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This game is real...But it isn’t from 1979. Words, Maps, and Illustrations by S. John Ross.

Additional Illustrations by Dave Insel & Cody Reichenau.

W W W . C U M B E R L A N D G A M E S . C O M

W W W . C U M B E R L A N D G A M E S . C O M
Encounter Critical is Copyright ©2004, 2006 by S. John Ross. All other legal notices contained in this work are fictitious; this is a work of
satire. “Hank Riley,” “James Ireland,” and others mentioned in the text of Encounter Critical are pseudonyms for S. John Ross (writing, design,
illustrations, maps and graphic production), Dave Insel (additional, better illustrations) and Cody Reichenau (additional, also-better illustra-
tions). Terms with obvious similarity to those from popular science-fiction and fantasy properties are presented with satiric intent, without desire
to challenge or infringe on the rights of the owners of the terms they resemble. Rock on!

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