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Works Cited

1959-2014. Du's Memories, Plantersville, Texas. Comp. Chin an Du.
! lar"e #olle#tion o$ photos $rom m% parents. There is some photos $rom m%
mother an& some photos $rom m% &a&. There is one &atin" 'a#( to 1959 an&
some $rom the earl% 2000s. These pi#tures are s#attere& throu"h out m%
)e'site. !ll these photos are in the Du $amil%*s possession.
BrainyQuote. +oo(,a"s Me&ia -et)or(, 2001-2014. .e'. 20 Ma% 2014.
! 2uote '% Charles Di#(ens is on this )e'site. This pa"e tal(s a'out 5sel$.5
The 2uote is on the 5.ho is he65 pa"e.
BrainyQuote. +oo(,a"s Me&ia -et)or(, 2001-2014. .e'. 27 Ma% 2014.
! 2uote '% ,i#har& -ixon is $oun& on this )e'site. The )e'site #ontains
man% 2uotes on the ietnam .ar an& it )as use$ul to have. The 2uote itsel$ is
$oun& on the 5ietnam .ar +a#("roun&5 pa"e.
5Chin an Du.5 Personal intervie). 28 Ma% 2014.
9 intervie)e& m% $ather a'out his :ourne% to !meri#a. ;e explaine& )hat he
)ent throu"h as 'oth a sol&ier an& a lieutenant. ;e also ans)ere& multiple
2uestions a'out the )ar an& ho) he #ame to live in Texas.
Goodreads. <oo&rea&s 9n#,, 2014. .e'. 20 Ma% 2014.
There are t)o 2uotes '% =rnest ;emin")a% >one? an& @.,., Tol(ien >one? on
this )e'site that 9 use&. ;emin")a%'s 2uote is use& on the 5;ome5 pa"e as a
ni#e starter to the rest o$ the )e'site. The Tol(ien 2uote is use& on the
5@ourne% to !meri#a5 pa"e. 9t per$e#tl% &es#ri'es a 5)an&erer.5
Goodreads. <oo&rea&s 9n#. .e'. 20 Ma% 2014.
! 2uote $rom Presi&ent A'ama is on this )e'site. 9t )as a'out !meri#a an&
the 5!meri#an Dream5 - hope. This 2uote is $oun& on the 5.ho is he65 pa"e.
GoodReads. .e'. 24 Ma% 2014. /http011)))."oo&rea&s.#om12uotes124142-li$e-is-a-
The 2uote on this pa"e is $rom ,alph .al&o =merson. The 2uote itsel$ is on
the 5To&a%5 pa"e on m% )e'site.
Bruse, Bevin. 5100 +est Cuotes on Dea&ership.5 Forbes. 18 A#t. 2012. .e'. 24 Ma%
2014. /http011))).$or'es.#om1sites1(evin(ruse1201211011812uotes-on-
!n arti#le )ith 100 2uotes on lea&ership. 9 use& a 2uote $rom Thomas
@e$$erson on the 5Dieutenant Du5 pa"e. 9t helps &es#ri'es ho) a lea&er shoul&
'e in situations.
Dan, -"o#. Si Gn i! Vnh Bit. +% -am Do#. Youtube. .e'. 28 Ma% 2014.
This son" is a'out the Gall o$ Hai"on in 1975. 9t tal(s a'out ho) the
ietnamese re$u"ees ha& to leave their home #ountr%. 9t is an anthem o$ sorts.
The son" is on the 5@ourne% to !meri#a5 pa"e.
D%, Bhanh. +% Pham Du%. Chuyn Hai N!"i #$nh Vit Na%. You&ube. .e'. 2F Ma%
2014. /https011))).%outu'e.#om1)at#h6vEGIiC(!;n20o4.
This son" is a'out t)o &i$$erent ietnamese sol&iers on t)o &i$$erent $ront
lines )ho (ille& ea#h other 'e#ause o$ their love $or their #ountr%. 9t )as a
"reat son" to put on the 5ietnam .ar +a#("roun&5 pa"e.
D%, Bhanh. +% TrJnh Con" Hon. Cho '(t N!"i N)% *u+n. 198K. Youtube. .e'. 24
Ma% 2014. /https011))).%outu'e.#om1)at#h6vEMHL'-CB"DMN4.
This son" )as use& on the 5Dieutenant Du5 pa"e )here 9 $oun& it $ittin" as it
)as tal(in" a'out sol&iers )ho &ie& in 'attle. 9t is some)hat melan#holi# an&
is in ietnamese.
5ietnam .ar Cuotations.5 Vietna% ,ar Quotations. .e'. 25 Ma% 2014.
This )e'site ha& a 2uote $rom .alt .hitman ,osto). 9 use& the 2uote on the
5ietnam .ar +a#("roun&5 pa"e. The 2uote is a'out the ietnam .ar an&
$its the pa"e ni#el%.
1950-1951. F-i./Ri0er. .e'. 1K Ma% 2014.
This "aller% has a pi#ture o$ a port in ;o Chi Minh Cit%, a photo"raph o$ t)o
%oun" ietnamese "irls )al(in" alon" the rue Catinat >Don" Bhoi? that )as
#olore&, a pi#ture o$ a )oman sellin" somethin" in Hai"on, an& a pi#ture o$
#hil&ren pla%in" an& 'athin" in the river in 1951 Hai"on. These pi#tures is
lo#ate& on the 5ietnam .ar +a#("roun&5 pa"e.
1989. NBC Ne1s. .e'. 20 Ma% 2014. /http011me&iaF.s-
! <9 "ets a #lose up pi#ture o$ Presi&ent -ixon as the presi&ent meets up )ith
the troops o$ the 1st 9n$antr% Division. This photo is on the 5Dieutenant Du5
1975. Hai"on. 2is.o0ery Ne1s. .e'. 20 Ma% 2014.
! photo ta(en &urin" the $all o$ Hai"on. 9t sho)s a ietnamese man tr%in" to
"et into the a over#ro)&e& #hopper 'ut is pun#he& '% an !meri#an eva#uee.
This photo is on the 5ietnam .ar +a#("roun&5 pa"e.
197K-1991. 197K-1991 Pulau +i&on" Camp. Re3uee Ca%4s. .e'. 25 Ma% 2014.
This )e'site ha& man% photos $rom the Pulau +i&on" 9slan& re$u"ee #amp
)here m% $ather )ent. 9 use& six o$ the photos as a sli&esho) on the 5@ourne%
to !meri#a5 pa"e.
5nh C6. Hi7% C8a &94 Ch$ #i3e V: Si Gn ;<=>. 1950. ;o Chi Minh Cit%.
?ienthu.. .e'. 2F Ma% 2014. /http011(ienthu#.net.vn1ta-ta%1anh-#u#-hiem-
! pi#ture o$ ;o Chi Minh Cit% 'e$ore the )ar. 9t )as a ver% ni#el% ta(en
photo an& &es#ri'es the pea#e$ulness at the time. There isn't mu#h "oin" on
an& loo(s pea#e$ul in the #it%. 9t is lo#ate& on the 5ietnam .ar +a#("roun&5
BBC. .e'. 25 Ma% 2014. /http011))).''#.#om1ne)s1ma"aLine-2F0F79574.
! photo"raph o$ a #ouple o$ ietnamese #hil&ren )al(in" to"ether )hile a
stoi# sol&ier is positione& near'%. This photo"raph )as use& on the pa"e
5ietnam .ar +a#("roun&5 an& )as the 'anner at the top o$ the pa"e.
Ben &re Countryside around Cai 'on. +en Tre. ,i/i4edia. .e'. 25 Ma% 2014.
!n ima"e o$ the +en Tre Provin#e. 9t is on the 5.ho is he65 pa"e a#tin" as
the 'anner.
5Cho MQt -"RSi Ta -Um VuWn".5 @nti1ar Sons. .e'. 24 Ma% 2014.
An this )e'site, there is a translation o$ Cho mQt n"RSi vTa nUm xuWn". 9t
)as ver% use$ul to have an& let's the listener un&erstan& the son". 9 put the
translation on the 5Translation5 pa"e o$ m% )e'site.
Collins, +ri"a&ier <eneral @ames Da)ton, @r. 5The Development an& Trainin" o$ the
Houth ietnamese !rm%, 1950-1972,5 &a-/inAroud. .e'. 15 Ma% 2014.
! photo"raph o$ a N.H. arm% a&viser an& a Houth ietnamese sol&ier. This
photo is on the 5Dieutenant Du5 pa"e.
5<eneva Con$eren#e +e"ins.5 HistoryB.o%. !X= Television -et)or(s. .e'. F0 Ma%
2014. /http011))).histor%.#om1this-&a%-in-histor%1"eneva-#on$eren#e-
The )e'site "ave me "reat in$ormation over the <eneva Con$eren#e an& ho)
the thin"s le& to the next. 9t sho)e& me ho) ietnam )as politi#all% 'e$ore
the )ar an& )hat happene& to ma(e the )ar possi'le.
5The ;istor% Pla#e - ietnam .ar 1945-1980.5 &he History A-a.e C Vietna% ,ar ;<D=C
;<E>. .e'. 29 Ma% 2014.
This )e'site "ave me a ver% lon" an& ver% thorou"h timeline. 9t )as ver%
use$ul to $in& thin"s 'e$ore the )ar.
S@HGFN. ma% 1980. GBSB @r%y Center o3 'i-itary History. .e'. 15 Ma%
! photo"raph o$ a Houth ietnamese tan( a&van#in" on the #ommunists. The
pi#ture is use& as a 'anner on the 5Dieutenant Du5 pa"e.
M%&ans, Carls. Suar Cane 3or Sa-e. Time X Di$e Pi#tures. BBC. .e'. 25 Ma% 2014.
! photo o$ a lar"e "roup o$ ietnamese people 'u%in" an& sellin" su"ar
#anes. This pi#ture is use& on the 5.ho is he65 pa"e.
F/-aho%a #ands.a4e. Gavorite Photos $rom Hummer 200K. Chases4i0ey. .e'. 2F Ma%
2014. /http011#hasespive%.$iles.)or&press.#om1201110711003544K-2.:p"6
! ni#el% ta(en photo o$ a small to)n in A(lahoma. This photo #oul& have
'een )hat m% &a& sa) in A(lahoma in the 19K0s. The pi#ture is use& on the
5@ourne% to !meri#a5 pa"e.
Phillip, Deslie !. 5Hhare& =xperien#es at ,e$u"ee Camp Create Dastin" +on&.5 &he
Star Fn-ine. Htar Pu'li#ations, 19 @an. 2011. .e'. 2F Ma% 2014.
This arti#le ha& t)o pi#tures that )ere $rom the Pulau +i&on" re$u"ee #amp. 9
use& them as a part o$ a sli&esho) on the 5@ourne% to !meri#a5 pa"e.
A-a.e%ent o3 &roo4s ;<E= 'arines Hn3antry. Vet3riends. .e'. 25 Ma% 2014.
! pi#ture o$ troops an& heli#opters "oin" to)ar&s the trees. 9t is e&ite& an&
pla#e& on the 5;ome5 pa"e as the 'anner.
Plantersville. &eJas Is.a4es. .e'. 22 Ma% 2014.
! photo o$ the post o$$i#e in $ront o$ the store o)ne& '% Chin Du. 9t )as the
$irst store that he ha&. 9 use& the pi#ture on the 5To&a%5 pa"e.
5Post-)ar ietnam.5 Con3-i.t in Vietna%. .e'. 20 Ma% 2014.
This )e'site #ontains "reat in$ormation a'out post-)ar ietnam. 9t )as ver%
use$ul an& &etaile&. There )asn't a lot o$ in$ormation a'out post-)ar ietnam
on other sites so this )as a "reat $in&.
&eJas B-uebonnet. &eJasB-uebonnetSihtins. .e'. 20 Ma% 2014.
! pi#ture o$ Texas 'lue'onnets is on this pa"e. 9 use& it as the 'anner $or the
5To&a%5 pa"e on m% )e'site.
Vietna% 'a4. Di"ital ima"e. Centers 3or 2isease Contro- and Are0ention. NH!."ov.
.e'. 22 Ma% 2014. /http011)))n#.#&#."ov1travel1ima"es1map-
The pi#ture is o$ ietnam - a small map &epi#tin" the ma:or #ities o$ the
!sian #ountr%. This pi#ture is on the 5.ho is he65 pa"e.
Vietna% 'a4. Di"ital ima"e. S.hoo-s K #oo/D. 2005-2014. .e'. 25 Ma% 2014.
!n outline o$ the #ountr% o$ ietnam. 9t )as use& on the 'anner on the
5;ome5 pa"e.
5ietnam Pro$ile.5 BBC Ne1s. ++C, 2014. .e'. 29 Ma% 2014.
This )e'site in#lu&es a lon" timeline that )as use$ul to learnin" a'out )hat
)as the ma:or points in the ietnam .ar. 9t )as one o$ the 'etter timelines
'e#ause the points summariLe& events in a short an& s)eet manner.
ietnam .ar, @une 1985. &heB-aLe. .e'. 25 Ma% 2014. /http011))).the'laLe.#om1)p-
! ietnamese $amil% is hu&&le& to"ether in 'oth $ear an& an"uish, pain in
their e%es. This pi#ture is lo#ate& on the 5ietnam .ar +a#("roun&5 pa"e.
Vietna%CC,ar. .e'. 25 Ma% 2014. /http011vietnam---
! $e) photos o$ 'oth !meri#an sol&iers an& Houth ietnamese sol&iers
&urin" the )ar. 9 use& $ive photos $rom this )e'site $or a sli&esho) on the
5Dieutenant Du5 pa"e.
,aterin the Fie-ds in Vietna%. 'M' Ahoto &ours B-o. .e'. 25 Ma% 2014.
! pi#ture o$ a )oman )aterin" the $iel&s. 9t is use& as the 'anner on
5Chil&hoo& to !&ulthoo&5 pa"e.

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