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In mathematics, a statement that has been proved using deductive reasoning from

definitions, accepted facts, and relations is called a theorem. The statement

proved in Problem 2 is sometimes referred to as the Vertical Angles Theorem,
vertical angles have equal measure.
In Course 1, you proved the Pythagorean Theorem. (Not all theorems
aregiven names.) After a theorem has been proved, it may be used to prove other
conjectures. As your geometric work in Course 3 progresses, you will want to
know which theorems have been proved. Thus, you should prepare a geometry
toolkit by listing assumptions, such as the Linear Pair Postulate, and proven
theorems. Add each new theorem to your toolkit as it is proved.

3. Recall that two intersecting lines (line segments or rays) are perpendicular
() if and only if they form a right angle.
a. Rewrite this definition as two if-then statements.
b. Claim: Two perpendicular lines form four right angles.
Is this claim true or false? Explain your reasoning.
c. Study the following strategy that Juanita
used to prove the claim in Part b.
First, she drew and labeled the
diagram at the right.
Then she developed a plan for proof
based on her diagram.
I know that if _ m, they form a
right angle, say 1. A right angle has measure 90. Use the fact
that 1 and 3 are vertical angles to show m3 = 90. Use the fact
that 1 and 2 are a linear pair to show m2 = 90. Then use the
fact that 2 and 4 are vertical angles to show m4 = 90.
She then wrote her proof in a two-column statement-reason form.

Statements Reasons
1. m
2. and m form a right angle.
Call it 1.
3. m1 = 90
4. 1 and 3 are vertical angles.
5. m3 = m1 = 90
6. 1 and 2 are a linear pair.
7. m1 + m2 = 180
8. m2 = 180 m1 = 90
9. 2 and 4 are vertical angles.
10. m2 = m4
11. m4 = 90
12. 1, 2, 3, and 4 are
right angles.
1. Given
2. Definition of
perpendicular lines
3. Definition of right angle
4. Definition of vertical angles
5. Vertical Angles Theorem
6. Definition of linear pair

i. How does the diagram that Juanita drew show the informationgiven in the
ii. Why might it be helpful to develop a plan for a proof before starting to
write the proof ?
iii. Check the correctness of Juanitas reasoning and supply reasons for each
of statements 712.
iv. Describe a plan for proof of the above claim that does not involve use of
the Vertical Angles Theorem.

4. The design of buildings often involves perpendicular lines. In preparing a plan
for a building like that below, an architect needs to draw lines perpendicular to
given lines.

a. Draw a line on a sheet of paper. Describe how you would draw a line
perpendicular to line through a point P in each case below.
i. P is a point on line .
ii. P is a point not on line .
b. Study the diagrams below which show a method for constructing a line
perpendicular to a given line through a given point P on line . In the
second step, the same compass opening is used to create both arcs.

i. On a separate sheet of paper, draw a line and mark a point P on .
Use a compass and straightedge to construct a line perpendicular to line
at point P.
ii. Write an argument justifying that P R in the diagram above on the
right. Start by showing that APR BPR.

c. The following diagrams show a method for constructing a line
perpendicular to a given line through a point P not on line . In the
second step, the same compass opening is used to create both arcs.
i. On a separate sheet of paper, draw a line and a point P not on Construct
a line perpendicular to line through point P.
ii. Write an argument justifying that P R in the diagram above on the

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