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El pasado simple se usa para hablar de acciones que ocurrieron en un momento

especfico del pasado.

Se puede expresar mediante un adverbio de tiempo pasado (yesterday, last week, a
minute ago, etc) o bien lo conocemos por las referencias del contexto. Por ejemplo: si
estoy hablando de lo que hacan los nios en la antigua Roma, tendr que expresarlo en

Most children in Roman times did not go to school= la mayora de los nios en Roma no
iban al colegio.

El verbo "to be" es especial a la hora de construir el pasado.
Es muy fcil, pues solo tiene dos formas: "was" y "were".

"Was" se usa con la primera y tercera persona del singular.
"Were" con el resto de las personas.

Las formas negativas son "wasn't" y "weren't"

La interrogativa se forma invirtiendo el orden: was/were + sujeto....?


Yesterday I was in class (Ayer estuve en clase)
Yesterday I wasn't in class (Ayer no estuve en clase)
Were you in class yesterday? (Estuviste en clase ayer?)

Estudia sus formas en esta tabla.

I was. I wasn't. Was I?
He was. He wasn't. Was he?
She was. She wasn't. Was she?
It was. It wasn't. Was it?
You were. You weren't. Were you?
We were. We weren't. Were we?
They were. They weren't. Were they?

Ahora vamos a estudiar el verbo HABER en PASADO:

Slo tiene dos formas:

There was + singular

There were + plural

There was There wasn't Was there...?
There were There weren't Were there...?

Ejemplos: Yesterday there was a strike (Ayer hubo una huelga)
Yesterday there wasn't a strike (Ayer no hubo una huelga)
Was there a strike yesterday? (Hubo una huelga ayer?)

Qu pasa con el resto de los verbos?

Se distinguen dos tipos de verbos segn la forma de construir el pasado: regulares e
El Simple Past en verbos regulares se forma aadiendo ed al infinitivo:
Infinitive: to work; Simple Past: worked

Verbos que acaban en e aaden d :
Infinitive: to love Simple Past: loved

Los verbos monoslabos que acaban en consonante y contienen una vocal duplican la
consonante final. stop-stopped

Los verbos bislabos duplican la consonante final cuando el golpe de voz cae en la
ltima slaba. admit-admitted

Los verbos que acaban en -l la duplican siempre: travel-travelled

Verbos que acaban en y y esta va precedida de una consonante cambian la y por i
antes de aadir ed:

carry-carried but played ( y detras de vocal no cambia)

Short answer
Short answer
I worked. I didn't work. Did I work? Yes, I did. No, I didn't.
He worked. He didn't work. Did he work? Yes, he did. No, he didn't.
She worked. She didn't work. Did she work? Yes, she did. No, she didn't.
It worked. It didn't work. Did it work? Yes, it did. No, it didn't.
You worked. You didn't work. Did you work? Yes you did. No, you didn't.
We worked. We didn't work. Did we work? Yes we did. No, we didn't.
They worked. They didn't work. Did they work? Yes they did. No, they didn't.

La forma negativa de los verbos regulares e irregulares se forma de igual
manera: didn't + infinitivo sin to
I didn't work; you didn't work; he didn't work; etc

La interrogativa de los verbos regulares e irregulares se forma igual: did +
sujeto + Infinitivo (sin to)
Did I work?; Did you work?; Did he work?; etc

Complete with the correct form of the verbs (SIMPLE PRESENT/PRESENT
1. I usually _____________(cycle) to work but today I __________ (drive)
2. It ___________________________________ (not rain) at the moment.
3. The first comics_______________________ (not be) about superheroes.
4. I _________(study) English last night and then I ________(have) a shower before bed.
5. We often __________________ (eat) paella for lunch.
6. They __________(fly) to Ireland last year and __________(go) to Dublin.
7. I _________________________ (watch) TV with my boyfriend now.
8. I always ______________________________ (do) my homework.
9. My cousins ___________________________(swim) in the sea now.
10. My mum never _________________ (sunbathe) in the beach.
11. I ________ (have) long hair when I was a little child, but now my hair is very short.
12. Janet ____________(write) a letter to George last night
13. We _____________(invite) our family for dinner last night
14. We always __________________ (invite) our family for dinner on Sunday.

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