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Why Cubans have not thrown themselves out to the streets?

A recurring question in interviews on television in Miami is "why Cubans have not thrown
themselves out to the streets? Others on the extreme right say it is for complicity with the
regime. These expressions annoy and divide Cubans...; well, there are also those who are
looking for that: division.
Spontaneous rebellions have been controllable through history: The Hippies, The municipality El
Cano 1959 and 5 August 1994 in Cuba, Arab Spring, The Indignant, and still we do not know
how it will be finish in Venezuela so far. The main requirements for the organization of a
rebellion are economic resources, communication and transportation. Those that, the Cuban
regime has persecuted viciously. Examples of personal sacrifices have not worked so far,
because of the Government media domain; those have been like striking the wall with their own
Any of the western developed countries (WDC) has a same permanent Government represented,
and only represented, alternatively by one of the two main political parties and that they call it
"political diversity". A single political party in Cuba is the Government and that is called by
them "true democracy", although for the rest of the world more than a dictatorship is a tyranny.
Now, if the WDC popular masses cannot achieve the slightest change to the progress of the
nation, by the scientific advances in the control and repression of these masses; what might we
expect from a cruel and unscrupulous tyranny?

Control and repression of the population in Cuba:

I- Moral disarmament:

1. Apparent Democracy: The electoral system in Cuba, to avoid as far as possible the
criticisms, is based on the legislation of the WDC, a system that excludes those who have the
vocation of service; people is only let to choose among those possessed by ambitions for power
and profit; In addition it contains initiatives legislated by tyranny, and others that do not appear
in writing neither are officially recognized.

(A) As in the WDC, provincial and national leaders are elected delegates by small electoral
areas, allowing it to reduce voters to a number that makes them manageable.

B) They put on a mural tablet a historical overview of each chosen delegate to be elected to the
small area and to the municipality; it is historical, in other words, the contribution of the
individual to the tyranny. This review is not dialectical; it says nothing about what the
individual proposes to solve the problems of the area and the country.

C) This small Area that it is about to choose a delegate to the National Popular Power is
previously favored with products, which are scarce in the country; Security of the State (SS) (the
most repressive forces) is in charge of anticipating mishaps, for which, they include direct or
veiled threats and imprisonments if it is necessary; also, the secret proposal of the party is made
for someone no member of party. Only pre-chosen delegates can go in the ballot. Nothing of
the previous thing is written.

D) The delegates of the areas to the municipality elect the preselected municipal president and
the delegates of the province and the Nation. The provincial delegates choose their preselected
president and the deputies to the National Popular Power of the Nation. These last elect the pre-
chosen president of National Popular Power. Always keep in mind what it is not written for all
levels: all these elections are run by the intimidation, e.g. , the deputies of the National Popular
Power do not deposit their secret votes in a common ballot box, if not, that to "facilitate voting!",
each row of seats has a particular ballot box, so that voters think that SS is going to be able to
detect their vote, because there are few deposited there, by the pencil given them, and/or by their
fingerprints on the paper. But in addition, they know that if the real voting is unfavorable to the
preselected president, the electoral commission would declare in favor him for almost

E) The elections of the unique party are of the same cut, but with even more restricted freedoms
by "party discipline!

THAT REFLECTS THE TRUE DEMOCRACY! a system to elect submissive people and to
eliminate those who has service vocation.

2. Legislation against moral principles ("it is better to govern a vicious people than virtuous
ones"): many laws have been created in Cuba to being violated. Any law against survival,
without any doubt it is going to be violated. So this way it has happened with the production,
transport and distribution of food and also of home equipment and building- basic-restoration.

A) A book of subsistence food supply and markets short out of food, by one side; decreasing
food production, and sale, purchase and delivery bans of foods on the other hand. People
feel morally disarmed to political struggle when they are in the need of violating the laws
to cover even though less than home-basic-basket, and also when they steal in the
workplace or buy stolen food. In addition, these laws are tyrannys useful to punish those
who are struggling against the regime for common crimes and non-political ones.

B) Wages that only cover a fraction of the basic basket and most of the businesses are
3. Subjection and humiliation is enthroned by the immoral tyrannical system and extended in
all country structures, to introduce submissiveness in the population.

a) To any governmental instance that we go to request a document we feel the humiliation and
the subjection, as if this was not our citizen right, if not, as it was a favor that they make us,
although the service was paid.

b) The waiters in the units of state services such as restaurants, cafes, hotels, villas and other
make to the customer the favor for service which he had bought.

c) Everything you get is thanks to the revolution", "thanks to the great benefactor", it is not by
your hard work.

d) All the mass media are in function to root fear in the population and the inability to fight
against the regime: military parades, victories, the vile language against the enemy to
demonstrate that the tyranny is inexpugnable, the sweeping advances of the revolution (false
because socialist tyrannies are inefficient), etc. Also the intelligence uses between other
despicable dexterity the rumors system.

e) All those who dissent from the efficiency of the tyranny are despised, humiliated and in many
cases attacked and even imprisoned.

f) The dissidents do not have where to show the realities of the country or their ideas. If they
send them abroad, then they are traitors, footmen of the imperialism

4. Underfeeding
Malnutrition affects the mood of the people to fight for spiritual values such as freedom, dignity,
honesty, solidarity, etc. All combative spirit is reduced to meet even though the minimum food

II- Population Control
1. One of the initiatives of the tyrant was controlling the location of each citizen with the ration

2. The Committee for the defense of the revolution (CDR) in every block had to inform to the
local agent assigned by the repressive force (LAARF) about any person from another place
residing in the block for more than 3 days.

3. The CDRs, UJC and PCC had to report about someone disaffected to regime or religious in
their area.

4. The CDRs had report about any diplomatic car that pass by or stop by in their blocks.

5. The CDRs and LAARFs had to report about all residents outside the country who visited or
resided in their blocks.

III - Cruel and unscrupulous repression from the regime
The repression begins by the own ruling clique and they call it debugging ". Only it is allowed a
single popular figure, and the tyrant in one way or another gets rid of those who make or could
make shadow to him. The leaders well known and beloved by the population are the firsts to go
away. Then the tyrant removed the new arisen ones, those who are not submissive to the tyrant,
and those who need to sacrifice as scapegoat, to cover international crimes committed by the
beast, the psychopath's dirty neck, the worst enemy that had Cubans inside and outside the
1. Summary Trials; and about what the assigned defense lawyer publicly says that to
defend the accused disgusts him.

2. Rigged trials: the sentence determined before judgment.

3. The defense lawyers have to accept evidences and confessions taken by repressive system
as irrefutable truth, although the attorney knew about questionable tests, about
intimidation and, as minimum, psychological torture.

4. Peaceful dissidence is taken as crimes against the State.

5. THE WORST THING, State terrorism, the most despicable, only Hitler did it before:
repudiation meeting: launching mobs against defenseless families shouting expletives,
throwing stones and other objects, sometime beating and indicting them.

6. Trained persons in martial arts scattered among the crowd in a political meeting or a
musical foreign concert or to a church activity, to surreptitiously strike someone who
shouts inconveniences, and then, he/she is carried out on stretchers as a stifled by the

7. Repression after the Maleconazo is an example: Cameramen were sent to take pictures
that day from the rooftops. The pictures were used as evidence to incriminate many of the
peaceful protesters who were sentenced up to two and a half years in Cuban jails where
people is annihilated moral and physically.

8. Other frightening example about de SS little job!: The tugboat sinking in July 1994. The
(SS) became aware of the possible flee of Cubans in a tugboat and struck a plan that
could only be authorized by the highest level in Cuba, because nobody was capable of
taking responsibility for those crimes. The SS incited related or intimidated workpeople
to prepare hidden other tugs to make "a repudiation meeting!" on high sea to the dissident
vessel. After numerous drowned, the guard coaster appeared "to save lives!

9. The pacific dissident in addition to put himself at risk, he knows he is going to sacrifice
his family, because that is the way SS works. When Government imprison a dissident the
family suffers by his absence, ill-treatment, poor hygiene, worse medical care, poor
feeding, and SS make its worse moving him to a jail in another far province to make
horrible the family care of the condemned person in a country where the transport is
scarce and expensive and even more food.

IV - Lack of external support to the Cuban people:

1. The leaders of the tyranny have not been indicted by crimes against humanity in the
International Court.

2. The economic destruction of Cuba has not been proposed to be included among crimes
against humanity in international legislation, in which the primary responsibility is from
Fidel Castro.

3. A politic of exiles that has influenced the U.S. Government in such a way that it affects
the own prestige of the United States, which gives political arguments to the tyranny and
that has not been effective in its support to dissidence. The only law of the U.S.
Government that is needed is the absolute prohibition of giving credits to Cuba. All
exchanges must be with hard currency while the tyranny remains in power.

4. A comfortable exile, without repression ": why they divided Cubans! ", by principles?,
by Moral?, by dignity?, NO, it is only by personal interests. And not only that, they
divide Cubans among all of them, inside and outside the country. Exiles of extreme right
who fled from Cuba to not be unnecessary victim of the cruel tyrant, but they now
accuses the new exiles as accomplices of the Cuban Government.
The task is unity; accomplices of the Cuban Government will be judged when the change
More you can see in Facebook or in Scribd on the commentary: "Differences between
Cuba and Venezuela to throw themselves out to the streets.

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