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Carolyn Dawn Good 2014 Kitchener, Ontario N2B 3C6 www.about.e!

$%ucce&&ion' By C.D.GOOD
%ucce&&ion wa& (ainted in a tie )rae o) * onth&. Deceber 2013 to +ay 2014.
,n -ee(in# with an a#e old tradition, it wa& coi&&ioned by .ic- Ba-er, )ounder o)
%(irited /eader& 0www.&(iritedleader&.ca1 a& a way to coeorate hi& e2(erience
a& a 3eacher!+entor at the )ir&t year Cone&to#a Colle#e ran a %all Bu&ine&&
4enture 5ro#ra.
3he ediu i& water6ba&ed oil (aint on linen. ,t wa& created in an euro(ean a&ter&
techni7ue o) &i8in# the cloth. .ic- Ba-er& writin#& )ro %ucce&&ion 5lannin# cla&&
were added in the bac-#round a& a )oundation. 9ra#ent& o) the &tateent& can be
read throu#hout the (iece which #i:e& it a (er&onal eanin#.
3he (iece it&el) i& 44' 2 36' and wa& )raed at Gallery on the Grand in a #or#eou&
hi#h end )rae. www.#alleryonthe#rand.co
+any than-& to;
Carolyn Dawn Good 2014 Kitchener, Ontario N2B 3C6 www.about.e!cd"#ood
3he li#ht )ro the la&t o) the %ucce&&ion 5lan cla&&
a&&i#nent& o(en on the +acboo- &creen &hone on y
)ace. <ue&tion& that , had ne:er (ut uch thou#ht to )illed
the (a#e in )ront o) e.
=hat ,% y e2it &trate#y> ? reali8ation hit that behind e,
the la&t 26 year& o) bu&ine&& and arti&tic!creati:e and
tran&)orati:e acti:ity ha& le)t a le#acy )or y three &on&
that could (otentially be oneti8ed )or e:en ore than the
li:in# it (ro:ided u&. Could , &ell it> =hen , die, what
would , lea:e the> @ow would they bene)it> Could
&oeone continue with what , had &tarted> ?)ter all, y
&on& were in&truental in the #rowth o) y (ur(o&e and
idea&. ,) , wa& to de:elo( a &u&tainable &ocial enter(ri&e
)ro y li)eA& ad:enture&, , u&t be#in with the end in
=hile &earchin# )or ia#e& about new trend& in (a(er
&cul(tin# on 5intere&t on y (hone, , &crolled (a&t thi&
in&tallation by Odani +otohi-o. 3he arti&t in Ba(an
ca(tured y )eelin#& a& , &lowly wra((ed y head around
the world o) bu&ine&& li-e an elu&i:e unicorn. +aybe ,
could a-e it real )or e. +aybe , could a-e a
di))erence. 3he deterination and inten&ity on the #irl&
)ace &aid it all.
C@?53C. ONC; Be#innin#&
3he %ucce&&ion 5lannin# cla&& went )ro bein# y
o&t dreaded to bein# the one o) o&t &i#ni)icance. ,t
wa& a hu#e (er&onal :ictory )or a +ennonite rai&ed
woan to #o throu#h an entre(reneurial cour&e &uch
a& thi&, let alone include the )oundational &(iritual,
dreaer!(&ycholo#i&t, abori#inal and arti&tA& world that
, wa& &tee(ed )ully into u( until thi& (oint. 3he #ue&t
&(ea-er& were bu&ine&& en that , would ne:er
a((roach otherwi&e. ,t a))orded e a chance to hear
about how they :iew the world. 3hey were not &o e:il
a)ter all. O:er tie, , &tarted to under&tand the
bu&ine&& world and it becae dey&ti)ied.
Carolyn Dawn Good 2014 Kitchener, Ontario N2B 3C6 www.about.e!cd"#ood
=hile waitin# )or the bu& to colle#e one day , &tarted runnin#
the &creen &hot o) the in&tallation throu#h a )ew a((& that ,
ha:e learned to u&e in the la&t year on y (hone. 3he re&ult
wa& &ati&)actory. On Deceber 11, 2013 near the end o) the
cour&e, , eailed +r Ba-er the edited :er&ion with a $3han-
Dou' note. @e &aid, $3hatA& GreatE' and re7ue&ted a (riceE , wa&
(lea&antly &ur(ri&ed not e2(ectin# an o))er at all. , ha:e #i:en
&o uch o) y wor- away but now it i& tie to char#e.
F&in# the newly a7uired bu&ine&& &-ill& and con)idence, ,
7uoted a (rice ea&ily and con)idently, hi#her than , had e:er
a&-ed be)ore but lower than it i#ht be worth. ?)ter a day or &o
o) thou#ht, he acce(ted and &ent e hal) the co&t u( )ront.
C@?53C. 3=O; 9ilter& on .eality
The Symbolism of the Unicorn is deep, pure, and magical. And as very few individuals are pure
and virtuous enough to have a Unicorn appear to them we should feel very blessed should a
Unicorn someday appear along our path.
*** "The Lost Language Of Symbolism", Harold Bayley
Carolyn Dawn Good 2014 Kitchener, Ontario N2B 3C6 www.about.e!cd"#ood
C:en thou#h , did not want the (aintin# to be $#irly', , did want to re(re&ent the balanced ale!)eale. , al&o
wanted to (rotray the union o) (olaritie&. 0ie 3he recei:in# and the #i:in#, the )or and the :oid, innocence that
tae& the illu&i:e.1 %o any layer& were laid down, Gu&t li-e the any layer& that we bein# e2(o&ed by thi&
(er&onal #rowth (aintin# (roce&&. +uch o) the tie wa& li:in# with it.
?& a ar-et re&earch atte(t, , e2hibited y artwor- at the 3otal =oan &how. ,t wa& a #reat acco(li&hent,
)or it wa& the )ir&t tie &howin# in a non6art e:ent. , had been a)raid and wanted to hide behind $%(irited /eader&'
(ro)e&&ional )ront and &how thi& (iece. But ala&E $ %ucce&&ion' would not be co(lete, and , could not )orce it. On
y own, e:en without brochure&, bu&ine&& card& or &i#na#e, y wor- wa& well recei:ed and (eo(le were
a&tounded and touched.
,n the wee-& )ollowin#, , (ainted in y Goy that it wa& co(letely o- to be who , wa& and that y cu&toer& would
)ind e with heart and &oul& o(en. 5o( u( #allerie& in (lace& art i& not ordinarily &een wa& i(ortant to y
ar-etin# (lan. ?& well a& bein# in -ee(in# with y :alue& that $art wa& )or e:eryone' and &hould be ade )or a&
any (eo(le a& (o&&ible, not Gu&t )or the u&eu&. 3he &ale& o) hi#h end ite& (ro:ed it. , had &tarted to reach
out and there were (eo(le ready to recei:e.
One cu&toer &aid.
Carolyn Dawn Good 2014 Kitchener, Ontario N2B 3C6 www.about.e!cd"#ood
, noticed the #irl wa& reluctant to be (ainted. ,t wa& irrorin# y )ear o)
eer#in# a& a bu&ine&&!art leader that , would ha:e to do in order to
&u((ort y&el) and -id& in a $:iable bu&ine&&'.
?t the end o) 9ebruary , hel(ed (roote an introductory wor-&ho( that
Guel(h 9aily Con&tellation& &(on&ored. ?)ter bein# eer&ed in the
bu&ine&& world at Cone&to#a Colle#e, , a (a&&ionate about hel(in# to
brin# thi& technolo#y into the re#ion. 0%y&teic Dynaic& i& to hel(
bu&ine&&e& re:eal hidden dynaic& in their or#ani8ation1. =e
re&earched y i&&ue&. , re(orted to +r Ba-er. a(olo#i8ed )or the delay
and tried to rally the ner:e to )ini&h the wor-.
Rick: My business inner dynamics were all about my ancestors who were old order
Mennonite and me believing that I could not sell my paintings because that was
what all my moms and grandmothers could not do- do why should I? But much shifted.
ow I can tame the unicorn and get this done and get ready for all the orders
coming in. I have two more commissions in the works and smaller !ewelry orders.
More than !ust a memory of your time at "onestoga# what would you like this
painting to represent every time you look at it?
$aking action? Miracles? %erfect solutions? &onesty and authentic relationships?
$hose are words that come up for me when I think about what it might be for you.
Being both gentle and powerful? "arolyn
$9C?./C%%NC%%' re&(onded .ic-A& eail in re&(on&e.
C@?53C. 3; Only @uan
3he techni7ue , de:elo(ed u&in# (a(er and oil (aint wa&
e2(eriented on with &aller (anel&. , now can do thi&
)or any (a(er &ubGect atter, (hoto&, tic-et&, and
e:en )abric. ,t i& e2citin# to in:ent &oethin# new
)ro traditional ean&.
,t wa& intere&tin# to a-e a (aintin# with reali& and
ab&tract e2(re&&ioni& on one &ur)ace. , had only
done both e2tree&, not on one (icture (lane. ,t wa&
atchin# the thee o) orche&tratin# the e2(tree&.
,n y o(inion, (aintin# i& one o) the tou#he&t deci&ion
a-in# (roce&&e& that a (er&on can under#o. Decidin#
when it i& co(lete i& the )inal one. , wa& #oin# to &to(
here in a& it &eeed to be co(lete enou#h. Det
&oethin# dee( in y heart &aid $5u&h onE'
Carolyn Dawn Good 2014 Kitchener, Ontario N2B 3C6 www.about.e!cd"#ood
My Business Class project was to research my competitors. I was looking for local realistic painters
that did custom work. I found Peter Etril-Synder. On his website, I noticed that he critqued peoples
work for free. So I send him the above image.
Hi Peter!
I was thrilled to see your free service and would be honoured for your help on
this piece. I am just getting back to serious painting since my business
advisors at Conestoga College said that is the best ROI and will make my other
work in other mediums more valuable.
Here is my story:
If you go to my blog and trace back thru the months you will see this
paintings story. It is a commission for www.spiritedleaders.com
The unicorn face and structure is a bit off... I want there to be a real play
on tight realism and expressionistic brush strokes. It is 44 X 36 inches on
linen.I want the light to come down from top swirls yet more of an other
worldly glow which is happening with the raw canvas and zinc white.
Carolyn Dawn Good 2014 Kitchener, Ontario N2B 3C6 www.about.e!cd"#ood
Upon Petes suggestion, I went back to the source (so to speak)!to find the
original lighting in the original photo of the installation.
I also asked my mentor in New York City.
Www.karengunderson.com She pointed out that the unicorn was problematic.
Last night it looked like a Trojan horse with a battering ram on the head
to me and Ihad to make a choice to stop as is or go further.
So, today, the upcoming pitch to the TESI program is more frightening
than finishing this painting. Pitching to a crowd steeped in business
jargon, I still am not refined enough.
The pitch, this painting. They are both entwined. Carolyn
The finished painting.
Carolyn Dawn Good 2014 Kitchener, Ontario N2B 3C6 www.about.e!cd"#ood
C@?53C. 9OF.; 3he 3otal +an %how
3hrou#hout +arch wa& a (u&h to #et thi& wor- co(lete but al&o the (u&h to #et the bu&ine&& (lannin#
done too. 3he ore , analy8ed the $bu&ine&&', the ore , )elt li-e a li:e )ro# bein# di&&ected in a lab. , wa&
intere&ted in the inter(lay between bu&ine&& and art. One acti:ity u&e& oney a& a oti:atin# )orce )or
action and the other u&e& (er&onal (erce(tion and )eelin# a& a oti:ation )or action. %e(aratin# bu&ine&&
)ro (er&onal li)e i& the nor. Guided by )ocu& not )eelin#. But what ha((en& when (er&onal li)e (ur(o&e
becoe& your bu&ine&&> =hat ha((en& when art becoe& oneti8ed and cu&toer dri:en> Both
e2tree& &tart with a blan- &late. ,ntan#ible idea& ade tan#ible. , becoe intere&ted in the bu&ine&& o)
art and the art o) bu&ine&&. 3he ore , re&earched the ore , )ound entre(reneur& &(ea-in# about
the&el:e& a& conce(tual arti&t&. ?nd , al&o )ound arti&t& bein# #ood in bu&ine&&. 3he &tren#th& )inder
te&t in cla&& &howed that , needed a tea to )unction well. htt(;!!www.&tren#th&te&t.co
Andy Warhol said

Being good in business is the most fascinating kind of art. Making money is art and working is art and good business is the best art.

?& $%ucce&&ion' headed toward co(letion, , wa& cra)tin# in y own ind, how to brin# the&e &eein#ly
two world to#ether in an authentic way. +y ta#line becae we a-e :i&ion :i&ible. ,t &eeed li-e we could
do that )or other co(anie& too. ?& , becae ore co(lete in y )earle&& direction, &o did the (aintin#E
=e &i#ned a lea&e )or con&ultin# o))ice at 3he Courtyard in the old Bonnie %tuart )actory with :i&ionary
Cheryl ,:e& htt(;!!www.lin-edin.co!in!cheryli:e& and &oe other&. =e call it 3@C B.,G@3 %5O3.
9or the )ir&t tie , had a tea e))ort to do the ar-et re&earch e2hibition at the 3otal +an %how, ?(ril *66,
2014 www.totalan&how.ca. ,t wa& con)u&in# but y tea wa& (atient. =e ade &oe #ood contact& and
wa& a dry run )or ore &how&. =e had (eo(le &end u& their (icture& )ro their (hone and we (rinted the
out )or J2*.00. =e were &urrounded by bo2er& and it &uited )or the )i#ht to the )ini&h had be#un. +eber&
)ro, the +an-ind 5roGect www.-(.or# cae to hel(. +r Ba-er and hi& wi)e, cae to &ee the wor- and
dro( o)) brochure& and (en& to hand out.
That piece has turned amazingly well. You should be proud of it if you weren't
a mennonite. Seriously, well done.
Carolyn Dawn Good 2014 Kitchener, Ontario N2B 3C6 www.about.e!cd"#ood
9ine ?rt 3a(e&try O(tion;
,n -ee(in# with the tradition o) unicorn ta(e&trie&,
you can order '%ucce&&ion'
in a * 2 6 )oot hand wo:en ta(e&try
allow 4 6 6 onth& )or deli:ery.
5lea&e contact arti&t Carolyn Dawn )or (rice 7uote.
226.HI1.101* or carolyndawn#oodKe.co

?cce&&orie&, Ba#& and Bewelry
Carolyn Dawn Good 2014 Kitchener, Ontario N2B 3C6 www.about.e!cd"#ood
Artist Note:
Since I was very young I thought art needed to be woven back into society.
For Mennonite girl living just north of Elmira, this was not a usual
thought. My thesis at the University of Art in Philadelphia, was Artist as
Contemporary Shaman. I studied Kandinsky, Concerning the Spiritual in
Art, Mondrianand many of the greats like Arthur Dove. I worked in the
heart of the art world in New York and met themothers and fathers of the
Abstract Expressionist movement. These experiences made me realize that I
was not going to be at painterlike that, it needed to be more about
bringing it to the people.
Then, I met Andy Warhol. There was something about him I really liked. I
didn't like the way he would would strictly commercialize the art felt like
there really was no soul in the work and it annoyed me. That was his point
and he did a lot of art for social change and now has a very big Foundation
that helps many artists get through financially. His art Factory was a
meeting place for rich and poor to discuss matters ot the day.
Ive just graduated from Conestoga College in their Small Business Venture
program, yes, me this wacky middle-aged artist trying to understand spread
sheets, charts, black-and-white lists and bullet points. My advisors there
directed me back to painting as it was the best ROI, (Return on Investment).
People say elementals come out into the world thru my work. That when they
wear my wearable art they feel better. Thaey tell me that they walk into a
show and they feel peaceful and content.I would like that if it were true.

I'm very happy producing art and interpreting life through my hands. I also
like to help others access their artistic sides. It is important to find
ways to help creatives monetize their efforts too, so the talent of the day
is not locked away from the world.
My eventual goal is to be part of a team gathering stadiums of people
together in collective artistic vision and higher mind sets to help bring
about earths balance once again. We are heading towards even more difficult
times, but as things are being destroyed, new ways are coming into being.
Art can help expedite the regenreation process along. Thank you for
purchasing my work and supporting that endeavor.
Please stay connected,
Carolyn Dawn

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