.xi rhoi you orc ir, o disiinclive cuiiufe. lhen sil in o muiiiplex nio..,ie box
or, ml]ch lhe some iirir'g, risit o specloicr sporls crenq or o moll or o mocJe l hclel or o Insl
ioor:l e5lobliihnre i;n orll ciiy clloul]cl ihe y/odcl, ond jry 1cr ti!jui-- oui \\,h.rre /ou cre. Yc,.r
arre no\,^/hcrc. Yor' ore e]lcry\.r'here. Losl in cyberspoae. You crre cholinll pire! on o
Ninienclo: lhe world slrflolrnding you vonishes. YoU ore in fronl oi or in or on MTV: universol
imoges ossoull lhe eyes ond globol dissononces ossoull ihe eors in o heori pouncling
iumuli ihol teJs you everylhing excepl which counlry you ore in. Where ore you? You (te in

irlcvlond is a le(n deri!e!l korn McDonalds .Jnd was coin.d 1o reler to e.iononric a.C crllltral llloba lsaUon
Go lo o live iheolre and wilhin o feu/ 5econds oi Jhe drrtoin rising you wi know exocity 4l
which regron. which ciiy v/hich cullure ycu ore in. Woich television ior doys ol o lime cnd
you slill moy noi hove o ciue .]5 lo whol plonet you ore on untess it is plonet Reebok.
There ore 5iylistic cliiierences belween fr.lrjtlonold's in Moscow, in Bucjopesi, in poris, ond jn
London by which they con be cli5tinguishL-d irom ihe originoi McDonslcl's tronchjse ir Des
Ploines, lllirois, bock in 1955. But squinl o lilite.rnd crlt the srnoll diilerences vonish and ihe
Golden Arch is oll lhol renloins, o vitucl ghosi hounl;ng our reiinos even on ihe Chomp5
ilysees irr t'oris, lvhere iis oclual .lisploy is no longer permilted. Direcior Atojn Corneou,j
proph€lic "worlcJ in which ihere is only one imoge" hos come io pos5.

A.lople.l kon Jiha.l rs llclvodd by Benjomin Borber

Practice 2

Main ArA!ments /ldeas

rdea5 from the text:

Rephrnsr:d an.i consolidaied ?nswer:

ldess trcm the iert:

Rephras€d and.o.solidated ?nsweri

li{.ni i'.rir r?rF i r:r:

ilo.! iii:.r' 1li. :--r:l:


D. -E!qi!9!I-s-4$,u iilent!
" lloving ideI]iifled lhe r.'ie./crni rl(rieiiol, )cLr cre no'/r' lo evcrluoi-- the rn(:lits .rnri
wecknesses of ihc oroumenls (lv).

" YcLrcre o15o cr(para:l-^cl ic illL.r!ircle yor.r undersionding oi Jhe mai€iriol ifrrough ihe
:xplonojicn {txl you i},rvi.lc'in suppori oi yourjuilgemeni.

" I4osi of thL- lime, eir.llu.riioi ol orgum!--nJs need! lo be clone in the IigfrJ of llre liiv'rn

' E,/crlu.iion mtrsi b'.'l|rkl:al io ihe slcnai yolr hove loken.

" Evoluoiiorr rioons h.rvirCl lo moke cn inisrrned ond logiccl ossessmeni oi thar
orgumeni ol hcncl.

^ Definilion of Evoluciiorr:

yclr €voluolii sol.l]ol11in9 cr gorneone, you conslcjer them in crdql io riicr!o o

juCgmeni oboui ihenr. i'ci e)<cr"nple, ho'^ llood cI bo.l lfrey ore.
aolir5 acDUllJ Fnori5l r)i.li.nur lat A.:\Qnce.l l.it.tt(:ts

'Therelor{r,.,/ori ccin iiar\'. aiaJrrrilcrisons,5lro.ting opposing'/iews ol even ilarke c

febuliql io thr otll!; r,rr j ih.ii yoLr nci\re ii.:nl;fi--d.

!'rirc iicg,IElj)j

'. I iy to evaliJaie il]e argunrents aliver. The {!rst one !s done lor yoll.

l'{&ctice i
!t*i ir,Lrr tne pass..qrl fxtianariion and Evatuation of thg extent i: refiecis the
j .r-to.,i -:(f eric.,ce.
s i jt,
' 'oanoo.t\/ 1:\.'ti1e'.' !''" ''l|'' . 1] :ra:,,1 it 1:
thal t)S cLtiutal praCucls are cteailro 2
hlitotienizecl qlob al conn utlily a{
.onsu/rers glires 3 r,r
o I ihat on the surface American fast too.i r.stailianis
'But lre cufturalast'ecls cfinc Alobalis.ttan siDry gi',rethe;mpression ot a homogeneo s globai cullllre, bLli
ae n)ate conptex ltine 5) the menu in McDonalds in Singapore is noi typically
' il tend. to mean differcnl things 4.)peoding on Ame,-,can. The globatculture is interpreieC and changed
*!io ls don! thetrearhq. sqgin1 i1lptiirltot
shL'pping (thes +7) in the local coniext. Adapied lo suit iocallastes eg,
rei'rdang burge(at Burger King) nasilemak. porlidge(at
Th,j tcpElajity ct Amcrican i:,i!t{'.al " l-.,1r-, l> Sporc ! multi-cullural scc;!l/
producis give the impression that . Also being on the cross-roads of various cullural
consumers all over the world have similar infllrences, Spore is ready and willing to elnbrace
tastesj bnt the cultural intluence of
globalisation is more complicated, Local o,versity and a cosmopolilan cullure.
cultures influence the wav these prodlcts

i,:,.rrnt/rrr)c.s oi c.n/rE illchr .ntd trtL;r;;: i
',t..xittJ ajatntj
b ll.Lalr.tLrs trr l/r.se lw! ./ilrs

in4:'rlctonallrs e;(per,enc. is djnereni in ]

, ., .-..r,J:!r, in rh.,.rort.l

Sl.rhltcli, ..jtnj!:n.r oi lltc ttt.;!en! jtca!

nf lt1., atlr l.!niitat nr!i.: itj.t.r:r:il
u:l)t\:t Eacl.rs lti4tpcnt!.tti:l ttli iti.e

I Diiicient soc,eties respond d:fierenlly

l\r,,rards ferniliar global icoils in iitei.
coutrltt. jJ\rhile tbers $rere h'}l!:
posiiive arial n€gatiye rei;irorrses 1i)
ih+ oireniir-, {rI StadruckG, ir! ShaE.rhai
jr!$pie l'elcorned il rs rD irtpetu5 :o

: 41{i. acl.ls..pen in t:ttre:re itt.f c sct:ti

.r :lnLois t:i 'cr,etlng ' .)t sie.ntLlluc
Ar n,.r icart s.!ilar' (1il,..; 31,12)

A|nsiic"r cuJtural icons:r.i see,1 as

s!r11:lr br{ powe.iu'ihr?3t 1r loc:l

Prcrclice 2

I xpianiiion il r^;lccis tlre Si'rq,rpore

kleas trom the passage 2
"nii Euiluai;on of rne eitent
'Anerjcan fikns .. arc atso iikety tD i Exirnoie 1l
)nspre e vitian al ffe and ta afrect
hattts and attttrdes (thes 3-4)
lr|ln lhar r.1.\A .rlo r-movcsdibtinctron.' soj'lL..1-v.
Peopie live vic;riously thrsugh " people avicjly follo$, ihe nev/s of celebrilies, ncwspapers and
Hollyv,/ood filrns which magazines regulariy repod on the privale deitils ai their personai
construcis a world thal is lives,e.g Britney Spears, Ally Mc8ealstaple diel of IV.
di'Jorced frora th€;r own cnlture
and'.{hich influences their habif.s
" Sometines after rnajor blockbusters, even iashion and language
geis aitecled.

But ajso true thei thefe is no homogenis'nE elfect bec?use of

I forms of popular cullure are prominent in Singapore,e.g. K-
" Olher
pop, ..J-pcp. YorJngsters are also interesied in celebrities from
Flong Kong and I ai\,1ran. fulany Korean/Japanese movies and
ielevision programmes are iranslated inio Chinese & English. ln
fashjor.1lrc,lv are also moae interested in emuiatirg iheir Aslan
i(lcls than lloliywood stars, probably becarise they can identify
!1,iih lhem !n appearance

ihe an::iaught o lclltond ltetel.)

pt)tlle reaoers eio discerning Ft:blir
ctizens ata tnade tofeel like
e,riJangered specie s.' (lines 1 t- 1 6)

Tt,e po!.rett0l inflnence ot

l,lc\tdorid l,as ted to the
declineofq iet and leisu.€ly
2ciivilies like reading and the
d€veiopmefit of lhinking citizens.

' Eut thc c;toice is al,xays about vahich

iients lo buy and ccnsuna and ltevet
aboul i,hethe( io buy,in.i cansrtrne'
(iin.s 2e 27)
'ln ilcwa
d's globaltnatket
enpcwqnentlies in Ihe choice af
lappingson a baked potato: the rest ts
,asslve co sunption. (lines 28'29)

Although the tre€ market ot

I'I.Wadd seems to offer
ronsume$ f.eedom Dt choice,
lhe fact is people are lured into
buying mindlessly,

'when p.ofit becDnes the sale

criletian ...lhe naney haorgans are
ptinccs 'ltutes 29'31)

Jhen profit is the rnrin goal,
iermployers rule

r.,{r4lgs-!Lq,{pp!rje,!i-W rl!tC!!!on
. Ille oppli.jofioti .lueslicn is o iesponse wrillen in ihe Jorm oi al rniflj esscl),,. il is
imporl.rnl io dernonslrote coh.rronce by employing on esso),iike slrucil-rre on._l
us;ng conneclive5 lc link rJp I't-- v.rlious poilts_

) , Tirere crre rnqny \/cr-vs in \vhich ycu moy chose io responcl to lhc /r, rlere crE Lr few
scmple,roys in \./hich yo! moy chose tc emulole.
. Lro noie lhoi slud€nl! atlle oaivised lo spend ot,eosl Z5mins on llre AO duii|g ilri

iSs4el&i1]pl4le$qr glclirrte
T|e ienrplaie lo be u-rel .r.riies lrom quesiion to quest;on. yOU t,1t_tST Ui.]ijERS,.{:!D Ttjt:
1 Question A w.ntr: me io
a ll]!K,Si,q!q!..1?Jr9rt!Uisril,al is rj_.are convincinq/suitable/rel€rant t,,asj( -t)
rr r..:r . ,. , I . .trl ;.ni ,.;:^ .l
c la,! &lClcitagt€ alq !.i?a(!llie_i!e ICq!.aU!. an.J exEtain ,,hv ! srj!p-1.r,
rru-e qrlil!i!4:_!
a s€ tr!ilj.!
2 Q.iestion g vr'anis nr-r io
a. rdq4{L4ltd €-tv!:l!4!tl!ta,o,a!E!r!t"4!slrleid!/plsblgDs-qlt9-!p!,9a4r pqs!4r:-- Ll?tqll
b add!s9qss.!lEi. u]]ngrl-anc9lqlelellslo_lqlljeqiqtr (rask 2)
3. ln Questioo A lmust
3. gather lhe reievant argurnents
b. then calegarise lhem
c wrile cornmenis
d. focus on arguments that witl sLrpport my stand
e bring "oulside" knowledge/examples to strengthen my stand as I Cefend
the reievallt arguinenls
f rcIneri.ber to sho\"/incllde ihe flaws/good points from the other passags
g. yei off4r a .ounier,crgurner't
h all rn all remerrroer io eva[,aie the arguFreni, notjust repeei
the passage 'r]ateriali'crr)

4 ln Question a, lmusl
a rernember the rubric identify tlvo .etevanl arguments, one from each
b evaluate and comment on the quatiiy of the arguments
c relale the erglnrents to my society and assess the impodance/relevance

of the arouments in ltrc coniexl oJ nrv.o.iety

rylelhods cf Aflswering the Applicalion Ouestion (The melhod/approach yo| use derends on the
Ouesiio,t tbat is asked)

A) Iire 3-step Proc€dure

1 iJvritels concllrsion: lhe wriiar lrelieves lhai !

2 Witer s reascr: He sl]lports his vieir by l

: Siudents agreement/disagreenreni I

U/heiher you agree ,'^riih the }rriier ol. you qlestion his assumption: I agree/disagiee !v;th hift

\,\lhelher there are oiher ways to look at issue: The .;uiter has tailed to consider

Whelher ihe wriler has lhe expertlse 1(r cornrnent crcdibllr or any vesied interest end vrheth€r he
operates under suspicious circLrarslances (in the case of assessing lhe .redibr;ily of passage): I
queslion ihe writers credibilii/ bec:use

lvheiher the likely consequences are wcrth ihe r,sk of venlLrr,ns fo^.r'ard: {nr ihe case oi handling
recomfiiendations)r ! quesiiol',"/hether tlr€ pcssible harmiulconsequentes are wcth ihe risk because

il) f.valuat;ng ;,rgltBents th"i .ro rel.'rant 10 ycur societ-v

" General sialement about tlie loric

", Summ",yolvr.. adoo.,4t /rh .'.ti,ororF.ssage/'
sLm: rdrv ,; ,,i-r i d-.pi.4 br , .r ., . .cr .c Dr..5..9- B
" Your sland - upon eval!:iing ihe \r'o views above (depen.lon ihe clueslion)

I he Sinqapore Coriext:
" Speciiic characie*sticslfeaiur!-s of SiDgepore ihat are relevant io the disclrssion ci topic in

". Exiract cne main id€a from either passage lor one view out of lhe many in thai sinsle passage]
Explaln briefly: (i) v/hai lhis idea is about; afld ili) the authois ione/vie!1, of ihe issu€
. Evaluale the point - to see if you agree with it or not and explain why
' Relate Ihe idea io the relevant context (ie Singapore) by mentionlnq (i) havr' ihe couniry in
queslion rreats/perceive,s lhe issue, and {li) r,,/hai the country is cloins or can do to ellevrailr ihe

, Srate yaur siand/give 3 concluilirg staienEni lhai mak€s _v"o r argurrtenl relevanl io lhe quesiion

I he wriier of Passage A rrenticrs that _.._ _,_ _, I slrong jy agree with his vie.,v and ctearty vlhei
he Cescrll,.es in Passele ,.\ is eviatrni in Sinfzpora wh-.re SingaFore al5o bas . Thjs is in
,-'d :o,u. r{r'. ..: ..'(,. I. ..o ! --;-;;i:;.ai o..
CHECKLIST: The AQ rreml:v,,ork lflr e.-ery paragreDhl

. r , P.5: . J( r/B ,tnFc r ,!n i-t

,. (. .

t:. Ft..nr 'h.,Ucrni^d il' li/lsscrtr{' iha! {rn,ie rlre

, ,.; ,."','io,.,'r''F ,, Anr( i:.,r.;'
, rd\ o,r' ,n qLjo:e I ';". 1

ruP I

| . .rc"ordrns to'*,.',-.. no,., . PJ5saqc A/n

. inl oDi,!ron,My vrerv oo lhis i: rhaul im inclr.€d

'n rlr;nr
I ro thrt ... . r-le r.h ,he, \rL grF6 1 drsu.cr-p
J/r'i.ir' rr,n6r.',rl Io! r,r ro' "g " . ,ts,g L.. rr't,lhp
. r ..., ,a j et ten.c !, ,

l " -;;i;b;;;,**- -- :

(explanaiio:r) I r'. r,;soo tcr th's is ]

; , ju..:i:icarior l.rr tl!is i- {art ...
, j.,,er* t-..,;;;,; r.. r";'.
' crr,npl{ '
E idence f or . l
, ..- br scrr ir S;r,,'. Fr'1 , :.rn. .
' :.. :x ',j obse,vp,ion a; 3i!''u.:+ r!c;e')....
" i : = n,i awn e,fe.ier,. e. !... ,

" Cr'e evidence ot this is... I

I" ore €'ridcrce I can cite;s..- I

]' " L;ke rhe society *rhich the wfiter of Passage rciers
l,' S;r:gaFo.e alco l,r.
:' Cr.n!,rrcd :o Aflericarr (o' wt'"te!cr th( !r.;ll
r.fL,s ro) sacicly. Sin!i,pore is a,so... '
Y ,'., c:t cL'rer'..r'de..e nr p-.r ra-tr, :': I r, f
!. rrl r6.tui'en c: lr o|hc I'r- to
:r 'h. rr ':,cr, ,iaur-s yo,le !!.q!!t lLC l lrt U.'lr ..are l
''r. uIc.: .iualon anrl or+J\ . rom I t" L Fnr sirlllr n.
',hb,' ::,Lt h.,r p*r. in .e fulur- Uso r.'c forto\ ina i

' Conside.ing the curreor sduation, d luiure I

I sccnaflo that can be projected is .. I

: - I'r IiOh! of lhe preselt 5'rurticn. , lrlniyL
uon^etuence/effeci/scenrrio/situsticn i:...
We can hypothesize lhat i ttrc tuture ---
Ylie foresee ih.f
F:valualior Ilo nril dis3gree/agree iolally; i.e. Co coi iake an exlreme
(Opposing View) stand. Agree to some exteni with the opposite view. Siate
when the opposing view may be riqhVv!rong.
. On the other hand, ...
. However, some people may agree/disagree wiih the
wiier/the vaew mentioned in that they think..
. Otherwise, a contrastins


" The slruclure you eventucrlly c.lopt lorgely depends on lhe quesiion ond you.
. Using fornroi B. iry Gtie mpiing ihe full AQ given below. Do remember lhot
you ore to employ ihe skill5 ihqt you have okeqdy lecrnl.

frcclice i

Aa,.JC Frel;m 2oo4

Passage i : Jelemt/ Seabrook writes-..--

Globalisation ls a declaiation of war upon all olher cultures And rn cultu.allrers there rs no
exenpiion for civiiians; there are no innocent bystanders. Why should it be expecied thai
ancient and rooted civilizations are gcing to accept lhis nrarginalisal;on wilhoul a siruggle?
'fhe answer to that is ihal glcbalisalion carries an implicil promise that it will reiieve poverty
and otfer security - perhaps lhe most ancieni of human dreams. Because oi the pow€r of
global capilalism 1o creaie \^/ealth, ii is assurned lhai ihis prioriiy must sweep aside all other
hlman preoccupat;ons, including all exbting instilutions, inierpretations and searches {Dr
meoning in ihe wotld

ll is disingenuous lo assume lhat economy, sociely and culture operate in separate spheres. 10
lndeed, the way in which geographical entiiies are now designaled shows the increasing
porosity of these notions. An advanced economy, an industrialised naiion, a mature
economy are sel againsl a developing country, an emerging markei, a libetalising society
fhe lems are almosi in{erchangeabie This suggesis that, once exposed to the globalising
imperative. no aspecl ci social i;ie, customarv practice, traditional behaviour.irill remain ihe 15

The.e have been, broadly, two pincipal responses in the world, which we may call the
fatalisiic and the resistant. lt is significant that among ihe most falalistic have been the
leaders of the G-7 Ex-President Clinion said globalisation is a faci not a policy choice. Tony
Alair said it is ineviiable and iffeversible ls iheir helplessness a pretence? 2A

Th.re are two aspecls to resisianci One is lhe re asseri'on oi lori;l ident,iies , e,,,en if local
aclually means spread over very large prrts of the u/ond. The recl:riminq ot ihe local is olter
focused in ihe iield ol culiure r.! sic son1l. d:nce, drama, ariilacis anri folk clliure This
suggesis an atiefipl lo cLjeiani,fr: ii tom lhe efiecls cf econanric ilte-dralicr: a kind of 25
ccrclon sanrtarle sei Lrp around a d,rinrjli g cirliLfe Sorne people believe it is pos-\iL1e io Cc!
ihe besi ot bolh worlr:ls ihe_v accepl ihe eccnomlc acivantag€s ot globirlisatior i:nd s..k :c
nl3rni.in so'neihing ci areal vakr-., lan!;Lra!e, tradilion and custom -rhis is the r.teti!rty
benign response The olher has br:.cn e only t.Jo ia,niliar: the vroient .cacl'nn. ihe liaired oi
both econoriic an{,' cLrllural ltl.rbaiisatlcn vhich nrany not merely perc.ive. bui t..ret rn ihe
very core of their behQ. as an ins€parable viclation ol dentity lhe reseninent ct &rn!
MusJims (noi onlv extremislsl icr,lard ihe Ll.S end lsrael the dei.nsi,/e posluring .t tlin.ju
Iufdarnentaiism, opDcsed bclh 1{] lslaJr and Chrlsiianiiy, are the rrcsi vi\rd clranraiiselr iis


The appearance of Christian furdam.nialisrn ,n the very hearllands of ih{r globalisirg loic:s
of the world, suggssts ihat even here there is a sense thal values belieis rr_,.j iaith are
being sacrif'ced to global necessit:,,. li is ioo simplisi;c cf the rich and po\rerful io stigmairse
the bearers of resislance as being exlemisis or ihosc !,rho hal.j freedorn. lhe.v r,ail io
lrnderstand ihe profouid ard conrclex social and re:igious drsrup:ions ihai crne as 40
inseparable specael compan;ons ol econ3mlc glob3lisai;on The leaders ofihe !loiralir g
!../orld have sacriiiced i/asi nuFbers ol ihe pcor in pur€uit.f their un.eall-qzrble visi.n oi s
whole planet.olonised in thprr olv|t imalla

|-cc alisitig C ulture.; -',. rerrv S ez: Ir cok. i{<) rea n }l eia l.l i.;3o 1 3 2,.1C?i)

?assrce 2 Phili, lhine irrites....

rr:r: / ri,ttr,:rcrr:i i
l/ihen we think of a globe it is dsurlij a |nrniature rnodel ol the ea{h. vrhich ono tingei.iarl
send inlo viol€nl revolulion lf .ie dwcll an itrai aspect, il)e lag "llobnl cultllre'oririn.Jllsly
hints at a ierible, d;zzyirg shrlnkcqc, ;r1 the mercy of son1.e exlernal hrinC (a-c lllsn:r)r
Murdoch, Coca-Caia) Ihe nore obvicus implication. oi course, is thri "glcb"l cuiilje :.r
something vasi, a giairi strucirre.:i{isling beyond any of us no rnalter how co,.firopolltan |!r,
personal horizons N.iih€r lray dc€s gloiralcuiture s.'em to belong io medlum sized nunrtrn
beiigs wilh a local habiiaiior arrcl e narre 8Li ihe. are v/e really supFosed ia f:el goad
aboul il? Perhaps it is ollen meant sarcasiically - as an oxymoron.

Or. if we foilo!1' lhe modern ieniicncy to Lrse ihe il/oril 'culture as a neLriral telm oi 1A
anlhropological descnpUon raihs ii:.:n pos:'iive endors--meni. 'global cLllrr. miqhl simpl!
name the aaristic aod oiher rcf.esseniial rtren.rnenir (like iashianl .olnr'ronl,v ccn::!rnea I'r
rnost af ths coLrniries ci ihe ,rorld li th;s !re.:rs riroppi,rg in an 3rpL.rt rrall ioi a h:;r.l c.p,v oi
Siephen King, lndepandence Day on DVD and Nike iool"..r'ear, we are a long way indeeci
from lMatihew Arnold's definilion of culiure in 1876 as the acqrJainting ourselves wfh the 15
best that has been known and said in the world' We mlghl be tempted to offer some sourly
updaled formula to fii lhe globaJcultlre of lhe 21st cenlury, like the acquiring for ourselves
the besladvedised thai is beinq made and sold ln the world'

A decade or tv/c ago. one llsed to thi k ao'errtertainrnent emprre lvas an :ncidenial. ii hlghly 2A
profiiable aspe.t of serious poljtical po,"rer and conirol Now big corp.,raircns wield rnore
polver than naiional governrnenls, an.i it js in lhe'r jnlerest io make the world safe for
shoppnrg by promolinq a pseudo der$cratic 'c liure 'r'/here obedienl ,,lorkels oblaln iheir
rewards by conslrining n]lrvies, IV, mus'c. fashions. cigaretles and foo.is, and by nEking
alher 'lifeslyl"J expenciilures R€b"rll]on' is pa't oi lhe package oi associ?led values ol{er€d 25
every pur.hare, in lhe iol'r] of lhe rack stals indi,,'rduel bravado rather ihan poiiiic;rl or

Yet it is Jikely that sooner ar laler lhere will L,e sonre Jorm of rnore organised resisiance to
ih€se new kinds of ifip.rialisrn lr iaci sorne of ihe most cofispicuous recent mailrslream
Hollywood movies thenselves leeln to smuggle if a measure of ironlc crilicisn of ihe 30
ptocesses by they are nrade and p!rue-ved Ihe Richard G€re thritler Red Corner
(1998) was abort Vveslern iiedia corporalions moving inio the huge, corrupl nevr ma*..r oi
Communisl China, and jts lalvyerherc ends by rejecting his work for a IJS corporalion and
ieliing lhe US enrbassy 10'Go to heli The l.urnan Show (1998) and The Matrix {1999), like
Paul V€rhoevens Toial Re.all a i€w vears back, are allegori€s of talse consciousness, 35
y/hose hetoes are called io vrali.r up io ihe illusoriness of th-- consklrcte"d lvorld ihey only
seem lo inhabit, and. ;omeho',! io ciissolve ii and l,.reak out.

5 Fuflhermore. ihe mein rcEson for Holiyv/oad's return lo the Roman Empire as a srbjecl in
Ridley Scoil's Gladialor is thai iire s!i::,,'tling, elhnically diverse Roman v/odd ihe iikD 40
preseilts holds nar), !.aiallels lriih ii.E USi empire oi ioday ln pariiDUlar. iis SerL!!ne
lracjiiicns ol repres€nielive ?ovsriineiri lrav+ given vr'ey to c'azed despciisnr and ihe bioody
nass enierlairireni irspla,/s .if lie lila.llaiorlal r:ng ihe;ilnr's crowd-pleaslrg spe.ttcle oi
violence, ofiers a conscicr,siy,r/ishiulianlasy-endirg rn whi:h the ballered heic rememirsrs
the aujheijtic val,ras ,lrhich h3v. bic.Jri,r degradeC. Ile then hercically re eslablishes ih?m in
lhe very arena where ihe corLipl regimn rrost polently displays its powe..

The €dge of desperaiion in all ilLese lilms s gEtesis the traunatic ircpped condiiion cl the
citizen oi iodays ,rcrlC, wiro has nowheie else io 90 and lor whom ihe glcbe is Uke the
L:ubble ihat r€pesiediy anc in.s€p:bly j,laliows hirn up as \./iih Jim Carey in The Truinan 50
Sholv And ii is all ica plau:ible io see the rilms ihenrselves as swailovr'ed up by ihe s)"siem
lhey may be trying to criticise, redui;ed to nlere enteriainmeni lhal helps io diskact the
people cf the globe irom realising ho,r lhey stand.

ls Ame ca baC for us? Fhillip $crne, Ttr!'Guardian- {ilovembar 11, 2000}

G r-r e siio ri:
i:r'.)m L..lir f ij\stqrs
L:{ill) it.rrs :r-jn.l;si ilir in.rei::iir!l lo:s r,i ccntfiri oi ihc avai;!e ciiizai tn il global ,.ro'lal
liuiarfirla io loii! lrirsa:rr;es e)(r:ntiaa if ihis i: irr.re oi ycLrr couniry lijl


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