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Essentialism- biologically differences that create behaviors in women

Intersectionality- recognition that gender is inextricably entwined with race, class, sexuality,
nationality and other major distinctions - -> Pretty Baby how her son who wore pink is
something that wouldnt normally be attributed to boys which made society see him as gay
Social institutions- how certain institutions shape how we see each other and ourselves (ex:
Family, school, media, language, law, medicine, etc.) The medical articles - -> causes us to think
differently about the reproductive system ( Waking Sleeping Beauty: The Premarital Pelvic
Exam and Heterosexuality During the Cold War, Thai piece about globalization of

The effect of social institutions is socialization
Heteronormativity- the suite of cultural, legal, and institutional practices that maintain
normative assumptions that there are two and only two genders, that gender reflects biological
sex, and that only sexual attraction between these opposite gender is natural or acceptable
1. This term is in Doing Gender which
Doing Gender- doing the gender role of what society expects of you ( girls to be feminine, like
dolls, boys to be strong)and
Feminist consumerism- Dove
Sexual double standard- how one genders behavior is seen as normal but isnt normal for the
other gender (ex: in lecture, straight girls are allowed to kiss other girls without being labeled as
a lesbian, but if boys were to do it, theyre seen as gay, 2) boys can have one nights stands
without being seen as a slut that girls would if they were to display the same behavior)
Hegemonic Masculinity- the most powerful vision of what masculinity is (most honored vision
of masculinity in society) (be strong, the one leading the women, no emotion, go to the gym,
(Disney article which shows how men should act toward a women, save them,
Masculinity in Globalization
Intersex- the physical human body that isnt defined as a certain gender (Medical Construction
of Gender - -> babies are intersex and doctors feel pressured by society to alter the babies so
that they are seen as normal in society)
Transsexual- change for one set of genitalia to other (not satisfied being one gender) - ->
Borderlands- geopolitical space between Mexican and U.S. borders. This theory offers new ways
of exploring relationships of power and domination, resistance, and agency among women and
men hitherto cast as marginalized others. (
Gender Binary- belief that there are only two genders : male and female - -> Transgender
articles- many people that disrupt belief of gender binary; Medical Construction of Gender
(babies that are neither male/ female must be fixed)
Compulsory Heterosexuality-Promotion to desire heterosexuality/ mandate that youll be
heterosexuality (Disney, Pretty Baby, j crew campaign that the boy had painted pink nails in

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