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Alpha Male

by sessny
rating: R
word count:~43k
chapters: 13
High school is pretty dull according to Kim Jongin. Yet almost anyone would sell their mother to be
able to live his life. He's popular, outgoing and good at sports. Love letters are hidden in his locer
constantly and every boy is !ealous of him.
Jongin is tired of the same monochrome life every day, so when a transfer student enters the class
during second year, he sees an opportunity for his life to change. "#cept he never e#pected the
$uiet boy with globe lie eyes to be so mysterious and intimidating at the same time.
%he new student seems to en!oy luring around at night, which wouldn't be weird for a teenager
really. "#cept he doesn't attend parties. He doesn't mae friends either. &hat a loser.
Jongin will eat this boy alive, that's the plan.
'o how come Jongin is the one who suddenly feels lie a prey(

Chapter 1
Enter the devil
!kay everyone" ti#e to take your seats$ %he ho#eroo# teacher calls as she enters the roo#&
'i# (ongin slides his butt o)) the desk and sits down on the chair instead& *e sighs deeply as he
prepares )or another day o) the sa#e thing& +o#e people think that routine is sa)e and they like
having control" but (ongin is not like that at all& (ongin hates control& *e likes being i#pulsive and
cra,y and a whole bunch o) other things that #ake you cool in high school& *e likes to party and
he likes sports& Especially soccer" gosh how he loves soccer&
*e stares out the window and let the daydrea#s consu#e hi#& +o#ething interesting should
happen& -n soccer" everything is interesting and you.re high on adrenaline& Running until your legs
ache" but you keep going because you need to win& /our tea# is counting on you and you can.t let
the opponent.s tea# win& /ou have to run )aster" who cares i) you )all0 A broken leg and so#e
bruises never killed anyone" right0 Maybe you have to push so#eone in the heat o) the #o#ent"
but then you #ight get a yellow card& %hat.s ok though" as long as your tea# wins&

&&&1e2t to 'i# (ongin& the daydrea#er registers the teachers voice& *e looks up and sees that
there.s a boy ne2t to the teacher& +hit& %hat.s right& 3asn.t it today that they were getting a new
student0 +o#e guy who had to repeat a year& 4oser&

%he boy sits ne2t to (ongin without looking at hi#& (ongin however" can.t take his eyes o)) the boy
as he was writing so#ething in his notebook& *e.s got hair as dark as the loneliest night and eyes
as wide as the #oon that pop out a little e2tra in contrast to his pale skin& *e looks like so#ething
taken straight )ro# a )antasy book" or a piece o) art& +o)t )eatures and a s#all )ra#e& /et (ongin
can tell he.s probably strong& *e learned to 5udge how well built a person is because o) soccer&
Always know the strength o) your rival&

*e.s even #ore handso#e than (ongin$ so#e girls behind hi# whisper as they stare at hi# in
awe& (ongin sco)) at the co##ent" sure he was handso#e but not that handso#e&

%he boy turns his head 5ust a little and #eet (ongin.s eyes )or a short second" and #aybe (ongin.s
head is playing tricks on hi# but he think he sees a blue glow in the boy.s eyes& 6ut it was too
7uick )or hi# to be sure" it was probably 5ust the light )ro# outdoors hitting his eyes at a certain
angle& 3hatever& 3hat was his na#e anyway0 (ongin hadn.t been paying attention at all&

8lease write your calculations on the board& the teacher.s voice said& (ongin looked around to
see who the victi# was" but everyone was looking back at hi#&
3hat0 he said be)ore turning his head toward the teacher" who was holding out a pen in his
direction& Crap&
-.# assu#ing you already )inished the algorith# since you have ti#e to be daydrea#ing" #r&
'i#& the teacher said in knowing tone&
- didn.t& (ongin says while lowering his head&
%he teacher sco))ed and then turned to the boy ne2t to hi#& 3hat about you" Mr& 9o0
%he night haired boy rose )ro# his seat and walked up to the board with his notebook& *e was
7uiet the whole ti#e and you could al#ost touch the tension in the roo# as everyone held their
breath" waiting )or hi# to solve it&

*e put the pen down and returned to his seat" again without as #uch as a sound& *ow was it
possible to #ove so 7uietly0

Correct& %he teacher said with proud voice&
*e #ight even be s#arter than (ongin$ the girls )ro# behind whispered& (ongin shot the# an
evil look& 1o" he wasn.t s#arter$ (ongin 5ust didn.t pay attention this ti#e& 1e2t ti#e .Mr& 9o.& -.ll
get you ne2t ti#e& (ongin thought to hi#sel)&


+ehun pokes (ongin with his elbow and brings (ongin back to reality&
3here.s your head today #an0 he asks while bringing )ood in to his #outh&
*e.s 5ealous o) the new boy& %ao said" #atter o) )actly& (ongin raised his )ist as a threat&
3hat are you even doing here0 /ou.re not in our class& he said&
/ou #ean 9o 'yungsoo" what.s so great about hi#0 +ehun asked" trying to avoid a )ight&
%hat.s what -.d like to know& (ongin states& *e.s a loser" - tell you& *ad to retake a year or
*e.s good looking& 6aekhyun 5oins in as he 5ust reached the table&
9o you even know who we.re talking about0 %ao asks&
9o 'yungsoo" right0 *e.s the only . loser who had to retake a year. that - can think o)& 9ark hair"
big eyes" was - #istaken0
1o& (ongin #u#bles& *e.s not that good looking&
/ou were staring at hi# though& +ehun says&
- thought you were on #y tea#$ (ongin bla#es&

%ao laughs at the boys& +peaking o) tea#s" he starts" let.s play tonight" ok0 -.ll talk to the others
and #ake sure they tag along&
-.ll beat you all& (ongin says with his #outh )ull&
+occer is a tea# sports though& 6aekhyun said" obviously still upset that (ongin had turned it in
to a solo show last ti#e&
3hatever tea# -.# in will win" you happy0 (ongin snorts& %he otherr boy si#ply rolls his eyes&
+ee you at si2& %ao gets up and leaves" he never spends the )ull lunch break together with the#
because he hates dealing with the hoard o) girls who.re always waiting )or the# )ive #inutes
be)ore the bell rings& *e.s not like +ehun" who loves being popular& (ongin doesn.t care" but he
rarely cares about anything e2cept good grades and soccer& ;angirls are also the reason that the
other boys in tea# popular aren.t in the ca)eteria" only (ongin who doesn.t care and +ehun who
loves the attention dares enter the ca)eteria and usually they.re le)t alone because everyone
appreciates their e2istence& 6aekhyun isn.t particularly )ond o) it" but since his class#ates are
there" he doesn.t have #uch o) a choice&

+oon a)ter %ao le)t" the roo# turns kind o) tense and although the boys were chatting )reely" they
all stopped when they sensed the change o) at#osphere& (ongin looked around" trying to pin point
why he was suddenly so angry& %hat.s when he saw hi#& %he so called 9o 'yungsoo& *e wasn.t
even in the ca)eteria" he was si#ply walking outside and you only saw hi# through the windows"
but everyone see#ed to watch hi#& (ongin didn.t know why it bothered hi# so #uch that this
new guy was getting so #uch attention" but it was pissing hi# o))&
+o#e girls were whispering about his good looks and spreading ru#ors& Apparently he was a
trouble #aker and had switched schools a lot" that.s why he had to retake a year& Maybe he
wasn.t a co#plete loser a)ter all" (ongin thought& 6ut #aybe it was 5ust ru#ors& (ongin had a hard
ti#e believing so#eone as 7uiet and s#all as hi# could #ake #uch trouble" although he see#ed
to be 7uite strong& Maybe that was 5ust )or show& A way o) #aking girls like hi#& !h" so he.s that
kind o) guy& (ongin )elt proud that he.d already )igured this one out& 9o 'yungsoo is a loser a)ter
all& A loser with #uscles )or luring girls and winning the# over with his .dark and #ysterious.:act&

-.# going to take hi# down& (ongin said outloud&
3hat0 +ehun and 6aekhyun chirped in choir&
*e.s a loser& -.ll #ake sure he knows that&
9on.t be a bully" (ongin$ +ehun warned&
- won.t bully hi#" -.ll 5ust show hi# who.s the boss& (ongin reassured&
!h god" here he goes again with the alpha #ale thing& 3hen are you going to grow up0
6aekhyun sighed&

(ongin didn.t answer" he didn.t dee# the co##ent worth answering& 3hy would they understand
anyway0 9o they even know how boring li)e is0 -) (ongin can #ake li)e a bit #ore bearable by
showing the wide eyed boy who.s the boss" why shouldn.t he0 3ith that e2cuse in #ind" he le)t
the ca)eteria&

*e.s going to do so#ething stupid" right0 +ehun sighed&
8robably& 6aekhyun said&
+o#eone cleared their throat ne2t to the boys and they both looked up& A cute girl with her head
lowered were standing ne2t to the#" her )ace )lustered and she was obviously nervous&
<h#&& +he tried but )ailed&
*ello0 6aekhyun said but got no response&
Can we help you0 /ou probably want a hug" right0 -s it )ro# #e0 +ehun said proudly as he stood
up& *e was used to these kind o) girls" always wanting to get closer to the# since they were so
handso#e& E2cept the girl took a step back when +ehun tried to put his ar#s around her )or
)anservice& +he held out a s#all envelope&
C:could you give this to 'i# (ongin )or #e0 she stuttered&
6aekhyun al#ost spit his )ood out when he burst out laughing at +ehun.s stunned )ace& %he young
boy took the envelope and #uttered an angry .sure. be)ore the girl le)t" and 6aekhyun.s laughter
never )altered&
+hut up& +ehun said as he punched the older boy.s shoulder&
=& >1 p&#

+orry -.# late$ (ongin says as he co#es running to the )ield&
3e.re not surprised$ 4uhan says with #ocking tone& (ongin decides to tackle hi# )or that&
%hey wrestle on the ground" 5ust )or )un" until %ao and 4ay pull the# apart&
?row up& %ao says&
/es" #o#& 4uhan teases and it al#ost earns hi# a punch in the )ace" e2cept +ehun pulls hi#
away and @iu#in tries to cal# down %ao&
Are we ready to play or what0 (ongin says" already out o) breath due to the )ighting&

3hen (ongin walks ho#e" it.s already dark outside& %he sky is clear and )ull o) stars& %he air is cold
and he conte#plates i) he should start wearing his winter 5acket even though it.s only october& *e
looks up at the sky" the #oon is al#ost )ull and it re#inds hi# o) the wide eyed boy )ro# earlier&
%he boy see#ed like the night itsel)& -) night was a person" it would be 9o 'yungsoo" with his pitch
black hair and round eyes along with pale skin and so)t but strong )eatures& Everything about
'yungsoo was like the night" he was even 7uiet and #ysterious as it&
%he sound o) a can being kicked brought (ongin back )ro# his thoughts and he stopped walking&
*e looked around on the e#pty street that was only lit up by the streetlights& -t
see#ed e#pty still" so where had the sound co#e )ro#0 *e walked care)ully until he reached the
point o) the street that had an alley& -n all honesty" he had never thought about the )act that there
was an alley there and he.d walked this street a #illion ti#es be)ore without )eeling scared" but
suddenly his heart was racing and he was trying to cal# his breath as he stared in to the unlit area&
(ongin tries a so)t *ello0 but his voice cracks )ro# )ear& %here.s no reply& 1ot that he really
e2pected any" but still& *e stays and stares )or a while but )inally decides that the sound could.ve
co#e )ro# so#ewhere else" he even wonders i) he truly even heard a sound& *e lets out a sigh in
relie) and continues back to his house& 1A #inutes later" he.s back in the war# co#)ort o) a
)a#iliar ho#e&

(ust when (ongin thought that the pure e2istence o) 9o 'yungsoo was enough to piss hi# o))" the
loser starts to ignore hi#& !r at least" that.s what (ongin thinks& 6aekhyun says he.s 5ust to )ull o)
hi#sel) and that he shouldn.t take it personally because apparently 'yungsoo speaks to no one&
%he teacher never asks hi# to read anything out in the class and (ongin starts to wonder i) #aybe
he.s a #ute&
-t still doesn.t e2cuse the 5udging )ace he got when (ongin tried to introduce hi#sel) in a )riendly
#anner to the boy be)ore )irst period& 'yungsoo had looked at hi# and his stretched out hand )or
three seconds :not that (ongin was counting or anything: be)ore si#ply walking away with as
#uch as a second glance or )riendly s#ile& +ehun had to physically restrain the boy so that he
wouldn.t go a)ter the shorter one and give hi# a good set o) punches&
- hate hi#& (ongin says at lunch& *e.s so rude and he.s a loser :is there a worse word than loser0
- need a better one to describe this )ucker&
/ou know" not everything is about you& Maybe he you should 5ust stop e2aggerating and leave the
poor boy alone& -.# sure he.s 5ust trying to survive high school 5ust like us& 6aekhyun says&
Maybe you should shut the )uck up& (ongin #i#ics in childish tone&
%here he is& %ao says and points outside the window&
'yungsoo looks in to the ca)eteria )or a second and #eet (ongin.s eyes" he 7uickly diverts his ga,e
and speeds his steps up&
9id you see that0$ 9id you )ucking see that0$ (ongin yells& %hat )ucker is totally avoiding #e$
3hat did - ever do to hi#0
Maybe it.s your obsessive staring& *onestly (ongin" even -.d be creeped out i) you looked at #e
like that& +ehun in)or#s&
4ike what0 (ongin asks unknowingly&
/ou look like he.s the tastiest piece o) #eat you ever saw& As i) you.re going to eat hi# alive&
%hat sounds gay& %ao #ocks and it #akes 6aekhyun chuckle&
-.# not gay and -.# not staring at hi# like he.s #y lunch" ok0 %hat.s #y hate:stare and you.re 5ust
con)used because o) #y good looks& (ongin de)ends hi#sel)&
3hatever& +ehun sighs&


3hen (ongin )inished detention :so#ething about not paying attention in class" da#n you 9o
'yungsoo: it.s once again dark outside" it gets dark so darn 7uick these days& -t.s a cloudy night so
he can.t see the stars but the #oon which still has another day be)ore being co#pletely )ull
#anages to shine through at so#e places in the sky&
*e al#ost bu#ps in to a tree because he.s to busy staring at the #oon :again" da#n you 9o
'yungsoo )or being like the night: but it #akes hi# spot a silhouette on the street up ahead& -t.s
s#all and so#ewhat )a#iliar& 1ot )a#iliar enough )or hi# to tell who it is" 5ust )a#iliar& Although
it.s dark and he can.t tell #uch about the person.s looks" he does notice when the person turns to
look straight at (ongin&
A cold chill runs down his spine and a )lash o) light blue )lickers in the person.s eyes" even though
(ongin is not sure how he knows that the )lash was )ro# the eyes because it could.ve 5ust been a
5ewelry or whatever& 6ut he.s sure it was the eyes" and he.s sure the person is staring at hi#" and it
)eels really scary to know so #any things when you can.t see a lot e2cept )or what is lit up by the
street lights&
*e isn.t sure when he started walking again but the silhouette is getting closer" but it looks as i)
the person is )ro,en on his spot& As (ongin gets closer" he can tell #ore about the silhouette& -t.s
bent down a little" as i) sneaking around" and it see#s the person has kind o) #essy hair but he
can.t tell anything about the )ace& A )ew #eters closer and the person stands up tall and (ongin
e2a#ines the body structure and decides that even that is )a#iliar" but a)ter two #ore steps" the
person takes o)) in a sprint and any chance (ongin had o) seeing who it was vanishes in a #atter o)
seconds& *ow does anyone run that 7uickly anyway0 (ongin shakes the chills o)) and walks ho#e
%he boy would never ad#it it" but he drea#t o) a class#ate with wide eyes and hair as dark as the
night when he was sleeping& 3hen he woke up" he )elt )rustrated and angry and it was ti#e to set
his plans in #otion& 9o 'yungsoo was not welco#e in his drea#s& 9o 'yungsoo was not welco#e
in school& 9o 'yungsoo was not welco#ed anywhere&
9o 'yungsoo was the devil&
And (ongin was going to bring hi# down&

Chapter >
+weet drea#s
(ongin" no$ +hit: +ehun tries as he.s doing his best to restrain his )riend )ro# )ollowing 'yungsoo
out o) the classroo# when )irst period is over&
6ut +ehun is not as strong as (ongin so the boy easily escapes his )riend and runs down the
corridor to )ind his rival& 9o 'yungsoo is cal#ly putting his books inside his locker and is 5ust about
to close it when (ongin appears and sla#s it shut )or hi#& *e )linches a bit but his )ace re#ains
cal#& *is big brown eyes stare up at (ongin.s and there.s an al#ost )rightening kind o) cal# in
the#" as i) nothing will #ake hi# back down& (ongin.s #ind is racing with a #illion thoughs& *ow
can so#eone have such depth in their ga,e0 *ow can so#eone re#ain so cal# when it.s obvious
he.s about to get in trouble0 %here.s that )lash o) blue again& 3hy does he suddenly )eel so di,,y0
3hy is he struggling to catch his breath0 3hat is this pain in his sto#ach0
3hen did 'yungsoo start to walk away0
3hy is he on the )loor0

;uck$ (ongin" are you ok0 6aekhyun ask while helping +ehun pulling hi# to his )eet& *e grunts
and coughs a bit as he regains balance&
3hat happened0 (ongin asks&
*e punched you in the sto#ach& 6aekhyun in)or#s&

*e got punched0 *ow did he not see that co#ing0 (ongin always thought he had supernatural
re)le2es& *ow long was he staring in to 'yungsoo.s eyes0 %hen he recalls the blue that he.d seen in
the boy.s eyes and he re#e#bers seeing it the night be)ore& %hinking about it" the silhouette kind
o) )its 'yungsoo.s )ra#e" and the body structure that he.d thought o) as )a#iliar was #uch alike
'yungsoo.s& +ince when did he know so #uch about 'yungsoo.s body" anyway0

-.# )ine& (ongin brushes his )riends o)) as he walks away& /ou don.t punch 'i# (ongin and get
away with it& Everybody knows that& 9o 'yungsoo will have to learn that&

*e sla#s the s#aller boy to the wall in the #en.s roo#" and it does #ake hi# )eel a bit better&
E2cept 'yungsoo barely )linches" as i) it didn.t even hurt& (ongin kicks hi# 5ust to #ake sure he.s at
least a little bit in5ured but it still doesn.t earn hi# #uch o) a reaction& (ongin e2tends an ar# and
tries to punch hi# in the )ace" but 'yungsoo.s 7uick and he easily dodges it& +uddenly he.s behind
(ongin and the taller #an get.s kicked in the back and stu#bles )orward until he hits the wall& *e
grunts in pain because 'yungsoo is strong and his kicks are )erocious&
%his really is not a good ti#e to #ess with #e& 'yungsoo says" and it catches (ongin o)) guard as
he.s being pressed against the wall with the boy.s )ists gripping at the neck o) his shirt& *is voice is
clear and so)t" yet stern and harsh and it.s nothing like (ongin had ever i#agined it being& -t sounds
like a #erciless stor# wraped inside a lullaby sung by )owers&
Another )lash o) blue" but it lingers )or a bit longer this ti#e and (ongin has no doubt that it.s really
in his eyes this ti#e& As i) they changed color )or only a second&
/our eyes&&& he breathes as a whisper& 'yungsoo looks shocked and let.s go o) the boy& *e slowly
backs away" observing (ongin )or a )ew seconds be)ore 7uickly walking out o) the roo# and
sla##ing the door shut behind hi#& (ongin gasps but he.s not sure it it.s )ro# surprise or )ro#
al#ost being beat up& *e.s strong )or being s#all&


3hat the )uck happened to you0 %ao asks at the lunch table&
*e got beat up )or trying to beat up 9o 'yungsoo& +ehun e2plains with annoyed tone& *e hated
- did not get beat up$ (ongin tries do de)end hi#sel)" but the cracked lip gives hi# away&
/ou got beat up by that s#all boy0 Are you kidding #e0 3hat about everything - taught you0$
%ao whines in disappoint#ent&
*e caught #e o)) guard&
!h yeah" you said he talked" right0 /ou.re probably the only one who.ve heard hi# say a word&
6aekhyun says in awe&
3hat did he say0 %ao asks&
*e 5ust said it was a bad ti#e to #ess with hi#& (ongin replies coldly&
-t.s always a bad ti#e to #ess with anyone& +ehun shoots in" but it.s ignored&


Maybe you.d think (ongin would learn his lesson considering he al#ost had to visit the in)ir#ary
a)ter the encounter in the #en.s roo# earlier" but he doesn.t& *e also doesn.t care that spitting
paper on so#eone is so#ething pre:schoolers do& 'yungsoo never )linches though" and he doesn.t
even acknowledge the wet paper stuck to strands o) his hair& -t isn.t until the teacher and all other
students have le)t the roo# and (ongin reaches out and breaks his pencil" that 'yungsoo reacts&
*e grabs (ongin.s wrists and sla#s it in to the desk" #aking the taller one wince in pain and let out
a whi#per&

9o you not understand spoken words0 !r are you si#ply retarded0 'yungsoo asks and tilts his
head" eyes wide open& *e looks like an evil dog" (ongin thinks& A dog asking nicely i) he can bite
your head o))&

(ongin clicks his tongue and it sends 'yungsoo o)) the edge& *is eyes burn with anger and (ongin
)eel stings in his ar#s but is unable to break the ga,e )ro# 'yungsoo.s eyes to look at it& %he
shorter #ale stands up )ro# his chair and raises his )ist to deliver a good punch" and (ongin #ust
have a guardian angel looking a)ter hi# because suddenly 4uhan is standing in the door&
'yungsoo.s nose twitches a little" as i) he 5ust s#elled so#ething nasty" and it #akes hi# turn his
head and notice 4uhan&
*is grip around (ongin.s wrist loosens and he e2its the roo# without another word&

3hat was that about0 4uhan asks" and his voice is sti))" so#ething (ongin is not used to& <sually
4uhan is a 5oker" always #aking everybody laugh and his personality is really easygoing
1othing& (ongin lies&
9on.t #ind 9o 'yungsoo any#ore& 4uhan says and the at#osphere turns cold&
%hat.s none o) your business& (ongin #ocks" trying to lure out the usually teasing personality that
the older nor#ally has&
-t.s very #uch #y business" 'i# (ongin$ the older #ale yells and there.s a so)t growl to his voice
that #akes (ongin )linch" but 4uhan 7uickly cal#s hi#sel) and the so)t prince:like )eatures return
to his handso#e )ace& ?et that ar# looked at& *e says be)ore leaving&

(ongin is le)t with a pair o) tre#bling legs and a con)used #ind& 3hat 5ust happened0 *e.s
re#inded o) the stings on his ar# and looks at it& *e.s bleeding& Crap& *e goes to clean up at the
nurse.s o))ice" but she.s out at the #o#ent& 1o big deal& (ongin cleans the ar# and is about to put
on a bandage" because band aids wouldn.t cover all o) the #arks& (ongin gently hovers over the#&
%hin" long" red #arks& 'yungsoo should cut his nails #ore o)ten&

*ey" what.s up with 4uhan today0 (ongin asks +ehun as they speak on the phone the sa#e
4uhan0 - don.t know& 9idn.t see hi# today&
- thought you guys were close0
*e.s been with @iu#in and 4ay a lot lately& 3e barely talk& 3hy0
(ust so#ething& Are you ok0 (ongin asks with concern&
/eah&&& 3hy wouldn.t - be0
4uhan&&& (ongin starts but #aybe there.s no point in continuing& *e.s a)raid he #ight rip up open
so#e unhealed wounds&
- don.t know" (ongin& - wish he.d talk to #e& 6ut he won.t ever see #e unless it.s with all seven o)
-.# sorry&
1ot your )ault&
(ongin sighs&
*ey" there.s a )ull #oon tonight& /ou know so#e people say they sleep bad during these ti#es"
#aybe 4uhan 5ust hasn.t gotten enough sleep& +ehun says&
Maybe he.s a werewol)$ (ongin 5okes and +ehun laughs&
?oodnight" idiot&
Awoo~ (ongin says be)ore hanging up& *e s#iles at the phone be)ore putting it on the cupboard
ne2t to his bed&

*e gets up to close the window& A cold bree,e caresses his skin be)ore the window is properly
shut& (ongin looks at the dark sky once #ore" then he goes back to his bed and hides under the
covers& *e thinks about 'yungsoo&
3hy would he be out alone in the #iddle o) the night like that0 (ongin wonders i) #abe he.s
lonely since he has no )riends& *e.s such a lone wol) and it.s kind o) sad" (ongin thinks& Maybe" i) he
and (ongin had gotten o)) on a better )oot" they could.ve been )riends&
*e turns a lot be)ore he.s able to )all asleep" but he isn.t sleeping deep and when (ongin wakes up
the ne2t #orning" he )eels like he.s barely slept at all& *is body )eels sore" as i) he slept the whole
night on the )loor&

*ey" did you see the news this #orning0 6aekhyun asks at lunch& 1either o) the other boys had
seen it" because honestly they weren.t that interested& %here was a wol) spotted last night$ %he
boy tells with e2cite#ent& !r&&& 3ell&&& %hey weren.t sure" but it had looked like a wol)& !) course
it could 5ust be a dog but isn.t that strange0
%here are no wolves here in the city" 6aek& +ehun tells a #atter o) )actly&
-.# not #aking this up" ok$ -t was on the news$
-sn.t it strange that 9o 'yungsoo never eats in the ca)eteria0 (ongin changes the sub5ect& *e
wasn.t very interested in the previous one&
1ot everyone eats in the ca)eteria& -t.s not that strange& 6aekhyun says&
4uhan doesn.t eat here either& (ongin says" but he.s talking #ore to hi#sel) than to the others&
4uhan does other things$ %ao de)ends" and it.s a bit too )ast to go unnoticed& %he three boys
stare at the older one with surprise& -t was obvious that (ongin wasn.t e2pecting an answer and the
)act that he got one see#ed a bit suspicious&
9o you have so#ething to share with us0 (ongin wonders" he can sense how tense +ehun has
-t.s ti#e )or #e to leave& %ao e2cuses hi#sel) and leaves& 6aekhyun and +ehun don.t think #uch
o) it" but (ongin" who saw another side to 4uhan the day be)ore begins to get suspicious&

(ongin knows that it.s childish to send notes during class" but since he doesn.t have 9o 'yungsoo.s
nu#ber :and does not want it either: it.s the only way to initiate contact with the older boy&
Meet #e a)ter class&
-t reads&
+ays the reply"
and 'yungsoo beco#es even #ore di))icult to contact a)ter that& *e avoids (ongin like the plague
and not only does it #ake (ongin angry and )rustrated" it also #akes hi# suspicious& Even #ore
)rustrating is that 'yungsoo.s popularity is growing and (ongin hears girls and boys talking about
the handso#e new student& -t.s not that (ongin is 5ealous or anything" it.s 5ust that 9o 'yungsoo is
really not that aweso#e and even i) he was then the other people are not allowed to think so& 6ut
(ongin doesn.t know why he )eels that" or what it.s supposed to #ean&
%he weekend passes" and another week passes& -t.s not until two weeks later that (ongin is able to
capture 'yungsoo by skipping his own lunch 5ust to haunt the boy down& 'yungsoo sits alone in
the library and it has taken (ongin )orever to )ind hi#& *e sits down ne2t to the boy and watches
hi# as he reads" waiting to get noticed& 3hen no response is given" (ongin speaks up&

+o#ething.s very )ishy about you& he states& 'yungsoo looks up )ro# his book and #eets
(ongin.s ga,e& 6ig round orbs staring in to (ongin.s and )or a #o#ent" (ongin )orgot the seriousness
o) the #o#ent" why did 'yungsoo have this e))ect on hi#0
3hat is0
*ow do you know 4uhan0 (ongin asks&
%he guy who stopped you )ro# burying your nails in #y skin&
- don.t know hi#& 1ow leave #e alone&
3hy should -0 +o#ething.s obviously up" -.# not stupid&
/ou are kind o) stupid& 1othing.s up" and you should leave #e alone because - don.t blend with
the property o) others& 'yungsoo says and gets up& *e considers the conversation to be over&
(ongin however" )ollows hi# like a puppy because he does not think the conversation is over&
8roperty o) others0 3hat.s that supposed to #ean0 *e tries but 'yungsoo ignores hi#&
*e pesters 'yungsoo all the way back to the lockers" where he.s suddenly being pulled by the
collar in to a classroo#" where a very serious looking 4uhan looks at hi#& @iu#in lets go o) (ongin.s
shirt and apologi,es" then he leaves&

Really" (ongin& 9o not hang around that lone wol)& 4uhan scolds& (ongin doesn.t know how to
handle this 4uhan" because he.s like a di))erent person& A person (ongin doesn.t want to know"
because it.s kind o) scary& %his new )ound )ear is actually playing tricks on his #ind" enough )or hi#
to think that there.s a tint o) red in 4uhan.s eyes&
3hat.s with you" hyung0 9on.t be like this& (ongin whines&
4ast warning" (ongin& 9o not blend with hi#&

3hen 4uhan is out the door and (ongin is alone" his #ind still lingers at the choice o) words&
- don.t blend with the property o) others&
9o not blend with hi#&
'yungsoo and 4uhan had used the sa#e word& 3hich really isn.t a big deal" e2cept that this
blend thing isn.t really so#ething you say in every day conversation& -t sounds old& 4ike" blue
bloods shouldn.t blend with )ar#ers and so on& %hat is strange& (ongin is not used to 4uhan being
strange& *e was never strange" until 9o 'yungsoo showed up& 9o 'yungsoo& %he root o) all evil&
%he reason )or everything wrong in this world& -t.s all his )ault&

(ongin does a lot o) stupid things these days& %hings he knows are childish& 4ike )ollowing 'yungsoo
a)ter he leaves school )or e2a#ple& (ongin e2cuses hi#sel) by thinking it.s only )or the best&
6ecause he needs to know what it is about 9o 'yungsoo that #akes everything wrong& +o when
'yungsoo turns in to an unlit area in the park" it #akes (ongin worry" not only )or hi#sel) but also
)or 'yungsoo" who.s incredibly s#all and what i) so#eone attacked hi#0 *e wouldn.t be able to
de)end hi#sel)& !) course now that (ongin was there" it would be )ine" but what about other days0
9oes he always go here0
%he tall boy gets the )eeling they.re not in the park any#ore" and it.s getting late& And he actually
thinks he lost track o) 'yungsoo in the dark& *e can.t see anything" and he can only hear the sound
o) his own )ootsteps& !r that.s what he thought&
*e stops walking to listen" and adrenaline pu#ps through his body as he listens to another pair o)
)ootsteps& %hey.re co#ing closer& !h god how (ongin prays that it.s only 'yungsoo who.s co#ing
to scold hi# )or stalking hi# this late& 6ut when (ongin turns around" he sees the silhouette o)
so#eone a lot taller than 'yungsoo& +o#eone taller than (ongin hi#sel) actually& *e see#s to
have #essy hair but (ongin can.t tell anything else in the dark&
%here.s a sudden )lash o) blue and then (ongin gets knocked to the ground& *is head is pounding
with pain and he )eels hi#sel) being picked up by so#eone who.s probably very strong& *e wants
to screa# and kick but his body won.t #ove& *is voice won.t co#e out& Everything )ree,es and he
can do nothing but let hi#sel) get carried deeper in to the darkness by his unknown assaulter& A
low growl and so#e sni))ing is heard& Maybe it.s dogs0 !r what was it 6aekhyun had talked about0
6ut a)ter a )ew #inutes" (ongin reali,es that the growls are actually pantings& An ani#al panting&
E2cept it.s not an ani#al& -t co#es )ro# the one who.s carrying hi#&

Chapter 3
A walk in the #oonlight
3here.s your head0 +ehun asks&
(ongin doesn.t reply& *e knows it.s bad #anners" but his #ind is too occupied trying to understand
what had happened the previous night& *e wants to talk to so#eone about it" but o) course he
can.t& *e also wants to have a long conversation with 4uhan" possibly beat hi# up as well" but he.s
not sure he has the courage to do so any#ore& *e replays the events o) last night again&

(ongin.s body hits the ground with a loud thu#p& -t.s pain)ul but he doesn.t have the courage to
co#plain& *e 5ust wants to run but the #an who was carrying holds hi# by the collar o) his shirt&
*e was )ollowing you )or a while& %he #an states in to what see#s like nothing but thin air& *is
voice is deep and so#ewhat inti#idating& (ongin shivers&
4et hi# go& A vaguely )a#iliar voice replies )ro# the darkness&
*e s#ells like one o) the#& %he deep voiced #an says&
%hey probably #arked hi#& *e.s no threat to us& %he person says while stepping out o) the
darkness" revealing s#all and so)t )eatures that (ongin recogni,e as 'yungsoo.s& (ongin )eels the
#an.s grip on hi# loosen and he.s as good as )ree" but his legs won.t #ove&
'yungsoo s7uats so that his )ace is at the sa#e level as (ongin.s& Curiosity killed the cat& he
/ou.re the reason things have been weird lately& (ongin says be)ore thinking it through properly&
'yungsoo chuckles&
My )riend has been really cranky since you showed up& +o#ething.s odd about you&
Ah" you #ean the blonde alpha who interrupted us the other day0 /es" he.s probably angry that
-.# in his territory&
3hat.s that supposed to #ean0
*e didn.t tell you0 'yungsoo looks surprised&
%ell #e what0
*ow does he hide a whole pack o) the# without anyone noticing0
3hat the )uck are you talking about0 /ou.re insane& (ongin is getting #ore and #ore nervous&
Chanyeol$ Change o) plans" you will go with #e this ti#e& 'yungsoo says to the taller #ale who.s
still standing behind (ongin&
<nderstood& *e con)ir#s with his low voice& 3hat about hi#0

'yungsoo leans closer to (ongin with an evil s#irk on his lips& /es" you.ve beco#e 7uite
troubleso#e haven.t you0 - would.ve thought that the pack would have kept an eye on you but
#aybe they don.t value your e2istence that #uch0 he teases& (ongin stands up and is about to
walk away" but curiosity does get the best o) hi#&
%he one the blonde alpha is in charge o)&
/ou #et their alpha0$ Chanyeol interrupts&
+hut up" we.ll talk about that later& 'yungsoo silences hi#&
3hat.s an alpha0 3hat pack0 (ongin stands con)used&
3hy don.t you ask hi# yoursel)0 'yungsoo whispers as he tilts his head a little&

(ongin snaps out o) his da,e when he sees 4uhan walking by& *e doesn.t #eet (ongin.s ga,e and
the younger wonders i) he did that on purpose& *e pats +ehun.s shoulder and says a distant see
you later" then runs up to 4uhan&
*e doesn.t say anything" but 4uhan looks at (ongin as i) he already knows what this will be about"
so they leave together and don.t speak a word until they reached the library&
/ou.re terrible at doing what you.re told& 4uhan states&
Everything has been up side down since showed up$ - can.t sit by and do nothing&
3hat e2actly did you do this ti#e0$ 4uhan.s eyes narrow as he asks& (ongin sighs" knowing very
well that what he did was wrong and went against the words o) his )riend&
3hat.s an alpha0

%he at#osphere is tense& 4uhan knows he can.t run )ro# this" and he can.t lie because (ongin
always knows when so#ebody is lying& 6ut co#ing clean #eant putting (ongin in danger" and i)
(ongin is in danger then +ehun will sure as hell be in danger and 4uhan would be to bla#e& *e
would never be able to )orgive hi#sel) i) he was the cause )or +ehun to get hurt& 6ut (ongin
needed to know everything& -) he only knew )rag#ents then it.d be even #ore dangerous&

/ou.re not going to believe #e& 4uhan starts& 6ut there.s an ancient curse upon a )ew care)ully
chosen individuals in this world& -.d call us werewolves but #odern literature has so#ewhat
glori)ied that ter# so it.s not proper to use any#ore& 3e live #ostly in packs& ?roups o) usually =
#e#bers" so#e are larger and so#e are s#aller but you get the idea& An alpha is the one in
charge& %he alpha #ale& %he boss& 3hatever you.d call it&
(ongin doesn.t know what to say and si#ply bursts out laughing& /ou.re telling #e you.re a
werewol)0 4ike" you howl at the #oon and turn in to a dog0 ha can barely get the words out
through his laughter& 4uhan pushes (ongin to a wall and the younger one grunts in pain&
+ince you are not like us" you are in great danger )or knowing this& 9o not take this in)or#ation
lightly$ - also trust you will tell nobody about this& 4uhan.s voice is so stern and serious that it
#akes (ognin shiver& ;or so#e reason he )inds hi#sel) believing 4uhan.s words" no #atter how
absurd it sounds&
%here.s #ore o) you0 (ongin asks&
My pack& %he group -.# in charge o)&
@iu#in" 4ay and %ao& (ongin states&
%here.s one #ore but you haven.t #et hi#& *e stays in the shadows" protecting all o) you&
8rotecting us )ro# what0
3e.re hal) breeds" (ongin& My pack consists o) people who are #ore hu#an than wolves" other
packs have a stronger urge to )eed and cares little o) about who and what they eat& +o we will )eel
#ore threatened when so#eone new shows up& 4uhan says&
'yungsoo is another alpha& (ongin whispers& 4uhan nobs slowly&
- don.t know his clan and he see#s to be alone& -t.s very unusual" and suspicious at #ost& 6ut
since he.s alone" he.s not a threat to us&

(ongin conte#plates i) he should tell 4uhan about the Chanyeol guy )ro# last night" but )inds that
)or so#e reason he doesn.t& Maybe 'yungsoo would be in trouble i) the others knew that he was
not alone& *e doesn.t know why he cares about that" but he does&

%his&&& Condition" goes way back in history and it.s not so#ething you can learn over night& - will
say nothing #ore today but eventually you will know everything& 4uhan says be)ore he starts to
walk away&
And +ehun0 (ongin asks with care )or his closest )riend& 4uhan stops )or a #o#ent&
*e can.t know about #e&
- need to protect hi#&
/ou love hi#" don.t you0

4uhan doesn.t answer& 6ut it gives hi# away even #ore& %he reason %ao is always around +ehun
like a puppy& *e.s not a puppy& *e.s +ehun.s guardian& +uddenly it all #akes sense& 4uhan can.t
hang around +ehun because as the alpha" he.s probably the #ost dangerous person )or +ehun to
be around" so he has one o) the pack #e#bers keep an eye on hi#& (ongin sighs& 4uhan #ust love
hi# incredibly to be able to distance hi#sel) like that&

/ou didn.t tell on #e& 'yungsoo says as he steps out )ro# behind one o) the bookshelves& 4uhan
was long gone&
3hat0 (ongin 5u#ps&
8ark Chanyeol& /ou didn.t say a word about hi#&
-t.s not really a big thing& (ongin says" trying not to give away that it was a conscious choice he
had #ade&
-t is a big thing& %hey would drive #e away& - pro#ise you" 'i# (ongin& - #ean no har# by being
here" and would #y pack cross these lands" know that they would too #ean no har#&

'yungsoo.s eyes were pleading" and (ongin wondered what it was that #ade the cold boy
suddenly see# so )ragile& *e wanted to wrap his ar#s around the s#all )ra#e and tell hi# it was
going to be okay" but he didn.t&

- won.t tell anyone& (ongin pro#ised&
%hank you&

%he taller #ale al#ost #elted by the words that were spoken in such a so)t #anner& %he older
one.s head was tilted a little" but his eyes were sad and so)t which (ongin )ound so#ewhat
inviting& *e e2tended his hand to touch 'yungsoo.s cheek" but the shorter one pulled away be)ore
there was any skin contact& (ongin )elt a bit hurt but also knew that #aybe it was )or the best&
-) they )ind #y scent on you&&&: 'yungsoo whispered&
/eah&&& !kay&&& (ongin said and walked away&
3hat was it about 9o 'yungsoo that see#ed so intriguing0 As i) he was #ade )or (ongin& *e didn.t
know" but so#ething about 'yungsoo #ade (ongin want to protect hi# and keep hi# sa)e& -) the
only way he could do that was to shut his #outh" then he would&
(ongin wanted to distance hi#sel) )ro# 'yungsoo" but he also wanted to punch his lights out and
#aybe even #ore than any o) that" he wanted to get closer to hi#& *e wanted to know why
'yungsoo was alone" who his pack was" why he had co#e here suddenly0 *e wanted to know it
all& 6ut 4uhan wouldn.t let hi# and #aybe he could understand that but it still didn.t see# )air&

%he bell rang and it was ti#e to get back to class where a 7uestioning +ehun would be waiting&
*ow did (ongin.s li)e suddenly turn out like this0


(ongin )inds hi#sel) buried in books he had borrowed )ro# the library& All about wolves and
werewolves in #ythology o) course& Maybe he should be interested in this because 4uhan" one o)
his closest )riends were apparently hal) wol)" but in reality he was interested because 9o 'yungsoo
was one& *e tries to )ind out why so#e wolves travel alone but the answers are ha,y and he can.t
pin point a solid reason as o) why 'yungsoo #ight be doing it&
As he looks out the window and is greeted by the #oon& -t.s hal) )ull and a #e#ory plays in the
back o) (ongin.s #ind& +o#ething 6aekhyun said& +o#eone saw a wol)& Can 4uhan and the other.s
beco#e )ull out wolves0 (ongin had only thought they.d do the hal) turn and be hairy hu#ans or
whatever" but was it possible they actually beca#e wolves on the )ull #oon0 *e didn.t have ti#e
to wait )or a reply so instead he decided to call his )riend&

(ongin" it.s 3a# what are you doing up0$ 4uhan growls&
+tudying" but never #ind that& 4uhan" can you and the other.s turn in to wolves0 (ongin
hurriedly asks&
%wo weeks ago" a)ter the )ull #oon" 6aekhyun said
that there was a ru#or on the new saying so#eone saw a wol) in the city$
1o one in #y pack can turn )ull out" at least not )or a longer period o) ti#e& 3e have the senses
and urges a wol) does" but we can.t co#pletely turn )or a )ull night& 3hen - turn it only lasts )or a
#inute or two so there.s no point& Are you sure about this0 4uhan )inally asks with tense voice&
-t was only a ru#or& (ongin 7uickly de)ends&
(ongin& !nly the really strong ones can turn& Although 'yungsoo doesn.t see# to be the killing
type&&& -) he was the one who turned" then that.s even #ore reason )or you not to be around hi#&
-.# not asking you this" (ongin& -.# telling you& 9on.t get close to hi#& %hen 4uhan hangs up the

*e doesn.t sleep very well that night" but then again it.s been a long ti#e since he actually did
sleep well& *e conte#plates why he.s so de)ensive over so#eone like 'yungsoo& %hat bastard only
pisses hi# o)) and steals his spotlight& 1ot that (ongin ever en5oyed the spotlight" not like +ehun
do anyway" but it doesn.t )eel right that this new boy who.s stupid and had to retake a year steals
his place on the list o) hottest guys in school&
%hen (ongin recalls the way 'yungsoo had thanked hi# )or not telling 4uhan about that tall
Chanyeol guy" and his heart #elts once again& Maybe 'yungsoo is no wol)" #aybe he.s like a lost
puppy& %hat would #ake #ore sense& (ongin shakes the aw )eeling and is )inally so tired he can.t
keep his eyes open&

(ongin starts spending #ore ti#e with 4uhan" @iu#in and 4ay because they all know he knows by
now" and )or so#e reason they dee#ed it sa)er )or hi# to be around the#& -n reality (ongin knows
that it.s only because 4uhan wants to keep hi# as )ar away )ro# 'yungsoo as possible" which bugs
hi# a little but he accepts it anyway& -t gives hi# another reason )or hating the other #ale so he.s
-t.s during #ath that everything goes wrong& (ongin hates #ath and he.s really not good with #ath
either& %he only sub5ect he.s about to )ail" yet he has straight A.s in everything else& Math 5ust isn.t
his thing& +o when they get their test results back he isn.t really surprised that he got a 9: and is
asked to stay behind" but the )act that 9o 'yungsoo is also asked to stay behind is alar#ing& 4uhan
is going to kill hi#" although it.s not like it.s his )ault or anything&

-.# sorry to out you like this Mr 'i#" but considering you are a really s#art student -.d like you to
raise your test results in #ath& %he teacher starts&
- understand& (ongin said" because he did agree& *e wanted to leave high school with straight A.s
in every sub5ect" including #ath&
+o - was thinking that #aybe Mr 9o could help you0 he says while looking at 'yungsoo&
'yungsoo looks 5ust as surprised as (ongin and is at a loss )or words&
- don.t think that.s a good idea&&& (ongin starts but the teacher cuts hi# o))&
1onsense& /ou need better #ath results and #r 9o needs to get closer to his class#ates& he

(ongin can.t really argue" because looking at it through -:don.t:know:werewolves:walk:this:earth
eyes" this is probably what the scenario looks like& *e tries to co#e up with e2cuses but his #ind
isn.t really great today&
+orry" - can.t study with so#eone who steals #y )a#e&
- can.t be near hi# because - hate hi# )or no reason&
My best )riend is a werewol) and told #e not to hang around other wolves&
-.# scared he.ll eat #e&
-n the end" the teacher wins because neither 'yungsoo or (ongin have a good enough reason to
oppose the suggestion" and (ongin )inds hi#sel) spending the rest o) the a)ternoon.s that week
with 'yungsoo in the library&

*e thought it would be awkward" but 'yungsoo was actually 7uite an easy person& *e sticks to the
pro)essional and talks about nothing but #ath with (ongin& %eaching hi# the proper theore#s and
e7uations& Much to (ongin.s surprise" he )inds it easier understanding things when 'yungsoo is
e2plaining it to hi#& %he teacher never #akes good e2a#ples on the board" but 'yungsoo #akes it
all see# like a child.s play&
4uhan isn.t pleased& *e.s )urious& Although he knows that (ongin isn.t really the one to bla#e" he.s
still angry& *e actually even went to talk to the teacher and asked i) he could tutor (ongin instead"
but the proposal was shot down because it.s only good )or 'yungsoo to be around his class#ate&
+o he does the only thing he can do& 3ait& Every day" he waits outside the library )or (ongin to
)inish up the study session and then walks hi# ho#e&

- swear you.re like the 5ealous girl)riend - never wanted& (ongin tells hi# as they leave the school
grounds together&
And you.re the rebellious spawn o) satan so - think we.re both displeased with this situation&
4uhan says back&

Apart )ro# the wol) thing" everything is nor#al about 4uhan& *e.s )unny and easy going& A really
good guy to be around and (ongin really appreciates that& -t.s only when 'yungsoo is around" or
brought up during conversation that things turn co#plicated&
(ongin hates that&
6ecause these past days he spent studying with 'yungsoo" he.s actually grown to appreciate his
co#pany& *e can even be )unny at ti#es& *e doesn.t really try to be" he 5ust naturally is a )unny
person& *e.s deter#ined and stern" but (ongin can easily sense that he has a kind heart& %his is
probably the reason the wolves o) his pack )ollow hi#& (ongin has learned )ro# the books that
wolves only )ollow an alpha they.ve accepted" so 'yungsoo #ust be accepted&

At the end o) their study session the co#ing Monday" (ongin decides to talk to hi#& E2cept they
can.t talk because 4uhan will hear it" so#ething about enhanced wol) hearing& +o (ongin scribbles
in his notebook and passes it over to 'yungsoo&
Could you look at the way - solved this0 - think - got it right but - don.t know i) it.s the proper
#ethod& (ongin says although his note is co#pletely unrelated to #ath& 'yungsoo catches on
with a sly s#ile&
3hy the lone wol) act0 Especially i) you knew you.d get in trouble )or invading so#eone else.s
'yungsoo see#s to be hesitating )or a #o#ent" but then writes an reply )or hi#&
/ou.re right" the answer is correct but you should use the 7uadratic )or#ula instead& he says
with a #eaning look&
-nstinct told #e to co#e here& - told the others to stay behind because - don.t know yet what
brought #e here and - don.t want to risk their lives& 4ike you said" this isn.t #y territory& Chanyeol
stays close though&
(ongin s#iled& *e was right& 'yungsoo was a caring person& +uddenly 'yungsoo threw a piece o)
paper over (ongin.s notes" a paper that actually had e7uations on it and be)ore (ongin could ask
hi# about it" he sensed so#eone standing behind hi#& *e looks up to see a displeased 4uhan&
%hat )rown doesn.t suit you at all& (ongin says with a s#ile& *e packs up his things and puts the#
in his backpack& A polite bow and thanks to 'yungsoo be)ore he leaves with his prison guard&

3hen (ongin unpacks his things at ho#e" he plans on reviewing what they.d gone through during
the study session& *e takes out the )ake e7uation paper that 'yungsoo had thrown over their
secret conversation" but as he puts it away he notices that there.s another secret note on the back
o) it& 'yungsoo #ust.ve heard 4uhan co#ing long be)ore (ongin even knew about it& %he note only
said the na#e o) a bus stop and a ti#e& (ongin looked at the clock" i) he le)t now he would still be
able to #ake it& *e threw his stu)) aside" 7uickly changed to casual wear and ran out the house
a)ter in)or#ing his #other shortly that he was going out to get so#e air&
*e barely #ade it on the right bus and e2cite#ent pounded in his chest although he had no idea
as o) why he was so e2cited& Maybe it was because 'yungsoo was nothing like (ongin )irst thought&
And he wasn.t pissed o) at the sight o) hi# any#ore& 'yungsoo actually see#ed like a really nice
guy and 4uhan shouldn.t be so hard on hi#& 6ut then again" (ongin had also #is5udged hi# be)ore
he got to know hi#& Maybe 'yungsoo and 4uhan should beco#e )riends0 *e thought about it )or a
#o#ent" and a display o) two sworn ene#ies trying to beco#e )riends played in his #ind& Maybe
he shouldn.t push his luck a)ter all&
'yungsoo was already waiting )or hi# when he got o)) the bus& (ongin was greeted with a heart
war#ing s#ile" and he was once again convinced that 'yungsoo was a puppy rather than a wol)&
*e s#iled back&

- didn.t know i) you.d co#e& 'yungsoo says&
- al#ost #issed the bus& (ongin in)or#s& 3hy did you want to #eet #e anyway0
-t.s easier to talk while your boy)riend isn.t stalking us&
1ot #y boy)riend but - see your point& (ongin s#iles&

%hey walk in silence )or a while" until 'yungsoo breaks the ice and actually talks about so#ething
not related to #ath or werewolves& *e talks about singing& (ongin asks i) he #eans howling" to
which the older one si#ply laughs and e2plains that he #eans real singing and not howling& (ongin
)eels a bit e#barrassed that he.s so unknowing about everything in 'yungsoo.s world&
Can.t you tell #e what it.s like being a wol)0 (ongin asks when silence is upon the# again&
9idn.t your )riend tell you0
4uhan& 1o" not #uch&
- can.t really co#pare because - was never )ully hu#an& 'yungsoo starts& +o#e o) us are bitten"
#ost o) the )riends in #y pack were bitten by #ysel) actually& 6ut so#e o) us are pure bloods"
born wolves" because our parents were both born wolves" and so on&
+o you.re either born in to it" or by chance bitten in to it0 (ongin asks to con)ir# i) he got it right&
6asically" yes& 6ut there are those who are #eant to be wolves but aren.t born in to it& %hey are
so to speak" #eant to be bitten& 'yungsoo e2plains&
*ow do you know who.s supposed to be bitten0
%hey s#ell di))erently& And usually the rule o) .)inders keepers. apply to
3hat.s that supposed to #ean0 (ongin asks&
-t #eans that once an alpha )inds a bender :that.s what we call you by the way:" another alpha
shouldn.t blend with the#& Meaning the )irst alpha is the one who .owns. the bender" although
there.s no law or anything against stealing so#eone.s bender" it.s 5ust co##on sense that you
+o .blend. #eans biting so#eone" right0
9id your )riend tell you nothing0 /es" blending is the kind o) bite that turns and not kills&
(ongin hu#s in response and he.s sure that.s about all the in)or#ation his brain can process )or
one night" so he leaves the conversation be& %hey start talking about sports and (ongin tells
'yungsoo about his passion )or soccer& 'yungsoo ad#its he also likes it but that it.s been a while
since he played& (ongin does suggest that he co#e to one o) the practices )or the school tea# but
they both know that 4uhan would never let such an occasion pass&

!nly when it.s so cold that the a)ternoon has beco#e night do they part ways& (ongin )eels a bit
#ore con)ident knowing a bit #ore about 'yungsoo than be)ore& And although there.s still an
unco#)ortable )eeling o) being around hi#" he doesn.t dislike it&
*e gets ho#e 7uickly and showers )or a long ti#e" #aking sure that even though 'yungsoo never
touched hi#" there.s no trace o) his scent on (ongin.s body& *e does not )ancy having his throat
ripped out by his best )riend&
6e)ore he )alls asleep he receives a te2t )ro# +ehun" asking hi# to #eet hi# at lunch the )ollowing
day" which (ongin gladly pro#ises to do& *e knows +ehun is going to ask about 4uhan" because
(ongin spent over a week with hi#" ignoring his usual lunch with +ehun" 6aekhyun and %ao& *e
could only do that )or so long be)ore they got suspicious and he knew that& %onight however" sleep
co#es )airly easy& (ongin would probably never ad#it that it has so#ething to do with a certain
pale skinned boy" but in his heart he knows that it probably does&
Chapter 4
;or your eyes only B*un*anC
'ehun's )*+
As he walks through the corridor" he basks in the glory o) being one o) the #ost popular boys in
school& ?irls stare at hi# and giggle" boys send hi# 5ealous but inviting looks" and everything
#akes sense in the world& *e.s really hot& 4ight brown hair that )alls so)tly on his )ace" per)ect 5aw
line and collarbones who hide underneath so)t skin that peeked through his uni)or# shirt& 9a#n i)
+ehun wasn.t hal) in love with hi#sel) today& 6ut o) course" it all served a purpose& *e.d spent the
whole weekend )ocusing on #aking his skin )lawless" treating his hair so that it would )all per)ectly
and not in any way see# dirty or uncared )or& A very so)t layer o) 66 crea# was applied around his
nose area" only to add to that )lawless )inish he strived )or&
*e.d washed his uni)or# and pressed it neatly so that it looked proper and clean& Even though his
shirt wasn.t co#pletely tucked in his pants and the last two buttons were le)t open and his tie
hung loosely around his neck" it was all his own doing& %oday" nothing would be le)t to chance&
%oday was the day that +ehun was )inally going to grow so#e )ine ass balls and con5ure up enough
courage to con)ess his )eelings to 4uhan&
+ehun.s heart was pounding hard in his chest" and had he been less o) an actor" everyone would.ve
seen how insecure he really was& 6ut +ehun knew better than to show any kind o) weakness" so he
put on his best poker )ace and pushed the door to the classroo# open& *e was )ashionably late i)
you asked hi#& Everyone turned around to stare at hi#" wide eyes and #es#eri,ed )aces looked
at hi#& *e s#irked&

!h +ehun& %he teacher said with stern voice& /ou.re late&

+ehun didn.t apologi,e and si#ply proceeded to take his seat ne2t to (ongin& *e could hear
whispers )ro# the girls behind hi# but he couldn.t #ake out what they were talking about" so he
si#ply presu#ed it was about hi#& *e loved it when people were talking about his good looks"
because deep in his heart he wished that the ru#ors about hi# would travel to 4uhan" so that
4uhan could get his eyes open and notice +ehun in a #ore:than:)riends kind o) way&

/ou look very ani#e today& (ongin chuckled&
3hat.s that supposed to #ean0 +ehun asked with bratty tone&
-t #eans you look very hot& (ongin e2plained&

+ehun s#iled at the co#pli#ent" although it wasn.t (ongin.s approval he was looking )or" it still )elt
nice to hear those words& -t gave hi# con)idence that 4uhan would #aybe )eel the sa#e way&

- was thinking we could talk during lunch0 (ongin suggested&
+orry" +ehun replied& 3e.ll talk a)terwards" -.# thinking o) )inding 4uhan during lunch&
1o$ (ongin said a bit to loud& +ehun )rowned and was 5ust about to ask why the 7uick response"
but the teacher beat hi# to it&
3hat" #r 'i#0 the teacher said with annoyance&
-&&& <h:&&& 1othing& -.# sorry& (ongin e2cused& +ehun noticed how the new student who sat on the
other side o) (ongin" 9o 'yungsoo" chuckled to hi#sel) as (ongin blushed& -t was strange" but not
as strange as (ongin.s sudden outburst at the na#e o) 4uhan& 3hat was he hiding0 +ehun couldn.t
help but )eel a tint 5ealous o) (ongin& *e.d spent so #uch ti#e with 4uhan and the others lately&
+kipping lunch to hang around the# instead o) with hi#sel)" 6aekhyun and %ao&
Co#e to think o) it" wasn.t (ongin also spending ti#e with that 'yungsoo guy recently0 +ehun
re#e#bered passing by the library one day and happened to see the# )ooling around and
laughing at so#ething& %he librarian shut the# up with stern voice and +ehun had watched as they
both tried to contain their laughter&
3hat the heck was (ongin up to these days0

<n)ortunately" +ehun could not shake the )eeling o) so#ething being wrong and he
absent#indedly spent the whole class staring at (ongin :who didn.t even see# to notice hi#: in
order to )igure out what #ight.ve happened& (ongin was always bored& -t wasn.t 5ust an e#otion
)or hi#" it was a personality trait that he had& -) you were to describe (ongin" besides hi# being
popular and basically per)ect" you.d say he was bored& 6ut now he was s#iling and laughing and
he didn.t see# bored at all& 1ot that +ehun #inded it" it was actually nice to have a )riend who
didn.t have a de)ault )ace o) please:get:#e:out:o):here" but it was strange& 8eople don.t 5ust
change over night like this&
-n his peripheral vision" +ehun saw 'yungsoo glaring at hi#& As i) he was an ani#al guarding his
pray )ro# another predator& +ehun shivered& *e decided he didn.t like this 'yungsoo guy a)ter all&
Maybe (ongin was right0 6ut then again" (ongin see#ed to have changed his opinion about
'yungsoo" which only added to all the odd things going on with (ongin right now& Maybe he should
talk to (ongin be)ore he sees 4uhan a)ter all0 6ut what i) they get in to a )ight and +ehun
accidentally #esses up his looks0 1o& 4uhan )irst& Everything else can wait& 4uhan is top priority&

3hen the bell )inally signals the start o) lunch break" +ehun is out the door as )ast as possible&
(ongin )ollows 7uick a)ter and won.t stop calling out to +ehun even though he insist (ongin leave
hi# alone& %he brunette hal) runs down the corridor and )inds 4uhan on the second )loor& *e.s at a
loss )or words when clear brown eyes stare in to his own& Although 4uhan is older" +ehun is slightly
taller" and it.s been so long since he was this close to the older that he al#ost )orgot what a
per)ect height they are )or each other&

Luhan's )*+
%he bell rings and signals it.s ti#e )or lunch& As usual" 4uhan has no intent on going to the
ca)eteria& -t.s too crowded and the )ood is anything but to his liking& *e hates the hoard o) girls
who constantly .ooh. and .aah. at hi# and his )riends& -t.s not that he dislikes attention" it.s 5ust
that he.d rather not be noticed because as long as people are watching hi#" his secret is
@iu#in and 4ay usually go to the #usic roo# to spend their lunch breaks" while 4uhan alone
retreats to the roo) )or privacy& %oday however" it see#s )ate has other plans&
4uhan walks the usual way but what is unusual is the rapid sound o) )ootsteps approaching hi#&
An unsettling )eeling takes root in his sto#ach and an all too )a#iliar scent gets stronger and
stronger" until suddenly he.s standing eye to eye with +ehun& *e stares at the taller #ale in awe&
*e had been avoiding +ehun )or a while now and every reason )or that was now staring straight
back at hi#& 6rown eyes" inviting lips" so)t hair that )ell per)ectly around his )lawless )ace& +harp
5aw line and oh god he looked like a bad boy with his uni)or# hal) undone& 4uhan swallowed hard
and it beca#e obvious that +ehun was an e2tre#e distraction to hi# because he hadn.t noticed
the panting (ongin behind hi# until he spoke up&

- tried to stop hi#&&: (ongin starts but 4uhan interrupts&
-t.s )ine& 4uhan )orces a s#ile& 3e.re all )riends a)ter all& *e couldn.t ignore the hurt e2pression
on +ehun.s )ace even i) he had wanted to" and it shatters his heart to a #illion pieces" but he has
to do it&
*e assures (ongin that everything is )ine" and +ehun acco#panies hi# to the roo)& 4uhan can
hardly keep his eyes o)) the #an" and he sees everything in slow #otion& %he way +ehun.s #uscles
)le2 under the thin )abric o) his uni)or# when he #oves an ar# to open the door and holds it open
)or 4uhan& %he way +ehun s#ells like )resh autu#n rain and #en.s per)u#e when he walks by& %he
way the wind catches the younger.s hair as they step out on the roo)& 4uhan )eel he #ight go
insane and it takes all the will power he could possibly con5ure up in a #illion years not to kiss the
taller one right then and there&
-t.s )or his sa)ety" 4uhan& *e re#inds hi#sel)&
-t.s to keep hi# sa)e&
*e needs to stay sa)e in order to stay alive&
+a)e and alive&

*yung0 +ehun says with 7uestioning look&
*#0 4uhan stares at +ehun&
- was talking to you&&& Are you ok0
/eah" -.# )ine& +orry& - dosed o))&

+ehun s#iled& !h god 4uhan al#ost lost it& *e grabbed at the )ence surrounding the roo) until his
knuckles turned white& *e needed to physically restrain hi#sel) because i) he didn.t" he.s not sure
he could resist the #an in )ront o)) hi#& 9a#ned be wol) instincts and the inability to love #ore
than one being his whole li)e& *ad he been nor#al" he could.ve dated +ehun" or gotten over hi# i)
needed& 6ut being what he was" nothing o) the sort was possible& *e can.t date +ehun because
that would put hi# in danger" and he can.t get over hi# because )ate is cruel and once he )ell )or
+ehun" it would always be +ehun& -t has always been +ehun& -t will always be !h +ehun& -) he were
to die" it would still be hi#& 4uhan sighed as he )elt the taller one step closer& Maybe he should 5ust
bite hi#0 6ut no" 4uhan could never )orce this li)e on +ehun" and )ro# the scent o) it" +ehun was
not a bender&

/ou.ve been avoiding #e lately0 +ehun said&
/eah& 4uhan whispered& *e hated how vulnerable he was around the younger one&

4uhan.s back was pressed against the )ence and he wanted to disappear through it" because now
+ehun held hi# trapped between his ar#s as he towered over hi#& 6lood rushed to his )ace and
4uhan was sure that even without enhanced wol) hearing" +ehun could still hear his heart trying to
beat it.s way through 4uhan.s chest&
%he world went #ute and 4uhan.s ears rang with the rush o) blood and oh god was that +ehun.s
)ace co#ing closer0 4uhan brought his hands up and placed the# on +ehun.s chest" he wanted to
push hi# away but his #uscles wouldn.t #ove& Apparently he wanted +ehun #ore than he
wanted to keep hi# sa)e& 4uhan wanted to act on his sel)ish instincts and clai# +ehun" but his
better 5udg#ent convinced hi# otherwise&

+ehun&& 4uhan.s voice cracked and he cleared his throat&
- really like you" hyung& +ehun whispered and his breath landed on
4uhan.s )ace& 4uhan swallowed hard once #ore" he couldn.t )orce an answer even i) he wanted to&
9o you like #e" also0 %he taller one asked and brought his hand to 4uhan.s chin in order to be
able to tilt it up a bit&

+ehun didn.t wait )or a reply" he leaned in and so)tly pressed his lips agains the older #ale.s& 4uhan
couldn.t even bring hi#sel) to pull away )ro# the sweet taste o) +ehun.s so)t lips& *e grasped at
the )abric o) the younger.s shirt and pulled hi# closer& *e )elt +ehun.s heart beat as 7uickly as his
own and it only triggered his )eelings even #ore& ;or the )irst ti#e" he wasn.t re5ecting his )eelings"
he wasn.t trying to push +ehun away&
A s#all whi#per le)t 4uhan and +ehun took it as an invitation to start nibbling at the older.s
botto# lip& *e wanted to be allowed entrance" wanted to taste the older one" and when he )inally
parted his lips enough )or +ehun to slide his tongue in" the younger one 7uickly deepened the kiss&
4uhan couldn.t ever co#prehend why he had denied hi#sel) this sensation )or so long& *e loved
the taste o) +ehun in his #outh and he needed it to last& E2cept suddenly he could taste blood and
+ehun was 7uick to pull away& 4uhan was panting and stared at the glossy lips o) the younger one&
+ehun darted his tongue out and brushed his )ingers against it" blood s#eared on the )ingers then
he suddenly gasped at 4uhan&

*yung" your eyes::$ +ehun said and 4uhan 7uickly closed the#& *e willed hi#sel) cal# be)ore
opening the# and asking i) +ehun was okay& -t see#ed 4uhan accidentally bit hi#& 4uhan couldn.t
stop apologi,ing even though +ehun chuckled and said it was okay" it didn.t hurt& 6ut 4uhan knew
that wasn.t the #a5or proble#&
- need to go& 4uhan said and stor#ed o))& *e heard +ehun calling out to hi# but he needed to
ignore the instinct to turn around and go back to hi#& *e hated the wol) instincts at ti#es like this&
Every inch o) his body was screa#ing at hi# to turn around" his own #ind was battling with itsel)
because his person was calling& %he one he belonged to" the one who belonged to hi#& 6ut at the
sa#e ti#e he knew that he needed to keep his distance in order )or +ehun to be sa)e&

*e locked hi#sel) in the #en.s roo# and wanted to cry& *e was panting and beating the wall in
3hy hi#0 3hy hi#0 3hy hi#0 *e repeated with every punch& *e )elt his knuckles bruise but
didn.t care&
-t sucks" doesn.t it0 A voice sounded through the space&
4uhan stopped assaulting the wall and turned around" only to #eet eyes with the last person on
earth he.d ever want to see&
9o 'yungsooo& 4uhan said coldly&
-.# guessing a certain brunette is your proble#0 'yungsoo s#irked&
1one o) your business&
- was actually thinking we could help each other& 'yungsoo leaned against the wall& +unlight
wasn.t reaching the spot where he was standing and 4uhan could clearly see the blue re)lect in his
ene#y.s eyes& /et" so#ething about what he said caught 4uhan.s attention&
*ow so0
/ou have already clai#ed the bender" a# - right0 -t see#s however" that he is #y person&
4uhan.s eyes narrowed&
(ongin0$ *e said loudly& 1o$ /ou leave hi# alone and out o) this$ *e is not yours to clai#$
4uhan was pressing his under ar# to 'yungsoo.s throat" pinning hi# in place against the wall&
/ou should know&&& 1gh&&& 6etter than anyone&&& %hat.s not so#ething we can control& 'yungsoo
said between gasps )or air& 4uhan glared at hi# with )laring eyes )or a while be)ore letting go& *e
knew 'yungsoo was right& -t.s not a choice they #ake&
%hat.s why you.re in #y territory& 4uhan said as it dawned on hi#&
1ow" will you listen to #y proposal0 'yungsoo said with another s#irk&

Chapter D
Clai# #e Bback to (ongin 8!EC
(ongin is being walked ho#e by 4uhan again& -t has beco#e so#e sort o) habit since 4uhan dislikes
(ongin being close to 'yungsoo& 6ut usually the older one will co#plain about (ongin even
studying with hi#" but today he doesn.t& -n )act" he doesn.t say anything at all& 'yungsoo was also
acting weird during their study session" and now (ongin is sure so#ething is up& *e conte#plates
how he should start a conversation about it but )inally decides it.s best 5ust to ask it out" because
4uhan is not going to be tricked in to giving away an answer he doesn.t want to share&

+oooo&&& 9id so#ething happen between you and 'yungsoo0 *e )inally asks& 4uhan looks at hi#&
/ou could say that& %he older replies as he knows that lying is no good&

Are you going to tell #e about it0

%here are a lot o) things you should know be)ore - tell you about that&

/ou could start right now you know0
4uhan sighs&
+o there.s this thing called .benders.& 4uhan starts& (ongin al#ost spills the )act that he already
knows this" but 7uickly re#inds hi#sel) that he isn.t supposed to know it because he isn.t
supposed to have had this conversation with 'yungsoo&
6enders are hu#ans who are #eant to be bitten& %hey have a certain scent" and the )irst pack
who )inds the bender are allowed to decide the )ate o) this one& +hould he be bitten or not& %hat.s
how new wolves are #ade& 6ut" you can also bite so#eone who isn.t a bender& 1or#al hu#ans&
%hey re7uire #ore training and are usually weaker" so we try to stay away )ro# such scenarios&
*e e2plains&

+ehun& (ongin says& /ou.re a)raid he.ll be in danger even i) you turn hi# in to a wol)0 6ut what
has this got to do with anything0 +orry but your love:proble#s&&:

'yungsoo #ade #e an o))er& 4uhan interrupts& (ongin re#ains silent& +o#ething thick is hanging
in the air and he does not like this&

3olves are also allowed to leave their packs" 5oin new ones i) they see )it& %he proble# about
that is that it #akes the# in to o#ega.s& 4owest rank& %hey usually get pushed around a lot and
have to earn their spot as beta.s by )ighting& 6ut o#ega.s are weaker&&& 4et.s 5ust say it usually
turns out ugly&
-.# not )ollowing" you.ve lost #e& (ongin says with con)usion written all over hi#&
'yungsoo says that i) - turn the bender" he will turn and train +ehun )or #e& A)ter that" he.ll let
+ehun go )ro# his pack i) - let the bender go& %hey.ll both be o#ega.s" but +ehun #ight be strong
enough to beco#e a beta in #y pack" and - can be with hi#& 4uhan ad#its&

- really don.t see why you.re hesitant about this" isn.t it what you want0 (ongin wonders&

6enders are strong" (ongin& -) - turn #y bender" he #ight go up against #e" challenge #y position
as the alpha& Even i) he doesn.t" - don.t know what 'yungsoo will do once he gets the bender& 3ill
he )ight #e )or this territory0 !r leave and take the bender with hi#0 %here are too #any things
le)t unsaid so we can.t rush to a desition& And how should - e2plain to #y pack about this0 3ill
they accept #y sel)ishness0

3hy do you even care about this bender0 +o what i) 'yungsoo leaves with it0 (ongin asks&

Are you really that stupid" (ongin0 4uhan sighs& 3hy do you think -.# telling you this0 9o you
honestly believe that - would let you know all this i) you were 5ust a hu#an being0
- don.t understa&&:
/ou.re the bender& 4uhan says& %hey.ve reached (ongin.s door" but (ongin can.t bring hi#sel) to
go inside&
3hat0 he whispers&
*e wants #e to bite you and then hand you over to hi#& 4uhan says coldly& *e wants to trade
you )or +ehun&
-s he allowed to turn hu#ans in your territory0 (ongin wonders" as i) it was the #ost i#portant
thing right now" but he can.t )ully grasp the situation so he doesn.t know what else to say&

*e isn.t allowed in #y territory at all& 9o you think he cares0
3hat does he want with #e0
- can.t tell you that&
1o" (ongin& ?o inside&
?o$ 4uhan yells and his eyes )lash red&

(ongin steps back& 4uhan turns and walks away as i) he did not 5ust drop this huge thing on (ongin.s
%he younger #ale retreats to his ho#e& %he lights are all out" which is strange because his #o#
should be ho#e by now& (ongin doesn.t pay it #uch thought though" instead he goes to his roo#
to drop o)) his stu)) be)ore going to the kitchen )or a snack& 9a#n" learning all this new werewol)
stu)) #ade hi# hungry&

'i# (ongin& A deep )a#iliar voice says&

%he blood )ree,es in his veins as he instinctively holds his hands up above his head and turns
around& *e sees a tall #ale sit at the kitchen table" what was his na#e again0 8ark Chanyeol0

*ow did you get in0 (ongin asks&
3rong 7uestion&
3hat do you want0
- want to know what.s going on with you and 'yungsoo& /ou see" as his oldest )riend" it.s #y 5ob
to #ake sure he stays alive& Chanyeol e2plains&
/ou seriously think -.# a threat to hi#0
As a bender o) another pack" yes& -n )act" - should kill you right now& -t would save everyone a lot
o) trouble&

(ongin grabbed a kni)e )ro# the kni)e holder on the counter and held it out in Chanyeol.s
direction& %he tall #ale si#ply laughed at hi# and stood up& (ongin.s hand was shaking as he held
the kni)e& *e knew that he could never take on Chanyeol even i) he.d been a nor#al hu#an" even
less so when he.s a werewol)& Chanyeol grabbed (ongin.s wrist hard enough )or hi# to let go o) the
kni)e& (ongin gri#aced )ro# pain but didn.t dare #ake a sound" )or all he knew Chanyeol could rip
hi# apart any second& *e.d tasted his strength a bit be)ore" and he had no intentions o) )inding
out )ully what he was capable o)&
4et hi# go& A third voice said and Chanyeol turned around enough so that they could both see
'yungsoo standing in the doorway&

!h yeah" sure" please" co#e in" thanks )or knocking by the way" are there #ore people planning
on showing up unannounced in #y house0 (ongin said" tone laced with sarcas#& 'yungsoo
laughed so)tly&
Chanyeol& *e said and (ongin )elt the grip on his wrist loosen&
3hat.s this about" 'yungsoo0 Chanyeol asks&
1ot so#ething to be discussed in public& 'yungsoo says coldly&
E2cuse #e" - deserve to know things$ (ongin yells& And where.s #y parents0$
*e )inally told you& 'yungsoo whispers&
- thought he.d catch up earlier&
+hut up" Chanyeol& 'yungsoo shot& And get out& -.ll deal with you later&
Chanyeol pushed (ongin hard against the cabinets be)ore he le)t hi# alone& As he walked pass
'yungsoo" the alpha scratched his )ace with his sharp nails& Chanyeol hissed but didn.t )ight back"
and then he disappeared through the )ront door&
/our parents are )ine& +tuck in tra))ic& 'yungsoo said cal#ly& 9on.t worry&
;uck you& (ongin says as he rubs his back" still in pain&
- understand you.re con)used&
1o" you don.t understand anything$ /ou were born in to this$ -.# 5ust a high school student who
never asked )or this$ - never wanted any o) this$ - 5ust wanted to )inish high school peace)ully$
(ongin rants&
%hen why did you call )or #e0$ 'yungsoo yells back& (ongin stops breathing )or a second&

3hat0 *e asks& 'yungsoo steps )orward and so)tly takes (ongin.s bruised wrist& %he younger )elt
his heart race at the care)ul touch&
%he instinct to co#e here was awakened by your call& 'yungsoo whispers&
- didn.t&&: (ongin tries but his voice cracks&
'yungsoo brings his other hand up to touch (ongin.s cheek" he no longer cares i) 4uhan )inds his
scent on the boy& A sigh o) relie) escapes 'yungsoo as (ongin leans in to the touch&
%he shorter one gets up on his toes slowly& *e hears (ongin.s breath hitch as he brings his )ace
closer and closer& 3hen 'yungsoo was 5ust about to press his lips on (ongin.s" the younger one
pulled back&
/ou need to leave& (ongin whispered and turned away his )ace )ro# the older&
%he words were like kni)es in 'yungsoo" but he couldn.t but oblidge& A whi#per le)t his throat and
(ongin thought he sounded like a kicked puppy& *e wanted to go back on his words and take the
s#aller #an in his ar#s" but he couldn.t& *e needed to process a whole lot o) things& 6eing
attracted to another #ale was the last one& *e needed to deal with that later& Right now he had a
whole lot o) .bender. issues to deal with&
*e watched as 'yungsoo backed away and )inally turned around& *e listened as the )ront door
opened and shut close be)ore he collapsed on the )loor& *e wanted to cry )ro# e2haustion and
)rustration but couldn.t& *e was still on adrenaline )ro# his encounter with Chanyeol" and then a
guy al#ost kissed hi#" and he didn.t even #ind& -n )act" he wanted it&
(ongin was panting heavily" but his thoughts were interrupted by a set o) )ootsteps that entered
the kitchen&
*oney" are you ho#e0 *is #other called through the house&
-.# here& (ongin breathed" not even sure i) she heard hi#&
Are you okay" (ongin0 his #other rushed to hi# with her coat still on& 9ear heavens" you have a
(ongin )ound co#)ort in his #other.s touch& Although he was cold sweating and breathing heavily&
%hese stress)ul events were obviously too #uch )or hi#&


%here was a knock on his door" and (ongin stirred )ro# his sleep& *is throat was thick and his head
heavy& (ongin sat up and called that it was ok to enter&
*e did however not e2pect to see his #other standing ne2t to 'yungsoo when the door opened&
/our )riend ca#e to visit" isn.t it nice0 his #other s#iled brightly&
?reat& (ongin said with obvious sarcas#&
'yungsoo stepped inside and his #other closed the door& 'yungsoo obviously listened until he was
sure that the #other had retreated be)ore he approached (ongin and sat down on the bedside
ne2t to hi#&
*ow are you0 he asked&
3hat are you doing here0 (ongin asked back&
(ongin&&& 9on.t be like this& 'yungsoo pleaded and (ongin hated how guilty it #ade hi# )eel&

-.# too con)used& (ongin whispered&

'yungsoo touched his skin to console hi#&
/ou.re burning up& *e whispered& -.# sorry&
-t.s )ine& (ongin sighed& (ust&&& 3hat.s going on0
-.# sorry about Chanyeol" he.s been taken care o) and won.t bother you ever again& 4uhan still
hasn.t given #e an answer" and the )ull #oon is in two days& 'yungsoo )ills hi# in& /our #other
thinks -.# here to help you with #ath&
-s that not why you.re here0 (ongin said" but he already knew the answer&
%he older #ale looked at hi# with big glossy eyes& (ust like a puppy& (ongin thought& 'yungsoo
leaned in" slow and care)ul this ti#e" )ear o) re5ection hanging thick in the air&
- can take this away& he whispered&
-t.s 5ust a nor#al cold&(ongin de)ends&
6ut still&&& 'yungsoo.s breath lands on his )ace and he stares in to (ongin.s eyes& +eeking
'yungsoo&&& (ongin whispered&

8lease& he whispered back&
-.# not&&& - can.t&&&
'yungsoo pulls back with a sigh o) de)eat&
3hy&&& (ongin starts but he has to clear his throat in between because )or so#e reason he )eels
like crying& 3hy does it hurt when you.re like this0
'yungsoo lets out a chuckle&
/ou.re #y clai#ed person& - )eel al#ost everything you )eel" and you )eel parts o) what - )eel& -t.s
the strongest when we.re this close" that.s why you )eel it too&
Clai#ed person0 (ongin asks&
A wol) only loves one person during it.s )ull li)e& 3e can.t choose who it is& -t sort o) chooses us&
Calls )or us& 3e don.t know when or why& /ou will )eel attracted to #e when -.# close" because -
)eel strongly attracted to you&
%hat.s why you ca#e here& (ongin breathes as his heart races&
As you are #y person" every part o) #e is progra##ed to do as you say& ?et out& 9isappear& +tay&
Co#e& 3hatever you say& ;ighting these wills takes a lot o) #ental strength& -t.s not i#possible"
5ust di))icult&
+o when - tell you not to touch #e0 (ongin starts&
- have to oblige" but it still hurts& 3e )eel re5ection stronger than hu#ans because we only have
3hat i) - die0
/ou.re #y only one" (ongin& -) you die then -.d be alone )or the rest o) e2istence&
6ut -.# 5ust hu#an& - can.t 5ust #agically love you like you love #e& (ongin says as i) he had a
reason to de)end hi#sel)&
-t.s okay& 'yungsoo 7uickly says& -.ll #ake you )all )or #e as well&
*as it ever happened that a wol) lives with one:sided love )or the whole li)e0 (ongin asks and his
heart breaks 5ust at the 7uestion" he can.t even i#agine how 'yungsoo #ust )eel&
-t has&

3hat happens0

'yungsoo doesn.t answer& *e lets his hand brush by (ongin.s cheek a last ti#e be)ore he gets up
)ro# the bed& *e e2cuses hi#sel) and leaves the roo#& (ongin tries to listen" but since he doesn.t
really have enhanced hearing" everything see#s 7uiet&
(ongin leaves the bed and picks up his phone& *e dials 4uhan.s nu#ber and i#patiently waits )or
hi# to pick up&
+ick kid0 4uhan answers with cheer)ul tone&
'yungsoo wants #e because -.# his person or whatever& *e wants to trade lover )or lover a# -
A# - right0
3hat i) - don.t )eel that way )or hi#0
-) - turn you" you will& 3olves )eel the sa#e way )or each other& As long as you.re hu#an" you still
have the choice&
+ehun likes you even though he.s hu#an&
-t.s a rare thing& %hat.s why we turn non:benders&
6ut -.# a bender& 3hy don.t -:0
9on.t you0 Really" (ongin0 /ou have never thought about 'yungsoo that way0 4uhan knows the
truth" as do (ongin& *e 5ust can.t ad#it it& 3hat i) it.s not real0 3hat i) it.s 5ust the whole wol)
thing0 (ongin wants real love" not so#e #agic clai#&

3hat i) - keep re5ecting hi#0 (ongin asked&
*e.ll get weaker& *is pack #ight challenge his position as alpha&
/eah" about that" how does those )ights end0 (ongin asks& %here has been a lot o) talk about
alpha )ights lately&
%he beta gives up" or the alpha dies&4uhan says slowly&

(ongin hangs up& *e.s not sure he.s in love with 'yungsoo enough to date hi#" or kiss hi#" or
whatever wolves do& 6ut he sure as hell doesn.t want hi# to die either& %he thought o) Chanyeol
challenging 'yungsoo plays in (ongin.s #ind and it #akes hi# unco#)ortable and sick to his
+uddenly his phone bu,,es with a #essage&
Your an#iousness is going to ill me. )lease calm down.
-t.s not a nu#ber saved on his phone& ' )or 'yungsoo& (ongin thinks& *e really can )eel (ongin.s
e#otions& -t.s kind o) creepy&
(ongin )alls back on his bed and closes his eyes& *e )eels a bit less sick" and the )ever has gone
down& %alk about 7uick recovery&
%hat.s when he re#e#bers 'yungsoo.s re7uest to take it away" and the so)t brush on the cheek&
*e touches the spot as i) it would )eel any di))erently" but it doesn.t&
3hy has #y li)e beco#e so co#plicated0 he sighs to hi#sel)&

(ongin starts to have lunch with +ehun and the other.s again& %hey all act as i) he was never gone"
which is nice because (ongin could never e2plain that he was taking orders )ro# a wol) he was too
scared to oppose&
+ehun doesn.t talk #uch though& (ongin wants to ask about it but he suspects a certain blond has
so#ething to do with it so he knows it.s best to keep his #outh shut&
*e )inds 4uhan be)ore the end o) lunch break to ask about +ehun& *e doesn.t really e2pect an
answer since it.s none o) his business" but he cares )or his )riend so it can.t be avoided& At the
#ention o) +ehun.s na#e" 4uhan )linches&
- can.t re5ect hi#& 4uhan ad#its& *e.s the hu#an" the only one with the power o) re5ection& *e
kissed #e and - couldn.t pull away& +o - bi&& is&&& to&& 4uhan #u#bles the last part&
/ou what0 (ongin asks as he couldn.t hear&
- bit his tongue&
(ongin chuckled&
3hat was - supposed to do0$ 4uhan argues although (ongin didn.t say anything& -) - had let it
continue then&&&

/ou #ight.ve actually been happy0
4uhan is silent )or a #o#ent&
- don.t have the right to risk his li)e& he whispers&
6ut you do have the right to )all in love& (ongin de)ends& And don.t get #e wrong" we.re )riends"
but - like +ehun better& And - know hi# well enough to say that he deserves to be in love" and to
be loved& 9on.t you think he.s worth the risk0 3ouldn.t you protect hi#0
-) - don.t turn hi#" -.ll have to lie to hi#& 4uhan argues&
/ou greatly underesti#ate hi#" 4u& +ehun can keep a secret& *e.ll guard it with his li)e i) he has
%hat.s what -.# a)raid o)&
/ou should give hi# a chance& (ongin says be)ore leaving& *e doesn.t care i) 4uhan had a
response or not& *e wants to see his )riend happy again& +ehun deserves happiness&
(ongin spots 'yungsoo in the corridor on his way back to class& %he older #ale s#iles" and (ongin
has to ad#it it.s one o) the #ost beauti)ul s#iles he.s ever seen& 6ut he can.t return it whole
heartedly" at least not yet& *e watch as 'yungsoo.s s#ile )ades& And his heart sinks a little at the
-.# 5ust so con)used& *e #ouths" but he.s not sure i) 'yungsoo catches it or not and he can.t stick
around to )ind out either because the bell rings and he has to return to class&

Chapter =
%he truth will set you )ree" but )irst it will piss you o))
(ongin hated his boring li)e" but he wasn.t sure that being grabbed by the collar and dragged away
to an alley by a tall wol):hu#an:hybrid called Chanyeol was his idea o) a )un li)e either&
-t was when walking ho#e )ro# school" alone" )or once" that it happened& *e was caught o)) guard
as the tall #an dragged hi# away )ro# the #ain street and in on s#aller ones& Maybe he
shouldn.t walk alone a)ter all" he thought to hi#sel) as Chanyeol pushed hi# against the wall o) a
building in the alley& (ongin had a )eeling he shouldn.t co#plain considering it could.ve been #uch

- thought 'yungsoo said he took care o) you& (ongin said anyway&
3e had a talk& Chanyeol ad#itted& 6ut the cracked lip and bruises his skin bared" told (ongin that
#aybe they did #ore than talk&
<h:huh&& (ongin hu##ed" a#used&
- don.t trust you& 1ot )or a second& Chanyeol started& -) you try anything with 'yungsoo"
anything at all&&: Actually" i) you as #uch as breathes in a way - )ind threatening" - will rip you
apart& And don.t think )or a second that 'yungsoo will be there to protect you cu, you.ll be dead
long be)ore you can even think about it&
(ongin swallowed hard" but his throat still )elt thick& *is brain was working overti#e to co#e up
with a good response that wouldn.t have his throat ripped out by this terri)ying #an in )ront o)
- thought love between wolves were always #utual0 (ongin whispered&
Mutual0 Chanyeol see#ed con)used )or a second but 7uickly regained his cool& -.# not in love
with 'yungsoo you du#b )uck& -t.s #y 5ob to protect hi#&
9oesn.t he have a whole pack )or that0 (ongin argued although he had no idea why he didn.t 5ust
accept what Chanyeol said and le)t as soon as possible&
9on.t talk like you know shit" because you don.t$ Chanyeol punched the wall behind (ongin and
he )elt the vibrations against his back&

%he tall wol) put his hand under (ongin.s chin and tilted his )ace up so (ongin had to look hi# in the
eyes& %hey were )la#ing blue" the way 'yungsoo.s would be at ti#es" e2cept this )la#e stayed in
his eyes& (ongin )elt sharp nails brush against his skin and he )orgot to breathe& Maybe Chanyeol
had run out o) patience and was about to slit his throat open& (ongin closed his eyes and #aybe he
was preparing hi#sel) )or what was to co#e ne2t&
6ut Chanyeol.s grip on hi# disappeared 7uickly and a grunt )ollowed& (ongin shot his eyes open
and stared at the back o) a #ale e7ually as tall as Chanyeol& *e peeked around the person and
caught a gli#pse o) Chanyeol" staring at the one in )ront o) hi# with a #i2ed e2pression that
(ongin couldn.t read even i) he tried&
- )ind you with hi# like this one #ore ti#e" - swear it won.t turn out this pretty& %he #an said"
his voice was stern and he didn.t use volu#e )or authority" he didn.t have to&
Chanyeol sco))ed and sent (ongin a #urderous look be)ore leaving& %he other #ale turned around
and tried to check that (ongin was okay& 3hen (ongin assured hi# that he was )ine" he introduced
-.# 'ris& he said&
/ou.re the last #e#ber o) 4uhan.s pack" aren.t you0
/eah" how did you::0
4uhan said there was another who - hadn.t #et& And - 5ust )igured you weren.t part o) 'yungsoo.s
'ris nodded&
3hen they le)t the alley together" they saw 'yungsoo leaned against the wall right ne2t to the#&
*is ga,e was )i2ed on the pave#ent and (ongin )elt his insides stir in an2iety& Maybe it was
'yungsoo.s )eelings" or #aybe they were his own" but 'ris )inding out about Chanyeol was not a
good thing" and not part o) the plan& And (ongin was angry with Chanyeol" not because o) the
threat but because he blew a big whole in 'yungsoo.s plan&
/ou reali,e this will not be overlooked& 'ris said without even looking at 'yungsoo&
3e.re not here )or a war& 'yungsoo tried to e2plain" but it was )utile&
+ince you obviously have no control over your pack we won.t 5ust idly sit by and watch the# tear
people apart&
Chanyeol is the only one here with #e& 6ut i) you start so#ething" the rest will co#e&
%hen - suggest you pack up and leave be)ore things turn ugly&
-.ve been called )or& 'yungsoo said and it see#ed 'ris sti))ened at the words" as i) they were
so#ehow relevant&
/ou #ean:::
- #ean there.s only one person who can send #e away and unless he doesn.t" - have to stay&
%hen turn hi#" and then leave0$ 'ris raised his voice and 'yungsoo cracked a s#irk&
/our alpha hasn.t told you0
%old #e what0 'ris asked&
'yungsoo pulled (ongin closer" so that his back was resting against the shorter.s chest& 'yungsoo
took his wrist" raised it and buried his nose in it" 'ris watching with disgust at the scene in )ront o)
/our bender" 'yungsoo started and his eyes )lared icy:blue as he inhaled (ongin.s scent& -s the
one who called #e here&
+hivers traveled through (ongin.s body and he wasn.t sure i) it was )ro# )ear or pleasure o) having
the other touching hi# and breathing hi# in& %hen he )elt nails digging in to his waist and the grip
on his wrist hardened& 'yungsoo opened his #outh to bare his ani#al teeth at 'ris&
+hould - still bite hi#0 'yungsoo asked" a#use#ent playing in his voice& 'ris 7uickly grabbed
(ongin )ro# the shorter one" 'yungsoo didn.t look as disappointed as (ongin had hoped he would&
'ris pushed (ongin and urged hi# to start walking&
%his ti#e 'ris walked hi# all the way to the door" they didn.t talk though& An awkward tension
hanging in the air& (ongin could sense that 'ris was upset that 4uhan hadn.t told hi# about
'yungsoo.s reasons )or being here" not that (ongin cared about it though& -t.s 5ust that he )elt as i)
he was partially responsible )or the #ess that had been caused" although he hadn.t really done
anything besides wishing )or so#ething #ore e2citing in his li)e&
(ongin repeated the thought when he was sa)e and alone in his roo#& *e had been e2tre#ely
bored with li)e a while back& 1othing had entertained hi# at all" being the top student" being
popular and handso#e" none o) it was enough& Maybe that.s what 'yungsoo had )elt& (ongin.s
need )or so#ething #ore in his li)e& -) 'yungsoo had been near the city when (ongin )elt like that"
it.s possible that it could.ve triggered this calling thing that 'yungsoo was talking about&
(ongin$ his #other called&
3hat" #o#0$ -.# studying$ he yelled back&
/our )riend is here$ she said& -.# sending hi# to your roo#$
*e sighed deeply& +o#ehow he didn.t get the )eeling that +ehun was the one visiting" because his
#other never yelled through the whole house when it was +ehun& +ehun 5ust ca#e right in as i) he
owned the place& And (ongin was right" because there was a knock on the door and seconds later"
'yungsoo was sitting on his bed&
- 5ust wanted to #ake sure you were ok& 'yungsoo said& And apologi,e about earlier&
-t.s )ine& (ongin shot coldly&
Chanyeol is a very&&& <ni7ue&&& 8erson&
3hatever" - said it.s )ine& (ongin said& Regretting the harsh tone as soon as he said it&
'yungsoo sighed and a pained whi#per traveled on the air he let out& (ongin saw in the shorter.s
shocked e2pression that he hadn.t #eant to #ake that sound" but it still teared (ongin.s insides
apart& *e got up )ro# his seat in )ront o) the desk and went over to the bed where 'yungsoo was
sitting with his back against the wall& (ongin put a knee on the edge o) the bed and leaned closer
to 'yungsoo" keeping his balance by resting a hand on the wall& %he shorter one looked up at hi#
with big glossy eyes& (ongin didn.t want to ad#it how #uch his heart was racing at the #o#ent"
but he )igured 'yungsoo )elt it too&
-.# sorry& (ongin whispered" trying to e2press that he honestly didn.t #ean to sound so angry&
-t.s okay& 'yungsoo whispered back" barely breathing because o) the short distance between
their )aces&
%here.s a line between the# that (ongin has care)ully #ade sure that neither o) the# should
cross" yet he )inds hi#sel) leaning 5ust a slight bit closer to the other until he )eels 'yungsoo.s
breath so)tly on his )ace& At this distance 'yungsoo stops hi# by putting his hand on (ongin.s chest
and swallows hard while staring at his lips& A)ter a )ew seconds he looks back up at (ongin.s eyes&
3hat0 (ongin breathes&
9on.t do this i) you.re going to re5ect #e& 'yungsoo whispers and (ongin can hear the pain in his
3hen (ongin doesn.t answer" 'yungsoo #eanders his way around hi# and gets up& *e walks up to
the door and e2its without another word& (ongin hates the hollow )eeling that hits hi# as soon as
the door shuts&

%his school sure takes in a lot o) new students this ter#& 6aekhyun states during lunch& (ongin is
5ust about to ask what he #eans when he spots a tall )a#iliar #ale walking in to the ca)eteria"
)ollowed by two people even (ongin hasn.t seen be)ore& %ao al#ost chokes on his )ood and (ongin
stares at hi#&
/eah" who are they0 +ehun asks" looking at %ao& - hear they are in the sa#e year as you and
%ao regains his cal# and e2plains that the tall one is called Chanyeol" the other two are Chen and
+uho and apparently they are a thing& !nly Chanyeol go to the sa#e class as 4uhan and the others
and the other two apparently ended up in another class& (ongin has a bad )eeling about it" and it
doesn.t #ake it any better that 4uhan enters the ca)eteria )or the )irst ti#e since&&& Ever& And drags
(ongin out o) there at the speed o) light&
3hat the )uck have you done0$ 4uhan yells as he throws (ongin on the )loor o) the e#pty
classroo# where @iu#in and 4ay waits&
'ris kind o) threatened 'yungsoo yesterday so - guess he doesn.t take chances any#ore& (ongin
said while sitting up& +o technically - didn.t do anything&
/ou #et 'ris0 4uhan looks con)used& 3hy didn.t he tell #e0
Maybe he wasn.t )ond
o) you keeping in)or#ation )ro# hi#& (ongin suggested casually&
- wouldn.t be so cal# i) - were you" (ongin& 'ris #ay be under #y co##and but he will not
hesitate )or a second to turn this in to a blood bath&
+o he.s like Chanyeol then&&
+hould we drive the# away0 4ay asked&
1o& %onight is the )ull #oon& 4uhan says& And we still don.t know i) 'yungsoo can turn )ull wol)
or not yet& - will not risk any li)e be)ore we know everything&
%hey #ean no har#& (ongin tries but it only earns hi# glares )ro# the others&
%his is none o) your business" stay out o) it& 4uhan says&
-) you turn #e it could beco#e #y business& (ongin #u#bles&
-.# not going to turn you&
6ut +ehun&&& (ongin starts and then he sees it in 4uhan.s eyes& *e.s already re5ected 'yungsoo.s
o))er& %hen this is on you&&&$ Chanyeol and the other.s aren.t here because o) 'ris" they.re here
because o) you$
3hat are you talking about0 4uhan.s eyes )lare red but (ongin doesn.t )linch any#ore&
/ou think 'yungsoo is 5ust going to accept you re)using hi#0 Especially when - called )or hi#0
!h" don.t be so )ull o) yoursel)" (ongin& 1ot everything in this world is about you&
(ongin sco))s and gets up& *e walks to the door with a sting in his chest& A sting o) betrayal&
3e used to be )riends" 4uhan& 3e all were& *e says without turning to look at the others& 6ut it
see#s - don.t know any o) you any#ore&
*e.s out the door be)ore anyone has a chance to reply& -t.s not that he hates 4uhan" but they
aren.t as good )riends as they used to be and it #akes (ongin sad because he.s known the# all )or
so long& *e stops in the e#pty corridor to lean against the lockers& A heavy sigh escapes his lungs
and he closes his eyes& Maybe he should 5ust )orget about the whole thing and let the wolves
handle their businesses on their own&
(ongin hears )ootsteps approaching and he hated it because he was not in the #ood to talk to
anybody right now& <n)ortunately it didn.t #atter though because he was still being spoken to&
*ey& +ehun said&
3hat.s on your #ind0 (ongin asked&
Actually" it.s kind o) e#barrassing but&&& - didn.t do to well on the last #ath test so - was gonna ask
i) you #ind #e studying with you and 'yungsoo0 - #ean - could help you not to die )ro#
)rustration o) having to spend ti#e with hi#&
- don.t hate hi# any#ore& *e.s kinda cool actually& (ongin said" his eyes still closed&
3ell" that.s even better& %hat #eans we #ight actually be able to have )un while studying&
4uhan.s gonna hate it" you know&
4uhan bit #y tongue when - kissed hi# and we haven.t really spoken since&&& +o - don.t really care&
6esides" i) it #eans - can get his attention then -.ll gladly do it&
(ongin s#irked&

-) 'yungsoo didn.t like having +ehun with the#" he was hiding it well& (ongin even thought he
#ight.ve see#ed happy when +ehun was there" but #aybe that was only because he knew it
would piss 4uhan o))&
A)ter )or#al introductions were #ade they dove right in to studying& -t.s good having a purpose )or
a #eet up because it #eans that nothing will )eel awkward even i) there.s silence& (ongin passed
'yungsoo a sheet o) paper and asked hi# to correct it& 'yungsoo stared at the nu#bers and
e7uations" along with the s#all drawings on the side that showed how (ongin were thinking& %he
older one laughed and (ongin pouted&
3hat0 he asked with annoyance&
%his is all wrong& 'yungsoo said with a#use#ent&
*ow is it wrong0$ (ongin asked in shock and al#ost cli#bed over the table to snatch the paper
back )ro# 'yungsoo&
- taught you this last week - thought you knew it by now0 Are you stupid or so#ething0
'yungsoo asked& +ehun tried to hide his s#iling )ace as he handed 'yungsoo his sheet o) paper&
4ook at this$ 'yungsoo said and held +ehun.s paper up )or (ongin to see& %his is how you do it$
3ell e2cept you #iscalculated this part 'yungsoo #otioned with his )ingers over a si#ple
e7uation that +ehun had #issed& 6ut apart )ro# that #inor #istake" it.s all done&

(ongin glared at 'yungsoo and 5ealousy radiated )ro# hi#& 1ot that +ehun could steal 'yungsoo
)ro# hi# but he still didn.t want +ehun to get praised while he got scolded& %he older #ale rolled
a )ew papers together and hit (ongin on the head to stop hi# )ro# looking so angry" and +ehun
burst out laughing&

/ou know" 'yungsoo" you.re not as bad as (ongin #ade you out to be& +ehun says& Actually" -
don.t even think (ongin thinks you.re as bad as he #ade you out to be&
%hank you& 'yungsoo s#iled and then turned to (ongin& - like this one&

A)ter another 3A #inutes" +ehun leaves because he has )ootball practice& *e politely thanks
'yungsoo )or the help and the older assures hi# that he can co#e 5oin the# whenever he wants
to" to which +ehun s#iles brightly&
(ongin waits until +ehun is long gone be)ore he speaks up&

3hat was that about0 *e says with annoyance&
/ou being all s#iley with +ehun&
- was being polite& 3ould you rather have #e tear hi# apart li#b by li#b0
-t.s not what - #eant& (ongin pouted&
%hen what e2actly did you #ean0 'yungsoo said with daring tone& As i) he was challenging
(ongin hadn.t planned on )alling )or it so he honestly didn.t have any idea how he ended up leaning
over the table and being close enough to 'yungsoo to hear hi# breathe& %ension hung thick in the
air" waiting )or what (ongin would do ne2t&
-) you.re only doing this to #ake 4uhan angry&&& 'yungsoo whispered&
- don.t give a shit about 4uhan& (ongin shot back and leaned 5ust a bit closer&
+top&& 'yungsoo tried but his voice was weak and lacked authority&
-) you don.t stop now" - won.t be able to hold back&&&
3ho says - want you to0
*e was barely allowed to )inish the sentence be)ore 'yungsoo traveled the last part o) the
distance and connected their lips& -t was 5ust a so)t brush at )irst" barely touching" and then he
pressed a bit harder so that (ongin could )eel 5ust how so)t his lips were& %he taller #ale.s tongue
darted out as i) on 7ue" to taste and lick and )eel the other& 6utter)lies were )lying around his
tu##y and his heart was racing like cra,y while their lips stayed connected& A so)t #oan le)t
'yungsoo be)ore he could stop it" and it sent (ongin over the edge& *e pushed in )urther and
)orced his tongue inside the older one.s #outh& (ongin doesn.t know why he.s so suddenly )illed
with need" but he is&
6ut as all good things co#e to an end" (ongin )inds hi#sel) being pushed back in to his seat and
'yungsoo sits still" pretending to read so#ething )ro# a book& At )irst (ongin has no idea what.s
going on" but then he hears the sound o) high heeled shoes approaching and the librarian is there
to check on the#& (ongin gives her a )riendly s#ile" which she returns be)ore she leaves&
/ou should.ve let her watch& (ongin says with play)ul tone& *e watches how 'yungsoo.s pupils
dilate )or a second be)ore a s#ile spreads on his )ace& 'yungsoo really does have the greatest
s#ile" (ongin thinks&
(ongin looks out the window and sees that it.s getting late and he.s re#inded that tonight is the
)ull #oon& *e hasn.t asked 'yungsoo what he wanted to yet" but he also doesn.t dare to& *e
doesn.t know what he should do with the in)or#ation should he possess it& -t.s #ost likely going to
be valuable )or 4uhan" but (ongin doesn.t )eel like being 4uhan.s lap dog any longer so why should
he even try to )ind out0 6ut the 7uestion still lingers in his thoughts& Can 'yungsoo turn )ull wol)
during the new #oon0
'yungsoo walks (ongin ho#e" it.s 5ust a sa)ety #easure he says" but (ongin knows he.s doing it to
get to spend an e2tra 3A #inutes with hi#& %his kind o) relationship is not good )or (ongin.s ego or
#odesty )or that #atter&
3hat.s going to happen tonight0 (ongin asks when they reach his house&
- don.t know&&& 'yungsoo answers honestly& - was hoping 4uhan would have #ade a better
decision& And since 'ris showed up" Chanyeol wasn.t pleased so now with #y pack here" - )eel both
#ore sa)e and #ore at risk&
4uhan.s pack is bigger than yours& (ongin states&
%hey are only one wol) #ore than us" and not to brag or anything but they aren.t as strong as #y
pack because they are all #ore hu#an than wolves& %hey were probably all bitten" whilst -.# a
pure blood& -) they try anything they won.t win&
6ut he said 'ris wouldn.t hesitate to turn this to a blood bath&
- won.t let the# provoke #e& - know better than to )ight so#eone in their own territory&
'yungsoo said and caressed (ongin.s cheek with his hand&
+hould - kiss you now0 (ongin whispered as he leaned in to the touch&
- don.t want to rush you& 'yungsoo replied with a s#ile to show that he really was okay even i)
(ongin didn.t&
6ut - want to&

(ongin leaned )orward and brushed his lips so)tly over 'yungsoo.s be)ore retreating inside his
*e still wasn.t sure i) it was love" or i) he was even crushing on 'yungsoo yet& 6ut he knew that
kissing hi# )elt a whole lot better than re5ecting hi#& An #aybe" 5ust #aybe" that.s enough )or
(ongin to give 'yungsoo a try&
An2iety that he didn.t recogni,e as his own started creeping under his skin& *e was worried about
how the night would play out" and apparently he wasn.t the only one with a restless #ind about it&

Chapter F
;ull Moon

%here.s a tap on the window" as i) so#eone had thrown a pebble at it" and it stirs (ongin )ro# his
already troubled sleep& *e checks the clock on his nightstand and sees that it.s 11&34p# and he.s
been asleep )or appro2i#ately hal) an hour& *e grunts while rolling out o) bed" burying the pal# o)
his hands in to his eyes to rub the sleep out o) the#& 3hen he opens the window" a cold bree,e
enters his roo# and #akes hi# shiver& *e has a )eeling" or rather a hope" o) who# it #ight be"
waking hi# at this hour&
'yungsoo0 *e asks to the night" voice laced with sleep but still so#ehow audible&
- need to speak with you& A whisper is heard in reply&
*e sighs and closes the window& *e doesn.t plan on staying out )or long since he.s still tired so he
doesn.t bother to put on a shirt to go with his sweat pants& A decision he regrets as soon as he
steps out o) the house and the cold night air devours hi#& *e shivers and searches )or 'yungsoo in
the darkness& A )ew #ore steps away )ro# the door and a bad )eeling spreads through his body& -)
it was 'yungsoo waiting )or hi#" he wouldn.t hide&
(ongin takes a step back and plans on retreating back inside the sa)ety o) his ho#e" but as soon as
he turns around to walk back in" he #eets eyes with 'ris& %he taller #ale is s#irking and his eyes
are )laring a per#anent red" probably due to the power o) the )ull #oon" (ongin guesses& *e tries
to back away but 'ris grabs hi# by the ar# be)ore he can escape& *is grip is )ir# and )ar )ro#
)riendly and although his eyes are )la#ing red" they radiate nothing but cold and (ongin shivers
once #ore but not due to the outdoor te#perature& *e.s 5ust about to open his #outh and call )or
aid" when 'ris punches hi# hard enough )or things to go black&

3hen he opens his eyes" he.s in the #iddle o) the woods& ;ir# grip holding hi# in place and not
allowing hi# to escape& *e.s on his knees and he can )eel his sleeping pants going da#p )ro# the
contact with the cool" #oist sur)ace o) leaves and #ud& Maybe he.s )ree,ing but he can.t tell
because adrenaline is pu#ping through his body& %he headache is overco#e solely because o) the
overwhel#ing curiosity that clouds (ongin.s #ind& *e looks around and spots 'ris and 4uhan a bit
)urther )ro# his current position" they see# to be arguing but (ongin.s ears hasn.t caught up with
his pounding head yet so he can.t #ake out any words& *e looks up to see %ao being the one
holding hi# still&
3hat.s going on0 (ongin asks" but he isn.t sure i) he.s heard because his voice is strained and
low& All due to the )act that any sound at all hurts his already aching head& %he constant beep is
pain)ul enough and he doesn.t want things to get any worse&
4et.s 5ust say 4uhan is not very pleased with 'ris right now& 4ay says" appearing )ro# no where
with a bottle o) water" he pours the content in to (ongin.s #outh but hal) o) it spills because (ongin
is too nauseous to do anything properly& 4ay also wraps a blanket around (ongin" who )eels as i) he
could 5ust go back to sleep&
/ou need to stay awake in order to stay alive& 'ris hit you pretty hard& 4ay says" trying to #ake
(ongin )ocus on his voice to stay conscious&
3hy can.t you 5ust take #e ho#e" i) you.re not in on this thing 'ris is doing0 (ongin asks& *e
s7uints his eyes because the )laring red in 4ay.s eyes are too bright )or his #ind.s liking&
/ou need to get )i2ed up" or there #ight be per#anent da#age to your skull& 4ay e2plains&
+ure" we.ll 5ust walk in there with )la#ing eyes and e2plain that our wol):)riend knocked you
unconscious and al#ost killed you&
(ongin chuckles" )rustrated&
%hen what are we going to do0 *e asks" concerned )or his own well being&
3e.re risking our lives to get you )i2ed& %ao says and his voice sounds cautious&
3hat do you #ean0
1ature has #ade it so that there is one person who can )i2 you up& 4ick your wounds so to speak"
and it will trigger your body.s healing process and you will recover 7uickly& 4ay cuts in&
!ne person0 (ongin asks" still di,,y )ro# the headache that re)uses to go away&
/our person& 4ay e2plains& 9o 'yungsoo&
3here0 (ongin.s eyes shoot open at the #ention o) the alpha.s na#e&
*e isn.t here yet&
%rust #e" we.ll know when he.s here& %ao whispers&
%he iron hold on (ongin loosens and 4ay helps hi# get on his )eet& (ongin can.t stand up )or long
because his knees buckle due to his brain not being able to )ocus on an act as si#ple as standing
up& -n his di,,iness he sees 4uhan and 'ris still arguing" this ti#e he can #ake out the noise o) it
but not distinguish any words& 'ris see#s sti)) though" and it.s obvious he.s not the one in control&
(ongin )eels so#ewhat good about it" like a child watching so#eone else get scolded&
4uhan eventually stopped talking to 'ris and walked up to check on (ongin& *e let the younger boy
lean on hi# as he tried to keep hi# standing" trying to #ake hi# look in better condition than he
were in order to not get in trouble with his person& *e knew that 'yungsoo would be e2tre#ely
displeased and there.s a chance he #ight blend with (ongin although (ongin isn.t 'yungsoo.s to
turn& A #illion scenarios" none o) which ended well" played through 4uhan.s #ind as they waited&
3hen they heard sounds that weren.t #ade by the#selves" they all )ro,e&
(ongin watched care)ully" since he didn.t have the enhanced wol) hearing that the other.s did& *e
s7uinted in the darkness and thought he spotted so#ething blue" but couldn.t be sure&
3e.re surrounded& 4ay whispered&
4uhan hushed hi# and they waited& ;inally" (ongin could also hear the other pack.s #ove#ents"
and out )ro# behind the trees stepped a tall #ale that (ongin was all too )a#iliar with& *e listened
and heard 'ris and @iu#in #u#ble about whether Chanyeol had 5ust been a wol) or not" and why
'yungsoo wasn.t here& (ongin could tell" even in his state o) nausea" that 4uhan wasn.t pleased
with still not knowing 'yungsoo.s )or# during the )ull #oon" and the )act that he couldn.t be sure
o) Chanyeol either&
'yungsoo is not pleased with any o) you" but you know that& Chanyeol.s dark voice echoed&
Maybe it was 5ust because he was )ar away" or because (ongin.s #ind wasn.t in per)ect state" but
he didn.t appear to #ove his lips enough to have spoken at all&
%his is not on #e& 4uhan said with tense tone&
!h" but it is& Chanyeol s#irked& And -.ll have you know that he.s not one to overlook things like
3hy isn.t he here0 4uhan de#anded&
*ow do you know he isn.t0
- can.t s#ell hi#&&& 4uhan started but trailed o))& +o#ething caught his scent a)ter all" but it
wasn.t 'yungsoo& (ongin could )eel 4uhan.s shock through his body while leaning on hi#& At )irst
he didn.t understand" but then he watched Chanyeol pull so#eone out )ro# behind the tree& A
tre#bling brunet stu#bled out and in to the di# light o) the #oon& %erri)ied look on his )ace&
+ehun&&&$ 4uhan gasped&
/ou see&&& Chanyeol started as he trailed his )ingers on the contours o) +ehun.s 5aw& My leader
likes the old ways" you know& An eye )or an eye&
Although (ongin wasn.t very close to Chanyeol" he could still se the s#ug look on his )ace& *e tried
to walk up to hi# but 4uhan #ade sure he stayed put& *e could barely stand on his own" but he
was still deter#ined on helping his )riend who was tre#bling in the ar#s o) another wol)"
probably scared and con)used like never be)ore&
/ou don.t have to do this&&& (ongin said&
-.# sorry" (ongin& Chanyeol said and (ongin hated his own na#e when it was spoken by the tall
#ale who kept his )riend captive& /ou don.t #ake the rules&
3ith a 7uick )lick o) his hands" +ehun.s right cheek was scratched and blood trickled )ro# the
wound& 4uhan growled" a real ani#alistic" wol) growl that #ade (ongin.s blood turn to ice and )ear
bubbled up )ro# deep within& %hey all heard growls )ro# the other two wolves still hiding in the
shadows" but although they all knew that there were only two or three #ore o) the#" it sounded
like at least )ive #ore& (ongin looked around but saw nothing but darkness&
1ow" you will send (ongin over" - will #ake sure he arrives sa)ely and then 'yungsoo will take
care o) hi#& And i) anyone in your pack pulls a stunt like this again:: Chanyeol started but 'ris cut
hi# o))&
/our pack is the one trespassing and you don.t #ake the rules$ /ou don.t get to co#e here
throwing threats about us har#ing people when you.re the ones who are the real ene#y here$
'ris yelled& 4uhan growled and bared his )angs at the tall wol)" shutting hi# up and #aking hi#
lower his head is i) in sha#e&
3e did not co#e here )or a war& Chanyeol said& And although - #ay not trust any o) you"
especially not hi# he #otioned towards (ongin& - would not har# hi# unless li)e was depending
on it& 3hich is #ore than you can say )or your pack&
4uhan was )ar )ro# pleased that his position" and 7ualities as a leader" was being 7uestioned&
Actually" 4uhan was displeased with a lot o) things tonight" 'ris being a#ong the top D o) the#&
1ot #eeting 'yungsoo" being at the top&
- will not hand hi# over& %he alpha will co#e here" do his thing and then -.ll take (ongin back to
his ho#e& 4uhan said" trying to keep his authority& Chanyeol si#ply s#irked at the response& *e
grabbed a )ist)ul o) +ehun.s hair and violently tilted his head so that his neck was e2posed&
6ut you don.t #ake the rules" here& *e said with evil voice& /ou either hand hi# over&&& !r your
little hu#an here" will get his neck snapped and his na#e printed on a polished rock&
-t.ll be )ine
4uhan& (ust let #e go to hi#& (ongin argued&
/ou do not understand the #eaning o) this" (ongin& +o stay the )uck out o) it& 4uhan said" waging
the pros and cons o) handing his bender over to another pack on the night o) the )ull #oon&
-s this a bad ti#e to #ention that 'yungsoo is not a very patient being0 Chanyeol said and pulled
+ehun.s hair a bit #ore& %he teen bit his botto# lip" trying to sti)le any sound o) pain& (ongin
ad#ired his courage&

%he alpha sighed and pushed (ongin )orward& %he rest o) his pack started arguing i##ediately but
4uhan shut the# up with a growl& -n return" Chanyeol pushed +ehun so that he stu#bled and )ell
ne2t to (ongin& *e 7uickly got up and started searching his )riend )or #ore wounds& 3hispering
so#ething about how #uch (ongin was bleeding" but (ongin was )ar to di,,y to be able to respond
with anything but -.# sorry& 4uhan had to co#e drag +ehun away )ro# the other teen" because the
brunet re)used to leave his wounded )riend& %he alpha tried to reassure hi# that everything was
going to be )ine" but (ongin knew +ehun enough to know that he wouldn.t trust 4uhan right nowG
when his eyes were burning red and ani#al )angs at )ull e2posure&
(ongin didn.t get #uch ti#e to think deeper about it because a strong pair o) ar#s pulled hi# in to
the shadows o) the woods& *al) carrying hi# with his ar# around (ongin.s waist" and (ongin.s ar#
around the taller #ale.s neck& *e heard the sounds o) so#eone )ollowing the#" and Chanyeol told
hi# it was only Chen and +uho" #aking sure that none o) the other.s were )ollowing the#& (ongin
asked i) they were in wol) shape but he didn.t get a reply& Apparently that.s classi)ied in)or#ation"
and as long as nobody could tell )or sure i) 'yungsoo.s pack could all turn wol) or not" they were a
bit #ore sa)e& 4uhan would never risk anything i) he wasn.t 1AAH sure o) the outco#e&
%hey were suddenly back in the city" and (ongin had no idea how they had gotten there so )ast"
nor which way they had taken& *e had probably passed out" or Chanyeol was #ore than hu#anly
)ast" which didn.t see# i#possible considering the circu#stances&
(ongin was practically dropped on the doorstep outside an apart#ent& 6y the ti#e the door
opened" Chanyeol and the others were gone and (ongin was pulled inside& Maybe he would.ve
been scared i) he.d been in any better condition" but as it stands he wasn.t even surprised to see
the huge" dark gray dog :or rather" wol): in )ront o) hi#& -nstead a s#ile played on his lips and he
e2tended his hand to touch it& -ce blue eyes #et his own and it.s the last thing he sees be)ore
going unconscious again&
3hen he wakes up it.s still dark" only the light o) the #oon is seeping through the window" but his
head doesn.t hurt and he isn.t tre#bling )ro# cold& Actually" he.s leaning against so#ething
incredibly so)t and war#& -t takes hi# a )ew seconds to grasp the situation and reali,e that he.s
been sleeping on wol):'yungsoo& *e sits up and e2pects a bolt o) pain through his head" but
nothing co#es& *e checks his ar#s and the s#all bruises that were there are co#pletely vanished&
(ongin turns to look at the ani#al and )inds that it.s already staring at hi#&
3hat happened0 *e asks&
'ris& - guess he wanted us out o) here a bit #ore than necessary& %he wol) so#ehow replied" and
(ongin already hates how it doesn.t even surprise hi#& *e touches the )ur o) the wol) so)tly with
his hands" then proceeds to pet his head like he would with a nor#al dog& 8laying with the ears
and s#iling childlike at the sensation&
%his is weird& *e says& 3hy weren.t you in the woods0
-) - had been" - would.ve played straight in to their trap& - hope you understand that #y )or# has
to stay 5ust between us& %here.s no way -.ll be allowed to stay in their territory i) they )ind out&
Can the others turn into wolves as well0
!nly Chanyeol& 'yungsoo said&
(ongin nodded&
Can you turn back0 (ongin asks&
/es& %he wol) replies& (ongin only blinks" but in the ne2t second he has his hand buried in black
hu#an hair and the boy with icy blue eyes sits in )ront o) hi# and stares in to his eyes& (ongin
doesn.t dare break the ga,e" not only because the intense color o) 'yungsoo.s eyes is
#es#eri,ing" but because he is actually naked& Milky white skin that radiates beauti)ully in the
so)t re)lection o) the #oonlight that surrounds the#& A thrilling sensation )ills (ongin with war#th
)ro# inside& *is heart rate skyrockets and his breath beco#es heavy&
'yungsoo&&& (ongin whispers and he doesn.t even reali,e that the na#e had )allen out o) his
#outh until 'yungsoo tilts his head 7uestioningly& *e leans in to capture the boy.s lips& A so)t press
at )irst" still unsure o) what to #ake o) his e#otions& 'yungsoo pushes back with )orce" #aking
(ongin )all on his back only to tower over hi#& 'yungsoo.s naked chest brushes over (ongin.s bare
one as they keep kissing& 6reaths leaving their lungs as heavy pants that al#ost carry sound& -t was
a battle between their tongues o) who could taste #ore" devour #ore&
%ell #e to stop& 'yungsoo de#ands as he runs his )ingers over (ongin.s skin& (ongin only barely
wants to co#ply because the sensation is so addictive and he wants to continue& Maybe they are
rushing things but (ongin doesn.t care" because (ongin wants& /et so#ething inside hi# tells hi#
to do as the older says and he breathes out a stern enough" which has 'yungsoo shooting back as
i) so#eone had grabbed hi# and thrown hi# across the roo#" and he.s back in wol) shape&
(ongin stares at hi# with eyes still )illed with need and lips glossy and parted" slightly swollen )ro#
kissing& *e wants to ask what.s going on but he.s too e2hausted to speak& *e lets his head )all back
and his eyes )all closed" trying to )ocus on so#ething else than the blood rushing to his lower
regions& *e )eels the so)tness o) 'yungsoo.s )ur surround hi# and he crawls up closer to the big
wol)& 'yungsoo tells hi# to go back to sleep" that everything will be )ine" and (ongin )inds that he
trusts the talking wol)" no #atter how absurd that sounds in his head&
*e isn.t sure what he e2pected" but waking up in his own bed to the sound o) birds chirping
outside sure as hell isn.t even close to what he would.ve guessed& *e sits up 7uickly to look
around" but nothing see#s out o) place& *e checks the #irror but he still looks as good as ever" no
sign o) hi# ever leaving the roo# last night& E2cept )or the #ud on his sweat pants& %hat.s the only
proo) he has that he didn.t drea# it all&
(ongin hears his #other talking to so#eone right outside his door and it.s soon )ollowed by a
knock& *is #other asks i) (ongin is awake yet and he replies that it.s sa)e to co#e in& *e isn.t even
surprised to )ind 'yungsoo there when the door opens" and he isn.t actually disappointed either&
*is #other leaves when 'yungsoo steps inside and closes the door behind hi#&
3e need to talk& 'yungsoo said" and that.s never a good sign&
- don.t )eel like it&
%he stunt 'ris pulled last night&&& -t won.t go unnoticed&
-) - recall correctly" you already got your revenge using +ehun& (ongin.s voice was laced with
displease" but he )igured 'yungsoo didn.t care&
1o& <sing +ehun was only a sa)ety #easure to #ake sure they would hand you over to #e
3hat does it #ean anyway0 4uhan see#ed upset about handing #e over&
'yungsoo stepped closer to hi#" until their )ace was only a breath apart& -t #eans )ro# now on
you.re #ine& !r at least you could be" - haven.t decided yet& 6ut that.s the ritual we have& -) a pack
leaves their bender to another pack during a )ull #oon" it #eans they give hi# up&
/ou knew he.d do it )or +ehun& %hat.s playing dirty& (ongin argued&
1o" turning you while you were still 4uhan.s bender" that is playing dirty& %his is playing by the
rules& 'yungsoo s#irked" obviously pleased with his success&
3hat do you #ean you haven.t decided yet0 (ongin asked when he re#e#bered 'yungsoo.s )ull
4et.s 5ust say that turning wol) isn.t really a pleasant thing& -) - turn you - will also have to train
you" but since you.re #y clai#ed person - will want to take the pain away )ro# you which #eans -
could end up ruining your trans)or#ation&
*ow do you know - will be able to turn )ull wol)0 1ot everyone can do it" right0
- 5ust know& And - think the reason 4uhan hasn.t turned you yet is because he also knows& /ou
s#ell a lot like wol)" )or being only a bender&

(ongin didn.t know what to reply& *e si#ply stared at the shorter #ale who was so close to hi#&
*is eyes had gone back to brown and didn.t see# as cold as they had last night& (ongin loved
'yungsoo.s war# brown eyes" they see#ed welco#ing and )riendly and considering how his li)e
was turned up side down" he appreciated the war#th&
%he alpha noticed (ongin.s intense stare at hi# and closed the distance between the#" wrapping
his ar#s around (ongin.s neck and burying his )ace in the crook o) his neck& -t tickled (ongin but not
in an unpleasant way& *e put his ar#s around the older.s tiny waist and pulled hi# closer& *e )elt
'yungsoo breathing in his ar#s and it )elt strangely sa)e&
-.# sorry your li)e has turned this co#plicated& 'yungsoo whispered and it was the #ost sincere
apology (ongin ever heard in his li)e& *e pulled away )ro# the s#all #an and placed his )ingers
under his chin" tilting his head up& (ongin captured 'yungsoo.s )ull lips with his own& *e hadn.t )ully
ad#itted it yet" but the taste o) the other was addicting" and he didn.t have any plans on stopping&
%hey stu#bled together until 'yungsoo.s back hit a wall" a slow grunt le)t the short #ale&
3hy did you want #e to stop you last night0 (ongin asked while kissing& *e slid his hands under
'yungsoo.s shirt to )eel the so)t skin&
Ani#al instincts" 'yungsoo started& Are #ore di))icult to suppress during the )ull #oon&
/ou #ean yesterday&&& (ongin trailed o))&
- wanted you real bad& 'yungsoo said and bucked his hips up to press their crotches together&
(ongin gasped and had to place a hand on the wall behind 'yungsoo in order to keep his balance&
*e wasn.t sure he should )eel this strongly attracted to so#eone he wasn.t even sure he was in
love with" but he couldn.t help it" because 'yungsoo was right there" trapped between his ar#s"
locked in (ongin.s lips and (ongin wanted& (ongin wanted so badly&
*e pushed his hips )orward to #eet with the other.s #ove#ents" but 'yungsoo pushed hi# away&
(ongin saw the )licker o) blue again and reali,ed that #aybe that wasn.t an easy thing )or
'yungsoo to do" which only triggered his curiosity as o) why 'yungsoo was suddenly being so
cautious about their relationship& %he alpha whispered not now" and (ongin )elt a bit disappointed
which see#ed to a#use the wol)&
3hy" (ongin pouted but 'yungsoo si#ply shook his head&
%here.s a ti#e and place )or everything& 'yungsoo said and pecked (ongin.s lips& And with that"
'yungsoo le)t (ongin alone in his roo# to care )or hi#sel)& A )rustrated sigh le)t (ongin.s lips and he
ru))led his own hair&
%here was a bu,, co#ing )ro# (ongin.s phone and he opened it& ;ro# +ehun& 3e need to talk&
%here.s a very uni7ue kind o) )eeling that spreads through your body when you get that kind o)
te2t )ro# your best )riend and know that this is going to be a long talk about werewolves and hal)
naked encounters in the woods in the #iddle o) the night& 6ut #aybe along with that strange
)eeling" there is a certain kind o) relie)" because you no longer have to keep the secret alone& /ou
have so#eone in the sa#e boat as you" and li)e )eels a bit easier when you.re not alone&
Maybe that.s also why he see#s to like 'yungsoo a)ter all& 6ecause he doesn.t have to be alone&

(ongin gets in the shower and puts clothes on be)ore going to +ehun.s house& *e.s e2cited and
scared at the sa#e ti#e& *e wants to know what 4uhan told hi#" and i) hi# and 4uhan are a thing
now& %hey should be a thing" (ongin thinks& *e wants the# to be" because he knows how #uch
+ehun cares )or 4uhan&
6ut it.s an awkward silence hanging in the air when they sit in +ehun.s roo#& %hey.ve been 7uiet
)or 1D #inutes and neither o) the# know how to start the conversation& At last" it.s +ehun who
breaks the ice a)ter all&
*ow long have you known0 *e asks&
A while& +ince a while a)ter 'yungsoo got to the school& (ongin ad#its&
3hy didn.t you tell #e0
(ongin raised an eyebrow&
;ine& +ehun says" reali,ing how absurd it would.ve sounded&
+ooo&&& *ow did things go with 4uhan0 (ongin dares to ask&
- don.t know" (ongin& *e starts& - #ean" did you see his eyes0 %hat.s not the 4uhan - know&&
*is )eelings )or you are still the sa#e though&& (ongin tries" still not sure why he.s suddenly on
4uhan.s side&
- know&&& *e told #e but -&&& +ehun trailed o))&
/ou re5ected hi#0 (ongin asks and his eyes widen&
1ot co#pletely&&& (ust&&
6ut you did re5ect hi#0$ (ongin raised his voice&
Cal# down" (ongin& 3hat.s with you all o) a sudden0 +ehun asks&
1o" no no no no no& /ou have to un:re5ect hi#" right now$
- don.t have to do anything$ *e.s a wol) (ongin" - need to deal with that )irst$
-) you don.t get your head out o) your ass there will be no wol) to deal with$ (ongin got up and
pulled +ehun to his )eet&
3hat are you talking about0 +ehun de#ands to know&
3hen a wol) gets re5ected they get weaker" and 'ris is an asshole so having 4uhan weakened
really is not what we want right now$
(ongin picked up his phone and dialed 4uhan.s nu#ber& *e waited a while be)ore it dawned on
4uhan isn.t answering his phone&

Chapter I
%urning Bpart 1C :dying to see you
(ongin called 'yungsoo" telling hi# about the situation between 4uhan and +ehun& *e doesn.t
know i) he truly e2pects 'yungsoo to help hi#" but he.s still surprised and disappointed when the
alpha says that it.s none o) his business& (ongin hangs up without even saying goodbye and both
hi# and +ehun #ake their way to 4uhan.s apart#ent& %hey ring the doorbell but nobody answers&
;iguring that the woods are too )ar away" they stu#ble in to the local park" doing their best to
locate the blonde alpha and the tall wol)& 6ut with no success&
!h #y god" (ongin& 3hat i) -.ve killed hi#0$ +ehun panics&
%ry to stay cal#$ (ongin urges his )riend" knowing that panic will get the# nowhere&
*ow do - stay cal# when 4uhan #ight be dying0$ %he teen argues&
A)ter a )ew #ore #inutes o) searching" they )ound 4uhan and his pack in an e#pty part o) the
park& Maybe it.s to be e2pected" since a wol) )ight won.t go by unnoticed i) in public" but they don.t
spend any ti#e groveling in #iscalculations& 4ay" %ao and @iu#in are standing at the sides"
watching their alpha as he lies on the ground& 'ris wears a s#ug that doesn.t suit his )eatures at
all& -) (ongin had 7uicker re)le2es" he would.ve been able to stop his )riend )ro# entering the )ight"
but instead" he )inds hi#sel) running a)ter +ehun who steps between the wolves as i) they had
been #ere kindergartners&
+ehun" stay out o) this& An out o) breath 4uhan pants& 9oing his best to keep the love o) his li)e
out o) a )ight that wasn.t his to 5oin&
+ehun steps in )ront o) 4uhan" )acing 'ris and stretches his ar#s out in a de)ensive pose that said i)
you want hi# you have to go through #e& +o#ething 'ris had no trouble doing& *e walked up to
+ehun with a s#irk& (ongin wanted to protect his )riends but know that he.d be no #atch )or 'ris&
A hu#an can never win over a wol)" and why +ehun see#ed to think he was any di))erent was
beyond (ongin.s co#prehension&
%he tall wol) were al#ost chest to chest with the teen and (ongin could tell that the sight annoyed
the alpha& (ongin ran up to +ehun and grabbed his ar#" trying to pull hi# away )ro# the wol) but
the teen re)used to budge an inch and pried hi#sel) )ree )ro# (ongin.s grip& *e didn.t break eye
contact with 'ris )or even a second while (ongin was doing his best to save his )riends li)e& +ehun
was tre#bling like a lea) and everyone could see it" but (ongin ad#ired hi# )or standing his
ground while a wol):hu#an:hybrid was #inutes away )ro# ripping hi# to pieces&
/ou.re 5ust going to stand there0 (ongin hissed at the other wolves o) 4uhan.s pack&
-t.s not our )ight& %ao said cal#ly&
3hat about +ehun then0$ +hould he die because it.s not your )ight0 (ongin yelled&
-t.s not his )ight either& %he wol) replied with the sa#e cal# voice&
Aren.t you supposed to be protecting hi#0$ (ongin groaned&
+tep aside& 'ris low voice said& (ongin backed away" hoping that +ehun would )ollow" but he
- won.t let you hurt hi#& +ehun said&
3ell" technically - don.t have to" as long as he resigns )ro# his position as alpha and lets #e take
over& 'ris s#irked&
1ever& 4uhan panted pain)ully )ro# behind +ehun&
%hen - suppose - have no choice& 'ris said" taking a step to the side in order to walk around
+ehun" but the teen #irrored his #ove#ents& 'ris. )eatures beca#e even #ore serious and it
looked al#ost as i) his )ace darkened&
- won.t let you& +ehun said but his voice cracked )ro# )ear&
+ehun" please 5ust do as he says$ 4uhan tried but nothing could change the brunet.s #ind& (ongin
cursed his )riend.s stubborn nature&
'ris #ade an ani#alistic growl and (ongin 7uickly pulled +ehun away while in his state o) )ear&
%hey stu#bled aside and the wol) charged at the alpha" grabbing hi# by the shirt and pulling hi#
up only to land a 5aw:cracking punch on hi#& 4uhan groaned in pain and spit blood on the ground"
trying to regain his balance in order to )ight back but his already da#aged state was preventing
hi# )ro# #oving as )ast as he usually would have& *e bared his )angs at the taller wol)" trying to
see# inti#idating as his eyes )lared" but it see#ed that 'ris was no longer as a))ected by his
alpha.s growls as he used to be& -nstead he growled back" obviously challenging the other&
%he young teen broke )ree )ro# (ongin and rushed to help the alpha& 3rapping his ar# around
4uhan.s waist and letting hi# throw an ar# around +ehun.s shoulders& Although +ehun was no
where near the strongest" he did his best to keep the# both standing& 4uhan kept protesting"
trying to urge the younger to stay out o) it but +ehun would have none o) it& *e was stubborn in
nature and when it ca#e to de)ending his )riend :and long ti#e crush:" he was even #ore so&
(ongin ran to aid his )riend with the heavy hu#an and they kept their voices low" trying to co#e
up with an escape plan&
- need to get 4uhan away )ro# hi#& +ehun whispered&
- can distract hi#& (ongin suggested& A)ter all" he.s part ani#al so his instincts can be easily
toyed with&
6ad idea& 4uhan shot in&
3ell we.re all out o) good ideas here" 4u$ +ehun hissed& +o unless you can run on your own" or
take 'ris on and win" this is what.s going to happen&

6ut #aybe today would be the day !h +ehun learn that there.s a li#it to everything& %hat not
every war can be won by love& And that it takes #ore than good will to save an alpha werewol)
)ro# a war desirous )oe&
-t all happened so )ast" they should.ve all seen it co#ing but by the ti#e they reali,ed what 'ris
was about to do" it was too late to react& (ongin was tossed aside when strong ar#s grabbed his
waist& 'ris had already drawn his claws and (ongin )elt #ore than he heard the sound o) both
)abric and skin ripping& -ndescribable pain shot through his waist and he )ell to the ground with a
thu#p& As i) it wasn.t enough" he )elt so#ething heavy on top o) hi# and it took a )ew seconds
be)ore he reali,ed that the weight on top o) hi# was 4uhan& As soon as he reali,ed it" he pushed
the alpha o)) o) hi# and sat up to look )or his )riend&
%here are a )ew things in li)e that nobody wants to witness& 1o #atter how old you are" or how
e2perienced you think you are& Maybe you think you have li)e )igured out and nothing will surprise
you& Maybe you have things in li)e that #atter" and people you care about& Maybe you.re the #ost
popular guy in school" #aybe you.re good at sports" #aybe you have per)ect grades& 6ut none o) it
#atters" not really& 1ot when your best )riend is lying a )ew #eters away )ro# you" eyes and
#outh open" a pool o) blood around his sto#ach&
(ongin crawls over" caring little o) what happens to 4uhan" i) he.s still alive or not& %he pain in his
waist overco#e solely because o) the adrenaline that pu#ps through hi#" along with the )ear that
his best )riend #ight be lying in )ront o) hi#" dead& 3hen he reaches +ehun" he shakes the body"
noticing how the teen.s eyes are ha,y" as i) they.re not really looking at anything& -n his peripheral
vision he sees 'ris charge at 4uhan once #ore& *e doesn.t care& *e checks +ehun.s pulse" luckily he
still has one& 6ut the teen.s breath is ragged and strained&
*e.s 5ust about to call )or help when he hears a loud crack" )ollowed by a screa# and the sound o)
so#eone )alling to the ground& (ongin turns around to look at what.s happening& *is heart races
when he sees a )a#iliar #ess o) black hair on a s#all boy with pale skin& 6ehind hi# stands a tall
#ale and two other at the sa#e height as the alpha& (ongin doesn.t think he.s ever been happier
to see 'yungsoo than right now& *e only barely notices 'ris. big body on the ground" clutching at
his own li#bs as i) he was hurt&
4uhan stu#bles over to the hu#ans" )alling to his knees when he sees all the blood on the boys
:#ostly +ehun.s: and covers his #outh with his hand& *e cups +ehun.s )ace" trying to whisper
cal#ing words to the hu#an& +ehun barely responses to touches or words" only slightly nodding
when 4uhan asks i) he.s okay Jaward )or #ost stupid 7uestion in the world goes to:K&
4uhan& 'yungsoo.s )ir# voice says&
1ot now" he.s dying$ 4uhan shouts" not being able to hide how vulnerable he is&
/ou could.ve prevented all o this& 'yungsoo says&
-t.s all your )ault$ 4uhan says and stands up again& 6lood on his clothes and hands" #ost o) it is
probably +ehun.s& -) only you hadn.t co#e:::
-) only you would.ve ta#ed your pack better$ 'yungsoo growled& *is eyes )lared dangerously
blue and the threat in his voice #ade even 4uhan take a step back& (ongin stood up as well"
planning on trying to yell so#e sense in to the wolves& %his really was not the ti#e and place )or
another )ight" +ehun needed help&
E2cept he didn.t get a chance to say anything because 'yungsoo spotted the blood on hi# along
with the ripped shirt he was wearing& *e was at (ongin.s side in a split second" hovering his hands
over the wounds and gasping& Eyes still burning blue as he turned to 'ris& %he alpha bared his
)angs and growled loud enough )or anyone to hear& 'ris. lowered his head in sub#ission&
/ou did this0$ 'yungsoo yelled& (ongin tugged at the alpha.s ar#&
8lease" 'yungsoo& +ehun::$ *e tried but it was in vain&
%he s#all alpha shook his ar# out o) (ongin.s hold and charged at 'ris& 'icking hi# in his sto#ach
hard enough to turn hi# to a position lying on his back in the grass& 'yungsoo crouched ne2t to
the wounded wol)" claws ready and ar# stretched in the air" prepared to strike i) the other #ade
any strange #oves&
Apparently" this was so#ething that %ao and 4ay saw )it to react to" running 7uickly to aid the wol)
o) their pack" but were i##ediately stopped by Chen and +uho who stepped in )ront o) the#
be)ore they could reach 'ris& ;angs were bared and growls e2changed but the red eyed wolves
stayed back" knowing they
weren.t as strong as the other pack&
9oesn.t any one care about #y )riend0$ (ongin yelled& *is voice cutting through the growls o) the
others" silencing 'yungsoo )irst and the other 7uickly )ollwed& (ongin was panting" clutching his
ar# around his waist in pain& My best )riend is dying& *e looked accusingly at %ao and then back
to 4uhan& /ou were supposed to protect hi#$ %hat.s why things turned out like this" because you
wanted to protect +ehun" and even trusted %ao with the task$ 6ut you all )ailed$ /ou )ailed and
now he.s dying$ %ears were starting to sting in (ongin.s eyes as the harsh reality dawned on hi#&
'yungsoo got up and withdrew both claws and )angs& *is eyes slowly went back to brown and he
looked over his shoulder at the bloody teen in the grass" barely breathing by now" and at the boy
al#ost in tears in )ront o) hi#& +eeing his caller in such an in5ured and hurt state #ade his insides
)eel as i) they were ripping the#selves apart& Causing hi# to )eel all the pain that his love was

%he hospital:: (ongin starts but he.s interrupted&
-t.s too )ar away" he won.t #ake it& 4uhan retorts&
- can help hi#& 'yungsoo says& Eoice low but everyone heard& Everyone knew what it #eant&
- don.t want that kind o) li)e )or hi#& 4uhan argued vaguely&
-) you don.t let #e help hi# there will be no li)e )or hi# at all& 'yungsoo said with cal#" knowing
that 4uhan knew this )ully well on his own and didn.t really need convincing& Either that or you
turn hi# yoursel)&
/ou know - can.t do that& 4uhan lowered his head& - could never in)lict that pain on hi#&
'yungsoo #otioned to Chanyeol with his head that he should go to +ehun.s side& %he tall wol)
obeyed and picked up the lithe brunet )ro# the grass& Meanwhile" 'yungsoo ran to (ongin.s side"
his hands )inding their way around (ongin.s waist only a second be)ore his knees gave away and he
had to lean co#pletely on the shorter one&
/ou don.t have ti#e to save the# both& 'ris s#irked )ro# his position in the grass& 'yungsoo
hissed at hi#&
-t.s not a di))icult choice& -.ll heal (ongin.s wounds )irst and then:
1o$ (ongin said 7uickly&
/ou don.t have a say in this& 'yungsoo argues&
1o& (ongin repeats )ir#ly& -.# telling you to help +ehun )irst& 4uhan will help #e& /ou take care
o) +ehun&
(ongin" -:
-t.s #y will" 'yungsoo& -) - tell you to do this you can.t deny #e& the younger interrupts&
(ongin watched 'yungsoo.s doe eyes turn even bigger& +lightly glossy and with a hint o) blue" they
stared at hi# as i) he couldn.t believe what (ongin had 5ust said& 6ut he let go o) the grip around
(ongin and 4ay ran to (ongin.s side instead& %he pale alpha gave (ongin one last sad look be)ore he
and the rest o) his pack disappeared )ro# the park&
*e watched 4uhan and saw that he was talking" but )or so#e reason he couldn.t #ake out any
words" as i) his ears couldn.t register sound any#ore& %hen his vision went blurry and he had to
)ight to stay conscious but his body wasn.t strong enough to win against the loss o) blood& %he
adrenaline was wearing out now that he was cal#ing down and the pain he was supposed to have
)elt all along was catching up to hi#& %he last thing he re#e#bers is screa#ing in pain and then
everything goes black&
*e.s been out )or 3 days& %his is not good" 4uhan& 'yungsoo is going to kill us i) he )inds out about
this& -t takes (ongin a )ew #o#ents to reali,e that it.s @iu#in.s voice he.s hearing& *e )urrows his
eyebrows and tries to pry his heavy eyelids open& *is head is pounding and every inch o) his body
is aching&
*e lost a lot o) blood& 6esides" - think 'yungsoo already knows& 4uhan replies&
%he )irst person (ongin sees when his eyes )inally opens" is 4ay& 4ay s#iles as i) he.s a )ive year old
on christ#as and (ongin can.t help but s#ile back& *e reaches out to touch 4ay.s so)t cheek" 5ust to
see i) he.s really awake& *e is& 4ay takes (ongin.s hand and holds it in his&
*e.s up& 4ay says& +howcasing a single di#ple as he s#iles again&
!h thank heaven& @iu#in says with a sigh o) relie)&
(ongin tries to speak but his #outh is dry and he can.t see# to be able to )or# any words at all"
even less #ake any sound& A whi#per is all that #anages to get through his throat and 4ay 7uickly
hands hi# a glass o) water with a straw in it& *e helps (ongin sit up and steadies the hu#an by
holding a hand around his back& (ongin gladly sips the water and gasps when he releases the straw
)ro# his #outh&
*ow are you )eeling0 4ay asks so)tly&
*ow.s +ehun0 (ongin 7uickly wonders" using the only voice he has to #ake sure his )riend has
1ot bled dry and alive" last ti#e we heard& 4ay answers& 3e haven.t seen hi# yet though&
*e.s still alive& 4uhan shoots in& (ongin )igures it.s got so#ething to do with the bond between
4uhan and +ehun" and that.s how 4uhan can be sure that the teen is still not dead&
-s he&&&0 (ongin trails o)) and can.t bring hi#sel) to )inish his 7uestion&
%here.s no verbal response but the thick silence is #ore than enough )or (ongin to know that his
best )riend is no longer hu#an& *e sighs& *e isn.t sure why it bothers hi#" or why it still )eels as i)
+ehun is dead" but there.s an ache in his chest that he can.t e2plain& -t.s )rustrating and he )eels
helpless& (ongin wants to see 'yungsoo& %he longing )eeling hits hi# like a tidal wave and swallows
hi# whole& -t.s an indescribable hollow pit in his sto#ach that screa#s )or 'yungsoo.s presence&
- need to see 'yungsoo& (ongin says and al#ost gags& %he )eeling was literally sickening to hi#&
*e throws his legs over the edge o) the bed and prepares to get up" but 4ay stops hi#&
1o" you can.t& 1ot yet& 1ot )or a while& /ou have to recover& *e says&
/ou don.t understand&&& (ongin starts but this ti#e the nausea is really too #uch )or hi# and he
can )eel whatever is in his sto#ach try to #ake it.s way out&
6ucket$ Luickly$ 4ay yells and %ao appears at the speed o) light with a bucket and holds it out )or
(ongin" who takes it 5ust in ti#e& *e throws up" and he.s sure he hasn.t eaten anything while he.s
been passed out but his body is re5ecting his insides anyway& 4uhan rushes to his side" holding the
hu#an.s )ace up to get a look at hi#& (ongin is sweating and his vision is blurred again& *e )eels he
#ight pass out at this rate&
!h #y god&&& 4uhan whispers&
3hat0 4ay asks" voice laced with worry and )ear&
*e.s dying& %he alpha says&
3hat0$ 4ay yells& 1o" we saved hi#& 3e even saved hi# without turning hi#$ *e.s going to be
4ook at hi#$ 4uhan growls& (ongin not even caring about the raised voices" s#iles like a #an who
had about D shots o) te7uila too #uch& Eyelids heavy and tongue thick in his #outh" he.s about to
throw up again&
3hat.s happening0 4ay asks while patting the hu#an.s back&
'yungsoo #ust.ve le)t&
4e)t where0
*ow the )uck should - know0$ 4uhan yells in )rustration& %his is rare and -.ve only heard about it
through #yths&
*eard o) what0 ?odda#nit 4uhan start e2plaining$ *e.s obviously not well& 4ay pleads&
*is body is sensing the absence o) 'yungsoo& As wol)" he would be able to handle the distance"
and #ost hu#ans would too& - guess&&& 6ecause he.s a bender" his body knows who it belongs to
and without 'yungsoo" it will re5ect itsel)& Much like how wolves lose their strength when we lose
our loves or )ace re5ection& 4uhan e2plains& -) a hu#an looses it.s strength however&&&
%he alpha doesn.t have to say anything else& %hey know that hu#ans don.t have any strength to
lose& %hey.re either alive or they aren.t& %here.s not #uch in between& (ongin tries to grasp his
#ind around the )act that he.s dying& -t see#s di))erent )ro# having open cuts on your waist& %hat
was 5ust pain& %his )eeling was si#ply unbearable& *e couldn.t describe it as anything even i) he
tried to& %here was a hollow )eeling in his sto#ach" as i) he was about to be sucked in to a vacuu#
o) nothing starting in the pit o) his un)illed tu##y&
3e need to )ind 'yungsoo& 4ay stated" as i) it wasn.t obvious& Either that or&&& !r you have to
turn hi#&
1o& 3e.re not turning anyone else& !ne is #ore than enough" they were never supposed to be a
part o) this& 4uhan says&
E2cept (ongin is a bender" 4uhan& *e is supposed to be turned& %ao gently says&
1ot yet& 4uhan says&
(ongin throws hi#sel) )orward" landing on his knees and hands on the )loor" bucket long )orgotten
as he throws up the last substances o) his sto#ach on the )loor beneath hi#& 8anting heavily and
sweating like a sports star" he tries to stand up but his legs won.t carry his weight any#ore& *is
#uscles tre#ble and there.s a pain in his skeleton" as i) it was corroding inside hi#& *e could )eel
every pu#p o) his heart" because the blood in his veins burned as it traveled to his vital organs& *is
lips are dry and crack easily when he clutches his teeth together to not screa# in pain&
Call 'yungsoo now$ 4ay said" 7uickly helping (ongin to get back in the bed&
3here a# -0 (ongin asked" looking with con)usion at 4ay& 3ho are you0
4uhan pulled out (ongin.s phone and searched it until he )ound the right nu#ber& *e 7uickly
pressed the call button and waited i#patiently& !ne signal& %wo& %hree& 3hat the )uck was he
doing0 ;our&
/es0 +o#eone )inally answered& 4uhan had never been so relieved to hear the other alpha.s
/ou.ve le)t& 4uhan says&
+ehun.s )ine& -.# training hi#&
*ow )ar0
1one o) your god da#n business::
(ongin.s dying&
3hat0$ 'yungsoo growls&
*e.s burning up" sweating like never be)ore and he keeps throwing up although he hasn.t eaten
anything o) real substance yet&
*ow long0
*e woke up #aybe 1D #inutes ago& 6een passed out since we brought hi# to #y shelter&
you have any idea what.s going on0 'yungsoo asks&
- think you do too&&& 4uhan starts& - think he.s reacting like this only now and not earlier because
he 5ust woke up& /ou need to get back here or he will die&
/ou could turn hi#& 'yungsoo says&
- won.t&

(ongin screa#s )ro# the bed and 4uhan hears a click and then the voice is gone& 'yungsoo hung
up on hi#& *e turns to look at the others and )eels nothing but useless& 4ay and %ao are holding
(ongin down as he )ights to deal with the pain& 6ack arching )ro# the bed violently as i) his ribcage
was trying to break )ree )ro# his skin& %ears are strea#ing )ro# the corner o) the hu#an.s eyes
and he lets out another screa# in pain&

%wo hours pass" (ongin keeps screa#ing and twisting in pain& %hey.ve tried getting hi# to drink
water" tried in5ecting hi# with #orphine but nothing helps& *e.s thrown up three #ore ti#es
since 'yungsoo hung up the phone& %he sudden stop o) everything has the# all on edge& (ongin
doesn.t screa#" doesn.t #ove& *is eyes that were shut tightly suddenly )ly open" revealing that the
color has been al#ost drained )ro# the#" leaving only the iris surrounded by white and gray& *e.s
breathing heavily" and they know that he #ight only have an hour or so le)t&
/ou have to turn hi#$ %ao says" looking at 4uhan&
4uhan sighs but reali,es that the wol) is right& *e can.t let (ongin die" no #atter how little he wants
to turn hi#& *e walks up to the bed and looks at the dying hu#an& *is skin is paler" lips still dry
and bloody )ro# #ultiple ti#es o) being cracked& *e takes (ongin.s wrist in his hand and wills out
the )angs in his #outh& 6reathing heavily and trying not to think too #uch about what he.s about
to do& (ust as he.s about to bite and turn his dying )riend" the door s#ashes open and an incredibly
angry looking 'yungsoo is standing in the doorway" panting as i) he 5ust ran there )ro# the other
side o) the planet&
/ou had one 5ob" 4uhan& *e says" and the alpha lowers his head in de)eat" reali,ing he.s #ade a
#istake that al#ost cost (ongin his li)e&
'yungsoo walks up to the bed and hovers over the hu#an& *e sees the color has drained )ro# his
eyes and )urrows his eyebrows& (ongin.s skin is cold when he touches it" and although (ongin is
looking straight at hi#" it appears the hu#an can.t see hi#& 'yungsoo pulls (ongin up )ro# the bed
and stu#bles with hi# out o) the hideout that he had easily located by )ollowing the scent o) his
caller& *e leaves 4uhan and his pack behind and brings (ongin to his apart#ent&
%hey are alone" 'yungsoo le)t his pack behind in order to be able to travel 7uickly to his callers
side& *e could.ve never i#agined things to be this bad& 3hat bugged hi# even #ore was that he
hadn.t noticed& -t was as i) (ongin.s body had decided to die on it.s own and didn.t tell 'yungsoo
about it& <sually there would be signs& 1ight#ares" pain" nausea& 6ut this ti#e it was nothing& *ad
4uhan not called" 'yungsoo would.ve never known (ongin was dying until it was too late&
%he alpha tucked (ongin in his bed and raided his cabinets" trying to )ind #edicine" pain killers" and
so#ething to 7uickly wrap up to a #eal& (ongin looked like he had a serious case o) #alnutrition&
;inding very little in his al#ost abandoned ho#e was )rustrating but he didn.t give up& *e )ound
so#e #edicine and )orced it down (ongin.s throat with the help o) so#e water&
-.# so sorry& 'yungsoo whispered& *e crawled in to bed with (ongin and held his head tightly
against his chest" trying to restore so#e heat to the hu#an.s cold skin& *e hears (ongin.s heart
barely beating and his breath is uneven& - didn.t know& -.# so sorry&
*e kissed the top o) (ongin.s head while whispering how sorry he was that he hadn.t caught up on
hi# dying& *e apologi,ed )or leaving" )or going too )ar away" )or staying so close only to +ehun& *e
apologi,ed )or turning (ongin.s li)e around" )or changing everything" )or being the reason he was
dying& ;or everything that #ight be wrong in (ongin.s world" 'yungsoo apologi,ed&
(ust don.t die on #e&&& 'yungsoo whispered and his voice cracked& A single tear trailed down
'yungsoo.s cheek and he leaned down" tilting (ongin.s )ace up and kissed the )ragile boy&
(ongin.s eyes )lew open and he gasped loudly" pressing hi#sel) away )ro# 'yungsoo and trying to
catch his breath )or dear li)e& 'yungsoo tried to )ir#ly hold his body still but the hu#an kept
sei,uring" his body tre#bling and shaking& ?ray eyes stared at 'yungsoo and the alpha )elt a slight
wave o) panic rush through hi#& *e clutched the boy harder and kissed his bruised lips once #ore"
this ti#e a bit longer" until the boy broke )ree again" still gasping )or o2ygen as i) he was a )ish
taken )ro# water& 6ut the eyes that were still staring at 'yungsoo were no longer the sa#e cold
gray" they had a slight golden tint to the# and the alpha took it as a good sign" kissing hi# again&
*e )elt (ongin.s hands co#e up and tangle the#selves in his hair and the boy pulled hi#sel) up to
#eet 'yungsoo.s lips& %he pain o) having his hair tugged at was nothing and 'yungsoo happily
endured it" answering every brush o) their lips with a gentle press& *e licked at the hu#an.s lips
between their kisses" #oving his )ingers over the toned body in his ar#s& ;eeling" touching and
e2ploring what was still unknown to hi#& 3ith every brush o) their lips and touch o) skin" (ongin
see#ed to regain so#e o) his usual war#" brown eye color and his skin wasn.t as cold any#ore&
'yungsoo slowly let his tongue slip inside (ongin.s #outh and the hu#an gasped" not )or air but
)ro# surprise& *e leaned in to the deepened kiss and allowed the wol) to taste and e2plore his
3hen 'yungsoo opened his eyes and pulled away slightly" he )ound (ongin.s eyes returned to
nor#al" and a healthy shade o) pink spread on his cheeks& A so)t blush i) you will& 'yungsoo s#iled
)ro# relie)&
- wanted to see you& (ongin whispered" not re#e#bering anything since he woke up in
'yungsoo.s ar#s& 'yungsoo s#iled even bigger& Another tear #aking it.s way down his cheek&
(ongin untangled his )ingers )ro# the black #ess o) hair and brushed the tear away with
7uestioning look&
/ou were dying& 'yungsoo said& -.# sorry&
%he hu#an s#iled and it pulled at 'yungsoo.s heartstrings" #aking his insides )lutter with
e2cite#ent and need& *e wanted (ongin to be his" and only his& *e wanted so badly to turn hi# in
to a wol) and have hi# the easy way" but he knew (ongin would never allow it& *e wouldn.t allow
hi#sel) to be with 'yungsoo unless it was real& +o 'yungsoo con5ured up another portion o) sel)
control and si#ply kissed the boy again& 3hispering a so)t" is this okay0 And waiting )or the nod
be)ore continuing to press his tongue inside the other.s #outh again&
*e hugged (ongin close while kissing hi#& Close enough to )eel the raced heartbeats )ro# the
other" he wasn.t one to allow hi#sel) to hop very o)ten but 5ust )or this once" 'yungsoo allowed
hi#sel) to hope that #aybe" 5ust #aybe" (ongin was starting to )eel the sa#e way )or hi#&
'yungsoo didn.t care how long it would take )or (ongin to sort things out but he knew that he
would wait )orever i) he had to&
*ow long can you stay0 (ongin asked against his lips&
- won.t leave without you again&
3hy0 /ou know 'ris won.t be happy::
- literally had to kiss the li)e back in to you" (ongin& - never want to go through anything like this
again& 'yungsoo said and hid his )ace in (ongin.s hair& /ou should sleep a little" ok0 -.ll stay until
you.re asleep and then -.ll start #aking you so#ething to eat&
*ow.s +ehun0 (ongin asked&
All healed and coping better than e2pected&
%hank you& And it.s the last thing (ongin says be)ore sleep takes hi#&
Chapter M
%urning Bpart >C :black and blue )or you
(ongin wakes up there.s a )aint scent o) )ood invading his nostrils& *e stirs )ro# his sleep and pries
his eyes open& *e isn.t in pain e2cept )or a bit soreness around his waist& *e pulls his shirt up and
looks at the bandages& *e notices that the plain t:shirt he.s wearing isn.t )ro# his own closet and
while he looks around he reali,es that he isn.t in his own ho#e& Me#ories o) 'yungsoo lying ne2t
to hi# )lash through his #ind and he soon recogni,es the roo# as 'yungsoo.s bedroo#& %here
isn.t #uch )urniture and it looks like so#eone barely even lives there& !nly a drawer" a cupboard
and a bed& 1ot that you need #uch #ore in a bedroo# but it.s #issing the co#)ortable )eeling
that a ho#e usually has& *o#e& (ongin stops at the thought& %his isn.t 'yungsoo.s ho#e& 'yungsoo
le)t ho#e to )ind (ongin when he was being called )or&
%he teen )eels a bit guilty and wonders i) #aybe 'yungsoo #isses his ho#e& *is territory& %he
alpha has sacri)iced and risked so #uch )or (ongin.s sake" but he hasn.t even gotten close to
repaying any o) it& (ongin al#ost re5ected 'yungsoo even though the wol) has done hi# nothing
wrong in particular& *e got Chanyeol o)) his back" got 'ris o)) the attitude and even saved his best
)riend& And those are only the #a5or things" i) you were to count the s#all things like helping
(ongin i#prove his )lawed #ath grades and curing hi# )ro# a cold" (ongin.s sto#ach clenches with
6e)ore he can think any #ore o) it" a s#all )ra#e appears in the doorway" holding a tray with )ood&
(ongin sits up and s#iles& *e s#iles because it s#ells delicious" and because he.s happy 'yungsoo
has #ade hi# )ood" and he.s s#iling because si#ply seeing 'yungsoo )eels good" although he isn.t
co#pletely sure o) what that #eans& *e still takes it as a good sign& (ongin sits up and the wol)
puts the tray on the bed" ne2t to hi#&
-t.s 5ust )ried rice& 'yungsoo says& - didn.t have #uch&
9on.t worry about it& (ongin s#iles&
+o how are you )eeling0 the wol) asks while (ongin takes a bite o) the )ood in his #outh&
Much better&& (ust #y waist::
-t will heal soon& 'yungsoo interrupts& - will stay with you until you.re healed" then -.# taking
you back to 4uhan&
- don.t want any trouble&
Can.t you turn #e0 +ilence hang thick in the air as (ongin utters the words& An unco#)ortable
)eeling roots in his sto#ach but he )igures it #ight be partly because o) what 'yungsoo is )eeling&
1o& /ou.re 4uhan.s bender:
According to your rituals" i) a pack lets their bender go to another pack during the )ull #oon" they
no longer own the bender so by that:
- was 5ust proving a point because he re)used #e$ 'yungsoo raises his voice& An un)a#iliar pain
stabs (ongin in his chest" he )eels his eyes turn glossy and his nose stings& *e lowers his ga,e and
s#iles sarcastically" not knowing why he.s in so #uch pain&
+o you don.t want #e0 he whispers" voice cracking when the reali,ation o) the re5ection dawns
on hi#& *e )eels sick again& 'yungsoo )linched at the words" not co#prehending how (ongin could
ever #ake such an unrealistic assu#ption about hi#&
%he tray gets knocked o)) the bed and 'yungsoo kisses hi# so hard that the back o) (ongin.s head
hit the headboard& %he teen shuts his eyes in pain and grunts& 'yungsoo )orgets about being
gentle )or a #o#ent& *e needs (ongin to know he.s wrong& *e needs to tattoo his love on the
other.s lips" so that he.ll never )orget&
- want you& 'yungsoo breathes against (ongin.s lips and the younger whi#per at the words& 6ut
things are co#plicated&
*ow0 (ongin asks&
3hen you.re turned" we.re going to have to #ake a choice&
3hat choice0
3e are supposed to be together" which #eans you either have to leave 4uhan.s territory" or
4uhan has to allow us to stay& 1ow" he won.t do that i) -.ve constantly pissed hi# o))&
4uhan already owes you enough to #ake sure you.re allowed to stay&
- want hi# to let #e stay because -.# allowed to and not because he.s in debt to #e&

(ongin doesn.t reply& *e understands" he really does" it.s 5ust that now he.s the only hu#an le)t"
besides 6aekhyun and he really doesn.t want to be le)t out& *e hates watching )ro# the side as the
others struggle with things he can.t even i#agine&
'yungsoo leans away )ro# (ongin" he stares at the #ess the tray and )ood has #ade on the )loor
and sighs& *e tells (ongin to stay put while he cleans the #ess and the teen does as he.s told&
3atching as 'yungsoo disappears out o) the roo#" only to appear a #inute later with the proper
cleaning gear )or the #ess& *e )eels a bit an2ious whenever 'yungsoo leaves" even i) it.s 5ust )or a
#inute and the older doesn.t go )urther than to the ne2t roo#& -t.s stupid" (ongin thinks as he tries
to suppress the )eeling& *e lies down on the bed again" hovering his hand over the bandages and
notice that the soreness is al#ost gone&
Are you healing #e0 (ongin asks in nor#al tone although 'yungsoo is in the other roo#& %he
wol) hears hi# anyway&
/our body reacts to #y presence& -) you were a wol)" you.d already be healed by now but since
you.re 5ust a bender still" it takes a bit longer& - think you.ll be )ine in a )ew hours though&
'yungsoo says while entering the roo# again&
Co#e lie with #e& (ongin whispers" not even sure he truly wants 'yungsoo to hear it" but he
does anyway& And he does as he.s told" crawling in to bed with (ongin and letting the teen crawl in
to his ar#s )or co#)ort& 'yungsoo still )eels that (ongin is hesitant" but at least hesitant is a #illion
ti#es better than re5ection& 'yungsoo s#iles and rests his chin against the so)t #ess o) (ongin.s
hair" breathing in the scent o) his )a#ily sha#poo and the husky scent o) 4uhan.s hideout that still

(ongin is taken back to his house" wondering what his #other will think but she doesn.t see#
bothered by her son.s absence which (ongin )inds strange at )irst& 6ut when she asks how +ehun
was" (ongin 7uickly catch on to the lie that the wolves had #ade up to cover his back& *e says it
was )ine and that 4uhan ca#e over" he #ildly #entions that there.s a thing between +ehun and
4uhan these days and his #other doesn.t ask #uch a)ter that& %aking her son.s reply as evidence
his )riends were telling the truth& (ongin sighs in relie) as he.s spared the talk about wolves with his

+ehun doesn.t show up to school )or a week& 6aekhyun was surprised considering +ehun rarely
skipped school and he hadn.t heard )ro# hi# in a while& (ongin si#ply sco))ed" trying to act
unbothered but was secretly worried inside& 3as +ehun doing okay0 3as he beco#ing a good
wol)0 And the worst o) all 7uestions that played in the back o) (ongin.s head no #atter how #uch
he tried to ignore itG was he killing people0
*e eventually showed up though" #uch to everyone.s surprise& *e sat ne2t to (ongin in class as
always" and acted as i) he hadn.t 5ust been turned in to a killing #achine who howls at the )ull
#oon& +ehun didn.t speak #uch any#ore" he didn.t sit with the# at lunch either" but the group
was #ostly split up anyway& %ao hung around 6aekhyun but (ongin was around 4uhan& *e was still
trying to )igure out why nobody would turn hi#& -t.s not that (ongin wanted to be a wol) real
badly" it.s 5ust that he didn.t want to be le)t out& *e hadn.t seen 'yungsoo since he was taken back
ho#e" but he could sense the wol) stuck nearby" because he wasn.t vo#iting and )eeling dead&

+ehun.s back& (ongin breaks the silence o) the classroo# in which 4uhan and the other.s usually
hang out during lunch&
- know& *is scent is the last thing that.s going to go by unnoticed& 4uhan retorts&
9oes he s#ell good0 %he hu#an teases&
*e used to& *is scent is #asked by 'yungsoo.s so it isn.t as pleasant any#ore&
(ongin )eels like he.s been punched in his sto#ach& *ow close where they i) 'yungsoo.s scent had
rubbed o)) on +ehun0 *e )elt a bit nauseous again" but suppressed it with will power& *e decides
that #aybe he.s in need )or so#e air& A walk& (ust to clear his head& *e would never ad#it it" but
secretly he hopes he.ll bu#p in to a certain dark haired alpha&
6ut he doesn.t bu#p in to 'yungsoo& -nstead" he sees +ehun sitting alone on a bench" staring out
at nothing& At )irst" (ongin wonders i) he should 5ust turn and walk the other way" 5ealousy still
pulling his heartstrings& 6ut it.s too late to run away" because +ehun turns his head and they lock
eyes& (ongin knows he needs to walk over there& *eavy steps take hi# the last )ew #eters to his
long:ti#e )riend&
*ey& (ongin says&
+ehun doesn.t reply& *e scotches over and gives (ongin space to sit down ne2t to hi#& (ongin sits
down" still waiting )or +ehun to say so#ething" but he doesn.t& A heavy at#osphere is hanging
around the# and (ongin starts to )eel a bit scared" as i) he so#ehow already knows why +ehun is
like this& *e wants +ehun to tell hi#" but he.s scared& +cared o) what he #ight say& !) what
actually has happened during his absence&
(ongin puts his hand on +ehun.s shoulder" trying to o))er so#e kind o) co#)ort& %he sudden touch
has +ehun on his )eet" knocking (ongin o)) his seat so that he )alls to the ground with a loud grunt&
+ehun was stronger& A lot stronger than he.s ever been& (ongin doesn.t know i) it.s the adrenaline
or surprise that has hi# lacking o) any #a5or pain& *e knows it should hurt like hell" but it doesn.t&
*e )eels blood trickle down )ro# his )orehead" but he can.t )eel the pain&
9ude" what the )uck is wrong with you0$ (ongin yells in anger& 6ut his e2pression goes back to
surprise when he sees the )ragile look in +ehun.s eyes& And then the teen whispers so#ething that
(ongin will )orever wish that he had not heard&
- killed so#eone&
%he hu#an swallows hard& *e wouldn.t know what to reply even i) he hadn.t 5ust hit his
head hard on the ground&
*ow #any0 4uhan.s voice sound )ro# behind (ongin&
-t doesn.t #atter& Co#es 'yungsoo )ro# around another corner& +ehun probably sensed the#
long ago" but (ongin.s hu#an senses had not been enough to notice their presence&
!) course it #atters$ 4ook at hi#$ 4uhan yells&
*ow was - supposed to know he had a weak head0$ 'yungsoo argues back&
*ow #any" did he kill0$ 4uhan asks once #ore&
+even& +ehun answers hi#sel)" voice cracking although he.s al#ost whispering& - killed seven
people& %wo were children&
(ongin )eels his blood turn to ice& +even& %hat.s a large nu#ber )or a high school boy to have
#urdered" especially in such a short a#ount o) ti#e& (ongin )eels hi#sel) tre#bling& *is li#bs
re)use to #ove although his #ind is telling hi# to stand up& -) +ehun killed F already" how #any
had 4uhan killed0 And 'yungsoo0 *e didn.t want to know but the 7uestion re)used to leave his
/ou said you.d take care o) hi#$ 4uhan yells as he charges at 'yungsoo& %o everyone.s surprise"
4uhan #isses because +ehun steps in between& 'yungsoo is the only one who see#s unbothered
by it" as i) he e2pected it& +#irk playing on his lips and oh god i) he wasn.t so scared (ongin
could.ve 5u#ped hi# right there&
4uhan stares in to the eyes o) the teen wol) that he so dearly cares )or" searching )or a gli#pse o)
the old +ehun& *e )inds nothing but a scared boy& +o#eone con)used and terri)ied& %his is not what
4uhan wanted )or +ehun& *e reaches out his hand to touch the taller wol).s cheek" +ehun only
brie)ly leans in to the touch be)ore pulling away& %he blonde alpha whispers a so)t -.# so sorry"
be)ore taking his hand back&
?ive hi# to #e& 4uhan says but it co#es out as a plea& %he alpha doesn.t care& *e can.t stand
seeing his destined person in such a )ragile and terrible state& *is need to care )or the #ale kicks in
and it.s all too strong )or hi# to resist even i) he had wanted to&
%hat.s when (ongin sees it& Although 4uhan only said 4 words" (ongin can see that this is the point
when 4uhan co#pletely gives in to his instincts& 8ride" rules and better 5udg#ent long )orgotten&
(ongin doesn.t know how he can physically see it in the alpha" but he does& Co#plete sub#ission
to the )eelings that have always been there& *is hope being 7uickly shattered as 'yungsoo replies
a shortG
3hat0 4uhan whispers in surprise& /ou need to let #e )i2 hi#$
-.ll hand over (ongin&
1o& 'yungsoo starts and (ongin al#ost )eels the hit o) a re5ection be)ore the dark alpha
continues& /ou.re going to turn (ongin" and train hi#& %hen -.ll give you back your #ate&
- will not have his sel) destructive behavior on #y conscience& 4uhan says back&
/our clear conscience" or this pretty wol)0 'yungsoo s#irks while patting +ehun.s hair& -s it
really such a di))icult choice0
- thought you said you didn.t want to keep #aking 4uhan angry& (ongin says while he and
'yungsoo are sitting alone on the streets the sa#e night&
-t.s )ine& - knew he.d react like that& *e wasn.t thinking straight and deep down he knows that -
saved hi#& +ehun would.ve been dead i) it wasn.t )or #e and 4uhan 5ust don.t want to ad#it that
he was to weak to save his own #ate&
-t was 7uiet )or a while be)ore (ongin spoke again&
3ill - have to kill people too0
1obody is ever co#pelled to kill anybody& -t 5ust happens& /our instincts to hunt will #erge with
your hu#an need )or other hu#an contact& As new" your #ind won.t be able to tell prey and e7ual
apart& /our )riend was lucky& !nly a )ew new wolves kill under 1A people&
-s that why 4uhan won.t turn #e" because he doesn.t want those deaths on hi#0
1o& -t.s because the hu#an parts o) you will know that your deeds have been wrong" and you will
hate yoursel)& -t.s co##on )or new wolves to co##it suicide& %hat" is what 4uhan does not want
to be responsible )or&
3hy don.t you turn #e then0
'yungsoo si#ply laughs in response&
3hat0 (ongin asks&
/ou think - could stand seeing you like that0 - once walked in on your )riend while he had a kni)e
in his hand& -) it was you&&& he doesn.t )inish the sentence&
(ongin doesn.t ask anything else& Maybe because he already knows" or #aybe because he doesn.t
want to know& 'yungsoo walks (ongin back ho#e" as always& (ongin always insist he can take care
o) hi#sel) but 'yungsoo never listens& -t.s not that (ongin really #inds" but he 5ust don.t know i)
he.s ready to openly accept the )act that he likes 'yungsoo.s co#pany&
3hen they reach (ongin.s house" (ongin goes inside without a word and he watches through the
curtains o) the window how 'yungsoo walks away without as #uch as a glance back& 3hen the
teen walks in to his roo#" he #eets eyes with )la#ing red ones& Maybe he shouldn.t be surprised
to )ind the alpha in his roo# considering the earlier #eeting in school" but his senses still tell hi#
to run and get out o) there& *e knows what.s co#ing" he knows that he wanted it" but the terror
still creeps in to his bones and he )alls to the ground while trying to back away )ro# his roo#&
Red )lashes be)ore his eyes and there.s a stinging pain in his waist and #aybe he screa#s but then
everything goes black&

(ongin.s head is pounding& *e can )eel the air around hi# being cold" but he isn.t )ree,ing at all&
+o#eone is calling his na#e but it sounds too )ar away& (ongin 5ust wants to sleep& *e doesn.t
want to open his eyes& *e wants to )ade away& +o#ething s#ells e2tre#ely unpleasant and when
he rubs his eyes he )eels li7uid s#ear all over his )ace& %he person calling hi# sounds a lot closer
this ti#e and (ongin )orces his eyes open&
%he world looks #ore blurred and yet #ore clear at the sa#e ti#e& *is vision is per)ect where it.s
)ocused and the rest is erased in a blur& *e can sense 4uhan behind hi# although he can.t see" he
knows it.s 4uhan& @iu#in is I #eters to his le)t and 4ay 5ust le)t& %ao is in )ront o) (ongin" clear as
day& (ongin can see his every )eature& %here.s a lot o) blood on %ao.s body though he doesn.t see#
to be bleeding& (ongin tries to sense i) he.s in pain but he isn.t& *e doesn.t )eel in5ured so at least
it.s not his blood&
(ongin" look at #e& 4uhan says with stern voice& (ongin turns around and #eet eyes with 4uhan.s
)laring red ones& *e doesn.t )eel scared any#ore but he can.t re#e#ber anything since he was in
his roo#&
3hat happened0 (ongin asks" and his #outh tastes horrible while his tongue is #oving in his
/ou.ve been out )or 3 days& 3e had a hard ti#e catching up to you& 6ut it.s )ine& 4uhan says and
his voice sounds )orced" as i) he.s trying to convince hi#sel) as well as (ongin about what he.s
saying& -t.s going to be )ine&
(ongin )rowns& -t.s going to be )ine0 3hat does that #ean0 And why is his teeth hurting so bad0
(ongin reaches up to touch his #outh and he catches vision o) blood on his hand& *e already hal)
knows why& %he reason his vision is etched on 4uhan and not looking down or around hi#& %he
horrible taste in his #outh" blood everywhere" the s#ell& (ongin knows but he keeps wishing that
#aybe i) he doesn.t see" it won.t have happened& *e )eels nauseaus&
'i# (ongin" stay with #e& Echoes 4uhan.s voice but it sounds )ar again& (ongin blinks once and
suddenly he sees the world in red and black" contours and silhouettes playing in his vision and
everything is clear& %he body that.s torn at his )eet" the alpha in )ront o) hi#" the beta.s around
hi# and the buildings that are visible over the tree tops& *e.s in the park nearby his house" but he
only recently returned& ;aintly he re#e#bers running and running and running& -nstincts that
lingered )ro# his hu#an sel) in to his wol) )or#& *e ran like he had never ran be)ore" slashing
anything :no" anyone: that crossed his path& *e got )ar away& %hen he )elt so#ething" so#ething
stronger than )ear& A )oreign kind o) need to co#e back here" so he did& And he was searching )or
so#ething" not knowing what& %hat.s when she had co#e up to hi#" asking i) he was okay and he
slit her throat with his hand& %ore her apart li#b by li#b to get out the )rustration o) not knowing
what it was he so desperately needed&
%hat.s when %ao had shown up" pulling the parts away )ro# (ongin& %hat.s why he was also
covered in blood& (ongin re#e#bers 4ay asking how (ongin was still unhar#ed and see#ingly )ine&
4uhan had said so#ething about benders that (ongin didn.t pay attention to" and then 4ay got
ordered to get 'yungsoo& (ongin.s body shivered at the #e#ory o) the na#e&
(ongin rubs his eyes once again and stu#bles back a bit& 3hen he opens his eyes" it.s the way he
re#e#bers it" in color" and cold& 6ut he still isn.t )ree,ing& *e.s about to )all when so#eone puts
an ar# around his waist and pulls hi# up& *e looks at the person" knowing it.s not 4uhan& -t.s
+ehun& %he s#ell is )oreign and annoying" (ongin hates it and it drives hi# #ad& 6linds hi# with
hate he doesn.t know where it co#es )ro#& *e pushes away the other wol) and atte#pts to kick
hi#& *e #isses but his punch lands per)ectly on +ehun.s )ace& %he teen grunts in pain but doesn.t
charge back& -t annoys (ongin even #ore& (ust as he.s about to land a second punch on his )or#er
)riend" a loud growl is heard and 5ust as i) so#eone )lipped a switch" (ongin )alls to his knees with
e2haustion& *is chest is heaving heavily as he catches his breath& *e looks up and sees icing blue
eyes stare back at hi#& (ongin )eels everything #elt away" the world is a blur but he isn.t scared&
*e )eels sa)e&
*e belongs&

Chapter 1A
*ow to train your newborn
-hey, mild trigger warning.
'yungsoo puts his hands on (ongin.s shoulders" bending his knees so that they are on the sa#e
level& (ongin.s eyes are glossy and 'yungsoo.s are wide open" so#ething si#ilar to )ear is playing in
his ga,e" (ongin wants to know why but he.s too e2hausted to ask& *e re#e#bers not sleeping"
only running and searching& *e isn.t sure i) he even ate but the horrible taste in his #outh tells hi#
otherwise& *e de)inately ate&
*ow #any0 'yungsoo asks" as i) a nu#ber could have any sort o) relevance to what had
happened& (ongin opens his #outh to answer" but even i) he wasn.t dead tired he wouldn.t be able
to answer&
- don.t know&& he breathes as he lets his head )all to rest on 'yungsoo.s shoulder& 'yungsoo
s#ells like rain& +o)t and lonely& (ongin breathes hi# in" wishing he will never part )ro# the scent"
loving every second&
1o" you have to re#e#ber& -t.s i#portant& 4uhan tries but 'yungsoo shuts hi# up with a harsh
- don.t care& (ongin whispers" hal) asleep& +uddenly" so#eone is pulling hi# away )ro# his sa)ety
and co#)ort& (ongin.s eyes shoot open in seconds and he prepares to )ight& *e )inds +ehun being
the culprit o) disturbing his peace)ul state& *e sees red and black again" and +ehun backs away as i)
in )ear& (ongin can )aintly hear 4uhan telling hi# to cal# down but he doesn.t listen" doesn.t care&
(ongin raises his ar#" claws drawn and ready to slice through anything" but 4uhan grabs his ar#
and (ongin bares his )angs at hi#& %o this" 4uhan growls& (ongin isn.t scared but so#ething rooted
deep in his bones is telling hi# to back down" but he suppresses it" keeping his )angs bared& *e can
sense the at#osphere going tense and everyone staying 7uiet&
(ongin& 4uhan tries but (ongin breaks )ree )ro# the alpha.s grasp&
/ou can.t control hi# when he.s like this& %ao says& *and hi# over now" be)ore he hurts anyone
1o& - need to train hi#& 4uhan says&
*e.s a lost )ucking cause$ %ao yells& 'yungsoo glares at hi#&
4ook at hi#& *e.s a berserk" and there.s no training so#eone like that$ @iu#in shoots in&
*e.s already clai#ed to 'yungsoo& 3hich #eans it is possible to train hi#& 4uhan argues&
%hen let 'yungsoo do it$
- can.t$ 3e have a deal&
(ongin is 5ust about to use the opportunity to run away" but 4uhan grabs hold o) hi#" piercing his
claws in to (ongin.s wrist to keep hi# put& 'yungsoo reacts at )irst but backs down 5ust as 7uickly
when re#inding hi#sel) that it.s 4uhans 5ob to train (ongin& 6ut he hated seeing his clai#ed
person in the hands o) another alpha& -t took all o) his sel) control to stick to their deal and not
break it 5ust to get (ongin back&
%raining starts now& 4uhan says and (ongin sees deter#ination in his alpha.s eyes&
%wo weeks pass and (ongin doesn.t go to school& Apparently wol) discipline is a lot #ore strict
than (ongin would.ve i#agined and he has a hard ti#e sticking to the rules& +o )ar" he.s been
)orced to re#e#ber what happened during his turning and the days o) being gone& *e still can.t
re#e#ber everything and 4uhan said that until he can" he cannot see 'yungsoo& At )irst (ongin
didn.t care #uch )or that threat" but as days past it beca#e #ore and #ore )rustrating to not even
catch a gli#pse o) the other alpha&
*e re#e#bers 4uhan biting hi#& *e re#e#bers the pain and he re#e#bers screa#ing& *e
doesn.t re#e#ber leaving the house but he does re#e#ber running& *e re#e#bers )ear" and he
re#e#bers the death o) I people the )irst night& *e also re#e#bers eating on the second day o)
being gone& A deer that he )ound so#ewhere in the woods )ar out )ro# the city& 6ut the worst
#e#ory is the one o) eating on his last day" a )ew hours be)ore %ao had )ound hi#& An ele#entary
school girl& -n total" he counted 11 deaths on hi#& ?uilt has been eating his insides and he.s done
his best to deal with it& Re#e#bering that he was acting on wol) instincts and not hi#sel)& (ongin
re#e#bers al#ost everything clearly& *e can )reely go in and out o) vision" which apparently what
the red:black sight is called& +o he can.t understand why 4uhan won.t let hi# go see 'yungsoo&
/ou need to re#e#ber the )irst #inutes o) your turn& -t.s the #ost vital point in your
trans)or#ation& +ehun e2plains when they #eet up late at night& (ongin si#ply sco))s&
-.# a wol)" nothing #atters&
%hat attitude is the reason he won.t let you go& /ou need to understand the responsibility o) your
9o you re#e#ber your )irst #inutes0
- do& Mostly - was in pain )ro# #y wounds and - was already dying& - re#e#ber healing& My )irst
>3 #inutes" - spent healing& -t was easy )or #e to re#e#ber&

(ongin sighs& *e wonders why he has such a hard ti#e re#e#bering the )irst #inutes be)ore he
le)t the house and ran& 3hen he and +ehun parts ways" (ongin )inds hi#sel) close to his house&
Maybe going there will help hi# re#e#ber& -t.s 5ust a 4 #inute walk until he reaches his )ront
door& +o#ething unco#)ortable is rooting in his sto#ach and he wonders i) his body is telling hi#
not to go inside" but he does anyway& *e wonders where his parents are& -) they are worried about
hi#& 4uhan said he couldn.t see the# either until he re#e#bered" but he also said (ongin
shouldn.t worry about the# calling the police and )iling a #issing person.s add& At )irst" (ongin
thought it was because 4uhan had #ade up a lie to cover )or hi#" but the cold and e#pty house
was telling hi# otherwise& *e walked through the roo#s" only the sound o) his own )ootsteps and
the creaking )loor was heard& *e walked the way to his roo# but didn.t even reach his door be)ore
stopping& A #e#ory )lashed in his #ind& %he #e#ory o) screa#s& *e was bitten by 4uhan but he
wasn.t the one screa#ing& -t was a wo#an& %he corridor )lash with the sight o) bloodstained walls"
and then back to the clean state it is again& (ongin re#e#ber the )ear in his #other.s eyes& *e
re#e#bers the sound o) her li)eless body hitting the )loor& (ongin )alls to his knees& %he #e#ory
playing as a )il# be)ore his eyes& *is )ather running to the aid o) his beloved wi)e& (ongin
re#e#bers the way his skull )elt while it was being crushed by (ongin.s hand against the wall&
%he teen starts throwing up& *e re#e#bers& *e re#e#bers running" not )ro# his lingering hu#an
)ears but because he wanted to get )ar away& 6ecause #aybe i) he ran )ar enough" he could escape
the #e#ory& Maybe" i) he pretended he never lived there" it wouldn.t have happened& Maybe i) he
didn.t see their dead bodies" they.d still be alive&
%ears strea# down his )ace and not even his wol) senses can help hi# properly navigate the house
he once called ho#e& *e so#ehow reaches the kitchen& 1obody is living there yet" and everything
is the way his parents had organi,ed it& *is vision is too blurred" his head is pounding and (ongin
blacks out )or a #o#ent&
3hen he wakes up he.s covered in blood again" his own blood this ti#e& 'yungsoo is in )ront o)
hi#" yelling so#ething but (ongin.s #ind can.t co#prehend a single word in his da,ed state& *is
head )alls to the side and he reali,e he.s sitting on the bathroo# )loor with a ra,or in his hand&
+uddenly 'yungsoo.s words #ake sense to hi#& *e.s scolding (ongin" bad& And (ongin can tell that
there are tears in his eyes&
- told you that - didn.t want to )ind you in this state$ 'yungsoo yells while shaking (ongin.s
- killed the#$ (ongin yells back& 1ot even sure where his voice is co#ing )ro#& +he ca#e to
check on #e because she loves #e and - killed her$
(ongin" -:&&&
(ongin get.s up and stor#s out o) the house& *e sees 4uhan waiting )or hi# on the sidewalk& *e
hates 4uhan& *e hates hi# so bad& -t.s all his )ault&
%hirteen$ (ongin yells as he passes the alpha& %hat.s #y )ucking count" are you happy now0$
*e throws up one #ore ti#e as he walks& *is #ind is working overti#e and his body is getting
ready to run& -t.s the night o) his turning all over again" he wants to get away& ;ar& *e needs to
undo what happened& 6ut be)ore he has a chance to sprint away" 4uhan grabs hold o) hi#&
(ongin.s chest is still burning with hatred&
3hy all o) a sudden0$ /ou could.ve cal#ly turned #e when - asked$ (ongin yells&
3ell it doesn.t work like that$ Adrenaline needs to be pu#ping through your body )or the bite to
work" - needed you to be scared$$ 4uhan de)ends&
My parents" 4uhan$ *ow #any ti#es did #y #other cook )or you0 *ow #any ti#es did #y dad
drive us to )ootball practice together0$ - killed the#$ (ongin screa#s through his breath& *ating is
e2hausting& 4uhan 5ust stares at hi#&
/ou.re going to get through this" (ongin& *e says cal#ly&
3hat i) - don.t want to$ (ongin argues" he doesn.t know i) he truly #eans it or not&
Re#e#ber your training& Re#e#ber what - taught you& 4uhan keeps cal#" hoping it will a))ect
(ongin #ore& (ongin knows e2actly what he #eans& *e wants (ongin to activate his vision" because
it will trigger his senses and he can cal# hi#sel) down #ore 7uickly& 6ut (ongin doesn.t want to
cal# down&
1o$ (ongin says in the tone o) a D year old&
-) you don.t do it yoursel) - will )orce it on you& 4uhan raises his voice& *is claws are pressing
against the skin o) (ongin.s ar#" any second now he.s going to draw blood&
(ongin stares at the alpha with deter#inate look" but eventually gives in" allowing his sight to turn
red and black& Everything co#es rushing at hi# at )irst" the pain and guilt o) what he did& %his is
where he has to choose& *e can let it devour hi#" let it destroy hi#" or he can let it go& %hat.s the
training& *ow to let go o) what you did& -t took +ehun a week to #aster it" and it took hi# another
week to use it properly& (ongin #astered it the )irst day o) training" used it the second& *e knows
he can #ake it go away& *e knew it in the hallway" he knew in
the kitchen& Even in his blacked out state o) #ind" while holding the ra,or" he #ust.ve known& *e
si#ply chose not to use it&
*e replays the #e#ory once #ore& %he screa#s" the skull crushed against the wall& *e lets it
devour hi#" lets it eat away at his body& Closing his eyes and waiting )or the point right be)ore he
knows he.ll go insane" he stares at his #other.s terri)ied lookG #e#ori,ing every single )eature so
that it will be etched in his #e#ory )orever" that.s when he chooses to let go& %he #e#ory plays
backwards and like sand through an open pal#" the pain )ades away and so does the guilt& *e.s
le)t with si#ply nu#bness and the #e#ory o) what he did& *e replays it again" this ti#e )eeling
nothing when he hears his #other.s terri)ied screa# or his )athers pain struck look as his head #et
the wall&
3hen (ongin opens his eyes" he.s alone& 6oth 4uhan and 'yungsoo have le)t& *is training is
)inished& (ongin is )ree to #eet and see whoever he wants to& *e can probably even go back to
school i) he wanted& (ongin doesn.t want to& 1othing will be the sa#e i) even i) he does go back&
*is #other won.t cook hi# break)ast in the #orning" won.t be waiting )or hi# when he co#es
ho#e late& *is )ather won.t scold hi# )or )ailing a test" or praise hi# when he wins a soccer ga#e&
3hat would he tell the teachers0 %hat he orphaned hi#sel)0 %here are too #any things to e2plain
i) he chooses to go back to his )or#er li)e" so he chooses to co#pletely let go& %o #ove on&

-t takes (ongin = weeks and D days to so#ehow piece his li)e back together& +o#e legal paperwork
because his parents le)t hi# with 7uite an a#ount o) heritage& *e gets his own s#all apart#ent
but his uncle will co#e check on hi# )ro# ti#e to ti#e" #aking sure he.s doing okay and living
well& *e doesn.t attend his parents )uneral" e2cuses hi#sel) that it.s to pain)ul while honestly he
doesn.t )eel anything& *e si#ply doesn.t want to go and see the pity in his siblings eyes& (ongin
doesn.t want any pity" doesn.t need it& *e.s on top o) the )ood chain and i) only they knew" they.d
be running )or their lives&
*e thought being a beta in a pack would #ean so#ething" but it doesn.t& 1ot really& All it #eans is
that during a )ull #oon" he needs to go hunting with his pack and i) his alpha is ever in danger" he
has to protect hi#& +o )ar" there has been no e2change& 4uhan re)uses to talk about it and he
hasn.t seen 'yungsoo since the night he )ound hi# bleeding in the bathroo#& (ongin didn.t turn
during the )ull #oon& Everyone was surprised" thinking that #aybe he wasn.t as strong as he
see#ed" but (ongin knew they were wrong& *e )elt the change in his body& ;elt the ache in his
bones because they wanted so badly to break and change& *e suppressed it& %hinking that i) 4uhan
knew" #aybe he wouldn.t be allowed to leave the pack& *e wanted only 'yungsoo to know&
!n the night o) the second )ull #oon" a)ter the hunt" they were allowed to leave to their personal
businesses" as always& (ongin couldn.t stand the soreness in his bones any longer& *e ran )or the
woods" 7uicker than ever& *e barely #ade it )ar inside until he tripped over a root and as he )ell to
the ground" his shoulder snapped out o) place& *e suppressed a pain )illed screa# as he tu#bled
)or a )ew seconds" hearing the sound o) #ore bones cracking and snapping out o) their hu#an
positions& *e leaned up on his )orear#s and knees and breathed heavily through clenched teeth"
saliva dripping )ro# his #outh as he tried his best not to #ake a sound& 6ut he couldn.t hold back
the grunts and screa#s when his ribcage snapped and cracked itsel) in to a new position&
*e passed out a second later&
3hen (ongin wakes up" his clothes are #ostly torn" only barely sticking to his body& *e laughs at
how )unny it #ust.ve looked with a hal) dressed wol)" but laughing is pain)ul and he ends up
coughing& 6lood stains his e2posed skin and what re#ain o) his clothes& *e recogni,es the place
where he is" he knows this s#ell& *e looks up and sees that the #oon is still )ull and at e2posure"
he doesn.t know i) anyone will be ho#e but he knocks on the door in )ront o) hi# anyway& *is skin
is tingling and heartbeats are racing as the scent beco#es #ore distinct&
A do,y looking #ale opens the door" his eyes widen and (ongin swears he sees the #oon in the#&
*e enters the apart#ent without an invitation and doesn.t say a single word& *is eyes are locked
with 'yungsoo.s and the s#aller #ale is care)ully stepping backwards as (ongin walks towards
hi#& %he door so#ehow shuts behind the newborn and 'yungsoo.s back hit a wall he isn.t even
sure has always been there" or #aybe he.s 5ust da,ed by the presence o) his clai#ed person&
(ongin hovers over the shorter wol) and his breath lands so)tly on his pale )ace&
- haven.t seen you in a while& 'yungsoo says and (ongin loves how the sound o) his voice is
a))ecting every part o) hi# in to the bone& 6e)ore his #ind even gives co##and" his hands are
already up under 'yungsoo.s shirt" his body reacting 7uicker than his brain can intercept& As i)
(ongin.s whole being knew what he wanted be)ore his head even thought about it&
(ongin replies si#ply by pressing his lips against 'yungsoo.s plush ones&
9id you turn )ull out tonight0 'yungsoo asks between their )everish kisses" (ongin #akes so#e
kind o) noise in response but no words are spoken& *e doesn.t have ti#e )or words& %he only thing
he can )ocus on is the way 'yungsoo.s skin )eels against the pads o) his )ingertips&
9oes 4uhan know0 'yungsoo asks" trying to )ocus on what.s i#portant as #uch as he can" which
is di))icult when (ongin is kissing his neck&
3ill you 5ust shut up0 (ongin hisses be)ore he bites down on the so)t skin o) 'yungsoo.s
%he alpha growls" e2posing his )angs and he pushes (ongin away so that the younger )alls to the
)loor& *e hisses at the pain but is shut up by plush lips pressing hard on his #outh& 'yungsoo is
lying on top o) hi#" his thigh between (ongin.s legs and the newborn li)ts his hip to create the
)riction his body is craving& %he alpha #oans and (ongin swears he can hear his sanity leave
through the )ront door& *is senses are all heightened and all )ocused on 'yungsoo& %here could be
a war going on outside these walls" bo#bs dropping and guns being )ired and (ongin probably
wouldn.t notice or hear because all he can think about is 'yungsoo" 'yungsoo" 'yungsoo&
Are you sure you want this0 the alpha asks" still uncertain i) (ongin will co#e to regret it later
when his #ind is not running on )ull #oon instincts&
(ongin )lips their positions so that he is instead the one on top o) 'yungsooG pinning the alpha.s
wrists to the )loor above his head and kissing his e2posed neck until beauti)ul s#all noises
unintentionally spill )ro# 'yungsoo.s lips&
- thought - told you to shut up& *e whispers right ne2t to the wol).s ear and 'yungsoo shivers all
the way down to his toes be)ore he con5ures up so#e wol) strength to once again )lip their
positions& *is eyes )lare blue and (ongin arches up again" craving #ore&
;ine& 'yungsoo replies and bites down at (ongin.s neck& *e shreds the re#ains o) (ongin.s
already teared clothing and disposes o) his own shirt ne2t& %heir bare chests connect and (ongin
#oans at the sensation and war#th o) the other&
A )ew bites" a hundred kisses and barely any o2ygen le)t in their lungs later and they.ve both
#anaged to end up naked and (ongin has 'yungsoo.s )ingers in his #outh" al#ost gagging on the#
but he can.t see# to care& *e )eels as i) he.s been waiting a #illion years )or thisG as i) he was born
)or this #o#ent and this #o#ent alone& *e can )eel his eyes )laring red" the sa#e as 'yungsoo.s
are still blue" and so#ehow the thought o) how the two o) the# #ust look right now turns hi# on
even #ore&
'yungsoo re#oves his )ingers )ro# (ongin.s wet #outh and without warning he pushes two inside
o) the young wol)" who let.s out a 7uivering #oan" hal) in pain but still panting" yes yes yes& *e.s
working (ongin open 7uickly and care)ul isn.t really a priority at the #o#ent" and (ongin doesn.t
#ind at all& 6y the ti#e 'yungsoo pushes the third )inger in" he hits the bundle o) nerves and it has
(ongin reduced to an al#ost sobbing state" cock leaking and #outh pleading" now please oh god
5ust take #e now&
<sing his inhu#an super speed" 'yungsoo )etches the lube )ro# the bathroo# and is back on the
)loor with (ongin in less than > seconds& *e li)ts hi# up and turns hi# around so that he.s on his
knees and hands" at )ull e2posure )or the alpha& (ongin is still panting and pleads are still dropping
)ro# his lips& 'yungsoo places hi#sel) and pushes in slowly" then he grabs (ongin.s hips hard and
(ongin swears you.re going to be able to see 'yungsoo.s )ingerprints in the bruises later" but that.s
not the worst& %he worst is that 'yungsoo is pushing in unbearably slow and (ongin does not
possess any kind o) patience at the #o#ent&
!h )or )uck.s sake:: (ongin breathes but he.s cut o)) by the pleasure o) 'yungsoo snapping his
hips and pushing in with )orce& (ongin has to steady hi#sel) and he )alls to rest on his )orear#s&
'yungsoo pulls out and sla#s back in and all the air in (ongin.s lungs )ly out in the gasp he lets out&
Moans travel on breaths he isn.t sure how he.s even able to take and he shuts his eyes close"
reveling in the pleasure that.s )lowing through his whole body with every thrust&
'yungsoo ad5usts hi#sel) to regain so#e balance and in the process he once again hits the sweet
spot that has his lover crying out in pleasure& *e listens as (ongin al#ost sobs out his na#e" his
#ind can.t )or# anything else coherent other than 'yungsoo" 'yungsoo& And the alpha loves it& *e
returns the )avor by #oaning (ongin.s na#e back at hi# and the younger whines with pleasure&
%ouch yoursel)& 'yungsoo co##ands and (ongin nearly co#es then and there&
*e does as he.s told and tries his best to keep his balance while stroking his already leaking
erection& -t.s not long be)ore he.s too close and 'yungsoo can sense it& *e releases (ongin.s hip
with one hand and uses it to pull his hair& (ongin grunts and bites his lower lips" al#ost drawing
blood in the process&
<se your Eision& 'yungsoo #oans breathlessly in his ear and (ongin does& !pening his eyes"
seeing the world in red and blacks& %hen everything )lickers at the heightened sensation and his
vision blurs& *is body and #ind being too )illed pleasure to be able to #ake out any lines or edges
at all& -t.s only a #atter o) seconds and then (ongin is spilling white all over hi#sel) and the )loor&
'yungsoo releases his hair )ro# the iron hold and they both collapse on the )loor& 6oth breathless
and (ongin is breathing in a sobbing #anner& %hat was without doubt the best orgas# he ever
%he alpha pulls the# both up )ro# the )loor and helps (ongin get in to the bathtub& *e turns the
shower on to lukewar# water and takes the handle )ro# it.s original place& *e.s e2hausted" but
(ongin is covered in blood" dirt and se#enG which is not nice to have on your bed sheets" so
'yungsoo cleans hi# up& Ru))ling the new born.s hair and scrubbing hi# clean& (ongin al#ost )alls
asleepG staying awake only because 'yungsoo de#ands hi# to&
-) you )all asleep -.# leaving you to sleep in the )ree,ing tub& he threatens&
- hate you& (ongin replies" but he can.t #ask the obvious a#ount o) e#otion in his voice that
reveal his true )eelings although he says the opposite& 'yungsoo si#ply s#iles because he hears it


3hen (ongin wakes up" he.s alone& 6ut he can hear rustling )ro# the kitchen so he knows he.s not
been abandoned& *is phone rings and he has no idea how he had #anaged to bring that with hi#"
or i) #aybe 'yungsoo got it )or hi# be)ore he woke up& *e sees that it.s 4uhan so he let.s out a
sigh be)ore answering&
3e need to talk& 4uhan says be)ore (ongin can even say hello& +o#ething in his alpha.s voice has
hi# on edge& %here.s so#ething wrong and he can sense it&
3ell" -.# listening& (ongin says" voice laced with sleep&
/ou were resting at ho#e last night" right0 4uhan says and i) (ongin had 5ust taken and e2tra
second to let his sleepy brain catch up with hi#" he would.ve heard that he was e2pected to
answer yes to this& 6ut as it stands" (ongin replied to 7uickly&
1o" - had se2& (ongin says and 4uhan sighs so loud (ongin can al#ost )eel the push o) air through
his phone&
'i# (ongin you are the personi)ication o) idiocy&
3e.re going to have to have a serious talk& A voice says" and it takes (ongin a )ew seconds too
#uch to reali,e that it.s 'ris. voice he.s hearing and not 4uhan.s& %hen suddenly (ongin hears the
crashing o) dishes )ro# the kitchen and 'yungsoo is screa#ing&
(ongin" what did you do0$

%he blood in (ongin.s veins )ree,e and he shoots out o) bed wearing nothing but bo2ers as he runs
to the kitchen where 'ris is standing with a kni)e pressing against 'yungsoo.s throat& 4uhan and
%ao are sitting at the table& *ow did they get there so )ast0 (ongin wonders )or a #o#ent be)ore
he re#e#bers that they are all )ull grown and e2perienced wolves&
-t is very illegal to #ate across packs without the per#ission o) an alpha" didn.t you know that
(ongin0 'ris says& !bviously happy that he now has a legit reason to kill the other alpha&
Chanyeol is going to stor# in here and be less than happy with you& (ongin says" as i) he knew
anything about the situation&
E2cept @iu#in and 4ay are standing guard outside& 'ris s#irks&
3hat do you want0 (ongin says care)ully&
Actually" - want to leave this weak pack and beco#e #y own alpha&
3hat0$ 4uhan" %ao and (ongin all echo at the sa#e ti#e&
6ut you see" i) - leave" -.ll be an o#ega" and weak& %hat is o) course" unless so#eone )ollows #y
lead& %hat.s gonna be you" (ongin& 'ris says" e2pression cold as stone&
1ever& (ongin sco))s&
'ris presses the kni)e harder on 'yungsoo.s throat and the alpha whi#pers as a trail o) blood runs
down on his neck& (ongin swallows hard and reaches an ar# out" as i) he could do anything&
1o" you see (ongin 'ris starts with obno2ious tone& /ou don.t have a choice here&
'ris" this is taking it too )ar& -.ll rip you apart the second you leave #y pack& 4uhan says" eyes
)laring red and )angs bared at hi#&
!ne wrong #ove and our little alpha here will stop breathing& 3hich will have a lot o) unpleasant
conse7uences )or a certain brunett you think so )ondly o)& 'ris s#iles&
4uhan is about to open his #outh to say so#ething" but he.s cut o)) by the pain)illed grunt that
'ris lets out and it all happened too )ast )or anyone to really understand& At )irst (ongin was 5ust
standing in the kitchen with the#" but the ne2t second he.d taken the kni)e )ro# 'ris and stabbed
hi# in his chest" causing hi# to bleed violently& %he tall wol) tried to )ight back but his vision was
blurred& *e stu#bled and hit his head against the table" )alling unconcious to the ground&
%hen (ongin was coughing blood and )alling to the )loor as well" hoarsely breathing out a what.s
happening0 6ut not staying conscious long enough to hear a reply&
this boy is so stupid& 4uhan #u#bles as he pulls (ongin up and tries to shake hi# awake&
<h#&&& /our beta is bleeding all over #y kitchen& 'yungsoo shoots un& And #y boy)riend is
hanging over your shoulders" with violent nosebleed&
%hey.ll heal& 4uhan says" bitter tone and angry )ace& 1ow where do - put this hal) naked new

Chapter 11
%eaching old dogs new tricks

*e.s waking up& (ongin hear %ao.s voice say& *e has an incredible headache and don.t really )eel
like opening his eyes" but since he can.t really pretend to sleep either" he has no choice& *e.s
strangely unco#)ortable and when he opens his eyes he reali,es that it.s because he.s sitting in a
chair& !r better put" he.s been tied to a chair&
3hat.s going on0 *e #u#bles& 'yungsoo grabs his )ace in his hands and e2a#ines his condition&
*e.s )ine& 'yungsoo states& 4uhan let.s out a sigh in relie)&
4et.s wake 'ris up then& %he blond alpha says&
*e.s not gonna be happy& %ao whispers&
*e.s never happy& 4ay co##ents&
/es" well thank you )or pointing that out& 4uhan says& as he walks up to 'risG who is also tied to a
chair with his back )acing (ongin.s&

At )irst& 4uhan is care)ul& 8oking 'ris. cheek& 6ut it doesn.t help" so he gives hi# a light slap and the
beta wakes with a shock& Al#ost tipping his own chair in the process& And then he growls at
4uhan.s )ace& %he alpha doesn.t back away" and doesn.t even )linch&
3e.re going to have a little chat& he says&
/ou can.t be taking sides with 'yungsoo0$ 'ris yells& *e.s broken a #illion rules already" )inish
hi# o))$
(ongin stares at 'yungsoo with wide eyes )illed with )ear& *e whispers an -.# sorry" - didn.t know&
And 'yungsoo #erely shakes his head& 6ut - did& *e whispers back& - did" and - will take )ull
-.# not talking about 'yungsoo" you and - have so#e things to sort:: 4uhan starts&
-) - was the alpha o) this pack nobody would dare cross our territory$ 'ris interrupts& %rying to
break )ree )ro# his chained position in the chair&
6ut you.re not$ - a# the alpha o) this pack and you will respect #e as a leader and authority$ 1ow
sit your big ass still and let #e )inish$ 4uhan growls with )la#ing eyes& (ongin can.t see it" but he
can still )eel his bones turning to ice at the deter#ination in 4uhan.s voice&
- challenge your position as alph::$ 'ris starts but be)ore he can )inish" 4uhan kicks hi# in the
sto#ach" pushing both hi# and his chair so that his back hit (ongin.s& 'ris grunts loudly and gasps
)ro# pain& %he alpha places his )oot on the s#all space o) the chair between 'ris. wide spread legs
and leans down on his own knee so that his )ace is only centi#eters away )ro# 'ris. )ace&
-" have had it up to here 4uhan says and puts his hand a tad bit higher than their )aces& 3ith you
and your war #entality$ - have a deal with 'yungsoo" and you are about to #ess everything up
because your have your head too )ar stuck up your own ass$ - earned #y position and i) it wasn.t
)or #e you.d be dead a long ti#e ago so you owe #e your loyalty and li)e& /ou will )ollow #e
7uietly )ro# now on$
%he at#osphere goes tense& 1obody has seen 4uhan like this in )orever& Even 'ris hal) ad#its he
has reached de)eat" were it not )or his stubborn head" he probably would.ve backed down then
and there&
/ou have no power over #e& *e tries" although he knows it.s a lie&
- can degrade you to o#ega& 4uhan says coldly and it has everyone holding their breaths& Even
though (ongin has no idea what that #eans" he still )eels unco#)ortable and he twists in his own
skin" hoping he.ll never hear anyone say so#ething like that again&
'yungsoo puts a hand on 4uhan.s shoulder and the blond alpha backs away" knowing he #ade his
point and )inally reached out to 'ris& *e )eels proud" and relieved&
3ell" - guess - 5ust got re#inded o) why - )ollow you so loyally& 4ay s#iles and @iu#in hu#s in
*ot& (ongin hears so#eone whisper and he looks around to )ind that +ehun is there" along with the
rest o) 'yungsoo.s pack& *e has no idea when they got there& *ad he been out so long0 And how
were they so 7uiet0 3hich re#inded hi#G
*ey" what happened to #e0 (ongin asks&
/ou attacked a beta o) your own pack& 1ot cool& %ao e2plains& 1ature is not )ond o) that shit&
1ature is also not )ond o) you )ucking so#eone )ro# another pack" who is trespassing& 'ris
Attitude$ 4uhan raises his voice and 'ris lowers his head& @iu#in snickers and 4ay buries his
elbow in his waist&
%he switch0 Chanyeol re#inds the# and it has (ongin sharpening his hearing and reacting with
all his senses& +witch0 -s he )inally going to be le)t )or 'yungsoo0 *e )inds hi#sel) a bit too e2cited
at the idea&
-t only works during the )ull #oon& 'yungsoo says and looks at (ongin with worry& At )irst (ongin
doesn.t know what the e2pression is )or" but then he reali,es that the )ull #oon" #eans he.s going
to be a )ull out wol)& And nobody in 4uhan.s pack likes that" which #ini#i,es the chances o) the
deal going through peace)ully& (ongin doesn.t know a lot" be he does know that 4uhan would take
the risk o) not being with +ehun i) it #eant keeping a )ull turner in his pack& %he i#printed clai#ing
bond only goes so deep" and 4uhan would suppress it i) he had to& A)ter all" he.d done it be)ore&
-s there a proble#0 4uhan asks with caution" looking at (ongin.s terri)ied )ace&
1ot at all& (ongin says a)ter swallowing hard&
4uhan.s stare lingers )or a #o#ent" but then he looks awayG turning to the rest o) his pack&
/ou all know the ritual o) a switch0 *e ask and they nod&
<h#" e2cuse #e& (ongin calls& - don.t know&
!) course you don.t& 'ris sighs& (ongin tries to kick hi# but as he.s tied to a chair still" he doesn.t
-t doesn.t really re7uire you doing anything" e2cept accepting the trade& Most o) the switch is up
to the alpha.s anyway& 4uhan says& 6ut it does re7uire the whole packs to be present&
- don.t see why that would be a proble#0 (ongin says& 4uhan doesn.t reply" and when he looks at
'yungsoo" 'yungsoo isn.t returning his ga,e&
Can we get untied now0 'ris asks with i#patience&
3ill you behave0 4uhan raises an eyebrow and 'ris nods care)ully& %he alpha proceeds to undo
the ropes o) his betas& - swear to all that - live )or that i) you pull a #ove - will degrade you
without warning&
;ine& 'ris says with a tone o) de)eat&

3hen (ongin gets out o) the chair" his )irst instinct is to go to 'yungsoo.s side" but %ao stops hi#&
Mu#lbing so#ething about having to wait until the ne2t )ull #oon" and (ongin whines in protest&

+o what.s the proble# with the all #e#bers o) the pack present:rule0 (ongin asks& *i# and
'yungsoo are sitting at the roo) o) an abandoned house near the woods& %hey usually #eet here
to talk" because nobody co#es here at night" so they won.t get caught&
Chanyeol will be in wol):)or# #ost likely" #aybe - will too" and +uho and Chen get a bit restless
during the #oon& -.# not saying they will do anything" but they will be easily provoked& And it.s in
our wol) nature to not be )riendly towards other packs& 3e spend our lives in out own packs" it.s
the only )a#ily we have" and the only )a#ily we want to have& 'yungsoo e2plains& *owever" - a#
#ore worried about you&
Me0 (ongin asks&
/ou can.t control your wol)" - know that& -) you were to turn" #ore than being scared o) what
4uhan #ight do" -.# scared o) what you #ight do&
-.ll suppress it& (ongin says with con)idence&
'yungsoo.s 5aw clenches" but he doesn.t reply& Maybe i) he doesn.t tell (ongin about the
di))iculties" his con)idence #ight be enough )or hi# to suppress it& -) worst co#es to it" there.s
always plan 6&
3hat about +ehun0 (ongin asks& 3ill he be )ine0 - don.t )eel good about having hi# in the sa#e
pack as 'ris&&:
*e.ll be )ine& -) he.s with 4uhan" everything will be ok& 'yungsoo s#iles&
%hen what about us0 (ongin whispers&
3e #ight not have to leave i) we stay on 4uhan.s good side&
/ou.re already )ar )ro# ho#e" - don.t want to keep you and besides #y parents are dead so -
don.t have a reason to stay so i) you want to go back -.ll )ollow you& (ongin ra#bled on& %rying to
will away the guilt in the pit o) his sto#ach& -.ve kept you long already&
-.# not )ar )ro# ho#e" (ongin& 'yungsoo starts& Co#ing here" #eant co#ing ho#e& ;inding
you" was )inding ho#e&
%here.s no hesitation in 'yungsoo.s eyes& Raw e#otion is audible in his voice and when (ongin
looks in to his eyes" he )inds nothing but the truth& *e )eels his chest contract as i) his heart was
clenching up at the words& As i) the pu,,le pieces o) his #iserably #undane li)e were slowly
starting to put the#selves together" and the holes in his sad" broken soul who still #issed his
parents" were )inally beginning to heal&
(ongin reali,ed that they hadn.t talked about what happened during the )ull #oon yet& %hat ti#e"
(ongin had been acting on pure instinct and need )or the person he was clai#ed to" but this was
di))erent& %onight" (ongin couldn.t take his eyes o)) o) 'yungsoo& And his heart was pounding hard
in his chest when the older spoke o) ho#e& %his wasn.t acting on instinct or desire& %his was
so#ething else& +o#ething (ongin wasn.t sure he was ready to con)ront&
Apparently he had been staring at the other )or too long because 'yungsoo care)ully leaned
)orward" and (ongin had watched enough #ovies in his li)e to actually know where this was
leading to& *e didn.t back away& And when 'yungsoo.s )ace was close enough )or his breath to
tickle (ongin.s skin" the younger leaned )orward as well&
%he kiss was care)ul" so)t" and nothing what (ongin would.ve i#agined it to be& Although #aybe
kissing 'yungsoo wasn.t really a )oreign thing any#ore" it still set (ongin.s insides on )ire& *e
pushed )orward a bit #ore and soon 'yungsoo was lying with his back against the roo) and (ongin
was hovering over hi#" trailing kisses all over any e2posed skin he could )ind&
9o you wanna talk about what happened the other night0 'yungsoo breathes with insecure
tone" scared that he #ight scare (ongin away again&
- don.t wanna talk at all&
(ongin kept kissing and eventually the kissing
turned to touching" and their breaths beca#e ragged and uneven& Maybe (ongin should know
better than to actually keep going with 'yungsoo" considering it al#ost got 'yungsoo killed the
last ti#e" but he couldn.t stop& 1ot when 'yungsoo.s skin was so so)t and his lips so )ull and his
tongue so wet and his voice so addicting& -t wasn.t about ani#alistic needs at all any#ore& %his
wasn.t about so#e wol)ish desire& %his was all on (ongin& %he hu#an part o) hi#& %he one who.s
beating heart was racing and al#ost )alling out o) his chest&
(ongin& 'yungsoo breathed and everything ca#e to a halt& (ongin knew then and there that i)
'yungsoo had told hi# to go )etch the #oon )or hi#" (ongin would&


%he two wolves don.t see each other )or the rest o) the #onth& +o#ething about training Chanyeol
how to not rip 'ris. throat out when he turns wol) on the ne2t )ull #oon when the switch will take
place& (ongin thinks it.s )ine& -t.s not like he will #iss hi# or anything&
-t.s not like (ongin actually spent the nights twisting and turning in his bed" unable to sleep&
-t.s not like (ongin was pacing around his roo# and had no #ind to do anything but )eel #iserable
and lonely&
9e)initely )ine&
6ut nobody was happier than (ongin" when 'yungsoo showed up two nights be)ore the )ull #oon&
(ongin al#ost 5u#ped hi# like a real dog as soon as he set )oot inside (ongin.s house& -#patience
clawed at his insides and he co#pletely )orgot that #aybe 'yungsoo had so#e reason to be there&
-t didn.t #atter& (ongin didn.t care& All he could think about was 'yungsoo.s per)ect naked chest
underneath hi#" and the way his skin reacted to his every touch& As i) (ongin was able to work
#agic on the other& *e loved it& *e loved how sensitive 'yungsoo was to his touch and how his
back arched when (ongin brushed that sensitive spot inside hi#& *e loved how he was #oaning
out (ongin.s na#e when the younger pushed inside hi#&
!nly when they were )inished with each other" and cleaned up )ro# the white #ess that 'yungsoo
had released between their bodies" and they were both lying co#)ortably in (ongin.s bed" did
(ongin re#e#ber that 'yungsoo had showed up without warning&
3hy are you here0 (ongin asked" and he didn.t #ean )or it to sound as accusing as it did&
3ell" in #y de)ense - wasn.t e2pecting the se2& 'yungsoo starts with a s#ile& Although - didn.t
#ind it& - ca#e to give you so#ething&
&&&3olvesbane& 'yungsoo said care)ully&
3hat )or0
%he night o) the switch&
3hy0 (ongin )elt like a baby )or asking a #illion 7uestions" but he couldn.t control his con)usion&
/ou have to drink it&&& -t.s going to hurt like nothing has ever hurt be)ore and it will weaken you&
+o that you can.t turn&
(ongin swallowed hard& *e wasn.t really keen on the pain:like:none:be)ore part& Although he knew
'yungsoo was doing it )or the good o) the #any& %here was too #uch at stake this ti#e and i)
(ongin turned" it could result in a blood bath& And (ongin had had enough o) blood bath.s )or his
teenage years&
-t.ll be )ine right0 (ongin asked" trying to co#)ort hi#sel)&
9on.t drink too #uch or you.ll die& was the only reply he got )ro# his lover& - can.t be there with
you" because - could end up ruining everything by wanting to take your pain away& /ou have to be
strong on your own&
(ongin )elt his heart sink to his sto#ach& *e.d have to be alone& -n that #o#ent" he )elt like the
world had abandoned hi#" and he was at the #ercy o) the #oon& *e could only pray to whatever
higher powers there were" that he would be able to survive and #ake it through the night without
any #ishaps& Maybe this was a bad idea a)ter all&

Chapter 1>
8lan 6 : it.s all about ti#ing
5ongin.s ga,e keep )licking )ro# the clock to the cup o) #urderous tea in )ront o) hi#& don.t drink it
until the last #inute" that.s what kyungsoo had said& there was no way )or the# to know how
7uickly 5ongin.s healing would set in so they couldn.t risk anything by #aking hi# drink it earlier
than necessary" although 5ongin 5ust wanted to get it over with& hope)ully it would keep hi# weak
enough through the whole switch cere#ony&

the young wol) wrapped his )ingers around the #ug" it was barely war# any#ore and 5ust the
scent o) it was enough to have 5ongin 7uestion i) he could really go through with it& but he had to&
in order to be with kyungsoo" he had to do this& which was )unny in a way because 5ongin doesn.t
re#e#ber )alling in love at all& he knows he didn.t like kyungsoo at all )irst" and he knows that he
is > #inutes and 4= seconds away )ro# swallowing >3 #illilitres o) basically poison )or hi#& the
)eelings in between these two points are a bit o) a blur& it happened so gradually" no it sneaked up
on hi#& not letting hi# reali,e it until he was sitting alone at the table" ready to swallow all the
wol)sbane in the cup he was holding&

luhan is picking hi# up in > #inutes& by then" all the contents o) the #ug needs to be gone and he
needs to be able to stand up on his own& 5ongin inhales deeply a )ew ti#es" trying to cal# his
unsettling nerves& he li)ts the white container to his lips and braces hi#sel) )or what.s to co#e& he
5ust needs to be weak enough so his body can.t break his own bones& once the )irst bone is broken"
the change begins and nothing can stop it& all 5ongin has to do is not break any bones tonight&
which isn.t as easy as one would think because as #idnight draws nearer" his bones turn #ore
)ragile& the s#allest thing could set it o))G a #isplaced )oot" a punch" a )all" even so#ething as
si#ple as a cough&
you can do this 5ongin" he thinks to hi#sel) be)ore ,ipping the contents&
but no inhales or happy thoughts could ever have prepared hi# )or the i##ediate pain he
e2periences when the luke war# li7uid hits his #outh& it burns )ro# the )irst second and his
#outh )eels like it.s )ull o) thorns and when he swallows it )eels like drinking ra,or blades& he gasps
out loud when the last drop is )inished and he doesn.t care )or putting the cup down care)ully and
it )alls out o) his hand and crashes to pieces on the )loor& 5ongin clutches his sto#ach" trying to rid
hi#sel) o) the )eeling o) being eaten )ro# the inside and out& his vision blurs and )lickers )ro#
nor#al to red& he coughs and it #akes the )eeling worse" he tries to stand up but stu#bles& he can
see his re)lection in the kitchen #irror" and it.s not a pretty sight& blood shot eyes" pale )ace and
al#ost purple lips&

the doorbell rings and 5ongin curses the universe )or not giving hi# another #inute to catch his
breath& luhan is not patient and si#ply lets hi#sel) in" only to )ind an out o) breath 5ongin
struggling to )ind his balance& the alpha rushes to his side in a second and helps hi# out o) the
apart#ent& 5ongin can )eel his wol) )angs at e2posure and he #ust look like a cra,y person because
his vision is too blurred )or hi# to be able to )ocus on anything and he 5ust ends up rolling his head
to the sides in order to see so#ething" anything" kyungoo& but nothing is there e2cept the blur&
what the )uck happened0$ luhan yells as he drops 5ongin.s body on the ground& it s#ells like the
park& so at least 5ongin knows where he is now&
what.s wrong with hi#0 lay asks&
- don.t know$ luhan replies a bit to harsh and the beta )linches&
what i) he won.t be able to go through the switch like this0 tao whispers&
he can& kyungsoo.s stern voice appears& but the look on the s#all alpha.s )ace is )ar )ro# as
con)ident as his voice had been&
sehun rushes over to 5ongin.s aid" getting hi# on his )eet once again and places the# both in the
#iddle o) the two packs& 5ongin has a hard ti#e distinguishing what scent is co#ing )ro# where"
but he thinks kyungsoo is in )ront o) hi#& all he has to do is walk over there on his own& at
precisely #idnight" when the #oon is at it.s peak" when his powers are at it.s peakG he will walk
over to kyungsoo while sehun will go to luhan& it.s as si#ple as that&
e2cept 5ongin isn.t cold sweating because o) the poison any#ore& he can )eel the ru#ble in his
chest& how )ragile the bones in his body are beco#ing" they could snap at any second and that
would be the end o) the switch& i) 5ongin starts turning be)ore the ritual has been co#pleted"
that.s the end o) it& this isn.t right& the wol)sbane was supposed to weaken hi# long enough )or
hi# to go through this" but as #idnight draws closer his vision clears& he can )inally see the
concerned look on kyungsoo.s )ace& and then 5ongin and sehun take their )irst steps in opposite
directions& sehun #oves slow and care)ully" #atching his pace to 5ongin.s stu#bling one& the #oon
is at it.s peak e2actly when the beta.s #eet their new alphas" and their eyes )lash brightly as they
change color& )ro# red to blue" )ro# blue to red&
did you drink it all0$ co#es kyungsoo.s hissing whisper when 5ongin )inally reaches hi#" the beta
can only nod as he collapses on the ground&
are you out o) your )ucking #ind0 you could.ve died$
well don.t give #e so #uch i) it.s not all )or consu#ing purposes& 5ongin 5okes" but his laughter is
the )inal straw and it has hi# cracking a bone in his ribcage&
the snap echoes through the night and everone )ree,es& luhan has his eyes locked on 5ongin" while
sehun is clutching his new alpha.s ar#&
shit& 5ongin says be)ore his body dislocates his own shoulder and he screa#s in pain&
luhan.s knuckles turn white as he balls his hands in to )ists& #etaphorically there.s s#oke co#ing
out o) his ears& sehun is doing his best to cal# his alpha down" #assaging so)t circles on the older.s
ar#" whispering words o) co#)ort and please let it go& but even i) luhan #ight.ve considered
letting it go at so#e point" kris is not so kind and understanding& he #arches over the space
between the packs" eyes )laring red under the #oon and )angs at )ull e2posure& nobody knows i)
he can even hear luhan.s voice calling hi#&
chanyeol" chen and suho all step in )ront o) 5ongin and kyungsoo" shielding the# )ro# the beta
#arching towards the#& kris doesn.t slow down& although he #ust know he.s out nu#bered and
out powered& #aybe kyungsoo should be surprised that tao and lay are )ollowing kris. e2a#ple
and have started #arching towards the# as well" but kyungsoo isn.t the least bit surprised& 2iu#in
is staying put ne2t to luhan and sehun" which is #ore surprising than anything&
kyungsoo tries to bring 5ongin to his )eet again" but it.s an i#possible task when 5ongin.s body is
busy breaking each and every bone in his body& the alpha hates how 5ongin is screa#ing and
writhing in pain& there.s nothing he can do e2cept watch& the alpha holds 5ongin close" trying to
console hi# while he.s sobbing and screa#ing& the thought o) 5ongin going through all this alone
last ti#e has hi# shutting his eyes tight in guilt&
it.s )ine" 5ongin& you.ll be )ine& you.re okay& he whispers" but he doesn.t know i) it.s to the turning
teenager in his ar#s" or i) it.s what he tries to convince hi#sel)&
chanyeol is kicking kris away )ro# the two" he growls loudly as a warning but neither o) luhan.s
pack #e#bers back down& chanyeol does his best at keeping kris. occupied" without turning in to a
)ull wol)& the #inutes it takes )or hi# to change" are #inutes that he can.t a))ord to leave
kyungsoo and 5ongin unguarded&
)inally" kyungsoo is no longer hugging a boy" but a wol)& he takes the wol).s )ace in his hands and
stare in to 5ongin.s eyes" s#iling )ro# relie) when he can tell 5ongin is )ine& he.s okay now&
kyungsoo pats his head in a )riendly #anner and stands up straight" o))ering luhan an apologetic
look" which is only rewarded with a glare in return&
you lied& luhan says& it.s not nearly loud enough to be heard over the growling o) the )ighting
beta.s between the#" but with his enhanced hearing" kyungsoo catches it anyway&
- never said he couldn.t turn& kyungsoo care)ully replies&
this was not part o) the deal$
the deal never said anything about )ull out ani#al or not& kyungsoo s#irks" clearly proud o) his
triu#ph& - played by the rules&
kyungsoo you:$
then hand sehun back over$ kyungsoo interrupts& you wanna break the deal then hand hi#
over and let #e snap his neck$
wol):5ongin growls in protest but kyungsoo shuts hi# up& luhan wraps his ar# protectively around
sehun.s waist and pulls hi# closer to his own body" shooting kyungsoo evil glares as he does so&
kyungsoo planned this well& either that or he.s a hell o) an i#proviser& luhan can.t go back on his
words" he can.t un:switch& doing so will cost sehun his li)e" so#ething luhan has sworn to )orever
protect& 2iu#in steps in )ront o) his leader" as i) to #ark that nobody is going to hurt either o)
the#& not that kyungsoo was actually planning on #aking a #ove on the#" but as long as that.s
what they e2pect" they.ll leave 5ongin alone&

chanyeol yells )or the# to get out o) there" and kyungsoo nods in response& he #otions )or 5ongin
to )ollow hi# as they run )ro# the park& 5ongin notices kris and tao trying to )ollow the#" but
chanyeol and suho step in between so that they can.t even get a gli#pse o) where the two are
going& kyungsoo leads the# )ar away" and he doesn.t stop running until he.s sure that they are
both sa)e )ro# scent:range& they won.t be )ollowed here& he takes a turn and they #ake )or the
shortcut to kyungsoo.s apart#ent& it.s a bit o) a walk" and the walk is #ade in silence because
5ongin doesn.t know how to speak in wol):)or#&
there are a lot o) things he doesn.t know about the wol) )or# actually" )or e2a#ple he doesn.t
know why he.s in this )or# while kyungsoo and chanyeol are not& how co#e they get to choose
when 5ongin obviously did not0
they enter the apart#ent and 5ongin clu#sily walks around inside" )ollowing kyungsoo like a lost
puppy& they reach the bedroo# and kyungsoo pulls out so#e clothes )ro# his closet" and throws
the# on the bed& he then s7uats in )ront o) 5ongin and pets his ears&
you.re cute like this& he s#iles&
-.# not cute$ 5ongin protests" and his own voice startles hi# as he reali,es he beca#e hu#an
again& he stare at kyungsoo with con)usion" but the alpha #erely s#iles&
co#e on" we still need to get the re#aining wol)sbane out o) your syste#& kyungsoo helps hi#
to his )eet& 5ongin puts on the clothes that kyungsoo had laid out" they don.t really )it hi# but )or
the #o#ent they )ill their purpose&
how co#e you.re not a wol)0 5ongin asks while kyungsoo is preparing god knows what )or hi# to
consu#e in order to get the poison out o) his body&
control& kyungsoo replies shortly&
what.s that supposed to #ean0 5ongin wonders&
it #eans" kyungsoo starts be)ore proceeding to hover over the beta at his kitchen table& that
there.s a reason that - a# the alpha )or this pack&
5ongin shivers as kyungsoo.s lips ghost over his own& the beta clutch at his leader.s shirt and pulls
hi# down )or a deep kiss& kyungsoo.s so)t #oan get.s #u))led by the way 5ongin.s tongue enters
his #outh& it.s needy and de#anding but there.s a passion there that can never be #istaken )or
anything less than what it is& and kyungsoo discovers the #eaning o) his li)e right there" locked in
the lips o) the #an he loves" o) the only #an he.s ever going to love&
5ongin&&& kyungsoo whispers&
-.# in love with you& 5ongin blurts out" catching both o) the# o)) guard&
what0 the alpha breathes" al#ost scared he didn.t hear the words correctly&
- don.t know since when" - 5ust know that tonight - swallowed so#ething e2tre#ely pain)ul
because it was the only way - could be with you& 5ongin e2plains in a whisper& - wanted:: no" -
want to be with you&
kyungsoo is 5ust about to lean in and steal another kiss when the )ront door swings open and three
out o) breath betas stu#ble inside& kyungsoo #utters so#ething about worst ti#ing ever be)ore
he pulls away& he hands 5ongin a cup o) so#ething the color o) vo#it and the boy #akes a )ace at
it" but it doesn.t have any s#ell& he drinks it all in one go" and co#pared to the poisonous tea he
drank earlier" this was like drinking cotton candy&
what happened0 kyungsoo asks&
chanyeol knocked kris out" tao got pissed" lay got even #ore pissed& luhan didn.t really see# like
he was e2pecting any less but he wasn.t pleased& chen brie)s hi#&
- want you all to go back to our territory& kyungsoo says" his voice is sti)) yet care)ul& his
co#panions all nod in understanding& 5ongin isn.t sure what this #eans but he )eels a bit unease&
he always hoped that he wouldn.t have to leave seoul& luhan #ay not be his pack leader any#ore
but they had still been )riends )or long" and hi# and sehun had been )riends )or as long as 5ongin
re#e#bers& he doesn.t really want to leave& but he knows that i) kyungsoo ask it o) hi#" he will
leave in a second&
kyungsoo turns his ga,e back to 5ongin& he knows what the boy is thinking" it.s written all over his
)ace& kyungsoo wishes there was so#ething he could do" or so#ething he could say& but there
isn.t& they can.t stay& it.s not allowed&
we.re not welco#e here any#ore" -.# sorry 5ongin&& - know this is your ho#e and all&&::
#y ho#e is wherever you go& 5ongin interrupts&
the alpha #oves to straddle his sitting lover" kissing hi# deeply" with all the e#otion he could
possibly ever con5ure up& there are no words spoken but they know& they know because o) the
way they kiss& this isn.t so#ething they could )eel )or anyone else& )ro# the #o#ent kyungsoo set
)oot in 5ongin.s class" )ro# the #o#ent they started to get to know each other" until death& there
will never be anyone else&
#aybe there was a point in 5ongin.s li)e when he was considering which career to choose" and
what kind o) wi)e he.d want to #arryG but those ti#es see# so distant they #ight have never been
real& because #aybe this is why 5ongin was born& to cup this pale skinned #an.s )ace in his hands
and kiss hi# as i) there was to#orrow" and to have pro#ises o) )orever whispered in his ear&
#aybe there was a ti#e when things see#ed dull and uni#portant to 5ongin" but right now
everything #attered& the way the strands o) kyungsoo.s hair )elt between his )ingers" and the way
kyungsoo.s )ingers )ound their way under 5ongin.s borrowed shirt& the way kyungsoo.s plush lips
press against his and the way kyungsoo sounds when 5ongin slides his tongue inside his #outh&
this is ho#e& in every sense and #eaning" however you would try to de)ine the word ho#e" this is
it& kyungsoo in 5ongin.s lap" lips never parting each other.s& this is ho#e&

Chapter 13 :6onus
- would.ve waited )orever B*un*anC
%his taes place some time after 'ehun's turning and before the 'witch.
%here.s a knock on the door" 4uhan doesn.t have to answer it to know who it is" and what to
e2pect& %his #ight turn to beco#e the ulti#ate re5ection& *e #ight never be the sa#e and he
#ight never recover& *is hand tre#bles as he grabs the handle and opens the door& At )irst he
doesn.t dare look up" but the into2icating scent is )orcing hi# to do so& Messy brown hair" pale skin
and sharp 5awline& -t.s as i) +ehun was never turned at all" because he still looks the sa#e& %here.s
a very unpleasant s#ell #i2ed in with the one he loves and he hates it& *e hates it because it
#eans that +ehun isn.t his to keep right now&
3e need to talk& +ehun says" and 4uhan knows they do& *e steps aside to allow the teenager
inside& +ehun enters the kitchen and sits hi#sel) down on the kitchen table" the way he always
does when he visits 4uhan& +o #uch has changed and yet +ehun see#s so #uch like hi#sel)& %he
way he #oves" the way he talks" the way he #akes 4uhan so e2tre#ely sel) conscious&
+o&&& 4uhan starts" as i) he doesn.t know per)ectly well what +ehun has co#e to talk about&
%hat.s a big secret you.ve been keeping& +ehun starts" it sounds al#ost as i) he.s avoiding the
wol) sub5ect all together& As i) #aybe +ehun doesn.t really want to believe it" although he.s
obviously part o) it&
-.# sorry& - wanted to protect you" - never wanted you to get involved and - wanted to keep you
)ar out o) it but at the sa#e ti#e - wanted you close and - a# so sorry - al#ost got you killed& -.#
sorry& - never #eant this li)e )or you& 4uhan ra#bles on&
- was head over heels in love with you& +ehun says and 4uhan )linches at the words& 3as& -.#
5ust so con)used& %here are so #any things that - )eel and so #any things that - want to say but
nothing see#s to #atter any#ore& - died&
1o you lived::
1o" 4uhan$ - died$ - was dying and then suddenly -.# a wol):hybrid" that.s not surviving& +ehun
/ou should.ve let #e die$ +ehun interrupts again&
%hen how would - be able to live0$ 4uhan raises his voice& *e stor#s over to the teen on the
table and puts his hands on each side o) the younger.s thighs& 4uhan.s eyes are glossy and +ehun
tries to avert his ga,e but )inds that he can.t& *ow would - live i) you died0$ *ow do you e2pect
#e to wake up in the #ornings i) you.re not a part o) this world0 *ow a# - supposed to do
anything in li)e i) -.# not doing it )or you$0
+ehun doesn.t reply& *e doesn.t know what he.s supposed to say& 8art o) hi# wants to bla#e
4uhan )or being sel)ish" but no #atter how hard he tries" he can.t bla#e 4uhan )or anything even i)
he wants to& *e wants to screa# and cry and accuse" but he can.t& *e can.t because it.s 4uhan and
whenever 4uhan is there he always beco#es so weak&
8lease&&& 4uhan says but he doesn.t know what he.s pleading )or&
+ehun cups 4uhan.s s#all )ace in his hands and kisses hi#& *e kisses hi# because that.s the only
relevant thing he can think o)& *e doesn.t know why 4uhan is taking up such a huge part o) his li)e"
but he does& *e always has& 'yungsoo told +ehun a lot about the clai#ing bond" but what +ehun
)eels goes way beyond that& *e.s no bender& 3hat he )eels )or 4uhan is the purest and #ost
hu#ane )or# o) love& -t.s his )irst love" his teenage crush and his soul#ate co#bined in to one
person and it.s all too heightened and a bit too #uch )or hi# to handle in wol) state& -t has always
been 4uhan" and now that he.s a wol)" it.s always ever going to be 4uhan&
4uhan #elts in to the touch and it.s all too #uch& %he way +ehun kisses hi#" and the knowledge
that this is okay now& 1either o) the# are hu#an" and what they )eel )or each other is approved
by nature and nothing about this is )ilthy any#ore& %his is 4uhan in his #ost )ree state& *e can love
+ehun without hesitation& *e can kiss hi# as i) they.ll die to#orrow" but with the knowledge that
they can spend the rest o) their lives together&
%he alpha grasp at +ehun.s thighs" as i) they were his only li)eline back to reality" and #aybe they
are& 4uhan doesn.t know i) he could ever get a grip o) reality i) he isn.t gripping tightly on to +ehun&
E2tra Chapter
-.# a la,y author and -.# sorry and in case you.re one o) the people co##enting or silently
wondering what happened to 6aekhyun Jwho - 5ust sorta dropped a)ter chapter =K" here.s your
/Y0 this was supposed to happen in the main story but 0 !ust got too consumed with the other
characters that 0 decided not to add in the complications, sorry 0 got la1y.
B%his starts when Chanyeol" +uho and Chen ca#e to school :and takes place 6%+ o) (ongin.s storyC
warning: it.s short" but hope)ully it gives you the closure you didn.t get in the #ain story&
6aekhyun.s 8!E
%his school sure takes in a lot o) new students this ter#& 6aekhyun states during lunch" )irst it
had been 'yungsoo and now three new students are walking in to the ca)eteria& (ongin looks as i)
he.s about to say so#ething but decides against it at the last second& *e is interrupted by %ao
suddenly coughing and they all stare at hi#&
/eah" who are they0 +ehun asks" looking at %ao& - hear they are in the sa#e year as you and
%ao recovers )ro# al#ost choking and start e2plaining what little he knows&
N%he tall one is Chanyeol" he.s in our class& %he other two are +uho and Chen" they.re in another
class and )ro# what - hear" they are lovers&
6aekhyun #eet eyes with the tallest o) the#" Chanyeol& *e has a strange )eeling about this
particular person& 1ot only is he tall" attractive and eye catching" but so#ething deep in
6aekhyun.s bones tingle& As i) he.s known this person be)ore and his soul recogni,es it" but his
body and #ind doesn.t know hi#& *is da,ed thoughts are interrupted when out o) nowhere"
4uhan stor#s in to the ca)eteria )or the )irst ti#e since the universe was created" and drags (ongin
with hi# as he leaves 5ust as 7uickly as he had shown up&
*e looks at +ehun" who looks 5ust as surprised as hi#sel)& (ongin has been acting rather strange
lately" and (ongin isn.t usually the strange kind o) guy&
3hen 6aekhyun look back at Chanyeol" the other is already looking at hi#" as i) his eyes hasn.t le)t
6aekhyun )or even a split second& -t.s with a bit disco#)ort that 6aekhyun shivers and e2cuses
hi#sel) )ro# the lunch table& *e tries to ignore the 7uestioning stares that both %ao and +ehun are
giving hi# because he never leaves )irst" ever&
*e hides away in the #en.s roo#" trying to will his racing heart to a stop& %his is ridiculous" he
#ight be a pubescent teenage boy but there are li#its da#nit&
3hen he gets back to classes" it.s as i) nothing happened& 1o e2planation as o) why (ongin was
suddenly pulled )ro# their lunch table" and +ehun acts as i) that was an everyday deal& Although
6aekhyun )igures that +ehun #ight be 5ealous" considering things haven.t been very good between
hi# and 4uhan lately& 4uhan #ust be blind not to see what +ehun would do to get his attention&
;inally" the bell rings and classes are o))icially over&
N*ey" 6aek0O +ehun says as he walks over to 6aekhyun.s table&
N+orry" but -.# gonna go study with (ongin and 'yungsoo today so - have to ditch our plans about
video ga#ing&O *e con)esses&
N!h" yeah" sure$O 6aekhyun says" trying to #ask the disappoint#ent& *e )eels incredibly le)t out
these days&
N%alk to you later$O +ehun says be)ore walking out the classroo# and )ollowing (ongin&
6aekhyun takes a )ew #inutes longer to pack up his stu)) and by the ti#e he even gets up )ro# his
seat" he is since long alone& *e sighs deeply be)ore throwing his backpack over one shoulder" but
al#ost drops it as he turns around& *e gasps )or air in surprise and a #ini heart attack has
adrenaline pu#ping through his body in no ti#e&
Chanyeol is leaning against the door )ra#e" hair hanging #essily to cover his )ace and ar#s
crossed above his chest& *e pushes away )ro# his leaning position and looks 6aekhyun dead in the
N+orry" - didn.t #ean to scare you&O Chanyeol says and da#n it i) it doesn.t do all kinds o) things to
6aekhyun& *is dark and hoarse voice echoes in the silence o) 6aekhyun.s inability to reply& *e
regathers his cool and clears his throat&
N-t.s )ine& /ou 5ust startled #e is all&O 6aekhyun says" trying to suppress a blush that.s threatening
to spread& NCan - help you with anything0O
Chanyeol walks up to hi#" slowly& 3hile the s#aller #ale )orces his legs not to shake and re#ain
in a cal# and cool #anner& 6aekhyun doesn.t want to ad#it he.s scared" but even less than that
he doesn.t want to ad#it that he.s actually a bit inti#idated& %here.s 5ust so#ething about this
Chanyeol guy that has every nerve in 6aekhyun on edge& %he tall #ale puts his inde2 )inger under
6aekhyun.s chin and tilts his )ace upwards" then he care)ully hovers his thu#b over 6aekhyun.s
al#ost tre#bling botto# lip&
N/our na#e&&&0O Chanyeol whispers&
N6aekhyun&O %he s#aller answers al#ost too 7uickly" as i) he was suddenly willing to o))er this guy
the universe i) he asked" his voice cracking at the end& Chanyeol s#irks&
N-.# Chanyeol&O *e says and 6aekhyun has to )orce hi#sel) not to reply that he already knows&
6ut then" 5ust like that" Chanyeol is leaving and 6aekhyun lets out a breath he didn.t even know he
had been holding& *e walks up to the window and waits until he sees Chanyeol leaving the
building& !nly then has he courage to even leave the classroo# and return ho#e&
;eeling a bit like a giggly teenage girl" 6aekhyun wants to tell so#eone about what had happened
at school" but considering how (ongin had acted during lunch" 6aekhyun decided to #essage
+ehun instead&
%o: !h +e9u#b
;ro#: 6yun 6aek6est
&hat about 2hanyeol(
A )ew #inutes pass&
%o: 6yun 6aek6est
;ro#: !h +e9u#b
You changed your name on my phone again33
&ell, what about 2hanyeol(
%o: !h +e9u#b
;ro#: 6yun 6aek6est
0 inda met him today... %here's !ust something about him...
%o: 6yun 6aek1o
;ro#: !h +e9u#b
You mean his height( 2u1 that's the most distinct feature 4e#cept the 50'll ill you6 stare
%o: !h +e9u#b
;ro#: 6yun 6aek1o
%hat too but... 0d man... 0 !ust... &hen 0 saw him 0 felt lie 0 new him...
%o: 6yun 6aek1o
;ro#: !h +e9u#b
Knew him how(
%o: !h +e9u#b
;ro#: 6yun 6aek1o
0 don't now how you feel about Lu, but this was lie... 0t was lie my soul new him from another
lifetime you now... Just... 7rrghh 0 can't e#plain 89
%o: 6yun 6aek1o
;ro#: !h +e9u#b
'o it's lie a love at first sight thing(
%o: !h +e9u#b
;ro#: 6yun 6aek1o
:ot love... ;ore lie... 2uriously interested
%o: 6yun 6aek1o
;ro#: !h +e9u#b
0s that lie <ae4language for 50 want the D6(
%o: !h +e9u#b
;ro#: 6yun 6aek1o
&hy am 0 friends with you
%o: 6yun 6aek1o
;ro#: !h +e9u#b
0'm the answer to your prayers, now go get some sleep so you have enough energy to man4hunt.
6aekhyun puts the phone on his nightstand& /es" this is why you don.t talk to +ehun about your
deeper thoughts& %his is why he pre)ers talking to (ongin" but )or so#e reason he doesn.t )eel like
(ongin would approve at all o) his )eelings )or Chanyeol& 1ot that it was any o) (ongin.s business"
but still&
+leep doesn.t co#e easy and 6aekhyun is sure that by the ti#e the alar# goes o))" he hasn.t slept
a consistent )ull hour the whole night& *e sighs and gets up" washing his )ace and doing his best to
get the swelling away )ro# his eyes so at least he can look descent in school :he only hal)
3hile walking to school he hu#s a song he heard on the radio earlier" he doesn.t know the lyrics
so he can only keep up the rhyth# and notes and it has hi# distracted enough not to notice the
other person walking near hi# until they.re walking ne2t to each other& 6aekhyun stops his
hu##ing and looks up at the s#iling #an ne2t to hi#&
N/ou have a really good voice&O Chanyeol says and it has 6aekhyun blushing and loosing all his
N%hanks&O he #u#bles while staring at his )eet&
N/ou see# tired&O Chanyeol observes&
N- didn.t get #uch sleep&O 6aekhyun agrees&
6aekhyun si#ply shrugs" not wanting to reveal the true reason :that he couldn.t sleep because he
was lying awake wondering what it was that #ade Chanyeol )eel so special&
N/ou see# tired too&O 6aekhyun says" noticing how poorly put together Chanyeol.s uni)or# was&
N4ong night&O Chanyeol shrugs&
%hey reach school and Chanyeol parts ways )ro# 6aekhyun in the hallway" 5ust in ti#e )or
6aekhyun to get a te2t #essage& *e sees the sender being +ehun and decides it can wait" since
he.ll be seeing hi# in class anyway& E2cept both (ongin and +ehun are absent& A certain disco#)ort
spreads through 6aekhyun.s body as he reaches )or the phone in his pocket to check the #essage"
not even being taken by surprise at what it reads&
%o: 6yun 6aek1o
;ro#: !h +e9u#b
'tay away from 2hanyeol.
6aekhyun sco))s" there.s not even a reason or e2cuse and no" 6aekhyun will not stay away )ro#
At lunch" 6aekhyn )inds that %ao is also #issing" leaving hi# to eat alone which is so#ething he
hates& *e sits at their usual table" poking through his )ood and having no appetite at all& Another
tray is set down in )ront o) hi# and 6aekhyun looks up with wide eyes only to )ind a s#iling
Chanyeol sitting across the table&
N1ot hungry0O *e asks and 6aekhyun )eels his heart skip a beat&
N3orried about #y )riends" is all&&&O 6aekhyun trails o))&
N-.# sure they.re )ine&O Chanyeol says and 6aekhyun wants so badly to believe those words&
%hey spend lunch together and it.s nice& 6aekhyun thinks that +ehun is wrong and there.s no
reason )or hi# to stay away )ro# Chanyeol& At least Chanyeol doesn.t go around speaking in hal)
sentences without giving a )air reason )or his actions& 6ut 5ust as they leave the ca)eteria" Chanyeol
snaps his head around as i) he 5ust heard so#ething i#portant" then he looks back at 6aekhyun
with a sad kind o) e2pression and 6aekhyun can already )eel the i#pact o) his words be)ore
they.re even spoken&
N- have to leave&O Chanyeol starts&
N!kay&O 6aekhyun sighs" not even caring to hide his disappoint#ent&
N4et.s #eet later" okay0 -.ll stop by your house&O Chanyeol pro#ises&
N/ou don.t even know where - live&O
N-.ll s#ell you out don.t worry&O
6aekhyun laughs at the other.s words& *e was strange indeed" strange and handso#e and oh god
6aekhyun is so in over his head this ti#e&

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