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in company Upper-intermediate

Case study: Head to head

headword pronunciation translation/notes example sentence
accounts (n pl)
accounts payable/receivable
/kants 'pebl/r'sivbl/
If you compare the accounts payable and
accounts receivable columns you can see
immediately that the company is in trouble!
accuse (v)
Her employers accused her of theft!
afloat (adv)
"eep sth afloat
/kip sm
#$ million is needed to keep the institution
allegation (n)
%he denied the allegations of fraud and
analysis (n)
in the final analysis
/n ! fanl nlss/
In the final analysis it is up to the students to
anonymous (ad&)
'he bomb threat was made by an anonymous
asset (n)
'he business has assets totallin( #)!$ million!
asset-stripping (n)
He has made a fortune by asset-stripping. If we
sell the company to him we will let the wor"force
attractiveness (n)
In spite of the attractiveness of the offer we
decided not to sell the property!
attribute (v)
Her teachers attributed her learnin( difficulties to
emotional problems!
bleak (ad&)
'extile wor"ers face a bleak future!
bluff (v)
'hey said they*d had another offer but we "new
they were &ust bluffing!
bomb (n)
drop a bomb
/#r"p b"m/
'he +apanese visitors dropped a bomb by
announcin( they weren*t (oin( ahead with the
break even (phr v)
/brek ivn/
,fter only two years in business the restaurant
broke even!
brush off (phr v)
/br '"f/
'he -orei(n %ecretary brushed off su((estions
that he had considered resi(nin(!
buoyant (ad&)
'he housin( mar"et remains buoyant!
capital (n)
wor"in( capital
/%&k 'kptl/
'he company owns considerable assets but is
currently short of working capital!
closure (n)
'he children*s hospital is threatened with closure!
cold (ad&)
(opposite . hot)
(o cold on sb/sth
/g 'kl# "n smb#i/sm/
Investors have suddenly gone cold on the
comment (v)
refuse to comment
/rfjuz t 'k"ment/
'he spo"esman refused to comment!
concerned (ad&)
(opposite . unconcerned)
not be concerned
/n"t bi kns&n#/
/,re you aware that the train drivers are
threatenin( to stri"e0* /1es but Im not
confirm (v)
'he study confirms the findin(s of earlier
consolation (n)
come as some consolation to sb
/km z sm k"ns'len t
It came as some consolation to Rachel to "now
that no one else had passed the test!
corruption (n)
'he ban" was closed down amid alle(ations of
corruption and fraud!
count against sb/sth (phr v)
/'kant genst smb#i/sm/
I*m worried that my a(e mi(ht count against me!
critical mass (n)
/'krtkl ms/
(ain critical mass
/gen 'krtkl ms/
'he company hopes to gain critical mass by
buyin( another airline!
decided (ad&)
2ur holiday was a decided improvement on last
decline (n)

in decline
/n #'klan/
'here has been a steady decline in public
services over recent years!
,(riculture is in decline in many 'hird 3orld
depreciation (n)
I usually buy a car that is not brand new because
there will be less depreciation!
dig in (phr v)
/#g 'n/
4oth sides are digging in for a lon( and bitter
dirty (adv)
(opposite . clean)
play dirty
/ple '#&ti/
'he opposition had started to play dirty!
disinformation (n)
(opposite . information)
'he directors were accused of deliberately feedin(
disinformation to the press!
dismissive (ad&)
5any scientists are dismissive of a lin" between
mobile phones and cancer!
dividend (n)
%hareholders receive dividends twice a year!
eat into sth (phr v)
/it nt sm/
Increased overheads are eating into their
eliminate (v)
He has eliminated dairy products from his diet!
embattled (ad&)
He called on the nation to (ive the embattled
president a chance!
entirety (n)
in its entirety
/n ts en'tarti/
'he film should be shown in its entirety or not at
equity (n)
6mployees hold 78 of the equity in the company!
ethical (ad&)
(opposite . unethical)
Is it really ethical to "eep animals in 9oos0
expertise (n)
'he company is "een to develop its own expertise
in the area of computer pro(rammin(!
expletive (n)
I "now it*s a letter of complaint but I thin" you
should remove all those expletives!
finalise (v)
3e still need to finalise a few details!
formidable (ad&)
'he company has built up a formidable reputation
for :uality!
free market (n)

/fri m(kt/
In a free-market economy there should be the
minimum of state intervention and re(ulation!
green shoot (n)
/grin ut/
+ust when shareholders were be(innin( to en&oy
the company*s green shoots of (rowth the stoc"
mar"et crashed!
head (n)
(o head to head
/g )e#t')e#/
'he two teams go head to head on %unday!
high (n)
,ttendances at matches are at an all-time high!
hold (n)
(et hold of sb
/get ')l# v smb#i/
Can you get hold of ike and tell him the
meetin(*s postponed0
holding (n)
%mall shareholders should thin" carefully before
sellin( any holding!
hori!on (n)
on the hori9on
/"n ! )'razn/
I*ve (ot some &ob possibilities on the hori!on!
horror (n)
;umours of a ta"eover sent a chill of horror
throu(h 'om*s veins!
impeccable (ad&)
'heir standards of service are impeccable!
impression (n)
be under the impression that <
/bi n# ! m'pren !t/
I was under the impression that you had been
here before!
inheritance (n)
'hey have been tryin( to withhold my inheritance
from me!
initiative (n)
'he document sets out a number of initiatives
desi(ned to address the problem of child poverty!
insist (v)
/%taff are doin( everythin( they can to cooperate*
the director insisted!
institution (n)
%he was an institution in our community where
she lived for => years!
interpretation (n)
'he police*s interpretation of their transactions
was rather different!
intervention (n)
3e do not need further (overnment intervention!
inventory (n)
3e made an inventory of the missin( items!
"ump-start (v)
,ttempts to "ump-start the economy have finally
been successful!
killing (n)
ma"e a :uic" "illin(
/mek k%k 'kl/
,sset-strippers have no interest in businesses but
only want to make a quick killing!
leak (n)
+ac"son said he did not believe the leaks came
from his office!
leak (v)
%taff were interviewed to find out who leaked the
liability (n)
'he company*s liabilities include a hu(e debt to
the (overnment!
light (n)
in the li(ht of sth
/n ! 'lat v sm/
In the light of your good record we*ve decided
to overloo" this offence!
liquidation (n)
#iquidation of these three divisions is our best
option for maximisin( shareholder value!
mandate (n)
'heir mandate is to report bac" by 5arch on how
the new tax law will chan(e employment!
market share (n)
/m(kt 'e/
'his year we have increased our market share by
mastermind (n)
@o(t was the financial mastermind behind
'ransco*s success!
match (v)
2ur office failed to match the (rowth of the rest of
the company!
maximise (v)
3e aim to maximise profits over the next year!
modest (ad&)
His income was modest compared with that of
other chief executives!
motion (n)
pass/propose/re&ect/table a
'he committee re"ected the motion to reduce the
wor"force by $>8!
net (ad&)
(opposite . gross)
$et earnin(s per share amounted to #>!AB!
network (v)
'echies dream of a world in which data can be
wirelessly networked between CCs laptops and
smart phones!
nick (n)
come &ust in the nic" of time
/km *st n ! nk v 'tam/
,uthorisation from the ban" came "ust in the nick
of time.
obsolete (ad&)
5ost computer hardware rapidly becomes
ongoing (ad&)
'he ongoing investi(ation into hospital practices
has raised some important issues!
outstanding (ad&)
'al"s will resume next month to discuss the
outstanding issues!
pace (n)
"eep pace with sth
/kip 'pes % sm/
'he (overnment is not allowin( salaries to keep
pace with inflation.
package (n)
'his package was desi(ned to stabilise the
economy in %outh Dorea!
parasite (n)
,sset-strippers are parasites who have no
interest in businesses but only want to ma"e a
:uic" "illin(!
pioneer (n)
'he firm has been a pioneer in the
pharmaceutical field since $E)7!
pitifully (adv)
Fast month*s profits were pitifully small!
plug in (phr v)
/plg 'n/
Can you see where the printer plugs in0
pore over sth (phr v)
/'p$r v sm/
4en was poring over desi(ns with an en(ineer!
predecessor (n)
,l(ood seems to have learned nothin( from the
faults of his predecessors!
premature (ad&)
It*s a little premature to tal" about concludin( a
profit (n)
turn a healthy profit
/t&n )eli 'pr"ft/
Investors have turned a healthy $=% profit in
&ust 7 months!
propose (v)
It was proposed that we postpone ma"in( a
decision until next month!
proposed (ad&)
How will the proposed ban affect farmers0
R & ' (n) (. research and
Increasin( the R & ' bud(et would mean we could
turn some of our desi(ns into new products for
next season!
race (n)
stay in the race
/ste n ! 'res/
3e need to ma"e our prices more competitive if
we want to stay in the race!
reconstruction (n)
Reconstruction is already under way after the
regrettable (ad&)
It is regrettable that so many people have lost
their &obs because of this!
regulation (n)
'he (overnment has promised stricter regulation
of the stoc" mar"et!
reluctance (n)
+ulia*s reluctance to &oin the party was a mystery!
renewal (n)
;ecently we have seen a period of economic
return (n)
(et a decent return
/get #isnt r't&n/
3e were able to get a decent return of $>8 on
our investment!
revenue (n)
'he ma(a9ine had been losin( advertisin(
revenue for months!
revive (v)
+en"ins certainly has the ability to revive
,ustralian women*s tennis!
ride out (phr v)
ride out a recession
/ra# 'at/
/ra# 'at rsen/
3e hope to ride out this recession better than
last time!
scale (n)
economy of scale
/k"nmi v 'skel/
'o achieve economies of scale we need to brin(
another two refineries on stream!
securities (n pl)
'he company holds one million dollars in U%
(overnment securities!
sentiment (n)
His party had encoura(ed nationalist sentiment!
sew up (phr v)
/s 'p/
3e*ve (ot the deal sewn up now!
shape (n)
in (reat shape
/n gret 'ep/
'he team will start the new season in great
shrink (v)
'he company*s profit mar(ins shrank from 7?!)
per cent to $A per cent!
si!eable (ad&)
He receives a si!eable income from lettin(
speak (v)
spea" for itself
/'spik fr tself /
His success as a lawyer speaks for itself!
speculation (n)
'here has been a (reat deal of speculation about
what will happen after the elections!
stake (n)
;C% has bou(ht a ma&ority stake in 5a&estic
stall (v)
'al"s have stalled and both sides are preparin(
for war!
stand (v)
3here does the Cresident stand on this issue0
steady (ad&)
%low but steady pro(ress has been made towards
concludin( the deal!
stick with sb (phr v)
/'stk % smb#i/
'hey*re (oin( to stick with the same team as last
stimulus (n)
'he (overnment hopes that lower interest rates
will be a stimulus to investment!
stone-cold (adv)
stone-cold dead
/stnkl# '#e#/
Interest in the local arts festival is stone-cold
strategic (ad&)
%he was responsible for the firm*s strategic
strike (v)
Colice say they fear the man could strike a(ain!
struggling (ad&)
'he (overnment has pled(ed to support
struggling farmers throu(h the latest health
subsidiary (ad&)
2ne of their subsidiary ob&ectives is to study the
factory*s impact on local wildlife!
suspicious (ad&)
Collea(ues became suspicious when he started
actin( stran(ely!
sustained (ad&)
'he country has seen sustained economic
development over the last $B months!
switch (v)
'hen he switched sides and turned a(ainst his
former allies!
table (v)
table a motion
/'tebl mn/
, number of motions were tabled by the
tear sth away from sb (phr v)
/'te sm %e frm smb#i/
(he family firm was torn away from him when
he was only ?)!
techie (n)
(echies dream of a world in which data can be
wirelessly networ"ed between CCs laptops and
smart phones!
tender (n)
'he authorities have invited international tenders
for the pro&ect!
threat (n)
pose a real threat
/pz rl 'ret/
'hey face the threat of terrorism every day!
3e are bein( told that the accident poses no real
threat to the environment!
time (n)
time will tell
/tam %l 'tel/
(ime will tell whether he made the ri(ht choice!
topple (v)
, civil war mi(ht topple the (overnment!
turnaround (n)
2ver the last five months the country has seen an
economic turnaround!
unreliable (ad&)
(opposite . reliable)
'he car*s unreliable in wet weather!
uptick (n)
'he share price is finally showin( a decided
upturn (n)
upturn in sb*s fortunes
/'pt&n n smb#z f$tjnz/
Fast month saw an unexpected upturn in the
industrys fortunes.
viciously (adv)
Colice have reported several viciously sava(e
vulnerable (ad&)
3e are in the vulnerable position of producin(
barely half our food!
wireless (ad&)
I use a wireless modem to connect to the Internet!
wirelessly (adv)
'echies dream of a world in which data can be
wirelessly networ"ed between CCs laptops and
smart phones!
word (n)
the word is <
/! '%&# z/
(he word is that her latest boo" is the best yet!
work (n)
have your wor" cut out for you
/)v j '%&k kt at f ju/
3e*ll have our work cut out for us if we want to
maintain sales at this level!

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