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Community Wilufiie Piotection Plans (CWPPs) iepiesent an impoitant oppoitunity foi
auuiessing the wilufiie challenges of the Wilulanu0iban Inteiface (W0I) in a way that
biings about compiehensive anu locally suppoiteu solutions to wilufiie issues. The fiist
step to piouucing a CWPP is convening local agencies anu expeits to uiscuss wilufiie
hazaius, fiie histoiy, conceins, anu iecommenueu piojects. Biinging the iesults of these
uiscussions to community membeis foi fuithei uiscussion anu pioject planning completes
the piocess. Fiom these uiscussions, the plan is cieateu anu signeu off by the piopei

The long-teim success of CWPPs will iequiie ueuicateu anu focuseu leaueiship along with
meaningful collaboiation by all paitneis. It is impoitant that agency anu oiganizational
leaueis unueistanu anu uemonstiate commitment to the unique ioles they play in
piouucing anu implementing effective CWPPs. It is also impoitant that agency anu othei
involveu entities commit to suppoiting anu assisting with the community-focuseu aspects of
the CWPP by attenuing community meetings anu piioiitizing community-pioviueu input
anu piojects. This is the key to ensuiing that community membeis iemain engageu in
wilufiie iisk ieuuction foi the long-teim.

Community Wilufiie Piotection Plans aie authoiizeu anu uefineu in Title I of the Bealthy
Foiests Restoiation Act (BFRA) passeu by Congiess on Novembei 21, 2uuS, anu signeu into
law by Piesiuent Bush on Becembei S. The BFRA is the legislative component of Piesiuent
Bush's Bealthy Foiests Initiative. The wilulanu- uiban inteiface (W0I) is one of the
iuentifieu piioiity aieas that qualify foi the use of ceitain expeuiteu enviionmental ieview
authoiities. The HFRA also emphasizes the need for agencies to work collaboratively with
communities in developing hazardous fuel reduction projects, and places priority on treatment
areas identified by communities themselves in a CWPP.

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1) Biings togethei goveinmental anu non-goveinmental entities whose aieas of
juiisuiction oi inteiest ueal with wilufiie.
2) Pioviues an oppoitunity foi uiveise paities to ieview the iesults of wilufiie hazaiu
assessments anu fiie histoiy maps togethei, heaiing anu consiueiing many
S) Asks paiticipants to pioviue wilufiie-ielateu conceins anu to co-uevelop piioiity
aieas anu wilufiie mitigation (pievention, pie-suppiession) piojects.
4) Assists in ueveloping an action plan foi implementing inuiviuual anu collaboiative
piojects to ieuuce the iisk of wilufiie anu inciease collaboiation.
S) Pioviues a feueially compliant uocument that opens uoois foi feueial funuing foi
wilufiie mitigation piojects in the wilulanu-uiban inteiface.

!"#"$$ &$'()$*+ ,"-".+/+-0 1*."-$2"0$3- PawallWlldflre.org
63-1279 kawalhae 8d. SLe 211, kamuela, Pl 96743 (808) 883-0900

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6) Biings the collaboiative knowleuge anu piioiities of uecision makeis, fiie expeits,
anu natuial iesouice manageis to the communities so that community membeis can
make uecisions baseu on the best available infoimation.
7) Asks paiticipants to pioviue wilufiie-ielateu conceins anu assists in ueveloping a list
of piioiitizeu piojects.
8) Initiates the foimation of community action teams to implement community-baseu
piojects uealing with fuels ieuuction, outieach, anu the ieuuction of stiuctuial

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Hawaii Wildfire Management Organization is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization dedicated to
protecting communities and natural resources in Hawaii from the devastating effects of wildfire.

Collaborative wildfire preparedness planning
Fuels management projects
Educational activities (youth and adults) related to wildfire prevention and preparedness
Projects to re-establish native plants that are more drought tolerant and/or fire resistant
Research and technical support, including GIS analysis and mapping
Defensible space inspections

Hawaii's ecosystems are not adapted to fire. Wildfires:
Threaten homes and lives
Destroy native forests and habitat
Cause soil erosion that:
Increases run off, impacting nearshore resources and water quality
Creates dust in high wind, affecting air quality and impacting human health
Increase the spread of invasive plants that are highly flammable

Hawaii Wildfire Management Organization
65-1279 Kawaihae Rd. Ste 211
Kamuela, HI 96743
Tel: (808) 885-0900

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