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CHT 3G RFI proposal

Chapter 5: Core Network and Services

Chapter 5.1: rchitect!re" Capacit#" F!nctionalit#" Inter$aces o$ Core Network %le&ents
Chapter 5.1.' : (niversal !dio Server)(S*
5.1 rchitect!re" Capacit#" F!nctionalit#" Inter$aces o$ Core Network %le&ents
5.1.' (niversal !dio Server )(S*
5.1.'.1 +verall rchitect!re
Nortel Networks is please to have the opportunity to present CHT our solution on UMTS
Universal Audio Server (UAS). In Nortel Networks proposed UMTS el ! ("") Core network
the M# is i$ple$ented %y Universal Audio Server (UAS).
Figure1. Rel 2 Nortel Networks UMTS Network Architecture
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CHT 3G RFI proposal
Chapter 5: Core Network and Services
Chapter 5.1: rchitect!re" Capacit#" F!nctionalit#" Inter$aces o$ Core Network %le&ents
Chapter 5.1.' : (niversal !dio Server)(S*
Figure2. UAS in the core network
Nortel Networks Universal Audio Server (UAS) is a hi&hly s'ala%le( 'on)i&ura%le and 'ost*
e))e'tive server plat)or$ that 'an play and re'ord voi'e announ'e$ents( 'olle't +TM# tones( and
support spee'h re'o&nition( te,t*to*spee'h synthesis( speaker veri)i'ation( 'on)eren'in&(
)a'si$ile( and other $edia )eatures. UAS resour'es are also used )or CA-.A %earer path
The Universal Audio Server uses a 'onventional /indowsNT*%ased 'o$putin& server
ar'hite'ture( industry standard internal %usses( standard e,ternal physi'al inter)a'es( and standard
proto'ols )or 'o$$uni'ation to the network. 0hysi'al inter)a'es in'lude 1"21""3aseT .thernet(
T1( .1( (IS+N 0I)( S*!4! and ATM. Standard inter)a'es and %usses allow sele'tion and
pro'ure$ent o) alternative 'o$ponents as te'hnolo&y evolves( and provides $a,i$u$
interopera%ility with other syste$s and network 'o$ponents.
The Universal Audio Server is availa%le in a *567 +C powered ra'k*$ount server suita%le )or
deploy$ent in the Central 8))i'e as well as a 11"*!!" 7 AC powered 'on)i&uration suita%le )or
'o$puter roo$ installations. It runs /indows NT Server 5." on a 'onventional Intel*%ased
'o$putin& ar'hite'ture. It in'orporates industry standard voi'e and data %uses 9 0CI )or &eneral
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CHT 3G RFI proposal
Chapter 5: Core Network and Services
Chapter 5.1: rchitect!re" Capacit#" F!nctionalit#" Inter$aces o$ Core Network %le&ents
Chapter 5.1.' : (niversal !dio Server)(S*
data trans)er( and H.1"" )or ti$e*division $ultiple,ed voi'e trans)er %etween 'ir'uit pa'ks.
7oi'e 'apa%ilities( inter)a'es( and other spe'ial purpose hardware*%ased )un'tions are added %y
provisionin& appropriate 0CI %ased personality 'ards into the 0CI %us o) ea'h server. The
'on)i&ured Universal Audio Server is tested( 'erti)ied( shipped( installed( supported and warranted
%y Nortel Networks. Nortel Networks strives to inte&rate 'o$ponents used in lar&e*$arket
enterprise 'o$putin& to re$ain 'o$petitive %y tra'kin& 'o$putin& industry te'hnolo&y
A 'o$plete UAS pa'ka&e in'ludes UAS units( UAS 0rovisionin& Server (U0S2A0S) and 0a'ket
Telephony Mana&er (0TM). The UAS 0rovisionin& Server is an I3M
AI:*%ased 'o$puter on whi'h the audio data%ase resides. An audio provisionin& we% server also
resides on the A0S. The 0a'ket Telephony Mana&er is an ele$ent $ana&er )or UAS and
eventually )or A0S. It resides in SNM )or CS!""" and SS.M )or CS4""".
#i&ure 4. 9 Universal Audio Server plat)or$
Syste$ 'apa'ity o) a sin&le UAS is li$ited %y %oth to the nu$%er o) provisioned ports and the
C0U 'apa'ity o) the host pro'essor. In the initial release( the C0U 'apa'ity has %een rated to
handle !"(""" 3HCA( with a port 'apa'ity o) 56". These two 'apa'ity 'eilin&s are very $u'h
related. #or instan'e( i) the servi'e hold ti$e is only 4 se'onds( and a %lo'kin& ratio o) .""1 is
desired( only 4" ports are re;uired to 'arry the )ull !"(""" 3HCA. Conversely( i) the hold ti$e is
1"" se'onds( port 'apa'ity will restri't the 'apa'ity o) a UAS unit to under <(4"" 3HCA with the
sa$e %lo'kin& per'enta&e.
Here )ollow so$e UAS hi&hli&hts=
Ind!str# ,eadin- Control .rotocol
0rovidin& stron& support to servi'e appli'ations $eans $u'h $ore than si$ply strea$in& an
audio )ile out over the network. The 'ontrol proto'ol developed )or this server e,tends the rea'h
o) appli'ations runnin& on servi'e en&ines. Su%$itted to the I.T# )or in'lusion with the Media
>ateway Control 0roto'ol (M.>AC8) 7oI0 standard( it eli$inates restri'tions )ound in 'urrent
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CHT 3G RFI proposal
Chapter 5: Core Network and Services
Chapter 5.1: rchitect!re" Capacit#" F!nctionalit#" Inter$aces o$ Core Network %le&ents
Chapter 5.1.' : (niversal !dio Server)(S*
AIN proto'ols.
un ti$e se&$ent sele'tion %ased on 'riteria su'h as lan&ua&e( 'usto$er( or 'ode' is possi%le.
This allows the servi'e en&ine to use si$pli)ied $essa&e a%stra'tions rather than havin& to %e
aware o) the details o) the data in the audio data%ase.
Inte&rated error handlin& )or )un'tions su'h as 0layColle't and 0laye'ord provide )or the a%ility
to handle standard 'onditions su'h as no di&its( or in'orre't di&its dialed without havin& to have
this e,pli'itly $ana&ed %y the 'allin& appli'ation.
#or 'o$pati%ility with other environ$ents( the Universal Audio Server )un'tions are a%stra'ted
)ro$ the 'ontrol proto'ol. This $akes inte&ration with other proto'ols (su'h as S4?11 or CS1)
a relatively easy develop$ent that doesnt i$pa't the %ulk o) the syste$.
.ower$!l !dio /ata0ase
The 'apa%ilities o) a data%ase are re;uired to support )eatures su'h as lan&ua&e( 'usto$er( and
'ode' set a%stra'tions. These set a%stra'tions are de)ina%le throu&h the provisionin& inter)a'e.
Sear'h and sort )un'tions provide ease o) use and 'apa%ilities su'h as password prote'ted
data%ase partitionin& %y 'usto$er. +e)ined audio se&$ent se;uen'es provide 'onvenient ways to
'apture re&ularly used se;uen'es o) audio se&$ents.
.a'h Universal Audio Server 'an support up to 14 >i&a%ytes o) announ'e$ent stora&e on the 16
>i&a%yte syste$ disk. Usin& no 'o$pression( this stora&e 'apa'ity supports over 1.@ $illion
se'onds o) announ'e$ents. Stora&e 'apa'ity availa%le on the Universal Audio Server will
in'rease as the industry delivers ever lar&er disks.
(ser1$riendl# .rovisionin-
A we% %ased provisionin& inter)a'e $akes 'ontrolled a''ess to the audio availa%le with Aust a we%
%rowser. The >UI driven inter)a'e provides the a%ility to add new audio se&$ents and to do
password 'ontrolled sear'hes )or audio se&$ents %y any o) the )ields in the data%ase. Audio 'an
also %e entered over the network.
%2port o$ !dio .acka-es to +ther Nodes
A network 'onne'ted audio server doesnt ne'essarily $ake sense )or every pro$pt situation. #or
e,a$ple( $akin& a 'ross network 'onne'tion and 'onsu$in& an audio server port )or pro$pts that
are used with e,tre$ely hi&h )re;uen'y( su'h as &reetin& pro$pts( $ay not %e the $ost e))i'ient
alternative. #or situations su'h as this( that is si$ple pro$pts with hi&h )re;uen'y and low 'hurn(
it $ay $ake $ore sense to &enerate the pro$pt )ro$ the ori&inatin& &ateway or swit'h.
The Universal Audio Server provides a tool to sele't pie'es o) audio( and then pa'ka&e the$ )or
delivery to other network nodes. The re'eivin& &ateway or swit'h does not need to know
anythin& a%out the spe'i)i' 'ontents o) the e,ported pa'ka&es( Aust the )or$at o) the pa'ka&e.
This provides si$ple error*)ree provisionin& %ased on the Universal Audio Server data%ase
&uaranteein& network wide 'onsisten'y in audio ids. So no $atter what node in the network is
re;uested %y a servi'e en&ine to play a spe'i)i' pro$pt( the result will always %e the sa$e.
Nat!ral So!ndin- 3!lti1lin-!al !dio 4aria0les
0rovidin& pro$pts in $ultiple lan&ua&es usually involves no $ore than re'ordin& the pro$pt in
ea'h o) the desired lan&ua&es. This is not true however )or audio varia%les su'h as dire'tory
nu$%ers( dates( ti$e( 'urren'y a$ounts( et'. that $ust %e 'onstru'ted %y the Universal Audio
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CHT 3G RFI proposal
Chapter 5: Core Network and Services
Chapter 5.1: rchitect!re" Capacit#" F!nctionalit#" Inter$aces o$ Core Network %le&ents
Chapter 5.1.' : (niversal !dio Server)(S*
Server at e,e'ution ti$e. 0er lan&ua&e se$anti' rules &overn how these phrases are spoken. A
wide ran&e o) lan&ua&es are supported. In addition( in)le'tion rules are provided to redu'e the
Bro%oti'C sound o) $a'hine 'onstru'ted phrases.
Con$i-!ration Fle2i0ilit#
The Universal Audio Server is hi&hly s'alea%le( with support )or D@ to 5(""" ports. The units 'an
%e lo'ated in &eo&raphi'ally disparate lo'ations. They 'an %e 'o*lo'ated with &ateways or
swit'hes or 'entraliEed.
The Universal Audio Server hardware uses a s'ala%le( 'on)i&ura%le 'ost e))e'tive 'o$$er'ial
plat)or$( )ield proven in other appli'ations within Nortel Networks. The hardware ar'hite'ture is
illustrated here %elow.
Bus Interface
and Memory
H.100 Bus
(TDM oice Bus!
Interna" SCSI
(I#$ %us!
T1& IP& and 'TM fa%ric interfaces
DSP cards
I#$ cards
Figure +. , Uni-ersal Audio Ser-er hardware architecture
The plat)or$ used is the Nortel >lo%al Server( %uilt on a Te,as Mi'rosyste$s( In'. $odel ??!"
ra'k*$ount 'hassis. This has a @*!*1! (@ ISA slots( ! S3C slots( 1! 0CI slots) passive %a'kplane.
It is 'on)i&ured with a sin&le 0entiu$ II Intel 444MhE pro'essor and !?@ Me&a%ytes o) AM.
7oi'e over I0 'onne'tivity is provided %y 'ards )ro$ Natural Mi'rosyste$s In'. 8ne A>5"""
and ! T:4!1"s are re;uired )or support o) D@ si$ultaneous 'onne'tions. Two sets o) these 'an %e
'on)i&ured )or a total o) 1D! 'onne'tions. The A>5""" provides +S0 )un'tions in'ludin& +TM#
di&it 'olle'tion( 'ode' pro'essin&( e'ho 'an'ellation( and 'onversion o) the audio pa'kets )ro$ the
disk to 0CM. The T:4!1"s provide dual port .thernet auto*sensin& 1"21"" 3aseT inter)a'e( as
well as the eal Ti$e 0roto'ol (T0) en'apsulation.
I) 'on)eren'in& is 'on)i&ured( up to ! +ialo&i' +C3D@" ISA 'on)eren'in& 'ards are in'luded(
providin& 'on)eren'in& support )or every 'hannel.
edundant .thernet HU3 (3aySta'k 5?"*!5T)( a !5 port !.? >i&a%it )ail*sa)e Auto*sensin&
1"21"" 3aseT swit'h provides )ault tolerant %earer and si&nalin& a''ess to ea'h ra'k.
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CHT 3G RFI proposal
Chapter 5: Core Network and Services
Chapter 5.1: rchitect!re" Capacit#" F!nctionalit#" Inter$aces o$ Core Network %le&ents
Chapter 5.1.' : (niversal !dio Server)(S*
8ne to )ive D*>i&a%yte drives 'an %e 'on)i&ured in the 'hassis dependin& on audio stora&e
Also in'luded in the 'on)i&uration are= A C+*8M( a video 'ard( and a dual port auto*sensin&
1"21"" 3aseT .thernet inter)a'e 'ard.
The Universal Audio Server is hi&hly s'alea%le. Additional shelves 'an %e added as 'apa'ity
de$ands. edundan'y is provisioned on an NF1 %asis. There)ore en&ineered servi'e 'apa'ity
will not de&rade as a result o) a sin&le server outa&e. I) the %usy hour 'all volu$e does not e,'eed
the en&ineered 'apa'ity( the Universal Audio Server will %lo'k on avera&e less than 1 'all per
1"(""" due to Server or servi'e 'ir'uit outa&es.
Hardware redundan'y is provided where re;uired to ensure hi&h relia%ility. edundant power
supplies and )ans are provided sin'e these syste$ ele$ents have lower $ean ti$e %e)ore )ailure
(MT3#). +ual network inter)a'es prevent a )ailed router or %rid&e )ro$ takin& an entire
Universal Audio Server out o) servi'e. The audio data%ase supports redundant data i$a&es.
edundant .thernet HU3 (3aySta'k 5?"*!5T)( a !5 port !.? >i&a%it )ail*sa)e Auto*sensin&
1"21"" 3aseT swit'h provides )ault tolerant %earer and si&nalin& a''ess to ea'h ra'k.
The MT3# o) an individual Audio Server shel) is 1D(""" hours. /ith NF1 redundan'y(
en&ineered syste$ availa%ility is over DD.DDDG( or less than ? $inutes o) de&raded availa%ility
per year.
Syste$ 'apa'ity is &ated %y two pri$ary )a'tors= 'all rate and si$ultaneous 'alls. Call rate is
li$ited %y the 'apa'ity o) the 'ontrol pro'essor. In'reasin& 'all rates will %e supported as
pro'essor 'apa%ilities in'rease.
Si$ultaneous 'all 'apa'ity is li$ited %y the port density per adapter 'ard( and the potential
nu$%er o) adapter 'ards per shel). The Motorola C0:6!1@T provides @ slots )or adapter 'ards
per hal) shel) (note that initially( one o) the @ is used )or a SCSI inter)a'e( leavin& ? )or adapter
%oards). 0ort density per adapter 'ard varies per )a%ri'( and as with pro'essor 'apa'ities(
in'reases over ti$e.
7oI0= 8'to%er( !""" release provides 1!" ports per 'ard. This dou%les to !5" ports per
in !""1.
ATM= The ATM inter)a'e 'ard supports up to 1""" ports.

.a'h Universal Audio Server supports si$ultaneous intera'tive voi'e response servi'es )or up to
!5" 'alls in the initial release( up to a rate o) !"(""" 3HCA. . I) advan'ed voi'e pro'essin&
'apa%ilities are provisioned( or $ultiple )un'tions are re;uired per 'all( the servi'e 'ir'uit 'hannel
'apa'ity $ay %e redu'ed( due to &reater C0U de$ands( availa%le slots )or provisionin& +S0
hardware( and other en&ineerin& 'onsiderations. Advan'ed 'apa%ilities in'lude spee'h
re'o&nition( te,t*to*spee'h synthesis( speaker veri)i'ation and 'on)eren'in&.
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CHT 3G RFI proposal
Chapter 5: Core Network and Services
Chapter 5.1: rchitect!re" Capacit#" F!nctionalit#" Inter$aces o$ Core Network %le&ents
Chapter 5.1.' : (niversal !dio Server)(S*
Syste$ 'apa'ity o) a sin&le UAS is li$ited %y %oth to the nu$%er o) provisioned ports and the
C0U 'apa'ity o) the host pro'essor. As 'ited a%ove( in the initial release( the C0U 'apa'ity has
%een rated to handle !"(""" 3HCA( and the port 'apa'ity is li$ited to !5". These two 'apa'ity
'eilin&s are very $u'h related. #or instan'e( i) the servi'e hold ti$e is only 4 se'onds( and a
%lo'kin& ratio o) .""1 is desired( only 4" ports are re;uired to 'arry the )ull !"(""" 3HCA.
Conversely( i) the hold ti$e is 1"" se'onds( port 'apa'ity will restri't the 'apa'ity o) a UAS unit
to under <(4"" 3HCA with the sa$e %lo'kin& per'enta&e.
.a'h Universal Audio Server 'an support up to 14 >i&a%ytes o) announ'e$ent stora&e on the 16
>i&a%yte syste$ disk. Usin& no 'o$pression( this stora&e 'apa'ity supports over 1.@ $illion
se'onds o) announ'e$ents. Stora&e 'apa'ity availa%le on the Universal Audio Server will
in'rease as the industry delivers ever lar&er disks.
5.1.'.5 F!nctionalit#
3asi' #un'tions o) UAS
3asi' Intera'tive 7oi'e esponse (I7) 'ontrol in'ludes 0lay( 0layColle't( 0laye'ord( and
Con)eren'e. >enerally( these )un'tions re;uire spe'ial purpose +S0( as do the enhan'ed
)un'tions addressed later.
All announ'e$ents are stored on lo'al disks in ea'h Universal Audio Server. /here re;uired )or
per)or$an'e( a su%set o) these announ'e$ents 'an %e spe'i)ied to %e also stored in $e$ory. In
addition( hi&h usa&e pro$pts will also %e 'a'hed %y the operatin& syste$ )urther in'reasin&
/hen a re;uest is re'eived to play an announ'e$ent( the C0U retrieves the audio )ro$ the disk
(or $e$ory). The audio retrieved %y the C0U is then sent to a +S0 'ard )or pro'essin& and
trans$ission to the e,ternal )a%ri'.
Multiple se&$ents( in'ludin& audio varia%les (su'h as ti$e o) day( varia%le phone nu$%ers(
'urren'y( and spoken inte&er nu$%ers) 'an %e handled in a sin&le re;uest. The nu$%er o)
'on'atenated announ'e$ent )ra&$ents in any &iven 'ontinuous announ'e$ent is li$ited only %y
the proto'ol that is e$ployed to re;uest the playin& o) an announ'e$ent. Announ'e$ent duration
'an ran&e )ro$ " se'onds up to the $a,i$u$ duration o) announ'e$ents supported %y the
syste$s stora&e 'apa'ity. The audio server resour'e 'an stay on the 'onne'tion )or as lon& or
short as ne'essary. /hen no )urther intera'tion is re;uired( the Universal Audio Server 'an %e
re$oved )ro$ the 'all. This )eature lowers the 'apa'ity 'ost %y releasin& unused audio server
servi'e 'ir'uits and resour'es.
The voi'e path inter)a'e )or playin& announ'e$ents( and 'olle'tin& or re'ordin& 'aller responses(
is BUniversalC a'ross I0( ATM and T+M )a%ri's.
.nhan'ed #un'tions
Two sin&le*party 'onne'tions to the Universal Audio Server $ay %e %rid&ed a'ross a ti$e*
division $ultiple,ed CT%us (H.11"). The Universal Audio Server 'an $onitor one or %oth sides
o) a throu&h 'onne'tion to dete't tones or other input. The Universal Audio Server 'an also
ori&inate a 'all into the network.
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CHT 3G RFI proposal
Chapter 5: Core Network and Services
Chapter 5.1: rchitect!re" Capacit#" F!nctionalit#" Inter$aces o$ Core Network %le&ents
Chapter 5.1.' : (niversal !dio Server)(S*
More advan'ed )un'tions re;uirin& real*ti$e pro'essin& o) the voi'e si&nals $ay re;uire other
spe'ial purpose +S0 'ards to %e provisioned. These in'lude su'h 'apa%ilities as spee'h
re'o&nition( )a, re'eive2trans$it( te,t*to*spee'h synthesis( and 'on)eren'in&.
Control 0roto'ol
The 'ontrol proto'ol )or the Universal Audio Server is a%stra'ted )ro$ its )un'tionality. It is
desi&ned so that new 'ontrol proto'ols 'an %e i$ple$ented without i$pa't to the )unda$ental
'all pro'essin& so)tware. Spe'i)i'ally( there will %e no 'han&es to the resour'e )un'tions )ro$ the
addition o) a new proto'ol 'ontrol sta'k. There $ay %e 'han&es re;uired to support additional
'onne'tion state $a'hines. #or e,a$ple( the steps and error pro'essin& asso'iated with $akin&
an IS+N 0I 'onne'tion are su%stantially di))erent than those )or $akin& a 'onne'tion in a 7oI0
network at the %ehest o) a Media >ateway Control 0roto'ol (M.>AC8) Call Server.
M>C0( de)ined in the I.T#( is availa%le as the initial 'ontrol inter)a'e )or I0 )a%ri's. A set o) I7
'ontrol )un'tions is in'luded in its de)inition. Support )or M.>AC8 (or H.!56 as it is la%el in the
ITU)( I.T#s su''essor to M>C0 will %e availa%le in Mar'h( !""1. These 'ontrol )un'tions
e,tend the rea'h o) appli'ations runnin& on servi'e en&ines( and eli$inate restri'tions )ound in
'urrent AIN proto'ols.
8ne key innovation is the introdu'tion o) support )or a%stra't audio ids. These are use)ul in a
nu$%er o) s'enarios. #or e,a$ple( a servi'e $i&ht %e de)ined su'h that at a 'ertain point a
de)ined pro$pt is re;uired. However( that pro$pt $i&ht vary at e,e'ution ti$e %ased on a
variety o) )a'tors su'h as lan&ua&e( 'usto$er( 'ode'( et'. 0assin& an a%stra't audio identi)ier to
the Universal Audio Server( alon& with one or $ore ;uali)iers( re$oves the re;uire$ent )or the
servi'e en&ine to have a 'o$prehensive knowled&e o) the individual audio se&$ents asso'iated
with the di))erent lan&ua&es( 'usto$ers( and2or 'ode's.
Another supported a%stra'tion is se;uen'e audio identi)iers. A se;uen'e identi)ier is $erely an
ordered strin& o) other audio identi)iers (in'ludin& other se;uen'es or sets). This not only
provides a 'onvenient way to 'apture 'o$$on audio se;uen'es( %ut also allows $odi)i'ation to
those se;uen'es without 'han&es to the drivin& servi'e en&ine.
Another )eature provided in the 'ontrol proto'ol is the provision )or inte&rated error handlin& )or
)un'tions su'h as 0layColle't and 0laye'ord. This allows the spe'i)i'ation o) error pro$pts and
retry lo&i' )or 'o$$on )ailures su'h as no di&its dialed( in'orre't di&it )or$at( and spee'h not
dete'ted. This re$oves )ro$ the servi'e en&ine the %urden o) e,pli'itly pro&ra$$in& in these
error 'onditions every ti$e the )un'tion is invoked.
Support )or other 'ontrol proto'ols( su'h as ITUs CS*! and 3ellCores S4?11 in the T+M
do$ain( or SI0 in the 7oI0 do$ain 'an %e easily added due to the ar'hite'tural a%stra'tion
%etween the 'ontrol proto'ol and the Audio Server )un'tions.
Audio 0rovisionin&
The )irst step in 'reatin& new announ'e$ents is to a'tually re'ord the$. They $ay %e re'orded
%y audio pro)essionals in a studio )or the hi&hest possi%le ;uality( or re'orded %y a su%s'ri%er in
real ti$e over the phone network )or $a,i$u$ 'onvenien'e.
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CHT 3G RFI proposal
Chapter 5: Core Network and Services
Chapter 5.1: rchitect!re" Capacit#" F!nctionalit#" Inter$aces o$ Core Network %le&ents
Chapter 5.1.' : (niversal !dio Server)(S*
Nor$ally( the $aAority o) the re'orded pro$pts will %e delivered via the provisionin& inter)a'e.
This inter)a'e is provided via any standard we% %rowser. A we% server and relational data%ase on
a separate 0rovisionin& Server support the %rowser inter)a'e. The 0rovisionin& Server is
responsi%le )or 'olle'tin& and presentin& audio in)or$ation to users throu&h the %rowser inter)a'e.
It is also responsi%le )or ensurin& that audio added to the data%ase is distri%uted relia%ly to ea'h o)
the Audio Servers )or use in 'all pro'essin&. It should %e noted that the 0rovisionin& Server is not
involved on a per 'all %asis.
The 0rovisionin& Server 'aptures 'onte,tual in)or$ation su'h as re'ordin& date( na$e o) voi'e
talent( title and wordin& in addition to the audio itsel). Audio added to the syste$ in this )ashion
is ter$ed Bstati'C audio.
A%stra'tions are $ana&ed throu&h the audio data%ase( and de)ault values and $appin&s )ro$ the
a%stra'tion ;uali)iers to their tar&et audio ids (whi'h in turn 'an also %e a%stra'tions) are set up in
this provisionin& e,er'ise.
Sear'h and sort 'apa%ility is provided on data%ase )ields( in'ludin& two 'usto$er de)ined )ields(
are provided to $ake sele'tin& and usin& the audio in the data%ase $ore $ana&ea%le. A''ess to
the data%ase 'an %e password li$ited via these sear'h and sort )ields. This allows 'usto$er :HI
to view and sele't )ro$ their audio only rather than the 'o$plete set o) audio in the data%ase.
#or announ'e$ents re'orded over the phone( servi'e appli'ations are re;uired to &uide
su%s'ri%ers throu&h the identi)i'ation o) the audio to %e updated. This )eature is use)ul )or
pro$pts that 'han&e re&ularly( allowin& the su%s'ri%er to $odi)y pro$pts without involvin& the
servi'e provider. Audio added in this )ashion is ter$ed Bdyna$i'C audio. An e,a$ple o) this
would %e Btodays spe'ial isJC.
3oth stati' and dyna$i' audio( on'e entered into the syste$( is persistent. A )inal type o) audio is
a variant o) dyna$i' audio ter$ed Bte$poraryC audio. This is audio kept %y the syste$ only )or
the duration o) a 'all( )or e,a$ple )or re'ordin& a 'allers na$e )or play%a'k.
The Kato$i' unit o) audio is the audio se&$ent( a sin&le re'orded phrase (re&ardless o) len&th).
8ther types o) audio ids are set and se;uen'e a%stra'tions( varia%les( silen'e( and te,t. Silen'e is
provided as a spe'ial type to allow 'on)i&ura%le silen'e durations. Te,t is provided to intera't
with Te,t*to*spee'h )un'tions.
Another key innovation o) the Universal Audio Server provisionin& syste$ is the e,port tool )or
'reatin& audio pa'ka&es )or e,port to other network nodes. Announ'e$ents $ay %e supported on
other network nodes ()or e,a$ple traditional T+M swit'hes or 7oI0 &ateways) )or a variety o)
reasons. #or e,a$ple( $akin& a 'ross network 'onne'tion and 'onsu$in& an audio server port )or
pro$pts that are used with e,tre$ely hi&h )re;uen'y( su'h as &reetin& pro$pts( $ay not %e the
$ost e))i'ient alternative.
In situations su'h as this( i) the pro$pt &eneration is dire'ted )ro$ a servi'e en&ine su'h as a 'all
server or servi'e 'ontrol point( the audio id and its 'orrespondin& audio 'ontent $ust %e identi'al
on ea'h and every node in the span o) 'ontrol o) the servi'e en&ine. In todays 0STN
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Chapter 5: Core Network and Services
Chapter 5.1: rchitect!re" Capacit#" F!nctionalit#" Inter$aces o$ Core Network %le&ents
Chapter 5.1.' : (niversal !dio Server)(S*
environ$ent( this is %urdenso$e even where the network nodes are lar&e swit'hes. In the 7oI0
environ$ent with its 'orrespondin&ly s$aller &ateways( the provisionin& e))ort to ensure that
audio ids are provisioned in a ti$ely and a''urate )ashion everywhere would %e su%stantial.
The e,port tool &reatly si$pli)ies this pro'ess. Spe'i)i' pie'es o) audio )ro$ the data%ase are
sele'ted )or e,port via the we% inter)a'e. The tool then 'reates three )iles. The audio )ile 'ontains
all the audio )or all the se&$ents sele'ted. The inde, )ile $aps the audio ids o) the se&$ents
sele'ted to the o))set and len&th o) the 'orrespondin& audio in the audio )ile. The 'atalo& )ile is a
non*e,e'uta%le )ile( and 'ontains the an'illary in)or$ation )ro$ the data%ase su'h as pro$pt te,t(
title( voi'e talent( date re'orded( et'.
These )iles 'an then %e sent to the desired network nodes )or use. The re'eivin& &ateway or swit'h
does not need to know anythin& a%out the spe'i)i' 'ontents o) the e,ported pa'ka&e( Aust its
)or$at. This provides si$ple error*)ree provisionin& %ased on the Universal Audio Server
data%ase &uaranteein& network wide 'onsisten'y in audio ids. So no $atter what node in the
network is re;uested %y a servi'e en&ine to play a spe'i)i' pro$pt( the result will always %e the
Multi*lin&ual Support )or Audio 7aria%les
There are no lan&ua&e dependen'ies )or $ost audio pro$pts %e'ause any lan&ua&e( or any
nu$%er o) lan&ua&es( 'an %e re'orded and provisioned. However( audio varia%les are lan&ua&e
spe'i)i' due to the se$anti' and in)le'tion rules asso'iated with speakin& the$.
Audio varia%les are ite$s su'h as dire'tory nu$%ers( dates( ti$e( 'urren'y a$ounts( et' that are
'onstru'ted %y the Universal Audio Server at e,e'ution ti$e. The proto'ol passes the nu$eri'al
value (e.&. "4!1DD) and the type o) varia%le (in this 'ase date)( and the Universal Audio Server
)i&ures out to say BMar'h twenty*)irst( nineteen ninety*nineC.
An e,a$ple o) se$anti' di))eren'es %etween lan&ua&es )or audio varia%les is nu$%ers. In #ren'h
)or e,a$ple( !1 is spoken as Btwenty and oneC (vin&t*et*un). .n&lish doesnt put the BandC in.
#ren'h doesnt either )or !! throu&h !D. In >er$an( the 'onstru'tion is Bone and twentyC.
Another e,a$ple is the di))erin& use o) plurals )or 'urren'y units. Se$anti' stru'ture )or varia%le
announ'e$ents is 'aptured in the syste$ so)tware on a per lan&ua&e %asis. The syste$ uses the
se$anti' rules and the value o) the real ti$e varia%le to 'onstru't and insert the 'orre't phrase
.ven when di&its are spoken 'orre'tly )ro$ a se$anti' perspe'tive( i) the in)le'tion o) all the
di&its is identi'al( the resultin& phrase 'an sound very unnatural or ro%oti'. To provide $ore
natural soundin& varia%les( the syste$ in'ludes rules )or in)le'tion use. /hile it $ay %e
i$possi%le to 'apture all the stress and in)le'tion nuan'es o) audio varia%les( espe'ially without
knowin& the 'ontent o) any pre'edin& or )ollowin& 'onte,t( so$e relatively %asi' treat$ent o)
in)le'tion produ'es a $u'h $ore natural soundin& phrase. In $any 'ases the in)le'tion rules
s'ope are )ully 'ontained within the varia%le. #or e,a$ple( in .n&lish( when we speak strin&s o)
di&its( we typi'ally pla'e a risin& in)le'tion on the )irst di&it( )lat in)le'tions on the inter$ediate
di&its( and a )allin& in)le'tion on the )inal di&it. A&ain( these rules are lan&ua&e spe'i)i'. #or
e,a$ple( in #ren'h( a )lat in)le'tion would %e used )or the initial and inter$ediate di&its( and a
risin& in)le'tion on the )inal di&it.
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CHT 3G RFI proposal
Chapter 5: Core Network and Services
Chapter 5.1: rchitect!re" Capacit#" F!nctionalit#" Inter$aces o$ Core Network %le&ents
Chapter 5.1.' : (niversal !dio Server)(S*
Audio varia%le support is planned )or the )ollowin& lan&ua&es= .n&lish( )our )or$s o) Spanish
(Standard Spanish( Catalan( >alle&an( and 3as;ue)( Lapanese( Mandarin( Ta&alo&( Malay( Thai(
0ortu&uese( Morean( Cantonese( >er$an( Italian( #ren'h( two )or$s o) +ut'h (Netherlands and
3el&ian)( Ara%i'( and Urdu.
A tool is provided on the 0rovisionin& Server to $ake addin& the $any audio se&$ents re;uired
)or support a new lan&ua&e si$pler. The tool allows the )ull 'o$ple$ent o) se&$ents (e.&. BoneC(
BtwoC( BtenC( CtwentyC( BhourC( BhoursC( B$inutesC( et'.) to %e added at on'e on a per lan&ua&e
5.1.'.3 Inter$aces
The UAS supports SNM0. 0hysi'al inter)a'es supported in'lude 1"21""3aseT .thernet( T1( .1(
(IS+N 0I)( S*!4! and ATM.
5.1.'.6 +perations and 3aintenance
The Universal Audio Server 8ANM is provided throu&h Nortel Networks 0a'ket Telephony
Mana&er (0TM) .le$ent Mana&er throu&h SNM0v4. Standard MI3s have %een used where
availa%le )or 'o$pati%ility with other network $ana&e$ent syste$s. The 0TM supports the
)ollowin& )un'tions throu&h user*)riendly >UIs=
Con)i&uration )un'tions( in'ludin& 'on)i&uration data*)ill( distri%ution( and resour'e

#ault $ana&e$ent( in'ludin& $onitorin&( reportin& and 'learin& o) lo&s and alar$sO
0er)or$an'e $onitorin&( in'ludin& 'olle'tion( te$porary stora&e and )orwardin& o)
per)or$an'e data( threshold*'rossin& dete'tion and &eneration o) per)or$an'e alar$s.

Syste$ Ad$inistration
The Universal Audio Server provides user a''ess 'ontrol on all $ana&e$ent inter)a'es %ased on
user lo&in I+s. 8nly the syste$ ad$inistrator $ay=
Assi&n and delete User I+s
Add( 'han&e and delete passwords
Set and $odi)y se'urity syste$ para$eters( e.&. allowed lo&in atte$pts

8ther users are &overned %y a set o) user per$issions asso'iated with an a''ess pro)ile. User
per$issions allow the user to per)or$ authoriEed tasks and prevent the user )ro$ per)or$in&
restri'ted tasksO e.&.( an unauthoriEed user $ay not a''ess the se'urity lo&. User a''ess pro)iles
also in'lude details o) whi'h $ana&e$ent inter)a'e(s) the user $ay a''ess the syste$ (TMN P4
inter)a'e and2or User inter)a'es in'ludin& >UI).
The Universal Audio Server ele$ent $ana&er $aintains a lo& o) all se'urity*related events(
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CHT 3G RFI proposal
Chapter 5: Core Network and Services
Chapter 5.1: rchitect!re" Capacit#" F!nctionalit#" Inter$aces o$ Core Network %le&ents
Chapter 5.1.' : (niversal !dio Server)(S*
Session esta%lish$ent and ter$ination( in'ludin& statisti's on unsu''ess)ul lo&in
+isa%lin& o) User lo&in I+ a)ter a prede)ined nu$%er o) 'onse'utive unsu''ess)ul
atte$pts per dialo& session
Unsu''ess)ul atte$pts to a''ess the se'urity lo&
+ete'tion and2or 'orre'tion o) viruses
The Universal Audio Server ele$ent $ana&er raises a se'urity alar$ )or the )ollowin& events=
Nu$%er o) 'onse'utive )ailed lo&in atte$pts %y a sin&le user e,'eeds the prede)ined
e'eipt o) a User lo&in I+ that has not %een presented and authenti'ated )or a
nu$%er o) days
Syste$ una%le to write to the se'urity lo&
Hu$an )a'tors 'onsiderations
No $atter how &ood a servi'e is( or how ri'h its tool set( its e))e'tiveness 'an %e under$ined %y
a poor I7 su%s'ri%er inter)a'e. There is a &rowin& %ody o) knowled&e on how to %est desi&n
this intera'tion )or the hi&hest user a''eptan'e. The Hu$an #a'tors tea$ at Nortel Networks has
'reated a pro$pt develop$ent &uide to assist users a'hieve the %est inter)a'e desi&n possi%le.
The &uide 'overs ite$s su'h as when to use the word BpressC ()or a sin&le di&it only)( vs.
when to use the word BenterC (when di&its strin&s are e,pe'ted). Another e,a$ple is how to
%est present a series o) options )or sele'tion. B#or 'usto$er servi'e( press oneC is %etter than
B0ress one )or 'usto$er servi'eC sin'e the latter de$ands that the user re$e$%er the )irst part
o) the phrase (B0ress oneC) until they hear the se'ond part o) the phrase (B)or 'usto$er
servi'eC) whether they needed to or not.
The UAS is deployed in B'lustersC )or NF1 provisionin&. .a'h UAS 'luster 'onsists o) two or
$ore UAS units and one Audio 0rovisionin& Server (A0S)2UAS 0rovisionin& Server. The A0S is
an I3M AI:*%ased 'o$puter on whi'h the audio data%ase resides. An audio provisionin& we%
server also resides on the A0S. The UAS is $ana&ed via the 0a'ket Telephony Mana&er (0TM).
The A0S will eventually %e $ana&ed via the 0TM( %ut 'urrently only the 0TM alar$ $ana&er is
used with A0S.
A UAS unit $ust %e taken out o) servi'e prior to up&radin& it. Sin'e there are
$ultiple UAS units in a 'luster )or NF1 provisionin&. There is an e,tra UAS availa%le to take 'are
o) the tra))i' o) the powered down UAS. The 'luster will 'ontinue to pro'ess 'alls. As a result
there is only a s$all o''urren'e o) down ti$e when the UAS is up&raded.
8n the other hand addition o) new UAS unit does not have any servi'e i$pa't to the e,istin&
UAS in the 'lusters. To put the new UAS in servi'e it is only re;uired that the new UAS to %e
re&istered2'o$$issioned in the A0S and 0TM.
#ull 'apa%ility o) the UAS are detailed herea)ter=
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CHT 3G RFI proposal
Chapter 5: Core Network and Services
Chapter 5.1: rchitect!re" Capacit#" F!nctionalit#" Inter$aces o$ Core Network %le&ents
Chapter 5.1.' : (niversal !dio Server)(S*
0rovisionin& Server
0a'ket Telephony Mana&er (0TM) .MS
8ther Content=
Auto$ated Install )or 0rovSvr and UAS
0layColle't (+TM# di&its) )un'tion
INM inte&ration (indire't throu&h 0TM)
8ptional deletion on 'on)eren'e on deletion o) last port
S>C Cold Swa't support
Co$ple, Announ'e$ents (7aria%les)
Se'urity (I0Se') on Si&nalin& Chnl
.li$ination o) ISA Con) 'ards
Sets N Se;uen'es
8ther Content=
Audio 7aria%les
User de)ined audio re'ord sear'h )ields
0laye'ord )un'tion
M&$t o) 0rovSvr )ro$ 0TM
Co$$issionin& tool
0lay*into*Con) )un'tion
e'ord*)ro$*Con) )un'tion
Monitor*only 'on) ports
+yna$i' pa'ket siEes (!"$s*@"$s)
S>C /ar$ Swa't support
edendant 0rovSvr
esour'e Autoe&istration w2 Call Server
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