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Cell Phone Jammer

Mr.Vikas Jakate
Abstract This The Cell phone jammer unit is intended for
blocking all mobile phone types within designated indoor areas.
Its unique design strict compliance with international standards
of safety and electromagnetic compatibility (IS!.
The Cell "hone #ammer is a $plug and play$ unit% its
installation is quick and its operation is easy. &nce the Cell
"hone #ammer is operating% all mobile phones present within the
jamming co'erage area are blocked% and cellular acti'ity in the
immediate surroundings (including incoming and outgoing calls%
SS% pictures sending% etc.! is jammed.
Cell phones are everywhere these days. According to the
Cellular Telecommunications and Internet Association, almost
!" million people in the #nited $tates had cell%phone service
in January &''(. And cell phones are even more u)i*uitous in
It,s great to )e a)le to call anyone at anytime.
#n-ortunately, restaurants, movie theaters, concerts, shopping
malls and churches all su--er -rom the spread o- cell phones
)ecause not all cell%phone users know when to stop talking.
.ho hasn,t seethed through one side o- a conversation a)out
an incredi)ly personal situation as the talker shares intimate
details with his -riend as well as everyone else in the area/
.hile most o- us 0ust grum)le and move on, some people
are actually going to e1tremes to retaliate. Cell phones are
)asically handheld two%way radios. And like any radio, the
signal can )e disrupted, or 0ammed.
Disrupting a cell phone is the same as
jamming any other type of radio communication A cell
phone works by communicating with its service
network through a cell tower or base station. Cell
towers divide a city into small areas, or cells. As a
cell-phone user drives down the street, the signal is
handed from tower to tower
Jamming devices overpower the cell phone )y transmitting
a signal on the same -re*uency and at a high enough power
that the two signals collide and cancel each other out. Cell
phones are designed to add power i- they e1perience low%level
inter-erence, so the 0ammer must recogni2e and match the
power increase -rom the phone.
Cell phones are -ull%duple1 devices, which means
they use two separate -re*uencies, one -or talking
and one -or listening simultaneously. $ome 0ammers
)lock only one o- the -re*uencies used )y cell
phones, which has the e--ect o- )locking )oth. The
phone is tricked into thinking there is no service
)ecause it can receive only one o- the -re*uencies.
3ess comple1 devices )lock only one group o-
-re*uencies, while sophisticated 0ammers can )lock
several types o- networks at once to head o-- dual%
mode or tri%mode phones that automatically switch
among di--erent network types to -ind an open signal.
$ome o- the high%end devices )lock all -re*uencies at
once, and others can )e tuned to speci-ic -re*uencies.
To 0am a cell phone, all you need is a device that
)roadcasts on the correct -re*uencies. Although
di--erent cellular systems process signals di--erently,
all cell%phone networks use radio signals that can )e
interrupted. 4$M, used in digital cellular and PC$%
)ased systems, operates in the "''%M52 and 6''%
M52 )ands in +urope and Asia and in the "''%M52
7sometimes re-erred to as ."%4528 )and in the
#nited $tates. Jammers can )roadcast on any
-re*uency and are e--ective against AMP$, C9MA,
T9MA, 4$M, PC$, 9C$, i9+: and :e1tel systems.
;ld%-ashioned analog cell phones and today,s digital
devices are e*ually suscepti)le to 0amming.
The actual range o- the 0ammer depends on its power
and the local environment, which may include hills
or walls o- a )uilding that )lock the 0amming signal.
3ow%powered 0ammers )lock calls in a range o-
a)out <' -eet 7" m8. 5igher%powered units create a
cell%-ree 2one as large as a -oot)all -ield. #nits used
)y law en-orcement can shut down service up to
mile 7.! km8 -rom the device.
I(SI)* + C*,,-".&(* #+*/
+lectronically speaking, cell%phone 0ammers are very
)asic devices. The simplest 0ust have an on=o--
switch and a light that indicates it,s on. More
comple1 devices have switches to activate 0amming
at di--erent -re*uencies. Components o- a 0ammer
+very 0amming device has an antenna to send
the signal. $ome are contained within an electrical
ca)inet. ;n stronger devices, antennas are e1ternal to
provide longer range and may )e tuned -or individual
Circuitry 0-
The main electronic components o- a
0ammer are>
1oltage-controlled oscillator % 4enerates the radio
signal that will inter-ere with the cell phone signal
Tuning circuit % Controls the -re*uency at which the
0ammer )roadcasts its signal )y sending a particular
voltage to the oscillator
(oise generator % Produces random electronic
output in a speci-ied -re*uency range to 0am the cell%
phone network signal 7part o- the tuning circuit8
/2 amplification 7gain stage8 % ?oosts the power o-
the radio -re*uency output to high enough levels to
0am a signal
"owersupply >%
$maller 0amming devices are )attery
operated. $ome look like cell phone and use cell%
phone )atteries. $tronger devices can )e plugged into
a standard outlet or wired into a vehicle,s electrical
+very power supply unit consists o- -our sections
. $tep down trans-ormer
&. @ecti-ier
<. Ailtering unit
(. Voltage regulator
5ere in this circuit we use two power supply units -or
;utput M;$A+T section
;ther sections

The components used -or output M;$A+T
section are
&<'vB &%'%&v trans-ormer
?ridge recti-ier o- -our diodes I:C('&
3M<<6 IC
The components used -or other sections are
&<'vB&%'%&v trans-ormer
Aullwave recti-ier using I:(''D diodes
It is very necessary using cell phone 0ammers in the
most divine temples like Tirumala.
.e can provide security to V.I.PEs -rom the anti%
social elements.
?y using cell phone 0ammers we can maintain law
and order -or maintaining peace.
?y cell phone 0ammers we canEt distur) other people
in the pu)lic places like restaurants, shopping places.
It is very necessary to use cell phone 0ammers in
na1al -eared places. This helps the authoritites to
work their duty so-tly.
?y using cell phone 0ammers in the vehicles, we can
overcome accidents pro)lem which is very help-ul to
the people.
Cost oriented.
@e*uires special hardware.
People -eel inconvenience.
V.I.P.Es may loose some impartant calls.
Cell phone 0ammers are very use-ull to the society -rom the
anti%social elements. .e can save our national leaders. we can
restrict the communication network )etween the anti%social
elements )y using the cell phone 0ammers. Cell phone
0ammers prevent the students -rom carrying cell phones to the
colleges. As everying goes -ine, it is very necessary to
implement in all the colleges.
. P.+.Collins, FAntennas and @adio propagation G,
Mc4raw H 5ill "6C
&. I.Aeher, F.ireless 9igital CommunicationG,
prentice 5all o- India, :ew 9elhi.
<. 4.I.Mithal, F+lectronic devices and circuitsG,
Ihanna Pu)lishers, 9elhi.
(. T.$.@appaport, F.ireless communicationG,Principals
and Practice, Prentice 5all, :J, ""!.
C. @o)ert 3. ?oylestad and 3ouis :ashelsky,
F+lectronic 9evice and Circuit TheoryG, Prentice
5all o- India, :ew 9elhi,&''&.

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