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CONTACT: Michele Goldberg, Director of Marketing

Greater Springfield Convention & Visitors Bureau

Tel: !"#$ %&&'"#!! or !"#$ ##&'(&)%*+',ail: ,ichele-valle.visitor/co,
0ol.oke, M1 2une ), (3"!$ 4 The Greater Springfield Convention and Visitors Bureau GSCVB$ honored
) individuals see list at end of release$ fro, the hospitalit. industr. on Monda., 2une ), during the ")

annual 0o5d. 15ards for 0ospitalit. +6cellence/ The gala dinner, held at the 7og Cabin Ban8uet &
Meeting 0ouse, attracted ,ore than #33 touris, industr. professionals/
The a5ards, produced b. the GSCVB, recogni9e front'line e,plo.ees in the hospitalit. industr. 5ho go
above and be.ond in the perfor,ance of their duties and provide outstanding service to their guests and
custo,ers/ B. doing so, these hospitalit. professionals contribute to the econo,ic vitalit. of the businesses
the. serve and the region overall/
The 5inners 5ere chosen fro, a,ong !: finalists, 5ho 5ere honored at a reception in Ma./ The finalists
5ere selected b. the 0o5d. 15ards Co,,ittee fro, nearl. !33 no,inations a,ong seven categories/ The
Co,,ittee also selected Springfield Ma.or Do,enic 2/ Sarno, to receive the Spotlight 15ard, 5hich
recogni9es individuals or organi9ations for their dedication and outstanding contribution to the region;s
hospitalit. industr./
<=e;re proud and happ. to present the 0o5d. 15ards to honor so,e of the ,ost i,portant people in the
hospitalit. industr., the frontline 5orkers,> said GSCVB ?resident Mar. @a. =.dra/ <The. are usuall. the
first person a visitor encounters, and if the.;re especiall. nice and go above and be.ond, that visitor is likel.
to return to that A and other A touris, locations/ So, ever.bod. 5insBthe visitor has a great e6perience, the
location captures their business, and the ?ioneer Valle. econo,. is enhanced/ This .ear;s event is also
e6citing because of the selection of Ma.or Sarno as the ver. 5orth. recipient of the Spotlight 15ard/>
Cpon besto5ing the Spotlight 15ard on Ma.or Sarno, GSCVB Chair,an Michael +/ 0ur5it9 stated,
<Ma.or Sarno has long been a friend to touris,/ =hen called upon to lend his support to the GSCVB;s
efforts he readil. reinforces the i,portance of our industr. on a local and regional level/ Trul., Ma.or Sarno
values touris, and sees the ke. role this industr. pla.s in Springfield;s Denaissance/>
The 0o5d. 15ards progra, consists of a no,ination process for 5hich an. hospitalit. service provider in
the region is eligible ' regardless of 5hether their organi9ation is a GSCVB ,e,ber/ 1 trio of respected
industr. leaders selected fro, outside the ?ioneer Valle. Eudges the finalists, and selects the 5inners in each
categor./ The Eudges for this .earFs event 5ere 2anice ?utna, A Marketing & Sales Manager at M.stic
Countr., CT, Gred 0unter A Media Consultant, Group Tour Media, Chel,sford, M1 and Brian Van G.9en A
1ssistant ?rofessor, The 0ospitalit. College at 2ohnson & =ales Cniversit., ?rovidence, DH/
+ach hospitalit. a5ard 5inner received the decorative etched glass 0ospitalit. +6cellence 15ard, a fra,ed
certificate of achieve,ent, a 0o5d. =inner lapel pin, and a gift bag filled 5ith gift certificates and other
ite,s fro, the region;s top touris, establish,ents/
Sponsors for the (3"! 0o5d. 15ards for 0ospitalit. +6cellence include Iankee Candle Village, 1ladco 7inen
Co/, Ba.state 0ealth, ==7? TV'((, +astern States +6position, Greedo, Credit Cnion, Global Spectru,, The
7og Cabin Ban8uet & Meeting 0ouse*The Delane. 0ouse, Mass7ive/co,, Massachusetts Convention Center
1uthorit., ?erfor,ance Goodservice, The Depublican, Mi6 )#'" and =0IJ Je5sTalk &K3 and Iuengling/
The GSCVB, an affiliate of the +cono,ic Develop,ent Council of =estern M1, is a private non'profit
destination ,arketing organi9ation that generates econo,ic gro5th for Massachusetts; ?ioneer Valle. b.
,arketing the region as an ideal destination for ,eetings and conventions, group tour, sports and leisure
travel/ Gor ,ore infor,ation, visit 555/valle.visitor/co,/
Hn the categor. of Accommo!"#o$% :
Mar. 1nnis A Guest Service 1gent
0a,pton Hnn 0adle.*1,herst
Hn the categor. of A""&!c"#o$% :
=illia, Ve9ina A Cre5 Me,ber
Bright Jights at Gorest ?ark
Hn the categor. of B'('&!)' :
Victoria Torti A Bartender
#3Bolt5ood at the 7ord 2effer. Hnn in 1,herst
Hn the categor. of Foo :
7uisa Cardaropoli A L5ner
?ala99o CafM in Springfield
Hn the categor. of P*+,#c S'&(#c':
2ud. Butcher A Deceptionist
2e5ish Co,,unit. Center in Springfield
Hn the categor. of R'"!#,-B*%#$'%%
Dhiannon McDer,ott A Custo,er Service Depresentative
7ee ?re,iu, Lutlets in 7ee
Hn the categor. of T&!$%.o&"!"#o$
Dick. 2ohnson A Motorcoach Lperator
?eter ?an Bus 7ines in Springfield
S.o",#)/" W#$$'&:
Do,enic 2/ Sarno A Ma.or of Springfield

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