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ToolHound 5 Updated for Improved Inventory Tracking, Rental Tracking and Tool Requisitions

Toolhound released a new update (5.2014.0508.0) to ToolHound 5.

For ToolHound 5 Cloud users, please look for the updated version number along the bottom of the login
For ToolHound 5 Onsite users where the software is installed on your own servers, you will need to
download and install this update.
Note that this update also includes an update to the scanner component, ToolHound Mobile 5
(5.0.2014.0425). Everyone, including ToolHound 5 Cloud users, will need to apply this update to their
Highlights of this update include:
- Change Item Status now recognizes alternate IDs.
- Close Count
- Now creates adjustments and/or automatic transactions as required using user-specified to
put counted inventory back in stock if previously issued or retired.
- Serialized items counted as 0 will be retired using the status specified.
- Part Numbers
- Usability improvements to the Attachments tab
- Can now search for a serialized item using the Primary ID to find the associated part
- Items tab now displays the Status color
- Personnel - usability improvements to the Attachments tab
- Issue / Return - The Issued Inventory now uses a checkbox to select or deselect all items
- Create Requisitions - multiple usability improvements including
- Ability to import a list of part numbers and quantities. The file must have only two columns
(PartNo and Quantity) and be in CSV comma delimited format. Use the new upward pointing
arrow icon to specify the requisition template file to upload.
- Ability to print a copy of the requisition when processing
- Changes to the Catalogue tab
- Part numbers are hyperlinked. Double-click to open the Part Numbers page.
- Search by Part Number has been added
- Additional columns: QOH and Unit of Measure
- To select items, enter the Quantity. When you move off the field (Tab or Enter) the row will
be checked to indicate it has been added.
- Requisitions
- Ability to import a list of part numbers and quantities
- Return Statuses - New Order column allows you to set the most-frequently used return
status at the top of the displayed list. Numbering starts at 0.
- Transaction Types - New Order column allows you to set the most-frequently used
transactions types at the top of the displayed list. Numbering starts at 0.
- Return Statuses - New Order column allows you to set the most-frequently used return
status at the top of the displayed list. Numbering starts at 0.
- Service Due Calendar controls have been updated
- Work Orders - usability improvements to the Attachments tab
- Rental Order now uses the Parts Catalogue
- Rental Quote now uses the Parts Catalogue
- Recycle Bin - The part number and ID are now included.
- Notifications
- Select Person now includes admin users with visibility to all locations.
- Minimum Doc Total now accepts up to 6 digits.
- Transaction Receipts - Location/Entity criteria have been added
- Issues by Part - Entity, Job and Sub Job criteria have been added
- Requisition - new report

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