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Monitoring of human rights of persons with disabilities in Moldova

Monitoring of media and societal

attitude towards people
with disabilities

Monitoring period: November 14, 2012 February 10, 2014
Chisinau 2014
Monitoring of media and societal attitude towards people with disabilities
Author: Marcela Dilion, PhD in sociology
Coordinators of the edition: Igor Meriacre, project coordinator, Association MOTIVAIE of Moldova
Elena Raoi, project assistant, Association MOTIVAIE of Moldova
Translation of the text into English: Alexei Latu
Computer processing: DIRA AP SRL
All rights protected. The content of the Report may be used and reproduced for non-profit purposes
and without MOTIVATIEs prior agreement by indicating the source of information.
Association MOTIVAIE of Moldova
1 A Victoriei Street, Vadul lui Vod, Republic of Moldova, MD-2046
Tel/fax: (+373 22) 41 71 55
E-mail: office@motivation-md.org
Center for Society Orientation COD
Milutina Milankovia 68/3, 11070 Novi Beograd, Beograd, Srbija
Tel: +381 (0)11 311 38 60
E-mail: office@cod.rs
Disability Rights Promotion International (DRPI)
York University, 5021 TEL Building 4700 Keele Street Toronto,
Ontario M3J 1P3 Canada
Telephone: 1-416-736-2100 ext. 20718, Fax: 1-416-736-5986
E-Mail: drpi@yorku.ca
Delegation of the European Union in the Republic of Moldova
Str. Koglniceanu 12,
MD-2001 Chiinu, Moldova
Tel: (+373 22) 50 52 10
Fax: (+373 22) 27 26 22
ISBN 978-9975-4022-6-2.
D 41
This report was prepared as part of the project Monitoring of human rights of persons with disabilities in
Moldova, implemented by Association MOTIVAIE of Moldova in partnership with Center for Society Orien-
tation- COD from Serbia, with the financial support of the European Union in the framework of the program
European Instrument for Democracy and Human Rights (EIDHR).
The content of the Report refects the views and opinions of the authors and in no way refects the offcial opinion of
the European Union.
Uniunea European
Acronyms 4
Introduction 5
Summary 6
Chapter 1: Methodology of the research: 8
1.1 Subject, purpose and objectives of the research 8
1.2 The process of mass-media monitoring and stages of the research 8
1.2.1Duration of the monitoring 8
1.2.2 Types of monitored media reports 8
1.2.3 The process of mass-media monitoring 8
1.2.4 Applied instruments during the monitoring process 9
Chapter 2: Main tendencies on approaching disability in the monitored mass-media 10
Chapter 3: Topics and issues approached by monitored mass-media sources 12
3.1 Health, abilitation and rehabilitation 12
3.2 Social participation 13
3.3 Incomes security and support services 14
3.4 Education 15
3.5 Private and family life 16
3.6 Information and communication 17
3.7 Work 17
3.8 Physical and mental health 18
3.9 Legal status and protection, access to justice 18
3.10 Monitoring of UN Convention on human rights of persons with disabilities 19
3.11 Religion 19
Chapter 4: Perspectives to approach disability in the monitored mass-media 21
Chapter 5: Used terminology in presenting disability 24
Conclusions and recommendations 26
Monitoring of media and societal attitude towards people with disabilities
LPA Local public authorities
MLSPF Ministry of Labor, Social Protection and Family
UNO United Nations Organization
UNICEF United Nations Childrens Fund
WHO World Health Organization
NGOs Nonguvernamental Organizations

The most effcient way to mobilize the society support
in the feld of human rights is mass-media.
The social protection bodies of the population of the Republic of Moldova record about 183 000
people with disabilities
and most of them face up different barriers and obstacles in the society, of
medical and economic character, frequently being abused and discriminated. According to the data
provided by the MLSPF, each tenth person with disabilities lives in a residential institution, being
violated the right to have a family and to live in the community.
The discriminatory attitude towards persons with disabilities is a consequence of the devalued poli-
cies of the state. As a rule, persons with disabilities are perceived as being sick and helpless persons
this approach leading to their exclusion from the educational system, been violating their rights to
get employed and as a result they are perceived by the society as a burden for the social protection
Mass-media represents a social phenomenon refecting different aspects and tendencies in the society,
is an indispensable source of information which studies the public opinion, contributing not only at
its highlighting but at its formulation, too. In this context, we point out that mass-media refect more
frequently the aspects referring to health, social protection and refects less the social inclusion of
persons with disabilities, valuation of the persons with disabilities social roles, their relation at the
community level, etc.
At the same time, it is important to point out that the voice of persons with disabilities is rarely heard
during the mass-media discourse.
In the conditions in which the Republic of Moldova has ratifed the UN Convention on Rights of
Persons with Disabilities, according to which the state undertakes to observe and assure the obser-
vance of the rights of persons with disabilities to community life, to family, education, employment,
to health aid, social assistance, it is necessary to revise the approaching models regarding the role of
the person with disabilities in the society. In this context, mass-media play an important role in chang-
ing the societal attitude towards persons with disabilities by promoting their positive image; through
their involvement and by valuation of their social roles. The UN Convention on Rights of Persons
with Disabilities includes provisions related to measures on encouraging the mass-media institutions
to present persons with disabilities in a non-discriminatory way.
In this context, the research Monitoring of mass-media and of the societal attitude related to per-
sons with disabilities provides a comprehensive analysis of the way the issues related to disability
are approached.
Monitoring of media and societal attitude towards people with disabilities
1. Monitoring of mass-media and of the societal attitude related to persons with disabilities was
performed during the 14th of November 2012 10
of February 2014.
2. The monitored mass-media sources included 4 TV channels (TV 7, Moldova 1, Jurnal TV
and Publika TV); 4 newspapers (Adevarul, Timpul, Jurnal de Chisinau and Komsomoliskaia
Pravda) and the news portal Unimedia. All in all there were analyzed 300 media reports from
9 sources of mass-media.
3. During the monitoring period, most media reports related to persons with disabilities were
broadcasted by TV 7 and Moldova 1 with 71 media reports; followed by Jurnal TV and
news portal Unimedia with 40 articles; Publika TV and Jurnal de Chisinau with 26 media
reports; Adevarul has published 15 articles; Timpul 9 articles and Komsomoliskaia Pravda
2 articles.
4. During the monitoring process it was found out that there are tendencies to broadcast/publish
most of the media reports related to persons with disabilities during the week dedicated to
inclusion of persons with disabilities and inclusively on the 3
of December, on the Interna-
tional day of persons with disabilities. During this period there were broadcasted/published 22
media reports, constituting about 7,3% from the total of broadcasted/published media reports
during the reference period.
5. The research highlights that only in 34% of monitored reports the frst source of information
related to disabilities was the person with disability. At the same time, the research has re-
vealed that the most frequently in media reports and articles is heard the voice of the offcials
(Parliament, Government LPA, etc.) 105 media reports; the voice of the person with dis-
ability was heard in 102 media reports; in 75 media reports was heard the voice of the family
members of the person with disabilities.
6. Most frequently, the mass-media has refected the physical impairment 30%; intellectual
impairment 17% and sensory impairment 16%. The less refected was the psychosocial
impairment 5%, frequent this being confused with the mental disease.
7. Most frequently, in mass-media was approached the topic related to Health, habilitation and
rehabilitation of persons with disabilities 93 media reports (31%); Social participation
65 media reports (about 22%); Incomes security and support services 47 media reports
(16%); Education 41 media reports (about 14%); Private life and family life 37 media
reports (about 12%); Information and communication 29 media reports (about 10%);
Work 27 media reports (9%); Physical and mental security 20 media reports (about
8. Less attention was paid to issues related to Legal status and protection, access to justice 12
media reports (4%); Monitoring of UN Convention on Rights of Persons with Disabilities
4 media reports (1,3%) and the topic related to religion 3 media reports (only 1%).
9. During the monitoring process of mass-media was has been also analyzed issues which re-
fect a cross-cutting approach. Was established that out of those 300 monitored media reports,
about 52% refer to the situation of children with disabilities; 11% refer to women and girls
with disabilities; 11% refer to poverty and disability; 10% refect issues related to accessibili-
ty; 7% of media reports refect cases or situation of discriminations; 5% refer to reasonable ac-
commodation of the institutions/services and only 4% refer to older persons with disabilities.
10. In approaching the disability, most frequently, it is used the economic/charity perspective, 119
media reports (about 32%), followed by medical perspective 115 media reports (30%) and
the rights perspective 106 media reports (28%). The less used was the disability approach
from the heroic/overcoming perspective (only 10%).
11. In about 38% of monitored media reports there were used negative, discriminatory terms,
most frequently being used the terms like invalid, level of invalidity, invalidity pen-
sion, handicap etc.
Monitoring of media and societal attitude towards people with disabilities
1.1 Subject, purpose and objectives of the research
The research examines the way in which mass-media in the Republic of Moldova is reporting issues
related to disability.
The purpose of the research consists in monitoring of mass-media in the Republic of Moldova on
identifcation of messages transmitted by mass-media related to persons with disabilities and their role
in the society, models to approach disability and to determine the societal attitude towards persons
with disabilities.
Objectives of the research:
1. Monitoring the periodicity with which the mass-media approaches issues related to persons with
2. Analysis of the media reports quality refected in mass-media related to persons with disabilities
and their role in the society;
3. Determining the approach perspectives of disabilities existing in the mass-media in the Republic
of Moldova.
1.2 The process of mass-media monitoring and stages of the research
1.2.1 Duration of the monitoring
Monitoring of mass-media and of the societal attitude was performed during 14
of November 2012
of February 2014.
1.2.2. Types of monitored media reports
Debates, comments
Editorials (blogs)
Special programs: debates/talk-shows and interviews
1.2.3 The process of mass-media
The operator who has monitored the TV programs has recorded on the computer the channels and has
analyzed the broadcasted programs within the following time span:
Table 1. TV channels and monitored programs
- Archive of audio, video and written news
Jurnal TV
- Jurnalul (Journal) at 13:00, in Romanian language, from Monday to Sunday;
- Jurnalul (Journal) at 19:00, in Romanian language, from Monday to Sunday;
- Viaa merge mai departe (Life goes on) 15:45, in Romanian language, on Saturdays;
Publika TV
- Archive of audio, video and written news
- Mesager (Messenger) 19:00, in Romanian language, from Monday to Sunday
The operator, who has monitored the newspapers has selected articles related to persons with dis-
abilities from 4 publications:
Table 2. Monitored newspapers
Newspaper name Coming out
Jurnal de Chisinau Tuesday, Friday
Timpul Monday Friday
Adevarul Monday Friday
Komsomoliskaia Pravda Thursday
Electronic media
From the electronic media was monitored all the articles from the news portal unimedia.md.
Table 3. Monitored news portal
Name of the news portal Monitoring period
www.unimedia.md Daily
During the reference period there were monitored 9 sources of mass-media (see Table 4), all in all
there were analyzed 300 media reports.
Table 4. Number of monitored mass-media sources and media reports
No. Source of the monitored mass-media Number of monitored media reports
TV7 71
Jurnal TV 40
Moldova 1 71
Publika TV 26
Jurnal de Chisinau 26
Timpul 9
Adevarul 15
Komsomoliskaia Pravda 2
Unimedia 40
Total 300
1.2.4 Applied instruments during the monitoring process
The mass-media monitoring process was done taking into account the codebook Societal attitudes
monitoring (through mass-media). This guide contains clear and concise instructions regarding
coding of the media reports and use of forms to collect the information.
During the monitoring process there was used Form for data collection (see Annex 1), including
questions related to date of publication, mass-media section, type of story, type of impairment re-
fected in the mass-media, approached topics, topics/cross-cut subjects, voice of the person, negative
terms used in the media reports and perspectives used in approaching disability.
In order to make more effcient the information collection process the consultant has used a Form
for data collection (synthesis), in which were additionally included the name of the article/report and
some fragments from the monitored media reports.
Monitoring of media and societal attitude towards people with disabilities
During the monitored period, most of the media reports related to persons with disabilities were
broadcasted by TV 7 and Moldova 1 with 71 reports; followed by Jurnal TV and news portal Uni-
media with 40 articles; Publika TV and Jurnal de Chisinau with 26 media reports; Adevarul has
published 15 articles; Tim-
pul 9 articles and Komso-
moliskaia Pravda 2 articles
(see Diagram 1).
During the monitoring pro-
cess was found out that there
are tendencies to broadcast/
publish most of the media re-
ports related to persons with
disabilities during the week
dedicated to inclusion of
persons with disabilities and
inclusively on the 3
of De-
cember, on the International
day of persons with disabili-
ties. During this period there
were broadcasted/published
22 media reports, constitut-
ing about 7,3 % from the to-
tal of broadcasted/published media reports during the reference period. All the monitored TV chan-
nels had at least one media report related to persons with disabilities and actions undertaken during
the inclusions week. Most of the reports were done by Publika TV 8 media reports. With regards to
newspapers, only Adevarul and the news portal Unimedia have presented articles on this issue.
During the research was found out that only in 34% of monitored media reports, as a frst source of
information about disability
were persons with disabili-
ties themselves (see Diagram
During the research was
found out that most frequent-
ly in media reports and arti-
cles is heard the voice of the
offcials (Parliament, Gov-
ernment, LPA, etc.) 105
media reports; the voice of
the person with disabilities is
heard in 102 media reports;
in 75 media reports is heard
the voice of the family mem-
bers of the person with dis-
ability; in 46 media reports is
refected the opinion of the researchers and specialists in the feld (psychologists, physicians, teach-
ers, etc.); organizations actively involved in the feld of social protection of persons with disabilities
present their opinion/views in 30 media reports, service providers are heard in 21 media reports,
and the charitable organizations and other NGOs not involved in the feld of protection of persons
Diagram 1. Number of media reports per each monitored source of mass-
media related to persons with disabilities
Diagram 2. Presence/absence of the voice in mass-media of the person
with disabilities
with disabilities cumulatively in 20 media reports; in 13 media reports is heard the voice of interna-
tional organizations/foreign offcials (UNICEF, World Bank, WHO, etc.) see Diagram 3.
It is important to point out that most frequently the voice of the person with disability is heard on TV
channel Moldova 1 (37 media reports), TV 7 (21 media reports) and Jurnal TV (16 media reports).
The same TV channels made heard the voice of the person with disabilities through presenting the
opinion of a family member of the person with disability: Moldova 1 27 media reports; Jurnal TV
20 media reports and TV 7 10 media reports.
At the same time, TV 7 and Moldova 1 present in a signifcant number of media reports the voice
of the offcials from the Parliament, Government, LPA, etc. (38 media reports and respectively 26).
However, the monitored sources reveal in about 10% of the monitored media reports the voice of
NGOs actively involved in the feld of protection of persons with disabilities, as follows: Moldova
1 9 media reports; TV 7 7 media reports; Publika TV and Jurnal TV with 5 media reports, Uni-
media 3 media reports
Most frequently, the monitored
mass-media revealed the following
types of impairments
(see Diagram 4):
Physical impairment 30%;
Intellectual impairment 17%;
Sensory impairment 16%.
From the total number of media re-
ports which refect the sensory im-
pairment (36 media reports) most
frequently reveal the sensory im-
pairment related to vision about
67%, followed by sensory impair-
ment related to hearing 25 % and
only 8% of the media reports re-
veal language impairment.
Psychosocial impairment 5%.
According to Diagram 4, in the
category Other are included about
32% from the media reports which
reveal issues related to such diseas-
es like: cancer (39 media reports);
heart diseases (8 media reports);
diabetes (7 media reports); tumors
(4 media reports); butterfy disease
(3 media reports); HIV (2 media
reports); tuberculosis (2 media re-
ports); hepatic cirrhosis (2 media
reports), etc.
It is important to mention that out
of the total 300 monitored media
reports, in 96 which constitutes
32%, it is not specifed the type of
Diagram 3. Whose voice is heard in the monitored media reports?
Diagram 4. Types of impairment refected in the mass-media
Monitoring of media and societal attitude towards people with disabilities
The topics approached in the mass-media sources are diverse and varied. Nevertheless, the presented is-
sues were categorized according to a grid, being established the topic structure refected in Diagram 5.
Most frequently in mass-media was refected the topic on Health, habilitation and rehabilitation
of persons with disabilities 93 media reports (31%). Another topic frequently revealed is Social
participation 65 media reports (about 22%); followed by the topic categoryIncome security and
support services 47 media reports, constituting about 16% out of the total number of monitored
media reports.
At the same time, the mass-media has revealed a series of issues related to Education 41 media
reports (about 14%); Private and family life 37 media reports (about 12%); Information and
communication 29 media reports (about 10%); Work 27 media reports (9%); Physical and
mental security 20 media reports (about 7%).
Less attention was paid
to issues related to Legal
status and protection, ac-
cess to justice 12 media
reports (4%); Monitor-
ing of the Convention on
Rights of Persons with
Disabilities 4 media re-
ports (1,3%) and the topic
related to Religion 3
media reports (only 1%).

3.1 Health, habilitation and rehabilitation - 93
The most frequently refected topic is related to Health, habilitation and rehabilitation of persons
with disabilities 93 media reports. Most frequently, the topic is approached on TV channel Mol-
dova 1 (23 media reports); TV 7 (21 media reports); Jurnal TV (19 media reports) and Unimedia (16
media reports).
Media reports included in this category refect especially health problems persons with disabilities
are facing with, aspects related to prevention and early intervention, their treatment, etc. The name
of the media reports are suggestive and highlight the following issues: Mandatory test. Starting with
2013, all the children of 2 years old of age, shall mandatorily undergo the autism test; Saved lives.
News and novelties in the feld of medicine during the last years; Autism can be cured. NGO We
understand the autism comes to help parents who have children suffering of autism; Starting with
2014 the new born with disabilities shall beneft of speech language therapist consultations; Inte-
grated in the society. Persons with mental impairments shall beneft of health aid in hospitals situated
in the districts; A new laboratory (within the Oncologic Institute was opened a center for cancer
diagnosis); etc.
A series of media reports refect health problems persons with disabilities are facing with and is re-
quested the help from the behalf of the community in order to cover the cost of expensive medical
treatment, as a rule abroad of the country: Rome, a young, seriously ill person is seeking your help;
Diagram 5. Topics/issues approached in the monitored mass-media reports
Parents of a child from Rezina, born with no gender, need about 15 thousand Euro for an operation;
Money collection for a girl suffering of infantile cerebral paralysis; Fight for life (a family is
seeking fnancial assistance to start treatment of their girl); Save a child (for an operation of a child
having a kidney tumor); A chance to life; Football for life (a child suffering of butterfy disease
needs an expensive treatment); The last hope (a child needs an expensive operation in Kiev) etc.
At the same time, are refected some problems related to lack of rehabilitation services for persons
with disabilities and cases of malpractice: Condemned to indifference. In Moldova there are no state
rehabilitation institutions for children suffering of autism; Four doctors from the Mother and Child
Center are accused for malpractice; Destroy of the system (is mentioned that the residential
facilities could be closed and persons suffering of mental diseases could beneft of equal rights).
Psychiatrists affrm that persons with mental impairments are considered strangers of the natu-
re, having no chance to a normal life if they are not integrated within the society
TV 7, Cotidian, 29.10.2013
News portal Unimedia has published on this topic 16 media reports, constituting about 40% from the
total number of media reports published and monitored during the reference period. Less than half of
the refected issues on this subject refer especially to fndings obtained in the feld of medicine: The
frst patient who has communicated with physicians through the power of the mind; Revolutionary
therapy: a girl of 7 years old from USA was cured of cancer with the help of HIV; Was discovered
a new vaccine preventing Alzheimer; The scientists have created a new virus that can recover the
vision. More than half of the media reports refer to seeking assistance for medical treatment or op-
erations for persons with health problems.
3.2 Social participation - 65
The second topic, from the point of its frequency is Social participation (65 media reports) cover-
ing issues that refect the independent life of persons with disabilities, participation to political and
cultural life, recreation, sport, etc.
Most frequently this topic is revealed by TV channels Moldova 1 (13 media reports); TV 7 (12 media
reports); Publika TV and Jurnal TV with 11 media reports; Unimedia 8 media reports. The other
sources of monitored mass-media have refected this topic in an insignifcant number of reports.
As a rule, the media reports on this topic are refected mostly from the perspective of charity perspec-
tive, public events that are more frequently organized on different holidays (3
of December inter-
national day of persons with disabilities, 1
of June international childrens day, winter holidays,
etc.). The names of the media reports that follow bellow confrm this statement: In discussion with
the mayor (on the international day of persons with disabilities from the community); The world
perceived by them (children with disabilities have presented their pictures within a picture exhibi-
tion); A smile for children (was organized a concert for children of soldiers with disabilities); 5

of December voluntariate day; Destiny at Messenger (reveals the life of a sportsman with dis-
abilities) etc.
On this topic are refected issues related to involvement of persons with disabilities in sports activi-
ties: Equal opportunities (The tennis federation has organized a friendly match with tennis players
using wheel chairs); Powerlifting Cup (sportsmen wit disabilities show their abilities in powerlift-
ing); Basketball with one hand (focuses on the disability of a sportsmen, though having one hand
achieves excellent results); In wheel chair to the Olympic games (about the tennis players using
wheel chairs who train for Olympic games) etc.
Monitoring of media and societal attitude towards people with disabilities
With reference to the cultural life of persons with disabilities, the monitored mass-media refects
organization of different concerts, festivals and exhibitions with the participation of persons with
disabilities: Life together. Children with disabilities have participated at the festival Life together;
Happy for one day. Was organized a sales exhibition of the works made by children with disabili-
ties; The optimism of the butterfies. The association Debra Moldova invites at a fair of forgotten
things and a photo exhibition; Festival Golden apple (50 children, inclusively children with dis-
abilities have participated at this festival); Beauteousness without barriers. Ludmila Iachim occu-
pied the 3
place at a beauty contest for persons with disabilities; The theatre for children with dis-
abilities. Actors without stage and audience; Jurnal TV helps children with disabilities (presents a
fair of presents) etc.
A series of media reports related to this topic have showed up involvement of persons with disabili-
ties in raising awareness and information of community regarding lack of access to public institu-
tions: Access ramps with handicap. The access ramps in Chisinau are not designed according to the
standards in construction and We have ramps but these are useless (are presented the results of
a research performed by Association MOTIVATION); No parking places. There are no parking
places for persons with mobility disabilities in Moldova etc.
Is presented a story of a young boy who has suffered a trauma at the vertebral column and now
uses the wheel chair. Due to the insistence of Alexandru, the Mayoralty of Hincesti has allocated
resources to build an access ramp.
Id like to have a normal life, even though I have certain needs, a little more special than other
people have.
Adevarul, 02.07.2013
3.3 Incomes security and support services 47
This topic is frequently approached (47 media reports); practically every sixth report refects this
It is important to mention that most frequently the topic related to Incomes security and support ser-
vices is refected in the following sources of mass-media: TV 7 (16 media reports); Moldova 1 (11
media reports); Jurnal TV (7 media reports); Publika TV and Unimedia with 4 media reports. The
other sources of mass-media have presented 1-2 media reports on this topic.
This topic reveals two major issues:
1. The frst issue refers to such an aspect like increase of the social services for persons with
disabilities, of the provided media report help, poverty faced by them, etc.: Persons of the
level of disability shall beneft of support on the international day of persons with disabili-
ties; 300 lei for persons with disabilities who have suffered from the Chernobyl catastro-
phe; The drama of the old people. Dozens of older persons are in a deplorable situation;
The compensation for transport services for persons with disabilities is increased.
More than four million lei for persons with disabilities, for children left without parents, for older
persons and other categories of disadvantaged people being at the poverty limit, have been ille-
gally directed in the pocket of other persons, inclusively of those who entitled to manage the social
The Chief of the Social Inspection: From the money allocated to persons with disabilities, home-
less children, older persons who have no assistance, through cheekiness and swindling, a category
of social assistants do live quite a good life.
Timpul, 16.11.2012
2. The second issue refects the support services addressed to persons with disabilities: Hap-
pier children. The Parental Professional Service continues to develop in Moldova; Special
children. Parents of children with disabilities learn from teachers how to care them; WHO:
Moldova is an example of reform for persons with disabilities (is refected the fact that our
country has obtained performances through creation of social services Community home
and A protected house for persons with disabilities); Emergency assistance in 5 districts
of the country there were created mobile teams offering assistance to persons with disabilities
at home; New services persons with disabilities form Chisinau can beneft of two new
services: personal assistance and mobile team; Integrated within the family for 7 young
people from the orphan asylum from Orhei was created an alternative placement service;
Newness for children with disabilities: was created the Center Tony Hawks etc. At the
same time are refected subjects which denote lack of services for persons with disabilities,
poor quality of these services, insuffciency of incomes and miserable living conditions, faced
by persons with disabilities: Solutions for old people of no one; Help only on paper (re-
fect non-functioning of the rules related to personal assistance service).
Whether they do not use a wheel chair, are blind or have mental impairments, they share the same
patients room without any difference (about older persons from an asylum from Cahul district)
Jurnal TV, 12.03.2013
3.4 Education 41
A topic of a great importance refected in the mass-media sources refers to the right to education of
persons with disabilities. Out of those media reports on this topic, 16 reports are presented on TV
channel Moldova 1; 10 media reports on TV 7, with 4 media reports on Jurnal TV and Jurnal de
Chisinau, with 3 media reports on Publika TV and Adevarul and only 1 media report on Unimedia.
The topic on education covers issues that can be divided as follows:
a) The best practices regarding observance of the right to qualitative educational services for per-
sons with disabilities: A school for all; Education within the hospital (within the Onco-
logical Institute was opened an educational center for patients with cancer, so as not to be left
behind the school curriculum); Japan helps our children (refects how Japan offers a grant
for integration of children with disabilities in school and in society); Social inclusion (re-
fects how children with autism are integrated in the kindergarten and school alongside with
other children); Different, but together (presents a lyceum with inclusive practices from
Floresti district); Promote human values. Children from the Center Atlant have promoted
human values through dancing, poetry and songs; They shall study in regular schools. Pu-
pils from the boarding school from Ialoveni shall study in regular schools (the residential
school is closed and children with disabilities shall be integrated in regular schools) etc.
b) Unsuccessful cases, violation of the right to education: Alone among people (relates about a
child not being admitted to a musical school and the school he is going is not provided with an
access ramp); Problems of persons with hearing impairments (are mentioned the problems
faced by children with hearing impairments, lack of specialists in this feld, etc.); Parents of
a pupil with movement impairments accuse the administration of a lyceum of discrimination
(the pupils parents assert that their child was not admitted because of the disability); Pupils
from the country do have limited access to education, assert the members of the national coun-
cil of the pupils (the cause: the educational institutions are not provided with access ramps)
Monitoring of media and societal attitude towards people with disabilities
At the same time, some media reports refect in a discriminatory language the educational
process of children with disabilities and even misinform the public opinion related to some
reforms implemented in this feld.
The school curriculum is perceived with more diffculties by these children, this is because they
are administered medicines. We have lessons in the form of games, otherwise they would not learn
the material
TV 7, Cotidian, 06.03.2013
Children with special needs shall join pupils with no defciencies, shall sit at the same desk and
shall study together with other pupils...
TV 7, Cotidian, 06.08.2013
NGO chairman: In most cases our children are somewhere on a sleeping ledge or in a special scho-
ol. We would like our children to be included in the mass educational system, together with other
Moldova 1, Mesager, 10.08.2013
Pupils from our country do not have full access to education. This is the result of the frst report
done by the National council of the pupils. According to them, children abandon the school beca-
use of poverty, and those with disabilities do not go to school because these are not provided with
access ramps for wheel chairs.
TV 7, Cotidian, 31.10.2013
Following the reform from 2007 referring to liquidation of institutions for children with move-
ment impairments, there were closed 9 schools of this kind and by 2015 other 4 schools shall be
TV 7, Cotidian, 08.04.2013
Reporter: Children were integrated through the inclusive education program which is being imple-
mented for 10 years.
Moldova 1, Mesager, 30.09.2013
The last two statements are erroneous: with reference to the frst one the reform presuppos-
es reorganization of the residential system for children assistance and the data presented are
erroneous; with reference to the second statement we would like to mention that the program
for development of inclusive education is being implemented since 2011.
c) Actions taken by the offcials in order to integrate children with disabilities in the educational
system: For orphan children (refers to the assistance offered by the LPA to orphan chil-
dren, inclusively to children with disabilities for integration within the educational system);
School supplies from the Minister (children have beneftted of school supplies).
3.5 Private and family life 37
The monitored sources of mass-media have refected in 37 media reports issues referring to Private
and family life.
Most of the media reports on this topic are refected on Jurnal TV (9 media reports); Moldova 1 (8
media reports) and Jurnal de Chisinau (7 media reports).
This topic was refected largely within the program The life goes on, Jurnal TV, being presented
stories of some persons with disabilities who have succeeded to overcome the barriers and who have
achieved success in their personal and professional life.
A series of media reports reveal situations and persons who faced up the disability they have, succeed-
ing to transform disability into ability; Disability is not a barrier; The hope which overcomes the
medicine; Do you remember Liliana (the story of a girl without one hand).
At the same time are refected subjects which present cases of family violence: Farther monster
(story of a woman who acquired the disability as a result of bad treatment from the behalf of her hus-
band); The girl inhumanly beaten by her farther (the story refects a case of inhuman treatment of a
girl from the behalf of her farther, the mother of whom has a disability).
3.6 Information and communication 29
Almost each tenth presented media report bears an informative character and focuses on presentation
of statistical data, ascertainments, changes at the system level regarding protection of persons with
disabilities. All the monitored mass-media sources contain 1-2 media reports on this topic, but most
frequently these reports are refected on TV 7 and Moldova 1.
As a rule, the media reports included in this category of topics refer to public opinion information on
some statistical data, participation of offcials to public events and/or ascertainments of the interna-
tional organizations regarding protection of persons with disabilities: The frst Lady has participated
at the 6
international reunion on autism; UN Report: Moldova, with serious drawbacks related to
social inclusion and human development; The number of persons with mental disabilities decreas-
es, affrms the Ministry of Health; Over 40 thousand of persons die annually in Moldova because
of non-transmissible maladies; Access ramps etc.
3.7 Work 27
Work represents a very important topic refected in the mass-media sources. Out of those 300 media
reports, 9 % refers to this subject. Most frequently this topic is analyzed on Jurnal TV (7 media re-
ports), Publika TV (6 media reports); Moldova 1 (5 media reports); TV 7 (4 media reports), 2 media
reports each are refected in Adevarul and Jurnal de Chisinau and 1 media report in the newspaper
As a rule, are presented media reports referring to persons with disabilities who have succeeded to get
employed and obtain success. To this subject refers the media report Write in the darkness about the
writer Mihail Ciubotaru, who is writing his works being absolutely blind. Within the program Life
goes on it is presented the story of a dancer who has succeeded to overcome the situation she has
lived, as a result of a trauma to the vertebral column, coming back to her activity after many years of
rehabilitation. Another successful story refers to a young girl with visual impairments who has gradu-
ated psychology and has opened a massage therapist cabinet in her own locality.
At the same time, the media reports related to this topic refect some problems on integration of per-
sons with disabilities in the labor system and actions performed in this sense: With disabilities to
work; Left isolated. The employers are not ready to employ persons with disabilities; Opportuni-
ties on employment. In Moldova is being drafted a law on social entrepreneurship; Social projects
NGOs could develop social programs that would facilitate employment of persons with disabilities.
Monitoring of media and societal attitude towards people with disabilities
It is a problem to convince an employer to employ a person with disability, because this means res-
ponsibility and that is why mane refusePersons with disabilities have complained that they
cannot enter the institutions because of lack of access rampsMany access ramps for persons
with disabilities do not comply to the standards
Publika TV, 01.12.2012
According to the new law, persons with disabilities shall work only 6 hours per day and beneft of 2
month of leave of absenceEconomic agent: These provisions for economic agents are repellent;
these are are constraints, requirements and no advantages to create new work places
Publika TV, 13.08.2013
One of the employers was enthusiastic when he saw me. He said he would employ me, he has
accompanied me to the table and when we started to discuss he has observed my impairment. My
voice has changed. He got so excited that he has blown down the glass on the table. He said he has
some other applicants and will call me up. It was clear, that even if I had necessary knowledge, he
would not employ me.
Adevarul, 24.09.2013
3.8 Physical and mental security 20
The topic on Physical and mental security represents refective issues for 20 media reports from 6
sources of mass-media. Most of the media reports on this issue were presented on Jurnal TV (8 media
reports), followed by Unimedia (3 media reports). 1-3 media reports were presented by TV 7, Publika
TV, Adevarul and Jurnal de Chisinau.
The analyzed issues refer to different situations on behavior of persons with disabilities; aspects re-
lated to physical security and drawbacks of the system, etc.
Theres no a mechanism to protect persons with disabilities in the residential institutions. There are
a lot of irregularities in these residential institutions.
Publika TV, 06.12.2013
An issue of high resonance is the case presented by mass-media related to a doctor from a residential
institution that has violated his patients: Patients rapist; The doctor has rapped a girl?
On this topic refer the subjects related to suicide cases: He had thrown himself from the height (presents
the case when a young boy of 17 years old with mental impairments has committed a suicide) etc.
3.9 Legal status and protection, access to justice 12
An insignifcant number of media reports refect the topic related to Legal status and protection, ac-
cess to justice. On this topic have been analyzed only 12 media reports: Unimedia 4 media reports;
Adevarul 3 media reports; Jurnal TV 2 media reports; Publika TV, Jurnal de Chisinau and Timpul
with 1 report each.
The analyzed media reports refer to a case of medical malpractice: Ministry of health: Doctors are
not guilty in the case of the child who has acquired the disability as a result of an anesthesia this
case has been analyzed largely and had a high resonance, but there were not identifed solutions for
the child and for his family.
In a media report is presented the situation according to which a citizen of the Republic of Moldova
was seized, being a member of a criminal group dealing with traffcking of persons with disabilities,
forcing them to beg on the territory of Russia.
The newspaper Adevarul presents on this topic the reports The day of the invisible children
(referring to some journalistic investigations, which have discovered the deplorable situation of the
children from the Phthisiopneumology Center from Cornesti, boarding school from Orhei, the school
for pupils with hearing impairment from Calarasi); Tolerance is learned from childhood (an inter-
view with N.Hriptievschi, expert from Moldova within the European Commission against Racism
and Intolerance); Arts and mustiness (relates the story of a war veteran from Afghanistan, who has
built a balcony above the Exhibition Center Brancusi, and which may break down in any moment,
creating big troubles).
Near to a happy life of the children theres another world the world of the children with disabili-
ties of which the politicians do not remind
Adevarul, 03.06.2013
An offcial from the National scientifc practical center for pediatric surgery Natalia Gheorghiu:
What is a person with disabilities? Additional allowances. It is a burden not only for the family but
also for the state. A burden for all the active population.
Adevarul, 04.10.2013
Has addressed to politicians like Ghimpu, Lupu, Filat, Voronin, but no one has taken into
account. Virginia Caldarari took her baby of 9 years old and went to the Ministry of Health. She put
the baby on the table of the Minister and refused to walk away. The Minister, Usatii, has advised her
to take the child to the orphan asylum It is just a fragment of a staggering story told by Virginia,
about the life of her child who was been in a coma of the 4
grade for about six months, after a visit
to the dentist
Timpul, 18.03.2013
3.10 Monitoring of UN Convention on human rights of persons with disabilities - 4
UN Convention on Rights of Persons with Disabilities was ratifed by the Republic of Moldova in
2010. Monitoring of the implementation of this international document was subject of only 4 media
reports, being refected by TV channels Moldova 1 2 media reports; TV 7 and Publika TV with 1
report each.
In the presented media reports is highlighted the rights of children with disabilities being frequently
violated; about the modifcations in legislation making reference to the fact that persons with dis-
abilities shall have a determined work capacity depending on their professional skills and not on their
disability; in the context of the international day of persons with disabilities is made reference to the
UN Convention on Rights of Persons with Disabilities; it was delivered the message of the UN Sec-
retary on elimination of discrimination against persons with disabilities.
3.11 Religion 3
The topic referring to religion is refected in only three media reports, these being presented on TV 7,
Moldova 1 and Jurnalul de Chisinau.
The belief and the church are perceived as determinant factors in the integration process of persons
with disabilities: Lets forget the soviet priest (a media report refecting integration of persons with
hearing impairments through the church); Miraculous healing (a person with disabilities advise
people to turn to belief and affrms that this helps him to get cured).
Monitoring of media and societal attitude towards people with disabilities
During the monitoring process of mass-media sources there were also analyzed cross-cutting issues.
It was established that out of those 300 monitored media reports, about 52% refer to the situation of
children with disabilities; 11% to women and girls with disabilities; 11% to poverty and disability;
10% refect issues on accessibility, 7% of the media reports refect cases of discrimination situations;
5% refer to reasonable accommodation of the institutions/services and only 4% refer to older persons
with disabilities (see Diagram 6).
With reference to topic on poverty and disability, an increased interest presents the conclusions of the
UN Rapporteur on poverty and human rights.
Conclusions of the UN Rapporteur on poverty and human rights: Women are discriminated, the
Roma minority is segregated and persons with disabilities are abused or exploited.
The level of vulnerability increases if the persons with disabilities are Roma, have parents who have
left the country or persons from mono parental families.
The situation of persons with disabilities is poor and it is not assured their general integration. Im
worried about the fact that the old system, inherited from the soviet period gives advantage to exclu-
sion from the society of the persons with disabilities, especially of persons with intellectual, psy-
chosocial impairments. Ive received reports, according to which these persons are gravely abused:
physically, mentally and sexually.
Adevarul, 17.09.2013
Diagram 6. Cross-cutting topics/issues approached by the mass-media
Most frequently in approaching disability is used the ECONOMIC/CHARITY PERSPECTIVE,
119 media reports (about 32%) are based on this approach (see Diagram 7). The economic/charity
perspective in approaching disability is predominant in the following sources of mass-media: TV 7;
Moldova 1; Unimedia and Jurnal TV.
The economic/charity perspec-
tive frames persons with dis-
abilities in the context of char-
ity actions and the image of
the persons invoke pity. Person
with disabilities, according to
this perspective are perceived
as social victims that are as-
sisted/supported by people of
good faith.
Chairman, Association Debra Moldova: Do you know who our enemies are? Those who dont
know the reality somebody wears under the clothes. Somebody sees you so strong, calls you infan-
tile, insistent or capricious. Its not like this. Yes, I have a strong character, but I could not succeed
otherwise. When you go to a state institution and they close the door in front of you or discriminate
you I cant be a molly-coddle and I could not obtain what Im obtaining now
TV 7, Cotidian, 23.09.2013
She was crawling like a frog and she needed some orthopedic surgeries, which weve done af-
terwards. It was very hard until the muscles got used to. Ive realized a success she can walk if
hold by hand.
Unimedia, 04.06.2013
It is important to point out that this approach perspective implies two defnite aspects: on the one hand
exists signifcant media reports which refect charity actions addressed to persons with disabilities
constituting about 62% out of those 119 media reports; on the other hand exist media reports referring
to actions/inactions performed by state institutions related to provision of social services for persons
with disabilities and a decent living 38%.
I live on 830 lei; its the disability pension of the son from family Andrievschi from Soroca. The
boys mother accuses the authorities because it is violated her right to beneft of a salary as a perso-
nal assistant. She cares her son of 21 years old, him being a person with disability from the child-
hood having no a wheel chair in such situation are other persons with disabilities from Soroca
Moldova 1, Mesager, 04.04.2013
Another perspective to approach disability which is met, from the point of view of its frequency,
practically at the same level as the economic perspective is the MEDICAL PERSPECTIVE. The
monitored media reports are approached through the medical perspective in a proportion of 30% (115
media reports).
The medical perspective presents disability as a biomedical story, characterized as a physiological
Diagram 7. Approach perspectives of disability in mass-media
Monitoring of media and societal attitude towards people with disabilities
condition, understood through the medical point of view. In this context, it is important to point
out that the mass-media sources refect mostly the disability from the medical prospective model,
approaching disability as an individual problem; promotes the approach model of persons with dis-
abilities as dependent and who need medical treatments and assistance, justifying the way these per-
sons with disabilities have been excluded systematically from the society. The medical perspective
perceives disability as any other restriction or lack (as a result of damage, deterioration) of capacity
to perform an activity in a certain way or taking into consideration what is considered normal for a
As a result of doctors inactions, a new born has suffered an irreversible cerebral injury, who has
suffered a serious obstetrical asphyxiation resulted in a further disability of the child.
Unimedia, 21.10.2013
It is important to mention that this approach perspective leads to non-development of life skills, poor
education and high level of unemployment among persons with disabilities. The medical approach
leads to breaking off the natural connections with the family, community and the society in general.
The third perspective to approach disability is RIGHTS PERSPECTIVE constituting about 28%
(106 media reports) out of the total number of monitored reports.
This approach perspective places disability within a larger social, political and economic context. The
person with disabilities is placed in a larger whole of the structural conditions having a certain impact
or creating different obstacles for persons with disabilities.
The fourth approach perspective of disability is HEROIC/OVERCOMING PERSPECTIVE
representing only 10% out of the total number of media reports.
The heroic/overcoming perspective represents disability as a heroic event, focusing on personal re-
sistance and capacity to overcome a disability. Some media reports reveal the person with disability
as successful examples of courage and strength.
Diagram 8. Number of media reports containing negative terms
Irina Corobca, owner of a therapy massage cabinet, a person with visual impairment: It is ne-
cessary to fght to make out way in this life. We need will and strength to do something for our
village and for us.
TV 7, Cotidian, 18.08.2013
Everyday, life puts him in from of tormenting challenges but he doesnt give up. Being a user
of a wheel chair, Dumitru Dabija is full of energy. For many years he couldnt use a wheel chair
20 years have passed since UN has declared the international day of persons with disabilities. Du-
mitru is an example worthy to be followed not only the persons with disabilities, but for all other
people. Social assistant: He doesnt come to the Mayoralty to ask for pity but creates everything
with his hands and for this I respect him and I would like all persons with disabilities to take him
as an example
Moldova 1, Mesager, 03.12.2013
It was very hard for me; I didnt succeed to study the subjects which were obligatory for lyceum
graduation (baccalaureate). At a certain moment, I even have decided to give up the school, but in
the second year of my studies I have changed my mind, the subjects turned to be very interesting
for me that is why Ive decided to do my best to graduate the faculty...
There were cases when some professors refused to explain me, they were telling me that I was in-
capable to study. some professors do not allow the student to enter after them, there was a case
when I was pulling the door from outside and the professor from inside
Adevarul, 19.07.2013
Xenia Siminciuc demonstrates every day that she is a winner. She has studied at a regular
school; she has graduated three faculties and sings jazz pro bono. Xenia: Children are very brutal.
For many times they have insulted me because Im blind, that I cant study with themthe person
needs to develop continuously. If the person does nothing, in a couple of years he wont like what
he sees in the mirror
Adevarul, 16.07.2013
Holds the double European record in powerlifting from Poland and Slovakia. The Moldovan
sportsman, Stefan Rosca, has represented the Republic of Moldova in the Paralympic games in
London, in 2012, in powerlifting competition. He succeeded to take the 9
place in the category of
75 kilograms, receiving from the Government a prize of 22.500 Euro. One of the biggest wish beca-
me reality. He has bought a car to go to trainings, to the university without friends and cabdrivers
help who made him to pay more money for the simple fact that he is a person with disability
Unimedia, 16.04.2013
Monitoring of media and societal attitude towards people with disabilities
In about 62% of the moni-
tored media reports, mass-
media has used neutral
terms referring to persons
with disabilities and in
38% of the media reports
there were used negative,
discriminatory terms.
In Diagram 9 is refected
the connection between
the number of media re-
ports containing nega-
tive terms and number of
non-discriminatory media
reports for each source of
monitored mass-media.
Most frequently mass-
media uses negative terms
in the media reports presented on the following mass-media sources: TV 7 23 media reports contain
discriminatory terms; Jurnal TV 20 media reports; Jurnal de Chisinau 19 media reports; Moldova
1 18 media reports; Publika TV 12 media reports; Unimedia 10 media reports; Timpul 6 media
reports; Adevarul 5 media reports; Komsomoliskaia Pravda 2 media reports.
Most frequently used term having a negative connotation is the word invalid and confned to a
wheel chair/bed
4300 of the 1
level of invalidity from Chisinau shall beneft of assistance. The Mayoralty pro-
mises that every invalid shall get 350 lei with the occasion of 3
of December .
TV 7, Cotidian, 29.11.2012
The invalids have communicated with persons who are in the same situation...We want to open
in our village a center for invalids
Moldova 1, Mesager, 02.12.2012
is 16 years old and is confned to a wheel chair, but knitting and embroidering make sense for
his life.
TV 7, Cotidian, 07.12.2012
According to the changes, 1
level invalids, confned to bed, shall receive an allowance for assis-
tance of 300 lei
TV 7, Cotidian, 21.12.2012
Only in Chisinau there are over 6 thousand of oppressed persons for whom life became a real
valley of mourning
TV 7, Cotidian, 28.03.2013
The result of the research have pointed out that the companies are not ready from the point
of view of accessibility and the persons with handicaps have a reduced productivity, do not have
intellectual skills we cannot employ an invalid because this would affect the image of our orga-
TV 7, Cotidian, 17.12.2012
Diagram 9. Relation between the number of media reports containing negative
terms and nondiscriminatory terms from the monitored sources of mass-media
There are some media reports which have quite a different, complex and close to the medical termi-
nology which for sure it is not known by the large public. In the media report A little girl of one and
a half year is urgently seeking help is presented the diagnosis of the child contained about 36 words
(TV 7, Cotidian, 30.11.2012).
With reference to the discriminatory/negative connotation terms and expressions, most frequently are
used the following expressions included in the table below:
Invalidity pension;
Confned to bed;
Children and young persons
with handicaps;
Invalids of 1
, 2
, 3
Level of invalidity;
Immobilized to bed;
Invalid for the whole life;
The child became a vegeta-
Deaf persons;
Invalidity chair;
Demented persons;
Persons with psychical dere-
Persons with mental deregu-
Immobilized to a wheel chair;
Mental retard;
Invisible people;
Invalids day;
Center for invalids;
Limping persons;
Sick persons;
Certifcate of invalidity;
Guinea pig patients;
Those who are weaker;
A country of invalids.
Monitoring of media and societal attitude towards people with disabilities
The research report Monitoring of mass-media and of the societal attitude related to persons with
disabilities has highlighted main tendencies refected by mass-media through the image and role of
persons with disabilities in the society.
Main conclusions pointed out on the basis of the monitored mass-media:
1. The number of issues related to persons with disabilities is increasing mostly due to the en-
gagements taken by the Republic of Moldova following ratifcation of the UN Convention on
Rights of Persons with Disabilities;
2. Practically, every second media report contains, besides the basic information, some statistical
data related to persons with disabilities;
3. Mass-media sources give priority to issues related to health, habilitation and rehabilitation of
persons with disabilities, social participation, income security and support services;
4. Mass-media approaches most frequently disability from the point of view of economic/charity
perspective and medical perspective;
5. The general tendency of the mass-media sources regarding usage of the terminology is inad-
equate when referring to persons with disabilities and their families. A signifcant part of the
media report contains discriminatory and devaluated terms;
6. A lot of media reports contained pictures of persons with physical/mobility impairments,
though it is talking about another type of impairment;
7. Most of the media reports do not offer solutions related to social and educational inclusion of
persons with disabilities;
8. Cases of violation of rights of persons with disabilities and cases of discrimination are not in-
vestigated minutely and no one comes to this topic again in order to show the taken measures,
9. Some sources of mass-media have shown a less professional accuracy in certain media re-
ports, being observed the subjective opinion of the reporter who promotes pity and compas-
sion towards persons with disabilities;
10. After analyzing the mass-media sources we can state that some monitored media reports have
certain doubts concerning objectivity and correctness in presenting cases on private and fam-
ily life of persons with disabilities, physical and emotional security, etc.;
11. In presentation of some media reports was not observed the compulsoriness principal to use
at least two sources of information;
12. Is ascertained that a big part of the media reports about persons with disabilities are promoted
with the occasion of different holidays and very frequently these have a segregated character;
13. Lack of media reports referring to increase of the social role of persons with disabilities, are
less promoted topics and issues on successful social and community integration of persons
with disabilities;
14. The voice of the person with disability, as a rule is not heard and even it is not offered the
possibility to intervene in the discussion. In most of cases, the interests of persons with dis-
abilities are presented by offcials, journalists, NGOs representatives, service providers, etc.;
15. As a rule, persons with disabilities are presented in environments less valued as compared to
other groups of people (in institutions, within social services, at the hospital, at home) a fact
that infuences the image of this group of people.
In order to increase the awareness level of the public opinion regarding the situation of persons with
disabilities and elimination of stigmatization and discrimination, we come with the following recom-
1. Consolidation of the journalists skills in the feld of disabilities in order to exclude the nega-
tive terminology and use the social model approach of disability;
2. In approaching disability is highly important for the journalist to put in front the person and
his/her skills and not the impairment she/he has;
3. It is important not to approach the impairment as sensational news;
4. Shall not be used labels and euphemisms in approaching disability;
5. Issues related to persons with disabilities shall be refected so as not to violate their rights and
not put persons with disabilities in unfavorable roles;
6. It is necessary to promote success stories and to promote heroic perspective of persons with
disabilities in order to promote their social inclusions;
7. Coming back to topics of high resonance in order to show the evolution of the cases presented
8. Observance of the main journalistic etiquette: mandatory presence of both sources and separa-
tion of facts from opinions.
Monitoring of media and societal attitude towards people with disabilities

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