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JUNE 2009

2. In order that a code is error correcting, the

minimum Hamming distance should be :
(A t
(! 2t " #
($ 2t
(% 2t & #
E'(lanation:" )he error"detecting and error"
correcting (ro(erties o* a bloc+ ode de(end on its
hamming distance.
)o reliabl, %E)E$) -t- errors, ,ou need a distance
t&# code.
)o $.//E$) t errors, ,ou need a distance 2t&#
0. )he boolean e'(ression '-,-1 & ,1 & '1 is e2ual
to :
(A '
(! ,
($ 1
(% '&,&1
E'(lanation:" '-,-1 & ,1 & '1
3 1('-,- & , & '
31('- & ,- & , & '
31(' & '- & , & ,-
31(# & #
4. )he characteristic e2uation o* a J5 *li( *lo(
(A 6n&# 3 J.6n & 5.6n
(! 6n&# 3 J.6n- & 5-.6n
($ 6n&# 3 6nJ.5
(% 6n&#3(J&5.6n
Ans:" !
E'(lanation:7li( *lo(s can be di8ided into *our
basic t,(es. Each one o* them has a di**erent
characteristic e2uation, circuit, table, gra(hical
s,mbol etc. !ut all the *li( *lo(s ha8e out(ut
signal 6n and 6n-.)he di**erent *li( *lo(s and
their characteristic e2uations are as *ollo9s.
#. :/ *li( *lo( 3 6ne't3 : & /-6
2. J5 *li( *lo( 3 E2uation gi8en abo8e.
0. % *li( *lo( 3 6ne't 3 %
4. ) *li( *lo( 3 )6-&)-6
It is better to learn the di**erent *li( *lo(s and
their characteristic e2uation because the, as+ in
the e'am *re2uentl,.
)he n&# and n should a((ear as subscri(ts *or 6.
;. In order to im(lement a n 8ariable s9itching
*unction, a <U= must ha8e:
(A 2 (o9 n in(uts
(! 2 (o9 n & # in(uts
($ 2 (o9 n"# in(uts
(% 2 (o9 n " # in(uts
Ans:" A
E'(lanation:" A multi(le'er is a combinational
circuit that recei8es binar, in*ormation *rom one
o* 2 (o9 n in(ut data lines and directs it to a
single out(ut line. In order to im(lement a n
8ariable s9itching *unction, a <U= must ha8e 2 (o9
n in(uts. E'(lanation is a8ailable in $om(uter
architecture boo+ b, <orris <ano. >g 4?.
@. )he through(ut o* (ure AA.HA is gi8en b,,
(A :3B
(! :3e (o9 2B
($ :3Be (o9 2B
(% :3Be (o9 "2B
Another 2uestion 9hich +ee(s re(eating in the e'am
is through(ut o* slotted AA.HA. Aearn that as
C. )he 7iber %istributed %ata Inter*ace uses:
(A single mode *ibbers and AE%s
(! multimode *ibbers and AE%s
($ single mode *ibbers and IA%s
(% multimode *ibers and IA%s
Ans:" !
E'(lanation:"7%%I de*ines t9o t,(es o* o(tical
*ibbers. :ingle mode and multimode. <ultimode
*iner uses AE%s as the light"generating de8ice.
:ingle mode *iber generall, uses lasers.
?. )o em(lo, multi"access in B:<, users are gi8en
(A time slots
(! band(ass *ilters
($ handsets
(% *re2uenc, bands
9. Dith *our (rograms in memor, and 9ith ?0E
a8erage IF. 9ait, the $>U utilisation isG
(A @0E
(! C0E
($ 90E
(% #00E
E'(lanation:"$>U utilisation is gi8en b, the
3 # " > (o9 n
$>U utilisation is calculated *rom a (robabilistic
8ie9(oint. > stands *or the *raction o* time
9aiting *or IF. to com(lete.
Number o* (rocesses in memor, 3 n
)he (robabilit, that all n (rocesses are 9aiting
*or IF. is ( (o9 n.
$>U Utili1ation 3 # " ( (o9 n
3 # " (0.? (o9 4
3 # " 0.409@
3 @0E
#0. Assume N segments in memor, and a (age si1e o*
> b,tes. )he 9astage on account o* internal
*ragmentation is:
(A N>F2 b,tes
(! >F2 b,tes
($ NF2 b,tes
(% N> b,tes
And:"Dasted memor, due to internal *ragmentation
is N>F2 b,tes
##. Assertion (A: !it ma(s are not o*ten used in
memor, management.
/eason (/: :earching a bit ma( *or a run o* gi8en
length is a slo9 o(eration.
(A !oth (A and (/ are true and (/ is correct
e'(lanation *or (A
(! !oth (A and (/ are true but (/ is not
correct e'(lanation *or (A
($ (A is true (/ is *alse
(% (A is *alse (/ is true
Ans:" A
#2.)he com(lete gra(h 9ith *our 8ertices has +
edges 9here + is :
(A 0
(! 4
($ ;
(% @
Ans:" %
E'(lanation:" A gra(h B is said to be com(lete i*
e8er, 8erte' in B is connected to e8er, other
8erte' in B. :o a com(lete gra(h B must be
connected. )he number o* edges is @.
#0. )he octal e2ui8alent o* he'adecimal (A.!#@ is
(A 4C.2#
(! #2.C4
($ #2.C#
(% #C.2#
E'(lanation:" (A.! he'. A is #0 and ! is ## in
3Ne't ste(, grou( the bits in grou(s o* 0 each.
300# 0#0. #0# #00
3# 2. ;4 is the right ans9er
#4. A reduced state table has #? ro9s. )he minimum
number o* *li( *lo(s needed to im(lement the
se2uential circuit is:
(A #?
(! 9
($ ;
(% 4
E'(lanation: I* ,ou ha8e n ro9s, ,our circuit 9ill
ha8e at least log base 2 n *li( *lo(s. Aog base 2
#? is 4. :o the correct ans9er is %.
#;. Dhat is the 8alue o* Hb- a*ter the e'ecution
o* the *ollo9ing code statements:
(A 20
(! 22
($ 20
(% None
#@. Dhich o* the *ollo9ing does not re(resent a
8alid storage class in Hc-G
(A Automatic
(! static
($ union
(% e'tern
E'(lanation:" )he 8alid storage classes are
e'tern, static, register and auto(automatic.
#C. )he *riend *unctions are used in situations
(A De 9ant to ha8e access to unrelated classes
(! %,namic binding is re2uired
($ E'change o* data bet9een classes to ta+e (lace
(% None o* the abo8e.
Ans:" $
#?. (i %<A includes a 2uer, language based on
both relation algebra and tu(le calculus
(ii %<A includes a 2uer, language based on
tu(le calculus
(iii %<A includes a 2uer, language based on
relational algebra
(i8 %<A includes a 2uer, language based on
none o* the relation algebra and tu(le calculus.
Dhich one is correctG
(A (i onl,
(! (ii onl,
($ (iii onl,
(% (i8 onl,
Ans:" A
#9. :u((ose it ta+es a #00ns to access a (age
table and 20ns to access associati8e memor, 9ith a
90E hit rate, the a8erage access time e2uals:
(A 20 ns
(! 2? ns
($ 90 ns
(% #00 ns
Ans:" !
Almost a similar 2uestion 9as as+ed in %ecember
200? 2uestion (a(er.6uestion no.9. /e*er to the
same. )he hit rate is as+ed gi8en the a8erage
access time.
20. )here e'ists a construct 9hich returns a 8alue
Htrue- i* the argument sub2uer, is:
(A em(t,
(! non"em(t,
($ in error
(% none o* the abo8e
Ans:" !
2#. Dhich construct in :6A is used to test 9hether
a sub2uer, has an, tu(les in its resultG
(! E=I:):
($ B/.U> !J
(% E=$E>)
Ans: !
22. ./A$AE su((orts:
(A inner Koin and outer Koin onl,
(! outer Koin and semi Koin onl,
($ inner Koin, outer Koin, semi Koin onl,
(% inner Koin, outer Koin, semi Koin and anti
Ans:" %
20. Dhich t9o o* the *ollo9ing are e2ui8alent *or
an undirected gra(h BG
(i B is a tree
(ii )here is at least one (ath bet9een an, t9o
distinct 8ertices o* B
(iii B contains no c,cles and has (n"# edges
(i8 B has n edges
(A (i and (ii
(! (i and (iii
($ (i and (i8
(% (ii and (iii
24. In a ! tree o* order m 9ith ( nodes the
a8erage number o* s(lits is at most:
(A #F(mF2"#
(! (mF2"#
($ #F(mF2
(% None
2;. )he (ro(ositional *ormula gi8en b, the tree
/e*er to the actual 6>.
Ans:" %
E'(lanation:"None o* the e2uations *it an, o*
(reorder,(ostorder or inorder listing.
2@. 6ueuse is a LLLLLLLlist.
(A AI7.
(! AIA.
($ 7IA.
(% 7I7.
Ans:" %
2C. In a *ull binar, tree o* height +, there are
LLLLLLLLLLinternal nodes.
(A 2 (o9 + " #
(! 2 (o9 (+ " #
($ 2 (o9 +
(% 2 (o9 + & #
Ans:" A
2?.A binar, tree is said to ha8e hea( (ro(ert, i*
the elements along an, (ath:
(A *rom lea* to root are non"increasing
(! *rom lea* to root are non"decreasing
($ *rom root to lea* are non"decreasing
(% *rom root to lea* are non"increasing
Ans:" %
E'(lanation:"Ans9er is in :chaum-s series boo+ on
%ata structures 9ith $&&.
A binar, tree is said to ha8e the hea( (ro(ert, i*
the elements along an, (ath *rom root to lea* are
non increasing. A hea( is a com(lete binar, tree
that has the hea( (ro(ert,. :o the correct o(tion
is %.
29. =.2; (rotocol consists o*:
(A >h,sical and *rame le8els
(! 7rame and (ac+et le8els
($ >h,sical, *rame and (ac+et le8els
(% None o* the abo8e.
00. B:<F$%<A s,stems:
(A are limited to 8er, lo9 s(eed data
(! re2uire no local loo( 9ires
($ are (redominantl, used *or 8oice
(% all o* the abo8e
0#. Usuall, in*ormation securit, in a net9or+ is
achie8ed b,:
(A Aa,ering
(! $r,(togra(h,
($ Brad o* ser8ice
(% None o* the abo8e
Ans:" !
02. )he lin+er:
(A is similar to inter(reter
(! uses source code as its in(ut
($ is re2uired to create a load module
(% none o* the abo8e
Ans:" %
Ain+er is a (rogram that lin+s se8eral obKect
modules and libraries to a single e'ecutable
00. In 9hich addressing mode the o(erand is gi8en
e'(licitl, in the instruction itsel*G
(A Absolute mode
(! Immediate mode
($ Indirect mode
(% Inde' mode
Ans:" !
E'(lanation:" In immediate addressing mode, the
o(erand is gi8en in the instruction itsel*.
Eg:" <.M AA,@4H <o8e @4H to Al register
<.M !',0490H <o8e 0490H to !' register.
04. A com(iler that runs on one machine and
(roduces code *or a di**erent machine is called:
(A $ross com(ilation
(! .ne (ass com(ilation
($ )9o (ass com(ilation
(% None o* the abo8e
Ans:" A
0;. An, s,ntactic construct that can be described
b, a regular e'(ression can also be described b,
(A $onte't sensiti8e grammar
(! Non conte't *ree grammar
($ $onte't *ree grammar
(% None o* the abo8e
Ans:" $
0@. 7ind the odd man out:
(A tail
(! cut
($ 9art
(% sed
Ans:" $
E'(lanation:" tail, cut and sed are uni' commands.
9art is not.
0C. Dhich o* the *ollo9ing changes (ermission to
den, 9rite (ermission to grou( and othersG
(A chmod go"9 *ile'
(! chmod go39 *ile'
($ chmod go 9 *iles
(% None o* the abo8e
Ans:" A
E'(lanation:" chmod is the command used *or
changing *ile (ermissions. go stands *or grou( and
others. )he minus s,mbol remo8es the (ermission.
H9- stands *or 9rite. :o, go"9 stands *or remo8ing
the 9rite (ermission *rom grou( and others *or the
*ile *iled.
0?. Mariable (artition memor, management techni2ue
9ith com(action results in:
(A /eduction o* *ragmentation
(! <inimal 9astage
($ :egment sharing
(% None o* the abo8e
Ans:" A
09. $a(abilit, <aturit, <odel is meant *or:
(A >roduct
(! >rocess
($ >roduct and >rocess
(% None o* the abo8e
Ans:" !
40. In the light o* so*t9are engineering so*t9are
consists o*:
(A >rograms
(! %ata
($ %ocumentation
(% All o* the abo8e
Ans:" %
4#. Dhich one o* the *ollo9ing I:. standard is
used *or so*t9are (rocessG
(A I:. 9000
(! I:. 900#
($ I:. 9000
(% I:. 9000"0
Ans:" %
42. Dhich o* the *ollo9ing is used *or test data
(A Dhite bo'
(! !lac+ bo'
($ !oundar,"8alue anal,sis
(% All o* the abo8e
E'(lanation:" !oundar, 8alue anal,sis is a
techni2ue *or test data selection.A test engineer
chooses 8alues that lie along data e'tremes.
40. /e8erse engineering is the (rocess 9hich deals
(A :i1e measurement
(! $ost measurement
($ %esign reco8er,
(% All o* the abo8e
Ans:" $
44. )he s(acing bet9een character (airs is called:
(A 5erning
(! '"height
($ interca(
(% seri*
Ans:" A
4;. Dhen com(ared 9ith analog cellular s,stems, an
ad8antage o* digital )%<A cellular s,stem is that:
(A it is less com(licated
(! it re2uires less o* com(uter memor,
($ it conser8es s(ectrum band9idth
(% it costs less
Ans:" $
4@. E"commerce includes:
(! !2!
($ $2$
(% All o* the abo8e
4C. A clustering techni2ue that (ermits a
con8enient gra(hical dis(la, is:
(A (artition based clustering
(! (robabilistic model based clustering
($ hierarchial clustering
(% agglomerati8e clustering
Ans:" $
4?. A*ter sending a message, the sender should not
be able to, at a later date, den, ha8ing sent the
message, is re*erred to as:
(A Authenticit,
(! Non"re(udiabilit,
($ Auditabilit,
(% /e(udiabilit,
Ans:" !
49. )he de8ice 9hich connects dissimilar AANs o*
di**erent to(ologies using di**erent sets o*
communication (rotocols so that in*ormation can
*lo9 *rom one to another is called:
(A /outer
(! !ridge
($ Bate9a,
(% :9itch
Ans:" $
;0. De can not delete the LLLLLLicon but 9e can
ma+e it in8isible.
(A /ec,cle
(! <, com(uter
($ Internet e'(lorer
(% None o* the abo8e
Ans:" A
7or more solutions and other use*ul materials,
8isit the 9ebsite


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