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Death by Doctoring

Orthodox anticancer therapies have harmful if not fatal

side effects, but medical professionals continue to inflict
them on their patients as a matter of course.
Part 1 of 2
Extracted from Nexus Magazine, Volume 9, Number 5 (Aug-Sept !!"
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Extracted from -is boo> AGreat News on Cancer in the 21st CenturyA, (;redence,

In summoning even the wisest of physicians to our aid, it is probable that he is
relying upon a scientific 'truth', the error of which will become obvious in just a
few years' time
-- Marcel #roust

CAC!"# $%! &OOD, $%! 'AD AD $%! (&)*
$5ent7-first centur7 medicine boasts a number of treatments t-at are actuall7
8er7 dangerous to -uman -ealt-, none more so t-an for cancer* Ma7 t-is s-ort
report reac- t-e man7 t-ousands of people currentl7 undergoing con8entional
cancer treatment* Ma7 it also reac- t-e man7 t-ousands of doctors, p-7sicians,
nurses and carers 5-o e8er7 da7 are innocentl7 inflicting serious -arm in t-e name
of con8entional cancer care* Bet t-e countdo5n begin* Bet t-ere soon be an end
to***:eat- b7 :octoring*
E8er7 7ear in t-e <nited =ingdom, !!,!!! people are diagnosed 5it- cancer and
05,5!! people die*0 Cn t-e <nited States, t-e annual deat- rate for t-is disease is
approximatel7 5(1,!!!* ,-ese deat-s are recorded as cancer deat-s, but -o5
man7 of t-ese deat-s are reall7 attributable to t-e disease itselfD Eo5 man7 deat-s
s-ould in fact be recorded as Adeat- b7 doctoringAD ?-en 5e consider t-at
con8entional treatment consists almost entirel7 of radiation, c-emot-erap7 and t-e
long-term application of toxic p-armaceuticals--treatments 5-ic- are all 5ell
>no5n for t-eir life-t-reatening side-effects--t-en t-e Fuestion becomes all t-e
more legitimate* $n c-emot-erap7, for instance, note t-e follo5ing.
!"ost cancer patients in this country die of chemotherapy Chemotherapy does not
eliminate breast, colon, or lung cancers #his fact has been documented for over a
decade, yet doctors still use chemotherapy for these tumors! (Allen Be8in, M:,
<;S4, #he $ealing of Cancer, Marcus %oo>s, 099!"
?e examine t-e muc--publicised stor7 of t-e <= media personalit7, t-e late Go-n
:iamond, 5-o opted for con8entional treatment* ?-at does -is stor7 tell usD Go-n
5as >no5n for -is critical attitude to5ards man7 of t-e more popular alternati8e
t-erapies* ?e loo> at some aspects of t-e alternati8e approac- and as> if -is
criticisms 5ere entirel7 undeser8ed* ?e -ear from t-ose 5it-in t-e cancer
establis-ment itself 5-o cite t-e con8entional cut, burn and dissol8e tec-niFues as
ugl7 and in-umane, and from t-ose 5-o seriousl7 Fuestion t-e amounts of mone7
being in8ested in con8entional cancer toda7, gi8en t-e pitifull7 lo5 reco8er7 rate*
Cn t-e <= alone, H*2 billion a 7ear is spent in t-e con8entional cancer emporium*
,-atIs roug-l7 H),2!!,!!! a da7* <S spending on cancer is 0! times -ig-er*
?e also -ear from t-ose 5-o defied con8entional 5isdom and opted for non-toxic,
non-con8entional cancer treatments, 5it- remar>able results* And no, 5e are not
tal>ing dolp-in or p7ramid t-erap7* 4rom t-e >no5n range of anticancer treatments
a8ailable, t-is stor7 focuses on t-e naturall7 occurring 8itamin %01, 8itamin ; and
t-e supporting role of nutrition* Vitamin %01 in particular -as been attracting a
great deal of attention recentl7, despite t-e concerted efforts of t-e 5orld5ide
cancer establis-ment to suppress or distort all t-e positi8e reporting on t-is 8itamin*
%ut s-ould 5e find t-is so surprisingD After all, itIs no secret t-at 5it- global
spending on con8entional cancer running into t-e -undreds of billions of pounds
and dollars annuall7, an7 ne5s of a successful anticancer treatment extracted from
t-e simple apricot >ernel could do some serious damage to t-e 5ealt- of t-e mig-t7
;ancer, Cnc*

Passing of +ing Charles ,,, 1-./
%ut first, b7 5a7 of introduction to t-e subJect of Adeat- b7 doctoringA, 5e tra8el
bac> a fe5 -undred 7ears to t-e bedside of =ing ;-arles CC, 5-ere 0( of t-e
-ig-est-Fualified p-7sicians in t-e land are earnestl7 Are8i8ingA t-e >ing from a
A,-e >ing 5as bled to t-e extent of a pint from a 8ein in -is rig-t arm* Next, -is
s-oulder 5as cut into and t-e incised area 5as suc>ed of an additional 2 oz of
blood* An emetic and a purgati8e 5ere administered, follo5ed b7 a second
purgati8e, follo5ed b7 an enema containing antimone, sacred bitters, roc> salt,
mallo5 lea8es, 8iolets, beetroot, camomile flo5ers, fennel seeds, linseed,
cinnamon, cardamom seed, saffron, coc-ineal and aloes* ,-e >ingIs scalp 5as
s-a8ed and a blister raised* A sneezing po5der of -ellebore 5as administered* A
plaster of burgund7 pitc- and pigeon dung 5as applied to t-e feet* Medicaments
included melon seeds, manna, slipper7 elm, blac> c-err7 5ater, lime flo5ers, lil7
of t-e 8alle7, peon7, la8ender and dissol8ed pearls* As -e gre5 5orse, fort7 drops
of extract of -uman s>ull 5ere administered, follo5ed b7 a rall7ing dose of
9aleig-Is antidote* 4inall7, bezoar stone 5as gi8en*
A;uriousl7, -is MaJest7Is strengt- seemed to 5ane after all t-ese inter8entions and,
as t-e end of -is life seemed imminent, -is doctors tried a last-ditc- attempt b7
forcing more 9aleig-Is mixture, pearl Julep and ammonia do5n t-e d7ing >ingIs
t-roat* 4urt-er treatment 5as rendered more difficult b7 t-e >ingIs deat-*A&
?e can be sure t-at t-e p-7sicians gat-ered around t-e >ingIs bed 5ere all leaders
in t-eir particular field--ro7alt7 and presidents do not settle for an7t-ing less* %ut,
as #roust obser8ed, 5it- -indsig-t 5e can no5 see t-e -ideous error of t-eir
t-erapeutics* ,oda7, t-e s>ull drops, t-e ammonia and t-e pigeon dung -a8e long
gone, but 5-at 5ill 5e sa7 in a fe5 7earsI time 5-en 5e loo> bac> on t-e A-ig-l7
respectedA cancer t-erapeutics of !!D ?ill 5e dare to 8enture t-at t-ere is
not-ing ne5 under t-e SunD Ea8e 5e reall7 progressed muc- furt-erD

Death of 0ohn Diamond, 2111
AEeIs been poisoned, blasted, -ad bits lopped off -im, been in remission, felt lumps
gro5 again, been gi8en s-reds of -ope, -ad -ope remo8ed*A (Nicci Kerrard, %unday
&bserver, Ma7 0(, !!0"
Man7 t-ousands of people 5ere touc-ed b7 Go-n :iamondIs regular column in t-e
'ondon #imes ne5spaper, gi8ing star> and brutal insig-t into li8ing 5it- t-roat
cancer* Cn a 5itt7 and 8er7 do5n-to-eart- manner, Go-n explored numerous life-
5it--cancer issues, including t-e ups and considerabl7 more do5ns in bod7 and
mind during radiation treatment, t-e effects of -is illness upon t-e 5ider famil7 and
t-e redisco8er7 of e8er7da7 5onders pre8iousl7 ta>en for granted* Ee s-o5ed -is
distaste for numerous cancer clic-Ls suc- as Abra8e Go-nA and Asta7ing positi8eA,
repl7ing. !I am not brave I did not choose cancer I am just me, dealing with it!
and !(henever somebody told me how good a positive attitude would be for me,
what they really meant was how much easier a positive attitude would ma)e it for
Ee 5as also 5ell >no5n for -is castigation of almost all non-ort-odox treatments,
and for -is 5illingness to submit to all t-at t-e medical ort-odox7 -ad to offer--a
ser8ice t-at e8en -e, a con8entional ad8ocate, -ad 8ariousl7 described as Apa7-as-
7ou-bleedA and Asurgical muggingsA*
4or me, t-e most memorable images of Go-n 5ere captured in t-e %%;Is Inside
%tory--a tele8ision programme t-at follo5ed Go-n during a 7ear of treatment,
s-o5ing -im clearl7 suffering* An operation on Go-nIs t-roat caused -im to lose -is
8oice, 5-ic- as a popular broadcaster 5as a serious blo5* Bater, t-roug- surger7
and radiation treatment, -e 5ould lose most of -is tongue and, 5it- it, all sense of
taste and t-e abilit7 to eat properl7--a double 5-amm7, gi8en t-at -e 5as married
to ,V supercoo> Nigella Ba5son*
Cn -is extraordinar7 boo>, 'C'* +ecause Cowards Get Cancer #oo (5-ic- C could
not put do5n", -e 5rote.
!$e who didn't realise what a boon an unimpaired voice was, who ate his food
without stopping to thin) about its remar)able flavour, who was criminally
profligate with words, who too) his wife and children and friends for granted,,in
short, he who didn't )now he was living-!(
Go-n died in Marc- !!0, aged (1, after -a8ing suffered dreadfull7 for four 7ears*
Cn -is deat-, -e Joined sports presenter Eelen 9ollason, %ill A;ompoA $5en, Can
:ur7, 9o7 ;astle, ;ardinal %asil Eume, Binda Mc;artne7 and, most recentl7, ex-
%eatle Keorge Earrison, plus 05,5!! ot-ers in t-e <= 5-o succumb annuall7 to
t-e cancer ordeal*
=ate Ba5 of t-e ;ancer 9esearc- ;ampaign said t-at Go-nIs stor7 -elped to bring
cancer out of t-e closet in %ritain* Go-nIs 5ritings certainl7 broug-t -ome t-e
ugliness of con8entional treatment* %ut t-e more informed in t-e cancer debate
5-o -a8e read Go-nIs columns and boo> 5ill -a8e recognised t-at Go-nIs 5ritings,
brilliant t-oug- t-e7 5ere, did not bring out t-e full stor7 of cancer at all*

2ide !ffects of Chemotherapy
;onsider t-e follo5ing statement from cancer specialist #rofessor ;-arles Mat-e,
5-o declared.
!If I contracted cancer, I would never go to a standard cancer treatment centre
Cancer victims who live far from such centres have a chance!5
?alter Bast, 5riting in #he .cologist, reported recentl7.
!/fter analysing cancer survival statistics for several decades, 0r $ardin 1ones, a
professor at the 2niversity of California, concluded* 'patients are as well, or
better off, untreated 1ones's disturbing assessment has never been refuted'!)
$r 5-at about t-isD
!"any medical oncologists recommend chemotherapy for virtually any tumour,
with a hopefulness undiscouraged by almost invariable failure! (Albert
%ra8erman, M:, AMedical $ncolog7 in t-e 9!sA, Bancet 0990, 8ol* &&1, p* 9!0"
$r t-isD
!"ost cancer patients in this country die of chemotherapy Chemotherapy does not
eliminate breast, colon, or lung cancers #his fact has been documented for over a
decade, yet doctors still use chemotherapy for these tumors! (Allen Be8in, M:,
<;S4, ,-e Eealing of ;ancer"
$r e8en t-isD
!0espite widespread use of chemotherapies, breast cancer mortality has not
changed in the last 34 years! (,-omas :ao, M:, Ne5 England Gournal of
Medicine, Marc- 0915, 8ol* 9, p* 1!1"
;-emot-erap7 is an in8asi8e and toxic treatment able supposedl7 to eliminate
cancer cells* <nfortunatel7, t-oug-, its ferocious c-emistr7 is not able to
differentiate bet5een t-e cancerous cell or t-e -ealt-7 cell and surrounding -ealt-7
tissue* #ut simpl7, c-emot-erap7 is an intra8enousl7 administered poison t-at >ills
all li8ing matter* 9epeated c-emot-erap7 and repeated radiation treatments >ill t-e
5-ole bod7 b7 degrees* ,-e immune s7stem is -it particularl7 -ard b7
c-emot-erap7 and often does not recuperate enoug- to protect adeFuatel7 against
common illnesses, 5-ic- can t-en lead to deat-*
Some )1 per cent of people 5-o die during cancer treatment do so t-roug-
opportunistic infections arising as a direct result of t-e immune s7stem failing
because of t-e aggressi8e and toxic nature of t-e drugs*1 ?-at is t-is, if not deat-
b7 doctoringD And t-e side effects from bot- c-emot-erap7 and radiation itself are
extensi8e* ,-e7 can include dizziness, s>in discolouration, sensor7 loss,
audio@8isual impairment, nausea, diarr-oea, loss of -air, loss of appetite leading to
malnutrition, loss of sex dri8e, loss of 5-ite blood cells, permanent organ damage,
organ failure, internal bleeding, tissue loss and cardio8ascular lea>age (arter7
deterioration", to name but a fe5*
,5o 7ears ago, Eazel 5as diagnosed 5it- breast cancer* S-e described -er
c-emot-erap7 as t-e 5orst experience of -er life.
!#his highly to5ic fluid was being injected into my veins #he nurse administering it
was wearing protective gloves because it would burn her s)in if just a tiny drip
came into contact with it I couldn't help as)ing myself, 'If such precautions were
needed to be ta)en on the outside, what is it doing to me on the inside6' 7rom 3 pm
that evening, I vomited solidly for two and a half days 0uring my treatment, I lost
my hair by the handful, I lost my appetite, my s)in colour, my 8est for life I was
death on legs!
?e s-all be -earing more from Eazel later, alt-oug- under 8er7 different
circumstances* Ct seems, t-oug-, t-at 5it- c-emot-erap7 5e are once again loo>ing
at t-e acceptable face of =ing ;-arlesIs ammonia treatment and, once again, being
administered b7 t-e -ig-est p-7sicians in t-e land* Similarl7, on t-e toxicit7 of
radiation At-erap7A, Go-n :iamond noted t-at it 5as onl7 5-en -e began -is
treatment t-at -e began to feel reall7 ill*
Senior cancer p-7sician :r ;-arles Moertal, of t-e Ma7o ;linic in t-e <SA, stated.
!&ur most effective regimens are fraught with ris)s and side,effects and practical
problems9 and after this price is paid by all the patients we have treated, only a
small fraction are rewarded with a transient period of usually incomplete tumor
:r 9alp- Moss is t-e aut-or of #he Cancer Industry, a s-oc>ing exposL of t-e
5orld of con8entional cancer politics and practice* Cnter8ie5ed on t-e Baura Bee
radio s-o5 in 099(, Moss stated.
!In the end, there is no proof that chemotherapy actually e5tends life in the vast
majority of cases, and this is the great lie about chemotherapy* that somehow there
is a correlation between shrin)ing a tumour and e5tending the life of a patient!9
Scientists based at McKill ;ancer ;enter sent a Fuestionnaire to 002 lung cancer
doctors to determine 5-at degree of fait- t-ese practising cancer p-7sicians placed
in t-e t-erapies t-e7 administered* ,-e7 5ere as>ed to imagine t-at t-e7 -ad
cancer, and 5ere as>ed 5-ic- of six current trials t-e7 5ould c-oose* Se8ent7-nine
doctors responded, of 5-ic- )( 5ould not consent to be in an7 trial containing
;isplatin--one of t-e common c-emot-erap7 drugs t-e7 5ere trialling (currentl7
ac-ie8ing 5orld5ide sales of about <SM00!,!!!,!!! a 7ear"--and 52 of t-e 19
found t-at all t-e trials in Fuestion 5ere unacceptable due to t-e ineffecti8eness of
c-emot-erap7 and its unacceptabl7 -ig- degree of toxicit7*0!
,-e follo5ing extract is ta>en from ,im $IS-ea at #he 0octor (ithin*
!/ German epidemiologist from the $eidelberg:"annheim #umor Clinic, 0r
2lrich /bel, has done a comprehensive review and analysis of every major study
and clinical trial of chemotherapy ever done $is conclusions should be read by
anyone who is about to embar) on the Chemo .5press #o ma)e sure he had
reviewed everything ever published on chemotherapy, /bel sent letters to over ;<4
medical centers around the world, as)ing them to send him anything they had
published on the subject /bel researched thousands of articles* it is unli)ely that
anyone in the world )nows more about chemotherapy than he
!#he analysis too) him several years, but the results are astounding* /bel found
that the overall worldwide success rate of chemotherapy was 'appalling' because
there was simply no scientific evidence available anywhere that chemotherapy can
'e5tend in any appreciable way the lives of patients suffering from the most
common organic cancers' /bel emphasi8es that chemotherapy rarely can improve
the =uality of life $e describes chemotherapy as 'a scientific wasteland' and states
that at least >4 per cent of chemotherapy administered throughout the world is
worthless and is a)in to the 'emperor's new clothes',,neither doctor nor patient is
willing to give up on chemotherapy, even though there is no scientific evidence that
it wor)s? ('ancet, 0! August 0990" No mainstream media even mentioned this
comprehensive study* it was totally buried!0!a

$he Doctor3Patient Po4er ,mbalance
?-ilst in t-e main dismissing t-e Aalternati8istA treatments, as -e called t-em, and
5riting in a generall7 confident manner about -is trust in t-e con8entional medical
paradigm, Go-n :iamond 5ould sometimes 5a8er.
!(hat if those denying alternativists were right6 (hat if the truth was that no life
had ever been saved by radiotherapy and that there was every chance that my
cancer would be made worse by it being irradiated6 (hat if the truth as
pronounced by a couple of boo)s was that the main effect of cancer surgery was to
release stray cancer cells into the body, allowing them to set up home elsewhere6-
I turned to the medical boo)s for solace and got none!00
,al> 5it- cancer patients and one soon disco8ers t-at man7 of t-em report t-at,
alt-oug- t-e7 -a8e an uncomfortable gut feeling t-at t-ere must some-o5 be a
better 5a7 for5ard, t-e7 still find t-emsel8es returning to t-eir oncologist for more
of t-e same uncomfortable treatment* ?-7 is t-is, 5-en t-ere are pro8en, non-
con8entional and non--armful treatments readil7 a8ailableD
Surel7, one significant factor is our -ereditar7 submissi8e attitude to t-e medical
ort-odox7 and its arc-et7pal s7mbolism. t-e 5-ite coat, t-e stet-oscope, t-e 7ears
of >no5ledge represented in t-ose framed degrees* E8er7 artefact spea>s of our
being in t-e -ands of experts* And t-en t-ere is t-e added pressure t-at can be
exerted upon t-e patient at t-e point of diagnosis b7 t-e cancer p-7sician*
Cn -is essa7 entitled A,-e M!! %illion ScamA, Geff =amen reports on -o5 a cancer
diagnosis 5as deli8ered to =at-7 =eeton, t-e late 5ife of @enthouse magazine
magnate %ob Kuccione.
!'I'm sorry,' she remembers her doctor saying 'It's a very rare form of the disease
It's the nature of this )ind of cancer that it ta)es off at a gallop and metastasi8es
=uic)ly, so we need to act =uic)ly and get you started on chemotherapy at once (e
have some of the best people in the world in this field I urge you to let me get you
into their e5pert care #here is no time to waste #his form of cancer is often fatal,
and =uic)ly so 2ntreated, you have si5 wee)s to live (e really must move
aggressively with the chemo'!00a
Eazel recalls a similar experience.
!+asically, I was in shoc) from the diagnosis I was sitting there, with the doctor
saying that this treatment was the best available and that it was actually a matter
of life or death that I received it "y husband was sitting ne5t to me, telling me that
I needed to go along with it I )ind of went into a trance and, although something
didn't feel =uite right, I found myself nodding to chemotherapy!
Most definitel7, t-e po5er imbalance t-at exists in all doctor-patient relations-ips
(5-ence comes t-e term As-rin>A in ps7c-iatr7" is a >e7 agent in determining t-e
direction of treatment*

Confusing and Conflicting ,nformation
Aside from t-is 8er7 po5erful influence, a mass exodus a5a7 from con8entional
cancer treatment to5ards pro8en, non-con8entional treatments -as also been
se8erel7 -ampered b7 t-e negati8e effects of t-e 8ast sea of confusing, conflicting
and often bizarre information out t-ere, posing as A-elpfulA alternati8e cancer
ad8ice* A first-timer see>ing alternati8e ad8ice on t-e Cnternet, for instance, can
soon become t-oroug-l7 dis-eartened* Some (,!!! lin>s come up under
Aalternati8e cancer treatmentA aloneN
An anxious patient, 5it- no time to separate t-e 5-eat from t-e c-aff, is t-en faced
5it- -a8ing to ma>e a series of calculations, based solel7 on -is negati8e
experiences on t-e Cnternet and a sort of blind, desperate fait- t-at, some-o5, t-e
5ell-Fualified oncologist -as got to be rig-t*
AAnd didnIt -e 5arn us t-at t-ere 5ere a lot of Cnternet >oo>s out t-ereDA ,-e
patient is t-en rig-t bac> to sFuare one and, b7 default, t-e c-emot-erap7 suggested
earlier seems o8erall to be t-e AsafestA bet*
Cn t-e 8ie5 of -ealt- reporter #-illip :a7, aut-or of Cancer* (hy (e're %till 0ying
to Anow #he #ruth.
!"any people just gulp, enter the cancer tunnel and hope they come out the other
%ut despite t-e fact t-at an Cnternet searc- can 8er7 easil7 generate confusion, t-ere
is actuall7 a 5ealt- of expertl7 documented, credible information a8ailable on
natural and genuinel7 efficacious treatments for a 8ariet7 of serious illnesses,
including cancer--information t-at, in some instances, -as been in existence for
man7 7ears*
%ut information on suc- treatments is not 5idel7 a8ailable in t-e public domain--
per-aps because genuine medicine -as -ad to fig-t tremendousl7 -ard to be -eard
clearl7* And t-ere are particular reasons 5-7 t-is -as been so* $ften, it is not so
muc- 5-ere to loo> for genuine natural treatment and medical ad8ice as -o5 to
loo> for it*
%efore discussing specific cancer treatments in more dept-, it is important t-at 5e
briefl7 examine t-e reasons for t-e current le8els of confusion surrounding genuine
natural medicine as a 5-ole. 5ilful distortion, un5itting stupidit7, 7ou name it*
;on8entional and alternati8e, itIs ta>ing place on bot- sides of t-e fence* ?e must
learn to read bet5een t-e lines*

5or6ed $ongues, 5raud 7 5ailure
#roponents of genuine natural treatments for serious illnesses -a8e al5a7s -ad to
fig-t on se8eral fronts in t-eir long, -ard battle for proper recognition of t-ese
treatments* ,-e7 -a8e -ad to do battle 5it- t-ose calculating opportunists--t-e
for>ed-tongued drug merc-ants--5-o use e8er7 tric> in t-e boo> to undermine an7
genuine treatments not under t-eir o5n Jurisdiction and emplo7 all means possible
to disseminate t-eir damaging disinformation as far and 5ide as possible in order to
protect t-eir o5n lucrati8e mar>ets* No department, pri8ate or public, is be7ond t-e
reac- of t-e drug merc-antsI all-consuming influence*
,-riller 5riter Go-n Be ;arrL spent man7 7ears 5or>ing in t-e %ritis- 4oreign
$ffice and >no5s t-e politics of big business 8er7 5ell* Eis most recent boo>, #he
Constant Gardener, focuses on t-e corrupt nature of t-e p-armaceutical industr7*
Cn an inter8ie5 on t-e subJect, Be ;arrL stated recentl7.
!+ig @harma is engaged in the deliberate seduction of the medical profession,
country by country, worldwide It is spending a fortune on influencing, hiring and
purchasing academic judgement to a point where, in a few years' time, if +ig
@harma continues unchec)ed on its present happy path, unbought medical opinion
will be hard to find!0
Cn opposition to t-e incessant dri8e b7 %ig %usiness to dominate our -ealt- c-oices,
:r Matt-ias 9at- pro8ides a concise summar7 of t-e primar7 et-ics of t-e
merc-antIs -ouse.
!#hroughout the 24th century, the pharmaceutical industry has been constructed
by investors, the goal being to replace effective but non,patentable natural
remedies with mostly ineffective but patentable and highly profitable
pharmaceutical drugs #he very nature of the pharmaceutical industry is to ma)e
money from ongoing diseases 'i)e other industries, the pharmaceutical industry
tries to e5pand their mar)et,,that is, to maintain ongoing diseases and to find new
diseases for their drugs @revention and cure of diseases damages the
pharmaceutical business and the eradication of common diseases threatens its very
!#herefore, the pharmaceutical industry fights the eradication of any disease at all
costs #he pharmaceutical industry itself is the main obstacle, why today's most
widespread diseases are further e5panding, including heart attac)s, stro)es,
cancer, high blood pressure, diabetes, osteoporosis and many others
@harmaceutical drugs are not intended to cure diseases /ccording to health
insurers, over 2B,444 pharmaceutical drugs are currently mar)eted and prescribed
without any proven therapeutic value (/&A "aga8ine, (@92"
!/ccording to medical doctors' associations, the )nown dangerous side,effects of
pharmaceutical drugs have become the fourth leading cause of death after heart
attac)s, cancer and stro)es (1ournal of the /merican "edical /ssociation, April
05, 0992"
!"illions of people and patients around the world are defrauded twice / major
portion of their income is used up to finance the e5ploding profits of the
pharmaceutical industry In return, they are offered a medicine that does not even
:r 9at- is currentl7 spear-eading t-e fig-t against t-e p-armaceutical industries as
t-e7 see> to legislate against our free use of 8itamins and minerals* Cf t-is
legislation is passed, it 5ill directl7 affect 7ou in man7 5a7s* #lease 8isit 5ebsite
-ttp.@@555*8itamins-for-all*org rig-t no5 and sign t-e petition* Ct 5ill onl7 ta>e &!
seconds and is so important* And suc- is t-e nature of t-e information still to come
on t-is site, C -a8e e8er7 confidence t-at 7ou 5ill be rig-t bac>N
?riting in t-e <= Guardian on 4ebruar7 1, !!, senior -ealt- editor Sara- %osel7
!%cientists are accepting large sums of money from drug companies to put their
names to articles, endorsing new medicines, that they have not written,,a growing
practice that some fear is putting scientific integrity in jeopardy!0a
,-ese supposed guardians of our -ealt- are being paid 5-at to sa7* Said one
p-7sician in t-e article.
!(hat day is it today6 I'm just wor)ing out what drug I'm supporting today!
4rom top to bottom, 0st centur7 medicine is being boug-t and taug-t to t-in> of
all medical treatment in terms of p-armaceutical inter8ention onl7* ?-ile t-e
politic>ing and big business string-pulling is ta>ing place be-ind t-e scenes, our
minds are being 5as-ed 5it- t-e constant frot- of emoti8e, unfounded, pro-
establis-ment, populist -eadlines suc- as. AAnot-er brea>t-roug- at <;BANOA
(Pes, but 5it- miceN" ACtIs in t-e genesNA (Anot-er H5 million no5 5ill -elp us to
isolate t-e gene in !0!Oper-aps*" AExcitement at latest oncolog7 findingsNA
(%uo7ant opening paragrap-, descending into t-e usual mixture of -ope
extinguis-ed b7 caution and t-e obligator7 appeal to t-e poc>et*" A;ancer 8accine
closeNA (Pes, and close since 0915, actuall7* %ut please, continue to gi8e
generousl7, because next time it could be 7ouN"
And so it goes on* And all t-e 5-ile, t-e mortalit7 statistics 5orsen* Pet still, t-e
mone7--our mone7--Just >eeps on rolling in* $n t-at note, t-e ;ampaign Against
4raudulent Medical 9esearc- -as 5arned.
!#he ne5t time you are as)ed to donate to a cancer organisation, bear in mind that
your money will be used to sustain an industry which has been deemed by many
eminent scientists as a =ualified failure and by others as a complete fraud!0&

8ammography and the 2pread of 'reast Cancer
,-an>s go to :r ,im $IS-ea for t-e follo5ing 8er7 important information on t-e
practice of mammograp-7.
!#his is one topic where the line between advertising and scientific proof has
become very blurred /s far bac) as 1C3D, the /merican Cancer %ociety itself and
its government colleague, the National Cancer Institute, terminated the routine use
of mammography for women under the age of <4 because of its 'detrimental'
EcarcinogenicF effects "ore recently, a large study done in Canada found that
women who had routine mammograms before the age of <4 also had increased
death rates from breast cancer by ;DG (Miller"
!'orraine 0ay notes the same findings in her video presentation, Cancer Doesn't
Scare Me Any More #he reader is directed to these sources and should perhaps
consider the opinion of other sources than those selling the procedure, before
ma)ing a decision
!1ohn "c0ougall, "0, has made a thorough review of pertinent literature on
mammograms $e points out that the 2%H<,1; billion per year generated by
mammograms controls the information that women get 7ear and incomplete data
are the tools commonly used to persuade women to get routine mammograms
(hat is clear is that mammography cannot prevent breast cancer or even the
spread of breast cancer +y the time a tumour is large enough to be detected by
mammography, it has been there as long as 12 years? It is therefore ridiculous to
advertise mammography as 'early detection' (Mc:ougall, p* 00("
!#he other unsupportable illusion is that mammograms prevent breast cancer,
which they don't &n the contrary, the painful compression of breast tissue during
the procedure itself can increase the possibility of metastasis by as much as >4G?
0r "c0ougall notes that between 14G and 13G of the time, breast cancer is a
self,limiting, non,life,threatening type called 'ductal carcinoma in situ' #his
harmless cancer can be made active by the compressive force of routine
mammography (Mc:ougall, p* 0!5"
!"ost e5tensive studies show no increased survival rate from routine screening
mammograms /fter reviewing all available literature in the world on the subject,
noted researchers 0rs (right and "ueller of the 2niversity of +ritish Columbia
recommended the withdrawal of public funding for mammography screening
because the 'benefit achieved is marginal, and the harm caused is substantial'
('ancet, Gul7 0, 0995"
A,-e -arm t-e7Ire referring to includes t-e constant 5orr7ing and emotional
distress, as 5ell as t-e tendenc7 for unnecessar7 procedures and testing to be done,
based on results 5-ic- -a8e a false positi8e rate as -ig- as 5!Q*A (New Ior) #imes,
:ecember 0(, 0991"0&a

$he on3Conventional 8edical 8ar6etplace
?-ilst t-e remit of t-is article does not extend to a full exploration of t-e influence
t-at mone7 -as -ad o8er t-e corruption of true medicine and medical practice, let
t-e reader be assured t-at con8entional medicine -as more t-an its fair s-are of
attendant commercial pressures, and especiall7 so in t-e 5orld of cancer, as 5e
s-all soon disco8er*
Aside from t-e 5iles of t-e merc-ant, genuine medicine also -as al5a7s -ad to do
battle 5it- t-e 5ell-intentioned para-ealer,0( 5-o un5ittingl7 -as t-e capacit7 to
pro8e eFuall7 as t-reatening to t-e cause, but for 8er7 different reasons* ,-e non-
con8entional medical mar>etplace seems to be dominated b7 t-ose 5-o are able to
deli8er an admirabl7 co-erent deconstruction of t-e con8entional paradigm, but
5-o c-oose not to appl7 t-e same le8el of intelligent critiFue to t-eir o5n, often
5ac>7, nostrums*
As suc-, 5e are subJected to an eFuall7 misguided barrage of pronouncements, for
example. !%ubmit not to the ravages of chemo,,let (hite .agle purge you of those
negative energiesA3 AVisit a p7ramid, a s-aman (IM7 sic>ness is a s-amanic gift and
callingI0(a", a cancer IguideI (I$>a7, group* E7es closed* Pour cancer is receding*
,-e lump is disintegrating* En8isage t-e all-consuming fireNI"A A coat of mud, of
sea5eed or bot-, some ps7c-o-surger7, some radionics, t-is t-erap7, t-at t-erap7
and, of course, a t-ousand-and-one fol> remedies. grandmaIs trusted Abrain tumour
elixirA per-aps, a 5alnut >ernel perfectl7 preser8ed in rain5ater (se8en drops, t-ree
times a da7"O
;elebrities 5it- t-e more serious illnesses recei8e t-ese 5ell-intentioned Atips and
tric>sA b7 t-e sac>load* Go-n :iamond 5as no exception.
!I've had anecdotal evidence from those who believe in voodoo, the power of the
fairy people,,yes, really,,drin)ing my own pJJs and any number of other
remedies- I should put my faith in the +essarabian radish, the desiccated root of
which has been used for centuries by #artar nomads to cure athlete's foot, tennis
elbow and cancer, as detailed in their boo), (hy Iour 0octor $ates Iou /nd
(ants Iou #o 0ie, review copy enclosed-!05
Not5it-standing t-e genuine treatments a8ailable in t-e natural cabinet (5e s-all
discuss t-is in part t5o", a -uge number of remedies being sold as AmedicineA toda7
contain no sensible met-odolog7--7et, amazingl7, t-e7 are selling 8er7 5ell* No
better is t-is p-enomenon illustrated t-an in t-e lucrati8e minor ailments mar>et,
5-ere, on a dail7 basis across t-e 5orld, untold millions are being spent on
p-armacologicall7 inert mixtures and AessencesA, producing trul7 mar8ellous
results 5it- illnesses from 5-ic- 5e 5ere going to get better an75a7*0)

$he Dangers of (ncritical $hin6ing
Cn trut-, 5ere t-e general public to be gi8en clear information on t-e nature of self-
limiting illness and on t-e 5ondrous abilit7 of a properl7 nouris-ed immune s7stem
to o8ercome almost all ills unaided, t-e bottom 5ould fall out of t-e minor ailments
mar>et tomorro5, bot- con8entional and alternati8e*
<nfortunatel7, t-oug-, an7 of t-e more a5>5ard Fuestions arising from t-is
discussion, suc- as AEo5 can 7ou continue to sell t-ese ointments as ImedicinesI in
t-e lig-t of t-is >no5ledgeDA, are usuall7 defended not b7 ans5ering t-e actual
Fuestion itself, but b7 t-e t-erapist appealing to t-e 5ort-iness of -is 5ider
p-ilant-ropic goals and to At-e muc- greater t-reat to t-e global populaceA posed
b7 t-e merc-antIs -ouse 5it- all its toxic 5ares, etcetera, etcetera*
:onald Kould, aut-or of The Black and White Medicine Show, -as 5arned of t-e
dangers 5e in8ite b7 adopting suc- laissez-faire reasoning.
!(hy not ma)e the most of what the non,conformists have to offer and to hell with
uncharitable logic6 #here is, I suggest, a powerful reason for rejecting this
superficially attractive option #ruth is a fundamental value If we accept uncritical
thin)ing in one area of our lives for the sa)e of convenience or because of the
popular appeal of a seductive myth and the short,term comfort to be gained by
believing in the unbelievable, or because the false answer lets us pretend we are
competently coping with a painful problem we haven't truly tac)led, then we are all
the more li)ely to adopt the same strategy in other situations, from dealing with the
family to managing the national economy, and from chairing the parish council to
handling arsenals of nuclear weapons #he result is li)ely to be unhappy and
stands a decent chance of proving a disaster Irrational beliefs are always
dangerously corrupting, even when they only relate to the cause and cure of
Continued in part 2
Author9s ote#
#lease feel free to comment on t-is report using t-e email address
ste8e0+onetel*net*u>* ,-e 8ie5s of t-ose readers 5it- medical Fualifications are
especiall7 5elcome* ,-an> 7ou for reading* 4or re-publication details or furt-er
information, telep-one on /(( (!"025 1)5522 or !19(1 (9)(22 (mobile"*
0* See 5ebsite -ttp.@@555*crc*org*u>@cancer@csRmortalit70*-tml*
* ACancer , #he %ocial ImpactA, at
&* %uc>man, :r 9ob, "agic or "edicine, #an %oo>s, 099(*
(* :iamond, Go-n, 'C'* +ecause Cowards Get Cancer #oo, Vermilion #ress, 0999*
5* Mat-e, #rof* Keorge, A%cientific "edicine %tymiedA, MLdicines Nou8elles
(#aris", 0929*
)* Bast, ?alter, #he .cologist, 8ol* 2, no* , Marc-@April 0992*
1* ,-e Eome of $rt-omolecular $ncolog7, at
2* Kriffin, Ed5ard K*, (orld (ithout Cancer, American Media #ublications, 099)*
9* :a7, #-illip, Cancer* (hy (e're %till 0ying #o Anow #he #ruth, ;redence
#ublications, !!!*
0!* :a7, ibid*
0!a* AChemotherapy , an unproven procedureA, at
00* :iamond, ibid*
00a* See -ttp.@@555*>at-7>eeton-cancer*com*
0* Be ;arrL, Go-n, inter8ie5 in #he Nation, Ne5 Por>, April 9, !!0*
0a* 4ull stor7, described as Aprofessional prostitutionA, at
-ttp.@@555*guardian*co*u>@medicine@stor7@ !,00&20,)()!12,!!*-tml*
0&* 97an, 9obert, %Sc, ACancer Kesearch , / %uper,fraud6A, at
0&a* See :r ,im $IS-eaIs 5ebsite, -ttp.@@555*t-edoctor5it-in*com*
0(* A#ara-ealerA. t-e prefix Apara-A means Aclose toA, AalongsideA, AnearA,
Abe7ondA, AirregularA*
0(a* =al5eit, Eolger, 0ream #ime and Inner %pace, S-ambala #ublications, 0992*
05* :iamond, Go-n, A'uac>s on t-e 9ac>A, &bserver, :ecember &, !!!, and IC'*
+ecause Cowards Get Cancer #oo, Vermilion #ress, 0999*
0)* H95,!!!,!!! is spent on coug- mixtures alone in t-e <=* ,-e +"1, -o5e8er,
-as reported a recent trial in8ol8ing ,!!! participants 5-ic- found t-at in most
cases t-e mixtures 5ere no more effecti8e t-an a placebo* More details at
-ttp.@@ne5s*bbc*co*u>@-i@ englis-@-ealt-@ne5sidR02!1!!!@02!15*stm*
01* Kould, :onald, #he +lac) and (hite "edicine %how, Eamilton, 0925*

About the Author#
Ste8en 9ansom is 9esearc- :irector of <=-based ;redence #ublications, 5-ic-
in8estigates business and go8ernmental -ealt- fraud and pro8ides unbiased, life-
sa8ing -ealt- information (see -ttp.@@555*credence*org"* Ee is t-e aut-or of
@lague, @estilence and the @ursuit of @ower* #he @olitics of Global 0isease
(;redence, !!0" and co-aut-or (5it- #-illip :a7" of (orld (ithout /I0%
(;redence, !!!"* Eis ne5 boo>, Great News on Cancer in the 21st Century (from
5-ic- -is A:eat- b7 :octoringA article is extracted" is a8ailable at
-ttp.@@555*credence*org@greatne5s@greatne5s*-tm* Eis article, A@opulation L
7ood Control* #he Corporate /gendaA 5as publis-ed in NES<S 9@!&* Ste8en can
be emailed at ste8e0+onetel*net*u>* Visit -is o5n 5ebsite at
Death by Doctoring
:itamins C and '1; <also called laetrile= have
longstanding success in cancer prevention and treatment,
yet the orthodox medical profession continues to deny
their benefits.
Part 2 of 2
Extracted from Nexus Magazine, Volume 9, Number ) ($ct-No8 !!"
#$ %ox &!, Mapleton 'ld (5)! Australia* editor+nexusmagazine*com
,elep-one. /)0 (!"1 5(( 92!3 4ax. /)0 (!"1 5(( 9&20
4rom our 5eb page at. 555*nexusmagazine*com
6 b7 Ste8en 9ansom 6 !!
9esearc- :irector
;redence #ublications, <=
,elep-one. /(( (!"0) 2&&2)
Email. ste8e0+onetel*net*u>
?ebsite. -ttp.@@555*credence*org
Extracted from -is boo> AGreat News on Cancer in the 21st CenturyA, (;redence,
"!P($A$,O ,2 !:!"*$%,&
%ut 5-at rele8ance does all t-is -a8e to t-e debate on treatments for cancerD ?-ere
is all of t-is -eadedD ,-is -as been a necessar7 di8ersion--firstl7, t-at 5e mig-t
begin to understand some of t-e frustrations t-at man7 reasoned t-in>ers -a8e 5it-
t-e issues raised3 and secondl7, t-at 5e mig-t begin to consider t-e impact t-at
suc- 5ea>ened t-in>ing -as on genuine natural treatments for disease* 4or instance,
5-at damage is secondaril7 being 5roug-t upon t-e reputation of t-e genuine
treatments in t-e cabinet, t-e ones t-at can actuall7 -ealD
Sadl7, t-ere is no clear di8ision bet5een t-e reputation of muc- of t-e unregulated
alternati8e -ealt- industr7 and t-at of t-e man7 sensible and pro8en, non-
con8entional treatments a8ailable toda7* Ct -as all become a -orrible blur and is a
point of maJor concern e8en to t-e non-ort-odox regulator7 bodies o8erseeing t-e
alternati8e@complementar7 -ealt- mo8ement* ,-e 5-ole arena is fraug-t 5it- as
man7 8ested interests and misunderstandings as con8entional -ealt-, but
commentaries dra5ing suc- conclusions--e8en from t-ose concerned bodies
s7mpat-etic to t-e natural approac---are 8ie5ed as almost -eretical and some-o5
betra7ing t-e brot-er-ood of t-e alternati8e -ierarc-7*
#ersonall7 spea>ing, critical debate s-ould commence as soon as possible 5it-
regard to t-ose A-elpingA t-erapies t-at onl7 temporaril7 distract t-e seriousl7 ill* Cn
need onl7 of sensible ad8ice and sensible treatment, t-ese people can 8er7 Fuic>l7
end up 5orse off in bod7, mind and spirit--and, last but not least, in poc>et--leading
8er7 Fuic>l7 to derision and a carte blanc-e dismissal of all t-e good t-at genuine
natural treatments -a8e to offer*
Go-n :iamond stated t-at t-ere 5as as muc- c-ance of -is going do5n t-e
alternati8e treatment route as t-ere 5as of t-e #ope getting drun> on t-e
communion 5ine and getting off 5it- a couple of nuns*02 ?-ilst 5e can per-aps
understand some of Go-n :iamondIs frustrations, -is comparisons donIt exactl7 aid
t-e cause* %ecause t-e trut- is t-at t-e alternati8istIs cabinet is not all Amumbo
JumboA b7 an7 means* Kenuine medicine can be found in t-ere*
#er-aps a name c-ange is in order* Are 5e alternati8eD Are 5e complementar7D
%ut complementar7 to 5-atD ,o c-emot-erap7, per-apsD %ut t-en, 5-at medicine
could possibl7 complement c-emot-erap7D S-ouldnIt t-ere Just be medicine and
non-medicine, full stopD %e t-at as it ma7, man7 people are 5rongl7 assuming t-at
t-e non-ort-odox medical cabinet is barren and not 5ort-7 of closer inspection*
,-e -az7 and often craz7 information being disseminated on numerous non-
con8entional treatments, coupled 5it- our innate and naT8e trust in t-e ort-odox7,
is t-e reason 5-7 t-ousands of people li>e Go-n :iamond are sta7ing 5it-, and
rel7ing upon, con8entional treatments for serious illnesses including cancer* As a
result, t-ousands of people li>e Go-n :iamond are d7ing, and often in a -orrible

:itamin '1;
Cn -is <= $bser8er article entitled A'uac>s on t-e 9ac>A, Go-n :iamond
summaril7 dismissed 5-at is arguabl7 t-e most famous of t-e natural and pro8en
anti-cancer treatments >no5n to man. t-e natural extract of t-e apricot >ernel,
ot-er5ise >no5n as 8itamin %01*
!%upporters of laetrile Evitamin +13F and .ssiac, in particular, made so much
noise about their miracle cures that both have been through the research mill on
numerous occasions and found to be useless!09
No5 5e can as> oursel8es 5-et-er it 5as per-aps t-e fault of some >indl7 but
misguided soul 5-o posted Go-n :iamond an essa7 on t-e benefits of 8itamin %01
mixed 5it- 5alnut 5ater 5-ic- caused -im to dismiss %01 so emp-aticall7* $r 5as
it t-at Go-n actuall7 trusted t-e con8entional researc- reports -e -ad accrued on t-is
8itaminD Cnterestingl7, :r :ean %ur>, t-e former -ead of t-e ;7toc-emistr7
:epartment of t-e National ;ancer Cnstitute and one of t-e co-founders of t-is
famous American medical institution, -ad personall7 5or>ed on 8itamin %01* Ee
described t-is substance in 8er7 different terms.
A(hen we add laetrile to a cancer culture under the microscope,A said :r %ur>,
Apro8iding t-e enz7me glucosidase also is present, 5e can see t-e cancer cells
d7ing off li>e flies*A!
(Klucosidase is t-e enz7me -ea8il7 present in cancerous cells, 5-ic- triggers t-e
uniFue cancer-destro7ing mec-anism found in 8itamin %01* An excellent clinical
anal7sis of t-is mec-anism is found in %01 Metabolic ,-erap7 Uendas-3 Cn t-e
#re8ention and ;ontrol of ;ancer, a concise -istor7 of t-e researc- into t-is
8itamin, including man7 clinical assessments*0"
:r %ur> also stated t-at e8idence for laetrileIs efficac7 -ad been noted in at least
fi8e independent institutions in t-ree 5idel7 separated countries of t-e 5orld*
So 5-om do 5e trust in t-is matterD :iamond or %ur>D %7 loo>ing at 5-ere Go-n
:iamond mig-t -a8e got -is %01 researc- AinformationA, t-e ugl7 features of
con8entional cancer researc- mo8e more s-arpl7 into focus*

'ecause of the 8oney
;ancer is big business, and >no5ledge claims on an7 treatments t-at earn mone7
and, con8ersel7, on an7 treatments t-at do not earn mone7 for t-e drug companies
are ne8er neutral*
:r 9alp- Moss ser8ed as t-e Assistant :irector of #ublic Affairs at AmericaIs most
famous cancer researc- institution, Memorial Sloan-=ettering in Man-attan* Ee
>no5s t-e cancer industr7 inside out* 9ead 5-at -e -ad to sa7 in an April 099(
inter8ie5 5it- Baura Bee, and Judge for 7ourself t-e Fualit7 of t-e e8idence against
t-e effecti8eness of 8itamin %01.
:r Moss. AS-ortl7 after C 5ent to 5or> Vat t-e Sloan-=ettering ;ancer CnstituteW, C
8isited t-e elderl7 Gapanese scientist =anematsu Sugiura, 5-o astonis-ed me 5-en
-e told me -e 5as 5or>ing on laetrile (%01"* At t-e time it 5as t-e most
contro8ersial t-ing in cancer, reputed to be a cure for cancer* ?e in #ublic Affairs
5ere gi8ing out statements t-at laetrile 5as 5ort-less, it 5as Fuac>er7, and t-at
people s-ould not abandon pro8en t-erapies* C 5as astonis-ed t-at our most
distinguis-ed scientist 5ould be bot-ering 5it- somet-ing li>e t-is, and C said,
I?-7 are 7ou doing t-is if it doesnIt 5or>DI Ee too> do5n -is lab boo>s and
s-o5ed me t-at, in fact, laetrile 5as dramaticall7 effecti8e in stopping t-e spread of
Baura Bee. ASo t-is is 8erified, t-at laetrile can -a8e t-is positi8e effectDA
Moss. A?e 5ere finding t-is and 7et 5e in #ublic Affairs 5ere told to issue
statements to t-e exact opposite of 5-at 5e 5ere finding scientificall7*A&
<nable to sit on t-is information, :r Moss later called a press conference of -is
o5n and, before a batter7 of reporters and cameramen, c-arged t-at Sloan-
=ettering officials -ad engineered a massi8e co8er-up* Ee pro8ided all t-e
supporting documents and named all t-e names necessar7 to 8alidate -is case* ,-e
follo5ing da7 -e 5as fired for Afailing to carry out his most basic job
Similarl7, in -is boo>, ?orld ?it-out ;ancer, cancer industr7 researc-er K*
Ed5ard Kriffin notes.
!.very laetrile study had been tarnished with the same )ind of scientific ineptitude,
bias and outright deception- %ome of these studies openly admitted evidence of
anti,cancer effect, but hastened to attribute this effect to other causes %ome were
to5icity studies only, which means that they weren't trying to see if laetrile was
effective, but merely to determine how much of it was re=uired to )ill the
,-e Ae8idenceA supporting Go-n :iamondIs claim t-at 8itamin %01 is useless and
e8en dangerous is a8ailable in abundance in all of t-e maJor cancer institutions
toda7* ?ell, of course it isN ?eIre in t-e merc-antIs -ouse, donIt forgetN
As #at 9attigan, aut-or of ,-e ;ancer %usiness, reports.
!#he threat to the cancer business from effective therapies was ta)en very seriously
from the beginning +y the 1CB4s, the %yndicate had ;44,444 names on its '=uac)'
files Mitamin +13, being a uni=ue threat due to its simplicity, attracted more
concentrated attac)s than all the other treatments put together* fraudulent test
reports9 hired, banner,carrying pic)ets outside clinics9 rigged juries9 newspaper
character assassinations9 dismissal of heretic employees9 etc #he 70/,
orchestrating the onslaught, sent out 14,444 posters and hundreds of thousands of
leaflets warning about the dangers of the to5icity of the non,to5ic substance
.arlier, a Congressional /ccounting &ffice had found that ;<4 70/ employees
had shares in, or had refused to declare an interest in, the pharmaceutical
,-e American 4ood and :rug Administration issued one suc- stor7 about t-e deat-
of an 00-mont--old girl, supposedl7 from c7anide poisoning due to -er apparentl7
s5allo5ing -er fat-erIs 8itamin %01 tablets* ;ancer specialist and %01 ad8ocate :r
Earold Manner ta>es up t-e stor7.
!I was lecturing in +uffalo, New Ior) and-after I had made some strong
statements, a man stood up and said, '0r "anner, how in the world can you ma)e
statements li)e that when the 70/ is ma)ing these other statements6' I reiterated
that the 70/ statements were lies $e said, ''oo) at this little girl in upstate New
Ior)9 she too) her father's laetrile tablets and died of cyanide poisoning' 1ust then,
a little lady stood up* '0r "anner, let me answer that =uestion I thin) I am entitled
to because I am that little baby's mother #hat baby never touched her father's
laetrile tablets #he doctor, )nowing the father was on laetrile, mar)ed down
!possible cyanide poisoning! /t the hospital they used a cyanide antidote and it
was the antidote that )illed the child /nd yet that statement will continue to
appear, even though they )now it is a lie'!1
,-e scare stories al5a7s focus on t-e minute amounts of naturall7 occurring
c7anide found in 8itamin %01* %ut no mention is made in an7 of t-ese stories of t-e
5ondrous mec-anism go8erning t-e release of t-is c7anide* No -arm is done to t-e
person eating t-is 8itamin (if t-at 5ere t-e case, 5eI8e consumed enoug- apricots,
apples, peac-es, c-erries, etc* containing %01 to -a8e finis-ed us off long ago"* ,-e
c7anide is released onl7 5-en cancerous cells are recognised b7 t-eir -ig-
glucosidase content* %01 c7anide attac>s cancer cells specificall7* No large
amounts of glucosidase detected means no c7anide release* 9est assured, t-ere is no
e8idence t-at 8itamin %01 can >ill--unless, of course, one is accidentall7 crus-ed
under a pallet of t-e stuffN
A furt-er embarrassment for t-e cancer ort-odox7 must surel7 be t-e researc-
being carried out at t-e Cmperial ;ollege in Bondon, 5-ere researc-ers are loo>ing
at 5a7s of using naturall7 occurring plant c7anide specificall7 to attac> -uman
bo5el tumours* ,-e idea came about after stud7ing t-e pattern of specific c7anide
release in t-e almond and cassa8a fruit 5-ic- protects t-em from insect attac>*
Anot-er one of t-ose natural 5onders, Just cr7ing out to be -eard, is at last being
listened to b7 t-e ort-odox7, per-apsD2
Ver7 sadl7, in assessing t-e deser8edness of t-e As-ad7A reputation besto5ed upon
8itamin %01 metabolic t-erap7, 5e realise it is entirel7 un5arranted and t-at,
instead, t-ere -as been a sustained attac> b7 t-e con8entional cancer industr7 on
t-is treatment--an attac> t-at -as been carried on in one form or anot-er for t-e last
(! 7ears*
As mentioned earlier, 5it- global spending on con8entional cancer running into t-e
-undreds of billions annuall7, a naturall7 occurring cancer cure of an7 description
is an un5anted intruder*
Eere is :r Moss, again from t-e April 099( Baura Bee inter8ie5, t-is time on t-e
mone7 in8ol8ed in con8entional cancer.
Moss. !/bout D;4,444 people die every year of cancer in the 2%, and it really is an
epidemic disease (e have got a tremendous industry .very one of those people
who is getting cancer and dying of it is going to be treated, and these treatments
are e5tremely e5pensive Chemo is Ncosted atO tens of thousands, sometimes
hundreds of thousands of dollars / bone marrow transplant, which is basically
another way of giving chemotherapy, or radiation, can run to about H1<4,444 per
person, and is almost never effective It )ills about 2< per cent of the patients!
Bee. A?-7 carr7 on doing itDA
Moss. A%ecause of t-e mone7, 5-ic- is tremendous*A9
?-en 5e understand t-e amounts of mone7 in8ol8ed, 5e can begin to understand
t-e in--ouse desire to sustain a Afact-creatingA process in support of con8entional
treatment* ;on8entional cancer treatment and cancer researc- are a licence to print
mone7* Most definitel7, con8entional interested parties and institutions -a8e
colluded in a s-ameful antiUendas-38itamin %01 Afact-creatingA process, 5-ic- in
turn -as surel7 led to t-e earl7 and unnecessar7 deat-s of t-ousands upon t-ousands
of people*
As for Go-n :iamondIs dismissal of 8itamin %01, -e didnIt 5rite -is comments on
%01 as an intentional slur* Ee 5asnIt t-e for>ed tongue in t-is c-ain of e8ents* Ee
desperatel7 5anted to li8e* Eis single paragrap- read b7 t-ousands 5as Just anot-er
example of t-e damaging >noc>-on effect of merc-ant-spea>* Merc-ant-spea> on
8itamin %01 metabolic t-erap7 -as exacted a gra8e inJustice upon t-is treatment,
and subseFuentl7 upon all 5-o -a8e been persuaded to t-in> li>e5ise*
BetIs no5 loo> at some testimonies from t-ose 5-o -a8e not been persuaded b7 t-e
negati8e propaganda*

> Phillip
#-illip is )(* Cn April !!0, -e 5as diagnosed 5it- inoperable lung cancer* ,-e
oncologist s-o5ed -im t-e S-ra7s t-at confirmed t-e dreaded As-ado5sA* Ee 5as
told to go -ome, enJo7 -is life as best -e could and put -is affairs in order* A 5ee>
later, in a c-ance con8ersation at 5or>, #-illip 5as told about 8itamin %01* #-illip
immediatel7 began ta>ing a combination of 8itamin %01 and 8itamin ;* 4our
mont-s later, #-illip returned to -ospital for a c-ec>-up, 5-ere a ne5 set of S-ra7s
5as ta>en* ,-e s-ado5s -ad completel7 disappeared* Sa7s #-illip.
!I )now what I saw, and the doctor couldn't e5plain it I'm continuing with my
vitamin +13 regime and eating about 14 )ernels a day!&!
#-illip no5 pa7s great attention to -is diet and belie8es t-at 5-at 5e put into our
bodies can -a8e a dramatic effect medicinall7*

$he ,mportance of utrition
EereIs Go-n :iamond again, t-is time on some AnutterA 5it- a magical diet.
!I was waiting my turn for 8apping NradiationO one day and mentioned the
ludicrousness of one diet I'd been reading about #he radiographer agreed and
said that when she had started at the hospital there used to be a nutter who, having
refused radiography, would come down and rail against those sitting in the
radiotherapy waiting room, telling them they should abandon evil radiation and
ta)e up his magical diet 'Criminal,' I said 'Iou )ic)ed him out, of course6' '(ell
yes,' she said, 'we )ic)ed him out regularly #he only thing was, he did survive for
years and the cancer did disappear' (hich only goes to prove,,well, nothing very
much at all, really, but I thought I'd pass it on in the name of fair dealing!&0
No5 if t-is cancer AnutterA 5as Just an isolated case of reco8er7 t-roug- diet, -is
reco8er7 5ould not of course constitute proof* %ut 5it- 8itamin %01 metabolic
t-erap7, 5e are seeing tremendous results time after time* ;ontinuing on in t-e
name of fair dealingO

> ?illiam
?illiam 5as diagnosed 5it- a tumour in t-e oesop-agus* Ee could not s5allo5
food 5it-out it being liFuidised* Ee -ad read about 8itamin %01 0 mont-s
pre8iousl7 and -ad >ept t-e article* ?illiam began ta>ing 8itamin %01 soon after
t-e diagnosis* After t-ree 5ee>s -e 5as s5allo5ing food a lot easier, and after
about se8en 5ee>s -e 5as told b7 -is doctor t-at t-e onl7 reason for t-is 5as
because t-e tumour 5as s-rin>ing*
Sa7s ?illiam. !#he operation to remove the tumour was cancelled and I am still
awaiting the results of the latest scan I feel fit as a fiddle I pay attention to my diet
and I than) God =uite literally for vitamin +13 It is time the N$% NNational $ealth
%erviceO recognised this vitamin as an alternative to the conventional treatments I
consider that any money spent on +13 is money well spent!&

?hat Are ?e !ating@
Ct is interesting to note t-at t-ere are cultures toda7 5-o remain almost entirel7
cancer free* ,-e Ab>-asians, t-e AzerbaiJanis, t-e Eunzas, t-e Es>imos and t-e
=ara>orum all li8e on foodstuffs ric- in nitriloside or 8itamin %01* ,-eir food
consists 8ariousl7 of buc>5-eat, peas, broad beans, lucerne, turnips, lettuce,
sprouting pulse or grain, apricots 5it- t-eir seeds, and berries of 8arious >inds*
,-eir diet can pro8ide t-em 5it- as muc- as 5!Uendas-3&,!!! mg of nitriloside a
da7* ,-e founding fat-er of 8itamin %01 researc-, Ernst ,* =rebs, Gr, studied t-e
dietar7 -abits of t-ese tribes* =rebs stated.
!2pon investigating the diet of these people, we found that the seed of the apricot
was pri8ed as a delicacy and that every part of the apricot was utili8ed!&&
,-e a8erage ?estern diet, 5it- its refined, fibreless foods, offers less t-an mg of
nitriloside a da7* Ct -as also been noted t-at nati8es from t-ese tribes 5-o mo8e
into Aci8ilisedA areas and c-ange t-eir diets accordingl7 are prone to cancers at t-e
regular ?estern incidence*&(

$he "ight 8aterials
Cn -is boo>, @reface to Cancer* Nature, Cause and Cure, :r Alexander %erglas -as
t-is to sa7 about cancer incidence.
!Civili8ation is, in terms of cancer, a juggernaut that cannot be stopped- It is the
nature and essence of industrial civili8ation to be to5ic in every sense- (e are
faced with the grim prospect that the advance of cancer and of civili8ation parallel
each other!&5
,-e -uman bod7 -as an amazing capacit7 to reco8er, if 5e loo> after it properl7
and if 5e suppl7 it 5it- t-e proper materials for repair* ?or>ing 5it- non-toxic,
p-7sio-friendl7 treatments can onl7 5or> in our fa8our* Gust loo> at t-e side-effects
of 8itamin %01 as described b7 K* Ed5ard Kriffin in ?orld ?it-out ;ancer.
!+13 side effects include increased appetite, weight gain, lowered blood pressure,
increased hemoglobin and red blood cell count, elimination or sharp reduction of
pain without narcotics9 builds up the body's resistance to other diseases, is a
natural substance found in foods and is compatible with human biological
e5perience, destroys cancer cells while nourishing non,cancer cells-!&)
;ompare t-e abo8e 5it- t-e side effects from c-emot-erap7 and radiation. t-e
dizziness, s>in discolouration, nausea, diarr-oea, loss of -air, loss of appetite, organ
failure, internal bleeding, etcetera, etcetera*
Eo5 long 5ill it be before 5e find oursel8es loo>ing bac> on t-ese treatments in
t-e same 5a7 as 5e no5 loo> bac> on t-e blood-letting and ammonia infusions
exacted upon =ing ;-arles CCD Not5it-standing t-e often life-sa8ing surgical
remo8al of cancerous tissue, could t-ere possibl7 be a more in-umane treatment in
t-e 0st centur7 t-an con8entional cancer t-erap7D
> 5lora
4lora 5as diagnosed 5it- stage-four bo5el cancer in 0999*
!+efore the operation they gave me chemotherapy, which was devastating +y the
end of the course, I could hardly stand #hey then removed the tumour from my
bowel I was told the cancer had spread to the liver I was offered further
chemotherapy, but declined I attended "iddlese5 $ospital and had five sessions of
laser treatment to try and contain the liver cancer, followed by more
chemotherapy /fter the fifth time of trying to contain the cancer, they said that it
was beginning to grow yet again %o I began an organic diet and attended the 0ove
Clinic for intensive vitamin C treatment with other supplements It was there that I
was told about vitamin +13 I added that to my regime &ver a period of time, the
cancer completely disappeared from my liver It is now 7ebruary 2442 and I have
been one year clear of cancer I am maintaining my organic diet and eating about
<4 apricot )ernels a day I'm DB, I've returned to wor) and I feel fine #reatments
such as these should at least be made )nown to patients by the N$%!&1
,-ere are literall7 t-ousands of people 5-o can attest to t-e p-armacological, life-
sa8ing po5er of 8itamin %01 and its supporting nutritional regime* And t-e same
can also be said of 8itamin ;*

:itamin C
,-e all-round benefits of 8itamin ; to t-e -uman p-7siolog7 -a8e been >no5n and
utilised for centuries* Cn terms of its benefits in cancer treatment and pre8ention, 5e
read t-e follo5ing from #-illip :a7.
!0r 'inus @auling, often )nown as the '7ather of Mitamin C' and twice awarded the
Nobel @ri8e, declared that daily inta)e of up to 14 grams a day of the vitamin aids
anticancer activity within the body
!@auling was largely derided for ma)ing these declarations but, today, large doses
of vitamin C are used by many practitioners for cancer patients in nutritional
therapy, who believe @auling was right and that the popular nutrient is
indispensable to the body in its fight to regain health from cancer!&2
Vitamin ; can protect against breast cancer* After re8ie5ing 9! studies on t-e
relations-ip bet5een 8itamin ; and cancer, Klad7s %loc>, #-:, at t-e <ni8ersit7 of
;alifornia at %er>ele7, concluded.
!#here is overwhelming evidence of the protective effect of vitamin C and other
antio5idants against cancer of the breast!&9
And Keoffre7 9* Eo5e, of t-e National ;ancer Cnstitute of ;anada, re8ie5ed 0
controlled case studies of diet and breast cancer and noted t-at 8itamin ; -ad t-e
most consistent statisticall7 significant relations-ip to t-e reduction of breast cancer
ris>*(! $n t-e subJect of t-e importance of mineral and 8itamin supplements, a
recent New Ior) #imes front-page article Fuoted :r Keoffre7 #* $a>le7, Gr, at t-e
;enters for :isease ;ontrol and #re8ention in Atlanta, as sa7ing.
!(e, the physicians, were mista)en not to recommend vitamin supplements to our
patients for so long (e need just to admit that, on this one, we were wrong!(0
Bet t-e reader be assured t-at t-e recent scare tactics surrounding 8itamin ; and its
supposed lin>s to cancer are Just anot-er one of t-ose smear campaigns
orc-estrated b7 t-e merc-ants*
'uite simpl7, an7 good ne5s on 8itamin ; represents 7et anot-er t-reat to t-e
p-armaceutical industr7Is considerable income from con8entional cancer
treatments* ,-e full stor7 on t-e 8ested interests supporting t-e aut-or of t-e muc--
publicised 8itamin ;@cancer stor7 can be found at t-e 5ebsite

> %aAel
Eazel -ad been gi8en a 8irtual deat- sentence b7 -er cancer doctor, 5-o told -er
t-at alt-oug- t-ere 5as an 2) per cent reco8er7 rate from -er t7pe of breast cancer,
s-e 5as unfortunatel7 in t-e smaller categor7* As pre8iousl7 noted, EazelIs
c-emot-erap7 5as onl7 ma>ing -er feel terrible, and s-e decided t-at if s-e 5ere
going to die t-en s-e 5ould do so 5it-out furt-er con8entional treatment* Eazel
began a regime of intra8enousl7 administered 8itamin ; and supplements,
including 8itamin %01, and paid great attention to -er diet* S-e soon began to feel a
great deal better* S-e regained -er 5eig-t, -er -air and -er appetite*
About nine mont-s follo5ing t-e diagnosis, s-e 5as troubled 5it- lo5er bac> pain
and 8isited -er doctor* Ee suggested a furt-er scan based on EazelIs lo5er bac>
pain, 5-ic- t-e doctor belie8ed 5as possibl7 t-e result of -er cancer -a8ing spread
to t-e base of -er spine* Eazel said t-ere 5as no 5a7 s-e 5as going for more
c-emot-erap7 or scans, 5-ic- s-e belie8es in t-emsel8es can trigger carcinogenic
Cnstead, Eazel supplemented -er 8itamin ; regime 5it- a course of 8itamin %01
>ernels, and s-e also maintained a sensible diet and sta7ed a5a7 from -er
con8entional cancer p-7sician* ,-e blood count ta>en b7 -er K# before ;-ristmas
read as normal* S-e feels 8er7 -ealt-7 and is in t-e process of 5riting a boo> about
-er experiences* S-e feels passionatel7 t-at people need to >no5 t-at t-ere are
alternati8e cancer treatments a8ailable, and s-e spea>s to groups on t-is subJect*(

eed for Data and !ducation
4inall7, 5e -ear from :r Nicola Eembr7 of t-e :o8e ;linic, 5-ic- specialises in
t-e non-con8entional approac- to cancer care and treatment.
!Nutritional treatments such as high,dose vitamin C and +13 NlaetrileO have been
)nown about for years, and there are many success stories from patients luc)y
enough to have received and benefited from them Kesearch shows that levels of
B44 mg:d' vitamin C in the blood can )ill cancer cells by a pro,o5idative
mechanism, and there is a great deal of data showing that +13 is preferentially
to5ic to cancer cells
!#he trouble is that there is little in the way of well,designed random control trial
data for the use of these substances, and therefore mainstream medicine rejects
them out of hand without even considering the evidence available or even as)ing
why these trials haven't been carried out It has to be said that one of the reasons is
a lac) of financial incentive because these substances cannot be patented
!%adly, it is the cancer sufferers who lose out #o not even have the choice of these
safer, more natural treatments, even when a cancer is deemed incurable and only
palliative chemotherapy or radiotherapy is offered, is in my view totally
unacceptable I have seen many patients e5perience an improved duration and
=uality of life with an integrated approach, and some go on to achieve complete
remission of their disease, even when dismissed as incurable by their
,reating cancer is not Just about getting -old of 8itamin %01 as Fuic>l7 as possible*
?e need to be educated in a 5-ole range of issues* #-illip :a7Is boo>, ;ancer.
?-7 ?eIre Still :7ing ,o =no5 ,-e ,rut-, -as been 5ritten in an easil7 readable
and understandable manner, specificall7 to inform t-e general public on all of t-e
>e7 issues pertaining to natural treatment for cancer* Ct ma>es for necessar7 and
fascinating reading*
4or t-ose readers interested in finding out more on t-e issues raised in t-is article,
Just clic> on t-e follo5ing titles a8ailable from ;redence #ublications at t-e
5ebsite -ttp.@@555*credence*org.
X Cancer* (hy (e're %till 0ying #o Anow #he #ruth Uendas-3 A concise account
of t-e cancer industr7 and of t-e good ne5s on 8itamin %01 metabolic t-erap7*
X Mitamin +13 "etabolic #herapy* / Clinical Guide Uendas-3 A clinical account
of 8itamin %01, detailing t-e landmar> researc- on t-is most 8ital of 8itamins in t-e
fig-t against cancer*
X 7ood 7or #hought Uendas-3 :elicious recipes designed to promote -ealt-* A
8ital contribution to cancer pre8ention and reco8er7*

Closing Comments#
,-roug-out t-e 5riting of t-is article, C -a8e been acutel7 a5are of t-ree t-ings*
4irstl7, CI8e been a5are of m7 slender mortalit7 and t-at onl7 b7 t-e grace of Kod
-a8e C not -ad to face a cancer diagnosis of m7 o5n* C >no5 t-at for man7, t-e
information contained in A:eat- b7 :octoringA 5ill bring sadness as 5ell as anger*
%ut in its telling, C also belie8e t-is stor7 brings great -ope*
Secondl7, 8itamin %01 metabolic t-erap7 and 8itamin ; form onl7 part of a muc-
5ider regime of treatments t-at -a8e pro8en successful in t-e treatment of cancer*
,-ese and ot-er sensible treatments are explained in more detail in t-e abo8e
;redence titles*
,-irdl7, C am conscious of t-e fact t-at t-ere are elements of con8entional medical
practice t-at are sa8ing and en-ancing li8es e8er7 da7, not least in some met-ods of
earl7 cancer diagnosis and in acute and emergenc7 medicine* Ma7 t-e good
continue, and ma7 t-e bad be open to complete reappraisal*
4inall7, C do so 5is- CId been gi8en t-e opportunit7 to meet Go-n :iamond, because
C rec>on 5eId -a8e got on li>e a -ouse on fire* And 5-o >no5s 5-at mig-t -a8e
-appened as a resultD

Author9s ote#
4or a list of practising clinicians or to comment on t-is report, please telep-one
Ste8en 9ansom or email ste8e0+onetel*net*u>* ,-e 8ie5s of t-ose readers 5it-
medical Fualifications are especiall7 5elcome* ,-an> 7ou for reading* 4or re-
publication details or furt-er information, telep-one /(( (!"0) 2&&2) or mobile
19(1 (9)(22 (<= onl7"*

02* :iamond, Go-n, 'C'* +ecause Cowards Get Cancer #oo, Vermilion #ress, 0999*
09* :iamond, Go-n, A'uac>s on t-e 9ac>A, &bserver, :ecember &, !!!*
!* Kriffin, K* Ed5ard, (orld (ithout Cancer* #he %tory of Mitamin +13,
American Media #ublications, 091(, 099)*
0* :a7, #-illip (compiler", +13 "etabolic #herapy Lendash9 In the @revention
and Control of Cancer, ;redence #ublications, !!0*
* :a7, #-illip, Cancer* (hy (e're %till 0ying #o Anow #he #ruth, ;redence
#ublications, !!!*
&* ibid*
(* Moss, 9alp-, #he Cancer %yndrome, Kro8e #ress, 092!*
5* Kriffin, ibid*
)* ibid*
1* 9attigan, #at, A,-e ;ancer %usinessA,
2* %%; Ne5s, A;7anide ,argets ;ancerA, 9eport at
9* :a7, ;ancer. ?-7 ?eIreO, ibid*
&!* #-illipIs testimon7, on file at ;redence #ublications*
&0* :iamond, I;I. %ecause ;o5ardsO, ibid*
&* =rebs, Ernst ,*, Nutritional and #herapeutic Implications, Go-n %eard
Memorial 4oundation, 09)( (pri8atel7 publis-ed"*
&&* ?illiamIs testimon7, on file at ;redence #ublications*
&(* Stefansson, Vil-Jalmur, Cancer* 0isease of Civili8ation6 /n /nthropological
and $istorical %tudy, Eill U ?ang, Ne5 Por>, 09)!*
&5* %erglas, :r Alexander, @reface to Cancer* Nature, Cause and Cure, #asteur
Cnstitute, #aris, 0951*
&)* Kriffin, ibid*
&1* 4loraIs testimon7, on file at ;redence #ublications*
&2* :a7, ;ancer. ?-7 ?eIreO, ibid*
&9* See -ttp.@@555*access5ealt-* com@-ealt-@reportSa8eQ!aQ!?omanIs
(!* ibid*
(0* ibid*
(* EazelIs testimon7, on file at ;redence #ublications*
(&* 4rom aut-orIs inter8ie5@correspondence 5it- :r Nicola Eembr7, on file at
;redence #ublications*
'ac6 to Part 1
About the Author#
Ste8en 9ansom is 9esearc- :irector of <=-based ;redence #ublications, 5-ic-
in8estigates business and go8ernmental -ealt- fraud and pro8ides unbiased, life-
sa8ing -ealt- information (see 5ebsite -ttp.@@555*credence*org"* Ee is t-e aut-or
of Plague, Pestilence and the Pursuit of Power: The Politics of lo!al Disease
(;redence, !!0", and co-aut-or (5it- #-illip :a7" of World Without A"DS
(;redence, !!!"* Eis ne5 boo>, reat #ews on Cancer in the $%st Century (from
5-ic- -is A:eat- b7 :octoringA article is extracted", is a8ailable at
-ttp.@@555*credence*org@greatne5s@greatne5s*-tm* Eis article, A#opulation and
4ood ;ontrol. ,-e ;orporate AgendaA, 5as publis-ed in NES<S 9@!&* Ste8en can
be emailed at ste8e0+onetel*net*u>* Visit -is o5n 5ebsite at

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