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Verbal Homeopathy
Your Health for Free
There are things that people have alays !reame! abo"t an! hen !is#overe!$ these #hange
their lives% D"ring these last years$ this is te#hnology% &"st see ho a simple so'tare
appli#ation s"#h as ()ype or *P( navigation have ma!e the orl! more easily a##essible%
+hat I am preo##"pie! ith an! ish to intro!"#e to yo" is an innovation that ill be
#hanging yo"r li'e 'or years ahea!% ,e#a"se its bo"n!aries have not been o"tline!% It #an only
be limite! by yo"r imagination%
+hen I !e#i!e! to rite this boo) I as ell aare believing it o"l! be very har!%
Nevertheless I !e#i!e! to !o it be#a"se I )no 'rom e-perien#e that there are people ho ill
embra#e this i!ea the moment they hear it% The ideas within this book are the natural
progression of the years of wandering of many people who sense that they are close to finding
a way out for themselves or for someone close but for one reason or another they have been
unable to reach it. This is why the information here will be familiar, understandable and
accessible. +hile 'or the others I #an ."st say that it only ta)es a small e''ort to prove hat is
ritten here tr"e%
A slightly different model is needed than the consumer thinking model imposed on human
knowledge. Because this outlook on life does not situate the human being as a value in
society. This traditional outlook sees competition in society and the desire for e!cess profit
as a higher value. "hich is why you need to accept that it is possible to live differently, in a
way that all is dependent on you, completely free and sometimes immaterial. #n practice, you
need the knowledge # am writing about below, some phials ith pipettes$ ater an! several
You may think that # have written a wishful for some subtitle $ %Your Health for Free%. You
may even think that it is insolent, especially knowing how much you spend on health, which is
often to no avail. Therefore, # beg you to read this book through calmly, even if it came to you
by accident. "ith &ust some small effort you will see that health can be independent of
'yself, and the people who # have been teaching for (uite a while to this innovation, have
been persuaded that it is really possible to achieve positive results without great effort or
e!penses. And every one of them )and already some of you* who has began to independently
develop this method can bestow it absolutely for free to the person ne!t to them. Actually, to
them only who need it and who have eyes to see it...
+harmacy has its own market logic. #t is cleverly using medicine and peoples suffering.
+eople need to be ill but they also need to be alive. Thus everyone is perpetually paying for
their health insurance and the fiscal system of health care is working indefeasibly. A part of it
is used to create the illusion that there is no other way to be healthy. But this has
transgressed all boundaries there are. ,ot only the American and -uropean security systems
are facing imminent collapse. Asian funds will meet the same fate as well. The global
economic, energy and resource crises are revisiting humanitarian problems in a new way.
Think about this. #n the world crisis that is only now beginning, after energy and food,
antibiotics, which have for a long time not been as effective as initially, will be the first to
disappear. And that is ob&ective reality, a reality that re(uires educated people to adopt a
new approach, but not at the e!pense of nature and e!cessive consumption. They simply dont
work any more.
There is a model which is right before our eyes. This model re(uires knowledge and a
balanced e!amination of what every people have known and subconsciously practiced since
the depths of time. And last but not least, homage to the /reator and His goods.
0veryone will be able to !o it even 'or '"n% The ama1ement an! the res"lt$ hoever$ ill be
I have alays believe! that things are not hat o''i#ial s#ien#e p"rports them to be% It is
#onstantly trying to #onvin#e "s that all things in the orl! are me#hani#al an! !ry$ s"b.e#t
solely to the 2las2 o' physi#s an! #hemistry an! that there is nothing beyon! the 'orm o'
(#ienti'i# theories are hoever "nable to e-plain the origin$ the essen#e an! p"rpose o' li'e%
3ost s#ientists #laim that li'e is an a#t o' #han#e$ itho"t a spe#i'i# p"rpose or intent% It is
har! to rationally a##ept that the birth o' any h"man being is the blin! game o' otherise
2stri#t2 las% It is #ompletely illogi#al to a!opt the i!ea that all o' nat"re$ the billions an!
billions o' stars ith their tremen!o"s poer an! #omple- star systems are the a##i!ental
pro!"#t o' an evol"tion ith no parti#"lar goal% That all the ri#hness s"rro"n!ing "s is
something in!e'inite 'loating in the #haos o' in'inite spa#e%
+e sim"ltaneo"sly pro#laim o"rselves to be the most intelligent #reat"res o' this orl! o'
a##i!ent even attrib"ting the 'a#t o' being reasonable to blin! 'ate% Despite o"r enormo"s
intelle#t e are in#apable o' #omprehen!ing even the slightest part o' nat"ral pro#esses$ an!
hen e to"#h them an! begin to "n!erstan! their sophisti#ate! an! all4embra#ing
me#hanism o' '"n#tion e are only le't in ae an! respe#t% It t"rns o"t that the most
intelligent #reat"res #annot grasp the simple 2me#hani#2 planetary pro#esses an! e-plain$ 'or
instan#e$ earth5"a)es6 that man$ hoever m"#h he may be trying to imitate nat"re #annot
#reate li'e6 that hen e inter'ere ith the or) o' biosystems$ e are "s"ally bitterly regret
it6 that me!i#ine pra#ti#ally has no i!ea ho !iseases o##"r 7ne-t to some 89: o' !iseases
te-tboo)s in me!i#ine ill have the e-pression; 2"n#ertain etiology2< an! 'inally hy some
people are ill an! others are not in the same me#hani#al #ir#"mstan#es%
The anser to all these ri!!les obvio"sly is that everything aro"n! "s is ay more
#ompli#ate! an! per'e#t than e may thin) an! that the me#hanisms !e'ining it are not those
e-a#tly that they are trying to impose on "s as e-#l"sive% 3ost o' all$ the i!ea that everything
as #reate! by a##i!ent an! 'or no p"rpose%
It is obvio"s$ on#e e thin) abo"t it$ that e intera#t ith an! are part o' the *reat Creation o'
a *reat Creator an! that o"r li'e is a#t"ally so bo"n!less$ ri#h an! magni'i#ent an! that e
only har!ly to"#h it$ thin)ing o' o"rselves as physi#al bo!ies only%
An! hen yo" as#ertain the 'a#ts given here an! are #onvin#e! that they really or)$ yo" ill
have #lear proo' that behin! this visible s"bstan#e o' things there e-ists another$ invisible an!
poer'"l orl!% An! that orl! pre!etermines o"rs #ompletely%
This is hy the !o"bt o' s#ien#e$ an! the !o"bt o' many intelligent people$ that *o! !oes not
e-ist is "n'orgivable% There is no greater lie than this>
I have been engage! in an! treating mysel' "sing homeopathy 'or many years no% # am
teaching many people who pass through the diverse directions of this art and attain the
innovation # am about to inform you about on their own. A great number of my observations
and conclusions # made in conversation with them, and also with people having nothing to do
with this, for which # am grateful.
How do # begin with all newbies0
I )no that the art of homeopathy$ hen #are'"lly st"!ie! an! #orre#tly applie!$ has some
a!vantages that other metho!s o' treatment !o not possess;
4 Homeopathy has no si!e e''e#ts an! is absol"tely sa'e%
4 Homeopathy #an an! sho"l! be st"!ie! at s#hool%
- Homeopathy should be free and can be manually made by everybody.
4 Homeopathy has an e''e#t on the !eeper reasons 'or the problems o' the physi#al bo!y%
4 Homeopathy has an e''e#t on the !amage! emotional an! psy#hi# #on!ition o' the treated$
hi#h in 'a#t "n!erlies most o' his or her problems in li'e%
4 Homeopathy shos that the material orl! is !epen!ent on an! is pra#ti#ally entirely
s"bor!inate to various and very poer'"l energy e''e#ts hi#h lie beyon! o"r per#eptive
ability% These #an$ hoever$ be to"#he!%
#t is time to give thanks to somebody. A person who had the courage to summari1e the entire
worlds e!perience in one theme, which has eluded )us* in our search for super complicated,
e!pensive but unnecessary things. ,eyon! +or! P"blishing an! ATRIA ,OO?( have
brilliantly p"blishe! Dr% 3asar" 0moto@s boo)$ here he shos in an impressive ay that
ater absorbs an! "n!erstan!s o"r spee#h an! spontaneo"sly an! intelligently rea#ts to all
types o' in'ormation% This has 'l"ently #omplemente! my )nole!ge in homeopathy$ here
ater also absorbs the in'ormation o' vario"s poisono"s s"bstan#es an! stores it in a non4
spe#i'i# manner even hen nothing has been le't o' the original s"bstan#e% This summari1es
and affirms the achievements of a school of 2ussian scientists who attain the same results in
the years.
An! thir!ly$ I have ha! an insight that in *enesis the same stri)ing e-pression is repeate!
over an! over hen !is#"ssing the most important$ the Creation; 7*en% 1;=< An! *o! sai!$
Bet there be light%%%$ 7*en% 1;C< An! *o! sai!$ Bet there be a 'irmament in the mi!st o' the
ater%%%$ 7*en% 1;/C< An! *o! sai!$ Bet "s ma)e man in o"r image$ a'ter o"r li)eness%%% (AID$
(AID$ (AID%%% This is the 'irst #reation$ here man is strong an! responsible 'or his 'ate an!
pra#ti#ally has no problems%
In Chapter /$ hoever$ there is the se#on! #reation$ here man as o' the !"st$ o' s"bstan#e
an! is a'terar!s$ be#a"se o' his !isobe!ien#e$ visite! by many tro"bles an! pains%
Then I remembere! the memorable phrase "ttere! by the inventor o' homeopathy Dr% (am"el
Hahnemann e-plaining ho his metho! o' treatment or)s; 2I remove the s"bstan#e an!
leave the poer%2 Perhaps the same applies to man an! behin! the visibility o' o"r on bo!ies
o"r tr"e strength an! might hi!es$ an! that is in the poer o' the +ORD 7the spo)en tho"ght<%
+hi#h is hy e simply nee! to p"t it in a#tion$ to"#hing "pon one o' the many ays 4
3erbal homeopathy %
Another very important thing happened to me that altered my beliefs in the standard
homeopathic method. About ten years ago # was treating my son who was ill (uite often and
would too fre(uently take in antibiotics and paracetamol. # turned to homeopathy in the hope
of discontinuing this state of affairs. -verything was well, when suddenly, after a couple of
months of treatment, strange wounds began appearing on his elbow and knee fle!tures, the so
called atopic dermatitis. The doctor said that these would most probably disappear after
puberty, that is, in ten years time, and until then he should be treated with preparations that
contain cortisone. There was, however, no force in this world that could make me use it.
/ortisone has over 455 side effects. #t is only admissible as a life saving means, which our
case was not. And this is why # didnt use it. But my kid was embarrassed to play with the
other kids and the kindergarten teachers told us that he had better not go there until the
wounds were healed. # continued treating him only using homeopathy but the result was not
particularly good. # consulted various homeopaths but the ec1ema would come back again
and again. A lot of time passed. # read through everything there was. You probably reali1e
that # have almost every possible homeopathic medication at home. 6espite all, the ec1ema
wouldnt go away. Homeopathy schools, and manufacturer companies both would
recommend to use one medication, or contrariwise $ to use several separately, all produced
by them. Take these drops, or granules, for a while, and wait. Thus homeopathy turned out to
be a method that in more complicated cases could only draw you away from it, and hence,
from true healing. "e alternated consecutively, and then simultaneously, the ideas the two
main schools had7 8tramonium 9# had forceps to help me give birth to my son9, /alcarea
phosphoricum and 'ercurius sol., corresponding to the sensitive type, and then 8ulfur,
Arsenicum, Belladona and 2hus to!., +etroleum and so on and so forth according to the
symptomatics. They would vary constantly: they would abate and in a shorter or longer
while, but no later than 4 or ; weeks, start again. "e also altered the attenuation.
# had to transcend the dogmas of homeopathy because # had this inner conviction that the
principle of likeness was true but the method of application $ not e!actly. According to the
various schools, the patent medicines are either compatible or not, they either interfere or
help each other, in some schools the key to determining the medication is the psyche, in
others its the physical symptoms. Then, nearly desperate, and according to the black bo!
method, # mi!ed one general preparation using all known dermatitis medications. # could now
make my own homeopathic preparations since it turned out that they are very easy to make
and that this is carefully hidden from people as it will practically make sales pointless. 8o #
made a collection of homeopathic medicines that compensated for the mutually e!clusive
symptoms in a given illness. These made groups of < or = preparations in about = phials. The
total number of medications used was about <5. # started giving him all of them in the utterly
e!otic attenuation of >5', several times a day.
And oh miracle. my child was cured in virtually a couple of days and the problem was
resolved once and for all after two years of fighting it. Thus, in my &oy a new and important
discovery was born. To me it e(ualed the invention of the wheel and the ideas given at the
beginning of this book. # had created homeopathic complexes in very high attenuation and #
no longer paid attention to homeopathic dogmas. They proved to be a part of the matri! that
has always prevented the development of this art, probably for the same old reason $ profit.
And it also turned out that this discovery did in no way contradict Hahnemanns ideas. He
recommended it himself as alternating all antipsoric means every day for a prolonged period
of time or forever. # modified it from the very development of time because we live in a world
where chronic diseases are trivia from a very early age and there are almost no people with a
completely healthy immune system. Allergies, chronic otitis, rhinitis, bronchitis, dermatitis,
obesity $ all these are mass diseases from early childhood. You, reading about this method,
will probably modify it on your own too.
Then # made one more step, after reading about 6r. 'asaru -motos discoveries. I then
reali1e! that I #o"l! apply Dr% 0moto@s metho!s on homeopathy an! trans'orm it into an a lot
more a##essible an! e''e#tive metho! o' treatment% This #on#erne! the very ma)ing o'
homeopathi# preparations% #t turned out that water not only stores our thoughts and actions
but it also conscientiously preserves our words. -very word )verba*, applied correctly in
homeopathy, leads to the innovation to which # have devoted this book and your attention7
3erbal homeopathy And so was 3erbal homeopathy born, the homeopathy of the "ord,
which proved to be a new method of treatment with une!pected possibilities, because7
4 it gives yo" the #han#e to obtain the nee!e! me!i#ine in se#on!s$ as long as yo" have some
ater near yo"%
4 it gives yo" the #han#e to a#hieve$ again in se#on!s$ atten"ation that is "nattainable 'or
tra!itional homeopathy$ an! even i' they #o"l! be pro!"#e!$ this o"l! ta)e a ma#hine many
months% It t"rne! o"t that the ne verbal preparations are 'ar stronger be#a"se hat is har!ly
a''e#te! by tra!itional homeopathy$ #an be treate! m"#h more e''i#iently by the enormo"s
atten"ation o' Verbal homeopathy%
4 it ma)es it possible to "se preparations that simply !o not e-ist in tra!itional homeopathy6
animal an! plant venom 'rom hi#h no homeopathi# !il"tions have been ma!e b"t hose
lethal e''e#t is ell )non%
4 ma)es it possible to or) ith in'ormation #oming 'rom ra!ioa#tive elements m"#h more
sa'ely% An! these are preparations having great poer an! e''e#t%
4 ma)es it possible to in'l"en#e other areas o' li'e as ell$ s"#h as "nemployment an! poverty$
loneliness an! la#) o' sel'4#on'i!en#e$ embarrassment an! 'ear%
4 ma)es it possible 'or everyone to ta)e their health in their on han!s an! to be less an! less
!epen!ent on rea!y4ma!e me!i#inal preparations%
4 ma)es it possible to attain at no #ost the res"lts o' ra!ioni# ma#hines that '"n#tion base! on
the same prin#iple b"t #ost h"n!re!s or tho"san!s o' !ollars%
3ore than /99 years ago Hahnemann reali1e! one more thing 4 that i' the poer o' tr"e
healing lies in the invisible$ hi#h is limitless$ then me!i#ine base! on the invisible sho"l!
also be 'ree an! openly a##essible%
2+hen the state is #onvin#e! in the ne#essity o' #ompletely prepare! homeopathi#
me!i#ations$ it ill !e#ree that they be given to !o#tors 'ree in or!er 'or them to be able to
give them to their patients$ both ri#h an! poor$ at no #harge%2 6r. 8amuel Hahnemann
+hy is it possible that treatment is really 'ree an! at the same time absol"tely e''e#tive$ an!
o'ten ith no alternative$ yo" ill lean 'rom the boo) yo" are hol!ing% Tr"e health has
nothing to !o ith me!i#al ins"ran#e$ e-pensive me!i#ines an! the even more e-pensive
me!i#al e5"ipment% An! then e ill only have the emergen#y servi#e$ s"rgery an! the
treatment o' the !e#reasing severe #hroni# #ases an! geneti# mal'ormations>
In or!er to apply this ne metho! o' li'e$ all yo" nee! is to be able to (P0A? an! have a
phial ith a pipette an! some #lean ater at yo"r !isposal% Nothing else b"t this boo)$ o'
Why do we eed WATER!
Bi'e on o"r planet as #reate! thro"gh ater% It is in ater that billions o' years ago the 'irst
basi# li'e 'orms ere born$ the 'irst pro)aryotes$ the 'irst living #reat"res% Erom there !i! all
other #o"ntless li'e 'orms spring to #reate the !iversity o' to!ay%
The role playe! by ater hints that in'ormation systems 7+or! an! Tho"ght< o' a #ertain
!ivine or!er ere employe! in it$ rea!y to gra!"ally #onstr"#t all li'e 'orms 'rom the most
primitive to the most a!van#e! an! #omple- ones% +ater is the matri- that absorbe! the 'irst
tones an! lights 7so"n! an! light aves< that later b"ilt the 'o"n!ations o' the limitless 'orms
o' physi#al li'e%
This is hy e #an p"t this poer to "se$ sensibly an! p"rpose'"lly$ in or!er to #hange
Re#ently Dr% 3asar" 0moto anno"n#e! his important !is#overy that ater is a BIVIN*
organism an! it #an #omm"ni#ate ith "s intelligently$ absorbing the tremen!o"s poer o'
o"r on tho"ghts an! or!s% Than)s to a metho! o' his on he manage! to photograph
'ro1en ater hi#h ha! earlier re#eive! some type o' in'ormation% Dr% 0moto@s ama1ing
photographs are )non all over the orl!% It is visible on these photographs that ater #an
'i-ate (OUND$ BI*HT an! B0TT0R(% +ater literally absorbs the in'ormation aves in
vario"s 'orms an! rea#ts to them% The more positive the in'ormation$ the more bea"ti'"l an!
better shape! are the he-agonal #rystals% In #ontrast$ hen the in'ormation is negative an! the
so"n!s an! images reveal hat is "gly in the orl! 7"gly tho"ght< ater !oes not 'orm
#rystals or they are !amage! or very !istorte!% It is th"s )non that +AT0R absorbs$ re#or!s
an! rea#ts to o"r tho"ghts$ or!s an! 'eelings$ i%e% it is #apable o' a #o"nter rea#tion
!epen!ing on the manner in hi#h e have #hange! it% In this ay e a''e#t o"r on selves
thro"gh the poer o' the !ivine (pirit in "s$ thro"gh the poer o' the +or!% +hether e "se
this 'or goo! or ba! is entirely "p to "s%
These re'le#tions o' his$ spo)en abo"t 'or a long time by many resear#hers 'rom aro"n! the
orl!$ ere #on'irme! in the many e-periments I personally #on!"#te!% These e-periments
le! me into a !ire#tion that "n'ol!e! ne an! "ne-pe#te! opport"nities o' the simply
'orm"late! term 2ater memory2% It t"rne! o"t that be'ore my very eyes as something that
is easily appli#able to a pla#e long e-pe#te! by people%
The orl! has many plights% 3ost o' them are the res"lt o' the orl!@s "n!erstan!ings o' li'e$
#ra'tily impose! "pon it by e#onomi# mo!els% As a #onse5"en#e$ the li'e o' most people is
s"b.e#t to the eternal 'ear o' illness an! the pra#ti#al impossibility 'or permanent #"re% In all
#ases this is a##ompanie! by an enormo"s e-pense o' energy 4 emotional an! physi#al% An!
o' a lot o' money%
,ol! as it may so"n!$ I #an say that no there e-ists a sol"tion to the ma.ority o' #ases% There
is a me#hanism 'or avoi!ing these !e'i#ien#ies an! again than)s to the memory o' ater$ b"t
in a ne ay%
This is the metho! o' verbally altere! ater$ a##or!ing to the las o' homeopathy$ or as
re'erre! to here$ the 3etho! o' Verbal Homeopathy 7ater to hi#h the homeopathi#
s"bstan#e has been spo)en in the appropriate atten"ation<%
TH0 30THOD "tili1es all o' the above mentione! properties o' ater an! a##epts all o' Dr%
3asar" 0moto@s !is#overies b"t hile or)ing ith the ater another prin#iple is
implemente! 4 that o' (I3IBITUD0 an! that o' N0*ATION$ hi#h "n!erlie a s#ien#e
!is#overe! over to h"n!re! years ago 4 HO30OPATHG%

Go" may have hear! o' homeopathy$ yo" may even be pra#ti#ing it$ b"t yo" have rarely been
tol! that this is a me!i#inal pra#ti#e hi#h #"res by in'ormation an! that in most preparations
there isn@t a single mole#"le o' the s"bstan#e mar)e! on the label%
+hen they hear @homeopathy@ the greater part o' people !e#i!e that this is an alternative
metho! in me!i#ine hi#h is base! on nat"ral pro!"#ts an! is a)in to herb tra!e% Eor the
ma.ority this is straight'orar! herb tra!e% NOTHIN* BI?0 IT>
Those more )nole!geable ill say that this is an alternative me!i#inal metho! base! on
similit"!e$ an! spe#i'i#ally$ that i' a given s"bstan#e in a real !osage has a to-i# e''e#t an!
in!"#es #ertain symptomati#s$ hen a!ministere! in a minimal !osage it #an #"re !iseases
ith similar symptoms%
+hat the minimal !osage is$ hoever$ har!ly anyone o' those treate! )nos% ,e#a"se i' the
patient "n!erstan!s this an! thin)s abo"t it$ this may t"rn his or her i!eas o' the orl! an!
many spheres o' li'e "psi!e !on% Eor the same reason$ i' someone s"##ee!s in e-plaining the
ay in hi#h homeopathy or)s$ they ill e-plain li'e$ an! not in the manner in hi#h li'e is
presente! to "s by biology$ me!i#ine an! other nat"ral s#ien#es% This is a mira#le that no one
has manage! to "nveil so 'ar%
In homeopathy atten"ation is so strong 7e#$%&'e< that in a pra#ti#al analysis o' the
preparations not a single atom o' the initial s"bstan#e #an be 'o"n!$ or sai! !i''erently$ it is
#ompletely absent% This is hy homeopathy is an in'ormational ay o' treatment$ not a
s"bstantial 7material< one% Using the vario"s 're5"en#ies o' os#illation that it #arries an!
#onveys$ it #hanges the internal str"#t"res o' the organism$ that hi#h is invisible an!
str"#t"ral an! hi#h is terme! !i''erently in the !iverse mysti# tea#hings; the ether bo!y$ the
astral bo!y% the ele#tromagneti# bo!y$ the invisible #o"nterpart an! so on an! so 'orth% O'
#o"rse$ hen someone is treate! in one o' these manners$ they m"st be 199: aare o' their
spirit"al nat"re an! "n!erstan! that it is e-a#tly their "n'altering tr"st in *o!$ the reali1ation
o' the "nity o' the orl! an! the #omprehension o' their on responsibility 'or their on
health that lie in the basis o' their on health% In this sense$ the insight ill also #ome that the
gree!y$ atheisti#$ sel'ish an! angry tho"ght an! or! gra!"ally b"t ine-orably give birth to a
li'e '"ll o' stress$ 'atig"es an! poisono"s 'oo!% An! this has been going on 'or many
An! hen "n!er the in'l"en#e o' every!ay strain$ #onstant 'atig"e$ 're5"ent s"r'eit an!
al#oholism$ a##elerate! aging$ here!itary b"r!en$ tra"ma or a #ommonpla#e in'e#tio"s 'a#tor
7ba#teria$ vir"ses$ '"ngi<$ o"r organisms are 'irst !amage! at a s"batomi# level$ at the level o'
in'ormational str"#t"res% This !istorte! basis is #onse5"ently passe! on to the atoms$ the
mole#"les$ the #ells an! 'inally to o"r organs an! systems% Th"s$ '"ll o' all )in!s o' poisons
that e pro!"#e o"rselves$ e be#ome #hroni#ally !isease!% +e #o"l! #"re o"rselves more
e''i#iently i' e #o"l! alter the in'ormational matri- that str"#t"res "s on an internal level% Or$
as the #reator o' homeopathy$ Dr% (am"el Hahnemann$ sai! in the Organon o' Rational Art o'
Healing; 2The e-ternal malevolent 'a#tors that harm the healthy organism an! !istort the
harmonio"s rhythm o' li'e #an rea#h an! a''e#t the spirit"al !ynamis only in a manner hi#h
is also !ynami# an! spirit"al% The !o#tor may remove these pathologi#al !istortions 7!iseases<
only by in'l"en#ing o"r spirit"al vital 'or#e ith me!i#ines that also have spirit"al$ !ynami#
7invisible< e''e#ts$ per#eive! by o"r nervo"s sensitivity everyhere they are present in the
organism%2 Th"s !iseases are in'l"en#e! on internal levels%
In homeopathy$ some e-tremely potent poisons may be "se!% 3any o' them #annot be
applie! in me!i#ine in reality; mer#"ry$ arseni#$ potassi"m #yani!e$ m"star! gas 7a
ne"roparalyti# military poisono"s s"bstan#e<$ stry#hnine$ thornapple$ sna)e or spi!er venoms
Eor e-ample$ i' the venom o' a #obra #an$ in a single bite$ #a"se severe heart !amage$
#hara#teri1e! by shooting pains irra!iating toar!s the sho"l!er an! the le't arm$ #hest
oppression an! ta#hy#ar!ia at a ea) s"per'i#ial p"lse$ in high atten"ation$ hen there is
pra#ti#ally no s"bstan#e 'rom the venom$ it #an prevent$ soothe an! heal s"#h #on!itions$
in#l"!ing steno#ar!itis an! myo#ar!ial in'ar#tion%
The possible e-planation #omes 'rom the prin#iple o' ne"trali1ation o' to same4're5"en#y
aves ith re#ipro#al phases% Th"s one ave s"ppresses the other an! eliminates the
pre#on!ition 'or the problem% Bast b"t not least$ it is tr"e that o"r spirit"al essen#e an!
tho"ghts have been !ebase! to the level o' a venomo"s sna)e an! this has nat"rally le! to the
parti#"lar s"''ering here the heart is the 'irst vi#tim%
Again be#a"se o' !amaging o"r spirit"al 5"alities an! the imp"re ay o' li'e$ many o' the
organs o' ill people are 'ille! ith poisons an! begin to vibrate at 're5"en#ies #lose to those o'
pathogeni# mi#roorganisms% Their bo!ies be#ome a 'avorable environment 'or their 'ast
repro!"#tion% +ith the gra!"al intera#tion beteen relate! aves o' homeopathi#
preparations ith the organism@s vibrations$ the level o' vibrations in the person starts to
#hange an! he or she$ ret"rning to his or her nat"ral rhythm$ embar)s on a (u)&*y&# path o'
healing$ over#oming the invasion o' 'oreign pathogeni# organisms%
+hi#h is hy a homeopathi# me!i#ation #annot be ma!e 'rom apples or oranges% Their
in'ormational str"#t"re !oes not #orrespon! to the !amages in the h"man bo!y an! their real
!osage is not only harmless b"t also gives energy to the person$ intro!"#ing minimal !oses o'
poison% 7Pra#ti#ally$ all 'oo! is poison b"t in a !i''erent !egree%<
The res"lts o' treatment ith homeopathi# preparations sho that the h"man bo!y is
pre!ominantly a ave4in'ormational$ verbal str"#t"re that b"il!s the material #arrier%
There'ore the treatment o' !amage! in'ormational 're5"en#ies o' #ells is more en!"ring than
the e-ternal #hemi#al e''e#t on the 'lesh #arrier$ hi#h is b"t a #onse5"en#e$ not the #a"se o'
o"r illnesses% This is the reason hy #onventional treatment is not alays e''i#ient% The
!amaging o' the patient@s bo!y is at the ave4energy level an! even i' e e-ting"ish one 'ire
in the organism$ in time$ the same "n#hange! an! !amage! in'ormation$ espe#ially at a
spirit"al an! emotional level$ ill start a ne o"tbrea) o' physi#al !amage% In this sense
or)ing ith the tho"ght an! the or!$ !ire#te! stea!ily toar!s the positive si!e o' li'e an!
*o!$ yiel!s the most pro'o"n! res"lts% An! homeopathy is a poer'"l me!iator beteen the
physi#al an! the highest spirit"al levels%
Nat"rally$ s#ien#e has no e-planation o' the ay homeopathy or)s an! it is mostly
#onsi!ere! to be an empiri#al s#ien#e$ i% e% s#ien#e proven thro"gh e-periment an! e-perien#e$
itho"t any #larity abo"t its real prin#iples an! me#hanisms o' a#tion%
There are !i''erent theories abo"t ho e-a#tly ater re#eives the in'ormation o' the main
s"bstan#e an! ho$ !espite the #onstant atten"ation$ ater mole#"les #ontin"e to retransmit to
other mole#"les their ability to have a spe#i'i# e''e#t% +ater is the only s"bstan#e that #hanges
its magneti# moment "n!er the simple spatial in'l"en#e o' any other s"bstan#e% Other
s"bstan#es !o the same hile being irra!iate! at !i''erent 're5"en#ies% Un!er the in'l"en#e o'
irra!iation$ the n"#lei are oriente! in ne an! e-a#tly !e'ine! ays$ hi#h #an be observe!%
Only in ater !oes this variation o##"r "n!er simple me#hani#al e-ternal in'l"en#e%
In a or!$ hen e p"t even a single mole#"le o' some s"bstan#e in ater$ a layer o' ater
mole#"les that no have a !i''erent orientation is imme!iately 'orme! aro"n! it% This
orientation resembles str"#t"rally the intro!"#e! s"bstan#e% I' this ater is '"rther atten"ate!$
this orientation remains permanently in a part o' its mole#"les% That is$ the mole#"les that
have ass"me! the initial str"#t"re ill retransmit this 5"ality o' theirs to the s"bse5"ent
!il"tions% This remains tr"e even hen there is not a single 5"ant le't o' the original
s"bstan#e% In s#ien#e this is #alle! ater memory% It remembers even the tiniest parti#les it
has to"#he! by re#or!ing their 5"alities an! str"#t"res%
These re#or!ings #an only be !estroye! "n!er great press"re$ boiling$ 'ree1ing$
ele#tromagneti# ra!iation or ra!ioa#tivity et#% This lea!s to a ne #hange in the magneti#
moment "n!er the in'l"en#e o' other$ more aggressive 'a#tors%
All theories$ hoever$ 'all in the sphere o' the hypotheti#al% Dr% (am"el Hahnemann@s insight
o' 1F89 remains as ell; 2I ta)e aay the s"bstan#e an! leave the poer%2 An! the more
atten"ate! the s"bstan#e$ the greater the poer%

One ay or another$ homeopathy has been or)ing 'or over /99 years !espite the la#) o' a
!e'inite theory 'or its a#tion% Also interesting is the 'a#t that its poer in#reases as the
atten"ation is in#rease!% Pra#ti#ally$ this ay the healing e''e#t o' atten"ation o' 1;19
m"ltiplie! by /A is m"#h ea)er than a preparation ith atten"ation o' the !rop o' poison in
it o' 1;19 m"ltiplie! by 19%999 or by 199%999% In or!er to "n!erstan! ho this or)s yo"
sho"l! )no ho a homeopathi# preparation is ma!e%
Here is the me#hanism; Using a pipette$ p"t one !rop o' #obra venom in a phial$ here yo"
have alrea!y p"t 88 !rops o' 'resh ater% (ha)e energeti#ally% Then po"r o"t the #ontents o'
the phial in an empty glass an! p"t it "pright again% There is one !rop o' the venom !il"tion
le't on the bottom o' the phial% P"t 88 ne !rops o' ater% (ha)e energeti#ally% Then again
po"r o"t the #ontents o' the phial in an empty glass an! p"t it "pright again% Again there is
one !rop o' li5"i! le't there% Drop 88 ne !rops o' 'resh ater on it% (ha)e energeti#ally%
Then again po"r o"t the #ontents o' the phial in the glass an! p"t it "pright again% Eor the Dth
time$ a!! 88 ne !rops% (ha)e energeti#ally% No yo" have an atten"ation o' the initial !rop
o' sna)e venom o' 1; 19%999%999%999% One or a 'e mole#"les o' the initial s"bstan#e #an still
be 'o"n! in this !il"tion% +hi#h is hy e #ontin"e to atten"ation in the same 1;88
proportion% +hen e have !one this 'or the 1/th time an! e a#hieve an atten"ation o' 1
against a n"mber having /A 1eroes$ hi#h is #onveniently ritten !on as 1/C 7h"n!re!s<$
there is not going to be a single atom o' the initial s"bstan#e in o"r !il"tion% This is
pra#ti#ally only ater% ,"t this ater is one o' the best me!i#ations 'or inborn #ar!iopathy
an! valve !isor!ers o' the heart% It is an e''i#ient an! serio"s preparation 'or preventing a
myo#ar!ial in'ar#tion in #hroni# heart !iseases% It permeates pain$ strang"lation$ ve-atio"s
an-iety% This gives yo" time an! the #han#e to see) me!i#al assistan#e in a very serio"s #risis%
Re#"peration is a'terar! abo"t three times as 'ast% Combine! ith other similar pro!"#ts$
ith the same atten"ation$ A#onit"m$ Arni#a$ Batro!e#t"s ma#tans$ Hy!ro#yani#"m a#i!i"m$
Na.a 7Cobra<$ this is one o' the most e''i#ient an! harmless metho!s o' prevention an! healing
o' myo#ar!ial in'ar#tion%
In homeopathy !il"tions are o'ten "se! in hi#h 88 !rops have been a!!e! 19$999 times or
199$999 times in a single phial% These are 'ig"res that are only "se! in 5"ant"m physi#s an!
astronomy% 3eanhile$ s"#h atten"ation is m"#h more e''e#tive than lo atten"ation in
treatment o' a#"te an! #hroni# !iseases% In this sense Na.a 19 3 I 19$999J is m"#h more
e''e#tive than Na.a 8C%
There is also the so #alle! Avoga!ro@s n"mber% It is !e'ine! by the n"mber o' atoms in e-a#tly
1/ grams o' p"re #arbon1/ isotope 7
C<% Avoga!ro@s n"mber has a val"e o' 9%C%19KLL$ hi#h
mar)s the limit beyon! hi#h not a single mole#"le o' the initial s"bstan#e #an be 'o"n! in
the !il"tion% In homeopathy this is attaine! at level 1/C I the 1/th phial o' 88 !rops% Any
other atten"ation$ 1DC$ /99C$ 13 I 1999C$ 193 I 19$999J is ay beyon! this limit$ i% e%
there is physi#ally an! #hemi#ally nothing in them% I' yo" e-amine the homeopathi#
me!i#ations in a !r"g store yo" ill 'in! o"t that they all have the same #hemi#al #omposition
4 la#tose or spirit !il"tion% A'ter ma)ing the primary ater s"bstan#e$ it is po"re! over la#tose
gran"les$ hi#h are then !rie! an! 'ille! in phials hi#h are then !ispat#he! to !r"g stores% I'
they have been ma!e "sing spirits then there ill be the same spirit !il"tion in all phials an!
nothing else%
Nevertheless$ they all or) in a "ni5"e ay an! ea#h a##or!ing to its p"rpose$ i% e% the Royal
Cobra preparation ill in no ay in'l"en#e a gastritis irrespe#tive o' yo"r s"ggestion or the
label on the phial%
It is a )non 'a#t that the more !il"te! the venom$ the more poer'"l its e''e#t% I'$ 'or
instan#e$ three people having shooting pains in the pre#ar!ia# area$ #hest oppression an!
ta#hy#ar!ia are given three "nlabele! phials #ontaining homeopathi# preparations ith
!i''erent #ontents$ these ill have a !i''erent e''e#t a'ter being ta)en in% I' phial No% 1
#ontains in'ormation abo"t By#opo!i"m 7a preparation that has nothing in #ommon ith the
sai! symptomati#s< the person ta)ing it ill e-perien#e no #hange an! may #ontin"e
aggravating% I' phial No% / #ontains in'ormation abo"t Na.a =9C the patient ill sloly
e-perien#e #hange an! ill gra!"ally stabili1e% I' phial No% = #ontains in'ormation abo"t Na.a
199C3 I 199%999%999J the person ta)ing it ill e-perien#e a m"#h 'aster an! stea!ier men!$
o'ten ithin min"tes or "p to an ho"r% A!ministration o' Na.a in a steno#ar!ia #risis not only
has a preventive an! stabili1ing e''e#t b"t may also provi!e more time an! a better #han#e at
getting to an a#tive treatment hospital an! th"s save yo"r li'e in the event o' an on#oming
This s"pports the #laim hi#h is !i''i#"lt to #omprehen! 'or many people an! resear#hers that
the poer in#reases hen the s"bstan#e !e#reases% This e-plains the ma-im o' all
homeopathy s#hools that high atten"ation in'l"en#es not only the p"rely physi#al symptoms
o' !iseases b"t also has an e''e#t on the patient@s '"n!amental psy#hologi#al #on!itions% This
is e-a#tly hat the inventor o' homeopathy meant by saying 2I ta)e aay the s"bstan#e an!
leave the strength%2 It is a logi#al #on#l"sion that the more severe the symptomati#s an!
respe#tively the !amage to the physi#al bo!y$ the greater the poer nee!s to be that #an heal
it% +hi#h is hy the atten"ation m"st be s"bstantial in the most severe o' health !ist"rban#es%
A 'a#t that is even har!er to assimilate is that there is no limit to atten"ation% An! the greater
the atten"ation$ even o' the or!er o' 333333333333$ i% e% a !egree o' atten"ation o'
1 to 1 'olloe! by =$C99 1eroes$ the more poer'"l its in'l"en#e an! healing e''e#t% Nat"rally$
s"#h atten"ation is only attainable thro"gh or!s% It o"l! ta)e a ma#hine several months o'
or) to attain it%
An! so$ e have arrive! at the essen#e o' the metho!%
Dr% 3asar" 0moto has prove! that ater #an be spo)en to an! that it absorbs an! stores
everything that is sai! to it% +ater re#or!s images$ or!s$ ritten te-t$ m"si#al #ompositions
in a ay that is beyon! o"r "n!erstan!ing% +ater mole#"les rea#t ama1ingly a!e5"ately to
those vibrations that are harmoni# an! li'e4giving$ the high 're5"en#y ones$ pro!"#ing
bea"ti'"l he-agon #rystals% Conversely$ ater !oes not #reate or!erly shapes hen a''e#te! by
#haoti#$ arrhythmi#al an! !istorte! vibrations% +ater is there'ore alive an! is able to a!apt%
There is pra#ti#ally no e-planation o' ho ater !is#riminates beteen the meanings o'
or!s in many !i''erent h"man lang"ages%
This is probably the res"lt o' its str"#t"re% Bet "s not 'orget that ater #onsists o' hy!rogen
an! o-ygen% Hy!rogen is the most #ommon element in the Universe 4 abo"t F=4FD: 4 an! has
a #ommens"rable presen#e in the #ontents o' o"r star 4 the ("n% ,esi!es being the most
#ommon element in o"r s"rro"n!ings$ hy!rogen is also the most lighteight #hemi#al element
an! it is #olorless$ o!orless$ an! monovalent$ in!ee! per'e#tly s"itable to serve as the i!eal
basis 'or everything else% In physi#ist .argon$ hy!rogen !e'ines the 5"alitative an! 5"antitative
nat"re o' the Universe% The or! 2hy!rogen2 #omes 'rom *ree) an! means 2ater4'ormer2
'rom 2hy!ro2 meaning ater an! 2genesis2 meaning 2birth2 or 2origin2% This ma)es hy!rogen
the main parti#ipant in the pro#ess o' #reation o' the Universe%
It sho"l! there'ore #ome as no s"rprise that ater is alive an! a!apts to all types o' in'l"en#e%
An! it is 'or e-a#tly the same reason that e #an 'reely (AG in any lang"age the BI?0N0((
o' o"r s"''erings an! illnesses in a physi#al plan% O' #o"rse$ not 'orgetting the respe#tive
atten"ation 7or negation< remembering that the greater the atten"ation$ the more e''e#tive the
There are$ 'or e-ample$ many people ho o'ten have the 'l"% The in'l"en1a is an a#"te
in'e#tio"s !isease 'or hi#h in me!i#ine there are pra#ti#ally no tr"ly e''i#ient preparations%
De#reasing the bo!ily temperat"re is not e-a#tly healing b"t is rather a s"ppression o' the
most a#"te symptom o' the !isease$ hile alloing the organism to #ombat the !isease on its
on% The 'l"$ hoever$ o'ten #arries many #ompli#ations ith permanent #onse5"en#es%
These #onse5"en#es a''e#t the l"ngs$ the heart$ the )i!neys$ an! the imm"nity levels% The
homeopathi# metho! is a#t"ally the only one that tr"ly re#"perates the organism itho"t any
#ompli#ations$ as long as it is properly applie!%
An interesting 'a#t is that i' e analy1e the homeopathi# preparations 'or in'l"en1a$ e ill
'in! o"t that their internal #hara#teristi#s sho the patient@s terrible emotional #on!ition
be'ore #ontra#ting the !isease; hyper an-iety$ "nrest 7Rh"s4to-$ ,ryonia<$ anti#ipatory
e-perien#ing o' a '"t"re responsible or "npleasant event 7*elsemi"m<$ insomnia 7N"-4
vomi#a<$ intoleran#e to #ontra!i#tion 7N"-4vomi#a<$ 'right$ the learning o' ba! nes
7A#onit"m<$ the #onse5"en#es o' emotional sho#) lea!ing to mental blo#)age 7*elsemi"m<$
or)aholism$ hypertension$ al#ohol 7N"-4vomi#a<% This #learly ill"strates the spirit"al 'a#tors
ma)ing the bo!y a s"itable environment 'or the rapi! repro!"#tion o' the in'l"en1a vir"ses% In
this sense$ it is tr"e that eliminating the 'l" in this manner e also in'l"en#e o"r emotional
#on!ition$ hi#h ma)es homeopathi# healing #ompletely "nmat#he! in me!i#al pra#ti#es%
+e #an b"y a homeopathi# preparation$ hi#h nee!s to be #are'"lly #hosen among a !o1en
similar$ a'ter visiting the !r"g store or #ons"lting a homeopath% +e #an mi- several
preparations or ta)e them one a'ter the other$ i' not s"re ho to properly !o the mi-ing% .UT
."st a 'e min"tes$ e #an pro!"#e an e''i#ient healing #omple- against the 'l"$ or "tter a
single #"re against the 'l"$ hi#hever e #onsi!er most s"itable%
+e m"st nat"rally obey all homeopathi# prin#iples in or!er to ma)e o"r verbal homeopathi#
preparation or);
1% +hen saying the name o' the s"bstan#e or problem$ e m"st alays a!! its atten"ation$
hi#h m"st be above 8C$ an! o"l! i!eally be 234 I 19%999J$ 233 54 I 199%999J$ 444
I 1999%999%999J$ even 44444 or 444444444% In o"r e-periments e have
rea#he! "p to 1/ M% I ill not 'orget my on ama1ement hearing that one o' my st"!ents ha!
manage! to over#ome her severe premenstr"al syn!rome ith an atten"ation o'
MMMMMM% +e ha! earlier trie! homeopathi# preparations ith an atten"ation o' 8C$ 1DC$
/99C$ 193 an! C3% The e''e#t as that the symptoms ere alleviate! b"t there as alays
something missing% +hen she ma!e 7spo)e< a #omple- o' NOgnesia #arboni#a
NNNNNNN$ Eolli#"lin"m NNNNNN an! Progesteron"m NNNNNN$ the problems
ere !e'initely settle!% The #ase in point is a premenstr"al syn!rome a##ompanie! by a #ol!$
!ysmenorrhea an! very sharp spasmo!i# pains !"ring the 'irst to !ays$ hile blee!ing !ar)
bloo!% (in#e then$ she has been ta)ing this e-a#t #ombination an! she has ha! no pains$ no
#ol!s an! no orries%
In'ormation abo"t atten"ations is given at the en! o' the boo)% This is a very important
moment o' the ma)ing o' any verbal preparation be#a"se i' the atten"ation is not mentione!$
the ater ill not get its healing e''e#t an! #o"l! even$ #onversely$ have a negative e''e#t% It
sho"l! be mentione! that atten"ations o' the poer o' C3$ 199JN$ 33333 have the
strongest e''e#t% This is an atten"ation that #orrespon!s to a homeopathi# preparation !il"te!
at 1$999$999$999$999$999J or an atten"ation o' 1 to 1 'olloe! by 1D 1eroes% I' this
preparation is to be ma!e$ this ill re5"ire 1 5"a!rillion phials o' 88 !rops o' ater an! ill
ta)e a 5"a!rillion times a!!ing 88 ne !rops o' ater in the phial ea#h time% This ill ta)e
many months% There are no ma#hines in Ra!ioni#s that #an a#hieve this% Using my metho!$
hoever$ this #an be !one in se#on!s%
/% A'ter ea#h "tteran#e the phial m"st be sha)en vigoro"sly in or!er 'or the in'ormation to be
transmitte! to all mole#"les in it%
=% I' ma)ing a #omple- o' relate! preparations that$ in their entirety$ sharply in#rease the
e''e#t@s perimeter$ the sha)ing sho"l! be !one a'ter ea#h in!ivi!"al "tteran#e o' ea#h
in!ivi!"al preparation ith its atten"ation%
In relation to mi-ing preparations I ill 5"ote the inventor o' homeopathy$ Dr% (am"el
Hahnemann$ ho has this to say abo"t the treatment o' #hroni# an! persistent #ases; 20a#h
psori# 7primary 'or !iseases< o##"rren#e$ mani'este! in the 'orm o' one o' a m"ltit"!e o'
#hroni# !iseases it #a"ses$ #an never be heale! ith a single anti4psori# me!i#ine$ b"t re5"ires
the "se o' several o' these me!i#ines an! even$ in the most severe o' #ases$ re5"ires that all
me!i#ations be pres#ribe! at on#e%2 In his Chroni# Diseases treatise$ he !es#ribes AF anti4
psori# me!i#ines$ the lea!er in that list being ("l'"r% He #ontin"es by !is#"ssing the severe
#hroni# !iseases% 2In that #ase 7o' a severe #hroni# !isease<$ neither s"l'"r$ nor any other anti4
psori# me!i#ine shall s"''i#e on its on6 in or!er 'or a #omplete healing to be ha!$ the other
anti4psori# me!i#ines m"st be "se!$ amongst hi#h one or the other sho"l! be #hosen
!epen!ing on the symptoms observe! an! the r"les o' homeopathy%2 An! '"rther on; 2I have
!is#overe! that in #hroni# !iseases it is best to a!minister !oses not more than to !ays apart$
an! in most #ases$ every !ay an! all the time%2 Dr% (am"el Hahnemann%
This is also #on'irme! by #"rrent observations an! in pra#ti#e$ here it is establishe! that in
#ases o' 're5"ently re#"rrent in'lammations an! e-isting #hroni# !isease$ the patient$ ho is in
a#"te #on!ition$ 'or instan#e severe rhinitis against a ba#)gro"n! o' #hroni# sin"sitis$ ill
rea#t ith !i''i#"lty an! ine''e#tively to a me!i#ation that otherise !emonstrates goo!
e''i#a#y% In s"#h #ases the main lesion m"st be treate! starting ith anti4psori# me!i#ines an!
then$ gra!"ally 'olloing the patient@s symptomati#s$ rea#hing to the bottom an! the prime
#a"se o' the !isease% +e sho"l! not 'orget the main prin#iple that the more !il"te! the
preparation$ the more poer'"l its e''e#t% O'ten the homeopathi# preparation sho"l! be ta)en
'or li'e be#a"se the lesions are !eeper an! have transgresse! a #ertain limit no longer alloing
re#"peration% In this sense$ the #ostless ma)ing o' the me!i#ine is not "nimportant%
In'ormation on the main types o' preparations ill be given '"rther in the boo)%
A% The n"mber o' spo)en s"bstan#es in a #omple- m"st not e-#ee! 1941/%
D% The phial m"st have a !ropper be#a"se the nely !erive! !il"tion is an in'ormational one
an! sho"l! not be #ontaminate!% +hen !rin)ing it$ the mo"th sho"l! be #lean an! the lips
sho"l! not to"#h the !ropper%
C% The phials sho"l! NOT be )ept near ele#tromagneti# 'iel!s or temperat"res e-#ee!ing
D9PC or loer than APC%
F% 0thyl al#ohol F9: #an be a!!e! to the ater in the phial 7not e-#ee!ing one thir! o' the
!il"tion<% This ill prevent the appearan#e o' harm'"l mi#roorganisms in the ater itho"t
a''e#ting the in'ormation #ontaine! in it%
H% +hen the phial is nearly empty an! there is only a small amo"nt o' ater le't on the
bottom$ yo" #an a!! /Q= #lean ater an! 1Q= ethyl al#ohol an! then sha)e vigoro"sly /94=9
times% This is ho e rea#h the ne-t level o' atten"ation% Pra#ti#ally$ any me!i#ation is
immortal as long as e !o not !estroy or #ontaminate the phial%
8% Alays sha)e the phial be'ore !rin)ing in or!er to !ynami1e the in'ormation again% The
more yo" sha)e$ the stronger the e''e#t% Ta)e a 'e !rops ith a #lean mo"th% Go" #an ta)e
several !i''erent preparations one a'ter the other% There are people ho have many an! severe
!iseases% +ith steno#ar!ia$ 'or instan#e$ yo" #an ta)e a #o"ple o' preparations; 'or high bloo!
press"re$ 'or maintaining #holesterol levels an! 'or the respe#tive heart rhythm !isor!ers%
These sho"l! be ta)en at least on#e !aily$ one a'ter the other$ every !ay% People having angina
an! a #ol! at the same time are in a similar sit"ation% They nee! to ta)e the preparations every
ho"r "ntil the symptomati#s !isappears an! #an there'ore ta)e these one a'ter the other% In
#on!itions o' brain4#ranial tra"ma three or more preparations #an be #ombine! in short time
intervals 71A4/9 min"tes<; Arni#a$ a brain4#ranial tra"ma #omple-$ an epilepsy preparation$
an! another one 'or ne"rologi#al #ompli#ations6 a preparation 'or mental !amage #an also be
a!!e!% Only in this ay is the e''e#t #omplete an! impressive ith light an! me!i"m tra"ma%
+ith severe in."ry homeopathi# #omple-es are again the best s"pportive an! a!."n#tive
therapy 'or a#tive treatment$ s"rgi#al interventions an! the prolonge! perio! o' re#overy%
19% Verbal homeopathy #an be "se! lo#ally as ell% Eor e-ample$ in tra"ma ith )nee
selling ith retaine! integrity 7never in an open o"n!<$ yo" #an spill !rops o' the !il"tion
on the selling% The phial m"st be sha)en be'ore "se% Nat"rally$ the preparation m"st also be
a!ministere! orally% This ay e have !o"ble a#tion; general an! lo#al%
11% D"ring verbal homeopathy treatment &% &s o% e6ess$)y to 5"it !rin)ing #o''ee$ smo)ing$
or avoi! me!i"m strength mints or toothpaste% They have no ay o' a#ting as an anti!ote to
verbal homeopathy% O' #o"rse$ it is never a!visable to have too m"#h o' these things%
Homeopathy$ li)e verbal homeopathy$ or)s m"#h better 'or people ho ta)e in 'eer
poisons 7al#ohol$ #igarettes$ stim"lants$ nar#oti#s$ e-#essive 5"antities o' 'oo!< be#a"se i'$ 'or
instan#e$ yo" !rin) C #"ps o' #o''ee or smo)e C9 #igarettes a !ay$ yo" #an har!ly e-pe#t that
anyone or anything #an help yo"% This is hy it is goo! to !o eno"gh movement$ eat
mo!erately$ "se 'oo! s"pplements 7vitamins$ minerals$ Omega = et#%<$ !rin) at least a liter an!
a hal' o' ater every !ay an! not in!"lge yo"r ba! habits 7limit yo"rsel' to 19 #igarettes$ /
#"ps o' #o''ee$ one glass o' al#ohol<% D"ring prolonge! ta)ing o' verbal homeopathy yo" ill
spontaneo"sly gra!"ally !e#rease the amo"nts o' poisons yo" ta)e in yo"r li'e% The #hange in
yo"r energy stat"s ill attra#t ne people to yo"$ ne opport"nities an! sit"ations$ an! this
ill also help yo" in a p"rely physi#al plan%
It is also a!visable to avoi! inhaling #amphor$ strong #hemi#als$ gasoline$ blea#h$ laven!er
hen ta)ing verbal homeopathy% ,"t i' yo" happen to$ ."st ta)e in some more o' yo"r
verbal homeopathi# preparation%
1/% In 'e)7$l ho8eo($%hy9 there are also the so #alle! homeopathi# #rises% This
phenomenon is !es#ribe! in every te-tboo) or re'eren#e boo) on homeopathy% It is
mani'este! as a !eterioration o' the patient 'olloing the a#tivation o' the patient@s imm"ne
system% Homeopathi# #rises #ome in the 'orm o' severe pain 'or a short time$ high
temperat"re$ rash$ vomiting$ !iarrhea$ hea!a#hes$ a#"te 'atig"e$ !rosiness$ !i11iness$
ta#hy#ar!ia$ tremors$ spasms et#% Rea#tions a#t"ally !epen! on the patient an! their in!ivi!"al
#on!ition% The #o"rse o' these rea#tions has been given m"#h attention in the homeopathi#
literat"re% These #rises$ hen #on#erning an a#"te illness$ "s"ally ear aay 5"i#)ly an!
resemble abating aves$ 'olloe! by re#"peration% O'ten$ hoever$ in #hroni# !iseases an!
organ !amages$ the #rises are more prolonge!$ repeate! an! sometimes ill not go aay$ b"t
get lo#)e! on a given symptom% This re5"ires either a higher atten"ation o' the a!ministere!
preparations or a ne pi#t"re is 'orme! o' '"rther homeopathi# preparations that m"st be
given a!!itionally in s"##ession on a !aily basis in the (am"el Hahnemann manner 5"ote!
above% (o$ the homeopathi# #rises gra!"ally s"bsi!e an! the person is stabili1e!$ an! ith
time$ they improve% This me#hanism o' a#tion "s"ally a##ompanies maintenan#e therapies in
a!van#e! #hroni# !iseases% O' #o"rse$ ith some people there is no homeopathi# rea#tion$ b"t
only an improvement or a stasis phase o' the !isease in the more severe an! most #ompli#ate!
#ases% This is parti#"larly typi#al in ol!er people% The rea#tion is stri#tly in!ivi!"al%
Eolloing these r"les$ yo" alrea!y have an eternal me!i#ine$ hi#h only !epen!s on the
strength o' A +ORD% An!$ o' #o"rse$ it also !epen!s on a goo! )nole!ge o' homeopathi#
pra#ti#es an! preparations% ,"t even i' yo" !on@t have it$ yo" #an still help yo"rsel'% Ho$ yo"
ill see at the en! o' the boo)% This$ hoever$ is not ."st homeopathy%
Eor e-ample$ yo" ant to ma)e a preparation against the 'l";
The list o' the #omple- #ontents belo shos that it #ontains 8 preparations%
21 Gelse8&u8 se8(e)'&)es - yellow :$s8&e1 S$y ;Gelse8&u8 MMMMM;1
In!i#ations are; 4 A typi#al pi#t"re o' to-i#oin'e#tio"s syn!rome; 'atig"e$ ea)ness$ m"s#le
a#hes all over$ seating$ 'ever$ na"sea$ vomiting$ hea!a#he in the ne#)$ n"mbing pains along
the spine%
4 An en#ephaliti# 'orm o' the 'l" a'ter a strong #ol!; shivering$ severe hea!a#he ith
engorgement$ 'ever an! sti''ness ith a sense o' n"mbness%
4 Pro'o"n! "nease$ the e''e#ts o' emotional sho#)$ hi#h lea!s to mental blo#)%
<1 .)yo&$ - Wh&%e Pu8(=&1 S$y ;.)yo&$ Al7$ MMMMM;1
The in!i#ations are; 'l"4li)e illness #hara#teri1e! by 'ever$ #omplete immobili1ation to st"por
ith pain in the .oints$ ea)ness an! 'atig"e$ inability to move$ !ry m"#o"s membranes$
thirst$ seating$ hea!a#he% Patient seems e-tremely #on#erne! abo"t the '"t"re%
31 Eu($%o)&u8 - .oese%s, Tho)ou#hwo)%s1 S$y ;Eu($%o)&u8 MMMMM;1
The in!i#ations are; typi#al to-i#oin'e#tio"s syn!rome ith severe bone pain$ 'ever$ 'atig"e$
severe m"s#le a#hes an! pains as in bro)en bones$ a pain'"l sensation in the eyeballs$
seating$ r"nning nose ith snee1es$ hea!a#he$ restlessness%
+1 Rhus %o>&6oded)o S$y ;Rhus %o>&6oded)o MMMMM;1
The in!i#ations are; to-i#oin'e#tio"s syn!rome a''e#ting the .oints ith high 'ever$
restlessness$ hi#h re5"ires movement$ pain'"l sti''ness hi#h also re5"ires movement$ !ry
m"#o"s membranes$ re! triangle at the en! o' the '"rre! lang"age$ seating$ !iarrhea$
hea!a#he% 4 The 'l" is o'ten a##ompanie! by #ol! sores in the mo"th% 4 the a#"te #on!ition is
o'ten #a"se! by immersion in #ol! ater$ espe#ially o' the legs or be#a"se o' rapi!
temperat"re #hange 'rom arm to #ol!%
-1 Phy%ol$66$ S$y ;F&%ol$=$ MMMMM;1
The in!i#ations are; tonsillitis4li)e 'l" ith 'ever$ hea!a#he ith engorgement$ !i11iness$
m"s#le a#hes$ sore throat$ in#rease o' tonsil si1e$ b"rning pain on salloing$ in'lammation
o' the #ervi#al lymph no!es%
?1 .$(%&s&$ %&6%o)&$ - w&ld &d&#o1 S$y ;.$(%&s&$ %&6%o)&$ MMMMM;1
The in!i#ations are; an intestinal 'orm o' the 'l" 4 'ever$ a 'eeling o' pain in the m"s#les$
hea!a#he$ tightness o' the base o' the s)"ll$ pain in the eyeballs$ !ry m"#o"s membranes$ pain
in the ab!omen$ !iarrhea$ 'atig"e$ !i11iness$ 'eeling o' in#rease! vol"me o' the hea!% Ris) o'
F% T"ber#"lin"m aviaire 4 avian t"ber#"lin% (ay 2T"ber#"lin"m aviaire 333332%
The in!i#ations are; observe! in astheni# #hil!ren an! a!"lts ho have sensitive airays an!
are prone to tonsillitis$ otitis me!ia$ pharyngitis an! rhinitis% It is aime! at people ith allergi#
problems an! those ith asthma an! asthma4li)e bron#hitis% This is a broa!er4a#tion
preventive preparation against post4in'l"en1a #ompli#ations%
H% N"- vomi#a 4 stry#hnine tree% (ay 2N"- vomi#a 333332%
The in!i#ations are; 'l" syn!rome ith m"s#le a#hes$ pains in the l"mbar region as i' 'rom
br"ising$ the patient nee!s to sit "p in be! in or!er to t"rn aro"n!$ 'ever$ in hi#h nothing #an
arm them$ r"nning nose ith strong snee1e$ hea!a#he in the #ron%
8% ,ella!onna% (ay 2,ella!onna 333332%
The in!i#ations are; 5"i#)ly rising temperat"re ith a arm$ 'l"she! 'a#e an! pro'"se
seating% The preparation is re#ommen!e! 'or all types o' in'e#tio"s !iseases$ in#l"!ing the
in'l"en1a syn!rome ith 'ever an! re!!ening% It is the best homeopathi# reme!y against an!
!"ring hyperthermi# sei1"res an! hea!a#he at high temperat"res% It #an alays be "se! as a
stan!alone preparation% +ith very high temperat"res$ it #an be ta)en every D419 min"tes%
How e>$6%ly do we 8$=e 'e)7$l ho8eo($%hy9!
1% Go" nee! a #lean phial ith a !ropper o' 19$ /9$ =9$ A9 or D9 ml% The larger phials are not
as #onvenient as they nee! to be sha)en #onstantly% The phial sho"l! be a !ar)er #olor;
bron$ green$ #lo"!y hite% In general$ #olore! glass phials are pre'erre!$ b"t plasti# ones #an
also be 'reely "se!%
/% In a #ase o' emergen#y$ hen yo" have to 5"i#)ly prepare the me!i#ine an! every min"te is
pre#io"s$ yo" #an "se a bottle o' mineral ater o' =D9 ml or even D99 ml% +hen !rin)ing$
hoever$ yo" sho"l! po"r the li5"i! in the #ap an! not to"#h the mo"th hile ingesting%
(ha)ing be'ore ea#h !rin)ing also remains man!atory% This metho! is ne#essary 'or tra"ma o'
any )in!$ hen it is "rgently re5"ire! that the patient ta)es in Arni#a$ Apis or A#onit% In this
#ase yo" #an ta)e a bottle o' ater an! #learly say alo"! 2Arni#a C32% (ha)e vigoro"sly an!
yo" ill instantly have the best homeopathi# preparation 'or a##i!ents$ sho#)$ or vas#"lar
a##i!ent o' any )in!$ in#l"!ing stro)e an! heart atta#)% This preparation relieves the #on!ition
an! assists any other spe#ial treatment$ hi#h #an sometimes be li'esaving$ be#a"se it gives
yo" the #han#e to stay alive to get to a me!i#al 'a#ility 'or a#tive treatment% The verbal
preparation sho"l! be ta)en every /4= min"tes% It sho"l! also be ta)en in the hospital$
sim"ltaneo"sly to all other emergen#y meas"res%
,"t let "s ret"rn to the in'l"en1a preparation%
=% On#e yo" have the phial$ ma)e a list o' hat yo" have to say an! the atten"ation that yo"
ill "se%
In this #ase;
1% *elsemi"m 199 C3$ or 333$ or 33333
/% ,ryonia alba 199 C3$ or 333$ or 33333
=% 0"patori"m 199 C3$ or 333$ or 33333
A% Rh"s to-i#on!en!ron 199C3$ or 333$ or 33333
D% Phytola##a 199 C3$ or 333$ or 33333
C% ,aptisia tin#toria 199 C3$ or 333$ or 33333
F% T"ber#"lin"m aviaire 199 C3$ or 333$ or 33333%
H% N"-4vomi#a 199C3$ or 333$ or 33333%
8% ,ella!ona 199C3$ or 333$ or 33333%
Th"s the #omple-$ hi#h yo" ill be saying$ is rea!y%
Eor #lari'i#ation; the to-i#oin'e#tio"s syn!rome in#l"!es all the symptoms o' in'l"en1a; 'ever$
hea!a#he$ seating$ a!ynamia 7lethargy< an! !rosiness$ .oint an! m"s#le pain an!
n"mbness$ vomiting$ !iarrhea%
A% Then ta)e the phial 'ille! ith /Q= #lean ater an! 1Q= ethyl al#ohol an! start to "tter the
ingre!ients one a'ter the other;
1% (pea) lo"!ly an! #learly; *elsemi"m 199 C3$ or 333$ or 33333%
Close the li! an! sha)e vigoro"sly%
/% (pea) lo"!ly an! #learly; ,ryonia alba 199 C3$ or 333$ or 33333
Close the li! an! sha)e vigoro"sly%
=% (pea) lo"!ly an! #learly; 0"patori"m 199 C3$ or 333$ or 33333
Close the li! an! sha)e vigoro"sly%
A% (pea) lo"!ly an! #learly; Rh"s to-i#on!en!ron 199C3$ or 333$ or 33333%
Close the li! an! sha)e vigoro"sly%
D% (pea) lo"!ly an! #learly; Phytola##a 199 C3$ or 333$ or 33333%
Close the li! an! sha)e vigoro"sly%
C% (pea) lo"!ly an! #learly; ,aptisia tin#toria 199 C3$ or 333$ or 33333%
Close the li! an! sha)e vigoro"sly%
F% (pea) lo"!ly an! #learly; T"ber#"lin"m aviaire 199 C3$ or 333$ or 33333%
Close the li! an! sha)e vigoro"sly%
H% (pea) lo"!ly an! #learly; N"-4vomi#a 199 C3$ or 333 or 33333%
Close the li! an! sha)e vigoro"sly%
8% (pea) lo"!ly an! #learly; ,ella!onna 199 C3$ or 333 or 33333%
Close the li! an! sha)e vigoro"sly%
Then p"t in the !ropper$ #lose$ rite on a sti#)er hat yo" ill be "sing the preparation 'or$ as
ell as its #ontents$ mar) the !ate$ an! yo" are !one%
Go" #an !rin) this verbal preparation every !ay as a preventive meas"re% D"ring a 'l"
epi!emi#$ it #an be ta)en D4C times a !ay$ an! i' yo" have a#"te symptoms yo" may !rin) it
every 1941D or /9 min"tes hile aa)e% The severity o' the #on!ition !e'ines the 5"antities
ta)en% No restri#tions%
The treatment o' the 'l" is an essential treatment be#a"se this in'e#tio"s !isease may
pra#ti#ally lea! to s"bse5"ent severe #hroni# !iseases o' the lo#omotory system$ the l"ngs$ the
heart an! )i!neys$ only visible years later% In its 5"i#) #ompli#ations$ the 'l" #an rapi!ly
progress to en#ephalitis or meningitis% Th"s$ its treatment ith homeopathy an! verbal
homeopathy is not #omparable to anything else$ be#a"se every preparation in the "pper
#omple-$ ta)en at the very beginning$ prote#ts against #ertain types o' #ompli#ations an! they
simply !o not o##"r% This metho! is #ombine! ith all other metho!s in me!i#ine that are
imperative i' treatment has been !elaye!$ #ompli#ations have alrea!y o##"rre!$ or the patient
has "n!erlying #hroni# !iseases%
The treatment o' the 'l" is the treatment o' an a#"te in'e#tio"s !isease% It is similar to the
treatment o' #ol!s$ light an! me!i"m in."ries$ vario"s other a#"te in'lammatory pro#esses
s"#h as otitis$ tonsillitis$ pharyngitis$ laryngitis$ a#"te bron#hitis$ tra#heobron#hitis$ rhinitis o'
vario"s origins$ #on."n#tivitis$ other a#"te in'lammatory pro#esses in the "rogenital system
an! so on an! so 'orth%
Eor all these !iseases$ in'ormational therapy is generally the best metho! be#a"se the bo!y
has not yet been #hroni#ally !amage!%
Hoever$ even ith severe #hroni# !iseases$ these verbal homeopathi# preparations #an be a
goo! a!."n#tive therapy% They #ombine ith absol"tely any treatment$ an! any preventive
metho!$ ta)ing "p to one thir! o' the healing pro#ess% +hen "sing them$ they strongly re!"#e
the si!e e''e#ts o' vario"s treatments "sing heavy #hemi#als% O' #o"rse$ hen the patient is
alrea!y in an a!van#e! stage o' #an#er$ !iabetes$ heart$ )i!ney or respiratory 'ail"re$ too little
#an be !one other than provi!e some relie'% Verbal homeopathy is$ hoever$ in!ispensable
in the prevention o' all severe !iseases$ in#l"!ing geneti# !iseases !"ring pregnan#y6 in all
severe #ases$ in#l"!ing severe tra"ma an! the onset o' all severe #hroni# !iseases s"#h as
!iabetes$ #hroni# bron#hitis$ asthma$ #hroni# allergies$ gastritis$ entero#olitis$ #olitis$
hypertonia$ is#hemi# heart !isease$ even in the early phases o' !ilate! #ar!iomyopathy% It
a''e#ts remar)ably the initial stages o' vario"s hormonal !ys'"n#tions$ preventing or
!isalloing their aggravation% It or)s 'lalessly ith all other metho!s o' treatment an!
signi'i#antly in#reases their e''e#tiveness% In pra#ti#e$ people ho have been treate! sin#e
they ere babies$ an! be'ore that$ ith homeopathy an! have never !is#ontin"e! this
treatment$ !o not a#t"ally s"''er 'rom #hroni# !iseases an! rea#h a ripe ol! age$ e-#ept i'
involve! in an a##i!ent%
3onopreparations #an be #reate!$ as ell as #omple-es o' spo)en homeopathi# preparations
ith appropriate atten"ations an! their respe#tive #hara#teristi#s 'or ea#h !isease to hi#h the
homeopathi# metho! is relevant%
That is a#t"ally not a system 'or healing b"t a ne ay o' li'e that yo" #an tea#h yo"r
#hil!ren to as ell% In'ormational treatment in #hil!ren may start be'ore #on#eption an!
!"ring pregnan#y ith the so4#alle! e"geni# #are 'or the 'et"s% A'ter that$ the prevention in
the no born healthy an! normal #hil! #ontin"es thro"gho"t their entire li'e% In'ormational
preparations #over the entire spe#tr"m o' prevention o' the si!e e''e#ts o' vario"s va##ines$
in!isposition 'rom #oli# #a"se! by arti'i#ial 'ee!ing an! ne"ralgia !"ring tooth groth% Eor
#hil!ren ho are #are! 'or in this ay$ the a#"te an! allergi# !iseases are m"#h 'eer an! i'
they ever o##"r$ they #an be #ontrolle! again ith the help o' verbal homeopathi#
preparations an! so't #onventional metho!s%
Here is ho to prepare a #omple- 'or high bloo! press"re$ hi#h is #a"se! by #onstant
nervo"s stress$ insomnia$ bereavement$ systemati# overeating$ al#ohol an! #igarettes ab"se$
se!entary li'estyle% It is generally #onsi!ere! that the systemati# overloa!ing o' the nervo"s
system gra!"ally lea!s to the re!"#tion o' its reg"latory '"n#tion ith regar! to bloo!
press"re% The preparation is #omplementary hen it #omes to high bloo! press"re !"e to a
serio"s )i!ney !isease$ heart or en!o#rine system !isease%
21 Nu> 'o8&6$ - s%)y6h&e %)ee1
In!i#ations are;
1%1% Nervo"s syn!rome ith spasms$ general hyperre'le-ia$ hyperesthesia to noise$ o!ors$
to"#h% Temper Dysreg"lation Disor!er asso#iate! ith irritability$ anger$ aggression%
Insomnia in overor)e! people ho a)e "p at /4= a%m% an! have !i''i#"lty 'alling asleep
again% 3igraine in overor)e! an! stresse! people% (pasti# high bloo! press"re% Urinary
retention ith 'alse "rge%
1%/% Digestion syn!rome ith '"rre! tong"e ith yelloish4hite #oating$ na"sea$
#onstipation ith 'alse "rge$ !rosiness a'ter meals$ it#hy an! pain'"l hemorrhoi!s%
These people are nervo"s$ an-io"s$ irritable$ 5"i#) tempere! an! very a#tive% They sho
intoleran#e in the 'a#e o' the tiniest obsta#le% They or) in #on!itions o' overloa!ing an!
o''i#e problems% Their ay o' li'e is se!entary$ they ab"se al#ohol$ #o''ee$ toba##o$ they
overeat% They gra!"ally #ome to a blo#)age in an emotional an! psy#hologi#al plan%
<1 Gelse8&u8 se8(e)'&)es - yellow :$s8&e - 6)ee(&# sh)u7 o* %he Gelse8&$6e$e
In!i#ations are;
/%1% Nervo"s syn!rome ith an-iety be#a"se o' prior e-perien#e o' a '"t"re !ist"rbing event
at night% Hea!a#he at the rear o' the hea!% Depression$ memory impairment$ tremors !"e to
emotions or ba! nes% The e''e#t o' emotional sho#) an! mental blo#)ing$ hi#h may be
a##ompanie! by !iarrhea an! poli"ria% 7're5"ent "rination in small amo"nts or in !rops o'
31 Au)u8 8e%$ll&6u8 - 8e%$ll&6 #old1
In!i#ations are;
=%1% Rea#tive !epressive syn!rome in a!"lts% 0-#ess a#tivity an! #heer'"l moo!$ 'olloe! by
!epressive symptoms that are obs#"re!% Ere5"ent an! intense o"tb"rsts o' anger% H"ge
irritability$ here the tiniest #ontra!i#tion #a"ses anger% Eeeling o' !isg"st an! anger toar!s
or)% ("i#i!al tho"ghts%
=%/% Car!iovas#"lar in!i#ations asso#iate! ith high bloo! press"re$ hot 'l"shes an!
#ongestion 7engorgement< in the hea!% Heart e-#itement an! e-trasystoles 7premat"re heart
beats that #an be 'olloe! by a big brea)<% Eeeling as i' yo"r heart stops an! starts again ith
a ."mp$ bo"ts o' s"''o#ation$ a 'eeling o' 'ear an! an-iety% (teno#ar!ia# pain on e-ertion%
These are hypera#tive$ over4ambitio"s people ith a great sense o' !"ty an! strong pri!e%
They o'ten ab"se al#ohol an! stim"lants%
+1 Sul*u)
In!i#ations are;
A%1% Car!iovas#"lar in!i#ations asso#iate! ith high bloo! press"re ith a sense o' armth$
tinnit"s$ vertigo% Ta#hy#ar!ia an! !yspnea 7shortness o' breath< that #a"ses the patient to
a)e "p at night$ an! also o##"rs on e-ertion% Eeeling o' heaviness on the #hest% The
preparation is "se! in most patients ith !iabetes ith obesity as s"pportive treatment%
A%/% (toma#h4boel syn!rome ith gastritis$ entero#olitis$ #olitis$ liver an! bilio"s migraines$
#onstipation ith b"rning hemorrhoi!s% All this is asso#iate! ith overeating an! al#oholism%
These are hypera#tive$ o"tgoing people ith enormo"s poer an! ambitions% They #an o'ten
spea) more than !o real or)% They are imp"lsive an! rea#t violently to !i''i#"lties ith 'its
o' anger% They #an o'ten be aggressive% Un!er the in'l"en#e o' 'atig"e they #an be#ome la1y$
negligent an! messy% O'ten they #annot be relie! "pon$ !espite their lo"! #laims 'or s"per
-1 Gloo&u8 - dy$8&%e
In!i#ations are;
D%1% Car!iovas#"lar in!i#ations relate! to s"!!en in#rease in bloo! press"re in hypertoni#
patients$ s"!!en o##"rren#es o' #ongestive 7bloo! inr"sh< hea!a#hes$ hot 'l"shes$ a 'eeling o'
'"llness an! tightness aro"n! the ne#)$ steno#ar!ia# #rises$ s"!!en heart e-#itement$
paro-ysmal ta#hy#ar!ia 7e-trasystole 'its 4 h"rrie! heart beats<$ hi#h is relate! to !istorte!
vegetative nervo"s a#tivity% All this may be #a"se! by s"!!en emotions$ ba! nes$ s"nstro)e
or heatstro)e%
These are a#tive$ nervo"s an! ambitio"s people ho rea#t violently to the #ir#"mstan#es in
li'e% They are pre!ispose! to vas#"lar4a##i!ents; myo#ar!ial in'ar#tion$ stro)e%
?1 L$6hes&s 8u%$ - .ush8$s%e) 'eo8
In!i#ations are;
C%1% Al#oholism ith !igestive !isor!ers an! pain'"l$ hypertrophi# liver%
C%/% Nervo"s syn!rome ith alternating a#tivity an! hyper4so#iability ith !epression% 3any
phobias; !eath$ poisoning$ being plotte! against$ sna)es% 0-treme .ealo"sy an! tr"st iss"es$
're5"ent sighs an! e-tremely strong sensitivity to to"#h$ an! tightness espe#ially aro"n! the
ne#)% (ense o' press"re an! s"''o#ation aro"n! the heart area hile 'alling asleep$ 'ear o'
rela-ation% P"lsating$ #ongestive hea!a#he% Hot 'l"shes% High arterial press"re$ ta#hy#ar!ia
an! a 'eeling o' an-io"s tension%
These are a#tive$ ambitio"s people ho or) "n!er e-treme stress an! nervo"s tension% They
ten! to ta)e stim"lants% They #ontrol everyone an! everything aro"n! them% They e-hibit
"n"s"al 1eal 'or their yo"nger brothers an! sisters$ 'rien!s$ spo"ses$ parents$ #olleag"es$
@1 A)&6$ 8o%$$ - Pe)e&$l (l$% o* %he *$8&ly As%e)$6e$e Bo) Co8(os&%$eC1
In!i#ations are;
F%1% Car!iovas#"lar in!i#ations 4 !e#rease! #apillary an! arterial resistan#e$ arterial prote#tion
in hypertension an! #oronary !isease patients% The preparation is "se! in all #ases o'
#ar!iovas#"lar overloa! an! is a vas#"lar prote#tor% It has great in'l"en#e in the presen#e o'
hematoma o' any origin$ in'lammation o' the arteries in #ompli#ate! atheros#leroti# pla5"es$
tra"mati# hematoma$ ris) o' hematoma ith vari#es 7vari#ose veins< an! embolism% The
preparation is o'ten li'e4saving be#a"se it gives the patient time to rea#t even in very severe
#ases% It is irrepla#eable an! has no alternative$ even in allopathi# 7tra!itional< me!i#ine in
brain in."ry an! #ompli#ations 'olloing 'rom it%
F%/% 3"s#le 'atig"e 4 the e''e#ts o' sports overloa!$ in#l"!ing o' the heart$ the e''e#ts o' long
al)ing$ #limbing$ heavy physi#al or)$ insomnia !"e to e-#essive 'atig"e$ a state o' 'ebrility
as the e''e#t o' 'atig"e%
F%=% Tra"matism 4 the preparation is "se! in any )in! o' atta#)$ a##i!ent$ in."ry$ 'alls$
espe#ially in brain in."ry% Arni#a is irrepla#eable in pre4 an! post4operative treatment$ an!
!"ring labor be#a"se o' its role o' a vas#"lar prote#tor 7prevents blee!ing$ hematoma$ sharply
re!"#es pain<%
D1 .$)y%$ 6$)7o&6$ - 7$)&u8 6$)7o$%e
In!i#ations are;
H%1% High bloo! press"re !"e to arterios#lerosis in a!"lts% The preparation is "se! to prevent
aging an! motor an! mental #ompli#ations in #erebral vas#"lar !amage 7#erebrovas#"lar
events$ s"#h as is#hemi# stro)es<%
On#e yo" have the phial$ ma)e a list o' hat yo" have to say an! the atten"ation that yo" ill
In this #ase;
1% N"- vomi#a 199 C3$ or 333$ or 33333
/% *elsemi"m 199 C3$ or 333$ or 33333
=% A"r"m metalli#"m 199 C3$ or 333$ or 33333
A% ("l'"r 199C3$ or 333$ or 33333
D% *lonoin"m 199 C3$ or 333$ or 33333
C% Ba#hesis m"ta 199 C3$ or 333$ or 33333
F% Arni#a montana 199 C3$ or 333 or 33333%
H% ,aryta #arboni#a 199C3$ or 333$ or 33333%

Th"s the #omple-$ hi#h yo" ill be saying$ is rea!y%
No ta)e the phial 'ille! ith /Q= #lean ater an! 1Q= ethyl al#ohol
an! start to "tter the ingre!ients one a'ter the other;
1% (pea) lo"!ly an! #learly; N"- vomi#a 199 C3$ or 333$ or 33333%
Close the li! an! sha)e vigoro"sly%
/% (pea) lo"!ly an! #learly; *elsemi"m 199 C3$ or 333$ or 33333%
Close the li! an! sha)e vigoro"sly%
=% (pea) lo"!ly an! #learly; A"r"m metalli#"m 199 C3$ or 333$ or 33333%
Close the li! an! sha)e vigoro"sly%
A% (pea) lo"!ly an! #learly; ("l'"r 199C3$ or 333$ or 33333%
Close the li! an! sha)e vigoro"sly%
D% (pea) lo"!ly an! #learly; *lonoin"m 199 C3$ or 333$ or 33333%
Close the li! an! sha)e vigoro"sly%
C% (pea) lo"!ly an! #learly; Ba#hesis m"ta 199 C3$ or 333$ or 33333%
Close the li! an! sha)e vigoro"sly%
F% (pea) lo"!ly an! #learly; Arni#a montana 199 C3$ or 333 or 33333%
Close the li! an! sha)e vigoro"sly%
H% (pea) lo"!ly an! #learly; ,aryta #arboni#a 199 C3$ or 333 or 33333%
Close the li! an! sha)e vigoro"sly%
The #omple- has a preventive an! healing e''e#t%
D"ring prophyla-is it #an also be given on#e !aily to yo"nger people over =9 years$ an! even
belo that age$ i' pre!ispose! an! live in #on!itions o' a#"te stress% Eor greater loa!s !oses
may be in#rease!% It is a!visable that the preparation be ta)en 'or at least si- months ea#h
The e''e#t there'ore is that in pra#ti#e #ar!iovas#"lar an! ne"rologi#al problems$ 'or hi#h
high bloo! press"re is one o' the main prere5"isites$ !o not o##"r be'ore a very a!van#e! age
is rea#he!% O' #o"rse$ it is better to #ombine it ith other preparations 'or #ar!iovas#"lar
+ith age$ the !oses may be in#rease!% There are no si!e e''e#ts an! no restri#tions in
re#eption% In a#"te #on!itions an! nervo"s brea)!ons the preparation #an be ta)en every 194
1D min"tes 7press"re overloa!e! heart$ ba! nes$ emotional sho#)$ loss o' vario"s nat"re$
overheating$ severe environmental #on!itions<% The preparation #an be s"##ess'"lly #ombine!
ith Ignatia amara$ hi#h is the main me!i#ine 'or mental sho#) o' any )in!% Not
a##i!entally$ in some homeopathi# s#hools the Ignatia is #alle! the 2#emetery2 me!i#ine%
Hoever$ this is the preparation that #an prote#t yo" 'rom serio"s !iseases res"lting 'rom
emotional sho#); !iabetes$ Hashimoto@s syn!rome 7a"toimm"ne thyroi! !isease<$ is#hemi#
heart !isease$ severe !epression$ m"ltiple s#lerosis$ #an#er% O'ten people ho s"''er a serio"s
loss in their lives or are s"b.e#te! to #onstant severe stress ill$ ithin months o' a #o"ple o'
years$ !evelop severe #hroni# !iseases that are pra#ti#ally !i''i#"lt to treat or are not treatable%
Ignatia amara$ ta)en repeate!ly 'or at least a month or to$ an! sometimes years a'ter the
!ramati# e-perien#e$ virt"ally eliminates the possibility o' this happening$ espe#ially i' ta)en
imme!iately an! repeate!ly% (ay Ignatia amara C3$ or 333$ or 333333% It #an be
#ombine! ith other$ !eeper4rea#hing preparations 'or 2loss2 s"#h as Natri"m m"riati#"m$
Ba#hesis m"ta$ Phosphori#"m a#i!"m% In or!er to !o this$ hoever$ a!!itional in'ormation is
Ignatia is virt"ally Arni)a on an emotional level%
,"t to ret"rn to the preparation 'or high bloo! press"re%
In alrea!y ill people$ it is #ompatible ith any )in! o' treatment 7me!i#ation$ as ell as high4
te#h$ e%g% "sing a pa#ema)er$ or having s"rgery per'orme!<% In severe #ases$ verbal
homeopathy ta)es "p to =9: o' the treatment% It stabili1es the main treatment an!
s"bstantially eliminates the si!e e''e#ts o' allopathi# 7#hemi#al< me!i#ations% (po)en
homeopathi# preparations have signi'i#ant therape"ti# e''e#t even in the most severely ill%
This type o' homeopathy !oes not allo the emergen#e an! groth o' other #omorbi!ities an!
th"s prevents the rapi! !e#line o' the organism in #on!itions o' severe #hroni# !isease% Eor
e-ample$ it #an not #"re ins"lin !epen!ent !iabetes o' the se#on! type$ b"t ill have a strong
preventive an! s"spensive e''e#t on the ne"rologi#al an! vas#"lar #ompli#ations o' the
In more severely ill patients$ preparations m"st be ta)en #onsistently A4D times a !ay an! in a
#risis 4 more o'ten times$ even every 19 min% hile aa)e% In pra#ti#e there is no limitation on
the n"mber o' a!ministrations there%
Verbal Homeopathy is parti#"larly e''e#tive in an emergen#y%

In high temperat"re$ 'or e-ample$ yo" #an #hoose beteen;
1% ,ella!onna C3$ or 333$ or 33333 4 rapi!ly rising temperat"re ith a re!$ arm an!
et 'a#e an! !iaphoresis 7e-#essive perspiration< in a#"te in'lammation% Variable !esire 'or
ater% Intoleran#e to noise an! light%
/% A#onit"m C3$ or 333$ or 33333 4 rapi!ly rising temperat"re ith !ry$ re! an! hot
s)in% Desire to !rin) h"ge amo"nts o' ater% (trong an-iety an! #onstant tit#hing an!
restlessness% The preparation is also s"itable 'or the in'l"en1a syn!rome 7#an be a!!e! to the
in'l"en1a #omple-<% It is also essential in #ases o' #ol!s !"e to e-pos"re to biting$ #ol! an!
!ry in! an! a s"!!en$ "ne-pe#te! #hange in eather 'rom arm to #ol!$ or hen 'alling into
i#e #ol! ater or !rin)ing i#e #ol! ater%
=% *elsemi"m C3$ or 333$ or 33333 4 high temperat"re ith almost total inability to
move an! total la#) o' !esire to !rin) ater%
A% ,ryonia alba C3$ or 333$ or 33333 4 gra!"ally rising temperat"re hi#h stays high
'or a long time% 0-#essive thirst 'or #ol! ater% Almost #omplete immobili1ation$ pain at the
slightest movement% (ti''ness%
D% (tramoni"m C3$ or 333$ or 33333 4 e-tremely high temperat"re$ hi#h is not
in'l"en#e! by anything else% Dry heat an! s"bse5"ent seating% Col! limbs$ strong thirst%
Throbbing hea!a#he% The hea! is raise! an! tosse! ba#) to again sin) in the pillo% Ris) o'
hyperthermi# sei1"res% Deliri"m$ !ilate! p"pils$ #ir#"lar movements to grip imaginary ob.e#ts%
C% Chamomilla C3 or 333$ or 33333 4 high temperat"re ith hot$ heavy perspiration
on the hea! an! 'a#e% (trong thirst% One #hee) is re!$ the other is #ol!$ b"rning 'eet%
Restlessness$ irritability$ anger%
F% Eerr"m phosphori#"m C3 or 333$ or 33333 4 slightly in#rease! temperat"re$ less
than =8 !egrees$ hi#h has been rising gra!"ally% Alternating pallor an! 'l"shing o' the 'a#e$
et s)in itho"t e-#essive perspiration% Hot 'l"shes in the 'a#e$ 'atig"e an! 'eeling o'
H% Pyrogeni"m C3 or 333 or 33333 4 the preparation #an be applie! in all 'orms o'
a#"te an! #hroni# in'e#tio"s #on!itions a##ompanie! by 'ever an! s"pp"ration% Use it to treat
in'e#te! o"n!s an! all p"r"lent pro#esses% It is in!ispensable 'or 'oo! poisoning% There is a
!is#repan#y beteen the p"lse an! the temperat"re% The tong"e is re! an! shiny$ there is a p"s
smell% Patient has a 'eeling o' soreness an! br"ising%
I' !i''i#"lt to establish the #orre#t preparation$ a verbal #omple- #an be prepare! 'rom all the
s"bstan#es or 'rom some o' them 'or high temperat"re #on!itions% This may be "se! as
prevention o' #ol!s an! 'l" #on!itions in people ho are pre!ispose! to having high
In emergen#y an! "rgent sit"ations here rapi! response is re5"ire!$ yo" #an ma)e a
preparation in to min"tes@ time to greatly alleviate the #on!ition o' the s"''erer an! in some
#ases to give them time to get to a spe#iali1e! me!i#al 'a#ility% These preparations are highly
e''i#ient even in very severe #on!itions an! are #ompatible ith any other emergen#y
treatment applie!% They #an be #ombine! ith ea#h other%
1% Arni#a 3ontana C3 or 333 or 333333
The in!i#ations are; all tra"mati# in."ries !"e to a##i!ents$ 'alling$ 'ra#t"res$ !omesti# tra"ma$
beating$ s"rgery$ in#l"!ing #hil!birth% Arni#a a#ts as a strong vas#"lar prote#tor% It prevents
the !evelopment o' bloo! #lots$ !isperses s"''"sions e-tremely 5"i#)ly$ hematoma$
e##hymoses$ vari#ose$ relieves all types o' blee!ing$ helps manage states o' sho#) 5"i#)ly$
signi'i#antly re!"#es pain$ a#ts preventively in hypertensive an! #ar!ia#4!isease patients an!
alleviates the #on!ition in stro)e or heart atta#)6 in s"#h #ases it is o'ten li'e saving%
Arni#a is "se! in all types o' m"s#le 'atig"e$ #limbing$ #arrying eights$ 'iel! or)$
#onstr"#tion or)$ high sports mastery6 the preparation prevents or re!"#es the pain in m"s#le
'ever$ relieves the loa! on the m"s#les$ allos 'or m"#h easier re#overy% It is goo! to ta)e
Arni#a be'ore$ !"ring an! a'ter overloa!ing%
Arni#a is the main preparation to "se a'ter #hil!birth% It sho"l! be ta)en #ontin"o"sly 'rom the
'irst moment o' starting labor$ !"ring labor an! "ntil '"ll re#overy a'ter =94A9 !ays% Doses are
!il"te! in a##or!an#e ith improvement% Arni#a #an be ta)en !"ring labor every D min"tes% It
is #ompatible ith any type o' s"rgi#al intervention%

/% ,elis perenis C3 or 333 or 333333 4 !aisy
In!i#ations are; 4 Hits in the ab!omen an! pelvis minor 'olloing #ar #rashes or other
a##i!ents% It prevents blee!ing an! relieves the #on!ition a'ter blee!ing% It sho"l! be ta)en
intensively 'or a month or to a'ter the in."ry$ an! possibly longer$ !epen!ing on the severity
o' the in#i!ent$ b"t 'or at least a month a'ter the symptoms 7pains< have 'a!e!$ in vie o' !eep
internal in."ries that #annot alays be i!enti'ie!% Patients o'ten !ie o' internal blee!ing a
#o"ple o' months a'ter the in#i!ent$ espe#ially a'ter they have been !is#harge! 'rom the
hospital% In this sense$ both Arni#a an! ,elis perenis have no analogy in me!i#al pra#ti#e in
respe#t o' their preventive '"n#tion% Their prolonge! an! reg"lar a!ministering e''e#tively
prevents s"#h a##i!ents%

=% Coni"m C3 or 333 or 333333 4 hemlo#)
In!i#ations are;
4 Heavy blos in the #hest area a'ter a##i!ents% The preparation lea!s to 'aster re#overy an!
prevents or relieves blee!ing in this area% Ta)e 'or at least a month a'ter the symptoms 7pains<
have 'a!e! to prevent #ompli#ations o' !eeper internal in."ries that #annot alays be
4 Has an e''e#t on a#"te paresis o' motor an! sensory nerves res"lting 'rom a##i!ents%
4 Eavors the sprea!ing o' vario"s #on#retions in the bo!y res"lting 'rom a##i!ents%

A% China C3 or 333 or 333333 4 #in#hona bar)%
In!i#ations are;
4 3anagement o' small to me!i"m internal an! e-ternal blee!ing !"e to a##i!ents%
4 Relie' in #on!itions o' severe bloo! losses 7internal an! e-ternal<% (ho"l! be ta)en
sim"ltaneo"sly to therape"ti#al emergen#y meas"res%
4 Nose blee!ing%
4 Re#overy 'rom severe bloo! loss an! a##i!ents% In this #ase$ it sho"l! be ta)en 'or months%
D% Phosphor C3 or 333 or 333333 4 hite phosphor"s
In!i#ations are;
4 Ere5"ent$ re#"rrent heavy blee!ing%
4 3anages ea) an! me!i"m hemorrhages in vario"s a##i!ents%
4 In severe bloo! loss$ it is #ombine! ith tra!itional stypti# an! healing metho!s 4
trans'"sion$ anti4sho#) therapy$ haemostasis%
4 Nose blee!ing%
4 ,lee!ing in the intestine% 0''e#tively #ombines ith any other treatment metho!s%
4 Heavy blee!ing in the "rine 4 haemat"ria%
4 Very heavy menstr"ation ith ris) o' anemia%
4 ,lee!ing 'rom "l#ers in the stoma#h%
4 ,lee!ing 'rom o"n!s an! "l#ers that blee! abnormally%
4 (pitting bloo! 4 haematemesis%
The preparation sho"l! be given #ontin"o"sly !"ring the in#i!ent an! 'or abo"t a ee) to a
month a'ter the symptoms have 'a!e!$ !epen!ing on the serio"sness o' the #ase$ in vie o'
avoi!ing '"t"re #ompli#ations% Combine! ith any other emergen#y a#tions; trans'"sion$ anti4
sho#) therapy$ s"rgery%
In anaemia an! large bloo! loss$ the treatment lasts 'or months "ntil the patient is '"lly
re#overe!% Can be s"##ess'"lly #ombine! ith Eerr"m metalli#"m or Eerr"m phosphri#"m$ as
ell as ith China%

C% ("l'"r a#i! C3 or 333 or 333333 4 s"l'"ri# a#i!
In!i#ations are;
4 Post4tra"mati# persistent s"''"sion ith severe pain$ sti''ness an! severe in'e#tio"s
#on!itions% Ris) o' sepsis an! internal blee!ing%
4 ,lee!ing ith bla#)$ li5"i! bloo!%
This preparation may very ell 'ollo Arni#a$ espe#ially in persistent s"''"sion an!
#ompli#ations% A##ompanie! by hea!a#he ith a 'eeling as i' the brain is ro#)ing in the s)"ll%
F% ,othrops lan#eolat"s C3 or 333 or 333333 4 Poison o' botrops lantseolat"s
7,ra1ilian sna)e spe#ies<
In!i#ations are;
4 Di''erent types o' blee!ing ith bla#) non4#oag"lating bloo! an! a near4#ollapsing state$
lethargy$ pale marble! s)in$ #yanosis$ shortness o' breath$ ea) p"lse%
4 Cerebral hemorrhage 7stro)e<
4 ,lee!ing in the stoma#h
4 Deep arterial thrombosis
4 Thrombophlebitis
4 ,lee!ing nose
4 Capillary blee!ing
4 ("per4in'e#tion ith s"pp"ration%

H% Carbo vegetabilis C3$ or 333 or 333333% 4 3e!i#inal #har#oal%
In!i#ations are;
4 (tate o' #ollapse; general ea)ness$ pale4grey to bl"ish 'a#e$ #ol! s)in #overe! ith #ol!
seat on the 'orehea! an! 'a#e$ #ol! breath$ rapi! an! shallo breathing$ ea) p"lse% Very
#hara#teristi# is the nee! to 'an onesel'% This relieves an! #om'orts the patient% O'ten$ in
homeopathy$ this preparation is #alle! 2reviver o' #orpsesR%
4 It #an be applie! in #on!itions o' a#"te respiratory 'ail"re an! heart 'ail"re as an ai! to the
#lassi#al treatment%
4 Hemorrhage o' bla#) bloo!%
8% Hy!ro#iani#"m a#i! C3 or 333 or 333333 4 potassi"m #yani!e
In!i#ations are;
4 0mergen#y assistan#e in #ases o' steno#ar!ia ith arrhythmias an! a ten!en#y to #ollapse
7lethargy an! 'ree1ing<6
4 Vas#"lar #erebral a##i!ent 7stro)e< ith #ho)ing an! #yanosis6
4 The preparation is e-tremely "se'"l in #ases o' !roning an! s"''o#ation%
19% Be!"m C3 or 333 or 333333 4 le!"m
In!i#ations are;
4 ("''"sion in tra"ma 7#lots aro"n! the eye 'rom a har! ob.e#t$ aro"n! the 'ingertips an! 'eet<%
The s)in is #ol! an! marble!% Tra"mas 'rom stabbing$ biting an! stinging 7thorns$ nails$
bla!es$ )nives$ nee!les$ animals an! inse#ts<% There is o'ten an it#hing an! a rash% The
symptoms are relieve! by #ol! an! orsen by arming%

11% Hypery#"m o''% C3 or 333 or 333333 4 (t% &ohn@s +ort 7arni#a o' the nervo"s
In!i#ations are;
4 Any type o' nerve in."ry res"lting 'rom p"n#t"re$ #rash$ la#eration$ #"t6
4 B"bri#ation an! br"ising o' the limbs6
4 Any stab o"n! 4 p"n#t"re$ biting$ stinging6
4 Nail e-tra#tion6
4 Phantom pain in severe! limbs6
4 0''e#ts o' ne"ros"rgi#al intervention6
4 Cranial4#erebral in."ry ith hea!a#he an! memory !ist"rban#e6
4 Ea#ial ne"ralgia by #ol! 7in the 'irst !ays or at the moment o' paresis<6
4 Tooth e-tra#tion6
4 The pains along the nerves are !istrib"te! #entripetally% The pains orsen sharply by to"#h%
(tinging an! biting
A verbal preparation #an be 5"i#)ly ma!e to alleviate the #on!ition in stinging an! biting%
Go" #an #hoose beteen several possible preparations$ or yo" #an prepare a #omple- o' all
the options that #an be #arrie! an! "se! hen nee!e!% Ta)ing a 'e !rops imme!iately a'ter
the stinging has a rapi! e''e#t an! is parti#"larly goo! 'or #hil!ren%
1% Be!"m C3 or 333 or 33333 4 Be!"m is the No% 1 preparation 'or stinging an!
In!i#ations are; any stinging an! biting% *ive every 1941D min"tes% The a''e#te! area is #ol!
7sollen$ 'irm an! re!< an! is relieve! by #ol!% Be!"m 5"i#)ly alleviates the sit"ation in
severe allergi# rea#tions to stinging% The preparation is s"itable 'or all #ases o' stinging by
any animal 4 'rom mos5"itoes to !og or reptile biting%

/% Apis mel'% C3 or 333 or 333333 4 bee
In!i#ations are; stinging by asps or bees% The spot is pain'"l$ ith biting pain$ selling$
sollen an! sore% It is alleviate! by #ol!% +orsens by e-pos"re to heat$ even hen sitting in a
arm pla#e% *ive every D419 min"tes% I' the stinging is near the mo"th an! there is a
laryngeal e!ema an! severe allergi# rea#tions$ it #an be given every /4= min"tes% 3a)ing a
verbal preparation in this state ithin /94=9 se#on!s may be li'e4saving$ espe#ially i' nothing
else is available% This gives the patient a #han#e to rea#h a hospital in very severe #ases%
=% Cantharis C3 or 333 or 333333 4 (panish 'ly%
In!i#ations are; stinging ith strong b"rning$ sharp$ biting pains that are "nbearable% There is
a strong re!!ening$ even "l#eration$ intense rash%

A% Hyperi#"m C3 or 333 or 333333 4 (t% &ohn@s +ort
In!i#ations are; sna)ebite% The preparation is given every 1941D min"tes$ or possibly more
o'ten% It #ombines ell ith the stan!ar! metho!s o' treatment ith a ser"m in.e#tion% The
verbal preparation #an stabili1e the #on!ition o' the s"''erer "ntil the ser"m is !elivere!% In
less severe #ases o' less poisono"s reptiles$ it is eno"gh to only give the preparation% The pain
along the nerve is #entripetal%
D% Urti#a "rens C3 or 333 or 333333 4 Nettle
In!i#ations are; a#"te allergi# s)in rea#tion ith rash an! it#hing in bee or asp stinging% A
b"rning sensation$ re!ness$ selling$ intolerable it#hing at the slightest to"#h% Deteriorates
"pon #onta#t ith ater an! #ol!%
C% Tarant"la #"bensis C3 or 333 or 333333 4 Tarant"la
In!i#ations are; "nbearable pain'"l b"rning sensation a'ter stinging or biting% Cyanosis o' the
s)in an! selling at the spot%
F% Carbo a#i! C3 or 333 or 333333 4 #arboli# a#i!
In!i#ations are; the preparation has proven e''i#ient in very strong allergi# rea#tions to
#ollapsing 7'atig"e an! #ooling< #onse5"ent to bee or asp stinging% Pain'"l it#hy rash$ hi#h
may e-ten! to "l#eration% It is given every D419 min"tes !epen!ing on the !egree o' the
allergi# rea#tion% In a more serio"s #on!ition$ it may be applie! every /4= min"tes%
F)$6%u)es, s()$&s, d&slo6$%&os, se'e)e (hys&6$l o'e)lo$d
1% Arni#a montana C3 or 333 or 333333 4 arni#a
In!i#ations are; 'ra#t"res an! in."ries ith selling$ s"''"sion an! severe pain% The
preparation #ontrols the sho#)$ re!"#es the pain an! prevents the o##"rren#e o' hematoma$
an! here there alrea!y are hematoma$ it sprea!s them more 5"i#)ly an! prevents
#ompli#ations% Drin) 'rom the beginning$ every 1941D min"tes$ an! i' the sit"ation is very
severe$ ta)e it every /4= min"tes% Doses are !il"te! in a##or!an#e ith improvement% Ta)e 'or
at least a month a'ter the last symptoms have s"bsi!e! an! the bones have heale!%
/% Rh"s to-i#o!en!ron C3 or 333 or 333333
In!i#ations are; sprains$ strains$ !islo#ations an! overloa! o' the .oints% O'ten there is a strong
"neasiness an! an-iety$ as ell as sti''ness$ selling an! pain in the m"s#les$ hi#h is
alleviate! by a more prolonge! movement 7in some #ases<% Is improve! by armth an! !ry
air% Deteriorates severely by e-pos"re to moist"re%
=% R"ta grav% C3 or 333 or 333333 4 r"e%
In!i#ations are; all in."ries a''e#ting the ten!ons$ .oints an! perioste"m 7the tiss"e #overing
the o"ter s"r'a#e o' bone<% It or)s very ell ith !islo#ations$ sprains$ l"-ations an!
overloa!ing o' the )nee$ an)les an! rists% The .oint is sti''$ sollen an! very pain'"l% The
pain in mil! #ases is relieve! by a prolonge! movement% The ten!ons 'eel too short$ br"ise!
an! pain'"l% Improvement is observe! by e-pos"re to armth an! !ry air$ an! !eterioration
'rom moist"re%
A% Hyperi#"m per'% C3 or 333 or 333333 4 (t% &ohn@s +ort
In!i#ations are; any tra"ma o' the limbs an! spine that a''e#ts the nervo"s system% Era#t"res$
l"bri#ation$ br"ises$ l"-ations% The preparation or)s espe#ially ell in in."ry to the 'ingers
an! toes$ tra"ma to the #o##y-$ in#l"!ing birth tra"ma$ tra"ma o' the nerve en!ings in the
ears$ lips$ nose$ terminal phalanges o' the 'ingers%
4 The preparation is "se! in the syn!rome o' patients ho have s"''ere! #ranial tra"ma ith
hea!a#he$ !i11iness an! memory impairment%
D% (ymphit"m DC$ 8C 4 #om'rey
In!i#ations are; the preparation 'a#ilitates the healing in 'ra#t"res$ re!"#es an! relieves pain%
This is a preparation "se! in lo atten"ations$ be#a"se the e''e#ts are mainly physi#al%
High atten"ations s"#h as 199C3$ 333$ 33333 #an be "se! in vario"s #ongestions$
a!hesions an! tra"mati# selling o' the bones%
C% 0"patori"m per'% JN$ or NNN$ or NNNNNN S 0"patori"m per'olat"m
In!i#ations are; severe pain in 'ra#t"res an! in."ries o' the limbs an! m"s#les% Deterioration in
ea#h movement%
F% ,ryonia alba C3 or 333 or 333333 4 hite p"mp)in%
In!i#ations are; #ra#)ing an! 'ra#t"re o' ribs% (evere pain in the .oints 'rom overloa!ing$
espe#ially o' the )nee% O'ten there is selling% Patient is "nable to ma)e any movement% The
preparation is essential in a sero"s selling6 #ombines ith Apis%
H% (ili#ea C3 or 333 or 333333 4 sili#on
In!i#ations are; bro)en limbs$ #o"ple! ith a#"te shortage o' sili#on an! #al#i"m 4
osteoporosis% Di''i#"lties in healing% The preparation is o'ten "se! in #hil!ren ho gro too
5"i#)ly !"ring their mat"ration% In s"#h #ases (ili#ea s"##ess'"lly #ombines ith Cal#area
8% Cal#area 'l"ori#a C3 or 333 or 333333 4 #al#i"m 'l"ori!e%
In!i#ations are; re#"rrent sprains 'rom e-#essive looseness o' the .oints an! sla#)ness in the
tiss"es% The preparation is essential in pre!isposition to or presen#e o' osteoporosis$
osteoarthritis ith presen#e o' osteo'ites 7e-ostoses<$ l"mbago%
In the #o"rse o' their e-perimental me!i#ine$ the homeopaths$ an! even (am"el Hahnemann$
'o"n! o"t that there ere the so #alle! 2sensitive types2$ i%e% people ho have similar
psy#hosomati# #hara#teristi#s an! respon! ell to #ertain basi# 7broa!< homeopathi#
preparations% The #ontin"e! ta)ing an! alternation o' these$ !epen!ing on the patient@s
symptoms$ lea!s to the permanent healing even o' serio"s #hroni# !iseases% In other
parti#"larly a!verse #ases$ this is a very goo! s"pportive therapy$ in#l"!ing 'or li'e%
Hahnemann spea)s o' several #a"ses o' !iseases 7miasm< an!$ respe#tively$ o' gro"ps o'
people ho are pre!ispose! to the respe#tive gro"ps o' !iseases%
The 'irst an! most basi# type he #alls 2psora2% He #onsi!ers it essential an! it in#l"!es the
ma.ority o' people% In the treatise on 2Chroni# Diseases2$ he !es#ribes AF antipsori#
People ho respon! ell to 2psora2 have no poer$ an! their vital pro#esses r"n lang"i!ly
an! sloly$ the person is alays tire! an! p"ts "p ith everything an! everyone% They are
satis'ie! ith little%
These people have D )ey #hara#teristi#s;
1% Alternating o' pathologi#al events in the bo!y% ()in in'e#tions are alternate! ith
in'lammation o' the m"#o"s membranes% Eor e-ample$ a rash that a'ter passing 7heale! by an
ointment< is 'olloe! by a #ol!$ hi#h a'ter passing 7heale! by !rops< is 'olloe! by a rash
an! then again by another in'lammation o' the m"#o"s or sero"s membranes% This pro#ess #an
last months$ alternating an! event"ally rea#hing a #hroni# #on!ition o' either the !ermatitis or
o' the in'lammation o' the m"#osa% This is espe#ially typi#al in yo"ng #hil!ren%
/% Alternation o' behaviors% Alternation o' optimism$ p"n#t"ality an! vitality$ ith signs o'
irritability$ angering$ an! negligen#e$ rea#hing to apathy in the 'inal stages% In an a#"te
sit"ation these people #an #hange 5"i#)ly an! easily 'rom #rying into la"ghter an!
e-hilaration% There is hysteria an! spasmophilia% In the 'inal stages$ severe !epressive states
may be observe!$ hi#h be#ome in#reasingly long an! 'r"strating%
=% Propensity to parasitosis%
A% Di''i#"lt re#overy a'ter an illness6 !"e to the e-treme la#) o' energy an! th"s o' e''e#tive
resistan#e$ these people re#over very sloly 'rom a#"te me!i#al #on!itions% They e-hibit a
propensity to being anemi#% Treatment is "s"ally prolonge! an! pain'"l%
D% Ba#) o' rapi! response to treatment6 again !"e to la#) o' energy an! a goo! imm"ne
response$ these people are har! to in'l"en#e in a#"te illnesses 7rhinitis$ angina$ laryngitis$
pharyngitis$ lympha!enitis$ otitis me!ia$ bron#hitis$ asthma$ 're5"ent angina ith thir! tonsil<
ith #are'"lly4#hosen homeopathi# preparations% +hi#h is hy it is goo! to #ommen#e the
treatment in a more rela-e! stage% In s"#h sit"ations$ the a#"te phase$ hi#h ill o##"r soon$
ill pass m"#h more easily% Otherise the patient may e-perien#e !isappointment o' the
homeopathi# approa#h an! miss a ma.or opport"nity 'or a #omplete #hange o' li'e%
In these #ases$ Hahnemann@s re#ommen!ation to "se m"ltiple antipsori# preparations given
!aily in high atten"ations an! 'or a long time is very "se'"l%
The most basi# preparations to respon! ell to 2psora2 are;
1% Cal#area #arboni#a 4 #al#i"m #arbonate
Pea#e$ se#"rity an! lang"i!ness%
These are people ith a healthy$ stable an! shortene! str"#t"re% They are strong in
appearan#e$ balan#e! an! #onservative% They are "s"ally slo an! rela-e!$ reserve! an!
in!epen!ent in li'e% They !isli)e e''orts an! sports% They 'o#"s on hat they !o% They spea)
so'tly$ gently an! sloly% They are "s"ally goo!4nat"re!$ help'"l an! pla#able% They !o not
li)e #hange% Their main !esire is 'or pea#e an! se#"rity% (tress$ physi#al an! mental strain
ma)es them si#) easily% They !isli)e s"rprises an! novelty% They are very shy an! easily
ith!ra 'rom #ombat% They e-hibit a strong propensity toar!s !epression% Eatig"e is very
5"i#) to o##"r in these people6 they are highly sensitive to #ol!$ an! ten! to spasmophilia%
They #an o'ten be both #orp"lent an! lang"i!%
1% On metabolism 7propensity to 'orm lithiasis 4 gall an! )i!ney stones<
4 High bloo! press"re
4 Obesity
4 *o"t
4 Diabetes
/% On the lymphati# system an! tonsils%
4 In'lammation o' the tonsils ith propensity to s"pp"ration
4 Hypertrophy o' the #ervi#al lymph no!es%
=% On bone remo!eling 7metabolism< 7#al#i"m an! phosphor"s<
4 Deminerali1ation; soli! #ongestions 7!is#opathy$ har!enings$ osteoarthritis$ #ongestions in
the en!o#rine system 4 a!enomas$ lipomas$ 'ibromas<%
A% ()in !iseases; e#1ema$ arts$ polyps
Alternation o' 0NT in'e#tions ith s)in problems 4 a #ol! an! e#1ema%
4 +orsene! by #ol! in all its 'orms 7patient sleeps ith the so#)s on<
4 Deterioration at '"ll moon
4 Desire 'or seets$ as ell as 'or many eggs
4 (eating aro"n! the ne#) a'ter 'alling asleep
4 Very easily tire!
4 P"berty is o'ten late$ sore breasts prior to menstr"ation%
/% ("l'"r
This is a s"bstan#e$ hi#h$ a##or!ing to (am"el Hahnemann$ as the lea!er o' the so4#alle!
antipsori# me!i#ines% People ho respon! ell to its #hara#teristi#s are typi#al representatives
o' 2psora2%
These people$ hen in goo! health$ are very a#tive$ #heer'"l an! optimisti#% At the same time
they are very sel'ish an! o'ten this vitality is merely s"per'i#ial% They #omm"ni#ate itho"t
really being overhelme! by the problems o' others% They soon 'orget abo"t the #onversation%
They o'ten "se their #omm"nity to a#hieve their goals% +hen they #hange to the opposite
phase o' their behavior$ they be#ome angry$ irritable$ #on'"se! an! ina##"rate6 they start to
tal) a lot an! !o nothing% They may rea#h to a severe apathy$ lethargy an! total negle#t o'
!"ties an! appearan#e% They have a propensity to al#oholism an! even to en!less 'easts% They
are alays hot an! 'l"sh easily%
1% On the s)in 4 it#hing$ hi#h orsens in arm
4 Any !ermatoses 4 re!ness$ rashes$ blisters$ et an! !ry6 herpes$ e#1ema$ a#ne$ allergi#
rashes$ re#"rrent stye$ #ompli#ations a'ter tra"ma that lea! to !ermatitis%
/% On the 0NT 7ears$ nose$ throat<
4 Perio!i# 'ever ith re!ness$ it#hing an! respe#tive snee1ing6
4 Asthma$ orsening at night an! improving 'rom 'resh air% 3ay be a##ompanie! by #hroni#
spasti# bron#hitis% Us"ally alternate! ith s)in ailments%
=% On the gastrointestinal tra#t; gastritis$ "l#ers$ #olitis$ entero#olitis$ in'lammation o' the oral
#avity% A##ompanying liver ailments% All this is a##ompanie! by b"rning$ #a"sti# pain%
Us"ally$ in'lammations alternate ith s)in in'lammations%
A% On the bone4.oint apparat"s%
4 The preparation has an impa#t on the hip an! )nee .oint$ the th"mb an! rist .oint%
4 B"mbago%
D% On the heart area%
4 High bloo! press"re 7hea!a#he an! engorgement relieve! by arming<$ #ontrary to the
#ommon mo!ality%
4 Be't4si!e ventri#"lar 'ail"re 4 ta#hy#ar!ia$ shortness o' breath$ tightness o' the #hest$ 'eeling
that the heart is larger$ in !ilatative #ar!iomyopathy in its early stages$ ith is#hemi# heart
!isease also in its early stages% In a!van#e! !iseases$ the preparation is #omplementary to the
primary therapy% This #on!ition may be a##ompanie! by !epression$ al#oholism$ obesity% The
preparation is e''i#ient mainly in !iabetes an! #ar!iovas#"lar #ompli#ations o' !iabetes%
C% On the genito"rinary system; #hroni# #ystitis$ #olpitis 7in'lammation o' the vagina< ith
strong re!ness$ it#hing an! restlessness% (ensations;
4 ,"rning sensation an! heat in the m"#o"s membranes Hot 'eet El"shing in the 'a#e
4 Deterioration 'rom armth
4 (e#retion o!or
4 It#hing in a arm be! an! intoleran#e$ or hypersensitivity to oolen #lothes6
4 Desire 'or mil! #limates6 the person #annot tolerate very #ol! an! arm%
=% By#opo!i"m #lav% 4 northern 'irmoss
These are people ho ante! to be somebo!y$ b"t !"e to vario"s #ir#"mstan#es have
remaine! small an! others have gron aro"n! them an! have o"tshine! them in li'e% This
evo)es a strong sense o' in'eriority% They lose 'aith in themselves an! their abilities$ 'lee 'rom
responsibility$ be#ome very irritable% They be#ome !omesti# !i#tators% D"e to la#) o' sel'4
#on'i!en#e they appear stri#t an! or!erly$ they #riti#i1e an! #ontra!i#t others$ i' given the
#han#e% On the other han! they ma)e no #ommitments an! ta)e no responsibilities% These
people are hypersensitive$ "nstable an! too emotional6 they are b"sy$ impatient an! nervo"s%
They are o'ten very or!y an! appear #on'i!ent$ b"t this is an ill"sion% They have many
!esires$ b"t #annot '"l'ill them an! be#ome !is#o"rage!% They easily gro ol! 7age
premat"rely<% ()in in'e#tions are alternate! ith in'lammation o' the m"#o"s membranes% At
a behavioral level$ they alternate anger an! irritability ith !epression$ apathy an!
in!i''eren#e to li'e%

1% On the s)in; e#1ema$ very oily s)in$ #hroni# s)in hives$ they o'ten have #ra#)ing heels%
Alternation o' in'lammation ith 'ever an! angina%
/% On the 0NT 7ears$ nose$ throat<
4 Chroni# #ol!; !ry !"ring the night an! li5"i! !"ring the !ay%
4 A#"te$ re#"rrent angina$ mostly to the right%
4 Pne"mopathy to the right
=% On the !igestive system; "l#ers$ gastritis$ gall stones%
By#opo!i"m is one o' the most pop"lar !r"gs 'or liver !isor!ers ith e-tremely !"rable an!
pro'o"n! e''e#t$ espe#ially on the #holesterol metabolism%
A% On the genito"rinary system; renal lithiasis 7stones<$ in'lammation o' the prostate%
D% On ne"ropsy#hi# a#tivity 4 ti#s%

4 0-#l"sive a''inity 'or seets6
4 El"shing o' the 'a#e a'ter meals$ pre'eren#e 'or arm 'oo!6
4 (ollen an! tense loer ab!omen a'ter eating6
4 Intoleran#e to onions6
4 Deterioration beteen A pm an! F pm%
A% Arseni#"m alb"m 4 arseni# anhy!ri!e
These are people ho are very #on'"se! an! "n#ertain abo"t their inner sensations abo"t
things% They live in a #haos insi!e o' them$ itho"t a sense o' the real val"es in li'e% On the
o"tsi!e$ they ish to #ontrol everything$ #riti#i1e$ re5"ire$ p"t in or!er6 they #onstantly ma)e
plans an! 'ollo them% They are ama1ingly 'asti!io"s people an! goo! organi1ers% They never
stop polishing$ ashing an! arranging things% They ash their han!s #onstantly% They "s"ally
)eep absol"te or!er aro"n! them% They !o not li)e s"rprises$ !iseases$ s"!!en a##i!ents$
'ate'"l #ir#"mstan#es% They have no 'aith in li'e6 they thin) that everything is ran!om an!
sho"l! there'ore be #ontrolle!% I' they have no vision an! e-planation o' things$ they be#ome
very short tempere! an! s#are!$ be#ome hasty$ nervo"s$ restless$ an-io"s$ #riti#al an! absol"te
gro"sers% They thin) that their health an! li'e is in #onstant !anger% There is alays something
that b"rns them on the insi!e$ b"t love armth$ be#a"se it gives them a 'eeling o' sa'ety% They
ant to maintain the a#hieve! stat"s 5"o by all means% They have a great 'ear o' !eath% They
are nat"rally a#tive$ e''i#ient an! tena#io"s% They possess great pra#ti#ality$ b"t have no sense
o' internal or!er an! harmony% They are "s"ally atheists% They o'ten s"''er 'rom alternating
respiratory an! "rogenital in'e#tions ith s)in ailments%
1% On the !igestive system;
4 A#"te gastroenteritis ith #orrosive$ 'o"l o!or stool6 (trong a#i!ity ith b"rning in the
4 Eoo! poisoning ith meat$ #anne! 'oo!$ #lams6
4 Cholera4li)e !iarrhea%
/% On the genito"rinary system; a#"te #ystitis$ a#"te metritis 7in'lammation o' the m"#osa o'
the "ter"s<$ #olpitis 7in'lammation o' the m"#osa o' the vagina<$ nephritis 7)i!ney
=% On the respiratory an! 0NT system
4 Asthma 7!eterioration at 1 am<6
4 A#"te otitis 7ear in'lammation< ith b"rning pain6
4 (pasti# 'ever ith an irritating b"rning o"t'lo 'rom the nose%
A% On the nervo"s system; b"rning ne"ralgia$ hi#h is alleviate! by armth%
D% On the s)in; severe s)in in'e#tions; boils$ b"rning hives$ shingles$ psoriasis$ s#aly
!ermatoses ith light po!er4li)e$ !ry 'la)es%
D% Others;
4 Depression ith a h"ge 'ear o' !eath$ anemia$ poor appetite$ insomnia%
4 (harp$ b"rning thrombophlebitis or phlebitis 7in'lammation o' the veins<$ hi#h is alleviate!
by armth%
4 Deterioration at 1 am6
4 Improvement by e-pos"re to armth$ !esire 'or hot li5"i!s6
4 (harp b"rning pain$ b"rning$ #a"sti# se#retions ith 'o"l o!or6
4 +ea)ness an! 'atig"e%
T"ber#"lin is a s"bspe#ies o' psori# type% (ome a"thors even arg"e that it is generally better
to only spea) abo"t the T"ber#"lin type% It is really 5"ite a typi#al psora$ ith its !e'i#ien#y
an! variability in every respe#t% These are ea)$ tire! people ho are alays !issatis'ie! ith
their #on!ition% They there'ore #onstantly #hange everything abo"t themselves; .obs$ 'rien!s$
homes% They are "n"s"ally sensitive to #ol!$ #onstantly alternate symptoms o' the m"#o"s
membranes an! the s)in$ as ell as vario"s #on'li#ting behaviors; nervo"sness an! irritability$
hi#h alternates ith apathy$ #on'ormity an! e-ha"stion 'rom li'e% They have many 'ears an!
21 Tu7e)6ul&u8 - 7&o%he)$(eu%&6 *)o8 6)ude %u7e)6ul&1
The )eyor! here is great variability%
These people are very 'i#)le an! "nstable% They have an "n5"en#hable !esire 'or #hange$
travel$ an! ne things% Insi!e they 'eel great "n#ertainty$ an! there'ore #onstantly see) a sa'e
haven% They !o not believe at all in their on poers$ b"t otherise have a h"ge #reative
potential% Nevertheless$ it is !i''i#"lt 'or them to rea#h the bottom o' things% They easily gro
tire!$ an! sleep a lot% Their symptoms are very variable% 3oo!s #hange rapi!ly%They are ni#e
an! polite an! the ne-t moment they are evil an! !estr"#tive% Disgr"ntle! people ho !o not
)no hat they ant% They are highly irritable abo"t little things% They are very #reative an!
have great imagination% Their a#tions are even regar!e! as s#hi1oi! mani'estations an! it is
possible that these people gra!"ally sin) into a orl! o' their on% 0-tremely 5"i#)
e-ha"stion$ even in negligible physi#al an! mental e''ort%
1% On the 0NT 7ears$ nose$ throat<; re#"rrent rhinopharyngitis$ re#"rrent angina$ re#"rrent
otitis me!ia$ hypertrophy o' tonsils$ respiratory allergies; hay 'ever$ asthma$ mi#robial
allergies% These !iseases are alternate! ith s)in in'lammations an! events% Prono"n#e!
imm"ne !e'i#ien#y%
/% On the s)in; e#1ema that is aggravate! by heat$ allergi# rashes$ rashes o' any other origin%
Internal b"rning sensation%
=% On the en!o#rine glan!s; !isor!ers o' groth$ !isor!ers in the thyroi! glan!$ a!renal
hypo'"n#tion$ re!"#e! eight% Propensity to anemia an! loss o' 'l"i!s; phlegm$ !iarrhea$
A% On the nervo"s system; s#hi1oi! propensity$ psy#hastheni# #on!itions$ spasmophilia#s$
rapi! moo! sings$ hea!a#hes at high voltage$ perspiration !"ring the night ith #ol! seat$
"ne-plaine! an-iety%
D% On the !igestive tra#t; #hroni# !iarrhea$ entero#olitis$ #olitis$ gastritis% Patient has goo!
appetite b"t nevertheless shos bo!ily ea)ness% Propensity to anemia%
C% On the genito"rinary system; basi# preparation 'or #oliba#illosis$ an! #an!i!iasis% A heavy
an! #ontin"o"sly shortene! menstr"al perio! is o'ten observe!% Possible anemia%
<1 Phos(ho) - (hos(ho)us
The )eyor! is !i''"sion$ !issolving in the environment%
These are so't$ )in!$ an! loving people ho are very o"tgoing% They li)e to so#iali1e$ an! are
#onstantly on the loo) 'or ne 'rien!s% They are a'rai! o' loneliness$ o' aban!onment% They
have serio"s 'ears o' th"n!er$ !ar)ness$ spirits$ ghosts an! 'rost% They loo) 'or light$ #ompany
an! #om'ort% They love to be #"!!le! an! are very a''e#tionate% They are pale an! thin$ have
an elongate! bo!ily str"#t"re$ an! are anemi#$ as i' malno"rishe!% They 'in! it !i''i#"lt to
#on#entrate$ 'orget easily$ they are absent4min!e! an! messy% At the same time they are very
in5"isitive% They are alays sin#ere in their 'eelings$ b"t sometimes errati#% They loo) 'or
!iversity an! #hange% They are hypersensitive to their relationship ith other people% They are
!eeply h"rt by ins"lts$ re.e#tion$ !e#eit an! violen#e% Then they #an be#ome irritable an!
angry% Or may 'in! themselves in apathy% They are easily tire!%
1% On the 0NT an! the respiratory system;
4 A#"te bron#hitis
4 Baryngitis
4 Prono"n#e! imm"ne !e'i#ien#y%
/% ,lee!ing6 pro'"se bright shiny blee!ing !"e to tra"ma or s"rgery%
4 Ere5"ent$ re#"rrent$ pro'"se blee!ing 'rom the nose$ 'rom o"n!s$ "l#er$ vomiting bloo!$
blee!ing in the intestines$ bloo! in the "rine%
=% In liver #omplaints; hepatitis$ pan#reatitis$ al#oholism$ #irrhosis$ #hole#ystitis$ severe
A% On the #ar!iovas#"lar system; le't ventri#"lar heart 'ail"re 7ta#hy#ar!ia$ shortness o'
breath$ !i''i#"lty #limbing stairs$ strang"lation<$ right ventri#"lar 'ail"re; #yanosis ith bl"ish
#ir#les aro"n! the eyes$ enlarge! liver$ selling "n!er the eyes$ !e#rease! "rination$
#ar!iovas#"lar #ompli#ations in !iabetes%
D% On the "rinary system in renal 'ail"re%
C% On the gastrointestinal system; gastritis$ entero#olitis ith b"rning pain%
4 ,"rning sensation on the palms o' the han!s an! the spine
4 Intoleran#e to noise an! light
4 Eear o' !ogs$ lightning an! ghosts
4 Thirst 'or a #ol! 'i11y !rin)s
4 H"nger at night
4 (ymptoms orsen at night$ 'ear o' !ar)ness%
31 N$%)&u8 8u)&$%&6u8 - se$ s$l%
The )eyor!s are !"ty an! responsibility
These are #ons#ientio"s$ responsible$ b"t very bitter people% They ten! to be#ome !ry an!
har! !"e to e-#essive 'amily an! or) responsibilities% The tho"ght has been impresse! on
them that they m"st hol! their on$ 'ight$ not #omplain an! not sho their 'eelings% Th"s$
they gra!"ally t"rn inar!$ tighten$ har!en an! even 'ossili1e% They alays stan! their
gro"n!% 0verything aro"n! them is too serio"s an! they !o not )no ho to have '"n an!
rela-% 0veryone has re5"irements 'or them an! they have re5"irements to others% They have a
prono"n#e! sense o' !"ty an! responsibility% They are "s"ally boring$ !iligent an! pre#ise% On
the insi!e$ they are m"#h so'ter an! #rave armth an! h"mi!ity$ b"t this !oes not sho on the
o"tsi!e% They !rin) lots o' ater% In the 'inal stage o' pathology$ these people are !esperate$
!epresse! an! apatheti#% Propensity to spasmophilia#s% They #ry se#retly an! o'ten a lot$ b"t
!o not #omplain% (ometimes this #on!ition is also a res"lt o' severe personal loss% They are
physi#ally ea)er in the "pper bo!y an! pl"mp an! are prone to #ell"lite in the thighs%
1% On the 0NT an! respiratory m"#o"s membranes; re#"rrent rhinopharyngitis$ paranasal
sin"ses allergy 7at every #hange o' the eather<$ hay 'ever$ asthma$ re#"rrent bron#hitis$
#hroni# bron#hitis$ a prono"n#e! imm"ne !e'i#ien#y% Intoleran#e to #ol! an! 'atig"e% Pro'"se
seating% All these events are alternate! a#tively ith s)in mani'estations% Alternation o' !ry
m"#o"s membranes an! pro'"se se#retions%
/% ()in !iseases; a#ne ith #ome!ones an! shiny s)in$ herpes simple-$ anal herpes$ 're5"ent
"rti#aria$ !ry s)in%
=% On the en!o#rine glan!s% The preparation is strongly in!i#ate! 'or !isor!ers in the
metabolism o' thyroi! '"n#tion$ !ysteroi! anemia%
4 P3(
4 Problems in the metabolism o' so!i"m%
A% On the gastrointestinal system; propensity to !iarrhea in #ertain sit"ations$ alternating ith
obstinate #onstipation$ gastritis%
4 Un5"en#hable thirst an! hen#e a strong !esire 'or salt% The e-a#t opposite is also observe!;
aversion to salt%
4 ,"limia itho"t eight gain%
D% *eneral !isor!ers;
4 Dist"rban#es in groth !"e to 're5"ent illnesses
4 0asy 'atigability
4 Anemia 7e%g% 'rom bloo! loss<
4 (pasmophilia#s
4 +eight loss !"e to ab"se o' 5"inine preparations
4 Re!"#tion in memory an! #on#entration%
4 Deterioration at the seasi!e an! in the s"n$ espe#ially 'or prolonge! stays6
4 In the morning at aro"n! 19 am6
4 Deterioration at #om'orting 7#rying alone<6
4 Deterioration in a #lose! an! arm room6
4 Improvement by #lean air an! perspiration6
4 ,"rning sensation in the m"#o"s membranes6
4 N"mbness an! tingling in the limbs$ #ramps%
+1 I#$%&$ $8$)$ - s%)y6h&e %)ee seeds
These are highly sensitive people ho have s"''ere! great loss 4 !eath$ pangs o' love$
'inan#ial !isaster$ li'e ith a terminally ill !ear person$ emigrants aay 'rom home$ !i''i#"lt
!ivor#e$ rape$ robbery$ 'right$ ins"rmo"ntable obsta#les in li'e$ severe h"miliation$ s"ppresse!
They 'eel har! presse!$ 'eel shortness o' breath$ l"mp in the throat$ tightness an! heaviness in
the #hest$ a ball in the stoma#h$ 'eeling as i' a nail has been !riven in their #ron an! nape o'
the ne#)% They yan 're5"ently an! o'ten sigh$ #an easily get hi##"ps% Otherise they are
)in!$ o"tgoing an! loving people% They love to #"!!le$ appre#iate gest"res o' love an!
attention an! this greatly improves them% Hoever$ hen "n!er stress$ they are e-plosive$
irritable an! even angry%
1% Ne"rologi#al mani'estations;
4 Constant sighs6
4 Cramps$ m"s#le tit#hing6
4 (pasti# #o"gh6
4 Hi##"ps$ yaning6
4 (toma#h #ramps6
4 Ta#hy#ar!ia o' emotional nat"re$ #ar!ia# ne"rosis6
4 Irritability an! anger$ hi#h alternate ith ten!erness6
4 Rea#tive !epression alternating ith para!o-i#al moo! 4 #rying an! then la"ghing itho"t
parti#"lar #a"se6
4 Hysteri#al sei1"res%
/% (ensations;
4 B"mp in the throat
4 Constant h"nger o' nervo"s nat"re
4 Hypersensitivity to pain
4 Overall ea)ness
4 Deterioration in the morning "ntil 11 am
4 +orsening by stim"lating agents
4 No !esire to be #om'orte!
4 Hypersensitivity to smells$ espe#ially toba##o
4 Improvement by !istra#tion$ moo! sings
4 Eeeling 'ine in a arm pla#e
-1 C$l6$)e$ (hos(o)&6$ - 6$l6&u8 (hos(h$%e
These are )in!$ benevolent in!ivi!"als having an elongate! str"#t"re% 0verything in them is
long; the spine$ 'ingers$ legs$ torso$ 'a#e$ they have narro an! tall teeth% They o'ten have a
'air s)in #olor% They are ever eager to be among people6 very o"tgoing an! !iplomati#% They
easily gro tire! by both physi#al an! mental e''ort% They o'ten s"''er 'rom respiratory
problems% They are 5"ite timi!% They 'ear storms$ th"n!ers an! !ar)ness% They are very
sensitive to the attention o' the people aro"n! them%
1% Respiratory an! 0NT; re#"rrent rhinopharyngitis$ re#"rrent otitis$ re#"rrent bron#hitis$
#hroni# hypertrophy o' tonsils an! enlarge! lymph no!es$ thir! tonsil$ spasti# #o"gh$ asthma%
4 Ere5"ent seating on the ne#) an! hea! !"ring the 'irst sleep6
4 Di''i#"lt to re#over 'rom illness$ mar)e! imm"ne !e'i#ien#y%
/% Digestive system; 're5"ent problem starting in in'an#y 7vomiting a'ter meals$ !iarrhea$
intoleran#e to mil)<%
Aversion to mil) that o'ten #ontin"es thro"gho"t a!"lt years%
=% Dist"rban#es in the bone apparat"s; pre!isposition to ri#)ets in #hil!ren6 #"rvat"re o' the
spine$ espe#ially in the thora#i# se#tion$ very rapi! groth an! !isor!ers o' the bone str"#t"re$
ne#) pain an! ba#) pain in a!"lts 7thora#i# se#tion<$ !i''i#"lt teething%
4 Pre!isposition to #aries%
A% Repro!"#tive system
4 Dysmenorrhea; a long$ irreg"lar$ pain'"l menstr"al #y#le% P"berty in girls o##"rs earlier%
Teen a#ne%
4 Can!i!iasis%
D% Others;
4 Hea!a#he 'rom mental strain6
4 Deterioration 'rom #ol!$ moist"re an! any #hange in eather6
4 3any 'ears an! orries 7!ar)ness$ storms$ !ogs$ loneliness$ ghosts<6
4 The pain is stinging an! b"rning6
4 0asy 'atigability$ nee! more sleep6
4 Irritability an! "n#ertainty6
4 Eeverishness an! haste in !oing things6
4 0asy 'atigability6
4 Improvement in arm an! !ry eather6
4 Appetite 'or 'ish an! ham%
@1 Sul*u) &od$%u8 - sul*u) &od&de
This is less a me!i#ine$ an! !oes not have !isting"ishe! psy#hologi#al #hara#teristi#s% These
are ea)$ thin people$ having a malno"rishe! appearan#e% They are o'ten very irritable$ hasty
an! have moo! sings% They gro tire! very 5"i#)ly an! are angere! by this% They are o'ten
ill% An! they are !i''i#"lt to re#"perate%
1% Respiratory an! 0NT; re#"rrent rhinopharyngitis$ re#"rrent angina$ re#"rrent
lympha!enitis$ re#"rrent bron#hitis$ propensity to allergies$ hay 'ever$ asthma$ ple"risy% These
events are o'ten alternate! ith s)in an! .oint ailments%
/% ()in; pap"lar ."venile a#ne$ blepharo#on."n#tivitis%
=% &oints; arthritis$ rhe"matism o' viral origin%
A% Others; "ne-plaine! eight loss$ probably 'rom violations o' thyroi! '"n#tion 4
4 Deterioration aro"n! 11 am6
4 ,"rning sensation in the m"#o"s membranes an! 'eet 4 Phosphor6
4 Deterioration 'rom armth$ b"t hypersensitivity to #ol!6
4 0asy 'atigability o' small e''orts6
4 Ta#hy#ar!ia o' nervo"s origin6
4 Irritant se#retions o' the m"#o"s membranes 7nose$ an"s<6
4 Desire 'or so"r things an! lemons%
D1 A)se&6u8-Fod$%u8 - $)se&6 %)&-&od&de1
These are very !istresse!$ 'ragile people ith serio"s !iseases% They are ea)$ even hen
having appetite% They o'ten have thyroi! problems% Ere5"ent re#"rrent respiratory problems
are observe!% 0''e#t;
1% Respiratory an! 0NT; re#"rrent rhinopharyngitis$ relapsing lympha!enitis$ hay 'ever$
asthma$ allergi# spasmo!i# laryngitis%
/% Car!iovas#"lar !isease;
4 Arterios#lerosis$ #ar!ios#lerosis6
4 Irreg"lar heart beat 7ta#hy#ar!ia$ arrhythmia$ atrial 'ibrillation<6
The me!i#ation has a strong preventive e''e#t against the aging pro#esses% It is given
#ontin"o"sly a'ter the age o' AD4D9% It #ombines ell ith Arni#a montana 7a vas#"lar
prote#tor<% It is relate! to #holesterol metabolism%
=% ()in; #hroni# s#aly !ermatosis 4 e#1ema$ psoriasis$ my#oses$ li#hens%
4 (evere tire!ness an! e-ha"stion6
4 Deterioration 'rom h"nger6
4 Deterioration 'rom #ol!$ b"t also 'rom armth6
4 A 'eeling o' something b"rning on the insi!e6
4 Ta#hy#ar!ia o' nervo"s origin6
4 Improvement a'ter meals%
E1 A)#e%u8 &%)&6u8 - s&l'e) &%)$%e
These are hypersensitive people ho have phobi# ne"rosis% They are a'rai! o' almost
everything% They are #onstantly tormente! by an-iety an! #on#ern% They are alays in a
h"rry$ even i' they have time$ they are a'rai! o' the imme!iate '"t"re% They are a'rai! o'
traveling by plane$ by #ar$ o' going to an "n'amiliar pla#e$ o' sitting 'or an e-am$ o' being in
p"bli#6 they are even "neasy in the presen#e o' 'rien!s% They e-perien#e 'ranti# 'ear o' !elay%
They li)e to 'eel lightness in the !igestive tra#t% They "s"ally have a ea)$ lean physi5"e%
1% Digestive; gastritis$ "l#er$ na"sea$ vomiting$ !iarrhea$ entero#olitis$ re#to#olitis%
/% 0NT; pharyngitis ith a 'eeling o' pins an! nee!les$ laryngitis ith a sensation o' having a
pri#)le "pon overstraining o' the vo#al #or!s$ #on."n#tivitis%
=% Ne"rologi#al; tremor$ impaire! #oor!ination$ graphospasm$ !i11iness%
A% Repro!"#tive system; #ervi#itis 7in'lammation o' the lining o' the #ervi-<$ "rethritis
7in'lammation o' the "rethra<%
4 Eeeling pins an! nee!les
4 Deterioration 'rom armth 7"nless in stoma#h pains<$ improvement 'rom #ol!
4 Deterioration at night
4 *reat nee! o' h"ge amo"nts o' seets an! !eterioration 'rom seets
4 Deterioration 'rom #losing o' the eyes
4 Improvement 'rom applying press"re on the pain'"l spot%
The se#on! main gro"p o' #a"ses o' !iseases$ the miasm$ Hahnemann #alls 2sy#osis2% He
believes that 'eer people belong to this gro"p an! it is a se#on!ary one$ an! is 'orme! in the
pro#ess o' li'e !evelopment as a #onse5"en#e o' the me#hanisms o' #ompensation an!
a!aptation% This is a #on!ition in hi#h there is e-#ess #apa#ity in '"n#tion or vol"me o'
vario"s organs an! systems$ i%e$ they are hypertoni# or hypertrophi#$ an! o'ten both%
People ho respon! ell to 2sy#osis2 have several basi# #hara#teristi#s%
1% Propensity to vario"s types o' #on#retions an! #ompa#tions% These a''e#t;
4 The s)in; arts$ moles$ t"mors%
4 Organs; 'ibroi!s$ #ysts$ t"mors%
4 3"#o"s membranes%
/% Overall selling an! in'iltration o' tiss"es an! organs ith a!!itional matter be#a"se o'; the
insertion o' !i''erent #hemi#als$ rea#tions !"e to va##ines$ e-ternal #ontamination$ 're5"ent
an! e-#essive !r"g therapies$ #hroni# stress%
=% Chroni# in'lammation o' the m"#o"s membranes$ hi#h 2glo2 #ontin"o"sly !"e to the
#onstant poisoning% This implies a ea) imm"ne response an! hypersensitivity to #ol! an!
!amp% These 'a#tors '"rther enhan#e in'lammation% Almost #onstant !is#harges; r"nny nose$
pharyngitis$ le")orrhea 7vaginal !is#harge<6
A% Propensity to 'atig"e$ !epression an! obesity%
4 A"toimm"ne !iseases 4 arthritis$ !iabetes$ go"t$ obesity$ AID(
4 A!van#e! s#lerosis 4 is#hemia$ atheros#lerosis$ hypertension$ lithiasis 7stony #on#retions<%
4 T"mor 'ormations%
The most basi# preparations hi#h #orrespon! to the 2sy#osis2 are;
21 N$%)&u8 sul*u)&6u8 - sod&u8 sul*$%e
These are "s"ally 'at$ slo"#hy$ sto"t people ho have a n"mber o' !iseases% Their behavior is
slo$ apatheti#$ lethargi#$ sla#)% They are o'ten irritate! an! 'lare% They !isli)e problems an!
#ontra!i#tions% They easily slip into !epression% They 'eel !isg"st o' li'e$ "s"ally are in a ba!
moo!$ espe#ially in the morning as they are a)ing "p% 0very e''ort$ mental or physi#al$
e-ha"sts them% These are sa!$ 'ret'"l$ tire! people%
1% Respiratory; bron#hitis$ !eteriorating 'rom moist"re$ all bron#hopathies$ !eteriorating 'rom
moist"re$ asthma in !amp eather$ m"#"s4p"r"lent rhinitis in moist"re%
/% On the !igestive system;
4 0ntero#olitis ith !iarrhea an! 'lat"len#e
4 ,ile iss"es 7lithiasis 4 stones<
=% &oint; #o-arthrosis 7hip<$ gonarthrosis 7)nee<$ l"mbago% (evere !eterioration 'rom moist"re
an! relie' 'rom movement%
A% On the s)in; s#aly !ermatoses ith in'lammation an! transparent to yello 'la)es$
psoriasis% +arts%
D% Ne"ropsy#hologi#al;
4 ("b.e#tive syn!rome in those ho have s"''ere! #ranial tra"ma an!Qor spine tra"ma%
4 Depression%
4 Deterioration 'rom moist"re an! !amp eather$ improvement 'rom !ry eather6
4 Deterioration at D4C o@#lo#) in the morning6
4 Deterioration hile resting an! hen immobili1e!6
4 Desire 'or i#e4#ol! ater$ i#y !rin)s an! i#e #ream6
4 Intoleran#e to many 'oo!s; brea!$ meat$ seets6
4 It#hing hen "n!ressing6
4 A 'eeling o' bloating a'ter meals6
4 Ab"se o' 5"inine !erivatives 7malaria$ rhe"matism<%
<1 Thuy$ o66&de%$l&s - Wes%e) %uy$ - %)ee o* %he Fu&(e) *$8&ly1
Batin 'or 2Tree o' Bi'e2% This type o' people atta#hes great importan#e to appearan#es$ to their
image$ to per'orming ell in 'ront o' others% They are !ismaye! by their loer instin#ts an!
try to hi!e them by all means% +hi#h is hy they have many hi!!en an! vag"e things% Their
short#omings m"st be g"esse!% They are li)e a 'og% They are !ivi!e! beteen higher an!
loer% They generally #onsi!er the orl! to be an a'"l pla#e here one sho"l! prote#t
themselves 'rom the others% These people are se#retive$ !istr"st'"l an! s"spi#io"s% They have
in themselves the i!ea that they are not goo! eno"gh or per'e#t% They are pre!ispose! to
!epression% They are o'ten hypo#hon!ria#s an! believe they are !eveloping #an#er% They
appear to be rather pl"mp in the "pper part o' the bo!y$ ith n"mero"s in'iltrates$ hile the
limbs remain ea)% The s)in is o'ten oily$ shiny ith !ilate! #apillaries on the e!ges o' the
1% On the respiratory an! 0NT; re#"rrent rhinopharyngitis$ re#"rrent bron#hitis$ re#"rrent
angina ith hypertrophy o' tonsils$ lympha!enopathy% These people respon! very ba!ly to
va##ines$ antibioti#s$ #orti#oi!s$ or ne"rolepti#s$ or have been treate! ith s"#h 'or a long
perio!% They have respiratory an! 0NT pathologies as a #onse5"en#e%
/% Urogenital;
4 Chroni# in'lammation in the genital tra#t$ #hroni# !is#harge o' the vagina6
4 Eibroi!s$ polyps an! ovarian #ysts6
4 Chroni# an! re#"rrent "rinary in'e#tions6
4 Hypertrophy o' the prostate6
4 Polyps o' the bla!!er6
=% On the s)in;
4 +arts$ t"mors6
4 Papillomas$ #on!ilomas6
4 &"venile a#ne6
4 ,oils$ any p"r"lent 'ormations6
4 Cell"lite%
A% On the nervo"s system;
4 Unbearable ne"ralgia 7m"s#le tit#hing<6
4 Cenestesia 4 sensation o' 'oreign bo!y in the ab!omen6
4 (e#on!ary rea#tive !epression an! obsessive i!eas%
4 Perspiration ith a 2#oo)e! ri#e2 o!or6
4 Eeeling o' s"per 'ragility an! brittleness6
4 (ensation o' a 'oreign bo!y in the ab!omen6
4 Deterioration 'rom #ol! an! !amp$ improvement 'rom !ry an! arm6
4 Deterioration aro"n! = am an! aro"n! = pm6
4 Deterioration 'rom onion6
4 Relie' 'rom the !is#harging o' li5"i!s%
31 Medo))h&u8 - 7&o-%he)$(eu%&6 *)o8 lys&s o* (u)ule% #oo))he$ se6)e%&os1
0-treme behavior may be observe! in this type o' people% They are li)e a pen!"l"m% At one
point$ they are !epresse!$ an! then they are a#tive an! b"sy% They may be )issing their !og$
an! beating it ."st a #o"ple o' ho"rs later% The #hanges are sometimes so big that they are har!
to believe% This is "s"ally a #ompensation 'or ins"''i#ient attention$ love an! s"ppresse!
se-"ality% On the physi#al level$ they have many se#retions$ hi#h are o'ten irritating an!
it#hy$ sin#e this type o' people generally ant to have a lot o' everything an! their bo!y is
'ille! ith all )in!s o' e-#esses% They are relieve! by the !is#harge o' se#retions an! 'l"i!s%
They "s"ally overeat% Have a n"mber o' #hroni# !iseases% Have s#hi1oi! ten!en#ies%
1% Respiratory an! 0NT; 're5"ent rhinopharyngitis$ 're5"ent angina$ 're5"ent bron#hitis$
/% Urogenital; #hroni# an! re#"rrent in'e#tions o' the genito"rinary system%
=% &oint; arthritis$ !egenerative or in'lammatory rhe"matism% Pains orsening 'rom moist"re
an! #ol!%
A% Ne"ropsy#hiatri#;
4 Depression6
4 (leep !eprivation problems in #hil!ren ith rhythmi# movements in sleep6
4 Hypera#tive #hil!ren ith attention !e'i#it !isor!er an! !i''i#"lties at s#hool$ psy#ho4motor
agitation$ restlessness o' the legs6
4 (#hi1oi! ten!en#ies%
4 Nee! o' in! an! to 'an onesel'6 they 'eel better near the sea6
4 Deterioration beteen 19 am an! 1/ at noon6
4 It#hy ear #anals6
4 Eeeling that someone is 'olloing an! at#hing them6
4 ,"rning sensation in the 'eet$ han!s$ spine$ altho"gh they are #ool6
4 Restless legs an! ten!erness in the heel%
+1 L$6hes&s 8u%$ - .ush8$s%e) 'eo8
These people are e-tremely sel'ish% They may be #overt$ s"spi#io"s an! #"nning% Have the gi't o'
spee#h$ are #omm"ni#ative an! learn lang"ages ith ease% They are very tena#io"s$ have great
i!eas an! ri#h imagination% They love to be alone an! are a#tive in the evening an! at night% In
the morning$ they 'eel "nell an! sleep late% They have a strong int"ition% Aggressively
p"rs"e their goals$ entangling their opponents ith arg"ments an! #overtness% They are
terribly .ealo"s% They s"rvive "n!er all #ir#"mstan#es% They !on@t li)e to be '"lly b"ttone!$
!isli)e having something aro"n! the ne#)% They !o not ear tight #lothes an! !o not li)e seat
belts in #ars% They are very intelligent% They love the 'resh air an! the in!%

1% 0NT; angina ith p"rple throat an! !i''i#"lty salloing6
4 Asthma$ hay 'ever%
/% (evere in'e#tio"s #on!itions an! a#"te p"r"lent pro#esses; 'ever$ p"r"lent sin"sitis$ p"r"lent
angina to the le't$ p"r"lent otitis me!ia$ bron#hitis%
=% 3enopa"se; hot 'l"shes$ ta#hy#ar!ia$ high bloo! press"re$ intoleran#e to heat an! s"n$
insomnia an! e-treme states o' a#tivity an! lethargy$ blee!ing bla#) bloo!%
A% Others;
4 ,lee!ing bla#) bloo! in in'lammatory pro#esses6
4 Nose blee!ing
4 Al#oholism ith liver !amage@6
4 ("nstro)e6
4 A#ne rosa#ea6
4 &ealo"sy #risis in little )i!s o' yo"nger brothers an! sisters6 &ealo"sy in general6
4 Boss o' a love! one6
4 Obesity%
4 Eeelings o' throbbing pain6
4 Eeelings o' tension behin! the eyes6
4 Eeeling o' tightness in the throat an!Qor heart area6
4 Eeeling o' s"''o#ation an! heaviness hile 'alling asleep6
4 Eeeling o' l"mp in the throat6
4 Deterioration 'rom retention o' 'l"i!s 7be'ore the #y#le<6
4 Improvement 'rom !is#harge6
4 Aversion to hot li5"i!s6
4 Alternation o' lo5"a#ity an! silen#e6
4 P"rple4re! nose6
4 Dar) re! to p"rple lips%
-1 Se(&$ - Se(&$ ($&%
These are "s"ally thin omen ith a matte s)in% They have bron spots on the 'a#e or "n!er or
aro"n! the eyes$ aro"n! the base o' the nose or aro"n! the mo"th% A !rooping "pper le't
eyeli! may be observe!% The loer lip is #le't in the mi!!le% These are omen ho have ha!
a har! li'e ith re#"rring tro"bles$ sa!ness$ !isappointment$ emotional stress an! propensity
to !epression% They have hea!a#hes$ are gloomy$ har!ly bear to stan! "p$ pre'er to be alone%
Their legs are alays #rosse!% +hen !epresse!$ they 'all into in!i''eren#e an! are bore! by
everything; 'amily$ #hil!ren$ o##"pation$ ho"seor)% They see the negative si!e to everything
an! easily #ry i' they are being #om'orte!% They may be irritable an! short4tempere! at the
smallest o##asion$ noise or n"isan#e% They are #onstantly tense an! an-io"s%
1% Biver4!igestive
4 Contra#tion o' stoma#h an! inter'eren#es in gastri# a#i!ity
4 3igraine o' !igestive nat"re
4 Na"sea early in pregnan#y
4 De#rease! hemorrhoi!s
4 Constipation
4 ,iliary !ys)inesia 7pin#hing o' the gall bla!!er<$ lithiasis%
/% Urogenital;
4 Chroni# "npleasant hite !is#harge 'rom the vagina$ persistent "rinary in'e#tions
4 Contra#tion o' the "ter"s
4 Disr"ptions in the #y#le an! 'rigi!ity
4 3enopa"se
=% Respiratory;
4 Chroni# bron#hitis
4 Asthma
A% ()in; e#1ema o' !i''erent origins
4 Herpes !"ring the #y#le
4 Psoriasis ith 'iss"res that blee!%
D% Ne"ropsy#hiatri#;
4 Depression 4 In!i''eren#e$ se#l"sion$ 'ret'"lness$ an-iety$ hypo#hon!ria$ alternating ith
hypera#tivity an! irritability es#alating to violen#e6
4 Depression a'ter birth%
4 Eeeling o' l"mp in the throat6
4 (ensation o' #ontra#tion o' the "ter"s6
4 Di''i#"lty stan!ing$ aist pains6
4 Deterioration 'rom storms an! #ol!6
4 Improvement 'rom a#tive movement6
4 Desire 'or a#i!i# 'oo!s an! intoleran#e to mil)6
4 Aversion to )it#hen o!ors6
4 Pro'"se seating o' the palms6
?1 S&l&6e$ - s&l&6o
These are !eli#ate$ so't an! sensitive people ho have a 'ine min!$ b"t are very emotional% This
ma)es them hesitant$ shy an! irresol"te% They have a great 'ear o' the ne$ the "n)non$ o'
'ail"re an! ri!i#"le% They sh"n the o"tsi!e orl!% They are emotionally "nstable an! have a
ea) ill$ an! resist problems passively% They !o not !e'en! their on position% They easily
give their energy to others$ gro tire!$ sleep a lot$ are easily misle!% On the other han!$ they
#an or) sloly an! persistently to a#hieve their goals% They are observers an! analysts% They
love to be to"#he! an! #aresse! an! not to be #om'orte!% They nee! to be more in!epen!ent%
They are nervo"s an! restless$ ith big bright eyes% Their str"#t"re is !eli#ate%
1% Respiratory an! 0NT; re#"rrent rhinopharyngitis$ re#"rrent angina$ re#"rrent bron#hitis$
ple"risy$ other #hroni# bron#hopathies%
/% Urogenitary; #hroni# #ystitis$ #hroni# metritis 7in'lammation o' "ter"s<$ #hroni# salpingitis
7in'lammation o' the t"bes o' the ovary<$ prostatitis 7in'lammation o' the prostate<$ "rethritis
7in'lammation o' the "rethra<%
=% ()in; all 'estering s)in sores$ boils$ abs#esses$ in'lammation o' the 'ingers$ or '"ng"s
beteen the toes%
4 In'lammation 'rom st"#) bla!es; pins$ glass$ bones%
A% 0ye; stye%
D% ,one; #hroni# arthritis%
4 Perio!ontal !isease
4 Osteoporosis
4 Rapi! groth !"ring p"berty ith !e'ormities
4 Pre!isposition to ri#)ets
C% Ne"ropsy#hiatri#; #hroni# la#) o' energy$ problems ith memory an! #on#entration$
physi#al ea)ness$ intoleran#e to #ol! an! moist"re$ 're5"ent hea!a#hes !"e to #ol!s%
4 Hypersensitivity to va##ination
4 Unpleasant 'oot o!or
4 Desire to a#i!i# 'oo!s
4 ,rittle 'ingernails ith hite 'le#)s
4 (tartle at the lightest noise
4 Eeeling o' having a thorn or a splinter%
@1 Nu> 'o8&6$ - s%)y6h&e %)ee1
These are people ho have been ta"ght to a great sense o' !"ty an! responsibility% They
alays ant to be 'irst% They are e-tremely ambitio"s% They !o not rest$ they ant to #ontrol
everything an! everyone$ to a#hieve all their goals% They ant everything to be as they !esire
it$ an! 'ast% They are in#line! to or!er$ hygiene an! hierar#hy in everything% Ass"me great
responsibilities% They are tena#io"s$ in!"strio"s$ very tense% This ma)es them irritable$ angry
an! even vi#io"s i' things are not a##"rate% They ab"se stim"lants to or) an! s"##ee!
7athletes$ bosses<% They !o not tolerate #ontra!i#tions% They be#ome r"!e$ intemperate an!
even #r"el at the smallest obsta#les% They may gra!"ally !evelop aversion to or) an!
persistent insomnia%

1% On the !igestive system;
4 Na"sea$ relieve! a'ter vomiting6
4 Diarrhea or #onstipation6
4 Drosiness a'ter meals6
4 It#hing$ pain'"l hemorrhoi!s%
/% Respiratory an! 0NT; spasmo!i# rhinitis ith it#hy nose$ bron#hitis$ 'l" syn!rome$ 'ever$
asthma$ #ol!s 'rom !ra'ts%
=% ,one; l"mbago pains as 'rom br"ising%
A% Ne"ropsy#hiatri#;
4 Nervo"s syn!rome ith spasms$ intoleran#e to noise$ smell an! to"#h%
4 Irritability$ anger an! aggression6
4 Insomnia an! restless sleep6
4 Hea!a#he 'rom overloa!6
4 High bloo! press"re6
4 Desire 'or stim"lants; al#ohol$ #o''ee$ !r"gs6
4 (e!entary li'estyle6
4 Cramps o' the #alves%
D1 N&%)&6 $6&d
These are e-tremely sel'ish an! aggressive in!ivi!"als ho en.oy l"-"ry$ money an! an
a''l"ent li'estyle% They are "s"ally overeight$ b"t may also be ea)% They have intolerable
an! s#an!alo"s !isposition% They bla1e "p at the slightest opposition$ !isagreement or
annoyan#e% They love to ta)e others to #o"rt% They are 5"ite vin!i#tive an! "n'orgiving% They
ten! to have sloly !eveloping lesions$ appearan#e o' neo'ormations on the s)in an! the
m"#o"s membranes$ an! an-iety abo"t their on health% They o'ten 'all in !epression% They
retire into themselves an! !o not ant to see anyone% They are o'ten e-tremely aggressive an!
irritable% They li)e very greasy 'oo!%
1% On the !igestive system; gastritis$ "l#ers$ #olitis$ "l#ers in the mo"th ith a b"rning
stabbing pain% 4 Deterioration at night%
/% Urogenital; ?olpino 7in'lammation o' the vagina<$ polyps o' the #ervi-$ all 'ormations on
the se-"al organs%
=% ()in; e#1ema ith 'iss"res$ "l#ers on the legs ith stinging pain$ arts%
4 (tinging pain o' having a splinter6
4 Deterioration 'rom #ol! an! improvement 'rom arm6
4 Hea!a#he ith 'eeling o' tightness aro"n! the hea!
4 Desire 'or 'atty an! salty !ishes%
E1 Me)6u)&us sol1 - Me)6u)y
They are lea!ers by nat"re; #alm$ responsible an! ambitio"s% They 'ear 'ail"re$ loss o' poer
an! position very m"#h% They gro !istr"st'"l an! s"spi#io"s$ gra!"ally separate 'rom people
an! isolate themselves% They 'eel irrepla#eable% These people are very a#tive an! agile in li'e$
rea#t instantaneo"sly to the #ir#"mstan#es$ they are b"sy an! hasty% They 'in! it !i''i#"lt to !o
team or)% They ant to have people aro"n! them ho are 199: reliable% This is very
important to them% They believe they #an a#hieve anything% I' they !eteriorate or their
strength !epletes$ they ith!ra$ isolate themselves an! gra!"ally !e#ay% They ab"se their
poer% They ant to #ontrol everyone an! everything% They gro nervo"s$ irritable$
aggressive an! violent$ #an hit$ 'ight an! )ill% They #an be .ealo"s$ resent'"l an! vin!i#tive%
Chil!ren have 're5"ent re#"rrent angina an! a!enopathy 7thi#)ene! #ervi#al no!es<%
Di''i#"lties at s#hool an! !i''i#"lty #on#entrating$ they 'eel la#) o' energy% Restless$ angry
an! an-io"s #hil!ren%
=% On the respiratory an! 0NT system;
4 A#"te p"r"lent angina ith bright re! throat an! strong pains hen salloing6 Unbearable
smell6 Tooth mar)s on the tong"e6 (ollen tong"e ith yello #oating6
4 Pharyngitis ith ira!iating pain toar!s the ear$ thi#)ening o' the #ervi#al no!es6
4 A#"te an! re#"rrent rhinitis$ sin"sitis6
4 3"mps$ in#l"!ing in a!"lts$ here the preparation prevents #ompli#ations6
4 Otitis me!ia ith b"rning sensation%
1% On the !igestive system;
4 Ul#erative #olitis$ re#to#olitis6
4 (tomatitis an! mo"th "l#ers 7sore mo"th<6 In'lame! an! sollen g"ms%
=% 0ye; p"r"lent #on."n#tivitis%
A% Urogenitary; ?olpino 7in'lammation o' the lining o' the vagina<$ v"lvovaginitis
7in'lammation o' the e-ternal genitalia<$ in'lammation o' the "rethra ith p"s$ #ystitis ith a
b"rning sensation%
D% Ne"rologi#al; sha)y han!s 7tremor<$ hea!a#he%
C% Others;
4 Abs#ess
4 (evere 'oo! poisoning%
4 Hypersalivation 7plenti'"l #onstant !rooling<6
4 Deterioration at night6
4 Deterioration 'rom !amp #ol!$ improvement 'rom !ry eather6
4 Deterioration 'rom seating 7smelly seat<%
231 Au)u8 8e%$ll&6u8 - #old
These are people ho most o' all have prono"n#e! behavioral !isor!ers 4 rea#tive !epressive
syn!rome% It is #hara#teri1e! by s"!!en moo! sings 'rom great optimism an! #heer'"lness
to sa!ness$ o"tb"rsts o' anger an! aggression% They be#ome #a"sti#$ irritable an! #annot
tolerate #ontra!i#tion% They may 'eel !esperate$ aban!one!$ "ns"##ess'"l an! 'aile!% They
lose their big sel'4esteem an! positions an! are progressively !isg"ste! o' li'e to the e-tent o'
s"i#i!al i!eation 7s"i#i!al tho"ghts<% (ometimes they !o this by ."mping 'rom a high pla#e
be#a"se this re'le#ts their i!ea o' 'ail"re% Depression in#reases in inter% People ith mani#4
!epressive psy#hosis are o'ten 'o"n!$ hi#h re5"ires that treatment is #ombine! ith more
a#tive metho!s%
1% Psy#hiatri#;
4 Depressive syn!rome ith abr"pt shi't o' moo!6
4 3ani#4!epressive psy#hosis6
4 Pre!isposition to s#hi1oi! personality !isor!er% Helps re!"#e the ris) o' onset o' the !isease
that re5"ires very serio"s treatments a'ter that%
4 Delaye! mental an! physi#al rea#tions in the el!erly%
/% Car!iovas#"lar;
4 High bloo! press"re$ !i11iness6
4 3(6
4 Heart ailments in menopa"se6
4 Ta#hy#ar!ia ith a 'eeling as i' the heart stops an! starts again ith a ."mp6
4 (teno#ar!ia; tightness in the pre#ar!ia# area$ shortness o' breath an! pain6
4 Heart 'ail"re%
=% Others;
4 Rhinitis an! #hroni# sin"sitis ith p"s6
4 3astoi!it 7in'lammation o' the mastoi! bone in the ear<6
4 Con."n#tivitis6
4 *la"#oma6
4 Hori1ontal hemianopsia 4 patient sees only the bottom hal' o' ob.e#ts6
4 Al#oholism6
4 In'lammation o' the bones ith strong pain an! !anger o' s"pp"ration%
4 Deterioration at night6
4 Deterioration 'rome #ol! an! in inter6 improvement !"ring the s"mmer6
4 Hypere-#itability an! enormo"s anger6
4 Hypersensitivity to sharp smells6
4 Tinnit"s 7per#eption o' so"n! in the ear hen there is no a#t"al so"n!<6
4 ,itter$ insipi! taste in the mo"th an! thirst6
4 Hea!a#he 'rom #on#ern ith a 'eeling o' an a"ger being !riven in the hea!6
4 Di11iness hen ben!ing%
221 C$us%&6u8 - C$us%&6 Sod$
These are people ho are sensitive to the so#ial pro#esses$ an! are very sympatheti# to the
mis'ort"nes o' others% They have as their goal to #hange things$ even to !estroy the orl!%
They are revol"tionary in nat"re$ anar#hists an! i!ealists% They possess a strong sense o'
so#ial ."sti#e% They tolerate no a"thority% They are agile$ sensitive$ intelligent$ easily
e-#itable$ responsive to the #ir#"mstan#es% They o'ten !o vol"nteer or) 'or organi1ations
li)e the Re! Cross$ or ith green parties% They !o not tolerate violen#e$ ab"se$ a"thority
7army$ poli#e<% They are rea!y to or) 'or the #a"ses o' others% They have a terrible 'ear that
something might happen to their relatives$ that a s"!!en mis'ort"ne may #ome "pon them%
They are gra!"ally e-ha"ste! an! 'all ill% They be#ome irritable$ nervo"s$ angry$ have a
pain'"l response to anything an! #an even #ry easily% They loo) pale$ ith yelloish tan$ sti''$
ith lantern .as an! m"s#les b"lging li)e ropes% They 'ear the !ar)%
1% Ne"rologi#al;
4 Col! 'a#ial ne"ralgia$ !eterioration 'rom !ry an! #ol! in!$ 'rom !ra"ght6
4 Conse5"en#es o' spinal tra"ma6
4 Chil!ren etting their be! at night 7e-perien#e! 'ear<6
4 Baryngitis ith vo#al #or! paresis 7'atig"e or in'e#tion<6
4 *raphospasm ith m"s#le ea)ness6
4 Paresis%
4 (ensation o' a b"rning o"n!$ o' b"rning pain6
4 Deterioration 'rom transition 'rom arm to #ol!$ improvement 'rom arm6
4 Deterioration at =4A o@#lo#) in the morning6
4 Improvement 'rom !rin)ing #ol! ater$ b"t also aversion to ater6
4 Desire 'or smo)e! 'oo!6
4 Aversion to s"gar an! seets%
2<1 Fluo)&6u8 $6&d - Hyd)o*luo)&6 A6&d
These are people ith a !e'inite !isparity in physi5"e 4 asymmetry$ inharmonio"s 'orms 7!"e
to vario"s types o' !ystrophy<% They are hypera#tive in physi#al terms$ very tena#io"s an!
resistant$ b"t have a 'ragile an! "nstable mental behavior% They #annot #on#entrate 'or a long
time in mental stress$ are o'ten in#onsistent an! ina##"rate% Their moo!s alternate beteen
optimism$ e-#itement an! goo! !isposition to an-iety$ apathy an! a !esire to retire% They have
prominent bone !iseases% They #an be very goo! gymnasts be#a"se o' their e-traor!inary
'le-ibility% There is also the opposite version o' great sti''ness%
1% ,ones 7problems ith #al#i"m metabolism<;
4 Osteoporosis6
4 Eo"l4ne#rosis ith s"pp"ration an! intense it#hing6
4 In#rease! bone !ensity 4 #al#i'i#ation$ e-ostosis6
4 In'lammation o' the bones 4 osteitis$ polyarthritis 7o' all .oints<6
4 Polyarthritis 7o' all .oints<6
4 Rela-ation o' vario"s internal organs 7)i!neys$ stoma#h$ "ter"s<6
4 In'lammation o' the veins ith b"rning pain6
4 Hemorrhoi!s ith intense it#hing6
4 hypera#tive #hil!ren s"''ering 'rom hyperthyreosis 7hyper'"n#tion o' the thyroi! glan!<%

4 Internal b"rning in the hole bo!y or lo#ally ith improvement 'rom #ol!6
4 Deterioration 'rom stim"lants6
4 Deterioration 'rom immobili1ation an! improvement 'rom #ontin"o"s movement6
4 P"r"lent se#retions6
4 ,"rning sensation in the 'eet an! palms o' the han!s6
Nat"rally$ #omple-es #an also be ma!e 'rom preparations 'or 2psora2$ 2t"ber#"lin2 an!
2sy#osis2% Too 'e people may be sai! to respon! 199: to only one preparation% Us"ally$
most o' "s have overlapping 'eat"res o' several me!i#ations% People having the #hara#teristi#s
o' both sensitive types are o'ten 'o"n!% In most #ases$ espe#ially in #hroni# #ases$ the main
me!i#ation7s< are hi!!en behin! many other symptoms% That is hy any #hanges in the
treatment pro#ess m"st be #onstantly monitore!$ an! e m"st be able to respon! promptly
ith the respe#tive preparation or #omple-%
+hen yo" are "nable to 5"i#)ly !etermine yo"r sensitive type$ yo" #an apply !i''erent
#omple-es a##or!ing to the symptoms an! gra!"ally !is#over the #orre#t$ basi#
preparation7s<% The #hanges o##"rring in yo"rsel' ill help i!enti'y it% ItQthey #an then be
ta)en primarily% O' #o"rse$ '"rther #hanges an! ne #ir#"mstan#es sho"l! be monitore!% The
homeopathi# approa#h is a li'estyle$ not a system o' treatment an! there'ore re5"ires #onstant
vigilan#e in !e#ision4ma)ing$ in hi#h it resembles the pro#ess o' no"rishing% In pra#ti#e$ this
is an energy 'oo! that restores yo"r energy imbalan#es% An! sin#e this metho! is 'ree$ all yo"
nee! to master the homeopathi# )nole!ge is time an! )een observation% An! remember that
yo" #annot over!ose a preparation$ an! even i' yo" get #on'"se! in some o' the more severe
#hroni# #ases$ yo" ill simply postpone the time 7by a month or to< 'or the proper treatment
ith the more appropriate me!i#ations% Go" ill$ hoever$ alays an! #onstantly have
Homeopathy is a very #omple- s#ien#e that re5"ires st"!ying$ a lot o' time an! inner sense%
0spe#ially !i''i#"lt is the !is#overy o' me!i#ations that #orrespon! yo"r sensitive type%
(o even i' e #an not st"!y it$ e #an help o"rselves by spea)ing o"r !iagnosis an! possible
#a"ses 'or the !isease to the ater% O' #o"rse this metho! is not as e''e#tive$ b"t it o'ten gives
very goo! res"lts$ hile e are st"!ying the basi#s o' homeopathy%
In the #ase o' high bloo! press"re$ e #an prepare the 'olloing phial 'ille! ith healing
Ta)e a phial '"ll o' ater an! a little al#ohol$ then #learly repeat /4= times$ mo"th very #lose
to the ater 71Q/ in#h<;
4 Hypertension 333333333% Then sha)e vigoro"sly%
I' e )no the #a"ses 'or o"r high bloo! press"re$ e #an a!! other e-pressions s"#h as;
4 An-iety 333333333% 4 /4= times% (ha)e vigoro"sly%
4 Eear o' 'ail"re 333333333 4 /4= times% (ha)e vigoro"sly%
4 Eear o' loss 333333333 4 /4= times% (ha)e vigoro"sly%
4 Un#ertainty 33333 4 /4= times% (ha)e vigoro"sly%
Then p"t the !ropper an! sha)e one last time% Go" #an !rin) the preparation as many times as
yo" ant per !ay a##or!ing to yo"r #on!ition% I' yo" ant to a#hieve a preventive e''e#t$ yo"
#an limit it to 1 or / times a !ay%
Hoever$ i' e have a long4stan!ing problem$ an! espe#ially i' yo" are at an a!van#e! stage
or have other illnesses$ yo" #an mat#h the metho! ith the #orrespon!ing allopathi#
me!i#ines% Go" #an ta)e it F4H times a !ay% I' there is improvement$ re!"#e ta)ings%
Dil"tions o' many times 3 73ille< are e-tremely poer'"l an! have a pro'o"n! impa#t on
many s"btle levels at the s"batomi# level% They !ire#tly relate to the internal bo!ies an! may
lea! to signi'i#ant res"lts in the psy#hologi#al pro'ile o' ea#h person% O' #o"rse$ yo" #an "se
!i''erent !il"tions in yo"r on sole !is#retion% This is a metho!$ hi#h involves personal
initiative an! #reativity% 3y a!vi#e is to start ith 199C3$ b"t 'eel 'ree to try 8 times 3 an!
above% There are virt"ally no restri#tions% An! 'or those ho pre'er loer !il"tions$ yo" may
also "se them% This is a matter o' personal #hoi#e%
*iven that any !amage is !"e to a##"m"late! stress$ mista)es$ sins$ an! "nresolve! problems$
then thro"gh verbal homeopathy o"r e''orts #an be !ire#te! to the #ore o' o"r tro"bles$ an! e
#an th"s progressively over#ome them% In this sense$ the verbal homeopathi# metho! is m"#h
more poer'"l than the #onventional homeopathi# one%
Preparations #an be ma!e 'or some o' the most signi'i#ant tro"ble in li'e% They or) very
ell$ b"t re5"ire a long perio! o' time 4 months or even a year% It is goo! to #ombine them
ith the basi# homeopathi# preparations an! #omple-es%
1% Unemployment 33333 %%%% (ha)e%
/% In!e#isiveness 33333 %%% or Un#ertainty 33333 %%%% 7optional<% (ha)e%
=% Eear o' 'ail"re %%%% 33333 (ha)e%
A% I!leness 33333 %%%% or Ba1iness 33333 %%%% 7optional<%(ha)e%
D% Poverty 33333 %%%% (ha)e%
C% Avari#e 33333 %%%% or +aste'"lness 33333 %%%% 7optional<% (ha)e%
F% Un#omm"ni#ativeness 33333 %%%% (ha)e%
+e m"st not 'orget to spea) lo"!ly an! #learly$ mo"th near the s"r'a#e o' the ater 71Q/
in#h<% A'ter ea#h or! an! !il"tion$ alays sha)e the phial vigoro"sly%
1% Eear 33333 %%%%% (ha)e%
/% Anger 33333 %%%%% (ha)e%
=% Aggressiveness 33333 %%%%% (ha)e%
A% Hypera#tivity 33333 %%%% (ha)e%
D% Cr"elty 33333 %%%% (ha)e%
C% Hatre! 33333 %%%%% (ha)e%
F% Uneasinesst 33333 %%%%%% or An-iety 33333 %%%%% (ha)e%
+e m"st not 'orget to spea) lo"!ly an! #learly$ mo"th near the s"r'a#e o' the ater 71Q/
in#h<% A'ter ea#h or! an! !il"tion$ alays sha)e the phial vigoro"sly%
OBD A*0;
1% Aging 33333 %%%%% (ha)e%
/% (#lerosis 33333 %%%%% (ha)e%
=% (e!entiary li'e 33333%%%$ or Immobili1ation 33333%%% (ha)e%
A% Ugliness 33333 %%%%%% (ha)e%
D% Rigi!ity 33333 %%%%%% (ha)e%
C% Death 33333 %%%%% (ha)e%
+e m"st not 'orget to spea) lo"!ly an! #learly$ mo"th near the s"r'a#e o' the ater 71Q/
in#h<% A'ter ea#h or! an! !il"tion$ alays sha)e the phial vigoro"sly%
1% Eear o' loneliness 33333%%%% or solit"!e 33333%%% (ha)e%
/% (orro 33333%%% or grie' 33333%%% (ha)e%
=% Despair 33333 %%%% (ha)e%
A% Hopelessness 33333 %%%%% (ha)e%
D% Hearta#he 33333 %%%%% (ha)e%
C% Heartlessness 33333 %%%%% (ha)e%
F% +ea)ness 33333 %%%%% (ha)e%
+e m"st not 'orget to spea) lo"!ly an! #learly$ mo"th near the s"r'a#e o' the ater 71Q/
in#h<% A'ter ea#h or! an! !il"tion$ alays sha)e the phial vigoro"sly%
1% Bovelessness 33333 %%%%%% (ha)e%
/% Ingratit"!e 33333 %%%%%(ha)e%
=% Impiety 33333 %%%%%%(ha)e%
A% (#epti#ism 33333 %%%%%%(ha)e%
D% Uns"##ess'"lness 33333 %%%%%%%(ha)e%
+e m"st not 'orget to spea) lo"!ly an! #learly$ mo"th near the s"r'a#e o' the ater 71Q/
in#h<% A'ter ea#h or! an! !il"tion$ alays sha)e the phial vigoro"sly%
1% Depression 33333 %%%%%% (ha)e%
/% Un#omm"ni#ativeness 33333 %%%%(ha)e%
=% Boneliness 33333 %%%%%(ha)e%
A% Un#on'i!en#e 33333 %%%%% (ha)e%
C% Heartlessness 33333 %%%%% (ha)e%
+e m"st not 'orget to spea) lo"!ly an! #learly$ mo"th near the s"r'a#e o' the ater 71Q/
in#h<% A'ter ea#h or! an! !il"tion$ alays sha)e the phial vigoro"sly%
The #ombination o' the seven sins is 5"ite interesting;
1% Pri!e 33333 %%%%%% (ha)e%
/% *ree! 33333 %%%%%% (ha)e%
=% *l"ttony 33333%%% or vora#ity 33333%%%
A% Anger 33333 %%%%% (ha)e%
D% De#eptiveness 33333 %%%%%% (ha)e%
C% A!"ltery 33333 %%%%%%(ha)e%
F% (loth 33333 %%%%%%%(ha)e%
+e m"st not 'orget to spea) lo"!ly an! #learly$ mo"th near the s"r'a#e o' the ater 71Q/
in#h<% A'ter ea#h or! an! !il"tion$ alays sha)e the phial vigoro"sly%
3any other #ombinations #an be ma!e o' problemati# sit"ations 'rom the emotional an!
spirit"al orl! o' the person6 these #ombinations are only limite! by o"r personal #reativity
an! o"r sel'4"n!erstan!ing%
Typi#al o' these preparations is their strange manner o' a#tion% They sloly an! aggressively
#hange the emotional state o' the person an! attra#t ne #ir#"mstan#es an! people to their
li'e$ ho a#t"ally bring #hange in their li'e an! help them over#ome their on short#omings%
In this sense$ a person m"st be #onstantly alert an! grate'"l 'or 'ate@s response to his e''orts to
#hange% In 'a#t$ this is the ay verbal homeopathy or)s in high !il"tions% It not only heals
the physi#al bo!y$ b"t also #reates ne opport"nities in other areas o' li'e$ s"#h as or)$
personal relationships$ 'inan#e$ in a##or!an#e ith the person@s ne energeti# an!
psy#hologi#al sit"ation% O' #o"rse$ these more general preparations also have a i!er an!
more agressive a#tion% There'ore$ in a#"te #ases an! #lear !iagnoses$ it is better to "se verbal
homeopathi# mono an! #omple- preparations as !es#ribe! in the 'irst part o' the boo)%
For those who would like to learn and are interested in the method and the different
comple!es, you can buy the book7 %?n the 8trength of a 6rop $ Homeopathic /omple!es%.
The book describes over @5 comple!es, referring to the most common diagnoses in medicine.
?ver ;A5 different verbal homeopathic preparations have been developed, as well as
instructions for their use.
*oo! res"lts also !epen! very m"#h on o"r attit"!e to the spirit"al orl! an! o"r !eep 'aith
in *o!% Th"s$ hen or)ing ith this type o' energy impa#t$ yo" m"st not 'orget that prayer
is the highest 'orm o' sel'4trans'ormation be#a"se the prayer is a #onversation ith Heaven
7ith the Invisible (o"r#e o' +ealth 'or this +orl!<% It is the one most important point$ hi#h
enables "s to attra#t help an! s"pport 'rom above an! th"s to #hange o"r a#tions an! !estiny%
It gives "s the opport"nity to reali1e that hile e are getting any goo!s e m"st share them
ith others% It gives "s the opport"nity to be#ome better$ more h"mble an! iser% Combine!
ith verbal homeopathi# preparations an! or)ing ith ater$ it is a poer'"l ay to live
more isely an! happily%
+hen e or) ith prayer or other goo! or!s$ e m"st )no that they have e-tremely
#lean an! very high 're5"en#y vibrations% In pra#ti#e$ they rarely resonate ith o"r thin)ing
an! o"r #ells$ be#a"se e are poisone! by ba! 'oo!$ ba! 'eelings an! ba! tho"ghts an! or!s%
To #hange this sit"ation e o"l! nee! many years o' or)% There'ore$ homeopathy is a
goo! a"-iliary metho! that a##elerates the pro#ess% It or)s ith the vibrations o' the poisons
that e are still very #lose to% This ay it helps p"ri'y the bo!y$ 'eelings$ tho"ghts an! o"r
or!s$ so that e #an or) more e''i#iently an! at the highest level 4 the #onversation ith
I remember on#e I gave my b"nny$ ho ha! been in."re!$ Arni#a 193$ a #lose 'rien! o' mine$
a homeopathi# veterinarian$ hearing this sai!;
4 (ilva$ yo"@ve in'l"en#e! the (pirit o' Rabbits%
A !il"tion o' the 193 !egree is pra#ti#ally not applie! in veterinary me!i#ine be#a"se it is
#onsi!ere! e-tremely high% 3any homeopaths also #onsi!er this !il"tion abs"r! 'or h"mans
too% ,"t I$ as "s"al$ prove! that Arni#a or)s% The b"nny re#overe! ama1ingly 5"i#)ly% I as
'as#inate! by the insight that perhaps I@! really in'l"en#e! the (pirit o' Rabbits%
Then I reali1e! that something similar happens ith the (pirit o' the People% +hen yo" give
someone homeopathy an! espe#ially one that is in great !il"tion$ yo" also in'l"en#e their so"l%
P"ri'ying the bo!y$ the tho"ghts an! 'eelings be#ome brighter$ better an! more pea#e'"l% This
also a''e#ts everyone else% ,e#a"se hen one is elevate!$ all are elevate!%
The appli#ation o' s"#h !il"tions li)e 333333%%% has a p"ri'ying in'l"en#e not only on
one person$ b"t on all people$ even perhaps on other orl!s that are emotionally an!
spirit"ally #onne#te! ith o"rs$ be#a"se e live in a #ommon spirit"al 'iel!%
This ay e intera#t an! #onne#t ith animals an! plants an! the sea an! 'orests an! ith the
#ons#io"sness o' the entire planet% An! hen e !il"te the poison in o"rselves in this ay an!
open the path o' virt"e$ springing 'rom o"r tr"e spirit"al nat"re$ e provi!e the opport"nity
'or others to !o so%
(im"ltaneo"sly$ e !is#over the poer o' spee#h an! give a ne meaning to the orl! in a
#ompletely ne immaterial an! a !ivine ay% An! then ea#h spo)en or! is )in!er an!
armer be#a"se e have reali1e! that this is the only ay to a#hieve a happier pea#e% Insi!e
An! last b"t not least$ perhaps e sho"l! reali1e that e live in a orl! g"i!e! by the +or!
an! by tho"ght% There'ore e m"st #are'"lly #onsi!er not only hat e are saying$ b"t also
hose in'l"en#es an! tho"ghts e #ome "n!er% 0verything aro"n! "s is tho"ght an! or!s$
embe!!e! in atoms an! mole#"les an!$ !epen!ing on hat e !o an! hat e "se$ e also
absorb the internal in'ormational in'l"en#es o' the entire orl! that s"rro"n!s "s% They 'orm
"s #onstantly% This is hy e nee! to !is#"ss the s#ien#e o' tho"ght an! or! hygiene% Eor
the or! #an elevate yo" an! res"rre#t yo"$ b"t it #an also r"in an! !estroy yo"%
I' only a !o1en or!s #an heal "s 'rom the 'l" ithin ho"rs$ #an yo" imagine the impa#t o'
the hole sea o' in'ormation$ in hi#h are #onstantly s"bmerge!M
An! most o' this in'ormation is negative$ #on'rontational$ manip"lative an! !e#eptive6
"nne#essarily pompo"s an! "rging "s to e-#essive #ons"mption o' goo!s an! servi#es that e
!o not nee!% Do e not 'in! o"rselves this ay in the in'ormational 'iel! o' a h"ge BI0 that
governs "s an! !epletes o"r energy$ e-plaining to "s that e are some #oarse matter that has
appeare! by a##i!ent an! so e m"st remainM
Ho little attention is pai! to the Tr"th that *o! e-ists$ that man is eternal an! immortal
spirit"al essen#e$ the image an! li)eness o' *o!$ the son o' *o! ho is s"mmone! to serve
an! #ollaborate ith his Eather in eternity% This Tr"th is not a!vantageo"s to anyone ho
ants "s to live on#e$ itho"t meaning an! itho"t p"rpose$ !ominate! by some meaningless
goals o' poer$ money an! sensory pleas"res$ #ompeting ith ea#h other an! #ons"ming
"nne#essary an! even harm'"l goo!s an! 'oo!%
The s"##ess'"l "se o' or!s to #hange an! restore the energy str"#t"re o' the person raises the
#"rtain o' o"r tr"e nat"re an! shos that e live in a orl! o' absol"te ab"n!an#e o' 'ree an!
easily a##essible energy$ the so"r#es an! the )nole!ge hi#h e are !enie! 5"ite
!eliberately% An! it is only "p to "s to !is#over an! live in the Tr"th$ or else remain in the
'iel! o' 'ear$ an-iety an! e-#essive #ons"mption% ,e#a"se these are to si!es o' the or! an!
the tho"ght 4 Tr"th an! 'alsehoo!%
The more people learn to spea) to ater in this ay$ to heal themselves an! re#over by
#hanging their attit"!e toar!s li'e$ the more man)in! ill be 'ree! 'rom the b"r!ens o'
being$ reinventing the poer o' immortality an! .oy%
The !il"tions in verbal homeopathy are the same as "se! in tra!itional 7#onventional<
homeopathy% The C symbol #omes 'rom 2Cent"m2$ hi#h is Batin 'or h"n!re! an! 3 'or
23ille2$ a tho"san!% Eor more !etails$ see Chapter 2The higher the !il"tion$ the more
poer'"l2 again%
DC 4 very lo !il"tion$ hi#h has little e''e#t an! its impa#t is mainly on the physi#al bo!y% In
homeopathy 7not in verbal homeopathy<$ these are !angero"s !il"tions be#a"se they still
#ontain mole#"les o' the original s"bstan#e% In prolonge! ta)ing$ these preparations may
#a"se severe homeopathi# #rises an! aggravation o' symptoms% A lasting !eterioration may
be ha!% This is parti#"larly tr"e 'or pro!"#ts s"#h as; T"ber#"lin"m$ ("l'"r$ Hepar s"l'"r$
3er#"ri"s sol%$ P"lsatilla$ (ili#ea$ Th".a% There'ore$ great #are m"st be e-er#ise! hen
or)ing ith them% They or) sa'ely only in verbal homeopathy$ b"t the e''e#t is ea)er
than o' those ith a higher !il"tion%
8C 4 still a lo !il"tion that may be seen as me!i"m level in some homeopathi# s#hools% It
or)s very ell mainly on the physi#al level% This !il"tion is 'ar sa'er 'or a long re#eption
that a DC !il"tion$ b"t it m"st still be ta)en ith #a"tion% In verbal homeopathy there are no
s"#h !angers%
1DC 4 a me!i"m !il"tion in some s#hools% It has a goo! e''e#t at the physi#al level$ in#l"!ing
on earlier !iseases that have #ertain emotional #omponents% There are no si!e e''e#ts an! it is
#ompletely sa'e% Homeopathi# #rises are present li)e in any other homeopathi# preparation%
=9C 4 a high !il"tion in some s#hools% Has a goo! e''e#t at the physi#al an! the emotional
level% Completely sa'e%
/99C 4 a me!i"m !il"tion in other homeopathi# s#hools% Has a very goo! e''e#t on the
physi#al bo!y$ in#l"!ing many emotional states%
13 I 1999C% 3e!i"m to high !il"tion in some homeopathi# s#hools% Has a very goo! e''e#t
on the physi#al bo!y$ in#l"!ing many emotional states having a #hroni# origin%
193 I 19%999C% High !il"tion ith e-#eptional e''i#ien#y% In a#"te #ases$ it is in#omparable
ith the loer !il"tions% It or)s very ell in #hroni# !iseases too$ both at the physi#al$ an!
the emotional level%
D93 I D9%999C% High !il"tion '"lly #omparable to 193% The !i''eren#e is not signi'i#ant%
C3 I 199%999C% Very high !il"tion% There is e-#eptional per'orman#e in all #ases% In'l"en#es
the h"man organism at a very !eep pro'o"n! level%
33 I 1%999%999C% A !il"tion$ a#hievable only by ra!ioni# ma#hines% The e''e#t is very
poer'"l an! pro'o"n! in every respe#t%
199C3 I 19%999%999C% A !il"tion$ a#hievable only by ra!ioni# ma#hines% The e''e#t is
e-tremely poer'"l in all #on!itions; a#"te an! #hroni#% The e''e#ts are very pro'o"n!%
333 4 1%999%999%999C an! so on% Erom here onar!s$ everyone #an !e#i!e 'or themselves
on the !il"tion they nee!$ a##or!ing to their in!ivi!"al #on!ition% O"r resear#h has rea#he! "p
to 1/ times 3 4 333333333333% The e''e#ts here are tr"ly impressive$ espe#ially in
light an! me!i"m #hroni# #on!itions$ ith !aily re#eption% *oo! maintenan#e an! parallel
therapy also in more #ompli#ate! #on!itions% Go" #an "se them as both verbal #omple-es an!
as mono4verbal preparations% O' #o"rse$ everyone is 'ree to #ontin"e to !il"te verbally an!
st"!y the healing e''e#ts%
Eor those ho o"l! li)e to learn an! are intereste! in the metho! an! the !i''erent
#omple-es$ yo" #an b"y the boo); 2On the (trength o' a Drop 4 Homeopathi# Comple-es2%
The boo) !es#ribes over 89 #omple-es$ re'erring to the most #ommon !iagnoses in me!i#ine%
Over =D9 !i''erent verbal homeopathi# preparations have been !evelope!%

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