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Attachment 1 : Performance Task Narrative & Rubric /Multiple Allelism and


Authentic Performance Task

Performance Task Narrative :

You will act as a lawyer for the following :

Mr. Manuel Cash, known to many as Don Manny, died and left all of his money to his
two surviving children, Rosalinda Cash-Rich and Mercedes Cash-Dinero. Because of Don
Mannys prominent role in society, his death made headlines. Shortly after, a young
man named Juan Manuel, who claims to be Don Mannys long lost son, arrives and
demands his share of the inheritance. Don Mannys two children (Rosalinda and
Mercedes) and their lawyers are skeptical and refuse this young man the money, so he
sues. The judge orders blood tests for all in the family. Don Mannys blood type, as it
appears on his hospital records, is AB. His wife, Juanita, had blood type A. Rosalinda
and Mercedes, Don Mannys two acknowledged children, are both type B. The young
man claiming to be a long lost son is blood type O.
Based on the blood tests, prove to the judge whether or not Juan Manuel could be a
child of Don Manny. Create a case (1 paragraph) defending your conclusion. Determine
the genotypes for each individual involved, and use at least two Punnett squares as

Goal To prove before a court as to whether or not Juan Manuel is
a long lost son of Don Manny
Role - Lawyer of Rosalinda Cash-Rich and Mercedes Cash-Dinero,
Don Mannys two acknowledged children
Audience - Court Judge

Attachment 1 : Performance Task Narrative & Rubric /Multiple Allelism and

Situation or context of scenario - Court hearing
Product for evaluation - Case narrative defending your conclusion as a lawyer,
supported by Punnett squares
Standards for evaluation - Refer to the rubric below.
Key Criteria (Rubric) :

Performance Criteria


Merit Points

Student can construct a
Punnett square for multiple
allele traits

Accurate construction of at least
two Punnett squares related to
the mystery


Student can interpret Punnett
squares as they relate to
multiple allele traits

Student correctly identifies the
genotype of each individual in
the mystery


Student can draw conclusions
from Punnett squares

Student correctly identifies
whether Juan Manuel is a son of
Don Manny or an imposter


Student can apply scientific
evidence to defend conclusions

Student explains, in detail, a
case defending his/her
conclusions; student refers to
Punnett squares as evidence to
defend his case.


Allotted Preparation Time : one week

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