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... through Bertha Dudde

Messiah, Saviour of humankind ....
From right heights ! des"ended to earth to "arr# M# $ight into
the darkness .... %he sun of the s&irit had gone do'n, no ra# of
$ight i$$uminated the darkness of night, and humanit# suffered
dreadfu$ hardshi&. (nd those 'ho re"ognised their adversit#
s"reamed to Me for he$&, the# "a$$ed for a Saviour to res"ue
them, for these fe' 'ere not entire$# im&risoned # M#
adversar#, the# $ived a $ife of $ove and had not "om&$ete$# $ost
their ond 'ith Me as #et, and thus a&&ea$ed to Me in their
distress to send them a Saviour.
(nd so ! sent M# Son to earth .... ( s&irit of $ight, Who emerged
from M# $ove and remained $o#a$ to Me 'hen the host of origina$
s&irits deserted Me .... offered )imse$f for an a"t 'hi"h 'as
uni*ue #et neverthe$ess rought redem&tion to a$$ humankind ....
)e des"ended to earth and d'e$$ed amongst the &eo&$e. )e
started )is $ife on earth $ike an# other human eing ut had
a""e&ted that he must fu$fi$ a great mission+ to sha&e )imse$f,
i.e. )is earth$# she$$, su"h that it "ou$d serve Me as an aode,
e"ause ! 'anted to tend to M# $iving "reations M#se$f, ! M#se$f
'anted to redeem their immense gui$t 'ith 'hi"h the# had
urdened themse$ves due to their vo$untar# a&ostas# from
Me ....
%his eing of $ight, a "hi$d of M# $ove, offered !tse$f to a""om&$ish
this a"t of atonement as a human eing on M# eha$f and, as a
sou$, took aode in the infant ,esus and egan )is earth$#
&rogress, 'hi"h 'as so in"redi$# sorro'fu$ e"ause )is earth$#
od# 'as intended to e"ome s&iritua$ised as 'e$$ in order to
serve Me M#se$f, the -terna$ .ove, as a d'e$$ing.
-ven at )is irth the 'or$d around )im 'as a$read# a$e to
re"ognise that this infant 'as the &romised Messiah, for )is great
aundan"e of $ight roke through from time to time and
e/&ressed itse$f in e/traordinari$# &rofound s&ee"hes # the
infant. 0et )is sou$ 'as e/"eeding$# harassed # M# adversar#
'ho in"ited a$$ s&irits sti$$ e$onging to him into taking &ossession
of )is od# so that, due to this inf$uen"e, the od# e"ame
su1e"t to &o'erfu$ tem&tations against 'hi"h the man ,esus
suse*uent$# had to fight so as not to su""um to them.
.ove gave )im the strength to do so #et )e had to e/ert great
effort, and the 'ho$e of )is earth$# $ife 'as a true &ath of the
"ross, 'hi"h )e neverthe$ess vo$untari$# took u&on )imse$f for
$ove of )is fa$$en rothers, 'hose e/tensive hardshi& 'as kno'n
to )im.
But )is $ife 'as a$so an uninterru&ted servi"e of $ove, and sin"e !
(m .ove !tse$f ! 'as a$'a#s a$e to e in )im and &rovide )im
'ith the strength to fu$fi$ the mission+ to accomplish the act of
atonement for humanitys immense guilt of sin ....
)e 'as M# Son, )e 'as a sou$ of $ight 'hi"h found "om&$ete
union 'ith Me on earth, 'hi"h a""om&$ished the 'ork of
deifi"ation 'hi"h is the goa$ of ever# one of M# "reated eings+
to "hange from a 2$iving "reation3 into 2M# "hi$d3 'hi"h vo$untari$#
a""e&ts M# 'i$$ "om&$ete$# and there# is a$e to attain the
highest degree of &erfe"tion.
,esus 'as a non4fa$$en origina$ s&irit, and #et this deifi"ation had
to take &$a"e in free 'i$$ 'hi"h 'as a"hieved # taking the &ath
through earth$# $ife .... the &ath through the a#ss .... (nd thus
)is sou$ had to e e/&osed to a$$ harassments on the &art of M#
adversar#, e"ause he 'anted to &ossess this sou$ too, 'hose fa$$
he had een unable to ring aout.
(nd sin"e the earth 'as his kingdom .... hen"e the kingdom of
the fa$$en s&irits .... ,esus3 sou$ 'as e/&osed to a$$ satani"
instin"ts and harassments, and the human eing ,esus had to
resist them, in the fa"e of a$$ tem&tations he had to stand by Me
as )is Father of eternit#, )e had to make Me )is "omrade4in4
arms and did this # "onstant$# re*uesting M# $ove and through
)is a"tivit# of $ove a$so re"eived it, e"ause $ove does not den#
!tse$f and the great $ove of the man ,esus dre' Me tremendous$#.
(nd # virtue of this $ove .... for $ove is strength in itse$f .... )e
'as a$e to &ut u& resistan"e and "ontinue 'ith the a"t of
Sa$vation unti$ the end.
%he Saviour had een sent to mankind in truth5 the Messiah had
"ome as had een &romised $ong efore .... %he $ight had
des"ended to earth in order to i$$uminate the hearts of those 'ho
a"kno'$edged )im, 'ho re"ognised that ! 'as in )im M#se$f and
'anted to ring &eo&$e sa$vation from sin and death ....
(nd the $ight &enetrated the darkness .... !n ,esus emerged a
fighter Who defeated M# adversar# .... For )is 'ea&on 'as $ove,
and M# adversar# fights against $ove in vain, he 'i$$ a$'a#s
su""um to $ove for ! (m .ove !tse$f, and ! (m tru$# stronger
than the one 'ho on"e &$unged #ou into the a#ss ....
6u$ished # friends of ne' reve$ations of God 7!nformation,
do'n$oad of a$$ trans$ated reve$ations, theme4ook$ets at+


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