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Test Item File

Electronic Devices and Circuit Theory, 9e (Boylestad (

Chapter 1: Semiconductor Diodes
1 ( An intrinsic semiconductor is one that is as pure as present-day technology can make it .
2 ( Electrons are the minority carriers in an n-type material .
3 ( Holes are the majority carriers in a p-type material .
4 ( The uantum-!olt (!" is the unit o# measurement #or electron energy .
$ ( A #ree electron has a higher energy state than any that are %ound to their nucleus .
& ( 'i and (e %oth ha)e negati)e temperature coe##icients .
* ( The amount o# energy that is con)erted to heat at a silicon p-n junction can %e a signi#icant design
consideration .
+ ( A normalized )alue has a re#erence magnitude o# one .
, ( The re)erse %reakdo-n )oltage o# an .E/ is typically less than 12 ! .
10 ( The amount o# photon energy emitted at the p-n junction o# a silicon diode is negligi%le .
11 ( The characteristic o# an ideal diode are those o# a s-itch that can conduct current .11111111
A" in %oth directions
2" in one direction only
3" in %oth directions %ut in only one direction at a time
/" depends on the circuit it is used in
12 ( 4hen a diode is doped -ith either a penta)alent or a tri)alent impurity its resistance -ill .11111111
A" increase
2" decrease
3" make the resistance sta%le against )ariation due to temperature
/" 5one o# the a%o)e
13 ( To make a p-type o# semiconductor material you need a doping material that is .11111111
A" penta)alent
2" tetra)alent
3" tri)alent
/" he6a)alent
14 ( The direction o# the arro- in the diode sym%ol points in the direction o# .11111111
A" positi)e terminal under #or-ard %ias
2" #rom n-type o# semiconductor to p-type semiconductor material
3" #rom p-type o# semiconductor to n-type semiconductor material
/" leakage current #lo-
1$ ( The re)erse saturation current o# a diode -ill just a%out 11111111 #or e)ery 1073 rise in the diode
temperature .
A" dou%le
2" hal#
3" increase proportionately -ith temperature
/" decrease proportionately -ith temperature
1& ( 8ncreasing the temperature o# a #or-ard-%iased diode .11111111
A" causes #or-ard current to increase
2" causes #or-ard current to decrease
3" has no signi#icant e##ect on the #or-ard current
/" 5one o# these
1* ( The /3 or the static resistance o# the diode is gi)en %y .11111111
A" 9/ :
2" 9/ :
3" 9/ :
/1 /2
/1 /2
! !
8 8

/" All o# the a%o)e can %e used .

1+ ( The piece-ise linear model; eui)alent circuit o# the diode consists o# .11111111
A" a junction capacitor; a %attery; a small resistor; and the ideal diode
2" a %attery; a small resistor; and the ideal diode
3" a %attery and the ideal diode
/" the ideal diode
1, ( 'ome o# the modern ohmmeters ha)e a diode test setting. 8# you do not ha)e one o# these ohmmeters
then to test the diode you need to check its resistance in the #or-ard and the re)erse direction. These
resistances should %e .11111111
A" relati)ely high in the #or-ard direction and relati)ely lo- in the re)erse direction
2" relati)ely lo- in the #or-ard direction and relati)ely lo- in the re)erse direction
3" relati)ely lo- in the #or-ard direction and relati)ely high in the re)erse direction
/" relati)ely high in the #or-ard direction and relati)ely high in the re)erse direction
20 ( 8n the <ener region the current 11111111 and the )oltage across the diode .11111111
A" is almost constant= can increase a lot
2" is almost constant= is almost constant
3" can increase a lot= is almost constant
/" can increase a lot= can increase a lot
21 ( 'uppose that a particular <ener diode has a temperature coe##icient o# 0.00$*$. 8# the temperature o#
this <ener diode increases %y $07 3; -hat is the change in !> ?
A" $0 @ 0.00$*$ : 0.2+*$
2" $ @ 0.00$*$ : 0.02+*$
3" 10 @ 0.00$*$ : 0.0$*$
/" 3annot tell -ithout looking at the circuit in -hich the <ener is used
22 ( An .E/ produces )isi%le light -hen .11111111
A" the electrons and the holes com%ine -ith each other
2" an electron enters the di##usion region
3" a hole enters the di##usion region
/" the electrons and the holes com%ine in the di##usion region
23 ( .ight-emitting diodes emit light -hen the p-n junction is .11111111
A" #or-ard-%iased
2" re)erse-%iased
3" >ero %iased
/" operating in the <ener region
24 ( As semiconductor de)ices ha)e %ecome 11111111 one o# the primary purposes o# the container is
simply to pro)ide a means #or physical handling .
A" larger
2" -idely used
3" miniaturi>ed
/" more po-er#ul
2$ ( An ad)antage o# the miniaturi>ation o# electronic de)ices is that they .11111111
A" impro)e relia%ility
2" reduce cost
3" increase speed
/" increase a)aila%ility
2& ( The characteristics o# an ideal diode are those o# a s-itch that can conduct current in .11111111
A" %oth directions
2" only one direction
3" the re)erse %ias direction
/" 5one o# the a%o)e
2* ( The 11111111 diode is a short circuit #or the region o# conduction and it is an open circuit in the
region o# nonconduction .
A" ideal
2" typical
3" po-er
/" small-signal
2+ ( The ideal diode sym%ol has an arro- that points in the direction o# .11111111
A" the leakage current #lo-
2" the #or-ard current #lo-
3" positi)e terminal under #or-ard %ias
/" All o# the a%o)e
2, ( The term 11111111 is applied to any material that supports a generous #lo- o# charge -hen a )oltage
source o# limited magnitude is applied across its terminals .
A" conductor
2" insulator
3" semiconductor
/" dielectric
30 ( The term 11111111 is applied to a material that o##ers a )ery lo- le)el o# conducti)ity under pressure
#rom an applied )oltage .
A" conductor
2" insulator
3" semiconductor
/" ionic
31 ( The term 11111111 is applied to a material that has a conducti)ity le)el some-here %et-een the
e6tremes o# conducti)ity .
A" conductor
2" insulator
3" semiconductor
/" ionic
32 ( 4hich o# the #ollo-ing is not a commonly used semiconductor material ?A
A" car%on
2" lead
3" silicon
/" germanium
33 ( As the de)ice temperature increases; semiconductor materials tend to ha)e .11111111
A" an increasing num%er o# #ree electrons
2" a decreasing num%er o# #ree electrons
3" lo-er conduction le)els
/" relati)ely unchanged conduction conduction le)els
34 ( Benta)alent elements ha)e 11111111 )alence electrons .
A" 1
2" 3
3" 4
/" $
3$ ( /oping is used to .11111111
A" decrease the conducti)ity o# an intrinsic semiconductor
2" increase the conducti)ity o# an intrinsic semiconductor
3" sta%ili>e the conducti)ity o# an intrinsic semiconductor
/" increase the insulati)e uality o# an intrinsic semiconductor
3& ( 4hen penta)alent elements are used in doping; the resulting material is called 11111111 material and
has an e6cess o# .11111111
A" n-type= )alence-%and holes
2" n-type= conduction-%and electrons
3" p-type= )alence-%and holes
/" p-type= conduction-%and electrons
3* ( 4hen tri)alent elements are used in doping; the resulting material is called 11111111 material and
has an e6cess o# .11111111
A" n-type= )alence-%and holes
2" n-type= conduction-%and electrons
3" p-type= )alence-%and holes
/" p-type= conduction-%and electrons
3+ ( 8n an n-type material; the majority carriers are .11111111
A" conduction-%and electrons
2" conduction-%and holes
3" )alence-%and electron
/" )alence-%and holes
3, ( The energy reuired to mo)e an electron in silicon #rom the )alence %and to the conduction %and is
A" 0.&* e!
2" 10 e!
3" 1.+ e!
/" 1.1 e!
40 ( 4hen a p-n junctionAs depletion layer is narro-ed and the de)ice acts as a nearly per#ect conductor; it
is .11111111
A" #or-ard-%iased
2" re)erse-%iased
3" un%iased
/" 5one o# the a%o)e
41 ( The ma6imum re)erse %ias potential that can %e applied to a <ener diode %e#ore it enters the <ener
region is called the .11111111
A" threshold )oltage
2" B8!
3" %arrier )oltage
/" depletion )oltage
42 ( 4hen a p-n junction is re)erse-%iased; the depletion layer is 11111111 and the de)ice acts as a near-
per#ect .11111111
A" narro-ed= conductor
2" narro-ed= insulator
3" -idened= conductor
/" -idened= insulator
43 ( The electrode -ith n-type material o# a diode is called the .11111111
A" anode
2" cathode
3" depletion region
/" <ener region
44 ( 'ilicon diodes ha)e %een more signi#icantly de)eloped than germanium %ecause .11111111
A" it is cheaper
2" it is easier to produce
3" it is more tolerant o# heat
/" it has a lo-er #or-ard )oltage drop
4$ ( 8n a p-type material; the minority carriers are .11111111
A" conduction-%and electrons
2" conduction-%and electrons
3" )alence-%and electrons
/" )alence-%and holes
4& ( Benta)alent atoms are o#ten re#erred to as .11111111
A" donor atoms
2" minority carriers
3" acceptor atoms
/" majority carriers
4* ( 4hen a p-n junction is re)erse-%iased; its junction resistance is .11111111
A" high
2" lo-
3" determined %y the components that are e6ternal to the de)ice
/" constantly changing
4+ ( A p-n junction is #or-ard %iased -hen .11111111
A" the applied potential causes the n-type material to %e more positi)e than the p-type material
2" the applied potential causes the n-type material to %e more negati)e than the p-type material
3" %oth materials are at the same potential
/" 5one o# these
4, ( A p-n junction is re)erse %iased -hen .11111111
A" the applied potential causes the n-type material to %e more positi)e than the p-type material
2" the applied potential causes the n-type material to %e more negati)e than the p-type material
3" the current #lo- across the junction is %ased on minority carrier trans#er
/" All o# the a%o)e
$0 ( The isolated atomic energy structure associated -ith electron or%ital shells is called aCan .11111111
A" conduction %and
2" energy %and
3" )alence %and
/" energy gap
$1 ( The electrode -ith p-type material o# a diode is called the .11111111
A" anode
2" cathode
3" depletion region
/" <ener region
$2 ( The di##usion capacitance o# a diode is a shunt capacitance e##ect that occurs -hen the diode
A" is large
2" is small
3" is #or-ard %iased
/" is re)erse %iased
$3 ( The transition capacitance o# a diode is a shunt capaciti)e e##ect that occurs -hen the diode
A" is large
2" is small
3" is #or-ard-%iased
/" is re)erse-%iased
$4 ( 4hen tested -ith an ohmmeter; a diode should ha)e a relati)ely high resistance #or 11111111
condition .
A" the re)erse-%iased
2" the #or-ard-%iased
3" %oth re)erse and #or-ard-%iased
/" >ero-%iased
$$ ( 4hen tested -ith an ohmmeter; a diode should ha)e a relati)ely small resistance #or 11111111
condition .
A" the re)erse-%iased
2" the #or-ard-%iased
3" %oth re)erse- and #or-ard-%iased
/" >ero-%iased
$& ( The nominal )oltage #or a 15,&1 Dairchild 10-! <ener diode has a temperature coe##icient o# 0.0*2.
8# the temperature increases %y $07 3; -hat is the change in ! ?
A" 0.$4 !
2" 0.3& !
3" 0.*2 !
/" 0.10+ !
$* ( The act o# gi)ing o## light %y applying an electrical source o# energy is called .11111111
A" light po-er
2" laser
3" photons
/" electroluminescence
!S"E# $E%: Chapter 1: Semiconductor Diodes
1" T9EE
2" DA.'E
3" T9EE
4" DA.'E
$" T9EE
&" T9EE
*" T9EE
+" T9EE
," T9EE
10" T9EE
11" 2
12" 2
13" 3
14" 3
1$" A

1&" A

1*" A
1+" 2
1," 3
20" 3

21" A
22" A
23" A
24" 3
2$" 3
2&" /
2*" A
2+" 2
2," A
30" 2

31" 3
32" 2
33" A
34" 3
3$" 2
3&" 2
3*" 3
3+" A
3," /
40" A
41" 2
42" /
43" 2
44" A
4$" A
4&" A
4*" A
4+" 2
4," /
$0" 2
$1" A
$2" 3
$3" /
$4" A
$$" 2
$&" 2
$*" /
Electronic Devices and Circuit Theory, 9e (Boylestad (
Chapter &: Diode pplications
1 ( Dor this circuit; determine the load-line intersection -ith the t-o a6es .

! : 10 ! and
8 1 mA =
! 1 ! = and
8 1 mA =
! 1 ! = and
8 10 mA =
! 10 ! = and
8 10 mA =
2 ( 8# one silicon diode and one germanium diode are connected in series; the )oltage drop across the
com%ination o# the t-o diodes -ill %e eual to .11111111
A" the #or-ard drop eual to that o# the silicon diode
2" the #or-ard drop eual to that o# the germanium diode
3" the #or-ard drop eual to that o# the sum o# the )oltage drops across the t-o diodes
/" the #or-ard drop eual to that o# the di##erence o# the )oltage drops across the t-o diodes
3 ( 5ame the logic gate that is #ormed %y this circuit .

A" positi)e logic F9 gate
2" positi)e logic A5/ gate
3" negati)e logic F9 gate
/" negati)e logic A5/ gate
4 ( 5ame the logic gate that is #ormed %y this circuit .

A" positi)e logic F9 gate
2" positi)e logic A5/ gate
3" negati)e logic F9 gate
/" negati)e logic A5/ gate
$ ( The current #lo-s through the load resistor in this circuit during the .11111111

A" positi)e hal# cycle o# the input -a)e#orm
2" negati)e hal# cycle o# the input -a)e#orm
3" entire input -a)e#orm
/" The diode -ill %lock all current and there -ill %e no current #lo-ing through the load .
& ( 3alculate the peak current that -ill #lo- through this circuit; assuming an ideal diode .

A" 12 mA during the positi)e hal# cycle
2" 12 mA during the negati)e hal# cycle
3" 1&.,* mA during the positi)e hal# cycle
/" 1&.,* mA during the negati)e hal# cycle
* ( Dor this clipping circuit; -hat -ill %e the ma6imum output )oltage -hen the diode is conducting ?

A" G 1&.,* !olts
2" - 1&.,* !olts
3" G 2.$ !olts
/" G 1,.4* !olts
+ ( Dor this clipping circuit; -hat is the ma6imum output )oltage -hen the diode is not conducting ?

A" G 1&.,* !
2" - 1&.,* !
3" G 2.$ !
/" G 1,.4* !
, ( Dor this clipping circuit; -hat is the minimum output )oltage -hen the diode is conducting ?

A" - 1&.,* !
2" G 1&.,* !
3" - 1.0 !
/" - 1*.,* !
10 ( 4hat is the minimum output )oltage #or this clipping circuit -hen the diode is not conducting ?

A" - 1&.,* !
2" G 1&.,* !
3" 0 !
/" - 1*.,* !
11 ( 4hat is the ma6imum output )oltage #or this clamping circuit ?

A" G 11 !olts
2" G 21 !olts
3" - 11 !olts
/" - 21 !olts
12 ( 4hat is the minimum output )oltage #or this clamping circuit ?

A" G 1 !
2" G 21 !
3" - 11 !
/" - 1 !
13 ( 4hat are the minimum and ma6imum )alues o# current #lo-ing in the load resistor -hile the diode is
operating in the <ener region ?

A" + mA and 40 mA
2" + mA and 3$ mA
3" 12.$ mA and 40 mA
/" 5eed to kno- the load resistor )alue in order to determine the )alues
14 ( The point o# intersection %et-een the characteristic cur)e o# the diode and the resistors loadline is
kno-n as the .11111111
A" point o# operation
2" H-point
3" uiescent point
/" All o# the a%o)e
1$ ( (i)en a series silicon diode circuit -ith the resistor 9 : 2 kI ohms and an applied )oltage o# 10 !;
-hat is 8/H ?
A" 4.&$ mA
2" 1.0 mA
3" 10 mA
/" 0.$ mA
1& ( A series silicon diode circuit has a 2 kI resistor and a 10 ! source. /etermine !/H i# 8/H is 4.$ mA .
A" 2 !
2" 0.* !
3" 11.$ !
/" 1 !
1* ( Dor this series diode con#iguration; use the diode characteristic to estimate the )alue o# !9 .

A" 0.,2 !
2" ,2 m!
3" ,.2 !
/" 10 !
1+ ( (enerally a silicon diode is in the 11111111 state i# the current esta%lished %y the applied )oltage
source is in the direction o# the diode sym%olAs arro- and !/ is greater than or eual to 0.* ! .
A" o##
2" on
3" saturated
/" re)erse-%iased
1, ( (enerally a germanium diode is in the 11111111 state -hen the current esta%lished %y the applied
)oltage source is in the direction o# the diode sym%olAs arro- and !/ is greater than or eual to 0.3 ! .
A" o##
2" on
3" saturated
/" re)erse-%iased
20 ( The practical )alue o# the current 89 in this circuit is .11111111

A" 0 A
2" 0.$ mA
3" 0.$ A
/" $ mA
21 ( The resistor )oltage and resistor current in this circuit are .11111111

A" 10 !; $ mA
2" 11 !; 2 mA
3" 11 !; 11 mA
/" 2 !; 11 mA
22 ( 4hat is the )alue o# the )oltage dropped across #or-ard-%iased silicon diodes that are connected in
parallel -ith each other ?
A" 11.3 !
2" 0.3 $ !
3" 0.* !
/" 1.4 !
23 ( The )alue o# !/ in this circuit is .11111111

A" 11.3 !
2" 10.& !
3" 0.* !
/" 0.3 !
24 ( 4hen the diode in a hal#--a)e recti#ier points to-ard the load; the output #rom the recti#ier is
A" positi)e
2" negati)e
3" either positi)e or negati)e; depending on the polarity o# the trans#ormer secondary )oltage
/" #ull--a)e
2$ ( A hal#--a)e recti#ier -ith the diode arro- pointing a-ay #rom the load has a /3 output )oltage o#
11111111 #or an A3 input )oltage o# 20 ! ma6imum .
A" 1,.3 !
2" 13.&$ !
3" &.14 !
/" 12.4, !
2& ( A hal#--a)e recti#ier is connected to a A3 source o# 20 !m. The dc output )oltage is .11111111
A" 1,.3 !dc
2" 13.&$ !dc
3" &.14 !dc
/" 5one o# these
2* ( 4hy are %ridge recti#iers pre#erred o)er #ull--a)e center-tapped recti#iers ?
A" They do not reuire the use o# a center-tapped trans#ormer .
2" They pro)ide higher dc output )oltages .
3" They reuire a lo-er B8! rating .
/" All the a%o)e
2+ ( A %ridge recti#ier has )alues o# !m : 1** !; turns ratio : $ J 1; and 9. : $00 I. 4hat is the dc output
)oltage ?
A" 3.*$ !
2" ,.,1 !
3" 1,.+2 !
/" &.++ !
2, ( A positi)e #ull--a)e center-tapped recti#ier has a secondary )oltage o# 20 !m. The peak load )oltage
#or the circuit is 11111111 i# the diode drop is included .
A" 20 !p
2" ,.3 !p
3" 1,.3 !p
/" 10 !p
30 ( A #ull--a)e center-tapped recti#ier has a secondary ma6imum )oltage o# 20 !m and a 4.* kI load
resistance. 4hat is the dc load current #or the circuit ?
A" 1.2& mA
2" 2.&1 mA
3" &2,.+ mA
/" 1.4 mA
31 ( 4hich o# the #ollo-ing circuits is used to eliminate a portion o# a signal ?
A" 3lipper
2" /amper
3" !oltage multiplier
/" !oltage di)ider
32 ( The t-o general categories o# clippers are .11111111
A" dc restorer and dc eliminator
2" hal#--a)e and #ull--a)e
3" series and parallel
/" regenerator and eliminator
33 ( The circuit sho-n here is a .11111111

A" series clipper
2" shunt clipper
3" series clamper
/" shunt clamper
34 ( A(n" 11111111 is commonly used to pro)ide transient protection .
A" damper
2" multiplier
3" eliminator
/" clipper
3$ ( 4hich o# the #ollo-ing circuits is used to change the dc re#erence o# a signal -ithout changing the
shape o# the signal ?
A" a clipper
2" a damper
3" a )oltage multiplier
/" a )oltage di)ider
3& ( A clamper must ha)e a(n" 11111111 that is large enough to maintain the capacitorAs charge during
diode conduction .
A" dc restorer
2" 93 time constant
3" diode )oltage
/" applied )oltage
3* ( This circuit uses a .11111111

A" positi)e clipper
2" negati)e clipper
3" positi)e clamper
/" negati)e clamper
3+ ( Assuming this circuit uses a silicon diode; the output )oltage is clamped to .11111111

A" 10.* !
2" $.* !
3" 4.3 !
/" $.3 !
3, ( The %iased damper has a dc re#erence )oltage that is .11111111
A" appro6imately eual to the dc )oltage that is applied to the diode
2" appro6imately eual to >ero )olts
3" dependent on the peak-to-peak )alue o# the ac input
/" eual to the dc a)erage o# the circuits output signal
40 ( (i)en that a 1000 H> signal is applied to a damper -ith a resistor )alue o# 10 kI. 4hat is the
minimum )alue o# capacitor needed to maintain sa#e clamping action ?
A" 0.2$ pD
2" 10 pD
3" $ pD
/" 2$0 pD
41 ( 4hen the output signal to a clamper circuit is clamped to >ero; the total s-ing o# the output is eual
to .11111111
A" the total diode )oltage drop
2" hal# the total )oltage drop
3" the total input )oltage s-ing
/" hal# the total input )oltage s-ing
42 ( The <ener diode is on i# the applied )oltage; !; is .11111111
A" ! K !<
2" ! L !<
3" ! M 2!<
/" ! K !< C 2
43 ( 4hen in its NonN state; the )oltage across a <ener diode; !< .11111111
A" gets larger -ith an increase in applied )oltage
2" gets smaller -ith an increase in applied )oltage
3" increases sharply -ith a decrease in applied )oltage
/" 5one o# these
44 ( The <ener diode must %e operated such that .11111111
A" 8< @ !< : B<
2" B< is less than the speci#ied B<ma6
3" the applied )oltage is greater than !<
/" All o# these
4$ ( The most #reuent application #or a 11111111 is in regulator net-orks and as a re#erence )oltage .
A" hal#--a)e recti#ier
2" #ull--a)e recti#ier
3" <ener diode
/" ideal diode
4& ( A typical <ener diode regulator circuit uses a .11111111
A" dropping resistor in series -ith the load
2" resistor in parallel -ith the load
3" <ener diode in parallel -ith the series resistor
/" <ener diode in series -ith the load
4* ( 4hen the <ener regulator is used to sta%ili>e the output )oltage; gi)en a #i6ed input )oltage and a
)aria%le load resistance; a load resistance that is too small results in .11111111
A" !1 %eing greater than !<
2" !1 %eing less than !<
3" !1 %eing eual to !<
/" !< %eing eual to !in
4+ ( 4hen a <ener diode circuit is used to sta%ili>e the output )oltage gi)en a #i6ed load resistor and a
)aria%le input )oltage; the input )oltage must %e .11111111
A" small enough to turn o## the <ener diode
2" large enough to turn o## the <ener diode
3" small enough to turn on the <ener diode
/" large enough to turn on the <ener diode
4, ( T-o <ener diodes connected 11111111 can %e used as an ac regulator .
A" in parallel -ith each other
2" in series -ith the load
3" %ack-to-%ack
/" in series -ith the input )oltage
$0 ( A <ener diode is designed to operate in the 11111111 region o# its characteristic cur)e .
A" #or-ard operating
2" re)erse %ias
3" re)erse %reakdo-n
/" >ero )oltage
!S"E# $E%: Chapter &: Diode pplications
1" /
2" 3
3" A
4" A
$" A
&" /
*" 3
+" 3
," 3
10" 3
11" 2
12" /
13" A
14" /
1$" A
1&" /
1*" 3
1+" 2
1," 2
20" A
21" 3
22" 3
23" /
24" A
2$" 3
2&" 3
2*" /
2+" 3
2," 2
30" A
31" A
32" 3
33" 2
34" /

3$" 2

3&" 2
3*" /
3+" 3
3," A
40" /
41" 3
42" 2
43" /
44" /
4$" 3
4&" A
4*" 2
4+" /
4," 3

$0" 3
Electronic Devices and Circuit Theory, 9e (Boylestad (
Chapter ': Bipolar (unction Transistors
1 ( Dor %asic operation o# a transistor the %ase-emitter junction is 11111111 %iased .
A" #or-ard -
2" re)erse -
3" not
/" semi -
2 ( Dor %asic operation o# a transistor the collector-%ase junction is 11111111 %iased .
A" #or-ard -
2" re)erse -
3" not
/" semi -
3 ( This is the sym%ol #or a .11111111

A" npn-type 2OT
2" pnp-type 2OT
3" pnn-type 2OT
/" npp-type 2OT
4 ( This is the sym%ol #or a .11111111

A" npn-type 2OT
2" pnp-type 2OT
3" pnn-type 2OT
/" ppn-type 2OT
$ ( 8denti#y the terminals on this 2OT .

A" 1 : %ase; 2 : emitter; 3: collector
2" 1 : emitter; 2 : collector; 3 : %ase
3" 1 : collector; 2 : %ase; 3 : emitter
/" 1 : collector; 2 : emitter; 3 : %ase
& ( 4hich o# the #ollo-ing is true #or this 2OT circuit ?

A" The %ase-emitter and collector-%ase junctions are %oth #or-ard-%iased .
2" The %ase-emitter junction is #or-ard-%iased and the collector-%ase junction is re)ersed-%iased .
3" The %ase-emitter junction is re)erse-%iased and the collector-%ase junction is #or-ard-%iased .
/" The %ase-emitter and collector-%ase junctions are %oth re)erse-%iased .
* ( 4hich o# the #ollo-ing is true #or this 2OT circuit ?

A" The %ase-emitter and collector-%ase junctions are %oth #or-ard-%iased .
2" The %ase-emitter junction is #or-ard-%iased and the collector-%ase junction is re)ersed-%iased .
3" The %ase-emitter junction is re)erse-%iased and the collector-%ase junction is #or-ard-%iased .
/" The %ase-emitter and collector-%ase junctions are %oth re)erse-%iased .
+ ( 4 . The output or the collector characteristics #or a common %ase transistor ampli#ier sho-s that as a
#irst appro6imation the relation %et-een 8E and 83 in the acti)e region is gi)en %y .11111111
A" 8E : 83
2" 8E MM 83
3" 8E KK 83
/" 8E P 83
, ( 8n the saturation region; the %ase-emitter junction .11111111
A" and the %ase-collector junctions are %oth #or-ard-%iased
2" and the %ase-collector junctions are %oth re)erse-%iased
3" is #or-ard-%iased -hile the %ase-collector junction is re)ersed-%iased
/" is re)ersed-%iased -hile the %ase-collector junction is #or-ard-%iased
10 ( 8n the cut-o## region; the %ase-emitter junction .11111111
A" and the %ase-collector junctions are %oth #or-ard-%iased
2" and the %ase-collector junctions are %oth re)erse-%iased
3" is #or-ard-%iased -hile the %ase-collector junction is re)erse-%iased
/" is re)ersed-%iased -hile the %ase-collector junction is #or-ard-%iased
11 ( 8n the acti)e region; the %ase-emitter junction .11111111
A" and the %ase-collector junctions are %oth #or-ard-%iased
2" and the %ase-collector junctions are %oth re)erse-%iased
3" is #or-ard-%iased -hile the %ase-collector junction is re)ersed-%iased
/" is re)erse-%iased -hile the %ase-collector junction is #or-ard-%iased
12 ( 8n a small-signal transistor; the typical range o# the parameter Q is .11111111
A" greater than 1
2" %et-een 0 and 1
3" almost eual to 1 %ut al-ays less than 1 (0., to 1.0 (
/" almost eual to 1 %ut al-ays greater than 1 (1.0 to 1.1 (
13 ( The common-base, short-circuit, amplification factor is %etter kno-n as .11111111
A" ac R
2" dc R
3" ac Q
/" dc Q
14 ( The common-emitter, forward-current, amplification factor is %etter kno-n as .11111111
A" ac R
2" dc R
3" ac Q
/" dc Q
1$ ( 4hich o# the #ollo-ing e6pressions is true ?
A" Qdc :

2" Qdc :
3" Qdc :

-here !32 is constant

/" Qdc :

-here !3E is constant

1& ( 4hich o# the #ollo-ing e6pressions is true ?
A" Rdc :

2" Rdc :
3" Rdc :

-here !32 is constant

/" Rdc :

-here !3E is constant

1* ( 4hich o# the #ollo-ing e6pressions is true ?
A" Rac :
2" Rac :
3" Rac :

-here !32 is constant

/" Rac :

-here !3E is constant

1+ ( 4hich o# the #ollo-ing e6pressions is true ?
A" Qdc :

2" Qdc :
3" Qdc :

-here !32 is constant

/" Qdc :

-here !3E is constant

1, ( 8n a small-signal transistor; the typical range o# the parameter R is .11111111
A" greater than 100
2" %et-een 0 and 100
3" almost eual to 100 %ut al-ays less than 100 (,0 to 100 (
/" large and in the range o# a%out $0 to 400
20 ( A 2OT has measured dc current )alues o# 82 : 0.1 mA and 83 : +.0 mA. 4hen 82 is )aried %y 100 SA;
83 changes %y 10 mA. 4hat is the )alue o# the Rac #or this de)ice ?
A" +0
2" 10
3" 100
/" +00
21 ( A 2OT has measured dc current )alues o# 82 : 0.1 mA and 83 : +.0 mA. 4hen 82 is )aried %y 100 SA;
83 changes %y 10 mA. 4hat is the )alue o# the Rdc #or this de)ice ?
A" +0
2" 10
3" 100
/" +00
22 ( 4hen a 2OT is operating in the saturation region the )oltage drop #rom the collector to the emitter
!3E is appro6imately eual to .11111111
A" the collector supply )oltage
2" the collector current times the collector resistor
3" >ero (a%out 0.3 !olts (
/" the emitter )oltage
23 ( 4hen a 2OT is operating in the acti)e region; the )oltage drop #rom the %ase to the emitter !2E is
appro6imately eual to the .11111111
A" %ase %ias )oltage
2" %ase current times the %ase resistor
3" diode drop (a%out 0.* ! (
/" emitter )oltage
24 ( 2OTs are commonly used as .11111111
A" the primary components in ampli#iers
2" series damper circuits
3" the primary components in recti#iers
/" All o# the a%o)e
2$ ( !3E is measured .11111111
A" #rom the emitter terminal to ground
2" #rom the collector terminal to the emitter terminal
3" #rom the collector-emitter junction to ground
/" 5one o# the a%o)e
2& ( 4hy is the arro- on the 2OT schematic sym%ol important ?
A" 8t identi#ies the emitter terminal and the type o# 2OT .
2" 8t identi#ies the collector terminal and the type o# 2OT .
3" 8t identi#ies the %ase terminal and the type o# 2OT .
/" 5one o# the a%o)e
2* ( 8n most cases; -hich t-o o# the three 2OT terminal currents are appro6imately eual in )alue ?
A" collector current and %ase current
2" collector current and emitter current
3" emitter current and %ase current
/" All currents are appro6imately eual .
2+ ( 4hich o# the #ollo-ing %iasing com%inations is not normally associated -ith one o# the three
transistor operating regions ?
A" E-2 junction : #or-ard; 3-2 junction : re)erse
2" E-2 junction : re)erse; 3-2 junction : re)erse
3" E-2 junction : re)erse; 3-2 junction : #or-ard
/" All o# the a%o)e
2, ( The condition -here increase in %ias current -ill not cause #urther increases in collector current is
called .11111111
A" cuto##
2" saturation
3" acti)e operation
/" All o# the a%o)e
30 ( R is the ratio o# .11111111
A" collector current to emitter current
2" %ase current to collector current
3" collector current to %ase current
/" emitter current to collector current
31 ( A gi)en 2OT has an emitter current o# 12 mA and a %ase current o# &00 SA. 4hat is the )alue o# Rdc ?
A" 20
2" 21
3" 1,
/" 200
32 ( A gi)en 2OT has an emitter current o# 1$ mA and a collector current o# 14.,$ mA. 4hat is the e6act
)alue o# R ?
A" 300
2" 2,,
3" 1.003
/" 2$0
33 ( A gi)en 2OT; R : 400. 4hat is the )alue o# Q #or the de)ice ?
A" 1.002$
2" 0.002
3" 0.,,*$
/" 1.00
34 ( A gi)en 2OT has an alpha o# 0.,,+$ and a collector current o# 1$ mA. 4hat is the )alue o# %ase
current ?
A" 1$.1$ mA
2" 14.+$ mA
3" 1$ mA
/" 5one o# the a%o)e
3$ ( 4hich transistor ampli#ier con#iguration is the most commonly used ?
A" common-emitter
2" common-collector
3" common-%ase
/" 5one o# these are used more o#ten than the others .
3& ( A gi)en transistor has ratings o# ma6imum collector current eual to 200 mA and a %eta that )aries
%et-een 1$0 and 200. 4hat is the ma6imum allo-a%le )alue o# %ase current #or the de)ice ?
A" 1 mA
2" 4 mA
3" 1.33 mA
/" 5one o# the a%o)e
3*" A 2OT has measured dc current )alues o# 82 : 1 mA and 83 : +0 mA. 4hen 82 is )aried %y 100 SA; 83
changes %y 10 mA. 4hat is the )alue o# Rdc #or the de)ice?
A" +0
2" 10
3" 100
/" +00
3+ ( A 2OT has measured dc current )alues o# 82 : 1 mA and 83 : +0 mA. 4hen 82 is )aried %y 100 SA; 83
changes %y 10 mA. 4hat is the )alue o# Rac #or the de)ice ?
A" +0
2" 10
3" 100
/" +00
3, ( 4hen a transistor is in saturation !3E is appro6imately eual to .11111111
A" collector supply )oltage
2" collector current times collector resistor
3" 0.3 !olts
/" emitter )oltage
40 ( A transistor has a rating o# R : $0 to 4$0. 4hat )alue o# R should %e used #or circuit analysis
purposes ?
A" $0
2" 2$0
3" 4$0
/" 1$0
!S"E# $E%: Chapter ': Bipolar (unction Transistors
1" A
2" 2
3" 2
4" A
$" /
&" 2
*" 2
+" /
," A
10" 2
11" 3
12" 3
13" 3
14" A
1$" A
1&" 2
1*" /
1+" 3
1," /
20" 3
21" A
22" 3
23" 3
24" A
2$" 2
2&" A
2*" 2
2+" 3
2," 2
30" 3
31" A
32" 2
33" 3
34" /
3$" A
3&" A
3*" A
3+" 3
3," 3
40" /
Electronic Devices and Circuit Theory, 9e (Boylestad (
Chapter ): DC Biasin*+B(TS
1 ( 4hen a 2OT is %iased in the acti)e region; its %ase-emitter junction is 11111111-%iased and its
collector-%ase junction is 11111111-%iased .
A" #or-ard= re)erse
2" re)erse= #or-ard
3" #or-ard= #or-ard
/" re)erse= re)erse
2 ( 4hen a 2OT is %iased in the cut-o## region; its %ase-emitter junction is 11111111-%iased and its
collector-%ase junction is 11111111-%iased .
A" #or-ard= re)erse
2" re)erse= #or-ard
3" #or-ard= #or-ard
/" re)erse= re)erse
3 ( 4hen a 2OT is %iased in the saturation region; its %ase-emitter junction is 11111111-%iased and its
collector-%ase junction is 11111111-%iased .
A" #or-ard= re)erse
2" re)erse= #or-ard
3" #or-ard= #or-ard
/" re)erse= re)erse
4 ( 3alculate the %ase current #or this circuit .

A" 0.,04 mA
2" 0.,& mA
3" 0.0$& mA
/" &.0 mA
$ ( 3alculate the ma6imum collector current #or this circuit .

A" 0.,04 mA
2" 0.,& mA
3" 0.0$& mA
/" &.0 mA
& ( 4hen a 2OT is %iased in the cuto## region the collector-to-emitter )oltage is typically eual to
A" the emitter )oltage
2" 0.03 !
3" the collector current times the collector resistor
/" the collector supply )oltage
* ( This emitter-sta%ili>ed %ias circuit is operating in the .11111111

A" saturation region
2" cuto## region
3" acti)e region
/" The transistor is not properly %iased .
+ ( 3alculate the %ase current #or this emitter-sta%ili>ed %ias circuit .

A" +,.0 mA
2" +,.0 SA
3" 0.11, mA
/" 5one o# the a%o)e
, ( 3alculate the collector-emitter )oltage #or this emitter-sta%ili>ed circuit .

A" 4.32 !
2" 10.&+ !
3" 0.133$ !
/" 14.24 !
10 ( 3alculate the %ase current #or this )oltage-di)ider %ias circuit .

A" 233.*+ SA
2" 34.&2 SA
3" $,&.$$ SA
/" *&.+ SA
11 ( 4hen )oltage-di)ider %ias is used; it is considered appropriate to use the appro6imate analysis to
determine the %ias condition -hen the resistance 92 is 11111111 (1G R"9E .
A" greater than
2" less than
3" )ery much greater than
/" )ery much less than
12 ( 3alculate the %ase current #or this circuit .

A" 2+.4 SA
2" 20.2 SA
3" 2+.3 SA
/" 5eed more in#ormation to calculate the %ase current
13 ( 4hen designing a current-gain-sta%ili>ed )oltage-di)ider %ias circuit such as this one; the rule o#
thum% used #or the emitter )oltage is .11111111

A" !E : !33 C 10
2" !3E : !33 C 10
3" !2 : !33 C 10
/" !3 : !33 C 10
14 ( 4hen a 2OT transistor is used in a s-itching circuit; it operates in the .11111111
A" saturation and acti)e regions
2" acti)e and cuto## regions
3" saturation and cuto## regions
/" acti)e region only
1$ ( The di##erence %et-een the resulting euations #or a net-ork in -hich an npn transistor has %een
replaced %y a pnp transistor is .11111111
A" the )alues o# the resistors
2" the )alue o# R
3" the sign associates -ith the particular uantities
/" All o# the a%o)e
1& ( 4hen a 2OT has its %ase-emitter junction #or-ard %iased and its collector-%ase junction re)erse
%iased; it is %iased in the .11111111
A" saturation region
2" acti)e region
3" cuto## region
/" passi)e region
1* ( 4hen a 2OT has its %ase-emitter junction re)erse %iased and its %ase-collector junction #or-ard
%iased; it is %iased in the .11111111
A" saturation region
2" acti)e region
3" cuto## region
/" passi)e region
1+ ( 4hen a 2OT has its %ase-emitter junction #or-ard %iased and its collector-%ase junction also #or-ard
%iased; it is in the .11111111
A" saturation region
2" acti)e region
3" cut-o## region
/" passi)e region
1, ( 4hen a 2OT has its %ase-emitter junction re)erse %iased and its collector-%ase junction re)erse
%iased; it is in the .11111111
A" saturation region
2" acti)e region
3" cuto## region
/" passi)e region
20 ( The term quiescent means .11111111
A" midpoint-%iased
2" at rest
3" acti)e
/" inacti)e
21 ( The %ase current #or this circuit is .11111111
A" & mA
2" 1.3* mA
3" 1.13 mA
/" 12 mA
22 ( The ma6imum collector current #or this circuit is .11111111

A" 1.13 mA
2" 12 mA
3" & mA
/" 1.0 mA
23 ( 4hen a 2OT is in cuto##; the collector-to-emitter )oltage is typically eual to .11111111
A" collector supply )oltage
2" collector current times collector resistor
3" 0.3 !olts
/" emitter )oltage
24 ( The change in R and !3E that can occur -hen the temperature changes is kno-n as .11111111
A" midpoint %ias
2" midpoint mo)ement
3" output mo)ement
/" H-point mo)ement
2$ ( A(n" 11111111 is added to the #i6ed-%ias con#iguration to impro)e %ias sta%ility .
A" %ase )oltage
2" emitter resistor
3" collector resistor
/" All o# the a%o)e
2& ( The input resistance o# a sta%ili>ed #i6ed-%ias circuit con#iguration is .11111111
A" in)ersely related to the emitter resistor
2" in)ersely related to R
3" directly related to the collector resistor
/" directly related to the emitter resistor
2* ( T-o o# the #actors associated -ith %ias sta%ility are .11111111
A" )oltage and current
2" the R and the junction temperature
3" age and amount o# use
/" 5one o# the a%o)e
2+ ( 4hen a transistor is in saturation; the total collector current is limited %y .11111111
A" collector supply )oltage and the total resistance in the collector and emitter circuits
2" collector-to-emitter and collector supply )oltage
3" collector supply; collector-to-emitter )oltage; and the total collector circuit resistance
/" the transistor
2, ( !oltage-di)ider %ias sta%ility is .11111111
A" dependent on alpha
2" dependent o# %eta
3" dependent on the collector resistor
/" independent o# %eta
30 ( 3ollector-#eed%ack %ias .11111111
A" pro)ides a #eed%ack path #rom collector to %ase
2" pro)ides an impro)ed le)el o# sta%ility
3" is not totally independent o# %eta
/" All o# the a%o)e
31 ( The collector-#eed%ack %ias con#igurationAs input resistance is related to the .11111111
A" emitter resistor
2" collector resistor
3" de)ice %eta
/" %ase #eed%ack resistor
32 ( The emitter-#ollo-er con#iguration has .11111111
A" a 1+07 phase shi#t
2" an output )oltage slightly greater than the input )oltage
3" the emitter connected to dc ground potential
/" 5one o# the a%o)e
33 ( A collector-#eed%ack %ias circuit is #ound to %e in saturation. 4hich o# the #ollo-ing could cause this
condition ?
A" The %ase resistor is open .
2" The collector resistor is open .
3" The transistor is shorted %ase-to-emitter .
/" A solder %ridge across the %ase resistor .
34 ( 8n the design o# an emitter-%ias sta%ili>ed circuit engineering; judgment must %e used %ecause the
A" collector resistor is usually unkno-n
2" emitter resistor is usually unkno-n
3" relati)e )oltage le)els ha)e not %een de#ined
/" All o# the a%o)e
3$ ( 4hen designing #or %est %ias sta%ility the 11111111 con#iguration should %e chosen .
A" )oltage-di)ider %ias
2" collector-#eed%ack %ias
3" #i6ed-%ias
/" emitter-#eed%ack %ias
3& ( 4hen designing a )oltage-di)ider %ias circuit; the di)ider resistors .11111111
A" should carry appro6imately eual current
2" should carry currents that are 10 times the %ase current
3" determine the %ase )oltage as the drop across %ase-common resistor
/" All o# the a%o)e
3* ( 4hy is design #or a speci#ic %ias point desira%le #or most ampli#iers ?
A" To meet manu#acturer suggested opening point .
2" 8t allo-s optimum ac operation o# the circuit .
3" 8t allo-s optimum dc operation o# the circuit .
/" All o# the a%o)e
3+ ( There are transistors that are called s-itching transistors %ecause .11111111
A" they ha)e a %uilt in s-itch
2" o# the speed at -hich they can %e changed #rom on to o##
3" o# the po-er they can trans#er #rom input to output
/" o# the )oltage they can trans#er #rom input to output
3, ( Transistor circuits that are uite sta%le and relati)ely insensiti)e to temperature )ariations ha)e
A" relati)e high supply )oltages
2" lo- supply )oltages
3" large %etas
/" small %etas
40 ( To design a transistor circuit #or ma6imum sta%ility; one must consider .11111111
A" the collector leakage current sta%ility #actor
2" the %ase-emitter junction )oltage sta%ility #actor
3" the transistorAs %eta sta%ility #actor
/" All o# the a%o)e
41 ( !ariation in h#e is in#luenced %y .11111111
A" junction temperature and collector current
2" temperature and %ase current
3" %ias type and de)ice si>e
/" de)ice si>e and %ase current
!S"E# $E%: Chapter ): DC Biasin*+B(Ts
1" A
2" /
3" 3
4" A
$" /
&" /
*" A
+" 3
," A
10" 3
11" 3
12" 2
13" A
14" 3
1$" 3
1&" 2
1*" 3
1+" A
1," 3
20" /
21" 3
22" 3
23" A
24" /
2$" 2
2&" /
2*" 2
2+" A
2," /
30" /
31" 3

32" /
33" 3
34" /
3$" A
3&" /
3*" /
3+" 2
3," 3
40" /
41" A
Electronic Devices and Circuit Theory, 9e (Boylestad (
Chapter ,: B(T ac nalysis
1 ( The input impedance o# a 28T is .11111111
A" resisti)e
2" capaciti)e
3" inducti)e
/" a com%ination o# resisti)e; capaciti)e; and inducti)e
2 ( The output impedance o# a 2OT is .11111111
A" resisti)e
2" capaciti)e
3" inducti)e
/" a com%ination o# resisti)e; capaciti)e; and inducti)e
3 ( To calculate the output impedance the applied signal must %e set .11111111
A" eual to the smallest )alue o# the input signal
2" eual to the largest )alue o# the input signal
3" eual to >ero
/" eual to a )alue that is hal# -ay %et-een the largest and the smallest
4 ( Dor a t-o-port system; like a 28T ampli#ier; the no-load )oltage gain .11111111
A" is al-ays greater than the loaded )oltage gain
2" is al-ays less than the loaded )oltage gain
3" is al-ays eual to the loaded )oltage gain
/" can %e less than or eual to the loaded )oltage gain
$ ( /epending on the con#iguration o# the ampli#ier; the magnitude o# the no-load )oltage gain #or a single
2OT transistor ampli#ier typically ranges #rom .11111111
A" 10 to a%out 10;000
2" a hundred to a%out a million
3" just a little less than 1 to a #e- hundred
/" 5one o# the a%o)e
& ( /epending on the con#iguration o# the ampli#ier; the magnitude o# the no-load current gain #or a single
2OT transistor ampli#ier typically ranges #rom .11111111
A" 10 to a%out 10;000
2" one to a%out a thousand
3" just a little less than 1 to a le)el that may e6ceed one hundred
/" 5one o# the a%o)e
* ( /etermine the input impedance #or this t-o-port net-ork -hen !' : $0 m!; 8i : 20 SA; and 9sense :
$00 I .

A" 2000 I
2" 20.0 kI
3" 200.0 kI
/" 2.0 TI
+ ( The re transistor model replaces the %ase-emitter junction -ith .11111111
A" a constant )oltage
2" an open circuit
3" the ac resistance o# the #or-ard-%iased diode at the operating point
/" a diode
, ( The h-parameter model uses 11111111 parameters to descri%e the eui)alent circuit o# the 2OT
transistor .
A" t-o
2" three
3" #our
/" #i)e
10 ( The h-parameter model and the re parameter models are almost identical i# the parameter 11111111
in the h-parameter model is ignored .
A" h#
2" ho
3" hr
/" hi
11" /etermine the eui)alent )alues #or R and re; gi)en the #ollo-ing h-parameter model )alues #or a
common-emitter ampli#ierJ hie : 14$0 k I; hoe : 1*.$S' k; h#e : 12$; and hree : 0.4 @ 10
A" 1*.$ S' and 0.4 @ 10
2" 12$ and 1.4$0 kI
3" 1.4$0 kI and 1*.$ S'
/" 0.4 @ 10
and 12$
12 ( The appro6imation that allo-s superposition to %e used to isolate the ac analysis and the dc analysis
o# small-signal ampli#iers is that the circuit response is .11111111
A" non-linear
2" linear
3" dc linear and ac non-linear
/" dc non-linear and ac linear
13 ( A 11111111 is a com%ination o# circuit elements; properly chosen; that %est appro6imate the actual
%eha)ior o# a semiconductor de)ice under speci#ic operating conditions .
A" circuit
2" schematic
3" model
/" monolithic 83
14 ( The input impedance o# a 2OT is .11111111
A" inducti)e
2" capaciti)e
3" resisti)e
/" resisti)e and capaciti)e
1$ ( The output impedance o# a 2OT is .11111111
A" capaciti)e
2" resisti)e and capaciti)e
3" resisti)e
/" resisti)e and inducti)e
1& ( Dor 2OT ampli#iers; the no-load )oltage gain is .11111111
A" less than the loaded )oltage gain
2" eual to the loaded )oltage gain
3" greater than the loaded )oltage gain
/" eual to >ero
1* ( (i)en this con#iguration; determine the input impedance i# !' : 40 m!; 9sense : 0.$ kI; and the input
current is 20 SA .

A" 1.$ TI
2" $.+22 TI
3" 1;$00 I
/" $+2 kI
1+ ( (i)en this con#iguration; determine the input )oltage i# !' : 40 m!; 9sense : 0.$ kI; and the input
current is 20 SA .

A" $$ m
2" 40 m!
3" 3$ m!
/" 30 m!
1, ( (i)en the t-o-port con#iguration o# a 2OT ampli#ier; determine the input )oltage i# !' : 1+ m!;
9sense : &00 I; !F : 3.& !; and the input current is 20 SA .
A" 12 m!
2" 1& m!
3" 1*.,,4 m!
/" 21.& m
20 ( (i)en the t-o-port con#iguration o# a 2OT ampli#ier; determine the input impedance i# !' : 1+ m!;
9sense : &00I; !F : 3.& !; and the input current is 20 SA .
A" 120 I
2" 1;200 I
3" 23 kI
/" 2* kI
21 ( (i)en a t-o-port con#iguration o# a 2OT ampli#ier; determine the no-load )oltage gain i# !' : 1+
m!; 9sense : &00 I; !F : 3.& !; and the input current is 10 SA .
A" 100
2" 200
3" 300
/" 400
22 ( (i)en a t-o-port 2OT ampli#ier con#iguration; determine the loaded )oltage gain i# !' : 1+ m!;
9sense : &00 I; !F : 3.& !; and the input current is 10 SA .
A" ,&.&&
2" 112.33
3" 133.33
/" 1$0
23 ( The re transistor model replaces the 11111111 -ith the junction diodeAs ac resistance .
A" collector-%ase junction
2" collector-emitter junction
3" emitterU%ase junction
/" All o# the a%o)e
24 ( Dor the common-%ase con#iguration; typical )alues o# the output impedance range is .11111111
A" 2 I to $0 I
2" $0 I to 1000 I
3" 100 I to 10;000 I
/" l TI to 2 TI
2$ ( The input impedance o# the common-emitter con#iguration is .11111111
A" in)ersely related to the transistor %eta
2" directly related to the transistor %eta
3" eual to the transistor %eta
/" 5one o# the a%o)e
2& ( The common-emitter con#iguration has a current gain that is eual to .11111111
A" R C 2
2" R
3" 2R
/" 20R
2* ( The euation that correctly de#ines one o# the hy%rid parameters is .11111111
A" !o : h11 @ 8i G h21 @ !i
2" !i : h11 @ 8i G h1 @ 2!o
3" 8o : h12 @ !o G h22 @ !o
/" 8i : h21 @ 8o G h22 @ !o
2+ ( The h12 hy%rid parameter is de#ined as the .11111111
A" open-circuit output admittance
2" open-circuit re)erse )oltage ratio
3" short-circuit #or-ard current ratio
/" short-circuit input impedance
2, ( The h22 hy%rid parameter is de#ined as the .11111111
A" open-circuit output admittance
2" open-circuit re)erse )oltage ratio
3" short-circuit #or-ard current ratio
/" short-circuit input impedance
30 ( The hy%rid parameter that is represented %y the name h# is .11111111
A" h11
2" h12
3" h21
/" h22
31 ( The h-parameter that is the eui)alent o# the R o# a common-emitter circuit is .11111111
A" h#e
2" hie
3" hoe
/" hre
32 ( The %ase input impedance o# a 2OT is listed on its spec sheet as .11111111
A" hje
2" hre
3" hie
/" hoe
33 ( A gi)en transistor has the #ollo-ing )aluesJ hDE : 200; h#e : 120; hie : $ kI; hre : 40; and hoe : 2$00
S'. 4hat is the )alue o# re #or the de)ice ?
A" 44 I
2" 41.* I
3" 400 I
/" 2$ I
34 ( The hy%rid model is used in analysis and design .11111111
A" much more than the re model
2" more than the re model
3" eual to the re model
/" less than the re model
3$ ( 8# the resistor in the emitter leg is not %ypassed %y a capacitor then the input impedance o# the small
signal ampli#ier -ill .11111111
A" increase
2" decrease
3" stay the same
/" increase in some cases and decrease in other cases
3& ( 8# the resistor in the emitter leg is not %ypassed %y a capacitor then the )oltage gain o# the small
signal ampli#ier -ill .11111111
A" increase
2" decrease
3" stay the same
/" increase in some cases and decrease in other cases
3* ( 3alculate the )oltage gain #or this circuit .

A" -13*.2$
2" -+.4
3" -*.,1
/" -1&.34
3+ ( 3alculate the )oltage gain #or this circuit .

A" -13*.2$
2" -+.4
3" -*.,1
/" -1&.34
3, ( The )oltage gain o# a )ery -ell-designed common collector ampli#ier con#iguration; using a pnp
transistor; is .11111111
A" a%out -0.,
2" a%out 0.,
3" in the range 0.,$ to 0.,,
/" in the range -0.,$ to -0.,, mj
40 ( 4hen comparing the common emitter and the common collector ampli#iers; the input impedance o#
the common 11111111 is much larger and the output impedance o# the common 11111111 is much
smaller .
A" collector= emitter
2" collector= collector
3" emitter= collector
/" emitter= emitter
41 ( The common-%ase ampli#ier is characteri>ed as ha)ing a relati)ely 11111111 input impedance and
relati)ely 11111111 output impedance .
A" lo-= high
2" lo-= lo-
3" high= lo-
/" high= high
42 ( /etermine the input impedance #or this ampli#ier circuit .

A" 91 92 (Rre (
2" 91 92
3" (Rre (
/" 3annot %e determined #rom the in#ormation gi)en
43 ( /etermine the output impedance #or this ampli#ier circuit .

A" 93 (Rro (
2" 93 ro
3" 93
/" 3annot %e determined #rom the in#ormation gi)en
44 ( /etermine the )oltage gain #or this ampli#ier circuit .

A (
(Rr "
2 (
3 (
3 o
9 VV r
/" 3annot %e determined #rom the in#ormation gi)en
4$ ( /etermine the current gain #or this ampli#ier circuit .

A (
1 2
1 2 e
R(9 VV9 "
(9 VV9 "Rr

2" R
3 (
3 o
9 r +
/" 3annot %e determined #rom the in#ormation gi)en
4& ( The common-emitter ampli#ier has .11111111
A" )oltage gain; current gain; and po-er gain
2" )oltage gain and po-er gain; %ut no current gain
3" current gain and po-er gain; %ut no )oltage gain
/" current gain and )oltage gain; %ut no po-er gain
4* ( A #i6ed-%ias 2OT circuit has )alues o# hDE : 200 and h#e : 120. The ac current gain #or the de)ice is
A" 200
2" 120
3" 24;000
/" 320
4+ ( 3oupling capacitors are chosen to ensure that the )alues o# W3 are 11111111 at the ampli#ierAs
operating #reuency .
A" )ery small
2" small
3" large
/" )ery large
4, ( A common-emitter ampli#ier has )alues o# !E : 1.1 !; re : 1 kI; and 93 : 10 kI. 4hat is the )alue
o# the )oltage gain #or the circuit ?
A" 10
2" 110
3" 4+4
/" 3annot %e determined -ith the in#ormation gi)en
$0 ( 2ypass capacitors are chosen to ensure that the )alues o# W3 are 11111111 at the ampli#ierAs
operating #reuency .
A" )ery small
2" small
3" large
/" )ery large
$1 ( A common-emitter ampli#ier -ith )oltage di)ider %ias and a %ypassed emitter resistance has )alues
o# 93 : 10 kI; re : 2$ I; and hDE : 1$0. 4hat is the )alue o# the )oltage gain #or the circuit ?
A" 3*$0
2" &0;000
3" 400
/" 3annot %e determined -ith the in#ormation gi)en
$2 ( 8# a %ypass capacitor opens; the )alue o# re .11111111
A" increases
2" decreases
3" remains the same
/" goes to >ero
$3 ( 4hich o# the #ollo-ing circuit conditions indicates that a %ypass capacitor is open ?
A" The presence o# a dc )oltage at the 2OTAs emitter terminal .
2" The )oltage gain increases signi#icantly .
3" The loss o# the ac signal at the %ase terminal o# the 2OT .
/" 5one o# the a%o)e
$4 ( A #i6ed-%ias common-emitter ampli#ier has an un%ypassed; 1.2 kI emitter resistor; and 2*0 kI %ase
resistor. 8# re : $ I and R : 200; -hat is the )oltage gain ?
A" 4.&4
2" 10.3
3" 24.&4
/" 103.3
$$ ( A #i6ed-%ias common-emitter ampli#ier has an un%ypassed; 1.2 kI emitter resistor; and 2*0 kI %ase
resistor. 8# re : $ I and R : 200; -hat is the current gain ?
A" 1.0$
2" 20.$$
3" 10$.$$
/" $&$.$
$& ( A common-emitter ampli#ier -ith emitter %ias has )alues o# re : 2$ I; h#e : 1$0 ;
hDE : 200; and 9E : 2 kI. 4hat is the )alue o# <o #or the circuit ?
A" 3*$0 I
2" 303.*$ kI
3" $ kI
/" 430 kI
$* ( The commonUcollector ampli#ier (emitter-#ollo-er" has .11111111
A" )oltage gain; current gain; and po-er gain
2" )oltage gain and po-er gain; %ut no current gain
3" current gain and po-er gain; %ut no )oltage gain
/" current gain and )oltage gain; %ut no po-er gain
$+ ( The common-%ase ampli#ier has .11111111
A" )oltage gain; current gain; and po-er gain
2" )oltage gain and po-er gain; %ut no current gain
3" current gain and po-er gain; %ut no )oltage gain
/" current gain and )oltage gain; %ut no po-er gain
$, ( A transistor ampli#ier has an input signal applied to its emitter terminal and an output signal taken
#rom its collector terminal. The ampli#ier is a(n .11111111 (
A" common-emitter ampli#ier
2" common-%ase ampli#ier
3" common-collector ampli#ier
/" emitter #ollo-er
&0 ( An emitter #ollo-er has the #ollo-ing )aluesJ hie : 3 kI; h#e : 1$0; and h9E : 1.$ kI. 4hat is the
)oltage gain #or the circuit ?
A" 0.$
2" 0.,,2$
3" 0.,+&+
/" 3annot %e determined -ith the in#ormation gi)en
&1 ( 4hich transistor ampli#ier con#iguration has a 1+07 )oltage phase shi#t #rom input to output ?
A" common-emitter
2" common-collector
3" common-%ase
/" 5one o# the a%o)e
&2 ( 4hich transistor ampli#ier con#iguration has a 1+07 current phase shi#t #rom input to output ?
A" common-emitter
2" common-collector
3" common-%ase
/" 5one o# the a%o)e
&3 ( Ampli#ier ac input and output currents are .11111111
A" al-ays 1+07s out o# phase
2" 1+07 out o# phase in all %ut one ampli#ier con#iguration
3" in phase in all %ut one ampli#ier con#iguration
/" al-ays in phase
&4 ( Ampli#ier ac input and output )oltages are .11111111
A" al-ays 1+07 out o# phase
2" 1+07 out o# phase in all %ut one ampli#ier con#iguration
3" in phase in all %ut one ampli#ier con#iguration
/" al-ays in phase
&$ ( Dor the cascaded ampli#ier sho-n here; input impedance <i2 is 11111111 the load resistance #or
Ampli#ier 1 .

A" less than
2" large than
3" e6actly eual to
/" 3annot %e determined #rom the in#ormation pro)ided
&& ( Dor the cascaded ampli#ier sho-n here; the output impedance <o1 is 11111111 the source resistance
seen %y Ampli#ier 2 .

A" less than
2" larger than
3" much less than
/" e6actly eual to
&* ( Dor the cascaded ampli#ier sho-n here; the output )oltage !o2 is 11111111 the input )oltage !i3 .

A" less than
2" larger than
3" much larger than
/" e6actly eual to
&+ ( The typical R #or a /arlington ampli#ier is .11111111
A" a )ery small )alue in the range 4 to 40
2" a moderate )alue in the range o# 40 to 400
3" a slightly higher )alue in the range 400 to 4000
/" a much higher )alue in the range o# 4000 to a%out 40;000
&, ( 9eplacing a standard transistor -ith a /arlington pair in an emitter #ollo-er causes the )oltage gain
to .11111111
A" decrease
2" increase
3" remain the same
/" %e e6actly eual to 1
*0 ( The #eed%ack pair and the /arlington pair are )ery similar to each other. Fne di##erence %et-een
them is .11111111
A" the #eed%ack pair uses one npn and one pnp transistor
2" the /arlington pair uses one npn and one pnp transistor
3" there is no di##erence %et-een them
/" there is no similarity %et-een them
*1 ( The #eed%ack pair is similar to the /arlington circuit %ut it is .11111111
A" simpler to analy>e
2" more comple6
3" more used
/" 5one o# the a%o)e
*2 ( 3urrent mirror circuits pro)ide 11111111 used in .11111111
A" constant )oltage sources= integrated circuits
2" constant current sources= po-er circuits
3" constant current sources= integrated circuits
/" constant )oltage sources= po-er circuits
*3 ( Applying an input signal to one o# the inputs o# di##erential ampli#ier and connecting the other input
to ground; you create a 11111111 con#iguration .
A" single-ended
2" dou%le-ended
3" common-mode
/" 5one o# the a%o)e
!S"E# $E%: Chapter ,: B(T ac nalysis
1" A
2" A
3" 3
4" A
$" 3
&" 3
*" A
+" 3
," A
10" 3
11" 2
12" 2
13" 3
14" 3
1$" 3
1&" 3
1*" 3
1+" /
1," A
20" 2
21" 2
22" 3
23" 3
24" /
2$" 2
2&" 2
2*" 2
2+" 2
2," A
30" 3
31" A
32" 3
33" 2
34" /
3$" A
3&" 2
3*" 3
3+" A
3," 3
40" 2
41" A
42" A
43" 2
44" A
4$" A
4&" A
4*" 2
4+" A
4," /
$0" A
$1" 3
$2" 3
$3" 2
$4" A
$$" 3
$&" 2
$*" 3
$+" 2
$," 2
&0" 3
&1" A
&2" /
&3" /
&4" 3
&$" 3
&&" /
&*" /
&+" /
&," A
*0" A

*1" 2
*2" 3
*3" A
Electronic Devices and Circuit Theory, 9e (Boylestad (
Chapter -: Field+E..ect Transistors
1 ( The ma6imum current in a ODET is de#ined as 8/'' and occurs -hen !(' is eual to .11111111
A" >ero !olts
2" pinch-o## )oltage
3" a small positi)e )oltage
/" a )oltage greater than the pinch-o## )oltage
2 ( 'hockleyAs euation de#ines the 11111111 o# the DET and are una##ected %y the net-ork in -hich the
de)ice is employed .
A" !(' characteristics
2" drain characteristics
3" inputCoutput characteristics
/" trans#er characteristics
3 ( Dor an n-channel ODDT; 8/'' : + mA; and !B : -& !. 8# !(' : -2 !. 4hat is the )alue o# the drain
current 8/ ?
A" 2.&&& mA
2" 3.$ mA
3" 3.$$ mA
/" $.33 mA
4 ( Dor an n-channel ODET 8/'' : + mA and !p : -& !olts. 8# 8/ : & mA. 4hat is the )alue o# the gate-to-
source )oltage; !(' ?
A" -0.+ !
2" -1.$ !
3" 0.133$ !
/" -4.$ !
$ ( The drain characteristics #or a DET that you see on a cur)e tracer are dra-n #or eual step increases in
the !(' )alues; yet they are spaced #urther apart as !(' gets closer to >ero. 4hy ?
A" This is true #or only some DET de)ices; not all .
2" The cur)e depends on the DET de)ice used .
3" /ue to the suare relation %et-een 8/ and !('; as !(' gets closer to >ero 8/ increases #aster so the
cur)es are spaced apart #urther .
/" 5one o# the a%o)e
& ( The depletion type o# TF'DET can operate in the .11111111
A" depletion mode only
2" enhancement mode only
3" in the depletion mode and the enhancement mode
/" 5one o# the a%o)e
* ( Dor an n-channel depletion type o# TF'DET; i# !(' M 0 then 8/'' -ill %e .11111111
A" less than
2" more than
3" eual to
/" !(' is not allo-ed to %e greater than >ero .
+ ( Dor an n-channel depletion TF'DET; 8/'' : + mA and !B : -& !. 8# !(' : 0.+ !; -hat is the )alue o#
the drain current; 8/ ?
A" + mA
2" 10.2$ SA
3" 10.2+ mA
/" & mA
," Dor an n-channel depletion TF'DET 8/'' : + mA and !B : -& !. 8# 8/ : 0.00,$ A; -hat is the )alue o#
the gate-to-source )oltage; !('?
A" 0.$4 !
2" -0.$4 !
3" 0.133$ !
/" &.$4 !
10" Dor !(' K !TH in an enhancement TF'DET the drain current -ill %e 11111111.
A" 10.0 SA
2" 1.0 SA
3" >ero
/" -1.0 SA
11 ( Enhancement-type TF'DETs operate in the .11111111
A" depletion mode only
2" depletion mode and the enhancement mode
3" enhancement mode only
/" 5one o# the a%o)e
12 ( Tany TF'DET de)ices no- contain internal 11111111 that protect these de)ices #rom static
electricity .
A" 2OT transistors to %ypass the static charge
2" %ack-to-%ack >ener diodes
3" capacitors to collect and store the static charge
/" 5othing can %e done to protect these de)ices #rom accidental static discharge e6cept )ery care#ul
handling .
13 ( The type o# DDT that has the %est s-itching speed per#ormance is the .11111111
A" 3TF'
2" BTF'
3" 5TF'
/" !TF'
14 ( A 3TF' in)erter is %iased -ith a G10 ! !'' supply. The input to the in)erter )aries %et-een 0 !
and G10 !. 4hen the input to the in)erter is G10 !; the output #rom the circuit is .11111111
A" G10 !
2" -10 !
3" >ero
/" The circuit cannot ha)e an input )oltage that is eual to the supply )oltage .
1$ ( The primary di##erence %et-een 2OT and DET types o# transistors is that .11111111
A" 2OTs are )oltage controlled and DETs are current controlled
2" 2OTs are current controlled and DETs are )oltage controlled
3" 2OTs ampli#y %etter than DETs
/" 5one o# the a%o)e
1& ( 8n the #amily o# DETs; you can e6pect to #ind .11111111
A" an n-channel type
2" a p-channel type
3" unipolar structure
/" All o# the a%o)e
1* ( DETs usually .11111111
A" are less sensiti)e to temperature change than 2OTs
2" ha)e a higher input impudence than 2OTs
3" are smaller in construction than 2OTs
/" All o# the a%o)e
1+ ( The le)el o# drain-to-source )oltage -here the t-o depletions regions appear to touch is kno-n as
A" the depletion >one
2" channel esta%lishment
3" pinch-o##
/" channel saturation
1, ( The ODET is a .11111111
A" )oltage-controlled de)ice
2" current-controlled de)ice
3" #reuency-controlled de)ice
/" po-er-controlled de)ice
20 ( The 11111111 terminal o# the ODDT is the eui)alent o# the collector terminal o# a 2OT .
A" gate
2" drain
3" source
/" anode
21 ( The 11111111 terminal o# the ODET is the eui)alent o# the %ase terminal o# a 2OT .
A" gate
2" drain
3" source
/" anode
22 ( The 11111111 terminal o# the ODE8A is the eui)alent o# the emitter terminal o# a 2OT .
A" gate
2" drain
3" source
/" anode
23 ( The 11111111 ODET uses a positi)e drain supply )oltage .
A" n-channel
2" p-channel
3" T/'
/" 3TF'
24 ( The region o# the characteristic cur)e #amily #or the junction DET that is normally used #or linear
ampli#ication is .11111111
A" the constant-current region
2" the saturation region
3" the linear ampli#ication region
/" All o# the a%o)e
2$ ( The collector current; 83; o# a 2OT #lo-s through t-o junctions. The drain current o# an DET; 8/;
#lo-s through 11111111 junctions .
A" 0
2" 1
3" 2
/" 3
2& ( As the channel -idth o# a ODET decreases; the source-to-drain resistance .11111111
A" increases
2" decreases
3" remains constant
/" is not a##ected
2* ( 4hich o# the #ollo-ing is usually used to control the channel -idth o# a gi)en ODET ?
A" the source )oltage
2" the gate-to-source )oltage
3" the operating #reuency
/" the drain current
2+ ( The region o# the ODET drain cur)e that lies %et-een pinch-o## and %reakdo-n is called .11111111
A" the constant-)oltage region
2" the ohmic region
3" the saturation region
/" 5one o# the a%o)e
2, ( The )alue o# gate-to-source )oltage that causes the drain current to reach its ma6imum )alue at a
gi)en )alue o# drain )oltage is called .11111111
A" !/TAW
2" pinch-o## )oltage
3" !/''
/" 5one o# the a%o)e
30 ( The DET trans#er characteristic cur)e is de#ined %y 'hockleyAs euation and is .11111111
A" una##ected %y the net-ork in -hich it is used
2" directly related to the drain resistor
3" in)ersely related to the drain resistor
/" in)ersely related to the sum o# the drain and source resistors
31 ( 4hat t-o parameters represent the DET trans#er characteristic ?
A" drain-to-source )oltage and gate-to-source )oltage
2" drain-to-source )oltage and drain current
3" gate-to-source )oltage and drain current
/" gate current and drain current
32 ( The )alue o# drain current is al-ays 11111111 the )alue o# the short circuit drain current 8/'' #or a
gi)en ODET .
A" less than
2" eual to
3" less than or eual to
/" greater than
33 ( A ODET has )alues o# 8/'' : mA and !('FDD : -$ !. 4hat is the )alue o# 8/ at !(' : -3 ! ?
A" 1.& mA
2" 3.& mA
3" 2$.& mA
/" 4 mA
34 ( A gi)en ODET has )alues o# ! : 10 ! and 8/'' : + mA. 4hat is the )alue o# !('FDD #or the de)ice ?
A" G10 !
2" -10 !
3" -$ !
/" 3annot %e determined #rom the in#ormation gi)en
3$ ( The enhancement-type and the depletion-type DETs are su%classes o# .11111111
A" junction DET
2" metal-o6ide-semiconductor DETs
3" 2OTs
/" %ipolar DETs
3& ( The depletion-type TF'DETA has speci#ications and many characteristics that are similar to the
A" pnp 2OT
2" npn 2OT
/" 5one o# the a%o)e
3* ( 4hich o# the #ollo-ing DETs is the %est choice -hen the gate-source )oltage has %oth positi)e and
negati)e s-ings ?
2" enhancement TF'DET
3" depletion TF'DET
/" 3TF'
3+ ( TF'DETs typically ha)e an input impedance )alue that is .11111111
A" higher than the ODET
2" lo-er than the ODET
3" eual to theODET
/" randomly de#ined relati)e to the ODET
3, ( /-TF'DETs can operate in .11111111
A" the depletion mode onl
2" the enhancement mode only
3" the depletion mode and the enhancement mode
/" All o# the a%o)e
40 ( TF'DETs are also re#erred to as .11111111
A" su%strates
2" 8(DETs
3" /EDETs
/" 'iF-DETs
41 ( 4hich o# the #ollo-ing is true #or an n-channel /-TF'DET that is %eing operated in the depletion
mode ?
A" 8/ M 8/'' and !(' is positi)e .
2" 8/ K 8/'' and !(' is negati)e .
3" 8/ M 8/'' and !(' is negati)e .
/" 8/ K 8/'' and !(' is positi)e .
42 ( A /-TF'DET has )alues o# / : 1$.&3 mA and !(' : G1 !. 4hat is the )alue o# 8/'' ?
A" 0 mA
2" $ mA
3" 10 mA
/" 5one o# the a%o)e
43 ( Dor le)els o# gate-to-source )oltage greater than the threshold )oltage; the drain current is directly
related to the .11111111
A" suare o# the di##erence %et-een the gate-to-source )oltage and the threshold )oltage
2" gate-to-drain )oltage
3" suare o# the gate current
/" 5one o# the a%o)e
44 ( Dor a gate-to-drain )oltage less than the threshold le)el the drain current o# an enhancement-type
TF'DET is .11111111
A" 100 mA
2" 10 mA
3" 1.0 mA
/" 0 mA
4$ ( The ETF'DET can operate in .11111111
A" the depletion mode only
2" the enhancement mode only
3" the depletion mode and the enhancement mode
/" All o# the a%o)e
4& ( A major disad)antage o# TF'DETs is .11111111
A" its high input impedance
2" that it is a )oltage operated de)ice
3" that it is sensiti)e to electrostatic discharges
/" 5one o# the a%o)e
4* ( Tany TF'DET de)ices no- contain internal 11111111 that protect them #rom static electricity .
A" 2OTs
2" <ener diodes
3" p-n junction diodes
/" capacitors
4+ ( The po-er-handling le)els o# a TF'DET .11111111
A" is usually less than 1 4
2" is a%out 10 4
3" is similar to that o# a )acuum tu%e
/" is usually a%out 100 4
4, ( 4hen compared -ith commercially a)aila%le planar TF'DETs; !TF' DETs ha)e .11111111
A" reduced channel resistance
2" higher current capa%ility
3" higher po-er ratings
/" All o# the a%o)e
$0 ( The !TF' DET typically has s-itching times that are .11111111
A" )ery slo-
2" hal# that o# the typical 2OT
3" t-ice that o# the typical 28T
/" 20 times that o# the typical 2OT
$1 ( !TF' is a special-purpose type o# .11111111
/" 2OT
$2 ( A relati)ely high input impedance; #ast s-itching speeds; and lo- operating po-er descri%e the
characteristics o# the 11111111 #amily .
A" 2OT
2" enhancement-type TF'DET
3" !TF' DET
/" 3TF' DET
$3 ( The DET that typically has the %est s-itching speed per#ormance is a(n .11111111 (
A" 3TF'
3" 5TF'
/" !TF'
$4 ( 3TF' stands #or .11111111
A" complementary TF'
2" current TF'
3" capaciti)e TF'
/" conducti)e TF'
$$ ( A 3TF' in)erter has a G10 ! supply and an input that )aries %et-een 0 ! and G10 !. 4hen the
input to the circuit is G10 !; the output #rom the circuit is .11111111
A" -10 !
2" 0 !
3" G10 !
/" 3annot %e determined #rom the in#ormation gi)en
!S"E# $E%: Chapter -: Field+E..ect Transistors
1" A
2" /
3" 3
4" A
$" 3
&" 3
*" A
+" 3
," A
10" 3
11" 3
12" 2
13" A
14" 3
1$" 2
1&" /
1*" /
1+" 3
1," A
20" 2
21" A
22" 3
23" A
24" /
2$" A
2&" A
2*" 2
2+" 3
2," A
30" A
31" 3
32" 3
33" A
34" A
3$" 2
3&" 3
3*" 3
3+" A
3," /
40" 2
41" 2
42" 3
43" A
44" /
4$" 2
4&" 3
4*" 2
4+" A
4," /
$0" 2
$1" 2
$2" /
$3" A
$4" A
$$" 2
Electronic Devices and Circuit Theory, 9e (Boylestad (
Chapter /: FET Biasin*
1 ( A ODET can %e %iased in se)eral di##erent -ays. The common method(s" o# %iasing an n-channel ODET
is(are .11111111 (
A" sel#-%ias con#iguration
2" )oltage-di)ider %ias con#iguration
3" #i6ed-%ias con#iguration
/" All o# the a%o)e
2 ( 8n a sel#-%ias circuit #or an n-channel ODET transistor the se1#-%ias line .11111111
A" is straight up and do-n parallel to the 8/ a6is
2" is straight le#t and right parallel to the !(' a6is
3" is slanted and passing through the 8/ and the !(' a6is on the positi)e side
/" is slanted and passes through origin
3 ( 8n a sel#-%ias circuit #or an n-channel ODET transistor the se1#-%ias line .11111111
A" is straight up and do-n parallel to the 8/ a6is
2" is straight le#t and right parallel to the !(' a6is
3" is slanted and passing through the 8/ and the !(' a6is on the positi)e side
/" is slanted and passes through origin
4 ( 8n a #i6ed-%ias circuit #or an n-channel ODET transistor the %ias line .11111111
A" is straight up and do-n parallel to the 8/ a6is
2" is straight le#t and right parallel to the !(' a6is
3" is slanted and passing through the 8/ and the !(' a6is on the positi)e side
/" is slanted and passes through origin
$ ( 3alculate the uiescent drain current and the gate-to-source )oltage #or this )oltage-di)ider %ias
circuit .

A" 8/H : 2.4 mA and !('H : 1.+ !
2" 8/H : 2.4 mA and !('H H : -1.+ !
3" 8/H : 1.2 mA and !('H H : -3.& !
/" 8/H : 1.2 mA and !('H H : 3.& !
& ( 3alculate the drain-gate )oltage #or this )oltage-di)ider %ias circuit .

A" !/( : +.42 !
2" !/( : *.42 !
3" !/( : &.42 !
/" !/( : $.42 !
* ( 3alculate the uiescent drain current #or this sel#-%ias depletion mode TF'DET transistor ampli#ier .

A" 8/H : 1., mA
2" 8/H : 1.* mA
3" 8/H : 1.$ mA
/" 8/H : 1.3 mA
+ ( 8n the enhancement type o# TF'DET the channel is #ormed -hen the gate-to-source )oltage
A" e6ceeds the pinch-o## )oltage
2" is less than the pinch-o## )oltage
3" is less than the threshold )oltage
/" e6ceeds the threshold )oltage
, ( 3alculate the uiescent drain current #or this circuit .

A" 8/H : 2.$ mA
2" 8/H : 2., mA
3" 8/H : 3.3 mA
/" 8/H : 3.* mA
10 ( 3alculate the uiescent collector current #or this circuit .

A" 83H : 1.* mA
2" 83H : 1., mA
3" 83H : 2.1 mA
/" 83H : 2.3 mA
11 ( 3alculate the uiescent collector-to-emitter )oltage #or the 2OT in this circuit .

A" !3E : 3.&3 !
2" !3E : *.*+ !
3" !3E : -4.14 !
/" !3E : $.11 !
12 ( 3alculate the )oltage at the drain o# the ODET in this com%ination net-ork .

A" !/ : +.22 !
2" !/ : 4.14 !
3" !/ : 12.$ !
/" !/ : 3.$ !
13 ( (enerally; it is a good design practice #or linear ampli#iers to choose the operating point that is
appro6imately .11111111
A" near the saturation region
2" near the cut-o## region
3" in the center o# the acti)e region
/" near the origin
14 ( The analysis that -e mostly -ork -ith is that o# the n-channel de)ice. Dor p-channel de)ices the
trans#er cur)e employed is the 11111111 image and the de#ined current directions are .11111111
A" identical= the same
2" mirror= the same
3" mirror= re)ersed
/" identical= re)ersed
1$ ( 8t is important to remem%er that -hen the ODET is used as a )oltage )aria%le resistor; -hich is one o#
its practical applications; the )oltage !/' is 11111111 !/'(ma6" and V !(' V is 11111111 V!B .V
A" )ery much greater than= )ery much greater than
2" )ery much less than= )ery much greater than
3" )ery much greater than= )ery much less than
/" )ery much less than= )ery much less than
1& ( The simplest %iasing arrangement #or the n-channel ODET is .11111111
A" )oltage-di)ider %ias
2" )aria%le %ias
3" drain-#eed%ack %ias
/" #i6ed %ias
1* ( The #i6ed-%ias techniue reuires 11111111 po-er supplies .
A" 1
2" 2
3" 3
/" 4
1+ ( A ODET has the #ollo-ing ratingsJ !B : -2 ! to -$ ! and an 8/'' : 4 mA. The de)ice is %eing used in
a #i6ed-%ias circuit -ith a gate supply )oltage o# !(( : 1 !. 4hat is the di##erence %et-een the minimum
and ma6imum )alues o# 8/ )alues #or the circuit ?
A" *.& mA
2" ,.& mA
3" &.&+ mA
/" +.& mA
1, ( The sel#-%ias con#iguration de)elops the controlling gate-to-source )oltage across a resistor
introduced in the .11111111
A" drain leg
2" gate leg
3" source leg
/" 5one o# the a%o)e
20 ( A characteristic o# )oltage di)ider-%ias in DET circuits is .11111111
A" the current in %oth 91 and 92 is the same
2" the )oltage drop across 92 is !('
3" the gate current is >ero
/" All o# the a%o)e
21 ( 4hen using )oltage di)ider-%ias in DET ampli#iers; increasing the si>e o# the source resistor results
in .11111111
A" lo-er uiescent )alues
2" more positi)e o# !('
3" a larger )alue o# drain current
/" All o# the a%o)e
22 ( The primary di##erence %et-een ODETs and depletion-type TF'DETs is .11111111
A" ODETs can ha)e positi)e )alues o# !(' and le)els o# drain current that e6ceed 8/''
2" depletion-type TF'DETs can ha)e positi)e )alues o# !(' and le)els o# 8/ that e6ceed 8/''
3" depletion-type TF'DETs can ha)e only positi)e o# !('
/" ODETs can ha)e only positi)e )alues o# !('
23 11111111 ( %iasing may %e used -ith /-TF'DETs %ut not -ith ODETs .
A" (ate-drain
2" <ero
3" (ate-cuto##
/" 3urrent-source
24 ( A popular arrangement #or enhancement type TF'DET %iasing is .11111111
A" drain-#eed%ack %iasing
2" #i6ed %ias
3" source-resistor %ias
/" All o# the a%o)e
2$ ( An E-TF'DET has )alues o# !('th : 2 ! and 8/F5 : + mA -hen !D' : 10 !. 4hat is the )alue o# k
#or the de)ice ?
A" 0.0001
2" 0.00012$
3" +0
/" 3annot %e determined #rom the in#ormation gi)en
2& ( An E-TF'DET has )alues o# !('th : 4 ! and 8/F5 : 12 mA -hen !(' : 10 !. The de)ice is %eing
used in a circuit that has a )alue o# !(' : & !. 4hat is the )alue o# 8/ #or the circuit ?
A" 13.33 mA
2" 1 mA
3" 1.33 m
/" 0 mA
2* ( 4hich o# the #ollo-ing %iasing circuits can %e used -ith E-TF'DETs ?
A" sel# %ias
2" >ero %ias
3" drain-#eed%ack %ias
/" current-source %ias
2+ ( (enerally; it is good design practice #or linear ampli#iers to ha)e operating points that close to
A" are close to saturation le)el
2" the cut-o## region
3" the midpoint o# the load line
/" 5one o# the a%o)e
2, ( This graphical solution represents .11111111

A" )oltage-di)ider %ias #or an n-channel ODET
2" sel# %ias #or an n-channel ODET
3" #i6ed-%ias con#iguration #or an n-channel ODET .
/" 5one o# the a%o)e
30 ( This graphical solution represents .11111111

A" #i6ed %ias #or an n-channel ODET
2" )oltage-di)ider %ias #or an n-channel ODET
3" sel# %ias #or an n-channel ODET
/" 5one o# the a%o)e
31 ( 4hich o# the #ollo-ing is true #or this circuit ?

A" !( is measured %et-een the gate and common .
2" !( is measured %et-een the gate and source terminals .
3" !( is eual to the )oltage across 9' .
/" !( is al-ays close to G0.* ! .
32 ( 4hich one o# the #ollo-ing statements a%out this circuit is true ?

A" !(' is measured across 92 .
2" !(' is measured %et-een the gate and source terminals .
3" !(' is eual to the )oltage across 9' .
/" !(' is al-ays close to G0.* ! .
33 ( 4hich o# the #ollo-ing euations properly characteri>e the )alue o# !/' #or this circuit ?

A" !/' : !/ - !'
2" !/' : !// - 8/(9/ G 9' (
3" !/' : !91 G !92 - 8/(9/ G 9' (
/" All o# the a%o)e
34 ( 4hich o# the #ollo-ing e6pressions is correct #or this circuit ?

A" !(' : !( - 8/ 9'
2" !(' : !( - 8' 9'
3" !(' : !( - !'
/" All o# the a%o)e
!S"E# $E%: Chapter /: FET Biasin* + ns0er $ey

1" /
2" /
3" /
4" A
$" 2
&" A

*" 2

+" /
," 3
10" A
11" /
12" 3
13" 3
14" 3

1$" /

1&" /

1*" 2

1+" 3

1," 3

20" /

21" A

22" 2

23" 2
24" A
2$" 2
2&" 3

2*" 3
2+" 3
2," 3
30" 2
31" A
32" 2
33" /
34" /
Electronic Devices and Circuit Theory, 9e (Boylestad (
Chapter 1: FET mpli.iers
1 ( A DET ampli#ier is considered a )oltage-controlled de)ice; -hereas a 2OT is a current-controlled
de)ice .
2 ( The input impedance o# a DET ampli#ier tends to %e much greater than a compara%le 2OT ampli#ier .
3 ( The )oltage gain o# a DET ampli#ier is generally larger than that o# a compara%le 2OT ampli#ier .
4 ( The output impedance o# a 2OT ampli#ier tends to %e much less than that o# a compara%le DET
ampli#ier .
$ ( The input current #or a DET ampli#ier is generally assumed to %e >ero .
& ( Dor the typical transistor ampli#ier; the phase shi#t due to reacti)e components o# input and output
impedances .11111111
A" depends upon the )alues o# e6ternal reacti)e components
2" depends upon the )alues o# stray reactance
3" is negligi%le in most instances
/" is unpredicta%le
* ( The input impedance o# a common-%ase 2OT con#iguration is typically .11111111
A" %et-een 100 kI and 10 TI
2" %et-een 100 I and 100 kI
3" less than $0 I
/" so large that the input current can %e considered to %e >ero
+ ( The input impedance o# a common-emitter con#iguration is typically .11111111
A" %et-een 100 kI and 10 TI
2" %et-een 300 I and 10 kI
3" less than $0 I
/" so large that the input current can %e considered to %e >ero
, ( The e6pression; re :
; sho-s that .11111111
A" re is a constant )alue that is determined %y the internal structure o# the transistor
2" the emitter-%ase )oltage #or the con#iguration is a constant 2& m! (as opposed to *00 m! #or a
#or-ard-%iased; common-emitter 2OT con#iguration (
3" it is rather easy to determine the correct )alue #or the emitter resistor
/" the ac input resistance o# the con#iguration is determined %y the amount o# dc emitter current
10 ( The input impedance #or a common-emitter con#iguration can %e e6pressed as .11111111
A" <i : Rre
2" <i : re
3" <i : re (Q X 1 (
/" <i : re
Q 1

11 ( The unit o# measure #or DET transconductance (gm" is .11111111
A" ohms per )olt
2" )olts per ampere
3" 'iemens
/" The term is unitless
12 ( A source-#ollo-er DET con#iguration is also kno- as 11111111 circuit .
A" common-source
2" common-gate
3" common-drain
/" current-controlled
13 ( 8n the hy%rid eui)alent model; hie is the e6pression #or .11111111
A" input impedance
2" )oltage #eed%ack ratio
3" small-signal current gain
/" output admittance
14 ( 8n the hy%rid eui)alent model; hre is the e6pression #or .11111111
A" input impedance
2" )oltage #eed%ack ratio
3" small-signal current gain
/" output admittance
1$ ( 8n the hy%rid eui)alent model; h#e is the e6pression #or .11111111
A" input impedance
2" )oltage #eed%ack ratio
3" small-signal current gain
/" output admittance
1& ( 8n the hy%rid eui)alent model; hoe is the e6pression #or .11111111
A" input impedance
2" )oltage #eed%ack ratio
3" small-signal current gain
/" output admittance
1* ( The DET )ersion o# the 2OTAs common-emitter con#iguration is the 11111111 circuit .
A" common-source
2" common-gate
3" common-drain
/" common-current
1+ ( The current gain

o# an DET ampli#ier is .11111111
A" generally assumed to %e >ero
2" unde#ined
3" depends upon the )alue o# gm #or the de)ice
/" less than or eual to 1
1, ( 8# the resistor %ypass capacitor in the source leg is remo)ed; the )oltage gain o# the small signal DET
ampli#ier .11111111
A" -ill increase
2" -ill decrease
3" -ill stay the same
/" may increase in some cases and decrease in other cases
20 ( The input impedance (<i" o# an DET is hundreds o# times greater than the <i o# a 2OT. This 11111111
e##ect on the o)erall gain o# the system .
A" has a )ery negati)e
2" has a )ery positi)e
3" has no
/" may %e positi)e or negati)e and depends on the rest o# the circuit
21 ( 3alculate the input impedance #or this DET ampli#ier .

A" <i : 91 92 : , TI
2" <i : 92 : 10 TI
3" <i : 91 : ,0 TI
/" <i : -ould depend on the drain current 8/ .
22 ( 3alculate the output impedance #or this DET ampli#ier .

A" <F : 9/ : 2.1 kI
2" <F : rd : ,0 kI
3" <F : 9/ rd : 20$2 I
/" <F depends on the drain current 8/ .
23 ( 3alculate the )oltage gain #or this DET ampli#ier. Assume that the transconductance (gm" #or this
circuit is 1.+$ m'

A" A! : -gm 9/ : -3.++$
2" A! : -gm (9/ rd" : -3.*,&2
3" A! : -gm rd : -1&&.$
/" A! depends on the drain current; 8/ .
24 ( 3alculate the )oltage gain #or this DET ampli#ier. Assume that gm : 1.+$ m' .

A" A! :
m d 1 2
m d 1 2
-g (r VV9 VV9 "
1Gg (r VV9 VV9 "
: 0.,,3,
2" A! : gmrd : 1&&.$
3" A! : gm9' : 0.4&2
/" A! -ould depend on the drain current; 8/ .
2$ ( 3alculate the input impedance #or this ampli#ier. Assume that gm : 1.+$ m' .

A" <i : 91 92 : , TI
2" <i : 92 : 10 TI
3" <i : 91 : ,0 TI
/" <i depends on the )alue o# 8/ .
2& ( 3alculate the output impedance #or this DET ampli#ier. Assume that gm : 1.+$ m' .

A" <F : 9' : 2$0 I
2" <F : rd : ,0 kI
3" <F : 9' rd
: 1*0.& I
/" <F depends on the )alue o# 8/ .
2* ( 3alculate the input impedance #or this E-TF'DET circuit .

A" <i :
d /
1 G (r VV 9 "
: $.130 kI
2" <i :
m d
1 G g r
: $3.0$ kI
3" <i : 9D : 10.0 TI
/" <i :
d /
1 G (r VV 9 "
: 1.0*3$ TI
2+ ( /esign this ampli#ier #or a )oltage gain o# +; and indicate the reuired )alue o# resistor 9/ .

A" 9/ : ,.0 kI
2" 9/ : 10.0 kI
3" 9/ : 3103.44 I
/" 9/ : 3.0 kI
2, ( /esign this circuit #or a )oltage gain o# 10. You ha)e to calculate the )alue o# resistor 9/ and 9'. 8t is
desired that the transistor operate -ith a relati)ely high )alue o# gm. Dor this de)ice; a high )alue o# gm is
de#ined as !(' : 0.2 !B .

A" 9/ : ,.0 kI; 9' : 1.0 kI
2" 9/ : $.$$$ kI; 9' : 2$0 I
3" 9/ : $.$$$ kI; 9' : 1.0 kI
/" 9/ : ,.0 kI; 9' : 2$0 I
30 ( The operating )alue o# gm is al-ays 11111111 the )alue o# gmo #or a gi)en ODET .
A" less than
2" eual to
3" less than or eual to
/" greater than
31 ( A gi)en ODET has )alues o# gmo : 1200 S' and !('FDD : -4 !. 4hat is the )alue o# gm #or the de)ice
at !(' : -2 !
A" $00 S.'
2" 1200 S.'
3" 300 S.'
/" 3annot %e determined #rom the in#ormation gi)en
32 ( A ODET has )alues o# : 1200 S' and !('FDD : -4 !. 4hat is the appro6imate )alue o# 8/'' ?
A" 4.+ mA
2" ,.& mA
3" 2.4 mA
/" 3annot %e determined #rom the in#ormation gi)en
33 ( The 11111111 ampli#ier has high input impedance; lo- output impedance; and lo- )oltage gain .
A" common-gate
2" common-drain
3" common-source
/" 5one o# the a%o)e
34 ( The 11111111 DET ampli#ier has lo- input impedance; high output impedance; and high )oltage
gain .
A" common-gate
2" common-drain
3" common-source
/" 5one o# the a%o)e
!S"E# $E%: Chapter 1: FET mpli.iers 2 ns0er $ey
1" T9EE
2" T9EE
3" DA.'E
4" DA.'E
$" T9EE
&" 3
*" 3
+" 2
," /
10" A
11" 3
12" 3
13" A
14" 2
1$" 3
1&" /
1*" A
1+" 2
1," 2
20" 2
21" A
22" 3
23" 2
24" A
2$" A
2&" 3
2*" /
2+" 3
2," 2
30" 3
31" A
32" 3
33" 2
34" A
Electronic Devices and Circuit Theory, 9e (Boylestad (
Chapter 9: B(T and (FET Fre3uency #esponse
1 ( The input po-er to a de)ice is $000 4 at 400 !. The output po-er o# the de)ice is *$0 4; and the
output impedance is 2$ I. 3alculate the po-er gain in deci%els .
A" -+.23, d2
2" +.23, d2
3" -1&.4*+ d2
/" 1&.4*+ d2
2 ( The input po-er to a de)ice is $000 4 at 400 !. The output po-er o# the de)ice is *$0 4; and the
output impedance is 2$ I. 3alculate the )oltage gain in deci%els .
A" -4.&$$& d2
2" 4.&$$& d2
3" -,.311 d2
/" ,.311 d2
3 ( To #i6 the #reuency %oundaries o# relati)ely high gain; 0.* Amid -as chosen to %e at the cuto## le)els.
The corresponding #reuencies; #1 and #2; are generally called .11111111
A" corner #reuencies
2" cuto## #reuencies
3" hal#-po-er #reuencies
/" All o# the a%o)e
4 ( 3alculate the lo- #reuency %reak point due to the capacitor 3' #or this 2OT ampli#ier .

A" #.s :
' i '
2 (9 G 9 "3
: 2+0.2$ H>
2" #.s :
' 1 2 '
2 (9 G 9 VV 9 "3
: 30.& H>
3" #.s :
' i '
2 (9 VV 9 "3
: $$+$.4 H> .
/" #.s :
' 1 2 '
2 (9 G 9 G 9 "3
: 4.2&, H> .
$ ( 3alculate the lo- #reuency %reak point due to the capacitor 33 #or this 2OT ampli#ier .

A" #.3 :
3 3
2 9 3
: 3&1.*1 H> .
2" #.3 :
3 . 3
2 (9 VV 9 "3
: $14.*$ H>
3" #.3 :
3 . 3
2 (9 9 "3 +
: 10*.$3 H> .
/" #.3 :
. 3
2 9 3
: 1$3.03 H> .
& ( 8# se)eral identical stages o# ampli#iers; each ha)ing the e6act same upper and lo-er cuto##
#reuencies; are connected in cascade; then the %and-idth o# the resulting ampli#ier -ill .11111111
A" increase
2" remain unchanged
3" decrease
/" %e eual to the sum o# all the indi)idual %and-idths
* ( 4hen using suare--a)e testing on t-o di##erent ampli#iers; you see the -a)e#orms sho-n here.
4hat comments can you make a%out the #reuency response o# the t-o ampli#iers ?

A" Ampli#ier A has poor lo- #reuency response; -hile ampli#ier 2 has poor high #reuency response .
2" Ampli#ier A has poor lo- #reuency response; -hile ampli#ier 2 has poor lo- #reuency response .
3" Ampli#ier A has poor high #reuency response; -hile ampli#ier 2 has poor high #reuency response .
/" Ampli#ier A has poor high #reuency response; -hile ampli#ier 2 has poor lo- #reuency response .
+ ( The %ase-10 logarithm o# 100;000 is .11111111
A" 4
2" $
3" &
/" 5one o# the a%o)e
, ( The %ase-10 logarithm o# 1*+0.331 .11111111
A" 0.33$
2" 3.2$0$
3" 33.$
/" 5one o# the a%o)e
10 ( 4hich o# the #ollo-ing are properties o# logarithms ?
A" logn0 : 1
2" logn(aC%" : logna G logn%
3" logn(1C%" : - logn%
/" 5one o# the a%o)e
11 ( 4hich o# the #ollo-ing are properties o# logarithms ?A
A" logn1 : 0
2" logn(aC%" : logna G logn%
3" logn(1C%" : logn%
/" 5one o# the a%o)e
12 ( 4hich o# the #ollo-ing are properties o# logarithms ?
A" logn1 : 0
2" logn(aC%" : logna - logn%
3" logn(1C% " : - logn%
/" All o# the a%o)e
13 ( The term semi-log re#ers to a graphical scale that has .11111111
A" a linear a6is and a log a6is
2" a log-log structure
3" a linear )ertical a6is and a log hori>ontal a6is
/" All o# the a%o)e
14 ( The common log o# the ratio o# t-o po-er le)els is called a .11111111
A" deci%el
2" %el
3" %ig %el
/" 5one o# the a%o)e
1$ ( Dor the gain in deci%els to %e completely correct it should %e re#erred to as )oltage or current gain in
deci%els to di##erentiate it #rom the normal po-er le)el consideration. This occurs -hen .11111111
A" 91 K 9.
2" 91 M 9.
3" 91 Z 9.
/" All o# the a%o)e
1& ( The gain in deci%els o# a po-er gain o# 10;000;000 is .11111111
A" $ d2
2" & d2
3" *0 d2
/" +0 d2
1* ( An ampli#ier has a mid%and po-er gain o# 24;$00. 4hat is the )alue o# the po-er gain in d2 #or the
circuit ?
A" +*.*+ d2
2" 43., d2
3" 4.3, d2
/" 5one o# the a%o)e
1+ ( An ampli#ier has )alues o# Bin : 20 m4 and Bout : &0 4. 4hat is the )alue o# the po-er gain in d2
#or the circuit ?
A" 3000 d2
2" &,.$ d2
3" 34.+ d2
/" 5one o# the a%o)e
1, ( An ampli#ier normally has a po-er gain o# 12;000. 8# the po-er gain o# the circuit drops %y 3 d2; the
)alue o# the ne- po-er-gain -ill %e appro6imately .11111111
A" &;000
2" 4;000
3" ,;000
/" >ero
20 ( 5egati)e d2 )alues represent .11111111
A" po-er gain
2" po-er losses
3" po-er )alues that do not change
/" 5one o# the a%o)e
21 ( 4hich o# the #ollo-ing is an ad)antage o# using d2 representations o# gain )alues ?
A" Bositi)e and negati)e d2 )alues represent gain and loss )alues that are reciprocals o# each other .
2" 8n multistage ampli#iers; gain calculations are simpli#ied %y the use o# d2 )alues .
3" Esing d% )alues; -e can represent large gain )alues -ith relati)ely small num%ers .
/" All o# the a%o)e
22 ( An ampli#ier has an output po-er o# $00 4. 4hat is the )alue o# the po-er gain in d2 #or the
circuit ?
A" 2&.,, d2
2" $3.,+ d2
3" $&.,, d2
/" 3annot %e determined #rom the in#ormation gi)en
23 ( An ampli#ier deli)ers $00 4 to a &00 I load. 4hat is the gain in d2m ?
A" 2&.,, d2m
2" $3.,+ d2m
3" $&.,, d2m
/" 3annot %e determined #rom the in#ormation gi)en
24 ( An ampli#ier has )alues o# po-er gain 4, d2 and )oltage gain d2 o# 30 d2. The operating #reuency
o# the circuit is increased until the po-er gain drops to 42 d2. 4hat is the d2 )oltage gain at this
#reuency ?
A" 23 d2
2" 42 d2
3" 2$.* d2
/" 3annot %e determined #rom the in#ormation gi)en
2$ ( 4hat #reuency is t-o decades a%o)e $ kH> ?
A" 10$ kH>
2" 2$ kH>
3" $00 kH>
/" 3annot %e determined #rom the in#ormation gi)en
2& ( 4hat #reuency lies #our octa)es a%o)e 1 kH> ?
A" , kH>
2" 1& kH>
3" + kH>
/" 5one o# the a%o)e
2* ( The roll-o## rate #or a 2OT ampli#ier is appro6imately .11111111
A" 20 d2 per octa)e
2" & d2 per decade
3" & d2 per octa)e
/" 5one o# the a%o)e
2+ ( The lo--#reuency response o# a 2OT ampli#ier is a##ected %y .11111111
A" the 2OT internal capacitances
2" the supply )oltage
3" the coupling and %ypass capacitor )alues
/" All o# the a%o)e
2, ( The input )alue o# #1 #or a DET ampli#ier normally is 11111111 the input )alue o# #1 #or a compara%le
2OT ampli#ier .
A" similar to
2" much lo-er than
3" greater than
/" less than or eual to
30 ( A common-emitter ampli#ier has )alues o# 3%c : $ pD and A!(d2" : 23.$21+ d2. 4hat is the Tiller
input capacitance #or the circuit ?
A" +0 pD
2" * pD
3" 1&3.1 pD
/" 5one o# the a%o)e
31 ( The 2OT gain-%and-idth product is appro6imately .11111111
A" QmidR
2" QmidQ
3" Rmid Q [1-Q [
/" 5one o# the a%o)e
32 ( The 2OT gain-%and-idth product (#T" is .11111111
A" in)ersely related to re
2" in)ersely related to ( 3%e G 3%c (
3" not related to /3 %ias conditions
/" All o# the a%o)e
33 ( A common-emitter ampli#ier uses a transistor -here R : $0; re : 10 I; 3%e : 30 pD; 3%c : 3.$ pD ;
3ce : 1 pD; 34 : $ pD. The )alue o# #R is .11111111
A" 1,.04 TH>
2" 1.,$ TH>
3" ,.$02 TH>
/" 5one o# the a%o)e
34 ( The high-#reuency response o# a 2OT ampli#ier is a##ected %y .11111111
A" the 2OT internal capacitances
2" the supply )oltage
3" the coupling and %ypass capacitor )alues
/" All o# the a%o)e
3$ ( /etermine the high end cut-o## #reuency #or a DET ampli#ier that has de)ices capacitances
3-o : $ pD; 9sig : 12 kI; 9( : 0.$ TI; 9/ : $.& kI; and A) : -$ .
A" 1.&1* TH>
2" 1&.1* TH>
3" 0.1&1* TH>
/" 5one o# the a%o)e
3& ( T-o identical ampli#iers are cascaded. The o)erall %and-idth o# the multistage ampli#ier is
11111111 the %and-idth o# each indi)idual stage .
A" eual to
2" less than
3" greater than
/" less than or eual to
3* ( The Tiller e##ect tends to 11111111 o# an in)erting ampli#ier .
A" increase %oth the input and output capacitances
2" increase the input capacitance and decrease the output capacitance
3" decrease the input capacitance and increase the output capacitance
/" decrease %oth the input and output capacitances
3+ ( 4hich one o# the #ollo-ing euations pro)ides the Tiller e##ect input capacitance #or a 2OT
ampli#ier ?
A (
) #
(1-A " 3

3" (1 - A)"3#
/ (
Th i
2 9 3
3, ( 4hich one o# the #ollo-ing euations pro)ides the Tiller e##ect output capacitance #or a 2OT
ampli#ier ?
A (
) #
(1-A " 3

3" (1 - A)"3#
/ (
Th i
2 9 3
40 ( A 3-d2 drop in R occurs at .11111111
A" (d%
2" D.s and #.o
3" # R
/" #Hi
!S"E# $E%: Chapter 9: B(T and (FET Fre3uency #esponse 2 ns0er $ey

1" A
2" 3
3" /
4" A
$" 3
&" 3
*" /
+" 2
," 2
10" 3
11" A
12" /
13" A
14" 2
1$" /
1&" 3
1*" 2
1+" 3
1," A
20" 2
21" /
22" /
23" 3

24" A
2$" 3
2&" 2
2*" 3
2+" 3
2," A
30" A
31" 3
32" /
33" 3
34" A
3$" A
3&" 2
3*" A
3+" 3
3," 2
40" 3
Electronic Devices and Circuit Theory, 9e (Boylestad (
Chapter 14: 5perational mpli.iers
1 ( The main #eatures o# a di##erence pair; such as the circuit sho-n here; are .11111111

A" )ery high input impedance and )ery high )oltage gain
2" )ery high input impedance and moderate )oltage gain
3" moderate input impedance and )ery high )oltage gain
/" moderate input impedance and moderate )oltage gain
2 ( Ender single-ended operation; the )oltage gain #or this is .11111111

A" 20
2" 40
3" +0
/" 1&0
3 ( Ender common-mode operation; the common-mode )oltage gain #or this circuit is .11111111

A" 0.03,*
2" +0
3" 40
/" 0.0+
4 ( Ender di##erence-mode operation; the di##erence-mode )oltage gain #or this circuit is .11111111

A" 0.03,*
2" +0
3" 40
/" 0.0+
$ ( Ender single-ended operation the )oltage gain #or this circuit is .11111111

A" 33.33
2" &&.&&
3" 133.33
/" 2&&.&&
& ( Ender common-mode operation; the common-mode )oltage gain is .11111111

A" 0.133
2" 33.33
3" &&.&&
/" 0.2&&
* ( Ender di##erence-mode operation; the di##erence-mode )oltage gain #or this circuit is .11111111

A" 0.133
2" 33.33
3" &&.&&
/" 0.2&&
+ ( The operational ampli#ier -ill only slightly ampli#y signals .11111111
A" -hen the supply )oltages are more then \2$ !
2" -hen the supply )oltages are less then \$ !
3" that are common on %oth the inputs
/" that are di##erent on %oth the inputs
, ( 4hich o# the #ollo-ing statements is true a%out operational ampli#iers ?
A" Fp-amps are )ery high-gain /3 ampli#iers .
2" Fp-amps ha)e )ery lo- output impedance .
3" Fp-amps ha)e )ery high input impedance .
/" All o# the a%o)e
10 ( The common mode rejection ratio (3T99" is the ratio o# .11111111
A" the di##erence mode gain to the common mode gain
2" the common mode gain to the di##erence mode gain
3" nonin)erting gain to in)erting gain
/" in)erting gain to nonin)erting gain
11 ( Dor this A3 eui)alent circuit o# an op-amp; the input signal is applied %et-een the input terminals
and sees an input impedance 9i. This impedance .11111111

A" is a #e- hundred ohms
2" is a #e- kilohms
3" is a #e- hundred kilohms
/" depends on the op-amp used. 8t could %e a #e- hundred ohms to a #e- hundred kilohms
12 ( Fne %asic circuit connection using an op-amp is sho-n here. 8# the input )oltage is 0.2$ !; the output
)oltage is .11111111

A" -10.0 !
2" -$.0 !
3" -2.$ !
/" -1.2$ !
13 ( 8# the input )oltage is 0.2$ ! and the output is -2.0 !; the )alue o# 9# must %e .11111111

A" 40.0 kI
2" 20.0 kI
3" 10.0 kI
/" $.0 kI
14 ( 4hen the input )oltage to this circuit is 0.2$ !; the output )oltage is .11111111

A" 10.0 !
2" $.0 !
3" 3.0 !
/" 1.$ !
1$ ( 8# the input )oltage is 0.2$ ! and the reuired output )oltage is 2.*$ !; the )alue #or 9# must %e

A" 40.0 kI
2" 20.0 kI
3" 10.0 kI
/" $.0 kI
1& ( 4hen the input )oltages to this circuit are !i1 : 0.2$ ! and !i2 : 0.$ !; the output is .11111111

A" 1.12$ !
2" 2.2$ !
3" 4.$ !
/" ,.0 !
1* ( The operational ampli#ier circuit sho-n here is a(n .11111111 (

A" le)el comparator
2" di##erentiator
3" integrator
/" di##erence ampli#ier
1+ ( The operational ampli#ier circuit sho-n here is a(n .11111111 (

A" le)el comparator
2" di##erentiator
3" integrator
/" di##erence ampli#ier
1, ( The in)erting and nonin)erting inputs to an op-amp are used to dri)e a(n" 11111111 ampli#ier .
A" in)erting
2" nonin)erting
3" di##erential
/" open-loop
20 ( An op-amp ampli#ies only slightly -hen its .11111111
A" supply )oltages are less than G$ !
2" input o##set )oltage is less than 100 m!
3" in)erting or nonin)erting inputs ha)e a common input
/" input o##set current is less than 1 mA
21 ( 4hen a gi)en op-amp has a common-mode input o# 10 !; the output o# the de)ice is 10 !. 4hen the
de)ice has a di##erential input o# 2 m!; the output o# the de)ice is 10 !. 4hat is the 3TB9 o# the de)ice ?
A" $ J 1
2" $000 J 1
3" 1000 J 1
/" $;000;000 J 1
22 ( 4hich o# the #ollo-ing statements is true ?
A" Fp-amps are high-gain dc ampli#iers
2" Fp-amps ha)e e6tremely high input impedance .
3" Fp-amps ha)e e6tremely lo- output impedance .
/" All o# the a%o)e
23 ( The 3T99 o# an in)erting ampli#ier al-ays lo-er than that o# its op-amp %ecause .11111111
A" the common-mode gain o# an op-amp increases -hen it is used in an in)erting ampli#ier
2" the )alue o# di##erential gain #or an in)erting ampli#ier is lo-er than that o# its op-amp
3" sle--rate limiting decreases the common-mode gain o# the op-amp
/" o# the lo-er input impedance o# the in)erting ampli#ier
24 ( The op-amp circuit that add each input and multiplies the sum %y a #i6ed amount is called a(n (
A" unity #ollo-er
2" integrator
3" di##erentiator
/" summing ampli#ier
2$ ( The op-amp circuit that has a capacitor as the #eed%ack component is
called a(n .11111111 (
A" unity #ollo-er
2" integrator
3" di##erentiator
/" summing ampli#ier
2& ( An op-amp integrator circuit has a 2 TI input resistor and a $ SD #eed%ack loop capacitor. 8# the
in)erting input )oltage is 2 !/3; the #inal )alue o# the output )oltage is .11111111
A" -20 !
2" -2 !
3" -0.2 !
/" 0.02 !
2* ( A summing integrator is an op-amp integrator that has .11111111
A" multiple #eed%ack capacitors
2" multiple input resistors
3" multiple input resistors and #eed%ack capacitors
/" 5one o# the a%o)e
2+ ( Fp-amp di##erentiator circuits di##er #rom the integrators in that the di##erentiators .11111111
A" are not as use#ul
2" ha)e a scale #actor o# -93
3" ha)e a resistor in the #eed%ack loop
/" All o# the a%o)e
2, ( An in)erting ampli#ier and a nonin)erting ampli#ier are %uilt using the same )alues o# 9# and 91.
Assuming that the op-amps %eing used in the t-o circuits ha)e identical common-mode gain )alues ;
A" the in)erting ampli#ier has the higher 3T99
2" the nonin)erting ampli#ier has the higher 3T99
3" the 3T99 is the same #or the in)erting and nonin)erting ampli#iers
/" 5one o# the a%o)e
30 ( An in)erting ampli#ier -ith G11 ! supply )oltages normally has a sinusoidal output o# 10 !BB. 4hen
checking the circuit -ith an oscilloscope; you #ind that the output is 0 !. 4hich o# the #ollo-ing could
account #or this pro%lem ?
A" 91 is open .
2" !1 : 0
3" 9 is shorted %y a solder %ridge .
/" All o# the a%o)e
31 ( The )oltage #ollo-er typically has a )oltage gain )alue o# .11111111
A" 1000
2" 100
3" 10
/" 1
32 ( Fp-amp output o##set )oltage can %e totally e6plained %y .11111111
A" the input o##set )oltage
2" input o##set current
3" the e6ternal circuit connection components
/" 5one o# the a%o)e
33 ( A standard in)erting op-amp circuit has an 91 o# 10 kI and an 9# o# 220 kI. 8# the o##set )oltage is
0.003 !; the !o(o##set" is .11111111
A" 3 m!
2" &.& m!
3" &, m!
/" 200 m!
34 ( A standard in)erting op-amp circuit has an 91 o# 10 kI and an 9# o# 220 kI. 8# the o##set current is
100 nA the output o##set )oltage due to this current is .11111111
A" 10 m!
2" 22 m!
3" 32 m!
/" + m!
3$ ( 4hen calculating the total o##set )oltage the a%solute )alues are used to accommodate the #act that
A" o##set current can %e negati)e or positi)e
2" o##set )oltage can %e negati)e or positi)e
3" %oth the o##set current and )oltage can %e negati)e or positi)e
/" 5one o# the a%o)e
3& ( Fp-amp roll-o## characteristics are caused %y the #act that .11111111
A" they are designed to ha)e high-gain and -ide-%and-idth
2" the uncompensated circuit -ould %e unsta%le
3" an e##ecti)e compensation circuit is used
/" All o# the a%o)e
3* ( /etermine the op-amp cuto##-#reuency #or a de)ice -hose unity-gain %and-idth is 1.$ TH> and the
di##erential-gain is 300 !Cm! .
A" $ H>
2" 10 H>
3" $0 H>
/" 1$0 H>
3+ ( 'le- rate is the .11111111
A" ratio o# the change in time to the change in output )oltage
2" ma6imum rate at -hich the op-amp output )oltage can change
3" ma6imum rate at -hich the ampli#ier input )oltage can change
/" 5one o# the a%o)e
3, ( E6ceeding the op-amp sle- rate results in .11111111
A" impro)ed gain and reduced distortion
2" increased po-er and reduced distortion
3" clipping and increased distortion
/" 5one o# the a%o)e
40 ( A certain op-amp has a sle- rate o# 4 !CSsec. 4hat is the ma6imum closed-loop )oltage gain i# the
input )oltage rises at a rate o# $ !Cl00 Ssec ?
A" 20
2" 40
3" +0
/" 200
41 ( A certain in)erting op-amp has a closed-loop gain o# $0 and a sle- rate o# $ !CSsec. 4hat is the
ma6imum use#ul #reuency o# a 2 ! input signal applied to this circuit ?
A" $ @ 10
2" 10 @ 10
3" $0 @ 10
/" 100 @ 10
42 ( The %and-idth o# an ampli#ier is .11111111
A" the range o# #reuencies o)er -hich gain remains relati)ely constant
2" the range o# #reuencies %et-een the lo-er and upper 3 d2 #reuencies
3" the range o# #reuencies #ound using #2 X #1
/" All o# the a%o)e
43 ( Fp-amps are a)aila%le in a num%er o# packages. Among the most common #orms is the .11111111
A" dual in-line package (/8B (
2" sur#ace-mount package
3" TF-$ metal can
/" TF-+ metal can
44 ( An op-amp circuit has \1$ ! supply )oltages and a )oltage gain o# 20. The nonin)erting )oltage ()G"
is 0.3 ! and the in)erting )oltage ()-" is 0.3$ !. 4hat is the output )oltage #rom the de)ice ?
A" G1 !
2" G& !
3" -0.+ !
/" -* !
!S"E# $E%: Chapter 14: 5perational mpli.iers
1" A
2" A

3" A
4" 3
$" 2
&" /
*" 3
+" 3
," /
10" A
11" 3
12" /
13" 2
14" /
1$" 2
1&" 2
1*" 3
1+" 2
1," 3
20" 3
21" /
22" /
23" 2
24" /
2$" 2
2&" 3
2*" 2
2+" /
2," 2
30" /
31" /
32" /
33" 3
34" 2
3$" 3
3&" /
3*" A
3+" 2
3," 3
40" 3
41" 3
42" /
43" A
44" 3
Electronic Devices and Circuit Theory, 9e (Boylestad (
Chapter 11: 5p+mp pplications
1 ( This op-amp is connected as a(n .11111111 (

A" in)erting constant-gain multiplier
2" nonin)erting constant-gain multiplier
3" )oltage %u##er
/" 5one o# the a%o)e
2 ( The )oltage gain #or this circuit is gi)e as .11111111

A" A : 1 G
2" A - :
3" A :
/" A - :
3 ( /etermine the gain o# this circuit .

A" 10
2" 0.1
3" -0.1
/" -10
4 ( 4hat is the design )alue #or 9# ?

A" &0 I
2" 2+2 kI
3" *+.3 I
/" 1+0 kI
$ ( 8# this circuit is to ha)e an in)erting )oltage gain o# 1; the ratio o# 9# J 91 should %e .11111111

A" 1 J 1
2" 2 J 1
3" 1J 2
/" 3annot %e done in theory. 8t can %e done in practice %y making 91 much larger than 9# .
& ( This op-amp is connected as a(n .11111111 (

A" in)erting constant-gain multiplier
2" nonin)erting constant-gain multiplier
3" )oltage %u##er
/" 5one o# the a%o)e
* ( The )oltage gain #or this circuit is gi)en as .11111111

A" A : 1 G

2" A - :

3" A : 1 G

/" A - :

+ ( /etermine the gain o# this circuit .

A" 10
2" -10
3" 11
/" 1.1
, ( A gain o# * is reuired #rom a nonin)erting constant-multiplier op-amp circuit. 8# the input resistor is $
k I; -hat should %e the )alue o# the #eed%ack resistor ?
A" 30 kI
2" 1$ kI
3" *.$ kI
/" $ kI
10 ( 8# this circuit is to ha)e a )oltage gain o# 1; the ratio o# 9# J 91 should %e .11111111

A" 1 J 1
2" 2 J 1
3" 1J 2
/" 3annot %e done in theory. 8t can %e done in practice %y making 91 much larger than 9# .
11 ( Dor this cascade ampli#ier; the input )oltage s-ing is 0.2 !BB. 3alculate the peak-to-peak s-ing on
the output )oltage .

A" ,.& !BB
2" 4.+ !BB
3" 2.4 !BB
/" 1.2 !BB
12 ( This is a %asic 11111111 circuit .

A" di##erentiator
2" integrator
3" t-o-input multiplier
/" su%tractor
13 ( The output )oltage; !F; is gi)en %y .11111111

A" !F :
2 1
2 1 3
! !
9 9 9

2" !F :
3 2 # #
1 2
1 3 2 2
9 9 9 9
! !
9 9 9 9

3" !F :
# #
1 2
1 2 3
9 9
-! !
9 9 VV9
/" 5one o# the a%o)e
14 ( The output )oltage; !F; is gi)en %y .11111111

A" !F :
2 1
2 1 3
! !
9 9 9

2" !F :
3 2 # #
1 2
1 3 2 2
9 9 9 9
! !
9 9 9 9

3" !F :
# #
1 2 3
9 9
-! !
9 9 VV9
/" 5one o# the a%o)e
1$ ( Ho- many #eed%ack resistors are #ound in a 3-input )oltage summing circuit that is constructed
around an op-amp ?
A" 0
2" 1
3" 2
/" 3
1& ( This circuit is kno-n as a .11111111

A" nonin)erting ampli#ier
2" )oltage %u##er
3" lo--pass #ilter
/" high-pass #ilter
1* ( The output o# an op-amp )oltage %u##er is characteri>ed %y .11111111
A" !F : 1
2" !F :

; -here 9# : 91
3" !F :
1 !


/" !F : !i
1+ ( 8# all resistances in this circuit are eual; the output is .11111111

A" !1 - !2
2" !2 - !1
3" !1 G !2
/" !1 @ !2
1, ( 2y care#ully con#iguring the op-amp e6ternal circuit components the op-amp can %e made to #unction
as .11111111
A" )oltage-controlled )oltage source
2" )oltage-controlled current source
3" current-controlled )oltage source
/" All o# the a%o)e
20 ( 4hich one o# the #ollo-ing e6pressions model the #unction o# a )oltage-controlled current source ?
A" !F : k!i
2" !F : k8i
3" 8F : k!i
/" 8F : k8i
21 ( 4hich one o# the #ollo-ing e6pressions model the #unction o# a )oltage-controlled )oltage source ?
A" !F : k!i
2" !F : k8i
3" 8F : k!i
/" 8F : k8i
22 ( 4hich one o# the #ollo-ing e6pressions model the #unction o# a current-controlled current source ?
A" !F : k!i
2" !F : k8i
3" 8F : k!i
/" 8F : k8i
23 ( 4hich one o# the #ollo-ing e6pressions model the #unction o# a current-controlled )oltage source ?
A" !F : k!i
2" !F : k8i
3" 8F : k!i
/" 8F : k8i
24 ( An op-amp lo--pass acti)e #ilter pro)ides a constant output .11111111
A" #rom dc to #oh
2" #or all #reuencies higher than #ol
3" #rom #ol to #oh
/" #rom dc to in#inite #reuency
2$ ( An op-amp high-pass acti)e #ilter pro)ides a constant output .11111111
A" #rom dc to #oh
2" #or all #reuencies higher then #ol
3" #rom #ol to #oh
/" #rom dc to in#inite #reuency
2& ( An op-amp %andpass acti)e #ilter pro)ides a constant output .11111111
A" #rom dc to #oh
2" #or all #reuencies higher then #ol
3" #rom #ol to #oh
/" #rom dc to in#inite #reuency
2* ( The roll-o## rate o# a second order #ilter is .11111111
A" &0 d2Cdecade or 1+ d2Cocta)e
2" 40 d2Cdecade or 12 d2Cocta)e
3" 20 d2 C decade or & d2Cocta)e
/" 0 d2Cdecade or 0 d2Cocta)e
2+ ( A constant-gain multiplier has three stages and a total gain o# 22;200. Dor all three #eed%ack resistors;
9# : 4*0 kI. T-o o# the 91 resistors ha)e a )alue o# 33 kI. 4hat is the gain o# the stage -here 91 is
unkno-n ?
A" 14.2
2" -14.2
3" 110.3
/" -110.3

2, ( A constant-gain multiplier has three stages and a total gain o# 22;200. Dor all three #eed%ack resistors;
9# : 4*0 kI. T-o o# the 91 resistors ha)e a )alue o# 33 kI. 4hat is the )alue o# the third 91; and -hat is
the nature o# its stage ?
A" 4.2& kI; ohms; in)erting
2" 4.3 kI; ohms; nonin)erting
3" 4.3 kI; in)erting
/" 4.& kI; nonin)erting
30 ( A constant-gain multiplier has three stages and a total gain o# 22;200. Dor all three #eed%ack resistors;
9# : 4*0 kI. T-o o# the 91 resistors ha)e a )alue o# 33 kI. 4hat is the indi)idual gain o# the t-o
identical stages -here 91 is kno-n ?
A" 14.2
2" -14.2
3" 110.3
/" -110.3
31 ( 4hich type o# op-amp circuit has unity gain; no phase in)ersion; high input impedance; and lo-
output impedance ?
A" )oltage %u##er
2" su%tractor
3" summing ampli#ier
/" di##erentiator
32 ( 2y care#ul con#iguring the e6ternal circuit components; an op-amp can %e made to #unction as a
A" )oltage-controlled current source
2" current-controlled )oltage source
3" current-controlled current source
/" All o# the a%o)e
33 ( An acti)e #ilter that pro)ides a constant output #rom dc to #oh; and then passes no signal a%o)e #oh; is
called an ideal .11111111
A" lo--pass #ilter
2" high-pass #ilter
3" %andpass #ilter
/" 5one o# the a%o)e
34 ( An acti)e #ilter that pro)ides a constant output #or input signals a%o)e #ol is called an ideal .11111111
A" lo--pass #ilter
2" high-pass #ilter
3" %andpass #ilter
/" 5one o# the a%o)e
3$ ( An acti)e #ilter that pro)ides a constant output #or input signals #rom #ol to #oh is called an ideal
A" lo--pass #ilter
2" high-pass #ilter
3" %andpass #ilter
/" 5one o# the a%o)e
3& ( A second order high-pass #ilter has a lo--end roll-o## o# .11111111
A" &0 d2Cocta)e
2" 40 d2Cdecade
3" 20 d2Cocta)e
/" & d2Cdecade
3* ( A second order lo--pass #ilter has a high-end roll-o## o# .11111111
A" &0 d2Cocta)e
2" 40 d2Cdecade
3" 20 d2Cocta)e
/" & d2Cdecade
!S"E# $E%: Chapter 11: 5p+mp pplications
1" A
2" 2
3" /
4" 2
$" /
&" 2
*" A
+" 3
," A
10" /
11" A
12" /
13" A
14" 2
1$" 2
1&" 2
1*" /
1+" A
1," /
20" 3
21" A
22" /
23" 2
24" A
2$" 2
2&" 3
2*" 2
2+" 3
2," 2
30" 2
31" A
32" /
33" A
34" 2
3$" 3
3&" 2
3*" 2
Electronic Devices and Circuit Theory, 9e (Boylestad (
Chapter 1&: 6o0er mpli.iers
1 ( A class A ampli#ier .11111111
A" conducts through 3&07 o# the input -a)e#orm
2" conducts through 1+07 o# the input -a)e#orm
3" conducts %et-een 1+07 and 3&07 degrees o# the input -a)e#orm; depending on the amount o# dc %ias
/" conducts through less than 1+07 o# the input -a)e#orm
2 ( The ma6imum possi%le e##iciency o# a class A ampli#ier is eual to .11111111
A" 30]
2" 2$]
3" 20]
/" 1$]
3 ( Trans#ormer action -ith a class A po-er ampli#ier allo-s the engineer to design #or .11111111
A" )oltage trans#ormation
2" current trans#ormation
3" impedance trans#ormation
/" All o# the a%o)e
4 ( 8n a trans#ormer-operated po-er ampli#ier; the amount o# secondary load resistance that is re#lected
%ack to the primary is .11111111
A" proportional to the trans#ormer turns ratio
2" in)ersely proportional to the trans#ormer turns ratio
3" proportional to the suare o# the turns ratio
/" eual to the load resistance
$ ( A class 2 ampli#ier (not push-pull .11111111 (
A" conducts through 3&07 o# the input -a)e#orm
2" conducts through 1+07 o# the input -a)e#orm
3" conducts %et-een 1+07 and 3&07 degrees o# the input -a)e#orm; depending on the amount o# dc %ias
/" conducts through less than 1+07 o# the input -a)e#orm
& ( A class 2 push-pull ampli#ier .11111111
A" conducts through 1+07 o# the input -a)e#orm
2" conducts %et-een 1+07 and 3&07 degrees o# the input -a)e#orm; depending on the amount o# dc %ias
3" conducts through less than 1+07 o# the input -a)e#orm
/" -orks only -ith digital and pulsed -a)e#orms
* ( 3rosso)er distortion occurs .11111111
A" only in class 3 ampli#iers
2" in class 2 push-pull ampli#iers that use complementary transistors
3" only in class / digital ampli#iers
/" only in trans#ormerless ampli#iers
+ ( A class A2 ampli#ier .11111111
A" conducts through 1+07 o# the input -a)e#orm
2" conducts %et-een 1+07 and 3&07 degrees o# the input -a)e#orm; depending on the amount o# dc %ias
3" conducts through less than 1+07 o# the input -a)e#orm
/" -orks only -ith digital and pulsed -a)e#orms
, ( A class 3 ampli#ier .11111111
A" conducts through 1+07 o# the input -a)e#orm
2" conducts %et-een 1+07 and 3&07 degrees o# the input -a)e#orm; depending on the amount o# dc %ias
3" conducts through less than 1+07 o# the input -a)e#orm
/" -orks only -ith digital and pulsed -a)e#orms
10 ( 3lass 3 ampli#iers are used mostly in 11111111 circuits .
A" audio
2" po-er ampli#ier
3" digital
/" tuned
11 ( A class / ampli#ier .11111111
A" conducts through 1+07 o# the input -a)e#orm
2" conducts %et-een 1+07 and 3&07 degrees o# the input -a)e#orm; depending on the amount o# dc %ias
3" conducts through less than 1+07 o# the input -a)e#orm
/" -orks only -ith digital and pulsed -a)e#orms
12 ( 4ith trans#ormer coupling the ma6imum theoretical e##iciency o# a class A ampli#ier can %e
increased up to .11111111
A" &0]
2" $$]
3" $0]
/" 4$]
13 ( A trans#ormer coupled class A ampli#ier has a trans#ormer turns ratio o# 4.$ J 1 and a load resistance
o# 30 I. The peak-to-peak )alue o# !3E is 12 !. 4hat is the appro6imate po-er that is deli)ered to the
load ?
A" 4* 4
2" *1 4
3" ,$ 4
/" 11, 4
14 ( A trans#ormer coupled class A ampli#ier has a trans#ormer turns ratio o# 4.$ J 1 and a load resistance
o# 30 I. 4hat is appro6imately the )alue o# the e##ecti)e A3 load resistance seen %y the collector o# the
transistor ?
A" 400 I
2" $00 I
3" &00 I
/" *00 I
1$ ( The crosso)er distortion in a class 2 ampli#ier is pre)ented %y .11111111
A" %iasing the indi)idual transistors deeply into cuto##
2" %iasing the transistors just slightly a%o)e cuto##
3" %iasing the transistors just slightly into cuto##
/" adjusting the load resistance so that the transistor -ill turn on and o## #aster
1& ( A class A2 transistor ampli#ier using complementary transistors is %iased %y po-er supply that is
\1+!dc. The )alue o# !3E(FDD" #or either transistor is appro6imately eual to .11111111
A" + !
2" 10 !
3" 1+ !
/" 3& !
1* ( Dor class 2 or class A2 ampli#iers; closely matched complementary transistors are used %ecause they
A" can carry more current than push-pull transistors
2" reuire indi)idual po-er supplies
3" do not need an output trans#ormer
/" are complementary so use complementary transistors
1+ ( 3alculate the total harmonic distortion #or a signal that has the #ollo-ing amplitude components J
Dundamental : 2.$ !
'econd harmonic : 0.2$ !
Third harmonic : 0.1 !
Dourth harmonic : 0.02$ !
A" TH/] : 10.+1]
2" TH/] : 10.,$]
3" TH/] : 10.*4]
/" TH/] : 10.&+]
1, ( /etermine the ma6imum dissipation that should %e allo-ed #or a *$ 4 silicon transistor rated at 227
3. /erating is reuired a%o)e 227 3 %y a derating #actor o# 0.3$ 4C7 3 at a case temp o# 1427 3 .
A" 30 4
2" 2* 4
3" 2$ 4
/" 22 4
20 ( A gi)en transistor has a po-er derating #actor o# 0.2$ m4C73. This transistor has a po-er dissipation
rating o# 0.$ 4 at 2*73. 4hat is the ma6 temp the de)ice can %e allo-ed to operate as i# it has to
dissipate 4$0 m4 ?
A" 2207 3
2" 2107 3
3" 2007 3
/" 1,07 3
21 ( 4hich o# the #ollo-ing is true ?
A" E##iciency is the ratio o# po-er output to po-er input .
2" The po-er that an ampli#ier deli)ers to a load is eual to the di##erence %et-een the po-er that the
circuit dra-s #rom the po-er supply and the po-er that the circuit dissipates .
3" Bo-er ampli#iers are typically used to dri)e lo- impedance loads .
/" All o# the a%o)e
22 ( 3lass 2 ampli#iers .11111111
A" pro)ide an output signal #or hal# the input signal cycle
2" usually contain an .3 tank circuit in the 2OT collector circuit
3" usually contain a single 2OT that conducts through 3&07 o# the ac input cycle
/" usually contain a single 2OT that conducts through 2*07 o# the ac input signal
23 ( 3lass 3 ampli#iers usually contain .11111111
A" t-o transistors
2" an .3 tank circuit in the 2OT collector circuit
3" a single 2OT that conducts through 3&07 o# the ac input cycle
/" a signal 2OT that conducts through 2*07 o# the ac input cycle
24 ( 3lass / ampli#iers ha)e a ma6imum theoretical e##iciency o# .11111111
A" 2$]
2" *+.$]
3" $0]
/" o)er ,0]
2$ ( A class A ampli#ier has )alues o# !33: 10 !; 82 : 4$0 SA; and 83H : 10.$$ mA. 4hat is the total
po-er that the circuit is dra-ing #rom the dc po-er supply ?
A" 4.$ m4
2" 1.21 m4
3" 110 m4
/" 3annot %e determined #rom the in#ormation gi)en
2& ( A class A ampli#ier has an + !BB output that is %eing applied to a 200 I load. 4hat is the total ac
load po-er ?
A" 320 m4
2" &40 m4
3" 40 m4
/" +0 m4
2* ( 22 . The ma6imum theoretical e##iciency o# an 93-coupled class A ampli#ier is .11111111
A" 2$]
2" $0]
3" *+.$]
/" ,,]
2+ ( An 93-coupled class A ampli#ier has )alues o# 82 : 1 ma; 83H : $0 ma; !33 : 1$ !; !BB : o.3 !; and
93 : &+ I. 4hat is the ma6imum e##iciency o# the ampli#ier ?
A" 1&.&]
2" 1$.,]
3" 21.2]
/" 2$]
2, ( 8mpedance matching is important #or .11111111
A" ma6imum )oltage trans#er #rom source to load
2" ma6imum po-er trans#er #rom source to load
3" ma6imum impedance trans#er #rom source to load
/" ma6imum current trans#er #rom source
30 ( The trans#ormer-coupled class A ampli#ier .11111111
A" is &0] e##icient
2" is a%le to pro)ide #or impedance trans#ormation
3" usually contains t-o transistors
/" All o# the a%o)e
31 ( The dc load line o# a trans#ormer-coupled class A ampli#ier is .11111111
A" identical to that o# an 93-coupled class A ampli#ier
2" a near-hori>ontal line
3" a near-)ertical line
/" 5one o# the a%o)e
32 ( The ma6imum )alue o# !3E(TAW" in a trans#ormer-coupled class A ampli#ier
-ill %e greater than !33. This is caused %y .11111111
A" the input %iasing net-ork
2" the e##iciency characteristics o# the ampli#ier
3" the counter em# produced %y the trans#ormer primary
/" the natural relationship %et-een !3E; !; and !p-p
33 ( A trans#ormer-coupled class A ampli#ier has the #ollo-ing )alues J
turns ratio : 3J1
9. : 200 I
!3EH : & !
83H : 12 mA
4hat is the ma6imum possi%le change in !3E #or the circuit ?
A" 3 !
2" & !
3" 12 !
/" 3annot %e determined #rom the in#ormation gi)en
34 ( A trans#ormer-coupled class A ampli#ier has a trans#ormer turns ratio o# 4 J 1 and a load resistance o#
2$ I. The peak-to-peak )alue o# !3E is 12 !. 4hat is the appro6imate load po-er #or the circuit ?
A" 4$ m4
2" 1&0 m4
3" ,0 m4
/" &0 m4
3$ ( A trans#ormer-coupled class A ampli#ier has a trans#ormer turns ratio o# 4 J 1 and a 9. o# 2$ I. The
peak-to-peak )alue o# !E is 12 ! and it dra-s 220 m4 #rom the dc po-er supply. 4hat is the e##iciency
o# the circuit ?
A" 2*.3]
2" 40.,]
3" *3]
/" 20.$]
3& ( 3omplementary-symmetry ampli#iers are generally pre#erred o)er standard push-pull ampli#iers
%ecause .11111111
A" they use complementary transistors
2" they do not reuire the use o# an output trans#ormer
3" they ha)e high e##iciency ratings
/" they can dri)e lo-er impedance loads
3* ( 3rosso)er distortion in class 2 ampli#iers is pre)ented %y .11111111
A" %iasing the transistors deeply into cuto##
2" %iasing the transistors slightly a%o)e cuto##
3" using complementary-symmetry transistors
/" increasing the load resistance
3+ ( A class A2 ampli#ier has a supply )oltage that is eual to G1$ !/3. The )alue o# !3E(FDD" #or either
transistor is appro6imately eual to .11111111
A" 1$ !
2" $ !
3" *.$$ !
/" 0.* !
3, ( A gi)en transistor has a po-er derating #actor o# 1.+ m4C7 3 and a po-er dissipation rating o# 400
m4 at 2$7 3. Ho- much po-er can the de)ice dissipate at 1207 3 ?
A" 21& m4
2" +1., m4
3" 1+4 m4
/" 3$$ m4
40 ( The unit o# measurement #or thermal resistance is .11111111
A" 73 C 4
2" I C 73
3" 4 C !
/" I ^ 4 C 73
!S"E# $E%: Chapter 1&: 6o0er mpli.iers
1" A
2" 2
3" /
4" 3
$" 2
&" 2
*" 2
+" 2
," 3
10" /
11" /
12" 3
13" 3
14" 3
1$" 2
1&" 3
1*" 3
1+" A
1," 2
20" 3
21" /
22" A
23" 2
24" /
2$" A
2&" 3
2*" A
2+" 3
2," 2
30" /
31" 3
32" /
33" 2
34" A
3$" /
3&" 2
3*" 2
3+" 3
3," 2
40" A
Electronic Devices and Circuit Theory, 9e (Boylestad (
Chapter 1': 7inear+Di*ital ICs
1 ( 4hat is the output o# this *41 op-amp comparator -hen the input is 1.$ ! ?

A" G $ !
2" G 2 !
3" - 2 !
/" - $ !
2 ( The output o# a 311 comparator is taken #rom 11111111 so that it can %e used to dri)e a )ariety o#
loads such as a lamp or a relay .
A" the stro%e pins o# the op-amp
2" the output pin o# the op-amp
3" a %ipolar transistor
/" the nonin)erting input o# the op-amp
3 ( The output o# this 311 comparator changes state -hen the input )oltage .11111111

A" crosses 0 ! and going #rom negati)e to positi)e only
2" crosses 0 ! in any direction
3" crosses 0 ! and going #rom positi)e to negati)e only
/" 5one o# the a%o)e
4 ( The input )oltage at the nonin)erting terminal o# this comparator is greater than the re#erence )oltage
at the in)erting terminal. 4hat is the status o# the output ?

A" open circuit
2" eual to !

3" eual to !

/" short circuit
$ ( The circuit sho-n here is a .11111111

A" le)el detector
2" -indo- detector
3" door detector
/" >ero crossing detector
& ( 4hen the input to this circuit is less than 1 !; the output is .11111111

A" 0 !
2" , !
3" open circuit
/" The input is not allo-ed to %e less than 1 ! .
* ( 4hen the input )oltage to this circuit is more than 1 !; %ut less than $ !; the output is .11111111

A" 0 !
2" , !
3" open circuit
/" The input is not allo-ed to %e in the speci#ied )oltage range .
+ ( 4hen the input to this circuit is more than $ !; the output is .11111111

A" 0 !
2" , !
3" open circuit
/" The input )oltage is not allo-ed to %e more than $ ! .
, ( The ladder net-ork #or digital-to-analog con)ersion uses resistors .11111111
A" that are reuired to %e )ery precise
2" that are -ire--ound so they can carry a large current
3" that ha)e a ratio that is 2 J 1; %ut the actual )alue is not )ery important
/" that ha)e a ratio that is 1 J 2 J 4 J + J . . .; depending on ho- many legs you need #or the ladder
10 ( 4hich one o# the #ollo-ing is most closely associated -ith a 9-29 ladder net-ork ?
A" comparator
2" $$$ timer
3" /CA con)erter
/" B..
11 ( An +-stage /CA con)erter has a re#erence )oltage o# G12 !. 4hat is the resolution o# the con)erter ?
A" 1.$ !
2" &&&.* m!
3" 4&.+*$ m!
/" comparator
E" 4*.0 m!
12 ( 8n the dual-slope AC/ con)erter; the #irst slope (the one that charges the capacitor .11111111 (
A" has a constant slope
2" is at a constant )oltage le)el
3" has a slope until the capacitor charges to a predetermined le)el
/" has a constant slope o)er a #i6ed time inter)al
13 ( 8n the dual-slope AC/ con)erter; the second slope (the one that discharges the capacitor .11111111 (
A" has a constant slope
2" is at a constant )oltage le)el
3" has a constant slope until the capacitor discharges to a predetermined le)el
/" has a constant slope o)er a #i6ed time inter)al
14 ( The $$$ timer can %e used as a(n .11111111 (
A" monosta%le multi)i%rator
2" asta%le multi)i%rator
3" pulse -idth modulator
/" All o# the a%o)e
1$ ( This $$$ 83 circuit is a(n .11111111 (

A" monosta%le #lip-#lop
2" %ista%le #lip-#lop
3" #ree-running oscillator
/" phase-locked loop
1& ( 9esistor 92 and capacitor 3 in this circuit determine .11111111

A" high time o# the output -a)e#orm
2" lo- time o# the output -a)e#orm
3" output dc )oltage le)el
/" output phase
1* ( /ecreasing the G!cc supply )oltage #or a $$$ #ree-running oscillator causes .11111111
A" the output #reuency to increase
2" the output #reuency to decrease
3" no signi#icant change in the output #reuency
/" causes a positi)e shi#t in the output phase
1+ ( 3apacitor 3 in this circuit %oth charges and discharges through .11111111

A" 9A
2" 92
3" 9A and 92
/" terminal *
1, ( 4hich o# the #ollo-ing e6pressions indicates the time-high #or the -a)e#orm #rom a $$$ asta%le
multi)i%rator ?
A" 0.*(9A G 92"3
2" 0.*923
3 (
A 2
(9 29 "3 +
/" 1.19A3
20 ( 4hich o# the #ollo-ing e6pressions indicates the time-lo- #or the -a)e#orm #rom a $$$ asta%le
multi)i%rator ?
A" 0.*(9A G 92"3
2" 0.*923
3 (
A 2
(9 29 "3 +
/" 1.19A3
21 ( 4hich o# the #ollo-ing e6pressions indicates the #reuency o# the -a)e#orm #rom a $$$ asta%le
multi)i%rator ?
A" 0.*(9A G 92"3
2" 0.*923
3 (
"3 29 (9
2 A
/" 1.19A3
22 ( 4hich o# the #ollo-ing e6pressions indicates the duration o# the output pulse #rom a $$$ monosta%le
multi)i%rator ?
A" 0.*(9A G 92"3
2" 0.*923
3 (
A 2
(9 29 "3 +
/" 1.19A3
23 ( This $$$ 83 is %eing used as a(n .11111111 (

A" one-shot multi)i%rator
2" asta%le #lip-#lop
3" !3F
/" B..
24 ( 8n the $&& !3F; the output #reuency is controlled %y the e6ternal .11111111
A" capacitor
2" resistor
3" input )oltage
/" All o# the a%o)e
2$ ( A $$$ monosta%le multi)i%rator %egins it timing cycle .11111111
A" at inter)als determined %y the )alues o# 9 and 3
2" in the lock range
3" negati)e-going edge o# the input trigger -a)e#orm
/" positi)e-going edge o# the input trigger -a)e#orm
2& ( The positi)e pulse -idth #or this circuit is mainly determine %y .11111111

A" the )alue o# G!cc
2" the amplitude o# the trigger -a)e#orm
3" the )alues o# 9A and 3
/" 5one o# the a%o)e
2* ( 4hen a sinusoidal -a)e#orm is applied to the modulating input a %asic $&& !3F; the output
#reuency increases .11111111
A" as the input goes more positi)e
2" as the input goes more negati)e
3" -hene)er the input crosses through >ero in either direction
/" The ans-er cannot %e determined -ithout kno-ing the )alues o# 9 and 3 #or the circuit .
2+ ( 8n a simple $$& !3F application; increasing time constant o# the e6ternal capacitor and resistor
causes the output #reuency to 11111111. (Assume all other )aria%les remain unchanged (.
A" increase
2" decreases
3" There -ill %e no signi#icant change .
/" The ans-er cannot %e determined -ithout kno-ing the ratio o# input-to-supply )oltage .
2, ( This circuit represents a(n .11111111 (

A" open-collector output
2" open-drain output
3" regular output o# an op-amp
/" totem pole; or tri-state; output
30 ( This circuit represents a(n .11111111 (

A" open-collector output
2" open-drain output
3" regular output o# an op-amp
/" totem-pole; or tri-state; output
31 ( A comparator has a .11111111
A" digital input and a linear output
2" digital input and a digital output
3" linear input and a linear output
/" linear input and a digital output
32 ( Typical gain o# a comparator is .11111111
A" 100
2" 1000
3" 10;000
/" 100;000
33 ( 4hich o# the #ollo-ing represents an impro)ement in comparators due to 83 technology ?
A" #aster s-itching
2" %uilt-in noise immunity
3" )ariety o# output dri)e capa%ility
/" All o# the a%o)e
34 ( 4hich o# these is an application o# the $$$ 83 ?
A" asta%le multi)i%rator
2" AC/ con)erter
3" /CA con)erter
/" comparator
3$ ( 4hich o# the #ollo-ing is an application o# the $&& 83 ?
A" monosta%le multi)i%rator
2" !3F
3" 3omparator
/" asta%le multi)i%rator
3& ( A circuit that contains a phase detector; a lo--pass #ilter; and a !3F is a(n .11111111 (
A" comparator
2" asta%le multi)i%rator
3" phase-locked loop
/" 5one o# the a%o)e
3* ( A common application o# the B.. is .11111111
A" #reuency synthesis
2" DT demodulation
3" demodulation o# t-o carrier #reuencies
/" All o# the a%o)e
3+ ( This #igure is a %lock diagram o# a(n .11111111 (

A" #reuency synthesi>er
2" AC/ con)erter
3" B..
/" $$$ timer
3, ( This #igure is a %lock diagram o# a(n .11111111 (

A" #reuency synthesi>er
2" AC/ con)erter
3" B..
/" $$$ timer
40 ( A circuit that pro)ides an output signal at the )oltage andCor current le)els suita%le #or operating a
particular load is called a(n .11111111 (
A" 9'-2323
2" dri)er
3" polari>er
/" 5one o# the a%o)e
!S"E# $E%: Chapter 1': 7inear+Di*ital ICs
1" /
2" 3
3" 2
4" 3
$" 2
&" A
*" 2
+" A
," 3
10" 3
11" 3
12" 3
13" 3
14" /
1$" 3
1&" A
1*" 3
1+" 2
1," A
20" 2
21" 3
22" /
23" A
24" /
2$" 3
2&" 3
2*" 2
2+" 2
2," /
30" A
31" /
32" /
33" /
34" A
3$" 2
3&" 3
3*" A
3+" 3
3," A
40" 2
Electronic Devices and Circuit Theory, 9e (Boylestad (
Chapter 1): Feed8ac9 and 5scillator Circuits
1 ( The ad)antage o# negati)e #eed%ack is .11111111
A" higher input impedance
2" )oltage gain that is more sta%le
3" lo-er output impedance
/" All o# the a%o)e
2 ( 3alculate the gain o# a negati)e #eed%ack ampli#ier ha)ing A : -2000 and R : - 1C1& .
A" -2000
2" -1C1&
3" -12$
/" 12$
3 ( The #eed%ack circuit connection sho-n here is .11111111

A" )oltage series #eed%ack
2" )oltage shunt #eed%ack
3" current series #eed%ack
/" current shunt #eed%ack
4 ( The #eed%ack circuit connection sho-n here is .11111111

A" )oltage series #eed%ack
2" )oltage shunt #eed%ack
3" current series #eed%ack
/" current shunt #eed%ack
$ ( 3alculate the )oltage gain #or )oltage series #eed%ack -hen the ampli#ier gain is A : -2000 and
R : -1C$0 .
A" -2000
2" -1C$0
3" $0
/" -4+.*$
& ( 3alculate the input impedance #or )oltage series #eed%ack -hen the ampli#ier has 9i : 10 kI;
ampli#ier gain is A : -2000; and R - :
A" input impedance -ith #eed%ack 10 kI
2" input impedance -ith #eed%ack 410 kI
3" input impedance -ith #eed%ack 244 I
/" input impedance -ith #eed%ack $0 I
* ( The #eed%ack ampli#ier is unsta%le i# the Nyquist curve plotted 11111111 the (-1 G j0" point and it is
other-ise sta%le .
A" passes to the le#t o#
2" encloses (encircles (
3" passes right o)er
/" does not come close to
+ ( The 11111111 margin is de#ined as the negati)e o# the )alue o# VRAV deci%els at the #reuency at -hich
the phase angle is 1+07 .
A" error
2" phase
3" gain
/" #eed%ack
, ( The 11111111 margin is de#ined as the angle o# 1+07 minus the magnitude o# the angle at -hich the
)alue VRAV is unity (0 d2 .(
A" error
2" phase
3" gain
/" #eed%ack
10 ( Dor oscillations to e6ist and the )oltage to sustain the loop operations; the Barkhausen Criterion tells
us that the loop gain 3A must %e e6actly eual to .11111111
A" unity (1 (
2" minus one
3" eual to the reciprocal o# R
/" more than one
11 ( The tank circuit sho-n here is #or a 11111111 oscillator .

A" Hartley
2" 3olpitts
3" phase shi#t
/" crystal
12 ( The tank circuit sho-n here is #or a 11111111 oscillator .

A" Hartley
2" 3olpitts
3" phase shi#t
/" crystal
13 ( Adding a negati)e )oltage-#eed%ack net-ork to an ampli#ier has no e##ect on the )alue o# 11111111
#or the circuit .
A" input impedance
2" #reuency response
3" signal distortion
/" 5one o# the a%o)e
14 ( !oltage-series #eed%ack 11111111 the input impedance o# an op-amp .
A" increases
2" decreases
3" reduces %y hal#
/" has no e##ect on
1$ ( !oltage-series #eed%ack 11111111 the output impedance o# an op-amp .
A" increases
2" decreases
3" reduces %y hal#
/" has no e##ect on
1& ( !oltage-series #eed%ack 11111111 the %and-idth o# an op-amp .
A" increases
2" decreases
3" reduces %y hal#
/" has no e##ect on
1* ( The input impedance o# a )oltage-shunt #eed%ack ampli#ier 11111111 the input impedance o# its op-
amp .
A" is increased -hen compared to
2" is decreased -hen compared to
3" is reduced %y hal# -hen compared to
/" has no e##ect on
1+ ( The output impedance o# a )oltage-shunt #eed%ack ampli#ier 11111111 the output impedance o# its
op-amp .
A" is increased -hen compared to
2" is decreased -hen compared to
3" is reduced %y hal# -hen compared to
/" has no e##ect on
1, ( 3urrent-series #eed%ack 11111111 the input impedance o# an op-amp .
A" increases
2" decreases
3" reduces %y hal#
/" has no e##ect on
20 ( 3urrent-series #eed%ack 11111111 the output impedance o# an op-amp .
A" increases
2" decreases
3" reduces %y hal#
/" has no e##ect on
21 ( 3urrent-series #eed%ack 11111111 the %and-idth o# an op-amp .
A" increases
2" decreases
3" reduces %y hal#
/" has no e##ect on
22 ( The input impedance o# current-shunt #eed%ack ampli#ier 11111111 the input impedance o# its op-
amp .
A" is increased -hen compared to
2" is decreased -hen compared to
3" is reduced %y hal# -hen compared to
/" has no e##ect on
23 ( An ampli#ier has a gain-%and-idth product o# 200 TH>. A #eed%ack net-ork is added that has a
#eed%ack #actor (1 G RA" o# 1+.++. 4hat is the gain-%and-idth product #or the circuit -ith the added
#eed%ack net-ork ?
A" 10.$, TH>
2" 1+.++ TH>
3" 200 TH>
/" 5one o# the a%o)e
24 ( 5egati)e )oltage #eed%ack .11111111
A" increases A)
2" decreases %and-idth
3" decreases A)
/" increases Ai
2$ ( 5egati)e current #eed%ack .11111111
A" increases Ai
2" decreases Ai
3" decreases %and-idth
/" increases A)
2& ( Bositi)e #eed%ack is used to produce a special type o# circuit called a(n .11111111 (
A" in)erting ampli#ier
2" nonin)erting ampli#ier
3" oscillator
/" #eed%ack regulator
2* ( Bositi)e #eed%ack is also called .11111111
A" degenerati)e #eed%ack
2" additi)e #eed%ack
3" 2arkhausen oscillation
/" regressi)e #eed%ack
2+ ( An oscillator has the #ollo-ing )aluesJ A) : 1++ and R : 0.004++. 4hich o# the #ollo-ing statements
is true ?
A" The circuit has a constant amplitude output .
2" The output #rom the circuit #ades out a#ter se)eral cycles .
3" The output #rom the circuit clips a#ter se)eral cycles .
/" 5one o# the a%o)e
2, ( The 2arkhausen criterion states that 11111111 in an oscillator .
A" R : 10
2" R : -1
3" RA) : 1
/" 5one o# the a%o)e
30 ( 4hich o# the #ollo-ing is not a reuirement #or oscillator operation ?
A" The circuit must #ul#ill the 2arkhausen criterion .
2" The circuit must initially %e triggered into operation .
3" The #eed%ack net-ork must contain an 93 circuit .
/" The circuit must pro)ide positi)e #eed%ack .
31 ( The total phase shi#t around a negati)e #eed%ack loop o# a common-emitter circuit is .11111111
A" 3&07 or 07
2" 1+07
3" ,07
/" 4$7
32 ( The total phase shi#t around a positi)e #eed%ack loop #or a common-emitter circuit is .11111111
A" 3&07 or 07
2" 1+07
3" ,07
/" 4$7
33 ( 8n a positi)e #eed%ack system; the #eed%ack signal and the ampli#ier input signal are .11111111
A" in phase
2" 4$7 out o# phase
3" ,07 out o# phase
/" 1+07 out o# phase
34 ( 8n a practical phase-shi#t oscillator; each 93 circuit section produces a .11111111
A" 307 phase shi#t
2" &07 phase shi#t
3" ,07 phase shi#t
/" 1+07 phase shi#t
3$ ( The negati)e #eed%ack circuit in an op-amp 4ien-%ridge oscillator is used to .11111111
A" determine the #reuency o# operation
2" control the gain o# the circuit
3" %ias the positi)e #eed%ack net-ork
/" pre)ent un-anted oscillations
3& ( The positi)e #eed%ack circuit in a 4ien-%ridge oscillator is used to .11111111
A" determine the #reuency o# operation
2" control the gain o# the circuit
3" %ias the negati)e #eed%ack net-ork
/" pre)ent un-anted oscillations
3* ( The circuit recognition #eature o# the 3olpitts oscillator is .11111111
A" a pair o# tapped capacitors in parallel -ith an inductor
2" a pair o# tapped inductors in parallel -ith a capacitor
3" a #eed%ack trans#ormer -ith a capacitor in parallel -ith its primary -inding
/" a pair o# tapped capacitors in parallel -ith an inductor and a third small-)alue capacitor
3+ ( The circuit recognition #eature o# the Hartley oscillator is a .11111111
A" pair o# tapped capacitors in parallel -ith an inductor
2" pair o# tapped inductors in parallel -ith a capacitor
3" #eed%ack trans#ormer -ith a capacitor in parallel -ith its primary -inding
/" pair o# tapped capacitors in parallel -ith an inductor and a third small-)alue capacitor
3, ( A 3olpitts oscillator has )alues o# 31 : 1 SD; 32 : 33 SD; and . : 100 SH. 4hat is the #reuency o#
oscillation ?
A" 12.1$4 kH>
2" 1&.1$4 kH>
3" 20.3 kH>
/" 100.$ kH>
40 ( A 3olpitts oscillator has 3 : 1 SD; 32 : 33 SD and . : 4.* mH. 4hat is the appro6imate operating
#reuency o# the circuit ?
A" *4.$ kH>
2" 2$.& kH>
3" 12.+ kH>
/" 5one o# the a%o)e
41 ( A Hartley oscillator has the #ollo-ing )aluesJ 9D3 : 1 mH; .1 : 100 SH; .2 : 22 SH; and 3 : 0.001
SD. Assuming that the mutual inductance in the circuit is too small to %e considered; -hat is the
appro6imate output #reuency o# the oscillator ?
A" 4$& kH>
2" 1$2 kH>
3" $03 kH>
/" 5one o# the a%o)e
42 ( The %iggest ad)antage that .3 oscillators ha)e o)er 93 oscillators is the #act that .3 oscillators
generally .11111111
A" can %e operated at a much higher #reuency
2" can %e constructed more economically
3" reuire less physical space
/" 5one o# the a%o)e
43 ( At the 11111111 a crystal acts as a short circuit .
A" series-resonant #reuency
2" parallel-resonant #reuency
3" non-resonant #reuency
/" 5one o# the a%o)e
44 ( At the 11111111 a crystal acts as an open circuit .
A" series-resonant #reuency
2" parallel-resonant #reuency
3" non-resonant #reuency
/" 5one o# the a%o)e
4$ ( 3rystal-controlled oscillators ha)e .11111111
A" )ery lo- operating #reuencies
2" )ery sta%le output #reuencies
3" e6tremely simple %iasing circuits
/" All o# the a%o)e
4& ( The e##ect that is responsi%le #or the resonant uality o# a crystal is kno-n as the 11111111 e##ect .
A" Tiller
2" 2arkhausen
3" hysteresis
/" pie>oelectric
4* ( The electrical eui)alent circuit #or a crystal actually models 11111111 e##ects .
A" electromechanical
2" optoelectrical
3" electrical noise
/" thermal
4+ ( 4hen the reactances in the 9.3 leg o# a crystal are eual and opposite; the resulting condition is
kno-n as .11111111
A" cuto##
2" 2arkhausen criterion
3" parallel resonance
/" series resonance
4, ( The H o# a crystal is typically .11111111
A" $000
2" 20;000
3" $00;000
/" 1;000;000
!S"E# $E%: Chapter 1): Feed8ac9 and 5scillator Circuits
1" /
2" /
3" A
4" 2
$" /
&" 2
*" 2
+" 3
," 2
10" A
11" A
12" 2
13" /
14" A
1$" 2
1&" A
1*" 2
1+" 3
1," A
20" A
21" A
22" 2
23" 3
24" 3
2$" 2
2&" 3
2*" 3
2+" 2
2," 3
30" 3
31" A
32" 2
33" A
34" 2
3$" 2
3&" A
3*" /
3+" 2
3," A
40" A
41" A
42" A
43" A
44" A
4$" 2
4&" /
4*" A
4+" /
4," 2
Electronic Devices and Circuit Theory, 9e (Boylestad (
Chapter 1,: 6o0er Supplies (:olta*e #e*ulators (
1 ( The typical parts o# a po-er supply are .11111111
A" a trans#ormer
2" diode recti#ier and #ilter
3" )oltage drop element
/" All o# the a%o)e
2 ( A dc )oltage supply pro)ides an output o# 2$ ! under no-load condition. This output )oltage drops to
22.$ ! under #ull-load condition. 3alculate the percent )oltage regulation .
A" 10]
2" ,0]
3" 11.1]
/" 2.$]
3 ( 3alculate the output )oltage #or the )oltage regulator sho-n here .

A" 20.0 !
2" 12.0 !
3" 11.3 !
/" +.0 !
4 ( 3alculate the current through the <ener diode #or this )oltage regulator .

A" $0 mA
2" 33 mA
3" +3.33 mA
/" 5one o# the a%o)e
$ ( 3alculate the output )oltage #or this impro)ed series )oltage regulator .

A" 20.0 !
2" 12.0 !
3" 1+.$ !
/" +.0 !
& ( 3alculate the current through the <ener diode #or this series )oltage regulator .

A" ,.& mA
2" 1& mA
3" &.4 mA
/" 14.+ mA
* ( 3alculate the appro6imate output current -hen the circuit triggers the short circuit protection .

A" 0.$ A
2" + A
3" $.33 A
/" 13.33 A
+ ( 3alculate the appro6imate load resistance that the )oltage regulator can dri)e %e#ore the circuit
triggers the current limit circuit protection .

A" 40 kI and more
2" 400 I and more
3" 40 I and more
/" 3* I and more
, ( 3alculate the appro6imate resistance 9sc reuired to pro)ide current limit circuit protection at the 0.*$
A le)el .

A" 0.$ I
2" 0.*$ I
3" 1.0 I
/" 0.,3 I
10 ( 9e#erring to this shunt )oltage regulator; calculate the output )oltage that the load sees .

A" 10 !
2" +.2 !
3" 20 !
/" +., !
11 ( Dor this shunt )oltage regulator; determine the minimum load resistance that the )oltage regulator
can dri)e -ithout dropping out o# regulation .

A" 10000 I
2" 1000 I
3" 100 I
/" 10 I
12 ( A three-terminal )oltage regulator a##ords se)eral di##erent types o# 11111111 protection .
A" short-circuit
2" thermal shut-do-n
3" 2oth A and 2
/" 5either A nor 2
13 ( A three-terminal )oltage regulator drops out o# regulation i# the di##erence %et-een the input )oltage
and the e6pected regulated output )oltage is less than .11111111
A" 10] e6pected regulated output )oltage
2" ,0] e6pected regulated output )oltage
3" 2.0 !
/" The input and the e6pected output )oltage can %e e6actly same .
14 ( A recti#ier is used to .11111111
A" con)ert ac to pulsating dc
2" reduce the )ariations in a pulsating dc signal
3" maintain a constant po-er supply dc output )oltage
/" con)ert one dc le)el to another
1$ ( The %asic po-er supply is made up o# .11111111
A" a regulator; a #ollo-er; and a recti#ier
2" a #ilter; a #ollo-er; and a regulator
3" a recti#ier; a #ilter; and a regulator
/" 5one o# the a%o)e
; k
1& ( A )oltage regulator .11111111
A" maintains a constant po-er supply dc output )oltage
2" limits the primary )oltage o# a po-er supply trans#ormer
3" reduces the po-er supply ripple output )oltage
/" 5one o# the a%o)e
1* ( The ideal )oltage regulator maintains a constant dc output )oltage regardless o# changes in
A" its input )oltage
2" its output )oltage demand
3" its load current demand
/" either its load current demand or its input )oltage
1+ ( The term full load means .11111111
A" load resistance is at a ma6imum )alue
2" load resistance is at a minimum )alue
3" no load resistance is present
/" load current is at a minimum )alue
1, ( A recti#ied dc )oltage -as measured -ith %oth an ac and a dc )oltmeter. 8t -as #ound that !dc : $0 !
and !ac : 2.1& !rms. 4hat -as the percent ripple ?
A" &]
2" 4.32]
3" 0.432]
/" 0.+&]
20 ( A )oltage regulator is rated #or an output current range o# 8. : 0 to 40 mA. Ender no-load conditions
the output )oltage #rom the circuit is 4 !dc. Ender #ull-load conditions; the output )oltage #rom the circuit
is 3.,+4 !dc. 4hat is the percent load regulation o# the circuit ?
A" 400]
2" 2.$
3" 0.4]
/" 5one o# the a%o)e
21 ( The ideal line percent regulation rating is .11111111
A" 100]
2" *$]
3" $0]
/" >ero
22 ( The 11111111 the percent load regulation rating o# a )oltage regulator; the higher the uality o# the
circuit .
A" lo-er
2" higher
3" larger the change in
/" 5one o# the a%o)e
23 ( A )oltage regulator has a dc supply )oltage o# $0 ! -hen the output is unloaded. 4hen a load is
connected the output )oltage is 4& !. 4hat is the percent regulation ?
A" 4]
2" +.*]
3" ,2]
/" 5one o# the a%o)e
24 ( A capaciti)e #ilter is added to a hal#--a)e recti#ier. The initial )alue o# capacitance is 22 SD. 8# this
)alue is increased to 100 SD; the ripple output #rom the circuit -ill .11111111
A" increase
2" decrease
3" remain the same
/" 3annot %e predicted
2$ ( A #iltered recti#ier has a 1$ !dc output -ith 100 m!p-p o# ripple. The peak output )oltage #or the
circuit is .11111111
A" 1$.1 !peak
2" 14., !peak
3" 1$.0$ !peak
/" 4*.2 !peak
2& ( A capaciti)e #ilter is added to a #ull--a)e recti#ier. The )alue o# capacitance is 22 SD. 8# the circuit 9.
: 1000 I; -hat is the circuits ripple #actor r ?
A" 1$.2]
2" 12.*]
3" 10.,]
/" 3annot %e determined #rom the in#ormation gi)en
2* ( 3alculate the ripple o# a capacitor #ilter #or a peak recti#ied )oltage o# 40 !; a capacitor o# +0 SD and
a 100 mA load current .
A" 2.+4]
2" 4.3]
3" +.33]
/" 10.24]
2+ ( 3alculate the percent ripple #or a 93 #ilter i# the inputs are !dc : 1$0 !; !r(rms" : 1$ !. The #ilter
components are 31 : 32 : $0 SD; 9 : $00I and 9. : $ _I .
A" 0.$*2]
2" 0.++4]
3" 1.2*]
/" 4.3,]
2, ( The reduction o# the ac component o# the output )oltage is due to the 11111111 action o# the 93
#ilter sections .
A" )oltage di)ider
2" current gain
3" current di)ider
/" none o# the a%o)e
30 ( 'hunt )oltage regulators reuire .11111111
A" shorted-load protection
2" load )oltage sampling
3" high-#reuency protection
/" open-load protection
31 ( 4hich o# the #ollo-ing is not a type o# )oltage regulator ?
A" #i6ed negati)e
2" adjusta%le
3" )aria%le polarity
/" #i6ed positi)e
32 ( The connections on a three-terminal; 83 )oltage regulator are .11111111
A" 9; 3; gnd
2" inCout; #ilter; gnd
3" in; out; gnd
/" A; 2; gnd
33 ( The a%ility o# an 83 )oltage regulator to attenuate any input ripple )oltage is called its 11111111
rating .
A" ripple attenuation
2" ripple reduction
3" ripple rejection ratio in d2
/" ripple elimination
!S"E# $E%: Chapter 1,: 6o0er Supplies (:olta*e #e*ulators (
1" /
2" 3
3" 3
4" 2
$" 3
&" 3
*" A
+" /
," /
10" /
11" /
12" 3
13" 3
14" A
1$" 3
1&" /
1*" /
1+" 2
1," 2
20" 3
21" /
22" A
23" 2
24" 2
2$" 3
2&" 3
2*" 3
2+" A
2," 3
30" 2
31" 3
32" 3
33" 3
Electronic Devices and Circuit Theory, 9e (Boylestad (
Chapter 1-: 5ther T0o+Terminal Devices
1 ( This is the sym%ol #or a(n .11111111 (

A" )aractor diode
2" tunnel diode
3" 'chottky diode
/" thermistor
2 ( This is the sym%ol #or a(n .11111111 (

A" tunnel diode
2" )aractor diode
3" 'chottky diode
/" thermistor
3 ( This is the sym%ol #or a(n .11111111 (

A" )aractor diode
2" 'chottky diode
3" tunnel diode
/" photodiode
4 ( This is the sym%ol #or a(n .11111111 (

A" )aricap diode
2" thermistor
3" 'chottky diode
/" tunnel diode
$ ( This is the sym%ol #or a(n .11111111 (

A" photodiode
2" light-emitting diode
3" thermistor
/" )aricap
& ( This is the sym%ol #or a(n .11111111 (

A" thermistor
2" photoresistor
3" optoresistor
/" )ariac
* ( !aractor diodes are also kno-n as 11111111 diodes .
A" )arigen
2" reactance
3" W3)ar
/" )aricap
+ ( Hot-carrier re#ers to 11111111 diodes .
A" photoconducti)e
2" pin
3" tunnel
/" 'chottky
, ( The capacitance o# a )aractor diode depends on 11111111
A" area o# the depletion region
2" -idth o# the depletion region
3" the permitti)ity o# the semiconductor material
/" All o# the a%o)e
10 ( As the re)erse %ias potential across a )aractor diode increases; the transition capacitance .11111111
A" decreases
2" increases linearly
3" remains constant
/" increases e6ponentially
11 ( Bo-er diodes are most o#ten used #or .11111111
A" recti#ication
2" high-#reuency control
3" high-)oltage operation
/" lo--)oltage operation
12 ( The most uniue #eature o# the characteristics o# the tunnel diode is .11111111
A" )ery lo- positi)e resistance region
2" )ery high positi)e resistance region
3" negati)e resistance region
/" almost >ero %reakdo-n )oltage implying almost non-e6istent depletion region
13 ( Fptoelectronic de)ices are generally classi#ied as .11111111
A" optical couplers or optical isolators
2" optically discrete or optically integrated
3" optical emitters or optical detectors
/" optical diodes or optical transistors
14 ( The photodiode characteristics sho- eual spacing %et-een the diode current cur)es #or an eual
increase in photon energy. 'o a graph o# radiant #lu6 )ersus diode current is a(n" 11111111 relationship .
A" e6ponential
2" para%olic
3" linear
/" suare
1$ ( The resistance o# the photoconducti)e de)ice )aries -ith the intensity o# the incident light. The
relationship %et-een the resistance and the light intensity is a(n" 11111111 relationship .
A" e6ponential
2" para%olic
3" linear
/" suare
1& ( An .3/ has po-er dissipation on the order o# .11111111
A" -atts
2" milli--atts
3" micro--atts
/" 5one o# the a%o)e
1* ( Dield e##ect; or t-isted nematic; .3/s reuire a(n" 11111111 to %e applied in order #or the light to %e
seen %y the )ie-er .
A" constant current
2" constant )oltage
3" alternating current
/" alternating )oltage
1+ ( A typical solar cell has an e##iciency o# appro6imately .11111111
A" 1 - 3]
2" 10 - 12]
3" 2$ - 30]
/" *$ - +0]
1, ( A thermistor is a temperature sensiti)e semiconductor resistor that has .11111111
A" negati)e temperature coe##icient
2" positi)e temperature coe##icient
3" negati)e temperature coe##icient at lo- temperature; positi)e temperature coe##icient at high
/" a temperature coe##icient that may %e either positi)e or negati)e
20 ( The 'chottky diode is used #or .11111111
A" )ery high #reuency applications
2" lo- noise applications
3" lo- )oltageChigh current po-er supplies
/" All o# the a%o)e
21 ( 8n the 'chottky diode; the injected carriers ha)e a )ery high kinetic energy le)el compared to the
electrons o# the metal= as a result the de)ice is called a(n" 11111111 diode .
A" junction
2" energy
3" hot-carrier
/" 5one o# the a%o)e
22 ( The )aractor acts as a .11111111
A" current-controlled capacitance -hen #or-ard %iased
2" )oltage-controlled capacitance -hen #or-ard %iased
3" current-controlled capacitance -hen re)erse %iased
/" )oltage-controlled capacitance -hen re)erse %iased
23 ( The capacitance o# a )aractor is .11111111
A" in)ersely proportional to the permitti)ity o# the semiconductor material
2" directly proportional to the -idth o# the depletion layer
3" in)ersely proportional to the amount o# diode re)erse )oltage
/" 5one o# the a%o)e
24 ( A )aractor -ith a high capacitance ratio (39" rating is -ell-suited #or .11111111
A" #ine-tuning applications
2" coarse-tuning applications
3" crystal-controlled oscillator applications
/" e6tremely high-H applications
2$ ( The tank circuit in a tuned ampli#ier consists o# a 2.2 mH inductor and a )aractor -ith the #ollo-ing
specsJ 3Ti : +0 p# -hen !9 : 3 !dc; and 39 : 3 #or !9 : 3 !dc to & !dc. 3alculate the resonant
#reuency -hen !9 : 3 !dc .
A" ,04.3 kH>
2" *$+.* kH>
3" 3*,.4 kH>
/" 1+,., kH>
2& ( The tank circuit in a tuned ampli#ier consists o# a 2.2 mH inductor and a )aractor -ith the #ollo-ing
specsJ 3Ti : +0 p# -hen !9 : 3 !dc; and 39 : 3 #or !9 : 3 !dc to & !dc. 3alculate the resonant
#reuency -hen !9 : & !dc .
A" $,,.+ kH>
2" 4*,., kH>
3" 21,.0 kH>
/" 1.20 TH>
2* ( Bo-er diodes are constructed o# silicon %ecause o# its .11111111
A" higher current
2" higher temperature capacity
3" higher B8!
/" All o# the a%o)e
2+ ( The tunnel diode is a .11111111
A" lightly doped diode that greatly reduces the depletion region
2" lightly doped diode that greatly increases the depletion region
3" hea)ily doped diode that greatly reduces the depletion region
/" hea)ily doped diode that greatly increases the depletion region
2, ( The tunnel diode region o# operation %et-een !B and !! is called the .11111111
A" constant resistance region
2" constant current region
3" negati)e resistance region
/" negati)e current region
30 ( Tunnel diodes are o#ten used as the acti)e de)ices in .11111111
A" constant resistance ampli#ier
2" negati)e resistance oscillators
3" negati)e current recti#iers
/" negati)e resistance linear ampli#iers
31 ( Fptoelectronic de)ices are generally classi#ied as %eing either .11111111
A" couplers or isolators
2" discrete or integrated
3" emitters or detectors
/" input or output de)ices
32 ( The typical in#rared-emitting diode has a radiant #lu6 )ersus dc current cur)e that is .11111111
A" an e6ponential relationship
2" a suare relationship
3" an almost linear relationship
/" 5one o# the a%o)e
33 ( .3/s ha)e po-er dissipation on the order o# .11111111
A" 4atts
2" milli-4atts
3" micro-4atts
/" 5one o# the a%o)e
34 ( .3/s reuire a(n .11111111 (
A" constant current
2" constant )oltage
3" large heat sink
/" internal light source
3$ ( .3/s are limited to a temperature range o# .11111111
A" 0 to 10 degrees 3
2" 0 to &0 degrees 3
3" 0 to 100 degrees 3
/" 30 to 100 degrees 3
3& ( .3/s degrade .11111111
A" chemically
2" uickly
3" in a dry place
/" All o# the a%o)e
3* ( Typical solar cell e##iciency is .11111111
A" 1]
2" 10]
3" 30]
/" *0]
3+ ( The most -idely used material #or solar cells are .11111111
A" selenium and silicon
2" indium arsenide and gold
3" gallium arsenide and cadmium sul#ide
/" 5one o# the a%o)e
3, ( A typical #our solar cell array can deli)er 11111111 o# po-er .
A" 20 m4
2" 10.* m4
3" $.+3 m4
/" 4.1& m4
40 ( A thermistor is a temperature-sensiti)e semiconductor resistor that has 11111111 p-n junctions .
A" no
2" one
3" t-o
/" three
!S"E# $E%: Chapter 1-: 5ther T0o+Terminal Devices
1" 3
2" 2
3" 3
4" /
$" A
&" A
*" /
+" /
," /
10" A
11" A
12" 3
13" 3
14" 3
1$" 3
1&" 3
1*" 2
1+" 2
1," 2
20" 3
21" 3
22" /
23" 3
24" 2
2$" 3
2&" 3
2*" /
2+" 3
2," 3
30" 2
31" 3
32" 3
33" 3
34" 3
3$" 2
3&" A
3*" 2
3+" A
3," /
40" A
Electronic Devices and Circuit Theory, 9e (Boylestad (
Chapter 1/: pnpn and 5ther Devices
1 ( 'ome o# the popular applications o# '39s include .11111111
A" relay control; time delay circuits; and regulated po-er supplies
2" choppers; in)erters; and %attery chargers
3" static s-itches; heater controls; and phase controls
/" All o# the a%o)e
2 ( Thyristors are electronic de)ices that act as a .11111111
A" silicon controlled recti#ier
2" unijunction transistor
( gate turn-o## s-itch
/" All o# the a%o)e
3 ( Fne region o# the '39 cur)e -hen it is #or-ard %iased represents the non-conducting region o#
operation. 4hat is this region called ?
A" #or-ard turn-o## region
2" #or-ard dropout region
3" #or-ard %locking region
/" #or-ard non-conduction region
4 ( A silicon controlled s-itch ('3'" can %e turned o## %y applying a(n .11111111 (
A" opposite-le)el pulse to the anode gate
2" a lo--le)el pulse on the cathode gate terminal
3" essential short-circuits #rom anode to cathode
/" All o# the a%o)e
$ ( Fne o# the )ery important characteristics o# the (TF is .11111111
A" impro)ed current handling characteristics
2" impro)ed noise characteristics
3" impro)ed %locking region characteristics
/" impro)ed turn-o## time
& ( The .A'39 is a de)ice that can %e turned on %y .11111111
A" noise intensity o# d2 le)el
2" harmonic content o# the signal present at the gate
3" light intensity
/" -a)elength o# the light input
* ( /etermine the #reuency o# oscillation #or a EOT rela6ation oscillator -here 91 : $0 kI; 3 : 0.1 pD;
and ` : 0.& .
A" 1+ H>
2" 1+0 H>
3" 21+ H>
/" +2 H>
+ ( Thyristors are electronic de)ices that act as a .11111111
A" silicon-controlled s-itch
2" silicon-controlled recti#ier
3" unijuction transistor
/" all o# the a%o)e
, ( The pnpn de)ice that is o# greatest interest today is the .11111111
A" triac
2" '39
3" BET
/" diac
10 ( 'ilicon -as chosen #or the construction o# the '39 %ecause o# its .11111111
A" high #reuency characteristic
2" s-itching speed characteristics
3" temperature and po-er capa%ilities
/" All o# the a%o)e
11 ( Anode-current interruption and #orced commutation are the t-o methods that are used to 11111111
an '39 .
A" turn o##
2" turn on
3" hold on
/" 5one o# the a%o)e
12 ( An '39 is #orced into #or-ard conduction -hen !D e6ceeds the 11111111 rating o# the de)ice .
A" #or-ard conducting )oltage
2" #or-ard %reako)er )oltage
3" #or-ard trigger )oltage
/" #or-ard %reakdo-n )oltage
13 ( Fnce an '39 is #orced into #or-ard conduction; it continues to conduct until 8D drops %elo- the
11111111 rating o# the de)ice .
A" minimum #or-ard current
2" #or-ard %reako)er current
3" holding current
/" dropout current
14 ( 4hat are the t-o methods that are commonly used to return an '39 to its conconducting state ?
A" Anode current interruption and #orced commutation
2" 3urrent holding and #orced commutation
3" Anode current interruption and current holding
/" Dorced commutation and current dropout
1$ ( The region o# the '39 #or-ard operating cur)e that represents the nonconducting region o# operation
is called the .11111111
A" #or-ard o##-state region
2" #or-ard %locking region
3" #or-ard dropout region
/" 5one o# the a%o)e
1& ( 4hich o# the #ollo-ing distinguishes the '39 #rom the '3' ?
A" The '3' has a #ourth terminal; called the anode gate .
2" The '3' is dri)en into cuto## using entirely di##erent methods .
3" The '3' has less means o# %eing #orced into its #or-ard conducting state .
/" All o# the a%o)e
1* ( The #or-ard operating cur)e o# the '39 is identical to that o# a .11111111
A" '3'
2" (TF
3" diac
/" triac
1+ ( The silicon controlled s-itch has t-o .11111111
A" anodes
2" cathodes
3" gates
/" 5one o# the a%o)e
1, ( 4hich o# the #ollo-ing de)ices can %e dri)en into its conducting or nonconducting state %y applying
the proper pulse to its gate terminal ?
A" 'hockley diode
2" '2'
3" (TF de)ice
/" triac
20 ( The .A'39 is a de)ice -hose state is controlled %y .11111111
A" light intensity
2" spectral -a)elength
3" light amplitude
/" the light-area product
21 ( 4hich o# the #ollo-ing de)ices acts as an '39 -ith 8( : 0 ?
A" 'hockley diode
2" '2'
3" (TF de)ice
/" triac
22 ( The primary di##erence %et-een the diac and the '3' is the #act that the .11111111
A" diac has a higher ma6imum po-er dissipation rating
2" '3' is capa%le o# conducting in only one direction
3" diac is no longer used in any practical application
/" '3' reuires the use o# a snu%%er
23 ( A triac is a 11111111 s-itching de)ice .
A" %ilateral
2" unilateral
3" multilateral
/" trilateral
24 ( The 11111111 is commonly used to control '39 triggering .
2" diac
3" '39
2$ ( A EOT has the #ollo-ing )aluesJ ` : 0.*2 (ma6imum" and !E22 : 12 !. 4hat is the ma6imum )alue
o# !E21 reuired to trigger the de)ice into conduction ?
A" +.&4 !
2" 1*.4 !
3" 12 !
/" ,.34 !
2& ( EOTs are commonly used as .11111111
A" %reako)er de)ices
2" ampli#iers
3" thyristor triggering de)ices
/" tuned oscillators
2* ( A BET has a )alue o# !(_ : G+ !. 4hat )alue o# !A_ is needed to trigger the de)ice into
conduction ?
A" -+.* !
2" G1&.* !
3" G+.* !
/" 3annot %e determined #rom the in#ormation gi)en
2+ ( 4hich o# the #ollo-ing de)ices is actually an integrated circuit rather than a single discrete
component ?
A" '8/A3
2" optoisolator
3" (TF de)ice
/" triac
2, ( This is the sym%ol #or a(n .11111111 (

A" '3'
2" diac
3" '39
/" triac
30 ( This is the sym%ol #or a(n .11111111 (

A" '39
2" '3'
3" diac
/" triac
31 ( This is the sym%ol #or a(n .11111111 (

A" (TF
2" /arlington transistor
3" .A'39
/" triac
32 ( This is the sym%ol #or a(n .11111111 (

A" .A'39
2" optoisolator
3" photocell
/" phototransistor
33 ( This is the sym%ol #or a(n .11111111 (

2" '3'
3" (TF
/" 'hockley diode
34 ( This is the sym%ol #or a(n .11111111 (

2" '3'
3" (TF
/" 'hockley diode
3$ ( This is the sym%ol #or a(n .11111111 (

A" '39
2" triac
3" diac
/" (TF
3& ( This is the sym%ol #or a(n .11111111 (

A" diac
2" triac
3" EOT
/" (TF
3* ( This is the sym%ol #or a(n .11111111 (

2" 2OT
3" '3'
/" DET
!S"E# $E%: Chapter 1/: pnpn and 5ther Devices
1" /
2" /
3" 3
4" /
$" /
&" 3
*" /
+" /
," 2
10" 2
11" A
12" 2
13" 3
14" A
1$" 2
1&" /
1*" A
1+" 3
1," 3
20" A
21" A
22" 2
23" A
24" A
2$" /
2&" 3
2*" 3
2+" 2
2," 3
30" 3
31" A
32" A
33" /
34" A
3$" A
3&" A
3*" A

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