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Use the diagram on the right to answer

questions 31-33
31. The diagram to the right is an
example of a:
A. Monocot root
B. Dicot root
C. Monocot stem
D. Herbaceous dicot stem
E. Woody dicot stem
32. The structure labeled 32" is
A. Primary xylem
B. Secondary xylem
C. Primary phloem
D. Secondary phloem
E. None of the above
33. The cells in the structure labeled 32" are dead at functional maturity and one of their functions is to
physically support the plant
A. True B. False
34. A rhizome is a modified subterranean
stem of a plant that is usually found
underground, often sending out roots
and shoots from its nodes. Growth of
this rhizome away from the parent
plant is predominately ________
A. Primary B. Secondary
35. The diagram to the right is an example of:
A. Monocot root
B. Dicot root
C. Monocot stem
D. Herbaceous dicot stem
E. Woody dicot stem
36. What type of tissue is the pericycle, seen
in the diagram to the right?
A. Dermal tissue
B. Ground tissue
C. Vascular tissue
D. Primary meristematic tissue
E. Secondary meristematic tissue
37. In a root, which structure is responsible for regulating entry of fluids and dissolved ions and
minerals into the xylem?
A. Epidermis B. Cortex C. Endodermis
D. Pericycle E. None of the above
38. Below is a list of ten plant cell types. How many of the below cell types are living at
functional maturity?
Fiber Parenchyma Sclerid Xylem parenchyma
Companion cell Vessel element Tracheid Apical meristem cell
Pericycle Sieve tube element
A. Three B. Four C. Five D. Six E. Seven
39. Im on a beach in Florida looking at plants (because, thats what I do on a beach in Florida...)
The plant is a woody shrub with many leaves with branching venation. This plant is:
A. A monocot B. A dicot
C. Unable to tell with the information provided
40. A sunflower is an herbaceous dicot. This plant ________ a vascular cambium and secondary
growth _________.
A. possesses; is present B. possesses; is absent
C. lacks; is present D. lacks, is absent
41. Where does meiosis occur in a moss?
A. The sporangia B. The archegonia C. The antheridia
D. B & C E. A, B, & C
42. Youre walking through the woods and see a fern. This fern is representative of the
_________ generation. The tissues are __________.
A. gametophyte; haploid B. gametophyte; diploid
C. sporophyte; haploid D. sporophyte; diploid
43. In an angiosperm, what is the female gametophyte?
A. Ovule B. Ovary C. Egg sac D. Egg cell
E. None of the above
44. All flowering plants are seed plants, but not all seed plants are flowering plants
A. True B. False
45. A fruit is a ripened
A. Ovule B. Ovary C. Egg sac D. Egg cell
E. None of the above
46. The seed coat is an example of a ripened form of what type of plant tissue?
A. Foliar (leaf) B. Petular (petal) C. Seed Coat
D. Ovarian E. Ovule Integument
47. What is the purpose of a fruit?
A. To aid in pollination
B. To aid in seed dispersal
C. To increase visitation of animals to better fertilize the plant
D. To reduce food storage in the plant
E. None of the above
48. In the diagram on the right,
which of the characters
marked on the
evolutionary tree
represents the evolution
of vascular tissue?
A. Character A
B. Character B
C. Character C
49. Which of the following groupings of the four plant groups we studied is incorrect?
A. Seed plants - angiosperms and conifers
B. Vascular plants - ferns, conifers, and angiosperms
C. Plants with the gametophyte stage dominant - mosses
D. Plants with double fertilization - angiosperms and conifers
E. All of the above groupings are correct
50. Im looking at a large, red flower. The pollinator for this flower is most likely a(n):
A. Bird B. Bat C. Insect D. Wind E. None of the above

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