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Second Affidavit of Neil Kerslake

WHEREAS it is now made plain to me that Elizabeth the Queen has been entirely deposed from her Freedoms; Crown;
Authority and Dignity, by the devious machinations of Traitors and by all of those Evil Persons who have formerly or do
now support the enterprises of treason, contrary to the Laws of God and contrary to the known laws and customs of the
People of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland,
AND WHEREAS the said Elizabeth the Queen is now entirely deposed from her Lawful Power and Authority to govern the
People of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland,
AND WHEREAS the said Elizabeth the Queen has been and is now unlawfully restrained from providing a full and
adequate response to the content and requirements of an Affidavit that I have served upon her in a lawful manner,
I, Neil Kerslake, now resident at XXXXXXXXXXXX, Barry, Vale of Glamorgan, CF62 XXX,


FOR THE REASONS GIVEN within the content of the preamble to this present document, I Must and Do Now Remove
Myself from All and Any Allegiance to Elizabeth the Queen, to the purpose of removing myself at law from the authority of
all of those Hateful & Evil Persons who have taken it upon themselves to hold Elizabeth the Queen a prisoner in her own
land – and or who have taken it upon themselves to misgovern the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
in the Queen’s Name, by the process of laying an unlawful claim to the True Authority of Elizabeth the Queen; such claim
to the Royal Authority being entirely contrary to the known and most Ancient Laws and Customs of the Realm and being
most clearly an expression of Treason -
I DECLARE that as from and including this present date, and for all such time as may now be required to restore
Elizabeth the Queen to Her Freedom and to The Lawful Dignity & Authority of her Crown, I DENY AND WITHHOLD ALL
ALLEGIANCE AND OBEDIENCE TO ELIZABETH THE QUEEN, to the precise purpose of providing some defence to Her
Majesty’s Person; Royal Estate and Freedoms, by the process of denying all and any lawful recognition to those Evil
Persons who now hold Her Majesty captive to their own Treasons; Evil Designs and Unlawful Purposes, contrary to law -
AND TO THE FURTHER PURPOSE that my own Security and Safety under the Rule of those Laws that are my
inalienable birthright may be safeguarded against the threats to Freedom & Liberty now being posed by Diverse Evil
Persons, contrary to law -
I NOW DECLARE to All Persons claiming a legal authority to exercise the power of government, in the name of Elizabeth
the Queen that their authority to govern me in any way whatsoever is both denied and ended -
I FURTHER DECLARE to all such persons that my personal freedom comes directly to me from God Himself, and that
the walls and doors of all and any prisons now under the control of Traitors to the Crown & People of the United Kingdom
of Great Britain and Northern Ireland will crack wide and will open at the behest of God Himself, if they should seek to
impose penalty upon me for my departure from their mischief -
FINALLY, I give Full Notice and Assurance that I will return to my allegiance and obedience to the Person; Estate & the
Imperial Crown of Elizabeth the Queen when Her Majesty is entirely released from the bondage that now prevents her
from the free exercise of her lawful authority and duty to Govern Her Peoples in accordance with their own Laws &
Customs; which authority requires Her to Defend Her Peoples; Her Kingdoms; Her Realms and Her Territories in full
accordance with the terms of Her Majesty’s Oath that was Sworn before Almighty God & The People on 2nd June, 1953 -
and at any future time of returning to a condition of Full Allegiance and Obedience to the Authority of Elizabeth the
Queen, I will require and expect to receive The Queen’s Own Freely-Given Assurance that the government of my country
will from that same time be conducted in full accordance with the Laws and Customs of my People; which Laws and
Customs require and demand that the activities of all and any parliaments and governments of the United Kingdom of
Great Britain and Northern Ireland be constrained to act within those provisions of the law that provide for the existence
of such parliaments and governments.
May God in His Mercy, Defend the Right & May God Save the Queen from those who now hold her in an Unlawful Captivity.

Signed__________________________Neil Kerslake. (Signed & Sealed)

Before me, An Officer of the Court, or Solicitor Sworn at:_________________________________

________________________________________ ________________________________________

Print Name____________________Date_________

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