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Chapter 6 Pretest Form A Date:

Determine the domain of each rational function.

1. f ( x) = 1. ____________________________
( x + 9) 2

2 x + 12
2. g ( x) = 2. ____________________________
x 2 − 36

Simplify each expression.

x 2 + 2 x − 15
3. 3. ____________________________
x 2 + 13 x + 40

2 x 2 − 11x + 15
4. 4. ____________________________
6 x 2 − 7 x − 20

Perform the indicated operations. Simplify all answers.

x 2 − x 3x − 6
5. ⋅ 5. ____________________________
x 3x − 3

x 2 + 6 x + 9 ( x + 3)

6. ÷ 6. ____________________________
18 36

w3 − 1 w2 − 1
7. ⋅ 7. ____________________________
( w − 1) w2 + w + 1

w2 − 3w + 6 9 − w2
8. + 8. ____________________________
w−5 w−5

1 2
9. − 9. ____________________________
x+2 x+3

x 2 − 3x 4
10. + 10. ____________________________
x3 − 1 x −1

Chapter 6 Pretest Form A (cont.) Name:

Simplify each complex fraction.

11. b 11. ____________________________

x − 3y
12. 12. ____________________________
1 1
x y

Solve each equation.

x x+2
13. = 13. ____________________________
x−3 x

3 1 1
14. − = 14. ____________________________
x 4 x

x − 2 x + 6 2x2 + 5x + 6
15. + = 2 15. ____________________________
x + 3 x −1 x + 2x − 3

16. Solve a = for b. 16. ____________________________

17. One number is four times the other. The sum of their reciprocals 17. ____________________________
is . Find the numbers.

18. Gary the roofer requires 15 hours to put a new roof on a house. 18. ____________________________
His apprentice, Anna, can re-roof the house by herself in 20 hours.
After working alone on a roof for 6 hours, Gary leaves for another
job. Anna takes over and completes the job. How long does it take
Anna to complete the job?

19. If w varies inversely as z, and w = 6 when z = 2, find w when z = −8 . 19. ____________________________

20. A varies jointly as B and the square of C. If A = 48 when B = 5 and 20. ____________________________
C = 2, find A when B = 3 and C = 4.


Chapter 6 Pretest Form B Date:

Determine the domain of each rational function.

1. F ( x) = 1. ____________________________
x + 16

2. G ( x) = 2. ____________________________
x − 2 x − 48

Simplify each expression.

x2 − 9 y 2
3. 3. ____________________________
x 2 − 3 xy

x 2 − 12 x + 36
4. 4. ____________________________
x 2 − 10 x + 24

Perform each indicated operation. Simplify all answers.

15 x 2 y 5 12 z
5. ⋅ 5. ____________________________
16 z 3 5 xy 3

x − 7 x2 − 7 x
6. ÷ 6. ____________________________
24 16

x 2 − 11x + 18 x 2 − 2 x − 15
7. ⋅ 7. ____________________________
x 2 + x − 6 x 2 − 10 x + 25

7 x2 − 4x + 3 5x2 − 2x − 4
8. − 8. ____________________________
x−9 x−9

8 x
9. + 2 9. ____________________________
3x x

x+5 8
10. − 10. ____________________________
x − 10 x + 25 x − 5

Chapter 6 Pretest Form B (cont.) Name:

Simplify each complex fraction.

11. x 11. ____________________________

5 4

12. x2 x 12. ____________________________

Solve each equation.

x x+2
13. = 13. ____________________________
x +1 x − 5

2 1 1
14. − = 14. ____________________________
x 8 x

x − 1 x + 5 2 x 2 + 2 x − 19
15. + = 2 15. ____________________________
x − 4 x +1 x − 3x − 4

1 + mp
16. Solve n = for m. 16. ____________________________

17. Amy likes to paddle-boat on a river. She is told the current of the 17. ____________________________
river is 2 miles per hour. If it takes Amy the same amount of time
to travel 10 miles downstream as 2 miles upstream, determine
how fast would Amy travel if there were no current.

18. The sum of the reciprocals of two consecutive even integers is . 18. ____________________________
Find the two integers.

19. M is directly proportion to N. If M = 1.2 when N = 0.5, find M 19. ____________________________

when N = 6.

20. A varies jointly as B and C and inversely as D. If A = 72 when 20. ____________________________

B = 2, C = 3, and D = 5, find A when B = 5, C = 2, and D = 6.

Mini-Lecture 6.1
The Domains of Rational Functions and Multiplication and Division of Rational Expressions
Learning Objectives:
1. Find the domain of rational functions.
2. Simplify rational expressions.
3. Multiply rational expressions.
4. Divide rational expressions.
5. Key vocabulary: rational expression, rational function, domain, factor, simplify, reciprocal

1. Determine the domain of each function.
x−7 x+3 x−2
a) f ( x) = b) g ( x) = c) h( x) =
3x + 5 x − 2 x − 15
x2 + 4

2. Simplify.
12 x3 + 6 x 2 − 30 x x 2 + 9 x + 18 5 x3 + 50 x 2
a) b) c)
12 x 2 x 2 + 8 x + 15 x3 − 100 x
3a 2 + 2a − 8 2n 2 − 7 n + 3 64 x3 − 125
d) e) f)
2a 2 − a − 10 3− n 5 − 4x

3. Multiply.
9 x 2 − 25 y 2 3xy 2 x 2 + x − 3 5 x 2 − 20 x
a) ⋅ b) ⋅ 2
12 xy 2
10 xy − 6 x 2 x2 − x 2 x − 5 x − 12

x 2 − 11x + 28 x 2 − 16 x + 60 wx + wy − xz − yz wy + wz + yz + z 2
c) ⋅ d) ⋅
x 2 − 11x + 10 x 2 − 9 x + 20 wx + wy + xz + yz wy + wz − yz − z 2

4. Divide.
15m3 9m 4 a 2 − 64 a + 8
a) ÷ b) ÷
6n 2 12n 4 a−7 a−7
2 x 2 − x − 15 x2 − 9 t 2 + 10t + 25 t 2 − 4t − 45
c) ÷ d) ÷ 2
2 x 2 − 3 x − 20 7 x 2 − 28 x t 2 − t − 30 t + t − 42

Teaching Notes:
• It may be a good idea to begin by reviewing simplification, multiplication, and division of
numeric fractions before starting rational expressions.
• Remind students that only factors can be cancelled, not terms.
• Remind students to factor completely before simplifying.
• When dividing, remind students to change division problems to multiplication problems
before factoring and cancelling.

{ }
Answers: 1a) x x ≠ − 53 ; 1b) { x | x ≠ −3, x ≠ 5} ; 1c) { x | x is a real number} ; 2a)
2x 2 + x − 5
x +6 5x 3a − 4
2b) ; 2c) ; 2d) ; 4a) −1 ; 2e) −(2n − 1) or 1 − 2n ; 2f) −(16x 2 + 20x + 25) ;
x+5 x − 10 2a − 5
3x + 5y (x − 7)(x − 6) 10n 2 7x t +7
3a) − ; 3b) 5; 3c) ; 3d) 1; 4a) ; 4b) a − 8 ; 4c) ; 4d)
8xy ( x − 1)(x − 5) 3m x+3 t −9

Mini-Lecture 6.2
Addition and Subtraction of Rational Expressions
Learning Objectives:
1. Add and subtract rational expressions with a common denominator.
2. Find the least common denominator.
3. Add and subtract expressions with unlike denominators.
4. Study an application of rational expressions.
5. Key vocabulary: prime number, least common denominator (LCD); equivalent fractions
1. Add or subtract as indicated.
x2 − 5x − 6 9x + 1 8 x 2 + 16 x − 7 2 x 2 + 19 x + 7
a) + b) +
( x + 2)( x + 5) ( x + 2)( x + 5) 2x + 7 2x + 7

4m 2m 2 + 7 m − 9 3 x 2 + 4 x − 15 2 x 2 + 6 x + 9
c) − d) − 2
m+3 m+3 x2 − 7 x + 6 x − 7x + 6

2. Find the least common denominator (LCD).

7 5 7 3x 1 2 x2
a) + b) − c) −
20m n 16m6 n 4
3 5
x x+2 5 x 2 − 20 x x 2 − 8 x + 16
3n 9n 2 5 4m 7x
d) − e) − f) + x + 13
n 2 − 3n − 10 n 2 − 7 n + 10 m−9 m+9 x − 10 x + 24

3. Add or subtract as indicated.

3 5 3 1
a) + b) +
m n 10 x y 15 xy 2

x+3 x+4 3a − 2 a − 11
c) − d) −
x−6 x+6 4a − 5 5 − 4a
3x − 7 2x − 1 x − 2 10 x x+4
e) − 2 f) + 2 −
3x − 10 x − 8 4 x − 15 x − 4
x+3 x −9 x−3

7x − 4 3 x − 10
4. Determine the profit function when R ( x) = and C ( x) = .
x+5 x +1

Teaching Notes:
• Students often have difficulty finding the LCD. Review the process they use when finding
the LCD for numeric fractions and parallel it with finding the LCD for rational expressions.
• Remind students that when subtracting, they must subtract the entire numerator of the
fraction that follows the minus sign by applying the distributive property when appropriate.
• Remind students to be sure to simplify final answers.
x −1 x+4
Answers: 1a) ; 1b) 5x; 1e); 1c) −(2m − 3) or −2m + 3 ; 1d) ; 2a) 80m6 n 5 ; 2b) x(x + 2) ;
x+2 x −1
3n + 5m
2c) 5x(x − 4)2 ; 2d) (n + 2)(n − 5)(n − 2) ; 2e) (m − 9)(m + 9) ; 2f) (x − 4)(x − 6) ; 3a) ;
9y + 2x 2 11x + 42 4a + 9 6x 2 − 26x − 5 −2 4x 2 − 2x + 46
3b) ; 1c) ; 3d) ; 3e) ; 3f) ; 4) P(x) =
30x 3 y 2 (x − 6)(x + 6) 4a − 5 (3x + 2)(x − 4)(4x + 1) x−3 (x + 5)(x + 1)

Mini-Lecture 6.3
Complex Fractions

Learning Objectives:

1. Recognize complex fractions.

2. Simplify complex fractions by multiplying by a common denominator.
3. Simplify complex fractions by simplifying the numerator and denominator.
4. Key vocabulary: complex fraction, main fraction line


1. Simplify each complex fraction by multiplying by a common denominator.

6 5 4
− 3 2m −
a 2
a n a3b −1
a) b) c)
a3 n−
2 a −2b − ab −1
4 m

2. Simplify each complex fraction by simplifying the numerator and denominator.

9x2 4 x 4
2m − −
25 y 2 z n 4 x
a) b) c)
3x 2 z 2 x−4
5 y4 m x

Teaching Notes:

• A brief review of multiplication, division, addition, and subtraction of fractions may be

useful at the beginning of this lesson.
• Have students practice using both methods to simplify the same set of complex fractions.
Then discuss the advantages and disadvantages of using one method over the other in
specific cases.
• Remind students that when they multiply both the numerator and denominator of a complex
fraction by the LCD, they are applying the multiplicative identity.

24a − 20 2m a5 3y 2 2m x+4
Answers: 1a) ; 1b) ; 1c) 2 3 ; 2a) 2 ; 2b) ; 2c)
a 6
n b −a 5z n 4

Mini-Lecture 6.4
Solving Rational Equations
Learning Objectives:
1. Solve rational equations.
2. Check solutions.
3. Solve proportions.
4. Solve problems involving rational functions.
5. Solve applications using rational expressions.
6. Solve for a variable in a formula containing rational expressions.
7. Key vocabulary: rational equation, extraneous solution, similar figures

1. Solve each equation. Check solutions when necessary.
3x 3 4 x n−2 1 n−5 6 19
a) + = b) = − c) 4 − =
10 2 5 12 4 3 x 5
5 2x 3 2 22 5 2
d) x − = 4 e) − = f) − =
x x − 25 x − 5 x + 5
2 x − 5 x − 12 2 x + 3 x − 4

2. Triangles ABC and A'B'C' are similar figures. Find the length of sides AB and B'C'.

B 15 C B’ x C’

3. Solve each proportion.

a−7 3 8 2 x2 − 3 2 x + 5
a) = b) = c) =
a−5 5 n−2 n+4 x+2 x+2

4. Consider the function f ( x) = x − . Find all a for which f (a) = 3 .
1 1 1 1
5. Use the formula = + + to find the total resistance, RT , of three resistors of 200
RT R1 R2 R3
ohms, 450 ohms, and 600 ohms connected in a parallel circuit.
6. Solve each formula for the indicated variable.
1 1 1 bc
a) − = for z b) s = p − rp for p c) a = for b
x y z b−c

Teaching Notes:
• Remind students to always determine the values for the variable that will cause the
denominator to equal zero. This will aide in spotting extraneous solutions.

Answers: 1a) x = 3; 1b) n = 5; 1c) x = 30; 1d) x = −1, x = 5 ; 1e) x = − ; 1f) no solution;
2) AB = 6, B'C' = 5; 3a) a = 10 ; 3b) n = −6 ; 3c) x = 4; 4) a = 8, a = −5 ; 5) 112.5 ohms;
xy s ac
6a) z = ; 6b) p = ; 6c) b =
y−x 1− r a−c

Mini-Lecture 6.5
Rational Equations: Applications and Problem Solving
Learning Objectives:
1. Solve work problems.
2. Solve number problems.
3. Solve motion problems.
4. Key vocabulary: work problem, number problem, reciprocal, motion problem
1. Set up and solve each work problem.
a) A painter can paint a room in 6 hours. His apprentice can paint the same room in 9
hours. How long will it take them to paint the room if they work together?
b) One pipe can fill a tank in 6 hours. Another pipe can drain the tank in 8 hours. If both
pipes are open, how long will it take to fill the empty tank?
c) It takes Karen 5 hours to stuff a case of envelopes for a mass mailing. When she works
with Anna, it takes only 3 hours to stuff a case of envelopes. How long will it take Anna
to stuff a case of envelopes if she works alone?
d) Darrell can mow his lawn by himself in 45 minutes. It takes his wife Lynette 75 minutes
to mow the lawn by herself. After Darrell mows for 30 minutes, he stops and Lynette
takes over. How long does it take Lynette to finish mowing the lawn?
2. Set up and solve each application problem.
a) When the reciprocal of 4 times a number is subtracted from 5, the result is the reciprocal
of the number. Find the number.
b) One number is 6 times another number. The sum of their reciprocals is . Determine
the numbers.
3. Set up and solve each motion problem.
a) The speed of the current of a river is 1 mile per hour. Tom and Beth can canoe 12 miles
down the river in the same time it takes them to canoe 10 miles up the river. How fast
can Tom and Beth paddle the canoe in still water?
b) John is riding a bike on a scenic trail that is 25 miles long. One part of the trail is on
level ground, so John can average 12 miles per hour. Another part of the trail is hilly, so
John can only average 8 miles per hour. If John traveled the entire length of the trail in
2.5 hours, how long was he on level ground and how long was he in the hills?
c) George runs at 10 miles per hour and Bill runs at 6 miles per hour. If they start on a
jogging course at the same time and George finishes it 1 hour ahead of Bill, how long is
the course?
Teaching Notes:
• Many students find these types of applications very difficult. Emphasize to students the
importance of understanding the problems rather than trying to memorize procedures.
• When doing work problems, students often want to average the individual completion times
in order to get the time for working together. Point out that the time for working together
will be less than the times for working alone.
1 7
Answers: 1a) 3.6 hours; 1b) 24 hours; 1c) 7.5 hours; 1d) 25 minutes; 2a) ; 2b) and 14;
4 3
3a) 11 mph; 3b) level = 1.25 hours, hilly = 1.25 hours; 3c) 15 miles;

Mini-Lecture 6.6
Learning Objectives:
1. Solve direct variation problems.
2. Solve inverse variation problems.
3. Solve joint variation problems.
4. Solve combined variation problems.
5. Key vocabulary: variation, direct variation, constant of proportionality, inverse variation,
joint variation, combined variation

1. Set up and solve each direct variation problem.
a) The circumference, C, of a circle varies directly with the diameter, d, of the circle. Write
the variation as an equation. If the constant of proportionality is k = 3.14, find the
circumference if the diameter is 12 inches.
b) The cost to fill a car with gasoline varies directly with the number of gallons purchased.
Suppose the cost for 15 gallons of gas is $49.35. Determine the cost for 12 gallons of gas.
c) Suppose A varies directly as the square of d. If A = 1256 when d = 40, find A when
d = 50.
2. Set up and solve each inverse variation problem.
a) The time required to clean a basketball arena after a game is inversely proportional with
the number of workers cleaning. If it takes 6 hours to clean the arena using 24 workers,
how long will it take to clean the arena using 18 workers?
b) In an electrical circuit, the resistance is inversely proportional to the square of the
current. If the resistance in a specific circuit is 400 ohms when the current is 0.5 amps,
determine the resistance if the current is 0.4 amps.
3. a) The volume of a cylinder varies jointly as its height and the square of its radius. If the
volume of a cylinder is 471 cubic feet when its height is 6 feet and its radius is 5 feet.
Find the volume of a cylinder whose height is 6 feet and radius is 4 feet.
b) Suppose Q varies jointly as the cube of r and the square of s. If Q = 3375 when r = 2.5
and s = 6, find Q when r = 1.5 and s = 8.
4. a) The electrical resistance of a wire, R, varies directly as its length, L, and inversely as its
cross-sectional area, A. If the resistance of a wire is 1.875 ohms when the length is 300
feet and the cross-sectional area is 0.08 square inches, find the resistance of a wire whose
length is 1000 feet with a cross-sectional area of 0.05 square inches.
b) Suppose M is jointly proportional to x and y and inversely proportional to the square of z.
Express M in terms of x, y, and z.

Teaching Notes:
• Have students develop their own examples of direct and inverse variation.
• Point out that solving variation problems require two steps: (1) finding the constant of
variation, and (2) solving the problem for the desired quantity.

Answers: 1a) C = kd, C = 37.68 inches; 1b) $39.48; 1c) 1962.5; 2a) 8 hours; 2b) 625 ohms;
3a) 301.44 cubic feet; 3b) 1296; 4a) 10 ohms; 4b) M =


Additional Exercises 6.1 Date:

For exercises 1 – 5, determine the domain for each function.

x 2 − 17 x + 72
1. f ( x) = 1. ____________________________
x 2 + 15 x + 56

x 2 − 10 x + 24
2. g ( x) = 2. ____________________________
x 2 − 13 x + 40

x2 − 5x + 6
3. h( x) = 3. ____________________________
x 2 − 2 x − 35

4. F ( x) = 4. ____________________________
x + x − 42

3x 2 − 4
5. G ( x) = 5. ____________________________
x2 + 9

For exercises 6 – 10, simplify each rational expression.

2x − 2x2
6. 6. ____________________________
16 x − 16

36 x 2 − 4 y 2
7. 7. ____________________________
24 x + 8 y

x 2 + x − 56
8. 8. ____________________________
x 2 + 2 x − 48

x2 − 1
9. 9. ____________________________
1 − x3

6 x 2 − x − 12
10. 10. ____________________________
3x 2 + 13x + 12

For exercises 11 – 20, multiply or divide. Simplify all answers.

a 2 7b5 c
11. ⋅ 11. ____________________________
bc 5a

3r 4 s 3
12. 9r 5 s 3 ÷ 12. ____________________________

Additional Exercises 6.1 (cont.) Name:

a 2 − 7a + 12 a 2 + 3a − 28
13. ⋅ 13. ____________________________
a−3 ( a − 4)

x3 y x + y
14. ⋅ 14. ____________________________
x − y 2 x 2 y3

x2 − 9 y 2 x − 5y
15. ⋅ 15. ____________________________
x 2 + 5 xy + 6 y 2 x − 3 y

2 x 2 − 13x + 21 3 x 2 − 11x − 4
16. ⋅ 16. ____________________________
3 x 2 − 20 x − 7 x 2 − 7 x + 12

ab3 a 2b2
17. ÷ 17. ____________________________
a 2 + ab − 2b 2 a 2 − b 2

x 2 − 16 x 2 + x − 20
18. ÷ 2 18. ____________________________
x + 2 x − 8 x + 7 x + 10

2 x 2 − 7 x − 15 x 2 − 8 x + 15
19. ÷ 19. ____________________________
2 x + 7 x + 6 −4 x 2 + 4 x + 24

x3 + y 3 x 2 − xy + y 2
20. ÷ 20. ____________________________
x+ y x2 + y 2


Additional Exercises 6.2 Date:

For exercises 1 – 6, add or subtract. Simplify all answers.

9 3
1. + 1. ____________________________
4 ( x + 8) 4 ( x + 8)

x 9
2. + 2. ____________________________
x 2 − 81 x 2 − 81

−6 x + 4 −5 x − 2
3. − 3. ____________________________
x 2 − 36 x 2 − 36

5x − 7 4x − 5
4. − 4. ____________________________
x2 + x − 6 x2 + x − 6

x 2 − 7 x + 12 x 2 − 5 x − 2
5. + 5. ____________________________
x2 + 8x − 9 x2 + 8x − 9

3x 2 + 8 13 x − 6
6. − 6. ____________________________
x−2 x−2

For exercises 7 – 12, find the least common denominator

3 1
7. 5 7
+ 6 5 7. ____________________________
7x y 6x y

6x 9
8. + 8. ____________________________
x 2 − 2 x − 15 x 2 + x − 6

7 13
9. − 9. ____________________________
x − 4 6 x 5 − 96 x 3

3 1
10. − 10. ____________________________
3x 4 − 108 x 2 x − 6

7x 4
11. + 11. ____________________________
x 2 + x − 20 x 2 + 9 x + 20

8 11
12. − 12. ____________________________
5 x 2 − 80 x + 4

Additional Exercises 6.2 (cont.) Name:

For exercises 13 – 18, add or subtract. Simplify all answers.

x −1 x−4
13. + 13. ____________________________
x2 − 5x + 6 x2 − 9

x+6 x+5
14. + 14. ____________________________
x 2 + 3x + 2 x 2 − 4

x +1 5
15. + 15. ____________________________
36 x 2 − 12 x + 1 6 x 2 + 29 x − 5

x+3 x −1
16. − 16. ____________________________
x2 − x − 6 x2 − 9

x −1 x−7
17. − 17. ____________________________
x 2 − 4 x 2 − 5 x − 14

3 2 x2 + 4x + 4 2
18. + − 18. ____________________________
3x + 2 3x − x − 2 x − 1

For exercises 19 – 20, find the profit function, P ( x) .

3x − 4 2x − 9
19. R ( x) = and C ( x) = 19. ____________________________
x +1 x+2

5x − 4 5x − 1
20. R ( x) = and C ( x) = 20. ____________________________
x −1 x+3


Additional Exercises 6.3 Date:

Simplify each complex fraction.

1 3
1. 3x 4 x 1. ____________________________
4 3

x 2x

2. 2. ____________________________

3. 3. ____________________________
q − 2

4. 1 + u 4. ____________________________
1+ u

5. x−3 5. ____________________________

6. x2 6. ____________________________
x− 3

7. 1 − r 7. ____________________________
1− r

1 3
8. 3x 2 x 8. ____________________________
2 3
x 3x

9. 9. ____________________________

1 1

g h
10. 10. ____________________________
1 1
g h

Additional Exercises 6.3 (cont.) Name:

11. 2 + c 11. ____________________________


12. x+4 12. ____________________________

13. x2 13. ____________________________
x− 3

14. 1 + 14. ____________________________
n +1

x+2 x−2
15. x−2 x+2 15. ____________________________
x+2 x−2

x−2 x+2

m −1 m +1

16. m +1 m −1 16. ____________________________
m −1 m +1
m +1 m −1

x −1 + y − 1
17. 17. ____________________________
x −1 − y −1

a − 2b −1
18. 18. ____________________________
a 2 − 2b −2

2 x −1 + y −1
19. 19. ____________________________
( x + y)

x − 5 y −1
20. 20. ____________________________
y − 5 x −1


Additional Exercises 6.4 Date:

For exercises 1 – 14, solve each equation and check your solution.

5x x
1. −2 = 1. ____________________________
x−2 x−2

1 −6
2. 1 − = 2 2. ____________________________
x −3 x −9

x 1 −1
3. − = 3. ____________________________
x +1 2 x +1

x 1 −8
4. − = 4. ____________________________
x+8 9 x+8

x 1 −13
5. − = 5. ____________________________
x + 13 14 x + 13

x 1 −10
6. − = 6. ____________________________
x + 10 11 x + 10

x−3 x+3
7. = 7. ____________________________
x+5 x+2

x2 81
8. = 8. ____________________________
x+9 x+9

3x 2x
9. +1 = 9. ____________________________
x−4 x−4

x x
10. − =3 10. ____________________________
4 7

3 6
11. 1 − = 2 11. ____________________________
x +1 x −1

x 6 x2
12. + = 2 12. ____________________________
x − 8 x − 4 x − 12 x + 32

x 1 −7
13. − = 13. ____________________________
x+7 8 x+7

x 1 2
14. + = 14. ____________________________
x+2 4 x+2

Additional Exercises 6.4 (cont.) Name:

For exercises 15 – 16, the figures shown are similar. Find the lengths of the sides expressed in terms of x.

15. 15. ____________________________

4 x+9
x+5 15

16. 16. ____________________________

x+9 4

17. Consider the function f ( x) = x − . Find all a for which f (a) = 9 . 17. ____________________________

4 1
18. Consider the function f ( x) = − x . Find all a for which f (a ) = . 18. ____________________________
3x 3

For exercises 19 – 20, solve each formula for the indicated variable.

1 1 1
19. + = , for z 19. ____________________________
x y z

20. z = , for y 20. ____________________________
x+ y


Additional Exercises 6.5 Date:

1. Working alone, Kathy could paint a certain room in 8 hours. Phil, 1. ____________________________
working alone, could paint the same room in 9 hours. How long
would it take Kathy and Phil working together to paint the room?

2. If four times a number is added to twice the reciprocal of a number, 2. ____________________________

the answer is 9. Find the number(s).

3. Find two consecutive even integers such that the sum of their 3. ____________________________
reciprocals is .

4. Find two consecutive even integers such that the sum of their 4. ____________________________
reciprocals is .

5. A plane flies 900 miles with a tail wind in 3 hours. It takes the 5. ____________________________
same plane 4 hours to fly the 900 miles when flying against the
wind. What is the plane’s speed in still air?

6. One car travels 3 miles per hour faster than another. In the time 6. ____________________________
it takes the slower car to travel 280 miles, the faster car travels
301 miles. Find the speed of each car.

7. Train A leaves a station traveling at 20 mph. Eight hours later, 7. ____________________________

train B leaves the same station traveling in the same direction at
30 mph. How long does it take for train B to catch up to train A?

8. A van traveling at 60 miles per hour leaves for a certain town. 8. ____________________________
Three hours later, a train traveling at 70 miles per hour leaves for
the same town and arrives at the same time as the train. If both
the train and the van traveled in a straight line, how far is the
town from where they started?

9. Crawford can paint a fence by himself in 13 hours and Dorothy 9. ____________________________

can paint the same fence in 11 hours. How long will it take them
to paint the fence if they work together?

10. Kristen, on her tractor, can level a 1-acre field in 6 hours. Heather, 10. ____________________________
on her tractor, can level a 1-acre field in 12 hours. How long will
it take them to level a 1-acre field if they work together?

Additional Exercises 6.5 (cont.) Name:

11. Working alone, Jan could paint a certain room in 8 hours. Kathy, 11. ____________________________
working alone, could paint the same room in 11 hours. How long
would it take Jan and Kathy working together to paint the room?

12. Ronald can mow his family’s yard in 3 hours. His younger brother 12. ____________________________
Randall can mow the yard in 6 hours. How long will it take the two
to mow the yard together?

13. The sum of the reciprocal of a number and the reciprocal of 5 less 13. ____________________________
than the number is 3 times the reciprocal of the original number.
Find the original number.

14. If two times a number is added to twice the reciprocal of a number, 14. ____________________________
the answer is 5. Find the number(s).

15. The sum of the reciprocal of a number and the reciprocal of 6 less 15. ____________________________
than the number is 7 times the reciprocal of the original number.
Find the original number.

16. The difference of the reciprocal of a number and the reciprocal of 16. ____________________________
two more than the number is . Find the number (s).

17. A plane flies 900 miles with a tail wind in 3 hours. It takes the same 17. ____________________________
plane 5 hours to fly the 900 miles when flying against the wind.
What is the plane’s speed in still air?

18. One car travels 4 miles per hour faster than another. In the time 18. ____________________________
it takes the slower car to travel 96 miles, the faster car travels
104 miles. Find the speed of each car.

19. Alone, a large hose can fill a pool in half the time it takes a small 19. ____________________________
hose to fill the pool alone. Together, the two hoses can fill the pool
in 5 hours. How long does it take each hose to fill the pool alone?

20. One car travels 1 mile per hour faster than another. In the time 20. ____________________________
it takes the slower car to travel 368 miles, the faster car travels
376 miles. Find the speed of both cars.


Additional Exercises 6.6 Date:

1. A variable x varies directly as y. If x = 32 when y = 80, find x when 1. ____________________________

y = 190.

2. The wattage of an appliance, W, varies jointly as the square of the 2. ____________________________

current, I, and the resistance, R. If the wattage is 18 watts when the
current is 0.6 ampere and the resistance is 50 ohms, find the wattage
when the current is 0.4 ampere and the resistance is 100 ohms.

3. W varies jointly as P and Q, and inversely as the square of T. If 3. ____________________________

W = 54 when P = 45, Q = 6, and T = 6, find W if P = 25, Q = 20,
and T = 30.

4. A variable a varies inversely as the square of b. If a is when 4. ____________________________
b is 3, find a when b is 9.

5. A variable p varies jointly with m and the square of n. If k is the 5. ____________________________

constant of proportionality, find the equation of the variation.

6. The amount a spring will stretch, S, varies directly with the force 6. ____________________________
(or weight), F, attached to the spring. If a spring stretches 0.8
inches when 10 pounds is attached, how far will it stretch when
60 pounds is attached?

7. The intensity I, of light received at a source varies inversely as the 7. ____________________________

square of the distance, d, from the source. If the light intensity is
25 foot-candles at 11 feet, find the light intensity at 12 feet.
Round your answer to the nearest hundredth if necessary.

8. The electrical resistance of a wire, R, varies directly as its length, L, 8. ____________________________

and inversely as its cross-sectional area, A. If the resistance of a
wire is 12.5 ohms when the length is 500 feet and the cross-sectional
area is 0.12 square inches, find the resistance of a wire whose length
is 1200 feet with a cross-sectional area of 0.10 square inches.

9. The surface area, A, of a sphere varies directly as the radius, r, of the 9. ____________________________
sphere. If the surface area is 5024 square inches when the radius is
20 inches, find the surface area when the radius is 15 inches.

10. A variable h varies jointly with f and the cube of g. If k is the 10. ____________________________
constant of proportionality, find the equation of the variation.

Additional Exercises 6.6 (cont.) Name:

11. A variable p varies inversely with the variable q. If k is the constant 11. ____________________________
of proportionality, find the equation of the variation.

12. A variable y varies directly with the square of x. If x = 2 when 12. ____________________________
y = 3, find the constant of proportionality, k.

13. If n varies jointly with w and the square of s, and n is 243 when 13. ____________________________
w is 3 and s is 3, find n when w is 6 and s is 8.

14. If x = 0.4 when y = 625 and y varies inversely as x, find y when 14. ____________________________
x = 2.5.

15. The variable A is directly proportional to the variable B and 15. ____________________________
inversely proportional to the square of the variable C. If A = 54
when B = 6 and C = 10, find A when B = 5 and C = 6.

16. The volume, V, of a gas varies inversely as its pressure, P. If the 16. ____________________________
volume of the gas is 480 cubic centimeters when the pressure is
250 millimeters of mercury, find the volume when the pressure
is 300 millimeters of mercury.

17. An enclosed gas exerts a pressure P on the walls of the container. 17. ____________________________
This pressure is directly proportional to the temperature T of the
gas. If the pressure is 4 lb per in2 when the temperature is
520°F, find the constant of proportionality, k.

18. The horsepower that a rotating shaft can safely transmit varies 18. ____________________________
jointly as the cube of its diameter, d, and the number, n, of
revolutions it makes per minute. If a 3-inch shaft at a speed of
1800 revolutions per minute can safely transmit 900 horsepower,
find the constant of proportionality, k.

19. The variable A varies jointly as B and the square of C. If A is 625 19. ____________________________
when B is 5 and C is 5, find A when B is 6 and C is 2.

20. The owners of a pizza parlor find that the number, N, of large 20. ____________________________
pizzas sold weekly varies directly as their advertising budget, A,
and inversely as the price, P. When the advertising budget is
$500 and the price is $15, the number of large pizzas sold is 700.
Find the number of pizzas sold when the advertising budget is
$600 and the price is $12.


Chapter 6 Test Form A Date:

Determine the domain of each rational function.

x2 − 4
1. f ( x) = 1. ____________________________
2 x − x − 10

x +1
2. g ( x) = 2. ____________________________
x2 + 9

Simplify each expression.

a 2 + 3a − ab − 3b
3. 3. ____________________________
a 2 − ab + 5a − 5b

2 x2 − 8x
4. 4. ____________________________
x2 − 2 x − 8

Perform the indicated operations. Simplify all answers.

x 2 + 3x − 10 x 2 − 3x
5. ⋅ 2 5. ____________________________
4x x − 5x + 6

9 x 2 − 16 y 2 3x + 4 y
6. ÷ 6. ____________________________
4 x + 21x + 20

x3 + 64 y 3 x2 + 4 y 2
7. ⋅ 2 7. ____________________________
x + 4 y x − 4 xy + 16 y 2

4x x+3
8. + 8. ____________________________
x − 4 x +1

3a − 4 3a + 6
9. + 2 9. ____________________________
4a + 1 4a + 9a + 2

2r 2r 64
10. − + 10. ____________________________
r − 4 r + 4 r 2 − 16

Chapter 6 Test Form A (cont.) Name:

Simplify each expression.

a −1 + b −1
11. 11. ____________________________
(a + b)

1 1

12. x +1 x −1 12. ____________________________
1 1
x +1 x −1

Solve each equation.

1 1 −5
13. + = 2 13. ____________________________
w−3 w+3 w −9

1 1 4
14. + = 2 14. ____________________________
x+2 x−2 x −4

x 4 x2
15. + = 2 15. ____________________________
x − 4 x − 2 x − 6x + 8

16. Solve d = for w. 16. ____________________________
f +w

17. Justin and Ed plant petunias in their flower garden. It takes Justin 17. ____________________________
twice as long as Ed. Working together, they can plant the flowers
in 10 hours. How long does it take Ed to plant the flowers by

18. One number is twice another. The sum of their reciprocals is . 18. ____________________________
Find the numbers.

19. Suppose x varies directly as y. Find x when y = 12 and k = 6. 19. ____________________________

20. F varies jointly as M 1 and M 2 , and inversely as d. If F = 20 20. ____________________________

when M 1 = 5 , M 2 = 10 , and D = 0.2 , find F when M 1 = 10 ,
M 2 = 20 , and d = 0.4 .


Chapter 6 Test Form B Date:

Determine the domain of each rational function.

a 2 + 49
1. f (a) = 1. ____________________________
a 2 − 49

x2 − 4
2. h( x) = 2. ____________________________
2 x2 − x − 6

Simplify each expression.

a 3 − b3
3. 3. ____________________________
a 2 − b2

4 x2 − 7 x − 2
4. 4. ____________________________
4 x 2 + 13 x + 3

Perform the indicated operations. Simplify all answers.

6 x3 − x 2 − x x2 − 1
5. ⋅ 3 5. ____________________________
2x + x −1 x − 2x2 + x

x − 2 x2 + 2x + 4
6. ⋅ 6. ____________________________
x3 − 8 5x + 1

x + 3 x2 + x − 6
7. ÷ 7. ____________________________
2 x + 1 4 x2 − 1

x 4 ( x − 3)
8. − 8. ____________________________
x2 − 9 x+3

7 9q + 2
9. + 2 9. ____________________________
3q + q − 4 3q − 2q − 8

4 3 p+4
10. + + 10. ____________________________
p + 1 p − 1 p2 − 1

Chapter 6 Test Form B (cont.) Name:

Simplify each expression.

4 2
11. x x2 11. ____________________________

3a −1 − b −1
12. 12. ____________________________
(a − b)

Solve each equation.

15 9 x − 7
13. + =9 13. ____________________________
x x+2

4r − 1 1 2
14. = − 14. ____________________________
r + 5r − 14 r − 2 r + 7

x −7 x −8
15. = 15. ____________________________
x−4 x − 2

1 1 1
16. Solve for RT : = + 16. ____________________________
RT R1 R2

17. Laura can make a set of cabinets by herself in 10 hours. If Laura 17. ____________________________
and Marcia work together, they can make the same set of cabinets
in 6 hours. How long will it take Marcia working by herself to
make the cabinets?

18. The sum of the reciprocals of two consecutive even integers is . 18. ____________________________
Find the two integers.

19. A varies directly as B and inversely as C. Find A when B = 12, 19. ____________________________
C = 4, and k = 3.

20. S varies inversely as G. If S = 12 when G = 0.4, find S when G = 5. 20. ____________________________


Chapter 6 Test Form C Date:

Determine the domain of each rational function.

5x − 4
1. f ( x) = 1. ____________________________
x + 3x − 10

2 x2 + 5x + 3
2. g ( x) = 2. ____________________________
2x + 3

Simplify each expression.

6 x3
3. 3. ____________________________
2 x3 + 8 x5

2x2 + 7 x + 3
4. 4. ____________________________
x 2 − x − 12

Perform the indicated operations. Simplify all answers.

x − 3 x 2 − 25 y 2
5. ⋅ 5. ____________________________
x − 5 y 2 x2 − 7 x + 3

a 2 − b2 a 2 + 3ab
6. ⋅ 2 6. ____________________________
a + 2ab − 3b a − 2ab − 3b 2
2 2

8 x3 + 27 y 3 4 x 2 − 6 xy + 9 y 2
7. ÷ 7. ____________________________
2x + 3y 7 x2 − y 2

a 2 − 1 2a 2 − 2
8. + 8. ____________________________
3a − 2b 3a − 2b

3 8
9. + 2 9. ____________________________
x − x − 12 x + 10 x + 21

2x + 1 x +1
10. − 2 10. ____________________________
2x − 2x 2x + 4x − 6

Chapter 6 Test Form C (cont.) Name:

Simplify each expression.

11. b 11. ____________________________

2 2
12. x−2 x+2 12. ____________________________
2 2

x−2 x+2

Solve each equation.

x2 64
13. = 13. ____________________________
x −8 x −8

14. x + = 11 14. ____________________________

x+2 3x − 2
15. = 4− 15. ____________________________
x −1 x +1

16. Solve f = for q. 16. ____________________________

17. One car travels 4 miles per hour faster than another. In the time it 17. ____________________________
takes the slower car to travel 100 miles, the faster car travels 108
miles. Find the speed of the slower car.

18. At a dairy plant, a milk tank can be filled in 6 hours using the 18. ____________________________
in-valve. Using the out-valve, the tank can be emptied in 8 hours.
If both valves are open and milk is being pumped into the tank,
how long will it take to fill the tank?

19. Suppose p varies directly as q. If p = 15 when q = 10, find p when 19. ____________________________
q = 4.

20. The intensity I, of light received at a source varies inversely as the 20. ____________________________
square of the distance, d, from the source. If the light intensity is
20 foot-candles at 15 feet, find the light intensity at 17 feet. Round
your answer to the nearest hundredth if necessary.


Chapter 6 Test Form D Date:

Determine the domain of each rational function.

4x + 7
1. g ( x ) = 1. ____________________________
x 2 − 4 x − 21

2x + 1
2. h( x) = 2. ____________________________
x 2 + 16

Simplify each expression.

3. 3. ____________________________
x3 − 4 x

3x 2 + 13x + 4
4. 4. ____________________________
x 2 + x − 12

Perform the indicated operations. Simplify all answers.

x − 7 81x 2 − 4 y 2
5. ⋅ 5. ____________________________
9 x + 2 y x 2 − 5 x − 14

8x x2 − x − 2
6. ⋅ 6. ____________________________
x − 2 4 x3 − 4 x

27 p 3 + q 3 9 p 2 − 3 pq + q 2
7. ÷ 7. ____________________________
3p + q 4p −q

x x −1
8. + 8. ____________________________
x+7 x−4

3x 5x
9. + 9. ____________________________
2 x 2 − 5 x − 12 x 2 − 2 x − 8

x+3 x +1
10. − 10. ____________________________
x2 − 2x − 3 x2 − 9

Chapter 6 Test Form D (cont.) Name:

11. 11. ____________________________
p +1

x −1 − y −1
12. 12. ____________________________
y2 − x2

Solve each equation.

x 1 −9
13. − = 13. ____________________________
x + 9 10 x + 9

x+9 x+6
14. = 14. ____________________________
x+5 x−4

x 8 2
15. − = 15. ____________________________
x − 1 x2 + 2 x − 3 x + 3

16. Solve z = for x. 16. ____________________________

17. Train A leaves the station traveling 30 mph. Three hours later 17. ____________________________
train B leaves the same station traveling in the same direction
at 40 mph. How long does it take for train B to catch up
to train A?

18. Dana can mow her lawn in 60 minutes. If her husband Mike helps 18. ____________________________
mow, it takes them 24 minutes to mow the lawn. How long would
it take Mike to mow the lawn by himself.

19. Suppose y varies inversely as x. If y = 650 when x = 0.4 , find y 19. ____________________________
when x = 2.6 .

20. Suppose R varies jointly as S and the square of T. If R is 192 when 20. ____________________________
S = 0.5 and T = 8, find R when S = 0.8 and T = 6.


Chapter 6 Test Form E Date:

Determine the domain of each rational function.

1. g ( x ) = 1. ____________________________

6 x2 + 2
2. h ( x ) = 2. ____________________________
x 2 − 4 x − 32

Simplify each expression.

4 x2 + x − 3
3. 3. ____________________________
x2 + 6x + 5

10 x 2 + 15 xy
4. 4. ____________________________
4 x2 − 9 y 2

Perform the indicated operations. Simplify all answers.

16 x 2 − 25 y 2 x − 3
5. ⋅ 5. ____________________________
x2 − 9 4x + 5 y

12 x x +1
6. ⋅ 6. ____________________________
x 2 + 3 x + 2 4 x 2 + 20 x

x 3 − 125 y 3 x 2 − 25 y 2
7. ÷ 7. ____________________________
x 2 + 5 xy + 25 y 2 7x + y

x2 + 6x − 3 2 x2 + 9 x + 3
8. + 8. ____________________________
4 ( x + 5) 4 ( x + 5)

8 2x − 3
9. − 9. ____________________________
x + 1 x2 − 1

x −1 x+2
10. + 10. ____________________________
x 2 − 3 x − 28 x 2 + 3x − 4

Chapter 6 Test Form E (cont.) Name:

11. 11. ____________________________

x −1 y − xy −1
12. 12. ____________________________
x −1 − y − 1

Solve each equation.

x − 3 x +1
13. = 13. ____________________________
x − 2 2x −1

x 7 x2
14. + = 2 14. ____________________________
x − 10 x − 5 x − 15 x + 50

60 17
15. 1 + = 15. ____________________________
x2 x

16. Solve S = for r. 16. ____________________________
1− r

17. Kristen, on her tractor, can level a 1-acre field in 4 hours. Heather, 17. ____________________________
on her tractor, can level a 1-acre field in 12 hours. How long will
it take them to level a 1-acre field if they work together?

18. Allen likes to swim in the river near his house. One day he went 18. ____________________________
swimming and the current was 3 miles per hour. If it took Allen
the same amount of time to swim 15 miles downstream as 9 miles
upstream, determine the rate Allen would swim in still water.

19. Suppose y varies inversely as x. If y = 18 when x = 25 , find y 19. ____________________________

when x = 60 .

20. Suppose L varies jointly as M and N and inversely as the square of 20. ____________________________
P. If L = 4 when M = 12, N = 8, and P = 6, find L when M = 36,
N = 12, and P = 9.


Chapter 6 Test Form F Date:

Determine the domain of each rational function.

4x − 3
1. f ( x) = 1. ____________________________
2x2 + 5x − 3

2. g ( x ) = 2. ____________________________
x2 + 9

Simplify each expression.

x 2 + 3x + 2
3. 3. ____________________________
− x2 + 1

a 2 + 5a + ab + 5b
4. 4. ____________________________
a 2 + 4a + ab + 4b

Perform the indicated operations. Simplify all answers.

a 2 − 9a + 14 a 2 + 5a − 14
5. ⋅ 5. ____________________________
a−7 ( a − 2)

5x x 2 + 11x + 28
6. ⋅ 6. ____________________________
x + 7 x + 12
x2 + 7 x

2 x2 + 5x + 2 x2 − 2x − 8
7. ÷ 2 7. ____________________________
2 x − 9 x − 5 5 x − 45 x + 100

3x 2 − 5 x + 2 2 x 2 − 7 x + 5
8. − 8. ____________________________
4 ( x + 3) 4 ( x + 3)

5x 8x
9. − 9. ____________________________
x+2 x+3

x+4 x +1
10. − 2 10. ____________________________
x − 3 x − 4 x − 16

Chapter 6 Test Form F (cont.) Name:

Simplify each expression.

3 3

11. x+4 x−4 11. ____________________________
2 2
x+4 x−4

1 1

12. a b 12. ____________________________

Solve each equation.

4x 3x
13. +1 = 13. ____________________________
x−4 x−4

2 −16
14. 1 + = 2 14. ____________________________
x + 4 x − 16

3x x+2
15. = 15. ____________________________
x + 6 x +1

a b
16. Solve = for x. 16. ____________________________
x+ y x+z

17. One number is 3 times the other. The sum of their reciprocals is . 17. ____________________________
Find the numbers

18. Earnest can paint a fence by himself in 15 hours, and Bernice can 18. ____________________________
paint the same fence in 17 hours. How long will it take them to
paint the fence if they work together?

19. Suppose y varies directly with the square of x. If y = 7 when x = 6 , 19. ____________________________
find the constant of proportionality k.

20. Suppose w varies jointly as x, y, and the square of z. If w = 24 when 20. ____________________________
x = 4, y = 3, and z = 2, find w when M = 36, x = 1, y = 6, and z = 3.


Chapter 6 Test Form G Date:

Determine the domain of each rational function

1. f ( x) =
6x − x −1

⎧ 1 1⎫ ⎧ 1 1⎫ ⎧ 1 1⎫ ⎧ 1 1⎫
(a) ⎨ x x≠ , x≠ ⎬ (b) ⎨ x x ≠ , x ≠ − ⎬ (c) ⎨ x x ≠ − , x ≠ ⎬ (d) ⎨ x x = − , x ≠ − ⎬
⎩ 3 2⎭ ⎩ 3 2⎭ ⎩ 3 2⎭ ⎩ 3 2⎭

2. g ( x ) =
x +9

(a) { x x ≠ −9} (b) { x x ≠ −3} (c) { x x ≠ −3, x ≠ 3} (d) { x x is a real number}

Simplify each rational expression.

3x 2 − 9 x
x2 − 9
3x 3x
(a) (b) −3x (c) 3x (d)
x+3 x −3

x 2 − 8 x + 15
4. −
x 2 − 3 x − 10
x−3 3− x x−3 3− x
(a) (b) (c) (d)
x−2 x−2 x+2 x+2

Perform the operations indicated.

x − 3 16 x 2 − 9 y 2
5. ⋅
4 x − 3 y 3x 2 − 7 x − 6
4x2 + 3 y2 4x − 3 y 4 + 3y 4x + 3 y
(a) (b) (c) (d)
3x + 2 5x − 7 5 3x + 2

8x4 z 2
6. 24 x3 z 2 ÷
3y 4 3y 4 z 2 x 3x 7 z 4
(a) (b) (c) (d)
x x 3y4 y4

x3 − 64 y 3 x 2 + 4 xy + 16 y 2
7. ÷
x − 4y 2x − y
(a) x 2 − 16 y 2 (b) 2x − y (c) (d) x − 4 y
2x − y

6 2x
8. +
x −3 3− x
6 + 2x 6 + 2x 6 − 2x 6 − 2x
(a) (b) (c) (d)
x−3 3− x x −3 3− x

Chapter 6 Test Form G (cont.) Name:

3x + 5 2x
9. −
x 2 + 4 x − 12 x 2 + 3x − 10
x 2 + 8 x + 25 x+5 5x + 5 x 2 + 32 x + 25
(a) (b) (c) (d)
( x − 2 )( x + 5)( x + 6 ) ( x − 2 )( x + 5)( x + 6 ) ( x − 2 )( x + 5)( x + 6 ) ( x − 2 )( x + 5)( x + 6 )

x 2x
10. −
x 2 − 16 x + 4
−7 x − 2 x 2 9 x − 2 x2 −x −x
(a) (b) (c) (d)
( x + 4 )( x − 4 ) ( x + 4 )( x − 4 ) x − 16


11. b
ab + 1 ab + 1
(a) b 2 + ab (b) a 2 + ab (c) (d)
b a

x −1 − y − 1
y−x y−x x− y x− y
(a) (b) (c) (d)
x x2 x x2

Solve each equation.

x + 1 x − 3 2 x2 − 9 x + 5
13. + =
x − 4 x − 5 x 2 − 9 x + 20
(a) no solution (b) 1 (c) −1, 3 (d) 0

x 1 −8
14. − =
x+8 9 x+8
(a) no solution (b) 0 (c) –8 (d) 8

15. Solve E = for h.
2h + 1

2E + 1 1 − 2E E E
(a) h = (b) h = (c) h = (d) h =
E E 1 − 2E 2E + 1

Chapter 6 Test Form G (cont.) Name:

16. Find x for the pair of similar figures below.



(a) 0 (b) (c) 1 (d) 2

x+3 x
For questions 17–18, let f ( x ) = and g ( x ) = .
x−5 x −1

17. Find (f + g )( x ) .
2x + 3 x 2 + 3x 2x2 + 7 x − 3 2 x 2 − 3x − 3
(a) (b) (c) (d)
( x − 5 )( x − 1) ( x − 5 )( x − 1) ( x − 5 )( x − 1) ( x − 5 )( x − 1)

18. Find ( f ⋅ g )( x ) .
x 2 + 3x x 2 − 3x x+3 x
(a) (b) (c) (d)
( x − 5 )( x − 1) ( x − 5 )( x − 1) ( x − 5)( x − 1) ( x − 5)( x − 1)

19. Working alone, Wade could paint a certain room in 7 hours. Rhonda, working alone, could paint the same room
in 10 hours. How long would it take Wade and Rhonda working together to paint the room?
5 2 1 1
(a) 4 hr (b) 4 hr (c) 4 hr (d) 8 hr
16 17 4 2

20. A varies inversely as the square of b. If a is 1 when b is 3, find a when b is 5.

25 9 5
(a) (b) 3 (c) (d)
9 25 3


Chapter 6 Test Form H Date:

Determine the domain of each rational function

1. f ( x) =
10 x − 3 x − 1

⎧ 1 1⎫ ⎧ 1 1⎫ ⎧ 1 1⎫ ⎧ 1 1⎫
(a) ⎨ x x ≠ , x ≠ − ⎬ (b) ⎨ x x ≠ , x ≠ ⎬ (c) ⎨ x x ≠ − , x ≠ − ⎬ (d) ⎨ x x = − , x ≠ ⎬
⎩ 5 2⎭ ⎩ 5 2⎭ ⎩ 5 2⎭ ⎩ 5 2⎭

x 2 − 3x − 4
2. h ( x ) =
x 2 − 16
(a) { x x ≠ 4} (b) { x x ≠ −4} (c) { x x ≠ −4, x ≠ 4} (d) { x x is a real number}

Simplify each rational expression.

10 x 2
10 x 2 − 15 x
2x 1 x2
(a) −15x (b) (c) (d)
2x − 3 1 − 15x 2 x 2 − 3x

2 x2 − 9 x − 5
2 x 2 + 15 x + 7
x+5 x+5 x −5 x−5
(a) (b) (c) (d)
x+7 x−7 x+7 x−7

Perform the operations indicated.

x − 2 25 x 2 − 49 y 2
5. ⋅
5 x + 7 y x 2 − 9 x + 14
5x − 7 y 5x + 7 y 5 x7 y 5x + 7 y
(a) (b) (c) (d)
x−7 x−7 x+7 x+7

16u 5 v 5
6. 64u 3 v 5 ÷
u2 w3 4u 2 4w3
(a) (b) (c) (d)
4w3 4u 2 w3 u2

64a 3 + 8b3 16a 2 − 8ab + 4b 2

7. ÷
4a + 2b 4a − 2b
(a) 16a 2 − 4b 2 (b) 4a + 2b (c) 4a − 2b (d) 2a − b

3x 2 − 2 x + 1 2 x 2 + 3x − 5
8. −
5 ( x − 3) 5 ( x − 3)
x−2 x2 + x − 4 x2 − 5x − 4 x2 − 5x + 6
(a) (b) (c) (d)
5 5 ( x − 3) 5 ( x − 3) 5 ( x − 3)

Chapter 6 Test Form H (cont.) Name:

2x +1 x+4
9. −
x 2 − 3 x − 18 x 2 + 4 x + 3
( x + 5)
x 2 + x − 23 x 2 + 5 x − 23 x 2 + 5 x + 25
(a) (b) (c) (d)
( x + 1)( x + 3)( x − 6 ) ( x + 1)( x + 3)( x − 6 ) ( x + 1)( x + 3)( x − 6 ) ( x + 1)( x + 3)( x − 6 )

2a − b
10. +4
8a − 4b 14a − b 12a − b
(a) (b) (c) (d) 12a
3a 3a 3a


11. t
s+t s+t
(a) (b) (c) st (d) t + 1
s t

x −1
x+ y
x2 x+ y 1
(a) (b) (c) x + y (d)
x+ y x2 x+ y

Solve each equation.

x 1 −10
13. − =
x + 10 11 x + 10
(a) no solution (b) –10 (c) 10 (d) 0

x−3 x+2
14. =
x −1 x + 5
2 17
(a) 13 (b) –17 (c) (d)
15 9

15. Solve y = for x.
by + a by + a by − a
(a) x = (b) x = (c) x = b − a (d) x =
y y −1 y +1

Chapter 6 Test Form H (cont.) Name:

16. Find x for the pair of similar figures below.

2x+3 10x+5


(a) 0 (b) 1 (c) 2 (d) 4

x x −3
For questions 17–18, let f ( x ) = and g ( x ) = .
x+6 x −1

17. Find (f + g )( x ) .

2 x 2 + 2 x − 18 2 x 2 − 18 2x − 3 x 2 − 3x
(a) (b) (c) (d)
( x + 6 )( x − 1) ( x + 6 )( x − 1) ( x + 6 )( x − 1) ( x + 6 )( x − 1)

⎛ f ⎞
18. Find ⎜ ⎟ ( x ) .

x 2 − 3x 2 x 2 + 2 x − 18 x2 − x 2 x2 + 2 x − 6
(a) (b) (c) (d)
( x + 6 )( x − 1) ( x + 6 )( x − 1) ( x + 6 )( x − 3) ( x + 6 )( x − 3)

19. The sum of the reciprocal of a number and the reciprocal of 4 less than the number is 6 times the reciprocal of
the original number. Find the original number.

10 24
(a) (b) –1 (c) 5 (d)
3 11

20. A variable m varies inversely with the variable n. If k is the constant of proportionality, find the equation of the

m k k m
(a) =k (b) m = (c) m = (d) =n
n n n2 k

Cumulative Review Test 1–6 Name:

Form A
⎧ 7 7⎫
1. Illustrate the set ⎨ x − ≤ x < ⎬ . 1.
⎩ 2 5⎭

2. Evaluate ( x − 4 ) + 3 xy 2 − 7 when x = 4 and y = –2.

2. ____________________________

3. Simplify and leave no negative or zero exponents in the answer: 3. ____________________________

⎛ −3a b c ⎞
3 4 0

⎜ 4 5 3 ⎟
⎝ 2a b c ⎠

4. Express in scientific notation: 0.000294 4. ____________________________

The double line graph below compares high temperatures in Honolulu and Miami in August. Use the graph for
questions 5 through 7. Let H(t) represent Honolulu’s temperature as a function of time and let M(t) represent Miami’s
temperature as a function of time.
93 Miami


11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

5. On which two days in the period shown did the two cities have the 5. ____________________________
same high temperature?

6. Find ( H + M ) (17). 6. ____________________________

7. Find ( M − H ) (18). 7. ____________________________

−b − b 2 − 4ac
8. Evaluate when a = 2, b = –10, and c = 8. 8. ____________________________

9. Solve the equation 4[3x – 2(4x – 1)] = –[5(x + 1) + 4(3x – 1)]. 9. ____________________________

10. Graph y = x 2 − 5 . 10.


Cumulative Review Test 1–6 Name:

Form A (cont.)
11. Graph y = 1 + x . 11.

12. Determine whether or not the graph shown is a function. 12. ____________________________


—4 —2 2 4 x

13. Write the equation of the line (in slope-intercept form) passing 13. ____________________________
through the point (4, 2) and perpendicular to 2 x + 3 y = 12 .

14. The position on a line of an object after t seconds is given by the 14. ____________________________
7 9
function: P ( t ) = − t 3 + t 2 + 2t − 9 . Find the position of the
3 2
object after 3 seconds. Round the answer to the nearest 0.1.

15. Solve the system of equations: 15. ____________________________

3 x − 3 y − 3z = 33
2 x − 2 y − z = 18
x + y − 3z = 11

16. How much of a 12% sulfuric acid solution should be mixed with a 16. ____________________________
20% sulfuric acid solution to get 5 liters of a 15% sulfuric acid

17. Given f ( x ) = x 2 + 9 x + 6 and g ( x ) = x + 6 , find (f + g )( x ) . 17. ____________________________

18. Factor completely: 16 x 4 − 81 y 4 18. ____________________________

x 3 9
19. Solve for x: − = 19. ____________________________
x −1 x + 2 x2 + x − 2

5 2 4
20. Solve for r: + = 2 20. ____________________________
r + 4 r + 2 r + 6r + 8

Cumulative Review Test 1–6 Name:

Form B
1. Which of the following illustrates the set { x x > −4 or x ≥ 4} .

(a) (b)
–8 –6 –4 –2 0 2 4 6 8 —8 —6 —4 —2 0 2 4 6 8

(c) (d)
—8 —6 —4 —2 0 2 4 6 8 —8 —6 —4 —2 0 2 4 6 8

2. Evaluate 2 y 2 ( x + y ) when x = 6 and y = 5.

(a) 1100 (b) 550 (c) 305 (d) 605

3. Simplify and leave no negative or zero exponents in the answer:

⎛ −3a 2 b 4 c 0 ⎞
⎜ 5 6 2 ⎟
⎝ 2a b c ⎠

16a12 16b8 c8 81a12 16a12 b8 c8

(a) − (b) (c) − (d)
81b8 c8 81a12 16b8 c8 81

4. Express in scientific notation: 125,000,000

(a) 125 × 106 (b) 125 × 10−6 (c) 1.25 × 108 (d) 1.25 × 10−8

The double line graph below compares high temperatures in Honolulu and Miami in August. Use the graph for
questions 5 through 7. Let H(t) represent Honolulu’s temperature as a function of time and let M(t) represent Miami’s
temperature as a function of time.
93 Miami


11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

5. For which of the days listed was Honolulu’s temperature higher than Miami’s?
(a) August 14 (b) August 13 (c) August 18 (d) August 12

6. Find ( M + N )(11) .

(a) 181° (b) 178° (c) 2° (d) 1°

7. Find ( H − M )(16 ) .

(a) 180° (b) 179° (c) 1° (d) 3°

−b − b 2 − 4ac
8. Evaluate when a = 1, b = –12 and c = 11.
(a) 1 (b) 2 (c) 10 (d) 12

Cumulative Review Test 1–6 Name:

Form B (cont.)
9. Solve the equation 3 ⎡⎣ 2 x − 4 ( 3x + 1) ⎤⎦ = − ⎡⎣(10 x − 1) + 9 ( 5 x + 7 ) ⎤⎦ .

(a) x = 2 (b) x = –2 (c) x = 25 (d) x = –25

10. Which equation matches the graph?



—4 2 4 x

(a) y = 4 − x 2 (b) y = x 2 − 4 (c) y = x 2 + 4 (d) y = 4 x 2

11. Which equation matches the graph?



—4 —2 2 4 x


(a) y = x + 1 (b) y = 1 − x (c) y = x − 1 (d) y = −1 − x

12. Determine which of the following graphs does NOT represent a function.

(a) y (b) y

4 4

—4 —2 4 x —4 —2 2 4 x
—2 —2
—4 —4

(c) y (d) y

2 2

—2 2 x —4 —2 2 4 x
—2 —2

13. Find an equation of the line that passes through the point (8, –5) and is parallel to the line 3x + 4 y = −8 .
(a) 3x + 4 y = 4 (b) 4 x − 3 y = 47 (c) 4 x + 3 y = 17 (d) 3x − 4 y = 44

Cumulative Review Test 1–6 Name:

Form B (cont.)
3 2
14. The area of an equilateral triangle with sides of length s can be found by the function: f ( s ) = s . Find the
area of an equilateral triangle with sides of length 8.5. Round answers to the nearest 0.1.

(a) 58.9 (b) 3.7 (c) 10.4 (d) 31.3

15. Solve for z:

3x + 2 y + 3z = 5
2 x + 3 y − 3 z = −10
x + 3 y − 3 z = −11

(a) –2 (b) 2 (c) –6 (d) 1

16. Mr. Simon invests a total of $6046 in two savings accounts. One account yields 8.5% simple interest and the
other yields 9% simple interest. He would like to find the amount placed in each account if a total of $522.14
interest is received after one year. Which system of linear equations expresses this problem?
(a) x + y = 522.14 (b) x + y = 522.14
0.085 x + 0.09 y = 6046 8.5 x + 9 y = 6046

(c) x + y = 6046 (d) x + y = 6046

0.085 x + 0.09 y = 522.14 8.5 x + 9 y = 522.14

17. Given f ( x ) = 3 x 2 − 8 x + 7 and g ( x ) = x 2 − 6 x − 2 , find (f − g )( x ) .

(a) none of these (b) 2 x 2 − 14 x + 5 (c) 2 x 2 − 14 x + 9 (d) 2 x 2 − 2 x + 9

18. Factor completely: 20 x 4 − 56 x 3 y − 12 x 2 y 2

(a) 4 x 2 ( 5 x 2 + 14 xy − 3 y 2 ) (b) 4 x 2 ( 5 x + y )( x − 3 y ) (c) 4 x 2 ( 5 x 2 − 14 xy − 3 y 2 ) (d) 4 x 2 ( 5 x − y )( x + 3 y )

x−9 x+4
19. Solve for x: =
x+5 x+8

46 26 5
(a) x = − (b) x = (c) x = − (d) x = 2
5 5 18

4 3 −4
20. Solve for r: + = 2
r + 3 r + 2 r + 5r + 6

(a) r = –3 (b) r = –2 (c) r = –4 (d) no solution


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