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Paper Title

, Author2(Corresponding author)
and Author3
Name of organization 1, Department, City, Country
Name of organization 2, Department, City, Country
Corresponding author (E-mail : correspondingauthor!mail"domain)
AbstractThis electronic document is a live template. The
various components of your paper [title, text, heads, etc.] are
already defined on the style sheet, as illustrated by the portions
given in this document.
Keywords-component formatting style styling insert.
#" #$T%&'(CT#&$ ()EA'#$* 1)
This template, modi+ied in ,- .ord 2//3 and sa0ed as
1.ord 23-2//3 4 5"/627 8 %T9: +or the PC, pro0ides authors
;ith most o+ the +ormatting speci+ications needed +or preparing
electronic 0ersions o+ their papers" All standard paper
components ha0e <een speci+ied +or three reasons: (1) ease o+
use ;hen +ormatting indi0idual papers, (2) automatic
compliance to electronic re=uirements that +acilitate the
concurrent or later production o+ electronic products, and (3)
con+ormit> o+ st>le throughout a con+erence proceedings"
,argins, column ;idths, line spacing, and t>pe st>les are <uilt-
in? e@amples o+ the t>pe st>les are pro0ided throughout this
document and are identi+ied in italic t>pe, ;ithin parentheses,
+ollo;ing the e@ample" -ome components, such as multi-
le0eled e=uations, graphics, and ta<les are not prescri<ed,
although the 0arious ta<le te@t st>les are pro0ided" The
+ormatter ;ill need to create these components, incorporating
the applica<le criteria that +ollo;"
9ailure to compl> ;ith the templateAs rules ;ill result in
automatic reBection"
##" EA-E &9 (-E
A. Selecting a Template (Heaing 2!
9irst, con+irm that >ou ha0e the correct template +or >our
paper siCe" This template has <een tailored +or output on the AD
paper siCe"
". #aintaining t$e %ntegrity of t$e Specifications
The template is used to +ormat >our paper and st>le the te@t"
All margins, column ;idths, line spaces, and te@t +onts are
prescri<ed? please do not alter them" Eou ma> note
peculiarities" 9or e@ample, the head margin in this template
measures proportionatel> more than is customar>" This
measurement and others are deli<erate, using speci+ications that
anticipate >our paper as one part o+ the entire proceedings, and
not as an independent document" Please do not re0ise an> o+ the
current designations"
###" P%EPA%E E&(% PAPE% FE9&%E -TEG#$*
Fe+ore >ou <egin to +ormat >our paper, +irst ;rite and sa0e
the content as a separate te@t +ile" Heep >our te@t and graphic
+iles separate until a+ter the te@t has <een +ormatted and st>led"
'o not use hard ta<s, and limit use o+ hard returns to onl> one
return at the end o+ a paragraph" 'o not add an> Iind o+
pagination an>;here in the paper" 'o not num<er te@t heads-
the template ;ill do that +or >ou"
9inall>, complete content and organiCational editing <e+ore
+ormatting" Please taIe note o+ the +ollo;ing items ;hen
proo+reading spelling and grammar"
A. Abbre&iations an Acronyms
'e+ine a<<re0iations and acron>ms the +irst time the> are
used in the te@t, e0en a+ter the> ha0e <een de+ined in the
a<stract" A<<re0iations such as #EEE, -#, ,H-, C*-, sc, dc,
and rms do not ha0e to <e de+ined" 'o not use a<<re0iations in
the title or heads unless the> are una0oida<le"
". 'nits
(se either -# (,H-) or C*- as primar> units" (-# units
are encouraged") English units ma> <e used as
secondar> units (in parentheses)" An e@ception ;ould
<e the use o+ English units as identi+iers in trade, such
as 13"7-inch disI dri0e:"
A0oid com<ining -# and C*- units, such as current in
amperes and magnetic +ield in oersteds" This o+ten
leads to con+usion <ecause e=uations do not <alance
dimensionall>" #+ >ou must use mi@ed units, clearl>
state the units +or each =uantit> that >ou use in an
'o not mi@ complete spellings and a<<re0iations o+
units: 1.<6m2: or 1;e<ers per s=uare meter:, not
1;e<ers6m2:" -pell out units ;hen the> appear in te@t:
1" " " a +e; henries:, not 1" " " a +e; ):"
(se a Cero <e+ore decimal points: 1/"27:, not 1"27:"
(se 1cm3:, not 1cc:" (<ullet list)
C. ()uations
The e=uations are an e@ception to the prescri<ed
speci+ications o+ this template" Eou ;ill need to determine
;hether or not >our e=uation should <e t>ped using either the
Times $e; %oman or the ->m<ol +ont (please no other +ont)"
To create multile0eled e=uations, it ma> <e necessar> to treat
the e=uation as a graphic and insert it into the te@t a+ter >our
paper is st>led"
$um<er e=uations consecuti0el>" E=uation num<ers, ;ithin
parentheses, are to position +lush right, as in (1), using a right
ta< stop" To maIe >our e=uations more compact, >ou ma> use
the solidus ( 6 ), the e@p +unction, or appropriate e@ponents"
(se E=uation Editor or ,ath T>pe to edit >our e=uations"
Punctuate e=uations ;ith commas or periods ;hen the> are part
o+ a sentence, as in
" + =
$ote that the e=uation is centered using a center ta< stop" Fe
sure that the s>m<ols in >our e=uation ha0e <een de+ined <e+ore
or immediatel> +ollo;ing the e=uation" (se 1(1):, not 1E=" (1):
or 1e=uation (1):, e@cept at the <eginning o+ a sentence:
1E=uation (1) is " " ":
D. Some Common #ista*es
The ;ord 1data: is plural, not singular"
The su<script +or the permea<ilit> o+ 0acuum, and other
common scienti+ic constants, is Cero ;ith su<script
+ormatting, not a lo;ercase letter 1o:"
#n American English, commas, semi-6colons, periods,
=uestion and e@clamation marIs are located ;ithin
=uotation marIs onl> ;hen a complete thought or name
is cited, such as a title or +ull =uotation" .hen
=uotation marIs are used, instead o+ a <old or italic
t>pe+ace, to highlight a ;ord or phrase, punctuation
should appear outside o+ the =uotation marIs" A
parenthetical phrase or statement at the end o+ a
sentence is punctuated outside o+ the closing
parenthesis (liIe this)" (A parenthetical sentence is
punctuated ;ithin the parentheses")
A graph ;ithin a graph is an 1inset:, not an 1insert:"
The ;ord alternati0el> is pre+erred to the ;ord
1alternatel>: (unless >ou reall> mean something that
'o not use the ;ord 1essentiall>: to mean
1appro@imatel>: or 1e++ecti0el>:"
#n >our paper title, i+ the ;ords 1that uses: can
accuratel> replace the ;ord 1using:, capitaliCe the 1u:?
i+ not, Ieep using lo;er-cased"
Fe a;are o+ the di++erent meanings o+ the homophones
1a++ect: and 1e++ect:, 1complement: and
1compliment:, 1discreet: and 1discrete:, 1principal:
and 1principle:"
'o not con+use 1impl>: and 1in+er:"
The pre+i@ 1non: is not a ;ord? it should <e Boined to
the ;ord it modi+ies, usuall> ;ithout a h>phen"
There is no period a+ter the 1et: in the Gatin
a<<re0iation 1et al":"
The a<<re0iation 1i"e": means 1that is:, and the
a<<re0iation 1e"g": means 1+or e@ample:"
An e@cellent st>le manual +or science ;riters is J3K"
#L" (-#$* T)E TE,PGATE
A+ter the te@t edit has <een completed, the paper is read> +or
the template" 'uplicate the template +ile <> using the -a0e As
command, and use the naming con0ention prescri<ed <> >our
con+erence +or the name o+ >our paper" #n this ne;l> created
+ile, highlight all o+ the contents and import >our prepared te@t
+ile" Eou are no; read> to st>le >our paper? use the scroll do;n
;indo; on the le+t o+ the ,- .ord 9ormatting tool<ar"
A. Aut$ors an Affiliations
The template is designed so that author a++iliations are not
repeated each time +or multiple authors o+ the same a++iliation"
Please Ieep >our a++iliations as succinct as possi<le (+or
e@ample, do not di++erentiate among departments o+ the same
organiCation)" This template ;as designed +or t;o a++iliations"
#+ necessar> more a++iliations can <e speci+ied? same st>le must
<e maintained"
". %entify t$e Heaings
)eadings, or heads, are organiCational de0ices that guide
the reader through >our paper" There are t;o t>pes: component
heads and te@t heads"
Component heads identi+> the di++erent components o+ >our
paper and are not topicall> su<ordinate to each other" E@amples
include AcIno;ledgments and %e+erences and, +or these, the
correct st>le to use is 1)eading 7:" (se 1+igure caption: +or
>our 9igure captions, and 1ta<le head: +or >our ta<le title" %un-
in heads, such as 1A<stract:, ;ill re=uire >ou to appl> a st>le
(in this case, italic) in addition to the st>le pro0ided <> the drop
do;n menu to di++erentiate the head +rom the te@t"
Te@t heads organiCe the topics on a relational, hierarchical
<asis" 9or e@ample, the paper title is the primar> te@t head
<ecause all su<se=uent material relates and ela<orates on this
one topic" #+ there are t;o or more su<-topics, the ne@t le0el
head (uppercase %oman numerals) should <e used and,
con0ersel>, i+ there are not at least t;o su<-topics, then no
su<heads should <e introduced"
C. +igures an Tables
Place +igures and ta<les at the top and <ottom o+ columns"
A0oid placing them in the middle o+ columns" Garge +igures
and ta<les ma> span across <oth columns" 9igure captions
should <e <elo; the +igures? ta<le heads should appear a<o0e
the ta<les" #nsert +igures and ta<les a+ter the> are cited in the
.e suggest that >ou use a te@t <o@ to insert a graphic
(;hich is ideall> a 3// dpi T#99 or EP- +ile, ;ith all +onts
em<edded) <ecause, in an ,-. document, this method is
some;hat more sta<le than directl> inserting a picture"
To ha0e non-0isi<le rules on >our +rame, use the
,-.ord 19ormat: pull-do;n menu, select Te@t Fo@ M
Colors and Gines to choose $o 9ill and $o Gine"
te@t" (se the a<<re0iation 19ig" 1:, e0en at the <eginning o+ a
Ta<le #
Table "olumn !ead
Table column subhead Subhead Subhead
cop> ,ore ta<le cop>
9igure 1" E@ample o+ a +igure caption" (+igure caption)
9igure Ga<els: (se N point Times $e; %oman +or 9igure
la<els" (se ;ords rather than s>m<ols or a<<re0iations ;hen
;riting 9igure a@is la<els to a0oid con+using the reader" As an
e@ample, ;rite the =uantit> 1,agnetiCation:, or
1,agnetiCation, ,:, not Bust 1,:" #+ including units in the
la<el, present them ;ithin parentheses" 'o not la<el a@es onl>
;ith units" #n the e@ample, ;rite 1,agnetiCation (A6m): or
1,agnetiCation OAJm(1)KP:, not Bust 1A6m:" 'o not la<el a@es
;ith a ratio o+ =uantities and units" 9or e@ample, ;rite
1Temperature (H):, not 1Temperature6H:"
L" (-#$* %E9E%E$CE-
The template ;ill num<er citations consecuti0el> ;ithin
<racIets J1K" The sentence punctuation +ollo;s the <racIet J2K"
%e+er simpl> to the re+erence num<er, as in J3KQdo not use
1%e+" J3K: or 1re+erence J3K: e@cept at the <eginning o+ a
sentence: 1%e+erence J3K ;as the +irst " " ":
$um<er +ootnotes separatel> in superscripts" Place the
actual +ootnote at the <ottom o+ the column in ;hich it ;as
cited" 'o not put +ootnotes in the re+erence list" (se letters +or
ta<le +ootnotes"
(nless there are si@ authors or more gi0e all authorsR names?
do not use 1et al":" Papers that ha0e not <een pu<lished, e0en i+
the> ha0e <een su<mitted +or pu<lication, should <e cited as
1unpu<lished: JDK" Papers that ha0e <een accepted +or
pu<lication should <e cited as 1in press: J7K" CapitaliCe onl> the
+irst ;ord in a paper title, e@cept +or proper nouns and element
9or papers pu<lished in translation Bournals, please gi0e the
English citation +irst, +ollo;ed <> the original +oreign-language
citation J5K"
ACH$&.GE'*,E$T ()EA'#$* 7)
The pre+erred spelling o+ the ;ord 1acIno;ledgment: in
America is ;ithout an 1e: a+ter the 1g:" A0oid the stilted
e@pression, 1&ne o+ us (%" F" *") thanIs " " ": #nstead, tr> 1%"
F" *" thanIs:"
J1K *" Eason, F" $o<le, and #" $" -neddon, 1&n certain integrals o+
GipschitC-)anIel t>pe in0ol0ing products o+ Fessel +unctions,: Phil"
Trans" %o>" -oc" Gondon, 0ol" A2D3, pp" 7228771, April 1277"
J2K S" ClerI ,a@;ell, A Treatise on Electricit> and ,agnetism, 3rd ed", 0ol"
2" &@+ord: Clarendon, 1N22, pp"5N833"
J3K #" -" Saco<s and C" P" Fean, 19ine particles, thin +ilms and e@change
anisotrop>,: in ,agnetism, 0ol" ###, *" T" %ado and )" -uhl, Eds" $e;
EorI: Academic, 1253, pp" 231837/"
JDK H" Elissa, 1Title o+ paper i+ Ino;n,: unpu<lished"
J7K %" $icole, 1Title o+ paper ;ith onl> +irst ;ord capitaliCed,: S" $ame
-tand" A<<re0", in press"
J5K E" EoroCu, ," )irano, H" &Ia, and E" Taga;a, 1Electron spectroscop>
studies on magneto-optical media and plastic su<strate inter+ace,: #EEE
Transl" S" ,agn" Sapan, 0ol" 2, pp" 3D/83D1, August 12N3 J'igests 2th
Annual Con+" ,agnetics Sapan, p" 3/1, 12N2K"
J3K ," Eoung, The Technical .riterRs )and<ooI" ,ill Lalle>, CA:
(ni0ersit> -cience, 12N2"

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