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Time to REALLY Get Serious

?ou're dolng okay wlLh women aL Lhls polnL, Lo

have made lL here Lo !ourneyman. ?ou
probably have a falr number of cold
approaches under your belL, phone calls and
Lexung aren'L much of a problem, and daLes
are sLralghuorward. 8uL Lhere's a !"# more we
can do wlLh your game. and Lhe lmpresslon
you're maklng on glrls. 1lme Lo gear up and
Lake you across Lhe brldge Lo 1echnlclan.

! 1here are varlous sklll levels" ln Lhe varlous
dlerenL aspecLs of game": approachlng
women, connecung wlLh women, generaung
sexual auracuon, Laklng new women as
lovers, daung, havlng relauonshlps.

! As you level up" ln sklll, you're able Lo unlock
more ablllues, and more posluve ouLcomes
wlLh more deslrable women.
How to Use This eBook
1hls e8ook ls broken down
lnLo 30 dlerenL days of
learnlng, wlLh Lwo (2) Lo
Lhree (3) arucles Lo read
and one (1) asslgnmenL
each day.
We'll sLarL o wlLh a few lmporLanL posLs on
mlndseLs, and once we're cerLaln you're Lhlnklng
abouL Lhlngs ln Lhe mosL consLrucuve way you can
be, we're golng move lnLo dolng (a loL of) eldwork.
Section One
How You Think
Why "Iun" |s a Seducnon k|||er
?ou've probably been Lrylng Lo be loLs of
fun for glrls - buL whaL's fun" and whaL's
sexy" are Lwo dlerenL Lhlngs.
now to Get G|r|s: 1he Last ost ou'|| Lver
An lnLroducuon Lo how daung dynamlcs
work ln Lhe real world - and lL $%&'# Lake
Lhlngs slow and be a genLleman."
WrlLe down Lhe names of Lhe lasL Len (10) dlerenL glrls you had daLes wlLh.
CoL 'em? now wrlLe down whaL you ulu on Lhose daLes. Were you fun? A
real sweeLhearL? Cr drlpplng wlLh sensuallLy and LhaL's $#?
(C||ck Me!)
Read these articles:
Do this:
Cverprov|d|ng Good Iee||ngs
8elaLed Lo lun ls a Seducuon klller", dld you know lL was posslble Lo make
women feel %" good LhaL. Lhey no longer &(() sex wlLh you? It |s.
keacnons from Women or kesu|ts w|th Women?
MosL men Lraln Lhemselves wlLh glrls by focuslng on Lhe reacuons Lhey
recelve Lo Lhelr acuons. 8uL reacuons don'L geL glrls ln your bed.
WrlLe down all Lhe umes you can Lhlnk of where a glrl seemed Lo be %*+(,
lnLo you. buL lL Lurned lnLo noLhlng. nexL, wrlLe down how much ume you
spenL on each glrl, and how long you walLed before Lrylng Lo move forward.
Read these articles:
Do this:
Auracnon nas an Lxp|ranon Date
Sure, you'll Lake your ume wlLh her and do
lL rlghL. buL whlle you )", her auracuon for
you ls lnchlng ever closer Lo explrauon.
No Go|ng 8ackwards
Women wlll frequenLly Lry Lo sLall you or
reLurn Lhlngs Lo how Lhey were earller - buL
lf you go back, your goose ls cooked.
Pave you ever losL women by movlng #"" fasL? lf so, wrlLe down Lhelr names
or descrlpuons. now, how abouL Lhe women you've losL who [usL faded away
lnLo Lhe mlsL. how many of #-(. were Lhere? WrlLe Lhem down Loo.
Read these articles:
Do this:
now to 1e|| |f a G|r| |s norny W|thout ner nav|ng to 1e|| ou
?ou'd be amazed how many women you walked away from because you
LhoughL Lhey were [usL belllgerenL. when Lhey were acLually -",&/.
ou kea||y Shou|d be nav|ng Sex
lf you're walung for Lhe rlghL glrl" or only lnLeresLed ln sleeplng wlLh glrls
who are your 'Lype'", you're mlsslng ouL on a WPCLL loL of advancemenL.
SlL and have a Lhlnk on all Lhe women you've slepL wlLh. Any regreLs abouL havlng
sex wlLh Lhem? robably noL really, rlghL? now, can you Lhlnk of women you
0"*!)'1( had. buL Lurned down because Lhey falled Lo meeL your crlLerla? Pere's
Lhe cllncher: were some of Lhem 2(3(, Lhan some of Lhe glrls you slepL wlLh?
Read these articles:
Do this:
G|r|s: S|||y and Cute
1hlnk women are scary? unapproachable?
AcLually, Lhey're [usL cuLe. and %$!!/.
Do ou kea||y Need to Learn Game to Get
1hls seems llke a loL Lo learn [usL Lo geL a daLe
or a glrlfrlend - how much do you ,(4!!/ have
Lo do Lo geL success wlLh women?
Make a llsL of Lhlngs o Lhe Lop of your head LhaL you can probably lmprove
abouL yourself wlLh [usL a llule blL of eorL. lashlon, halrsLyle, faclal halr,
posLure, mannerlsms, movemenL speed, and anyLhlng else LhaL comes Lo
mlnd are all falr game.
Read these articles:
Do this:
Did You Know?
Men wlLh hlgher self-esLeem have lower
sLandards for shorL-Lerm parLners Lhan men
wlLh lower self-esLeem do.
When lL comes Lo long-Lerm relauonshlps,
however, boLh hlgh and low self-esLeem men
reLaln equally sLrlngenL parLner crlLerla.
lrom Lower ?our SLandards (and uaLe Pouer Clrls)"
lf you're llke mosL men, you've learned a Lhlng
or Lwo (or perhaps more) ln Lhls rsL secuon.
?ou've learned LhaL auracuon doesn'L hang
around for long, LhaL belng fun" doesn'L equal
belng sexually deslrable, and LhaL golng
backwards ls a blg no-no.
Now |t's nme for us to get you pumng these
|essons |nto pracnce. ?ou've goL Lhe Lheory -
you know you need Lo move fasL - and ln Lhls
nexL secuon, we're golng Lo home ln on armlng
you wlLh Lhe #""!%.
Section Two
Tools to Move Fast
8elng good wlLh women means belng (5",#!(%% wlLh women, and maklng Lhlngs
eorLless for Lhem Loo. Make a llsL of everyLhlng you do LhaL feels hard" Lo you -
even a blL - and Lhlngs you ask of women LhaL force Lhem Lo Lhlnk or work Loo
much ln do or dle" slLuauons. WhaL can you do Lo make Lhlngs easler?
Secrets to Gemng G|r|s:
1he ath of Least kes|stance
lf you wanL Lo maxlmlze your success wlLh
women, sLarL by Lhlnklng 6", Lhem, and
maklng lL as easy as ple Lo be wlLh /"*.
1he Law of Least Lort
Auracuon and power are deLermlned ln
large parL by one slmple formula:
resu|ts eort.
Read these articles:
Do this:
1lme we goL ouL and sLarLed pumng some change lnLo pracuce. ?our
asslgnmenL ls Lo go ouL and Lalk Lo Lhree (3) new women, and noL showboaL
or be overly funny a slngle ume. 1hls mlghL be harder Lhan lL sounds.
Secrets to Gemng G|r|s:
Scrap C|ever
A sense of humor ls auracuve, buL lf you're
Lrylng Lo laugh your way lnLo a women's
hearLs and bedrooms, you'll sLruggle.
D|a||ng Down the Va|ue Vo|ume
?ou've no doubL learned LhaL lf you wanL Lo
geL women, you musL $.+,(%% women. 8uL
dld anybody Lell you you could go Loo far?
Read these articles:
Do this:
racuce Lhe bored look, Lhe skepucal look, or boLh ln Lhe mlrror unul you're
saused LhaL you've goL one or boLh of Lhem down. now, go ouL and sLarL
Lalklng Lo women unul you geL a chance Lo use your chosen look.
1he Skepnca| Look
lor slLuauons (and women) LhaL call for
greaLer doses of subLleLy Lhan Lhe bored
look aords, break ouL your skepuclsm.
1he 8ored Look: Use It
to Get Women Lngaged
1he bored look ls useful boLh Lo geL women
chaslng aer you, and Lo swaL away any
auempLs Lo make you squlrm.
Read these articles:
Do this:
ln Lwo (2) conversauons wlLh women Loday, use Lhe Lechnlques from Lhe
arucle on humbleness Lo keep your lnLeracuon wlLh women more naLurally
lmpresslve - appear Lo downplay your value, and you wlll seem Lo have
MC8L value, all whlle comlng across more approachable and relaLable.
now to 8e an A|pha Ma|e -- W|thout
8ecom|ng a Stereotype
?ou've no doubL heard of how lmporLanL lL
ls Lo be Lhe alpha male." 8uL you probably
)"&'# know whaL Lhls ,(4!!/ means.
1ake the Ldge C: Us|ng numb|eness
L|ke an L||te Man
Condence - and even prlde - are
auracuve LralLs. ?eL, as you become more
auracuve, you musL culuvaLe humlllLy, Loo.
Read these articles:
Do this:
now you can LesL drlve an exclung new Lechnlque: deep dlvlng. llnd four (4)
dlerenL women you can speak wlLh Loday, and deep dlve each of Lhem. 1ry
Lo nd ouL aL leasL one Lhlng abouL each woman she probably doesn'L Lell
mosL people.
1he Conversanona||st
An lnLroducuon Lo some of Lhe maln Lools
used by Lhose who are Lruly skllled aL
Secrets to Gemng G|r|s:
1he Art of the Deep D|ve
ueep dlvlng ls a powerful conversauonal
Lechnlque for bulldlng very sLrong
connecuons wlLh people ln a hurry.
Read these articles:
Do this:
Sprlnkle some lnLrlgue lnLo Lhe nexL Lhree (3) conversauons you have wlLh
women Loday. 1ry Lo make Lhem wonder. make Lhem feel as lf Lhey can'L
7*$#( geL a bead on who you are. And as you do Lhls. ."1( 64%#(,.
Secrets to Gemng G|r|s:
Move Iaster
WhaL lf you found ouL LhaL many of Lhe
women you losL, you losL merely because
you ."1() #"" %!"9!/:
Us|ng Intr|gue to Get G|r|s Chas|ng ou
ln Lhelr rush Lo lmpress, mosL men forgeL
one cruclal elemenL Lo belng auracuve:
Read these articles:
Do this:
lf you wanL Lo up your openlng
percenLage and warm your
recepuon. [usL pre-open.
Lasy Cpen|ng w|th Ind|rect
An easy way Lo sLarL conversauons
LhaL's noL Loo lnumldaung and
comblnes llghL and funny wlLh
genulne lnLeresL.
re-openlng ls fun, easy, and slmple, and lL muluplles Lhe power of your
openlng. LeL's Lry lL ouL. ?our mlsslon - choose Lo accepL lL or noL - ls Lo go
ouL and pre-open Lhree (3) women Loday, uslng any form of pre-openlng.
now to 8reak the Ice: S Surehre
Ways to Lnnce ner
1he lce" here belng LhaL Lenslon
on rsL meeung, of course - leL's
2,(4< LhaL Lenslon.
Read these articles:
Do this:
llrsL, Lake a momenL Lo slL down and hash ouL an lnLeresung answer Lo Pow
do you do?" lL's worLh Lhe few mlnuLes Lo Lhlnk abouL. nexL, head ouL and
nd Lwo (2) women Lo lrL wlLh and Lease - can you follow Lhe arucle?
now to Answer "What Do ou Do?",
No Mauer What ou Do
?ou'd be amazed how many men klll
women's lnLeresL ln Lhem wlLh Lhelr
answers Lo Lhe quesuon WhaL do you do?"
1eas|ng a G|r| the k|ght Way
1easlng ls a fun way Lo lnLroduce some
challenge and exclLemenL lnLo your
lnLeracuons - $6 you do lL rlghL.
Read these articles:
Do this:
8a|nng vs. 1rad|ng Informanon
Sure, you 04& [usL Lell her whaL she
wanLs Lo know. ",, you can LempL
her and lnLrlgue her, lnsLead.
Conversanon Lxamp|e
See how a greaL conversauon looks
beLween a skllled conversauonallsL
and a new acqualnLance, and why
he does whaL he does.
LeL's Lake balung for a spln. lf you're llke mosL men, when you geL asked a
quesuon, you provlde an answer. 1oday, you're golng Lo Lry Lo bulld some
lnLrlgue lnsLead. use Lhe balung Lechnlque ln conversauons wlLh Lhree (3)
new women Loday. can you feel Lhe dlerence ln Lhelr lnLeresL levels?
Get to know a G|r|: Connecnon-
8u||d|ng 1acncs
CeL a feel for Lhe mechanlcs of
connecuon-formlng, and how Lo
really bulld a good bond fasL.
Read these articles:
Do this:
u|||ng Women nome: 1he Secret to
Waternght |ck Ups
Cemng glrls from sLreeL, cafe, or
bar Lo bed ls abouL Lwo (2) Lhlngs:
Lhe ask, and Lhe loglsucs.
Inv|te ner nome
Cne of Lhe blggesL reasons mosL
men don'L sleep wlLh more
women? 1hey don'L lnvlLe women
Lhose women home.
Pow many women have you slepL wlLh ln Lhe pasL monLh? Well, how many
women have you lnvlLed -".( ln Lhe pasL monLh? Cver Lhe nexL Lwo (2) days,
you're golng Lo lnvlLe Lwo (2) dlerenL women home wlLh you. CeL Lo lL.
now to 1urn a G|r| Cn: 3 1|ers of
Sexua| Lxc|tement
Sex doesn'L happen wlLhouL deslre.
use exclLauon and anuclpauon Lo
make her hearL race.
Read these articles:
Do this:
1exL Lhe nexL four (4) glrls whose phone numbers you geL wlLh Lhe meLhods
ln Lhese Lwo arucles. lf you have acuve numbers now, sLarL wlLh Lhese. See lf
you can'L llne up some daLes - qulckly, emclenLly, and wlLhouL Lhe back-and-
What to 1ext G|r|s to Get DA1LS
1exung doesn'L need Lo be ume-consumlng
or braln-racklng, [usL follow Lhe process,
and you'll geL glrls ouL ln no ume.
now to 1ext a G|r|
A far slmpler - and far more (5(0=1( -
means of uslng Lexung Lo llne up daLes Lhan
anyLhlng else you've seen.
Read these articles:
Do this:
Llne up a couple of daLes (2) and run Lhem uslng Lhe guldellnes from Lhe
arucles above. 1hese can be lnformauonal daLes, sLrucLured daLes, or - lf she
really llkes you - easy daLes. 8e sure Lo puL some %#,4#(;/ lnLo Lhem!
S|mp||fy our Dates
uaung doesn'L need Lo be Lhe complex
underLaklng mosL make lL ouL Lo be. keep lL
clear, easy, and Lo-Lhe-polnL for resulLs.
Date 1emp|ates: M|n|m|ze Confus|on,
Max|m|ze keturns
Where should you Lake her, and whaL
should you do? uaLe LemplaLes help you
nall down Lhe besL opuon, slmply.
Read these articles:
Do this:
Women who vlew you as a poLenual boyfrlend slow Lhlngs down, whlch
means Lhlngs oen never end up -4++(&$&;. ln Lhree (3) conversauons wlLh
women Loday, work Lo posluon yourself as &"# a boyfrlend candldaLe.
Does She Want ou as a 8oyfr|end.
or Someth|ng L|se?
Pow do you know lf a glrl sees you as a
boyfrlend candldaLe Lo Lake Lhlngs slowly
wlLh? We zoom ln on Lhe slgns.
1e|||ng Women ou're NC1
8oyfr|end Mater|a|
lf you've been (consclously or
subconsclously) Lrylng Lo show women
you'd be a greaL boyfrlend, Lhls ls for you.
Read these articles:
Do this:
lf you've been lgnorlng your posLure, volce, and faclal expresslons, now's Lhe
ume Lo work on Lhese -4,). Can you make yourself auracuve enough LhaL
women hook soon lnLo an lnLeracuon? 1ry lL wlLh four (4) new women Loday.
Mak|ng G|r|s Laugh Means NC1nING
A sense of humor ls auracuve, buL lf you
Lhlnk belng a comedlan ls Lhe way Lo her
hearL, you'll be ln for a surprlse.
8ook Lxcerpts: keach|ng the
nook o|nt w|th G|r|s
1he hook polnL ls Lhe polnL aL whlch a
woman ls clearly engaged ln conversauon
wlLh you, and wanLs lL Lo go on.
Read these articles:
Do this:
kespond|ng to Interrupnons
Pow you deal wlLh lnLerrupuons
can make or break your
lnLeracuons wlLh women.
8reak|ng C|rc|e
?ou mlghL be surprlsed how many
women you've losL ln soclal
slLuauons by vlolaung Lhls one rule:
don't break c|rc|e hrst.
lf you haven'L been meeung women ln dynamlc envlronmenLs - parues, bars,
nlghLclubs, neLworklng evenLs - Loday's exerclse requlres you Lo Lry. ln a
hlghly soclal envlronmenL, geL lnLo Lwo (2) conversauons wlLh women wlLh
frlends and oLher people around - and )"&'# be Lhe rsL Lo break clrcle.
1acncs 1uesdays: Stay|ng Unfazed
(When G|r|s 1ry to Iaze ou)
Women do all klnds of Lhlngs LhaL
can Lhrow you o balance - your
response here ls key.
Read these articles:
Do this:
Pow much have you been golng ouL, and how many women have you been
meeung? ?ou're golng Lo show yourself whaL LhaL looks llke aL double: LhaL's
rlghL, Lhls exerclse ls Lo go ouL Loday and approach )"*2!( Lhe number of
women you normally do. Cnce lL's done, whaL were Lhe resulLs of Lhe day?
Go W|th our Gut
?ou're noL always golng Lo know Lhe rlghL"
Lhlng Lo do for every slLuauon, buL lf you
learn Lo obey your lnsuncLs, you'll wln.
kandomness and Success
Succeedlng wlLh women ls as much abouL
glvlng yourself enough opporLunlues Lo nd
success as lL ls anyLhlng else.
Read these articles:
Do this:
ln Lhe mlrror, pracuce your walk and your body language unul lL looks sharp.
nexL, head ouLslde and Lake a sLroll down a sLreeL LhaL has a loL of auracuve
women, maklng a polnL Lo keep your walk sexy. noLe wheLher you geL more
glances, sLares, and lrLy faclal expresslons from glrls Lhan usual.
now to nave a Sexy Wa|k 1hat
Dr|ves Women Nuts
lf you wanL Lo Lurn heads, geL a sharp walk
- a sexy male walk wlll clear men ouL of
your way, and make women sLare.
Sexy 8ody Language for Men
(Learned from not G|r|s)
8ody language ls a powerful auracuon
Lrlgger and nonverbal lndlcaLor of soclal
Read these articles:
Do this:
LeL's see lf you can geL some lnvesLmenL. WlLh Lhree (3) women, ask for
lnvesLmenL uslng Lhe Lone of volce demonsLraLed ln Lhe Command Women"
arucle, and - once Lhey're lnvesung - sLack compllance and see how much
you can geL.
Comp||ance Stack|ng
Cemng lnvesLmenL from women ls key Lo
successful seducuons, and compllance
sLacklng ls a greaL way of gemng loLs of lL.
1acncs 1uesdays: Command Women
(and nave 1hem L|sten)
1he proper volce Lone when you ask or Lell
a woman Lo do someLhlng makes all Lhe
dlerence ln Lhe world.
Read these articles:
Do this:
Are you playful? 1ake Lhe ups from Lhe arucle above and modlfy your
approach Lo playfulness - maybe LhaL means addlng more, or maybe LhaL
means Lonlng lL down. 1ry ouL Lhls new approach on Lwo (2) new women.
now to 8e |ayfu|: 4 1|ps ou'|| NLLD
lour (4) vlLal elemenLs Lo belng playful ln a
way LhaL lsn'L Lryhard, annoylng, or Loo far
lnLo Lhe comedlan" role.
now to Make ner Want ou:
Lessons from Markenng
1he same Lacucs LhaL work greaL for
markeung work greaL for meeung and
succeedlng wlLh women, Loo.
Read these articles:
Do this:
uslng Lhe Lechnlques ln Lhe rsL arucle, see lf you can'L up your closlng
percenLage. 1oday, lnvlLe Lwo (2) women - lL doesn'L mauer where you meeL
Lhem - somewhere alone wlLh you, and see lf you can geL Lhem Lo say yes."
Get ner Comfortab|e A|one W|th ou
lf she lsn'L comforLable, you won'L geL very
far wlLh her. Pere's how Lo geL glrls
comforLable back aL your place.
Get a G|r| A|one 1oday w|th 1hese 7 1|ps
1here's more Lo Laklng women home Lhan
[usL lnvlung Lhem. lf you wanL Lo geL a loL
more yes"es, read Lhls arucle.
Read these articles:
Do this:
1oday's asslgnmenL ls a cholce: you can approach Lhree (3) women on mass
LranslL, ", you can open Lhree (3) women by asklng Lhem wheLher Lhey're
slngle. Whlch you choose ls up Lo you - buL boLh are loLs of fun.
"Are ou S|ng|e?" Why to A|ways
Ask G|r|s 1h|s
A seemlngly unconvenuonal opener, Are
you slngle?" cuLs ouL all Lhe upLoelng and
geLs rlghL Lo lL o Lhe baL.
Meenng Women on 8uses, 1ra|ns,
and A|rp|anes
Approachlng women ln or walung for
LranslL ls surprlslngly easy and qulLe
eecuve. lf you haven'L Lrled lL ouL, do so.
Read these articles:
Do this:
?ou're golng Lo glve yourself a makeover. lL doesn'L mauer how sLyllsh or noL
you already are - you can always be beuer. WhaL new suggesuons from Lhese
Lwo arucles can you lmplemenL now? Co lmplemenL Lhem, and geL sexler.
Iash|on for Men: 1he r|mer
on Look|ng Amaz|ng
1here's a loL more Lo sLyle Lhan Lhrowlng on
a buuon-down shlrL or a blazer. Learn Lhe
fashlon fundamenLals and look ;"").
Iac|a| na|r Sty|es to Make ou Look
Coo|, Sharp, and Sexy
1he rlghL faclal halr adds a greaL deal Lo a
man's auracuveness. We revlew Lhe mosL
auracuve sLyles, and Lhe research on Lhem.
Read these articles:
Do this:
What to Do When a G|r|
Doesn't 1ext 8ack
WhaL do you do when she won'L
respond Lo you? SLay calm, and
keep Lexung.
now to Get a hone Number
from a G|r| Lvery 1|me ou Ask
Cemng phone numbers ls a loL
slmpler Lhan mosL men make lL ouL
Lo be. WlLh Lhe rlghL Lools ln your
Loolbox, lL's a snap.
See how many phone numbers you can collecL. 1oday's mlsslon ls for four (4)
- LhaL's rlghL, four numbers ln a slngle day. Can you do lL? lf you wanL exLra
credlL, see how many more Lhan four you can hlL.
What to Do When G|r|s I|ake
lf she akes on a daLe, lL lsn'L
necessarlly over - unless, LhaL ls,
you over- or underreacL.
Read these articles:
Do this:
1acncs 1uesdays: Move G|r|s
lf you wanL women lnvesLed ln you,
geL Lhem Lo ."1( wlLh you.
Secrets to Gemng G|r|s:
Stay|ng Cut of Auto-ke[ecnon
?ou mlghL Lhlnk women re[ecL you
because Lhey don'L llke you
enough, buL much of Lhe ume lL's
LhaL you've pushed Lhem away.
Move Lwo (2) glrls: LhaL's whaL Lhls asslgnmenL ls all abouL. ?ou can move
Lhem a few feeL, you can move Lhem Lo slL down somewhere wlLh you, you
can move Lhem Lo a dance oor, or a park bench, or a Lable. uoesn'L mauer
9-(,( you move Lhem. so long as you )" move Lhem.
1h|ngs 1hat Show Women ou're
Chas|ng 1hem (1hat's 8ad!)
?ou don'L wanL women Lo Lhlnk
you're chaslng Lhem - because
once Lhey do, lL's oen all over.
Read these articles:
Do this:
WanL real success wlLh women? 1hen you've goL Lo shed your bluerness, and,
aL leasL whlle developlng your sklll seL wlLh women, you've goL Lo seL aslde
your plcklness. Approach ve (3) women Loday - even lf Lhey aren'L gorgeous.
Lower our Standards
(and Date nouer G|r|s)
lf you wanL success wlLh women, you won'L
geL lL meeung a couple new women a week
because Lhey're Lhe only ones you llke.
Most Important 1h|ng to 8ecom|ng a Lover
of Women? Don't 8e 8|uer.
Cuys looklng for daung advlce oen come
from a place of bluerness and re[ecuon. 8uL
Lhls wlll klll your chances wlLh women.
Read these articles:
Do this:
Did You Know?
Women have a reglon of Lhe braln sLrongly
assoclaLed wlLh sexual behavlor acuvaLed by
smelllng Lhe LesLosLerone found ln men's sweaL.
ln conLrasL, smelllng men's cologne ,()*0()
blood ow Lo women's vaglnas, slgnallng a
reducuon ln arousal - cologne was a Lurno.
lrom Pavlng a Male ScenL 1haL lllls Women wlLh LusL"
1haL wraps up Lhe lessons of Lhe !ourneyman's
gulde Lo belng greaL wlLh women. We've
covered movlng fasL wlLh women, &"# belng a
boyfrlend, Lurnlng yourself lnLo someone Lruly
auracuve, and undersLandlng women aL a level
mosL men ouL Lhere never wlll.
ln Lhe nexL secuon, we've lncluded some
addluonal arucle llnks Lo Lhlngs LhaL every
!ourneyman oughL Lo know, buL LhaL dldn'L
qulLe make Lhe cuL for Lhe maln parL of Lhe
book. Check Lhem ouL lf you wanL more.
Section Three
Bonus Reading
Cn I||rnng:
Pow Lo lllrL wlLh a Clrl
ConsLrucung ?our Sexy vlbe (and
Maklng Clrls Co nuLs)
SecreLs Lo Cemng Clrls: Chase

Cn "Game":
Pow Lo 8e SmooLh wlLh Clrls Lvery
Pow Lo use lndlrecL Came Lo CeL
Pow Lo lck up a Clrl
Cn "Game" (cont'd):
uance lloor Seducuon
1he SecreL Lo Pooklng up wlLh
Pow Lo SLop a Cockblock (WlLhouL
8reaklng a SweaL)

Cn Iudgment:
WhaL Lo uo When Clrls AcL
Superlor, 8ude, and Aloof
SLop 8elng So !udgmenLal: lL's All
AcLor-Cbserver 8las

Cn hone Ca||s and 1exnng:
Pow Lo 1exL Clrls: 20 More 1lps and
Cn Danng:
1he arLy uaLe: uon'L uo lL
Should ?ou ay for a uaLe?
8ook LxcerpLs: 8ad uaLes ?ou'll
WanL Lo Avold

Cn C|os|ng:
1ake Women Lo 8ed: Successful
hyslcal Lscalauon
Pow Lo CeL a Clrl ln 8ed: 10 Cruclal
1lps for Maklng Per ?ours
Pow Lo CeL 1urned Cn and 8eaL
erformance AnxleLy wlLh new Clrls
Cn Connecnng:
Pow Lo 8ulld an Lmouonal
1acucs 1uesdays: Learn Pow Lo 8e
8elaLable wlLh 1hese 7 SecreLs of
8eady Lo nd ouL more? Check ouL Lhe program page here:

Get Mastery
lf you're ready Lo learn even 64%#(,, lL's ume Lo
upgrade Lo Lhe MasLery lck up ackage. ?ou'll geL:

>"9 #" ?4<( @$,!% A-4%(, Lhe 406-page e8ook
wlLh everyLhlng you could ever wanL Lo know
on gemng glrls

B+(!!2$&)$&;C @(# >(, D4!<$&;, Lhe 63-mlnuLe
vldeo on gemng razor-sharp conversauon skllls

3 hours of B()*0="& B(&%($ audlo lnLervlew
Lralnlng programs

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