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Kelompok 3
1. Eni Novit S!i
". #k Din Novit$!i
3. Silmi %ti K&'mi!
(. )i*+ R&+' ,it!ini
A. B1k2!o'n*
Momordica charantia L-or often called
PARE, known by the public as a plant that
has a bitter taste. Howeer, bitter melon
also has a million benefits to health.
Pare includin! plants such as ines and
pumpkins sepiral panhandle. "he fruit is a lon! oal-shaped, rid!ed rind surface.
Althou!h bitter melon has a bitter taste, but many people who loe this plant to be
cooked as a side dish accompanyin! rice or e!etables, because this plant has its own
taste for the pleasures en#oyed.
"he herbalists often use bitter melon to treat diabetes because it can lower blood
su!ar leels, preentin! cancer, and inflammation.
B. P!o3lem ,o!m'ltion
$. %ynecolo!y pare.
$.$. &ntroduction pare
$.'. "he content of bitter melon fruit
'. Pare (enefits for patients diabethes mellitus.
'.$ "he benefits of bitter melon for people with diabetes mellitus
'.' How to use as a medicine pare
). Pare consumin! side effects in the lon! run
*. O34e1tive$
"o know that the bitter melon plant communities used as a e!etable, it is ery
beneficial to humans in terms of both health and as an in!redient in traditional
medicines and are also a source of itamins.
1. #n2!e*ient$ ,!'it P!e
1.1. #nt!o*'1tion p!e
(itter melon or bitter melon is a ine that ori!inated from tropical Asia,
especially the western re!ions of &ndia, namely Assam and (urma. Aan!!ota tribal
pumpkin-Labuan or *ucurbitaceae is commonly cultiated for material used as a
e!etable and medicine.Momordica name attached to the binomial name means
+bite+ that shows the description of the #a!!ed ed!es of the leaes which resemble
teeth marks.
(itter melon or bitter melon has many local names, in an area referred to as a
pariah ,aa, bitter melon, bitter melon, pepareh. &n -umatra, known as bitter melon
preiu, fori, pepare, kambeh, untouchable. People call it the marsh .usa "en!!ara,
truwuk, paitap, paliak, pariak, Pania, and pepule, while in -ulawesi, people call the
Poya, Pudu, penru, parsi belen!!ede, and palia.
1.2 T&e 1ontent o5 3itte! melon 5!'it
Pare contains protein, carbohydrate, and less fat. Pare is rich in calcium, iron and
phosphorus. /itamin prominent contained therein are itamin A and itamin *.
0rom research conducted in ,apan in '11) is also known that the seeds of bitter
melon is stron! enou!h anti-o2idants to fi!ht free radicals in the body that tri!!ers
the formation of cancer cells, acceleratin! a!in!, clo!!ed arteries, stroke, and
diabetes mellitus. Meanwhile momordica seeds also contain beneficial antiiral
protein )1 as an anti H&/ 3 A&4- 56hen! et al. $7778
%roer and 9ada, '11:;.
Accordin! to the research of 4r.. Man!estuti Apt, Ms,
faculty of the department of Pharmaco!nosy and
Phytochemistry 0aculty of Pharmacy, Airlan!!a <niersity -urabaya, bitter melon
fruit contains a compound cucurbitacin, momordicin, karatin, terpenoids,
hydro2ytryptamine, itamins A, (, and *. "he content of compounds that are similar
iinsulin polypeptide called polypeptide, efficacious lowerin! blood !lucose leels
Almost all parts of this plant, !ood seeds, flowers, leaes, and roots, efficacious
for the dru!. Howeer, bitter melon fruit is most commonly used for medicinal
in!redients, especially diabetes mellitus. Pharmacolo!ical effects of this plant and its
bitter cold, pare efficacious as anti-inflammatory, lowers blood !lucose leels, to
treat cou!h, sore throat, sore red eyes, rheumatism and ulcers dysentery.
"able $. .utrition 0ruit Pare
No. .utrition
$; ';
$ calorie 5ener!y; '',11 kal '7,11 kal
' Protein 1,71 ! $,$1 !
) 0at 1,:1 ! 1,)1 !
: *arbohydrates :,=1 ! =,=1 m!
> 0iber 1,71 ! -
= Abu 1,?1 m! -
? *alcium )',11 m! :>,11 m!
@ &ron 1,71 m! $,:1 m!
7 -odium ',11 m! -
$1 .iacin 1,1) m! -
$$ Phosphorus )',11 m! =:,11 m!
$' Potassium '$$,11 m! -
$) /itamin A ))>,11 -& $@1,11 -&
$: /itamin ($ 1,1= m! 1,1@ m!
$> /itamin (' 1,1) m! -
$= /itamin * >>,11 m! >),11 m!
$? Aater 7),): ! 7$,'1 !
$@ "he edible part - ??,11 B
-ourcesC $; 0ood *omposition 5$7=:; Handbook .o.. $ Manila 5Dnott ,E E
4eanon ,R 5$7=?;8 '; MFH 4irectorate of .utrition 5$7@$; inC Rukmana
" . P!e Bene5it$ 5o! Ptient$ 6it& Di3ete$ mellit'$
".1 T&e 3ene5it$ o5 3itte! melon 5o! people 6it& *i3ete$ mellit'$
4iabetes mellitus is one of the diseases caused by declinin! hormone produced
by the pancreas keln#ar . "he decrease in these hormones cause all of the su!ar
5 !lucose ; is consumed the body can not be manufactured perfectly so that !lucose
leels in the body will increase . -u!ar which include polysaccharides , di!osakarida
, disaccharides and monosaccharides are ener!y sources that support oerall human
actiity . "he whole of this su!ar will be processed into ener!y by the hormone
insulin , because people with diabetes mellitus will usually e2perience lethar!y ,
lack of ener!y , always feelin! thirsty, urinate freGuently and blurred ision , other
symptoms due to !lucose leels that are too hi!h will occur atheroma as a cause
kororer early heart disease .
Accordin! to data from the Aorld Health Fr!aniHation 5 AHF ; , &ndonesia
ranks as the world Is si2th country with the hi!hest number of people with diabetes
mellitus after &ndia , *hina , -oiet <nion , ,apan and (raHil . Recorded in $77> the
number of people with diabetes mellitus in &ndonesia has reached > million. &n '111
there were appro2imately >.= million people in &ndonesia who hae diabetes . (ut in
'11= estimated the number of diabetics in &ndonessia rose sharply to $: million
people .
"he hi!h rates of diabetes mellitus dru! is manufactured in the factory and on
the market seems to be Guite an impact on the purchasin! power of poor people ,
especially for people who pitch in the cate!ory of middle people , so it caused more
seere diabetes mellitus can een cause death .
Pare plants is one alternatie healin! diabetes mellitus , kiarena contain
saponins , flaonoids , and polyphenols 5 a powerful antio2idant ; , and !lycosides
cucrbitacin , momordidin , and charantin that can lower blood su!ar 5 Anoymous
'11?; .
-ince ancient times , are used to treat people with diabetes hae proen efficacious
hypo!lycemic by insulin plant which reduces the su!ar content in blood and urine .
Research on the hypo!lycemic efficacy was conducted by Ailliam 4."orres in
'11: both in itro and in io . Pare effects in lowerin! blood su!ar in animal work
by preentin! the intestines absorb su!ar is eaten . Additionally pare alle!edly has a
component that resembles a sulfonylurea , the most old antidiabetic dru! . "hese
dru!s stimulate beta cells 5 J ; pancreatic !lands of the body produce more insulin ,
and increase the su!ar reseres of !lyco!en deposits in the lier . Momordisin ,
similar !lukosidaa also contained in bitter melon can lower blood su!ar leels and
help the pancreas produce insulin .
(itter melon as an antidiabetic discoery was confirmed by the results of a
(ritish study dru! e2pert , A.Raman and *.lau in $77= which stated that the e2tract
of bitter melon fruit and dry powder causes a reduction in !lucose leels in darahdan
improe !lucose tolerance . &n traditional medicine , bitter melon fruit pounded to
produce a bitter liGuid or boilin! the leaes and fruit to produce water that can be
drunk directly . As a diabetes medication , bitter melon fruit can be sered as a tea
because it proed to hae no side effects on the di!estie system so that appropriate
consumption by patients who e2perience constipation .
"." Ho6 to '$e $ me*i1ine p!e
Accordin! to 4ra . Emma - Airakusuma , a nutritionist at the (o!or &nstitute
of A!riculture , the use of bitter melon as better medicine made especially dahuli
e2tract . "he trick , deseeded pare thinly sliced , dried in the sun to dry . &f the slices
are dry pare , do subtle hinn!!a millin! or !rown , then diayah . Any time you want
to use only need the warm water . &n addition to lon!-lastin! , this method can
en!uran!i bitter taste .
How to oercome pare utiliHation 4iabetes Mellitus , ie by "ake ' pare , wash
and mash and add half cup water . -tir and sGueeHe . 4rink potions as much as $ day
. Repeated for ' weeks . Pare for the use of seeds , namely by proidin! '11 !rams
of melon seeds , melon seeds then roasted until dry and finely !round . After the
cold stored in #ars . How to use $1 !rams of seed powder makers pare with boiled
water to drink ) times a day .
How to use C '11 !r pare washed and blended . Add water to taste . Arin! the
cloth until collected a Guarter piece of !lass . Aarm the #uice oer low heat subs $>-
)1 minutes . After a cold , drink , do eery day . Fr '11 !rams of washed and pare
diirs - thin slices . (oil ) cups of water until the remainin! $ cup , after cold
filtered . 4rink , do eery day .
How to use , '11 ! of fresh bitter melon fruit is washed and blended . Add
enou!h water , then sGueeHed with a piece of cloth to collect as much as >1 ml 5 a
Guarter cup ; . ,uice warmed oer low heat for $>-)1 minutes . After a cold drink ,
do eery day .
".3 P!e 1on$'min2 $i*e e55e1t$ in t&e lon2 !'n.
Althou!h bitter melon has many nutrients and can be used to maintain health, but
pare .F" be consumed by women who are pre!nant because e2periments in mice
bitter melon #uice !iin! cause miscarria!e, AL-F -HF<L4 .F" be consumed by
women who are breastfeedin! their babies, because the content entered into breast
milk and not !ood for the baby. Pare could reduce fertility it is not well taken by
couples who are youn! and still want to hae children.
Pare consumption in the lon! run, both in the form of #uice, salad or e!etable,
can kill sperm, tri!!er impotence, dama!e the testes and male hormones, een
potentially dama!e the lier 5(asch et al. '11)8 Lord et al. '11);.
1 . Con1l'$ion$
Research related to the utiliHation of plant Pare proe that , pare can use to
maintain the health and illness that are not easily affected by infections , iruses and
diseases includin! malaria . "he herbalists !enerally use bitter melon to treat diabetes
because it can lower blood su!ar leels , preent cancer , inflammation 5 swellin! ;
and inflammation of the prostate and prostate cancer .
Een thou!h !ood for maintainin! health , pare breast-feedin! women should
not be consumed because it is not !ood for the baby . Pre!nant women are not
allowed to consume bitter melon e2cess because it can cause miscarria!e . As herbal
antifertilitas has been done both in males and females . Howeer, from the aboe
description it can be concluded that the plant Pare 5 Momordica charantia L ; can be
considered as a potential herbal in!redients antifertilitas.
" . S'22e$tion
Eerythin! that is beneficial to health in accordance with atuaran consumed .
&f consumed berlabihan or in the lon! term will ineitably cause effects to our
health .
4wi Hastuti Kodari . 5 '117; . -uction "ablet 0ormulation Leaf E2tract II Pare
5 Momordica charantia L. ; <sin! II II II As !ummi arabicum 0astener Materials &n
Aet %ranulation . -urakarta C -urakarta Muhammadiyah <niersity . "hin! . )
Rosales , M4 , R. 8 R.0ernando 5 ,uly '11$ ; . + An inGuiry into the hypo!lycemic
Action of Momordica charantia amon! type - ' diabetic Patients + . Philippine
,ournal of &nternal Medicine )7 C '$: .
Rospita 5'11' ; , Peri Radish Plant Life 5 Rapharus satius ; , "asikmalaya C (iolo!y
Education Pro!ram "eacher "rainin! and Education 0aculty of the <niersity of
-iliwan!i , p . $
-riutami , -prott 5'11@ ; , Effects 0lour 0ruit %iin! Pare 5 Momordica charantia l . ;
A!ainst (lood
-erum Profile 0at Rat 5 Rattus nore!icus ; , (o!or C .utrition -cience Pro!ram 0aculty
of Animal Husbandry and 0ood , (o!or A!ricultural <niersity , p . iii
-udarsono , 4. %unawan , -. Aahyono , &.A. 4onatus , and Purnomo . , '11'. II Plant
Medicine && II . .ew 9orkC *enter for "raditional Medicine <%M .
Ailliams ,0 , .! .F . , $7?$. /ariation within Momordica charantia L. "he (itter
%ourd 5 *ucurbitaceae ; . Ann . (o!oriensis , = C $$$ .

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