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Bentley Civil Workshop

2013 MACC Conference

Getting Started in SS3 Bentley Civil Power Products
Team Leader: Joey LouAllen
Team Members: Mike Barkasi
Bentley Systems,
n!or"orated #$%
Sto!kton &ri'e
()ton, *A 1+,-1
Works0o": BCR1WK2 1 2ettin3 Started in SS, Bentley Ci'il *o.er
Co"yri30t 4 251, Bentley Systems, n!/
Table of Contents
Preface 7
Session &es!ri"tion///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// $
T0is 0ands1on, 6our10our .orks0o" em"o.ers !asual or ne. users to 3et "rodu!ti'e in
S(L(CTseries, 7ui!ker8 Learn t0e built1in CA& tools and 0o. to na'i3ate t0e ne. Ci'il
data 6ormat 1 t0e d3n8 ('aluate !i'il models8 m"ort ()istin3 Terrain8 Learn 9t0e Rules98
ntelli3ently and &ire!tly (dit &esi3ns by Cli!k1and1Ty"e8 Build Roads8 Create ne.
!orridors8 2rade *ads,
Sa'e time .it0 Ci'il Cells8 :or all Bentley !i'il users / ////////////////////////////////////////////////////$
Learnin3 ;b<e!ti'es///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +
Chapter 1: Exploring the Environment...........................................................1 1
=a'i3atin3 Tasks/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 1>
Mani"ulators////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 2>
Te)t Mani"ulators////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 2>
=ormal &ra3 ?andles////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////2$
Sna" !ons/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 2$
C0a"ter Summary////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ,2
Chapter 2: Using Rules........................................................................................1
@sin3 t0e Bentley Ci'il Standards///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////1
~ ()er!ise: ;"en a &esi3n :ile/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 1
~ ()er!ise: Turn Adumb 3ra"0i!sB into Ci'il 2ra"0i!s///////////////////////////////////////2
~ ()er!ise: Continue turnin3 Adumb 3ra"0i!sB into Ci'il 2ra"0i!s/////////////////////%
~ ()er!ise: *la!e a Centerline /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #
Chapter : Creating !ori"ontal Elements..........................................................1
Creatin3 ?oriContal (lements/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 1
~ ()er!ise: Set t0e :eature &e6inition //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 1
~ ()er!ise: *la!e 2eometry Lines ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 1
~ ()er!ise: *la!e 2eometry Ar!s//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////2
~ ()er!ise: *la!e 2eometry Lines ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////,
~ ()er!ise: *la!e 2eometry Ar!s//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////-
~ ()er!ise: *la!e a Line :rom an Ar! ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////-
~ ()er!ise: Create Com"le) (lements/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////%
~ ()er!ise: *la!e 2eometry Cur'es////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////#
~ ()er!ise: *la!e a Line to an Ar!////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////#
~ ()er!ise: *la!e Anot0er Line to an Ar!//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////>
~ ()er!ise: ()tend a Line/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////>
~ ()er!ise: Create Com"le) (lements//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////>
~ ()er!ise: Startin3 Station///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////$
Chapter #: Pavement E$ges % Curb Returns.....................................................1
Works0o": BCR1WK2 1 2ettin3 Started in SS, Bentley Ci'il *o.er
*rodu!ts Co"yri30t 4 251, Bentley Systems, n!/
iv Works0o": BCR1WK2 1 2ettin3 Started in SS, Bentley Ci'il *o.er *rodu!ts
Co"yri30t 4 251, Bentley Systems, n!/
Table of Contents
Creatin3 ?oriContal Ali3nment (lements///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////1
~ ()er!ise: Set t0e :eature &e6inition /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////1
~ ()er!ise: Set t0e :eature &e6inition /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////1
~ ()er!ise: Create (d3e o6 *a'ement 2eometries/////////////////////////////////////////2
~ ()er!ise: Create (d3e o6 *a'ement Radii at t0e nterse!tion///////////////////////2
~ ()er!ise: Create (d3e o6 *a'ement Radii at t0e nterse!tion///////////////////////-
Chapter &: 'uil$ing Pa$ (a)out...............................................................................1
;'er'ie. 1
Creatin3 a Buildin3 *ad Layout 1 ?oriContal////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////1
~ ()er!ise: &esi3n a Buildin3 *ad //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////1
~ ()er!ise: ()tra Work DTime *ermittin3E / /////////////////////////////////////////////////////>
Chapter *: Create an$ +nal)"e Terrain.....................................................................2
Create and AnalyCe Terrain///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 2
~ ()er!ise: Create Terrain Model 6rom ,& 2ra"0i!al (lements///////////////////////2
~ ()er!ise: @sin3 (lement n6ormation to C0an3e t0e Terrain Model &is"lay /-
~ ()er!ise: @sin3 (lement Tem"lates to Control &is"lay ////////////////////////////////#
~ ()er!ise: AnalyCe *oint/ /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////$
~ ()er!ise: Tra!e Slo"e//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////+
Chapter 7: Exploring the , Environment..............................................................1
Chapter -: Creating .ertical /eometr)...................................................................1
Creatin3 Ferti!al 2eometry////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 1
~ ()er!ise: 2ettin3 Started//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////1
~ ()er!ise: Set t0e A!ti'e Terrain Model /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////1
~ ()er!ise: ;"en a *ro6ile Model ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////2
~ ()er!ise: *la!e Ferti!al (lements////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////,
~ ()er!ise: Make a A:ull1Len3t0B Ferti!al Solution//////////////////////////////////////////%
Chapter 0: Creating a Corri$or.................................................................................1
Creatin3 Ferti!al 2eometry////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 1
~ ()er!ise: 2ettin3 Started//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////1
~ ()er!ise: Set t0e A!ti'e Terrain Model /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////1
Chapter 11: 'uil$ing Pa$s .ertical............................................................................1
Creatin3 a Buildin3 *ad//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 1
~ ()er!ise: &esi3nate ()istin3 2round ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////1
~ ()er!ise: &esi3n a Buildin3 *ad///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////2
~ ()er!ise: Make a Terrain o6 t0e Buildin3 (lements///////////////////////////////////////+
~ ()er!ise: Add tie slo"es/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////15
~ ()er!ise: Add Sub1layers///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////12
Chapter 11: Place Cells 2 'uil$ing Pa$s...................................................................1
Create a Buildin3 *ad @sin3 Ci'il Cell///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////1
9 ()er!ise: &esi3nate ()istin3 2round//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////1
Works0o": BCR1WK2 1 2ettin3 Started in SS, Bentley Ci'il *o.er *rodu!ts v
Co"yri30t 4 251, Bentley Systems, n!/
Table of Contents
Chapter 12: ,)namic Cross 3ections.....................................................................
;'er'ie. ,
;"enin3 a &ynami! Cross Se!tion Fie.///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////,
9 ()er!ise: ;"enin3 a Cross Se!tion Fie. ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////,
C0a"ter Summary///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// %
(earning Paths.......................................................................................................*
+ssessment 4original5...........................................................................................7
+ssessment 4revise$5............................................................................................-
/lossar) 0
vi Works0o": BCR1WK2 1 2ettin3 Started in SS, Bentley Ci'il *o.er *rodu!ts
Co"yri30t 4 251, Bentley Systems, n!/
Works0o": BCR1WK2 1 2ettin3 Started in SS, Bentley Ci'il *o.er *rodu!ts 7
Co"yri30t 4 251, Bentley Systems, n!/
n t0is .orks0o", you .ill e)"lore 0o. ;"enRoads Te!0nolo3y e)"oses desi3n data/ Gou .ill
and !reate !ommon road.ay and site desi3ns/ Gou .ill understand 0o. ;"enRoads
Te!0nolo3y .orks/
T0is .orks0o" is e7ually a""li!able 6or t0e MH, nRoads or 2(;*AK 6amilies o6 "rodu!ts/ (a!0
"rodu!t !ontains t0e identi!al toolset and identi!al .ork6lo./ T0e only di66eren!es bet.een
t0e t0ree "rodu!ts 6or t0e tools are sli30t di66eren!es in t0e use o6 6eature de6initions and
some di66eren!es in t0e ba!k1end intera!tion .it0 ot0er nati'e toolsets, su!0 as draina3e/
n t0is .orks0o", .e .ill use *o.er nRoads F$i S(L(CT series , released 'ersion,
alon3 .it0 t0e Ci'il Works"a!e/
T0ere are more e)er!ises in t0is manual t0an .e .ill 0a'e time to !o'er today/ We .ill all
!om"lete t0e basi! set o6 e)er!ises, and 6or t0ose 'eteran users in t0e 3rou" .0o !om"lete
t0em and still 0a'e time le6t in t0e e)er!ise session, you are .el!ome to .ork on t0e
n order 6or all "arti!i"ants to desi3n t0e same layout and to stay on !ourse and on time, .e
t0at all "arti!i"ants utiliCe t0e 6iles as listed in t0e .orks0o" materials/ At t0e be3innin3 o6
ea!0 !0a"ter, .e .ill start .it0 a 6res0 set o6 data/ T0is ensures t0at e'eryone is usin3
t0e same data/ *lus, .e 0a'e added data to a'oid redundant .ork/ :or e)am"le, .e
dra. some o6 t0e ed3es o6 "a'ement in t0e lab so you !an understand t0e .ork6lo., but
0a'e dra.n t0e remainder in 6or e)"edien!y o6 time/
T0e .orks0o" 3uide is yours to take .it0 you/
Note*rere7uisite Kno.led3e Le'el: *arti!i"ant s0ould 0a'e a basi! understandin3 o6 road
andIor site desi3n "rin!i"les and 0a'e some basi! 6amiliarity .it0 !i'il en3ineerin3
desi3n so6t.are/
Table of Contents
3E33678 ,E3CR6PT678
T0is 0ands1on, 6our10our .orks0o" em"o.ers !asual or ne. users to 3et "rodu!ti'e in
S(L(CTseries, 7ui!ker8 Learn t0e built1in CA& tools and 0o. to na'i3ate t0e ne. Ci'il data 6ormat
1 t0e d3n 8 ('aluate !i'il models8 m"ort ()istin3 Terrain8 Learn 9t0e Rules98 ntelli3ently and
&ire!tly (dit &esi3ns by Cli!k1and1Ty"e8 Build Roads8 Create ne. !orridors8 2rade *ads, Sa'e
time .it0 Ci'il Cells8 :or all Bentley !i'il users/
8 Works0o": BCR1WK2 1 2ettin3 Started in SS, Bentley Ci'il *o.er *rodu!ts
Co"yri30t 4 251, Bentley Systems, n!/
Table of Contents
(E+R868/ 7'9ECT6.E3
A6ter t0is !ourse you .ill be able to:
;"en an ;"enRoads Te!0nolo3y &esi3n and des!ribe its !ontents
(dit Ci'il Rules to !0an3e en3ineerin3I3eometri! "ro"erties
&es!ribe .0y .e use Ci'il 2eometry Tools rat0er t0an Asim"lyB AAdd Ci'il RulesB to
Create ?oriContal and Ferti!al 2eometry
Create ,& Roads DACorridorsBE
Create Buildin3 *ads and asso!iated 3radin3
*la!e Ci'il CellsAt t0e end o6 t0is trainin3 session, an assessment .ill be 3i'en/ We
.ill re'ie. all assessment 7uestions and ans.ers to see .0at you 0a'e learned/
Works0o": BCR1WK2 1 2ettin3 Started in SS, Bentley Ci'il *o.er *rodu!ts 9
Co"yri30t 4 251, Bentley Systems, n!/
Table of Contents
1 Works0o": BCR1WK2 1 2ettin3 Started in SS, Bentley Ci'il *o.er *rodu!ts
Co"yri30t 4 251, Bentley Systems, n!/
Chapter 1: Exploring the Environment
2ettin3 Started in SS, Bentley Ci'il *o.er *rodu!ts
Works0o": BCR1WK2 1 2ettin3 Started in SS, Bentley Ci'il *o.er
*rodu!ts Co"yri30t 4 251, Bentley Systems, n!/
Learning Objectives
12 Works0o": BCR1WK2 1 2ettin3 Started in SS, Bentley Ci'il *o.er *rodu!ts
Co"yri30t 4 251, Bentley Systems, n!/
Works0o": BCR1WK2 1 2ettin3 Started in SS, Bentley Ci'il *o.er *rodu!ts 13
Co"yri30t 4 251, Bentley Systems, n!/
Learning Objectives
Standards are no. in d3nlibs/ &3nlibs are best mana3ed by Mi!roStation (n'ironmental
Fariables Mi!roStation (n'ironmental Fariable are best mana3ed by Works"a!es
Bentley deli'ers an m"erial and a Metri! Works"a!e .it0 t0e "rodu!t/
1! Works0o": BCR1WK2 1 2ettin3 Started in SS, Bentley Ci'il *o.er *rodu!ts
Co"yri30t 4 251, Bentley Systems, n!/
Learning Objectives
T0rou30out t0is Works0o" and t0e L(AR=in3 Con6eren!e, SS, !ourses .ill
utiliCe t0e Bentley1Ci'il1m"erial Works"a!e
1/ @se:
@ser: e)am"les
*ro<e!t: Bentley1Ci'il1m"erial
1/ ;"en C"#213 Civil$%&'R(ing#BCR1WK2 )Getting Started in SS3 Bentley
Civil Power Prod ucts#*'+'#1$2*)&,-lori ng#SitePla n2 *.dgn
Works0o": BCR1WK2 1 2ettin3 Started in SS, Bentley Ci'il *o.er *rodu!ts 1/
Co"yri30t 4 251, Bentley Systems, n!/
Learning Objectives
10 Works0o": BCR1WK2 1 2ettin3 Started in SS, Bentley Ci'il *o.er *rodu!ts
Co"yri30t 4 251, Bentley Systems, n!/
Learning Objectives
&o!k t0e *ro<e!t ()"lorer, Tasks, and (lement n6o dialo3 or "in t0em or mo'e t0em
around to be 'isible
Works0o": BCR1WK2 1 2ettin3 Started in SS, Bentley Ci'il *o.er *rodu!ts 17
Co"yri30t 4 251, Bentley Systems, n!/
Navigating Tasks
(nsure t0at your Task Menu is 'isible Dit !an be o"ened by Tools J TaskE Mo'e it
some.0ere/ Consider do!kin3 it some.0ere/ Cli!k t0e 'arious Tasks 2rou"s to
see t0e tools/
8+.6/+T68/ T+3:3
Wit0in t0e Tasks dialo3, t0e 2eneral 2eometry and Ferti!al 2eometry tasks are lo!ated in
t0e Ci'il Tools Work6lo./ D=ote your tabs may 'ary sli30tly, de"endin3 on .0at Bentley
"rodu!ts are installed/E
Navigating Tasks
Cli!k A!ti'ate Work6lo. to 'ie. t0e main tasks/ To o"en t0e toolset, !li!k ()"and 2rou"/
Cli!k t0e same i!on to Colla"se t0e 2rou"/
is Works0o": BCR1WK2 1 2ettin3 Started in SS, Bentley Ci'il *o.er *rodu!ts
Co"yri30t 4 251, Bentley Systems, n!/
Works0o": BCR1WK2 1 2ettin3 Started in SS, Bentley Ci'il *o.er *rodu!ts 19
Co"yri30t 4 251, Bentley Systems, n!/
Navigating Tasks
T0ere are se'eral .ays t0e 2rou"s !an be dis"layed/ :or t0is .orks0o", .eKll use t0e *anel
Layout Mode, .0i!0 is t0e de6ault/
6 you "re6er listin3s rat0er t0an i!ons, you may "re6er t0e List Layout Mode/
Gour "re6eren!e may be to not use t0e Task dialo3/ ;t0er o"tions in!lude:
Sele!t any tool 6rom Tools J Ci'il 2eometry 6rom t0e *o.er "rodu!t main menu bar/
Sele!t L:2J 6rom your keyboard, .0i!0 o"ens t0e main .ork6lo.s "o"1u" menu/
T0is may 'ary de"endin3 on .0at "rodu!ts are installed and any task
!ustomiCation/ Sele!t Ci'il 2eometry/ Sele!t L:2J 6rom your keyboard and
2eneral 2eometry 6rom t0e "o"1u" menu/ T0en you !an use M, W, (, R, T, or
A D!orres"ondin3 to t0e letters to t0e le6t o6 t0e 3rou"E/ :or e)am"le, sele!tion
o6 W o"ens t0e 2eometry m"ortI()"ort "o"1u" menu/
Navigating Tasks
To use t0e !lassi! toolbo) 6or any sub13rou", ri30t1!li!k on t0e line and sele!t ;"en N///K as
Gou !an also !ustomiCe .0i!0 tools are dis"layed/ ;t0er !ustomiCin3 o"tions !an be 6ound
by ri30t1!li!kin3 on t0e na'i3ation 3rou"s/ CustomiCation o6 task na'i3ation is outside t0e
s!o"e o6 t0is .orks0o", but you may .ant to e)"eriment in your s"are time or a6ter t0e
.orks0o" is !on!luded/
Hint6 t0e Task dialo3 disa""ears or you a!!identally !lose it, sele!t Tools J Tasks 6rom t0e
*o.er "rodu!t main menu bar to brin3 it ba!k/
n t0is se!tion, .e .ill re'ie. some o6 t0e tools and settin3s t0at .ill be used t0rou30out
t0e .orks0o"/ :or easy a!!essibility, .e .ill do!k t0e tools .it0in t0e Mi!roStation
2 Works0o": BCR1WK2 1 2ettin3 Started in SS, Bentley Ci'il *o.er *rodu!ts
Co"yri30t 4 251, Bentley Systems, n!/
Works0o": BCR1WK2 1 2ettin3 Started in SS, Bentley Ci'il *o.er *rodu!ts 21
Co"yri30t 4 251, Bentley Systems, n!/
Navigating Tasks
;"en t0e *ro<e!t ()"lorer and t0e (lement n6ormation "anels *osition t0em
some.0ere/ Consider do!kin3 t0em some.0ere/
()"lore t0e *ro<e!t ()"lorer/
Re'ie. t0e Ci'il Standards tab/
Re'ie. t0e Ci'il Model/ Cli!kin3 on an item 0i30li30ts it in t0e desi3n and s0o.s its "ro"erties
in t0e (lement n6ormation dialo3/
Navigating Tasks
Sele!t elements in t0e desi3n/ Re'ie. t0e (lementKs n6ormation/
22 Works0o": BCR1WK2 1 2ettin3 Started in SS, Bentley Ci'il *o.er *rodu!ts
Co"yri30t 4 251, Bentley Systems, n!/
Navigating Tasks
Sele!tin3 an (lement s0o.s its rules and (ditability 'ia t0e nter6a!e DMani"ulators, et!/E/
Works0o": BCR1WK2 1 2ettin3 Started in SS, Bentley Ci'il *o.er *rodu!ts 23
Co"yri30t 4 251, Bentley Systems, n!/
Navigating Tasks
We .onKt use t0is in !lass, but t0e Ci'il Messa3e Center D2eneral 2eometry J 2eometry To33les
J Ci'il Messa3e CenterE "ro'ides a mana3eable (rror and Warnin3 list/
2! Works0o": BCR1WK2 1 2ettin3 Started in SS, Bentley Ci'il *o.er *rodu!ts
Co"yri30t 4 251, Bentley Systems, n!/
Navigating Tasks
Works0o": BCR1WK2 1 2ettin3 Started in SS, Bentley Ci'il *o.er *rodu!ts 2/
Co"yri30t 4 251, Bentley Systems, n!/
T0is 0as been "reset 6or us, but in Settin3s J &esi3n :ile JJ Ci'il :ormattin3, t0ere are a
'ariety o6 settin3 s 6or Ci'il1related in"ut, dis"lay and out"ut "ro"erties/
Navigating Tasks
20 Works0o": BCR1WK2 1 2ettin3 Started in SS, Bentley Ci'il *o.er *rodu!ts
Co"yri30t 4 251, Bentley Systems, n!/
Sele!t and ins"e!t t0e Buildin3 and t0e Side.alk around it/
W0en any element !reated by a Ci'il 2eometry tool is sele!ted, !ertain mani"ulators are
dis"layed dynami!ally/ T0ese mani"ulators 'ary by element ty"e/
Mani"ulators 6all into 6our main ty"es:
Te)t mani "ul ators
=ormal &ra3 ?andles
Sna" i!ons
Ci'il A!!u&ra. dra3 0andles
TE<T ;+86PU(+T7R3
T0ese !an be !li!ked to make t0em editable, .0i!0 lets you ty"e in ne. 'alues/ ()am"les
in!lude distan!e and dire!tion te)t mani"ulators in 0oriContal 3eometry, and len3t0 and
slo"es in 'erti!al 3eometry/
Works0o": BCR1WK2 1 2ettin3 Started in SS, Bentley Ci'il *o.er *rodu!ts 27
Co"yri30t 4 251, Bentley Systems, n!/
Examples of Horizontal (Left) and Vertical (Right) Text Manipulators
28 Works0o": BCR1WK2 1 2ettin3 Started in SS, Bentley Ci'il *o.er *rodu!ts
Co"yri30t 4 251, Bentley Systems, n!/
87R;+( ,R+/ !+8,(E3
T0ese are 0andles t0at you !an !li!k and dra3 to rede6ine t0e element/
An arro. s0a"ed dra3 0andle O rede6ines t0e "oint .it0 one or more dire!tions
!onstrained/ :or e)am"le, t0e "arallel arro.s Dt0at are "arallel to t0e lineE are
!onstrained to !0an3e t0e distan!e onlyP t0e arro.s t0at are "er"endi!ular to t0e line
are !onstrained to !0an3e t0e dire!tion only/
a A !ir!ular s0a"ed dra3 0andle O mo'es t0e "oints .it0out !onstraint
nter'al dra3 0andle O T0is ty"e o6 dra3 0andle is "resent any time one o6 t0e
Mi!roStation Modi6y !ommands are used on a !i'il element/ T0is dra3 0andle is
used to !0an3e t0e lo!ation o6 t0e inter'al end "oint/
38+P 6C783
6 a "oint .as !reated by a sna", t0e mani"ulator is s0o.n as a !ir!le .it0 t0e a""ro"riate
sna" i!on ne)t to it/
?o'erin3 o'er t0e !ir!le .ill !0an3e it to a normal mani"ulator/ Cli!k and mo'e t0e dot to
remo'e t0e sna" !onstraint and re"la!e .it0 ne. !onstraints/
Additional in6ormation !an be 6ound in t0e A6oot"rintsB in (lement n6ormation 0o. it .as built:
tKs based on t0e tem" line o66set Ba!k .all is o66set 6rom 6ront .all Side .alls are sna""ed
bet.een 6ront and ba!k .alls T0en it .as !om"le)ed
C0an3e t0e .idt0 o6 t0e buildin3
C0an3e t0e .idt0 o6 t0e buildin3/ C0an3e t0e o66set bet.een t0e buildin3 and t0e side.alk/
Works0o": BCR1WK2 1 2ettin3 Started in SS, Bentley Ci'il *o.er *rodu!ts 29
Co"yri30t 4 251, Bentley Systems, n!/
3 Works0o": BCR1WK2 1 2ettin3 Started in SS, Bentley Ci'il *o.er *rodu!ts
Co"yri30t 4 251, Bentley Systems, n!/
()"lore 0o. t0e road is built Take a look at t0e "arkin3
Works0o": BCR1WK2 1 2ettin3 Started in SS, Bentley Ci'il *o.er *rodu!ts 31
Co"yri30t 4 251, Bentley Systems, n!/
LetKs in'oke t0e Conte)t menu *i!k a
Centerline DSele!t, 0o'er /// E
Run a 7ui!k re"ort
32 Works0o": BCR1WK2 1 2ettin3 Started in SS, Bentley Ci'il *o.er *rodu!ts
Co"yri30t 4 251, Bentley Systems, n!/
Chapter Summary
C!+PTER 3U;;+R=
n t0is !0a"ter, .e 0a'e learned 0o. to e)"lore t0e ;"enRoads Te!0nolo3y inter6a!e and to
e)"lore t0e en3ineerin3 relations0i"s o6 en3ineerin3 desi3ns/
Chapter Summary
Works0o": BCR1WK2 1 2ettin3 Started in SS, Bentley Ci'il *o.er *rodu!ts 33
Co"yri30t 4 251, Bentley Systems, n!/
Works0o": 1 ;"enRoads Te!0nolo3y Works0o": ntrodu!tion to Ci'il Rules 1
Co"yri30t 4 251, Bentley Systems, n!/
Bentley Civil Workshop
2013 Bentley LEARNing Conference
1-enRoads +ec2nology Wor3s2o-" 4ntroduction to Civil
Team Leader: Je66 Martin, *(
Bentley Systems,
n!or"orated #$%
Sto!kton &ri'e
()ton, *A 1+,-1
2 BCR1WK2 1 ;"enRoads Te!0nolo3y Works0o": ntrodu!tion to Ci'il Rules
Co"yri30t 4 251, Bentley Systems, n!/
BCR1WK2 1 ;"enRoads Te!0nolo3y Works0o": ntrodu!tion to Ci'il Rules 1
Co"yri30t 4 251, Bentley Systems, n!/
Chapter 2 : Using Rules
U368/ T!E 'E8T(E= C6.6( 3T+8,+R,3
Exercise: Open a Design File.
&,ercise 156ective" n t0is e)er!ise, .e .ill take some LineStrin3s and make t0em
Ci'il Smart/ Procedure"
1. &ouble !li!k t0e Power G&1P'K or Power 4nRoads i!on on t0e Windo.s
2. Make sure t0e Works"a!e User and Project are set to e)am"les and Bentley-
3. Bro.se to C "#213 Civil$%&'R(ing#BCR1WK2 ) Getting Started in SS3
Bentley Civil Power Products#*ata#2$2*)Building)Road and sele!t
3eomQQ3ra"0i!sQ515QCLQ=ei30bor0ood/d3n as s0o.n belo./
2 BCR1WK2 1 ;"enRoads Te!0nolo3y Works0o": ntrodu!tion to Ci'il Rules
Co"yri30t 4 251, Bentley Systems, n!/
4. Cl i !k Open/
Exercise: Turn dumb graphics into Ciil !raphics.
&,ercise 156ective" n t0is e)er!ise, .e .ill make t0ree AordinaryB linestrin3s into
Ci'il Ruled :eatures/ T0is met0od is 3ood "ra!ti!e: it is easy, but it is =;T a Best
5. n t0e General Geometry .ork6lo., sele!t Create Civil Rule Feature/
BCR1WK2 1 ;"enRoads Te!0nolo3y Works0o": ntrodu!tion to Ci'il Rules 3
Co"yri30t 4 251, Bentley Systems, n!/
Chapter 2: sing !ules
WeKll do it t0e 7ui!kest and AdirtiestB .ay 6irst Dt0e .ay .it0 t0e "oorest te!0ni7ueE
#/ :ollo. t0e ?eads @" &is"lay "rom"t and sele!t t0e nort0eastern road !enterline D!yanE/
7. n t0e =ame 6ield o6 t0e tool settin3s, keyin 2eomCL
8. Reset Dri30t1!li!kE to "ro!ess t0e !ommand/
9. T0ere is no 6eedba!k Dusin3 our "oor te!0ni7ueE/
10. @se t0e sele!tion tool and (lement n6ormation to analyCe our results/
Chapter 2: sing !ules
Exercise: Continue turning dumb graphics into Ciil !raphics.
&,ercise 156ective" n t0is e)er!ise, letKs !reate anot0er Ci'il Centerline O t0is time
.it0 better te!0ni7ue/
1-/ ;"en t0e Feature Definition Toggles Bar/
BCR1WK2 1 ;"enRoads Te!0nolo3y Works0o": ntrodu!tion to Ci'il Rules /
Co"yri30t 4 251, Bentley Systems, n!/
T0is A"re1setsB t0e :eature &e6inition de6ault .0en !reatin3 ne. 6eatures/
15. Sele!t 2eomQCenterline
(nsure t0at t0e @se A!ti'e :eature &e6inition button is set/
16. n t0e 2eneral 2eometry task, sele!t Create Civil Rule 7eature/
17. =oti!e t0at t0e :eature &e6inition to be assi3n is t0e A!ti'e :eature &e6inition
s0o.n in t0e :eatures &e6initions To33le Bar: 2eomQCenterline/
18. Ty"e entral Lane in t0e =ame :ield o6 t0e Tools Settin3s dialo3/
:ollo. t0e ?eads @" &is"lay "rom"t and sele!t t0e !entral linestrin3/
# BCR1WK2 1 ;"enRoads Te!0nolo3y Works0o": ntrodu!tion to Ci'il Rules
Co"yri30t 4 251, Bentley Systems, n!/
T0is time, .e 3et some 'isual 6eedba!k to !on6irm our su!!ess: t0e linestrin3
!0an3es le'el, !olor and 3ets stationed/
1+/ Add t0e sout0.estern road
Exercise: "lace a Centerline.
&,ercise 156ective" T0e 3oal 0ere is to "la!e a !enterline "er"endi!ular to t0e road it tees
into/ T0e
Central lane AdumbB 3ra"0i! used "er"endi!ular sna"s to "la!e its linear se3ments/ As .eKll
see s0ortly, t0e "er"endi!ular 3eometry .as !om"uted, but t0e "er"endi!ular intent .as not
!a"tured/ @sin3 t0e ;"enRoads Te!0nolo3y Line Bet.een *oints and a "er"endi!ular sna",
t0e intent is !a"tured and remembered 6or 6uture edits/
20. Cli!k ?oriContal 2eometry J 2eometry Line J Line Bet.een *oints/
21. *la!e t0e 6irst "oint some.0ere alon3 t0e !enter o6 t0e !ul1du1sa! road/
20. @sin3 t0e *er"endi!ular Sna", sna" to t0e Central Lane (lement/
Chapter 2: sing !ules
23. Mo'e t0e Ali3nments t0e Central Lane tees into/ =oti!e t0at t0ere is no relations0i"
maintained bet.een t0e ali3nments De'en t0ou30 t0e 3ra"0i!s .ere "la!ed
"er"endi!ular to t0e roadsE/
24. Mo'e t0e Central Lane/ =oti!e t0at t0e Cul1du1Sa! road remains "er"endi!ular to it/
T0is is one o6 t0e "rimary bene6its to usin3 ;"enRoads 2eometry tools: t0e desi3n
intent is !a"tured, .0ere, in Mi!roStation, it is lost/
25. *lay around .it0 t0e 3eometry/ 2et 6amiliar .it0 0o. t0in3s intera!t or do not/
Make mistakes/
BCR1WK2 1 ;"enRoads Te!0nolo3y Works0o": ntrodu!tion to Ci'il Rules 7
Co"yri30t 4 251, Bentley Systems, n!/
Bentley Civil Workshop
2013 Bentley LEARNing Conference
1-enRoads +ec2nology
Wor3s2o-" Creating 8ori9ontal
$ BCR1WK2 1 ;"enRoads Te!0nolo3y Works0o":
Co"yri30t 4 251, Bentley Systems, n!/
Bentley Systems,
n!or"orated #$% Sto!kton
()ton, *A 1+,-1
BCR1WK2 1 Creatin3 ?oriContal (lements 9
Co"yri30t 4 251, Bentley Systems, n!/
Chapter : Creating !ori"ontal
CRE+T68/ !7R6>78T+( E(E;E8T3
Exercise: #et the Feature De$inition.
&,ercise 156ective" Set t0e :eature
&e6inition/ Procedure"
1/ Bro.se to C:?211 Civil@(E+R8ing?'CR1 A:2 B /etting 3tarte$ in 33
'entle) Civil PoCer Pro$ucts?,ata?21@2,B'uil$ingBRoa$ and sele!t
geom_Creating_10_Horizontal_ Elements_BEGIN.dgn as s0o.n belo./Cli!k
2. Cli!k t0e 7eature *e;inition +oggle Bar i!on 6rom t0e Tas!s " Horizontal
Geometry menus/
3. n t0e 7eature *e;inition +oggle Bar, !li!k t0e <atc2 7eature *e;inition i!on/
4. Sele!t a red ali3nment in t0e CA& Fie./
T0is .ill set t0e :eature &e6inition to 2eomQCenterline/
5. n t0e 7eature *e;inition +oggle Bar, !li!k t0e =se 'ctive 7eature *e;inition
Exercise: "lace !eometr% &ines.
&,ercise 156ective" @se t0e Line Bet.een *oints Command/
BCR1WK2 1 Creatin3 ?oriContal (lements 1
Co"yri30t 4 251, Bentley Systems, n!/
2 BCR1WK2 1 Creatin3 ?oriContal (lements
Co"yri30t 4 251, Bentley Systems, n!/
BCR1WK2 1 Creatin3 ?oriContal (lements 3
Co"yri30t 4 251, Bentley Systems, n!/
Chapter ": Creating #ori$ontal %lements
19. =se t2e =- and *own 'rrow 3eys on your 3ey5oard to c2ange t2e +ri:>&,tend
1-tion to Bot2.
19. Cli!k to a!!e"t t0e +ri:>&,tend 1-tion/
An ar! 0as been !reated bet.een t0e t.o lines/
20. Clic3 t2e Si:-le 'rc 7ro: &le:ent icon ;ro: t2e Tasks !ori"ontal #eometry
21. Select t2e line 5etween t2e red circles la5eled 8 and 9.
22. Sna- to red circle la5eled 9 as t2e Start Point and clic3 to acce-t.
23. Key?in 297.28 as t2e Radius and -ress t2e &nter 3ey on your 3ey5oard.
24. Sna- to red circle la5eled 11 as t2e &nd Point and clic3 to acce-t.
25. =se t2e =- and *own 'rrow 3eys on your 3ey5oard to c2ange t2e
+ri:>&,tend 1-tion to Bac3.
26. Cli!k to a!!e"t t0e TrimI()tend ;"tion/ An
ar! 0as been added to t0e end o6 t0e
T0is time, .e 3et some 'isual 6eedba!k to !on6irm our su!!ess: t0e linestrin3
!0an3es le'el, !olor and 3ets stationed/
27. Add t0e sout0.estern road
Exercise: "lace !eometr% &ines.
&,ercise 156ective" @se t0e Line Bet.een *oints Command/
19. Clic3 t2e %ine Between Points icon ;ro: t2e Tasks !ori"ontal #eometry
28. Sna- to starting -oint o; t2e align:ent w2ic2 is :ar3ed wit2 a red circle
and t2e nu:5er 0.
29. Cli!k to a!!e"t t0e Starting Point/
30. Sna- to ending -oint o; t2e align:ent w2ic2 is :ar3ed wit2 a red circle and t2e
nu:5er 7.
31. Cli!k to a!!e"t t0e &nding Point/
32. Sna- to starting -oint o; t2e align:ent w2ic2 is :ar3ed wit2 a red circle and
t2e nu:5er 8.
33. Cli!k to a!!e"t t0e Starting Point/
34. Sna- to ending -oint o; t2e align:ent w2ic2 is :ar3ed wit2 a red circle and t2e
nu:5er 9.
19. Cli!k to a!!e"t t0e &nding Point/
! BCR1WK2 1 Creatin3 ?oriContal (lements
Co"yri30t 4 251, Bentley Systems, n!/
T.o lines 0a'e been !reated/
Exercise: "lace !eometr% 'rcs.
&,ercise 156ective" @se t0e Sim"le Ar! and Sim"le Ar! :rom (lement Commands/
,$/ Cli!k t0e Si:-le 'rc i!on 6rom t0e Tas!s " Horizontal Geometry menus/
39. Sele!t t0e Line bet.een t0e red !ir!les labeled # and > as t0e 7irst &le:ent/
40. Sele!t t0e Line bet.een t0e red !ir!les labeled $ and + as t0e Second &le:ent/
41. Sna- to red circle la5eled 1 as t2e +2roug2 Point and clic3 to acce-t.
42. =se t2e =- and *own 'rrow 3eys on your 3ey5oard to c2ange t2e +ri:>&,tend
1-tion to
43. Cli!k to a!!e"t t0e +ri:>&,tend 1-tion/
An ar! 0as been !reated bet.een t0e t.o lines/
39. Cli!k t0e Si:-le 'rc 7ro: &le:ent i!on 6rom t0e Tas!s " Horizontal Geometry menus/
44. Sele!t t0e line bet.een t0e red !ir!les labeled $ and +/
45. Sna- to red circle la5eled 9 as t2e Start Point and clic3 to acce-t.
46. Key?in 297.28 as t2e Radius and -ress t2e &nter 3ey on your 3ey5oard.
47. Sna- to red circle la5eled 11 as t2e &nd Point and clic3 to acce-t.
48. =se t2e =- and *own 'rrow 3eys on your 3ey5oard to c2ange t2e +ri:>&,tend
1-tion to
49. Cli!k to a!!e"t t0e TrimI()tend ;"tion/
An ar! 0as been added to t0e end o6 t0e line/
Exercise: "lace a &ine From an 'rc.
&,ercise 156ective" @se t0e Sim"le Line :rom (lement
Command/ Procedure"
39. Clic3 t2e Si:-le %ine 7ro: &le:ent icon ;ro: t2e Tasks !ori"ontal
#eometry :enus.
40. Sele!t t0e ar! bet.een t0e red !ir!les labeled + and 11/
39. Sna" to red !ir!le labeled 11 as t0e Start Point and !li!k to a!!e"t/
BCR1WK2 1 Creatin3 ?oriContal (lements /
Co"yri30t 4 251, Bentley Systems, n!/
Chapter ": Creating #ori$ontal %lements
54. Sna" to red !ir!le labeled 12 as t0e (nd *istance and !li!k to a!!e"t/
55. @se t0e =- and *own 'rrow keys on your keyboard to !0an3e t0e +ri:>&,tend
1-tion to Bac3/
56. Cli!k to a!!e"t t0e +ri:>&,tend
1-tion/ A line 0as been added to t0e
end o6 t0e ar!
Exercise: Create Complex Elements
&,ercise 156ective" @se t0e Com"le) By (lements
Command/ Procedure"
57. Sele!t t0e Co:-le, By &le:ents i!on 6rom t0e Tas!s " Horizontal Geometry
58. n t0e Settin3s dialo3, !0an3e t0e <et2od to 'uto:atic/
59. Key1in Western Way 6or t0e (a:e/
60. Cli!k in t0e CA& Fie. to a!!e"t t0e key1in/
61. Sele!t t0e nort01sout0 line near t0e red !ir!le labeled #/
62. An arro. .ill a""ear "ointin3 in t0e dire!tion o6 t0e a0ead stationin3 Dnort0E/
63. Cli!k in t0e CA& Fie.
:;R Bentley L(AR=in3 Con6eren!e Session: ST;* 0ere8
Gou may !ontinue i6 youKre done early/ T0e 6ollo.in3 additional tool "ra!ti!e
.ill not be "er6ormed in !lass due to time !onstraints/
0 BCR1WK2 1 Creatin3 ?oriContal (lements
Co"yri30t 4 251, Bentley Systems, n!/
Exercise. "lace !eometr% Cures
&,ercise 156ective" @se t0e Ar! Bet.een *oints Command
1. Select t2e $ine Bet%een &rcs icon ;ro: t2e +as3s @ 8ori9ontal
Geo:etry :enus.
1. Sele!t t0e ar! bet.een t0e red !ir!les labeled 1, and 1% as t0e 7irst &le:ent.
2. Key?in . as t2e Start 1;;set and -ress t2e &nter 3ey on your 3ey5oard.
3. Cli!k t0e CA& Fie. to a!!e"t t0e Start 1;;set/
4. Sele!t t0e ar! bet.een t0e red !ir!les labeled 1# and 1> as t0e Second &le:ent/
5. Key?in . as t2e &nd 1;;set and -ress t2e &nter 3ey on your 3ey5oard.
6. Cli!k t0e CA& Fie. to a!!e"t t0e &nd 1;;set/
7. <ove your cursor to select t2e Solution t2at s2ows t2e line going 5etween
t2e arcs.
8. Cli!k t0e CA& Fie. to a!!e"t t0e Solution/
9. =se t2e =- and *own 'rrow 3eys on your 3ey5oard to c2ange t2e
+ri:>&,tend 1-tion to
10. Cli!k to a!!e"t t0e +ri:>&,tend 1-tion/
Exercise. "lace a &ine to an 'rc
&,ercise 156ective" @se t0e Sim"le Line to (lement Command
1. Select t2e Si:-le %ine to &le:ent icon ;ro: t2e Tasks !ori"ontal #eometry
2. Sna- to red circle la5eled 18 as t2e &nd Point and clic3 to acce-t.
3. Sele!t t0e ar! bet.een t0e red !ir!les labeled 1# and 1> as t0e &le:ent/
4. <ove your cursor to select t2e Solution t2at s2ows t2e line going to t2e arc.
5. Cli!k t0e CA& Fie. to a!!e"t t0e a""ro"riate Solution/
6. @se t0e @" and &o.n Arro. keys on your keyboard to !0an3e t0e +ri:>&,tend
1-tion to Bac3/
1. Cli!k to a!!e"t t0e +ri:>&,tend
1-tion/ A line 0as been added to t0e
end o6 t0e ar!
BCR1WK2 1 Creatin3 ?oriContal (lements 7
Co"yri30t 4 251, Bentley Systems, n!/
Chapter ": Creating #ori$ontal %lements
Exercise: "lace 'nother &ine to an 'rc
&,ercise 156ective" @se t0e Sim"le Line to (lement
Command Procedure"
19. T0e Si:-le %ine to &le:ent s0ould still a!ti'e/
20. Sna" to red !ir!le labeled # as t0e &nd Point and !li!k to a!!e"t/
21. Sele!t t0e ar! bet.een t0e red !ir!les labeled 1, and 1% as t0e Second &le:ent/
22. Mo'e your !ursor to sele!t t0e Solution t0at s0o.s t0e line 3oin3 to t0e ar!/
23. Cli!k t0e CA& Fie. to a!!e"t t0e Solution/
24. @se t0e =- and *own 'rrow keys on your keyboard to !0an3e t0e +ri:>&,tend
1-tion to
25. Cli!k to a!!e"t t0e +ri:>&,tend 1-tion/
A line 0as been added to t0e be3innin3 o6 t0e ar!/
Exercise: Extend a &ine
&,ercise 156ective" @se t0e ()tend Line
Command Procedure"
19. Cli!k t0e &,tend %ine i!on 6rom t0e Tas!s " Main menus/
20. n t0e Settin3s dialo3, enable t0e *istance o"tion/
21. n t0e Settin3s dialo3, key1in 21 6or t0e *istance/
22. Sele!t t0e line bet.een t0e red !ir!les labeled # and 1,/
A line 0as been e)tended/
Exercise: Create Complex Elements
&,ercise 156ective" @se t0e Com"le) By (lements Command
19. Sele!t t0e Co:-le, By &le:ents i!on 6rom t0e Tas!s " Horizontal Geometry
8 BCR1WK2 1 Creatin3 ?oriContal (lements
Co"yri30t 4 251, Bentley Systems, n!/
31. n t0e Settin3s dialo3, !0an3e t0e <et2od to 'uto:atic/
32. Key1in Sout2ern Street 6or t0e (a:e/
33. Cli!k in t0e CA& Fie. to a!!e"t t0e key1in/
34. Sele!t t0e .est "ortion o6 t0e line <ust e)tended be6ore t0e red !ir!le labeled #/
35. An arro. .ill a""ear "ointin3 in t0e dire!tion o6 t0e a0ead stationin3 DeastE/
36. A 7or3 may be 6ound at t0e interse!tion o6 7airway Road and Sout2ern Street/
37. Mo'e your !ursor to !ontinue in t0e dire!tion o6 t0e Sout2ern Street and !li!k to
38. Cli!k in t0e CA& Fie. to a!!e"t t0e results/
Exercise: #tarting #tation
&,ercise 156ective" Settin3 t0e Start
Station Procedure"
39. Sele!t t0e Start Station i!on 6rom t0e Tas!s " Horizontal Geometry menus/
40. Sele!t t0e Sout2ern Street ali3nment/
41. n t0e ?eads1u" dis"lay, key1in . 6or t0e Start Station Position and "ress &nter
on your keyboard/
42. Cli!k in t0e CA& Fie. to a!!e"t t0e key1in/
43. n t0e ?eads1u" dis"lay, key1in 117A22.0/ 6or t0e Starting Station and "ress
&nter on your keyboard/
44. ()it Mi!roStation/
1 ;"enRoads Te!0nolo3y Works0o": Creatin3 (;*s and Curb Returns 9
Co"yri30t 4 251, Bentley Systems, n!/
Chapter ": Creating #ori$ontal %lements
Bentley Civil Workshop
2013 Bentley LEARNing Conference
1-enRoads +ec2nology Wor3s2o-" Creating &1Ps and Cur5
Team Leader: Je66 Martin, *(
Bentley Systems,
n!or"orated #$%
Sto!kton &ri'e
()ton, *A 1+,-1
1 BCR1WK2 1 ;"enRoads Te!0nolo3y Works0o": Creatin3 (;*s and Curb Returns
Co"yri30t 4 251, Bentley Systems, n!/
2 BCR1WK2 1 ;"enRoads Te!0nolo3y Works0o": Creatin3 (;*s and Curb Returns
Co"yri30t 4 251, Bentley Systems, n!/
BCR1WK2 1 ;"enRoads Te!0nolo3y Works0o": Creatin3 (;*s and Curb Returns 1
Co"yri30t 4 251, Bentley Systems, n!/
Chapter #: Pavement E$ges % Curb
CRE+T68/ !7R6>78T+( +(6/8;E8T E(E;E8T3
Exercise: #et the Feature De$inition.
&,ercise 156ective" Set t0e :eature
&e6inition/ Procedure"
1. C0an3e desi3n 6iles:
2. Bro.se to C:R251, Ci'ilQL(AR=in3RBCR1WK2 1 2ettin3 Started in SS, Bentley Ci'il
*o.er *rodu!tsR&ATAR25Q2&1Buildin31Road and sele!t
3. Cl i !k Open/
4. Cli!k t0e &le:ent Selection i!on 6rom t0e Tas!s " Main menus/
5. Sele!t ea!0 o6 t0e 0oriContal ali3nments/
6. Re'ie. t0e 3ra"0i!s o6 t0e Mani"ulators/
7. T0e blue Mani"ulators 'alues !an be modi6ied and t0e .0ite Mani"ulators 'alues
are in6ormational
Exercise: #et the Feature De$inition.
&,ercise 156ective" Set t0e :eature &e6inition/
8. Cli!k t0e :eature &e6inition To33le Bar i!on 6rom t0e Tas!s " Horizontal Geometry
9. =a'i3ate to t0e Linear J Road.ay 6older and sele!t t0e 7eature
*e;inition named Road$&dge1;Pave:ent/
1. n t0e 7eature *e;inition +oggle BarB !li!k t0e =se 'ctive 7eature *e;inition
2 BCR1WK2 1 ;"enRoads Te!0nolo3y Works0o": Creatin3 (;*s and Curb Returns
Co"yri30t 4 251, Bentley Systems, n!/
T0is .ill 0old t0e :eature &e6inition .0en .e use di66erent !ommands/
Exercise: Create Edge o$ "aement !eometries.
&,ercise 156ective" @se t0e Sim"le Line :rom (lement Command/
12. Cli!k t0e Single 1;;set &ntire &le:ent i!on 6rom t0e Tas!s " Horizontal Geometry menus/
13. Sele!t t0e 0oriContal 3eometry t0at runs 6rom t0e !ir!les labeled # and 12/
14. 4; t2e entire align:ent doesnCt 2ig2lig2tB -ress t2e 'lt 3ey on your 3ey5oard.
15. Cli!k to a!!e"t t0e sele!tion/
16. Key?in 12. as t2e 1;;set and -ress t2e &nter 3ey on your 3ey5oard.
17. Cli!k to a!!e"t t0e sele!tion/
18. @se t0e =- and *own 'rrow keys on your keyboard to !0an3e t0e <irror to Ges/
19. Clic3 to acce-t t2e <irror o-tion.
20. T.o 0oriContal 3eometries 0a'e been !reated/
21. Sele!t t0e 0oriContal 3eometry t0at runs 6rom t0e !ir!les labeled # and 1$/
22. Cli!k to a!!e"t t0e sele!tion/
23. +2e 1;;set s2ould still 5e set to 12..
24. Cli!k to a!!e"t t0e sele!tion/
25. +2e <irror o-tion s2ould still 5e set to Des.
26. Clic3 to acce-t t2e <irror o-tion.
27. T.o more 0oriContal 3eometries 0a'e been !reated/
28. @se t0e &le:ent Selection tool to re'ie. t0e Mani"ulators/
Exercise: Create Edge o$ "aement (adii at the
)ntersection. &,ercise 156ective" @se t0e Sim"le Ar!
2+/ Cli!k t0e Si:-le 'rc i!on 6rom t0e Tas!s " Horizontal Geometry
,5/ Sele!t t0e blue Line bet.een t0e red !ir!les labeled 1, and 1- on t0e nort0 side as t0e
7irst &le:ent/
Chapter &: 'avement %(ges ) Curb !eturns
BCR1WK2 1 ;"enRoads Te!0nolo3y Works0o": Creatin3 (;*s and Curb Returns 3
Co"yri30t 4 251, Bentley Systems, n!/
31. Sele!t t0e blue Line bet.een t0e red !ir!les labeled # and > on t0e east side as t0e
Se!ond &le:ent/
32. Key1in /. as t0e Radius and "ress t0e &nter key on your keyboard/
33. Mo'e your !ursor to t0e =ort0east 7uadrant o6 t0e interse!tion and !li!k to a!!e"t/
34. @se t0e =- and *own 'rrow keys on your keyboard to !0an3e t0e
+ri:>&,tend 1-tion to Bot2/
35. Cli!k to a!!e"t t0e +ri:>&,tend 1-tion/
36. Sele!t t0e blue Line a3ain bet.een t0e red !ir!les labeled 1, and 1- on t0e nort0
side as t0e 7irst &le:ent/
37. Sele!t t0e blue Line bet.een t0e red !ir!les labeled # and > on t0e .est side as t0e
Second &le:ent/
38. T0e Radius s0ould still be set to /./
39. Mo'e your !ursor to t0e nort0.est 7uadrant o6 t0e interse!tion and !li!k to a!!e"t/
40. T0e +ri:>&,tend ;"tion s0ould still be set to Bot2/
41. Cli!k to a!!e"t t0e +ri:>&,tend 1-tion/
T.o ar!s 0a'e been added
- BCR1WK2 1 ;"enRoads Te!0nolo3y Works0o": Creatin3 (;*s and Curb Returns
Co"yri30t 4 251, Bentley Systems, n!/
Exercise: Create Edge o$ "aement (adii at the )ntersection.
&,ercise 156ective" @se t0e Sim"le Ar! Command/
42. Cli!k t0e &le:ent Selection i!on 6rom t0e Tas!s " Main menus/
43. Sele!t t0e last radius "la!ed in t0e nort0.est 7uadrant o6 t0e interse!tion/
44. Cli!k t0e radius 'alue labeled /./
45. Key1in 0. and "ress t0e &nter key on your keyboard/
T0e radius is no. !0an3ed to #5/55 and t0e ori3inal +ri:>&,tend 1-tion .as
46. Sele!t t0e blue line a3ain bet.een t0e red !ir!les labeled 1, and 1- on t0e nort0
47. Cli!k t0e o66set 'alue labeled )12. on t0e le6t end o6 t0e line/
48. Key1in )3. and "ress t0e &nter key on your keyboard/
T0e o66set is no. !0an3ed to 1,5/55 and t0e ori3inal radius at t0e interse!tion .ere
maintained/ Sin!e t0e Ci'il Rule .as based on an ;66set !ommand, !0an3in3 t0e
o66set at t0e be3innin3, middle, or end o6 t0e line, !0an3es t0e o66set o6 t0e entire
line/ LLL t seems as i6 !0an3in3 t0e middle kee"s a !onstant o66set/ C0an3in3 an
(nd seems to make it a 'ariable o66set/JJJ
49. Sele!t t0e blue line bet.een t0e red !ir!les labeled $ and 15 on t0e .est side/
50. Cli!k t0e o66set 'alue labeled )12. on t0e middle end o6 t0e line/
51. Key1in )2. and "ress t0e &nter key on your keyboard/
42. Sele!t t0e blue Line bet.een t0e red !ir!les labeled $ and 15 on t0e east side/
Chapter &: 'avement %(ges ) Curb !eturns
/3. Key?in 2. and -ress t2e &nter 3ey on your 3ey5oard.
BCR1WK2 1 ;"enRoads Te!0nolo3y Works0o": Creatin3 (;*s and Curb Returns /
Co"yri30t 4 251, Bentley Systems, n!/
Co"yri30t 4 251, Bentley Systems, n!/
Bentley Civil Workshop
2013 Bentley LEARNing
1-enRoads +ec2nology
Wor3s2o-" Building Pads
Team Leader: Je66 Martin, *(
Bentley Systems,
n!or"orated #$%
Sto!kton &ri'e
()ton, *A 1+,-1
1 Buildin3 *ads ?oriContal 7
Co"yri30t 4 251, Bentley Systems, n!/
1 Buildin3 *ads ?oriContal 1
Co"yri30t 4 251, Bentley Systems, n!/
Chapter &: 'uil$ing Pa$ (a)out
Bro.se n t0is lesson .e .ill !reate a desi3n 6or a buildin3 "ad on our !ommer!ial site "ro<e!t/
CRE+T68/ + 'U6(,68/ P+, (+=7UT B !7R6>78T+(
Exercise: Design a *uilding "ad.
&,ercise 156ective" T0is e)er!ise .ill 3uide you to !reate a
buildin3 "ad/ Procedure"
1. C2ange *esign ;iles.
2. Browse to C"#213 Civil$%&'R(ing#BCR1WK2 ) Getting Started in SS3
Bentley Civil Power Products#*'+'#3$2*)Building)Site and select 1-en
SitePlan2*$Building$%ayout) 8ori9ontal.dgn.
3. Clic3 Open.
4. To t0e sout0 o6 t0e "arkin3 lot is !onstru!tion line/ We .ill use it as a re6eren!e
6or !onstru!tin3 a buildin3 "ad/ Soom in to t0e area/
2 BCR1WK2 1 Buildin3 *ads ?oriContal
Co"yri30t 4 251, Bentley Systems, n!/
5. Cli!k t0e Horizontal Geometry " Geometry omplex " #ingle $ffset Entire
Element tool/
6. *i!k t0e !onstru!tion line/
5. ;66set t0e line / 6eet/ &o =;T Mirror/
Chapter *: +uil(ing 'a( Layout
8. ;66set anot0er line 8 6rom t0e ne. line/
9. Cli!k t0e Horizontal Geometry " Geometry omplex " #ingle $ffset Entire
Element tool/
15/ *la!e t.o lines bet.een t0e o66set lines to make a re!tan3le/
1 Buildin3 *ads ?oriContal 3
Co"yri30t 4 251, Bentley Systems, n!/
11/ Be!ause t0e :eature &e6inition o6 t0e resultin3 *ad is im"ortant, sele!t SiteQ*ad
as t0e :eature &e6inition/ t is 6ound under Linear " #ite/ (nsure t0at t0e =se
'ctive 7eature *e;inition toggle is set/
12/ Cli!k t0e Horizontal Geometry " Geometry omplex " omplex %y Elements tool/
- BCR1WK2 1 Buildin3 *ads ?oriContal
Co"yri30t 4 251, Bentley Systems, n!/
Chapter *: +uil(ing 'a( Layout
1,/ Sele!t t0e 'uto:atic Met0od and sele!t t0e 6irst o6 t0e o66set lines Dt0e
nort0.estern sideE/
=ote t0ere is a Adire!tion arro.B, .0i!0 !0an3es sides, de"endin3 .0i!0 side o6 line
mid"oint you sele!t/ Callouts in t0e book assume t0at t0e dire!tion o6 t0e "ad is
!lo!k.ise/ 6 you sele!t t0e ot0er dire!tions, some o66sets may be o""osite t0an t0e
1-/ A!!e"t t0e re!tan3ular !om"le) solution/
1 Buildin3 *ads ?oriContal /
Co"yri30t 4 251, Bentley Systems, n!/
1%/ Sele!t t0e ne. "ad to see t0e rules/
# BCR1WK2 1 Buildin3 *ads ?oriContal
Co"yri30t 4 251, Bentley Systems, n!/
1#/ C0an3e some o6 t0e 'alues/ &ra3 an end to t0e re6eren!e line around/ See t0e
rules in a!tion/
Gou may !ontinue i6 youKre done early/ T0e 6ollo.in3 additional tool "ra!ti!e
.ill not be "er6ormed in !lass due to time !onstraints/
Chapter *: +uil(ing 'a( Layout
Exercise: Extra +or, -Time "ermitting..
1>/ 6 you 6inis0 early, add a buildin3 6oot"rint 15 6eet inside t0e "ad boundary/
1$/ 6 youKre 6eelin3 bold, !reate a Ci'il Cell o6 t0e ne. buildin3 *ad/
1 Buildin3 *ads ?oriContal 7
Co"yri30t 4 251, Bentley Systems, n!/
1+/ 6 youKre su!!ess6ul !reatin3 t0e Ci'il Cell, you !an *la!e a Cell by ri30t1!li!kin3 it
in t0e *ro<e!t ()"lorer Ci'il Model and sele!tin3 *la!e Ci'il Cell/ Gou .ill need to
identi6y a line in t0e desi3n 6ile/
$ BCR1WK2 1 Buildin3 *ads ?oriContal
Co"yri30t 4 251, Bentley Systems, n!/
1 ;"enRoads Te!0nolo3y Works0o": 9
Co"yri30t 4 251, Bentley Systems, n!/
Chapter *: +uil(ing 'a( Layout
Bentley Civil Workshop
2013 Bentley LEARNing Conference
1-enRoads +ec2nology
Wor3s2o-" Create and
'naly9e +errain
Team Leader: Je66 Martin, *(
Bentley Systems,
n!or"orated #$%
Sto!kton &ri'e
()ton, *A 1+,-1
Table of Contents
Chapter *: Create an$ +nal)"e Terrain
CRE+TE +8, +8+(=>E TERR+68
Exercise: Create Terrain /odel $rom 0D !raphical Elements.
&,ercise 156ective" n t0is lesson, .e .ill "re"are a terrain model o6 t0e e)istin3
3round 6rom 3ra"0i!al !ontours "ro'ided to us/
1/ Browse to C:\2013 Civil_LEARNing\BCR1WK2 - Getting Strte! in SS3 Bentle"
Civil #ower #ro!$%ts\&A'A\30_2&-B$il!ing-Site n! sele%t Conto$rs(!gn(
2/ Cli!k Open/
ii BCR1WK2 1 Create and AnalyCe Terrain
Co"yri30t 4 251, Bentley Systems, n!/
3. @sin3 Power Selector, sele!t all t0e !ontour 3ra"0i!al elements/
3. Start t0e +errain <odel By &le:ents !ommand/
Chapter ,: Create an( -naly$e Terrain
5. *o"ulate t0e 6eature de6inition in t0e !ommand dialo3 as s0o.n belo./ Gou !an
also "o"ulate t0e 6eature ty"e and ed3e met0od as s0o.n i6 you .is0 but
t0ese .ill be "rom"ted/
5. *ata-oint to acce-t t0e sele!ted elements/
6. Set 6eature ty"e to Contour/ @se u->down arrows on keyboard/ T0en *P to
7. Set ed3e met0od to slivers/ *P to a!!e"t/ =ote t0at ma) trian3le len3t0 is
also a 'alid o"tion/
8. So .e !an tell t0e di66eren!e in t0e 3ra"0i!s .e .ere 3i'en and our ne.
terrain, turn o;; le'els named &,ist$Contour$<a6or and
BCR1WK2 1 Create and AnalyCe Terrain 3
Co"yri30t 4 251, Bentley Systems, n!/
Chapter ,: Create an( -naly$e Terrain
Exercise: 1sing Element )n$ormation to Change the Terrain /odel Displa%.
&,ercise 156ective" n t0is lesson, .e .ill learn 0o. to !0an3e t0e dis"lay o6 t0e Terrain
Model 6or 'arious needs/ We .ill e)"lore a lon310and met0od as .ell as a met0od t0at !an
be automated as "art o6 your or3aniCations standards/
10. Select t0e terrain model t0at .e !reated abo'e/
10. ;"en (lement n6ormation EElement " Element &nformationF
! BCR1WK2 1 Create and AnalyCe Terrain
Co"yri30t 4 251, Bentley Systems, n!/
12/ =oti!e t0e &is"lay To33les/ T0ese are di'ided into Calculated 7eatures Dt0ose
t0in3s .0i!0 are used to re"resent t0e Terrain ModelE and Source 7eatures
Dt0ose t0in3s .0i!0 .ere used to !reate t0e terrain modelE/ Try double !li!k on t0e
label to to33le 'arious o6 t0ese on and o66/
'OT() 'e(ll re)ie' sym%ology for these )arious features %elo'*
Chapter ,: Create an( -naly$e Terrain
1,/ Re'ie. ot0er settin3s/
i. T0e ed3e met0od allo.s you to !ontrol t0e boundary determination/ Met0ods
are =one, Sli'er and Ma) Trian3le Len3t0/ n t0is !ase, &(M 6iles are
re!tan3ular so all ed3e met0ods .ould "ro'ide identi!al results/
ii. T0e 7eature "anel allo.s editin3 o6 t0e terrain model name and 6eature
iii. T0e 4n;or:ation "anel "ro'ides read1only data 6or t0e nature o6 t0e Terrain
1-/ So .0at about t0e symbolo3y 6or t0ese 'arious 6eature ty"es Dtrian3les, !ontours and
su!0ET n t0e tree "ane, e,-and t2e tree until you see +riangles as s0o.n belo./
BCR1WK2 1 Create and AnalyCe Terrain /
Co"yri30t 4 251, Bentley Systems, n!/
Chapter ,: Create an( -naly$e Terrain
0 BCR1WK2 1 Create and AnalyCe Terrain
Co"yri30t 4 251, Bentley Systems, n!/
15. By drillin3 into t0e tree, .e !an de6ine t0e desired symbolo3y 6or ea!0 6eature ty"e/
16. Make sure trian3les dis"lay is ;= and t0en !0an3e its !olor/
17. =oti!e t0e "ro"erty titled AT0emati! &is"lay StyleB/ C0an3e t0is to AT0emati!:
18. &esele!t t0e Terrain Model to see t0e e66e!t/
'OT() Thematic display is a ne' concept in Microstation V+i (#elect #eries ,)* &t is
a)aila%le for a )ie' attri%ute or as a property for an indi)idual element/
Exercise: 1sing Element Templates to Control
Displa%. Procedure"
15. Select t0e terrain model t0at .e !reated abo'e and o"en &le:ent 4n;or:ation/
15. =oti!e t0e "ro"erty 6or ATem"lateB in t0e 2eneral "anel/
Chapter ,: Create an( -naly$e Terrain
21. T0e use o6 tem"lates allo.s us to automate t0e !0an3e o6 dis"lay settin3s .0ile
also "ro'idin3 ability to sa'e and reuse your or3aniCation standards/
22. ()"eriment .it0 di66erent tem"lates/ W0en 6inis0ed set t0e tem"late ba!k to
+errain# &,isting Ground/
23. =o., desele!t t0e Terrain Model and 0o'er your !ursor o'er t0e !ontours/ T0e
toolti" .ill re"ort t0e ele'ations/
BCR1WK2 1 Create and AnalyCe Terrain 7
Co"yri30t 4 251, Bentley Systems, n!/
8 BCR1WK2 1 Create and AnalyCe Terrain
Co"yri30t 4 251, Bentley Systems, n!/
Chapter ,: Create an( -naly$e Terrain
Exercise: 'nal%2e "oint.
2-/ n Task =a'i3ation !0oose t0e -nalyze .oint Command
25. Sele!t t0e Terrain Model
26. =o. you 3et H,G,S in6ormation 6eedba!k at t0e 0eads u" "rom"t/
=o. look at t0e dialo3 and noti!e you !an to33le on settin3s to s0o. t0e !ontour,
trian3le or 6lo. arro./ Try di66erent !ombinations o6 t0is as you analyCe/
BCR1WK2 1 Create and AnalyCe Terrain 9
Co"yri30t 4 251, Bentley Systems, n!/
Chapter ,: Create an( -naly$e Terrain
27. Wit0 one or more o6 t0ese o"tions to33led on, *P .ill dra. t0e !ontour, slo"e label
andIor trian3le as 3ra"0i! elements/
Exercise: Trace #lope
&,ercise 156ective" T0is e)er!ise .ill 3uide you t0rou30 t0e ste"s to 3et started/
28. n Task =a'i3ation !0oose t0e -nalyze Trace #lope !ommand
27. Sele!t t0e Terrain Model/
27. T0e do.nstream 6lo. "at0 is tra!ed 6rom t0e !ursor/
Chapter ,: Create an( -naly$e Terrain
1 BCR1WK2 1 Create and AnalyCe Terrain
Co"yri30t 4 251, Bentley Systems, n!/
,1/ Take a !ou"le minutes to e)"eriment .it0 t0e ot0er o"tions on t0e dialo3/
Slo"e O .0en lo!ked 6or!es t0e "at0 to 6ollo. an e)a!t slo"e instead o6 most
dire!t slo"e/
Len3t0 O .0en lo!ked limits t0e len3t0 o6 t0e tra!e/
&ire!tion O tra!e !an be u"stream or do.nstream/
,2/ &* in t0e 'ie. .0ile t0is !ommand is runnin3 .ill dra. t0e tra!e as a 3ra"0i!
BCR1WK2 1 ()"lorin3 t0e ,& (n'ironment 11
Co"yri30t 4 251, Bentley Systems, n!/
Bentley Civil Workshop
2013 Bentley LEARNing Conference
&,-loring t2e 3* &nviron:ent
Team Leader: Je66 Martin, *(
Team Members: &an (skin, *( U Bob Rolle, *(
Team Leader: Mike Barkasi
Team Members: Robert 2arrett, *( U Brandon *eterson, *(
Bentley Systems,
n!or"orated #$% Sto!kton
()ton, *A 1+,-1
Chapter ,: Create an( -naly$e Terrain
12 BCR1WK2 1 ()"lorin3 t0e ,& (n'ironment
Co"yri30t 4 251, Bentley Systems, n!/
BCR1WK2 1 ()"lorin3 t0e ,&
(n'ironment Co"yri30t 4 251,
Bentley Systems, n!/
Chapter 7: Exploring the ,
2 BCR1WK2 1 ()"lorin3 t0e ,& (n'ironment
Co"yri30t 4 251, Bentley Systems, n!/
Chapter .: %/ploring the "0 %nvironment
BCR1WK2 1 ()"lorin3 t0e ,& (n'ironment 3
Co"yri30t 4 251, Bentley Systems, n!/
n t0e C"#213 Civil$%&'R(ing#BCR1WK2 ) Getting Started in SS3 Bentley Civil Power
Products#*'+'#/$3*)&,-loring#Sections 6older, o"en
;"en t0e <odels dialo3 D:ile J ModelsE 1-en t0e Re6eren!es dialo3 D:ile J
Re6eren!eE Cli!k 6rom one Fie. to anot0er/
=ote 0o. t0e a!ti'e Model !0an3es/
=oti!e 0o. t0e Re6eren!e :ile Atta!0ments !0an3e/
- BCR1WK2 1 ()"lorin3 t0e ,& (n'ironment
Co"yri30t 4 251, Bentley Systems, n!/
n order to 3ri" t0e Corridor, it must be dis"layed/ n t0e =BQ2eometryVre6s/d3n, t0e ,& model
0as all re6eren!es ;=/ n t0e 2& model t0e ,& stu66 is turned ;::/ =eed to make sure t0e
!orridor re6eren!e is ;=
Chapter .: %/ploring the "0 %nvironment
n t0e *ro<e!t ()"lorer Ci'il Model, e)"lore a Corridor =oti!e t0at all t0e "ro"erties youKre
used to seein3 in t0e old Road.ay &esi3ner are listed as Corridor "ro"erties/ Lo
BCR1WK2 1 ()"lorin3 t0e ,& (n'ironment /
Co"yri30t 4 251, Bentley Systems, n!/
T0is is dis!ussed more t0orou30ly in t0e Buildin3 Ferti!al se!tions o6 t0e
.orks0o"/ T0e s0ort!ut is to ri30t1!li!k on ruled 0oriContal element and
!li!k 1-en Pro;ile <odel.
# BCR1WK2 1 ()"lorin3 t0e ,& (n'ironment
Co"yri30t 4 251, Bentley Systems, n!/
1 ;"enRoads Te!0nolo3y Works0o": 7
Co"yri30t 4 251, Bentley Systems, n!/
Bentley Civil Workshop
2013 Bentley LEARNing Conference
1-enRoads +ec2nology
Wor3s2o-" Creating Gertical
Team Leader: Je66 Martin, *(
Bentley Systems,
n!or"orated #$% Sto!kton
()ton, *A 1+,-1
Chapter .: %/ploring the "0 %nvironment
$ BCR1WK2 1 Creatin3 Ferti!al 2eometry
Co"yri30t 4 251, Bentley Systems, n!/
BCR1WK2 1 Creatin3 Ferti!al 2eometry 1
Co"yri30t 4 251, Bentley Systems, n!/
Chapter -: Creating .ertical /eometr)
CRE+T68/ .ERT6C+( /E7;ETR=
D Exercise. !etting #tarted.
&,ercise 156ective" Startin3 *o.er nRoads F$i DS(L(CTseries ,E or *o.er 2(;*AK F$i
DS(L(CTseries ,E/
1. Bro.se Laun!0 Mi!roStation and set t0e 6ollo.in3 in t0e File Open
dialo3/ =ser: e)am"les
Pro6ect: Bentley1Ci'il1m"erial
4nter;ace: Bentley1Ci'il
2. ;"en geo:$Creating$3$Gertical$Pro;iles.dgn 6rom t0e 6older /0123,
i)il4LE-R5ing06R3781 9 Getting #tarted in ##, 6entley i)il
Exercise. #et the 'ctie Terrain /odel.
&,ercise 156ective" W0en .orkin3 in Ferti!al or ot0er ,&, it is 3ood te!0ni7ue to
ensure t0at a Terrain Model is A!ti'e/
1. Cli!k on t0e Terrain Model boundary, 0o'er, and .ait 6or t0e Conte)t
Menu/ Sele!t Set As A!ti'e Terrain Model/
2 BCR1WK2 1 Creatin3 Ferti!al 2eometry
Exercise: Open a "ro$ile /odel.
&,ercise 156ective" To "re"are to !reate Ferti!al 2eometry .e need to o"en t0e *ro6ile
Model o6 t0e road .e are .orkin3 on/
4. Cli!k t0e &le:ent Selection i!on 6rom t0e Tas!s " Vertical Geometry "
Vertical Geometry Main " $pen .rofile Model menu/
4. At t0e Locate .lan Element "rom"t, sele!t t0e !enterline o6 Sout0ern Street/
4. At t0e #elect or $pen Vie' "rom"t, !li!k on Fie. 2 Dor "la!e a data"oint in Fie.
2 i6 it o"enE/
A *ro6ile Fie. o"ens o6 Sout0ern Street:
BCR1WK2 1 Creatin3 Ferti!al 2eometry 3
Co"yri30t 4 251, Bentley Systems, n!/
Chapter 1: Creating 2ertical 3eometry
Exercise: "lace 3ertical Elements.
&,ercise 156ective" *la!e ndi'idual Ferti!al (lements/
7. Cli!k t0e Pro;ile Curve Between Points i!on 6rom t0e Tas!s " Vertical
8. Clear all t0e !0e!k bo)es, .e .ill "la!e t.o "arabolas by sna""in3 to t0ree
"oints ea!0 O no "re1de6ined "arameters/ We .ill .ant to use t0e
Start#&nd#Pass)t2roug2 *la!ement Met0od/
7. *la!e t.o *ro6ile Cur'es by sna""in3 to t0e e)istin3 terrain at t0e "oints indi!ated/
Gour results s0ould look like t0is Dmore or lessE/
15/ Cli!k t0e Para5ola Between &le:ents i!on6rom t0e Tas!s " Vertical Geometry
- BCR1WK2 1 Creatin3 Ferti!al 2eometry
11. We .ill .ant to Trim<Extend Bot2 elements
@se any len3t0 you .ant Dalt0ou30 >-5 .orks .ellE, trim bot0
12. Cli!k t0e Para5ola Between &le:ents i!on 6rom t0e Tas!s " Vertical
We .ill .ant to Trim<Extend Bot2 elements/
BCR1WK2 1 Creatin3 Ferti!al 2eometry /
Co"yri30t 4 251, Bentley Systems, n!/
Chapter 1: Creating 2ertical 3eometry
13. Cli!k t0e +angent Pro;ile %ine to &le:ent i!on 6rom t0e Tas!s " Vertical
We .ill .ant to Trim<Extend Bac3 Dt0e "rom"t really s0ould be GesI=oE/
14. At t0e End .oint "rom"t, !li!k on t0e le6t end o6 t0e e)istin3 terrain/
13. At t0e Locate Reference .rofile "rom"t, .e need to identi6y .0i!0 o6 t0e
"ro6iles to !onne!t to Dt0e e)istin3 does !ount as a "ro6ileE/ Sele!t t0e ne.
A6ter !li!kin3 t0rou30 t0e "rom"ts, .e 0a'e a Asolution,B but it is made u" o6
indi'idual elements/
We .ill .ant to 3rou" t0em into a sin3le unit/
Exercise: /a,e a Full4&ength 3ertical #olution.
&,ercise 156ective" @se *ro6ile Com"le) By (lements to make a sin3le ob<e!t t0at
s"ans t0e 6ull len3t0 o6 t0e "ro6ile/
# BCR1WK2 1 Creatin3 Ferti!al 2eometry
16. Cli!k t0e Pro;ile Co:-le, By &le:ents i!on6rom t0e Tas!s " Vertical Geometry
16. Try t0e 'uto:atic Method/ 6 it does not sele!t t0e ne. 6our elements !orre!tly, you
!an =ndo and eit0er in!rease t0e 3a" or use t0e <anual Method/
=ote: at t0e Locate =irst Element "rom"t, make sure t0at you sele!t t0e "ro"osed
element and not t0e e)istin3:
16. :inally, make t0is t0e 'ctive Pro;ile, eit0er by usin3 t0e ontext Menu/
;r by ri30t1!li!kin3 in t0e Ci'il Model or (lement n6o and !li!kin3 Set As A!ti'e *ro6ile
Chapter 1: Creating 2ertical 3eometry
BCR1WK2 1 Creatin3 Ferti!al 2eometry 7
Co"yri30t 4 251, Bentley Systems, n!/
BCR1WK2 1 ;"enRoads Te!0nolo3y Works0o": 1
Co"yri30t 4 251, Bentley Systems, n!/
Bentley Civil Workshop
2013 Bentley LEARNing Conference
1-enRoads +ec2nology
Wor3s2o-" Creating a
Team Leader: Je66 Martin, *(
Bentley Systems,
n!or"orated #$%
Sto!kton &ri'e
()ton, *A 1+,-1
Chapter 1: Creating 2ertical 3eometry
2 BCR1WK2 1 Creatin3 a Corridor
BCR1WK2 1 Creatin3 a Corridor 1
Co"yri30t 4 251, Bentley Systems, n!/
Chapter 0: Creating a Corri$or
CRE+T68/ .ERT6C+( /E7;ETR=
D Exercise. !etting #tarted.
&,ercise 156ective" Startin3 *o.er nRoads F$i DS(L(CTseries ,E or *o.er 2(;*AK F$i
DS(L(CTseries ,E/
19. Bro.se Laun!0 Mi!roStation and set t0e 6ollo.in3 in t0e :ile ;"en
dialo3/ =ser: e)am"les
Pro6ect: Bentley1Ci'il1m"erial
4nter;ace: Bentley1Ci'il
20. ;"en geo:$Creating$!$Corridors.dgn 6rom t0e 6older / 0123,
i)il4LE-R5ing06R3781 9 Getting #tarted in ##, 6entley i)il
Exercise. #et the 'ctie Terrain /odel.
&,ercise 156ective" W0en .orkin3 in Ferti!al or ot0er ,&, it is 3ood te!0ni7ue to
ensure t0at a Terrain Model is A!ti'e/
19. n 'ie. 1, sele!t t0e main road ali3nment a3ain/ ?o'er o'er it and in t0e !onte)t
toolbo) sele!t Create Corridor/
2 BCR1WK$ 1 Creatin3 a Corridor
Co"yri30t 4 251, Bentley Systems, n!/
22. T0e se!ond "rom"t is to !0oose "ro6ile/ We 0a'e t0e o"tion 0ere o6 "i!kin3 one 6rom
t0e "ro6ile model D'ie. 2E or i6 .e <ust !li!k Reset Button t0en it .ill use .0i!0e'er
is a!ti'e/ Cli!k Reset/
22. T0e !orridor .0i!0 .e !reate needs a name/ By de6ault it uses t0e same name as
t0e ali3nment/ Just &* to a!!e"t t0is name or ty"e a ne. one, t0en &*/
22. =e)t .e need to !0oose .0i!0 tem"late to use/ T0is "rom"t may be blank 6or you or
t may list t0e .ron3 tem"late/
22. Cli!k ALTJ&o.n on keyboard to o"en t0e tem"late library and !0oose 2 %ane
=r5an Cur5 and Gutter wit2 Sidewal3 as s0o.n belo./
BCR1WK2 1 Creatin3 a Corridor 3
Co"yri30t 4 251, Bentley Systems, n!/
Chapter 4: Creating a Corri(or
26. :or start station, you !an dynami!ally mo'e !ursor to t0e be3innin3 Dsout0 endE or
!li!k ALT on keyboard to lo!k to t0e be3innin3/
26. :or end station, you !an dynami!ally mo'e !ursor to t0e end Dnort0 endE or !li!k
ALT on keyboard to lo!k to t0e end/
26. :or dro" inter'al use 2%/
27. :or minimum transition dro" len3t0 enter Cero 6or bot0 "rom"ts/ T0is is used to
transition bet.een di66erent tem"lates .0i!0 does not a""ly to t0is desi3n/
28. ns"e!t 'ie. 1 to see t0e !0an3es:
i. A !orridor .as !reated O indi!ated by t0e 3reen outline/ T0is is .0at .e .ill
sele!t in !ase any 6uture edits are re7uired/
ii. T0e 6ollo.in3 6eatures .ere !reated:
1. (d3e o6 *a'ement le6t and ri30t
2. Curb lines le6t and ri30t/
1. Side.alk le6t and ri30t/
- BCR1WK$ 1 Creatin3 a Corridor
Co"yri30t 4 251, Bentley Systems, n!/
,1/ ;"en 'ie. , to ins"e!t t0e ,& model/
32. Gou may noti!e t0at t0e ,d model is a little <a33y/ T0e resolution is "robably 6ine 6or
t0is sta3e o6 de'elo"ment, but .e !an in!rease t0e resolution/
33. n 'ie. 1, sele!t t0e !orridor and o"en t0e "ro"erties/
? Creating a Corridor /
Co"yri30t 4 251, Bentley Systems, n!/
Chapter 4: Creating a Corri(or
,-/ n t0e &esi3n Sta3e *ro"erty, !0an3e it to :inal, .0i!0 .ill im"ro'e t0e resolution o6
t0e ,d model/
BCR1WK2 1 ;"enRoads Te!0nolo3y Works0o": 7
Co"yri30t 4 251, Bentley Systems, n!/
Bentley Civil Workshop
2013 Bentley LEARNing Conference
1-enRoads +ec2nology
Wor3s2o-" Building Pads
Team Leader: Je66 Martin, *(
Bentley Systems,
n!or"orated #$% Sto!kton
()ton, *A 1+,-1
Chapter 11: 'uil$ing Pa$s .ertical
CRE+T68/ + 'U6(,68/ P+,
0 Exercise: Designate Existing !round.
BCR1WK2 1 Buildin3 *ads Ferti!al 1
Co"yri30t 4 251, Bentley Systems, n!/
&,ercise 156ective" n t0is lesson .e .ill !reate a desi3n 6or a buildin3 "ad on our
!ommer!ial site "ro<e!t/
1/ ;"en SitePlan3_BEGIN_Ci!ilCells.dgn in t0e C:?211
Civil@(E+R8ing?'CR1 A:2 B /etting 3tarte$ in 33 'entle) Civil
PoCer Pro$ucts?,+T+?71@,B'uil$ingB3ite folder/ Most o6 t0e 0oriContal
3eometry 0as been laid out 6or you/ WeKll ins"e!t some o6 it as .e 3o alon3 .0ile
desi3nin3 t0e site/
2. =oti!e too, t0at t0e e)istin3 3round terrain model .e !reated abo'e e)ists in a
re6eren!e 6ile and 0as been dis"layed .it0 only t0e boundary s0o.n/
2. Sele!t t0e terrain model/
2 BCR1WK2 1 Buildin3 *ads Ferti!al
Co"yri30t 4 251, Bentley Systems, n!/
4. A6ter you sele!t it, 0o'er t0e !ursor o'er t0e terrain model and a toolbo) .ill
a""ear, as s0o.n abo'e/
5. T0e se!ond !ommand is Set As A!ti'e Terrain Model/ A!ti'e Terrain Model is,
6or most "ro<e!ts, e)istin3 3round/
'ote/ The -cti)e Terrain Model is used for a fe' different things* &t is automatically
in all profile )ie's and is used %y default as the target for commands 'hich see! a
Exercise: Design a *uilding "ad
&,ercise 156ective" T0is e)er!ise .ill 3uide you to !reate a
buildin3 "ad/ Procedure"
6. Soom in on t0e buildin3/ ;ur 3oal is to set t0e buildin3 "ad ele'ation at 2/5 6eet
abo'e ma)imum e)istin3 ele'ation 6ound under t0e "ad/
4. n Task =a'i3ation, start t0e !ommand, *ro6ile :rom Sur6a!e
BCR1WK2 1 Buildin3 *ads Ferti!al 3
Co"yri30t 4 251, Bentley Systems, n!/
Chapter 56: +uil(ing 'a(s 2ertical
8. *i!k t0e buildin3 "ad element
8. Reset to !ontinue
8. T0en "i!k t0e e)istin3 3round sur6a!e, .0i!0 .ill be used to determine ele'ation/
8. Cli!k t0e ALT key on keyboard to lo!k start station to be3innin3
8. And ALT key to lo!k end station to end/ T0is !om"utes ele'ation 6or t0e entire
"erimeter o6 t0e "ad/
- BCR1WK2 1 Buildin3 *ads Ferti!al
Co"yri30t 4 251, Bentley Systems, n!/
13. Set "oint sele!tion to all/ @se @"I&o.n arro. on keyboard to !0an3e t0is 'alue i6
needed/ T0is means t0at t0e "ad is e'aluated all around t0e "erimeter/
13. Set *ro6ile Ad<ustment to Ma)imum, .0i!0 means t0at a6ter e'aluatin3 around
t0e "erimeter, it .ill use t0e ma)imum 6ound 'alue 6or t0e "ad/
13. Set &ra"in3 o"tion to trian3les to e'aluate at e'ery trian3le le3/
13. Set ?oriContal ;66set to Cero/
13. Set 'erti!al ;66set to 2/5, .0i!0 .ill add 2 6eet to t0e abo'e noted ma)imum/
BCR1WK2 1 Buildin3 *ads Ferti!al /
Co"yri30t 4 251, Bentley Systems, n!/
Chapter 56: +uil(ing 'a(s 2ertical
18. LetKs ins"e!t t0e !om"uted "ro6ile/ Sele!t t0e buildin3 "ad element, and on t0e
!onte)t toolbo), !li!k ;"en *ro6ile/
18. 6 'ie. 2 is not already o"en, o"en it and !li!k in t0e 'ie., .0i!0 o"ens t0e "ro6ile 6or
t0e buildin3 "ad/
18. T0is .ill o"en t0e "ro6ile/ Gou s0ould 0a'e a 6lat "ro6ile at about ele'ation %2##/
18. =o., o"en 'ie. , and in 'ie. attributes, set t0e model to &e6ault ,&
# BCR1WK2 1 Buildin3 *ads Ferti!al
Co"yri30t 4 251, Bentley Systems, n!/
22/ Rotate t0e 'ie. into isometri! and see our buildin3 "ad model/ T0ere are no side
slo"es yet and t0e "ad is in!om"lete/
23. WeKll return to 'ie. , 6rom time to time to ins"e!t t0e "ro3ress o6 our model/
23. Ba!k in Fie. 1, .e need to !om"ute a slo"e 6rom t0e "ad element out to t0e
3reen re!tan3le .0i!0 ser'es 6or side.alks and et!/
BCR1WK2 1 Buildin3 *ads Ferti!al 7
Co"yri30t 4 251, Bentley Systems, n!/
Chapter 56: +uil(ing 'a(s 2ertical
25. Start t0e !ommand, *ro6ile By Slo"e :rom (lement
25. *i!k t0e 3reen side.alk ed3e/ T0is is t0e element .e .ant to de6ine 'erti!ally/
25. Reset to !ontinue
25. *i!k t0e buildin3 as re6eren!e element/ T0is is t0e element used to !om"ute slo"e
$ BCR1WK2 1 Buildin3 *ads Ferti!al
Co"yri30t 4 251, Bentley Systems, n!/
29. Set slo"e to 12/5W
30. *oint Sele!tion is All/
31. Ad<ustment is =one
32. Ferti!al o66set is Cero/
32. Re'ie. Fie. , to see your "ro3ress/
BCR1WK2 1 Buildin3 *ads Ferti!al 9
Co"yri30t 4 251, Bentley Systems, n!/
Chapter 56: +uil(ing 'a(s 2ertical
Exercise: /a,e a Terrain o$ the *uilding Elements.
34. n 'ie. ,, Sele!t t0e t.o ,& elements and !reate a terrain model like .e did in
C0a"ter 1, e)!e"t t0e elements .ill be break lines instead o6 !ontours/
35. Start t0e Terrain Model By (lements !ommand/
34. *o"ulate t0e 6eature de6inition in t0e !ommand dialo3 as s0o.n belo./ Gou !an
also "o"ulate t0e 6eature ty"e and ed3e met0od as s0o.n i6 you .is0 but
t0ese .ill be "rom"ted/
34. &ata"oint to a!!e"t t0e sele!ted elements
34. Set 6eature ty"e to Break line/ @se u"Ido.n arro.s on keyboard/ T0e &* to
15 BCR1WK2 1 Buildin3 *ads Ferti!al
Co"yri30t 4 251, Bentley Systems, n!/
39. Set ed3e met0od to sli'ers/ &* to a!!e"t/ =ote t0at ma) trian3le len3t0 is also a
'alid o"tion/
Exercise: 'dd $ie slopes
40. Start t0e Linear Tem"late !ommand/
39. n 'ie. 1, Sele!t t0e 3reen side.alk ed3e as t0e element to a""ly t0e tem"late/
Gou !an also atta!0 t0e linear tem"late to t0e terrain model .e !reated o6
39. T0e tem"late .e need is "robably not listed/
BCR1WK2 1 Buildin3 *ads Ferti!al 11
Co"yri30t 4 251, Bentley Systems, n!/
Chapter 56: +uil(ing 'a(s 2ertical
-,/ ;n keyboard, !li!k ALT J &o.n Arro., .0i!0 .ill brin3 u" t0e tem"late library/
C0oose tem"late named Straig2t 2"1 Slo-es as s0o.n/
44. :or start station use t0e lo!ked be3innin3 station/ @se ALT to lo!k it i6 it is not
44. :or end station lo!k to end/
45. @se t0e !ursor to set side on t0e outside o6 t0e element/
44. Set !orner s.ee" an3le to %/ T0is determines 0o. to !om"ute t0e tie slo"es on
s0ar" !orners/ 6 'alue o6 Cero is used t0en side slo"e .ill be s0ar"/ =on1Cero
makes rounded !orners/
12 BCR1WK2 1 Buildin3 *ads Ferti!al
Co"yri30t 4 251, Bentley Systems, n!/
48. =o., ins"e!t 'ie. , a3ain and see our side slo"es/
Exercise: 'dd #ub4la%ers
49. We la!k one t0in3 no. 6or our buildin3 "ad/ We need some sort o6 layers o6 "a'in3
material/ T0is mi30t be <ust 3ra'el, or "er0a"s multi"le layers o6 bitumen or
!on!rete/ Start t0e Area Tem"late !ommand/
48. Sele!t t0e terrain model .e made o6 "ad earlier/
48. At t0e "rom"t 6or tem"late, use ALT J &o.n Arro.///
BCR1WK2 1 Buildin3 *ads Ferti!al 13
Co"yri30t 4 251, Bentley Systems, n!/
Chapter 56: +uil(ing 'a(s 2ertical
52. ///to o"en tem"late library and !0oose as s0o.n belo./
52. T0en data "oint to a!!e"t/
52. Wit0 Smoot0 S0adin3 t[RG1]urned on in 'ie. ,, .e !an no. see our 6inis0ed
buildin3 "ad/
Bentley Civil Workshop
2013 Bentley LEARNing Conference
1-enRoads +ec2nology
Wor3s2o-" Place Cells H
Building Pads
BCR1WK2 1 ;"enRoads Te!0nolo3y Works0o": 1
Co"yri30t 4 251, Bentley Systems, n!/
Bentley Systems,
n!or"orated #$% Sto!kton
()ton, *A 1+,-1
2 BCR1WK2 1 *la!e Cells O Buildin3 *ads
Co"yri30t 4 251, Bentley Systems, n!/
BCR1WK2 1 *la!e Cells O Buildin3 *ads 1
Co"yri30t 4 251, Bentley Systems, n!/
Chapter 11: Place Cells 2 'uil$ing
CRE+TE + 'U6(,68/ P+, U368/ C6.6( CE((
Exercise: Designate Existing !round
&,ercise 156ective" n t0is lesson .e .ill use an alternate met0od utiliCin3 !i'il !ells to
desi3n t0e buildin3 "ad/ A !i'il !ell is "re1!onstru!ted set o6 3eometry and model elements
t0at !an be reused a!ross many "ro<e!ts/ T0e !om"le)ity is as sim"le or !om"le) as you
!0oose to make it/ T0e layout !an be 2& 3eometry only or in!lude "ro6ile and ,& desi3ns as
1/ ;"en SitePlan3_BEGIN_Ci!ilCells.dgn in t*e C:?211
Civil @(E+R8ing?'CR1 A:2 B /etting 3tarte$ in 33 'entle) Civil
PoCer Pro$ucts?,+T+?71@,B'uil$ingB3ite 6older/ Most o6 t0e 0oriContal
3eometry 0as been laid out 6or you/ WeKll ins"e!t some o6 it as .e 3o alon3 .0ile
desi3nin3 t0e site/
2/Gou .ill note t0at instead o6 a 6ull buildin3 "ad dra.n in, .e 0a'e only a line to indi!ate lo!ation and
dire!tion o6 t0e buildin3/
,/ Sele!t t0e terrain model/
2 BCR1WK2 1 *la!e Cells O Buildin3 *ads
Co"yri30t 4 251, Bentley Systems, n!/
4. A6ter you sele!t it, 0o'er t0e !ursor o'er t0e terrain model and a toolbo) .ill
a""ear, as s0o.n abo'e/
5. T0e se!ond !ommand is Set As A!ti'e Terrain Model/
6. ;"en *ro<e!t ()"lorer to Ci'il Standards D7ile @ Pro6ect &,-lorerE
'ote/ &f you do not see the i)il #tandards ta% as sho'n a%o)e> go to
+ettings Project (,plorer to turn it on*
7. T0ere are a number o6 6un!tion1s"e!i6i! Ci'il Cell Libraries, ri30t !li!k on t0e
Ci'il Cell named 7ancy3*Pad in t0e Buildings.dgnli5 and !0oose Place
Civil Cell/
Alternati'ely, you !an *la!e Ci'il Cells 'ia t0e Ci'il Cells J *la!e Ci'il Cell task:
BCR1WK2 1 *la!e Cells O Buildin3 *ads 3
Co"yri30t 4 251, Bentley Systems, n!/
Chapter 55: 'lace Cells 7 +uil(ing 'a(s
=ote: t0e tool assumes t0at you are "la!in3 t0e "re'iously1"la!e Ci'il Cell/ To
sele!t a di66erent one, ri30t1!li!k on!e to enable t0e Bro.se button and t0en
sele!t it/
T0is o"ens t0e *i!k Ci'il Cells dialo3/
Sele!t :an!y,&*ad 6rom t0e Buildings.dgnli5/
$/ T0e 6irst "rom"t is to sele!t t0e re6eren!e element/ n t0is !ase, t0e re6eren!e
element is t0e oran3e line .0i!0 de6ines t0e 6ront 6a!e o6 t0e buildin3/ :or any
3i'en !i'il !ell, t0e number and ty"e o6 re6eren!e elements .ill de"end on 0o. t0e
!i'il !ell is !onstru!ted/
- BCR1WK2 1 *la!e Cells O Buildin3 *ads
Co"yri30t 4 251, Bentley Systems, n!/
9. T0e ne)t ste" is to !0oose elements to re'erse/ T0is is be!ause t0e 6inal
re6eren!e elements may be dra.n di66erent dire!tion t0an t0e !ell elements/ n
order to "ro"erly !onstru!t t0e !ell t0en t0ese elements .ill need to o"erate in a
re'erse 6as0ion/ =ote: t0e elements are not re'ersed/ T0e rules 6rom t0e !ell are
9. ;n!e t0e element rules are "ro"erly !on6i3ured t0en &* to a!!e"t t0e !ell
9. T0e buildin3 is desi3ned in one ste", 2& and ,&/
9. GouKll noti!e t0at t0e dimensions are a little di66erent t0an abo'e/ T0is is be!ause,
.e !reated t0e !ell to be 6airly sim"le/ But, .e !an ad<ust t0e dimensions/ Sele!t
t0e 3reen side.alk element/
BCR1WK2 1 *la!e Cells O Buildin3 *ads /
Co"yri30t 4 251, Bentley Systems, n!/
Chapter 55: 'lace Cells 7 +uil(ing 'a(s
1,/ =oti!e t0e .idt0 o6 buildin3 is set to #,/ Cli!k on t0e te)t mani"ulator and ty"e
1155 in "la!e o6 #,/
14. =o. t0e "ro"ortions look more like our ori3inal desi3n/
15. Lessons learned 6or dis!ussion:
i. T0e !i'il !ell !an automate !om"le) 3eometry and modelin3 .ork6lo.s/
ii. n t0e !ell .e used abo'e, .e desi3ned it to be sim"le/ T0ere .as only
re7uired a sin3le re6eren!e element "i!k/ T0is !ontrol element de6ines t0e
len3t0 and dire!tion o6 t0e buildin3/
iii. We !ould 0a'e made t0e !ell .it0 a se!ond !ontrol line to !ontrol .idt0 as
iv. But, sin!e it is easy to edit a6ter t0e 6a!t, our !ell .as ke"t sim"le/
v. (ditin3 t0e !ell a6ter "la!ement does not ne3ate t0e 6a!t t0at it is a !ell/
i. T0e e)a!t nature and usa3e o6 a "arti!ular !i'il !ell is de"endent on 0o. it
is desi3ned/ System Administrators .ill need to do!ument e)"e!ted usa3e
and re7uired re6eren!e elements/
# BCR1WK2 1 *la!e Cells O Buildin3 *ads
Co"yri30t 4 251, Bentley Systems, n!/
1#/ We !an 6urt0er edit t0e 6inal buildin3 by editin3 mani"ulators, as .e did abo'e, or
by editin3 t0e !ontrol element
n t0is !ase, t0e !ontrol element is a sim"le %ine Between Points/
17. *la!e a ne. re6eren!e line any.0ere .it0in t0e terrain limits/ Make it 1/ 6eet lon3
or so/ @se 3 %ine Between Points/
18. *la!e a ne. Buildin3 !ell AonB t0e ne. re6eren!e line/
19. Mo'e t0e ne. re6eren!e line o6 t0e ne. buildin3/
=ote t0at i6 you mo'e t0e re6eren!e line o6 t0e original Buildin3, youKll noti!e t0at a
3reat many ot0er t0in3s !0an3e/ T0is is be!ause t0e entran!e road and "arkin3 lot
are de"endent on t0e re6eren!e line o6 t0e buildin3/
BCR1WK2 1 ;"enRoads Te!0nolo3y Works0o": Corridor Modelin3 1
Co"yri30t 4 251, Bentley Systems, n!/
Bentley Civil Workshop
2013 Bentley LEARNing
1-enRoads +ec2nology Wor3s2o-" Corridor <odeling
Team Leader: Je66 Martin, *(
Team Members: Robert 2arrett, *( U Joey LouAllen, *(
Bentley Systems,
n!or"orated #$% Sto!kton
()ton, *A 1+,-1
2 BCR1WK2 1 ;"enRoads Te!0nolo3y Works0o": Corridor Modelin3
Co"yri30t 4 251, Bentley Systems, n!/
Table of Contents
Comman$ 6n$ex........................................................%rror8 +ookmark not (efine(9
Chapter &: ,)namic Cross 3ections....................................................................1
;'er'ie. ,
;"enin3 a &ynami! Cross Se!tion Fie.///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////,
9 ()er!ise: ;"enin3 a Cross Se!tion Fie. /////////////////////////////////////////////////////1
C0a"ter Summary///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// %
2 BCR1WK2 1 ;"enRoads Te!0nolo3y Works0o": Corridor Modelin3
Co"yri30t 4 251, Bentley Systems, n!/
BCR1WK2 1 ;"enRoads Te!0nolo3y Works0o": Corridor Modelin3 3
Co"yri30t 4 251, Bentley Systems, n!/
Chapter 12: ,)namic Cross 3ections
T0is se!tion .ill !o'er t0e Cross Se!tion Fie. tool/ T0e !ross se!tion 'ie. is "o.er6ul tool to
aid t0e en3ineer to make desi3n de!isions/ T0ese se!tions use &ynami! Se!tion Te!0nolo3y
6rom Mi!roStation/ T0is 3i'es t0e se!tions t0e ability to !ut t0rou30 any (lements t0at are
dis"layed in t0e
&2= 6ile/ T0e 3ra"0i!s !an be !reated 6rom Bentley Ci'il or any ot0er dis!i"line, .0i!0
makes t0is te!0nolo3y a 'aluable asset/
T0is se!tion .ill also e)amine t0e 2& and ,& Mi!roStation models .it0 t0e Ci'il Model
"arti!ularly .it0 use o6 t0e &ynami! Se!tion tool/
7PE868/ + ,=8+;6C CR733 3ECT678 .6EA
Exercise: Opening a Cross #ection 3ie5.
&,ercise 156ective" n t0is e)er!ise, t0e user .ill learn to o"en a 'ie. and set it to a
!ross se!tion model 'ie./
Corridor <odeling +ool =sed"
C7RR6,7R ;7,E(68/ P+8E(
Open Cross Section View
25/ Open SitePlan3_BEGIN_Ci!ilCells.dgn in t*e C:?211 Civil@(E+R8ing?'CR1 A:2 B
/etting 3tarte$ in 33 'entle) Civil PoCer Pro$ucts?,+T+?71@,B'uil$ingB3ite fol-er.
/ost of t*e *ori"ontal geometry *as 0een lai- out for you. 1e2ll inspect some of it as %e
go along %*ile -esigning t*e site.
21. @sin3 t0e Mi!roStation Sele!t tool, Sele!t t0e =ort0Qbound !orridor sout0 o6 t0e
brid3es by its 3reen markers near t0e boundary o6 t0e !orridor to Conte)t Tool Bar
and na'i3ate to
21. 1-en Cross Section <odel/
! BCR1WK2 1 ;"enRoads Te!0nolo3y Works0o": Corridor Modelin3
Co"yri30t 4 251, Bentley Systems, n!/
Chapter 52: 0ynamic Cross Sections
23. *ata Point in Fie. > to dis"lay t0e !orridorKs &ynami! Se!tions/
Note T0e Ci'il Model mana3ed t0e re7uired ,& Model needed to a!!urately Cut dynami!
Se!tions/ T0is intelli3en!e 0el"s stream line t0e mana3ement o6 re6eren!in3 o6 t0e
2& and ,& models t0at ;"enRoads !reates and uses/
23. =a'i3ate and e)amine t0e se!tion/
23. Make Fie. $ .it0 &e6ault1,& model a!ti'e and t0en Re6eren!e in t0e &raina3e/d3n
24. Cut &ynami! Se!tions 6or !orridor (ort2$5ound1/ @sin3 t0e Mi!roStation Sele!t
tool, Sele!t t0e nort0bound !orridor, =ort0QBound1, nort0 o6 t0e brid3es by its
3reen markers near t0e boundary o6 t0e !orridor to Conte)t Tool Bar and na'i3ate
to 1-en Cross Section <odel/
24. *ata Point in Fie. > to dis"lay t0e !orridorKs &ynami! Se!tions/
25. @se t0e =a'i3ation Tools at t0e to" o6 t0e !ross se!tion 'ie. to e)amine t0e !ross
se!tions/ ()amine t0e area near t0e draina3e stru!tures on t0e nort0erly limits o6
t0e =ort0QBound1 !orridor/
26. =a'i3ate to 12++V55/ =ote t0e draina3e stru!tureKs de"t0/
HintRi30t Cli!kin3 in t0e Cross Se!tion Fie. and sele!tin3 Fie. *ro"erties .ill
dis"lay a 'ariety o6 tools t0at are s"e!i6i! to Cross Se!tions/
BCR1WK2 1 ;"enRoads Te!0nolo3y Works0o": Corridor Modelin3 /
Co"yri30t 4 251, Bentley Systems, n!/
Chapter 52: 0ynamic Cross Sections
Note T0e Cross Se!tion 'ie. instantly "ro'ides 6eedba!k to t0e desi3nerP in t0is !ase t0e
do not 0a'e enou30 !o'er/ Remember, su"erele'ation 0as not been a""lied to t0is
!orridor so t0is !ondition .ill be made .orse/ T0is allo.s t0e issue to be re!ti6ied
earlier in t0e desi3n instead o6 .aitin3 to do !las0 dete!tion or "ublis0 !ross
se!tion s0eets to 6ind issues/
,5/ &ismiss t0e Cross Se!tions by !losin3 Giew 7/
C!+PTER 3U;;+R=
n t0is !0a"ter, .e 0a'e introdu!e and learned to use ;"en Cross Se!tion Fie./
0 BCR1WK2 1 ;"enRoads Te!0nolo3y Works0o": Corridor Modelin3
Co"yri30t 4 251, Bentley Systems, n!/
Learning 'aths
(earning Paths
All o6 our trainin3 t0rou30 Bentley is a!!essible 'ia learnin3 "at0s, ready1made trainin3 "lans
t0at "ro'ide t0e re!ommended "ro3ression o6 skills trainin3 6or a "rodu!t, solution, <ob role,
or e)"erien!e le'el/
n de'elo"in3 your team, you !an !0oose 6rom Bentley1re!ommended learnin3 "at0s or
!on6i3ure your o.n to meet your teams s"e!i6i! needs/
Learnin3 "at0s 0el" us:
&e'elo" our internal talent "ool
Make our em"loyees more "rodu!ti'e
*rioritiCe learnin3 to"i!s by .0at is im"ortant to us as a !om"any
Rein6or!e our !or"orate !ulture o6 !ontinuous learnin3
BCR1WK2 1 ;"enRoads Te!0nolo3y Works0o": Corridor Modelin3 7
Co"yri30t 4 251, Bentley Systems, n!/
+ssessment 4original5
1/ 'r$e or )lse: Civil R$les re t*e w" t*t +,enRo!s re-e-.ers
"o$r &esign /ntent(
1 True/
2/ W*t is t*e 0$i%1est w" to %*nge t*e %ross slo,e o2 si-,le
ro!3 !li!k t0e (d3e o6 *a'ement, key in a ne. 'alue in t0e Slo"e 6ield/
,/ W*i%* o2 t*e 2ollowing re tr$e .o$t #ro2ile 2ro- S$r2%e3
a. /t4s goo! w" to %rete n e5isting #ro2ile Gr!e Line 2or ro!
b. /t4s goo! w" to !r,e .$il!ing t lest 14 .ove gro$n!
c. /t4s n es" w" to %rete !it%* .otto- t*t slo,es !ire%tl"
2ro- 24 .elow t*e gro$n! t t*e $,,er en! to 24 .elow t*e
gro$n! t t*e !ownstre- en!(
All o6 t0e abo'e
-/ W*t ti-e-sving R$le-.se! !esign te%*nolog" -ini-i6es re-wor1 on
si-ilr o.7e%ts3
Ci'il Cells
8 BCR1WK2 1 ;"enRoads Te!0nolo3y Works0o": Corridor Modelin3
Co"yri30t 4 251, Bentley Systems, n!/
-ssessment :revise(;
+ssessment 4revise$5
1/ 'r$e or )lse: Civil R$les re t*e w" t*t +,enRo!s re-e-.ers "o$r
&esign /ntent(
1 True/
2. 'r$e or )lse: A!!ing R$les to 8i%roSttion gr,*i%s is 7$st s ,ower2$l s
$sing +,enRo!s 'e%*nolog" 'ools 2ro- t*e .eginning3
2. W*t is t*e 0$i%1est w" to %*nge t*e r!i$s o2 C$r. Ret$rn3
!li!k t0e radius element, key in a ne. 'alue 6or t0e radius/
3. 'r$e or )lse: A Co-,le5 Ele-ent *s 2r -ore so2twre 2et$res n!
!e,en!en%ies sso%ite! wit* it t*n single geo-etr" ele-ent li1e one
%rete! 2ro- tool li1e 9#l%e Line Between #oints:(
3. 'r$e or )lse: Creting ;erti%l Geo-etr" $se ver" !i22erent so2twre
te%*nolog" 2or Site wor12lows t*n 2or Corri!or Wor12lows(
4. W*t ti-e-sving R$le-.se! !esign te%*nolog" -ini-i6es re-wor1 on si-ilr
Ci'il Cells
BCR1WK2 1 ;"enRoads Te!0nolo3y Works0o": Corridor Modelin3 9
Co"yri30t 4 251, Bentley Systems, n!/
2* Point 7eature Contains no ele'ation DSE/ 2& *oint :eatures are de6ined and stored in "lan
3* Geo:etry,& 3eometry is !reated in ,& model by mat0emati!ally !ombinin3 t0e 0oriContal
and 'erti!al 3eometry to !reate ,& elements/ T0ese ,& 3eometry elements in
turn de6ine a desi3n model/
3* <odel T0is is !reated and mana3ed automati!ally/ @ser !an intera!t .it0 it but t0is is not
usually re7uired/ T0e mat0emati!al !ombination o6 *lan 2eometry and
*ro6ile 2eometry is stored in t0e ,& model/
3* Point 7eature,& "oints !an be de6ined in "lan model or ,& model/ T0ey are stored in ,& model
but re"resented in bot0 "lan and ,&/
'ctive 156ect T0e !urrent ob<e!t to .0i!0 is added all 3eometry .0i!0 is !reated/
'ctive Pro;ile;6 t0e multi"le "ossible "ro6iles 6or an element, t0e a!ti'e "ro6ile is t0e one used
6or desi3n/ T0e a!ti'e "ro6ile is !ombined .it0 t0e 0oriContal 3eometry to
build a ,& element .0i!0 is used in t0e ,& model/
;ne terrain model !an be desi3nated as AA!ti'eB/ T0e a!ti'e terrain
model is t0e one used to dis"lay Ae)istin3 3roundBP in ot0er .ords t0e one
.0i!0 dis"lays automati!ally in a "ro6ile model .0en it is o"ened/ T0e
a!ti'e terrain model is also t0e one .0i!0 is tar3eted by side slo"es
unless t0e tem"late de6ines a di66erent tar3et by name/
'%G A le3a!y D"ro"rietaryE nRoads 6ile !ontainin3 !oordinate 3eometry in6ormation,
su"erele'ation, and ali3nment in6ormation 6or a s"e!i6i! 3eometry "ro<e!t/
'lign:ent A linear 6eature .0i!0 ser'es t0e s"e!ial "ur"ose o6 de6inin3 t0e !enterline or
baseline o6 a road.ay/
'--ly %inear A""lies a !orridor tem"late alon3 a 6eature .0ile 0idin3 some o6 t0e !om"le)ity o6
+e:-late !reatin3 a !orridor/
'--ly Sur;aceA""lies a !orridor tem"late to a terrain model 6or t0e "ur"ose o6 !reatin3
+e:-late !om"onents Dsu!0 as "a'ement layersE under t0e terrain model/
'rc *e;initionCur'e de6inition met0od 3enerally used in road.ay a""li!ations/ T0e radius R is
used to de6ine t0e !ur'e and is de6ined by t0e e7uation RX%>2+/%$I& .0ere
t0e de3ree o6 !ur'ature & is t0e !entral an3le subtended by a 15516oot ar!/
Set in t0e &esi3n :ile Settin3s J Ci'il :ormattin3 under Radius Settin3s/
#ee also hord :efinition*
's-ect An an3ular measure o6 t0e dire!tion t0at t0e 6a!e o6 a sur6a!e is oriented/ T0e
6ormat o6 t0e 'alue is de"endent on an3ular settin3s n t0e &2= 6ile/
1 BCR1WK2 1 ;"enRoads Te!0nolo3y Works0o": Corridor Modelin3
Co"yri30t 4 251, Bentley Systems, n!/
Base Geo:etryn many instan!es t0e 3eometry element .ill be trimmed/ T0e ori3inal Dor baseE,
untrimmed element is al.ays "reser'ed as it is t0e stora3e 6or t0e rule/
Boundary E+errain @sed to !onstrain t0e e)ternal boundary o6 t0e terrain model/ =o
trian3les are <odelF !reated outside t0e boundary/ n addition, any "oint data
outside t0e boundary is
Brea3 %ine A sur6a!e 6eature !onsistin3 o6 a !olle!tion o6 s"atial !oordinates t0at 0a'e an
im"lied linear relations0i"/ =o trian3le side Din t0e trian3ulated sur6a!eE !an
!ross o'er a break line/
Brea3 Goid A !losed area o6 missin3 or obs!ured data t0at uses t0e ele'ations o6 ea!0 'erte),
.0ile t0e 'oid lines bet.een su!!essi'e 'oid !oordinates are inserted as
break lines/ T0ere6ore, break 'oids !0an3e t0e slo"e and ele'ations o6 t0e
T= sur6a!e/
Cardinal Points;ne o6 t0e "oints used to de6ine t0e 3eometry o6 an ali3nment/ Cardinal "oints
in!lude *C, *T, *, and CC "oints 6or 0oriContal 3eometry and F*C, F* and
F*T 6or 'erti!al 3eometry/
Centroid EtriangleF2eometri! !enter o6 a trian3le in a terrain model/
C2ord *e;initionCur'e de6inition met0od 3enerally used in rail.ay a""li!ations/ T0e radius R is
used to de6ine t0e !ur'e, and is de6ined by t0e e7uation RX%5IS=D5/%Y&E
.0ere t0e de3ree o6 !ur'ature & is t0e !entral an3le subtended by a 15516oot
!0ord/ #ee also -rc :efinition*
Civil Cell @sed as a me!0anism to "re!on6i3ure !ommonly used !om"le) 3eometri! layouts/
T0ese layouts .ill !ommonly be stored in &2=LB 6iles 6or reuse a!ross
multi"le "ro<e!ts but it is "ossible and sometimes use6ul to store dire!tly in
an a!ti'e &2= 6ile 6or use in t0at sin3le lo!ation/ T0e !i'il !ell .ill !ontain
0oriContal 3eometry and !an also !ontain t0e 'erti!al 3eometry/
Civil <essage@sed to dis"lay a !ontinuous u"datin3 lo3 o6 Ci'il messa3es, in!ludin3 .arnin3s
Center and errors/ As errors and .arnin3s are resol'ed, t0ey are remo'ed 6rom t0e list/
=e. messa3es are added .0ene'er t0e !onditions .arrant/ Most messa3es
relate to !i'il 3eometry, su"erele'ation, and !orridor modelin3/
Civil +e:-lateA !i'il desi3n !on!e"t used most o6ten 6or !orridor modelin3 but also 0as ot0er
a""li!ations/ T0e Ci'il Tem"late de6ines t0e !ross1se!tional s0a"e o6 t0e
ob<e!t bein3 modeled/ T0is !ross1se!tion is t0en Ae)truded alon3B a ,&
3eometry element to 6orm t0e 6inal model/ T0e !orridor tem"late !an
!reate or tar3et 6eatures su!0 as road ed3es/ T0e result is t0e !reation o6
a !orridor/
Cli--ing Re;erence Cli""in3 allo.s you to remo'e areas o6 o'erla" .0en .orkin3 .it0
multi"le !orridors in a sin3le sur6a!e/ :or e)am"le, in a !orridor
interse!ted by a !rossin3 road.ay, !li""in3 .ould be used to remo'e all
o'erla""ed 6eatures .it0in t0e interse!tion/
Co:-le, +errainA terrain model !reated by mer3in3 or a""endin3 t.o or more terrain models/
BCR1WK2 1 ;"enRoads Te!0nolo3y Works0o": Corridor Modelin3 11
Co"yri30t 4 251, Bentley Systems, n!/
Conte,t +ool5o,W0en an element is sele!ted, 0o'erin3 o'er t0e element "ro'ide a 0eads1u" and
!onte)t sensiti'e toolbar .0i!0 "o"s u" at t0e !ursor/ T0is toolbar "ro'ides
a 6e. o6 t0e most !ommonly used tools .0i!0 o"erate on t0e element
sele!ted element ty"e/ T0e 6irst tool in t0is toolbar is al.ays Mui!k
Contour A linear symbol re"resentin3 "oints o6 e7ual ele'ation relati'e to a 3i'en datum/
ContourB 4so-ac2Contours o6 a delta terrain model .0i!0 re"resent !ut and 6ill 'alues as !ontours,
not ele'ations/ A "ositi'e !ontour re"resents 6ill, .0ile a ne3ati'e !ontour is !ut/
ContourB <a6orT0e "rimary ele'ation line indi!atin3 a s"e!i6i! ele'ation in a sur6a!e model/
@sually ma<or !ontours are dra.n .it0 a 0ea'ier line .ei30t or usin3 a di66erent
!olor/ (le'ation te)t labels are usually dra.n in asso!iation .it0 ma<or !ontours/
ContourB <inorA se!ondary ele'ation line indi!atin3 a s"e!i6i! ele'ation in a sur6a!e model/ Minor
!ontours are o6ten dra.n .it0out s"e!ial !olor or .ei30t inde)in3 and
.it0out ele'ation te)t labels/
Corridor A !i'il ob<e!t used 6or modelin3 a road.ay and is automati!ally mana3ed by t0e
!orridor modelin3 tools/
&2= models De)tra!ted "er"endi!ular to de6ined 0oriContal 3eometryE
.it0 s"e!ial station ele'ation !oordinates de6ined and ot0er s"e!ialiCed
!a"abilities su!0 as 'ie. e)a33eration/ Cross se!tion stations mat!0 t0e
inter'al in t0e tem"late dro" .0en a !orridor is used as t0e basis/ W0en
0oriContal 3eometry is utiliCed, t0e le6t I ri30t o66sets and inter'al are user1
Curve Stro3ingStrokin3 is t0e "ro!ess o6 automati!ally addin3 s0ots to t0e terrain model or
!orridor by inter"olatin3 ne. s0ots 6rom t0e !ur'ed se!tions o6 t0e data/
T0is distan!e is used to inter"olate ne. s0ots alon3 t0e !ur'ed element in
!orridor "ro!essin3 and a""lyin3 linear tem"lates/ T0is 'alue is used as a
"er"endi!ular minimum distan!e 6rom !0ords 3enerated alon3 t0e ar!/
C0ords are dra.n alon3 t0e ar! and t0e "er"endi!ular distan!e is measured
6rom t0e middle o6 ea!0 !0ord to t0e ar!/ 6 t0is distan!e is lar3er t0an t0e
Cur'e Strokin3, t0e "ro!ess is re"eated .it0 a s0orter !0ord len3t0/ T0is
"ro!ess is re"eated until t0e end o6 t0e !ur'e is rea!0ed/ T0e 6latter t0e
!ur'e, t0e 6e.er number o6 "oints .ill be !al!ulated/ T0e stee"er t0e !ur'e,
t0e 3reater number o6 "oints t0at .ill be !al!ulated/
**B 7ile 2(;*AK 6ile D&esi3n &ataBaseE .0i!0 !ontains 6eatures de6initions, asso!iated
symbolo3y and annotation settin3s/
*elta +errain A sur6a!e !ontainin3 data deri'ed 6rom t0e di66eren!e in ele'ation bet.een t.o
<odel terrain models or a terrain model and a "lane/
*ialog T0e tool settin3s bo) 6or t0e a!ti'e !ommand/ T0e dialo3 s0o.s all a'ailable
o"tions 6or a !ommand/ :or most !i'il !ommands, most o6 t0e time, t0e
dialo3 !an be 0idden and i3nored sin!e t0e user is 3i'en all ne!essary
instru!tion and in"uts by .ay o6 t0e !ursor "rom"t/ T0e dialo3 is ne!essary
6or !on6i3urin3 !ommand !ustomiCations/
*ra-e T0e "ro!ess o6 'erti!ally "ro<e!tin3 elements onto a sur6a!e so t0at t0e element
ele'ations are de6ined by t0e sur6a!e/
12 BCR1WK2 1 ;"enRoads Te!0nolo3y Works0o": Corridor Modelin3
Co"yri30t 4 251, Bentley Systems, n!/
*ra-e Goid A !losed area o6 missin3 or obs!ured data .0ere t0e 'oid !oordinates are not
in!luded in t0e trian3ulation/ Foids are inserted "ost trian3ulation/ T0e 'oid
!oordinates and lines are dra"ed on t0e T= sur6a!e/ ('en t0ou30 a user
must "ro'ide an ele'ation 6or t0e &ra"e Foid 'erti!es, t0e user ele'ations
are !0an3ed to t0e ele'ation o6 t0e T= sur6a!e at t0e HG &ra"e Foid
!oordinate "osition/
&le:ent +e:-lateMi!roStation !on!e"t .0i!0 allo.s "re!on6i3ured de6initions 6or symbolo3y and
ot0er mis!ellaneous dis"lay o6 Mi!roStation elements and !i'il 6eatures/
&nd ConditionA s"e!ialiCed !om"onent o6 a !orridor tem"late .0i!0 "ro'ides in6ormation tie
into a!ti'e sur6a!e/
&nd Condition @sed to modi6y t0e be0a'ior o6 an end !ondition solution .it0out re7uirin3 t0e
&,ce-tion use o6 additional tem"late dro"s/ W0en an end !ondition e)!e"tion is added, it
must be edited to !0an3e its be0a'ior/
&,-ort to (ative;"tion to automati!ally or manually "us0 0oriContal and 'erti!al 3eometry into
nati'e "rodu!ts DnRoads 1 AL2, MH 1 *SS and 2(;*AK 1 2*KE/
7eature A :eature is anyt0in3 t0at !an be seen or lo!ated and is a "0ysi!al "art o6 your
desi3n, re"resentin3 a real .orld t0in3/ A 6eatureKs de6inition is one o6 its
"ro"erties/ At any 3i'en time in t0e desi3n "ro!ess, t0e 6eature .ill
0a'e a ?oriContal 2eometry, a Ferti!al 2eometry, ,& 2eometry or a
!ombination to de6ine its lo!ation/
7eature *e;inition@sed to de6ine o"tions .0en !reatin3 6eatures/ T0ese are t0e items .0i!0 are
!reated in ad'an!e, usually used a!ross multi"le "ro<e!ts and de6ine
symbolo3y, annotation and 7uantities/ T0e 6eature de6inition is assi3ned
DusuallyE in t0e "lan model and "ro6ileI,& 6eature de6initions 6ollo. 6rom
7eature (a:e (a!0 :eature !an 0a'e a name/
Ga- W0en a 6eature is trimmed t0e "artDsE .0i!0 are in'isible on t0e base 3eometry/
GPK A le3a!y D"ro"rietaryE 2(;*AK database !ontainin3 !oordinate 3eometry
Gra-2ical 7ilter@sin3 in de'elo"in3 terrain models, an automated .ay o6 storin3 sear!0 settin3s
6or 3ra"0i! elements .0en !reatin3 terrain models usin3 ,& element/ A
3ra"0i!al 6ilter !an be !reated 6or ea!0 6eature Di/e/, s"ots, breaks, 'oidsE
t0en t0e 6ilters !an be de6ined as a 2ra"0i!al 6ilter 3rou"/
8eads =- Pro:-tCommand instru!tions are 3i'en in a 0eads u" and dynami! "rom"t .0i!0 6loats
t0e !ursor/
8ori9ontal T0e elements .0i!0 de6ine t0e 0oriContal layout o6 t0e desi3n/ T0ese elements
Geo:etry are 2& elements e'en i6 t0e &2= model is ,&/ ?oriContal 2eometry may be "oints,
lines, ar!s, s"irals, s"lines or any !ombination in a !om"le) element/
4nterval W0en a 6eature is trimmed t0e "artDsE .0i!0 are 'isible on t0e base 3eometry/
4sland Closed area used to "la!e .it0in a 'oid, i/e/, islands in t0e middle o6 ri'ers, lakes,
BCR1WK2 1 ;"enRoads Te!0nolo3y Works0o": Corridor Modelin3 13
Co"yri30t 4 251, Bentley Systems, n!/
Key Station Additional station added to t0e !orridor to 6or!e "ro!essin3 at t0e "arti!ular
%4*'R DLi30t &ete!tion And Ran3in3E is an o"ti!al s!annin3 te!0nolo3y .0i!0 s!ans
3round and ot0er "0ysi!al 6eatures to "rodu!e a ,& model/
%inear 7eaturen "lan model, !om"osed o6 lines, ar!s, s"irals, s"lines or !ombinations o6 t0ese/ n
"ro6ile model, !om"osed o6 lines, "arabola, s"lines or !ombinations o6 t0ese/
%inear Stro3ing Strokin3 is t0e "ro!ess o6 automati!ally addin3 s0ots to t0e terrain model
!orridor by inter"olatin3 ne. s0ots 6rom t0e linear se!tions o6 t0e data/
Linear strokin3 is measured alon3 t0e element/ nter"olated 'erti!es are
added .0ene'er t0e distan!e bet.een t0e 'erti!es is 3reater t0an t0e
linear strokin3 'alue Din master unitsE/
<ani-ulators T0e 0eads u", on1s!reen editin3 inter6a!e/ ;nly t0e most !ommon "ro"erties are
"resented in mani"ulators/ Mani"ulators are in t.o ty"es: 3ra"0i!al and te)t
1verlay GerticalWit0in Corridor Model, tool used to de'elo" a 'erti!al 3eometry Dbased on millin3
'd6ust:ent and o'erlay "arametersE and a""ly to t0e !orridor/
Para:etric @sed to set u" !onstraint 'alue o'errides 6or s"e!i6ied station ran3es/
Plan <odel T0e usual &2= model, used 6or layin3 out 0oriContal 3eometry/ Best "ra!ti!es .ill
di!tate t0at t0is is a 2& &2= model but ,& &2= model !an be used/ T0is is
.0ere 3eometri! layouts and !orridor de6initions are ke"t/ T0e 3eometri!
layouts are not only ali3nments but also ed3es, "arkin3, stri"in3, side.alks,
Point 7eatures&e6ined by a sin3le H, G DS o"tionalE lo!ation/ A "oint need not be a 6eature/ t may
be de6ined as a non16eaturiCed "oint by .ay o6 A!!u&ra., Ci'il A!!u&ra.,
Sna" or a data "oint/ =on 6eaturiCed "oints are use to !ontrol t0e
!onstru!tion o6 Linear :eatures/
Point CloudA set o6 'erti!es in a ,& !oordinate system and t0ese 'erti!es are de6ined t0e by H,
G and S !oordinates/ *oint !louds are usually !reated by ,& s!anners/
T0ese de'i!es measure a lar3e number o6 "oints on t0e sur6a!e o6 an ob<e!t
and out"ut a "oint !loud as a data 6ile/ T0e "oint !loud re"resents t0e 'isible
sur6a!e o6 t0e ob<e!t t0at 0as been s!anned or di3itiCed/
Point Control@sed to modi6y t0e be0a'ior o6 "oints in a tem"late/ T0ese !ontrols take
"re!eden!e Dt0ey o'errideE o'er e)istin3 !onstraints on t0e "oint/
Pro6ect &,-lorerMi!roStationZs inter6a!e 6or bro.sin3 elements in a &2= 6ile/ ()tended by !i'il to
a!!ommodate s"e!ialiCed !i'il needs/
PSS 7ile MH 6ile D*lans Style SetE .0i!0 "ro'ides t0e 3ra"0i!al re"resentation 6or t0e MH
strin3 6eatures/
Re;erence &le:ent T0e rule 6or some 3eometry is a !al!ulation 6rom anot0er element/ T0is
ot0er element is t0e re6eren!e element/
S&P 7ile >
@sed to modi6y t0e dire!tion o6 !ross se!tion "ro!essin3/ By de6ault, as any
3i'en station, t0e !ross se!tion is !reated ort0o3onal to t0e main
ali3nmentI6eature/ 6 a se!ondary ali3nment e)ists, t0en t0at "ortion o6 t0e
!ross se!tion .0i!0 lies outside t0e se!ondary ali3nment .ill be ort0o3onal to
t0e se!ondary ali3nment instead o6 t0e main ali3nment/
@ses t0e su"erele'ation settin3s .0i!0 ori3inated in 2(;*AK/
S<* 7ile 2(;*AK 6ile DSur'ey Mana3er &atabaseE .0i!0 !ontains sur'ey 6eatures de6initions
and asso!iated element and te)tual settin3s/
S-ot &levationA set o6 H, G, S !oordinates re"resentin3 a "oint on t0e terrain model sur6a!e/
T0ere is no im"lied relations0i" bet.een re3ular "oints/
SR% 7ile > <et2od
@ses t0e su"erele'ation settin3s .0i!0 ori3inated in MH
T0e !losed area de6ined by t0e su"erele'ation tools used 6or t0e limits o6
transition !al!ulations and "i'otin3 lo!ation/
Area alon3 a 0oriContal 3eometry element, .0ere su"erele'ation .ill be
1! BCR1WK2 1 ;"enRoads Te!0nolo3y Works0o": Corridor Modelin3
Co"yri30t 4 251, Bentley Systems, n!/
+arget 'liasing@sed to !reate t0e desired results .0en .orkin3 .it0 multi"le sur6a!es .it0out
0a'in3 to edit t0e tem"late 6rom t0e tem"late library/ Tar3et aliases !an
also be used so t0at one !orridor !an tar3et t0e solution o6 anot0er
+e:-late *ro-An area Dusually de6ined by station limitsE alon3 a !orridor to .0i!0 a s"e!i6i!
tem"late is a""lied/
+e:-late %i5raryA 6ile t0at stores de6initions 6or tem"lates, 3enerally .it0 an TL 6ile e)tension/
+e:-late T0e transition indi!ator o!!urs in t0e !orridor bet.een tem"lates o6 di66erin3
+ransition names/
+errain <odelA t0ree1dimensional &2= element de6ined by s"ots, break lines, 'oids, 0oles,
!ontours to model a sur6a!e on t0e eart0/
+oolti-s W0en 0o'erin3 t0e !ursor o'er an element or a 0andle, a toolti" is s0o.n .0i!0
3i'es e)"lanatory in6ormation/
+race Slo-e @"stream 1 T0e indi!ated "at0 6ollo.s t0e stee"est as!ent 6rom a user1de6ined
"oint t0rou30 t0e terrain model terminatin3 at a 0i30 "oint or t0e ed3e o6 t0e
terrain model/
&o.nstream 1 T0e indi!ated "at0 6ollo.s t0e stee"est des!ent 6rom a user1
de6ined "oint t0rou30 t0e terrain model terminatin3 at a lo. "oint or t0e
ed3e o6 t0e
terrain model/
Gertical 'lign:ent A linear 6eature in "ro6ile model .0i!0 ser'es t0e s"e!ial "ur"ose o6
de6inin3 t0e ele'ations o6 an ali3nment/
Gertical Geo:etry T0e elements .0i!0 de6ine t0e 'erti!al layout o6 a !orres"ondin3
0oriContal 3eometry element/ T0ese 'erti!al elements are 2& and are
stored in a "ro6ile model/
BCR1WK2 1 ;"enRoads Te!0nolo3y Works0o": Corridor Modelin3 1/
Co"yri30t 4 251, Bentley Systems, n!/
Goid Closed s0a"e to demar!ate areas o6 missin3 data or obs!ure areas/ =o "oint or
break data lo!ated .it0in t0e 'oid area is utiliCed and no trian3les are
!reated inside t0e 'oid areas/ T0e Foid !oordinates are in!luded in t0e
trian3ulation and 'oid lines bet.een su!!essi'e 'oid !oordinates are inserted
as dra"e lines on t0e sur6a!e/ T0ere6ore, t0ey do not !0an3e t0e slo"e or
ele'ations o6 t0e sur6a!e/
Waters2ed &e6ined by eit0er a lo. "oint .it0in t0e terrain model or a lo. ed3e "oint alon3
t0e terrain model ed3e, itZs t0e !losed area .0erein all .ater .ould drain to
t0e lo. "oint/
I4( 7ile nRoads 6ile .0i!0 !ontains 6eatures de6initions, asso!iated styles, annotation, and
ot0er settin3s/
10 BCR1WK2 1 ;"enRoads Te!0nolo3y Works0o": Corridor Modelin3
Co"yri30t 4 251, Bentley Systems, n!/

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