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Ace Allawan, Kara Marcella Barro, John Oscar Enriquez, Eliezer Galope, Freece Angelo Rosalia,
Ulomoddin ilongan and Marianne Kris!elle "arra
B#O $%& ' Group ( March $), %&$*
+his s!ud, -ocused on !racing !he di--eren! pa!hwa,s, su.s!ances, su.!ra!es or ligands !ha! ma,
a--ec! !he au!ophag, o- pros!a!e cancer cells/ Au!ophag, is a mechanism o- !he cancer cells in which !he,
-eed !hemsel0es wi!h d,s-unc!ional organelles and pro!eins !o sur0i0e !he amino acid depri0a!ion, caused
., !herap, done !o pros!a!e cancer pa!ien!s -or e1ample/
2euregulin 32RG4 is a ligand o- Er.B56 recep!or !ha! is lin7ed !o human cancers/ 2RG was
s!udied in !his e1perimen! as !his ligand was 7nown !o inhi.i! grow!h o- !he androgen dependen! 829a:
pros!a!e cancer cells/ +hese 829a: cells are androgen5sensi!i0e human pros!a!e adenocarcinoma cells/
+hus, wi!h !his 7nown -ac!, a possi.le pa!hwa, can .e !raced -rom !he ligand 2RG !o i!s e--ec! on !he
829a: cells/
A-!er se0eral e1perimen!s done, !he researchers -ound !ha! !here are di--eren! su.s!ances or
su.s!ra!es !ha! induce and inhi.i! au!ophag, o- 829a: cells/ 2RG, in !he a.sence o- androgen, induces
dea!h o- 829a: cells and media!es au!ophag,/ Au!ophag, in 829a: is inhi.i!ed ., *5me!h,ladenine 3*5
MA4, Ba-ilom,cin ' A$, 25ace!,lec,s!eine 32A94, J2K inhi.i!or and Bcl5% .ound !o Beclin $/ *5MA is
a :#*K inhi.i!or was -ound !o inhi.i! au!ophag, in 829a: cells using !he 89* pro!ein as a mar7er/
Ba-ilom,cin ' A$ inhi.i!s au!ophagosome5l,sosome -usion which is a par! o- !he process o- au!ophag,/
;hen au!ophagosome does no! -uses wi!h l,sosome, !he organelles and pro!eins enclosed ., !he
au!ophagosome will no! .e degraded ., !he l,sosome, no -ood will .e -ormed -or !he cells, au!ophag, is
.loc7ed/ 2A9 is an an!io1idan! !ha! a.olished !he -orma!ion o- au!ophagosomes !hus inhi.i!ed 2RG5
induced au!ophag, and cell dea!h/ J2K is responsi.le -or response !o s!imuli/ #! was -ound !ha! J2K is a
po!en!ial media!or o- 2RG5induced au!ophag,, !hus J2K inhi.i!or clearl, inhi.i!s au!ophag,/ 8as!l,,
.eclin $ is a ma<or 7nown regula!or o- au!ophag,, howe0er when .ound !o Bcl5% 3an an!i5apop!o!ic
pro!ein4, !he au!ophagic ac!i0i!, o- .eclin $ is inhi.i!ed/
On !he o!her hand, reac!i0e o1,gen species 3RO4, ac!i0a!ion o- J2K pa!hwa,, .eclin $,
rapam,cin and inac!i0a!ion o- m+OR pa!hwa, induce au!ophag, in 829a: cells/ RO pla,s a role in
au!ophag, .ecause i! is required -or s!ar0a!ion5induced au!ophag, and i! is 7nown !o induce au!ophag,
in cer!ain cell lines/ As a con!radic!ion !o !he s!a!emen!s men!ioned a.o0e, ac!i0a!ion o- J2K pa!hwa,
and .eclin $ induce 829a: cells au!ophag,/ Rapam,cin is an m+OR inhi.i!or !ha! downregula!es !he
m+OR ac!i0i!,/ m+OR is a nega!i0e regula!or o- au!ophag,, !hus when !his pa!hwa, is inhi.i!ed,
au!ophag, is ac!i0a!ed/ m+OR pa!hwa, is !he po!en!ial pa!hwa, !ha! !he signals -rom 2RG ma, cross
or -ollow -or !he au!ophag, o- 829a: cells/ 2RG !rea!men! increased !he le0el o- phosphor,la!ion o-
A7! 3ac!i0a!es !he m+OR4, howe0er i! is -ound !o .e incomple!e .ecause inac!i0a!ion o- !his pa!hwa,
had no e--ec! on !he phosphor,la!ion le0els o- !he A7!/ +hus, i! was concluded !ha! neuregulin promo!es
incomple!e au!ophag, o- pros!a!e cancer cells which is independen! on !he m+OR pa!hwa, inhi.i!ion/
;i!h !his in-orma!ion, !his s!ud, can pro0ide insigh!s on !rea!ing pros!a!e cancer ., !arge!ing !he
pa!hwa, !ha! ma, inhi.i! !he au!ophag, o- cancer cells -or !hem no! !o sur0i0e/ ;hen !he cancer cells
are comple!el, depri0ed wi!h !he amino acid or -ood !he, need, one ma, !arge! !hese cells and 7ill !hem/
#! will .e a grea! con!ri.u!ion !o science as !rea!men! !o cancer will .e disco0ered/ =owe0er, more
research mus! .e done !o comple!el, !race !he pa!hwa,/

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