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Janea Glass

EDU 3460

Marching through the Civil Rights Movement


Imagine being told to get on the back of the bus because of the color of your skin.

Imagine not being able to eat, drink, or even go to the restroom in the same area as other
people because you were different.

Imagine not getting the proper education because you were African American.

Although these things are hard to imagine, these things did happen during the Civil
Rights Movement. Many important people such as Martin Luther King Jr., Rosa Park,
and Thurgood Marshall played key roles in this movement. And now you will have the
opportunity to go back in time and help fight for the rights that may people fought for
during the Civil Rights Movement. This week you will be able to study some of the key
protest and cases that went on during this time. In the end you will create your very own
newspaper to report the things that happened during this important time in history!


1. You will be assigned to a team of 3 students.

2. Once you have your groups, you will choose three events that
occurred during the Civil Rights Movement to write a news article on.
You may choose to do an informational piece or an editorial. Be

3. Your team should come up with a catchy name for you newspaper that
is relevant to the time of the Civil Rights.

4. Once your reports are done, your team must design your findings in
the form of a newspaper, using Microsoft Publisher (the directions
will be given to you on how to do that).


Now that you have your groups, its time to figure out what events you will be reporting
on. Below there are eight events, you will only choose three, and each event will have
some key questions that should be answered in your reports. There will also be a list of
resources that you will be able to choose to use in order to help your research.
Once you are done with your newspaper article, it will be time to make your findings
look like an actual newspaper. You will use Microsoft Publisher to do this, there will be a
link to follow, giving you step by step directions on how to do this.

Remember, have fun with this assignment and be Creative!!!

Brown v. Board of Education

If you choose this event you will do the following

Explain some basic information about this event:
When did this take place?
Who were some key people involved in this case?
Why is this case so important?

What is the central question that the ruling says must be answered?

What were the effects of segregation on public education?

What were some of the battles that followed this 1954 ruling? How long
was the delay between the federal court ruling and when some states


Brown vs. Board of Education History

More info on Brown vs. Board of Education


Nick News Report


Little Rock Central High School desegregated

If you choose this event you will do the following

Explain some basic information about this event:

When did this event occur?
Who were the Little Rock Nine?
Why is this school important?
Why do you think white students and parents reacted so strongly to African
Americans attending Central High School?
How do you think the African American students at Central High School coped
with constant harassment and threats to their lives?

History of Little Rock Central High
Little Rock Nine Video

Little Rock Nine History

More info on Little Rock Nine

Montgomery bus boycott

If you choose this event you will do the following

Explain some basic information about this event:

Briefly describe the Montgomery Bus Boycott.
Why did the Montgomery Bus Boycott succeed?
What role did Rosa Parks play in the boycott?

Describe how the boycott achieved a major goal of the Civil Rights Movement.

Montgomery Boycott Website
More Info
Montgomery Bus Boycott Video

Freedom riders oppose segregation

If you choose this event you will do the following

Explain some basic information about this event:

Who were the freedom riders?
What was their purpose?
What effect did the Freedom Riders have on the Civil Rights Movement?
Describe the accomplishments and hardships of the Freedom Riders?


History of Freedom Riders

Freedom Riders Facts

Questions and Answers


March on Washington

If you choose this event you will do the following

Explain some basic information about this event:

What was the March on Washington?
Why was the March on Washington so important?
Why were there popular musicians and other celebrities there?
What effect did Martin Luther King Jr.s speech have on the Civil Rights


March on Washington

Time for Kids Article

I Have a Dream Speech

24th Amendment passed

If you choose this event you will do the following

Explain some basic information about this event:

What was the 24
What effect did the 24
amendment have on African
How did people react to the 24
What were the major features of this Act?


Overview of 24th-amendment

Information on the 24th Amendment

Civil Rights Act passed

If you choose this event you will do the following

Explain some basic information about this event:

Describe the Civil Rights Act.
How did people react to the Civil Rights Act?
How did the Civil Rights act help African Americans?
What were the major features of this Act?


Overview of Civil Rights Act

More Info

Civil Rights Act Video

Voting Rights Act approved

If you choose this event you will do the following

Explain some basic information about this event:

Describe the Voting Rights Act.
How did people react to the Voting Rights Act?
How did the Voting Rights Act help African Americans?
What were the major features of this Act?


Facts about the Voting Rights Act

Voting Rights Explained for Kids

How to create a Newspaper

Step by Step Instructions for Microsoft Publisher


See Attached Rubric

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