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Oracle!"!# Appl
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Friday, 24 August 2012
Oracle Apps Technical Interview uesti!ns Answers
1) What is SET-OF-BOOKS?
Collection of Chat of Accounts and Currency and Calendars is called SO
2) How can u ca a stan!a"! int#"$ac# %"o&"a' $"o' s( o" %)s( co!#?
FND_CONCSUB"can su/0it conc 1ro2ra0 in host en3iron0ent(
.) PL)S/L sto"#! %"oc#!u"# %a"a'#t#"s? o" what a"# th# two %a"a'#t#"s that a"# 'an!ato"0 $o" %)s(
t0%# concu""#nt %"o&"a'?
$rocedure+function "ERRBUF OUT RETCODE OUT 4444444.(
ERRBUF 5. Used to 6rite the error 0essa2e to lo2 or re7uest file.
RETCODE 5. $o1ulate lo2 re7uest file 6ith 1ro2ra0 su/0ission details info.
1) What is 2au# S#t?
..The 3alue set is a collection "or( container of 3alues.
..8hen e3er the 3alue set associated 6ith any re1ort 1ara0eters. !t 1ro3ides list of 3alues to the end user to
acce1t one of the 3alues as re1ort 1ara0eter 3alue.
.. !f the list of 3alues needed to /e dyna0ic and e3er chan2in2 and define a ta/le /ased 3alues set.
3) What " th# 4ai!ation t0%#s?
9( None ........ 3alidation is 0ini0al.
:( !nde1endent ......in1ut 0ust e;ist on 1re3iously defined list of 3alues
<( De1endent ......in1ut is chec=ed a2ainst a su/set of 3alues /ased on a 1rior 3alue.
<( Ta/le ..... in1ut is chec=ed a2ainst 3alues in an a11lication ta/le
>( S1ecial ......3alues set uses a fle; field itself.
?( $air ...... t6o fle; fields to2ether s1ecify a ran2e of 3alid 3alues.
@( Translata/le inde1endent ..... in1ut 0ust e;ist on 1re3iously defined list
of 3aluesA translated 3alues can /e used.
B( Translata/le de1endent ....... in1ut is chec=ed a2ainst a su/set of 3alues
/ased on a 1rior 3aluesA translated 3alue can /e used.
5) What is t#'%at#?
a( The TE$'ATE for0 is the re7uired startin2 1oint for all de3elo10ent of ne6 For0s.
/( The TE$'ATE for0 includes 1latfor0Cinde1endent attach0ents of se3eral 'i/raries.
APPSCO+E 6- !t contains 1ac=a2e and 1rocedures that are re7uired of all for0s to su11ort the ENUS
APPS7A8PK 6- !t contains 1ac=a2es that control the oracle a11lications CA'ENDER FEATURES.
FN7S/F 6- it contains 1ac=a2es and 1rocedures for ESSA-E D!CTONARD% F'E& F!E'DS% $ROF!'ES
C,STO- 6- it allo6s e;tension of oracle a11lications for0s 6ith out 0odification of oracle a11lication code%
you can use the custo0 li/rary for custo0iEation such as 9oo' " such as 0o3in2 to another for0 and 7ueryin2 u1
s1ecific records(
:) What a"# a!-hoc "#%o"ts?
Ans.5 Ad.hoc Re1ort is 0ade to 0eet one.ti0e re1ortin2 needs. Concerned 6ith or for0ed for a
1articular 1ur1ose. For e;a01le% ad hoc ta; codes or an ad hoc data/ase 7uery
;) What is "#s%onsi<iit0? <
!s collection of 0enus% re7uest security 2rou1s and data 2rou1s
-#nus5 collection of for0s is nothin2 /ut 0enus
+#(u#st s#cu"it0 &"ou%s5 collection of 1ro2ra0s.
7ata &"ou%s5 is a 2rou1 of 0odules to /e 0ade accessi/le /y the user throu2h Res1onsi/ility
S0st#' a!'in
1=) What a"# !i$$#"#nt #>#cution '#tho!s o$ #>#cuta<s?
Fle;R1t The e;ecution file is 6rnitten usin2 the Fle;Re1ort A$!.
Fle;S7l The e;ecution file is 6ritten usin2 the Fle;S7l A$!.
)ost The e;ecution file is a host scri1t.
Oracle Re1orts The e;ecution file is an Oracle Re1orts file.
$'+SQ' Stored $rocedure The e;ecution file is a stored 1rocedure.
SQ'F'oader The e;ecution file is a SQ' scri1t.
SQ'F$lus The e;ecution file is a SQ'F$lus scri1t.
SQ'FRe1ort The e;ecution file is a SQ'FRe1ort scri1t.
S1a6ned The e;ecution file is a C or $roFC 1ro2ra0.
!00ediate The e;ecution file is a 1ro2ra0 6ritten to run as a su/routine of the concurrent 0ana2er. 8e
reco00end a2ainst definin2 ne6 i00ediate concurrent 1ro2ra0s% and su22est you use either a $'+SQ' Stored
$rocedure or a S1a6ned C $ro2ra0 instead.
Co'%osit# 7atat0%#s 5
$'+SQ' TAB'ES + $'+SQ' RECORDS + Nested TAB'E + ,ARRAD
What is th# s#(u#nc# o$ $unctions ? &"ou% <0@ha4in&@o"!#"<0 in a s##ct stat#'#nts ?
Select4..-rou1 /y4)a3in24Order/y..
7i$$#"#nc# <#tw##n ,s#" an! Su%#" ,s#"? >
User 5 lo2in user or front end user
Su1er user 5 it has full access of 1articular 0odule
11) O"ac# E-Busin#ss suit#?
Oracle apps + analytical components software.
"Oracle disco3er( "Oracle sales analyEer( "Oracle financial analyEer( "Oracle 0ar=etin2 analyEer(
12) What is 'uti o"&?
AL#&a #ntit0 has 'o"# than on# o%#"atin& unit is ca#! as 'uti o"&B
a( Business 2rou1 ... )u0an resources infor0ation is secured /y Business 2rou1
/( 'e2al entity. ... inter.co01any and fiscal+ta; re1ortin2.
o%#"atin& unitC
c( O1eratin2 unit ... secures AR% OE% A$% $A and $O !nfor0ation.
d( Or2aniEations ... is a s1ecialiEe unit of 6or= at 1articular locations
1*) What is E+P? A"chit#ctu"# o$ a%%s?
A 1ac=a2ed /usiness soft6are syste0 that lets a co01any auto0ate and inte2rate the 0aGority of its /usiness
1rocessesA share co00on data and 1ractices across the enter1riseA HandI 1roduce and access infor0ation in a real.
ti0e en3iron0ent.
. 1.)What is in4oic#? Send you a re7uest for 1ay0ent
11 7ata LinD
. Data lin=s relate the results of 0ulti1le 7ueries.
. A data lin= "$arent . Child Relation Shi1( causes the child 7uery to /e e;ecuted once for each instance of its
1arent 2rou1.
13 In which ta<#s FF a"# sto"#!?
A( FND . !D . F'E&S
15)O"ac# A%%ications A"chit#ctu"#
. !nternet co01utin2 Architecture is a fra0e 6or= for <.tired% distri/uted co01utin2 that su11orts Oracle
A11lications 1roducts.
. The Three tiers are
9 Data Base Tier
: A11lication Tier
< Des= To1 Tier
. Data/ase tier 0ana2es Oracle Ji data/ase.
. A11lication tier 0ana2es Oracle A11lications and other tools.
. Des=to1 tier 1ro3ides the user interface dis1lace.
. 8ith internet co01utin2 architecture% only the 1resentation layer of Oracle A11lications is on the Des= To1 tier
in the for0 of a 1lu2.in to a standard internet /ro6s
1:) List o$ so'# APIS
1;)How to &#t s#con! %a"a'#t#" 4au# <as#! on $i"st %a"a'#t#"?
Kfle ; K 3alue setna0e.
2=)How to ca WHO cou'ns into th# $o"'
$ro3ides infor0ation a/out the for0.
Should /e called for0 6hen_ne6_for0 . instance . instance tri22er.
:. FND_standard.set_6ho
loads 8)O colu0ns 6ith 1ro1er user infor0ation.
Should /e called fro0 $RE_U$DTE and $RE_!NSERT
Tri22ers for each /loc= 6ith 8)O fields
!f this is used FND.-'OBA' need not /e called. "FND_-'OBA'.8)O(
This is a function 6hich returns date.
Beha3e e;actly li=e SDSDATE /uilt.in.
This is a function 6hich returns 3archar:
Beha3es e;actly li=e /uilt in USER.
A$$_RE-!ON B
2*)How to ca $#> $i#!s in th# $o"'?
By usin2 FND_F'E&.E,ENT "E,ENT 3archar :(
)o6 to re2ister an e;ecuta/le and define a concurrent 1ro2ra0 throu2h /ac=endL
By usin2 concurrent 1rocessin2 A$!S
<. FND_F!'E . $UT
. $UT_'!NE
. !N CO$AT!B!'!TD
. -ET_$RO-RA
.!N CO$AT!B!'!TD
. is used to define a concu0ent 1ro2ra0 e;ecuta/le
. it ta=es J 1ara0eters " all are !N 0ode (
synta; 1rocedure FND_$RO-RA.E&ECUTAB'E
"e;ecuta/le !N 3archar:%
"Full na0e(
descri1tion !N 3archar: default null
e;ecution_0ethod !N 3archar:%
e;ecution_file_na0e !N 3archar: default null%
icon_na0e !N 3archar: default null%
lan2ua2e_code !N 3archar: default ",S(
. this 1rocedure no used to define a concu0ent 1ro2ra0.
. !t has <O !N 1aran0eters. Out of 6hich N are 0andatory% the re0ainin2 are default.
"1ro2ra0 !N 3archar:%
a11lication !N 3archar:%
ena/led !N 3archar:%
short_na0e !N 3archar:%
descri1tion !N 3archar:% default null% 9O
e;ecuta/le_a11lication !N 3archar:%
0ls_function_shelt_na0e !N 3archar:%
0ls_function_a11lication !N 3archar:%
inere0entor !N 3arhcar:(A
2.C How to "#&ist#" a ta<# an! cou'ns th"ou&h <acD #n!?
F /y usin2 AD_DD 1ac=a2e
. for re2isterin2 a ta/le
. AD_DD B$! doesnt chec= for the e;istence of the re2istered ta/le or colu0n in the data /ase sche0a% /ut only
u1dates the re7uired SQ' ta/les.
. !t should /e ensured that% all the ta/les and colu0ns re2istered e;ist actually and ha3e the sa0e for0at as that
defined usin2 AD_DD A$!.
. ,ie6s need not /e re2istered.
21C How to w"it# to a $i# th"ou&h concu""#nt %"o&"a'C
F By usin2 FND_F!'E 1ac=a2e and it can /e used only for lo2 and out1ut files.
. this is used to 6rite te;t to a file 6ith out a ne6 line character
. ultilane calls to FND_F!'E.$UT 6ill 1roduce consu00ated te;t.
$rocedure FND_F!'E.$UT "6hich !N Nu0/er% Buff !N 3archar:(A
. can /e FND_F!'E.'O- or FND_F!'E.OUT$UT.
. this 1rocedure as used to 6rite a line of te;t to a file follo6ed /y a ne6 line character.
$rocedure FND_F!'E.$UT_'!NE "6hich !N nu0/er% /uff !N 3archar:(A
E&5. FND_F!'E.$UT_'!NE" FND_F!'E.'O-% find_0essa2e_2et(A
. this 1rocedure is used to 6rite line ter0inators to a file
1rocedure FND_F!'E.NE8_'!NE "6hich !N nu0/er '!NES !N NATURA'5P9(A
E;5. to 6rite t6o ne6line characters to a lo2 file
Fnd_file.ne6_line "fnd_file.lo2%:(A
. this 1rocedure as used to set the te01orary lo2 file and out1ut filena0es and the te01orary directory to the user
s1ecified 3alues.
. This should /e called /efore callin2 0y other FND_F!'E 1rocedure and only once 1er a session.
23)Function FN7E+E/,ESTCS,B-ITE+E/,EST
" a11lication in 3archar: default null%
1ro2ra0 in 3archar: default null%
descri1tion in 3archar: default null%
start.ti0e in 3archar: default null%
su/_re7uest in /oo=an default False%
ar2u0ent 9OO( return nu0/erA
F !f this is su/0itted fro0 oracle for0s% all the ar2u0ents " 9 to 9OO ( 0ust /e s1ecified. 9:
25C How to su<'it concu""#nt %"o&"a's th"ou&h OS?
. Fro0 the o1eratin2 syste0 the utility .CONCSUB is used to su/0it is concurrent 1ro12ra0.
. This is /asically used to test a concurrent 1ro2ra0 .
. By usin2 the 8A!T to=en. The utility chec=s the re7uest status e3ery @O seconds and returns the OS 1ro01t
u1on co01letion of the re7uest.
. Concurrent 0ana2er doesnot a/ort% shutdo6n or start u1 until the concurrent re7uest co01letes.
F !f the concurrent 1ro2ra0 is co01ati/le 6ith it self% it can /e chec=ed for data inte2rity and dead loc=s /y
su/0ittin2 it 0any ti0es so that it runs concurrently 6ith it self.
F$'+SQ' 1rocedures can su/0it a re7uest to run a 1ro2ra0 as a concurrent 1rocess /y callin2.
F Before su/0ittin2 a re7uest% the follo6in2 functions also should /e called o1tionally.
2:C How to ch#cDs th# "#(u#st stat#s?
. A $'+SQ' 1rocedure can chec= the status of a concurrent re7uest /y callin2.
. This function returns the status of a concurrent re7uest
. !f the re7uest is already co01uted% it also returns the co01letion 0essa2e.
. This function returns /oth user friendly "translata/le( 1hase and status 3alues as 6ell as de3elo1er 1hase and
status 3ales that can dri3e 1ro2ra0 lo2ic. 9<
" re7uest_id in out nu0/er%
a11lication in 3archar: default null%
1ro2ra0 in 3archar: default null%
1hase out 3archar:%
status out 3archar%
de3_1hase out 3archar:%
de3_status out 3archar:%
0essa2e out 3archar:( return BOO'EANA
. 6hen a11lication and 1ro2ra0 are s1ecified% the re7uest_id of the last re7uest for the s1ecified 1ro2ra0 should
/e returned to re7uest_id.
. $hase% and status 3alues should /e ta=en fro0
de3_1hase de3_status
1endin2 nor0al% stand/y% scheduled% 1aused
runnin2 nor0al% 6aitin2% resu0in2% ter0inatin2.
Co01lete nor0al% Error% 6arnin2% cancelled% ter0inated
!nacti3e disa/led% on.hold% No.0ana2er% su1ended
. This function 6aits for re7uest co01letion% then returns the re7uest 1hase+status and co01letion 0essa2e to the
. -oes to slee1 /et6een chec=s for re7uest co01letion.
" re7uest_id in nu0/er default null%
inter3al in nu0/er default @O%
0a;_6ait in nu0/e default O% 9>
1hase out 3archar:%
status out 3archar:%
de3_1hase out 3archar:%
de3_status out 3archar:%
0essa2e out 3archar:( return BOO'ENA
. this function should /e called fro0 a concurrent 1ro2ra0 to set its co01letion states.
. This function returns TRUE on success% other 6ise FA'SE.
" status in 3archar:%
0essa2e in 3archar:( return BOO'EANA
status 6arnin2
2;C What is th# "#ason $o" not &#ttin& an0 !ata wh#n a 'uti o"& 4i#w is (ui"#!?
. to 2et the data correctly% the ;;;.A'' 0ust /e referenced and the OR-_!D 3alue should /e s1ecified to e;tract
1ortioned data.
. ultior2 3ie6s are 1artitioned /y usin2 OR-_!D.
. So access throu2h 0ultior2 3ie6s 6ill not return any roes% as the C'!ENT_!NFO ,alue is not set
. Use )R_O$ERAT!N- UN!TS to identify the or2aniEation _id of the OU on 6hich 7uery is /ased.
. Use FND_C'!ENT_!NFO 1ac=a2e to set the 3alue in C'!ENT !N$O usin2 set_or2_contest.
. E;ecute fnd_client_info. Set_or2_conte;t "#Qor2_idR(A
. No6 7uryin2 of 0ultior2 3ie6s can /e done. 9?
*=C How !o 0ou $in! that 'uio"& is insta#!?
. 0ulti or2aniEation architecture is 0eant to allo6 0uli1le co01anies or su/sidiaries to store their records 6ith in
a sin2le data /ase.
. ulti1le or2aniEation Architecture allo6s this /y 1artitionin2 data throu2h 3ie6s in A$$S sche0a.
. !01le0entation of ulti or2 2enerally includes 0ore than one /usiness 2rou1.
F To =no6 6hether 0ultior2 is e;istin2 or not
select 0ulti_or2_fla2
for0 fnd_1roduct_2rou1s(
. if the result is #D 0eans the data/ase is 2rou1 for 0ultior2
*1C what a"# Han!#"s?
F )andler is a 2rou1 of 1ac=a2ed 1rocedures 6hich is used /y Oracle A11lications to or2aniEe . $'+SQ' code in
. )andlers 1ro3ide a 6ay to centraliEe the code so that it /eco0es easier to de3elo1% 0aintain and de/u2.
. The 1ac=a2ed 1rocedures a3aila/le in a handler are called for0 the tri22ers /y 1assin2 the na0e of the tri22er
as an ar2u0ent for the 1rocedure to 1rocess.
F )andlers are ty1es 5. 9( !te0 )andlers
:( E3ent )andlers
<( Ta/le )andlers
>( Business Rules
. )andlers reside in 1ro2ra0 units in the for0 or in stored 1ac=ed in the data/ase.
*2)A!!in& Ta<# han!#" Lo&ic
Codin2 lo2ic for 6indo6 and alternati3e re2ion control.
Addin2 fin.6indo6s and+or RO8.'O,S and ena/le 7uery.find.
Codin2 lo2ic for ite0 relations such as de1endent fields.
Codin2 0essa2es to use 0essa2e dictionary. 9@
Addin2 FF lo2ic if re7uired.
Addin2 choices to the s1ecial 0ence and lo2ic to 0odify choices the default 0enu and tool /ar /eha3ior is
Codin2 any other lo2ic.
Creatin2 a for0 function for the de3elo1ed for0 and re2isterin2 any su/ functions.
Testin2 the for0 /y it self.
Re2isterin2 the for0 6ith AO'.
Addin2 the for0 function to a 0enu or creatin2 custo0 0ence.
Assi2nin2 the 0enu to the res1onsi/ility and assi2nin2 the res1onsi/ility to the user.
Testin2 the for0 6ithin Oracle A11lications.
**)+#&ist#"in& o$ A%%ication@ $o"' an! a concu""#nt %"o&"a' th"ou&h A%%ication !#4#o%#"
QA11lication + Re2ister R
QA11lication + For0R
QA11lication + FunctionR
enu5. QA11lication + enuR
essa2es5. QA11lication + essa2esR
Ta/le5. QData/ase +Ta/leR
Se7uence5. QData/ase + ,ie6R
Concurrent $ro2ra00e5. QConcurrent + E;ecuta/leR
QConcurrent + $ro2ra0R 9B
A%%ication 7#4#o%#" F+#s%onsi<iit0)
. Docu0ent Entities 9J
. Docu0ent Cate2ories
. Attach0ent Functions
. Run
.Chan2e Or2aniEation
.Runnin2 To/s
SMey SDescri1ti3e
.Re2ister .Re2ister
.Se20ents .Se20ents
.Aliases .,alues
.Cross ,alidation
.,alues S'oo=u1s
.-rou1s .A11lication O/Gect 'i/rary
.Accounts .Co00on
SData/ase S,alidation
.Ta/le .Set
.,ie6 .,alues
.Se7uence 9N
'e;ical references cannot /e 0ade in $l+SQ' state0ents.
Bind references can /e done in a $'+SQ' state0ents.
'e;ical 1ara0eters can /e referenced /y enterin2 an a01usand " ( follo6ed i00ediately /y the colu0n na0e or
Before creatin2 the 7uery% a colu0n or 1ara0eter in the data 0odel should /e created for each le;ical reference in
the 7uery.
For le;ical 1ara0eters% initial 3alue 0ust /e defined so that re1ort /uilder uses this 3alue to 3alidate the 7uery
6ith a le;ical reference.
!f Oracle re1orts are e;ecuted /y a concurrent 1ro2ra0% "for Oracle Re1orts $ro2ra0(% then a =ey6ord or a
1ara0eter 6ith the sa0e na0e as in the re1ort /uilder% should /e defined 6hich for each 1ara0eter% 6hich is
=no6n as ta=en.
This is used to 1ass the 1ara0eters to the re1orts fro0 the a11lication "SRS 8indo6(
+#(u#st S#t
Re7uest set is the 2rou1 of re7uests% that can /e su/0itted re2ularly usin2 a sin2le transaction.
These are the list of 1ro2ra0s that can /e defined as inco01ati/le 6ith a 1ertain 1ro2ra0.
!f any 1ro2ra0 is defined as inco01ati/le to a 1articular 1ro2ra0% then that 1ro2ra0 should not run
si0ultaneously 6ith the concurrent 1ro2ra0% /ecause they 0i2ht interfere 6ith its e;ecution.
A%%ication 7#4#o%#" +#s%onsi<iit0
2a"ious Sc"##ns
7i$$#"#nt E>#cuta<# -#tho!s
9 )ost
: !00ediate
< Ta3a Stored $rocedure
> Ta3a Concurrent $ro2ra00e :O
? ulti 'an2ua2e Function
@ Oracle Re1orts
B $'+SQ' stored $rocedure
J Re7uest set sta2e function
N S1a6ned
9O SQ'F'oader
99 SQ'F$lus
QConcurrent+'i/raryR Concurrent 'i/rary
'i/rary ty1es Transaction 'i/rary
Access 'e3els E;tensi/le
'ist of 3alues
'ist ty1es 'on2 'ist of ,alues
No security
Security ty1e )irea;hial Security
Non.hirea;hial Security
For0at ty1e Date
Date ti0e
Nu0/er :9
Standard date
Standard date ti0e
,alidation ty1es Res1ondent
Translata/le !nde1endent
Translata/le De1endent
QAttach0ents + Attach0ent FunctionsR
ty1e for0
*.C What is a 7ata H"ou%?
. A data 2rou1 is a 2rou1 of oracle a11lications and the Oracle !Ds of each a11lication
. Oracle !D 2rants access 1ri3ile2es to ta/les in an Oracle Data/ase
. Data 2rou1 deter0ines 6hich Oracle Data /ase accounts a res1onsi/ilities for0s% concurrent 1ro2ra0s and
re1orts connect to.
*1C What is a +#s%onsi<iit0?
. Res1onsi/ility defines A11lications $ri3ile2es
. A res1onsi/ility is a le3el of authority in Oracle A11lications that lets users only those Oracle A11lications
functions and data a11ro1riate to their roles in an or2aniEation.
. Each user has at list one or 0ore res1onsi/ilities and se3eral users can share the sa0e res1onsi/ility ::
F Each res1onsi/ility allo6s access to
. a s1ecific a11lication or a set of a11lications.
. A set of /oo=s
. A restricted list of 6indo6s that an user can na3i2ate
. Re1orts in a s1ecific a11lication.
*3C What a"# s#cu"it0 Att"i<ut#s?
. Security Attri/utes are used /y Oracle self ser3ice 6e/ A11lications to allo6 ro6s of data to /e 3isi/le to
s1ecified users res1onsi/ilities /ased on the s1ecific data contained in the ro6.
*5C What is a P"o$i# O%tion?
. 1rofile o1tions are the set of chan2ea/le o1tions that affects ho6 the a11lication loo=s and /eha3es.
. By settin2 1rofile o1tions% the a11lications can /e 0ade to react in different 6ays for different users de1endin2
on the s1ecific user attri/utes.
*:C What a"# st#%s in4o4#! in !#4#o%in& a $#> $i#!?
. desi2nin2 the ta/le structure
. creatin2 fields on the for0 ",isi/le+)idden(
. callin2 a11ro1riate routines
. re2istration of the fle; field.
. Definition of the fle; field.
QFle; fields + =ey+ Re2isterR
QFle; fields+Descri1tions + Re2isterR
*;C What is an a%%ication )-o!u#?
. A11lication is a collection of for0s% function and 0enus
.=)FN7EP+OH+A- PacDa&#
$rocedure FND_$RO-RA. E;ecuta/le !S :<
"e;ecuta/le in ,archar:%
a11lication in 3archar:% "full na0e(
short_na0e in 3archar:% "e;ecuta/le short na0e(
descri1tion in 3archar: default NU''%
e;ecution_0ethod in 3archar:%
e;ecution_file_na0e in 3archar: default null%
Su/ro6line_na0e in 3archar: default null% "only for s1a6ned i00ediate(
!con_na0e in 3archar: default null%
'an2ua2e_code in 3archar: default #US%
E;ecution_file_1ath in 3archar: default null(A
For Ta3a Concurrent $ro2ra0.
$rocedure FND_$RO-RA.Re2ister !S
"$ro2ra0 in 3archar:%
a11lication in 3archar:%
ena/led in 3archar:%
short_na0e in 3archar:%
descri1tion in 3archar:% default null%
e;ecuta/le_short_na0e in 3archar:%
e;ecuta/le_a11lication in 3archar:%
e;ecution_o1tions in 3archar:% default null%
1riority in nu0/er default null%
sa3e_out1ut in 3archar: default #D% :>
1rint in 3archar: dafault #D%
cols in 3archar: default null%
ro6s in 3archar:% default null%
style in 3archar:% default null%
style_re7uired in 3archar:% default #N%
1rinter in 3archar:% default null%
Re7uets_Ty1e in 3archar:% default null%
Re7uest_ty1e_A11lication in 3archar: default null%
Use_in_Srs in 3archar:% default #N%
Allo6_disa/led_3aluer in 3archar: default #N%
Run_alone in 3archar: default #N%
Out1ut_ty1e in 3archar: default #TE&T%
Ena/le_trace in 3archar: default #N%
Restart in 3archar: default #D%
nls_co01laint in 3archar: default #D%
icon_na0e in 3archar: default null%
lan2ua2e_code in 3archar:% default #US%
0ls_function_short_na0e in 3archar: default null%
0ls_function_a11lication in 3archar: default null%
incre0entor in 3archar: default null(A
>9( How to su<'it concu""#nt %"o&"a' th"ou&h )s(
fnd_re7uest.su/0it_re7uest"1ara0eters( /y usin2 this 6e can su/0it the concurrent 1ro2ra0 thru 1l+s7l.
FN7EHLOBALCAPPSEINITIALIIE "user_id%res1_id% res1_a11l_id(
.2) What a"# th# t0%#s o$ Concu""#nt -ana&#"s :?
9. Int#"na Conccu"#nt -ana&#" FIC-)6 This is the one 6hich 0onitors all other Cs
:. Stan!a"! -ana&#" FS-) 6 This ta=es care of re1ort runnin2 and /atch Go/s
<. Con$ict +#soution -ana&#" FC+-)6 chec=s concurrent 1ro2ra0 definitions for inco01ata/ility chec=s.
8e cannot delete a concurrent 0ana2er... /ut 6e can disa/le it... /ut itUs not reco00ended.
.*) 'uti o"& s#t u%
Be2in d/0s_a11lication_info.set_client_info"UOR-_!DU(A
..C What is th# "#ation <#tw##n +#s%onsi<iit0@ -#nu an! +#(u#st H"ou%?
+#s%onsi<iit05 . A res1onsi/ility is a set of authority in Oracle A11s that lets users access only that functionality
of the a11lication a11ro1riate to their roles.
-#nu5 . A 0enu is a hierarchical arran2e0ent of functions and 0enus of functions that a11ears in the Na3i2ator.
Each res1onsi/ility has a 0enu assi2ned to it.
+#(u#st H"ou%5 . it is a collection of re1orts or concurrent 1ro2ra0s. A syste0 Ad0inistrator defines re1ort
2rou1s in order to control user access to re1orts and concurrent 1ro2ra0s. Only a syste0 ad0inistrator can create
a re7uest 2rou1.
.1C What is a $unction@ how to c"#at# on#?
A function is a1art of an a11lications functionality that is re2istered under a uni7ue na0e for the 1ur1ose of
assi2nin2 to it to% or e;cludin2 it fro0% a 0enu "and /y e;tension% res1onsi/ility(. There are se3eral ty1es of
functions5 . For0 Functions% Su/Functions% and
Non.for0 functions. 8e often refer to a for0 function si01ly as a for0.
.3C What is '#ant <0 APPLETOP?
En3iron0ent 3aria/le
An o1eratin2 Syste0 3aria/le that descri/es an as1ect of the en3iron0ent in 6hich your a11lication runs. For
e;a01le% you can define an en3iron0ent 3aria/le to s1ecify a directory 1ath. :@
KA$$'_TO$5 An en3iron0ent 3aria/le that denotes the installation directory for Oracle A11lication O/Gect
'i/rary and your other Oracle a11lications. KA$$'_TO$ is usually one directory le3el a/o3e each of the 1roduct
directories "6hich are often referred to as K$ROD_TO$ or K$RODUCT_TO$ or KQ1rodR_TO$(.
.5C E>%ain <"i#$0 wh#"# a"# th# Custo'C%@ Fo"'s@ +#%o"ts@ S( Loa!#" Cont"o $i#s@ Sh# Sc"i%t sou"c#
co!# an! #>#cuta<#s $i#s D#%t?
Custo0.1ll . KAU_TO$+resource
For0s . K$ROD_TO$+For0s+US
Re1orts . K$ROD_TO$+Re1orts+US
SQ' Control Files . K$ROD_TO$+Bin
Shell Scri1ts . K$ROD_TO$+Bin
.:C Wh#n is Custo'C% us#!?
Custo0.1ll is used 6hile 0a=in2 ne6 or custo0iEin2 standard oracl=e for0s in a11s. !t contains all the for0s
li/raries for a11s.
.;C What a"# %"o$i# o%tionsJ at what #4#s can th#s# <# s#t?
A user 1rofile is a set of chan2ea/le o1tions that affects the 6ay the a11lications run. Oracle
A11lications o/Gect 'i/rary esta/lishes a 3alue for each o1tion in a users 1rofile 6hen the
User lo2s on or chan2es res1onsi/ility.
Syste0 $rofile5 . $rofile o1tion can /e set for the user co00unity.
User $rofile5 . $ro3ide Oracle A11s 6ith standard infor0ation 6hich descri/es a user%
A11lication% Res1onsi/ility and site. At each 1rofile le3el user 1rofile o1tions can /e set.
?O. How can 0ou Dnow th# $o"' F$'<) na'# wh#n 0ou o%#n a $o"' in A%%s?
11C Wh#"# !o 0ou c"#at# a ta<# an! s#(u#nc# in A%%s? Is it APPS sch#'a?
!n custo0 sche0a and then 2rant 1ri3ile2es on it to A$$S sche0a.
12C Wh#"# a"# 2i#ws an! P"oc#!u"#s c"#at#!? :B
,ie6s5 . ,ie6s are to /e created only in A$$S.
$rocedures5 . !n custo0 sche0a and the 2rant it to A$$S sche0a.
1*C How can 0ou t# who ast u%!at#! a %a"ticua" "ow in a $o"'?
1.C 8ou ha4# o&&#! onto a +#s%onsi<iit0@ how !o 0ou Dnow what o%#"atin& unit a"# 0ou on?
11) Can n#w %"o$i#s <# c"#at#!? I$ so how?
Des. A11lication De3elo1er.
13)How !o 0ou "#&ist#" a "#%o"t? E>%ain %assin& o$ %a"a'#t#"s <#tw##n a concu""#nt %"o&"a'
7#$inition an! "#%o"t?
After de3elo1in2 the re1ort ".rdf(% FT$ it to the UN!& ser3er.
Define e;ecuta/le.
Define concurrent 1ro2ra0 and attach the e;ecuta/le.
Attach the concurrent 1ro2ra0 to a re7uest 2rou1.
15) What is th# a%%"oach to c"#at# a n#w $o"' to <# us#! in O"ac# A%%s?
The TE$'ATE for0 is the re7uired startin2 1oint of all de3elo10ent of ne6 for0s. Start
De3elo1in2 each ne6 for0 /y co1yin2 the TE$'ATE.f0/ file% located in
KAU_TO$+for0s+US"or your lan2ua2e and 1latfor0 e7ui3alent(% to local directory and
Rena0e it as a11ro1riate.
1:C E>%ain 2au# S#t? 7i$$#"#nc# <#tw##n a Ta<# 2ai!at#! an! In!#%#n!#nt 2au# S#t?
A set of 3alues a2ainst 6hich Oracle A11lication O/Gect 'i/rary 3alidates 3alues your end
users enter 6hen runnin2 your 1ro2ra0. Dou define your 3alue set /y s1ecifyin2 3alidation :J
rules% for0at constraints and other 1ro1erties. For e;a01le% you could define a 3alue set to
contain 3alues that are character strin2s% 3alidated fro0 a ta/le in your a11lication. Dou can
S1ecify that oracle a11lication O/Gect 'i/rary use the sa0e 3alue set to 3alidate different
Re1ort 1ara0eters. Dou can also use 3alue sets that you use in your fle; fields to 3alidate
Dour re1ort 1ara0eters.
1;C How !o 0ou c"#at# a ta<# 4ai!at#! 4au# s#t !#%#n!#nt on anoth#" 4au# s#t?
Use 5KF'E&K.Q,alue set na0eR in the 6here condition.
3=C What is !i$$#"#nc# <#tw##n a concu""#nt "#(u#st an! a concu""#nt "#(u#st s#t?
31C What a"# th# two 'an!ato"0 %a"a'#t#"s "#(ui"#! $o" "unnin& a PL)S/L P"oc#!u"# <as#! concu""#nt
Err/uf% Retcode
32C How can 0ou #nsu"# that on0 on# instanc# o$ a concu""#nt %"o&"a' "uns?
Chec= the #Run Alone chec= /o; in Concurrent 1ro2ra0 re2istration 6indo6.
3*C Within a PL)S/L %"oc#!u"# which API is to <# us#! to #>t"act a %"o$i# 4au#?
3.C How !o 0ou s#t th# o%#"atin& unit cont#>t in a "#%o"t?
31C Can 0ou su<'it a concu""#nt "#(u#st $"o' th# o%#"atin& s0st#' !i"#ct0?
8rite a Shellscri1t.
'o2in to data/ase
Run the function FND_REQUEST.Su/0it"(
33C E>%ain how to &#n#"at# a t"ac# $i# $o" a %)s( concu""#nt %"o&"a' $o" tunin&?
Chec= theEna/le Trace chec= /o; in concurrent 1ro2ra0 re2istration 6indo6. :N
35C How !o 0ou Aw"it#B to th# concu""#nt "#(u#st Lo& an! Out%ut $i#?
FND_F!'E.$UT"FND_F!'E.'O- or FND_F!'E.OUT$UT% QTe;tR(A
3:C What is th# !i$$#"#nc# <#tw##n O%#"atin& ,nit an! In4#nto"0 O"&ani9ation?
O%#"atin& ,nit 5. An Or2aniEation that uses Oracle Cash 0ana2e0ent% Order 0ana2e0ent and Shi11in2
E;ecution% Oracle $aya/les% Oracle $urchasin2% and Oracle Recei3a/les. !t 0ay /e a sales Office% a di3ision% or a
de1t. An o1eratin2 unit is associated 6ith a le2al entity. !nfor0ation is secured /y o1eratin2 unit for these
a11lications. Each user sees infor0ation only for their o1eratin2 unit. To run any of these a11lications% you
choose a res1onsi/ility associated 6ith an or2aniEation classified as an o1eratin2 unit.
An or2aniEation for 6hich you trac= in3entory transactions and /alances% and+or an or2aniEation that
0anufactures or distri/utes 1roducts. E;a01les% include "/ut are not li0ited to( 0anufacturin2 1lants%
6arehouses% distri/ution centers% and sales offices. The follo6in2 a11lications secure infor0ation /y in3entory
or2aniEation5 Oracle in3entory% Bills of aterial% En2ineerin2% and 8or= in $rocess% aster Schedulin2+R$%
Ca1acity% and $urchasin2 recei3in2 functions. To run any of these a11lications% you 0ust choose an or2aniEation
that has /een classified as an in3entory or2aniEation.
3;C What is S#t o$ BooDs?
A financial re1ortin2 entity that uses a 1articular chart of accounts% functional currency%
And accountin2 calendar. Oracle -eneral 'ed2er secures transaction infor0ation "such as Gournal entries and
/alances( /y set of /oo=s. 8hen you use Oracle -eneral 'ed2er% you choose a res1onsi/ility that s1ecifies a set
of /oo=s. Dou then see infor0ation for that set of /oo=s only.
5=C What is It#' 2ai!ation O"&ani9ation?
The or2aniEation that contains your 0aster list of ite0s. Dou define it /y settin2 the O5 !te0 ,alidation
Or2aniEation 1ara0eter. Dou 0ust define all ite0s and /ills in your !te0 ,alidation Or2aniEation% /ut you also
need to 0aintain your ite0s and /ills in se1arate or2aniEations if you 6ant to shi1 the0 fro0 other 6arehouses.
51C -#ntion th# ta<# o" 4i#ws wh#"# In4#nto"0 O"&@ It#'s@ S#t o$ BooDs@ HL Co!# Co'<inations@
O%#"atin& ,nit@ Location@ Custo'#"s@ 2#n!o"s@ an! In4oic#s a"# sto"#! in A%%sC
!n3entory Or25 . T'_$ARAETERS+OR-_OR-AN!*AT!ON_DEF!N!T!ONS
!te0s5 . T'_SDSTE_!TES_B
Set of Boo=s5 . -'_SETS_OF_BOOMS <O
-' Code Co0/inations5 . -'_CODE_COB!NAT!ONS
O1eratin2 Unit5 . )R_A''_O$ERAT!N-_UN!TS
'ocation5 . T'_!TE_'OCAT!ONS
Custo0ers5 . RA_CUSTOERS
,endors5 . $O_,ENDOR_CONTACTS
!n3oices5 . A$_!N,O!CES_A''
52C What is th# %"o$i# to <# "#a! to $in! out what In4#nto"0 O"&ani9ation an! O%#"atin& ,nit a"# 0ou on?
"0f2_or2aniEation_id is the !n3entory Or2(
5*)What is In4#nto"0 -ast#" O"&ani9ation?
!te0s are defined in an !n3entory aster Or2aniEation.
5.)What is th# !i$$#"#nc# <#tw##n D#0 $#>$i#! an! 7#sc"i%ti4# $#>$i#!?
Mey Fle;field is used to descri/e uni7ue identifiers that 6ill ha3e a /etter 0eanin2 than usin2 nu0/er !Ds. e.2 a
1art nu0/er% a cost centre etc Desc Fle; is used to Gust ca1ture e;tra infor0ation. Mey Fle;fields ha3e 7ualifiers
6hereas Desc Fle;fields do not. Desc Fle;fields can ha3e conte;t sensiti3e se20ents 6hile Mey fle;fields
And one 0ore differenct that MFF dis1lays li=e t#>t it#' /ut DFF dis1lays li=e K L C
51)Which %"oc#!u"# shou! <# ca#! to #na<# a 7FF in a $o"'?
53)Which %"oc#!u"# shou! <# us#! to 'aD# th# 7FF "#a! on0 at "un ti'#?
55)What is th# !i$$#"#nc# <#tw##n $#>$i#! (uai$i#" an! s#&'#nt (uai$i#"? <9
Fle;filed 7ualifier identifies se2e0ent in a fle;field and se20ent 7ualifier identifies 3alue in a se20ent.
There are four ty1es of fle;filed 7ualifier 9( Balancin2 se20ent 7ualifier :( cost center <( natural account and >(
se2e0tn 7ualifier 5. 9( allo6 /ud2etin2 :( allo6 1ostin2 <( account ty1e >( contral account and ?( reconciliation
5:)Wh#"# !o concu""#nt "#(u#st o&$i#s an! out%ut $i#s &o?
The concurrent 0ana2er first loo=s for the en3iron0ent 3aria/le KA$$'CSF !f this is set% it creates a 1ath usin2
t6o other en3iron0ent 3aria/les5 KA$$''O- and KA$$'OUT !t 1laces lo2 files in KA$$'CSF+KA$$''O-
Out1ut files 2o in KA$$'CSF+KA$$'OUT So for e;a01le% if you ha3e this en3iron0ent set5 KA$$'CSF P
+uO9+a11l+co00on KA$$''O- P lo2 KA$$'OUT P out The concurrent 0ana2er 6ill 1lace lo2 files in
+uO9+a11l+co00on+lo2% and out1ut files in +uO9+a11l+co00on+out Note that KA$$'CSF 0ust /e a full% a/solute
1ath% and the other t6o are directory na0es. !f KA$$'CSF is not set% it 1laces the files under the 1roduct to1 of
the a11lication associated 6ith the re7uest. So for e;a01le% a $O re1ort 6ould 2o under K$O_TO$+KA$$''O-
and K$O_TO$+KA$$'OUT 'o2files 2o to5 +uO9+a11l+1o+N.O+lo2 Out1ut files to5 +uO9+a11l+1o+N.O+out Of course%
all these directories 0ust e;ist and ha3e the correct 1er0issions. Note that all concurrent re7uests 1roduce a lo2
file% /ut not necessarily an out1ut file.
5;)How !o I ch#cD i$ -uti-o"& is insta#!?
!f U'T!_OR-_F'A- is set to UDU% Then its ulti Or2.
:=)How !o I $in! out what th# cu""#nt0 insta#! "##as# o$ A%%ications is? )How !o I $in! th# na'# o$ a
8e can also find out throu2h )el1 R A/out Oracle A11lications
:1)Wh0 !o#s H#%-NToos-NE>a'in# asD $o" a %asswo"!?
Na3i2ate to the U1date Syste0 $rofile Screen.
"V na3i2ate 1rofile syste0( <:
. Select 'e3el5 Site
. Query u1 Utilities5Dia2nostics in the User $rofile O1tions *one.
!f the 1rofile o1tion Utilities5Dia2nostics is set to NO% 1eo1le 6ith access to the Utilities enu 0ust enter the
1ass6ord for the ORAC'E !D of the current res1onsi/ility to use E;a0ine. !f set to Des% a 1ass6ord 6ill not /e
:2)What a"# th# API us#! in PO canc#ation ?
Ans. For $artial cancellation .R To 0odify the Ordered 7uantity
3_return_fla2 5P a11s.2e0s_1u/lic_a1is_1=2.1o_u1date_1o
" ;_1o_nu0/er PR 3_1o_nu0/er
% ;_release_nu0/er PR NU''
% ;_re3ision_nu0/er PR 3_re3ision_nu0
% ;_line_nu0/er PR 3_line_nu0/er
% ;_shi10ent_nu0/er PR 3_shi10ent_nu0
% ne6_7uantity PR 1_7uantity
% ne6_1rice PR NU''
% ne6_1ro0ised_date PR NU''
% launch_a11ro3als_fla2 PR UDU
% u1date_source PR NU''
% ;_interface_ty1e PR NU''
% ;_transaction_id PR NU''
% 3ersion PR U9.OU(A
For Full cancellation .R
" 1_a1i_3ersion PR 3_a1i_3ersion_nu0/er
% 1_init_0s2_list PR a11s.fnd_a1i.2_true
% 1_co00it PR a11s.fnd_a1i.2_false
% ;_return_status PR 1_return_status
% 1_doc_ty1e PR U$OU
% 1_doc_su/ty1e PR 3_su/_ty1e
% 1_doc_id PR 3_1o_header_id
% 1_doc_nu0 PR NU''
% 1_release_id PR NU''
% 1_release_nu0 PR NU''
% 1_doc_line_id PR 3_1o_line_id
% 1_doc_line_nu0 PR NU''
% 1_doc_line_loc_id PR 1_line_loc_id
% 1_doc_shi10ent_nu0 PR NU''
% 1_action PR UCANCE'U
% 1_action_date PR SDSDATE
% 1_cancel_reason PR U-$O_8ARE)OUSE_DEN!A'U
% 1_cancel_re7s_fla2 PR UNU
% 1_1rint_fla2 PR UNU
% 1_note_to_3endor PR a11s.fnd_a1i.2_0iss_char(A <<
:*)How an API is initiai9#! ?
Ans. a11s.2e0s_1u/lic_a1is_1=2.fnd_a11s_initialiEe
" user_id PR 1_user_id
% res1_id PR 1_res1_id
% res1_a11l_id PR 1_res1_a11l_id(
:.)What is th# na'# o$ th# API %a"a'#t#" wh#n th#0 a"# T"u#@Fas# an! N,LL ?
Ans. a11s.fnd_a1i.2_true% a11s.fnd_a1i.2_false and a11s.fnd_a1i.2_0iss_char res1ecti3ely.
:1)What a"# th# !i$$#"#nt st#%s in s#n!in& a 'ai $"o' PL)S/L ?
Ans. $ROCEDURE 2l1_send_0ail_1o_cancel
" 1_or2_id !N ,ARC)AR:
% 1_feeder_source !N ,ARC)AR:
% 1_su/Gect !N ,ARC)AR:
% 1_0essa2e_/ody !N ,ARC)AR:
% 1_return_status OUT ,ARC)AR:
% 1_error_0essa2e OUT ,ARC)AR:
3_host_na0e 5P utl_inaddr.2et_host_na0e"(A
3_host_i1 5P utl_inaddr.2et_host_address"3_host_na0e(A
3_0ailconn 5P utl_s0t1.o1en_connection"3_host_i1% :?(A
3_0essa2e 5P 3_0essa2e WW UTo5 U WW 3_to_e0ail_ta/"3_addr_cnt( WW URU WW crlfA
utl_s0t1.data"3_0ailconn%3_0essa2e(A .. callin2 0ail 1rocedure
:3)How !o u ca a 'ai %"o&"a' $"o' Sh# %"o&"a' ?
Ans. for file in Xfind . .na0e YF.co0FZK?Y .1rint Wcut .c<.9:OX
echo Kfile
fr0PXecho Kfile W cut .dUZU .f9X
to0PXecho Kfile W cut .dUZU .f: W sed Us+%+ +2UX
echo Kfr0
echo Kto0
echo YSendin2 0ail to Kto0Y
0ail; .r YKfr0Y .s UOrder Shi10ent Confir0ationU YKto0Y Q YKfileY
if H Krc [P O I
echo Uin3alid file na0eU
fi <>
r0 .f YKfileY
if H Krc [P O I
echo Uin3alid file na0eU
:5)How !o su<'it a concu""#nt %"o&"a' $"o' PL)S/L ?
Ans. a11s.fnd_2lo/al.a11s_initialiEe
"user_id PR 1_user_id
%res1_id PR 1_res1_id
%res1_a11l_id PR 1_res1_a11l_id(
F+ 1_error_0essa2e 5P 1_error_0essa2e WWUCallin2 Recei3in2 transaction 1rocessorUWWchr"9O(A
3_re7uest_id 5P a11s.fnd_re7uest.su/0it_re7uest
d/0s_out1ut.1ut_line"Ure7uest id is 5UWW3_re7uest_id(A CO!TA
1_error_0essa2e 5P 1_error_0essa2e WWURecei3in2 Transaction $rocessin2 Re7uest id 5UWW3_re7uest_id WWchr"9O( A
!F "3_re7uest_id R O( T)EN
3_co01lete 5P FND_CONCURRENT.6ait_for_re7uest " re7uest_id PR 3_re7uest_id
% inter3al PR 9O
% 0a;_6ait PR O
% 1hase PR 3_1hase
% status PR 3_status
% de3_1hase PR 3_de3_1hase <?
% de3_status PR 3_de3_status
% 0essa2e PR 3_0essa2e(A
::)How !o u "#&ist#" a concu""#nt %"o&"a' $"o' PL)S/L ?
Ans. a11s.fnd_1ro2ra0.e;ecuta/le_e;ists .R To chec= if e;ecuta/le file e;ists
a11s.fnd_1ro2ra0.e;ecuta/le .R To 0a=e e;ecuta/le file
fnd_1ro2ra0.1ro2ra0_e;ists .R To chec= if 1ro2ra0 is defined
a11s.fnd_1ro2ra0.re2ister .R To re2ister+define the 1ro2ra0
a11s.fnd_1ro2ra0.1ara0eter .R To add 1ara0eters
a11s.fnd_1ro2ra0.re7uest_2rou1 .R To add to a re7uest 2rou1
:;)How !o u initiai9# an API ?
Ans. a11s.2e0s_1u/lic_a1is_1=2.fnd_a11s_initialiEe
" user_id PR 1_user_id
% res1_id PR 1_res1_id
% res1_a11l_id PR 1_res1_a11l_id(
And U can 2et the 1ara0eters fro0 the follo6in2 scri1t .R
SE'ECT D!ST!NCT f?.user_id
% f>.res1onsi/ility_na0e res1onsi/ility_na0e
% f>.res1onsi/ility_id res1onsi/ility_id
..% 3_res1onsi/ility_na0e
..% 3_res1onsi/ility_id
FRO a11lsys.fnd_user_res1_2rou1s f@
% a11s.fnd_user f?
% a11s.fnd_1rofile_o1tions f9
% a11s.fnd_1rofile_o1tion_3alues f:
% a11s.fnd_res1onsi/ility f<
% a11s.fnd_res1onsi/ility_tl f>
8)ERE SDSDATE BET8EEN f@.start_date AND N,'"f@.end_date%SDSDATE(
AND f?.user_id P f@.user_id
AND U$$ER"f?.user_na0e( li=e U\-'OBA'$ARTS\U
AND f@.res1onsi/ility_id P f>.res1onsi/ility_id
AND f:.1rofile_o1tion_3alue P TO_C)AR"9<( .. $uttin2 the OR- !D ,alue
AND f:.1rofile_o1tion_id P f9.1rofile_o1tion_id
AND f9.1rofile_o1tion_na0e P UOR-_!DU
AND f<.a11lication_id P :O9
AND f:.le3el_3alue P f<.res1onsi/ility_id
AND f<.res1onsi/ility_id P f>.res1onsi/ility_id
AND U$$ER"f>.res1onsi/ility_na0e( '!ME U$$ER"U-ES\$O\ANA-ER\U( <@
;=)How 7o u "#&ist#" a ta<# O a cou'n ?
Ans. E&ECUTE ad_dd.re2ister_ta/le" U-ESQAU% U2e0s_7a_i7a_loo=u1_codesU% UTU% ?9:% 9O% BO(A
E&ECUTE ad_dd.re2ister_colu0n"U-ESQAU% U2e0s_7a_i7a_loo=u1_codesU% U'OOMU$_CODEU% 9%
;1) What "#sou"c#s a"# %"o4i!#! $o" !#4#o%in& a%%ications which wi <#
int#&"at#! into O"ac# A%%ications +##as# 11?
a. The Oracle A11lications De3elo1erUs -uide Release 99 and the Oracle
A11lications User !nterface Standards Release 99.
/. The AU_TO$+for0s+US+TE$'ATE.f0/ for de3elo1in2 a ne6 for0.
c. The AU_TO$+for0s+US+A$$STAND.f0/ contains standard 1ro1erty classes
for your runti0e 1latfor0.
d. The AU_TO$+resource+FNDSQF.1ll contains routines for Fle;fields%
Function Security% User $rofiles% essa2e Dictionary.
e. The AU_TO$+resource+A$$CORE.1ll contains standard User !nterface routines.
f. The AU_TO$+resource+A$$DAD$M.1ll contains the Calendar 8id2et routines.
2. The AU_TO$+resource+CUSTO.1ll for addin2 custo0 code 6hich affects Oracle
A11lications for0s 6ithout chan2in2 Oracle A11lications code.
h. The AU_TO$+resource+-'OBE.1ll allo6s Oracle A11lications de3elo1ers to
incor1orate 2lo/al or re2ional features into Oracle A11lications for0s
6ithout 0odifyin2 the /ase Oracle A11lications for0s. -lo/e calls routines
TA% TE% and T' li/raries.
i. The AU_TO$+resource+TA.1ll called fro0 -lo/e and contains Asia+$acific code.
G. The AU_TO$+resource+TE.1ll called fro0 -lo/e and contains EEA
"Euro1e+iddle East+Africa( code.
=. The AU_TO$+resource+T'.1ll called fro0 -lo/e and contains 'atin A0erica code.
l. The AU_TO$+resource+,ERT.1ll allo6s Oracle A11lications de3elo1ers to
incor1orate 3ertical industry features "for auto0oti3e% consu0er 1ac=a2ed
2oods% ener2y% and other industries( into Oracle A11lications for0s
6ithout 0odifyin2 the /ase Oracle A11lications for0s. <B
0. Oracle De3elo1er+:OOO Ser3er Release 9.@.9.
NOTE5 All FB and $'' files 0ust /e 0i2rated to your des=to1 if you intend to
de3elo1 and inte2rate custo0 a11lications into Oracle A11lications
Release 99.
;2C What a"# th# su%%o"t#! 4#"sions o$ Fo"'s an! +#%o"ts us#! $o" !#4#o%in&
on O"ac# A%%ications +##as# 11?
a. The follo6in2 su11orted 3ersions are 1ro3ided in De3elo1er+:OOO
Release 9.@.95
i. For0s >.?
ii. Re1orts :.?
;*C How !o I co'%i# an!)o" &#n#"at# an O"ac# A%%ications $o"'?
a. UN!&
cd KAU_TO$+for0s+US
f>?2en 0odulePFNDSCAUS.f0/ useridPA$$S+A$$S out1ut_fileP
+a11l+399OOOOO+fnd+99.O.:J+for0s+US+FNDSCAUS.f0; 0odule_ty1ePfor0
/atchPno co01ile_allPs1ecial
/. 8indo6s NT
cd F5Va11lr99VauV99.O.:JVfor0sVUS
f>?2en<: useridPA$$S+A$$S 0odulePFNDSCAUS.f0/ out1ut_fileP
a11lr99VfndVfor0sVUSVFNDSCAUS.f0; 0odule_ty1ePfor0 /atchPno
;.C How !o I o%#n@ co'%i# an!)o" &#n#"at# a custo' O"ac# A%%ications $o"' on '0 !#sDto%?
a. To 1ort the AU_TO$+for0s+US and AU_TO$+resource files to your 8indo6s
i. a=e co1ies of all re7uired files.
ii. Re1licate the AU_TO$ directory structure on your des=to1.
iii. o3e the files to their a11ro1riate AU_TO$+for0s+US for FB and
AU_TO$+resource for $''.
i3. !nclude the AU_TO$+for0s+US and AU_TO$+resource directories in
your FORS>?_$AT).
3. O1en% co01ile and+or 2enerate for0s.
NOTE5 The FORS>?_$AT) is s1ecified either in your Re2istry or oracle.ini.
NOTE5 !t 0ay so0eti0es /e necessary to con3ert FB .R FT and $'' .R $'D /efore <J
1ortin2 fro0 a Uni; 1latfor0 to your des=to1.
;1C How !o I a!! a C,STO-ETOP to O"ac# A%%ications?
a. Re1licate an e;istin2 Oracle A11lications 1roduct directory structure underneath your A$$'_TO$5
/. a=e sure all the 1er0issions on the files and directories are the sa0e
as the other 1roduct directories.
c. Add the full 1ath to this CUSTO_TO$ to your A$$'SDS.en3 " Source your
A$$'SDS.en3( or your 8indo6s NT Re2istry5
UN!&5 +uO9+oracle+a11s+3d99+;;cus+99.O.:J
8indo6s NT5 D5VoaVa11ltstV3d99V;;cusV99.O.:J
d. 'o2in to Oracle A11lications usin2 the Syste0 Ad0inistrator or A11lication
De3elo1er Res1onsi/ility.
e. Na3i2ate5 A11lication .R Re2ister and add your ne6 CUSTO_TO$ to Oracle
A11lication Short Na0e Base1ath Descri1tion
Custo0 A11lication &&CUS &&CUS_TO$ Custo0 A11lication
f. Shutdo6n and restart your !nternal Concurrent ana2er "!C( so that the
concurrent 0ana2er 6ill reco2niEe the chan2e to the en3iron0ent that 6as
0ade to the A$$'SDS.en3 and Re2istry.
;3C How to &#t th# !ata $"o' th# 4i#ws in -utiEO+H 4i#ws ?
A. Usin2 the 1rofiles and client info 1ac=a2e.
SE'ECT F FRO 1o_headers C this is 0ulti or2 3ie6
!f 6e cant 2et the data 6ith the a/o3e 7uery then 6e ha3e to 6rite a 1rocedure as sho6n /elo6.
fnd_client_info.set_or2_conte;t ":O>(A
Co01ile and run the 7uery once a2ain.
;5) What is +#s%onsi<iit0 ) +#(u#st H"ou%?
Ans6 Res1onsi/ility is used for security reason li=e 6hich Res1onsi/ility can do 6hat ty1e of Go/s etc.
Set of Res1onsi/ility is attached 6ith a Re7uest 2rou1. 8hen 6e attach the re7uest 2rou1 to a concurrent
1ro2ra0% that can /e 1erfor0 usin2 all the Res1onsi/ilities those are attached 6ith Re7uest 2rou1.
;:) What is 7FF?
Ans6 The Descri1ti3e Fle;i field is a field that 6e can custo0iEe to enter additional infor0ation for 6hich Oracle
A11s 1roduct has not 1ro3ided a field.
E>C AT$ 1ro2ra0 calculates for those 6arehouses 6here !n3entory Or2 Ty1e is DC or 8arehouse in DFF
Attri/ute99 of T'_$ARAETERS ta/le.
;;) What is 2au# S#t?
Ans6 ,alue Sets define and store the 3alid ite0s of data% 6hich 0ay /e entered into a field.
Mey Fle;fields% Descri1ti3e Fle;fields and 0any standard fields use ,alue Sets.
Oracle already co0es 6ith hundreds of ,alue Sets.
8e define additional ,alue Sets to su11ort our o6n user.defined Mey and Descri1ti3e Fle;fields "althou2h 6e
0ay use any e;istin2 standard ,alue Sets if they suit our 1ur1ose(.
!n definin2 a ne6 ,alue Set% 6e are definin2 the 1hysical for0at of 3alid data% 6hich can reside in that ,alue Set.
Data in a ,alue Set can /e of se3eral ty1es5
!nde1endently loaded into a ,alue Set "throu2h a standard for0(.
Resident in a ta/le "to 6hich 6e direct the ,alue Set definition(.
There could /e No ,alidation "any data can 2o into the field% /ut still su/Gect to the for0attin2 rules.(
De1endent on the 3alue of data in a 1recedin2 !nde1endent se20ent "loaded throu2h a standard for0(.
E>6 For Su11lies ] Accessories CC in AT$% 6e define -ES_-$O_ASS!-N_SET 3alue set for the assi2n0ent
set associated 6ith that OU.
1==) What is 'uti-o"&?
Ans6 !t is data security functionality in Oracle 9O.@ and a/o3e. A11lica/le User res1onsi/ilities are created and
attached to s1ecific O1eratin2 Unit. User can access the data that /elon2s to the O1eratin2 unit they lo2in under.
The /enefit is it ena/les 0ulti1le o1eratin2 units to use a sin2le installation of 3arious 0odules% 6hile =ee1in2
transaction data se1arate and secure /y o1eratin2 unit.
!t has an effect on the follo6in2 0odules5
Order Entry
$roGect Accountin2
1=1) Can 0ou #>%ain th# O"&ani9ation st"uctu"#?
a( Business Unit + -rou1 5 !t re1resents the hi2hest le3el in Or2aniEation structure and has no accountin2 i01act.
!t deter0ines 6hich e01loyees 6ill /e a3aila/le to Set Of Boo=s and O1eratin2 Units.
E>6 Consolidated Enter1rise + a 0aGor di3ision + an o1eratin2 co01any.
/( Set Of Boo=s5 !t is a financial re1ortin2 entity that uses a 1articular
Chart of accounts%
Functional currency and
Accountin2 calendar.
!t is the hi2hest le3el 6ith accountin2 si2nificance. Docu0ent Se7uencin2 "i01ortant in Euro1e( is at the Set of
Boo=s le3el. Also $eriod o1en+close is at the Set of Boo=s le3el.
A Set of Boo=s is associated 6ith only one Business -rou1. A Business -rou1 0ay /e assi2ned se3eral Sets of
Boo=s i.e ulti1le sets of /oo=s can share the sa0e /usiness 2rou1 if they share the sa0e /usiness 2rou1
Bas# Ta<#6 a%%sC&Es#tsEo$E<ooDs
c( 'e2al Entity5 A le2al co01any for 6hich you 1re1are fiscal or ta; re1orts.
Each 'e2al Entity is associated 6ith only one Set of Boo=s. A Set of Boo=s 0ay ha3e 0ulti1le 'e2al Entities.
Base Table: apps.hr_legal_entities
d( O1eratin2 Unit5 An or2aniEation that uses oracle order 0ana2e0ent% cash 0ana2e0ent% shi11in2 e;ecution%
1aya/les% 1urchasin2 and recei3a/les.
!t 0ay /e a sales office% a di3ision% or a de1art0ent. Standard re1orts are at the O1eratin2 Unit le3el.
An o1eratin2 unit is associated 6ith a le2al entity.
Bas# Ta<#6 a%%sCh"Eo%#"atin&Eunits
e( !n3entory Or2aniEation 5 An or2aniEation for 6hich you trac= in3entory transactions and /alances% and+or an
or2aniEation that 0anufactures or distri/utes 1roducts.
An O1eratin2 Unit 0ay ha3e 0ulti1le !n3entory Or2aniEations.
E>6 0anufacturin2 1lants% 6arehouses% distri/ution centers% and sales offices. >9
Base View: apps.org_organization_definitions
f( Su/in3entory5 An in3entory or2aniEation has a nu0/er of su/in3entories associated 6ith it.
Bas# Ta<#6 a%%sC'tEs#con!a"0Ein4#nto"i#s Fs#con!a"0Ein4#nto"0Ena'# P su<in4#nto"0 na'#)
2( 'ocator 5 These are the different locations in side a su/in3entory.
Bas# Ta<#6 a%%sC'tEit#'Eocations
1=1)What a"# th# 'an!ato"0 %a"a'#t#"s in Concu""#nt %"o&"a'?
Ans6 err/uf and Retcode "!n case 1l+s7l store 1rocedure(
1_conc_re7uest_id "!n case Oracle Re1ort% it is an user.1ara0eter(
1=3)Wh0 w# us# toD#n $i#! $o" Concu""#nt %"o&"a'?
Ans6 The To=en is used as for /indin2 1ur1ose. The 1ara0eter 3alue is 1assed to the .rdf+1rocedure throu2h this
to=en. The in1ut "user( 1ara0eter 3alue 1asses to the re1ort + stored 1rocedure after /indin2 6ith this to=en. The
concurrent 1ro2ra0 6ont 2et i01act e3en the user 1ara0eter na0es 2et chan2ed% /ut 2ot i01acted 6hen the
to=en na0e chan2ed.
1=5) What a"# th# 'an!ato"0 %a"a'#t#"s in concu""#nt %"o&"a's?
Ans6 err/uf
1=:)Thos# a"# IN o" O,T %a"a'#t#"sC
Ans6 Out $ara0eters
1=;)What is +#(u#st &"ou%?
Ans6 Res1onsi/ility is used for security reason li=e 6hich Res1onsi/ility can do 6hat ty1e of Go/s etc.
Set of Res1onsi/ility is attached 6ith a Re7uest 2rou1. 8hen 6e attach the re7uest 2rou1 to a concurrent
1ro2ra0% that can /e 1erfor0 usin2 all the Res1onsi/ilities those are attached 6ith Re7uest 2rou1.
11=)What is -utiO"&? >:
Ans6 !t is data security functionality in Oracle 9O.@ and a/o3e. A11lica/le User res1onsi/ilities are created and
attached to s1ecific O1eratin2 Unit. User can access the data that /elon2s to the O1eratin2 unit they lo2in under.
The /enefit is it ena/les 0ulti1le o1eratin2 units to use a sin2le installation of 3arious 0odules% 6hile =ee1in2
transaction data se1arate and secure /y o1eratin2 unit.
!t has an effect on the follo6in2 0odules5
Order Entry
$roGect Accountin2
111)Th#"# is an O<Q#ct t0%# AS%awn#!B in concu""#nt %"o&"a'C What is th# us#
Ans6 !t is used for $rocFC in e;ecuta/le field
112)How can w# ca a +#%o"t $"o' Fo"' in A%%s?
Thru concurrent 1ro2
11*) what a"# th# s#tu% w# n##! to !o <#$o"# "unnin& into O"ac# A%%sC
Ans6 -o to Oracle A11s R Syste0 Ad0inistraror "Res1onsi/ility( R Create a User usin2 SSO R Add
S6itch to COE De3 Sys Ad0inistrator "Res1onsi/ility( R Add the Res1onsi/ility that is attached to the ne6ly
created User R 0enue R e;clude + include the function accordin2 to the re7uire0ent
11.) What is 'utiEo"&?
Ans6 !t is data security functionality in Oracle 9O.@ and a/o3e. A11lica/le User res1onsi/ilities are created and
attached to s1ecific O1eratin2 Unit. User can access the data that /elon2s to the O1eratin2 unit they lo2in under.
The /enefit is it ena/les 0ulti1le o1eratin2 units to use a sin2le installation of 3arious 0odules% 6hile =ee1in2
transaction data se1arate and secure /y o1eratin2 unit.
!t has an effect on the follo6in2 0odules5
Order Entry
$roGect Accountin2
111) What is th# !i$$#"#nc# <#tw##n %oEh#a!#"s O %oEh#a!#"sEa?
Ans6 )ere co0es the conce1t of 0ulti_or2. 1o_headers contains data that is irres1ecti3e of 0ulti_or2 i.e any
su11lier can 3ie6 all the records. !n case of 1o_headers_all ><
113) What is th# <asic "#(ui"#'#nt that w# n##! to s#t <#$o"# sta"tin& a $o"' in O"ac# A%%s
a( FT$ the te01let.f0/ Fro0 Kau_to1+/in To 'ocal 0+c
/( Rena0e the te01let.f0/ as User defined na0e
c( Tri22er 'e3el Chan2e5 $re_For0 5 a11_6indo6.set_6indo6_1osition"UB'M_OR-U% UF!RST_8!NDO8U(A ..
9st 8indo6 Na0e
set_6indo6_1ro1erty"UB'M_OR-U%title%UFor0 na0eU( .. 9st 8indo6 Na0e% ca1tion
Bloc= 'e3el Chan2e5 Rena0e Default_/loc=
For0 'e3el Chan2e5 $ro1erty $anel R Na3i2ation R First Na3i2ation Data Bloc= R "Set A Bloc= Na0e(
$ro2ra0 Unit 'e3el5 A11_custo0 R "set the 9st 6indo6 na0e(
11:) What is th# API w# us# to s## th# '#ssa&# $"o' o& $i#
8hen 6e use an A$!% it auto0atically stores the error 0essa2e in a 1l+s7l ta/le i.e creatin2 a lo2 of the errors.
8e can see those error 0essa2es thou2t fnd_0essa2e_1u/ A$!
11;)Th#"# is a ch#cD <o> ca#! ,s# in S+SC What is its us#
SRS stands for Standard Re7uest Su/0it. 8e can e;ecute concurrent 1ro2ra0 /y directly 1assin2 1ara0eters. On
chec=in2 this #Use !n SRS chec= /o;% 6e can inde1endently use the concurrent 1ro2ra0.
12=)7o 0ou Dnow E>t#nsion ta<#?
Ans6 Unli=e data/ase ta/le% it store outside the data/ase li=e BFile "content store outside the DB /ut the location
store in DB li=e 1ointer(. !t contains 0etadata only. So no D' o1eration "e;ce1t SE'ECT% -rou1 /y% Order By(
can 1ossi/le.
121)Wh0 !o w# ca FN7 S+WINIT $"o' B#$o"# +#%o"t T"i&&#"
A. FND SR8!N!T fetches concurrent re7uest infor0ation and sets u1 the 1rofile o1tions. !t 0ust /e included if
one is usin2 any ORAC'E A$$'!CAT!ON OBTECT '!BRARD features in his re1ort "such as concurrent
122)Wh0 !o w# ca FN7 S+WEMIT $"o' A$t#" +#%o"t T"i&&#"
A. FND SR8E&!T frees all the 0e0ory allocations done in other Oracle A11lications user e;its. !t 0ust /e
included if one is usin2 any ORAC'E A$$'!CAT!ON OBTECT '!BRARD features in his re1ort "such as
concurrent 1rocessin2(
12*) Wh0 !o w# ca FN7 FLEMS/L $"o' th# B#$o"# +#%o"t T"i&&#"?
A. One need to 1ass the concatenated se20ent 3alues fro0 the underlyin2 code co0/inations ta/le to the user
e;it so that it can dis1lay a11ro1riate data and deri3e any descri1tion and 3alues fro0 s6itched 3alue sets as
needed. One 2ets this infor0ation /y callin2 the AO' user e;it FND F'E&SQ' fro0 the /efore re1ort Tri22er.
12.C I$ u ca th# us#" #>it FN7 FLEMS/L with -O7E P A WHE+EB $"o' th# B#$o"# +#%o"t T"i&&#"C
What wi it !o?
AC This us#" #>it %o%uat#s a #>ica %a"a'#t#" that 0ou s%#ci$0 with th# a%%"o%"iat# S/L $"a&'#nt at "un
ti'#C 8ou incu!# this #>ica %a"a'#t#" in th# WHE+E caus# o$ th# "#%o"t (u#"0C This us#" #>it is ca#!
onc# $o" #ach #>ica to <# chan&#!C
121C I$ u ca th# us#" #>it FN7 FLEMS/L with -O7E P A O+7E+ B8B $"o' th# B#$o"# +#%o"t T"i&&#"C
What wi it !o?
A. This user E;it 1o1ulates the le;ical 1ara0eter that one s1ecifies 6ith the a11ro1riate SQ' fra20ent at run
ti0e. One includes this le;ical 1ara0eter in the ORDER BD clause of the re1ort 7uery. This user e;it is called
once for each le;ical to /e chan2ed.
123C How can w# !is%a0 $#>$i#! s#&'#nt 4au#s@ !#sc"i%tions@ an! %"o'%ts on th# "#%o"t?
A. Create a for0ula Colu0n. Call the user e;it FND F'E&!D,A' as the for0ula for this colu0n. This user e;it
auto0atically fetches 0ore co01licated infor0ation such as descri1tions and 1ro01ts so that one does not has to
use co01licated ta/le Goins to the fle; field ta/les.
125C Na'# so'# o%tions o$ th# FN7 FLEMS/L us#" #>it
12:C 7#sc"i<# CO7E o%tion o$ th# FN7 FLEMS/L us#" #>it
A. S1ecify the fle; field code for the re1ort "for e;a01le% -'^% CAT(.
12;C 7#sc"i<# th# APPESHO+TENA-E o%tion o$ th# FN7 FLEMS/L us#" #>it
A. S1ecifies the short na0e of the a11lication that o6ns the fle; field "for e;a01le5 SQ'-'% !N,(
1*=C 7#sc"i<# th# O,TP,T o%tion o$ th# FN7 FLEMS/L us#" #>it
A. S1ecify the na0e of the le;ical 1ara0eter to store the SQl fra20ent. One uses this le;ical later in the re1ort
6hen definin2 the SQ' state0ent that selects the fle;field 3alues. the dataty1e of this 1ara0eter should /e
1*1C 7#sc"i<# th# -O7E o%tion o$ th# FN7 FLEMS/L us#" #>it
A. S1ecify the 0ode to use to 2enerate the SQ' fra20ent . 3alid 0ode are 5
SE'ECT5 Retrie3es all se20ents 3alues in an internal "non. dis1laya/le for0at(.
8)ERE5 Restrict the 7uery /y s1ecifyin2 constraints on fle;field colu0ns. The fra20ent returned includes the
correct decode state0ent if one s1ecifies U'T!NU. One 0ust also s1ecify an O$ERATOR and O$ERANDS.
)A,!N-5 Sa0e callin2 1rocedures and functionality as 8)ERE.
ORDER BD5 Order re7uired infor0ation /y fle;field colu0ns. The fra20ent Orders your fle;field colu0ns and
se1arates the0 6ith a co00a. The fra20ent returned includes the correct decode state0ent% one s1ecifies in
1*2C 7#sc"i<# th# 7ISPLA8 o%tion o$ th# FN7 FLEMS/L us#" #>it
A. One uses the D!S$'AD to=en 6ith the ODE to=en . the D!S$'AD 1ara0eter allo6s you to s1ecify
se20ents that re1resent s1ecified fle;field 7ualifiers or s1ecified se20ents nu0/ers % >?
6here the se20ent nu0/ers are the order in that the se20ents a11ear in the fle;field 6indo6% not the se20ent
nu0/er s1ecified in the Define Mey Se20ents for0.
E2. !f your ODE is SE'ECT and you s1ecify D!S$'AD P _A''` then the SE'ECT state0ent includes all the
se20ents of the fle;field. . Si0ilarly% if your ODE is 8)ERE and you s1ecify D!S$'AD P _A''`% then your
8)ERE clause includes all se20ents.
1**C 7#sc"i<# th# SHOW7EPSEH o%tion o$ th# FN7 FLEMS/L us#" #>it
A. S)O8DE$SE- P _N` disa/les auto0atic addition of de1ended u1on se20ents to the order criteria. The
default is _D`. This to=en is 3alid only for ODE P _ODER BD` !n F'E&SQ'.
1*.C 7#sc"i<# th# N,- o%tion o$ th# FN7 FLEMS/L us#" #>it
A. S1ecify the na0e or le;ical or source colu0n that contains the fle;field structure infor0ation. !f the fle;field
uses Gust one structure% s1ecify NU only and use a le;ical 1ara0eter to hold the 3alue. !f the fle;field uses
0ulti1le structures% s1ecify U'T!NU only and use a source colu0n to hold the 3alue. The default 3alue is
1*1C 7#sc"i<# th# TABLE ALIAS o%tion o$ th# FN7 FLEMS/L us#" #>it
A. Dou use TAB'E A'!AS if your SE'ECT Goins to other fle;field ta/les or uses a self C Goin.
1*3C 7#sc"i<# th# OPE+ATO+ o%tion o$ th# FN7 FLEMS/L us#" #>it
A. S1ecify an o1erator to use in the 8)ERE clause.
9<B. 7#sc"i<# th# OPE+AN71 o%tion o$ th# FN7 FLEMS/L us#" #>it
A. S1ecify an o1erand to use in the 8)ERE clause%
9<J. 7#sc"i<# th# OPE+AN72 o%tion o$ th# FN7 FLEMS/L us#" #>it
A. S1ecify a second o1erand to use 6ith O$ERATOR P _BET8EEN`
1*;C Wh#"# is FN7 FLEMI72AL us#" #>it us#!
A. Call this user e;it to 1o1ulate fields for dis1lay. Dou 1ass the =ey fle; fields data retrie3ed /y the 7uery into
this user e;it fro0 the for0ula colu0n. 8ith this e;it you can dis1lay 3alues% descri1tions and 1ro01ts /y
1assin2 a11ro1riate to=en "any one of ,A'UE% DECR!$T!ONQA$RO$T or '$RO$T(.
1.=) Na'# th# int#"$ac# ta<#s us#! $o" th# custo'#" int#"$ac#?
1.1) What is th# na'# o$ th# cou'n in C,STO-E+EINTE+FACEETABLE that in!icat#s wh#th#" 0ou
a"# ins#"tin& n#w o" u%!atin& #>istin& in$o"'ation?
A5 8hen i01ortin2 data into the interface ta/les% the colu0n !NSERT_U$DATE_F'A- indicates 6hether you
are insertin2 ne6 or u1datin2 e;istin2 infor0ation. This colu0n is re7uired in RA_CUSTOERS_!NTERFACE.
1.2) I$ th# INSE+TE,P7ATEEFLAH is not s#t co""#ct0 o" th# "#(ui"#! cou'n is 'issin& th# 4au#@ wi
C,STO-E+ INTE+FACE "#Q#ct th# #nti"# "#co"! o" Qust th# att"i<ut#s u want to u%!at#?
A ReGect the entire record.
1.*) List so'# o$ th# "#(ui"#! cou'ns $o" th# +AEC,STO-E+SEINTE+FACE?
CUSTOER_NUBER "if you are not usin2 Auto0atic Custo0er Nu0/erin2(
!f you are i01ortin2 an address and a /usiness 1ur1ose% you 0ust also 1o1ulate the follo6in2 colu0ns5
$R!ARD_S!TE_USE_F'A- "if you are insertin2 an address(
'OCAT!ON "if you are not usin2 Auto0atic Site Nu0/erin2(
S!TE_USE_CODE "if you are insertin2 an address(
1..) List so'# o$ th# %"o!uction ta<#s that Custo'#" Int#"$ac# t"ans$#"s custo'#" !ata $"o' th# int#"$ac#
ta<#s into?
1.1)C What 4ai!ation 'ust <# &i4#n on th# custo'#"Enu'<#"?
A ust /e null if you are usin2 Auto0atic Custo0er Nu0/erin2. ust e;ist if you are not usin2 Auto0atic
Custo0er Nu0/erin2. This 3alue 0ust /e uni7ue 6ithin RA_CUSTOERS.
1.3) What 4ai!ation 'ust <# &i4#n on th# C,STO-E+ESTAT,S?
A ust e7ual A for Acti3e or ! for !nacti3e.
1.5) Na'# so'# o$ th# O"ac# "#c#i4a<#s Int#"$ac#s?
A a( Auto !n3oice
/( Auto 'oc=/o;
c( Custo0er !nterface >B
d( Sales Ta; rate !nterface
e( Ta; ,endor E;tension
1.:) Hi4# so'# o$ th# O"ac# Pa0a<#s int#"$ac#?
A. a( Credit Card Transaction !nterface
/( !n3oice !01ort !nterface
c( $aya/les O1en !nterface
d( $urchase Order atchin2
1.;)C Na'# so'# o$ th# o"ac# &#n#"a #!&#" Int#"$ac#?
A a( Bud2et U1load
/( !01ortin2 Tournals
c( 'oadin2 Daily rates
11=)C What a"# th# na'#s o$ th# %a"a'#t#"s u %ass to th# P"oc#!u"# which u "#&ist#" in th# a%%s?
A. 9( retcode in 3archar:
:( err/uf in 3archar:
111)C What is th# us# o$ Auto ocD Bo>?
A Auto 'oc=/o; "or 'oc=/o;( is a ser3ice that co00ercial /an=s offer cor1orate custo0ers to ena/le the0 to
outsource their accounts recei3a/le 1ay0ent 1rocessin2.
112)C Auto LocD<o> is a th"##-st#% %"oc#ss@ what a"# thos#?
A. a( !01ort
/( ,alidation
c( $ostQuic=Cash
11*)C What is th# o"!#" in which AutoocD <o> s#a"ch#s $o" th# t0%#s o$ th# 'atchin& nu'<#"?
A. 9. Transaction Nu0/er
:. Sales Order Nu0/er
<. $urchase Order Nu0/er
>. Consolidated Billin2 !n3oice Nu0/er
?. Other% user.defined nu0/er.
11.C What is a%%ication sho"t na'# $o" H#n#"a L#!&#" 0ou s%#ci$0 in FN7 FLEMS/L us#" #>it?
A. SQ'-'
111) C What a"# 4ai!ations to <# !on# in Rou"na I'%o"t int#"$ac#C
A. Batch le3el5 Set of Boo=s% $eriod Na0e% and Batch Na0e
Tournal 'e3el5 Set of /oo=s% $eriod na0e% Source na0e% Tournal entry na0e% Currency code% Cate2ory na0e%
Actual fla2% Encu0/rance ty1e !D% User con3ersion ty1e% Accountin2 date% Bud2et 3ersion !D
113) What su<cass in $o"'s3i >J
A S1ecifies 0odule% stora2e ] na0e infor0ation a/out the source o/Gect and source 0odule for a referenced
115) What is th# caus# in S/L G Loa!#" to %"o&"a' to o4#""i!# !ata into ta<#
11:)C How !o 0ou s#t %"o$i# in o"ac# a%%ications In A%%ication 7#4#o%#" "#s%onsi<iit0?
A O1en #$rofile Function
11;)C What is th# s0nta> $o" oa!in& !ata th"ou&h S/L G Loa!#" $"o' 'uti%# $i#s si'utan#ous0
A. S7lldr scott+ti2eraorcl control P ctlfile
1arfile .. 1ara0eter file5 na0e of file that contains 1ara0eter s1ecifications
1arallel .. do 1arallel load "Default FA'SE(
13=) What is th# ta<# na'# $o" it#'s in O"ac# In4#nto"0
131)C T# '# na'#s o$ i'%o"tant %"o!uction ta<#s O th#i" %u"%os# AP@ A+@ HL@ PO
A A$5 A$_!N,O!CES_A''% A$_!N,O!CE_'!NES_A''
To store in3oices
$O5 $O_,ENDORS% $O_,ENDOR_S!TES . For storin2 3endor data.
132)C Na'# th# int#"$ac# ta<#s us#! $o" th# LocDBo> Int#"$ac#
A !nterface ta/le 5 AR_$ADENTS_!NTERFACE_A''
'oc=/o; transfers the recei1ts that 1ass 3alidation to the Recei3a/les interi0 ta/les
8hen you run $ost Quic=Cash% the recei1t data is transferred fro0 the Quic=Cash ta/les to the follo6in2 Recei1t
13*) Na'# th# int#"$ac# ta<#s us#! $o" th# Auto In4oic# Int#"$ac#C
A Auto !n3oice transfers transaction data fro0 the interface ta/les
into the follo6in2 Recei3a/les ta/les5
b RA_CUST_TR&_'!NE_-'_D!ST_A''
13.)C 7i$$#"#nt T0%# o$ 2au# S#tsC What is #>act0 T"ansata<# in!#%#n!#nt an! T"ansata<# 7#%#n!#nt
2au# S#ts FInt"o!uc#! in at#st 4#"sion o$ 11i)C
Ans5. There are J ty1es of ,alues Sets.
a. None "Non ,alidate at all( ",alidation is ini0al(
/. !nde1endent "!n1ut 0ust e;ist on 1re3ious defined list of 3alues(
c. De1endent "!n1ut is chec=ed a2ainst a su/set of 3alues /ased on 1rior ,alue(
d. Ta/le "!n1ut is chec=ed a2ainst a su/set of 3alues in an a11lication ta/le(
e. S1ecial "ad3anced( ",alue set uses a fle;field itself(
f. $air "ad3anced( "T6o Fle;fields to2ether s1ecify a ran2e of 3alid 3alues(
2. Translata/le !nde1endent "!n1ut 0ust e;ist on 1re3ious defined list of 3alues. Translated 3alue can /e used(
h. Translata/le De1endent. "!n1ut is chec=ed a2ainst a su/set of 3alues /ased on a 1rior 3alueA translated 3alue
can /e used(
"Note5. 8hen you first define your fle;fields% you choose ho6 0any se20ents
Dou 6ant to use and 6hat order you 6ant the0 to a11ear. Dou also
Choose ho6 you 6ant to 3alidate each of your se20ents. The decisions
Dou 0a=e affect ho6 you define your 3alue sets and your 3alues.(
131) How to "un a concu""#nt %"o&"a'C What a concu""#nt %"o&"a's u ha4#
Ans5. "Definition 5. A concurrent 1ro2ra0 is an instance of an e;ecution file@ alon2 6ith
1ara0eter definitions and inco01ati/ilities. Concurrent 1ro2ra0s use concurrent 1ro2ra0 e;ecuta/les to locate
the correct e;ecution file.(
Oracle Tool Concurrent $ro2ra0 F A concurrent 1ro2ra0 6ritten in
Oracle Re1orts% $'+SQ' 1ac=a2e 1rocedures%
SQ'F'oader% SQ'F$lus% )ost Scri1tin2.
)o6 to Run 5 F 8rite a e;ecution file and 1lace in correct directory.
Esta/lish e;ecuta/les in Oracle a11s s1ecify e;ecution file and 0ethod.
Define Concurrent $ro2ra0 "$ro2ra0% $ara0eters and !nco01ati/ilities(
Call your $ro2ra0 ". Thu a11lication for0% fro0 other concurrent 1ro2ra0.
. OR throu2h standard re7uest su/0ission% you 0ust chec= the #USE in SRS chec= /o; and re2ister your
1ro2ra0 1ara0eters 6hen you define your concurrent 1ro2ra0. Add your 1ro2ra0 into the re7uest security 2rou1
for your custo0 a11lication.(
! ha3e created re1orts throu2h concurrent 1ro2ra0% load"s7lFloader+1l.s7l 1=2.1roc( the file throu2h concurrent
133) What is %a"a'#t#" in a%%s an! $"o' wh#"# u can c"#at# itC
Ans5. $ara0eters only usin2 in re1ort% you can create in definin2 the re1ort in
a11s "you can create the 1ara0eter there only(.
135)What a a"# th# ta<#s us#! in th# 'o!u#s u ha4# wo"D#! onC
F!n -' C ! ha3e 6or=ed on -'_TE_)EADERS"TOURNA'S )EADER(%-'_TE_'!NES"TOURNA' '!NES(%
F!n $O. ! ha3e 6or=ed on $O_)EADER_A''4..
13:)What is P"o$i#? E>%ain !i$$#"#nt #4#s o$ P"o$i#C
Ans5. A user 1rofile is a set of chan2ea/le o1tions that affects the 6ay your
a11lications run. Oracle A11lication O/Gect 'i/rary esta/lishes a 3alue
for each o1tion in a users 1rofile 6hen the user lo2s on or chan2es ?O
res1onsi/ility. Dour user can chan2e the 3alue of 1rofile o1tions at any
ti0e a( To create $rofile O1tion. " P"o$i# O%tion can c"#at#! <0 !#4#o%#" in a%%ication !#4#o%#" a"#a(
/(set the 3alue "2au#s o$ th# %"o$i# o%tion @ who wi ha4# what 4au# at 4a"ious #4#s is s#t <0
S8SA7-IN)C Oracle A11lication O/Gect 'i/rary 1ro3ides 0any o1tions that. "E!it %"o$i# $#atu"# $o" #4#"0
us#" is a4aia<# to s#t an0 4au# to aow th# us#")Cyour users can set to alter the user interface of your
a11lications to satisfy their indi3idual 1references.
$rofile O1tion C set at run ti0e li=e C User Related% res1onsi/ility% Se7uence% $rinter% Security.
2au#s in . L#4#sFHIEA+CH8 WISE) 6-
C. A$$'!CAT!ON
A11lication De3elo1er c"#at# th# %"o$i#C
Syste0 Ad0inistrator 0a=e 1rofile o1tion.
FNOTE6- !f any chan2e in 3alue% it 6ill acti3e 6hen you re.lo2in or s6itch
to the res1onsi/ility.(
" Usa2e in the 0ulti.tier% the 1rofile is /i22est i01act(
13;)How to "#st"ict th# !ata $o" a "#s%onsi<iit0 as %#" th# O+H-I7
Ans5.Throu2h ulti C Or2"O( u can restrict the data for a res1onsi/ility as 1er the OR-.!D. Only in -'. Set of
/oo= !d you set the 3alue to restrict the data for a res1onsi/ility.
15=) What is F#>$i#!? What is $#>$i#! (uai$i#" an! what is s#&'#nt (uai$i#"?
Ans5. A fle;field is 0ade u1 a se20ents "8hich are actually ta/le colu0ns(. Each se20ent has a na0e that can
/e assi2ned% and set of 3alid 3alue.
$ur1ose and A11lication5.
F Fle;i/ility to i01le0ent code structure.
F Fle;i/ility to ca1ture additional infor0ation.
T6o Ty1es of Fle;fields in oracle a11s.
9. Mey Fle;fields "MFF(
:. Descri1ti3e Fle;fields "DFF(
A =ey fle;field se20ent has a na0e you assi2n% and set of 3alid 3alues you s1ecify. Each 3alue has a 0eanin2
6hich can /e s1ecified.
F#>$i#! /uai$i#"6-A flexfield qalifier identifies a 1articular se20ent of a =ey fle;field..
Usually an a11lication needs so0e 0ethod of identifyin2 a 1articular
se20ent for so0e a11lication 1ur1ose such as security or co01utations. )o6e3er% since a =ey fle;field can /e
custo0iEed so that se20ents a11ear in any order 6ith any 1ro01ts% the a11lication needs a 0echanis0 other than
the se20ent na0e or se20ent order to
use for se20ent identification.
S#&'#nt /uai$i#" 6- ! segment qalifier identifies a 1articular ty1e of 3alue in a sin2le
se20ent of a =ey fle;field.
!n the Oracle A11lications% only the. Accountin2 Fle;field uses se20ent 7ualifiers. Dou can thin= of a se20ent
7ualifier as an `identification ta2` for a 3alue. !n the Accountin2 Fle;field% se20ent 7ualifiers can identify the
account ty1e
151) Which $#>$i#! (uai$i#"s a"# 'an!ato"0?
Ans5. #Balancin2 Se20ent fle;field 7ualifier is 0andatory. ?9
152) 7i$$#"#nc# B#tw##n 4#"sions o$ A%%sCFF"ont #n! O 7ata<as#)
Ans5. !n /ac=end. Client ser3er architecture "old(+ Three tire architecture
!n font end. Client Ser3er A11lication "old(+ 8e/ Based a11lication
15*)What is -,LTI-O+H an! what is st"uctu"# o$ 'uti-o"&C
Ans5. Use a sin2le installation of any oracle a11lications 1roduct to su11ort any nu0/er of or2aniEations. if those
or2aniEations use different set of /oo=s.
Su11ort any nu0/er or le2al entities 6ith a sin2le installation of oracle a11lications.
Secure access to data so that users can access only the infor0ation that is rele3ant to the0.
St"uctu"# 6- Business Unit
.-'"Set of Boo=s("Currency% Calendar% Chart of Account(
Balancin2 Se20ent"Dou can do 0ulti1le /alancin2 se20ent(
.O1eratin2 Units "$urchase% Sellin2% Fi;ed Asset% $aya/le%
.!n3entory Or2aniEations "Storin2 !te0s% Transaction )a11enin2%
8are )ousin2(
"Note5. eans if you 0aintainin2 -'"set of /oo= id(% !f u ha3e o1eratin2 unit% if you
ha3e in3entory then its called U'T!.OR-(
15.)What is !i$$#"#nc# <#tw##n O+HEI7 an! O+HANIIATIONEI7 in -uti-O"&C
At wh#"# w# can s#t O+HEI7 an! O+HANIIATIONEI7 #4# it co'#s in th#
Ans5.A -lo/al ,aria/le e;ists in the oracle data/ase called C'!ENT_!NFO% 6hich is @> /ytes lon2. The first 9O
/ytes are used to store the o1eratin2 unit !D"or OR-_!D( for the 0ulti1le or2aniEation su11ort feature.
ulti.Or2 3ie6s are 1artitioned /y OR-_!D. The OR-_!D 3alue is stored in C'!ENT_!NFO 3aria/le."!t co0es
in A$%$O%AR%O le3el(
OR-AN!*AT!ON_!D C !ts for !n3entory% f2% ] BO.
9?.Q.8hat are the default ty1es of 1ara0eters. 8hat is the use of each one of it.
151)O+HEI7 can <# s#t at 'ast#" #4#s o" t"ansaction #4#C
Ans5. OR-_!D can /e set at transaction 'e3el.
153)7i$$#"n#t t0%# o$ #>#cution '#tho!s in ConcCP"o&sC E>%ain Each T0%#C
Ans5. a.Oracle Re1orts. Dou can re2ister your re1ort as e;ecuta/le file ty1e is oracle re1orts.
/. $'+SQ' $ac=a2e $rocedure . Dou can re2ister your $'+SQ' $ac=a2e $rocedure as e;ecuta/le file ty1e is
oracle $'+SQ' $ac=a2e $rocedure.
9. SQ' 'oader. Dou can re2ister your SQ' 'oader SQ' 'oader is your e;ecuta/le file ty1e."for data loadin2(
:. SQ'F$lus 5. Dou can re2ister your SQ' scri1t as SQ'F$lus e;ecuta/le ty1e.
<. )ost Scri1tin25. Dou can 6rite do6n Uni; )ost scri1tin2 and re2ister here.
155) What is !i$$#"#nc# <#tw##n o"ac# sch#'a an! a%%s sch#'aC
Ans5.Data/ase Sche0a.
The A$$S sche0a. is an ORAC'E sche0a that has access to the
co01lete Oracle A11lications data 0odel. This sche0a is 0aintained
/y Auto !nstall .
15:)What a"# th# o<Q#cts APPS sch#'a containC ?:
Ans5. The A$$S sche0a contains synony0s to all ta/les and
se7uences as 6ell as all ser3erCside code "stored 1rocedures% 3ie6s%
and data/ase tri22ers(.
For ER$ a11lications% data 1artitionin2 is 1erfor0ed /y data/ase
3ie6s. These 3ie6s reside in the A$$S Oracle sche0a and deri3e the
a11ro1riate o1eratin2 unit conte;t fro0 an RDBS 3aria/le.
15;)Wh#n wi a N#w 4#"sion o$ $int3= <# "##as#!?
flint@O is a de3elo1er+de3elo10ent tool. Since flint@O can chan2e at any ti0e% the 0ost current flint@O 6ill
al6ays o/solete all 1rior releases. !n other 6ords% the de3elo10ent standards i01le0ented in the 0ost current
flint@O are the standards to 6hich e3eryone usin2 flint@O 0ust adhere.
9. )o6 do ! re2ister a custo0 concurrent 1ro2ra0L
Ste1 95 Re2ister a concurrent 1ro2ra0 e;ecuta/le Na3i2ate to the Define E;ecuta/le for0 "AO' Reference
0anual 12 N.J>( This deter0ines the ty1e of 1ro2ra0 /ein2 run% ie an Oracle Re1ort% a C 1ro2ra0% a shell scri1t
etc. Fill in the e;ecuta/le na0e% a11lication and e;ecution 0ethod. For the E;ecution File% fill in Gust the
filena0e. The concurrent 0ana2er 6ill loo= in the a11ro1riate directory under the a11licationUs to1 directory. For
s1a6ned 1ro2ra0s% the file 0ust /e in the /in directory% for Oracle Re1orts the rdf file 0ust /e in the sr6
directory. For $'SQ' concurrent 1ro2ra0s% 1ut the na0e of the stored 1rocedure.
Ste1 :5 Define the concurrent 1ro2ra0 Na3i2ate to the Define Concurrent $ro2ra0 for0 "AO' Reference 0anual
12 N.JB( This for0 lin=s a concurrent 1ro2ra0 to the e;ecuta/le you Gust defined% as 6ell as defines the 1ro2ra0s
1ara0eters% inco01ati/ilities% and other o1tions. Enter the concurrent 1ro2ra0 na0e% a11lication% short na0e and
descri1tion. Chec= Standard Su/0ission if you 6ant to /e a/le to su/0it this 1ro2ra0 fro0 the Standard Re1ort
Su/0ission for0. Enter the na0e of the e;ecuta/le you defined and any re1ort infor0ation if necessary. Also
define any 1ara0eters your 1ro2ra0 needs here and any inco01ati/ilities.
Ste1 <5 Add the concurrent 1ro2ra0 to a Re1ort -rou1 First you 6ill need to find the na0e of the Re1ort -rou1
to use. -o to Security.RRes1onsi/ility and 7uery the res1onsi/ility you 6ant to run the 1ro2ra0 6ith. !t should
sho6 a Re1ort -rou1 na0e. Query this na0e in Security.RRes1onsi/ility.RRe1ort Add your ne6 1ro2ra0 to the
list of a3aila/le 1ro2ra0s. No6 6hen you 2o to su/0it a re7uest 6ith this res1onsi/ility% you 6ill /e a/le to
su/0it your custo0 1ro2ra0
1:=)How !o I co'%i# a custo' C %"o&"a'?
S1a6ned 1ro2ra0s5
Ste1 95 8rite the code Self.e;1lanatory
Ste1 :5 Co01ile the source Dou 0ust use the 0a=efile under KFND_TO$+usr;it Use5 0a=e .f
KFND_TO$+usr;it+a=efile 1ro2ra0.o 8e do not su11ort usin2 any other 0a=efile
Ste1 <5 'in= the 1ro2ra0 This 1art is a little tric=y. Dou need to create a custo0 0a=efile for this ste1. Use
KFND_TO$+li/+sa01le.0= as a startin2 1oint. Co1y this file to the li/ directory under your a11lications to1
directory. Rena0e it Qshort na0eR.0= "ie fnd.0=% 2l.0= etc( odify this file accordin2 to the directions in it.
Basically you need to ?<
add a tar2et and /uild co00ands for your e;ecuta/le. Ne;t% use adrelin= to lin= the e;ecuta/le5 adrelin= forcePy
ranli/Py Yshortna0e 1ro2ra0na0eY
Y Ste1 >5 Re2ister the 1ro2ra0 as in the a/o3e 7uestion
!00ediate 1ro2ra0s5 Tust donUt do it.
1:1)How !o I "un a sh# sc"i%t as a concu""#nt %"o&"a'?
95 8rite the scri1t and call it Qna0eR.1ro2 $lace the scri1t under the /in directory under your a11lications to1
directory. For e;a01le% call the scri1t CUSTO.1ro2 and 1lace it under KCUSTO_TO$+/in
:5 a=e a sy0/olic lin= fro0 your scri1t to KFND_TO$+/in+fndc1esr For e;a01le% if the scri1t is called
CUSTO.1ro2 use this5 ln .s KFND_TO$+/in+fndc1esr CUSTO This lin= should /e na0ed the sa0e as your
scri1t 6ithout the .1ro2 e;tension !t should /e in the sa0e directory as the scri1t.
<5 Re2ister a concurrent 1ro2ra0 as descri/ed a/o3e% usin2 an e;ecution 0ethod of U)ostU Use the na0e of your
scri1t 6ithout the .1ro2 e;tension as the na0e of the e;ecuta/le For the e;a01le a/o3e% you 6ould use
>5 Dour scri1t 6ill /e 1assed at least > 1ara0eters% in K9 throu2h K> These 6ill /e5 orauser+16d% userid%
userna0e% re7uest_id Any other 1ara0eters you define 6ill /e 1assed in K? and hi2her. a=e sure your scri1t
returns an e;it status.
define 6ill /e 1assed in K? and hi2her. a=e sure your scri1t returns an e;it status.
?5 !f your scri1t returns a failure e;it status /ut the concurrent 0ana2er does not re1ort the error "sho6s it as still
runnin2 nor0al( a11ly 1atch >>:J:>
1:2)How wi u "#&ist#" +7F $i# an! "un it? T# th# S#(u#nc#?
Ste1s a. Sa3e the co1y of ur re1orts in rdf file in ur local directory.
/. Transfer or co1y the rdf file to cus_to1 under re1orts directory throu2h ft1.
C. Then 2o concurrent 1ro2ra0 under e;ecuta/le 0enu 6here u define e;ecuta/le file and 1ro2ra0 na0e
d. Then 2o to define the 1ro2ra0 na0e "6hich ur e;ecuta/le file na0e ( and chec= the srs /o; and define the
1ara0eter and 2i3e the 1ara0eter na0e in to=en
e. Attach the 1ro2ra0"re7uest to ur res1onsi/ility (
d run the 1ro2ra0 and 3ie6 the out 1ut is srs throu2h ur res1onsi/ility
8hat are different ty1es of 3alue sets L
1:*)What is t"ansata<# In!#%#n!#nt O 7#%#n!#nt ?
The 3alue set used to su11ort the 0ultilin2ual 3alue set.
1:1))How !o I su<'it a concu""#nt "#(u#st $"o' PL)S/L?
ans 5 usin2 fnd_re7uest.su/0it_re7uest .
3_re7uest_id 5P fnd_re7uest.su/0it_re7uest"a11licationshortna0e%
end ?>
if 3_re7uest_id R O then
d/0s_out1ut.1ut_line"USuccessfully su/0ittedU(
d/0s_out1ut.1ut_line"UNot Su/0ittedU(A
note 5 to su/0it a conc 1ro2ra0 fro0 UN!&+shell scri1 6e use CONSUB
1:3) How !o I canc# a "unnin& concu""#nt "#(u#st?
Na3i2ate to the Concurrent Re7uest Su00ary for0 Select a re7uest The Sysad0in res1onsi/ility can cancel or
hold any runnin2 re7uest
1:5) What is th# !i$$#"#nc# <#tw##n o"&ani9ation i! an! o"&Ei! ?
Or2aniEation_id stores in3entory or2aniEation id " li=e :O> for 9(
Or2_id stores the OU id corres1ondin2 to a o1eratin2 unit .
1::) What is th# !i$$#"#nc# <#tw##n con4#"sion an! int#"$ac#s ?
con3ersion 0eans one ti0e acti3ity interface 0eans 1eriodic acti3ity
e;a01le5. to transfer the data old 3ersion to ne6 3ersion it is called con3ersionto transfer the data fro0 sta2in2
ta/le to interface ta/le it is called interface % it is 1rocess on e3ery day or e3ery hour ........
1:;) What a"# th# !i$$#"#nt t0%#s o$ 4au# s#ts an! aso #>%ain #ach <"i#$0 ?
Different ty1es of ,alue sets are%
9( In!#%#n!#nt. This ,alue set contains list of 3alues 6hich does not de1ends on any other 3alue
:( 7#%#n!ant- !t contains 3alues 6hich de1ends on any one of the !nde1endant 3alue
<( Pai". co0/ines : fle; field to2ether to s1ecify ran2e of 3alid 3alues
>( S%#cia. Uses only 9 fle; field structure to s1ecify 3alues
?( Ta<#. This ,alue set contains list of 3alues fro0 9 or 0ore than 9 ta/le colu0ns
@( T"ansata<# 7#%#n!ant. Sa0e as De1endant 3alue set% only translated 3alues are 1resent
B( T"ansata<# In!#%#n!ant. Sa0e as !nde1endant 3alue set% only translated 3alues are 1resent
1;=) How !o 0ou "#&ist#" a ta<# an! cou'ns in O"ac# A%%sN
To re2ister the ta/le and colu0ns in AO' the na3i2ation is5 O1en A11liaction De3elo1er...R A11liaction...
RData/ase...Rta/le."!n ta/le 0ention the ta/le na0e"6hich you 6ant to re2ister(% user ta/le na0e%colu0ns%user
colu0n na0e(. The ta/le ] colu0ns 6hich you are 2oin2 to re2ister should /e 1resent in your 0odule s1ecific
1;1) What can w# $in! TE-PLATECF-B $i# ?
Te01late.f0/ file can /e found in AU_TO$ resource directory. This file contains all the Co00on characterstics
all the for0s. And also Contains Diffrent li/raries. li=e CUSTO.1ll%A$$CORE%A$$COREE:%FNDSQF%
TE%T'%TA%,ERT%-'OBE etc.. And Te01late.f0/ cotains Diffrent 1ro1ery classes for all the o/Gects. This
Te01late.f0/ can /e used for de3elo1in2 the ne6 for0 ??
1;3) What a"# th# i<"a"i#s attach#! to TE-PLATE $o"' ?
The Te01late for0 re7uired 9N .1ll in 99i 3ersion. Those 1ll na0es are 5
A$$CORE.1ll A$$CORE:.1ll FNDSQF.1ll A$$DAD$M.1ll -'OBE.1ll TE.1ll T'.1ll TA.1ll ,ERT.1ll -)R.1ll
$Q)_-EN.1ll $SAC.1ll $SB.1ll $SA.1ll !-!'UT!'.1ll
!-!'UT!':.1ll CUSTO.1ll -S.1ll F,.1ll O$.1ll
1;5)What is Concu""#nt P"o&"a''in&?
Concurrent $rocessin2 in Oracle A11s si0ultaneously e;ecutes 1ro2ra0s runnin2 in the Bac=2round 6ith on line
o1erations to fully utiliEe your hard6are ca1acity.
Use Concurrent $ro2ra00in2 for
'on2 Runnin2 C Data intensi3e tas=s such as $ostin2 a Tournal or 2eneratin2 a re1ort.
1;:)What is th# +o# o$ Concu""#nt -ana&#"s?
A Concurrent ana2er is a co01onent of Concurrent 1rocessin2 that 0onitors and runs tas=s 6ithout tyin2 u1
your co01uter.
1;;)What is AOL?
Oracle A11lications are constructed and 0aintained usin2 the A11lication O/Gect 'i/rary "AO'(.
The Three 0ain areas of AO' are
o A11lications Security
o O1eratin2 $rofile
o Concurrent $rocessin2
9. What is th# F#> $i#!? What a"# th# t0%#s o$ F#> $i#!?
o Fle; Field is _Fle;i/le Field`
o A Fle;field is 0ade u1 of Se20ents.
o Each se20ent has a na0e that can /e assi2ned and has set of 3alid 3alues.
o There are t6o ty1es of Fle; field Mey Fle; Field and Descri1ti3e Fle; Fields.
9. What a"# th# ta<#s "#at#! to $#> $i#!?
o FND_F'E&_,A'UES_T'
9. What is A7E77 %acDa&#?
AD_DD $ac=a2e is used to re2ister the Ta/le% Colu0ns% and $ri0ary Mey in Oracle A11lications.
o $_A$$'_S)ORT_NAE
o $_TAB_TD$E
o $_$CT_FREE
o $_$CT_USED
9. What a"# th# S%#cia an! Pai" F#> Fi#!?
S%#cia ? ,alue Sets uses Fle;Field itself
Pai" ? T6o Fle; Fields to2ether s1ecifies a ran2e of 3alid 3alues.
9. What a"# th# T"ansata<# 7#%#n!#nt an! In!#%#n!#nt F#> Fi#!s?
T"ansata<# In!#%#n!#nt ? !n1ut 0ust e;ist on 1re3iously defined set 'ist of
,alues. Translated 3alue can /e used. ?B
T"ansata<# 7#%#n!#nt 0eans !n1ut is chec=ed a2ainst a su/set of 3alues
Based on a 1rior 3alue. Translated 3alue can /e used.
9. What is FN7E+E/,ESTCS,B-ITE+E/,EST?
Su/0its a Concurrent Re7uest for $rocessin2 /y a Concurrent ana2er.
A"&u'#nts ? A11lication%1ro2ra0%descri1tion%start_ti0e%su/_re7uest%ar29..
9. What is Ci#nt In$o?
By callin2 this $ro2ra0 in SQ'F$'US or re1orts 6ith correct 1ara0eters user can achie3e concurrent 1ro2ra0
en3iron0ent for testin2.
FN7ECLIENTEINFOCs#tu%Eci#ntEin$oFa%%icationEi! Nu'<#"@
+#s%onsi<iit0Ei! Nu'<#"@
,s#"Ei! Nu'<#"@
S#cu"it0EH"ou%Ei! Nu'<#")J
9. Hi4# th# 7i"#cto"0 st"uctu"# in a%%s?
KA$$'_TO$ . $roduct Directory. ,ersion.
9. What a"# th# st#%s in +#&ist#"in& Concu""#nt P"o&"a'?
o -o to $ro2ra0s and Define E;ecuta/les.
o -o to $ro2ra0s and Define Concurrent $ro2ra0
o -o to Res1onsi/ility and attach the Re7uest 2rou1 you 6ant.
9. What a"# th# !i$$#"#nt t0%#s o$ #>#cuta<# a4aia<# in Concu""#nt P"o&"a''in&?
o )ost
o Oracle Re1orts
o $'+SQ' Stored $rocedures
o SQ'F$'US
o S1a6ned
o TS$
9. What a"# +#(u#st S#ts?
:. Re7uest set is a collection of Re1orts+$ro2ra0s that you 2rou1 to2ether and can /e su/0itted to run is a sin2le
9. What is Stan!a"! +#(u#st Su<'ission FS+S F#atu"#)?
S+S %"o4i!#s 0ou with a s#t o$ win!ows $o" "unnin& "#%o"ts an! P"o&"a's an! a s#t o$ win!ows $o"
c"#atin& &"ou%s o$ "#%o"ts an! %"o&"a's to "un to&#th#"C
F#atu"#s ?J
o S1ecify 6hether re1orts or 1ro2ra0s in a re7uest set run se7uentially or si0ultaneously
o S1ecify 6hether to continue 6ith a re7uest set if a re1ort or 1ro2ra0 in a se7uential set fails
o ,ie6 a lo2 file
o S1ecify alternati3e re7uests /ased on co01letion status of 1re3iously run re7uests in a re7uest set.
9. What a"# th# !i$$#"#nt APIs $o" Concu""#nt P"o&"a''in&?
o FND_F!'E
9. What a"# th# F#>Fi#! /uai$i#"s?
A Fle; field 7ualifier identifies a 1articular se20ent of a =ey fle; field.
9. What a"# th# S#&'#nt /uai$i#"s?
A Se20ent Qualifier identifies a 1articular ty1e of 3alue in a sin2le se20ent of a =ey fle; field.
9. What is a 70na'ic Ins#"tion?
Dyna0ic !nsertion is the insertion of ne6 3alid co0/ination into a Mey Fle;fields Co0/inations Ta/le fro0 a
for0 other than the co0/inations for0.
All ,alidation rules still 6ill a11ly durin2 insertion.
9. What a"# th# !i$$#"#nt L#4# o$ P"o$i#s?
,s#" P"o$i#s a"# us#!
o To set o1tions that affect your a11lications /eha3ior o your 1reference.
o A Collection of chan2ea/le o1tions that affect the 6ay your a11lications run
o odify $roduct S1ecific 3aria/les
o -i3es Control o3er certain Oracle A11lications features.
P"o$i# L#4#s
Site 'e3el
A11lication 'e3el
Res1onsi/ility 'e3el
User 'e3el
Not#6 Site 'e3el is the lo6est le3el.
9. E>%ain -uti-O"&ani9ation St"uctu"#?
"et !# $!!%
A financial re1ortin2 entity that uses a 1articular chart of accounts% functional currency and accountin2
Business -rou1 This is highest level in the Organi&ati!n "tructure' The (usiness gr!up secures )*
In#!r+ati!n' ,ultiple set !# $!!%s can share sa+e $usiness gr!up' 'e2al Entity A legal c!+pany #!r
which y!u prepare #iscal !r ta- rep!rts' Balancin2 Entity
Re1resents an accountin2 entity for 6hich you 1re1are financial state0ents.
This is the se20ent in Accountin2 Fle;field.
O1eratin2 Unit
An Or2aniEation that Uses Oracle Cash ana2e0ent% Order ana2e0ent and shi11in2 E;ecution% Oracle
$aya/les% Oracle $urchasin2% Oracle recei3a/les.
!t 0ay /e a Sales office di3ision or a de1art0ent. An O1eratin2 Unit is associated 6ith le2al entity.
!n3entory Or2aniEation An Organi&ati!n #!r which y!u trac% Invent!ry transacti!ns and $alances
and.!r an Organi&ati!n that +anu#actures !r distri$utes pr!ducts' )R Or2aniEation
)R Or2aniEation re1resents the /asic 6or= structure of any enter1rise. They usually re1resent Functional
ana2e0ent or re1ortin2 2rou1s that e;ists 6ithin a /usiness 2rou1.
9. )!w can u see ,ulti/Organi&ati!n is ena$led !r n!t #r!+ "0 1r!+pt2 SE'ECT
U'T!_OR-_F'A- FRO fnd_1roduct_2rou1sA
9. 3hat are the tw! +andat!ry para+eters re4uired #!r 10."0 st!red 1r!cedure 5!ncurrent
1r!gra+2 Err/uf and retcode t6o OUT $ara0eters are re7uired 6hile definin2 $'+SQ' stored $rocedure
Concurrent $ro2ra0.
Err/uf Returns any error 0essa2eand retcode returns co01letion status.
Retcode returns O for success% 9 for 6arnin2s and : for error.
9. 6i##erent Type !# 7alue "ets' 3hat is e-actly Translata$le independent and Translata$le 6ependent
7alue "ets 8Intr!duced in latest versi!n !# 11i9' Ans5. There are J ty1es of ,alues Sets.
i. None "Non ,alidate at all( ",alidation is ini0al(
G. !nde1endent "!n1ut 0ust e;ist on 1re3ious defined list of 3alues(
=. De1endent "!n1ut is chec=ed a2ainst a su/set of 3alues /ased on 1rior ,alue( 60 l. Ta/le "!n1ut is chec=ed
a2ainst a su/set of 3alues in an a11lication ta/le(
0. S1ecial "ad3anced( ",alue set uses a fle;field itself(
n. $air "ad3anced( "T6o Fle;fields to2ether s1ecify a ran2e of 3alid 3alues(
o. Translata/le !nde1endent "!n1ut 0ust e;ist on 1re3ious defined list of 3alues. Translated 3alue can /e
1. Translata/le De1endent. "!n1ut is chec=ed a2ainst a su/set of 3alues /ased on a 1rior 3alueA translated
3alue can /e used(
"Note5. 8hen you first define your fle;fields% you choose ho6 0any se20ents
Dou 6ant to use and 6hat order you 6ant the0 to a11ear. Dou also
Choose ho6 you 6ant to 3alidate each of your se20ents. The decisions
Dou 0a=e affect ho6 you define your 3alue sets and your 3alues.(
9. )!w t! run a c!ncurrent pr!gra+' 3hat all c!ncurrent pr!gra+s u have created' Ans5.
"Definition 5. A concurrent 1ro2ra0 is an instance of an e;ecution file, alon2 6ith parameter (e)initions an(
incompati*ilities! +onc$rrent pro&rams $se conc$rrent pro&ram e,ec$ta*les to locate the correct e,ec$tion
Oracle .ool +onc$rrent /ro&ram 0 A conc$rrent pro&ram 1ritten in
Oracle Reports2 /34S53 pac6a&e proce($res2
S5303oa(er2 S530/l$s2 Host Scriptin&!
Ho1 to R$n 7 0 Write a e,ec$tion )ile an( place in correct (irectory!
8sta*lish e,ec$ta*les in Oracle apps speci)y e,ec$tion )ile an( metho(!
9e)ine +onc$rrent /ro&ram :/ro&ram2 /arameters an( Incompati*ilities-
+all yo$r /ro&ram :% .h$ application )orm2 )rom other conc$rrent pro&ram!
% OR thro$&h stan(ar( re;$est s$*mission2 yo$ m$st chec6 the <US8 in SRS chec6 *o, an( re&ister yo$r
pro&ram parameters 1hen yo$ (e)ine yo$r conc$rrent pro&ram! A(( yo$r pro&ram into the re;$est sec$rity
&ro$p )or yo$r c$stom application!-
I ha=e create( reports thro$&h conc$rrent pro&ram2 loa(:s;l0loa(er4pl%s;l p6&%proc- the )ile thro$&h
conc$rrent pro&ram!
2249 3hat is para+eter in apps and #r!+ where u can create it' Ans5. $ara0eters only usin2 in re1ort%
you can create in definin2 the re1ort in
a11s "you can create the 1ara0eter there only(. 22:93hat all are the ta$les used in the +!dules u have
w!r%ed !n' F!n -' C ! ha3e 6or=ed on -'_TE_)EADERS"TOURNA'S
F!n $O. ! ha3e 6or=ed on $O_)EADER_A''4.. 22;93hat is 1r!#ile2 <-plain di##erent levels !#
1r!#ile' Ans5. A user 1rofile is a set of chan2ea/le o1tions that affects the 6ay your
a11lications run. Oracle A11lication O/Gect 'i/rary esta/lishes a 3alue
for each o1tion in a users 1rofile 6hen the user lo2s on or chan2es
res1onsi/ility. Dour user can chan2e the 3alue of 1rofile o1tions at any
ti0e a( To create $rofile O1tion. " 1r!#ile Opti!n can created $y devel!per in applicati!n devel!per
area( /(set the 3alue "7alues !# the pr!#ile !pti!n , wh! will have what value at vari!us levels is set $y
"="A6,I>9' Oracle A11lication O/Gect 'i/rary 1ro3ides 0any o1tions that. "<dit pr!#ile #eature #!r
every user is availa$le t! set any value t! all!w the user9'your users can set to alter the user interface of
your a11lications to satisfy their indi3idual 1references. /ro)ile Option > set at r$n time li6e > User Relate(2
responsi*ility2 Se;$ence2 /rinter2 Sec$rity!
61 Values in 4 Levels(HIEARCH !ISE" :- E. USER
-. A$$'!CAT!ON
). S!TE
A11lication De3elo1er create the pr!#ile' Syste0 Ad0inistrator 0a=e 1rofile o1tion. 8>OT<?/ !f any
chan2e in 3alue% it 6ill acti3e 6hen you re.lo2in or s6itch to the responsi*ility!-
: Usa&e in the m$lti%tier2 the pro)ile is *i&&est impact-
22@9)!w t! restrict the data #!r a resp!nsi$ility as per the O*A/I6 Ans5.Throu2h ulti C Or2"O( u
can restrict the data for a res1onsi/ility as 1er the OR-.!D. Only in -'. Set of /oo= !d you set the 3alue to
restrict the data for a res1onsi/ility. 22B9 is Fle-#ield2 3hat is #le-#ield 4uali#ier and what is seg+ent
4uali#ier2 Ans5. A fle;field is 0ade u1 a se20ents "8hich are actually ta/le colu0ns(. Each se20ent has a
na0e that can /e assi2ned% and set of 3alid 3alue.
$ur1ose and A11lication5.
F Fle;i/ility to i01le0ent code structure.
F Fle;i/ility to ca1ture additional infor0ation.
T6o Ty1es of Fle;fields in oracle a11s.
9. Mey Fle;fields "MFF(
:. Descri1ti3e Fle;fields "DFF(
A =ey fle;field se20ent has a na0e you assi2n% and set of 3alid 3alues you s1ecify. Each 3alue has a
0eanin2 6hich can /e s1ecified. Fle-#ield uali#ier?/A flexfield qalifier identifies a 1articular se20ent
of a =ey fle;field.. Us$ally an application nee(s some metho( o) i(enti)yin& a partic$lar
se&ment )or some application p$rpose s$ch as sec$rity or comp$tations! Ho1e=er2 since a 6ey )le,)iel( can
*e c$stomi?e( so that se&ments appear in any or(er 1ith any prompts2 the application nee(s a mechanism
other than the se&ment name or se&ment or(er to
$se )or se&ment i(enti)ication!
"eg+ent uali#ier ?/ ! segment qalifier identifies a 1articular ty1e of 3alue in a sin2le se&ment o) a
6ey )le,)iel(!
In the Oracle Applications2 only the! Acco$ntin& Fle,)iel( $ses se&ment ;$ali)iers! @o$ can thin6 o) a
se&ment ;$ali)ier as an Ai(enti)ication ta&A )or a =al$e! In the Acco$ntin& Fle,)iel(2 se&ment ;$ali)iers can
i(enti)y the acco$nt type
22C93hich #le-#ield 4uali#iers are +andat!ry2 Ans5. #Balancin2 Se20ent fle; field 7ualifier is
0andatory. 2D096i##erence (etween versi!ns !# Apps'8Fr!nt end E 6ata$ase9 Ans5. !n /ac=end. Client
ser3er architecture "old(+ Three tire architecture
!n font end. Client Ser3er A11lication "old(+ 8e/ Based a11lication 2D193hat is ,F0TI/O*A and what
is structure !# +ulti/!rg' Ans5. Use a sin2le installation of any oracle a11lications 1roduct to su11ort any
nu0/er of or2aniEations. if those or2aniEations use different set of /oo=s.
Su11ort any nu0/er or le2al entities 6ith a sin2le installation of oracle a11lications. 62 Secure access to
data so that users can access only the infor0ation that is rele3ant to the0. "tructure ?/ Business Unit
%B3:Set o) Coo6s-:+$rrency2 +alen(ar2 +hart o) Acco$nt-
Calancin& Se&ment:@o$ can (o m$ltiple *alancin& se&ment-
%Operatin& Units :/$rchase2 Sellin&2 Fi,e( Asset2 /aya*le2
%In=entory Or&ani?ations :Storin& Items2 .ransaction Happenin&2
Ware Ho$sin&-
:Note7% Means i) yo$ maintainin& B3:set o) *oo6 i(-2 I) $ ha=e operatin& $nit2 i) yo$
ha=e in=entory then its calle( MU3.I%ORB-
2D293hat is di##erence $etween O*AGI6 and O*AA>IHATIO>GI6 in ,ulti/Org'
At where we can set O*AGI6 and O*AA>IHATIO>GI6 level it c!+es in the
structure' Ans5.A -lo/al ,aria/le e;ists in the oracle data/ase called C'!ENT_!NFO% 6hich is @> /ytes
lon2. The first 9O /ytes are used to store the o1eratin2 unit !D"or OR-_!D( for the 0ulti1le or2aniEation
su11ort feature.
ulti.Or2 3ie6s are 1artitioned /y OR-_!D. The OR-_!D 3alue is stored in C'!ENT_!NFO 3aria/le."!t
co0es in A$%$O%AR%O le3el(
OR-AN!*AT!ON_!D C !ts for !n3entory% f2% ] BO.
9?.Q.8hat are the default ty1es of 1ara0eters. 8hat is the use of each one of it.
Ans5.FFFFFF 2DD9O*AGI6 can $e set at +aster levels !r transacti!n level' Ans5. OR-_!D can /e set at
transaction 'e3el. 2D496i##ernet type !# e-ecuti!n +eth!ds in 5!nc'1r!gs' <-plain <ach Type' Ans5.
a.Oracle Re1orts. Dou can re2ister your re1ort as e;ecuta/le file ty1e is oracle re1orts.
/. $'+SQ' $ac=a2e $rocedure . Dou can re2ister your $'+SQ' $ac=a2e $rocedure as e;ecuta/le file ty1e is
oracle $'+SQ' $ac=a2e $rocedure.
9. SQ' 'oader. Dou can re2ister your SQ' 'oader SQ' 'oader is your e;ecuta/le file ty1e."for data
:. SQ'F$lus 5. Dou can re2ister your SQ' scri1t as SQ'F$lus e;ecuta/le ty1e.
<. )ost Scri1tin25. Dou can 6rite do6n Uni; )ost scri1tin2 and re2ister here. 2D:93hat is di##erence
$etween !racle sche+a and apps sche+a' Ans5.Data/ase Sche0a.
The A$$S sche0a. is an ORAC'E sche0a that has access to the
co01lete Oracle A11lications data 0odel. This sche0a is 0aintained
/y Auto!nstall. 2D;9 3hat are the !$Iects A11" sche+a c!ntain' Ans5. The A$$S sche0a contains
synony0s to all ta/les and
se7uences as 6ell as all ser3erCside code "stored 1rocedures% 3ie6s%
and data/ase tri22ers(.
For ER$ a11lications% data 1artitionin2 is 1erfor0ed /y data/ase
3ie6s. These 3ie6s reside in the A$$S Oracle sche0a and deri3e the 63 a11ro1riate o1eratin2 unit conte;t
fro0 an RDBS 3aria/le. 2D@93hat are the na+es !# the para+eters u pass t! the 1r!cedure which u
register in the apps2 B. 9( retcode in 3archar:
:( err/uf in 3archar: 2DB9 3hat is applicati!n sh!rt na+e #!r Aeneral 0edger y!u speci#y in F>6
F0<J"0 user e-it2 A. SQ'-' 2DC9)!w d! y!u set pr!#ile in !racle applicati!ns In Applicati!n
6evel!per resp!nsi$ility2 A O1en #$rofile Function 2409 3hat is the synta- #!r l!ading data thr!ugh
"0 K 0!ader #r!+ +ultiple #iles si+ultane!usly A. S7lldr scott+ti2eraorcl control P ctlfile
1arfile .. 1ara0eter file5 na0e of file that contains 1ara0eter s1ecifications
1arallel .. do 1arallel load "Default FA'SE( 2419Aive the relati!n $etween categ!ries and ite+s ta$le'
Relation !N,ENTORD_!TE_!D 2429In which ta$les are the categ!ries !# an ite+ st!red'
T'_!TE_CATE-OR!ES 24D9"igni#icance !# A00 in apps ta$les' Ta/les 6hich are related 6ith
ultior2 is suffi;ed 6ith A''. 2449<-plain a$!ut #le-#ield in A0'In what way it is use#ul2 A MFF is a set
of se20ents% each se20ent 6ill identify a uni7ue characterstic of an entity. it can /e ter0ed as intelli2ent
=ey. 6e can define our /usiness re7uire0ents 6ithout doin2 any 1ro2ra00in2.
A DFF is a set of se20ents 6hich can /e used to ca1ture e;tra info. 6ithout any custo0isation.
24:9<-ecuti!n +eth!ds2
Ans' a. )ost *! Imme(iate
c! Ja=a Store( /roce($re
(! Ja=a +onc$rrent /ro&ram
e! M$lti 3an&$a&e F$nction
)! Oracle Reports
64 2. $'+SQ' Stored $rocedure
h. Re7uest Set Sta2e Function
i. S1a6ned
G. SQ'F'oader
=. SQ'F$lus 24;9 3hat is T5A 8Trading 5!++unity Architecture92
Ans' Oracle Tradin2 Co00unity Architecture "TCA( is a data 0odel that allo6s you to 0ana2e co01le;
infor0ation a/out the 1arties% or custo0ers% 6ho /elon2 to your co00ercial co00unity% includin2
or2aniEations% locations% and the net6or= of hierarchical relationshi1s a0on2 the0. This infor0ation is
0aintained in the TCA Re2istry% 6hich is the sin2le source of tradin2 co00unity infor0ation for Oracle E.
Business Suite a11lications. 24@9 6i##erence $etween Applicati!n 6evel!per and "yste+ Ad+inistrat!r2
Role of Technical Consultant5
9. Desi2nin2 Ne6 For0s% $ro2ra0s and Re1orts
:. For0s and Re1orts custo0iEation
<. De3elo1in2 !nterfaces
>. De3elo1in2 $'+SQ' stored 1rocedures
?. 8or=flo6 auto0ations
Role of Syste0 Ad0inistrator5
9. Define 'o2on Users
:. Define Ne6+Custo0 Res1onsi/ility
<. Define Data -rou1s
>. Define Concurrent ana2ers
?. Define $rinters
@. Test Net6or= $references
B. Define+Add ne6 odules
Role of an A11s DBA5
9. !nstallin2 of A11lication
:. U12radation
<. i2ration
>. $atches
?. Routin2 0aintenance of QA
@. Clonin2 of OA 24B93hat are Fle-#ields2
Ans' A Fle;field is a custo0iEa/le field that o1ens in a 6indo6 fro0 a re2ular Oracle A11lications 6indo6.
Definin2 fle;fields ena/les you to tailor Oracle A11lications to your o6n /usiness needs. By usin2
fle;fields% you can5 :a- Str$ct$re certain i(enti)iers re;$ire( *y oracle applications accor(in& to yo$r o1n
*$siness en=ironment!
:*- +ollect an( (isplay a((itional in)ormation )or yo$r *$siness as nee(e(!
Key Fle,)iel(s7 @o$ $se 6ey )le,)iel(s to (e)ine yo$r o1n str$ct$re )or many o) the i(enti)iers re;$ire( *y
Oracle Applications! /ro)ile > <Fle,)iel(s7Open Key Win(o1 :FN9EI9EF38XS-
65 Descri1ti3e Fle;field5 Dou use descri1ti3e fle;fields to 2ather additional infor0ation a/out your /usiness
entities /eyon2 the infor0ation re7uired /y Oracle A11lications. $rofile C Fle;fields5 O1en Descr 8indo6
"FND_DESCR!$T!,E_F'E&S( 24C9 *e4uest "et and where d! y!u de#ine it2
Ans' Re7uest sets allo6 you to su/0it 0ulti1le re7uests to2ether usin2 0ulti1le e;ecution 1ath. A re7uest
set is a collection of re1orts and +or 1ro2ra0s that are 2rou1ed to2ether. A sta&e is a component o) a re;$est
set $se( to &ro$p re;$ests 1ithin the set! All o) the re;$ests in a &i=en sta&e are e,ec$te( in parallel!
A(=anta&es o) sta&es are the a*ility to e,ec$te se=eral re;$ests in parallel an( then mo=e se;$entially to the
ne,t sta&e!
Responsi*ility7 System A(ministrator
Na=7 +onc$rrent %F Set
2:096e#ine *e4uest Ar!up2
Ans' A re7uest security 2rou1 is the collection of re7uests% re7uest sets% and concurrent 1ro2ra0s that a user%
o1eratin2 under a 2i3en res1onsi/ility% can select fro0 the Su/0it Re7uests 6indo6. 2:19*egistrati!n !#
10."0 with para+eters2
Ans' 9. Create the 1rocedure in the 0odule s1ecific sche0a.
:. Create a 1u/lic synony0 for that 1rocedure in the A11s sche0a.
<. Create the e;ecuta/le for that 1rocedure.
>. Create a concurrent 1ro2ra0.
?. Attach the concurrent 1ro2ra0 to that 1rocedure.
Note5 There are t6o 0andatory 1ara0eters 9. Err/uf :. Retcode. Any 1ara0eter 6hich are to /e 1assed
should /e succeeded 6ith these t6o 1ara0eters and ha3e to /e re2istered. 8hen callin2 the 1rocedure% these
t6o 1ara0eters are not 0entioned. 2:297alue "ets2
Ans' Oracle A11lication O/Gect 'i/rary uses 3alues% 3alue sets and 3alidation ta/les as i01ortant
co01onents of =ey fle;fields% descri1ti3e fle;fields% Fle;Builder% and Standard Re7uest Su/0ission. When
yo$ )irst (e)ine yo$r )le,)iel(s2 yo$ choose ho1 many se&ments yo$ 1ant to $se an( 1hat or(er yo$ 1ant
them to appear! @o$ also choose ho1 yo$ 1ant to =ali(ate each o) yo$r se&ments! .he (ecisions yo$ ma6e
a))ect ho1 yo$ (e)ine yo$r =al$e sets an( yo$r =al$es!
@o$ (e)ine yo$r =al$e sets )irst2 either *e)ore or 1hile yo$ (e)ine yo$r )le,)iel( se&ment str$ct$res! @o$
typically (e)ine yo$r in(i=i($al =al$es only a)ter yo$r )le,)iel( has *een completely (e)ine( :an( )ro?en an(
compile(-! 9epen(in& on 1hat type o) =al$e set yo$ $se2 yo$ may not nee( to pre(e)ine in(i=i($al =al$es at
all *e)ore yo$ can $se yo$r )le,)iel(!
@o$ can share =al$e sets amon& se&ments in (i))erent )le,)iel(s2 se&ments in (i))erent str$ct$res o) the same
)le,)iel(2 an( e=en se&ments 1ithin the same )le,)iel( str$ct$re! @o$ can share =al$e sets across 6ey an(
(escripti=e )le,)iel(s! @o$ can also $se =al$e sets )or report parameters )or yo$r reports that $se the Stan(ar(
Report S$*mission )eat$re!
66 Na3i2ation $ath5
'o2in C A11lication De3elo1er .R A11lication .R ,alidation .R Set 2:D97alue 7alidati!n Types2
Ans' 9. De1endant
:. !nde1endent
<. None
>. $air
?. S1ecial
@. Ta/le
B. Translate !nde1endent
J. Translate De1endent 2:49 )!w t! de#ine a value set depending !n !ther value set2
Ans' Na3i2ation $ath5 'o2in .R AO' .R A11lication .R ,alidation .R Set Select the =ali(ation type as
A9epen(antA an( clic6 on <8(it In)ormation *$tton! In 9epen(ant =al$e set in)ormation screen mention the
In(epen(ent =al$e set name!
2::9 Inc!+pati$ility in rep!rt registrati!n and *un Al!ne2
Ans' !dentify 1ro2ra0s that should not run si0ultaneously 6ith your concurrent 1ro2ra0 /ecause they
0i2ht interfere 6ith its e;ecution. Dou can s1ecify your 1ro2ra0 as /ein2 inco01ati/le 6ith itself.
Application7 Altho$&h the (e)a$lt )or this )iel( is the application o) yo$r conc$rrent pro&ram2 yo$ can enter
any =ali( application name!
Name7 .he pro&ram name an( application yo$ speci)y m$st $ni;$ely i(enti)y a conc$rrent pro&ram! @o$r
list (isplays the $ser%)rien(ly name o) the pro&ram2 the short name2 an( the (escription o) the pro&ram!
Scope7 8nter Set or /ro&ram Only to speci)y 1hether yo$r conc$rrent pro&ram is incompati*le 1ith this
pro&ram an( all its chil( re;$ests :Set- or only 1ith this pro&ram :/ro&ram Only-!
R$n Alone7 In(icate 1hether yo$r pro&ram sho$l( r$n alone relati=e to all other pro&rams in the same
lo&ical (ata*ase! I) the e,ec$tion o) yo$r pro&ram inter)eres 1ith the e,ec$tion o) all other pro&rams in the
same lo&ical (ata*ase :in other 1or(s2 i) yo$r pro&ram is incompati*le 1ith all pro&rams in its lo&ical
(ata*ase2 incl$(in& itsel)-2 it sho$l( r$n alone!
2:;9,ulti Org2
Ans' Business -rou1 "each one o6n Set of Boo=s(
'e2al Entity "$ost to a Set of Boo=s( 67 O1eratin2 Units
!n3entory Or2aniEations
anufacturin2 odules "Order Entry% $urchasin2% R$ etc.(
Financial odules 2:@9 3hat are 1r!#iles2
Ans' A user 1rofile is a set of chan2ea/le o1tions that affect the 6ay your a11lication loo=s and /eha3es. As
Syste0 Ad0inistrator% you control ho6 Oracle A11lications o1erate /y settin2 user 1rofile o1tions to the
3alues you 6ant. Dou can set user 1rofile o1tions at four different le3els5 site% a11lication% res1onsi/ility% and
user. Dour settin2s affect users as soon as they si2n on or chan2e res1onsi/ility. >avigati!n 1ath? 'o2in C
Syste0 Ad0inistrator .R $rofile .R Syste0
Si2non $ass6ord )ard to -uess
Si2non $ass6ord 'en2th
Set of Boo=s Na0e
Fle;fields5 Autos=i1 2:B93hat is the ,ulti Org and what is it used #!r2
Ans' ulti Or2 or ulti1le Or2aniEations Architecture allo6s 0ulti1le o1eratin2 units and their
relationshi1s to /e defined 6ithin a sin2le installation of Oracle A11lications. This =ee1s each o1eratin2
unitUs transaction data se1arate and secure. Use the follo6in2 7uery to deter0ine if uli Or2 is intalled5
Yselect 0ulti_or2_fla2 fro0 fnd_1roduct_2rou1sAY 2:C9,!dule related Fle- #ields2
Ans' Mey Fle;fields Descri1ti3e Fle; fields
-eneral 'ed2er . Accountin2 Fle; field Daily Rates
Assets . Asset Cate2ory Fle;field Bonus Rates
Recei3a/les . Sales Ta; 'ocation Credit )istory !nfor0ation
Territory Fle; field 2;09 6i##erence $etween Al!$al seg+ents and 5!nte-t/"ensitive seg+ents2
Ans' -o/al Se20ents5 -lo/al se20ents are se20ents that a11ear re2ardless of conte;t. Colu0ns used for
2lo/al se20ents cannot hold an conte;t.sensiti3e se20ents.
Conte;t.Sensiti3e se20ents5 Conte;t.Sensiti3e se20ents occur de1endin2 on the conte;t. 68 2;D93hat is
the use !# cust!+'pll2 Custo0.1ll is used for custo0iEations such as for0% enforcin2 /usiness rules and
disa/lin2 fields that are not re7uired for site 6ithout 0odifyin2 standard a11s for0s. 2;49 )!w t!
1*OA*A,ATI5A00= su$+it the re4uest2 a( 8ith the hel1 of standard A$!
Find Re7uest. Su/0it re7uest 2;:93hat is re4uest set2 8ith the hel1 of re7uest set 6e can su/0it se3eral
re7uests to2ether usin2 0ulti1le e;ecution 1aths. !ts collection of concurrent 1ro2ra0s li=e re1orts
1rocedures 2rou1ed to2ether. 2;;9 3hat is the A1I used #!r #ile I.! !perati!n2 Or which A1I is used t!
write t! re4uest l!g and re4uest !utput2 a( Fnd_file.1ut_line "Fnd_file.lo2% #0essa2e(A
/( Fnd_file.1ut_line "fnd_file.out. #essa2e(A 2;@9 )!w d! I pr!gra++atically capture applicati!n
userGid2 Fnd_1rofile.3alue "#user_id( or fnd_2lo/al.user_id. 2;B9 3hat are #le-#ields2 A fle;field is a
field 0ade u1 of se20ents. Each se20ent has a na0e and a set of 3alid 3alues. There are t6o ty1es of ffs5
=ey ff% DFF 2;C93hich are the 2 para+eters re4uired t! $e de#ined when a pr!gra+ is registered as
pl.s4l st!red pr!cedure ERRBUF% RETCODE 2@095an we register e-ecuta$le.c!ncurrent pr!gra+
pr!gra++atically then h!w2 Des 6e can. !t can /e done 6ith standard 1ac=a2e fnd_1ro2ra0%
fnd_1ro2ra0.e;ecuta/le% fnd_1ro2ra0.re2ister. 2@193hat changes need t! $e +ade i# a setup is changed
#r!+ a single !rg t! +ulti !rg2 Or2_id should /e added as a 1ara0eter in a re1ort and re1ort should /e run
for s1ecific or2_id only 2@293hat is +essage dicti!nary2 essa2e dictionary allo6s definin2 0essa2es%
6hich can /e used in a11lication 6ithout hard codin2 the0 into for0s or 1ro2ra0s. 2@D9 3hat is the t!%en
in c!ncurrent pr!gra+ para+eters wind!w2 For a 1ara0eter in an oracle re1ort 1ro2ra0% they =ey6ord
is 1ara0eter s1ecified here. The 3alue is case sensiti3e for e;a01le $_CUSTOER_NO 2@493hat is
di##erent validati!n de#aults types and de#ault value in current pr!gra+ para+eter wind!w2 a(
/( 1rofile
c( SQ' state0ent 69 d9 Se20ent 2@:9 I have a c!ncurrent pr!gra+ that inv!lves l!t !# inserts and
updates !n a huge $asis where d! I speci#y r!ll$ac% seg+ent etc
2@;9 )!w d! I change the pri!rity !# +y c!ncurrent pr!gra+2 3alue in this field so it 6ill ta=e the
re7uest% 6hich has hi2her 1riority. 2@@9 3hat is inc!+pati$ility2 8hen a 1ro2ra0 or list of 1ro2ra0s is
defined as inco01ati/le 0eans that defined 1ro2ra0 is not co01ati/le 6ith inco01ati/le 1ro2ra0 list and
cant run si0ultaneously in sa0e conflict do0ain. 2@B93hat is data gr!up2 A data 2rou1 defines the
0a11in2 /+6 oracle a11lications and oracle !Ds. A data 2rou1 deter0ines oracle data/ase accounts
res1onsi/ilities for0s% concurrent 1ro2ra0s% and re1orts connect to 2@C93hat are the steps t! register
c!ncurrent pr!gra+ in A11"2 The ste1s to re2ister the concurrent 1ro0 in A$$S are follo6s
a( Re2ister the 1ro0 as concurrent 1ro0 for the e;ecuta/le
/( Define the concurrent 1ro0 for the e;ecuta/le re2istered
C( Add the concurrent 1ro2ra0 to the re7uest 2rou1 of the res1onsi/ilities 2@B93hat are the #!r+s
cust!+i&ati!n steps2 Ste1s are as follo6s
a( Co1y the YTe01late f0/Y9 and YA11stand.f0/Y fro0 AU_to1+For0s+us. $ut it in custo0 directory .
the 'i/raries"FNDSQF%A$$CORE%A$$DAD$M%-'OBE%CUSTO%TE%TA%,ERT(are auto0atically attached
/( Create+o1en ne6 for0s .then custo0iEe
c( Sa3e this for0 in corres1ondin2 0odule. 2@C9 )!w t! use #le-#ield in rep!rt2 There are t6o 6ays to use
fle;field in re1orts one is to use the 3ie6s "ta/le na0eSX_=f3X or X_df3X( created /y a11s% and use the
concatenated se20ent colu0n that holds the concatenated se20ents of the =ey or descri1ti3e fle;field
To use the FND user e;its 1ro3ided /y a11s 2B09what is KFF, 6FF2 MFF 5 ^ uni7ue identifiers% storin2 =ey
into ^ used for enterin2 and dis1layin2 =ey into
For e;a01le oracle 2eneral uses a MFF called Accountin2 fle; field to uni7uely identify a 2eneral account.
DFF 5 ^ to ca1ture additional info ^ to 1ro3ide e;1ansion s1ace on your for0 6ith the hel1 of HI. HI
re1resents DFF 70
2B196i##erence $.w KFF and 6FF KFF
6FF 9. Uni7ue identifiers To ca1ture e;tra info :. MFF are stored in se20ents Stored in attri/utes <. For
MFF there are FF 7ualifier and se20ent 7ualifiers Conte;t_sensiti3e ff is a feature of dff. "DFF(
2B29)!w will y!u get set !# $!!%s id dyna+ically in rep!rts2 By usin2 1rofile o1tion called
-'_SET_Of_Boo=s_id 2BD9)!w will u capture AFF in rep!rts2 By usin2 user e;its 2B495ust!+'1ll
vari!us events in cust!+'100 *oo0_a3aila/le% custo0.standard% Custo0.e3ent. 2B:93hen u de#ined
c!ncurrent pr!gra+ u de#ined in c!+pati$ilities 6hat is the 0eanin2 of inco01ati/ilities
si0ultaneously cant allo6 runnin2 1ro2ra0s 2B;93hat is hierarchy !# +ultiG!rg2
2B@93hat is di##erence $.w !rgGid, !rganisati!nGI6 OR-_!D is an o1eratin unit
Or2anisation_!D is in3entory or2anisation. 2BB93hat are pr!#ile !pti!ns2 Defines the 6ay a11lication
/eha3es " 0ore than :OO ty1es( 2BC97alue set' And validati!n types 3alue set define suita/le 3alues for
your se20ents
ta/le% none% de1endent% inde1endent% s1ecial% 1air 2C093hat is #le-#ield 4uali#iers2 Additional 1ro1erties
for your se20ent 2C19)!w +any seg+ents are in AFF2 ini0u0% 0a;i0u0 2C293hen u de#ined 551
there is !ne chec%$!- use in "*" what is +eaning !# this supp!se I d! n!w want t! call rep!rt thr!ugh
"*" h!w will I call rep!rt then2 SRS5P "Standard Re7uest su/0ission( 2CD93hat is di##erence $.w
re4uest gr!up and data gr!up2 Re7uest 2rou1 5 2rou1 is set of CC$ and re7uest sets
Data -rou1 5 inte2rates all your oracle a11s 0odules 2C493hat is +eaning !# L#le- Ld!llar usin2 this 6e
call a 3alue set 6ith another 3alue set. 71 2C:95O>5F**<>T ,A>AA<*? > Ty1es !Internal Mana&er
'!Stan(ar( Mana&er G!+on)lict Resol$tion Mana&er H!Speciali?e( conc$rrent Mana&er!
' F>6G1*OA*A,G*<AI"T<*? .....................
A11lication $ro2ra05 A11lication
E;ecuta/le na0e5 Na0e of the re2istered E;ecuta/le
E;ecuta/le A11lication5 Na0e of the a11 6here e;ecuta/le ins re2istered.
F>6G1*OA*A,G<J<5FTA(0<? .......................
E;ecuta/le Na0e5 Na0e of the e;ecuta/le.
A11lication5 Na0e of the e;ecuta/le a11lication.
Short Na0e5 Short na0e of the e;e
E;ecution ethod5 UFle; R1tU UFle; SQ'U U)ostU U!00ediateU UOracle Re1ortsU U$'+SQ' stored 1rocedureU
US7lFloaderU US7lF$lusU US7lFre1ortU
E;ecution File Na0e5 Re2d. for all /ut i00ediate 1ro2. F>6G*<F<"T'"F(,ITG*<F<"T
Na0e5 Su/0it Re7uest
A11lication5 Short na0e for the a11lication under 6hich the 1ro2ra0 is re2istered.
$ro2ra05 Concurrent 1ro2ra0 na0e for 6hich the re7uest has to /e su/0itted. *<AI"T<*I>A TA(0<?
+ON+URR8N. MANAB8R7 r$ns conc$rrent process allo1in& m$ltiple tas6s sim$ltaneo$sly!
+ON+URR8N. /RO+8SS7 r$ns sim$ltaneo$sly 1ith other tas6s to help complete m$ltiple tas6s at once
1itho$t interr$ption!
B8N8RA3 AIM7 AIM #2 '#2 G#2 H# %F 9CA
AIM "# %F A$tomatic col$mn mappin&
AIM I# %F Man$al col$mn mappin&
AIM J# %F 9e)a$lt =al$es2 (ata assi&nments to *e incl$(e(!
AIM K# %F Unit .estin& L res$lts o) UA.
AIM M# %F +o(in&
IF %F Inter)ace2 R9 %F Re;$irement 9e)initions2 CR %F C$siness re;$irement2
M9 %F Mo($le 9esi&n2 +N %F +on=ersion
72 $ROCESS!N- CONSTRA!NTS5 Restrictin2 1articular res1onsi/ility on an entered infor0ation.
$ROF!'E 'E,E'5 9.Site :.A11lication <.User >.Res1onsi/ility
MED F'E& F!E'DS5 A fle;i/le data field 0ade u1 of se20ents% each se20ent has a na0e 6e define and a
set of 3alues that 6e s1ecify.
DESCR!$T!,E F'E& F!E'D5 A fle;field that our or2aniEation can custo0iEe to ca1ture additional
infor0ation re2d. /y our /usiness.
C, 9O .R Define Con3ersion Sco1e% o/Gecti3es and a11roach
C, :O .R $re1are Con3ersion Strate2y
C, <O .R $re1are Con3ersion Standards
C, >O .R $re1are Con3ersion State0ents
C, ?O .R $erfor0 Con3ersion Data a11in2
C, @O .R Define anual Con3ersion Strate2y
C, BO .R Desi2n Con3ersion $ro2ra0s
C, JO .R $re1are Con3ersion Test $lans
C, NO .R De3elo1 Con3ersion $ro2ra0
C, 9OO .R $erfor0 Con3ersion Unit Test
C, 99O .R $erfor0 Con3ersion /usiness o/Gects Tests
C, 9:O .R $erfor0 Con3ersion !nte2ration Tests
C, 9<O .R !nstall Con3ersion Soft6are
C, 9>O .R Con3ert ] ,erify Data 2C;9)!w t! set dependent and independent value set and h!w y!u
will insert values #!r the seg+ents having these value sets'
A>"? First define inde1endent 3alue set and then 6hile definin2 de1endent 3alue set 2i3e reference of
inde1endent 3alue set alon2 6ith default 3alue and descri1tion. At ti0e of enterin2 3alues% enter 3alues for
inde1endent first and then 6hile enterin2 3alues for de1endent it 6ill first force you to select 3alue of
inde1endent se20ent. 2C@9 *e4uired para+eter #!r 10."0 1r!cedure registered in Oracle' 3hat will
happen i# these are n!t included2
A>"? Retcode and Err/uf are t6o out 1ara0eters ha3in2 3archar: dataty1e that are re7uired. Use err/uf to
return any error 0essa2es% and retcode to return co01letion status. The 1ara0eter retcode returns O for
success% 9 for success 6ith 6arnin2s% and : for error. After your concurrent 1ro2ra0 runs% the concurrent
0ana2er 6rites the contents of /oth err/uf and retcode to the lo2 file associated 6ith your concurrent
re7uest. I# we d! n!t include these tw! para+eters, it will give run ti+e err!r' 'MK-Ho1 to O$(&e the
n$m*er o) (escripti=e )iel(s (e)ine( )rom the )ront en( itsel)!
!n front end 6e 6ill find HI o1en close s7uare /rac=et 6hich indicate the 1resence of descri1ti3e fle;field. !n
other 6ords% dff a11ears on for0 as a sin2le.character% unna0ed field enclosed in /rac=ets 2CC93hat is
c!nte-t #ield is all a$!ut' 73 A>"? Conte;t field is used to 0a=e descri1ti3e fle;field se20ents conte;t
sensiti3e% so that se20ent that 0ay or 0ay not a11ear de1endin2 u1on 6hat other infor0ation is 1resent in
your for0 D0093hat is use !# cust!+'pll what triggers are #ired t! supp!rt the cust!+i&ati!n y!u d!
using cust!+'pll
S/8+IA3n : to H"-
K8@%)n : to K-
D0193hat is aut! acc!unting2
A>"? !t is a re7uired setu1 /efore to enter any transaction in AR. 8e ha3e to define code co0/inations for
different transaction ty1e such as re3enue% recei3a/les% /ills recei3a/les% char2e /ac=% de1osit and 2uarantee
to default D0293)AT I" KFF E 6FF
A>"? KFF? A fle;field is a field 0ade u1 of su/.fields% or se20ents. Each se&ment has a name an( a set o)
=ali( =al$es! .he =al$es may also ha=e =al$e
(escriptions! Key )le,)iel(s are )le,i*le eno$&h to let any or&ani?ation $se the
co(e scheme 1itho$t pro&rammin&!
In other 1or(s2 Fle,)iel( is a Aintelli&ent )iel(sA that are )iel(s comprise( o)
one or more se&ments2 1here each se&ment has *oth a =al$e an( a meanin&!
6FF? Descri1ti3e fle;fields 1ro3ide custo0iEa/le Ye;1ansion s1aceY on your )orms! @o$ can $se (escripti=e
)le,)iel(s to trac6 a((itional in)ormation2
important an( $ni;$e to yo$r *$siness2 that 1o$l( not other1ise *e capt$re( *y
the )orm! 9escripti=e )le,)iel(s can *e conte,t sensiti=e2 1here the in)ormation
yo$r application stores (epen(s on other =al$es yo$r $sers enter in other parts
o) the )orm! A (escripti=e )le,)iel( appears on a )orm as a sin&le%character2
$nname( )iel( enclose( in *rac6ets! 8ach )iel( or se&ment in a (escripti=e
)le,)iel( has a prompt2 O$st li6e or(inary )iel(s2 an( can ha=e a set o) =ali(
=al$es! @o$r or&ani?ation can (e)ine (epen(encies amon& the se&ments or
c$stomi?e a (escripti=e )le,)iel( to (isplay conte,t%sensiti=e se&ments2 so that
(i))erent se&ments or a((itional pop%$p 1in(o1s appear (epen(in& on the
=al$es yo$ enter in other )iel(s or se&ments!
D0D93)AT I" 7A0F< "<T"
A>"? Set of 3alid 3alues defined for fle;field se20ent and SRS re1ort ar2u0ents. ,alue Set is used 6hen
6e define fle;field se20ent for Mey Fle;field and descri1ti3e fle;field se20ent 6indo6. Also for re1orts
that are run fro0 the SRS uses 3alues sets for re1ort ar2u0ents. D049 3)AT I" TA(0< T=1< 7A0F<
A>"? ,A'UE SET 6here 6e selectin2 3alidation ty1e as ta/le refer ta/le that are re2istered oracle
a11lication ta/le for 3alues to /e 1o1ulated for your 1ara0eter. 8e can use 0ulti1le ta/le se1aratin2 the0 /y
M, ' 74 D0:9 6IFF I> 7A0F< "<T E *<F<"T "<T
A>"? ,alue set is a ,alue ha3in2 list ty1e% security ty1e% for0at ty1e% 3alidation and siEe+6idth used for
se20ents definition and as attri/ute for re1orts e;traction throu2h SRS 6here as REQUEST SET is a
REQUEST ha3e 0ore than one Sta2e and each sta2e ha3e 0ore than one re7uest 1ro2ra0. D0;93)AT I"
*<F<"T "<T"
A>"? A re7uest set is a collection of re1orts and+or 1ro2ra0s that you 2rou1 to&ether! @o$ can s$*mit the
reports an(4or pro&rams in a re;$est set all at once
$sin& a sin&le transaction! :R85U8S. S8. is a set has more than one or more
Sta&es an( each sta&e ha=e more than one or more re;$est pro&ram! Sta&es
can )$rther *e lin6e( to each other-!
D0@9 T<00 I> (*I<F FO* "<A,<>T E F0<JFI<06 FA0IFI<*"
A>"? Fle-#ield 4uali#ier? Oracle A11lications 1roducts use fle;field 7ualifiers to identify certain se20ents
used for s1ecific 1ur1oses. Some ;$ali)iers m$st *e $ni;$e2 an( yo$ cannot compile yo$r )le,)iel( i) yo$
apply that ;$ali)ier to t1o or more se&ments! Other ;$ali)iers are re;$ire(2 an( yo$ cannot compile yo$r
)le,)iel( $ntil yo$ apply that ;$ali)ier to at least one se&ment
"eg+ent uali#ier? So0e =ey fle;fields use se20ent 7ualifiers to hold e;tra infor0ation a/out indi3idual
=ey se20ent 3alues. For e;a01le% the Accountin2 Fle;field uses se20ent 7ualifiers to deter0ine the
acc!unt type of an acc!unt value or 6hether detail $udgeting and detail p!sting are allo6ed for an
Accountin2 Fle;field co0/ination containin2 a 2i3en 3alue. .he Allo1 C$(&etin&2 Allo1 /ostin&2 an(
Acco$nt .ype )iel(s are se&ment ;$ali)iers )or the Acco$ntin& Fle,)iel(
D0B9 T=1<" OF T*IAA<*"
a' *<1O*T" T*IAA<*" A*< i. Before 1ara0eter for0
ii. After 1ara0eter for0
iii. Before re1ort
i3. Bet6een 1a2es
3. After re1ort
/. Ta/le +,ie6 Tri22ers
i. Before+After !nsert+u1date+Delete "D'(
c. Syste0 E3ent Tri22ers
i. DD' on sche0a and data/ase "DD'( Create+Alter+Dro1 d' F!r+ Triggers
6i##erent types !# #!r+ triggers? 9. Mey tri22ers
:. Na3i2ational Tri22ers
<. Transactional Tri22ers
>. essa2e Tri22ers
?. Error Tri22ers
@. Query Based Tri22ers ,ain <vents are as under? i. $re.'o2on
ii. On.'o2on
iii. $ost.'o2on
i3. $re.For0 75 3. $re.Bloc=
3i. $re.Record
3ii. $re.Te;t.!te0
3iii. 8hen.Ne6.For0.!nstance
i;. 8hen.Ne6.Bloc=.!nstance
;. 8hen.Ne6.Record.!nstance
;i. 8hen.Ne6.!te0.!nstance
;ii. 8hen.,alidate.!te0
;iii. $ost.Te;t.!te0 called
;i3. 8hen.Ne6.!te0.!nstance
;3. 8hen.Chec=Bo;.Chan2ed
;3i. 8hen.,alidate.!te0
;3ii. 8hen.Ne6.!te0.!nstance
;3iii. 8hen.Radio.Chan2ed
;i;. ,alue of Radio Button
;;. 8hen.Ne6.!te0.!nstance
;;i. 8hen.'ist.Chan2ed
;;ii. ,alue in 'ist !te0 $UN
;;iii. 8hen.Ne6.!te0.!nstance
;;i3. $ush Button 1ressed...
;;3. 8hen.,alidate.Record
;;3i. $ost.Record
;;3ii. $ost.Bloc=
;;3iii. $ost.For0
;;i;. $re.'o2out
;;;. On.'o2Out
;;;i. $ost.'o2Out D0C9 I> 3)I5) TA(0< F A<T F0<JFI<06 8KFF E 6FF9 I>FO*,ATIO>
A>"? fnd_fle;_3alues_tl% fnd_id_fle;_se20ent% Fnd_fle;_3alue_sets Fn(Ei(E)le,Estr$ct$re2 )n(Ei(E)le,s
9escripti=e )le,)iel( (etails are store( in
D1093)AT 5O0" I> F>6GI6GF0<JG"T*F5TF*<" A>6 A1G0OOKF1G5O6<" ANS5
6IFF<*<>T TA(0<" A<T AFF<5T<6 I> 1A=A(0< I>T<*FA5< ANS5 A$_!N,O!CES_A''%
$O_,ENDORS% A$_!N,O!CE_$ADENTS_A'' D:' 3)AT I" 5O>T<JT ANS5 Different se20ents
or additional 1o1.u1 6indo6s a11ear de1endin2 on the 3alues you enter in other fields or se20ents.
D1293)I5) T=1< OF KFF F"<6 I> A0 ANS5 Accountin2 Fle;field D1D9T=1<" OF F"<*G<JI"T"
a. FND SR8!N!T
/. FND F'E&SQ'
c. FND F'E&!D,A'
f. FND SR8E&!T 76 D149T<00 (*I<F0= @ F"<*G<JI"T" ANS5 USER E&!STS Calls e;ternal
1ro2ra0 1ro/a/ly 6ritten in $ro #C etc and sends $ara0eters fro0 re1ort or for0s% e;ternal 1ro2ra0 does
the 1rocess /ased on those sent 1ara0eters and returns the 3alue /ac= to re1ort or for0s. D1;93hat is
5!ncurrent 1r!gra+?
A>"? A concurrent 1ro2ra0 is 1ro2ra0 that does not re7uire continued interaction on your 1art to 1erfor0 a
s1ecific tas=. !n Oracle A11lications% for e;a01le% a concurrent 1ro2ra0 0ay /e a 1ro2ra0 6ritten to create
a re1ort% or to 1ost a /atch of 2eneral led2er Gournal entries D1@93hat is a 5!ncurrent 1r!cess? ANS5 A
concurrent 1rocess is an instance of a runnin2 concurrent 1ro2ra0. Each ti0e a concurrent 0ana2er recei3es
a re7uest and runs a concurrent 1ro2ra0% it creates a ne6 concurrent 1rocess. A concurrent 1rocess can run
si0ultaneously 6ith other concurrent 1rocesses "and other acti3ities on your co01uter(. D1B93hat is
c!ncurrent re4uest2 ANS5 A concurrent re7uest is a re7uest that you su/0it to run a concurrent 1ro2ra0 as
a concurrent 1rocess. Dou issue a concurrent re7uest 6hen you su/0it a re1ort or 1ro2ra0 to run usin2
Standard Re7uest Su/0ission or 6hen you choose an action /utton in a 1roduct.s1ecific su/0ission 6indo6
D1C93hat is #le-#ield2 Oracle a11lication uses fle;filed to ca1ture infor0ation a/out your or2aniEation.
Fle;field ha3e fle;i/le structure for storin2 =ey infor0ation. 'i=e co01any% cost center and account. They
also 2i3e you hi2hly ada1ta/le structure for storin2 custo0iEed infor0ation in oracle a11lications.
D2096i##erence $etween %ey #le-#ield and descriptive #le-#ield? Meyfle;field5
Uni7ue !dentifier
Mey fle;field are stored in se20ent colu0ns
For =ey fle;field there are fle;field 7ualifier and se20ent 7ualifier
Descri1ti3e fle;field5
Conte;t sensiti3e is a feature of descri1ti3e fle;field.
Descri1ti3e fle;field are stored in Attri/utes D2195an y!u call A115O*< 0i$rary in 5F"TO, li$rary
Dou cannot attach the A$$CORE li/rary to CUSTO /ecause it 6ould cause a recursion 1ro/le0 /ecause
CUSTO is attached to A$$CODE. As of Oracle a11lication release 99i you 0ay attach the A$$CORE:
li/rary to CUSTO. The A$$CORE: li/rary du1licates 0ost A$$CORE routines 6ith the follo6in2
These 1ac=a2es contain the sa0e routines as the corres1ondin2 A$$CORE 1ac=a2es. Follo6 the
docu0entation for the corres1ondin2 A$$CORE routines% /ut add a : to the 1ac=a2e na0es. D2293hat is
,*5 and what are its use2 The ulti re1ortin2 currency feature allo6s you to re1ort and 0aintain records
at the transaction le3el in 0ore than one functional currency. Dou can do it /y definin2 one or 0ore set of
/oo=s in additional to the 1ri0ary set of /oo=s. D2D9)!w +any rep!rting currencies can $e attached t!
the pri+ary set !# $!!%s2 Ans5 N Re1ortin2 currencies can /e attached to the 1ri0ary set of /oo=s. 77
D2493hat are ad/h!c rep!rts Ad.hoc re1orts are 0ade to 0eet the one.ti0e re1ortin2 needs. Concerned
6ith or for0ed for a 1articular 1ur1ose. For e;a01le% ad hoc ta; codes or an ad hoc data/ase 7uery.
FS- is a Ad.)oc Re1ort. D2:93hat is F"A2 FS- is a 1o6erful and fle;i/le re1ort /uildin2 tool you can
use to /uild your o6n custo0 re1orts 6ithout 1ro2ra00in2. FS- is only a3aila/le 6ith -'. D2;93hat d!es
set !# $!!%s c!+prised !#2 ANS5 C)ART OF ACCOUNTS% CA'ENDAR AND CURRENCD D2@93hat
are the validati!n types supp!rted $y value sets2 ANS5 De1endent% !nde1endent% None% $air% S1ecial%
Ta/le% Translata/le !nde1endent and Translata/le De1endent. D2B93hat are #!r+at types supp!rted $y
the value sets2 ANS5 Char% date% date ti0e% nu0/er% standard date% standard date ti0e% ti0e. D2C9Is there
any restricti!n !ver the nu+$er !# #le-#ield structure that can $e de#ined #!r the acc!unting #le-#ield'
ANS5 NO there is no such restrictions. DD093hat are #le-#ield 4uali#ier that are availa$le #!r acc!unting
#le-#ield structure2 ANS5 Natural accountin2 se20ent% cost center se20ent% /alancin2 se20ent and
interco01any se20ent. DD193hich Fle-#ield 4uali#iers are +andat!ry2 ANS5 Balancin2 se20ent and
Natural Account se20ent DD293hich ,andat!ry acc!unt needs t! $e de#ined #!r the set !# $!!%s
de#initi!n2 ANS5 Retained Earnin2s . this is undistri/uted 1rofit of the shareholders. DDD93hat are all
acc!unts that can $e de#ined #!r the set !# $!!%s #!r+2 ANS5 Retained Earnin2s% Sus1ense% Roundin2
Difference% Reser3e for Encu0/rance
Account and Net !nco0e Accounts. DD493hat is the +ini+u+ and +a-i+u+ n! !# peri!ds that can $e
de#ined #!r the calendar2 ANS5 9 ] <@@ DD:93hat are the peri!d statuses that can $e ass!ciated with
the peri!ds2 ANS5 O1en% closed% 1er0anent closed% ne3er o1ened% future entry DD;95an +ultiple peri!ds
have !pen status at !ne ti+e2 ANS5 Des. DD@9)!w +any chart !# acc!unts can $e +apped t! a set !#
$!!%s' ANS5 Only One DDB9)!w +any set !# $!!%s can $e de#ined in A0 +!dule2 ANS5 Unli0ited
DDC93hat is resp!nsi$ility2 ANS5 A collection of for0s% 0enu and 1ro2ra0 that a user can access.
D4095an +ultiple resp!nsi$ilities $e assigned t! a single user2 ANS5 Des D4195an resp!nsi$ility $e
shared $y +ultiple l!g!n users2 ANS5 Des D429Fr!+ a general ledger resp!nsi$ility, h!w +any set !#
$!!%s can $e accessed2 ANS5 Only One. D4D93hat are di##erent currency c!nversi!n rates2 ANS5
-eneral 'ed2er 1ro3ides the follo6in2 1redefined daily con3ersion rate ty1es5 78 "p!t? An e;chan2e rate%
6hich you enter to 1erfor0 con3ersion /ased on the rate on a s1ecific date. !t a11lies to the i00ediate
deli3ery of a currency. 5!rp!rate? An e;chan2e rate you define to standardiEe rates for your or2aniEation.
This rate is 2enerally a standard 0ar=et rate deter0ined /y senior financial 0ana2e0ent for use throu2hout
the or2aniEation. Fser? An e;chan2e rate you s1ecify 6hen you enter a forei2n currency Gournal entry.
D4493hich ta$le captures c!nversi!n rates in#!r+ati!n2 ANS5 2l_daily_rates D4:93hich c!lu+n
distinguishes the type !# I!urnal $eing entered2 ANS5 actual_fla2 "A.Actual% B.Bud2et% E.Encu0/rance(
D4;96ependant and Independent 7alue sets? For e;a01le% su11ose you ha3e an inde1endent 3alue set
called YAccountY 6ith a de1endent 3alue set called YSu/.Account.Y Dou 0ay 6ish to create a ne6
inde1endent 3alue% NN% for YAccountY 6ith descri1tion YRecei3a/lesY 6ithout creatin2 any associated su/.
account 3alues. Since your fle;field re7uires a de1endent 3alue of so0e sort to 2o 6ith the inde1endent
3alue% it uses the default 3alue you enter here% such as OO 6ith descri1tion YNo Su/.Account.Y
'ist the ta/les 6hich ca1tures the Gournals infor0ation
9. -'_TE_BATC)ES
:. -'_TE_)EADERS
<. -'_TE_'!NES D4@93hich ta$le captures the $alances in#!r+ati!n !# the c!de c!+$inati!ns2 Ans5
-l_BA'ANCES D4B93hat is signi#icance !# c!+piling a #le-#ield structure2 Ans5 !t reflects the chan2es
0ade to a fle;field structure durin2 the unfreeEed state. D4C93hat changes can $e en#!rced !n the
#le-#ield structure when It is un#ree&ed2 Ans5 Chan2in2 se20ent na0es% chan2in2 orderin2 se7uence%
chan2in2 6indo6 1ro01ts% addin2 ne6 se20ents% chan2in2 the ena/led and dis1layed attri/utes. D:093hat
is K<= F0<JFI<062 Ans5 Uni7ue identifier storin2 =ey infor0ation used for enterin2 and dis1layin2 =ey
infor0ation. For e;a01le Oracle 2eneral led2er uses a =ey fle;field called accountin2 fle;field to uni7uely
identifies a 2eneral account.
Descri1ti3e fle;field to ca1ture additional infor0ation. D:19)!w +any #le-#ields are there in A* and
what are they2 9. Transaction Fle;field
:. Territory Fle;field
<. Sale; Ta; 'ocation Fle;field D:293hat is ,*5 and its use2 Ans5 ulti Re1ortin2 Currency allo6s you
to re1ort and 0aintain record at the transaction le3el in 0ore than one functional currency. Dou can do so /y
definin2 one or 0ore set of /oo=s in addition to the 1ri0ary set of /oo=. D:D93here y!u will de#ine "O(
#!r the invent!ry !rgani&ati!n Ans5 Define in Or2aniEation o1tion for !n3entory Or2aniEation
"classification( . Other .Accountin2 !nfor0ation . S1ecify SOB.'e2al Entity and O1eratin2 Unit.
D:493here y!u will set the )* !rgani&ati!n' "At O1eratin2 Unit le3el( D::9,ulti !rg structure2
Business -rou1c SOB.R'e2al Entityc O1eratin2 Unitc !n3entory Or2c su/ !n3entory. D:;96i##erence
$etween !rgGid and !rgani&ati!nGid2 79 Or2_id indicates o1eratin2 unit% or2aniEation_id indicate
!n3entory Or2aniEation D:@9what are the $ase ta$le #!r +ulti !rg in#!r+ati!ns2
A>"? )R_'OCAT!ONS_A''% )R_A''_OR-AN!*AT!ON_UN!TS%
D:B9 what will $e !utput !# N select K #r!+ p!Gheaders2 N
A>"? No ro6 selected. !n case of 0ulti or2 fla2 is yes. This is a 3ie6 and filter condition is 2i3en for or2_id
for 6hich 6e need to initialiEe ord_id 1assin2 user_id% res1onsi/ility_id and a11licaton_id or need to e;tract
ord_id fro0 client_info 2lo/al 3aria/le. D:C9di##rence $etween p!Gheaders and p!GheadersGall 2
A>"? 1o_headers_all is a ta/le to store infor0ation for 0ore than one or2aniEation and 1o_headers is a
3ie6% 6hich is 1artitioned /y or2_id D;09use !# retc!de2
A>"? !t returns status of the 1l s7l 1ro2ra0 you are runnin2. D;19h!w i can #etch the current !perating
unit in pls4l pr!gra+2
A>"? Use Client_info 2lo/al 3aria/le D;29h!w i can #etch the re4uest id !# the running c!nc pr!gra+2
A>"? fnd_2lo/al.conc_1ro2ra0_id% fnd_2lo/al.conc_re7uest_id D;D9whats the user e-it 2 e-plain each'
A>"? E;1lain hi0 FND SR8!N!T% SR8E&!T% F'E&SQ'% F'E&!D,A'% FORAT CURRENCD.
D;49h!w i can +a%e sure that !ne pr!gra+ i# running then n! !ther is running in parallel2
A>"? Chec= the YRun AloneY chec=/o; 6hile definin2 your concurrent 1ro2ra0. D;:9 )!w t! use ta$le
type2 detail steps8registering a ta$le''''9 re2ister a ta/le usin2 AD_DD 1ac=a2e 1rocedures%
3 ad_dd.re2ister_ta/le
3 Ad_dd.re2ister_colu0n
3 Ad_dd.delete_ta/le
3 Ad_dd.delete_colu0n
3 ad_dd.re2ister_1ri0ary_=ey
3 ad_dd.re2ister_1ri0ary_=ey_colu0n
use ta/le ty1e 3alue set to use this re2istered ta/le.
Enter 3alue% 0eanin2% !D fields. D;;9 where the in#! !# KFF, 6FF is st!red2 8$ase ta$les !# F>629 MFFc
DFFc FND_DESCR!$T!,E_F'E& D;@9e-plain T5A architecture' Trade Co00unity Architecture
"TCA(!t is su11osed to /e the /ase for storin2 the co01le; infor0ation a/out the custo0er% 1arties and their
relationshi1. TCA and its DQ "data 7uality 0ana2e0ent( syste0 hel1s to 0aintain this infor0ation /y
a3oidin2 du1lications and easy access to this co01le; infor0ation. D;B9di## $etween KFF, 6FF' MFFc used
to store 0andatory infor0ation.
DFFc used to store non 0andatory infor0ation.
MFFc stored in /ase ta/le colu0ns "SE-ENT9..<O(
DFFc stored in ATTR!BUTE9..:O
MFFc has se20ent 7ualifiers and FF 7ualifiers
DFFc has CONTE&T% a field in 6hich you 6ill enter one of the o1tion a3aila/le. 80 De1endin2 on this
o1tion entered /y you the fields for descri1ti3e infor0ation 6ill 1o1 u1. The se20ent 6hich 6ill de1end on
this CONTE&T are called as conte;t sensiti3e se20ents. And the se20ent 6hich doesnt de1ends on
conte;t are called -'OBAl se20ents. D;C9 where the party in#!, cust!+er nu+$er, ite+ nu+$er is
st!red2 )*_$ART!ES% )*_$ARTD_S!TES% T'_SDSTE_!TES D@09 3hat is re4uest set 2 its a set
of concurrent 1ro2ra0s. Dou ha3e 0ulti1le sta2es in one re7uest set% each sta2e can contain 0ulti1le
re7uestsA each re7uest in turn can ha3e re7uired 1ara0eters declared. Each sta2e can /e connected to other
sta2es de1endin2 on its co01letion status "success% error% 6arnin2(. Sta2es run one after another% 6hereas
re7uests in each sta2e runs 1arallel. D@193hat are the na+es !# the para+eters u pass t! the 1r!cedure
which u register in the apps2 A. 9( retcode in 3archar:
:( err/uf in 3archar: D@29,ulti/!rg c!ncepts2 )!w u will u c!+e t! %n!w that ur w!r%ing !n +ulti !rg
c!ncept2 Ans5 Use a sin2le installation of any oracle a11lications 1roduct to su11ort any nu0/er of
or2aniEation use different set of /oo=s.
8e 6ill 2o to 3ie6 the ta/le called FND_$RODUCT_-ROU$S in 6hich the colu0n na0e
U'T!_OR-_F'A- is UD then 6e can say that 6e r 6or=in2 on 0ulti or2 conce1t. D@D93hat is 5hart !#
acc!unts2 Ans5 A co01lete listin2 of the accounts to identify s1ecific accounts to /e increase or decrease.
D@49 ,enu <-clusi!n in resp!nsi$ilities #!r+' FThis is to e;clude 0enu o1tions and e3en so0e of the
0enu su/ o1tions. D@:93hat +enu t! select #!r acc!unt receiva$les E 1aya$le' a.
FAR_NA,!-ATE_-U! for recei3a/le
/. FA$_NA,!-ATE_-U!9: for 1aya/le D@;93hat is *!llup Ar!up in seg+ent 8acc!unt9' FRoll u1 is
used for the total for the 2rou1 that is re7uired to /e defined and attached 6ith the chart of accounts.
FAccount . Su00ary . te01late . for te01late 6e select se20ents and define 6hether 6e 6ant su00ary or
details or 1arent le3el. This is used in re1orts and in7uiry. This 0a=e the accessi/ility faster and if re7uired
then only the user can drill do6n to details. D@@95an we de#ine +!re Fle- #ield uali#ier2 "uch as
>atural Acc!unt, c!st center
Inter/c!+pany, (alancing' FNo 6e cannot create 0ore /ecause it is syste0 defined. !n case of 1roGect
defined as a se20ent /elo6 co01any that ti0e it is not necessary to add any 7ualifier to it. D@B95an we
de#ine $alancing attri$ute t! +!re than !ne seg+ent' (alancing d!es what actually' 3hat i# we
include pr!Iect $ased acc!unting practice' FNo% $roGect se20ent need not to /e attached 6ith any of these
7ualified. D@C93hat is 6ata Ar!up that is attached with the *esp!nsi$ilities2 F!t is re7uired to Attached%
6hich $roduct To1 should /e attached 6ith the res1onsi/ility. DB095an we de#ine s!+e +!re categ!ries
that we always select as MAdIust+ent while entering J!urnal2 FThe user can define cate2ories.
DB195an the user de#ine s!urce2 FSources can also /e defined. DB295an se4uence $e related with the
s!urce #!r aut! nu+$ering n!t at applicati!n level $ut #!r the particular transacti!n2 81 For e;a01le
auto nu0/er re7uired for !n3oice or Cash Transaction. DBD9"h!uld we disa$le the structure i# we want t!
change the structure with re+!ving s!+e seg+ent !r adding s!+e seg+ent2 8hether !D_F'E& CODE
AND !D_F'E&_STRUCTURE_CODE 6ill /e 2enerated a2ain.
FAfter ca1turin2 data se20ent should not /e added in /et6een it could /e added as last se20ent. DBD93hat
all pr!#ile !pti!n sh!uld $e set #!r A.* E A.1 FFind for AR5 \ ] A$5 \ DB49)!w +any ,*5 ,ulti
*ep!rting currency y!u can de#ine' Ans5 U1 to N 6e can define DB:93hat is $asic di##erence $etween
%ey #le-#ield and descriptive #le-#ield' Ans5 Fle;field is 0andatory 6here as DFF is not
Fle;filed ha3e fle;filed and se20ent 7ualifier 6here as DFF has Fle;field
Fle;field uses Se20ent fields 6here as DFF uses Attri/utes fields.
DFF can /e conte;t sensiti3e 6here as MFF not. DB;9Operating Fnit level rep!rt n!t t! $e shared $y
!ther Operating Fnit' Ans5 O5 To1 Re1ortin2 'e3el o1tion of syste0 1rofile has to /e set 6ith O1eratin2
Unit at Site 'e3el. Re7uest -rou1 attached to the res1onsi/ility. Res1onsi/ility is attached 6ith the users.
There can /e 0ore than one res1onsi/ility that can /e attached 6ith the users. That each res1onsi/ility has
0enu% data 2rou1 and re7uest 2rou1 attached. !n that re7uest 2rou1 attach that 1articular re1ort. Can also
s1ecify o1eratin2 unit for O5 $rofile o1tion O5 To1 Re1ortin2 'e3el . Set of Boo= + 'e2al Entity +
O1eratin2 Unit. DB@9)!w t! run +ulti !rg setup validati!n rep!rt2 Definin2 'ocation for or2aniEation%
'e2al Entity and !n3entory Or2aniEation. DBB93hat is "et !# (!!%s2 Ans5 SOB =ee1s trac= of all financial
records. !t consists of three Cs i.e.% Char of Accounts% Currency and Calendar. DBC93hat are a+!unt
types2 Ans5 $TD% QTD% DTD% $TTD "$roGect to Date(. 40093hat are 5urrency Types? Ans5 User%
Cor1orate and S1ot 40193hat is the na+e !# 6FF st!red as a view in Apps' Ans5 Sa0e the na0e of the
ta/le 6ith e;tention of _DF,. 40293hat is precedence i# y!u set the !pti!n in pr!#ile #!r all the level "S.
U.user(. 40D93hat all ele+ents is set #!r the resp!nsi$ilities' 3hat is data gr!up2
Ans? enu% Data -rou1 and Re7uest 2rou1 are attached 6ith the res1onsi/ilities. Data 2rou1 is a either your
data of your functional currency i.e.% standard 2rou1 or ulti1le Re1ostin2 currency data 2rou1 6ith
a11lication na0e you 6ant to attach for the res1onsi/ility. 40493hat is security type and 5r!ss/validati!n
Ans? There are t6o 6ays security can /e defined. One at indi3idual se20ent le3el and One for the entire
code co0/ination. Security ty1e 6ith hierarchical security + non.hierarchical + no security is defined in the
3alue set 2oin2 to /e attached 6ith the indi3idual se20ent. )ere you e;clude the se20ent 3alue 6hich user
6ill not see at ti0e of transaction ca1turin2. 8here are 82 Security rule is defined includin2 and e;cludin2
the entire code co0/ination 6hich 6ill /e seen at the ti0e of transaction and if e;cluded co0/ination is
selected then user define 0essa2e 6ill a11ear. !n /oth the case security rule is re7uired to /e defined.
Security defined for se20ent is assi2ned to your a11lication and res1onsi/ilities.
Security rule defined for a11lication% structure and fle;field title 6ith inclusion and e;clusion. 40:9)!w
+uch +ini+u+ and +a-i+u+ seg+ent y!u can de#ine in apps'
A>"? At least one se20ent is re7uired e;ce1t in Accountin2 fle;fields% 9e)ine yo$r Acco$ntin& Fle,)iel(
se&ments! @o$ can (e)ine $p to G# se&ments )or yo$r acco$nt str$ct$re! @o$ m$st (e)ine at least t1o
se&ments )or yo$r acco$nt str$ct$re2 one )or the *alancin& se&ment an( one )or the nat$ral acco$nt se&ment
:the t1o re;$ire( )le,)iel( ;$ali)iers-!
Nal$e sets )or the Acco$ntin& Fle,)iel( m$st *e in(epen(ent2 ta*le2 or (epen(ent%type =al$e sets! 9o not $se
=al$e sets 1ith a =ali(ation type o) None )or the Acco$ntin& Fle,)iel(!
.he Acco$ntin& Fle,)iel( re;$ires consec$ti=e se&ment n$m*ers *e&innin& 1ith :s$ch as 2 '2 G2 !!!-!
40;9 3hich #le-#ield 4uali#ier is c!+puls!ry'
Ans? Balancin2 se20ent and Natural account se20ent 40@9 5an y!u +!di#y the structure !# the %ey
#le-#ield any ti+e later'
Ans? !t is reco00end that you 1lan your fle;fields as co01letely as 1ossi/le% includin2 your 1otential
se20ent 3alues% /efore you e3en /e2in to define the0 usin2 Oracle A11lications for0s. Once you /e2in
usin2 your fle;fields to ac7uire data% you cannot chan2e the0 easily. Chan2in2 a fle;field for 6hich you
already ha3e data 0ay re7uire a co01le; con3ersion 1rocess. 40B9)!w will y!u c!+e t! %n!w that the set
up is having +ulti !rgani&ati!n'
Ans? Fnd_1roduct_2rou1.ulti_or2_fla2 is set to #D 40C93hat is 5!ncsu$'
A>"? Concsu/ is a e;ecuta/le run fro0 the co00and line of o1eratin2 syste0 to su/0it the re7uest. 4109I#
y!u have t! *un and shell scripts which e-ecuti!n +eth!d will y!u select'
A>"? )!st Dour concurrent 1ro2ra0 is 6ritten in a scri1t for your o1eratin2 syste0. "pawned Dour
concurrent 1ro2ra0 is a stand.alone 1ro2ra0 in C or $roFC. 4119)!w y!u will e-ecute 5.5OO 1r!gra+ in
Oracle apps' 3hich e-ecuta$le +eth!d will $e selected2
Ans? S1a6ned 41293hat is OrgGid and 3hat is Organi&ati!nGid
Ans? Or2_id store id for O1eratin2 unit and Or2aniEation_id stores id for in3entory Or2aniEation. 41D9It is
necessary t! de#ine Operating unit, i# user want t! use !nly A0 +!dule' Ans5 !f client usin2 only -'
then no need of ulti Or2 setu1 or to define Or2aniEation hierarchy. One o1eratin2 unit has to /e there for
user to lo2on and ha3e default o1eratin2 unit. 4149It is necessary t! have (usiness Ar!up #!r single
5!+pany' Ans5 !t is not necessary 6here as if re7uired can define or 6ithin Business -rou1 all other
Or2aniEation can /e created such as )R% 'e2al Entity% O1eratin2 Unit and !n3entory Or2aniEation.
41:93hat is di##erence $etween "O( and Operating Fnit' d Ans5 A "et !# (!!% is a financial re1ortin2
entity that 1artitions -eneral 'ed2er infor0ation and uses a 1articular chart of accounts% functional currency%
and accountin2 calendar. This conce1t is the sa0e 6hether or not the ulti.or2aniEation su11ort feature is
i01le0ented. d 8here as Operating Fnit is a or2aniEation for 6hich you ha3e to attach the SOB to ca1ture
day to day transactions for $urchasin2% Sellin2% Fi;ed Asset% $aya/le% Recei3a/les. 41;93hat is *ep!rting
"O( E 3hat is Translati!n' 3hat is di##erence 83 Ans? -eneral 'ed2erUs ulti1le Re1ortin2 Currencies
"RC( feature is used to con=ert amo$nts )rom yo$r )$nctional c$rrency to a
rep!rting currency at the transactions le=el!
.ranslation7 Beneral 3e(&erQs translation )eat$re is $se( to translate amo$nts )rom yo$r )$nctional c$rrency
to another c$rrency at the acco$nt *alances le=el!
For e,ample2 an or&ani?ation 1ith a once%a%year nee( to
translate their #inancial state+ents to their 1arent or2aniEationUs currency for consolidation 1ur1oses% /ut
no other forei2n currency re1ortin2 needs% should use -eneral 'ed2erUs standard translation feature instead
of RC. 41@9In what scenari! y!u w!uld suggest *ep!rting "O( and Translati!n'
Ans? !f client 6ant to ha3e transaction le3el access that ti0e 6e 6ould su22est Re1ortin2 SOB. !f client is
interested only in final re1orts such as trial /alance% 1rofit and loss state0ent and Balance sheet then that
ti0e 6e 6ould su22est Translation /ecause translation is used to translate a0ount at the account /alances
le3el. 41B93hat w!uld y!u d! i# we have an!ther $ranch in china'
Ans? Se1arate O1eratin2 Unit has to /e defined for this ne6 /ranch. 41C9)!w will y!u c!+e t! %n!w that
whether the installati!n is #!r +ulti !rg !r n!t'
Ans? Select 0ulti_or2_fla2 fro0 fnd_1roduct_2rou1s "!t this sho6s as #D it 0eans it is a ulti Or2
ena/led( 42095an y!u g! #!r +ulti !rgani&ati!n in $etween'
Ans? Des% 6e can 2o for it /et6een. .he +on=ert to M$lti%Or& pro&ram is an option a=aila*le in
A9A9MIN! .his tas6 con=erts a stan(ar( pro($ct &ro$p into a M$lti%Or& pro($ct &ro$p! @o$ can choose
this option only i) yo$ (o
not alrea(y ha=e M$lti%Or& installe( in yo$r (ata*ase an( i) yo$ (o not c$rrently ha=e M$ltiple Sets o)
Coo6s Architect$re installe( in yo$r (ata*ase!
Ce)ore r$nnin& this step2 yo$ m$st (e)ine at lease one operatin& $nit an( set the site%le=el pro)ile option
MO7 Operatin& Unit!
.he +on=ert to M$lti%Or& pro&ram (oes the )ollo1in&7
R/op$lates the ORBEI9 col$mn 1ith the ne1 operatin& $nit yo$ (e)ine( at the site le=el pro)ile option MO7
Operatin& Unit!
RSets ORBEI9 to NU33 )or recor(s that are share( see( (ata!
RSets the MU3.IEORBEF3AB in the FN9E/RO9U+.EBROU/S ta*le to @! .he +on=ert to M$lti%Or&
option is not (isplaye( on the 9ata*ase O*Oects men$ i) this )la& is set to @
RR$ns the replicate see( (ata pro&ram! I) yo$ (e)ine a((itional operatin& $nits2 the see( (ata is replicate( )or
all operatin& $nits!
42193hat is !rgani&ati!nGid and what is !rgGid
Ans? Ter0 Or2aniEation id is used for in3entory or2aniEation and or2_id is used )or operatin& $nit
42293hat all +!dules are i+pacted $y +ulti !rg' whether FA will $e i+pacted !r n!t'
Ans? A1, A*
42D9 3hat is $alancing seg+ent'
Ans? Balancin2 se20ent is one of the fle;field 7ualifier 6hich is a 0ust to assi2n for 'e3el 6here 6e 6ant
that at any 2i3en 1oint of ti0e de/it and credit total should 0atch. 42493hat transacti!ns are captured in
!perating unit level and what at invent!ry !rgani&ati!n level'
Ans? An or2aniEation that uses Oracle Cash ana2e0ent% Order ana2e0ent and Shi11in2 E;ecution%
Oracle $aya/les% Oracle $urchasin2% and Oracle Recei3a/les ! In)ormation is sec$re( *y operatin& $nit )or
these applications
84 . !n3entory or2aniEation ca1tures Oracle !n3entory% Bills of aterial% En2ineerin2% 8or= in $rocess%
aster Schedulin2 + R$% Ca1acity% and $urchasin2 recei3in2 functions 42:93hy ,aster ite+ is created
at what level and why that is re4uired'
Ans? aster ite0 is created at o1eratin2 unit le3el. For transactions% in3entory or2aniEation is selected. This
is re7uired to 0a=e order 1rocessin2 centraliEed. 42;93hat d! y!u +ean $y A1I and what #!r it is used
in Oracle Apps'
Ans? A$! 0eans A11lication $ro2ra00in2 !nterface and in a11s it is used for inter)aces )rom le&acy
42@9what is +ulti/!rg2
Ans? Ca1ture transactions for 0ulti1le or2aniEations usin2 sin2le installation of oracle a11lication. 42B9wht
is #le-#ield ,itPs types,where it is st!red 8t$l and c!lPs9
Ans? Fle;filed is a uni7ue identifier% consists of one or 0ore se20ents to ca1ture infor0ation as 1er the
/usiness re7uire0ents. There are t6o ty1es of fle;fields% Mey fle;field and Descri1ti3e fle;field. !t is stored
in #ndG#le-Gvalues, #ndG#le-GvaluesGtl, Fn(Ei(E)le,s2 Fn(Ei(E)le,Ese&ment2 )n(Ei(E)le,Estr$ct$re
H'M-ho1 $ (elete $ser )rom apps en=ironmentS
8e can not delete due to Audit Trail $ur1ose. 8e can chan2e the effecti3e date."fro0 date To date( -i3en
date fro0 6hen you 6ant user to /e disa/led 4D093hich ta$le st!res the parent value and itsP child
Ans? FND_F'E&_,A'UE_NOR_)!ERARC)D 4D193hat ta$les st!re seg+ent values and
Ans? FND_F'E&_,A'UES_T' and FND_F'E&_,A'UES. 4D295an a #le-#ield 4uali#ier $e changed
a#ter it has $een created2
Ans? No. Once a se&ment ;$ali)ier has *een (esi&nate( )or a speci)ic se&ment an( has *een sa=e(2 it 1ill
permanently ha=e the attri*$tes 1ith that ;$ali)ier!
For e,ample2 yo$ acci(entally (esi&nate the cost center se&ment as the nat$ral acco$nt se&ment! 8=en
tho$&h yo$ (o not compile this2 the system sa=es the chan&es! An( once it has *een sa=e(2 it 1ill ha=e all
the attri*$tes (esi&nate( )or the nat$ral acco$nt ;$ali)ier2 e=en a)ter it has *een chan&e( *ac62 resa=e( 1ith
the correct ;$ali)ier an( compile(!
.his is the inherent )$nctionality o) the so)t1are!
Un)ort$nately2 there is no real easy sol$tion )or this iss$e! .he only option is to create a ne1 chart o)
acco$nts an( attach a ne1 set o) *oo6s! @o$ may *e a*le to O$st create a ne1 chart o) acco$nts i) yo$ ha=enQt
create( the set o) *oo6s yet! See Note #JHHK!2 )or more in)ormation!
4DD95an y!u change the si&e !# a value set used in the acc!unting #le-#ield a#ter it has $een created2
Ans? No. Once the 3alue set is created% you should not chan2e the siEe of a 3alue set used in an accountin2
fle;field. 8e reco00end that you set Ri2ht.Gustify *ero.fill Nu0/ers to Des for 3alue sets you use 6ith the
Accountin2 Fle;field. Dou should ne3er chan2e to a 3alue set 6ith a lar2er "or s0aller( 0a;i0u0 siEe if
your 3alue set is Ri2ht.Gustify *ero.fill% since OO9 is not the sa0e as OOOOOO9% and all of your e;istin2 3alues
6ould /eco0e in3alid 4D493hat is the di##erence $etween )ierarchical and >!n/hierarchical "ecurity
Ans? )ierarchical Security5 This feature co0/ines Fle; ,alue Security and Fle; ,alue )ierarchy. The end
result is Ua fle; 3alue is secured if one of itUs 1arents is securedU. 8ith non.hierarchical security% the child
3alues do not inherit the 1arent security. 4D:9 "h!uld *!llup Ar!ups $e #r!&en2 85 Ans?!t is
reco00ended that Rollu1 -rou1s /e froEen unless they are /ein2 0odified. )o6e3er% if they are not froEen%
there should not /e any effects on -eneral 'ed2er re1orts% functions% or other 1rocesses. 4D;9 6! y!u need
t! have an Acc!unting Fle-#ield seg+ent that is #lagged with the Interc!+pany 4uali#ier2
Ans? The interco01any se20ent is an o1tional !nterco01any feature for the !nterco01any Se20ent
Balancin2. !t is NOT re7uired in order to do interco01any /alancin2. It is O$st another 1ay to (o the
intercompany *alancin&2 instea( o) $sin& (i))erent nat$ral acco$nts to trac6 intercompany *alances2 yo$ can
$se the intercompany se&ment in the +hart o) Acco$nts to recor( the same (etail!
It is more O$st a matter o) pre)erence o) ho1 yo$ 1ant to trac6 the intercompany transactions! Re)er to Note
"G#! to see a((itional in)ormation re&ar(in& Ho1 Intercompany Jo$rnal 3ines are +reate( in Beneral
3e(&er i! Also see the Oracle Beneral 3e(&er Users B$i(e2 +hapter "7 Acco$ntin& )or M$ltiple
+ompanies Usin& a Sin&le Set o) Coo6s!
4D@93hat is a *ec!nciliati!n 4uali#ier and h!w is it setup2
Ans? This Reconciliation fla2 is a localiEation feature used 1ri0arily /y Euro1ean custo0ers. 8hen the fla2
is set to DES% the account is set u1 to /e reconciled. -' Entry Reconciliation is a set of for0s and re1orts
that ena/le the user to selecti3ely cross.reference transactions in the -eneral 'ed2er. Once the /alance of a
2rou1 of transactions is Eero% the user can 0ar= the0 as reconciled. This #uncti!nality ena$les the
transacti!ns in any acc!unt that sh!uld $alance t! &er! "for e;a01le% an !nter.co01any sus1ense
account( to /e reconciled. For infor0ation re2ardin2 the setu1 of this o1tion% 1lease refer to Note5
9O>9:99.@. 4DB93)I5) 3<( "<*7<* I" F"<6 (= A11"2
A>"?)TT$ SER,ER $o6ered /y A$AC)E. 8EB SER,ER Uses Ki 9ata*ase :K!#!I-! Oracle 9ata*ase is
Mi! :M!'!#-
Oracle Mi Application ser=er :MIas-!
4DC93)I5) 5O>5F**<>T ,A>AA<* "F(,IT" T)< *<F<"T2
5O>5F**<>T ,A>AA<* FO* *<"O07I>A 5O>F0I5T" (<T3<<> 2 *<F<"T" IF =<"
T)<> T<00 T)< >A,<2 Dou define concurrent 0ana2ers usin2 the Concurrent ana2ers 6indo6.
8hen you define a 0ana2er% you s1ecify the +anager type% 6hich 0ay /e either Concurrent ana2er%
!nternal onitor% or .ransaction Mana&er!
.here are three other types o) mana&ers that Oracle Applications pre(e)ines )or yo$7 the Internal +onc$rrent
Mana&er2 1hich (escri*es the Internal +onc$rrent Mana&er process2 the +on)lict Resol$tion
Mana&er2 an( the Sche($ler! For the +RM an( Sche($ler yo$ can assi&n the primary an( secon(ary no(es!
For the Internal +onc$rrent Mana&er yo$ assi&n the primary no(e only!
44193hat us 6ata Ar!up? Use data 2rou1s to su11ort 0ulti1le installations of an Oracle A11lications
1roduct "for e;a01le% Oracle $aya/les( that su11orts 0ulti1le sets of /oo=s% 6here a different a11lication is
associated 6ith each set of /oo=s.
For e;a01le% 6ith t6o installations of Oracle $aya/les su11ortin2 t6o Sets of Boo=s% use data 2rou1s to
indicate 6hich Oracle $aya/les Oracle userna0e to access fro0 a certain -eneral 'ed2er res1onsi/ility.
Define a data 2rou1 for each a11lication installation "set of /oo=s(. 86 Define a res1onsi/ility for each
a11lication installation "set of /oo=s(% and assi2n the a11ro1riate data 2rou1 to each res1onsi/ility.
44293hat is the purp!se !# ,O? "ecurity 0evel and sh!uld value sh!uld y!u set that t!2
A>"?utiliEe the YO5 Security $rofileY 1rofile o1tion o3er the YO5 O1eratin2 UnitY 1rofile o1tion 6hen
/oth 1rofile o1tions are set to 2i3e access to 0ulti1le operatin& $nits!
.he pro)ile option AMO7 Sec$rity /ro)ileA sho$l( not *e set at Site le=el2 since
settin& it 1ill res$lt in )orms error 1hen openin& the )inancials pro($cts
)orms that are mo(i)ie( )or Access +ontrol an( also M$lti%Or& initiali?ation
errors 1hile applyin& patches!
@o$ m$st set the MO7Operatin& Unit pro)ile option )or each responsi*ility!
@o$ m$st also (e)ine the (e)a$lt operatin& $nit *y settin& the
MO7Operatin& Unit pro)ile at the site le=el!
/oste( *y OracleApps!Jaya6rishna at #7"G
8mail .his Clo&.hisT Share to .1itter Share to Face*oo6 Share to /interest
2 c!++ents?
Sridevi Koduru ' March '#H 'G7"
I am Sri(e=i Ko($r$2 Oracle Apps .echno F$nctional Fac$lty 1ith "U @ears .rainin& 8,perience on
Oracle Apps .echnical2 Oracle Apps F$nctional2 S532 /34S53 an( 9'K incl$(in& GU @ears o) Real
.ime 8,perience! I ha=e /ro=i(e( .rainin& )or "##U /ro)essionals Most o) them are Wor6in& in Real
.ime no1!
+ontact Me )or O))line an( Online .rainin& on Oracle Apps .echnical2 Oracle Apps F$nctional2
S532 /34S53 an( 9'K at sri(e=ioracleapps@&mail!com D UM%M"K#JK'K D
Sridevi Koduru 'K April '#H 'G7"
I am Sri(e=i Ko($r$2 Oracle Apps .echno F$nctional Fac$lty 1ith I @ears .rainin& 8,perience on
Oracle Apps .echnical2 Oracle Apps Financial F$nctional2 Oracle Financial )or In(ian 3ocali?ation2
Oracle Apps S+M2 Oracle Apps HRMS2 S532 /34S53 an( 9'K incl$(in& GU @ears o) Real .ime
8,perience! I ha=e /ro=i(e( .rainin& )or "##U /ro)essionals Most o) them are Wor6in& in Real .ime
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