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A Public Retraction, Correction, And Apology

I got it wrong. Ive been corrected. And I publicly apologize to Bob

Sperlazzo, Illinois State Director, National Liberty Alliance. The following
are emails between Bob and I that spell out what happened.
Communication between Bob and I over the past few months have been
difficult. A situation that was created for us by the cabal. That is no excuse
for me not performing my due diligence on getting the facts straight. My
bad. Bob and I will continue to work more closely together to Git Er Done.
WE can ALL use this as a learning experience. Bob listed some great info
too. Sorry Bob for my errors.
Hi Bob,

On Saturday, March 8, I appeared on the 2 hour Global Awakening Radio
Show as the sole guest. Paul and I talk about my recent jury duty
experience, fraud in the IRS, and tell more than a few jokes.

I have included the url's for Global Awakening Radio, Youtube, and
attached the mp3 download.

This is the first time I used Drop Box for very large file attachments
(mp3=110 megs). If your emails start to bounce back as too large to
accept, I will resend without the attachment.

I may have got it all wrong when I talk about your recent experience. In
fact, you might even feel like I threw you under the bus. If so, please accept
my apologies now.

I did it for a good reason. To illustrate my point.

Which is to OWN ALL the knowledge before entering court. So folks do
NOT get the customary 6 months for contempt. Or whatever reason they
toss at you that particular day.

If you feel it appropriate, please share this as you see fit. I know I got some
stuff wrong in the interview. But the more I do this, the more I own it.

Be Well,
Global Awakening Radio:

---------- Forwarded Message ----------
From: "Bob Sperlazzo" Subject: Re: My Guest Appearance on the Global o!ce
Rad!o Show
"ate: Mon# $% Mar &%$' %(:%(:() GM*

Great job# +ohn, - lo.e !t when people are educat!onal and proact!.e/ *here was no
attachment# but - was able to access both l!n0s to hear your !nter.!ew# wh!ch -
apprec!ate and to wh!ch - l!stened at length/

- do d!11er w!th your assessment that what happened !n my case would not ha.e
happened to you/ 2ontrary to your commentary# - "-" and "3 "own the
!n1ormat!on" re1erenced/ As - sa!d pre.!ously# they had a predeterm!ned outcome
and 1oregone conclus!on !n the case -- they 4A" to ta0e me down or !t would ha.e
set a precedent to o.erturn the ent!re system/ -t really d!dn5t matter 643 !t was 7or
who - was8# they were determ!ned to ta0e us down "!n order to set an e9ample" 7as
the judge put !t8/ *hus# they were desperate/ Fran0ly# - d!d e.eryth!ng you
descr!bed !n your !nter.!ew -- and more -- and they w!ll1ully .!olated all "ue
:rocess to get a con.!ct!on/ ;ou e.en adm!tted !n the !nter.!ew that a judge 1ound
e9cept!on w!th your own pos!t!on and threw you out o1 the courtroom/ <uc0y 1or
you that you were not the "e1endant !n the case/ ;ou would ha.e been toast# !n
sp!te o1 what you may th!n0 you 0now/ And - challenge you to tell me succ!nctly
what else - could ha.e done to change the !mmed!ate outcome o1 the!r case aga!nst
me 7!/e/# the people8/

*here was no reason that they shouldn5t ha.e "heard" me# g!.en the 1act that - d!d
not go !n w!th "a l!ttle 0nowledge/" -t just wasn5t about that/ *hey were determ!ned
1rom the outset to 1!nd me gu!lty# and you would ha.e been no d!11erent !n the
same s!tuat!on/ *hey .!olated my God-g!.en r!ghts as a real# l!.!ng# breath!ng#
sent!ent man# and !n sp!te o1 all object!on and 1acts pro.!ded# they blew !t all o11
and proceeded to create jo!nder between the l!.!ng man and the 1!ct!on# 0now!ng
that they were wrong1ully do!ng so/ Further# they 0new .ery well that there was no
.!ct!m -- no corpus delicti -- and that there was# there1ore# no cr!me/ So# they made
the State the .!ct!m# aga!n 0now!ng that the State can ne.er be a .!ct!m !n law/
Bas!cally# they just made !t up as they went along to su!t the!r wh!ms# and - must
say# you would ha.e been treated no d!11erently !n the outcome# +ohn/ And !1 you
th!n0 otherw!se# - challenge you to ma0e a d!11erence here !1 you th!n0 you can/ -
contend that they would chew you up and sp!t you out# just l!0e they would anyone
else -- !n1ormed or not -- because that5s what they set out to do/ But the end o1 the
story rema!ns to be seen# so don5t spea0 so conclus!.ely# because !t5s not o.er t!ll
the 1at lady s!ngs/

=eep !n m!nd that th!s !s the State o1 -ll!no!s !n all !t5s corrupt glory, *o date# no
one else has e.er ta0en on th!s 1!ght w!th corrupt!on !n the powers-that-be/ -n sp!te
o1 !t all# - w!ll say that - may ha.e lost the round# but - !ntend to w!n the 1!ght !n the
end 7w!th substant!al compensat!on as rel!e1 1or damages8/ BTW, I accept
your apology, but I think you owe it to me to set the record
straight publicly on a future interview# because - don5t bel!e.e you
had all the 1acts stra!ght# and !nad.ertently m!srepresented those 1acts 7and me8 !n
the process/ +ust because we may e9per!ence a temporary setbac0 doesn5t mean we
ha.e lost the battle# so please don5t be so sel1-aggrand!z!ng !n your publ!c
comments about others on the 1ront l!nes# lest you 1!nd yoursel1 !n the same
scenar!o/ F!rst# wal0 a m!le !n my shoes be1ore you let the publ!c cr!t!c!sms 1ly
7when no one !s there to de1end themsel.es8/ 3nly then w!ll you ha.e earned the
r!ght to e.!nce such th!ngs/

Also# !n response to some o1 your other on-a!r statements# here5s someth!ng you
may not ha.e 0nown: *he >S Supreme 2ourt has ruled repeatedly that statutes and
codes are not true "<aw/" *he only th!ng that !s truly law !s the common law and
the 2onst!tut!on7s8/ *h!s !s someth!ng that you d!dn5t br!ng out/ ?ote the

Maxim of law: overnment can only control what it creates! 7*he power wh!ch
!s der!.ed cannot be greater than that 1rom wh!ch !t !s der!.ed/8

"!#! $onstitution, %rticle #ix, $lause & 'The #upremacy $lause of the "!#!
"This $onstitution# and the )aws of the "nited #tates wh!ch shall be made in
*ursuance thereof@ and all *reat!es made# or wh!ch shall be made# under the
Author!ty o1 the >n!ted States# shall be the supreme <aw o1 the <and@ and +udges
!n e.ery State shall be bound thereby# any Thing in the $onstitution or )aws of
any #tate to the $ontrary notwithstanding/"

Illinois $ommon )aw %ct '+ I)$# +,-.(
*hat the common law o1 Angland# so 1ar as the same !s appl!cable and o1 a general
nature /// shall be the rule o1 dec!s!on# and shall be cons!dered as o1 1ull 1orce unt!l
repealed by leg!slat!.e author!ty/

Marbury v! Madison: + "# ./0 '.1,/(
"?o pro.!s!on o1 the 2onst!tut!on !s des!gned to be w!thout e11ect#" "Anyth!ng that
!s !n con1l!ct !s null and .o!d o1 law"# "2learly# 1or a secondary law to come !n
con1l!ct w!th the supreme <aw was !llog!cal# 1or certa!nly# the supreme <aw would
pre.a!l o.er all other laws and certa!nly our 1ore1athers had !ntended that the
supreme <aw would be the bases o1 all law and 1or any law to come !n con1l!ct
would be null and .o!d o1 law# !t would bare no power to en1orce# !n would bare no
obl!gat!on to obey# !t would purport to settle as !1 !t had ne.er e9!sted# 1or
unconst!tut!onal!ty would date 1rom the enactment o1 such a law# not 1rom the date
so branded !n an open court o1 law# no courts are bound to uphold !t# and no
2!t!zens are bound to obey !t/ -t operates as a near null!ty or a 1!ct!on o1 law/"
7-1 any statement# w!th!n any law# wh!ch !s passed# !s unconst!tut!onal# the whole
law !s unconst!tut!onal/8

"!#! v! Butler, &02 "!#! ..3 '.2&2(
"*he jud!c!al branch has only one duty# to lay the Art!cle o1 the 2onst!tut!on wh!ch
!s !n.ol.ed bes!de the statute 7rule or pract!ce8 wh!ch !s challenged and to dec!de
whether the latter sBuares w!th the 1ormer/"

4orton v! #helby $ounty, ..1 "#5 6&+ '.113(
"An unconst!tut!onal act !s not law/ -t con1ers no r!ghts# !t !mposes no dut!es# !t
a11ords no protect!ons# !t creates no o11!ce/ -t !s !n legal contemplat!on as
!noperat!.e as though !t has ne.er been passed/"
"*he court 1ollows the dec!s!on o1 the h!ghest court o1 the state# !n constru!ng the
const!tut!on and the laws o1 the state unless they con1l!ct w!th or !mpa!r the
e11!cacy o1 some pr!nc!ple o1 the Federal 2onst!tut!on or o1 the Federal Statutes or
rule o1 the commerc!al or general law/ *he dec!s!on o1 the state courtCs !n Buest!ons
relat!ng to the e9!stence o1 !ts subord!nate tr!bunals and el!g!b!l!ty !n elect!ons or
appo!ntment o1 the!r o11!cers and the passage o1 !ts laws are conclus!.e upon
Federal 2ourts/ 6h!le acts o1 de 1acto !ncumbent o1 an o11!ce law1ully created by
law/ An e9!st!ng or o1ten held to be b!nd!ng 1rom reasons o1 publ!c pol!cy/ *he acts
o1 the person assum!ng to 1!ll and per1orm the dut!es o1 an o11!ce# wh!ch does not
e9!st# can ha.e no .al!d!ty whate.er !n law/"

.3%m 7ur &d!, $onst! )aw #ec! 0,
"?o publ!c pol!cy o1 a state can be allowed to o.err!de the pos!t!.e guarantees o1
the >/S/ 2onst!tut!on/"

.3%m 7ur &d!, $onst! )aw #ec! .++
"S!nce the const!tut!on !s !ntendant 1or the obser.ance o1 the jud!c!ary as well as
other departments o1 go.ernment and the judges are sworn to support !ts
pro.!s!ons# the courts are not at l!berty to o.erloo0 or d!sregard !ts commands or
counteract e.as!ons thereo1# !t !s the!r duty !n author!zed proceed!ngs to g!.e 1ull
e11ect to the e9!st!ng const!tut!on and to obey all const!tut!onal pro.!s!ons
!rrespect!.e o1 the!r op!n!on as to the w!sdom or the des!rab!l!ty o1 such pro.!s!ons
and !rrespect!.e o1 the conseBuences# thus !t !s sa!d that the courts should be !n our
alert to en1orce the pro.!s!ons o1 the >n!ted States 2onst!tut!on and guard aga!nst
the!r !n1r!ngement by leg!slat!.e 1!at or otherw!se !n accordance w!th these bas!c
pr!nc!ples# the rule !s 1!9ed that the duty !n the proper case to declare a law
unconst!tut!onal cannot be decl!ned and must be per1ormed !n accordance w!th the
del!.ered judgment o1 the tr!bunal be1ore wh!ch the .al!d!ty o1 the enactment !t !s
d!rectly drawn !nto Buest!on/ -1 the 2onst!tut!on prescr!bes one rule and the statute
the another !n a d!11erent rule# !t !s the duty o1 the courts to declare that the
2onst!tut!on and not the statute go.erns !n cases be1ore them 1or judgment/

.3%m 7ur &d!, $onst! )aw #ec! &++
"-n all !nstances# where the court e9erc!se !tCs power to !n.al!date leg!slat!on on
const!tut!onal grounds# the con1l!ct o1 the statute# w!th the const!tut!on must be
!rreconc!lable/ *hus a statute !s not to be declared unconst!tut!onal unless so
!ncons!stent w!th the const!tut!on that !t cannot be en1orced w!thout a .!olat!on
thereo1/ A clear !ncompat!b!l!ty between law and the const!tut!on must e9!st be1ore
the jud!c!ary !s just!1!ed hold!ng the law unconst!tut!onal/ *h!s pr!nc!ple !s o1
course !n l!ne w!th the rule that doubts as the const!tut!onal!ty should be resol.ed
!n 1a.or o1 the const!tut!onal!ty and the bene1!c!ary/"

.3%m 7ur &d!, $onst! )aw #ec! &+0
"*he actual e9!stence o1 a statute pr!or to determ!nat!on# that !t !s unconst!tut!onal
!s an operat!.e 1act and may ha.e conseBuences wh!ch can not just!1y be!ng
!gnored# when a statute wh!ch has been !n e11ect 1or some t!me !s declared
unconst!tut!onal# Buest!ons o1 r!ghts cla!med to ha.e become .ested o1 status o1
pr!or determ!nat!ons deemed to ha.e 1!nal!ty an acted upon accord!ngly and o1
publ!c pol!cy !n the l!ght o1 the nature# both o1 the statute and o1 !tCs pre.!ous
appl!cat!on demand e9am!nat!on/ -t has been sa!d that !n all !nclus!.e statement o1
the pr!nc!ple o1 absolute retroact!.e !n.!olab!l!ty cannot be just!1!ed/ An
unconst!tut!onal statute !s not necessar!ly a null!ty !t may ha.e !ndeterm!nate
conseBuences b!nd!ng on the people/"

.3%m 7ur &d!, $onst! )aw #ec! &+1
"3n the other hand !t !s clear that 2ongress cannot by author!zat!on or rat!1!cat!on
g!.e the sl!ghtest e11ect to a state law or const!tut!on wh!ch !s !n con1l!ct w!th the
2onst!tut!on o1 the >n!ted States/"

.3%m 7ur &d!, $onst! )aw #ec! &3,
"Although !t !s man!1ested that an unconst!tut!onal pro.!s!on !n the statute !s not
cured because !ncluded !n the same act w!th .al!d pro.!s!ons and that there !s no
degrees o1 const!tut!onal!ty/"

8wen v! Independence, .,, 9ol! #upreme $ourt 5eports! ./21 '.21&(
Main v! Thiboutot, .,, 9ol! #upreme $ourt 5eports! &+,& '.21&(
"*he r!ght o1 act!on created by statute relat!ng to depr!.at!on under color o1 law# o1
a r!ght secured by the const!tut!on and the laws o1 the >n!ted States and comes
cla!ms wh!ch are based solely on statutory .!olat!ons o1 Federal <aw and appl!ed to
the cla!m that cla!mants had been depr!.ed o1 the!r r!ghts# !n some capac!ty# to
wh!ch they were ent!tled/"
"311!cers o1 the court ha.e no !mmun!ty when .!olat!ng const!tut!onal r!ght# 1rom

=eep up the 1!ght#

---------- 3r!g!nal Message ----------
*o: "bsperlazzoSubject: My Guest Appearance on the Global o!ce Rad!o Show
"ate: Sun# E Mar &%$' %):'F:(% -%G%% 7:"*8

Bob Sperlazzo
Mar $&
By your s!lence# -5m guess!ng that you may ha.e been o11ended by my response/
:lease understand that - absolutely share your .alues and !deas o.erall/ But when
someone ta0es shots at someone else publ!cly# - bel!e.e !t deser.es such a
response/ ;ou sa!d you "apolog!ze" 1or "throw!ng me under the bus#" but wouldn5t
that also necess!tate !ntegr!ty to go bac0 and publ!cly ma0e th!ngs r!ghtH G!.en the
1act that you may ha.e m!sunderstood my pos!t!on regard!ng my case# - th!n0 !t5s
only 1a!r to do so/ -1 - should e.er do the same to someone# - would hope that -
could be humble enough to adm!t my !nad.ertent error and ma0e e11orts to restore
the!r good name/ 6ouldn5t you agreeH *hat5s all -5m say!ng/ So# please don5t ta0e
my blunt response as a declarat!on o1 war -- !t5s not l!0e that at all/ - support what
you5re do!ng# and hope that we can rema!n all!es !n th!s great battle that we 1ace to
restore Amer!ca bac0 to someth!ng that our Found!ng Fathers m!ght recogn!ze/

<et me 0now your thoughts# and than0s --

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