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Candidate Name: Class: Index No:


Where discernment, discipline, daring, determination & duty become
a part of life.
#IOLO$Y %&"'(
( HR (! AU$ 2!
1045-1145 hr Monday
Instructions to Candidates:
Do not o)en t*is +oo,let -ntil .o- a/e told to do so0
Write your name, class and index number in the OMR aer ro!ided"
#here are " $uestions in this aer" %ns&er ALL $uestions in the OMR aer
'or each $uestion, there are 4 ossible ans&ers: %, (, C or )" Choose the one you
consider is the best ans&er and record your choice usin* a so+t encil on the OMR
sheet ro!ided"
,ach correct ans&er &ill score one mar-" % mar- &ill not be deducted +or a &ron*
Read t*e inst/-1tions on t*e OTAS )a)e/ 2e/. 1a/e3-ll.0
#his $uestion aer consists o+ 15 rinted a*es includin* the co!er a*e"
1" #he dia*ram belo& sho&s a detailed structure o+ an animal cell" #he structure that
er+orms a similar +unction to the human lun*s is
% 1 C .
( / ) 4
/" #he human brain, -idney and li!er all de!elo +rom the same 0y*ote" #his +act
indicates that the cells +ormed by di!isions o+ the 0y*ote are able to
% di++erentiate C relicate
( mutate ) reroduce
." What substance can be +ound in the contents o+ lant !acuoles1
2I3 Chlorohyll
2II3 Water
2III3 4alts
2I53 4tarch *rains
% 2I3, 2II3, 2III3 only C 2II3 and 2III3 only
( 2II3, 2III3, 2I53 only ) 2II3 and 2I53 only
4" #he dia*ram belo& sho&s +our onion cells that ha!e been immersed in +our di++erent
solutions 6, W, 7 and 8"
Which o+ the +ollo&in* solutions are arran*ed in order o+ decreasin* &ater otential1
% 6, W, 8, 7 C 7, W, 8, 6
( 6, 8, W, 7 ) 7, 8, W, 6
5" 9aramecium, a roto0oan has t&o contractile !acuoles +or the e!acuation o+ excess
&ater +rom its body" #he table records the a!era*e time ta-en by a contractile !acuole
to +ill u and emty its contents &hen the animal is immersed in three di++erent li$uids
4, # and 6"
(athin* :i$uid #ime 2s3
4 1;;
# .1
6 <4
What are the li-ely three bathin* li$uids1
4 # 6
% 0".= salt solution 0"1= salt solution Water
( 0"1= salt solution Water 0".= salt solution
C Water 0".= salt solution 0"1= salt solution
) 0".= salt solution Water 0"1= salt solution
<" 'ollo&in* &hich o+ the treatments &ould an en0yme be exected to still ha!e an
I 9rotease treatment
II >eatin* almost to the oint o+ denaturation and then coolin* once only
III 'ree0in* and then tha&in* once only
% I only C I and II only
( III only ) II and III only
?" )urin* hotosynthesis, molecules o+ oxy*en are released as a result o+
@slittin*A o+ &ater molecules" #his is the direct result +rom
% dar- reaction C li*ht reaction
( hydrolysis reaction ) reduction o+ carbon dioxide
;" ,xtra carbon dioxide is usually sulied to a *reenhouse as its normal
atmosheric concentration tends to act as a limitin* +actor" When is additional
carbon dioxide best sulied to a *reenhouse1
% )urin* the day and ni*ht since the lants resire /4 hours a day
( )urin* the day since hotosynthesis occurs in the resence o+ li*ht
C )urin* the ni*ht only since lants resire at ni*ht
) )urin* cloudy days only &hen li*ht is a limitin* +actor"
B" %n en0yme catalysed reaction may be sho&n as +ollo&s:
, C 4 ,4 9 C ,
Which line in the *rah belo& reresents the ,4 comlex1
10" Which one o+ the +ollo&in* are all roducts o+ the li!er1
% (ile, roteases and urea
( (ile, urea and blood roteins
C 9esin, mucus, bile
) 9roteases, amylases and liase
11" When bile is added to a samle o+ oil, the > o+ the mixture increases" Which is
the main cause +or this obser!ation1
% (ile Duice brea-s do&n the oil into +atty acids
( (ile Duice contains al-aline salts
C (ile Duice contains bile i*ments
) (ile Duice emulsi+ies oil
1/" #he *rah belo& reresents data obtained +rom an exeriment on starch di*estion
at di++erent arts o+ the di*esti!e trac-"
Which statement best describes oint % and oint ( on the *rah1
% % bric- red reciitate is obser!ed +rom (enedictAs test at oint % &hile
iodine test sho&s blue blac- at ("
( % bric- red reciitate is obser!ed +rom (enedictAs test at oint ( &hile
iodine test sho&s blue blac- at %"
C % *reen reciitate is obser!ed +rom (enedictAs test at oint % &hile iodine
test sho&s yello& at ("
) % *reen reciitate is obser!ed +rom (enedictAs test at oint ( &hile iodine
test sho&s yello& at %"
1." #he *rah sho&s the ressure chan*es in the heart durin* a sin*le heart beat"
%t &hich oint does the aortic !al!e oen allo&in* blood to lea!e the heart1
Euestion 14 and 15 re+ers to the results o+ blood *rou testin* o+ three eole, Fohn,
Facob and Fenni+er" #he test results are sho&n belo&"
14" #o &hich blood *rou does each belon*1
Fohn Facob Fenni+er
% % ( %(
( ( %( O
C %( % (
) O %( %
4o*n 4a1o+ 4enni3e/
15" What causes the red blood cells o+ Fohn to clum &hen his blood mixed &ith
serum +rom *rou %1
% %ntibody a in the serum reacts &ith anti*en % on the red blood cells,
causin* clumin* o+ the red blood cells +rom Fohn"
( %ntibody a in the serum reacts &ith anti*en ( on the red blood cells,
causin* clumin* o+ the red blood cells +rom Fohn"
C %ntibody b in the serum reacts &ith anti*en ( on the red blood cells,
causin* clumin* o+ the red blood cells +rom Fohn"
) %ntibody b in the serum reacts &ith anti*en % on the red blood cells,
causin* clumin* o+ the red blood cells +rom Fohn"
1<" #he *rah belo& sho&s the concentration o+ !arious chemical substances in the
thi*h muscles o+ a erson exercisin* !i*orously on a bicycle"
Which one o+ the +ollo&in* statements is correct1
% :ine F reresents *lyco*en"
( :ine G reresents carbon dioxide"
C :ine : reresents oxy*en"
) :ine M reresents lactic acid"
1?" When a erson is doin* strenuous exercise, a lot o+ heat is *enerated throu*h
resiration" 6nder &hat conditions &ill he lose most body heat by e!aoration1
%ir temerature 2
C3 Relati!e humidity 2=3
% /0 <0
( /0 B;
C .5 <0
) .5 B;
1;" What rocess2es3 is used in the nehron +or the reabsortion o+ *lucose +rom the
*lomerular +iltrate into the blood1
I acti!e transort
II di++usion
III +iltration
% I only C I and II only
( II only ) I, II and III
1B" #he +ollo&in* dia*rams reresent the mo!ement o+ 4ubstance % and 4ubstance (
throu*h a normal, healthy human nehron"
Which one o+ the +ollo&in* statements is correct1
% 4ubstance % could be *lucose"
( 4ubstance % is reabsorbed"
C 4ubstance ( could be &ater"
) 4ubstance ( is +iltered but not reabsorbed"
/0" Which acti!ity increases the core body temerature o+ a mammal1
% % decrease in metabolic rate
( 4hi!erin*
C 4&eatin*
) 5asodilation o+ arterioles
/1" Which one o+ the +ollo&in* is the common +eature o+ air sacs o+ the lun*s and the
coiled tubules o+ the nehrons1
% #hey both a +reely ermeable to dissol!ed substances"
( #hey both ha!e a rich blood suly"
C #hey both ha!e cells co!ered &ith cilia"
) #hey both ha!e cells &ith a hi*h metabolic rate"
Euestions // and /. re+er to the *rah belo& &hich sho&s the chan*es o+ the lens
thic-ness o+ a boyAs eye &ithin 10 seconds"
//" What chan*es occur in the boyAs eye bet&een the /
and 4
% #he ciliary muscles are relaxin*"
( #he uils are dilatin*"
C #he susensory li*aments are ti*htened"
) #he tension on the susensory li*aments is decreasin*"
/." What do you thin- the boy &as loo-in* at bet&een the <
and ;
% % +ar a&ay stationary obDect"
( % nearby stationary obDect"
C %n obDect mo!in* to&ards him"
) %n obDect mo!in* a&ay +rom him"
Euestions /4 and /5 re+er to the dia*ram sho&in* a art o+ the ner!ous system in a +ro*"
/4" What can be +ound inside 7, 8 and H1
7 8 H
% ner!e +ibres axons dendrons
( ner!e +ibres dendrons axons
C cell bodies axons dendrons
) cell bodies dendrons axons
/5" I+ a se*ment o+ structure H bet&een oints 1 and / is cut and remo!ed and an
electric current is alied to the +ro*As le*, &hich o+ the +ollo&in* may occur1
% #he +ro* can control the mo!ement o+ the le* by &ill"
( #he +ro* +eels the ain but cannot mo!e its le*"
C #he le* cannot mo!e at all"
) #he le* sho&s normal re+lex resonses"
/<" #he reaction time o+ a student is +ound by measurin* the distance a ruler +alls
be+ore it is cau*ht by a student" % teacher dros the ruler as sho&n"
Which ath is ta-en by ner!e imulses +rom the studentAs eyes to the muscles o+
his hand1
% Otic ner!e retina sinal cord brain sinal ner!e
( Otic ner!e retina sinal cord sinal ner!e brain
C retina otic ner!e brain sinal cord sinal ner!e
) retina otic ner!e sinal ner!e brain sinal cord
/?" >omeostasis re*ulation o+ the body is made ossible throu*h the coordination o+
all body systems" #his coordination is achie!ed mainly by
% Circulatory and di*esti!e systems
( Ier!ous and endocrine systems
C Resiratory and reroducti!e systems
) 4-eletal and excretory systems
/;" #he dia*ram sho&s the osition o+ some *lands" Which *land roduces both
hormones and di*esti!e Duices1
/B" I+ the +irst sta*e o+ an uninterruted human menstrual cycle is the +ollicle de!eloment
sta*e, the last sta*e includes the
% buildu o+ the uterine &all
( +ormation o+ serm cells in the testis
C release o+ mature e**
) sheddin* o+ the uterine &all
.0" In human males, serm cells are susended in a +luid medium -no&n as semen" #he
main ad!anta*e *ained +rom this adatation is that the +luid
% acti!ates the e** nucleus so that it be*ins to di!ide
( acts as a transort medium +or serm
C ro!ides currents that roel the e** do&n the o!iduct
) secretes the en0ymes necessary to enetrate the e**
.1" Which o+ the +ollo&in* occurs in a lant cell but not in an animal cell durin* mitotic cell
% Chromosome dulication
( Cyto-inesis
C 'ormation o+ a cell late
) 'ormation o+ sindle +ibres
./" #he dia*ram belo& illustrates the rocess o+ cell di!ision"
What is the si*ni+icance o+ anahase in this rocess1
% %nahase usually ensures that each dau*hter cell has the same number o+
chromosomes as the arent cell"
( %nahase usually ensures that each dau*hter cell has t&ice as many
chromosomes as the arent cell"
C In anahase, the cells slit in hal+"
) In anahase, the )I% is relicated"
.." %ll the children o+ a haemohiliac male and a normal +emale are normal &ith
resect to blood clottin*" >o&e!er some o+ their *randsons are haemohiliac" #his
is an examle o+ the attern o+ hereditary -no&n as
% comlete dominance C incomlete dominance
( codominance ) sex-lin-a*e
.4" In a articular !ariety o+ corn, the -ernels turn red &hen exosed to sunli*ht" In
the absence o+ sunli*ht, the -ernels remain yello&" (ased on the in+ormation, it
can be concluded that the colour o+ the corn -ernels is due to
% % di++erent secies o+ corn that is roduced in sunli*ht"
( % di++erent tye o+ )I% that is roduced &hen sunli*ht is resent"
C #he e++ect o+ en!ironment on *ene exression"
) #he e++ect o+ sunli*ht on the number o+ chromosomes inherited"
.5" % oulation o+ chimun-s mi*rated to an en!ironment &here they had little
cometition" #heir oulation $uic-ly increases but e!entually stabili0ed as sho&n
in the *rah"
Which statement best exlains &hy the oulation stabili0ed1
% % redator secies came to an area and occuied the same niche as the
( %n increase in the chimun-s oulation caused an increase in the
roducer oulation"
C Interbreedin* bet&een members o+ the oulation increased the mutation
) #he oulation si0e became limited due to +actors such as a!ailability o+
.<" I+ members o+ the same secies ha!e been *eo*rahically isolated +rom each
other +or an extended eriod o+ time, &hich &ill they most li-ely exhibit1
% ,!olution into t&o ne& secies &hich &ill ha!e no roblem interbreedin*
( ,!olution o+ traits o+ hi*h adati!e !alue +or their articular en!ironment
C Mutations identical to each other
) Random recombination o+ traits o+ each other
.?" #he *rah sho&s the density o+ mos$uitoes in an area that had been srayed &ith
a non-biode*radable insecticide each hal+-year successi!ely +or +our srays"
,xlain &hy mos$uitoes &ould not be -illed by the insecticide a+ter the +ourth sray"
% Mos$uitoes ac$uired resistance to the insecticide a+ter some time and
sur!i!ed to reroduce oulation that &as resistance to the insecticide"
( Mos$uitoes &ith resistance to the insecticide sur!i!ed and reroduced a
oulation that &as resistant to the insecticide"
C #he insecticide bro-e do&n a+ter some time and could not -ill the
) #he insecticide is not e++ecti!e in -illin* the mos$uitoes because it is non-
Euestions .; to 40 re+er to the dia*rams belo&" #he le+t dia*ram reresents a ortion o+
the double stranded )I% molecule" #he dia*ram on the ri*ht reresents seci+ic
combinations o+ nitro*enous bases 2anti-codons3 +ound in comounds transortin*
seci+ic amino acids"
.;" #he amino acid &hose *enetic code is resent in strand I is
% asara*ine C henylalanine
( lysine ) serine
.B" #he thymine 2#3 o+ strand I is accidentally relaced by adenine 2%3" #his
occurrence is called
% se*re*ation C indeendent assortment
( disDunction ) mutation
40" I+ both strands are used as temlates durin* 9rotein synthesis, the number o+
amino acids coded by both strands I and II is
% 1 C 4
( / ) ;
1" ) /" % ." C 4" ( 5" ) <" ) ?" C ;" (
B" % 10" ( 11" ( 1/" ( 1." ( 14" ( 15" C 1<" (
1?" C 1;" C 1B" C /0" ( /1" ( //" ) /." ) /4" %
/5" % /<" C /?" ( /;" ( /B" ) .0" ( .1" C ./" %
.." ) .4" C .5" ) .<" ( .?" ( .;" ( .B" ) 40" C

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