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Germany invades the Soviet Union...........................................1
Misery in Concentraton Camps................................................2
Are you safe?............................................................................3
Leter to Editor..........................................................................4
As supplies are very limited,
and the soldiers are in dire
need of supplies, we should
all work together as much as
we can to help the soldiers
to get their basic needs at a
minimum at least. lets
support our Troops.
The Germans has begun to attack shortly after invading The Soviet Union on
June 22, under the codename Operation Barbarossa. Although there were
a pact between the two, Germany invades in less than two years after it was
signed for the largest German military operation of World War II thus far.The
frst to arrive deep into Soviet territory were the Einsatzgruppen of the Security
Police and the SD (Sicherheitsdienst-SD).which the RSHA (Reichssicherheit-
shauptamt) tasked with identifying and eliminating persons who might organize
and implement resistance to the German occupation forces, identifying and con-
centrating groups of people who were hostile to German rule in the East, es-
tablishing intelligence networks, and securing key documentation and facilities.
Often known as mobile killing units, the
Einsatzgruppen initiated mass-murder op-
erations, primarily against Jewish males,
offcials of the Communist Party and State
and the Soviets, and, often with assistance
from German Army personnel, established
ghettos and other holding facilities to con-
centrate large numbers of Soviet Jews.
the SS and police, supported by locally re-
cruited auxiliaries, began to physically an-
nihilate entire Jewish communities in the
Soviet Union. Success both on the mili-
tary front and in the murder of the Soviet
Jews contributed to Hitlers decision to de-
port German Jews to the occupied Soviet
Union beginning on October 15, 1941.
Rumor has it, men who arrive
at the concentration camps are
forced to undress and shave off
hair to prevent lice. Their skin
is coated with a chemical dis-
infectant that creates a burning
sensation to fght off the disease
carrying lice.They all wear the
same uniforms and live in hor-
rible flth where the body odor of
the other prisioners reeks in the
With their stomachs growling, the men
breathe in the rotton scent of their next
meal. Thin soup often flled with specs of
dirt are what these men consumed. In ad-
dition to their horrible meals, these inno-
cent men are supposively forced to work
long hours with no breaks or water to
drink. Men who didnt work hard enough
would suffer severe beatings or were
often sent to killing camps where they
would suffer a horrible death. Breathing in
poisonous gas in gas chambers or being
shot, these innocent people are buried in
mass graves as if they never had a name.
It doesnt matter if you are eight years old or forty fve, the Nazis are coming
after you. Russians, Germans, the polish and people from others countries
are being sent to Concentration Camps, all over Europe. no matter what
your situation was, as long as you are someone in a group, you will be killed
by the German army. If you do get caught by the nazis, there is a lot that
could be done to you.

Firstly, Hitler has no mercy for children. 10% of children under the age of 16
are estimated to be alive. If you think thats bad, it gets worse. If a woman
that is sent to the camps are pregnant or thought to be pregnant, they are
immediately killed. Hitler is also very interested in twins and decided to have
several very violent experiments on not only them, but on dwarfs as well. Life
in the concentration camps are not good and is only going to get worse.
Dear Editor,
Although the people of germany believe there is hope for their new leader
Adolf Hitler, I believe he will bring germany down to its darkest hour. I found
the book he wrote himself called mein Kampf which depicts his hatred for
several groups of people,especially Jews. If he has the same mentality now
as he did when he wrote the book,then his persuasive words will brainwash
the citizens into believing that the Jews are the reason for their suffering.
Germany is going towards a darker path than they were after The World War.
Editors reply:
Dear worried for the future, As we have already seen, Hitler has done most
of if not all of the things that you mentioned would happen. There seems to
be no end in sight. I am not sure how Hitler became the chancellor of Ger-
many. His promises and charisma was the key to his success thus far. As
for the Jews, I dont think it will end at what Hitler has done so far to them.
His personal reason for his ha-
tred for the Jews is unknown at
the moment. Although Germany
seems to be heading towards
even darker times, I believe that
Europe will turn it around.

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