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Useful Fitness Tips

What I did
Weigh self almost every morning, record results.
Calorie intake restriction
Specialized diet
Eat no food until lunch time each day
Controlled cheat days
Frequent exercise
do not try to add muscle hile dropping eight. Focus on eight loss
get used to feeling hungry. Starvation reflex takes more than !"hrs to set in
intermittent fasting
increased fi#er intake $keeps you full
%o sugar $including agave, or ra cane, processed #reads and pasta count&
%o processed foods $margarine, Crisco, processed flour, 'oritos, etc&
(ostly protein, mostly from lean meats $fish, chicken, ham, shrimp, egg hites&
lots of vegeta#les, a#out )"* of every meal $mostly ra+ peppers, onions, carrots&
,ale, caulifloer and #roccoli are crusiferous and increase testosterone levels&
Eat car#s, #ut mostly from vegeta#les and never more than you need&
do not leave out car#s all together
Consume adequate amounts of unsaturated healthy fats $from fish, olive oil, coconut oil, nuts,
sometimes steak&
do not leave out fats all together, they are necessary
omega+- is good
lots of coffee, cream . sucralose $good to use hen hungry&
lots of green tea $green tea is a natural thermogenic&
lots of ater
handy eating rules
)"* of plate should #e veggies
eat veggies first, #efore good stuff
portion of meat per meal should #e no #igger than the size of hand
protein is the most satiating of food types, car#s make you hungry
What I ate:
first meal $/pm&0
1lain 2reek yogurt $check grams of sugar per serving. Should #e #elo -g&, sugar free almond
granola $inco&, fresh #lue#erries, sucralose. With coffee.
Second meal$-pm+/"pm&
carrot $first&
chicken or fish
veggie serving . olive oil or coconut oil
may#e / square of dark chocolate
other example meals0
steak and kale
egg hites and #roccoli
lots of ra peppers
Things to avoid:
salt $ill explain later&
pizza $ill kill any diet&
French fries $%34&
1otato edges $%34&
(ozzarella sticks $%3%34&
chips $processing, salt&
alcohol, except ine $useless car#s&
cheese $high fat&
#utter $fat&
#read, hite pasta, hite flour $processing, car#s&
ripe #ananas, pineapple $sugar&
anything #readed or fried
(ilk $/5g of sugar per serving&
too much red meat $saturated fat&
too many #eans $car#s&
fast food
places like Chilies, 6pple#ees, 7ed 8o#ster, 9:s, C1,, Elephant 9ar$they use pre frozen food high
in preservatives and crazy high calorie count&
chocolate, candy
peas $:ust starch&
corn $sugar&
#ar#ecue sauce $sugar, preserves&
:elly, :am $sugar&
ketchup $sugar&
mayonnaise $pure evil&
1rotein poder $uses up your calorie count ithout making you feel full&
Good things to eat
Water $calorie free, satiating, aids in eight loss&
avocado $not too much&
olive, coconut oil
all peppers $#est ra, good fi#er
#roccoli, carrots, kale, caulifloer, spinach, ca##age, romaine lettuce, eggplant, squash, zucchini,
cucum#er, pretty much anything green
cottage cheese $atch the salt&
grapes $some sugar, #ut high in vitamin ,&
#lue#erries and other antioxidants
vitamins $multi, C, '&
supplements $ 8+arganine and 8+glutamine $exercise recovery&&
green tea $thermogenic&
caffeine $thermogenic, satiating&
Some ine
General advice
Do not diet
;'ieting< does not ork, #ecause people alays see it as a temporary change, or a diversion from a
#aseline. =f you change your ha#its for a limited period of time, then you ill alays find yourself
#ack at the #eginning. When you commit to changing your eating ha#its, commit to them as a
lifestyle change. 1ermanently. >ou don?t have to eat a reduced calorie diet forever, once you reach
your goal eight, you can eat as much food as it takes to maintain that eight. 9ut you can?t go
#ack to heavy consumption of saturated fats, sugar and processed foods. Some is 3,, #ut you don?t
ant to lose hat you have orked for. 6 cleaner diet ith improve your energy, your a#ility to
#uild muscle and strength, increase your disease resistance, loer cancer and stroke risk and
increase your life expectancy.
Calorie math
>ou need to achieve a caloric deficit in order to lose eight. @hat means that you need to #e taking
in $eating.drinking& feer calories than you are #urning $from #asic activity and exercise. 2o online
and find a caloric calculator, put in your age, height,eight an activity level, and it should tell you
approximately hat your caloric need is. @he average calorie need is around to+thousand calories
per day $technically its kilo+calories, #ut the la#els :ust say Cal, or C&. =f you are taller than average,
or more active then average then you need a #it more, if you are smaller or less active you need less.
So, lets say your need is A""" calories per day. @hat means you need to eat less than that to lose
eight. = say eat, #ecause in my experience it doesnBt matter ho much you exercise if you are
eating too much. 6 good guide is to reduce your intake #y a#out )""cal. @hat means that your #ody
is #urning A"""cal, #ut you are only eating /)""cal. @hat means a#out )""cal orth of fat gets
#urned each day, more if you exercise. 6 pound of fat consists of a#out 5,)"" calories. So if you
#urn )""calx! days per eek, then you should #urn a#out 5)""calories a eek, and lose /pound
each eek.
=f you are exercising, and eating clean, then you may lose much more, especially at the #eginning.
=n the early stages your #ody ith #e flushing out all kinds of stuff as you detox. =f you are no
longer eating trans fats, preservatives and large amounts of salt, you ill drop #loat eight. When =
first cleaned my diet and reduced calorie intake = lost /"l#s in ! days. 6 chunk of that as ater and
gook, #ut still. 7esults not typical, do not #e discouraged if you don?t do the same.
cales lie
'on take your scale too seriously, especially if its the kind that measures #ody fat and ater *. @he
readings have a high margin of error. 'onBt eigh yourself too often, and realize that some of the
eight youBve lost is excess ater, and some of the eight you didnBt lose is excess ater. 'o not
dehydrate yourself :ust so that days num#er can #e loer.
=f you ant to accurately measure your #ody fat * then order some ;#ody fat calipers from the
internet. >ou use them to pinch a fe different places on the #ody to measure su#cutaneous fat, and
run those through an algorithm to give a pretty accurate approximation of #ody fat ;ideal< #ody fat
* is something like /)+/!* for men and A"+A)* for omen. ;8ean< is /"+/C and /!+/D, and C+!
and /) or less is #ody #uilder status.
Doing sit ups !ill not give you a"s
Exercising a specific part of the #ody does not cause the #ody to #urn more fat from that area. =t doesnBt
ork that ay. Ever. >ou can do thousands of sit ups, #ut if your #ody fat remains high, you ill see very
little difference. Same goes for doing a thousand curls #ecause you ant nice arms. Fat is meta#olized from
the #loodstream, here a person loses fat from is #ased on their genetics. (ost people ill lose fat in small
#its all around the #ody. Some areas hold onto fat more stu##ornly than others. Focus on maximum fat loss,
not targeted zones.
Challenge yourself
'ieting is a challenge, :ust like clim#ing or running or college. Surpass the difficulties #y focusing
on your reasons for dieting. 7egard the discomfort.pain you may experience as a test of your
illpoer and fortitude.
First t!o !ee#s are the !orst
#eing hungry sucks, not losing eight right aay sucks. So does losing a coping mechanism and a
ho##y. 'o everything you can to get through the initial period, and everything ill get easier. 6fter
to eeks things start to #ecome ha#it, and are much more managea#le.
>our stomach ill shrink, so it takes less food to make you feel full.
3nce you detox a #it, you donBt crave things as much
nutritious stuff starts to taste ayyy #etter
you look forard to vegeta#les
Find other coping mechanisms
Food is an easy comfort, stress eating is common and super super #ad for you. When you are
temped to cheat too much, or need some comfortE look for a solution that ill not endanger your
goals. 'rink coffee, do pushups, paint something, have sex, hatever. Fust find something to
channel into.
$n%oy your food
find the nutritious foods that you like, and make a point of en:oying them. 1art of #eing satisfied is
&epeat meals
(any orkout #ooks recommend that once you find meals that you en:oy, you have them several
times a eek. Gaving a lot of variation often makes you more sussepta#le to temptations. @ry and
make a simple, repeata#le, concrete meal plan that you can stick to
'a#e sure you eat enough
7educed caloric intake does not mean starvation. >ou may experience hunger, #ut you still need to
consume a daily allotment of protein, fat, car#s and total calories.
Go slo!ly
you should aim to lose /+A pounds of fat per eek, some literature says that a#out as much as the
human liver can process. 'onBt orry if you lose more or less, focus on the process, more than the
results. Water eight thros things off significantly.
&ead la"els
,no hat your are eating
anything that says0 trans, partially hydrogenated, preserved, E is #ad
read the calorie num#ers at restaurants
Salt is not #ad for you, it is necessary for life, and especially so for exercise
Gigh sodium levels cause ater retention.
=f every morning you are eighing yourself and hoping to #e a fe ounces less than #efore,
salt ill ruin that. = can gain )+!l#s off a single meal if it is high in sodium. Chinese food is
really #ad a#out this.
Gigh in0 2atorade, some diet sodas, fast food, Chinese food, salami, some cottage cheese.
cheat on your diet a little $little #ites of chocolate, / drink, small amount of dessert&
e all #reak don, or need a relief. 'o hat is necessary to avoid eating an entire cake
plan your cheat days
look forard to them, plan out hat you ill en:oy
donBt go over#oard
2reek yogurt ith sucralose tastes like parfait. Especially ith #lue#erries. Sometimes = add dark
chocolate chips from inco
'onBt eigh yourself after cheat days
there is nothing rong ith skipping meals, eating all your calories in one meal, or even not eating
for a dayE as long as you are getting enough nutrients. @his has #ecome my primary ay of limiting
my intake. = only eat once or tice a day, and = can eat H""I calories and still #e under my limit.
@his is closer to the eating ha#its likely to have #een availa#le to ancient $o&man. (any people
fear that this ill put their #ody into ;starvation mode< and that it ill pack on fat. a& the research
:ust doesnBt support thatE and #& if you are in a calorie deficit, and eating clean, you ill lose eight.
$ating out( ocial gatherings
= eat out all the time, and = drink more diet soda than = should. Still orked. Fust plan ahead #y
eating feer calories #efore that meal. =f = kno =?m going out on a certain evening, = usually donBt
eat at all #eforehand. =f =?m going out for pizza, = donBt eat #eforehand and = try and #urn a #unch of
calories #eforehand so the damage isnBt so #ad. Gere?s a short guide
(exican+good, lots of veggies. 6void rice, donBt eat too many #eans
Chinese J #eare of salt and (S2 $ater retention& fish and veggie dishes are aesome. 6void rice
Fast food +%3. =f you must get something, get grilled chicken.
sometimes Chipotle, 8os Germanos, 1uta 8oco and =n+n+out are ok$no fries. 8ike ever&
1izza+ %3.
Soup 1lantation+>es
2arden Spot+ >es
9urgers J 9urgers are ok sometimes #ut to to go to a good place.
2ood0 Steak house $prime cut&, in+n+out
9ad0 Chick fil+a $5Ag of fat per #urger. 1lus #utter and oil.
Costco+ Salad only. %o hotdogs, no chicken #ake
Got dogs+ %3
Do your o!n research
=f you have specific questions or concerns, someone on the internet has already asked the same, and
received and anser. @here are a million resources, #ooks, #logs and people to aid you. @he internet
is great for0
clean meal plan ideas
general advice
exercise guides and demonstrations
=ts important to stay motivated, and stay positive. Work hard and you ill have positive results to
poer you.
Focus on your successes, dismiss your shortcomings
ask for help. Workout #uddies, spouses and admirers are all very helpful
#efore and after pictures can #e helpfulE test this theory
some people like to find a persons to use as a role model.
Some people keep a picture of their goal #ody in the #athroom as a reminder.
Some people rite don everything they eat, causes them to realize their consumption
calorie counting orks, its :ust tedious. Weight atchers is a good system.
Do not eat more) %ust "ecause you have "een e*ercising
&andom things that "urn calories
taking the stairs everyday
parking further from destination to alk more
freezing cold shoers
engaging or contracting your a#dominal muscles for /" minutes #efore meals
nauli $look it up&
alking on your toes
sitting so that you are supporting your eight ith your #ack muscles, instead of relaxing
standing for periods of time
Do cardio "efore !eights if possi"le
=f you do your cardio and eight training. #ody eight training on the same day, = recommend that
you do the cardio $especially intervals& first. Studies have shon that hile this does tend to reduce
max lift. total reps it #urns more fat over all.
&un and lift("ody !eight training
>ou can succeed ith :ust one or the other, #ut studies sho that a com#ination is far more
Careful stretching
stretching can #e dangerous. 6lays arm up first. >ou should never feel any kind of pain. 'o not
#ounce or kick outside of your comforta#le range of motion.
Consistent exercise ith not only greatly increase the eight you lose from dieting, #ut it ill
improve your energy levels, regulate hormones and release endorphins that keep you in a good
mood. =t can also have the effect of endoing a feeling of accomplishment. Focus on eight loss,
not muscle groth, or strength gain.
What I did
= practiced static strength holds every night. (ostly
Front lever progression
planche progression
= ran high intensity intervals 5+C times a eek. (ostly in the morning, mostly on an empty stomach
= ran a#out / mile to the park, set the timer on my phone and
ran fast for A"seconds
rested for /"seconds
repeated H+/- times.
= sometimes changed intervals to
C)seconds of effort
/)seconds of restaurants
repeat /A times.
= supplemented any num#er of pushups, pullups, dips and other #ody eight movements, #ut they
ere not consistently practiced.
What you should do.
=ntervalic running is very good. =t only takes H+A"min, ill dramatically improve your
cardiovascular a#ility and melts fat like a #lotorchE its also very demanding.
=nvervalic meta#olic conditioning is also super effective. Fust follo the aforementioned time
ta#les, #ut instead of running, supplement your favorite exercises. For example
kettle #ell sings A"s effort, /"s restE repeat H times.
@his can #e very demanding if = train this ay = tend to choose different exercises. For example
set J pushups
set+ pullups
set J #ody eight squats
set+ push ups
set pullups
set+ etc..
>ou can try different intervals, and different exercises, #ut studies have shon intervalic training to
superior to #oth un+timed lifting, and non intervalic circuit training in terms of fat loss.
=f you are going to do #asic lifting, = recommend #asic strength movements that use large muscle
Squat and squat variations
dead lift
#ench press
clean and press
kettle #ell sing
Focus on lo eight, high rep and keep rests under -"s
sets of /"+/) are good. 6void ladders, pyramids, #urnouts and super sets.
9ody eight exercises
these are great #ecause they move the #ody through space, and use the #ody itself as a lever and
fulcrum. @hey pair ell ith eight loss, and you can improve in the individual exercises despite
the caloric deficit. Gere are some options.
/leg, 9ulgarian split squat, :umping squat
up dons
mountain clim#ers
pull ups
chin ups, frenchies, #ar hangs
:ump rope
girls, ide arm, diamond, lizard, 'an, plyometric, clapping
= am not a fan of sit ups. @hey are not an effective strength #uilder, and they donBt #urn many
calories. = recommend
hanging leg lifts
K ups
/ arm planks
handstand pushups
9ulgarian dips
tatic strength holds +T,-
S@G are a training tool taken from gymnastics, yoga and martial arts. =t consists of putting the #ody
in a position of great muscular tension, and holding it for a given period of time. =t is not an
effective fat #urner, #ut it leads to rapid strength gains, ith little or no soreness almost no increase
in muscle size and it increases proprioceptivity. = only include the option here #ecause it is a ay
make improvements in strength and athleticism during calorie deficit, ithout inhi#iting fat loss.
@he other thing is that as you lose eight, your success in S@G starts to improve at an increasing
Without descri#ing them here = recommend you look up progressions for0
front lever
@here are also various yoga poses that involve hand #alancing, and static strength
9akasana $crane 1ose&
6stavakrasana $H angle 1ose&
(yurasana $1eacock 1ose&
@olasana $Scale pose&
9hu:apidasana $Shoulder+1ressing 1ose&
@hese are advanced positions, #ut there are progressions for each. Competence or mastery of these
positions has a very strong carryover effect for other strength movements. Front lever especially has
a strong effect for improving pullups, and the 8 sit makes most a#dominal exercises irrelevant.
@he #ooks = recommend on this su#:ect are
convict conditioning
#uilding the gymnastic #ody

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